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Copyright © 2020 Monica Dumont Page 1 The Book of Love (level one) Monica Dumont

The Book of Love...As you have read the title of this workshop, the workshop is, of course, to learn about Love. From the perspective of the Ascended Masters, it means “Higher Love”

Jun 28, 2020



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Page 1: The Book of Love...As you have read the title of this workshop, the workshop is, of course, to learn about Love. From the perspective of the Ascended Masters, it means “Higher Love”

Copyright © 2020 Monica Dumont Page 1

The Book of Love

(level one)

Monica Dumont

Page 2: The Book of Love...As you have read the title of this workshop, the workshop is, of course, to learn about Love. From the perspective of the Ascended Masters, it means “Higher Love”

Copyright © 2020 Monica Dumont Page 2

Copyright © 2020 by Monica Dumont

All rights reserved. No part of this workshop may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or

electronic process, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for “fair use” as brief

quotations embodied in articles and reviews— without prior written permission of the publisher.

The author of this work does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form

of treatment for physical, medical or psychological problems. The intent of the author is only to offer

information of a general nature to help in your quest for spiritual well-being and development. In the

event you use any of the information in this workshop for yourself, the author and the publisher assume

no responsibility for your actions.

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Copyright © 2020 Monica Dumont Page 3


Hello and welcome to the Book of Love workshop. My name is Monica Dumont, and I am a

multi-dimensional healer who has different spiritual abilities, which help me do the work I’m

here to do in this incarnation.

As a young child, I was able to understand energy and could see the thoughts of others. I was

also able to see my spiritual teacher of many lifetimes: the Ascended Master Jesus. With the

innocence of a child, I promised Him that I would always find and know Him through my heart.

As I got older, because of pressure from society, I started to suppress my gifts as much as I

could. But the Universe always has a way to bring you back to yourself. Through the journey of

my life, I have found that going with the flow of who you are will always be the easiest path. A

few years ago, I had to stop ignoring my spiritual gifts and take action toward what I’m here to


My first channel was when I was 21 years old. It was a message that I needed to give to someone

who was going through an existential crisis at the time. After that, the most loving beings started

to chat with me almost every night before going to sleep. I, of course, did not know who they

were, but I liked their company and enjoyed the conversations. It was a few years later that I

found that they were the Ascended Masters. And I got to understand my work with them.

The Ascended Masters are beings who have ascended from physical realities such as Earth and

other planets like it into the teachers they are today. They work from the perspective of the

greater plan of the Divine Creator.

Working with the Ascended Masters has been a life-changing experience for me; I had to learn to

trust and to let go of the false idea of control I had been taught. I had to learn to accept myself,

my gifts, and my own light. I had to let go of the fear of what might happen to me if the world

saw me as my truth.

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Copyright © 2020 Monica Dumont Page 4

The Spiritual Heart:

As you have read the title of this workshop, the workshop is, of course, to learn about Love.

From the perspective of the Ascended Masters, it means “Higher Love” and how that ties into

our reality as humans.

Before we begin our journey together, I would like to bring your attention to the energy point

located in the centre of your chest. To be more specific, this centre is located about three inches

in front of your spinal cord and about one inch to your left. This powerful energy point is called

the Spiritual Heart. And it is and will always be your key to finding truth.

At this moment, I’m going to ask you to close your eyes, and bring your attention to this area…..

And now breathe into it…. and once again, slowly breathe into it….. and in your exhale, open

your eyes; you have now made your first connection to this part of yourself for the day.

Now to help you get set up properly for this workshop, we will do one more exercise before we

go into the deeper teachings. For this, you will need a house plant.

Once you are ready, place the house plant in front of you, and bring your attention to the centre

of your chest; bring your attention to your Spiritual Heart, just as you did earlier; if you cannot,

just have the intent to do so to start; like anything else, the more you practise something, the

better you become at it. For now, just have the intent, and see where that takes you.

Once your focus is there say:

1-Four things you love about the plant to the plant. Next say,

2-Five things you love about yourself to the plant. And lastly say,

3-Six things you love about life to the plant.

To help you out with this, here are a few examples; I would probably say to the plant, “What I

love about you, plant, is the beauty you bring into the world” or

“What I love about me is my sense of humour.”

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Don’t worry. No one is listening, so be truthful and open when you do this exercise.

