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The Blessed Life (1): A Heart Of Generosity

Jul 01, 2015



Mike Rhodes

The Blessed Life. We all want it. There's no shame in admitting we want more of God's blessings in our life. How do we get them? This sermon series contains the key. Part one of four. Audio available at
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: The Blessed Life (1):  A Heart Of Generosity
Page 2: The Blessed Life (1):  A Heart Of Generosity

Act 20:35 "In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

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The Key To A Blessed Life Is A Heart Of Generosity 24 One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds

unduly, but comes to poverty. 25 A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:24-25

2Cor 9:8-11 8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.11 You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

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Three Mindsets1.) The Bag = Not Enough• Hag 1:6 "You have sown much, but harvest little; you

eat, but there is not enough to be satisfied; you drink, but there is not enough to become drunk; you put on clothing, but no one is warm enough; and he who earns, earns wages to put into a bag with holes.”

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Three Mindsets2.) The Basket & The Bowl = More Than Enough• Deu 28:4-6 "Blessed shall be the offspring of your body

and the produce of your ground and the offspring of your beasts, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock. (5) "Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. (6) "Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.

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Three Mindsets3.) The Barn = Infinitely More Than Enough• Deu 28:8 "The LORD will command the blessing upon

you in your barns and in all that you put your hand to…

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Luk 16:9-10 "And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by means of the wealth of unrighteousness, so that when it fails, they will receive you into the eternal dwellings. (10) "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.

Pro 3:9-10 Honor the LORD from your wealth And from the first of all your produce; (10) So your barns will be filled with plenty And your vats will overflow with new wine.

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Luk 12:16-21 And He told them a parable, saying, "The land of a rich man was very productive. (17) "And he began reasoning to himself, saying, 'What shall I do, since I have no place to store my crops?' (18) "Then he said, 'This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. (19) 'And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years to come; take your ease, eat, drink and be merry."' (20) "But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?' (21) "So is the man who stores up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."

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Three Mindsets1) The Bag = Never Enough.2) The Basket & The Bowl = More Than Enough.3) The Barn = Infinitely More Than Enough.

Action:Which Mindset Do You Have?How Aware Of God’s Blessings Are You On A Daily Basis?What Part Of This Message Spoke To You Personally?What Steps Will You Take This Week To Act On It?

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Next Sunday: The Blessed Test