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The Book Nymph PR December 2015 Issue

Jul 24, 2016



Featuring Goddess of War, an Interview with Deborah Coonts, Kay Davis, The Writing Process with Celia Kennedy, Lord Bachelor, a Write Like a Wizard Challenge, and more!
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Africa's Big Five Wild Animals (My First Travel Books)

By, Anna Othitis

Welcome to Angelic Airlines! Are you ready to take to the skies?

Children come join us this time on a wild adventure with Captain

Frankie on Angelic Airlines as we travel across the world to learn

about, visit and see Africa's Big "5" Wildlife Animals. Captain Frankie

is waiting for you to book your ticket, safely stow your bags, and open your eyes to these amazing

animals in the savannahs of Africa. Most of these beautiful animals are about to become Extinct. We have to save our Wildlife animals, this earth belongs to them as well. My First Travel Books. This is another

one of Anna Othitis?s trip with Captain Frankie. Originally from

Zimbabwe, Africa, her travels have taken her a far across the world.

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Welcome to Angelic Airlines! Are you ready to take to the skies?

Children come join us this time on a wild adventure with Captain

Frankie on Angelic Airlines as we travel across the world to learn

about, visit and see Africa's Big "5" Wildlife Animals. Captain Frankie

is waiting for you to book your ticket, safely stow your bags, and open your eyes to these amazing

animals in the savannahs of Africa. Most of these beautiful animals are about to become Extinct. We have to save our Wildlife animals, this earth belongs to them as well. My First Travel Books. This is another

one of Anna Othitis?s trip with Captain Frankie. Originally from

Zimbabwe, Africa, her travels have taken her a far across the world.

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13-year-old, Katrin DuBois decides it 's never to soon to start an autobiography. She needs to set the record straight about the outrageous rumors concerning certain adventures that began when she was in 6th grade. That's when her elder sister, 8th grader J. Dyanne, began exhibit ing extraordinary detecting powers. Volume 1 begins in the late summer of 1968 on the south side of Chicago, a turbulent t ime before cell phones, laptops and text messages became essential elements of pre-teen life. The girls manage to thrive in a world of social change with multi-generational family support, creative quick-thinking and fearless inquisit iveness. The dog days of August f ind them prohibited by their parents from visit ing the Central Library downtown because of the riots during the Democratic Convention. However, there's plenty of adventure in their own neighborhood as they become swept up in family mysteries, neighborhood polit ical schemes and discovery of a surprising legacy of psychic, even supernatural, talent.


Valerie C. Woods is the author of the novella I Believe? A Ghost Story for the Holidays. She also wrote Something for Everyone (50 Original Monologues), offered by renowned play publishers, Samuel French, Inc. Ms. Woods continues to write for the entertainment industry. Her writ ing career began with her selection as a Walt Disney Screenwriting Fellow and continued with writ ing and producing for such network and cable dramas as Under One Roof, Touched By An Angel, Promised Land, Any Day Now and Soul Food. She has returned to her f irst love? writ ing f iction, in addition to developing future f ilm and television projects.

Publisher/Editor BooksEndependent , LLC

Available on Amazon


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The Resul t :

I sat across from my step-mother and tried not to stare as she sipped her tea. It tasted bitter, I knew, but now she needed me so there would be no snide comments today. She had easily believed I would donate a kidney to save my father?s life, even after he had left my mom and me for her. Once they?d said ?I do? Janet had made sure he hadn?t had time for me, until now when he needed me or at least part of me.

I smiled as Janet?s eyes became heavy. I leaned across the table and grabbed the cup before any of the liquid could

Write Like a W izard

Writ ing Challenge

In 3,000 words or less write about a woman that decides to go on vacation alone. Why did she do this? What does she do on her vacation? Does she discover romance, adventure, or danger?

spill out. She tried to speak but her words were a garbled mess. I got up from the table and made sure when she slumped over that she didn?t fall to the f loor. I wasn?t completely cruel or heartless.

I cleaned up the kitchen then pulled a gallon size plastic bag from my purse. I stuffed the two mugs inside and sealed it up. When I was sure everything was as it should be, I grabbed my purse and headed for my car.