Stay in your Spiritual Heart with your attention completely focused on the plant for a few

moments; after you have finished this exercise, and when you are ready, say thank you to the

plant. And bring your attention back to your body, back to the room once it feels right for you to

do so, and continue with this workshop.

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Introduction to Workshop:

In our time together, we are going to look at Love in a different way. We are going to learn how

to use this energy so that we can begin to master life.

As you probably noticed, this workshop was created slightly differently, so we are going to have

exercises in all the different parts of it.

In particular, we will look at:

1- Understanding different facets of Love

What is Love from a higher perspective (This is because we need to know what Love

truly is before we can learn to work with it)

What Greater Love is at a deeper level

2- How this Love manifests in our human reality at this time

The Prophecy of Love

The Pink Ray

The Pink Flame

The Angels of Love

The Elohim Orion

3- Applying the concepts we have learned to our everyday life:

Engaging with others through Love

Harmony through Love

Moving through the world through Love


Letting go of Character (deflating the ego)

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What Is Love from a Higher Perspective-

To understand Love, you must understand yourselves first and know that everything is made of

Love and from Love. For without Love, nothing can exist; without Love, there is no connection

to everything and everyone in the totality of all.

When we speak of Love, we speak about Greater/Divine Love. And from that understanding of

what Greater/Divine Love is comes the understanding of the self.

So, what I’m talking about is “not the feeling” you have toward that which is dear to you but the

energy itself. The feeling that we call Love actually comes from that energy.

Understanding Divine Love, from this perspective, and by seeing things from this perspective,

you can see beyond the veils that blind you or hide reality from you.

It is important that you begin to embrace Greater Love so that you can access information that is

rightfully yours in every existence of your beingness.

And so as you learn to expand your Spiritual Heart, you are learning to expand your views of life

and all that exists.

Expanding your Consciousness, or your mind (if you wish to say it that way) more and more,

until you have a good grasp on how to do this so that you can continue on your path.

This would mean firmly walking on your path, in a way that you feel confident and able to

access further knowledge and information for that continuation of your expansion in this

incarnation, as well as in all existences of your being.

For when you understand Love in the true sense of Love, you are able to understand what the

Ascended Masters mean when they say that through these teachings, or the teachings of Love,

you can assist all of your existences, for they are all connected to you at once. Some may call it

in God's time, for that is all that exists. “The now time.”

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What Greater Love Is at a Deeper Level-

Through the expansion of your Consciousness, you will understand what Love is from the

perspective of the higher realms.

At this moment, from the perspective of the human reality, Love cannot truly be understood, for

it is divided into different aspects or facets, such as the way a mother can Love her child

differently than she would Love herself and differently than she would Love nature. This is done

so that individuals can experiment with these energies in a way that suits them at specific times

in their incarnations.

As they experience the different facets of Love, they are able to grow and expand a little bit more

each time. However, from the perspective of the Ascended Masters, their goal is to teach about

Higher Love so that humanity can move faster in their evolution.

From your perspective at this moment, Love can be seen as something that has different facets

that you can experience according to where you are in your spiritual growth as a soul or a

human. However, when humans are more evolved and can expand more, they are able to

combine the different facets of Love into one, becoming more whole and more complete in their

actions toward another, toward life, and toward themselves.

It is important that you recognize and understand the different facets of Love in your reality so

that one day, you can understand what Higher Love is. And this is why the Ascended Masters

have come forward to teach about this higher understanding of Love as you move into your

spiritual growth more and more.

Love from the higher perspective is the glue that binds everything and everyone no matter what

realm you are existing in, or what realm you decide to tap into. It exists in everything and

everyone; it connects you all to everything. It is the glue that binds you. It is the glue in the

molecules that exist in everything that has been created. Without this Divine energy, nothing can


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But how do you come to understand this more so that you can genuinely understand Unity

through the frequency of Love? Well, the molecule of Love is in everything and everyone, no

matter what dimension you speak of, or you are residing in, or your Consciousness is located in.

This molecule is your key to understanding other parts of you, other aspects of you, and other

realities of you. It is your key to speaking to one another from the truth perspective. It is your

key to moulding your creations, to recharging yourselves, to recharging the land, etc.

It is the key because it is in everything. If you understand that you, yourself, are that molecule as

a whole, and that for example, the river in a city nearby is also that molecule as a whole, then

there is no difference between you and the river or your existence and the existence of the river.

