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lo Payette. From St. Genevieve to Farmington. From the c«»uniy seat of Morgan to the county scat of PuJaski. From Springfield to the county seat of Barry. From Keytcsville to Comptons store, on Grand rivrr. From Fulton bv Jemes Harrison's, in the Grand prairie, Paris. From Jefferson city to Columbia. From Columbia, by Kock mills, to Nashville in Boon county. From Jefferson city, by Portland to Loutre island. From Iluutsvillc by the county seat of Shelby and cooper's settlement to sionlicHlo. rrorn Fulton, by Portland, lo Mount Sterling rrorn si Murtry's in calls tray county, by Thomas Harrison's in the Grand prairie, to Huntsvillc. rrorn Jo'.inson court-house, by Blackwater settlement, to Lexington. F/om Hannibal by Ttorida, Paris, and Huntsvillc, to rayelle. t»FAm f Ira A ! lac TU;n»;0 » I "Ml JUWUiCttl llft« IV (IMVIV* riUlil Old Minos, in Washington county, by the Rich woods ami Virginia to Union. From Bcntou to commerce, rrom Bowling Green, by mlurant's and cove spring, to Florida. From Bolivia, by the cross roads to Fredeiickiovrn. From 3/onticrlIo, in Lewis county, westward, to Saudv Hill. From Richmond to compton's store on Grand river. From Liberty to Hallsburg From He cr.a to ocnton court house.. From jcoiutnbus, Kentucky, by Benton, Jackson, FredcricLtown, Firminj;lon, caledonio, s> ats of justice of crawford, Pulaski. and Pettis counties to nlackwatcr, and th: nee, to Independence. From boovilleu, by seal of justice of Pettis county, to the seat of justice -in Johnson county. From Springfield to Pulaski court house, crawlora court uousc, J/assIe s iron works /o Union, From Jefferson city by .Vt. Sterling to Crawford court house. From castor lo Greenville. -From castor, by Graad prairie in .Sioddart count v. In U Isconsin. vrom Macomb. county of a'Donough, Illinois, by Burlington, to Mount Pleasant, De*tnoinrs county. Fr«»m Racine, on Root river by tJic » u:lct ol Lake Kotkenong and Mineral point, to Cassviilc.. rrom Riclilaniotrn to Burlington, thence tp Monmouth, Illinois, rrom Milwaukee to the outlet of Lake Knskenong. rrom Galena, via Sinsinawa mound, Sinsiuawa post office, Gibraller, Van Buren, Cassvillc, and Prairie du Chicn, to Fort Snclling, rrom Bcilevuc to Galena. Illinois, rrom Mineral point, by way of T. J. Pariah's, to the English prairie, rrom Gskoa, Illinois, by way of While Oak coring, Gratiots (trove, and Wi«iia, m'NuUs, Biggins and Wisconsin city, to< interject the hoot river and CassriJIc route. From Coldw&ier, in Branch conntv to xichigan rity in the Suae of Indians* vil Ccntrerilje, Con*umiQc, auttviile, Bristol, Elkhart, xithawouikic, Muuih Bend anil Laportc. From Jacksonburg' lo White Pigeon, via-{Spring Arbor, Con-j cord. Homer, Tckonsha. Goodwin* illc, j Durham, Nottowa and CVntrrviHe. rrotn Warsaw, Illinois, by Krokuck, Fort lie*-1 moincs, *6rt Madison. Gibson's ferry,! fyirlinglon, Iowj, Clark's ferry, Davch-j fart, Farkhor^t, Bell* vac. i)u Bucjuc, eroe, Derange, Wevman's. Cxtrille and Frairiedu Ciueu to Furt Snciht.. Prom ft* Deque bv Sinsin vt » and Diosi Fur* Itaee Eiigroie rram u.a r*i point b/ Dodgriilo and Helena and BcIIcmotil *- 1 . \v*_. 1 w »«u«a» jjuuti. i rum t un m runrvigu by road du Lac, Calarach *iltage to Grand j from Chicago by Pike river, ; Racine, jflwatky, chrbawgau, Pigeon. Sfetnlito ark to Green bay. man W»a« consio |o the city of the rour Lakes, by rood du Lac and the city of Winn»-bago at the northeast end of Lako Winnebago to a point of intersection with the route Irani Prairie du chien to Green bay.. rrom fund du Lac at the south end of k " .Winnebago to ssiltnakce. rrom atilirou-; kce-by the city of the rour Lukes, to the Bhic mound, there to intersect the route from Green bay to Prairie du chicn. Pat limits Discontinued. MAINE. . rrom camden to Vina! Haven. OHIO. rrom Waupakonctta to Sugar Grove, rrom Piqua Waupak«»netla. SOUTH CAROLINA. rr<«m aoxua Hill to Varcnncs. rrom SuuntontilJe, by Golden Grove, to Greenriile court hou-jc. JAMES K. POLK. Speaker of ibe House of Representatives. W. R. KING, President of tlsc Senate tiro tempore. Approved,tid Julj, lt£W. ANORKW JACKSON. Ttxan. from the New Orleans Bulletin. A letter from a highly respectable source. dated nt Matanorn* the Ulttli i*ltM eaya, ** It is an undoubted factihntIhigGovernment (the Mexican) have made, or ere making a treaty to engage right thousand Indians to join them. The Cherokee* are already engaged. There arc i* a. #il r + nr lour wen or intern i.mcis oi umereni tribes within a few utiles of here, who hare daily communications with the ofiieera. Tho commissioner* were this morning turned into tho common prison with criminals. It is not-improbable wc shall be inritcd to take French leave of tins couutrv soon." ih tract of ant (fur If iter dated, Matamoras, July 1. Dear Sir.Through the medium of your paper I think it highly necr««.nrv that the Government of the United Stairs, as well as the Texians, should be informed of what presents itself, so odious, in my opinion, in the chancier of («cr». Crrea, the ' Mexican Commander-in-Chief, too unpardonable to be overlooked, and should be immediately attended to bv the f'nited Slate. IWc have at tliis moment here G or 7 Indian chief* Cher»kecsand other tribes, with their interpreter, from Texas.. These Indians are on a mission to the Genera), and hare had several private t meetings with him. There exists no doubt of the business they came on, and j have made propositions to the General to join the Mexicans against the Tcxians, which appears now to be concluded. As Colonel WatcrchcA is to be despatched to-morrow to their camp, some distance up the river, where they have 30 or 40 in number, to be used as spies or runners. 