Half way to my destination I pulled off the highway and disposed of anything that could be troublesome for me in the days to come.

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In consul appareat d issent iunt pr i nibh duis convenire. Erat sed diam.

Half way to my destination I pulled off the highway and disposed of anything that could be troublesome for me in the days to come.

Four hours later I pulled into the driveway of the old cabin where mom and I had spent our summers for the past 15 years. She?d fought tooth and nail for it during the divorce and my father had f inally relented.

After I f inished unpacking, I sat on the back deck with a lovely view of the lake and waited the phone to ring. I didn?t have long to wait. My father called with the ?tragic? news of my step-mother?s death. I feigned surprise, but could not fabricate anything that resembled sympathy.

Over the next few days I enjoyed the peace and quiet in between my father?s more frequent and frantic calls. He was suffering. Not only had he ?lost the love of his l ife?, but his health had declined, especially after I informed him that I had changed my mind about being his donor.

Twelve days into my vacation, my mom called with the good news-- my father had succumbed to a heart attack and would be buried next to my step-mother.

I left the cabin long enough to attend my father?s funeral and take care of all the legal stuff . As, I was his only living heir, I received his entire estate. Once everything was settled, I returned to the cabin. I anonymously sent f ive thousand dollars to the library where I?d stolen a book on untraceable poisons. I thought it was a fair trade.

I spent the rest of the summer enjoying the lake and my freedom for the f irst t ime in years. It truly was the best vacation of my life.

Violet Ingram


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Introducing Kay Davis

by T he Book Nymph PR

Kay Davis is a published author with a passion for helping women and young ladies become who God called them to be. With a degree in psychology and certif ication in natural healthcare, she is committed to inspiring others to achieve total health and wellness is all areas of l ife--body, soul, and spirit. She is also the founder of Wai of Life? (translated from the Hawaiian language to mean Living Water) which is based upon these premises. She has been writ ing for over 20 years and released her f irst book-- Watered by the Vine: Daily Devotions for Single Women in 2014, which landed on Amazon's top 100 list shortly after its release.

God impressed upon her heart to write Rock Your Pearl! for teenage girls to inspire them to raise the standard for their generation and generations to come.

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Where are you f rom?

I am originally from Chicago, IL; currently residing in Charlotte, NC.

What inspired you to write your f irst book?

I have been writ ing for more than 20 years and always knew that one day I would write a book. I had already been keeping a journal of dif ferent things God poured into my heart over the years and at the right t ime; He inspired me to put it in a book to share with the world.


Do you write ful l -t ime or part -t ime? How do you balance your writ ing l i fe with your family/work l i fe? Over two years ago, I was laid off of my corporate job of 12 years. I knew this was my opportunity to f inally sit down and write my book!

So for two years, I was a full t ime author. Now that I am back in Corporate America, I write part t ime. Writing is my f irst love, so every free opportunity I get; I take the time to write. I have been able to f ind that delicate balance between family/work life.

What are your current projects?

Currently I?m working on expanding the platform of my two books. I?m completing the audio book for Watered by the Vine and I?m in the process of creating companion guides for Watered by the Vine and Rock Your Pearl. I?m also, looking forward to the release of a book that I co-authored, early 2016. If you had to do it al l over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

I wouldn?t change anything in my latest book because I truly believe that everything God laid on my heart to say was put into the book. I poured my heart and soul into Rock Your Pearl and I hope every young lady that reads it feels that from me.


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Did you learn anything f rom writ ing your book and what was it?

I learned that writ ing a book is truly a process. It?s not just putting a bunch of words together, then calling it a book. After the book is f inished, there is stil l work to be done. It takes a lot of t ime, dedication, and nurturing but it is truly rewarding.

Do you have any advice for other writers? My advice for other writers would be to definitely get feedback from someone you trust that will tell you the truth. It could be a crit ique group of local authors or family and friends. I would also advise starting a focus group made up of your target audience. If there are specif ic points that you want to address, make sure you ask those reviewing your work if

How do you overcome writer?s block?