And when you begin to understand that, you are then able to say, and feel, and know, and sense,

"I am the river.” When I think of the river, or me and the river as one, I bring joy into my heart

from a conscious perspective. I bring joy to the existence of the river, as well.

To help us understand this concept better, we are going to do a very simple exercise.


1. Grab a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. You can use the space on Pg.3

2. Think of the plant in front of you.

3. Think of this plant as a person who can talk, move, and feel.

4. Close your eyes, but keep thinking of this plant.

5. Take three to four very slow deep breaths into the Spiritual Heart.

6. Expand your chest slowly as you do this.

7. Continue thinking of this plant.

8. As you breathe into the centre of your chest, feel your full body as a vibration of what the

energy of Love feels like to you at this moment in your awareness. Don’t overthink it;

just sense it or feel it.

9. Think of this living being you know as the plant at the same time.

10. Say, “hello.”

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11. Now take a few quiet seconds just experiencing connecting with the plant through this

frequency or awareness.

12. When you are ready, write down today's date, how it felt, what you saw, or any other

type of experience you had while doing this exercise.

Some of you might need to practise this a bit more, and some might need to relax just a bit more

for a little longer. Then there will be those who will have to train yourselves to move into the

space of the heart and move out of the Consciousness of your ego.

I encourage you to do this exercise when it feels right for you and to trust your ability to connect

to others by understanding Divine Love.

If you decide to practise this, you can do it anywhere, but I recommend you do it with an actual

tree or plant in front of you if possible. Continue to write the date and your experiences each

time you do this. In six months to a year, look back to see your progress.

Humans experience different Love, or different facets of Love, depending on how they choose

to connect in their everyday life with other humans, whether it is their families, coworkers, or

people on the bus.

So, you may call Love when you see a mother caring for her child or a person looking after their

pets, or even taking care of a garden or their home. All of this is a reflection of Love.

When we speak about that totality of Love or Higher Love, this is a power that truly and

genuinely connects you to all; you will begin to see yourself as Love, as you see everything and

everyone, every creation and every action as Love. You are allowing yourself to see through the

veils that fog your view.

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How this love manifests in Our Human Reality at This Time-

The Ascended Masters have told me that there is a prophecy called “The Prophecy of


When every single individual, or the majority of the individuals on the planet, begins to

understand Love from its higher perspective and is able to connect to one another, they will be

able to connect through the heart, and also to their creations through their words, and to all that

they bring into this world as their own unique experiences.

They will begin to create and to move the world in a way that is profound, in a way in which

their vision of things should shape us.

I am not 100% sure how this prophecy will be fulfilled, but I think that when enough of us

understand Love and Unity, it will carry all of humanity to become a type of Master on Earth.

Let’s look at an example; let’s say that you have a community or neighbourhood where all

individuals are able to connect to each other through their spiritual hearts and are aware of this

connection. They begin to act toward each other through Love; they begin to speak to each other

through Love, and they begin to associate with each other and that environment and situations

around them through Love. They are able to see things more clearly and to have a vision of what

they want their world to be or to become, and they begin to be United, in one way or another;

they begin to create the world they want to create from this perspective. As they understand

Higher Love and connection in this way, they are able to move things more quickly and more

easily for all those who are not yet able to participate in such actions yet. However, they assist

these other beings in moving faster and faster as well as closer and closer to understanding this


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To help us understand this better, we are going to do one exercise.


1. Grab a piece of paper and a pen or pencil.

2. Think of an issue you would like to solve in an aspect of your life that involves one or

more people.

3. Write it down.

4. Now write down what you think the outcome should be and what you would do to

achieve this outcome. (Be honest, and be yourself when you write this).

5. Once this is done, close your eyes, and bring your attention to the centre of your chest.

Specifically, bring your attention to your Spiritual Heart, and breathe into it, slowly

expanding it with ease.

6. Do this for about two minutes. Take your time, and allow your body to relax as you do


7. Now feel or sense what Love is in your full body at once.

8. Stay with the sensation or feeling, and think of all the people involved in the situation

you wrote about.

9. Notice what they need or why they are doing what they are doing. If it’s you, notice why

you are doing what you are doing and what you need.

10. Now come back to the room, and open your eyes.

11. Write down your findings.

12. What would you do now that you have the information to solve this issue?

13. Please write down what the outcome looks like now.

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Pink Ray-

So let’s understand how this energy of Love comes to us from the higher realms to help us: Some

of you might have heard of the Pink Ray.

