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The Buddha, his teachings and Buddhist Economics Relevance of Buddhism in modern-day life and business. ~ Suyog Prajapati, M.Sc., MA (TU) 23 Jan, 2017 (Monday)

the buddha, his teachings and buddhist economics

Apr 13, 2017



Suyog Prajapati
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Page 1: the buddha, his teachings and buddhist economics

The Buddha, his teachings and Buddhist


Relevance of Buddhism in modern-day life and business.

~ Suyog Prajapati, M.Sc., MA (TU)

23 Jan, 2017 (Monday)

Page 2: the buddha, his teachings and buddhist economics

ò  Who was the Buddha and what are his teachings (philosophy)?

ò  How do we know about Buddha’s teachings?

ò  Why is Buddhism such a major force in modern-day life?

ò  What is Buddhist Economics?

ò  How can Buddhist practices be related to economics and management?

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Who was the Buddha?

ò  The word “Buddha” is a title.

ò  Sanskrit/P�li root: budh (“to perceive”)

ò  Buddha = “the one who is awakened” or “one who can perceive and understand the four noble truths”

ò  Historically refers to Gautama Buddha

ò  Born 563 BCE at Lumbini into the Shakya clan

ò  Birth name Siddh�rtha

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Early life

ò  Tradition — his mother Mah�m�y� Dev� conceived him while dreaming of a white elephant — on the way to her maternal home Devdaha (the Koliya kingdom) gave birth to Siddhartha in the beautiful Lumbini garden (Vaiṣākha P�rṇim�)

ò  Father �uddhodana invited five renowned Brahmin scholars during his naming ceremony. Four prophesized the boy would either be a great king or a great sage.

ò  The youngest Brahmin, Koṇdaññya singly predicts that the boy would be a great sage (a Buddha).

ò  Fearing his son will leave the palace, shields him from all kinds of misery and indulges him in extreme luxury

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Marriage and the Four Great Sights

ò  At age 16, father �uddhodana arranges marriage of Siddh�rtha to his cousin, Ya�odhar� (also 16), a Koliya princess.

ò  All education and military training completed within the confines of the palace.

ò  At age 29, decides to venture outside to meet his subjects. Aghast seeing the sight of an old man, a diseased person and a funeral procession.

ò  Also sees a calm ascetic monk. Asks his charioteer, Channa about all this, who tells him that this is real world.

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Dissatisfaction and the Great Departure

ò  At around the same time Siddh�rtha is blessed with a son, named R�hula.

ò  Instead of happiness, feels even greater mortification. Vows to relinquish life as a prince.

ò  Convinced to look for the root cause and end of all bodily and mental anguish.

ò  In the dead of night with the help of Channa, riding the horse Kaṇṭhaka silently departs, leaving behind all material possessions. The event — Mah�bhiniṣkramaṇa

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Practices existing yoga techniques

ò  After departure goes to R�jagṛha

ò  First learns meditation techniques from �l�ra K�l�m, then from Uddaka R�maputta, both renowned vedic sages. Unsatisfied, departs to Uruvela.

ò  Practices very harsh meditation techniques for six arduous years.

ò  Extreme mortification almost leads to death.

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ò  On the full moon day of Vaiṣākha, a lady named Suj�ta offers rice-pudding to Siddh�rtha, meditating under a tree, thinking him to be a tree-spirit.

ò  At once Siddh�rtha realizes the uselessness of self-torture. Again begins deep meditation.

ò  In three stages of 4-hour each (praharas), achieves three stages of enlightenment—1st, the recollection of past memories (p�rvaniv�s�nusmṛti jñ�na); 2nd, the knowledge of arising and diminishing (cyutotpatti jñ�na); 3rd, the knowledge of interdependence (��ravakṣaya jñ�na)

ò  Upon realizing the third level of enlightenment (unique till that time), he achieved the Bodhijñ�na and became the Buddha

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What are the teachings of the Buddha?