When I?m not in my most ?creative space,? I focus on my ?administrative? work-cleaning up (structuring, organizing, formatting) what I already have. My work has to be authentic, it cannot be forced. When I get my creative bursts I ride with them, that?s when my most authentic self comes out. Sometimes it hits me in the middle of the night and I wake up and f low with it. The adrenaline is the creative juice I need to overcome writer?s block.

What was the most fun part of writ ing your book?

I would say the most fun part of writ ing both books is seeing it all come together. It?s watching it blossom from the seeds in my heart to a complete piece of work. Who is your favorite author and what is i t that real ly st rikes you about their work? My favorite author is Joyce Meyer. What strikes me about her writ ing mostly is her transparency, authenticity and relateability. It?s as if you?re sitt ing down having a cup of coffee, chatting with a close friend. Her work is powerful and impactful and that?s what I strive for in my writ ing as well. What was the hardest part of writ ing your book? The hardest part of writ ing my book was the editing and re-writes. I got to a place where I would second guess myself-did I say too much or too litt le about a topic, wondering if my point was stated clearly enough, adding to my writ ing, taking away from it, etc., The hardest part was knowing when to stop, then turning it over into the hands of someone else.

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if the points came across during their reading. If there was a tone you wanted to set, ask them if they felt the impact. This will help you adjust what needs to be adjusted for your readers. After that is done, get a professional editor. Not only are they another set of eyes, but they also know what to look for and will help f ine tune and polish your work. Do you have anything specif ic that you want to say to your readers?

To my readers: I pray that you hear my heart in every word you read and that you are edif ied, enlightened, and better than you were before.Do you have an agent or publ isher? How did you go about f inding one?

I do not have an agent or publisher but I have learned it is dif f icult to do everything on your own and is not always the best choice. I have found that util izing the skil l set of others (graphic design artist, editor, marketer/promoter, etc,.) is the best way to showcase your work in its best l ight. A team is important in the success of your book.

If you could l ive anywhere, where would it be?

I would live on a beach that?s beautiful, quiet, and tranquil where I can relax and be at ease; but close enough to a city with all of the amenities and convenience.

Young girls today are growing up in a culture where anything goes. Right is wrong and wrong is right; they are lost and confused about which standard to follow. Those that want to keep their

virginity feel isolated. Some are on the fence and likely to bends towards the "new normal." Others have given up their virginity and now feel it 's too late for them, unaware that they can

begin again.

Rock Your Pearl! will encourage teenage girls to honor, celebrate, and embrace their virginity or celibacy in a crazy, mixed-up world. It will inspire the younger generation to reach towards a

higher standard for themselves than is currently being represented in today's culture. Author Kay Davis wants teen girls to understand that just l ike the pearl, they are valuable, and just l ike the

pearl, their purity is admirable.

Whether you are a teen looking for some guidance or a parent looking for a powerful resource to help you talk with your teen about the delicate subject of sex, there is help for you inside this


Teen Readers will be packed full of: -Encouragement

-Knowledge -Wisdom

-Hope -Practical and Biblical Insight

-Support and Guidance -Love and Acceptance

Available on Amazon


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Edmund Rushwood is a single English lord in possession of a great fortune who is in desperate need of a rich wife. In accordance with his father?s will, Edmund has until he turns twenty-six to f ind a wealthy bride or lose his vast inheritance. To retain his self ish lifestyle, he agrees to join an American dating game show to f ind the woman who can save him. He doesn?t bargain on meeting Abby Forester, an impoverished, spirited American woman who is content to live out her father?s dreams in his vintage record shop.

With covert intervention from an unlikely source, Abby lands on the dating game show as one of Edmund?s potential brides. As their worlds entangle and love begins to bloom, Abby discovers Edmund cannot marry her and retain his wealth at the same time. Will love keep them together, or will greed triumph and tear them apart?