The Pink Ray is a specific frequency that has been anchored in the planet for some time now.

The intent of bringing the Pink Ray, and anchoring it in the Earth in various areas of the planet is

to facilitate access to “Divine Love energy” for humanity so that they can begin to question

more, to see more clearly, and to help them choose in their own time, and through their own will,

higher frequencies, higher thoughts, the higher “Will,” higher creations, higher communications,

and higher connections.

It is an energy that is helping in the expansion of humanity, and it is helping in facilitating the

flow of other higher frequencies coming into the planet so that more and more humans can have

access to those frequencies as well.

The work that the Ascended Masters are assisting with is to bring humanity to a higher level.

There are some of you who are here anchoring the Pink Ray frequency, meaning that you have

come into this planet with a stronger sense of that energy. You will need this energy around you

more than others who are not necessarily anchoring it. You will manifest more through it and

make more connections with others through this; by using this energy, you will want to live your

life more through the Pink Ray.

You will want to have this pink colour around you, or pink lights; anything associated with the

colour pink would be something that you are attracted to. You will be gentle in your energies,

loving, highly sensitive, easily connected to others, easily connected to animals and the planet.

Many people call these people “The Crystal people.” There are many in one specific generation.

They may be in their teenage years now, in 2020, but there are others who have been born before

them and who will continue to be born after them. This frequency is important for the world, for

all humanity.

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When you come into contact with one of these individuals who have taken upon themselves the

responsibility of anchoring this energy in the world in their own way, you must acknowledge

them and support them through Love,

compassion, and understanding for the work they're doing here for all of you, for all of us.

And as you support them through Love, understand that their sensitivity is very high. You will

notice that they are profoundly affected by world events or issues that are going on, and you

might see them as not being able to necessarily cope with the hardships of what is being created

by the majority of you on the planet. An example of this would be what is presented through the

media (war, famine, political unrest, environmental issues, etc.)

Your Love, light, or support for them is imperative so that they can sustain this for humankind

and sustain their lives here on Earth.

Please understand that these people will be highly attracted to animals, and they will have them

around them as their support. The animals are spiritual and yet physical beings that are here to

support them.

It's your responsibility to acknowledge these people and to allow them to be the sensitive beings

that they are. To allow them to manifest in the way they need to manifest and to allow them to

shine their unique light, which is highly connected to Divine Love. Divine Love is what they are

bringing in for all of you, for all of us.

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Pink Flame-

To help these people do their work, we can begin to access our own Pink Flame.

The Pink Flame is one of the three Divine Flames located in the Divine Heart of every single one

of you.

When you activate this flame within you, you can use this Divine energy in your everyday life to

bless your food, your water, your children, your loved ones, and your home.

You can access this flame. By activating it and asking it to fill your heart, your mind, and parts

of your body where you require it to be, you will have access to these higher, more refined

frequencies daily. You will allow it to bring you into a higher spectrum of reality, and activate

higher frequencies for your physical body, as well as your astral bodies. What you are doing is

moving yourself into a higher octave, adjusting more and more, until you embody the Pink

Flame in yourself and in your life. This is a way of transforming reality for yourself at a very

personal level, the molecular level.

Activate, using this Divine Flame to shift you at the molecular level through Divine Love.

When you do this, shifts occur at a conscious and subconscious level. You do this in a way that

will transform all aspects of you, all parts of you, in a very dramatic way. If you could look at

your life 10 years from the moment your shifts began to happen, you would not recognize certain

things about yourself because of the shifts that this Divine Flame brings to you.

Let’s do another exercise to help us understand this better.

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Let’s put everything down right now, and get into a comfortable position.

1. Close your eyes, and take three very slow deep breaths (breathe in, one, two, three,

hold it for a few seconds, and breathe out slowly one, two, three).

2. Place your right hand on top of the centre of your chest and your left hand on top of

the right hand.

