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T HE TH LI P I HE OF OAKMONT, PLUM VE ONA www. v at li . rg Te ly ffi ial web ite f r ur pari e. l ite a al be a e e fr t i web ite. CLE GY r u E il: ffi e v th li . rg ev. Kevin . P eckin Pri t A ini tr t r ev. e r e alt n S ni r P r i l Vi r ev. avid eWitt S ni r P r i l Vi r ev. Frederick ru er P ri l in eac n J se h Vannucci eac n Ti thy N ca Weekend Mass Ti es tur y Vigil: 4:00 PM t. Iren eu 4:00 PM t. J hn the ti t 5: 0 PM t. J eh :00 PM Our L y f J y un y: :00 M Our L y f J y : 0 M t J eh 9:00 M t. J hn the ti t 10:00 M Our L y f J y 11:00 M t. J nu riu 11:00 M t. Iren eu 11: 0 M t. J hn the ti t :00 PM t. J hn the ti t C nfe in: Mn y :00- : 0 PM t . J nu riu We ne y :00- : 0 PM t. Ir n u tur y 9: 0-10:00 M t. J n t B ti t - Or By A int nt - St. Ir n us, ak nt St. J nu rius, St. J hn th tist, Plu St. J s h, V r na, ur L y f J y, Pl

THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas

Aug 15, 2021



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Page 1: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas



The only official website for our parishes.

School sites can also be accessed from this website.


Group Email: [email protected]

Rev. Kevin G. Poecking

Priest Administrator

Rev. George Dalton

Senior Parochial Vicar

Rev. David DeWitt

Senior Parochial Vicar

Rev. Frederick Gruber

Parish Chaplain

Deacon Joseph Vannucci

Deacon Timothy Noca

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM St. Irenaeus

4:00 PM St. John the Baptist

5:30 PM St. Joseph

6:00 PM Our Lady of Joy

Sunday: 8:00 AM Our Lady of Joy

8:30 AM St Joseph

9:00 AM St. John the Baptist

10:00 AM Our Lady of Joy

11:00 AM St. Januarius

11:00 AM St. Irenaeus

11:30 AM St. John the Baptist

6:00 PM St. John the Baptist

Confessions: Monday 6:00-6:20 PM

St . Januarius

Wednesday 6:00-6:20 PM

St. Irenaeus

Saturday 9:30-10:00 AM

St. John the Baptist

- Or By Appointment -

St. Irenaeus, Oakmont

St. Januarius, St. John the Baptist, Plum

St. Joseph, Verona, Our Lady of Joy, Plum

NOVEMBER 24, 2019�

Page 2: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas


Sister Lynn Miller

Social Ministry

OPV Churches

All Good Gifts

November beckons to us in many deep ways. The overwhelming Invitation

is to enter more deeply into a state of gratefulness that originates in a

listening heart. The month begins with remembering and being grateful for

the saints, those who have died and those who have served-the veterans.

Thankfulness is often the first step. It can grow deeper and become an

interior disposition of gratefulness.

According to Benedictine Brother David Steindl-Rast, Grateful Living is

awareness of all that is present and abundant in one’s life– from the tiniest

things of beauty to the grandest of our blessings – and in so doing, to take

nothing for granted. We can learn to focus our attention on, and

acknowledge, that all of life is a gift. Even in the most challenging times,

living gratefully makes us aware of, and available to, the opportunities that

are always available; opportunities to learn and grow, and to extend

ourselves with care and compassion to others .

Brother David states that “you think this is just another day in your life. It’s

not just another day. It is the one day that is given to you. Today. It’s a gift,

it’s the only gift that you have right now and the only appropriate response

is gratefulness. If you learn to respond as if today were the first day of your

life and the very last day, then you will have spent this day very well. Begin

by opening your eyes and be surprised as you see the incredible array of

colors that is constantly offered to us for our pure enjoyment. Look at the

sky. It’s so very rarely we look at the sky. Do we know how different it is

from moment to moment, clouds come and go? Open your eyes, look at

the faces of people you meet. each one has an

incredible story behind the face, a story that you

could never fully fathom. Not only their own story

but the story of their ancestors.”

Five hundred years ago, St. Ignatius Loyola invited

people to thank God for who they are and for all that

has been given in a prayer called the Examen.

Ignatius stated that if you could only say one prayer,

then begin with the Examen, to find the movement

of God in one’s life and that will affect all the moments that follow.

The Examen is a peaceful daily reflective prayer usually happening at the

end of the day. The Prayer of Examen takes about fifteen minutes at the

end of the day and involves three parts. Find a place you can relax and be


1. Ask God to bring to your awareness the moment today for which you are

most grateful.

* If you could relive one moment, which one would it be?

* When were you most able to give and receive love today?

* Ask yourself what was said and done in that moment that made it so


2. Ask God to bring to your awareness the moment today for which you are

least grateful.

* When were you least able to give and receive love?

* Ask yourself what was said and done in that moment that made it so


* Relive the feelings without trying to change or fix it in any way.

