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The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

May 31, 2018



Dan Ward
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  • 8/15/2019 The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy


    Mom! Dad! Mimi! Pop Pop! I saw Jekka

    shouted as she ran inside.

    Whoa, slow down, honey your sisters sleeping,

    her mom said.

    Sorry, its just that

    Wait a minute, said her dad, Youre dripping all

    over the place. Hold on while I get a towel.

    But Im trying to tell you

    And didnt I say not to go in the water? her mom

    added, with a skeptical look.

    Yes. Sorry. It was an accident. My binoculars got

    tangled and I fell in.

    Maybe you shouldnt have been so close to the

    lake, peanut, her dad chimed in, handing her a towel.

    Jekka felt like she was going to explode.

    It was Champy! she finally shouted. The room

    got suddenly silent, and Jekka repeated herself, this time

    quietly. I saw Champy, and I think I took his picture.

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    Other Books By Dan Ward

    Meet The Boomer Sisters

  • 8/15/2019 The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy


    The Boomer

    Sisters MeetChampy!

    By Dan Ward

  • 8/15/2019 The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy



    New York


    Visit us at

    Copyright 2006 by Dan Ward

    Cover design by Mandy Hoelmer

  • 8/15/2019 The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy


    For My Parents,

    who taught me to aim high.

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    Faith means believing the unbelievable.

    Hope means hoping when everything is hopeless.

    - G.K. Chesterton

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  • 8/15/2019 The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy



    1. Vacation Begins 1

    2. First Encounter 7

    3. A Garden Tour 14

    4. Letters In The Attic 24

    5. Cornerstone Bookstore 32

    6. Beach Day 41

    7. Visiting ECHO 50

    8. Loon Rescue 60

    9. Pieces Coming Together 69

    10. Flying The Lucky Duck 77

    11. ECHOs ECHO 87

    12. Pistachio Launch 98

    13. In The Lake 110

    14. The Deep Water Program 119

    15. Close Encounter 127

    16. Back To The Garden 133

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    Chapter 1: The Vacation Begins

    5 6 7 BJ Boomer carefully set her socks

    into the suitcase, counting each pair out loud. 8 ooof

    JB! BJ glared at her little sister, who had come into the

    room unannounced and bumped her arm, scattering socksall over the bed. Look what you did! What are you doing

    in my room?

    7, 8, JB? JB isnt a number, silly, replied the

    youngest Boomer girl with a grin. And besides, thats not

    even my name anymore. From now on, I want to be called


    Mom! BJ yelled. JB is bothering me and she

    messed up my socks and she probably didnt even pack



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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    I said I want to be called Jekka now, she replied,

    then ran towards BJs door and collided with her mom, who

    had just arrived.

    Girls, please dont harass each other, Mrs.

    Boomer said with a sigh. Weve got a long drive ahead of

    us and it would be nice if everyone would get along.

    Turning to her youngest daughter, she said, JB, are you

    packed already?

    Yes, and I want to be called Jekka now, she

    answered in her most regal, princessy voice.

    OK, Jekka, lets check out your suitcase.

    Together, the two went into Jekkas room, and BJ heard her

    mom give a small gasp. Um, sweetie, nice try, but you

    cant just throw a wad of clothes into a bag and call it

    packing. Look, its all shirts and no pants. Here, let me help


    BJ sighed and silently started counting out her socks

    again, then began picking out some shirts to bring.

    The Camp Mimi Express leaves in thirty minutes,

    BJ heard her dad say from the hallway. BJ started to pack


    For as long as she could remember, BJ and her

    sister had gone to Plattsburgh, New York, to visit their


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    grandparents for a week each summer. The girls called

    them Mimi and Pop Pop, and everyone called the trip

    Camp Mimi. This year, instead of just one week, they

    would stay for two, while their mom and dad took a hot air

    balloon trip across the country.

    BJ loved visiting her grandparents any time of year,

    and loved going to Camp Mimi most of all. Mimi and Pop

    Pop lived in a part of Plattsburgh called Cliff Haven, on the

    shores of Lake Champlain. Summers there were filled with

    canoeing, picnics on the beach, snorkeling, and trips on her

    grandparents boat, Air Force Blue.

    Mimi had a garden which wrapped around the entire

    house, and even though BJ didnt like dirt, worms or bugs,

    she loved helping Mimi take care of all the beautiful

    flowers. Plus, with her parents gone, she and JB I mean

    Jekka got to stay up late, eat candy, and do all the things

    kids cant do when their parents are around.

    Um, hello? BJs dad poked his head into the

    room, startling her. Are you packing or did you go to Cliff

    Haven in your mind already? he asked with a chuckle.

    BJ realized she had spaced out, thinking about the

    trip, and was standing motionless in her room, one hand ona half-folded shirt.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Oops, sorry Daddy, she said sheepishly. I guess I

    got distracted by my own brain. Im almost done packing,

    dont worry.

    Sounds good, kiddo, he answered. Let me know

    when your bag is ready and Ill put it in the van. Youll

    have plenty of time to daydream while were driving.

    Im going to find Champy this year, Jekkaannounced from the doorway as their dad moved into the

    kitchen. She had a pair of binoculars around her neck and a

    camera in her hand.

    I dont think hes real, answered BJ, surprising

    herself a little with her response. She used to believe in the

    monster that supposedly lives in Lake Champlain, and

    spent hours looking for him every summer. Lately, though,

    she was beginning to doubt whether such a huge creature

    could live in the lake without being noticed. Part of her still

    believed, and most of herwantedto believe, but she wasntentirely sure what she should think.

    He is real, shot back Jekka, stomping one foot

    defiantly. And Im going to take his picture. She spun on

    her heel and disappeared down the hallway at her usual

    high rate of speed. BJ heard her dad say oof, as Jekkacrashed into him.


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    BJ zipped her suitcase, then picked up her book bag

    with a grunt. She had packed close to twenty books the

    night before, and they were heavy.

    Whoa, thats a lot of books youve got there,

    kiddo. Her dad was back. You know youre only going to

    be there for two weeks, right?

    Oh Daddy, these books are for the car ride, notCamp Mimi. Pop Pop said he would take us to that cool

    bookstore while were up there, and get even more books.

    BJs neck tingled at the thought.

    Oh, he answered, as he picked her full suitcase

    up. Well, if anyone can read all these books in four hours,

    I imagine you can. Lets get it started, shall we?

    Can we bring our flying bikes, Daddy? Jekka


    Sorry kiddo, theres not enough room in the van.

    Besides, Im sure youll have plenty of adventures and fun

    in Cliff Haven, even without winged bicycles.

    Ok. Then can I bring my little flashlight?

    Sure, Mr. Boomer answered with a chuckle. By

    all means, bring a flashlight.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    The drive to Cliff Haven took forever, as usual. BJ

    spent most of the time reading, while Jekka hummed and

    sang along with the music on her headphones. The last

    half-hour, however, everyone spent staring out the window,

    in a contest to see who would be the first to glimpse the


    There it is! Jekka shouted, a second before BJ

    joined in. We see it! We see it!

    At first, all they could make out was occasional

    glimpses of brilliant blue water, occasionally broken by

    white capped waves. Then the glimpses turned into larger

    patches, and before long they were driving along the shore.

    Ten minutes later, they were pulling up to Mimi and

    Pop Pops house, spilling out of the car into the bright

    sunshiny day, hugging their grandparents hello while Joey

    the cocker spaniel barked and barked.

    Camp Mimi had begun.


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    Chapter 2: First Encounter

    Dinner was a noisy, active event. Pop Pop grilled

    his special burgers and hotdogs in the backyard, and Mimi

    laid out a huge platter of strawberries and fruit. Jekka ate a

    ton of berries, as usual, but BJ didnt have much of anappetite. She felt funny all over, and alternated between

    being too hot and freezing. She slumped down in her chair,

    and didnt even perk up when Mimi brought out her

    favorite dessert apple pie from Rolfs orchard.

    Are you alright, honey? asked her mom.

    I dont feel good, BJ answered, in a whisper.

    Can I have your strawberries, then? Jekka asked.

    Sure, muttered BJ as her mom felt her forehead.

    I didnt touch them.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Oh dear, youve got a fever for sure. How does

    your head feel?

    It hurts. So does my belly.

    OK, lets get you to bed, peanut. Im sorry youre


    Mimi bustled around, bringing BJ some medicine

    and setting her up in the bedroom at the end of the hallway.

    I dont want to be sick, Mimi, BJ protested. I

    want to go work in the garden.

    Dont worry, sweetheart. The garden isnt going

    anywhere. Itll wait for you, and theres always something

    to do out there. Just rest now, so you can get better. She

    kissed BJs forehead.

    Jekka came in, clutching an old stuffed duck that

    used to be yellow. She set it on the bed next to her sister.