ò  At age 36, made his first discourse in the Deer-park at S�rn�th to five ascetics. Event — dharmacakrapravartana

ò  The five ascetics became the first Saṃgha. The first teachings of the Buddha (Dharma) was about the four noble truths and eight-fold noble paths

ò  The Three Jewels of Buddhism (Tri-Ratna) — Buddha (the teacher), Dharma (the teachings) and Saṃgha (the disciples)

ò  A Buddhist — someone who has taken refuge upon the Tri-Ratna (Tri-�araṇa)

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The Four Noble Truths

ò  Sufferings (dissatisfaction, unease etc.) prevail in life (PROBLEM)

ò  These sufferings are caused by desires (CAUSE)

ò  Sufferings are ended when nirvāṇa is attained (SOLUTION)

ò  Nirvāṇā is achieved through the eight-fold noble paths (METHOD/PATH)

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The Eight-fold Noble Paths

ò  Right Understanding

ò  Right Thinking

ò  Right Speech

ò  Right Action

ò  Right Livelihood

ò  Right Effort

ò  Right Attention

ò  Right Meditation

Prajñ� (insight/wisdom)

��la (morality)

Sam�dhi (concentration)

u K�ya (body)

u V�ka (speech)

u Citta (mind)

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The Three Universal Characteristics, the Three Root Causes of Sufferings and

the Five Aggregates

ò  Tri-lakṣaṇa— Anitya (change) — Dukkha (unease/suffering) — An�tma (no-self)

ò  Dukkha caused by — R�ga (attachment), Dwe�a (hatred) and Moha (ignorace)

ò  World is made up of Pañca-Skandha (Five Aggregates) — Form (R�pa), Feeling (Vedan�), Congition (Sajñ�), Volition (Saṃsk�ra) and Consciousness (Vijñ�na)

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How do we know about the Buddha and about his


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Why is Buddhism such a major force in modern-day

life? ò  Until the late 1700s, Buddhism was limited only to Asia

ò  During the 19th century many original Buddhist texts arrived to Europe. Meanwhile Buddhist archaeological sites were being discovered in South and Southeast Asia

ò  Western scholars became interested in this hitherto unknown form of belief and began translating the texts.

ò  Towards the end of the 1800s and beginning of the 20th century, organizations like the Pali Text Society and the Buddhist Society of London were formed in the West

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The “experience yourself ” philosophy

ò  The European enlightenment, industrial revolution and dramatic economic changes lead to great social upheaval.

ò  Scholars, philosophers, artists and writers were on the look out for radical view points.

ò  Buddhism attracted the rational scientific minded Europeans because of it’s strict emphasis on first-hand evidence (eg. K�l�ma Sutta of Aṅguttara Nik�ya)

ò  Buddha himself instructed not to take his words at face value — “Don’t believe just because it’s written in the scriptures, just because your teacher told you, or because of tradition� always see, feel and experience what has been said first-hand in order to believe it”

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The “middle-way”

ò  Siddh�rtha Gautama before leaving palace was in extreme luxury. Then in the forest practiced extreme mortification. Both did not favor him. So he sought a “middle-way” (madhyama-m�rga)

ò  Neither eternalistic (leading to fatalistic thinking) nor nihilistic (leading to hedonistic thinking)

ò  Like tuning a stringed intrument

ò  Applicable in all situations in day-to-day life

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Spread of mindfulness meditation

ò  Since the last half-century many Buddhists from Asia travelling to Western countries. Americans, Europeans and Australians are also coming for meditation practice

ò  Tibetan-diaspora attracted attention of powerful countries like the US. Also increased interest in their culture which is in large part Buddhistic

ò  Integration of mindfulness techniques with modern Psychology helping countless people live stress-free lives

ò  Study of Buddhism not limited to only scholars

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What is Buddhist Economics?

ò  Right Livelihood — one of the Eight-fold Noble Paths. It means Buddhism is directly related to daily transactions.

