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ii).iiiimiiim hi nit win mm 'rC rnoii scientific souiCEge Th rf-un-n of tne Kin kSSLnr nff Rneh a deep red color on a misty j. 13' ow- ing ' to the iact that . fog rfrmits tlie I passage cf. red rajs more yuy than ! those ot ar.y" other, color. . Mi3 Mary A. Booth, y. springeia, Mas3., is well known iy the .scientific world. She inherited,.- - i0ve for science from her fath.r anj j3 one of the few women aiAted to the Royal Microscopical Socijftj- - cf Lofidon. . Slrj&ph--iTtoi- i Hooker, the great- est living botanist, has Just passed his eighty-sevent- h LUthday. He was the lilelong friend of Huxley. Some of his most Interesting work has been the .result of his studies in Utah, Colorado, California and the Rcchles. Remarkable fireprooSng properties are credited oxide of titanium by an English dyer. Flannelette treated with It could not be made to burst into Same, and other textiles are claimed to be made equally resistant, while it can- not be removed by dyeing, boiling or washing. In 187S something happened on Jupi- ter which caused a red blotch to appear In. his southtrn hemisphere, near one of the great belts that cross his disk like huge bancs cf colored clcucfs. It was 30,000 miles long and 8,000 miles broad, yet, after all, only a little patch on the mighty disk! It has remained ever since, sometimes brightening to almost the crimson hue of fire, and sometimes fading nearly to invisibility, yet always, even when faintest, certify- ing Its presence and its power by keep- ing the area originally covered by it clear of all other objects. ' CURIOUS CONDENSATIONS. Mis3 Stella Snyder, a Missouri school- teacher, was recently sued for ?1,000 damages for whipping one of her pupils. She .won the case and as a result of the publicity attending the trial she has se- cured an appointment in the state re- form school for girls. i Though S3 years, old, Thilip Grime3 walked 15 miles over the hills, from New Haven to Derby, Conn., recently to ' Instruct an undertaker how to bury him. ITe made the distance in three hours. S aching .Joseph Colwell's undertak- - iown exhausted. 1 ft perplexities that a tool-teach- er has met 1 ot of a young girl at had nine small chil- - school one morning ; (did notk:;yw a word j s5iRus3ian. hinChillicothe, nk James, the Saviour was to le: 'Whera JTXT less man to the portals of 'Cole Younger.' " business man of i J, organizing a society tiled the Appendixless las called a meeting of their vermiforms and I nent organization. "It ; like a G. A. R.," Mr. an talk of our wounds Within the prisonwalls FOR- - SICK. WW taraM fM Has. HENBIETTA MAKSIL A VICTIM OF LA GRIPPE. Mrs. Henrietta A. S. Marsh, 769 W. 16th St., Los Angeles, Cal., President Woman's Benevolent Ass'n, writes : suffered with la grippe for seven weeks, and nothing I could do or take helped me until I tried Peruna. "I felt at onco that I had at last j secured the right medicine and I Kept steadily impi-oving1- .. W'ithiu three vreeks I was fully restored, and I am glad that I pave that truly great remedy a trial. I will never be without" it again." In a letter dated Aug-ust3- 1904, Mrs. Marsh says: "I have i ever yet heard the efficacv of Perun::?estionel. We Btill use it. I traveled virough Ken- - j tucky and Tennessee three years ago, wnere I iumuJ IV.mir. dc-l- n iT"0 work. Much of it is being used hero also." Henrietta A. S. Marshy j Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Ask your Druggist for a free Peruna Almanac for 1905. : Not If the only your keeping A FOR TAeHeaJtAy summer Hung Baby W?AMVv?fnis Sir Arthur Sullivan once wanted to direct Alexander Mackenzie to a house of which he knew the approximate lo-- cation, but had forgotten the number. He said the foot-scrap- er In front of the door was in E flat. Sir Alexaader kicked several scrapers until be Heard the note. Among the many applicants for the part the late Dan Leno was to have played in the Christmas pantomime at the Drury Lane theater was a 14-ye- old boy, who came in haste, hoping "the job wasn't gone." The manager liked his impudence, and so finally engaged him to personate a lizard in the piece. He was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford. He had come from Germany and was re- ceiving his first I?sson3 in rowing. "Back water," eaid the coach. The Ger- man did net understand. The coach ex- plained that it means to use his oar " in the opposite way," and the Rhodes man followed instructions to the letter, as nearly as he understood. He lifted his oar from the rowlock and put the handle into the water. A well-know- n New York clergyman was talking to a number of young men recently about the evils of cigarette smoking. To bring out his point, he asked what the youngsters would think if they should meet an angel wandering along the street with a cigarette in his mouth. One of the gathering thought a moment, and then asked the minister what he would think if he met an angel in a frock coat, with patent leather shoes and an umbrella. A worthy dame of Dundee, Scotland, in order to keep down her gas account. was In the habit of blowing down the pipes, thus reversing the hands cf the registering dial of the meter. All went well until a new inspector came. After examining the meter, he ciphered long and earnestly. At length the old lady anxiously exclaimed: "A'm no' tae hae a big accoont this time, am I?" "No. mem," said the inspector, 'It's the other way aboot. The company's owin' you tuppence. Yol have surely ben blaw-in- g verra hard this time." CnURCn AND SCHOOL NOTABLES The late bishop of Southwell, Dr. Rid-- 1 ding, was regarded 33 the finest Greek scholar un the Episcopal bench, but was noted for his carel-.snes- s in the use of English. ' Rev. Francis Aidian Gasquet. presi-de- nt of the English Benedictines, who is visiting this country for the first time, is at present at Notre Dame, Ind. He lias written many books, including "Henry VIII. and the English Monas- - teries," and "The Eve of the Reforma- - tion." Mr3. A. R. McFarland, of Alva. Okla., svas the first American missionary to Alaska, whither she went some 30 years ago as a representative of the Presby- terian church. It is thought she was also the first American woman to go thj?r in any carnHty. Mrs. McFarland reraained-'I-cA:ask- a ymtll her health prave w ay, some time ago. She has now returned to Oklahoma. Rev. L. M. Foster, of Charles City, la., a retired minister of the Congregational church, is a unique character. His mother was a second cousin of Luclen. Jerome and Napoleon Bonaparte, and they were cousins of King Louis XIV. One of his ancestors was sentenced for marrying outside of the royal family, but when Louis XIV. became king he we 3 reprieved and his sentence changed to banishment to America, and this is how Mr. Foster's branch of the Bona- parte family camo to tnls country. V7AYS OF OTHEIl PEOPLES. No person under 16 years of age Is per- mitted to enter a theater or tavern In Heligoland. In Japan no woman Is ashamed of her age, but she tells it out In the arrange- ment of her hair, so that all the world may know It. A traveler in the African wastes says that nearly all the natives show a great aversion to solitude, even in broad day- light. This aversion is due to their su- perstitious terrors. All well-educat- ed Spanish women are taught from their earliest years to han- dle the sword, and as a result they arq noted for their admirable figures and easy walk. Lancashire agricultural laborers credit certain of their fellows with pow- er to cast good and evil spells. At Dun- stable men carry a live In a pill box to ward off toothachs, eat stewed earthworms as a cure for jaundice and fried mouse for whooping-coug- h and cherish all the old superstitions as to the dead which made Merrie Eneland sad. JEST AND JOLLITY. A green grocer is one who trusts dead-be- at customers. Silk-line- d gowns interest a woman more than silver-line- d clouds. The man who goes to law may be sure that his lawyer will get justice. Japan has got five new submarine boats; but the Russian score beats this. Marriage, which should make one out of two, often results in sixes and sevens. Did it ever occur to you that summer girls and peaches disappear simultane- ously? You never Know what you can't ao until you try to undo something that ycu have done. When a woman has to economize, she always wants to do it on the necessities of life, not the luxuries. only a feast, but actual nourishment. baby's stomach is not right, each meal adds to the burden. Make sure that baby enjoys and profits by its food by its stomach in condition with Dr. McGee's BABY ELIXIR Regulates the stomach and bowels, cor- rects sour stomach, cures diarrhoea and ccrr.pla;nt. The teething period is dangerous. Baby fc.iixir will take your baby through it in perfect safety. Pleasant to take; con- - . tains no poisons, opium cr Iauda- - X - K A. ' num. i. your vyil! ana ouc M " .