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S un Blenheim Marlborough The April 17, 2015 Outlook for Today Fine spells, chance afternoon shower. Light winds Sun Weather Today 8-21 Saturday 3-18 Sunday 7-21 Monday 9-22 CALL US ON: 5777 868 Bruno’s Everest WE’LL GET YOU HOME By Jacob Page Bruno Saunders, 12, has completed his goal to climb the equivalent of Mt Everest’s 8848m peak by completing nine walks for charity in the past seventh months for a school project. Continued page 2 Dad Sturrock stands alongside son, Bruno as he completes his ninth and final climb at the weekend. ouse of earing Experience. The Difference

The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

Jul 21, 2016



The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15
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Page 1: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

SSSunBlenheim Marlborough


April 17, 2015

Outlook for TodayFine spells, chance afternoon shower. Light winds

Sun Weather Today 8-21 Saturday 3-18 Sunday 7-21 Monday 9-22 CALL US ON: 5777 868

Bruno’s Everest


By Jacob PageBruno Saunders, 12, has completed his goal

to climb the equivalent of Mt Everest’s 8848m peak by completing nine walks for charity in the past seventh months for a school project.

Continued page 2

Dad Sturrock stands alongside son, Bruno as he completes his ninth and final climb at the weekend.


Experience. The Difference

Page 2: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

How to reach us

Katrina WhitesidePublisher

Les WhitesidePublisher

The Sun 18,535 copies. The largest circulating

newspaper in Marlborough.TWICE WEEKLY

Telephone (03) 5777 868 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Address: 72 High St, Blenheim P.O. Box 634 Blenheim Fax: (03) 5777-863

Delivering to: Blenheim, Picton, Renwick, Havelock & Seddon.

2 Friday April 17, 2015 SunThe

quoteof the week


A life making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.-George Bernard Shaw

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BROugHt tO yOu By:

Continued from page 1.The Renwick school pupil battled strong

winds and horizontal rain to complete his summer challenge of to climb the vertical height of Mt Everest.

The 12-year-old has done nine walks since last October and to climb higher than Mt Everest’s 8848m peak.

His effort to conquer the Tongariro Cross-ing proved a real challenge as the weather closed in.

His father, Sturrock Saunders says he was proud his son kept going.

“It certainly wasn’t easy and we were prepared to turn back if it came to that but it’s a great achievement and I’m pleased for him that he stuck to it.

“We had some pretty experienced guys who had done the crossing in the past and one guy had done it three times and said it was the hardest alpine crossing he had done,” Sturrock says.

Bruno says he wanted to do the challenge to raise funds for the Himalayan Trust es-tablished by Kiwi great Sir Edmund Hillary.

Bruno’s older brother, Callum is a Hillary Scholarship recipient but was unable to complete the challenge due to injury.

Bruno raised more than $600 for the trust with his efforts.

He says the biggest improvement has been with his fitness levels throughout the seven month challenge.

He says the support he received from family and friends had been awesome but most of his mates at school struggled to understand the magnitude of the challenge.

“They say ‘good on you’ but I don’t think they get it.”

Bruno felt ill after the final leg which was a

19km walk in tough terrain, but fortunately had the last week of the school holidays to recover.

He also thanked family and friends for their support not only during the days of his walk but also for the fundraising assistance.

It was part of a Renwick School Challenge.

Challenge to the end for spirited youngster

Roofing to give Vanuatu a liftBy Jacob Page

More than 300metres of roof-ing has been packed into the container at The Crossroads bound for Vanuatu.

Roofline Marlborough has donated the industrial strength and 1.8m off cuts to help with the rebuild after Cyclone Pam.

Dave Hix says he was happy to donate to the cause as most

of what he was giving was surplus to requirements.

The company has also do-nated more than 40,000 spare nails.

“A lot of this stuff we wouldn’t use – like the nails but I’m sure they will make a huge differ-ence in Vanuatu.”

Dave says he was approached by Crossroads Trust board

member, Janette Walker, about donating.

“To be honest I was surprised no one had knocked on my door and asked for help,” Dave says.

Janette has also organised fundraising efforts with Mitre 10 and Bunnings where people can buy vouchers as well as tool sets at cost price.

“The Vanuatu workers give a lot to the Marlborough com-munity and it must be tough for them to go back home and know they have to start again.”

The container has been out-side John’s Kitchen for three weeks and it’s hoped that do-nated tools and cash donations will all have a big impact in the rebuild effort.

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Page 3: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

SunThe 3Friday April 17, 2015

inbriefAucklAnd to fAce MAkos in BlenheiM

Blenheim’s lansdowne Park will host two tasman Makos itM cup matches in the 2015 season.Blenheim will see a thursday night game on August 27 when the Manawatu turbos come to town.Auckland will then play the Makos at 4.35pm on sunday september 20.nelson’s trafalgar Park will host the other three home fixtures against Bay of Plenty, north harbour and canterbury.


sPending surge over eAsterelectronic transactions over easter in Marlborough were up 18.3 per cent compared to last year.According to Paymark figures elec-tronic spend jumped from $8.1 million in easter 2014 to $9.6m in easter this year.electronic transactions went from 160,000 to 190,000.

the team at the Blenheim sun wish to thank their deliverers and readers for their patience on Wednesday. due to our printers having a major printing breakdown, the Wednesday sun was delayed.We appreciate everyone’s efforts and understanding.

thAnks froM the sun teAM

Seddon water debate

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By Jacob PageTwo Gallipoli Peninsula Lone

Pine seedlings look set to be planted in Pollard Park on the Walk of Remembrance as Anzac Day preparations hit top gear.

About 50 two-year old seedlings of this special tree were propagated by Scion at its research nursery in Rotorua and gifted to RSAs nationwide.

The seeds were collected in 2012 from the Turkish red pine (Pinus Brutia) growing at Paeroa Golf Course. This tree is an authenti-cated New Zealand descendant of the original Lone Pine and traces back to a pine cone brought home by Australian soldier Sergeant Keith McDowell after World War 1.

The Marlborough RSA asked for two and they have arrived in

Blenheim and are currently being looked after by Marlborough District Council parks and reserves

officials until planting can take place.

John says he hopes to have them

planted in Pollard Park.President John Forrest says he

expected the MDC would agree to that request.

“The mayor is very much in favour of these sorts of things.”

John says while the trees will not be planted on Anzac Day, he did have a particular date in mind.

“August 5 is Victory over Ja-pan Day and we will be having potentially a dawn service and a walk through the Walk of Remem-brance so hopefully we will have a planting ceremony then.”

Forrest says there are already a number of trees along the walk which were planted to honour fallen soldiers from Marlborough in World War One so, the addition of the new trees to the area made perfect sense.

Gallipoli Pine’s to find new home

toby stovold in the scion research nursery with gallipoli lone Pine seedlings. two have been given to Marlborough.

By Adam Poulopoulos Marlborough District Council

officials have stated if everything goes to plan, the building of a new water treatment facility in Seddon could begin in the middle of next year.

About 80 people attended a meet-ing in Seddon on Wednesday night, chaired by a Marlborough District Council panel and the Awatere/Seddon Water Group.

Council will spend the next few months investigating design and build options, and the treatment site.

The government’s decision on their Drinking-Water Subsidy Scheme should be complete by Oc-tober, when the tendering process will begin.

Next January, the design and build contract will be awarded, with construction scheduled to begin in July 2016.