Lord Bachelorby Tammy L. Bailey

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Tammy L. Bailey grew up in historical Appomattox, Virginia and moved to Ohio the day after she graduated high school. She joined the Army National Guard in 1988, went active duty Army in 1992, and retired out of the Ohio Air National Guard in 2011. She is a wife and a mother of two boys. She is a huge Jane Austen fan and loves watching Jane Austen movie adaptations.

When she's not writ ing, she enjoys Star Wars movie night with her 9-year-old son and going to drumming practice with her 12-year-old son. Fall is her favorite season, the B-17 is her favorite plane, and Hawkeye is her favorite Avenger.

Visit Tammy's Website

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"top ten list of beautiful, romantic ballads that I personally like, and

Chet used to sing and play most of these also"

1- 'My Foolish Heart.2- My Funny Valentine3-This Is Always

4- Someone To Watch Over Me

5- Living For You (or, Easy Living)

6-Everything Happens To Me.

7-Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered

8-O' You Crazy Moon

9-I'm Old Fashioned

10-Young And Foolish

About Ar tt FrankArtt Frank, bop drummer/composer, and author, is one of the few authentic bop musicians on the scene today. Born in the small paper mill town of Westbrook, Maine on March 9, 1933, Artt is best known for his long-term association with Chet Baker, with whom he collaborated for over 20 years. Artt has also been worked with an impressive list of jazz luminaries over the past sixty years including the great Charlie Parker, Tadd Dameron, Dexter Gordon, Sonny Stitt, Miles Davis, Bud Powell, Jimmy Heath, Al Cohn, Ted Curson, and many others, including one memorable night with the great singer, Bill ie Holiday

In 2004, Artt completed his book ?Essentials for the Be Bop Drummer? with Pete Swan and published by Tim Schaffner, publisher (and drummer!) of Schaffner Press, Inc.

Artt Frank was inducted into the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame in November, 2010.

He currently l ives in Green Valley, Arizona with his wife, Lisa Frank.

To learn more about the author, visit: www.Art


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Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame Bop drummer, composer, lyricist, and vocalist Artt Frank is one of the few authentic bop musicians on the scene today. He is best known for his friendship and professional association with trumpet immortal, Chet Baker, with whom he worked for many years.


A Memoir by, Ar tt Frank

Michael Armando, jazz musician and President of MJA Records, says of Chet Baker: The Missing Years: A Memoir by Artt Frank, ?Artt tells it l ike it was, what it was like being a friend and a drummer for this great legend Chet Baker ? When reading this book for the f irst t ime it is almost l ike you are being drawn into a time warp going back into time. Artt Frank takes you from the dark back alleys of drugs and despair to the shinning genius of Chet's playing smoke f il led clubs and the streets ? If you are a musician you will cherish it after reading it. Non-musicians will learn how great Chet Baker was and how great a friend drumming great Artt Frank was to Chet. The truth will set you free and Artt Frank has done this with his memoir. Amen... I give this book 10 stars...?

As reviewed by premiere jazz journalist and crit ic, Doug Ramsey, this memoir ?? shows us sides of the great trumpeter that few people knew. In gripping detail, he [Artt] tells of the well-known drama in Baker?s life? the sudden fame, the struggle with drugs, the effects of a beating that almost ended his career. But Artt gives us new insights into Chet?s warmth, his love of family, his steely determination and the early emergence of his astonishing talent? This is a book of revelations."

Available on Amazon

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My mother tells me I was born a very long time ago, but I?m not so sure? my mother can?t be trusted. These things I do know:  I was raised in Texas on barbeque, Mexican food and beer.  I am the author of WANNA GET LUCKY? (A NY Times Notable Crime Novel and double RITA? Finalist), its f ive sequels, LUCKY CATCH, being the latest, and four between-the-books novellas.  Currently I?m stretching my writer muscles working on a women?s f iction/contemporary romance series set in Napa, a dark thril ler, as well as the next Lucky adventure, LUCKY BREAK, due out November 20, 2015? all very dif ferent projects. So, if you

An Interview with Deborah Coonts

see me with a glass of Champagne in hand, you?ll understand.  I can usually be found at the bar, but also at

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Where are you from?