1 had occasion to call on General Urrea ; at his quarters on business, when I inet ' there three of the Indians, with their in* tcrpreter making enquires of the strength, of their tribe, the General being anxious! to ascertain what force they cqtfld muster with the other tribes. The commissary of this place has orders to purchase' 600 or 1000 horses for the cavalry, which he is now doing. Every muremcnl appears to confirm the belief that the negocialion is concluded, with a promise to the Indians of land and cattle, »hould they assist and succeed in cxlcr* initialing the population of Texas. From the J»ew Orleans Bee. MEXICO. The following letter was written to Vinccnte Filisola, general in chief of th« Mexican armies, by Jose Maria Tornel, Secretary of the War Depirtment. Wc uii-i. .1 _L .i. i:c i:._ * |iuuitsn liiiuugii mi' iincramy oi a respectable firm of this city, by whom it was communicated. To His Excellency the Gorcrnor in Chid. Eon Vincen'e Filisola. Dear Fritiul:.Through the criminal apathy of Congress and the complete nulj lity of Government, ii becomes ncccssar) i to put in use s certain stratagem tosavr jour country and ourselves. You will hare to lend a hand to its execution, u | less you want to perish with your arms, after witnessing the utter destruction of the republic. Such is the boldness ol Jour revolutionary radicals, and the weak i ncss of gov. rnmcnt, thai from this liinr up to the moment when you adopt this plan, you will neither receive money or soldiers; you must, ere now, be convinced of the truth of the first point; as t«the second, a more positive proof cannot be given than the sudden hah of the arm} of rc-i rve. Such then, is the propel method of executing uiy plan: all.opinionmust be generalized: above all, a letter must be written to the government of ihi« capital, mentioning rery particularly lha all the army tratil a Dictator to be appointed, who will remain in office until Tcxa* be restored to the republic. Who will be the man? No mailer; porhaps Valencia, for he is at the same time the hope and Tea: of man)'. This idea is not so much to put ihe plat [InlO execution, an to gcta puwprlckt c»«njgTCSS to invest tlnrgnTtrnmeni wiili ai: power to restrain ihe revolutionary spi- il«. and enlist new soldiers to carry on ih«| war and maintain good order, i hav< |®aid enough; reflect on my w«;rd«; y«»u will follr appreciate how timely is this men are. fio time is to be lost; and mark no keep carefully or tear this letter, writtct bv a friend on whom you can rclv. JO.SE MARIA TollNEL. This plan is justified by a pamphlt now circulating through Mexico ami ml: the large citira of the Mexican Republic. It is entitled General Santa's Trial. Thai document the exclusive protection of the Liberals* and la well calculated to raise fterr honest mind asainst thr ootprn. menu They want federalism.TorncI don not want it. and therefore he would like to gel a Dictator appointed, whose power would be sufficient to suppress those hestjlc* revolutionary spirits. lit'.rait of a litter, dated "TAHftce, July 13. * 0 Mexican army, about 4000 strong yet, now under the eomman ' of General Jo*r Urrea, whom Gen. Andrade accompanies at the second in command, it assembling at Matamoras, but it is in such state of wretchedness, that it will not he able to i more beforo two or three months, to beI gin the new campaign against the Tcxians." From lb* Charleston Conner. Mrziro and Texas..Late accounts ren. dcr it probably that the Mexicans will not attempt another campaign against the: Tcxians, until the fall. The U. 8. 8loop; | of War If Turrit and Schr. Grampus had j arrived at Tainpico, and the Mexican' Government. throuch the new Command- Ant, bed apologized fur the insult offered; ih° American flag ami tin* hIRccm of the! Jrifrryn. (ioMi.7, the Commandant who | gave the insult, hail been removed. The tnon inrniK Mexico agninst Centralism.! and to rcvlote lhc Constitution of [arc increasing in importance, and then i*j a disposition to reaitT^f nil the high fnr.r-1 tionorira triendly to ,s4STa Anna. Aj forc» d loan of two million.'* had Li. ti do-; dared in the rlly t.f Mexi'."0. against; which the 1'iigiisli and French .Ministers' had protested. railing on foreigners n«»i ] to contribute. Later accounts Irorn N i '3 j Cruz represent* Santa Anna's party a*' j out of power, the Federal pariv us sur-j | reeding every where, ^vitli little bloodtshod, and na indisposed to prosecute the' Tex'an war. Houston had not yet joined the Tcxinn army, and was not likely to do *o. He was said to be at his resi-j denco near Nacogdoches. I.amah, the new Tcxinn Commander, poscsscd tlie# entire confidence of both (he Atmy and (be Cabinet. 1 THE UNITED STATES &. MEXICO. The tallowing arc the instructions ut the Government, under which Gen. Games has ac.ed, iti crossing the limits of the United Slates, and entering the icMlory ol Mexico. Eitruct of a letter Jrotn the Stir clary c J War to Mtg. Gen. Gaintf, elated. War Department, ) July II, lb&i. $ " I hare received and submitted to the rresideut your letter ol Juue 7th, together with the report made to you by Capt Dean. " I am apprehensive from the tenor ol this report, as w ell as horn your observations, hat the frontier has much to fear from ibc host,lines of the ludiau tribes living in Texas. On this subject u is proper to call your attention to the instructions previously issued to you, and to say to jou that if the conduct of the Indian^ in Texas threatens the frontier, whose defence is entrusted to you, and you consider it necessary, with a new to its pro- icciiuu, u> advance as tar as ^Nacogdoches, you will do so without hesitation. 11 the authorises of that country cannot prevent bodies ot savages from approaching our frontier in arms, tl»c necessary precautionary measures must be taken by you. This is me view of the President.