Council operations and mainte-

nance engineer Stephen Rooney says currently, council has com-pleted costings for two options, a membrane filtration system and a Lamella Clarifier and pressure filter option.

Options ruled out so far include water storage for use during river flood events, point-of-entry fil-

tration and piping water from Blenheim.

Rooney says both costed options are robust enough to deal with tur-bid water, which the current MIOX system is not, but the Lamella system will require staff interven-tion to keep it running while the water is turbid.

He says the membrane system will cost $4.4 million or an added $543 per annum for the 240 Sed-don ratepayers, while the Lamella option is $3 million or $240 more per annum.

Under both plans, other Marl-burian ratepayers will pick up a combined $103,817 per annum in treatment costs.

Costings for both plans are dependent on council meeting 50 percent of the system cost, Marlborough sharing ratepayer costs and Seddon receiving a $1 million subsidy they have applied to the government for under their

scheme. Seddon has applied for a $1.66

million grant altogether. The Ministry of Health has re-

ceived 40 applications for water aid from around the country as part of the scheme, totalling $31 million.

The government will be giving out $10 million.

Council assets and services man-ager Mark Wheeler says the search for more viable alternatives will continue in the coming months.

Council is taking feedback through submissions to their long-term plan. The deadline for sub-missions is May 7, and the plan is adopted on June 25.

What do you think about the options for water treatment in Seddon, and as a Marlburian, how do you feel about helping to fund the project? Email [email protected].

Mark Wheeler.

64 Queen Street, Blenheim • Ph: 03 579 5729 • [email protected]

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tAlent Auditions deferred the Marlborough’s got talent audi-tions have been moved back by two weeks to Wednesday, May 27. the auditions will be held from 3pm-6pm. the grand final will be held on saturday, May 30.

Page 4: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

4 Friday April 17, 2015 SunThe


FIELD DAYS The next two Cawthron Marlborough Environment Awards are being held in the next week. The Manuka Island Forest field day, a tour of the forest block, is tomorrow at 9am, while the Kaipupu Point Mainland Island Society’s field day is Tuesday from 3pm-5:30pm. Bookings are required for both events.

ALLAN SCOTT CONCERTFly My Pretties star Mel Parsons is performing at Allan Scott Family Winemakers on Sunday, May 3. The show is part of a 23-stop tour by Parsons, promoting her new album, Drylands. Tickets for the show are available from the Eventfinder website.

By Adam PoulopoulosThere were laughs, frights and a few

surprises at Footloose last Friday as people discovered the model in the window was live.

Lish Spray Tanning owner Shyloe Leslie modelled Footloose’s new season winter boots and shoes in the shop’s window between noon and 2pm.

The arrangement was to promote Footloose’s upcoming Fashion week next week.

Shyloe says she enjoyed the experi-ence.

“It was quite entertaining. There were quite a few laughs, and it was good fun.”

She will continue to model for

Footloose on the odd occasion. Footloose senior sales assistant Lee

Stevenson says management got the idea from Ballantynes Christchurch, who sometimes have live models.

She says the change certainly turned heads.

“We got some amazing reactions – it was really great. The timing was perfect.

“There were lots of kids saying ‘mum is it real?’ She got lots of winks, lots of stares.”

Lee says Shyloe’s modelling coin-cided with a “fantastic sales day.”

Right: Shyloe Leslie models inside Footloose.

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Live Footloose model causes stir

By Adam Poulopoulos Marlborough Osteopathic Ser-

vices has moved across town, one of several changes to the business in the last 12 months.

They had their first day at 162 Scott Street on March 16, having moved from their old home on Waikura Street.

Paul and wife Emma bought the business from previous owner Marcus Ferreira in September, and he says they have worked hard to make their new premises their own.

“We’ve been through every room, painted them, freshened everything up and now we have a disabled toilet and a ramp.

“Most people say it’s a lot lighter and airier. We’ve got carpet floors now because people often come in and stand on the wooden floor, and at this time of year it can get

a bit cold.“It’s much more central and on a

busier thoroughfare, so we get a lot more people walking in.”

Recently they have also hired a new osteopath, Australian Steve Koenig, who started in mid-Feb-ruary.

“We needed that extra osteo-path,” Paul says.

“It’s difficult to recruit them out of New Zealand because they train in Auckland and most if them want to stay there, so we opened it up to Australia.”

The business has also adopted online booking software, which can be accessed through their website or their Facebook page.

Right: Paul Sell at the new home of Marlborough Osteopathic Services.

Big changes at osteopath

The team at Dames specialises in size 14 plus wom-en’s fashion, starting with beautifully cut basics from New Zealand designers that will take you from casual wear to special occasions. You’ll discover superbly cut garments, made from fabrics that are chosen for maximum flattery, to celebrate your fabulous curves!

Up until April 20, take a trip over the hill to Nelson and the team at Dames will treat you to morning or afternoon tea with every purchase over $100. Or shop from home at the Dames online store; they ship FREE throughout New Zealand. The team at Dames in Nelson have a special treat in store for customers. Photo provided.

Fashion fabulous

BUSINESS AFTER 5 The Marlborough Chamber of Commerce’s next Business After 5 event will be held at the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology on May 21. The event begins at 5:30pm.For more information, contact the Chamber.

CAR LEVIES The Accident Compensation Corpora-tion has released details about risk rating, which will see motorists pay lower levies for the vehicles from July 1. As an example, owners of petrol cars currently pay a $198 levy. This will drop to $158 for unsafe cars, and $68 for the safest cars. Under risk rating, cars are grouped into four levy bands, and levies are based on how safe a car is in a crash.The information is available of the ACC website.

Page 5: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

SunThe 5Friday April 17, 2015

Improvements to Renwick will be the focus of a new community steering group set up to help progress the township. About 70 people turned out to a meeting at the end of March to discuss ways the community might work in partnership with the Council through its ‘smart and connected’ initiative.Landscaping for the main street, improved signage and the consultation over the proposed upgrade to Renwick’s water supply were raised during the discussions to find priorities for the newly formed Smart and Connected steering group.• Inquiries about Renwick Smart & Connected, or the

Havelock or Picton S&C initiatives, contact MDC Economic Development Officer Cathie Bell, Ph: 03 520 7400.


Notices Renwick gets ‘smart and connected’Council Services ANZAC Day Saturday 25 April and ANZAC Public Holiday Monday 27 April 2015Marlborough District Council, Blenheim office will be closed on the ANZAC Day public holiday Monday 27 April 2015.The District Library in Blenheim and the Picton Library and Service Centre will be closed on Saturday 25, Sunday 26 and Monday 27 April.Kerbside Rubbish Bag and Recycling Collections If your rubbish bag and recycling crate is usually collected on Monday, it will be collected the following day Tuesday 28 April.Transfer Stations, Resource Recovery and Re-use Centres and E-Waste – ANZAC Day Saturday 25 April:• The Resource Recovery and Re-use Centres,

and E-Waste will be open from 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm.• Blenheim, Havelock, Seddon and Wairau

Valley Transfer Stations will be open from • 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm.• Picton and Rai Valley Transfer Stations will be

closed.Transfer Stations, Resource Recovery and Reuse Centres and E-Waste – ANZAC Public Holiday Day Monday 27 April:• The Resource Recovery and the Re-use

Centre, and Blenheim Transfer Station will be open from 8.00 am – 4.30 pm.