    You can sleep with Du-yaya if you want to, she

    said in a gentle voice, Cause youre sick.

    Thanks, Jekka. BJ smiled, then closed her eyes.

    Two minutes later, she was asleep.

    Back in the kitchen, it was clean up time.

    Pop Pop, do you believe Champy is real? Jekka

    asked as she put the empty berry dish into the sink.


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    I sure do, he answered.

    Have you ever seen him?

    Well, Im not sure. Ive seen things on the lake that

    I cant explain, which may or may not have been Champy.

    But, believing and seeing are two different things, and even

    though I cant say Ive definitely seen him, I definitely

    believe hes real.

    Oh. Jekka thought about that for a minute. Well,

    I hope I see him this summer.

    That would be great, Pop Pop answered. I hope

    you see him too.

    BJ said Champy isnt real, Jekka added,


    She did, did she? How does she know, I wonder?

    Its a pretty big lake, and youd have to search the whole

    thing from one end to the other to know for sure, and its

    over a hundred miles long. He bent down to look Jekka in

    the eyes. Do you think BJ has been surveying the entire

    lake without telling us? His eyes twinkled, and there was

    laughter in his voice.

    Oh Pop Pop, youre so funny.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    When the table was cleared and the dishes put away,

    the grownups laid out a map on the table and began talking

    about Mr. and Mrs. Boomers hot air balloon trip. Jekka

    had other things in mind.

    Mom, can I go look at the lake? she asked.

    Sure, honey, but stay on the shore, OK?

    OK, I just want to look for Champy. I think he

    likes to come out at dusk. I wont go in the water.

    OK. Good luck, honey!

    Jekka hung the binoculars around her neck, grabbed

    her camera, and ran across the street, through a grassy field

    and towards the water. Her parents said there used to be a

    rocky beach there a long time ago, but now there was a

    cement wall, to prevent erosion, and a set of stairs leading

    down to the water.

    The lake was perfectly still. The evening air felt

    cooler as Jekka got closer to the water. With the sun setting

    behind her, Jekka shivered a little bit and breathed in the

    gentle scent of the lake. She walked down the steps and sat

    on the last one, drawing her knees to her chest to stay



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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    a better look. She had forgotten all about the camera, which

    was still in her hand.

    At this point, several things happened at once. A

    long, skinny, shiny, neck-like object broke the surface of

    the water. It had a head that looked like a cross between a

    horse and a snake with horns, and it moved from side to

    side, as if looking around. Jekka screamed in excitement

    and fear and tried to stand up, but the strap from her

    binoculars (which was still around her neck) was somehow

    looped around her toe. Instead of standing, she fell head-

    first into the lake.

    She was still holding the camera in her left hand,

    and as she fell, she pressed the shutter button. The flash

    went off right before the splash. By the time Jekka got

    untangled from the strap and was standing up again, there

    was no sign of the neck, the head or the v-shaped wave.

    The lake was perfectly still again, and she was alone.

    She stood there, in water up to her knees, breathing

    hard, dripping wet, laughing and crying all at the same

    time. She had seen Champy, there was no doubt in her

    mind. She just knew that was him, and he was magnificent.

    She looked down at the camera in her hand, the camera

    which just might contain proof of Champys existence. Still


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    laughing and crying and dripping, she sprinted up the stairs

    and shot back across the street to her grandparents house.

    Mom! Dad! Mimi! Pop Pop! I saw Jekka

    shouted as she ran inside.

    Whoa, slow down, honey your sisters sleeping,

    her mom said.

    Sorry, its just that

    Wait a minute, said her dad, Youre dripping all

    over the place. Hold on while I get a towel.

    But Im trying to tell you

    And didnt I say not to go in the water? her mom

    added, with a skeptical look.

    Yes. Sorry. It was an accident. My binoculars got

    tangled and I fell in.

    Maybe you shouldnt have been so close to the

    lake, peanut, her dad chimed in, handing her a towel.

    Jekka felt like she was going to explode.

    It was Champy! she finally shouted. The room

    got suddenly silent, and Jekka repeated herself, this time

    quietly. I saw Champy, and I think I took his picture.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Chapter 3: In The Garden

    It took hours for Jekka to fall asleep that night, but

    she finally did. She was just so excited about what shed

    seen, and could scarcely wait for the morning to come so

    they could take her film to get developed. She also couldntwait to tell BJ. Even though shed told the whole story to

    the grownups three or four times that night, Jekka was sure

    shed never get tired of talking about it.

    She woke up early, as usual. Mimi and her dad were

    already awake and drinking coffee, but everyone else was

    still in bed.

    Can we walk over to the lake again? Jekka asked.

    Sure, her dad answered. Are you looking to get

    another peek at Champy? he asked with a gentle smile.

    Kinda, she replied, taking Mimis hand. Together,

    the three of them walked across the street. Jekka went


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Good, answered Jekka and Mimi together. Jekka

    added, But no Champy this morning just a stick.

    Well, Pop Pop got up and hes making pancakes.

    He sent me over to let you know theyre almost ready.

    Jekka grabbed her driftwood and raced for the


    Back in the house, BJ was still sleeping. She slept

    through breakfast, so Jekka ate enough pancakes for both of

    them. BJ only opened her eyes a little when her parents

    came in to say goodbye and confirm that her fever was

    gone. They were leaving for their hot air balloon trip and

    had to get on the road to meet up with their crew.

    Give us a call on our cell phone when you get the

    photo developed, ok? Jekkas mom said to her. I want to

    hear all about it! And keep us posted on how your sister is

    doing, of course. Love you, kiddo! Bye!

    After breakfast, Pop Pop took Jekka to the drugstore

    to drop off the film. When they got back, BJ was finally

    awake, curled up on the couch with Mimi, a cup of juice,

    and a book. The radio was tuned to WIRY, and the DJ was

    reading a list of peoples birthdays.


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    What?!? Mimi look! Jekka exclaimed, pointing.

    Then she breathed a big sigh of relief. Oh, never mind. Its

    just the driftwood.

    In her race to get some pancakes, Jekka had left the

    stick lying in the driveway. Pop Pop must have moved it,

    propping it up against the side of the house. Jekka took a

    closer look at the twisted ball of roots and laughed at


    I thought the stick was Champy just now. Its sort

    of the same shape I saw last night

    Then a terrible thought hit her. What if this is what

    she saw in the water last night? If the stick could fool her

    for a second in broad daylight, in a garden, couldnt it fool

    her at dusk, in the water?

    Yeah, Mimi was saying, It does look a little like

    a Champy head, doesnt it?

    Mimi, what if it wasnt him? I mean, what if it was

    him I mean, what if it wasnt really, I mean, if the

    stick Jekka stammered.

    Slow down, honey, Mimi said, putting her hand

    on Jekkas shoulder to comfort her. I dont understand.

    What if what was who?


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    What if this stick is what I saw last night, instead

    of Champy? Jekka finally blurted out. What if Champys

    not real?

    Oh my, Mimi said. Lets have a seat and talk

    about this. She took Jekkas hand and led her to a huge

    Maple tree in the backyard. There were four large rocks

    under the tree, where the girls often had picnics.

    Now, I dont know what you saw last night, but

    you did say it was moving pretty fast, right? Even though

    the lake was perfectly calm?


    OK. How fast do you think a stick like this can


    Jekka laughed in relief.

    And, Mimi continued, You said it was poking up

    out of the water, right? Have you ever seen a stick floating

    in the water? Arent they usually laying down flat?

    Yes! Jekka jumped off her rock and gave Mimi a

    big hug.

    Thanks, Meems.

    Theres one more thing you need to understand,

    Jekka. Mimi looked pretty serious now. Just because


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    theres a fake of something doesnt mean the real version

    doesnt exist. Even if what you saw last night was the stick,

    that wouldnt prove anything about Champy.

    Pop Pop came around the corner, followed by Joey.

    Oh, there you two are! Does anyone want to come

    with me to get that film?

    Jekka spun around three times, bounced into Mimi

    and gave her a big hug, then dashed off towards Pop Pop.

    She grabbed his hand and didnt slow down, so together

    they ran towards his car.

    The trip to the drugstore only took five minutes, but

    to Jekka it felt twice as long as the drive from her house to

    Cliff Haven.

    When they finally arrived, Jekka ran to the photo

    desk, waving her arms wildly to get the clerks attention.

    Are they ready? Are they? Are they?

    The girl behind the counter smiled.

    Yep. Here they are. Thatll be $9.46.

    Pop Pop paid while Jekka ripped open the envelope

    and flipped through the photos. There was one of her own

    backyard, taken the week before. There was one or two

    from school and then the photo she took the night before.