- - The Stable or the Inn ? Christmas Sermon hy (be " HiLway and Byway" Preacher. I t Copyright, by J. 11. tison.) Chicago. Sunday. Dec. IS. Text: "And sh brought forth her first- born son; and she wrapped Him in swad- dling- clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there no room for them In the Inn." Luke 2:7. E GO back to that first Christmas night for the in- spiration for our Christmas m e s -- sage. The centu- ries that have come and gone sijee that night when God's Son came to earth to dwell among men have witnessed the marvelous spread of the Gospel, and the almost univer- sal recognition among the progressive and enlightened nations of the earth of the fact of Jesus' advent into the world and His vicarious mission. We epeak of tho Christian nations, and mean those 'nations which have been dominated by the enlightened spirit of righteousness and truth of which Jesus was the expression and expo- nent. The mustard seed has grown to be the great tree, spreading its tranches everywhere, and the nations the birds of the air have found lodgment therein. To-da- y the Christ- inas bells ring round the earth, and peal foiMh their message of joy and fcood cheer, even though the notes of its truest message often are not heard. A large part of the world to-d- ay has its Christmas, but has it the Christ? It celebrates the crowning event of the but does it. appreciate all that that celebration should mean? Is it the stable where the Christ lias been feiven pisce and welcome? or is it the. inn crowded, and busy, and resting in eas and comfort with no place or provifcion made for the Christ? Oar text suggests contrasts so sharp and painful that we cannot but be im-piesp- ed by them as we meditite there- on. The stable and the inn. The one for the beast, the other for man. Tiie one poor and cheerless and com- fortless, the other fitted at least with the common comforts and conveniences v hich could minister to the needs of nan. The one the only place where the Son of God could find shelter, the other the place which was so crowded end filled that it shut out the Christ. UT there is a brighter side to the conirast. The stable, though poor a:id bare of comforts, shone with the holy light of God's presence, and wel- comed the new-bor- n King to the best it could provide, while the inn had only the ieeble light of man's pro- viding and missed tne fciory of the Di-:- na presence. The stable became marked ou the chart of God's pur- poses, while, the inn was indelibly fciampod with the sligma of inhospital-it- y. 'lhe stable bscaine the ceater of interest for the angelic hosts as they tang of the Saviour born, and told the wondering shepherds where the Babe was to be found, while the inn passes iuto the obscurity of oblivion. The Mable passes down irto history glori- fied and dignified by the distinction of being the birthplace of the Lord and King, while the inn has no place of he nor on history's pase. but stands out ao the monument- - 01 missed opporiu-rit- y. ir "s.ving turned the expectant iaother from its unfeeling doorway. Such were the contrasts upon that first Christmas night. . Do the same tcn- - trrsts exist to-da- y? Have we still the fctable and the inn the place that makes room for the Saviour, and the place that crowds Him out? Evtrv- - v here to-d- ay we hear the song of the angels caught up-b- y man, we see the gladness and joy of the Christmas and amidst all the festivities may we not well ask ourselves: Is it the stable cr the inn? i; HE fact that Christmas, tueanniver- - -- i sary of the birth of Christ, is cele brated is not enough. One may share in all the activities and pleasures ot" the day, and still be an inmate oi the inn, and a stranger to the true fcimn- - cance of the birth in the stable. One may hear the wonderful Divine mystery wnere ty tne bon oi Gcd Lett Heaven and became flesh through the operation of the Holy Spirit, and still be blind to the Divine light that filled the stable re- cesses. Think you not that the inn was astir next day with the news of the events which had transpired In the stable? Think you not that every one wa3 talking of the Babe in the manger, ot the story of the shepherds and their visit in the early morning? Ere tho morning's sun had climbed the Beth- lehem hills and gilded the distant moun- tain heights with its golden splendor, l leel sure that the mighty secret of i hat stable became known not only to all in the inn; but to ail in the little village of Bethlehem. And so to-d- av the storv of the binh of the Christ is known and rehearsed among men, they celebrate still the Christ is absent, kept out by the crowded condition of the inn. The news of the birth of Jesus has reached the inn and it .freely joins in the cele- bration of the event, but the stable where room is found for Jesus is the place where the true celebration is held. You may be content with the festivities of the inn, and never care to enter into the deeper joys of the stable where Jesus is. As of old, it is the question of the stable or the inn. Where are you content to celebrate the Christmas fes- tival? I verily believe the saddest day In Heaven is Christmas day, because as the angelic hosts look upon earth they behold all manner of revelry and fes- tivities in the name of Jesus, while the One Whose birthday it is is shut out. No place for Him in the inn. There is too much going on. There are too many plans laid. There ure too many-olfi- er friends to be entertained. And so it is the inn instead of the stable. The Christ is shut out! SOME one has told the story of a lady one Christmas eve, was walk- ing in the beautiful city of Berlin. She ttopyed to look at the large store win- dow, where was laid out ia elaborate display the scene of the lowly stable at Bethlehem. Before the window stood two little girls, their faces beaming with pleasure, while they talked to another little girl between them, and around whom they had their arms. This dear child was quite blind, and to her poor sightless eyes the pretty window told no story. But the loving little friends told the blind child of the rude stable, the hay, the cows and the sheep, the sweet mother beside the manger in which the Christ-chil- d -- was sleeping, the open door through which the won- dering shepherds were coming and the bright star above which shed a soft light over all. The little blind girl listened with absorbed interest, drinking in every detail of the window decoration as it was described, and reproducing it in her mind's eye. until her face lit up with a joyful i.ile. and, clasping her hands together in rapture, she ex- claimed, again and again: "Ah! that is beautiful!" And ah! how many there are who, like