• Picton Transfer Station will be open from • 8.00 am – 4.00 pm.• Havelock Transfer Station will be open from • 8.00 am – 2.00 pm.• E-Waste and Rai Valley, Seddon and Wairau

Valley Transfer Stations will be closed.Greenfingers: will be open from 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm on ANZAC Day, Saturday 25 April and from 8.00 am – 4.30 pm on ANZAC Public Holiday Monday 27 April.The Landfill will be closed on ANZAC Day, Saturday 25 April and will be open from 8.00 am – Midday on ANZAC Public Holiday Monday 27 April.Bus ServicesThe Blenheim Bus Service will operate as normal on Saturday 25 April. The bus will NOT operate on Monday 27 April.

Temporary Road Closure

Marlborough District Council PO Box 443 Blenheim 7240 New Zealand

Phone: 03 520 7400Fax: 03 520 7496Email: [email protected]


Positive ageing - Please take care when using courtesy crossings in townCourtesy crossings are not official pedestrian crossings. Courtesy crossings are usually made of bricks or paving and are often raised above the level of the road.They are a place where drivers may

stop safely to allow pedestrians to cross. However, drivers are not obliged to stop at courtesy crossings and pedestrians should use these crossings with care.

While they are not official pedestrian crossings, they do provide a place for pedestrians to get across the road.Drivers should always be courteous to pedestrians waiting to use a courtesy crossing.

New pay-and-display machines are being installed at the railway station car park and at Stadium 2000 as part of the changes that were introduced last week to parking around the Blenheim CBD. At the southern end of the railway station car park the parking becomes pay-and-display. To the north of the railway station, time-restricted parking will be available for up to one hour.In the Kinross Street/Scott Street car park, some spaces will continue to be time-restricted (P150).Free parking at the weekend will continue in all Council off-street car parks – including these two areas.

Parking around the Blenheim CBD

As custodian and caretaker of the region’s infrastructure, Council must be prepared for earthquakes, storms, floods, tsunami, volcanoes and landslides – natural events that could damage our essential framework of roads, water supplies and sewerage services.Council insures regional infrastructure and river control works through a local government insurance scheme, supplementing that by some commercial insurance.Insurance premiums

rose markedly after the Christchurch earthquakes and Council is constantly reviewing its insurances to ensure assets are protected but costs are kept as low as possible.

At the same time Council readies itself for coping with a natural disaster by:

• Designing infrastructure to resist damage and managing what can be done on hazard-prone land

• Insuring property for damage from the natural events which Marlborough experiences

• Preparing for disasters and for the response to them

• Ensuring Council is eligible for central government funding after a disaster.

Council has aimed to set a strategy which balances risk and financial certainty. Alternatively, Council could reduce insurance cover and take on more risk but that would require Council to significantly increase its cash reserves - and that would either leave less funding available for other Council

activities or increase rates.

• More information about how Council arranges its insurance is available in the Consultation Document supporting Council’s Long Term Plan 2015-25. Public submissions on the Consultation Document must be received by 5.00 pm

7 May 2015.

Does the Council have the right balance between insurance and risk? Please tell us what you think.

Consulting Marlborough about Council’s natural disaster insurance

Talk to a councillor about LTP projectsWednesday 15 April Seddon, Community Hall, 6.30 pm, Blenheim Library, 1 pm-3 pmFriday 17 April Council – ground floor committee room, 1 pm-3 pm

Saturday 18 April Redwoodtown and Railway Station car-boot markets, 9 am-noonSunday 19 April Farmers Market, 9 am-noon

Tuesday 21 April Picton Library, 2 pm – 4 pm.Submissions on the Consultation Document will be accepted until 5 pm on 7 May 2015.

100 Days for 100 Years’ Service Friday 24 April 2015NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under Section 342 of the Local Government Act 1974 that Seymour Street from the intersection of High Street to Alfred Street will be closed to all vehicles between the hours of 5.30 pm and 6.30 pm on Friday, 24 April 2015 for the purpose of 100 Days for 100 Years’ Service.Also please note that there will be no parking in Seymour Street from the intersection of High Street to Alfred Street from 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm.Any enquiries should be addressed to Sandra Boyd, Marlborough Roads, Ph: 03 520 8330.

Inside the red line, car parking has been converted to Pay and Display parking.

Page 6: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

Friday April 17, 2015 SunThe6

Got an important issue to share with Marlborough?Text your thoughts to:

027 242 5266

txt talk



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Reply to: Vineyard water usageThe water hydrants on New Renwick Road that have been supplying water for our vineyard is not domestic water. It is for fire fighting. A consent was applied for and granted. We have paid MDC for each cubic metre of water. The amount of water taken is quite small.

Making a dollarWhy do people have to sell those count-down collectibles?They are for children and you shouldn’t have to go through all that effort just to make a dollar or two >:(

Clean Taylor RiverWhy don’t PD worker’s clean Taylor River, weeds or picking up rubbish? I’ve been on and off PD for 20 years, in the last 10 it has become a joke. Its just driving around, keeping out of view from the public.We pick rubbish up along out of town rivers while the Taylor looks more like a dump site.

We welcome your texts on 027 242 5266.

Limit to 70 words please.Name supplied please. We reserve the right to publish at our discretion.Please note the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Sun management.

txt talk of the week

CongratulationsCongratulations to the folk who organised the evenings of remembrance at the ceno-taph at Seymour Park, and the flower plots looking like poppies are something else. Well done. Doug, Dunedin.

Thanks text talkVery pleased to see the prices have gone down at our dump shop after last text in paper and really good service by all. Very happy, thanks text talk.

Above and beyondChristene at bed, bath & beyond, you are amazing, thank you so much for your help, you went above and beyond to help me, much appreciated. Happy Customer

Great meal23 to dinner at Redwood Tavern Easter Saturday. Nice menu, no delay, food hot, good service.Great meal enjoyed by all. Thank you. GS

Don’t agreeDon’t agree with Dave Williamsons com-ments about St. Bedes rowing debacle in the Saturday Express. Being in a team means that if one breaks the rules or doesn’t perform the whole team shares the concequences. Bit like life really. Tough, but its the only way a team can func-tion properly .Hopefully those boys learnt something about being responsible for their OWN actions & not rely on others to bail them out, and how the WHOLE team pays the penalty for those actions. Just like life.

Public transport...Time to look at expanding the Blenheim Bus service.New routes and longer hours for business hours.Also services to the airport and Renwick.

In reply to You’ve Got MailIts more likely the cockroaches are climbing into your warm clean cosy letterbox and taking refuge and a nap in the mail.Ask around most Blenheim people have a recent roach story.

In reply to Pensioner increaseYou’re lucky to get $3 a week.Mine was 45cents.

Thanks Springlands VetsNo catastrophes with you. We’ll come and see you next year. Zoodle, Gimbley, Mak.

Awesome FellowsJust like to say an awesome ‘Thank -you ‘ to the joker and his co- worker from Simcox, for the great job you did patching up the grass verge, where the ground had sunk near the new lamp post in our street in Redwoodtown last week. You are amazing. I reckon the lines company owe you a beer. Thank you so much.

Picton got a new time zone now?Saturday paper on a Friday and Friday paper on a Saturday. After you go to markets and shop up in Blenheim come home to weekly brochures in Friday paper to find deals etc. Bit late. Ab

Not interestedBeing a sky subscriber, I get phone calls almost on a weekly basis offering deals on My Sky. How many times must one tell them to stop ringing and that I’m not interested I wonder. At least 6 times to date. Easter shopping

People complaining shops should open Friday and Sunday (not me). Went to town Easter Saturday thinking all shops would be open looking for elusive and much needed dollar! What a laugh most were closed at 2pm. GS

You might find the cockroaches are just hanging out in your nice warm letterbox then hitching a ride inside in your junkmail. It used to happen a lot at my place until I got a sticky roach trap from the supermarket. I just leave it permanently in my letterbox and all my mail is now roach free. AJ

Reply to: for trucks sakes.... If you’re worried about what your lunch at Renwick Dairy is worth, either don’t be lazy and take a cut lunch or buy it from somewhere else.