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    Toads are sort of like caretakers for the garden,

    you know, Mimi said from beside Jekka. They eat the

    slugs, so the slugs dont eat my hostas.

    Your toad is missing, Jekka replied, pointing at

    the empty hut.

    Oh, hes not really missing. I just dont know

    where he is at the moment. Hes around somewhere, doinghis thing, looking for slugs. Its a pretty big garden,

    sweetie, and the toads could be anywhere.

    For some reason, this made Jekka feel a little bit

    better. Then again, being in the garden with Mimi always

    made things better.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Chapter 4: Letters In The Attic

    The next morning dawned gray, cold and rainy. A

    steady drizzle was falling, the kind of rain that can last all

    day and seems like it will last all week. The lake was a

    steely gray color, matching the sky, and had hundreds oftiny waves on it, flowing in all different directions, as if the

    lake couldnt decide which way the wind was blowing.

    Great! BJ said. Im feeling better, and now its

    raining! Im never going to get to go to the beach!

    Oh, I think youll enjoy what Ive got planned for

    today, sweetie, Mimi said with a hug. And Im so happy

    to see youre feeling better!

    What is it? What do you have planned? asked

    Jekka as she bounced into the room.


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    Well, I thought wed eat some breakfast, then have

    a treasure hunt in the attic. Then, after lunch, we can visit

    the used bookstore downtown.

    Yay! Both girls jumped up and down.

    What kind of treasures are in the attic, Meems?

    asked BJ.

    If I told you, it wouldnt be much of a hunt, would

    it? she replied. And besides, how would I know what

    your treasures are? Only you can decide that. But first,


    The girls tore through breakfast in record time, and

    cleaned up even faster.

    Lets go! laughed Jekka, tugging on Mimis arm.

    OK, follow me! Mimi answered.

    She led the girls to the hallway, and pulled on a cord

    that dangled from the ceiling, unfolding a wooden staircase.

    Now, be careful up there, girls. We had a momma

    raccoon and her babies up there last spring, and Pop Pop

    put his foot through the ceiling when he went up there to

    trap them.

    The girls laughed at the thought of Pop Pops legs

    dangling through the ceiling.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Well be careful, they promised.

    The attic was lit by a single bare bulb, and thewhole place smelled like dust. There were mysterious

    looking piles of boxes, objects covered with sheets, and

    everything else you would expect to find in a grandparents

    attic. The girls could hear the rain pattering on the roof,

    which made the whole place feel even more magical.

    Jekka found a cardboard box full of stuffed animals

    and pawed through it. She picked out a stuffed manatee,

    and Mimi said she could keep it. Then she found a trunk

    full of old costumes.

    Thats our Halloween trunk, Mimi said. Your

    dad and Uncle Q used to love to play with that stuff when

    they were your ages.

    Jekka put on a wig of wild red hair, a black eye

    mask and a cape, then looked around for a mirror.

    BJ, meanwhile, had opened a trunk labeled Zeke,

    which is her dads name. It was full of old comic books,

    and she saw a stack of letters with unusual looking stamps

    on them. BJ took a closer look. The return address said


    Mimi, who does Dad know in Scotland?


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    I dont know. Let me see. Mimi came over for a

    closer look.

    Oh, these are from your dads cousin-twin, Debbie.

    Her family lived in Scotland for a few years, a long time


    A cousin-twin? asked Jekka, who was now

    wearing a princess gown and a horse head mask. Whats acousin-twin?

    Well, theyre not really twins they were just born

    in the same year, so thats what they called each other.

    Ok, said Jekka, returning to the costume trunk.

    Can I read some of them? BJ asked.

    Im sure that would be fine, Mimi answered.

    BJ carefully opened the top one.

    Dear Zeke,

    Hiya cuz! How is my favorite cousin twin? I

    am well. Scotland is beautiful, but I miss Virginia.

    Yall think I talk funny, you should hear the people

    around here. I cant even understand them

    sometimes. I try to explain that I aint got no accent,

    but Im not sure they can understand me either.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    We are on vacation they say on holiday

    around here and are visiting Loch Ness for a

    whole week!!! I havent seen the Loch Ness Monster

    yet, but shes named Nessie and they say Nessie is

    like Champy. I go out to the shore with binoculars

    every day.

    Thanks for your letter. I am sorry you

    havent seen Champy yet, but I bet you will

    someday. I have to go now. My mom says its


    Love, Debbie

    BJ carefully folded the letter and put it back in the

    envelope. Her brain was full of thoughts of Scotland. She

    pictured her Dads cousin as a girl about her age, standing

    on the misty shore of a deep, cold Scottish lake.

    Mimi, did Cousin Debbie ever see Nessie?

    Youll just have to read some more letters, Mimi

    replied with a wink. Maybe the treasure youre looking for

    is in there.

    BJ opened letter after letter, looking for more clues

    about Nessie or Champy. She read about the skirts Scottish

    men wear, called kilts. She read about the weather (rainy),

    the schools (different), the other kids (nice) and the food


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    (weird). She folded the last letter with a sigh, disappointed

    that Debbie hadnt seen the Loch Ness Monster after all. As

    she replaced the stack of letters in the trunk, she noticed

    another letter, which had slipped down among the stack of


    Dear Zeke, it began

    You wont believe it, but I think I saw Nessie

    this morning! I was up real early, cause this is the

    last day of our vacation, and I walked down to the

    shore. There was some steam coming off the Loch

    and everything was perfectly still and quiet. Then I

    heard some splashes out towards the middle of the

    Loch, but I couldnt see nothing. I tried to use my

    binoculars, but all I could see was white.

    The splashes sounded like a hand slapping

    the water, or maybe a flipper or something. They

    got louder and moved closer, first over to my left,then towards the right. I think I saw a dark shape

    moving around through the mist, sort of like a

    shadow, but it was dark and misty and I couldnt see

    it good. Then there was one big splash, and

    everything got real quiet.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Maybe it was a fish or duck or something,

    but I bet it wasnt. I bet it was Nessie.

    We are going home today, and well be back

    in Virginia in a few months.

    Now weve both seen lake monsters.

    Love, Debbie

    BJ could scarcely contain herself. She read the last

    line over and over again, half expecting it to disappear. It


    Mimi! This letter says she saw Nessie, and Dad

    saw Champy!

    Jekka popped her head out of the Halloween trunk.

    She had apparently found some clown makeup and was in

    the process of applying it all over her face. Judging by how

    it looked, however, she hadnt found a mirror yet.

    Read it to me! Read it to me! she asked, waving a

    fistful of makeup sticks.

    BJ read the letter out loud, while Jekka smeared

    more colors on her face. She squealed when BJ got to the

    part about the shadow, and yelled No! when she read

    maybe it was a fish or a duck.


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    What did she mean now weve both seen lake

    monsters? asked Jekka. What did Daddy see?

    I dont remember exactly, answered Mimi.

    Probably a duck.

    Mimi! Youre teasing me! Jekka protested.

    Yes, I am. Of course I remember. When your dad

    was about your age, he saw a v-shaped wave moving alongthe lake, sort of like what you saw, Jekka. It didnt last

    long, and there wasnt anything dramatic like a head or

    humps, but he was always convinced that it was caused by



    Well, added Mimi, Lets go have some lunch. All

    this treasure hunting is making me hungry. She turned to

    Jekka and had to laugh. And Ive got some cold cream for

    you, sweetie, unless you want to wear that clown makeup

    all day.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Chapter 5: Cornerstone Bookstore

    The Cornerstone Bookstore was one of BJ and

    Jekkas favorite spots in Plattsburgh aside from Mimis

    garden, the Cliff Haven beach, Rolfs orchard well, it

    was a place they really, really liked. It was particularly niceon a cozy, rainy day like this one, and after lunch, thats

    where they went.

    The bookstore was absolutely stuffed with books.

    Jekka imagined that if someone brought even one more

    book in, the whole place would explode, scattering pages

    everywhere and covering downtown Plattsburgh with a foot

    of fluffy white paper, like Christmas in July. That never

    happened in real life, of course, but it happened in Jekkas

    imagination every time she visited.

    As she walked in, shaking drops of rain off her

    jacket, BJ took a deep breath. She loved the wonderful


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    scent of old books and wooden shelves, mixed with rain

    and a little whiff of coffee from the shop next door. She

    loved the sight of floor-to-ceiling shelves, stacks of

    paperback novels on the floor everywhere, and winding

    stairs leading up to the second floor. But mostly she loved

    the thought of all the stories, waiting to be discovered.

    BJ quickly assembled a small mountain of books

    she wanted, and curled up to read as much as possible

    before Mimi said they had to leave. Jekka, however,

    wandered around for a while, then approached the lady at

    the checkout counter.

    Excuse me, she said in her most polite voice,

    But where are your Champy books?