the little blind girl before the show window in Berlin, where the scene of Jesus' birth was depicted, stand beholding the Christmas celebratiou and yet because of blindness of heart they do not see and realize its bidden beauty and meaning! Ah! how we would love to throw our arms about such and try and tell them all the won- derful story of God's love and God's gift! How we long to bring such to open the heart and make room for the Christ Who has come into the world to seek and to save the lost! Why stay in the inn. away from the Christ, when we may enter into His very presence and realize, as did the shepherds that night, that "unto US is born in the city cf David, a Saviour, Which is Christ the Lord?" Between the experience of the inn and the stable there is the same dif- ference as that which marked the blind girl and her little friends. God grant j that you may be as willing and as eager to hear the message as the blind child was! is the message of the stable? UHAT is the message cf the inn? One stands for cooperation with God. the other rejection and indifference to His claims. One becomes the recipient j of blessing, and the medium of exalttd service, while the other in r arrow selfishness loses both blessing and the privilege of Eervice. The characteristics cf the stable and the inn are still to be marked in the world to-da- y. There are those who are willing to receive the Christ, cud who thus become instr:'.-mer.- ts in God's hands of great serie and blessing. On the other hand, there are those who typify the inn and refuse the Christ admittance, and maintain an attitude of supreme indifference to His claims upon them. Al the glad Chrit'.-ma- s time what more fitting occasion which to consider this supreme ques- tion? With you and me it is either the stable or the inn. There is no neutral ground. The Christ child, the Christ-ma- ? gift of God to men. eomes-t- o every heart and seeks for admission. Shall the rejection of the inn, or the welcome of the stable, mark oar attitude? HE stable typifies open-nearte- d re- - i ception ct uie unrist, wimrg sur render of the be:t we have to the Clirht. and acceptable service rendered fcr thr Christ. The first essential need is the making room for Jcsr.s. The crowded condition of the inn may find its coun- terpart in our lives where the cares and activities of this life would crowd out the claims of God upon us, ar.d make us prone to turn the Christ away with tho excuse that there is no room, that we are busy providing for the present guests who have found lodgment with us. To reject Christ does not require that wo show open enmity and hatred towards Him. Chrin was not driven from the door of that inn at Bethlehem in cruel hatred. It was enough that Mary and Joseph should be told, perhaps ever so politely and regretfully, that there was no room. It served the same purpose ol shutting out the Christ, and so with you and me. We may know of no bitter op- position or hatred ruling in the heart which keeps the Christ out. All that is necessary is to be so filled and crowded with other things as to lead us to turn Him politely away, and say: "Some day, when we are not so pressed for room and time, we will be glad to wel- come you." But Jesns does not wait on such invitation. The opportunity ci sheltering the Christ tame to the inn but once, and that opportunity lost was lost forever, and so it may be with ycu. Jesus comes at this Christmastime. He seeks for room aad shelter in your heart. Will you not make place for Him there at once, even though every ether thing has to be turned out and given up? Bet- ter have the Christ than all else that the world can give. once within, let the Saviour have AND best the place a.Tords. The man- ger was not much. It was a rude, rough place, and yet as it was surrendered" it became the cradle of the new-bor- n King What you have may seem mean and pco: and unusable. But if it is surrenderee, to the Christ. He will find use for it He will glorify tnd honor it with lie will make it the medium of blessing to others. If that humble manger had had the ptiwer of speech and had the spirit of some who have admit- ted the Christ to their lives and hearts, I imagine I can hear it speaking on this wise: "I would so like to do something for this Christ. Oh. if I were only like the bed, or even the cot, of the well- - Him! Oh! if I only had the comfort oi its ample frame, or the warmth cf its rugs and blankets! But I have nothing but this rack of rough boards before which the cattle stand. I have nothino but this fodder which surely I cannot offer to Him." But the manger was there. It was willing to be ued. And Mary laid the Christ therein, and it be- came transformed with a glory such as never shone round the throne oi earthly king. And so it may be witr you and me. The most unlikely posses- sion may become resplendent and glori- ous with the Divine presence. But il with the narrow vision of the inn we turn the Christ away, we may keep ail the crowding guests which this world can give, but we lose Heaven's gift and the star of hope rises npt over our hab- itation. Which shall it be. the stable or the inn? Let the prayer of the poet be the breathings of our heart. With the soul yearning which Christ aloni can .satisfy let us cry: "O. ho!y Child of Bethlehem. Descend to us, we pray: Cast out our sin and er.ter in, Ee lorn in us tc-aa- y. We hear the Christmas aneis The great laS-tidir- ,s tt'.l; Oh. come to us. able with us, Our Lord Erjarcanuti.' HAD FINE EYE FOR HAIRS. Professor of Natural History "Was Too Seen for Mischievous Students. An eminent naturslist who holds ani fills, as well a chair in a university, an- nounced to the members of his class on morning that he had something of un- usual interest to show them, relates Youth's Companion. "I have here, gentlemen," he 6aid, "some hairs from the skin of a young crested seal, and we wilj proceed to study their peculiarities." Unfolding the small piece of paper that contained them, he spread the nairs out on a sheet of white cardboard and turned to get his microscope, which was on a desk behind him. While his back was turned a roguish student quickly swept the hrurs off the desk into his hand, and subst'tuted others very closely resembling them. "Young gentlemen," taid the professor, severely, a moment later, as he glanced at the 6heet of cardboard, "there has been some underground work here. These are mole hairs." They never attempted to fool the pro- fessor again. Economical. Mr. Brown Shall we have to buy ncrv woolen underwear for all cf the boys this year? Mrs. Brov.-- n No, dear. Yours have shrunk so they just fit Johu; John's shrunk so thev just tit Jimmy; Jimmy's shrunk to fit Willie and Willie's are just snug on the baby. Y'ou arc the only ono that needs new ones! Detroit Free Tress. Assistance Needed. The real-estat- e man was doing his best to sell an undesirable lot. "I guess you're a good deal like the man who caught the bear," paid his pros-- ; pective victim, who was pretty foxy. "What do you mean?" "You want some one to help you let eo." Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. " Doing Great Work. Florisaut, Mo., Dec. 19th (Special.) That Dodd's Kidney Fills are doing a great work in curing the more terrible forms of Kidney Disease, such as Bright's Disease, Dropsy and Diabetes, everybody knows. But it must also be noted that they are doing a stiil greater work in wip- ing out thousands of cases ot the earlier fctasca of Kidney Disease. Take for in- stance Mrs. Peter Barteau, of this place. She eays: 1 have beeu subject to pains in my back and knees for about three years, but since 1 have been taking Dodd s Kidney Pills I have been entirely cured." Others here tell 6imiliar 6tories. In fact, in this part cf Missouri there are scores of people who have cured the early symp- toms of Kidney Disease with Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. The use of the great American Kidney Remedy thus saved not only the j lives of Kidney Disease victims, but thou- - j eands of other Americans from years of ' suffering;;. i American heiress who refused to pay $70 ,000 for a count may have rea- soned that this was an overcharge of $09,-u9J.7- 0. Chicago Daily News. TWO YEARS OF AGONY. One CaUe o Coticara Soap and One Dox X C'uticura Cnretl Baby's Aw fnl Humor. "When my sister was eighteen months old a humor broke out on her shoukiers, eitending clear across the back. For two years it caused her intense suffering. It would scab over and then crack open and a watery matter ooze from it. Tnen the scabs would fall off and it would be raw for a time. We had several different doc- tors and tried everything we coula think of, but without effecting a cure. Then v.e got one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment, which cured her completely and without scar or blem- ish, (feigned) Lillie Chase Walker, 5 liemont St.. Woodfords. Me." About the most terrific combination that has developed up to date is an in- toxicated chauffeur and an automobile. Boston Transcript. To Cure a Cold in One Day rake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Orovo's signature i3 ou each box. 25c. A finall cottage here on earth is bet-ai- r. tcr than a castle in the Chicago Daily News. Piso's Cure cannot be too highly ppoken of as a cough cure. J. V. O'Brien, 322 Third Ave., .Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0, 19. Whether it in a misfortune to go to the grave unsung depends somewhat on tho qualifications of the singer. Smart Set. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching-- , Blind. Bleeding or Pi otruding Piles. Your dniprffistwiH refund money if Pazo Djjstmext fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 60c The cynic gets his opinions before tho mirror.-Chica- zo Tribune. ' ' I1'! i.l: n ,.: : ,1,. ;UK - ANegetable Preparalionfor As- similating lhe Food andRcgula-tin- g the Stomachs andBowels of s Promotes Digestion.Cheerft ness and Rest.Con tains neither Opium.Morphine norfineral. Not "Narcotic. JimfJim Seed'" Aix.Serm ..... A 1 jioue Srrit JSi CerbmeMJeicf Sugar ) A perfect Remedy forConstipa-Fion- , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoen Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-nes-s and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. MEXICAN - Mustang Liniment Iteals Old Sores quickly. J w P' " -- OY; I ' :' .l:i.7-.v.-J-- . . ' V.- ,.y-'- P- - I ! Mrs. Anderson, a r t i woman oi j acKsonviue, ria., aaugmer oi Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature to the following letter, praises Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "Dear 3Irs. Ptnxtiam There are but few wires and mothers "who have not at times endured agonies and surh pain as only women know. wish such women knew the value of Iydia 12. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound. It U remarkable medicine, different in action from any ever knew and thoroughly reliable. 'I Save seen case3 where women doctored for years without perma- nent benefit, who wero cured in less than three months after taking your Vegetable Compound, while others who were chronic and incurable came out cured, happy, and in perfect health after thorough treatment with this medicine. have never used it myself without gaining great benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones up the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, henco fully endorse it.' ilrts. li. A Anderson, 225 Washington St, Jack- sonville, Fla. Mrs. Reed, 2425 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pa., says mm w uDrAR jVIrs. Pixkiiam: feel it my duty to write and tell you the good have received from 1-ydi- 11. Pinkham's Vegetable Com t ii i i , r : I a I a I I : I I pound. "I have a great sufferer with trouble, trying different doctors and medicines no benelit. Two years I under an operation, and it left mo in a very weak condii.ion. 1 had stomach trouble, backache. headache, nervous: yours 'vy such palpitation was l all l is medicine reaches would rce- - (A X', ommend !Lydia H. Pinkham's Vegetable ,$v t Compound to all suffering women." are troubled irregnlar or painful menstruation, weak- ness, leucorrhoea, displacement or r.lceration the womb, that bearing-dow- n feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, flatulence, prcneral debility, indigestion, and prostration, should remember is one and true remedy. Liydia E. Pinkb ami's Vegetable Compound at onco such troubles. experience testimony of of the most noted women of America go to prove, beyond a question, Liydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound correct al! trouble at once by removing the and restoring the organsrtMV4iiTrrr3-an- d normal condition. If in doubt, write Pinkham at Mass, as thousands advice is helpful. No other medicine for women in the world has received wide- spread unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has a record of female troubles. Ifefuse to any substitute. S5000 FORFEIT if we cannot forthwith the Jotters and siniataresof abovo testimonials, which will prnv th-i- r penuineness. Lytlia . l'lukbam Co., Mass. S. a ( machine, freight to the to I will send machines. Sell one and Yon ha-- a act as in to MACHINE Machine washes anythinjjthatcanbewashed by hand, is lig-htes- t running machine for 10 R. NT BALL,Mfr.,Rooms8to11 Ball Block, In Manchuria they blow up magazines. J- - land of peace and plenty tuey simply blow up the writers. Cin- cinnati Commercial Tribune. 3 For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature AM of AW III Use For Over Thirty Years TMC orruM eeawav. new took city. ll'T " MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Spraina And Strains. prominent society n . been female with aso went of the heart, and very m tact, acnea over, Una the only that troubles, and cheerfully H When women with of nervous they there tried removes The and some that will such cause Mrs. iLynn, do. Her free and such and such cures of buy produce original nbsolute Aletliciuo Lynn, To introduce the Improved Favorite Washer in every home in the U. I will send paid, first write. two keen the other. don't to ag-en- t order pet FREE. and the made. Tried years. Write to-da- v. this happy cures Muncie, Ind. Beftrtxt (by ptraissfae) Hmiunb fetou! BmL Better Fruits-Bet- ter Profits Eetter peaches, apples, pears and berries are produced when Potash is liberally applied to the soil. To insure a full crop, of choicest quality, use a fertilizer containing not less than 10 per cent, actual P sh Send for our practical books of nformat?cn j V: i 1 they are riot advertising pamphlets, booming I special zeriiuzers, dui are aumonauve V j -- X. I Atlanta. Ga. ZiJi bouth Krod IF YOU CAN'T REMEMBER THE DREADFUL PAIN, Zfou VonrSHw;: MAT1SM has caused you. Sol Are years ot tlaio worth S1.0C. Just one. to you? If o. you Can have these years., and positively prevent other visits of that awful agony that surely would awaken the dormant side of our memory, by th o-- e of jh Medical Vvurtl n .s fc iuuny. C T R H I I'HATISM CfKF. "nee If we ran It." Trial package chwerfnliy ruilied frats. lro donen. $1.'0. TItEFXT PIAKMAC'AL COMFAST, 3002 Pine St., (St. luU, Uo. rp lief n1 S1T1V f Orfrpfl ixmnla tHHroeB "AAKEsiv Trib-vu- o bn ilrting, Hew Yorjc. READERS OF THIS PAPER DESIRING TO BUY ANYTHING ADVERTISED IN ITS COLUMNS SHOULD INSIST UPON HAVING . WHAT THEY ASK FOR. REFUSING ALL SUESTITUTES OR IMITATIONS. iratS TVKITIXO TO ADYEKTISERi pleaw state tkat yon law tae Advert laea" aseat 1b tala paper. A. N. K.- -F 20S3 rl "kSV;HthtLSE f MS. YjT M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes GoxL Uso Yl i V