*' War Depart* ent, > Ma) 11, t»oO. ( Sir;.The President is very solicitous that you should act cautiously in carrying tuto effect your lusiructious, and do nothing can cotnproiiui the neu.rul relatuas ot the Uuitrd States. Your great objects, as i have be I ore stated, are, to delcud our Irontier and to fi'lul tuc neutral obligations o! the UotcruintnL li the ludt a»s are not employed ilium Cutely upon the border, mere will be no need ot your advancing be uad the territory in the actual o cupaiiou of the United State?, unless armed parties should approach our Irumicr so near as uuuih * ly to siiow that they mean to ttoiatcour territory. Such a siaie o! i* scarcely to bo auliciptlcd <ruui either ui the contending parties i. Texas iiui u uoibuuisc with tin lnifuu«. lu tin cxutcOK-iit ol war the) will not nc restrained by ouudary hues, but wiii seek scaips wheretcr :hc) can hud li.cui. i he wiiuic ti Morjf oi the etnpio)incut ol Inuiaus, in the contests between cttilizcd coimiiuniwes, prutes this iac . It was principally with a ticw ihcreturc tu this state ol thing*, that )uu were authoriZc-a inert* the itue dittoing lie country actual) m the occupa ion oi lie Uuiud States, Horn that hcrciolore to.he possession oi Mexico, it such a measure be necessary Ice* tuc d lenc: oi the ironiier. i.ui i mu-i uitprcs upon tuu he desire ui the i resident that you du uot adtuiice unless ir- vu«4i9iauw9 guiiuviij ciHjw tup a<i ji p III VV* sirj l«-r the prouctiou oi the uiMnu »i our COUHtf) aiijwllllllg llK* SO'lie OI Opcf4tlOU9 IU Iuxhs. A « »iiuUid )ou tino i. to adtaucc, )uM na< no. t li to c<M>UiUUlC4tv to CouiiDUutCato lu any armed p-utlea to the cou >(r) your orut ra jiiu oi»j«ci9. Kai wu ill, under t>o c.remits: .uc< co-operate m>n an) ol < ii em of I>ulicf -**> ol -** >***. y , not uiururc »ii *") 1,1 ";|CI witli «i > iniliur} opera ti a iti i L'Xuf, except such 49 in .y e ucccaaaiy lor sell dc.cucc. bUt.ukJ you paa? btjoud the above mentioned OouiiJurv hue, \ ou will return as > on as tlicaalcty ul the frontier udi per ant. Very rcrpcctlully, your uhm ob'i «r*'t, LE»>.S CAS?. Maj. Gen E. P. Gaisc.', For. Jc;up, Louisiana. Tbc YofknlU* (3 C ) Times, of ibe 30th ult. " The uplauu coiUrti crops ol o t Dbtric . as lar * *e bate beam, ate km promising . cotton is coming out of the kutks. The low gruuuda hate suffered .rum the wet season " Indian iUhiri. i HUM KtAJitiLM. Extract of a letter to the Editor of tt.« Augusta Sentinel, mailed at Tallahas sic, and dated " IlicsiTotrx, (Fla ) July IS. "Dear #Ktr:.We hail a marauding part) here two weeks ago who stole some horse* and robbed »umt houses, but shed no blood, and got olT with impunity.and »o 1 suppose we shall hate it until wmirr campaigning begins that is unless fitsi ii rlmoscs to coine in larger force «tnd rut 'Ur throats, lake off our negroes and I a > waste our crops. On the lolli, o party of IGO ludians were found 60 miles above us, in Lowndes county, on the Ahtp&ha, supposed to he l>cck», on their way the Orafinokce or to join the tSemiuoliv, 15 of them wi re killed and 20raptured, 7 or U I...I I..,.11 Willie* TTOllillJ' <, low H MUV9 a ill III |Mir* suit of them. The day before I** Indian* were fallen in with. 13 f ihrin nrrr l-illed and 3 escaped by swimming the rirer, 3 white* hil cd. So yuu see we lure Indians all nrotiud u«. " Your* respectfully. II F \Vlll r.N' R " "Col. Wliili er had iht* li tter written for yuu, sir, and on the night of the llhli hi* family, forltmalr'y bring on » visit at Mr. J. .M'liiiciwitii the exception of or-c sen, tin Indians assailed his house and committed most nwlul depredation;). There were two white mm thrrc, the o»er*e-vr, who was dl in bed, a young man by the name of JSutntncrale.Summorale with Col. M's little son were nl supper in the hack pnz,a when a negro hi the passage eXclaiinv , "the Indian*!" he sprang from the uhlc enught up a double-barrel gun, nnd rus' cd in front of the house; he saw the Indians to the number of thirty, ann disrhnrgeil hotli barrels it them; the Indians retonied it with volley.he wo* wounded in both thighs, but not dangerously; he then nude his « *cope round the house to the back of the garden. His determination nnd braver* enn'ded Col. \W son. the overseer. a > negroes a!) to make their escape. The* lay all nigbl in the high glowing collon, with the exception of one negro man, the y shot him with five balls. They then rifled the house of every article, ripping (open the beds, emptying out the feathers /and making sacks of the ticks 10 carry off their plunder.all wearing apparel gone, even the clothes wet in the wash tub.. They were trailed, but hare made their escape, and it is supposed will come back in increased must cme soon, or it will be too late for liickstuwn. The families are fleeing in every dirccti n, leaving their husbands to defend their plantations. The Indians came to Mr. -VrGhee's on the night of the 1st, and stole a pair ot carriage horses from his stable. We have been too long neglected. A FEMALE. The Indians also stole nine mules and a horse lrom t oJ. u hitner. NOTICE. i ALL persons indebted lo us by jBond Note or Cook acount, trill please make satisfactory arrangements lor their fctllcnicnt previous lo next return day, as our business must be brought to a close.By attending to this notice it will save you costs. SHANNON & M'DOWAL. July 30.27.d N. B. Those having accounts agains us trill band them in for payment at once1 Important to Planters. j The suhscrtcers arc nov/ engaged ic tbc manufactory of NEGRO SHOES. I of a quality 'or upcrior to any that have been hitherto offered in this market, and as i it U their delcrmination to turn oui none but hose ill <t will bear inspection, it will lie to the interest o! planter* to examine the same. They propose furt « r to make eny number t of pairs less than .*©00, particularly to mea-1 sure, and in accordance to the sample now ready, if the same arc left previous to the loth October next. As finis ed the) mil be separately packed and marked deliverable on the Loth Oct. In a ttcrd they shull be satisfactory. J. BlSIiOP & C O. Jnnc 11-20N. B. A sample is left at the store of .Mr (*. Math* son, which will be found utuch superior to the sample of Williams A. Mungcr, and le*s iu price; hence 'lis | hope that planters will encourage home; mantifielur^. i JNEGRO SHOES. THE Subscriber* « n. furnish to Pl-iaIcr* and others NL(iKO MlGESof a superior make in any <p<aniii), if order* wilh tin mraMirr* tue Jrfl nl ihe aiurr oiu Mr. <3.. nTail»f.f->n in O.midrn, between' »my am: the ,'irsl of September, or sooneri «r<iuld be preferred. Specimens can be seen, and the }>. uo made kumvii, as above, r bv addressing i!