What a good idea! Renwick dairy ‘over the top’ price-wise! But who else would open at 4:30am! Suppose you’ve got to take the ‘good with the bad’. Truckie.

Stunning, modern buildingThere are some very ignorant people in this town! Of course the new theatre doesn’t look very wonderful yet, but anyone with half a brain, will realise that it is unfinished!! Wait a few more months an you will see a stun-ning modern building to be proud of! Positive attitude.

We have also had a couple of cockroaches on separate occasions in our junkmail, Springlands area. Thought it was just us or a one off. Interesting someone else having same problem!! Thankfully I managed to catch and dispose of before escaping and multiplying! No more thanks!!

Temporary Road ClosuresAnzac Commemoration Service at Ward Friday 24 April 2015NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under Section 342 of the Local Government Act 1974 that Ward Street from State Highway 1 to Tachalls Road will be closed to all vehicles between the hours of 1.15 pm and 3.00 pm on Friday, 24 April 2015 for the purpose of the Ward Anzac Commemoration Service.Any enquiries should be addressed to Sandra Boyd, Marlborough Roads, Ph: 03 520 8330.Also please note that there will be no parking in Ward Street from State Highway 1 to Tachalls Road from 12 noon to 3.00 pm.Free parking will be available in the Ward Showgrounds via the Tachalls Road entrance.

Anzac Day – Saturday 25 April 2015NOTICE is hereby given under Section 342 of the Local Government Act 1974 that the following streets will be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic on Anzac Day, Saturday, 25 April 2015.BLENHEIM From 10.00 am to 11.00 am. Arthur Street from Queen Street to Seymour StreetSeymour Street from Arthur Street to John Street, including the Alfred/Seymour, High/Seymour and Charles/Seymour Street intersections. From 11.00 am to 12.30 pmHigh Street from Queen Street to Henry StreetSeymour Street from Charles Street to John Street Alfred Street from Henry Street to Market StreetHutcheson Street from Alfred Street to John StreetRussell Terrace from Alfred Street.Notice is also hereby given that parking will be prohibited and cars will be removed from 6.00 am to midday in the following areas:Arthur Street from Queen Street to Seymour Street Seymour Street from Arthur Street to John Street High Street from Henry Street to Queen StreetAlfred Street from Henry Street to Market Street including Russell Terrace.PICTONFrom 4.15 am to 8.00 am.London Quay from Auckland Street to Wellington Street and High Street from London Quay to the intersection of Dublin Street/Waikawa Road/High Street. Notice is also hereby given that parking will be prohibited and cars will be removed from 5.00 pm on Friday 24 April to 8.00 am on Saturday 25 April in the following areas:London Quay from Auckland Street to Wellington Street and High Street from outside properties at 1–10 High Street.Note: Free parking will be available in Blenheim at the Alfred Street parking building. The barrier arms will not be in use they will be left open on Anzac Day only. Limited parking will be available on Henry Street and John Street and also the Blenheim School grounds.The wet weather venue for the Blenheim United Memorial Service will be the Marlborough Lines Stadium 2000 in Kinross Street.

Page 7: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

7SunThe Friday April 17, 2015

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Messages wanted

The Countdown Blenheim store on Seymour Street is inviting the public to write messages of support for the Returned Services Association ahead of the World War One centenary, on a large poppy poster by the checkout area.

The poster was put up on Monday and will be there for two weeks, before it is then gifted to the Marlborough RSA as a thank you from the community.

Checkout operators will offer customers the op-portunity to have a poppy decal which they can stick on the poster and write a small message.

Hosing restrictions for Picton and Havelock have been lifted.

Restrictions remain in place for Renwick for the meantime but they will be reviewed next week.

In Picton, water from the Barnes Dam is again being treated and fed into the town water supply network now that rainfall has flushed out the algae from the dam.

After the rainfall in Havelock, the salinity level of the water supply there

is tracking down slowly, due to the increased flow of the Kaituna Stream and because the council has located and repaired three leaks in the township’s water network.

Council’s operations and maintenance manager Stephen Rooney thanked both communities for their cooperation over the summer of water restrictions.

In Renwick, the higher flows in the Wairau River were allowing the aquifer to recover by a few millimetres each day

and it was hoped that restrictions would ease next week, Rooney says.

“While the river is still running dirty, turbidity is slightly higher than normal but it meets the drinking water standard and we’re able to manage the pumps to maintain the quality and also meet present demand.”

He said so long as the aquifer contin-ued to improve, hosing restrictions in Renwick should no longer be necessary after next week.

Water restrictions eased for Picton, Havelock

Countdown Blenheim store pricing manager Lara Berriman is pictured writing a message on the in-store Anzac Day poppy decal.

Local members of Riding for the Disabled are set to receive a boost in funding from Marlborough Rural Women New Zealand.

“We have chosen the RDA to support as part of RWNZ’s 2015 celebration of 90 years as a charitable organisation,” says Marlborough president Pam Thomlinson.

RWNZ members throughout the country are holding fund raising events to donate to local causes – large and small – as part of a “90 for 90” challenge. “We are aiming nationally for 90 donations to acknowledge each of our 90 years of establishment”, she says.

Marlborough members are hosting a winter themed evening fashion parade on May 6 at Blen-heim’s Fashion Central, as their 90 for 90 challenge. Time 6pm-7:30pm including buying time. Proceeds will go to the Marlborough RDA.

Tickets are available from Sounds Reflections Rapaura Road. Phone 5729149, at $10 each. Cost includes light refreshments on arrival.

Fundraising night

To advertise your business, call Jill or Simon

Total market coverage in Marlborough

(03) 5777 868WednesdaySSSun

Blenheim Marlborough


SSSunBlenheim Marlborough


Page 8: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

8 Friday April 17, 2015 SunThe

Top Takeaways Marlborough’sLift


and ke


FOR THE BEST CHICKEN IN TOWN • Succulent • Crispy • Juicy • Yummy

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(in the shopping centre)

Terms and conditions apply

Bring it, show it on your phone or just mention this coupon as many times as your like until 25 May 2015.

Page 9: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

9SunThe Friday April 17, 2015

Top Takeaways Marlborough’sLift


and ke


NEW Family Combo $19.90*!!You get:

8 x Fish, 8 x Chicken Wings, 8 x Spring Rolls, 8 x Squid Rings AND Chips.

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WE DELIVER TO YOU - PHONE 579 4568 NOW!!We have mobile eftpos

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Page 10: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

Friday April 17, 201510 SunThe what’s on

in marlborough

- weekend event guide - Get ready for the weekend with our list of what’s on!

Friday 17

Diana Whittaker Clairvoyant ShowCome along and enjoy an evening full of laughs, intrigue and messages from your loved ones who have passed. Door sales at 4pm, show start’s at 7pm. Tickets cost $60, cash only. Giesen Sports and Events Centre, 8 Uxbridge St, Renwick.