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Tennessee) 1904-12-23 [p ]. · Mas3., is well known iy the.scientific world. She inherited,.--i0ve for science from her fath.r anj j3 one of the few

Jun 25, 2020



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This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Tennessee) 1904-12-23 [p ]. · Mas3., is well known iy the.scientific world. She inherited,.--i0ve for science from her fath.r anj j3 one of the few

ii).iiiimiiim hi nit win mm

'rCrnoii scientific souiCEge

Th rf-un-n of tne Kin kSSLnr nff Rneha deep red color on a misty j. 13' ow-


to the iact that . fog rfrmits tlie I

passage cf. red rajs more yuy than !

those ot ar.y" other, color.. Mi3 Mary A. Booth, y. springeia,Mas3., is well known iy the .scientificworld. She inherited,.- - i0ve forscience from her fath.r anj j3 one ofthe few women aiAted to the RoyalMicroscopical Socijftj-- cf Lofidon.. Slrj&ph--iTtoi- i Hooker, the great-est living botanist, has Just passed hiseighty-sevent- h LUthday. He was thelilelong friend of Huxley. Some ofhis most Interesting work has been the

.result of his studies in Utah, Colorado,California and the Rcchles.

Remarkable fireprooSng propertiesare credited oxide of titanium by anEnglish dyer. Flannelette treated withIt could not be made to burst into Same,and other textiles are claimed to bemade equally resistant, while it can-

not be removed by dyeing, boiling orwashing.

In 187S something happened on Jupi-ter which caused a red blotch to appearIn. his southtrn hemisphere, near oneof the great belts that cross his disklike huge bancs cf colored clcucfs. Itwas 30,000 miles long and 8,000 milesbroad, yet, after all, only a little patchon the mighty disk! It has remainedever since, sometimes brightening toalmost the crimson hue of fire, andsometimes fading nearly to invisibility,yet always, even when faintest, certify-ing Its presence and its power by keep-

ing the area originally covered by itclear of all other objects.


Mis3 Stella Snyder, a Missouri school-teacher, was recently sued for ?1,000damages for whipping one of her pupils.She .won the case and as a result of thepublicity attending the trial she has se-

cured an appointment in the state re-

form school for girls. i

Though S3 years, old, Thilip Grime3walked 15 miles over the hills, fromNew Haven to Derby, Conn., recently to


Instruct an undertaker how to bury him.ITe made the distance in three hours.

S aching .Joseph Colwell's undertak- -iown exhausted.1ft perplexities that a

tool-teach- er has met1 ot of a young girl at

had nine small chil- -school one morning ;

(did notk:;yw a word j


nk James, theSaviour was to

le: 'WheraJTXT less man to

the portals of'Cole Younger.' "business man of

iJ, organizing a societytiled the Appendixlesslas called a meeting of

their vermiforms andI nent organization. "It; like a G. A. R.," talk of our wounds

Within the prisonwalls


WW taraM





Mrs. Henrietta A. S. Marsh, 769 W.16th St., Los Angeles, Cal., PresidentWoman's Benevolent Ass'n, writes :

suffered with la grippe for sevenweeks, and nothing I could do or takehelped me until I tried Peruna.

"I felt at onco that I had at last j

secured the right medicine and I Keptsteadily impi-oving1- .. W'ithiu three vreeksI was fully restored, and I am glad thatI pave that truly great remedy a trial.I will never be without" it again."

In a letter dated Aug-ust3- 1904, Mrs.Marsh says: "I have i ever yet heardthe efficacv of Perun::?estionel. WeBtill use it. I traveled virough Ken-- j

tucky and Tennessee three years ago,wnere I iumuJ IV.mir. dc-l- n iT"0work. Much of it is being used heroalso." Henrietta A. S. Marshy j

Address Dr. Hartman, President ofTho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,Ohio.

Ask your Druggist for a free PerunaAlmanac for 1905. :

NotIf theonlyyourkeeping


FORTAeHeaJtAy summer

HungBaby W?AMVv?fnis

Sir Arthur Sullivan once wanted todirect Alexander Mackenzie to a houseof which he knew the approximate lo--cation, but had forgotten the number.He said the foot-scrap- er In front ofthe door was in E flat. Sir Alexaaderkicked several scrapers until be Heardthe note.

Among the many applicants for thepart the late Dan Leno was to haveplayed in the Christmas pantomime atthe Drury Lane theater was a 14-ye-

old boy, who came in haste, hoping "thejob wasn't gone." The manager likedhis impudence, and so finally engagedhim to personate a lizard in the piece.

He was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford.He had come from Germany and was re-ceiving his first I?sson3 in rowing."Back water," eaid the coach. The Ger-man did net understand. The coach ex-

plained that it means to use his oar" in the opposite way," and the Rhodesman followed instructions to the letter,as nearly as he understood. He liftedhis oar from the rowlock and put thehandle into the water.

A well-know- n New York clergymanwas talking to a number of young menrecently about the evils of cigarettesmoking. To bring out his point, heasked what the youngsters would thinkif they should meet an angel wanderingalong the street with a cigarette inhis mouth. One of the gathering thoughta moment, and then asked the ministerwhat he would think if he met an angelin a frock coat, with patent leathershoes and an umbrella.

A worthy dame of Dundee, Scotland,in order to keep down her gas account.was In the habit of blowing down thepipes, thus reversing the hands cf theregistering dial of the meter. All wentwell until a new inspector came. Afterexamining the meter, he ciphered longand earnestly. At length the old ladyanxiously exclaimed: "A'm no' tae hae abig accoont this time, am I?" "No.mem," said the inspector, 'It's the otherway aboot. The company's owin' youtuppence. Yol have surely ben blaw-in- g

verra hard this time."