3. Continue to breathe slowly into your chest for a few more seconds.

4. Smile gently with gratitude. Imagine, visualize, or sense your Spiritual Heart.

5. Ask your Divine Pink Flame to activate.

6. Notice what you notice, feel you what you feel, sense what you sense, see what you


7. Stay with that for a few seconds.

8. Ask the flame now to expand in you.

9. See or sense what happens.

10. Take a deep breath in, and come back to the room.

11. Stretch your body; if you need to stand up, please do so now.

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Angels of Love-

As you can see, this work is leading you to raising your Consciousness and therefore your

vibration. And when you raise your vibration, you learn and understand other realms and how

some beings of the higher realms work with us and help us with the Love frequency. For this

reason, I would like to briefly talk about the Angels of Love and the Elohim Orion as an


The Angels of Love are manifested from the heavenly realms; they are here in the same way they

are in every other reality or dimensions, assisting lifeforms in whichever way they present

themselves to be, in whatever is transpiring at that exact moment in an individual's life, or in the

creations the individuals have cooperated in manifesting.

The Angels of Love come with the specific frequency of what is called “Divine Love,” Higher

Love, or the Love of the Creator, to enhance and transform through these higher frequencies that

which needs it.

For example, if there is Love between a mother and a child, when asked, these Angels can assist

in enhancing that Love; they would point out to both individuals how they are connected through

Love and show them this through the appreciation of their Love for each other.

The Angels of Love can be called upon at any moment, for they walk with all of you. However,

if you require more assistance in knowing and understanding Love, and living through Love, you

can call the legions of these Angels to assist you on your own unique journey toward

understanding and knowing true Love and its magnificent force.

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The Elohim Orion-

The Elohim Orion is one of the many beings whom you will find working with the Pink Ray in

order to assist in anchoring Higher Love frequencies and also in the lives and awareness of

everyone and everything within the planet.

The frequency of Love has to be held by beings that are also outside of the physical realm for the

world to sustain itself in the way that it needs to be sustained for human forms to experience this

physical reality without destruction or the fullness of separation. For even within your own

Consciousness, you are able to understand the idea of Unity and that somehow you are all


The role of this specific being is to sustain that ray for humanity and the planet at this point. I’m

mentioning this specific being because the Ascended Masters want people to understand the

complexity of what it is to sustain a Universe. It isn't just one, two, three, or four beings that are

doing this; nor is it something that happens by magic, or that just by the thought of one person,

or three, or a group that something like this can be created and sustained. It is through the force

of Love and creation that the Universe in which you are residing at the moment is being held

together. And it is done through the perspective of Love and only Love.

By knowing of all the help we have to accomplish this in our lives, we can feel more secure in

moving forward in understanding our Divinity, our connection, and our understanding of Unity

through Love.

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Applying the concepts we have learned in our everyday life:

Now you are getting a better idea of how to use this centre, so let’s talk about engaging with

others through Love

The ideal world for all of humankind would be for every single one of you to take responsibility

for your connections in your everyday life. This means that you have to take responsibility for

your thoughts and the words you choose to use toward one another, toward yourselves, toward

life, toward your existence on this planet.

When you take full responsibility, and say, and claim, and state firmly that you are a being of

light, for you are, you bring your awareness to “The Light Within You.” To the centre of your

Spiritual Heart and invoke the Divine Light within you to come through your words, and your

thoughts, and your actions, and begin to speak to your neighbour, to your co-worker, to your

child, to your spouse, to yourself only from that perspective. From you, consciously being in

that unique Divine Light that exists within you, you begin to genuinely and truly connect to one

another from a higher perspective… from Love. And you are able to then see, and hear this other

person, or see the situation from a higher perspective, which will assist you in having clarity and

see what is really going on. Clarity in how to respond, if that is what's needed; and how to be

present as you listen or as you view the situation.

This is no easy task because you have been taught through your upbringing and from the

Consciousness of the human race to always be busy—busy in your mind, busy in your lives—

and not to put any energy, mindful thinking, or mindful time toward being in your own light and

connecting to one another through that light.

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Additional Exercise:

In addition to our previous exercise, we are going to go deeper now.

For this exercise, you will have to use visualization and feeling or sensation. If you cannot

visualize, you will need to use your imagination and the sense that works best for you.

You will also need to know what and where your pineal gland is, so please look at page #4 of the

PDF provided for you.

1- I’m going to invite you to take a deep breath into your Spiritual Heart.

2- As you do, close your eyes, and allow the breath to go deeper into the centre of your

Spiritual Heart, into the core and through your “will” and your wanting it and through

your visualization activate that light. And see, feel, know, and imagine if you wish this

light to expand through you.

3- Expand through your throat, open it up, and go higher into your pineal gland.

4- Now have the intent to open that area up so that you may have clarity of thoughts and


5- Notice how it feels to be in your light. How does it feel to think of someone, or the

situation we thought of in the previous exercise, while you are in your light?