Picton Quilters20th Anniversary exhibition, 17th, 18th, 19th, Port Marlborough Pavilion, Endeav-our Park, Waikawa Road. 10am - 4.30pm. $5 admission which includes Devonshire Tea/Coffee.

Buddhist Teachings Geshe Jampa Tarchin will explain the Bud-dhist perspective on cultivating happiness in day to day life. All welcome - class by do-nation. 7 pm - 8.30 pm Alzheimers Rooms, 8 Wither Road. Supported by the Blenheim Tibetan Buddhist Group. Phone Maree 572 2774.

The Lonesome Pine Specials with ArcherThey bring songs steeped in the musical tradition of Southern Americana. Dharma Bums Club, 65 Church Lane, Wairau Valley, Blenheim, 8pm – 11pm.

Hot art in HavelockThe Gallery Havelock, open from 10am to 4pm, seven days a week. Enjoy browsing some of the excellent art on show from tal-ented local artists. Come and have a look in the friendly little gallery at 60 Main Road Havelock.

The Edwin Fox ShipVisitor Centre open every day from 9am, a great all weather and family friendly activ-ity. Come and explore the decks and the depths of the ship. Dunbar wharf, on Picton foreshore. For more information call Karen on 573 6868 or check out our Facebook or Trip advisor pages.

Picton Museum10am - 4pm daily, 9 London Quay, Ph 573 8283.

Marlborough Museum26 Arthur Baker Place, off New Renwick Rd, Brayshaw Heritage Park, Daily 10am - 4pm.

The Diversion GalleryOpen 12pm - 5pm Wed – Saturdays 10 Lon-don Quay, Picton, Ph 573 7376 or 027 440 8121 or

Yealands Estate Marlborough Gallery Open 10.30am - 4.30pm daily, 204 High St. Ph 577 6784 or

100 Days for 100 YearsMarlborough Brass Bandsman Denis Teel-ing is sounding the Last Post for 100 days until 24th April 2015, each evening at 1800 hours at the Blenheim Cenotaph in Seymour Square. The public are invited to lay poppies to the fallen. Seymour Square, 92 High St, Blenheim, 6pm – 6.15pm.

Sara Scott - Full CircleLast year, Sara was a finalist in New Zea-land’s premier ceramic award, The Portage Ceramic Awards. Full Circle embraces her New Zealand experiences and is her first solo exhibition. Millennium Art Gallery, Seymour Square. On now - 26 April.

New Urban RealistsThe featured artists, Ruth Cleland, Gary Mc-Millan & David Woodings, are painters who specialise in photo-realism, and each offers images that confront the viewer with famil-iar aspects of contemporary urban reality. Millennium Art Gallery, Seymour Square. On now - 26 April.

Rarangi–Whites Bay Track WalkThe Rarangi–Whites Bay Track is a tramping track which must be walked both ways un-less transport is arranged. It zigzags up from Whites Bay to the Port Underwood Road through a pine plantation, and then follows the road for about 500 m before descend-ing to Rarangi, near the Monkey Bay track.

Wither Hills Farm ParkLoop 1 - Wither Hills Farm Park - Redwood Street entrance carpark. Loop 2 – Wither Hills Farm Park - Quail Stream entrance car-park. Both routes head down an open ridge from Mount Vernon with a continuous view of Blenheim, out over the Wairau Lagoons and on a clear day across to Wellington’s south coast.

Saturday 18Meditation Class Breathing meditations aimed at calming the mind so that we may obtain peace and contentment in our lives. 10 am - 11.30 am (followed by a shared lunch). All welcome - by donation. Alzheimers Rooms 8 Wither Road. Phone Maree 572 2774 or Sue 578 5214.

Eastern States Speedway Join us for the season closer Demolition Derby, 3 stockcar heats with a twist and a production 20 lapper. Fun for the whole family. Eastern States Speedway, Vintage Lane, Renwick, 1pm.

Blenheim Rotary Car Boot SaleEvery Saturday 8am – 2pm at the Railway Station car park, Grove Rd, Ph Andy 578 2272 or 021 842 928.

Blenheim Menz Shed4 Dillon’s Point Rd opens 9am - 12pm Satur-day. Mon & Thurs 1 - 4pm. Building relation-ships and sharing skills. Ph Gerry 578 1835.

Mini Putt & Merry-Go-RoundPicton Foreshore, 10am every day during school holidays, Today and Sunday, 10am.

Redwood Market 8am - 12pm, Redwood Tavern car park, Plants Produce and Crafts.

Vintage Farm Machinery 10am - 3pm, Open Every Day. Brayshaw Park Guided tours available, Sunday Thom-as Tank Engine rides. Ph Doris 579 4357.

Taylor River TrailBurleigh Bridge to Taylor Dam, the full length between Burleigh Bridge and the Taylor Dam is approx 5 km, however, there are various points to enter and exit be-tween these two points, the trail is of an off-road nature for the entire length but the terrain is generally flat and considered easy going for most.

Indoor BowlsTown v Country, Simcox Stadium 10 am start.

Sunday 19Endurance and Trail RidingLansdowne Ride, Wairau Valley township, look for signs. 8.30am vet for Open 30km. This is a forestry ride travelling over farm and forestry with mainly gentle gradient, it is following tracks which are excellent under foot, suitable barefoot horses. More info Deb 572 2675 or Heidi 570 5197.

Marlborough Mountain Bike Club “Soup and Bun” First of winter series - Cross country courses to cater for all levels. Registration from 9.15am for 10am start. Venue“Valiant” vineyard, Marmara Rd. Sign posted from Seddon. For cancellation: check Ph Peter 021-030-6577 if re-quire transport.

Riverside RailwayTrains depart Brayshaw Park Station at 1.45 & 3.00pm for Beaver Station, central Blenheim and return. Plus the Omaka line will also be running. Fares; Adults $10 Child $5 (Omaka $6 & $3) CASH ONLY.

Ulysses RideRide to Duncan Bay, bring your own picnic lunch. Meet at the Railway Station (south end) 9.45am ride departing at 10am.

Gymnastics ClubOpen Day 1pm - 4pm, 2 Opawa Street. Please bring your children along to regis-ter them for classes. If you are unsure as to what class they might attend, we will assess them on the open day and let you know.

If you have an event email Tash at The Sun

[email protected]

Farmers Market Marlborough A&P Showground’s, Cnr Max-well and Alabama Roads, 9am – 12pm. Buy Local - Cook LocalShowcasing the best of what Marlborough has to offer Fresh, local and Marlborough grown sold by the producer. Abundant with seasonal fruit, vegetables, baking and much more ..

KapahakaEvery Sunday at Tuamarina Hall 12pm - 3pm All welcome.

Model Aero Club ARA Wairau Valley 9am, Murray Ph 578 9199 or Tony Ph 577 9776.

Petanque 10am and 1pm Wednesday, 65A Weld Street – John Ph 577 9789.

Tramping ClubWe go on tramp’s Wednesday & Sunday, please confirm for travel Ph Mary Ph 572 8762 or [email protected].

Wither Hills MTB ParkThe 40 hectare Mountain Bike Park offers a variety of rides and the Mt Vernon Traverse is a challenging ride over the ridgelines. There are 3 grades of tracks: Easy, Inter-mediate and Advanced. Access is via a car park on Taylor Pass Road or via the popular Stockyard Track. Most tracks are on steeper terrain more suited to experienced riders.

Conders Bend Mountain Bike ParkIs located next to the Wairau River near Renwick with approximately 6 kms of curved largely flat track.