3. Give thanks for whatever you have experienced. It is helpful to record

your thoughts in a journal. Rereading these notes will help you see God’s

grace at work in your life even when things seemed impossible.

Currently, we are on the threshold between seasons in the Church year. It

is hard to miss the physical transitions of the

seasons, a visible reminder that even among the

most predictable rhythms and routines of our lives,

change is always happening. The events of our

moments, days, weeks, years form us and transform


Now we are at the end of the Church Year. The

following is a reflective review of that year. Before

you begin, identify some major markers of your year,

such as the beginning of the OPV grouping, new

faces (clergy, staff, people in the pews), changes in the Mass schedule,

whatever happened to “we always did it this way”, OPV Festival, births,

deaths, weddings, to name a few that will orient yourself to the time period.

As I review the past 12 months, from a year ago through to the

present moment - What am I especially grateful for this year?

* An event that took place

* Courage that I mustered

* Love and support I received

I ask for the light to know God and to know myself as God sees


* Where have I felt true joy this year?

* What troubled me this year?

* What has challenged me?

* Where and when did I find an opportunity for renewal and pause.

Have I noticed God's presence in any of this?

In light of my review, what is my response to the God of my life?

* As I look ahead, to the coming months, what comes to mind?

* With what spirit do I want to enter the next few months, the next


I ask for God's presence and grace, for this spirit, as I enter the

next year.


Page 3: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas





2. Mi tiempo no es el mismo tiempo de Dios:

Un ejemplo claro es pretender tener el poder de resolver y controlar estas

dimensiones con facilidad y rapidez, como hacemos tantas veces a través de

una nueva aplicación que nos permite comunicar, contactar, pagar, transar,

etc, todo con un simple “click”, entonces estamos por el camino equivocado.

No es infrecuente que personas bien intencionadas busquen métodos,

ejercicios o estrategias para su vida espiritual (o para su apostolado)

adoleciendo propio de este vicio. Entran al Santísimo con una pila de libros

como quien busca resolver los problemas en pocos minutos y con sus propias

fuerzas. Pero con Dios las reglas son otras, incluso tantas veces inversamente

proporcionales a las reglas del mercado: aquí las dificultades, los errores, los

sufrimientos y los tiempos largos, son más bien la condición, no para resolver,

sino para ser «resueltos» por la gracia de Dios.

Estos límites, si son bien aceptados, nos dan acceso al gran misterio de la

Cruz de Cristo, es decir, a la profundidad incolmable de su amor. Entonces

crecemos de verdad a nivel espiritual y aprendemos en la humildad lo que

significa que Dios es el dueño de nuestras vidas (del tiempo y del espacio).

3. Dejemos que sea Él quien lave nuestras heridas:

Si somos totalmente conscientes de que Dios es el capitán de nuestro barco,

pueden surgir también auténticas relaciones con los demás, pues nadie da lo

que no tiene. Solo podemos amar al prójimo como nos amamos a nosotros

mismos, y solo podemos amarnos a nosotros mismos con profundidad si es

que, descubriéndonos necesitados, incapaces, frágiles, pecadores y limitados,

nos abrimos repetidamente con paciencia, lentitud y fatiga, a la misericordia de


Esa misericordia que nos salva, perdonándonos, y nos perdona amándonos;

esa misericordia que una y otra vez nos lava y sana las heridas en una fragua

eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho,

porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas dimensiones,

espacios o estructuras del Espíritu donde se juega por sobre todo nuestra

felicidad y la verdadera transformación, revolución o progreso del mundo,

porque otras son las medidas donde nace, germina y crece el pequeño Reino -

de noche, de manera casi imperceptible, como una brisa ligera- lo demás se

nos dará por añadidura (Cfr. Lc12,31).

La riqueza de una relación viva con el Espíritu de Dios es un regalo inmenso

que no podemos dejar pasar, si quieres profundizar en el tema puedes hacer

click en la conferencia. Pídele a Dios en este momento que llene tu corazón de

paciencia para esperar desde el amor y no desde la inmediatez.

READING I 2 SM 5:1-3

In those days, all the tribes of Israel came to David in Hebron and said:

"Here we are, your bone and your flesh. In days past, when Saul was

our king, it was you who led the Israelites out and brought them back.

And the LORD said to you, 'You shall shepherd my people Israel and

shall be commander of Israel.'" When all the elders of Israel came to

David in Hebron, King David made an agreement with them there before

the LORD, and they anointed him king of Israel.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM PS 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5

R. Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.

I rejoiced because they said to me,

"We will go up to the house of the LORD."

And now we have set foot

within your gates, O Jerusalem.

R. Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.

Jerusalem, built as a city

with compact unity.

To it the tribes go up,

the tribes of the LORD.

R. Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.

According to the decree for Israel,

to give thanks to the name of the LORD.

In it are set up judgment seats,

seats for the house of David.

R. Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.

READING 2 COL 1:12-20

Brothers and sisters: Let us give thanks to the Father,

who has made you fit to share in the inheritance of the holy ones in light.

He delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the

kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the

forgiveness of sins.

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth,

the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or

principalities or powers; all things were created through him and for him.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn

from the dead, that in all things he himself might be preeminent.