6- And what would it feel like if you spoke to someone you know, or your pet, or the plant

in front of you when you are present like this?

7- Listen back while you are sitting in that light. In the Love that you are, in the Love that

they are.

This is one of the ways we truly connect to one another. This is one of the ways you can resolve

the problems that you feel are so painful in your connections to one another, in your interactions,

and in the situations that are being created, because none of you are there. And so let's go a little

bit further and push you a little bit more when I ask:

1- How would it feel to connect to your home, whether it is rented or owned in this same


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2- What have you neglected in your home? Isn't it deserving of Love, if it is made of Love?

Whatever comes to mind, perhaps, you should begin to work on that at home.

So write it down.

Harmony through Love-

From the point of view of anybody who chooses to live their lives in the way that I have spoken

about, harmony is something that will just naturally fall into place for them, because they are

beginning to understand that harmony is living through their own authentic expression.

Your own authentic expression cannot exist if you are not based in Love. We are talking once

again about Higher Love.

When you begin to be present in the way that was mentioned, everything begins to harmonize.

Everything starts to run through flow. Your actions, your adventures, your dealings, your

wantings, your desires, your journeys, even your words begin to flow, “all in harmony.” And

because you are centred in sitting in your Divine Light, in the Divine Love that you are, you trust

you have faith that all is well.

And you could come to one of these workshops or one of the channels I do with the Ascended

Masters, and you will hear them say to you or to the group "all is well." And you would

understand exactly what they mean by that and why they say that to you over and over again.

As you sit in the light of that Love, you understand higher concepts, as well as the lower

concepts and why they exist, and your trust in yourself and in your light, and in the light that is

all becomes profound and you begin to allow for things to move in the way they are meant to.

And although you might see things that perhaps will make you sad, or possibly that might upset

you at times, you will understand that “all is well,” and that there are higher reasons why

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something like that might happen; you will honour your feelings and yourself from that


But you will also honour the allowance for these things to happen so that others may grow and

expand through Love as well. It is about respecting the choices of others, about respecting their

creations as well as your own.

Understand this—a higher perspective does not give you superiority over anyone else. But it

gives you understanding, harmony, fluidity, expansion, and an endless amount of Love. Love

energy that you cannot yet understand; until you begin to practise over and over the teachings

that we are giving you now. It will always be your choice.

It will always be your choice to decide how long you want to be in this realm in the way that it

exists now. It will always be your choice to be where you are right now, or where you have been

or where you're going.

This workshop was created in partnership with the Ascended Masters. Their job is to teach and

to extend their hand and their Love to you. If that is what you want, take it. They are here for


Moving the World through Love-

Moving the world through Love can only happen if every single one of you chooses to do that

right now. You will begin to be conscious of how you present yourself in your life and in the


What does that mean? Well, today, you say to yourself, “I am present in my beingness and my

life. Today as I walk outside my door and meet strangers, coworkers, friends, or family

members, I will only speak words that originate from my Divine Heart, and I will see their

stories, and hear their words, and see them through the lens of my Divine Heart, so that I can

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truly understand them and know them; so that I can truly act and not react to what is being

presented in front of me by this individual, or this situation or this group of people because 'I

am,' 'I am,' 'I am.'"


Now we are going to do an exercise, which will help you do this regularly with ease. Please take

a look at page #4 of the PDF available. You’ll see there are a few lines where you have to fill in

the blanks. To fill them in, just think of yourself as what and who you perceive yourself to be.

An example would be I am a singer, or I am a good person. Just use whatever comes to mind


I am _________________

I am__________________

I am__________________

Once you have that filled in, please move to the second part of the page.

Now just as you did in the previous exercise,

1. Close your eyes.

2. Bring your focus back to the core of your Spiritual Heart, and relax your body.

3. Access the light within this area.

4. Breathe into it, and expand it.

5. Spend a few seconds doing this, gently, slowly, and gracefully.

6. Now within that energy, fill in the blanks. “I am_____________.”

7. Good, again fill in the blank, “I am________________________.”

8. One more time. “ I am __________________________.”

9. Please open your eyes and write down what came through for you.

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This is how you create a better and more truthful view of yourself. To connect and speak to

others while sitting in your awareness of your Spiritual Heart, you can also see or sense others as

what and who they really are.