Indoor BowlsMarlborough Rep Trials Simcox stadium 1 pm start.

Up and Coming1st MayTribute to Creedence Clearwater Revival & Eagles. Picton RSA, tickets $20 available from the club.

3 MayAllan Scott Family Winemakers presents Mel Parsons ‘Drylands’ Release Tour with Christof (NL). Pre-sale tickets available at Twelve Trees 572 7123. [email protected] • (03) 520 8560

Amazing shows all year round

King And CountrySaturday 18th April @ 7.30pmSunday 19th April @ 4.00pm

Tue 21st – Fri 24th April @ 7.30pmAdult $29.50 Conc (65+) $26.50

Student $22.50 Groups (10+) $26.50

QuEEnit’s A KindA MAgiC

Sunday 3rd May 2015 @ 7.00pmAdult $61.00

Child (u13) $32.00Groups (6+) $56.00pp

dEnnis LoCorriErE prEsEnts dr HooK

Tuesday 5th May 2015 @ 7.30pmAdmit One: $85.00

Ed ByrnE roAring FortiEs

Friday 15th May 2015 @ 8.00pm(R14 - Recommended age 16+)

Adult $47.00 Conc (65+) $41.50Student (with ID) $41.50

Group (6+) $41.50


sLEEping BEAutyWednesday 20th May 2015 @ 7.30pm

Adult $92.00 Conc (65+) $82.00Child (u16) $72.00

Group (6+) $82.00pp

2dEgrEEs CoMEdy Convoy

Thursday 21st May @ 8.00pmAdult $47.00 Conc (65+) $41.50

Group (6+) $41.50pp R14 recommended R16

FostEr & ALLEnTuesday 2nd June 2015 @ 7.00pm

Admit One $71.90

isLA grAnt FArEwELL tour

Friday 21st August 2015 @ 7.30pmAdmit One $71.00

nZso – CLAssiCAL HitsSunday 20th September 2015 @ 5.00pm

Adult $52.00 Conc (65+) $47.00Child (up to & including

college age) $17.00 Group (8+) $44.40

swAn LAKESunday 22nd November 2015 @ 8.00pm

Adult $85.00 Conc (65+) $75.00Child (0-17yrs) $55.00

Group (10+) $75.00

Purchase from The Floor Pride Civic Theatre or Take Note, PictonPHONE (03) 520 8560, [email protected]

Prices include booking feeSome Fees May Apply

Floorpride civic theatre

Page 11: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

11SunThe Friday April 17, 2015 5 MINUTES WITH:‘No.4 Girls’

Cheri Baker and Kirstie Schultz








Q My last meal on Earth would be...

Q One of my best holidayswas...

A buying trip for No.4 in Italy... in our dreams!

Q My guilty TV pleasure is...

The Bachelor NZ.

Q I’m inspired by...

All of our lovely customers.

Q What’s one thing that you’ll never throw away?

Our clothes.

Q Who would you love to have a meal with?

Giuliana Rancic.

Q What’s next on your wish list?

Everything in store at the moment. We love winter fashion.

Q What is the one thing Sun readers would be surprised to know about you?

One of us is a singer and one of us played piano for five years... guess who?

Cream donuts from the Picton Village Bakkerij.


What would you spend your last $100 on?

By Adam PoulopoulosAbout 18 months ago Roze Tupe was unemployed,

and had been searching for a job for more than a year. Now, she is one of her organisation’s most valuable employees.

The quirky BP2go Blenheim service attendant was recognised with several trophies at a gathering of three BP2go stores in the Top of the South, which also included BP2go Richmond and BP2go Haven Road.

All three stores are owned by MS Nelson Ford. Before she was hired, Roze was finding things

difficult. She was unemployed, having completed her courses at Marlborough Community College and with a school-age son to support.

Now, she says she wouldn’t change her situation for the world.

“I love it. Not many people say they can love their job, but I love my job.”

“I love the customers. I’ve got loyal customers now and they’ve got nicknames for me because my hair changes colour quite regularly.”

Site manager Tom Harrison saw potential in Roze from the first interview.

“We’ve seen Roze grow from someone with a lack of self-confidence but we’ve seen her develop from day one.

“It shows if people have the right attitude and get the right development through community college then they can gain employment in Blenheim.”

Recently, BP2go Blenheim was named the fourth best outlet in the country, and Roze wants to reach top spot next year.

“We have the BP Ultimate fuel, and we want the ultimate experience for Blenheim.”

Roze on the rise

By Jacob PageThis week a Royal New Zealand

Air Force NH90 helicopter and her crew are taking part in a five day annual National Search and Rescue training exercise at Dip Flat.

They are working alongside ex-perts from the New Zealand Police and Land Search and Rescue.

The NH90 assumed responsibil-ity for search and rescue from the Iroquois at the end of 2014 and is now the primary aircraft for these missions. Chief of Air Force Air Vice-Marshal Mike Yardley says the exercise allows the NH90 to continue training for search and rescue operations.

“Exercising with Police and Land Search and Rescue allows us to train in a realistic search and rescue scenario.

“One of the things the NH90 is doing is winching the search and rescue teams into remote inacces-sible locations and then returning to pick them up at the end of each day, averaging about five trips per day. This also allows us to train Land Search and Rescue personnel in helicopter hoisting operations.

“At the same time the exercise gives us the opportunity to qualify our helicopter crewmen in mountain flying; as well as increase the deployed operations experience of the NH90,” Mike says.

Commitment to national search and rescue is a core function of the Air Force. The RNZAF is a key member of the New Zealand search and rescue sector, a sector responsible for more than 30 million km² of land and sea.

NZ Air Force upskills

Helicopter crewies, Sgt Jen Hart and Cpl Sam Riordan, winch up some Police Search and Rescue personnel during some famil training for a SAREX at Dip Flat

Roze Tupe with her trophies won after in-house incentive competition with BP 2go Blenheim’s two sister stores.

Ngahihi speaksAbout 150 people came along to the Elim Auditori-

um on Tuesday to listen to a speech from international speaker Ngahihi o te ra Bidois.

The event, organised by Blenheim Early Childhood Centres, was organised for individuals to reflect on their own behaviour and decisions.

Blenheim Early Childhood Centres business manager Abe Moore says the evening benefited both them and the local area.

“We are proud as an organisation to host Ngahihi as an inspirational speaker and open this experience to our wider community.

“Its an opportunity to share professional develop-ment, with our team here in Blenheim rather than sending individuals away, it has the added value of also being able to share with the wider community”

Ngahihi has presented in various countries around the world, helping business, sports, education and community leaders broaden their spheres of influence.

Blenheim Early Childhood Centre business manager Abe Moore with speaker Ngahihi o te ra Bidois.

Page 12: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

12 Friday April 17, 2015 SunThe

FOCUSScott Street

T h e Sun l o o k s a t l o c a l b u s i n e s s o n o u r v e r y o w n S c o t t S t r e e t


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you 20%*

Weekly specials on now.*Conditions apply

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walk this way.Contact TvA Chartered Accountants and find out for yourself how simple it is to ‘reboot’ your business in the new financial year with expert business adviceand accounting services that are designed to make your life easier and more profitable. Go online or call today to see what you’ve been missing.

Looking for a whole newaccounting experience?




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Story and photo by Celeste LodewykWalking into Lynfords Furniture on Scott

Street, I am immediately struck by colour - and a lot of it throughout the store.

This vibrancy puts a smile on my face and makes me want to see more.