«c subscribers at S.icietv bv thai lime ' WILLIAMS & MlNliER. July 23-tiO-c .jSCT T23 0-200?.IS3?. |"T\S juti rcr-ivf«l a tush a genuine) llaMoriiurnl I (if!)IiCinen», Udir» and i hildrrnw MOOTS & SllORS, I the bc*t ami m«»8t fashi-niablr among which arc a lar^c am! beautiful assortment of La<ii« * French, Ki«\ M ruccn nn<! Prunella SLIPPERS. I he abotr article* *h ill b»- m>hl as Inw * they hare ever bi en »oM in thi* mat krt. W. H DAN.BL8 Ai:»us( The *ubsrr:hrr nUo respectfully irform* hi* customer* ami the public generally, that he i* now engaged in the manufactory of ' | nregr© sno?s ; at 61 n jMir, aii.I .n lie li*s rai-»« »1 lit j»»-r cent above bi*» farmer price, lit* plcj^raj hiiimrlf thev »haM be intuit* of tin*. be*t; j'iintcrtal* and in tin* l>c*t' wot kni.i'iahjjii , manner, ami n* t » 4trenyth am! iJur.ihilitv, tin \ nbail 2i. iihi. i sMj Vii 'f In iliiY j lias ever been nil r*-«l in this market, ami ' ii'il mirth-r !«» <i?»\ that i* engaged in the «an.r emit. Piatiicr* ore rcqurM* d to ham) in ilieir nir.iHiiri R early an il>' . w U 0 i notice. THE subrcriber h.«h ju^i received a sujiply of choice Gr,»rcriiit, va. sk;aii, .molasses COITIvE, TEA, lll>T A DA It k UIAE, roar <i«. I Tt.M.un r, .to \MAHHAIL8, DO. iJ-ISSOW. rml ' " d,k 1 111)1. Fine Salmon Fish, n n & r ~ v a \ i & q s . <5 n i ;, ,v c l.rfuti nil's bc>t chewing iOBUCO, honey duo tin. J. Ij J The abut c articles will bo sold low for cash. J. I#. JONES. I May ?1-1? t!" ' REGIMENTAL ORDER, Camden, August 2d, 1836 $ AN election is hereby ordered to be held at tlic respective muster grounds of the B^at companies in the upper Battalion on Friday the 30th September next, for. Majorto lill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Lt. Col. Quinlin. Officers commanding companies wilt cause this order to be carried into exectftion and returns made to the Col. as soon thereafter as possible. By order of Col. John dies nut. J. D. MURRAY, Adj't 23d Reg 8 C Bl Extra t of the law governing the election for Major That when the commission shall become vacant, the Colonel, and if there be no Co! the officer next in- com* mand in tfcesaid regiment, shall order each^ Captain or commands of a company, to call to bis assistance two of his snb&ltera officers, or other fit and proper persons to open and hold a poll at their respeclire muster grounds, giving forty days notice, by advertising in three public places in the hounds of their command; the said mana-* gcrs shall hold the poll on one day at their * muster ground, from eleven o'clock in the morning until thiee O'clock in the afternoon , and shall meet on the battalion muster ground, or some public house near the same, on the day following, and count over the votes and declare the elclion. August 6.2?.if Sadd.e and Harness Making. The subscriber tenders his thanks to the public lor the ncourage.-nent heretofore extended to him. in hi* pr<>ftr4iion, and gives notice that he hat removed to i'.roid Street, a few door* above Mrs. M'Ad*:uf Hotel, where he hopes by assiduity and atu otion. to meiit a continuance of the patronage herrlofo;e extended la him. JAMES ROBERTS. Ao~ht 6.23-i Cotton <Saw Gins. Those who caJcaUtc on having their Gins repaired by the subscriber, will confer a favor by sen dine them in as early as practicable, and that afford an opportunity of serving each indue time..New Gins, with Steel or Iron plate, a) ways oq baa d and fo sale by JOHN WORKMAN. Aue'J*' C.$ <.-fsn Z. CJCODl^D, (From London) Tailor and MSabit .llflfter, RESPECT FtTLLY informs the citizens of Camden. and the public general that he has commenced the sb ore business, in the store opposite the-store of Shannon, ^PGce & Co. and hopes by strict attention to the duties of his profes- . sion to merit n share of public patronage. July Tailoring Establishment THE sub*rribrr grateful for the liberal shore oi pitronagc received since hfcf commencement in the (alt, hopes by cl Jso application and a readiness to pfiasc all 'who may call to ineril a continuance of the same. Ilis work Till be executed iviih neatness and despatch, and in the most fashionable manner; his prices wilf * >*| be moderate for cash or pnnrtuat customer?. Wanted one or tyro boys from J-l 16 year* of age, as apprentices to the business. j. l. BRASLNGTON. March 36-9 ?c T-ixiions. Having bccnauthorised toaell and teach the Tailors MASTER PIECE,' being the complete guide for instruction in the wholcart of measuring and cutting according to the variety of fashion and # form with Phtes lllnsinlire of the same, b\ Scott dc Perkins, (successors to A. F. .Sngurs*.) reporters i»f fashions and teachers of cutting garments at New York The above system can hr had with all the necessary articles belonging thereto if implication be mad* to the subscriber. j. l. a "BANK OF CAMDEN. THE Serum" 'n -Intent on the *i<>ck of i'ii* Itank I" - ca t«»«* nr. th* loth Augost nrx .»il be r tvrc! in 1 cmden by W. J. it rant, i ovj. ('ashler, at hi* office. in Columbia. «t the "Commercial Rank," in Chcrau* at the "Merchant* Rank,*' and in Charleston. b\ an agent who u ill be uatned in «l:»* rii\ papers, next week. >i«>rklio|tlers desiring receipts to be issued, arc required to pay the instalment to the Cashier of the B«nk in Cnnulen. J. m. nrswjssi rf: President pro fro. 'July 30-27-c Spur liiiji Intelligence. A Suctpsiakc open for three years old colts and fillies, to be run for on the day preceding the regular racrji over the 1 amden cmirsc, n.ilc hrats;entrance $100, forfoil $50, three or more to make a nee: closes Will of Ort< brr next. Persons wishing lo make entries can do so by forwardin their names, color, sex, sire and dam t»f the entry to the subscriber at Camden, at any time before the *0lh Oct. next. JESSE 8. NETTLES,SecV. July I(;-25--tf Cj^ Tin Editor of the Courier, Augusta (i:». oiil give the above a place jn his paper, until t|»e 20th October next, and forward his account to the subscriber. fStank Branch Bank S%y>t 8 Jl* ritsrKSv ke n shk at nris office-

The Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1836 … · . rromcamden to Vina! Haven. OHIO. rrom Waupakonctta

Feb 23, 2018



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Page 1: The Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1836 … · . rromcamden to Vina! Haven. OHIO. rrom Waupakonctta

lo Payette. From St. Genevieve to Farmington.From the c«»uniy seat of Morganto the county scat of PuJaski. From

Springfield to the county seat of Barry.From Keytcsville to Comptons store, onGrand rivrr. From Fulton bv Jemes Harrison's,in the Grand prairie, Paris. FromJefferson city to Columbia. From Columbia,by Kock mills, to Nashville in Booncounty. From Jefferson city, by Portlandto Loutre island. From Iluutsvillc by thecounty seat of Shelby and cooper's settlementto sionlicHlo. rrorn Fulton, by Portland,lo Mount Sterling rrorn si Murtry'sin callstray county, by Thomas Harrison'sin the Grand prairie, to Huntsvillc. rrorn

Jo'.inson court-house, by Blackwater settlement,to Lexington. F/om Hannibal byTtorida, Paris, and Huntsvillc, to rayelle.t»FAm f Ira A ! lac TU;n»;0» I "Ml JUWUiCttl llft« IV (IMVIV* riUlil

Old Minos, in Washington county, by theRich woods ami Virginia to Union. FromBcntou to commerce, rrom BowlingGreen, by mlurant's and cove spring, toFlorida. From Bolivia, by the cross roadsto Fredeiickiovrn. From 3/onticrlIo, inLewis county, westward, to Saudv Hill.From Richmond to compton's store onGrand river. From Liberty to HallsburgFrom He cr.a to ocnton court house..From jcoiutnbus, Kentucky, by Benton,Jackson, FredcricLtown, Firminj;lon, caledonio,s> ats of justice of crawford, Pulaski.and Pettis counties to nlackwatcr,and th: nee, to Independence. From boovilleu,by seal of justice of Pettis county,to the seat of justice -in Johnson county.From Springfield to Pulaski court house,crawlora court uousc, J/assIe s iron works/o Union, From Jefferson city by .Vt.Sterling to Crawford court house. Fromcastor lo Greenville. -From castor, byGraad prairie in .Sioddart count v.

In UIsconsin.vrom Macomb. county of a'Donough,

Illinois, by Burlington, to Mount Pleasant,De*tnoinrs county. Fr«»m Racine, onRoot river by tJic » u:lct ol Lake Kotkenongand Mineral point, to Cassviilc..rrom Riclilaniotrn to Burlington, thencetp Monmouth, Illinois, rrom Milwaukeeto the outlet of Lake Knskenong. rromGalena, via Sinsinawa mound, Sinsiuawapost office, Gibraller, Van Buren, Cassvillc,and Prairie du Chicn, to Fort Snclling,rrom Bcilevuc to Galena. Illinois,rrom Mineral point, by way of T. J.Pariah's, to the English prairie, rrom

Gskoa, Illinois, by way of While Oakcoring, Gratiots (trove, and Wi«iia,m'NuUs, Biggins and Wisconsin city, to<interject the hoot river and CassriJIcroute. From Coldw&ier, in Branch conntvto xichigan rity in the Suae of Indians*vil Ccntrerilje, Con*umiQc, auttviile,Bristol, Elkhart, xithawouikic, MuuihBend anil Laportc. From Jacksonburg'lo White Pigeon, via-{Spring Arbor, Con-jcord. Homer, Tckonsha. Goodwin* illc, jDurham, Nottowa and CVntrrviHe. rrotn

Warsaw, Illinois, by Krokuck, Fort lie*-1moincs, *6rt Madison. Gibson's ferry,!fyirlinglon, Iowj, Clark's ferry, Davch-jfart, Farkhor^t, Bell* vac. i)u Bucjuc,eroe, Derange, Wevman's. Cxtrille and

Frairiedu Ciueu to Furt Snciht.. Promft* Deque bv Sinsin vt » and Diosi Fur*Itaee t» Eiigroie rram u.a r*i pointb/ Dodgriilo and Helena and BcIIcmotil*- 1 . \v*_. 1w »«u«a» jjuuti. i rum t un m runrviguby road du Lac, Calarach *iltage to Grand j

from Chicago by Pike river, ;Racine, jflwatky, chrbawgau, Pigeon.Sfetnlito ark to Green bay. man W»a«consio |o the city of the rour Lakes, byrood du Lac and the city of Winn»-bagoat the northeast end of Lako Winnebagoto a point of intersection with the routeIrani Prairie du chien to Green bay..rrom fund du Lac at the south end of


" .Winnebago to ssiltnakce. rrom atilirou-;kce-by the city of the rour Lukes, to theBhic mound, there to intersect the routefrom Green bay to Prairie du chicn.

Pat limits Discontinued.MAINE.

. rrom camden to Vina! Haven.OHIO.

rrom Waupakonctta to Sugar Grove,rrom Piqua Waupak«»netla.

SOUTH CAROLINA.rr<«m aoxua Hill to Varcnncs. rrom

SuuntontilJe, by Golden Grove, to Greenriilecourt hou-jc.JAMES K. POLK.

Speaker of ibe House of Representatives.W. R. KING,

President of tlsc Senate tiro tempore.

Approved,tid Julj, lt£W.ANORKW JACKSON.

Ttxan.from the New Orleans Bulletin.

A letter from a highly respectablesource. dated nt Matanorn* the Ulttli i*ltMeaya, ** It is an undoubted factihntIhigGovernment(the Mexican) have made, or

ere making a treaty to engage right thousandIndians to join them. The Cherokee*are already engaged. There arci* a. #il r + nr

lourwen or intern i.mcis oi umereni

tribes within a few utiles of here, whohare daily communications with the ofiieera.Tho commissioner* were this morningturned into tho common prison withcriminals. It is not-improbable wc shallbe inritcd to take French leave of tinscouutrv soon."

ihtract of ant(fur If iter dated,Matamoras, July 1.

Dear Sir.Through the medium ofyour paper I think it highly necr««.nrv thatthe Government of the United Stairs, as

well as the Texians, should be informedof what presents itself, so odious, in myopinion, in the chancier of («cr». Crrea,the ' Mexican Commander-in-Chief, too

unpardonable to be overlooked, andshould be immediately attended to bv thef'nited Slate.

IWc have at tliis moment here G or 7Indian chief* Cher»kecsand other tribes,with their interpreter, from Texas..These Indians are on a mission to theGenera), and hare had several private

t meetings with him. There exists no

doubt of the business they came on, andj have made propositions to the General to

join the Mexicans against the Tcxians,which appears now to be concluded. AsColonel WatcrchcA is to be despatchedto-morrow to their camp, some distanceup the river, where they have 30 or 40 innumber, to be used as spies or runners.1 had occasion to call on General Urrea

; at his quarters on business, when I inet' there three of the Indians, with their in*tcrpreter making enquires of the strength,of their tribe, the General being anxious!to ascertain what force they cqtfld musterwith the other tribes.The commissary of this place has orders

to purchase' 600 or 1000 horses for thecavalry, which he is now doing. Everymuremcnl appears to confirm the beliefthat the negocialion is concluded, with a

promise to the Indians of land and cattle,»hould they assist and succeed in cxlcr*initialing the population of Texas.