The late bishop of Southwell, Dr. Rid--1

ding, was regarded 33 the finest Greekscholar un the Episcopal bench, but wasnoted for his carel-.snes- s in the use ofEnglish.

' Rev. Francis Aidian Gasquet. presi-de- nt

of the English Benedictines, whois visiting this country for the first time,is at present at Notre Dame, Ind. Helias written many books, including"Henry VIII. and the English Monas- -

teries," and "The Eve of the Reforma--tion."

Mr3. A. R. McFarland, of Alva. Okla.,svas the first American missionary toAlaska, whither she went some 30 yearsago as a representative of the Presby-terian church. It is thought she wasalso the first American woman to gothj?r in any carnHty. Mrs. McFarlandreraained-'I-cA:ask- a ymtll her healthprave w ay, some time ago. She has nowreturned to Oklahoma.

Rev. L. M. Foster, of Charles City, la.,a retired minister of the Congregationalchurch, is a unique character. Hismother was a second cousin of Luclen.Jerome and Napoleon Bonaparte, andthey were cousins of King Louis XIV.One of his ancestors was sentenced formarrying outside of the royal family,but when Louis XIV. became king hewe 3 reprieved and his sentence changedto banishment to America, and this ishow Mr. Foster's branch of the Bona-parte family camo to tnls country.


No person under 16 years of age Is per-

mitted to enter a theater or tavern InHeligoland.

In Japan no woman Is ashamed of herage, but she tells it out In the arrange-ment of her hair, so that all the worldmay know It.

A traveler in the African wastes saysthat nearly all the natives show a greataversion to solitude, even in broad day-light. This aversion is due to their su-

perstitious terrors.All well-educat- ed Spanish women are

taught from their earliest years to han-dle the sword, and as a result they arqnoted for their admirable figures andeasy walk.

Lancashire agricultural laborerscredit certain of their fellows with pow-er to cast good and evil spells. At Dun-stable men carry a live In a pillbox to ward off toothachs, eat stewedearthworms as a cure for jaundice andfried mouse for whooping-coug- h andcherish all the old superstitions as to thedead which made Merrie Eneland sad.


A green grocer is one who trusts dead-be- at

customers.Silk-line- d gowns interest a woman

more than silver-line- d clouds.The man who goes to law may be sure

that his lawyer will get justice.Japan has got five new submarine

boats; but the Russian score beats this.Marriage, which should make one out

of two, often results in sixes and sevens.Did it ever occur to you that summer

girls and peaches disappear simultane-ously?

You never Know what you can't aountil you try to undo something thatycu have done.

When a woman has to economize, shealways wants to do it on the necessitiesof life, not the luxuries.

only a feast, but actual's stomach is not right, each meal

adds to the burden. Make sure thatbaby enjoys and profits by its food by

its stomach in condition with


Regulates the stomach and bowels, cor-rects sour stomach, cures diarrhoea and

ccrr.pla;nt. The teething period isdangerous. Baby fc.iixir will takeyour baby through it in perfectsafety. Pleasant to take; con- -

. tains no poisons,opium cr Iauda--

X -K A.' num. i. your

vyil! ana ouc M



The Stable orthe Inn ?

Christmas Sermon hy (be " HiLway andByway" Preacher.

It Copyright, by J. 11. tison.)

Chicago. Sunday. Dec. IS.Text: "And sh brought forth her first-

born son; and she wrapped Him in swad-dling- clothes and laid Him in a manger,because there no room for them In theInn." Luke 2:7.

E GO back to thatfirst Christmasnight for the in-

spiration for ourChristmas m e s --

sage. The centu-ries that havecome and gonesijee that nightwhen God's Soncame to earth todwell among menhave witnessed themarvelous spreadof the Gospel, andthe almost univer-

sal recognition among the progressiveand enlightened nations of the earth ofthe fact of Jesus' advent into theworld and His vicarious mission. Weepeak of tho Christian nations, andmean those 'nations which have beendominated by the enlightened spirit ofrighteousness and truth of whichJesus was the expression and expo-

nent. The mustard seed has grownto be the great tree, spreading itstranches everywhere, and the nations

the birds of the air have foundlodgment therein. To-da- y the Christ-

inas bells ring round the earth, andpeal foiMh their message of joy andfcood cheer, even though the notes ofits truest message often are not heard.A large part of the world to-d- ay hasits Christmas, but has it the Christ?It celebrates the crowning event of the

but does it. appreciate all thatthat celebration should mean? Is itthe stable where the Christ lias beenfeiven pisce and welcome? or is it the.inn crowded, and busy, and resting ineas and comfort with no place orprovifcion made for the Christ? Oartext suggests contrasts so sharp andpainful that we cannot but be im-piesp- ed

by them as we meditite there-on. The stable and the inn. The onefor the beast, the other for man.Tiie one poor and cheerless and com-

fortless, the other fitted at least withthe common comforts and conveniencesv hich could minister to the needs ofnan. The one the only place wherethe Son of God could find shelter, theother the place which was so crowdedend filled that it shut out the Christ.

UT there is a brighter side to theconirast. The stable, though poor

a:id bare of comforts, shone with theholy light of God's presence, and wel-

comed the new-bor- n King to the bestit could provide, while the inn hadonly the ieeble light of man's pro-viding and missed tne fciory of the Di-:- na

presence. The stable becamemarked ou the chart of God's pur-poses, while, the inn was indeliblyfciampod with the sligma of inhospital-it- y.

'lhe stable bscaine the ceater ofinterest for the angelic hosts as theytang of the Saviour born, and told thewondering shepherds where the Babewas to be found, while the inn passesiuto the obscurity of oblivion. TheMable passes down irto history glori-fied and dignified by the distinction ofbeing the birthplace of the Lord andKing, while the inn has no place ofhe nor on history's pase. but stands outao the monument- - 01 missed opporiu-rit- y.

ir "s.ving turned the expectantiaother from its unfeeling doorway.Such were the contrasts upon that firstChristmas night. . Do the same tcn- -trrsts exist to-da- y? Have we still thefctable and the inn the place thatmakes room for the Saviour, and theplace that crowds Him out? Evtrv- -v here to-d- ay we hear the song of theangels caught up-b- y man, we see thegladness and joy of the Christmas

and amidst all the festivitiesmay we not well ask ourselves: Is itthe stable cr the inn?