Owners Lindsay and Kay Thomason show me around the furniture displays and point out the growing ‘retro’ trends that have ap-peared this year.

“Colour is definitely back, and people are getting more confident to try something different,” Kay says.

The good thing about it is that many houses in Marlborough were built in the 1960s, so they really suit the retro trends.

“The trends coming in also show that not everything has to match, and people are really jazzing things up by having a sofa in one colour and two chairs in another colour.”

Some examples of the retro style include an elegant five piece dining suite with glass and chrome features, complimented by red, blue, green and yellow coloured chairs.

There are also striking fabric chairs and sofas scattered throughout the store, cleverly

matched with a variety of rugs, throws and cushions.

Lindsay and Kay strive to have furniture pieces that are sold in small quantities, enabling their customers to select furniture unique to them.

CAPTION: (Inset top left) An example of how mismatched colours look striking on furniture.Top: Lynfords Furniture owners Kay and Lindsay Thomason on one of their very colourful sofas.

Reporter Celeste Lodewyk sat down with TvA Chartered Accountants director Louise Pope to talk about her journey into the industry.

Louise, or ‘Lou’ as many know her as, is a co-director of the company alongside Geoff van Asch who together lead what they describe as a “phenomenal” team of accountants.

What is unique about Louise’s journey into the industry is the dedication she showed.

After working in a number of companies doing their accounting, Louise decided she would work towards her own qualifications to further her career.

At the time her children were young so she studied part time which she also juggled with working.

While this took her 11 years to complete, it is a great source of pride for Louise.

“It took some clever balancing but I came out of it with qualifications, happy children and a successful marriage.

“Without the support of my husband throughout my studies I wouldn’t have got here,” she says.

She then joined the company when it was known as Tolan van Asch Chartered Ac-countants, located where AMI now operates.

Ten years later after a change in directors

and company name, Louise became a direc-tor of TvA Chartered Accountants.

Working alongside Geoff and their 10 other team members, she says the company offers quite a unique service to its broad range of clients.

“We have some very experienced and specialist accountants here at TvA, including teams focused on the income tax compliance side of operations, and another dedicated to business support and everyday compliance.

“What is unique about the TvA team is the way we work with our clients. We like to be more hands on, more involved and be there when we are needed,” she says.

TvA Chartered Accountants is happy to work with all accounting packages, believing it is important that their clients are confident in the tools that they use.

For all your accounting requirements, call in and see the wonderful team at TvA Chartered Accountants on Scott Street.




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Colour struck at Lynfords

Lou’s journey ‘a source of pride’

Some of the TvA Chartered Accountants team. Jeanette MacMillan, Adrian Ferris, Natalie Timms, Karim Valencia and co-director Louise Pope.

Page 13: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

13SunThe Friday April 17, 2015Classifieds advertising PH 03 577 7868



Phone 577 7868to place your

ad here

church notices

public notice

situation vacant

Nu-Look ClothingAlterations and Repairs

Quality tailoring at competitive prices

Ph/txt Christine 021 703 020 / 579 5267

Same day service Blenheim

VAN DRIVERPERMANENT POSITIONThe role is generally four hours per week

with resident’s outings on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays. One week per

month it would be an eight hour week. You would have a clean driving record and

enjoy interacting with others.

Job sharing could be a possibility.Please call at reception for an application

form or email [email protected] close 22/4/15

Cancer Society Marlborough

The Cancer Society is dedicated to reducing the incidence

and impact of cancer in our community.

We are currently looking for an

Administrative Assistant

15 hrs per week

We are looking for a professional and passionate person to

provide administrative support for the Cancer Society


You will have excellent database, computer and communication skills. Experience of working with a small office team, and the ability to work alongside our diverse community is essential.Flexibility to cover staff leave, including school holidays is preferred.

Job description available by phoning Hilary on 579 4379 or

email: [email protected]

Please apply in writing with C.V. by Friday 24th April to

The Manager

Cancer Society Marlborough

PO Box 233


The New ZealandLabour Party

Kaikoura ElectorateCommittee is holding it’s

Annual GeneralMeeting

at St Christopher’s LoungeWeld Street,

Redwoodtown on

Monday 20 April 2015at 7:00pm.

New and existing members welcome.

Come along and join the Labour Party!


ALIVEAny cars, vans, trucks, 4x4's.

In any condition.CAsh paid

FREE pick upMarlborough

Vehicle RemovalsPh Brent

027 766 7105

Marlborough NurseryCr Old Renwick & Hammerichs Roads

OPEN 7 DAYSFlanders Poppys ready to plant now

for Anzac DayColour spots $2.50 each or Punnets of 8 for $2.80

Get your winter veges planted now!!!

Broad beans Silverbeet CabbagesFruiting Chilli plants $6.90 each.

BLENHEIM Gymnas-tics Club. OPEN DAY Sunday 19 April 1pm - 4pm. Normal classes resume as of Monday 20th April.

ESTATE BUST-ERS GARAGE Sale. Priced reason-ably, ALL must go! High Street. Signs out 8am.

MONDAY NIGHT Fitness 6pm - 7pm (no child care) at Blenheim Indoor Spor ts Cen-tre, Simcox Stadium, 5 0 B a t t y s R o a d . Phone 578 4851 or

ST LUKES’S ANGLI-CAN CHURCH, Ferry Road, Spring Creek. Join us for Christian worship every Sunday 9.30am, Rev Derek. Ph 578 5050.

Nativity Anglican Church 76 Alfred Street, Blenheim.All welcome to our services

Thursday - 10am Eucharist Service, Sunday - 8am Traditional Eucharist Service

10am - Family Service 7pm - Night church.


27 words - DROPSY, Dopy, dorp, dory, dos, drop, drops, dry, ops, pod, pods, posy, pro, prod, prods, pros, prosy, pry, rod, rods, ropy, rosy, sod, sop, soy, spry, spy.

Across: 1 Cartoon, 4 Pawnbroker, 9 Crumble, 13 Navy, 14 Adhere, 15 Debate, 16 Scarlet, 19 Consultant, 20 Interval, 21 Sneak, 24 Taunts, 25 Madame, 27 Herbivore, 32 Prompted, 33 Starch, 34 Icicles, 38 Mortuary, 39 Divide, 40 Seer, 41 Dirge, 42 Lance, 45 Left high and dry, 52 Cobra, 55 Anvil, 56 Limp, 57 Statue, 58 Fabulous, 61 Eagerly, 62 Boards, 63 Insanity, 66 Schooling, 68 Thawed, 69 Scythe, 73 Diary, 74 Vagabond, 76 Misleading, 81 Fervent, 82 Libido, 83 Leased, 84 Fund, 85 Gymnast, 86 Congregate, 87 Society. Down: 1 Cynic, 2 Ravenous, 3 Nudity, 4 Preen, 5 Weep, 6 Bedtime, 7 Orbits, 8 Enter, 10 Rock, 11 Mariner, 12 Leeway, 17 Subterfuge, 18 Maybe, 22 Sandwich, 23 Evict, 24 Thermal, 26 Ante, 28 Excused, 29 Amoral, 30 Camera, 31 Ledger, 33 Swing, 35 Cairo, 36 Grin, 37 Hear, 43 Annual, 44 Chime, 46 Evil, 47 Typhoon, 48 Insert, 49 Heals, 50 Nautical, 51 Yearns, 52 Crustacean, 53 Book, 54 Absence, 59 Floor, 60 Isle, 64 Cloak, 65 Attitude, 67 Caravan, 68 Tadpole, 70 Likely, 71 Joking, 72 Pliers, 75 Amigo, 77 Image, 78 Giddy, 79 Onus, 80 Ulna.

property for sale

Private Sale3 BedroomHousein Blenheim

Warm, permanent material house, with log burner and electric heating. Fully fenced section.Open plan kitchen/dining/lounge with sunny aspect.Would make a comfortable, easy-care retirement property. Trademe ref 8568 63378

Phone Bronwyn 03 572 7188 or 027 712 0827 for an appointment to view.