For in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell, and through him to

reconcile all things for him, making peace by the blood of his cross

through him, whether those on earth or those in heaven.

R. Alleluia, alleluia. MK 11:9, 10

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come!

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

GOSPEL LK 23:35-43

The rulers sneered at Jesus and said, "He saved others, let him save

himself if he is the chosen one, the Christ of God."

Even the soldiers jeered at him. As they approached to offer him wine

they called out, "If you are King of the Jews, save yourself."

Above him there was an inscription that read, "This is the King of the


Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying,

"Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us."

The other, however, rebuking him, said in reply,

"Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same


And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we

received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing

criminal." Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into

your kingdom." He replied to him, "Amen, I say to you, today you will be

with me in Paradise."

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Anna Mimm & Sons (Marquis Family)

Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:00 p.m. STI DEWITT

Allen Clair (Wife & Children)

5:30 p.m. SJV POECKING

Mr. & Mrs. William B. McKee (McKee Family)

6:00 p.m. OLOJ DEWITT

Tim and Cecilia (Family)


Alice Puzz (John Puzz)

Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:30 a.m. SJV DALTON

Joe Murphy (Betty Molyneaux)

9:00 a.m. SJB POECKING

Mrs. Julia Richie (Mr. & Mrs. James Agnole, Jr.)


Liz Bachtel (Ron & Rita Kull)

11:00 a.m. SJAN DEWITT

Rita Thomas (Peggy & John LaBella)

11:00 a.m. STI POECKING

100th Birthday of Florence Truby (A Friend)

11:30 a.m. SJB DALTON

George Sneider (Mary Sneider)

Spanish Mass

6:00 p.m. SJB


Living & Deceased of the Parishes

MONDAY - Weekday 11/25 9:00 a.m. STI POECKING

Carmella Bencivenga (Arlene & Jeff Sparks)

6:30 p.m. SJAN DALTON

Carol Brokow (Michael & Claudia Shields)

TUESDAY - Weekday 11/26 7:30 a.m. SJV POECKING

Della Cummings (Family)

9:00 a.m. OLOJ DEWITT

Living and Deceased of Papciak, Blodgett, Anzlovar &

Benton Families (Family)

WEDNESDAY - Weekday 11/27 9:00 a.m. SJB POECKING

Richard Halloran (Russ & Bernie Hull)

6:30 p.m. STI DALTON

Della Cummings (Family)

THURSDAY - Weekday 11/28 9:00 a.m. SJAN DALTON

Ed & Dolores Burns (Family)


10:00 a.m. STI DEWITT

Jean DiFatta (Jim & Adeline Brown)

FRIDAY– Weekday 11/29 7:30 a.m. SJB DEWITT

Lucy & Andrew Palko (Rose & Family)

9:00 a.m. OLOJ DALTON

Richard Claypoole (Wife, Marie)


William Shillings (Sister, Joan Sofish)


Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of Pat & Jean Guerriero


4:00 p.m. SJB DALTON

Leo Iannacchione (Bernie & Ross Hull)

First Sunday of Advent

4:00 p.m. STI POECKING

Joseph Schiffgens (Rich Capozzi)

5:30 p.m. SJV SHIMMEL, E.

Bonnie Conway (Elain Diez)

6:00 p.m. OLOJ DEWITT

Philomena Palmieri (Maria Dalessio)

SUNDAY 12/1 8:00 a.m. OLOJ DALTON

Rose Hribik (Gary & Yolanda Cypher)

First Sunday of Advent

8:30 a.m. SJV POECKING

Mandie Aubele (Mom, Dad, and Christopher)


Antonio Sciulli (Amerina)

10:00 a.m. OLOJ DEWITT

Living and Deceased of Float & Hrabelowski Families (Family)


Rose M. Yatlick (Family)

11:00 a.m. STI DALTON

Carole DiGioia (Husband & Children)

11:30 a.m. SJB DEWITT

Mickey Horvat (Deacon Tim & Lisa Noca)


6:00 p.m. SJB POECKING

Living & Deceased of the Parishes

School Mass

9:00 a.m. SJV POECKING

Marc Hazur (SJS Class of 2010)

Page 5: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas


The St. Irenaeus


Halloween, Autumn and Christmas Decorations,

Clothing and Accessories, Household Items,

Furniture, and Much More!

Donations may be dropped off when

the flea market is open on

Tuesdays, Thursdays and

Saturdays or call

Elaine at 412-828-8515

to make other arrangements


Tuesdays 10:00 - 4:00

Thursday 10:00 - 5:00

Saturday 9:00 - 2:00


Last day is December 14th!

(Until next Spring)

Amen To Action …. Friday, November 29, 2019

For the third year, we’re coming together to sing, pray, celebrate,

and pack one million Meals of Hope for the hungry. The primary

recipient is the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank who in turn will

distribute the meals to 800 different food pantries. Join us the day

after Thanksgiving, November 29, from 9 AM to 12:30 PM at the

David L. Lawrence Convention Center. People of all faiths and ages

work side by side to accomplish this amazing feat! Come alone or

bring the whole family, all are welcome.