Once again, you might need to practise accessing this aspect of yourself. Like anything else, the

more you practise it, the better you become at it. You will notice that you will receive this

information differently than others, and that is okay too. Meaning that you might be very visual,

and others might be very kinesthetic when working at that level of self.

Imagine yourself doing this every day for one month. How do you think the world around you

would begin to change? How do you think your own body would begin to change and your

energies and your ways, your thoughts, and even your own abilities that are hidden from you by

your own soul because you are not able to yet do this for yourself?

When you are aware of how you are being, acting, and connecting in the world you live in, you

choose from a higher perspective. You choose Love because that is the only way that you can

understand the true reason you are here now.

How will you change your life right now as you sit there, and what other choices will you make

when you walk outside the door? Will you change the life of someone by just reaching out and

giving a hand? Will you touch the heart of someone by smiling at them or saying I love you?

This is for you to decide, but the world for you and the world for all cannot change or move in

that direction that so many of you desire until each and every single one of you begins to have

choices with awareness.

"Creating from awareness" is the word I’m looking for here.

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Oftentimes, compassion is just the word in the dictionary, a word that many use carelessly. When

you really begin to understand what the word compassion means, you begin to look within

yourselves and say, “Do I have compassion for life? Do I have compassion for others who

perhaps might be struggling in whichever way that may be for them?"

“Do I have compassion for myself? Do I have compassion for the idea that I am here in a world

that has duality, and hardship, and struggles? Do I have compassion for myself, for life, for

others, or do I just use this word as part of my vocabulary because it's just part of the language I


True compassion can only be found at the depth of your beingness, and I’m going to refer back

to the Spiritual Heart because it is the source of all that you can tap into in that sense. When you

go into the depth of your Spiritual Heart, you will understand that it's not just an energy centre

located in the centre of your chest, but it is also frequencies of information that speak to you

through the knowingness, words, images, or feelings.

If you pay close attention to what it is telling you, in whichever ways it speaks to you, you will

begin to see that most of you have been very harsh on yourselves in life, in the creation that you

will have participated in becoming, and also very harsh on others. This has caused more strife

within yourselves than you can actually begin to imagine or admit; for us, you remove yourself,

or separate yourself from your own truth, or your own energies, or feelings, or your knowingness

of what is being presented in front of you. You begin to create disharmony between you and

yourself, you and your life, you and situations, you and other people, and compassion is the one

thing that can begin to assist you in bringing those parts together once again.

So reflect, in your own lives, how you have not been compassionate to yourself. Many times,

many of you live in realities where you play games with how successful you have to be

according to your society, or the people around you, and you are very uncompassionate to

yourself in order to achieve that “success” or what you see as “success.”

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And you can harm yourselves in many ways and separate yourselves in such a way within

yourselves, and you will reflect this as well in the lives that you live, for you will create this

again with the relationships or in the workplaces that you are in.

So this idea of compassion that you have right now has to go deeper than what you were

thinking; you genuinely have to begin to speak to your true self and be able to really listen to

what you are saying to yourself without fear. Because many of you fear hearing the truth. This is

because it will lead you to understand that what you have created through your ideas or beliefs is

just an illusion to keep you preoccupied in something that has nothing to do with your truth, but

the truth of others. And so we can imagine that you would begin to think. Wow! Have I just

wasted 45 years in an illusion that was created by somebody else in my life that perhaps I've

never even met, but maybe was the idea of an ancestor five generations ago, or the idea of a

society that I have nothing to do with because he does not speak my truth?

Did I just spend a lifetime doing that? And we understand that that can be scary. And

concerning, for you see everything in time, and that is understood as well. This is why the

Ascended Masters come to speak to us through channels. It is not because we are making you

look inside yourselves. We are asking you to consider it and to begin acting according to your

own inner guidance.

Compassion is not just a word in the dictionary or the human vocabulary. It is an action that you

must take from within the depth of your being.

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Letting Go of Character (deflating the ego)-

Letting go of character has to do with the laying down of the ego as your main centre or your

main focus of power. In other words, your belief in who you are right now, which is connected to

your present incarnation.

This does not mean that you let go of the ego and that you are ego-less and just a soul walking on

the planet because that would not be possible. How would you eat, and how would you live if

you were ego-less? Well, the ego serves you as much as the soul if you learn to use them both

properly the way that they are meant. They are meant to work together and serve you as one.