    I think weve got some in the childrens section.

    The lady answered helpfully. Here, Ill show you.

    Jekka followed her around a corner or two, then

    spent a few minutes flipping through the picture books and

    stories. Not satisfied, she went back to the lady.

    Um, do you have any Champy books for grown-

    ups? The kid books were too kiddish.

    Oh, I see. Actually, a new one just came in this

    morning. Maybe it will be more along the lines of what

    youre looking for. Follow me.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    The lady led Jekka through the maze of crowded

    shelves once again, this time ending at a shelf titled Natural


    Here it is The Case For Champ A Scientific

    Assessment of Lake Champlains Elusive Monster, by Dr.

    Haydu Leonchuk.

    Jekka took the heavy book from the lady, said thankyou, then sat on the floor to read. It was full of big words

    and long sentences, but she did her best to read and

    understand it.

    When early explorers like Samuel De Champlain

    came to the region, they heard stories from the

    Native Americans of a horned serpent which

    lived in the lake. Champlain himself reported

    sighting an unusual creature in 1609, and there

    have been over 300 reported sightings in the last

    100 years alone.

    She flipped ahead a few chapters, and stopped at a

    photo of a familiar looking neck-and-head shape sticking

    out of the water.

    The creature, called Champy in New York and

    Champ in Vermont, is often compared to the Loch

    Ness Monster. The most famous evidence of


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    Champs existence in recent years is the Mansi

    Photograph (figure 8). Taken by Sandra Mansi in

    1977, it has been subjected to extensive testing and

    shows no sign of tampering. However, the negative

    was lost, leading some skeptics to doubt the photos


    Jekka wasnt sure what that all meant, but it didnt

    sound good. She continued reading.

    A team of scientists from Japan, using sonar to

    chart the lake, reported seeing a very large

    object passing underneath their boat at one point.

    While the object was not positively identified, its

    size was consistent with estimates of Champs size,

    and much larger than any known lake fish.

    However, Lake Sturgeons have been known to reach

    lengths of 7 feet and 300 lbs. They can not be ruled

    out as the source of the Champ legend.

    Jekka decided to stop reading the words and just

    looked at the pictures instead. She found a map of recent

    Champy sightings and a drawing of a long-necked

    prehistoric whale called a Zeuglodon. There was a photo of

    Zeuglodon fossils being dug up in Charlotte, VT, only a

    few miles away from the lake.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    The book said zeuglodons were extinct, but it also

    said there was a fish called a coelacanth that everyone

    thought was extinct until a fisherman caught a live one in


    Im telling you, there is no monster in this lake,

    said a mans voice, startling Jekka and making her lose her

    place in the book. She looked around but didnt see anyone.

    How can you know for sure? asked another voice.

    This time, Jekka could tell it was coming from the other

    side of the bookshelves. She leaned forward to hear better.

    Well, people would have seen it, for starters,

    answered the first voice. Jekka peeked around the corner

    and saw two men, each with a stack of books in their hands.

    One of them was wearing a baseball cap that said Imagine

    on it.

    I agree - nobody has ever seen Champy. unless

    you count all the people who have seen Champy, said the

    man in the hat. He chuckled, then continued more

    forcefully. The truth is, people have been seeing Champy

    for hundreds of years, maybe even longer. Just because

    they didnt snap a photo of it doesnt mean it didnt

    happen. Jekka found herself liking this man very much.


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    Bah! People see what they want to see and believe

    what they want to believe. They dont worry about facts.

    Does that apply to you too? It seems like you want

    to believe Champy is just a story, even though the facts are

    not on your side.

    The facts? sputtered the first man. What facts?

    Yes, the facts. Like, all the sightings. Like the fact

    that the only way to disprove Champys existence would be

    to drain the lake. You know what they say a lack of

    evidence is not evidence of a lack.

    Of course. But you have to admit, the idea of a

    plesiosaur in Lake Champlain is pretty far fetched, even for

    you. Isnt it more likely to be a log, or a sturgeon, or even a


    Ah, now were getting somewhere, the man in the

    hat answered. People do play pranks sometimes. Logs do

    float. It is indeed far fetched to think an otherwise extinct

    animal has managed to survive. But

    Its happened before, Jekka blurted out and

    jumped up, then covered her mouth and sat down again.

    What was that? asked the first man.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    I think weve got an eavesdropper, replied the

    second, peeking around the corner and seeing Jekka. Hi

    there. I assume you heard some of our conversation?

    Jekka nodded.

    Thats alright, said the first man, with a grin.

    You said its happened before just now. Whats happened


    Um, an extinct fish got unextinct. I mean, it wasnt

    really extinct, people just thought it was. She turned to the

    book and quickly found the page again. Its called a co a

    co-el-a I dont know how to say the name, but heres a

    picture. She held the book out for the men to see.

    A coelacanth? said the man in the hat as he

    accepted the book from Jekka. Well, what do you know? It

    turns out extinction isnt always forever after all. He

    turned to the other man and said Steve, you just got taken

    to school by a little girl. Nice job! He handed the book

    back to Jekka.

    Thats very interesting, said the first man, whose

    name was apparently Steve, and I dont want to rain on

    anyones parade, but its not exactly the same. The

    coelacanth is a lot smaller than Champy is supposed to be,

    and it lives in the ocean, which is a lot bigger than Lake


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    Champlain. It would be much easier for a small fish to hide

    in a big ocean than for a large monster to hide in a small


    But you have to admit, its possible, however

    unlikely, answered his friend.

    I suppose I do.

    Oh, there you are, said Mimi as she came around

    the stacks. I see youve made some friends.

    Yeah, were talking about Champy, Jekka


    Cool. Did you learn anything? Much to Mimis

    surprise, both men said yes.

    Thats a smart girl youve got there, said the man

    in the hat.

    Yes, she sure is, Mimi replied, then turned to

    Jekka. If youre done teaching for the day, lets go find

    your sister and head home, sweetie. Its time to make some


    Jekka waved good-bye to the men, then took

    Mimis hand and went to look for her sister. When they

    found her, the pile of books around her was even largerthan usual, and she wanted them all.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    OK, Mimi said, How about I buy you as many

    books as you can carry, instead of this whole pile.

    Otherwise, well need a truck.

    Great! BJ scrambled to load the books into her

    arms, and staggered towards the checkout desk. Jekka was

    content with her single copy ofThe Case for Champ. They

    paid, then dashed through the pouring rain towards Mimis

    car. BJ finished two more books on the five-minute drive

    home, while Jekka hugged her book and watched the rain

    slip along the cars windows.


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    Chapter 6: Beach Day

    The next day dawned brilliantly sunny and hot,

    almost as if it was a different country. The lake had steady,

    small waves and looked cool and inviting.

    Beach day! shouted Jekka as she ran into the

    kitchen for breakfast. She was already wearing her bathing

    suit and reeked of sunscreen.

    Well, you didnt waste any time, did you? Mimi


    Beach day! BJ echoed, as she entered the room

    too. She was also in her bathing suit, and smelled just as

    strong as Jekka.

    Sounds good to me, answered Mimi, lifting up the

    corner of her t-shirt to reveal she was wearing her bathing

    suit too. Pop Pop already said he is going to meet us there

    for lunch.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Can we take the canoe to the sandy beach? asked

    BJ. Its way more fun than walking.

    Thats already set up too Pop Pop brought it

    across the street for you before he went to work this

    morning. Lets eat quickly.

    As they finished their breakfast, there was a knock

    on the door, and Joey started to bark.

    I wonder who that could be at this time in the

    morning. Mimi shoed Joey away as she opened the door.

    Oh, good morning, Ella. Good morning, Jake.

    Ella! Jake! shouted Jekka as she ran towards the

    door. Ella and Jake lived across the street from Mimi and

    Pop Pops house. They were just about the same ages as the

    Boomer sisters. Jekka saw they were wearing bathing suits

    too, along with lifejackets. They each had a canoe paddle in

    their hands.

    Do you want to go to the beach with us? BJ and

    Jake said at the same time.

    Jinx! Jekka and Ella added, also at the same time.

    OK, BJ, Jake, Jekka and Ella, Mimi said with a

    wink, Lets get into the canoes and head on over. Ive got

    lunch packed.


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    She lifted a heavy-looking cooler, and the whole

    group trudged to the waters edge. They carefully set the

    cooler into Jake and Ellas canoe, being careful not to crush

    the beach toys and minnow nets Jake had stashed in the


    BJ, Jekka and Mimi got into their canoe. BJ and

    Jekka did the paddling, while Mimi sat in the middle. Jake

    and Ella launched their canoe into the water, and in a

    moment, both groups were moving south along the shore,

    towards the beach.