Transportation to and from the event is

provided. A bus will leave the SJB parking lot

at 8:00 AM. If you would like to join us, you

need to register on line first at and second call

Noreen Saville at 412-795-5847 to secure a

seat on the bus.

Won’t you consider spending the day helping our hungry


The day after Thanksgiving, come and feed your soul.

Due to the bulletin holiday schedule,

this information will not be

available at this time.


Senior's -- Let's Celebrate

Join us for our annual luncheon at Pugliano's on Golden Mile

Highway in Plum on December 3 at 12:30 p.m. Price per

person is $20 and includes, lunch, beverage, and dessert

(and of course you just may win a prize!) Call early to reserve

space as we have a private room booked and reservations

will end once room capacity is met.

Contact Irene at 724-733-8146 or

Email [email protected].

The event is sponsored by the social

activities area of SOS (Serving Our Seniors) Ministry.


The OPV Catholic Baptism Ministry is looking for new volunteers

to assist in a variety of areas. We are seeking volunteers at each parish to

serve as Baptism Hosts. A Baptism Host attends a baptism and assists in

greeting the family attending, as well as assists the priest or deacon in

gathering materials. Baptisms typically always follow the latest Sunday

morning Mass at each parish and only last about thirty minutes. With

enough volunteers, you would only have to serve every other month and

only if there is a scheduled baptism.

As we become one parish, it is essential to integrate the many and varied

traditions of the five individual parishes in a cohesive, meaningful

expression of our union that can be practiced in all of the Church buildings.

This applies to various practices, in particular, the White Garment Ministry.

The expression of the Baptismal white garment has been varied among our

parishes. In order to be receptive to the input of others, a meeting will be

schedule in the near future.

If you have any questions or if you would be interested in

volunteering as a Baptism Host , please contact Steph Williams by calling

the Religious Education Office or email [email protected].

Bishop’s Project Christmas Seals

The Knights of Columbus will be at all Masses this

weekend passing out the Bishop’s Project Christmas Seals.

This program benefits the St. Anthony’s School Programs and

the McGuire Memorial Home.�

Page 6: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas



Help Us Help Others�

It’s time for the annual …. OPV ANNUAL �


sponsored by the Ladies of Charity! �

Noooooo the cookies aren’t baked

by little Elves in a magic oven. �

They are homemade with love!�

Join us December 14th & 15th �

Saturday 4:00 � 6:00 PM and �

Sunday 8:30 AM � 2:00 PM �

at St. John the Baptist Church �

in the St. Elizabeth Room.�

ALL proceeds go to the OPV Social Ministry and

local charities to help those less fortunate.�

OPV Bakers needed to Help us Help Others!�

Your homemade cookies and baked goods can be

dropped off at the St. Elizabeth Room:�

� Friday, 12/13 between 1:00 & 3:00 PM�

� Saturday, 12/14 before 10:00 AM�

For information call Diane Pavlick 412�793�1982; �

Pat Keefer 412�793�4417; Tricia Weick 412�793�1949�

Second Collection 11/24/19

This weeks second collection will be for the

Retirement Fund for Religious.

Page 7: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas



Start Of The 33 Days Marian Feast Consecration/ Feast Day

January 9 Our Lady of Lourdes February 11

February 20 The Annunciation March 25

April 10 Our Lady of Fatima May 13

April 28 The Visitation May 31

Varies Mary, Mother of the Church Monday after Pentecost

Varies Immaculate Heart Saturday after Corpus Christi

November 9 Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12

August 6 Nativity of Mary September 8

August 10 Holy Name of Mary September 12

August 13 Our Lady of Sorrows September 15

September 4 Our Lady of the Rosary October 7

October 19 Presentation of Mary November 21

November 5 Immaculate Conception December 8

June 13 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel July 16

July 13 The Assumption August 15

July 20 Queenship of Mary August 22

November 29 Mother of God January 1

December 31 Presentation of the Lord February 2

33 Days to Morning Glory is a Catholic do-it-yourself retreat that has

become popular in the last few years. It is a Consecration to Jesus

through Mary. Several individuals and prayer groups have taken the

opportunity to go through this retreat over 33 days. The book to guide

your retreat has been given to us by the author Father Michael Gaitley

and the Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy. Copies are available in

English at each of our five churches and in Spanish at St. John the

Baptist and Our Lady of Joy, on the entrance tables. For those who have

purchased the book previously, note that the copy on the tables is the

same content, but printed in magazine format which reduces the cost of


Parishioners wanting to join a study group can complete the form below,

and return in the collection or to a parish office and we will try to match

up others interested in the same area. Individuals and groups can begin

anytime they would like; though Advent is a great time to end, preferably

on one of the Marian feast days.

The simple chart listed to the right

shows when one would begin so as

to end 33 days later on the Marian

feast. It would be great if we could

share that our five parishes have

consecrated themselves to Jesus

through Mary over the next year as

we work to become one parish

united in faith in Jesus Christ!