When you understand that above everything, you are a soul, a soul that is in a specific

incarnation, you realize that the personality, or the name that you have, has been created, and

specifically crafted by your soul in order to serve you in that incarnation and what you have

come here to accomplish for yourself and or for others.

If you begin to say, I am not Mary, or Joe, or Alex, or whatever name you hold, but I am my own

unique beingness, my own unique energy, a soul in creation… If you begin to identify your

personality, as your ally, or best friend who is here to assist you… If you begin to create the

partnership that we're talking about, and you guide your actions, and your creations, and your

words, and thoughts, and everything in life according to the soul; and you use the gifts and the

abilities and the capabilities that your personality or the character you're playing has to manifest

what you need in the physical realm. For without the personality, or the ego, you would not be

able to accomplish what you need to do because you would not be in the physical form.

The best way to go about this, besides what we've already talked about, is to engage with your

personality and say, “Hey, best friend who will be with me from the beginning of this incarnation

till the end? What can we do today with what we've got? We've got a body, we've got a voice,

and we’ve got hands. If we have them, we've got eyes; if we have them, we've got a brain. So

what can we do today according to my Divine Heart, my Divine Truth?”

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And you breathe into your Spiritual Heart, and enhance it with that breath, and start to think of

the wonderful things you could do or the wonderful projects you could begin, and finish, and the

wonderful paths you can walk, and the wonderful people you could inspire, or walk with, or

create with. And you begin to generally walk your true path, through your own unique signature.

Through your energetic signature, you begin to create in ways you have never even dreamed of.

This is walking your path through authenticity and Great Love. For only Love can guide you this

way, only when you connect to your source of Love, which is your uniqueness, located in the

centre of your Spiritual Heart. You become “you” in the flesh, and no matter what happens

around you, nothing, and no one can move you from that path, for you know who you are and

what you are.

That is reflected in your everyday life, through everything that you are and create.

May the path that is your “highest” be always right in front of you, so that you may see it with

clarity, so that it may feel the flame of your heart, so that you may begin to walk on it, with pride

and joy, so that you may understand truths where ever you are.

Now, you will see that on the PDF provided, I have given you some suggestions about a plan you

can follow if you want to continue doing this work.

But, before we complete this workshop, let’s take a few moments to fill in page #5 of the PDF

file .

Thank you, everyone, for sharing this time with me. Blessed be your path.

Please take a few moments to bring your attention to your Spiritual Heart once again, and give

thanks to yourself for the magnificent opportunities you are allowing yourself to engage in.

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Before we go, please take a look at the back of your handout. You will see an example of a plan

you can follow to help you maintain your movement.

If you have any questions, please send me an email. I will be happy to assist in whatever way I


My Plan

(Below is an example of a plan.)

Week 1

Day 1: First thing in the morning, do heart meditation.

Day 2: First thing in the morning, do heart meditation.

Day 3: First thing in the morning, do heart meditation.

Day 4: First thing in the morning ,do heart meditation.

Day 5: First thing in the morning, do heart meditation.

Week 2

Day 1: Bring your awareness to your Spiritual Heart and expand its light.

Day 2: Bring your awareness to your Spiritual Heart and expand its light.

Day 3: Bring your awareness to your Spiritual Heart and expand its light.

Day 4: Go into your Spiritual Heart throughout the day and say a loving thing to yourself each


Day 5: Go into your Spiritual Heart throughout the day and say a loving thing to yourself each


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Week 3

Day 1: Bring your awareness to your Spiritual Heart and expand its light. Then say one loving

thing to yourself and one loving thing about someone in your life that is causing you to move out

from the energy of Love. (Repeat this for the rest of the week.)

Week 4

Day 1: Choose a time during the day where you bring your awareness to your Spiritual Heart

and expand its light. And stay in that energy while you communicate with one other person or

when you are dealing with a situation. Write down what happens when you do this. (Repeat this

exercise for the rest of the week.)

Week 5

Day 1: Practise any of the exercises that you feel attracted to the most from the workshop.

(Repeat throughout the week.)

Week 6 and forward: Change the world!


About the Author

Monica Dumont is a divine transmitter, healer, regression therapist, and award-winning author.

As part of the soul lineage of the Elohim Orion, she works with the Ascended Masters,

Archangels, and other Divine Beings to assist in the ascension and healing of humanity and the

Earth. She works with people around the world on a one-on-one basis, as well as with groups.