From the J»ew Orleans Bee.MEXICO.

The following letter was written to VinccnteFilisola, general in chief of th«Mexican armies, by Jose Maria Tornel,Secretary of the War Depirtment. Wc

uii-i. .1 _L .i. i:c i:._ *

|iuuitsn liiiuugii mi' iincramy oi a respectablefirm of this city, by whom itwas communicated.To His Excellency the Gorcrnor in Chid.

Eon Vincen'e Filisola.Dear Fritiul:.Through the criminal

apathy of Congress and the complete nuljlity of Government, ii becomes ncccssar)i to put in use s certain stratagem tosavr

jour country and ourselves. You willhare to lend a hand to its execution, u

| less you want to perish with your arms,after witnessing the utter destruction ofthe republic. Such is the boldness olJour revolutionary radicals, and the weaki ncss of gov. rnmcnt, thai from this liinrup to the moment when you adopt thisplan, you will neither receive money or

soldiers; you must, ere now, be convincedof the truth of the first point; as t«thesecond, a more positive proof cannotbe given than the sudden hah of the arm}of rc-i rve. Such then, is the propel methodof executing uiy plan: all.opinionmustbe generalized: above all, a lettermust be written to the government of ihi«capital, mentioning rery particularly lhaall the army tratil a Dictator to be appointed,who will remain in office until Tcxa*be restored to the republic. Who will bethe man? No mailer; porhaps Valencia,for he is at the same time the hope and Tea:of man)'.

This idea is not so much to put ihe plat[InlO execution, an to gcta puwprlckt c»«njgTCSSto invest tlnrgnTtrnmeni wiili ai:power to restrain ihe revolutionary spi- il«.and enlist new soldiers to carry on ih«|war and maintain good order, i hav<|®aid enough; reflect on my w«;rd«; y«»uwill follr appreciate how timely is this men are.fio time is to be lost; and mark no

keep carefully or tear this letter, writtctbv a friend on whom you can rclv.

JO.SE MARIA TollNEL.This plan is justified by a pamphlt

now circulating through Mexico ami ml:the large citira of the Mexican Republic.It is entitled General Santa's Trial. Thaidocument i« the exclusive protection ofthe Liberals* and la well calculated toraise fterr honest mind asainst thr ootprn.

menu They want federalism.TorncIdon not want it. and therefore he wouldlike to gel a Dictator appointed, whosepower would be sufficient to suppressthose hestjlc* revolutionary spirits.

lit'.rait of a litter, dated

"TAHftce, July 13.* 0

Mexican army, about 4000 strong yet,now under the eomman ' of General Jo*rUrrea, whom Gen. Andrade accompaniesat the second in command, it assembling at

Matamoras, but it is in such state ofwretchedness, that it will not he able to

i more beforo two or three months, to beIgin the new campaign against the Tcxians."

From lb* Charleston Conner.Mrziro and Texas..Late accounts ren.

dcr it probably that the Mexicans willnot attempt another campaign against the:Tcxians, until the fall. The U. 8. 8loop;

| of War If Turrit and Schr. Grampus had jarrived at Tainpico, and the Mexican'Government. throuch the new Command-

Ant, bed apologized fur the insult offered;ih° American flag ami tin* hIRccm of the!Jrifrryn. (ioMi.7, the Commandant who |gave the insult, hail been removed. Thetnon inrniK Mexico agninst Centralism.!and to rcvlote lhc Constitution of[arc increasing in importance, and then i*ja disposition to reaitT^f nil the high fnr.r-1tionorira triendly to ,s4STa Anna. Ajforc» d loan of two million.'* had Li. ti do-;dared in the rlly t.f Mexi'."0. against;which the 1'iigiisli and French .Ministers'had protested. railing on foreigners n«»i

] to contribute. Later accounts Irorn N i '3

j Cruz represent* Santa Anna's party a*'j out of power, the Federal pariv us sur-j| reeding every where, ^vitli little bloodtshod,and na indisposed to prosecute the'Tex'an war. Houston had not yet joinedthe Tcxinn army, and was not likelyto do *o. He was said to be at his resi-jdenco near Nacogdoches. I.amah, thenew Tcxinn Commander, poscsscd tlie#entire confidence of both (he Atmy and(be Cabinet. 1

THE UNITED STATES &. MEXICO.The tallowing arc the instructions ut the

Government, under which Gen. Games hasac.ed, iti crossing the limits of the UnitedSlates, and entering the icMlory ol Mexico.Eitruct of a letter Jrotn the Stirclary cJ

War to Mtg. Gen. Gaintf, elated.War Department, )

July II, lb&i. $" I hare received and submitted to the

rresideut your letter ol Juue 7th, togetherwith the report made to you by Capt Dean.

" I am apprehensive from the tenor ol thisreport, as w ell as horn your observations, hatthe frontier has much to fear from ibc host,linesof the ludiau tribes living in Texas.On this subject u is proper to call your attentionto the instructions previously issued toyou, and to say to jou that if the conduct ofthe Indian^ in Texas threatens the frontier,whose defence is entrusted to you, and youconsider it necessary, with a new to its pro-icciiuu, u> advance as tar as ^Nacogdoches,you will do so without hesitation. 11 the authorisesof that country cannot prevent bodiesot savages from approaching our frontierin arms, tl»c necessary precautionary measuresmust be taken by you. This is me viewof the President.*'

War Depart* ent, >Ma) 11, t»oO. (

Sir;.The President is very solicitousthat you should act cautiously in carryingtuto effect your lusiructious, and do can cotnproiiui the neu.rul relatuasot the Uuitrd States. Your great objects, as

i have be Iore stated, are, to delcud our Irontierand to fi'lul tuc neutral obligations o! theUotcruintnL li the ludt a»s are not employedilium Cutely upon the border, mere willbe no need ot your advancing be uad the territoryin the actual o cupaiiou of the UnitedState?, unless armed parties should approachour Irumicr so near as uuuih * ly to siiow thatthey mean to ttoiatcour territory. Such asiaie o! i* scarcely to bo auliciptlcd<ruui either ui the contending parties i. Texasiiui u uoibuuisc with tin lnifuu«.lu tin cxutcOK-iit ol war the) will not nc restrainedby ouudary hues, but wiii seekscaips wheretcr :hc) can hud li.cui. i hewiiuic ti Morjf oi the etnpio)incut ol Inuiaus,in the contests between cttilizcd coimiiuniwes,prutes this iac . It was principally witha ticw ihcreturc tu this state ol thing*, that)uu were authoriZc-a inert* the itue dittoinglie country actual) m the occupa ion oi lieUuiud States, Horn that hcrciolore to.he possessionoi Mexico, it such a measure be necessaryIce* tuc d lenc: oi the ironiier. i.uii mu-i uitprcs upon tuu he desire ui thei resident that you du uot adtuiice unless ir-vu«4i9iauw9 guiiuviij ciHjw tup a<iji p III VV*