Born and groomed in Texas; it?s the South, you know. But I?m pretty much from wherever my imagination and my credit card can take me.    Wanderlust is embedded in my DNA.

What inspired you to write your first book?

A borderline personality disorder and too much wine.

Turns out, I LOVE stories? I was a lawyer for many years, so I told a lot of stories! The leap to making up the facts and characters as well as weaving the story wasn?t too wide to take in a giant stride.  But the craft!  Now that took some time.  Can you imagine a novel written in the same tone as a legal brief. Oh dear!  I?d be out of publishing before I got started.

Do you write full-time or part-time? How do you balance your writing life with your family/work life?

I am lucky enough to write full-time. Balance?  What?s that?  I am a triple Type-A and my hobbies are all aspects of my writ ing career? so I?m a one-trick pony.  Every now and again my family will force me out of my cave into the light.  And then, there is that travel bug thing.  But, that is one of the ways I ref il l the story well.  As a writer, I need an every changing landscape outside my window.  Yes, in case you are wondering, my son is grown.

What book are you reading now?

I?m writ ing two and editing two? that?s enough folks in my head all talking at once!

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

Sure. Tons.  So many fabulous writers.  I absolutely loved Deborah Harkness?s sAll-Souls Trilogy.  I 4ead across genre:  Nora Robert?s for description and a love, Allison Brennan, Catherin Coulter because they are awesome, Josie Brown to make me laugh and give me a wild ride;  Kendra Elliot just because (I love her stories).  The list is endless.

What are your current projects?

I?ve just f inished a dark psychological thril ler and am going through edits now. The f irst in a new series, CRUSHED, is done but for a few tweaks and will launch in January.  Friends, food, wine, and dishy men, what?s not to like?  I?m scribbling away on the f irst in a romantic suspense series tit led DEEP WATER, and featuring a female helicopter pilot and a Coast Guard Commander AND the second book to follow CRUSHED, AGED.   Then the next Lucky? ..

Does anyone out there have enough stroke with the Powers That Be to get another 24 hours added to each day? I?d really appreciate that!

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

Wow, it just came out so I haven?t had time to pick it apart yet. There are always things I?d change, but not necessarily things that would make the story better.  Moving words around doesn?t help that much.  To be honest, I really l ike how LUCKY BREAK came together. 

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It has the elements I wanted. Hope others agree.

How do you overcome writer?s block?

I don?t really have this problem. If I get stuck on a plot point or something, I f ind a way to take my mind off of it, go play. Usually somewhere in the playtime the answer rises to the surface. My subconscious is often a better writer than the me who whispers in my ear all the time

What was the most fun part of writing your book?

Lucky, Vegas, Lucky?s mother, Mona, Teddie, Jean-Charles? and a very nasty old nemesis? all of that is great fun!

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Quitting for the day. I love playing in Lucky?s world.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

I learn something from each book. Hopefully I grow in my craft and my storytell ing, but, some books are easier to write than others. LUCKY BREAK was one of the easier ones? I?d had it in mind for a long time, so that helped.  I think though the main lesson I?ve learned along this path is to just do it? to trust myself , my story and to have fun.  Yep, I?ve kil led my internal editor.  That?s not to say that I don?t go back through the stories multiple times, hired editors and proofreaders? I do all of that. But I let myself have fun and play while I?m writ ing the f irst draft.  After that I can make it pretty.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Write every day. Never quite.  Have fun!

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Thank you! A mill ion times thank you!  Because of you I get to make stuff up for a living. How incredibly wonderful is that?  I pinch myself every morning.

What do you think about e-publishing versus technical publishing?

I?m a HUGE fan of e-publishing. I have a foot in both worlds, and they both have their pluses and minues. BUT, the advent of digital publishing f inally gave authors a choice? and with choices comes power.  This is a very good thing. 

Do you have an agent or publisher? How did you go about finding one?

Yes, I have an agent. I found him at Thril lerFest.  I would recommend going to conferences and networking as the best way to f ind an agent.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

San Francisco. With a month or two a year sampling other places.  I?m a dreamerJ

But, if you don?t dream then they can?t become reality.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

To f ly. I?m a pilot and that?s the closest I?ve gotten.