i; HE fact that Christmas, tueanniver- ---i sary of the birth of Christ, is celebrated is not enough. One may sharein all the activities and pleasures ot"

the day, and still be an inmate oi theinn, and a stranger to the true fcimn- -cance of the birth in the stable. Onemay hear the wonderful Divine mysterywnere ty tne bon oi Gcd Lett Heaven andbecame flesh through the operation ofthe Holy Spirit, and still be blind to theDivine light that filled the stable re-cesses. Think you not that the inn wasastir next day with the news of theevents which had transpired In thestable? Think you not that every onewa3 talking of the Babe in the manger,ot the story of the shepherds and theirvisit in the early morning? Ere thomorning's sun had climbed the Beth-lehem hills and gilded the distant moun-tain heights with its golden splendor,l leel sure that the mighty secret of i hatstable became known not only to all inthe inn; but to ail in the little villageof Bethlehem. And so to-d- av the storvof the binh of the Christ is known andrehearsed among men, they celebrate

still the Christ is absent, kept out bythe crowded condition of the inn. Thenews of the birth of Jesus has reachedthe inn and it .freely joins in the cele-bration of the event, but the stablewhere room is found for Jesus is theplace where the true celebration is held.You may be content with the festivitiesof the inn, and never care to enter intothe deeper joys of the stable whereJesus is. As of old, it is the questionof the stable or the inn. Where are youcontent to celebrate the Christmas fes-tival? I verily believe the saddest dayIn Heaven is Christmas day, because asthe angelic hosts look upon earth theybehold all manner of revelry and fes-tivities in the name of Jesus, while theOne Whose birthday it is is shut out.No place for Him in the inn. There istoo much going on. There are too manyplans laid. There ure too many-olfi- er

friends to be entertained. And so it isthe inn instead of the stable. TheChrist is shut out!

SOME one has told the story of a ladyone Christmas eve, was walk-

ing in the beautiful city of Berlin. Shettopyed to look at the large store win-dow, where was laid out ia elaborate

display the scene of the lowly stable atBethlehem. Before the window stoodtwo little girls, their faces beaming withpleasure, while they talked to anotherlittle girl between them, and aroundwhom they had their arms. This dearchild was quite blind, and to her poorsightless eyes the pretty window toldno story. But the loving little friendstold the blind child of the rude stable,the hay, the cows and the sheep, thesweet mother beside the manger inwhich the Christ-chil- d -- was sleeping,the open door through which the won-dering shepherds were coming and thebright star above which shed a soft lightover all. The little blind girl listenedwith absorbed interest, drinking inevery detail of the window decorationas it was described, and reproducing itin her mind's eye. until her face lit upwith a joyful i.ile. and, clasping herhands together in rapture, she ex-

claimed, again and again: "Ah! thatis beautiful!" And ah! how many thereare who, like the little blind girl beforethe show window in Berlin, where thescene of Jesus' birth was depicted, standbeholding the Christmas celebratiouand yet because of blindness of heartthey do not see and realize its biddenbeauty and meaning! Ah! how wewould love to throw our arms aboutsuch and try and tell them all the won-

derful story of God's love and God's gift!How we long to bring such to open theheart and make room for the ChristWho has come into the world to seekand to save the lost! Why stay in theinn. away from the Christ, when wemay enter into His very presence andrealize, as did the shepherds that night,that "unto US is born in the city cfDavid, a Saviour, Which is Christ theLord?" Between the experience of theinn and the stable there is the same dif-ference as that which marked the blindgirl and her little friends. God grant

j that you may be as willing and aseager to hear the message as the blindchild was!

is the message of the stable?UHAT is the message cf the inn?One stands for cooperation with God.the other rejection and indifference toHis claims. One becomes the recipient

j of blessing, and the medium of exalttdservice, while the other in r arrowselfishness loses both blessing and theprivilege of Eervice. The characteristicscf the stable and the inn are still to bemarked in the world to-da- y. There arethose who are willing to receive theChrist, cud who thus become instr:'.-mer.- ts

in God's hands of great serieand blessing. On the other hand, thereare those who typify the inn and refusethe Christ admittance, and maintain anattitude of supreme indifference to Hisclaims upon them. Al the glad Chrit'.-ma- s

time what more fitting occasionwhich to consider this supreme ques-tion? With you and me it is either thestable or the inn. There is no neutralground. The Christ child, the Christ-ma- ?

gift of God to men. eomes-t- o everyheart and seeks for admission. Shallthe rejection of the inn, or the welcomeof the stable, mark oar attitude?

HE stable typifies open-nearte- d re- -i ception ct uie unrist, wimrg sur

render of the be:t we have to the Clirht.and acceptable service rendered fcr thrChrist. The first essential need is themaking room for Jcsr.s. The crowdedcondition of the inn may find its coun-terpart in our lives where the cares andactivities of this life would crowd outthe claims of God upon us, ar.d make usprone to turn the Christ away with thoexcuse that there is no room, that we arebusy providing for the present guestswho have found lodgment with us. Toreject Christ does not require that woshow open enmity and hatred towardsHim. Chrin was not driven from thedoor of that inn at Bethlehem in cruelhatred. It was enough that Mary andJoseph should be told, perhaps ever sopolitely and regretfully, that there wasno room. It served the same purpose olshutting out the Christ, and so with youand me. We may know of no bitter op-

position or hatred ruling in the heartwhich keeps the Christ out. All that isnecessary is to be so filled and crowdedwith other things as to lead us to turnHim politely away, and say: "Someday, when we are not so pressed forroom and time, we will be glad to wel-

come you." But Jesns does not wait onsuch invitation. The opportunity cisheltering the Christ tame to the innbut once, and that opportunity lost waslost forever, and so it may be with ycu.Jesus comes at this Christmastime. Heseeks for room aad shelter in your heart.Will you not make place for Him thereat once, even though every ether thinghas to be turned out and given up? Bet-ter have the Christ than all else that theworld can give.

once within, let the Saviour haveAND best the place a.Tords. The man-ger was not much. It was a rude, roughplace, and yet as it was surrendered" itbecame the cradle of the new-bor- n KingWhat you have may seem mean and pco:and unusable. But if it is surrenderee,to the Christ. He will find use for itHe will glorify tnd honor it with

lie will make it the mediumof blessing to others. If that humblemanger had had the ptiwer of speech andhad the spirit of some who have admit-ted the Christ to their lives and hearts,I imagine I can hear it speaking on thiswise: "I would so like to do somethingfor this Christ. Oh. if I were only likethe bed, or even the cot, of the well- -

Him! Oh! if I only had the comfort oiits ample frame, or the warmth cf itsrugs and blankets! But I have nothingbut this rack of rough boards beforewhich the cattle stand. I have nothinobut this fodder which surely I cannotoffer to Him." But the manger wasthere. It was willing to be ued. AndMary laid the Christ therein, and it be-

came transformed with a glory suchas never shone round the throne oiearthly king. And so it may be witryou and me. The most unlikely posses-sion may become resplendent and glori-ous with the Divine presence. But ilwith the narrow vision of the inn weturn the Christ away, we may keep ailthe crowding guests which this worldcan give, but we lose Heaven's gift andthe star of hope rises npt over our hab-itation. Which shall it be. the stableor the inn? Let the prayer of the poetbe the breathings of our heart. Withthe soul yearning which Christ alonican .satisfy let us cry:

"O. ho!y Child of Bethlehem.Descend to us, we pray:

Cast out our sin and er.ter in,Ee lorn in us tc-aa- y.