    The sunlight turned the lake into a glittering field of

    moving diamonds. BJ was content to paddle slowly,

    enjoying the sun, wind, water and everything. All her

    senses were tingling, and she even forgot to paddle for a


    Jake brought his canoe alongside and playfully

    splashed BJ.

    Hey! she squeaked, then splashed him back.

    Wanna race? he asked.

    OK. Mark-get-set-go, BJ answered, as fast as she

    could. Jekka let out a wild laugh and began paddling as fast

    as she could, splashing water in all directions.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Jake and Ella lived right on the lake, and spent most

    of their summers in a canoe. BJ and Jekka hadnt been in a

    canoe since the previous summer, so after a quick start,

    they started to fall behind.

    Faster! Faster! shrieked BJ, and the girls began to

    catch up with the other kids. Steering was tricky and they

    started to curve to the left.

    No, that way! hollered Jekka, laughing. Paddle

    on the other side!

    I am paddling on the other side, answered BJ.

    You paddle on the other side.

    Which side? asked Jekka, turning around to see


    No, Jekka, dont turn around! BJ said, but it was

    too late. The canoe wobbled, then started to tip. All three

    passengers leaned the other way, but they leaned a little too

    far and found themselves bobbing in the lake beside their

    upside down canoe.

    Well, laughed Mimi as she wiped water from her

    face, we got further along than I thought we would before

    we fell in. Its a good thing I put the cooler and towels in

    the other canoe!


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    It wasnt easy, but BJ, Mimi and Jekka managed to

    get their canoe right-side up again, with them inside it. The

    rest of their trip to the beach was uneventful and quick. As

    much as they loved canoeing, they were all glad to get their

    feet on the sand.

    After pulling the canoes securely onto the beach,

    the kids got right to work. There were sand castles to build,

    minnows to chase and catch in buckets, and, of course,

    swimming and splashing in the water.

    Jekka wandered over to the lifeguard stand and

    looked up at the tall, tanned lady in a red bathing suit.

    Hi Lifeguard, Im Jekka, she said. Whats your


    Im Kim, she answered. Are you new? I havent

    seen you here before.

    Were just visiting our grandparents. I was

    wondering, have you ever seen Champy?

    Not yet, but I keep looking. Why do you ask?

    I saw him two nights ago. Well, I think I saw him.

    Im pretty sure, but it was dark and I fell in the water and

    took a picture of my own toes.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Kim laughed. That must have been quite an

    experience. You know who you should talk to? Theres a

    guy named Dr. Van Der Warden Velden. Hes an aquatic

    biologist. That means he studies things that live in the lake.

    He works at the ECHO Center in Burlington, and Champy

    is sort of his specialty. He probably knows more about

    Champy than anyone else. Plus, Kim added with a wink,

    hes cute.

    How do you know him? Jekka asked.

    Well, being a lifeguard is just a summer job. Im

    also a college student, and Ive done some research projects

    with him over in Vermont. Hes very nice, and Im sure he

    would be glad to help you out. Oh, I should warn you, he

    can be a little hard to find sometimes, but I bet a smart girl

    like you will figure it out.

    OK. Ill ask my Mimi if shell take me there.


    Jekka ran over to where Mimi was sitting. The kids

    had buried her in sand up to her chin, and were now

    sculpting the sand into a set of curvy octopus legs, which

    radiated out from her head. It looked pretty weird.

    Jekka carefully avoided stepping on them as she

    made her way over to Mimis ear.


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    Look out, Jekka, Mimi said, Im a person-

    headed sand octopus, and I like to gobble up kids!

    Jekka pretended to be scared for a minute, then told

    Mimi about what the lifeguard had said.

    So can we go to ECHO?

    Sure! Tomorrow is Saturday, so Pop Pop can come

    too. We could even takeAir Force Blue to get there.

    Satisfied, Jekka busied herself making more legs for

    the Octa-Mimi. Then Jake got out his underwater viewer

    and everyone stood in waist deep water, taking turns

    peeking at the silty, sea-weedy, rocky and sandy world

    below the waters surface. The viewer was basically a tube

    with glass lenses on each end, and a few mirrors in the

    middle. It reminded Jekka of a telescope, only instead of

    looking at her friend the moon, she was looking at


    Ew, said BJ, when it was her turn. The seaweed

    looks gross!

    Its an important part of the lakes food chain, you

    know, replied Jake. It is a source of nutrients for lots of

    fish, which then are food for larger fish. And then

    Yeah, I know, but its still slimy. BJ replied.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    True, answered Jake, nodding thoughtfully.

    Pop Pop! shouted Jekka, pointing towards thebeach. Pop Pop is here! She started to run but tripped on

    an underwater rock and fell face first into the water. She got

    up laughing.

    Good thing the water was there to catch me!

    By the time the kids got to the shore, Pop Pop had

    reached Mimi and was helping to unbury her.

    Sorry to mess up the Octo-Mimi, he said, But I

    think shell enjoy lunch more if she can use her hands. Oh,

    I almost forgot you two got some mail!

    He produced two postcards and handed them to the

    girls. BJs had a picture of a jack rabbit with antlers, and

    Jekkas showed a cowboy riding an enormous snake in a

    rodeo. BJs card said:

    Howdy, Kiddo! Were flying over Texas today. The

    weather is good and the winds are strong. The view

    is amazing. We miss you two, but were sure you are

    having fun in Cliff Haven. See ya in a few days!

    Love, Mom & Dad

    Jekkas card said pretty much the same thing.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Chapter 7: Visiting ECHO

    Saturday morning was bright and cheery, just like

    the day before. The girls filled their backpacks with snacks,

    binoculars, sunscreen, sunglasses and other essentials. By

    nine oclock in the morning, they were down at the marina,getting ready to cast off.

    BJ loved to watch her grandparents work on their

    boat. She loved the tidy coils of rope, the knots to tie and

    untie, and the hundred little tasks that were part of getting a

    boat ready.

    Jekka loved watching the ducks that hung around

    the docks, begging for bread.

    Pop Pop used to be in the Air Force, so they named

    the boatAir Force Blue. It was long and sleek, with a cozy

    little cabin towards the front. The sides were decorated with


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    blue stripes, and the roof was a plastic-and-canvas

    contraption that could be removed like a convertible.

    After a little tinkering, the engine roared to life,

    scattering the ducks away. Pop Pop carefully backed away

    from the dock.

    Soon, they were shooting along the lake, heading

    towards Burlington, Vermont. The wind blasted their ears,making it hard to hear, but somehow Pop Pops hat stayed


    Hey girls, did you know there are over 80 species

    of fish in this lake? he shouted over the wind. Youve

    met the minnows, of course, but weve got big fish too.

    Theres Muskellunge, which can weigh up to 20 pounds.

    We get salmon in the spring and fall. In the winter, when

    the lake freezes, people like to go ice fishing for a fish

    called smelt.

    Dont the fish die when the lake freezes? Jekka


    Nope! The fish dig little tunnels in the ice, so they

    can swim along no problem.

    Pop Pop! Thats not true! said BJ with a laugh.

    She turned to her little sister and explained, Only the top


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    of the lake freezes. Theres still lots of liquid water under

    the ice, so the fish can still swim around and not get stuck.

    Oh, yeah, thats what I meant to say, said Pop

    Pop, grinning.

    How deep is the water? asked Jekka, peering over

    the side.

    Well, right now its about 60 feet, which is actually

    the average depth for this lake. But some parts are as much

    as 400 feet deep. Thats a whole lot of water! He slowed

    the boat down, and brought it to a gentle stop. Now that

    they werent moving forward, the waves made Air Force

    Blue rock from side to side. It wasnt a bad feeling.

    Whats wrong? asked BJ. Why are we stopping

    in the middle of the lake?

    Nothings wrong. I just wanted to show you this.

    He pointed to a round yellow object bobbing in the water

    off the port side of the boat.

    The girls scrambled to get a closer look. They saw

    the words Underwater Historic Preserve written on it.

    Its a marker buoy, Mimi explained. That means

    theres a shipwreck under here. They put these markers out


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    so people can find it. Sometimes scuba divers go down to

    look at the wrecks.

    I wonder how many shipwrecks there are, asked


    Nobody knows for sure, but its probably around

    300, answered Pop Pop.

    Someday I am going to learn to scuba dive so I can

    see them! Jekka announced.

    Im sure you will, replied Mimi.

    Pop Pop started the boat again, and soon they were

    cruising along at full speed again, shooting across to a

    landing site on the Vermont side of the lake. BJ and Jekka

    took turns holding the steering wheel, then Pop Pop guided

    the boat into the dock.

    As they were stowing their gear and tying their

    knots, they heard the sound of a plane flying low overhead.

    Oh, I wonder if thats Grampy! said Mimi to the

    girls. Then she turned to Pop Pop and asked, Is your dad

    scheduled to fly today?