ò  E.F. Schumacher used the term “Buddhist Economics” in his seminal work ‘Small is Beautiful’

ò  Modern liberal economics — solely profit oriented, consumer-market based, reduces the function of work to merely the production of goods

ò  Buddhist Economics takes the function of work as to — help enable and develop ones faculties, let go of ego and cooperate and create goods and services for better (happier) existence

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Materalist goods versus Buddhist liberation

ò  Materialist interested mainly in goods. Buddhists aim at liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering.

ò  But Buddhism being “The Middle Way” does allow materialistic fulfillments as well.

ò  Wealth does not hinder liberation. Rather attachment to wealth does.

ò  Craving for pleasure and not the enjoyment of pleasurable things are the source for entanglement

ò  Buddhist Economics focus simplicity (lessening desire and cravings) and non-violence

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Maximum well-being with minimum consumption

ò  Buddhism does not oppose the accumulation of wealth or the use of material goods.

ò  But both should be optimum and not excessive

ò  Buddhist Economics measures high standard of living not by more consumption but by optimal consumption through least effort, thus allowing our efforts to be directed towards other creative endeavors

ò  Modern economics — maximize consumption by optimal pattern of productive effort

ò  Buddhist Economics — maximize human satisfaction by optimal pattern of consumption (“the middle way”)

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Buddhist practices, economics and management

ò  Main aim of Buddhists — Happiness in this world (Lokiya Sukha) and Happiness in the world hereafter (Lokottara Sukha)

ò  Driving force for both economics and management —��la (Morality). Pañca ��la (Five precepts) — not to kill, not to steal, refrain from sexual misconducts, not to lie and refrain from intoxication

ò  E.g. Sig�lov�da Sutta of D�gha Nik�ya — Guidelines for Householders (gṛha vinaya) based on above — covers the whole spectrum of economics and management.

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Fulfillment of reciprocal duties ò  Six directions of veneration — East (Mother and Father),

South (Teachers), West (Wife/Husband and Children), North (Friends and Relatives), Zenith (Holy People, Seers, Buddha) and Nadir (Workers, Employees)

ò  Parents — support and nurture them in their old age

ò  Teachers — greet with respect and master their teachings

ò  Spouse & Children — provide respect, security and skills

ò  Friends/Relatives — be generous, use kind words

ò  Ascetics — proper acts of mind-body-speech and hospitality

ò  Workers — be just, allow appropriate work

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Economic and Social aspects in Sig�lov�da Sutta

ò  6 ways wealth is lost — intoxicants — wandering streets at unseemly hours — frequenting theatrical shows — gambling — being with evil companions — habitual idleness

ò  Optimum use of earning — one-fourth for daily use, donation etc., on-fourth for security (contingency) and half as capital for business

ò  Treatment of employees — give work as per capacity, sufficient wages, medical facilities, do not discriminate, give holidays, incentives for working overtime

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Final Remarks

Modern Western Economics Buddhist Economics

Maximize Profit Minimize Sufferings

Maximize Desires Minimize Desires

Maximize Market Minimize Violence

Maximize Instrumental Use Minimize Instrumental Use

Maximize Self-interest Minimize Self-interest

“Bigger is Better” “Small is Beautiful”

“More is More” “Less is More”

v Use available facilities and develop new ones — Simplify Desires — Do not cling to any objects (mental or physical) — Always follow ��la, practice Sam�dh� and have Prajñ�

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Ye dharm� hetu prabhav� hetun, teṣāṃ tath�gato hyavadat, teṣāṃ ca yo nirodha, evaṃ v�d� mah��ramaṇa!!

(Hetu Dh�raṇī)

Manopubbaṅgam� dhamm� manoseṭṭh� manomay�

manas� ce paduṭṭhena bh�sat� v� karoti v�

tato naṃ dukkham anveti cakkaṃ va vahato padaṃ.

Manopubbaṅgam� dhamm� manoseṭṭh� manomay�

manas� ce pasannena bh�sat� v� karoti v�

tato naṃ sukkham anveti ch�y� va anap�yin�.


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