We hear the Christmas aneisThe great laS-tidir- ,s tt'.l;

Oh. come to us. able with us,Our Lord Erjarcanuti.'


Professor of Natural History "Was TooSeen for Mischievous


An eminent naturslist who holds anifills, as well a chair in a university, an-nounced to the members of his class onmorning that he had something of un-usual interest to show them, relatesYouth's Companion.

"I have here, gentlemen," he 6aid,"some hairs from the skin of a youngcrested seal, and we wilj proceed to studytheir peculiarities."

Unfolding the small piece of paper thatcontained them, he spread the nairs outon a sheet of white cardboard and turnedto get his microscope, which was on adesk behind him.

While his back was turned a roguishstudent quickly swept the hrurs off thedesk into his hand, and subst'tuted othersvery closely resembling them.

"Young gentlemen," taid the professor,severely, a moment later, as he glancedat the 6heet of cardboard, "there hasbeen some underground work here. Theseare mole hairs."

They never attempted to fool the pro-fessor again.

Economical.Mr. Brown Shall we have to buy ncrv

woolen underwear for all cf the boys thisyear?

Mrs. Brov.-- n No, dear. Yours haveshrunk so they just fit Johu; John'sshrunk so thev just tit Jimmy; Jimmy'sshrunk to fit Willie and Willie's are justsnug on the baby. Y'ou arc the only onothat needs new ones! Detroit Free Tress.

Assistance Needed.The real-estat- e man was doing his best

to sell an undesirable lot."I guess you're a good deal like the

man who caught the bear," paid his pros-- ;pective victim, who was pretty foxy.

"What do you mean?""You want some one to help you let

eo." Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. "

Doing Great Work.Florisaut, Mo., Dec. 19th (Special.)

That Dodd's Kidney Fills are doing agreat work in curing the more terribleforms of Kidney Disease, such as Bright'sDisease, Dropsy and Diabetes, everybodyknows. But it must also be noted thatthey are doing a stiil greater work in wip-ing out thousands of cases ot the earlierfctasca of Kidney Disease. Take for in-stance Mrs. Peter Barteau, of this place.She eays:

1 have beeu subject to pains in myback and knees for about three years, butsince 1 have been taking Dodd s KidneyPills I have been entirely cured."

Others here tell 6imiliar 6tories. In fact,in this part cf Missouri there are scoresof people who have cured the early symp-toms of Kidney Disease with Dodd's Kid-ney Pills. The use of the great AmericanKidney Remedy thus saved not only the j

lives of Kidney Disease victims, but thou- - j

eands of other Americans from years of '


i American heiress who refused topay $70 ,000 for a count may have rea-soned that this was an overcharge of $09,-u9J.7- 0.

Chicago Daily News.


One CaUe o Coticara Soap and OneDox X C'uticura Cnretl Baby's

Aw fnl Humor.

"When my sister was eighteen monthsold a humor broke out on her shoukiers,eitending clear across the back. For twoyears it caused her intense suffering. Itwould scab over and then crack open anda watery matter ooze from it. Tnen thescabs would fall off and it would be rawfor a time. We had several different doc-tors and tried everything we coula thinkof, but without effecting a cure. Thenv.e got one cake of Cuticura Soap and onebox of Cuticura Ointment, which curedher completely and without scar or blem-ish, (feigned) Lillie Chase Walker, 5liemont St.. Woodfords. Me."

About the most terrific combinationthat has developed up to date is an in-toxicated chauffeur and an automobile.Boston Transcript.

To Cure a Cold in One Dayrake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Alldruggists refund the money if it fails to cure.E. W. Orovo's signature i3 ou each box. 25c.

A finall cottage here on earth is bet-ai- r.

tcr than a castle in the ChicagoDaily News.

Piso's Cure cannot be too highly ppoken ofas a cough cure. J. V. O'Brien, 322 ThirdAve., .Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0, 19.

Whether it in a misfortune to go to thegrave unsung depends somewhat on thoqualifications of the singer. Smart Set.

A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.Itching-- , Blind. Bleeding or Pi otruding Piles.Your dniprffistwiH refund money if PazoDjjstmext fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 60c

The cynic gets his opinions before thomirror.-Chica- zo Tribune.

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ANegetable PreparalionforAs-

similating lhe Food andRcgula-tin- g

the Stomachs andBowels of

sPromotes Digestion.Cheerftness and Rest.Con tains neitherOpium.Morphine norfineral.Not "Narcotic.

JimfJim Seed'"Aix.Serm..... A


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A perfect Remedy forConstipa-Fion- ,Sour Stomach, Diarrhoen

Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-nes-s

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Tac Simile Signature of




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Mrs. Anderson, ar t iwoman oi j acKsonviue, ria., aaugmer oi

Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessedher signature to the following letter, praisesLydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound

"Dear 3Irs. Ptnxtiam There are but few wires and mothers "whohave not at times endured agonies and surh pain as only women know.

wish such women knew the value of Iydia 12. Pinkliam's VegetableCompound. It U remarkable medicine, different in action from any

ever knew and thoroughly reliable.'I Save seen case3 where women doctored for years without perma-

nent benefit, who wero cured in less than three months after taking yourVegetable Compound, while others who were chronic and incurablecame out cured, happy, and in perfect health after thorough treatmentwith this medicine. have never used it myself without gaining greatbenefit. A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones upthe entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, henco

fully endorse it.' ilrts. li. A Anderson, 225 Washington St, Jack-sonville, Fla.

Mrs. Reed, 2425 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pa., says

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uDrAR jVIrs. Pixkiiam: feel it my dutyto write and tell you the good have receivedfrom 1-ydi- 11. Pinkham's Vegetable Com


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"I have a great sufferer withtrouble, trying different doctors and medicines

no benelit. Two years I underan operation, and it left mo in a very weakcondii.ion. 1 had stomach trouble, backache.


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is medicine reacheswould rce- -

(A X', ommend !Lydia H. Pinkham's Vegetable,$v t Compound to all suffering women."

are troubled irregnlar or painful menstruation, weak-ness, leucorrhoea, displacement or r.lceration the womb, that bearing-dow- n

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such troubles.experience testimony of of the most noted

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spread unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has arecord of female troubles. Ifefuse to any substitute.

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