33 Days to Morning Glory

Name: ___________________________________________________

Phone: ______________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________

Interested In: ________ Small Group Discuss ________ Spanish/English / Young Adult ________ On-Line Discussion



CMF will NOT meet Saturday November 23, 2019 but rather

encourages all OPV parishioners to attend and/or help with the


St. Irenaeus Hall. Doors open at 8:30 AM and breakfast is served at

9:00 AM.

St. John's CMF group WILL meet on Saturday December 14, 2019

at 7:30 both in the St. Elizabeth Room. We will be spending our

sessions for the foreseeable future studying the Scriptures for the

ensuing Sunday. Using approved commentaries we will "unpack" the

readings so that we intentionally prepare to hear God when he

speaks to us at Mass in the Scripture readings and the homily.

Join us and have your Mass experience energized.


Votive candles at STI are $4.00. SJAN, SJB and

SJV will maintain or be increased to $3.00 / candle.

The electronic votive candles at OLOJ will remain at

$1.00. Some OLOJ members have requested

returning to wax candles. Please send us a note to

the parish office or collection basket or an email to

[email protected] if

you would like to maintain

the electronic or

prefer the wax votives?

Wax candles last about 7


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Sign Up for Flocknote Announcements


Contact Kristin Consuegra,

Coordinator of Youth Ministry at

[email protected]


Text ‘OPVJYM’ to 84576

for Junior Youth Ministry

Text ‘OPVSYM’ to 84576

for Senior Youth Ministry

Page 9: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas


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~Preschool-8th Grade~

~St. Joe’s~

Preschool students in Ms. Swank’s class are

so busy learning something new every day!

~OPV Middle School Dance~

The Middle School dance was held at St. John’s,

and it was a huge success!!

Students from St. John’s and St. Joe’s danced the night away.

Thanks to all those parents who helped and provided drinks and

desserts. Thank you, Mrs. Poznik, for organizing the dance. Thank

you to Mr. Quattrone and Mrs. Jill Smith who chaperoned.

~St. John’s~

St. John the Baptist Student Council, along with their advisor and 8th

grade teacher Mrs. Poznik, honored veterans with the Wall of Valor.

St. John’s K-3 students visited their friends at Seneca Manor and

performed patriotic songs for the residents.

~St. John’s~

KinderPlus students celebrated World Kind-

ness Day and Cardigan Day in honor of

Mr. Rogers.

~St. Joe’s~

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Turkeys created by St. Joe’s

preschool students.

~St. Joe’s~

The band, directed by Mrs. Scuro, performed at the annual

Veteran’s Day program at Riverside Church.

(No reservations needed)�

Breakfast Menu

*French Toast Sticks * Sausage * Hash Browns*

* Fruit* & *Beverage *

Adults: $6.00 Children: $5.00

Bring Your Camera —Take your picture with Santa!

Make Christmas Crafts (Additional Cost)

Located at

St. John The Baptist School

418 Unity Center Road, Plum 412-793-0555

Sunday, December 8th - 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Page 11: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas


Sanctuary Lamp and Altar Candles

We are accepting donations for the Sanctuary Lamp

($10) a week. We will announce in the bulletin in whose

memory those candles will be lit. If you are interested,

send in an envelope marked “Sanctuary Lamp” and

the week you would like to remember your loved one,

or call the office at 412-795-3388.


St. Irenaeus Parish along with Central Catholic High School congratulates the following students from our parish who have

earned Honor Roll status for the first quarter of the 2019-20 school year: High Honors: David Collins, William Collins,

Nicholas Giannetta, Luke Johnson, Santino Lamanna, William Merlino, Aidan O’Shane, Gino Pascoe and Vincent

Pascoe; Honors: Matthew Giannetta and Zachary Poppish. Congratulations are also extended to Emily Schulz who

earned Honor Roll status at Serra Catholic.


387 Maryland Avenue

Oakmont, PA 15139



1450 Renton Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15239


Overeaters Anonymous

Contact Dee for more information at 724-339-3617.

All meetings are held every Tuesday at

7:00 pm in the Church Hall

All are welcome to attend the meeting!


444 Saint John Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15239

Sanctuary Candle for Nov. 24- Nov. 30

The Sanctuary Candle burns this week

for Sarah Farabaugh

By Salvatore and Diana Tresco


The kiosk is currently located in the Church. The stock will be replenished

when the need arises. Kindly donate $5 each for the books, or make checks

payable to SJB parish.


This book contains a collection of Catholic Prayers, stressing the importance of sound

family life and that requires families to pray together.

Congratulations to the following

parishoners who made the 1st

quarter honor roll at Serra Catholic and

Central Catholic.

Ilana Finkbeiner, Victoria Koslosky,

Selena Kunsman, Zachary Miklos,

Joshua Hatfield,

Christopher Calabrese.

Sanctuary Candle for

Nov. 24- Nov. 30

The Sanctuary Candle burns

this week

for Anna Wehner & Tim Wehner

By Ron Wehner

Congratulations to the

Abriel DiLonardo who made the

1st quarter honor roll at

Serra Catholic.

Page 12: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas



825 Second Avenue

Verona, PA 15147



The church sign has returned and

it looks great!