sirj l«-r the prouctiou oi the uiMnu »i our

COUHtf) aiijwllllllg llK* SO'lie OI Opcf4tlOU9 IU

Iuxhs. A « »iiuUid )ou tino i. to

adtaucc, )uM na< no. t li to c<M>UiUUlC4tv toCouiiDUutCato lu any armed p-utlea to thecou >(r) your orut ra jiiu oi»j«ci9. Kai wu

ill, under t>o c.remits: .uc< co-operate m>nan) ol < iiem of I>ulicf -**> ol -** >***.y , not uiururc »ii *") 1,1 ";|CI witli «i >

iniliur} opera ti a iti i L'Xuf, except such 49

in .y e ucccaaaiy lor sell dc.cucc.bUt.ukJ you paa? btjoud the above mentionedOouiiJurv hue, \ ou will return as > on

as tlicaalcty ul the frontier udi per ant.Very rcrpcctlully, your uhm ob'i «r*'t,

LE»>.S CAS?.Maj. Gen E. P. Gaisc.',

For. Jc;up, Louisiana.

Tbc YofknlU* (3 C ) Times, of ibe 30thult. " The uplauu coiUrti crops ol o t

Dbtric . as lar * *e bate beam, ate km

promising . cotton is coming out of the kutks.The low gruuuda hate suffered .rum the wetseason "

Indian iUhiri.i HUM KtAJitiLM.

Extract of a letter to the Editor of tt.«

Augusta Sentinel, mailed at Tallahassic, and dated

" IlicsiTotrx, (Fla ) July IS."Dear #Ktr:.We hail a marauding part)

here two weeks ago who stole some horse*and robbed »umt houses, but shed no

blood, and got olT with impunity.and »o

1 suppose we shall hate it until wmirr

campaigning begins that is unless fitsi iirlmoscs to coine in larger force «tnd rut'Ur throats, lake off our negroes and I a >

waste our crops. On the lolli, o party ofIGO ludians were found 60 miles above us,in Lowndes county, on the Ahtp&ha, supposedto he l>cck», on their way theOrafinokce or to join the tSemiuoliv, 15of them wi re killed and 20raptured, 7 or

UI...I I..,.11Willie* TTOllillJ' <, low H MUV9 a ill III |Mir*

suit of them. The day before I** Indian*were fallen in with. 13 f ihrin nrrr

l-illed and 3 escaped by swimming therirer, 3 white* hil cd. So yuu see we

lure Indians all nrotiud u«." Your* respectfully.

II F \Vlll r.N' R "

"Col. Wliili er had iht* li tter writtenfor yuu, sir, and on the night of the llhlihi* family, forltmalr'y bring on » visit at

Mr. J. .M'liiiciwitii the exceptionof or-c sen, tin Indians assailed his houseand committed most nwlul depredation;).There were two white mm thrrc, theo»er*e-vr, who was dl in bed, a youngman by the name of JSutntncrale.Summoralewith Col. M's little son were nl

supper in the hack pnz,a when a negrohi the passage eXclaiinv , "the Indian*!"he sprang from the uhlc enught up a

double-barrel gun, nnd rus' cd in front ofthe house; he saw the Indians to the numberof thirty, ann disrhnrgeil hotli barrelsit them; the Indians retonied it withvolley.he wo* wounded in both thighs,but not dangerously; he then nude his « *coperound the house to the back of thegarden. His determination nnd braver*enn'ded Col. \W son. the overseer. a >

negroes a!) to make their escape. The*

lay all nigbl in the high glowing collon,with the exception of one negro man,the y shot him with five balls. They thenrifled the house of every article, ripping(open the beds, emptying out the feathers

/and making sacks of the ticks 10 carry offtheir plunder.all wearing apparel gone,even the clothes wet in the wash tub..They were trailed, but hare made theirescape, and it is supposed will come backin increased must cme

soon, or it will be too late for liickstuwn.The families are fleeing in every dirccti n,

leaving their husbands to defend theirplantations.The Indians came to Mr. -VrGhee's on

the night of the 1st, and stole a pair ot

carriage horses from his stable. We havebeen too long neglected.

A FEMALE.The Indians also stole nine mules and

a horse lrom t oJ. u hitner.


ALL persons indebted lo us by jBondNote or Cook acount, trill please

make satisfactory arrangements lor theirfctllcnicnt previous lo next return day, as

our business must be brought to a close.Byattending to this notice it will save youcosts. SHANNON & M'DOWAL.

July 30.27.dN. B. Those having accounts agains

us trill band them in for payment at once1

Important to Planters. jThe suhscrtcers arc nov/ engaged ic tbc

manufactory ofNEGRO SHOES. I

of a quality 'or upcrior to any that havebeen hitherto offered in this market, and as

i it U their delcrmination to turn oui none buthose ill <t will bear inspection, it will lie to theinterest o! planter* to examine the same.

They propose furt « r to make eny number t

of pairs less than .*©00, particularly to mea-1sure, and in accordance to the sample now

ready, if the same arc left previous to the lothOctober next.As finis ed the) mil be separately packedand marked deliverable on the Loth Oct.

In a ttcrd they shull be satisfactory.J. BlSIiOP & C O.