    I think so, he answered. Yup, thats him over



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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    The girls looked in the direction Pop Pop was

    pointing, and quickly located the plane. It was bright green

    and had two pairs of wings, one on top of the other. The

    body looked like a boat, and the tail looked like nothing

    theyd ever seen before.

    Grampy had been flying patrols for the Coast Guard

    in his sea plane for several years. He said he needed

    something to do now that he was retired from the Navy. BJ

    thought it was funny that Pop Pop used to be in the Air

    Force, but he had a boat, while Grampy was a Navy man

    with an airplane.

    Everybody waved, and the plane wiggled its wings

    as it turned a slow circle overhead.

    Do you think he saw us? Jekka asked.

    Well, he is a spotter, and looking for things on the

    ground is what he does, so yes, he probably saw us,

    answered Pop Pop.

    What sort of things does he look for? asked BJ.

    People with boat problems, mostly, so the Coast

    Guard can come help them. In the winter he looks for ice.

    They finished securing the boat and Grampys plane

    headed out over the lake.


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    OK, are you girls ready to visit the ECHO?


    The ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center is

    perched right on the shore of Lake Champlain. Its a large

    building, with lots of windows, and its full of cool


    They walked right up to the sign-in desk, to get

    their admission bracelets.

    Excuse me, Jekka said in her best grown-up

    voice. I am looking for Dr. Van Der Warden Velden. I was

    told he works here.

    Im sorry, honey, said the nice old lady behind the

    desk. I dont think theres anyone here by that name.

    But Jekka sputtered. But that lifeguard said!

    She told me hes here and he knows all about Champy!

    Oh my. I think she was pulling your leg, dear. But

    we do have an art exhibit for children to color pictures of

    Champ. Its right over that way, near the West Tower.

    Jekka felt tears begin to well in her eyes, and BJ put

    an arm around her. As they walked away, neither girl

    noticed the nice old woman push a button on the desk andwhisper into a small microphone.


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    How could the lifeguard tease me like that? Jekka

    sniffed. How could Dr. Van Der Warden Velden not be


    You have to admit, it does sound like a made-up

    name, BJ said, sympathetically. Jekka nodded and her

    shoulders drooped.

    They wandered around from exhibit to exhibit, butJekkas heart wasnt in it. She was staring duly at a perch

    tank when she heard her name.

    Hey Jekka! It was BJ, calling from across the

    hallway. Come look at this! Youve got to come see it!

    Jekkas natural curiosity got the better of her, and

    she ran over to see what her sister was pointing at. She took

    a look, then turned on her sister with a huff.

    Its a picture of people on a boat, BJ, she said

    flatly. Big deal.

    Look closer, Jekka, BJ insisted. The boat is a

    research ship from the University of Vermont. Its named

    the Melosira, and I think thats our lifeguard friend standing

    on it.

    Jekka peered closer, then gasped. It was Kim the

    lifeguard. And the man standing next to her must be Dr. V!


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    A familiar-looking figure was half visible in the

    background, but his back was to the camera, so the girls

    couldnt see his face. They returned to staring at the

    lifeguard and the handsome scientist standing next to her.

    Look! whispered BJ. The sign is missing!

    Sure enough, all the other photos had little signs

    posted next to them, explaining the image and identifyingthe people in them. This photo of the Melosira was the only

    one without a sign.

    I wonder where it went, Jekka whispered back.

    Who took it? Kim did say he was hard to find. Maybe

    someone is trying to hide him. Maybe he took the sign

    down himself!

    They looked at some of the other photos and read

    the signs, looking for clues.

    Wait a minute! Jekka said. What does ECHO

    stand for again?

    Ecology, Culture, History and Opportunity, BJ

    answered, proud of her excellent memory.

    Are you sure? Jekka asked, with a sly smile.

    This sign says theres an Elusive Creature Hunting

    Organization that searches for Champy around here, and


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    that spells ECHO too. And look there should be a photo

    of the creature hunters right here, but its missing too!

    BJ looked closer. Sure enough, there was a blank

    spot on the wall next to the sign, where the photo should

    have been.

    Ill bet our lifeguard friend is in that picture

    Jekka announced. Along with the mysterious Dr. V.

    Jekka was back to her usual excited self again.

    Hey, lets go over to the West Tower like that lady

    suggested. We can do some drawing and coloring while we

    think of what to do next.

    OK, BJ replied.

    The Boomer sisters ran towards ECHOs art wing.

    Jekka drew a picture of the photo she wished shed taken

    the other night. BJs drawing was of Champy swimming

    underwater, chasing a school of fish. After completing their

    masterpieces, they looked around for a place to hang them.

    Jekka found some moveable dividers where lots of

    other kids had posted their pictures of Champy. She added

    hers, then gave the wall a final pat for good measure.


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    Oops! she shouted, as the divider began to fall

    down. Oh no, sorry-sorry-sorry her stream of sorries

    trailed off as she took in the sight in front of her.

    The moveable dividers, which were now in a

    jumbled mess on the floor, had been covering up a door. On

    the door she saw four words: Elusive Creature Hunting

    Organization. Below the words was a name: Dr V.

    She immediately grabbed the knob, but the door

    was locked. Then some stern-looking security guards came

    over to set up the dividers again. They shoed the girls away.

    Did you see that, BJ? Its real! Hes real! I almost

    found him! Jekka was practically bouncing out of her skin.

    I saw the door and the words, but lots of names

    could begin with V, you know.

    Yeah, lots of names like Van Der Warden

    Velden, for one. Its him. Im just sure of it. Its got to be



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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Chapter 8: Loon Rescue

    It was almost closing time, so the girls found their

    grandparents and got ready to leave ECHO. On the way

    out, they passed the sign-in desk, but the lady wasnt there

    anymore, so Jekka couldnt ask her about the other ECHOor the door or Dr. V.

    Back on Air Force Blue, Pop Pop let the girls take

    turns steering again, as they discussed their discoveries.

    Well, Mimi said, The Dr. V on that door might

    be the guy youre looking for, Jekka, but BJ is right lots

    of names could start with the letter V.

    But it said Elusive Creature Hunting, and Champy

    is elusive, right? So its got to be him, and even if its not, I

    still want to meet Dr. V, whoever he is.


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    Its too bad you two didnt mention this when we

    were in the place, Pop Pop interjected. Maybe we could

    have helped.

    The girls felt a little foolish for not thinking of that.

    I guess well just have to go back tomorrow, said


    I guess so, answered Mimi with a grin.

    Pop Pop took control of the boat and eased it into

    position alongside the dock.

    Avast, ye scurvy dogs! said Pop Pop, in his best

    pirate voice. Secure the midden! Batten the hatches! Swab

    the deck! Scuttle the flibbers!

    The girls giggled as they scurried around the boat,

    tying and cleaning up. In no time at all, they were walking

    along the bouncy, floaty dock towards the shore.

    A sudden movement on the beach caught BJs eye.

    Look! Its a bird! she said, pointing.

    Its a plane! added Pop Pop, looking into the air,

    Its Superman!

    No, Im serious, BJ said. It really is a bird, and I

    think its hurt.


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    She rushed over to get a closer look, but was careful

    not to get too close. She bent down, softly muttering

    soothing sounds.

    The birds sleek body was mostly black, with

    specks and stripes of white. Its bill was pointy, like a knife,

    and even though it sort of looked like a duck, BJ knew right

    away it was a loon.

    Its webbed feet were tangled in some sort of fishing

    line. It tried to flap its wings, then laid its head down on the

    sand, clearly exhausted.

    Weve got to help this poor loon! She looked at

    Mimi. Can we take her to Mrs. Rose Marie? Shell know

    what to do!

    Mrs. Rose Marie was a wildlife rehabilitation

    specialist who lived next door to the girls other

    grandfather, Pop Pop Dave. She helped take care of all

    sorts of injured animals. Last summer, she had shown the

    girls some baby squirrels she was caring for in her

    basement, along with some birds and a three-legged

    raccoon in her backyard.

    Sure, honey, answered Mimi, pulling a towel out

    of a bag and handing it to Pop Pop. Here, pick it up


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    The Boomer Sisters Meet Champy

    Pop Pop Dave was a giant. He reached one long

    arm into the van and effortlessly picked up the box with the

    loon. When he turned around, BJ saw that Jekka was on his

    back, getting a ride.

    Mrs. Rose Marie answered the door, and the girls

    quickly explained the situation. She led everyone to her

    basement, where she had some work tables and other


    OK, maybe everyone should stay upstairs, she

    said, looking around at the small crowd of people. We

    dont want to make the loon any more nervous and loony

    than it already is.

    Can I stay? pleaded BJ. Ill be quiet and stay out

    of your way, I promise.