Praise for Lucky Break

The Lucky O'Toole series just keeps getting better. In Lucky Break, our heroine deals with the opening of her new Las Vegas hotel, the death of a mega-star country singer, one former lover out to get her and another accused of murder, the shooting of her father and of course, Mona, her mother. Weddings, engagements, and Lucky's trademark humor add the perfect touch of spice to this wonderful mystery. Highly recommended for fans of romantic, light-hearted mysteries.

A vai lable

on A mazon

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In the f if th grade my teacher, Mrs. Copeland, gave us homework, a creative writ ing piece. The details of the story that remain are the nuggets that appeal to most ten year old girls, bedazzled caves, a handsome boy, a girl striding with purpose, her pigtails swinging across her back, and the feeling of excitement of being on a grand adventure. Oh, and receiving high praise from my classmates and teacher. We wrote four installments, and the euphoria I felt when the class asked her to read my mine is, stil l, indescribable. It had nothing to do with being the center of attention, and everything to do with the knowledge that my passion to write had transported them.

It took another thirty years for me to write a book. Along the way I was the editor of my high school newspaper, went to college and wrote papers on all manner of subjects: art history, paleobotany, urban development, and famous f igures in English and American literature and history. I knew the spirit of a writer was stil l skirt ing the walls of my brain when I wrote a paper for an Urban Planning class, including the sentence, ?She quaffed her mall-do!?

When the opportunity to follow my lifelong dream of writ ing arrived, I l iterally booted up my laptop and started tapping away at the keyboard. No outlines, angst, or hesitation.


The Writ ing ProcessCelia Kennedy

My journey to writing and how I go about it!

My f irst novel, Prosecco & Paparazzi, was based on a conversation I had with my husband after watching an episode of Inside the Actors Studio. Host James Lipton had interviewed Clint Eastwood. This multi-talented man completely captivated us. After the interview was over, we chatted about how amazing it would be to invite him over for dinner and get to know him. We brainstormed about how we would go about contacting a celebrity, and then how would we get him or her intrigued enough about us that they would agree to dine with complete strangers (preferably somewhere fancy and on their tab).

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My writ ing process started out very simple. I opened my laptop, borrowed on the conversation with my husband about Clint Eastwood, and started reading tabloids from around the globe. I picked an attractive mega-star to follow. An unexpected but very important side benefit of this was that I was reacquainted with the necessity for research; in this case it was fashion, glamour, hotspots, jet-setting, and lifestyles of the rich and famous. And as we all know, these details add the sparkle.

After I had the main male lead characters in place, I had to create his counterpart. She felt elusive. I wasn?t writ ing a romance novel. My goal was to write an intell igent comedy. Which made it important that Charlotte could stand her own ground with her personality versus dazzle men with her pouty lips and perky breasts.invited a friend to have coffee (I had hot

I invited a friend to have coffee (I had hot apple juice, she had a soy latte) and she helped me hack my way through the possibil it ies. Together we arrived at the vil lage concept. Which is ironic really, because I rely on my own for honest opinions on everything from sagging jowls to tight pants. So, why not create a vil lage of women around Charlotte so that she could be the grounded, intell igent, girl next door she needed to be? No reason not to! Charlotte?s vil lage is inhabited by Hillary, Tiziana, Marian, and Kathleen. Together, they are an unstoppable force ? Hillary is from a wealthy English family, and is all things proper. Hailing from Italy, is Tiziana. She possesses a natural sexual f lamboyancy which often prevents people from recognizing her intell igence.

Irishwoman Marian is amazingly witty and it is her sarcastic banter that often provides the opportunity for vulnerable discourse. The f inal member of the group is Kathleen; an American living in Paris. She is strong and aloof; bringing the best of the American and French cultures to life.

Writing a funny book is hard work. ALL books have many layers, but to write a comedy one has to feel l ight. There are many days I can write page after page of usable material. But some days I don?t. On these days I write the infra-structure, making notes in the margin, ?Insert something funny here.? Then I have blessed days where I go back in and search for notes, read the situation, add banter, rework scenarios to create double entrendre?s, and generally l ighten the mood of

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some passages.