A big THANK YOU to

Sam Ferraco for doing such a great job.

2000 O’Block Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15239



Sunday: 2 Sm 5:1-3/Ps 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5 [cf. 1]/Col 1:12-20/Lk 23:35-43

Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20/Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56 [52b]/Lk 21:1-4

Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45/Dn 3:57, 58, 59, 60, 61 [59b]/Lk 21:5-11

Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/Dn 3:62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 [59b]/Lk 21:12-19

Thursday: Dn 6:12-28/Dn 3:68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 [59b]/Lk 21:20-28

Friday: Dn 7:2-14/Dn 3:75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81/Lk 21:29-33

Saturday: Rom 10:9-18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [10 or Jn 6:63]/Mt 4:18-22

Next Sunday: Is 2:1-5/Ps 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [1]/Rom 13:11-14/Mt 24:37-44



Recent Funerals and Deaths

Dorothy O’Donnell—SJB

Lord, grant eternal rest to the

souls of the dearly departed.

Welcome Our Newly Baptized!

Oliver Regis Brown - STI

Erik Christensen

Hummel - STI

Recent Weddings

Fred Menzl and

Alice Pfeifer - SJB


We are starting with a new cleaning company this week.

Hopefully, this will take care of many of the issues we were experiencing.

Please inform someone at the rectory if there is any issues.

Liturgical Ministers

(Nov. 29—Dec. 1)


5:30 PM

8:30 AM

Money Counters:

C. Sparacino, J. Hackett,

D. Gould�

Central Catholic High School

St. Joseph Parish along with Central Catholic High

School congratulates the following students from our

parish who have earned Honor Roll status for the first

quarter of the 2019-20 school year:

High Honors: Enzo Aliberti, Connor LoBianco, Jason

Maisto, and Nolan Vigliotti; Honors: Tyler Casciato,

Dayne Martin, Daniel Sellers.�


If you would like to have the

sanctuary candle burned in

memory of a loved one,

please contact Karen Deemer

at 412-793-4511 or

by email at [email protected].

Candles are $10.00 per week and your

dedication will be included in this bulletin.

Page 13: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas





Weekday Massgoers and daytime helpers needed –

after the weekday Masses on the following dates at each

church we will replace hymnbooks and needed prayer

cards. Those able to assist after Mass are greatly

appreciated. We will replace the hymnbooks. Parishes

with covers, the inside cover ONLY should be inserted.

The On Mission Prayer card should be inserted into the

book anywhere so that it is available to parishioners as a

bookmark and for the prayer on weekends. Extra cards will

be available for cards that are missing or damaged.

Monday, November 25th after 9:00 a.m. Mass at STI

Monday, November 25th after 6:30 p.m. Mass &

Devotions at SJAN

Tuesday, November 26th after 9:00 a.m. Mass at SJV

Tuesday, November 26th after 9:00 a.m. Mass at OLOJ

Wednesday, November 27th after 9:00 a.m. Mass &

Rosary at SJB



$5,000 Cash Sweepstakes�

(3) First Prizes:�

$1,000 each�

(4) Second Prizes:�

$500 each�

(Winner does NOT need to be present)�

Tickets are $2.00 each...or get two FREE chances, �

by returning all 12 tickets for ONLY $20.00. Thanks for your support!!!�



Annual OPV Catholic Parishes

P������ � �� � ���� EQUALLY �� � (5) C ��� ��!�

R$%&'( )*&' %+,-$%. /) S&(12), D$,$4/$' 15%6.�

Place them in the collection basket, Drop them in the mail, or bring them directly to any Parish Office. �

Checks Payable to: Any Parish in the OPV Grouping, please note “Christmas Raffle” in Memo of Check. �


For the past four (4) years the SOS (Serving Our Seniors) Ministry at Our

Lady of Joy has conducted a Christmas Brunch on Christmas Day from 11:00

AM to 1:00 PM. The main purpose of the Christmas Brunch is to provide a

meal for those struggling financially, the elderly, the homeless, anyone living

alone and basically anyone who may want to come and not eat alone on

Christmas Day. The Brunch is open to both Parishioners and non-

parishioners. Each year we serve about 200 meals along with an additional

200 meals that we send home with attendees plus dozens of Christmas

cookies donated by parishioners.

This will be the first year that this will be an OPV Christmas Brunch. We are in

need of volunteers to assist us on Christmas Day. We will need help preparing

take-out meals, serving, welcoming and greeting, hall setup, cleanup, parking,

home deliveries, etc. Each year we have received an overwhelming response

from parishioners to volunteer for the Brunch. Due to this response we have

scheduled one (1) hour shifts in order to provide everyone with the opportunity

to volunteer at the Brunch.

Please use this link to volunteer if your schedule permits OPV Xmas Brunch at

OLOJ Dec 24/25, 2019 . Hope to hear from you and Merry Christmas,

Sal Altomare 412-780-6929 . Bill Molyneaux 412-215-0560.