    Well, I suppose one person in the room will be


    BJ grinned and took a spot near the wall, while the

    others filed back up the stairs.

    Mrs. Rose Marie carefully pulled the towel-

    wrapped loon out of the box, laying it on the table. She

    uncovered it and clucked sadly.


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    Poor little guy. Someone wasnt very careful with

    their fishing line, I see. She pulled out a pair of scissors

    and carefully began snipping the bird free from the tangle.

    It flapped its wings a little, then decided it wasnt in any

    danger and relaxed. Mrs. Rose Marie had that effect on


    Thats right, she whispered, Rose Marie wont

    hurt you. Im here to help. Ah, there you go.

    She snipped the last bit of fishing line and the loon

    was free. It waved its feet and tried to stand, but Mrs. Rose

    Marie held it firm.

    No, no, not yet, she whispered. Let me have a

    look at those pretty legs first.

    BJ craned to see and caught a glimpse of red marks

    on the loons legs and feet.

    BJ, can you hand me those bandages over there?

    Mrs. Rose Marie asked. Ive got to hold this guy down.

    Happy to be able to help, BJ quickly brought the

    box over. Mrs. Rose Marie took out a few bandages and

    wrapped up the loons injuries, after first applying some

    cream. She looked it over, gave each leg a little tug and a

    pat, then put the bandaged bird back in the dog carrier.


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    This bird is going to be fine, she announced. Ill

    need to keep him here for a little while, but he should make

    a complete recovery. Its a good thing you brought him

    here, though, because if hed stayed on the beach all

    tangled up like that, he would have died. Lets take him to

    an outside cage and tell everyone the news, shall we?

    They went back upstairs to announce the news, then

    Mrs. Rose Marie led the whole group to her backyard. She

    carefully deposited the loon in a cozy cage, right next door

    to a two-story squirrel house.

    She brought out a big bag of loon food and filled up

    a dish of water. They all watched the loon check out its new

    surroundings. It sniffed the food, took a sip of water, then

    settled down to sleep.

    As they walked back towards the house, Pop Pop

    Dave bent down to examine a little cluster of milkweed


    Whoa! he muttered, then turned to his neighbor.

    How did you get so many monarch caterpillars?

    BJ took a closer look and, sure enough, there were

    four, no five, little black and yellow striped caterpillars

    crawling around on the milkweed plants.


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    Chapter 9: Pieces Coming Together

    The next day was Sunday. The girls went to church

    with their grandparents. They were both itchy to get back to

    ECHO, but it was closed on Sundays, so they would have

    to wait.

    The priest said something about faith and believing

    in things you havent seen, but BJ and Jekka found it hard

    to concentrate. All they could think about was Dr. V and the

    locked door. They perked up when they heard the name


    Some people say there is a monster in our lake,

    the priest was saying. I dont know for sure if Champy is

    real or not. But I choose to believe in Champy, even though

    I have never seen him. Do I believe Champy is real because

    I have scientific proof of his existence? No. Is it because

    there is some reason he must exist? Again, no. There is


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    certainly some evidence he is real, but at this point there is

    no proof. So, why then do I believe in Champy?

    Well, faith is complicated. Maybe I believe

    because my parents believed. Maybe its because believing

    makes me feel good or special. Maybe I just want to

    believe, for reasons I will never know, and maybe thats


    Of course, Champys existence seems reasonable

    to me, but is that why I believe, or does it seem reasonable

    because I believe? Which came first the belief or the

    reasonableness? I dont know. Maybe it doesnt matter why

    I believe, or why I think I believe.

    Ultimately, faith is a mystery, whether it is faith in

    a God we havent seen or a lake monster. And mysteries are

    part of what make life so wonderful. I must admit part of

    me doesnt even want proof that Champy exists. If

    someone were to discover some sort of proof, the mysterywould diminish. Without mysteries, life would be pretty


    After church was over, Pop Pop took everyone out

    for pancakes, as usual. They drove past the beach on the

    way home, but Kim the lifeguard wasnt there.

    Lets just go home, Jekka said.


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    Yeah, I want to work in the garden, added BJ.

    That sounds wonderful to me, answered Mimi.

    Back at the house, Pop Pop settled down with his

    newspaper, and Jekka curled up next to him with The Case

    For Champ. BJ went outside with Mimi.

    So, what did you think of church today? asked

    Mimi as she pulled some weeds.

    It was good, BJ answered. He talked for a long

    time, but I liked it when he talked about Champy.

    Yeah, I thought you would. I liked that part too.

    They worked in silence for a while, pulling weeds

    and carefully trimming the flowers. The sun was gentle and

    warm, and BJ could hear the sound of waves from across

    the street. A few bees flew around, but BJ ignored them and

    they ignored her. Both BJ and the bees focused on the

    flowers instead.

    Did I tell you this garden has been certified by the

    National Wildlife Federation as an official Wildlife

    Habitat? Mimi asked.

    No. What does that mean? BJ replied.


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    Well, it means this is a safe place to live for wild

    animals, like the toads and birds and butterflies. It means

    Im helping to protect nature.

    Toads arent wild animals, Mimi, BJ said with a

    laugh, picturing a toad with sharp teeth and claws. I

    thought wild animals meant things like bears and tigers.

    Mimi laughed along with her.

    Yeah, I guess toads arent the first thing I think of

    when it comes to wild animals, but they are wild because

    they arent domesticated.

    They do live in houses, BJ teased, pointing to a

    toad abode and giggling. And I still havent seen any. How

    do you know they are around here, anyway?

    Ill show you. Mimi stood up, took BJs hand, and

    led her to a large plant with big flat leaves. This is a hosta.

    Slugs love to eat hostas, and there are a lot of slugs in this


    BJ wrinkled her nose at the thought of slugs, and

    shuddered at the phrase a lot of slugs.

    But look at this plant, BJ Mimi continued. Its

    healthy and enormous. There arent any slug bites in the

    leaves this year. When I started my garden, my hostas had a


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    hard time. The slugs were actually killing them. But ever

    since the toads moved in, the hostas have been just fine.

    And as long as these plants are healthy and slug-free, I can

    be pretty sure the toads are around.

    They wandered through the garden some more,

    hand in hand.

    I saw a leopard frog the other day too, addedMimi. He was really well camouflaged, and he sat really

    still, so I almost missed him.

    Cool. BJ answered.

    They came around to the back patio and sat on the

    bench swing. BJ stared at a purplish gazing ball that rested

    on a pedestal in the middle of a cluster of pink and white


    BJ was amazed at how much motion there was in

    the still garden. Bees and butterflies zipped and floated

    from flower to flower. The wind pushed the plants this way

    and that. An occasional squirrel scampered through, and the

    trees swayed and rustled. It was a peaceful kind of

    movement, and BJ wished she could sit in the garden with

    her Mimi like this forever.

    She was lost in thought when she heard a door slam

    and Jekka came charging outside, waving her arms and


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    shouting I found him! I found him! She was carrying The

    Case For Champ over her head, and she skidded to a stop

    directly in front of the swing.

    What is it? asked BJ, slightly annoyed to have her

    peaceful garden time interrupted by her explosive little


    Its Dr. V! Jekka said breathlessly. Hes in thebook, only its not him, except it is, but hes got a different

    name, but its him She realized she wasnt making

    much sense, so she shoved the book forward. Look!

    BJ slowly took the open book from Jekka and

    peered at the photo she was pointing at. It showed a

    scientist in a white lab coat, standing next to some strange

    looking equipment. It seemed to be a tuba, or at least part

    of a tuba. The caption read Dr. David Durkee of the ECHO

    Science Centers Speculative Elusive Creature Research

    and Education Team (S.E.C.R.E.T.), with his experimentalunderwater sound machine.

    I guess he sort of looks like the guy we saw in the

    picture at ECHO, said BJ. But this mans name is Dr.



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    No, it isnt! Jekka replied, proud to have noticed

    something her sister overlooked. Look closely. Theres a

    name on his lab coat, and its not Durkee.

    BJ leaned closer to the book, so she could read the

    tiny letters embroidered on the lab coat. Sure enough, the

    name was clear Dr. Van Der Warden Velden. BJ gasped.

    Why does the caption have a different name, if hiscoat says Dr. V? asked BJ.

    Thats what I want to know, Jekka answered.

    Maybe he was borrowing the coat from the real Dr.

    V? Mimi suggested. Or maybe its a nickname.

    Maybe Jekka said. But even if the man in the

    picture isnt named Van Der Warden Velden, hes wearing

    that coat and he probably knows him. In any case, this

    picture should definitely help us find him. Well just bring

    this back to ECHO tomorrow and show it to the lady at the

    sign in desk. Shell have to admit hes real when she sees

    the photo.

    Just then, Pop Pop came into the garden.