Jnnc 11-20N.B. A sample is left at the store of.Mr (*. Math* son, which will be foundutuch superior to the sample of WilliamsA. Mungcr, and le*s iu price; hence 'lis |hope that planters will encourage home;mantifielur^. i


THE Subscriber* « n. furnish to Pl-iaIcr*and others NL(iKO MlGESof a superiormake in any <p<aniii), if order*wilh tin mraMirr* tue Jrfl nl ihe aiurr oiuMr. <3.. nTail»f.f->n in O.midrn, between'»my am: the ,'irsl of September, or sooneri

«r<iuld be preferred. Specimens can beseen, and the }>. uo made kumvii, as above,

r bv addressing i!«c subscribers at S.icietvbv thai lime'

WILLIAMS & MlNliER.July 23-tiO-c

.jSCTT23 0-200?.IS3?.

|"T\S juti rcr-ivf«l a tush a genuine)llaMoriiurnl I (if!)IiCinen», Udir»and i hildrrnwMOOTS & SllORS,I the bc*t ami m«»8t fashi-niablramong which arc a lar^c am! beautiful assortmentof La<ii« * French, Ki«\ M ruccn

nn<! Prunella

SLIPPERS.I he abotr article* *h ill b»- m>hl as Inw

* they hare ever bi en »oM in thi* mat krt.W. H DAN.BL8

Ai:»us( *ubsrr:hrr nUo respectfully irform*

hi* customer* ami the public generally,that he i* now engaged in the manufactoryof



nregr© sno?s ;at 61 n jMir, aii.I .n lie li*s rai-»« »1 lit j»»-rcent above bi*» farmer price, lit* plcj^rajhiiimrlf thev »haM be intuit* of tin*. be*t;

j'iintcrtal* and in tin* l>c*t' wot kni.i'iahjjii, manner, ami n* t » 4trenyth am! iJur.ihilitv,tin \ nbail 2i. iihi. i sMj Vii 'f In iliiY

j lias ever been nil r*-«l in this market, ami' ii'il mirth-r !«» <i?»\ that i* engaged in the«an.r emit. Piatiicr* ore rcqurM* d to ham)in ilieir nir.iHiiri R u« early an o« il>' .

w U 0 inotice.

THE subrcriber h.«h ju^i received a sujiplyof choice Gr,»rcriiit, va.

sk;aii, .molassesCOITIvE, TEA,

lll>T ADA It k UIAE,roar <i«.

I Tt.M.un r,.to


' "

d,k1 111)1. Fine Salmon Fish,

n n & r ~ v a \ i & q s . <5 n i;, ,v cl.rfuti nil's bc>t chewing iOBUCO,

honey duo tin. J. Ij JThe abut c articles will bo sold low for

cash. J. I#. JONES. IMay ?1-1? t!" '

REGIMENTAL ORDER,Camden, August 2d, 1836 $AN election is hereby ordered to be held

at tlic respective muster grounds ofthe B^at companies in the upper Battalionon Friday the 30th September next, for.Majorto lill the vacancy occasioned by theresignation of Lt. Col. Quinlin.

Officers commanding companies wiltcause this order to be carried into exectftionand returns made to the Col. as soonthereafter as possible. By order of Col.John dies nut.J. D. MURRAY, Adj't 23d Reg 8 C Bl

Extra t of the law governing the electionfor MajorThat when the commission

shall become vacant, the Colonel, and ifthere be no Co! the officer next in- com*mand in tfcesaid regiment, shall order each^Captain or commands of a company, tocall to bis assistance two of his snb&lteraofficers, or other fit and proper persons toopen and hold a poll at their respecliremuster grounds, giving forty days notice,by advertising in three public places in thehounds of their command; the said mana-*gcrs shall hold the poll on one day at their *

muster ground, from eleven o'clock in themorning until thiee O'clock in the afternoon, and shall meet on the battalion musterground, or some public house near thesame, on the day following, and count overthe votes and declare the elclion.August 6.2?.if

Sadd.e and Harness Making.The subscriber tenders his thanks to the public

lor the ncourage.-nent heretofore extended to hi* pr<>ftr4iion, and gives notice that he hat removedto i'.roid Street, a few door* above Mrs.M'Ad*:uf Hotel, where he hopes by assiduity andatu otion. to meiit a continuance of the patronageherrlofo;e extended la him.

JAMES ROBERTS.Ao~ht 6.23-i

Cotton <Saw Gins.Those who caJcaUtc on having their Gins repairedby the subscriber, will confer a favor by sen

dine them in as early as practicable, and that affordan opportunity of serving each indue time..NewGins, with Steel or Iron plate, a)waysoq baa dand fo sale by JOHN WORKMAN.

Aue'J*' C.$<.-fsn

Z. CJCODl^D,(From London)

Tailor and MSabit .llflfter,RESPECTFtTLLY informs the citizensof Camden. and the public generally,that he has commenced the sb orebusiness, in the store opposite the-store ofShannon, ^PGce & Co. and hopes bystrict attention to the duties of his profes- .

sion to merit n share of public patronage.July

Tailoring EstablishmentTHE sub*rribrr grateful for the liberal

shore oi pitronagc received since hfcfcommencement in the (alt, hopes by cl Jsoapplication and a readiness to pfiasc all'who may call to ineril a continuance ofthe same. Ilis work Till be executediviih neatness and despatch, and in themost fashionable manner; his prices wilf * >*|be moderate for cash or pnnrtuat customer?.Wanted one or tyro boys from J-l t» 16

year* of age, as apprentices to the business.j. l. BRASLNGTON.

March 36-9?c T-ixiions.

Having bccnauthorised toaell and teachthe Tailors

MASTER PIECE,'being the complete guide for instructionin the wholcart of measuring and cuttingaccording to the variety of fashion and #

form with Phtes lllnsinlire of the same,b\ Scott dc Perkins, (successors to A. F..Sngurs*.) reporters i»f fashions and teachersof cutting garments at New YorkThe above system can hr had with all thenecessary articles belonging thereto ifimplication be mad* to the subscriber.

j. l. a

"BANK OF CAMDEN.THE Serum" 'n -Intent on the *i<>ck of

i'ii* Itank I" - ca t«»«* nr. th* loth Augostnrx .»il be r c« tvrc! in 1 cmden by W.J. it rant, i ovj. ('ashler, at hi* office. inColumbia. «t the "Commercial Rank," inChcrau* at the "Merchant* Rank,*' and inCharleston. b\ an agent who u ill be uatnedin «l:»* rii\ papers, next week.

>i«>rklio|tlers desiring receipts to be issued,arc required to pay the instalment tothe Cashier of the B«nk in Cnnulen.

J. m. nrswjssi rf:President pro fro.

'July 30-27-c

Spur liiiji Intelligence.A Suctpsiakc open for three years oldcolts and fillies, to be run for on the daypreceding the regular racrji over the 1 amdencmirsc, n.ilc hrats;entrance $100, forfoil$50, three or more to make a nee:

closes Will of Ort< brr next. Personswishing lo make entries can do so by forwardingtheir names, color, sex, sire anddam t»f the entry to the subscriber atCamden, at any time before the *0lh

JESSE 8. NETTLES,SecV.July I(;-25--tfCj^ Tin Editor of the Courier, Augusta

(i:». oiil give the above a place jn his paper,until t|»e 20th October next, and forwardhis account to the subscriber.

fStank Branch Bank S%y>t 8 Jl*ritsrKSv

ke n shk at nris office-