At one point I actually quit writ ing for a few months because the weather was so bleak that all the characters were generally miserable. It takes an amazing amount of discipline to sit down at a keyboard and shake off your personal feelings and life issues and jump into the personalit ies and circumstances of those who live within your manuscript. Over the years the discipline to do this has improved dramatically. Generally I read the last four of f ive pages I wrote, edit a bit, and off I go, back into the world of my imagination.

I have read a mill ion blogs by authors and am always amazed at their creative processes. Some have written outlines for the entire book. Some have written novellas for each character. Some have sticky notes plastered all over the walls and computer screen. One author was panicked because she was moving and her desk had to be packed up. So, she took close-up photographs of her work space: notepads, sticky notes, and computer screen, so she could set up exactly as things had been. She posted a picture on Twitter less than twenty four hours later and everything was exactly the same in her new place. I could feel her relief.

My style is? more contained. For example, because I am writ ing a sequel to Prosecco & Paparazzi, I have it and my work-in- progress, Cognac & Courture, open on my

laptop plus ten to twelve windows with research sites open. A dictionary, maps, blogs (food, fashion, and travel), tabloids, YouTube, and various websites pertaining to what I am currently writ ing about (right now I have links to Christmas in France and Italy open). I will admit that if there is a website that is crucial, I take a photo of it.

Other things I do: I clean my house before I start writ ing. I cannot have outstanding chores that MUST be done (clean clothes for tomorrow, some concept of dinner, an alarm scheduled for events I cannot miss). All of this is f inished by 7:30 a.m. I cannot have mental or visual distractions. I?m easily distracted.

When I hit a wall, I do one of several things: get a chore out of the way, work-out, l isten to music, paint, weed, or read. That means I do one or two of these things every day, because, I come to a stop every day. Usually a distraction gives my brain a chance to percolate through the chaos. When I hit a major wall I have coffee with a friend to hash it out, or grab a pen and paper and go at it the old fashioned way. One quality I would say a writer needs is tenacity. You will wrestle ideas like a cowboy riding a slicked pig.

Then one day, you?re characters are f lushed out, the twists and turns of your plot l ines have been carefully woven, and your edits and rewrites made. I l iken this day to your f irst day of school, both exciting and terrifying. So much potential, so much unknown.

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In addition to having written Prosecco & Paparazzi, Kathleen?s Undressed and Venus Rising, and f ive short stories for seasonal anthologies. Celia Kennedy is a mom, wife, friend, and a practicing Landscape Architect. She lives in Redmond, Washington, where she lives a spectacular l ife. If you?d like to learn more about her, visit, follow her on Twitter (@KennedyCelia) on Facebook (Celia Kennedy, Author) or Goodreads. If you want to see the actual locations that she writes about in her books, check her out on

Celia Kennedy was born in Wurzburg, Germany on a military base. Her parent's penchant for traveling has stuck with her, she's lived in and traveled through several countries.

The imagined world has always fascinated Celia. She has studied Art History, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, and Architecture. Her thirteen year career at UW in Seattle ended in 1996. Not wanting to be homeless, she left the academic world and worked as a Landscape Architect, married the love of her l ife, became a mom, has been PTA President, and both Boy and Girl Scout Leader.

The unimaginable wealth in her life is the most fascinating thing to her.

Her love of travel, the designed and natural world, friendship, self-discovery, wine, chocolate, AND love are the foundation of her l ife and books.

Celia Kennedy

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Under the Shadow

In the small mid-west town of Ashton, two boys are accidentally abducted

by a universal archivist from a distant planet. The boys must travel with the archivist to a planet f il led with secrets, all the while hoping it is in the interest

of the archivist?s superiors to send them back to earth. In Ashton, the apparent kidnapping of the two missing teens

spark old hatreds and suspicions in a town that once before suffered a very similar tragedy.

Under the Shadow is f irst in a three-part series.

Available on Amazon

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