    I just got off the phone with Grampy, he said.

    Hes wondering if there are any young ladies around here

    who would like an airplane ride tomorrow morning. The


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    girls cheered, and Pop Pop continued. Hes planning to

    land his plane on the lake right here at 6:00 tomorrow

    morning. Well paddle you out to it in the canoe, and hell

    drop you at ECHO when it opens. Well take Air Force

    Blue and meet you there. Oh, and he said dont forget to

    bring your binoculars.


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    Chapter 10: Flying The Lucky Duck

    Early mornings on the lake can be chilly, even in

    the summer, so the girls were wearing long pants and

    sweatshirts as they walked across the street towards the

    lake shore. The water was like glass, and small wisps ofsteam rose from it here and there. They each sipped from

    cups of hot chocolate while scanning the sky for Grampys


    Pop Pop lowered the canoe down to the water,

    setting off a series of ripples as the water made room for

    the little boat.

    Shh BJ said. I think I hear something.

    I dont Jekka started to say, then added Wait, I


    The sound was a low, steady noise, faint at first but

    growing louder quickly. It seemed to increase in volume,


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    speed and pitch as it got closer. Then, all of a sudden the

    plane was directly overhead, roaring loudly.

    The girls cheered to see it, and waved their arms

    crazily at the departing plane as it shot past their location.

    Where did he go? asked Jekka. Why didnt he


    An airplane isnt like a car, silly, BJ answered.

    He cant just stop right away.

    Thats true, added Pop Pop. Plus, I think he likes

    to fly over a landing spot once before landing, to make sure

    its clear and safe. Look, hes turning around and coming in

    for a landing.

    Sure enough, the double-winged, boat-shaped plane

    was carving a lazy circle in the sky and heading towards

    them. The noise from the two big propellers changed again

    as it slowed down and came in for a landing.

    The girls had never seen an airplane land on water

    before. They held their breath as it inched closer to the

    surface, and clapped when it touched down with a splash. It

    sent out big waves on both sides as it slowed.

    Grampys plane was named The Lucky Duck, and it

    had a painting of a grinning green cartoon duck on the side


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    of the dark green fuselage. The duck wore a hat and had a

    big shamrock on its chest. Light green shamrocks covered

    the rest of the plane. The duck was giving a double thumbs-

    up sign, and the words Lucky Duckwere painted right

    below its feet.

    The paint job wasnt the most unusual thing about

    theLucky Duck, however. The structure was pretty strange

    too. For starters, it had two pairs of wings, one above the

    other. A large, rounded set was mounted high above the

    aircrafts body, while a smaller, stubby set was attached to

    it, directly behind the cockpit. These lower wings acted as a

    platform to stand on when the plane was on the water.

    A pair of enormous propellers dangled between the

    upper wings and the cockpit. The tail was made up of a

    series of struts and bars, extending straight back from the

    upper wing and up from the back of the passenger section.

    These struts held up a flat tail wing, with two tail fins

    sticking up through it.

    Hey, theres Grampy! BJ said, pointing excitedly.

    Grampy emerged from a hatch on the top of the

    passenger section, and stepped out onto the lower wing.

    Ahoy there! The Lucky Duck Express, at your

    service! He shouted across the water. Then he danced a


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    little jig right there on the wing, making the plane rock

    alarmingly. The girls laughed as they climbed into the

    canoe with Pop Pop and got ready to paddle out to the


    Are you ready to fly?

    Both girls shouted yes as Pop Pop paddled.

    This time, try not to dump us into the water, OK

    Jekka? said BJ from the front, without turning around.

    Oh BJ, I always try not to dump us into the water,

    Jekka said, But sometimes it just happens.

    I was afraid you were going to say that.

    Fortunately for the girls and Pop Pop, it didnt

    happen this time. They reached the plane without any

    problems and climbed aboard first Jekka, then BJ. Pop

    Pop slid to the middle of the canoe and got ready to paddle

    back to the shore, where Mimi was waiting.

    Thanks for taking them on patrol with you, Dad,

    he said to Grampy. Well meet you over at ECHO around

    10:00. Turning to the girls, he added Have a fun flight!

    Make sure you buckle up for takeoff and landing, ok?

    We will!


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    The girls scrambled through the hatch into the

    plane, and Grampy followed. He gave a final wave towards

    the shore then swung the latch until it clicked.

    TheLucky Ducks interior was small, but cozy. The

    low ceilings were just right for the girls, and Jekka giggled

    at the thought of her giant Pop Pop Dave trying to fit

    inside. She slid one of the windows open and stuck out her

    hand to try and touch the water.

    Welcome aboard theLucky Duck, Grampy said as

    Jekka pulled her dripping hand back inside. One of you

    can sit in the co-pilot seat while we take off, and the other

    can sit there for the landing.

    BJ turned to her sister and said Rock Paper -

    Scissors, winner goes first.

    OK, answered Jekka, then together they said

    Rock, Paper, Scissors shoot!

    BJ thrust out her hand with her first two fingers

    sticking out scissors. Jekkas hand was open and flat

    paper. She groaned.

    Scissors cuts paper you get to go first, BJ.

    Grampy led the way to the front of the plane, and

    squeezed in to the pilots chair. BJ slid into the seat next to


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    him, and looked in wonder at all the dials, lights and

    buttons that covered the cockpits front panel.

    Make yourself comfortable back there, Jelly

    Bean, Grampy said to Jekka. He always called her that.

    This ship was originally built to carry 8 passengers, so

    youve got plenty of space.

    He flipped a few switches and the engines roared tolife. The propellers began to move, slowly at first, then

    quickly became a blur. Grampy put on headphones and

    adjusted the mouth piece, then handed a set to BJ who did

    the same. TheLucky Duckstarted to move forward.

    Meanwhile, Jekka had buckled herself into a seat,

    grabbed a set of headphones and was looking around the

    cabin. The interior was painted green, and the ceiling was

    covered with shamrocks, just like the outside.

    Each side was lined with windows, larger than the

    ones on the big planes shed been on before. She could see

    Pop Pop Bud standing on the shore with Mimi and the

    canoe. She waved.

    A few of the original seats had been replaced with a

    table, which had a large map of Lake Champlain taped to it.

    Grampy pushed a few more buttons, flipped more

    switches, checked some dials, then pushed forward on the


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    funny-looking steering wheel. The plane picked up speed,

    splashing loudly through the still lake. Everything suddenly

    got quieter as they lifted into the air.

    How are you doing? Grampys voice crackled

    over the headsets each girl wore. Everyone comfy? They

    nodded, grinning broadly.

    Let me tell you a little bit about my plane. Itscalled an S-38, and they built a bunch of them all the way

    back in 1928. That means its about as old as I am. It can go

    120 miles an hour and as high as 16,000 feet. And,

    everyone who flies in it becomes extra lucky for the rest of

    the day. He chuckled.

    I think were pretty lucky already, said BJ.

    How sweet it is! Grampy replied, as the Lucky

    Duckbegan to curve to the right.

    BJ strained her neck to see out the cockpit window,

    but her chair was low and the windows were high, so all

    she could really see was a few clouds in a blue sky.

    Youll probably see better from the back, Grampy

    said, watching her squirm in her chair. Just plug your

    headphones into the wall when you get back there, and Ill

    still be able to talk with you.


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    BJ nodded and scrambled back to sit in a window

    seat, across the aisle from her sister.

    Lake Champlain is 110 miles long, Grampy was

    saying as BJ plugged back in, But we can go 750 miles

    before we have to land. Of course, I usually dont go that

    far. Mostly I circle around this area, watching for any

    stranded boats or any bad guys.

    Do you ever see any? Jekka asked.

    Stranded boats? Sure! Bad guys not very many.

    Tell us more about your plane, Grampy, BJ asked.

    Well, there were some movie makers named

    Martin and Osa Johnson, who had a plane just like this one,

    back when the S-38s were new. They painted it with zebra

    stripes, named it Osas Ark, and flew it all over Africa,

    making movies about the animals there.

    Cool! I want to see one of their movies, BJ said.

    Maybe you will some day. But for now, what do

    you think about helping me make a movie about Lake


    He pushed a button and two screens popped down

    from the ceiling. A pair of joysticks poked up from thearmrests on the chair. The screens both were showing


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    scenes of a lake, apparently taken from an airplane. BJ

    could see boats, islands, and even some houses on the


    Your Uncle Q helped me put some movie cameras

    on the bottom wings. They are controlled by those

    joysticks, and you can point them in whatever direction you

    want. The screens will show you what the camera sees, and

    its all recorded on the planes computer

    BJ was amazed, and Jekka was already jerking

    wildly on the stick, panning her camera from side to side

    and up and down. BJ gingerly moved her joystick, and