Page 14: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas



Page 15: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas


Support St. Joseph School and

Join Us for Bingo Every Second

Saturday of the Month

Doors open @ 6:00pm

Early Birds @ 6:30pm

Regular Games @


Join Us On

December 14th

Page 16: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas



Praying for Our Sick

Please pray for all those in our parish

grouping who are in need, especially the sick

at home, those in nursing homes and

hospitals, the unemployed, those who have

lost a loved one and those who feel isolated or


In particular, we ask you to pray for:

David Baker, Randy Barker, Jackson Beck,

Paul Bell, George Benson, Dorothy Boldy,

Betty Bosnich, Cecilia Condon, Dorothy

Concilio, Phyllis Cosnotti, Patricia Coto, Jim

Cunningham, Paul Dannhardt, Guy DeCarlo,

Phil Derry, Audrey D’Incau, Mary Denholm,

Irene DePellegrin, Alexander DeRiso, Sonny

DeRiso, John Dominic, Natalie Evans, Alice

Falkowski, Michael Fanzo, Gino & Blanche

Fedel, Lois & Don Funk, Dave Gartner,

Mary Lou Gartner,

George Gerneth,

Paula Gent,

Fritz Gimbel,

Barb Goettler,

Bill Gould, Marian

Grasinger, Judy

Gratz, Bill Griffith

III, Virginia Grilli,

Pat & Jean

Guerrierro, Matt Gunsallus, Joe H., Julie H.,

Carol Harrity, Alice Havics, Mary K. Heinz,

MaryLou Heiser, Mary Henry, Rosemarie

Hranica, Russ Hull, Angela P. Jackson,

Steven Kalinowski, Tia K.,Mr. Phil Karl,

Sandy Keller, Bob Kelly, Doris Kennedy,

Joanne Kitsko, Claire Kleckner, Jacob

Knighton, Ursula Koontz, Mary Ann Kralovic,

Eleanor Kuhn, Richard L., Josephine

Labriola, Theresa Lasher, Debbie Lawrence

& Family, Mary Ann Leone, Shirley Leras,

Erica Letters, Margaret Mary Lisotto,

James Majernik, Kimberly Manuppelli,

Violet Marney, Jack Martz, Farah Marshal,

Brian Marquis, Richard Martin, Louis

Martin, Dolores Matthews, Michael Marx,

Ruth Marx, Lee Mazur, Laura McAleer,

John McGovern, Tim McKee, Tom Medved,

George E. Mesher, Rosemary Meuser, Ray

Milleman, Bart Miller, David Miller, Mary

Miller, Sally Miller, Susan Miller, Dolores

Minster, Michael Monfredi, Patsy Montanaro,

Dominic Mollica, Dorothy Morrissey, Yvonne

Mosco, Gene Mowry, Gloria Mulholland,

Colomba Musico, Kenneth Myers, Lois

Myers, Melissa N., Sandy Novak, Dorothy

O’Donnell, Frank A. Opice, Rene Olean,

Ross Orgera, Jimmy Painter, Edna Parillo,

Frank Parillo, John L. Parillo, Michael

Payne, Janice Pfeifer, Phyllis Pierce, Dee

Pivik, Jonathan Plake, F.L. & J.L. Pro, J.R.

Pro, Bernie Proch, Zita Pushkar, Gia Regan,

Paxton Renk, Jo Ann Rusnak, Christine

Russo, Melinda S., Camillo Sciulli, George

Scribe, Marge Scribe, Dolores Sciullo, Janet

Sendek, Jane Seibel, Mary C. Sneider, Chris

Sparacino, Mary Ann Stadler, Colleen Strahler,

William Stezoski, Rose Tamburro, Don

Tappe, Janet Terlizzi, Peggy Tomes, John

Truxal, Marge Tuite, William Volzer, Rita

Vucic, Laure W., George Walcutt, Elaine

Wertz, Mary Whitaker, Loretta Williams, , Tom

Woods, Amy Worthington, Paul Zanella,

Barbara Zimmers, Betty Zimmers, and

Angie Zucco.

We will keep your loved one on our OPV Prayer List for

3 months. After that time, if you would still like your loved one to

be on the list, just call your parish

office and make a request.

We ask those who have requested a prayer,

to please give us an update call when

your loved one is better.


Rosary & Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena with Devotions

Every Wednesday after 9:00 a.m. Mass at St. John the Baptist

2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Thursdays: Rosary, Divine Mercy Prayer Group, Intercessory Prayer, Adoration, Our Lady of Joy

St. Anthony Novena

Every Monday at 7:00 p.m. at St. Januarius

St. Jude Novena

Every first Monday after the 6:30 p.m. Mass at St. Januarius

Morning Prayer

After 9:00 a.m. Mass on Tuesdays & Fridays and after 7:30 on Thursdays at Our Lady of Joy


Before Mass Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays at Our Lady of Joy

Mondays & Wednesdays in Advent & October at 6:00 p.m. at St. Irenaeus & St. Januarius

Rosary for the Deceased

After the 8:30 a.m. Mass every second Sunday of the month at St. Joseph

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

First Fridays:

8:00 a.m. Friday to Saturdays 8:30 a.m. at St. John the Baptist

9:35 a.m. Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena at Our Lady of Joy

Seven Sisters Apostolate

A group of seven women pray for 1 hour before the Blessed Sacrament on a selected day for each priest in our grouping.

See page 6 of this bulletin

for Living Rosary


Page 17: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas




Parish Office ………..……..……………………………………………….…….....….……..…..….412-793-4511

Parish Fax …………...………...……….…...………..……...…………………...…………......…...412-793-4311

General Office & Oakmont/Verona Parish Accounting, Joyce Doyle………..…...………..…[email protected]

Safe Environment Coordinator, Barb Pronio……………...….…...…..……………..…. [email protected]

Plum Parish Accounting, Patty Mahr…….………………..………….….……..…[email protected]

Bulletin Editor / Facilities, Karen Deemer..…...…………………..…....……..……[email protected]

Ministry Scheduler, Rita Gurganus...…………………………….……..…….…[email protected]

SOS Ministry, Sal Altomare..……………………………………...…..………......…..……[email protected]


“Beau” Quattrone, School

St. John the Baptist School & Preschool Office…………………..…………………..…….412-793-0555

Jeanne Loebig, Vice Principal…………...……………..……………………….…….……[email protected]

St. Joseph School & Preschool Office: .……………………………………………………...412-828-7213

Tina Bucci, Vice Principal:……………..………………….….…………... [email protected]

St. Irenaeus Preschool Office:…...……………….……………...…………...…….……412-828-3065 X103

All Clergy are listed on the cover page.

Additional OPV Staff are listed below:

Mr. David Hall, Business Manager…………………………………………………[email protected]

Sr. Lynn Miller, Social Ministry ………………………………………………….....……[email protected]

Mrs. Stephanie Williams, Faith Formation Director………………...………………[email protected]

Mrs. Kristin Consuegra, Coordinator of Youth Ministry……………...……………[email protected]

Mr. Silvio Garcia, Young Adult Minister…………………………………………[email protected]

Mr. Ronald Donatelli, Christian Initiation………………………………………….……[email protected]

Ms. Brit Meli, Communication and Technology Manager…………………[email protected]

OLOJ Parish Mission Statement

Our Lady of Joy Parish is a Catholic community of faith dedicated to Mary, the cause

of our joy. We are centered in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit and

nourished by the Eucharist. We are a welcoming family, striving to see Christ in all

and responding to the needs of the members of our parish and community. Called to

act in faith, hope and love we seek to become a visible presence of Christ in the

world. Our Lady of Joy, pray for us!

SJV Parish Mission Statement

St. Joseph Parish is a faith community, rich in history and strong in its

Catholic tradition since 1866. Through the grace of the Eucharist and under the

guidance of the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to building up the Body of Christ

through a strong spiritual life, education in the faith and service to our parish and

community. St. Joseph, pray for us!

SJAN Parish Mission Statement

St. Januarius is a Roman Catholic community of faith focused on the life

and teachings of Jesus Christ. We are grateful to those who have built up

St. Januarius to be a welcoming, active, and spiritual parish. With the

Eucharist and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we strive to use

the gifts and talents given to us by the Father to support the lives of

parishioners at all age levels and stages of life. We also pledge to live our

lives so that through our words and actions all may feel the presence of

Jesus Christ in the world today. St. Januarius, pray for us!

SJB Parish Mission Statement

Saint John the Baptist Parish is located in Plum Borough,

Pennsylvania and is part of the Roman Catholic Diocese

of Pittsburgh. As a faith community, we strive to imitate

our patron Saint John the Baptist who led others to Christ.

We are committed to keeping our faith alive and growing

through prayer, sacraments, faith formation and service.

Through evangelization and stewardship we encourage

full and active participation of all members. We hope to

reflect the life and love of Christ by strengthening the faith

of our parishioners while reaching out to all God’s people.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us!

STI Parish Mission Statement

The Faith Community of St. Irenaeus strives for knowledge, service,

and faith through our patron’s guidance and the Holy Spirit dwelling

within us. With love, worship, and solidarity, we are building God’s

Kingdom in our families and communities. Nourished by Word and

Sacrament, we give ourselves to Christ and His Church for the greater

glory of God our Father.

“The proper glory of God is man fully alive.”

~St. Irenaeus

Page 18: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas

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Joe Hawk, Manager412-856-0155

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Page 19: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas



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Meg L. BurkardtAttorney at law

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[email protected]

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Page 20: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES...2019/11/24  · eterna, permitiéndonos vivir lo que enseñaba el Maestro: “ha amado mucho, porque mucho le ha sido perdonado” (Cfr. Lc7,47). Es en estas

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*Report to the main Office & Dial ext. 2245 or 6664 Arrive no later than 3:30pmM/F/V/D/EEO

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Monroeville/Plum ChapelAmber M. Scott, F.D. SupervisorCorner of Beatty Rd. & 48 North


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7641 Saltsburg Road • 412-795-6880 •


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7619 Saltsburg Road412-795-7717


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[email protected]

724 845-3276 • Fax 724 845-3279

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