Happy 5th Birthday

Charlotte Inwood Love Mum, Dad, Maz & all your

Family & Friends

public notice

PRIVATE sunny 4 bdrm home with log burner & wet-back. Fully fenced and secure for kids, in close proxim-ity to schools & shops. Single garage & off-street parking & storage area. Available from May, phone 5777-104 or 027-4433-097.

to let

Marlborough Tree and Hedge


Large scale hedge & tree trimming services for vineyards, farms, roadsides, driveways & large gardens

Brian Wells | 021 288 5752Don Mitchell | 021 318 622

for saleacknowledgement

SIMPSON: Fay Mavis (nee Robertson) Amanda and family would like to sincere-ly thank everyone for their love, kindness and support on the recent loss of a trea-sured and much-loved mum, mother-in-law, auntie, great auntie, sister, babysitter and friend.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to every-one who supported her and us during her illness and her final weeks. Your compas-sion and caring will never be forgotten.

We really appreciated everyone who took time to attend the celebration of her life and shared fond and funny memories, in particular the Golden Oldies and Nativ-ity AAW who showed their generous com-munity spirit and affection for her on the day.

The cards, flowers and many lovely mes-sages have been overwhelming and pro-vided us with comfort during this sad time. The donations to Marlborough Hos-pice were gratefully received.

A very special thanks goes to all the staff at the AT&R ward at Wairau Hospital and the truly amazing team at the Marlbor-ough Hospice. Your devoted care, guid-ance and thoughtfulness will always be remembered and appreciated.

Fay was a special lady who touched many people’s lives and we will always cherish what she gave us and will never forget her.

public notice

Experienced Cleaner Required

We require a reliable staff member to assist us with evening cleaning Mon, Wed & Fri – 3.5hrs per clean.

Applicants to have a mature attitude, be well presented, able to work un-supervised and must have a driving licence.

Previous applicants need not apply. If you would like to join a vibrant, hardworking and professional team call:Christian or Linda on 5796349.

DUCK SHOOTERS Barley. Great Price!! $11.00 for 25KG Bag. Kiwi Seed - 527 Old Renwick Rd.

RURAL MAIL, De-livery Run, Anakiwa - Picton. Ph 027 255 8882.

Early Childhood Education for 2½ to 6 year olds.

Now taking enrolments for terms 2 and 3.

Morning, afternoon and full day flexible sessions available -20hrs

• Caring and qualified team offering high quality care and education • children have fun and freedom to follow their interests at their

own pace.We welcome your visit.

5 Francis St, Blenheim Tel 577 8443E: [email protected]

Montessori….your child’s home away from home

Montessori House of Children Established 1994

Montessori House of Children Established 1994

for sale

Have some junk that could

be treasure?




INTO CASHPh 5777 868


LINKWATER Motel, Queen Charlotte Drive, Queen Studio to rent $200 per week. Ph 027 255 8882.

Page 14: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

Friday April 17, 2015 SunThe14

Births This Week


PuzzlesW O R D

death notices

COOPER, Makarena Magdalene (Mac), nee Davis: On Wednesday April 15 2015, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family. In her 80th year. Dearly loved wife of Huia, loved mother and mother-in-law of Daylene and Dean, and David. Much-loved Nana of Lana and Amco; Caitlin, Isaia and Gabriel; and her seven great grandchil-dren. Dearly loved sister of Tony, Allan, Pop, Teddy, Dusty, Brian, Olive (Sweetie), and deceased brother and sisters. The fam-ily would like to thank Hospice Marlbor-ough and Doctors. Messages to the Cooper Family, c/- P O Box 110, Blenheim 7240. In lieu of flowers, a donation to Hospice Marlborough would be appreciated and may be made at the service or sent to P O Box 411, Blenheim 7240. A service for Mak-arena will be held at the Mayfield Chapel, cnr Hutcheson and Parker Streets, at 10am Saturday April 18, followed by cremation at the Sowman Crematorium. GEOFFREY T SOWMAN, FDANZ Tel 03 578 4719

MOORE, Leslie, 455197 Cpl J Force: On Monday April 13 2015, at home, after a short illness. In his 90th year. Dearly loved husband of the late Mavis, loved brother and brother-in-law of the late Janey and Bert; loved uncle of Irene Ross and the late Ian (Speed) Ross. Leslie will be sadly missed by his Blenheim family and friends. Messages may be sent to the Moore Family, c/- P O Box 110, Blenheim 7240. In accordance with Leslie’s wishes, a private cremation has been held. GEOFFREY T SOWMAN F.D.A.N.Z. Tel (03) 578-4719

The full list is held by the MRSA. You can visit the Panama Room, in the RSA Lounge of Clubs of Marlborough to view it.

100 Days for

100 Years


ACROSS 1 Humorous drawing (7) 4 Money-lending dealer (10) 9 Disintegrate (7) 13 Dark blue colour (4) 14 Stick to (6) 15 Argument (6) 16 Bright red colour (7) 19 Professional adviser (10) 20 Half-time (8) 21 Move furtively (5) 24 Jibes (6) 25 French Mrs (6) 27 Plant-eater (9) 32 Reminded (8) 33 Laundry stiffener (6) 34 Frozen drips (7) 38 Body store (8) 39 Split up (6) 40 Prophet (4) 41 Mournful song (5) 42 Spear (5) 45 Stranded (4,4,3,3) 52 Snake (5) 55 Smithy's block (5)

56 Floppy (4) 57 Sculpted figure (6) 58 Incredible (8) 61 Grey ale (anag)(7) 62 Embarks (6) 63 Mental derangement (8) 66 Education (9) 68 Defrosted (6) 69 Grass-cutting tool (6) 73 Daily record (5) 74 Idle wandering beggar (8) 76 Deceptive (10) 81 Intensely passionate (7) 82 Sexual desire (6) 83 Rented out (6) 84 Money reserve (4) 85 Tumbling athlete (7) 86 Gather into a crowd (10) 87 Club (7)

DOWN 1 Scoffer (5) 2 Starving (8) 3 Untidy (anag)(6) 4 Groom oneself (5) 5 Shed tears (4) 6 Time to retire (7) 7 Circles round (6) 8 Go in (5) 10 Sway (4) 11 Sailor (7) 12 Allowable margin of freedom, movement (6) 17 Concealing ruse (10) 18 Perhaps (5) 22 Bread snack (8) 23 Oust (5) 24 Of heat (7) 26 Gambler's stake (4) 28 Pardoned (7) 29 Devoid of principles (6) 30 Film holder (6) 31 Account book (6) 33 Oscillate (5) 35 Capital of Egypt (5) 36 Wide smile (4)

37 Get wind of (4) 43 Yearly book (6) 44 Peal (5) 46 Heinous (4) 47 Tropical storm (7) 48 Put into (6) 49 Cures (5) 50 Of sailors, navigation (8) 51 Longs for (6) 52 eg. crab, lobster, shrimp (10) 53 Reserve (4) 54 Lack (7) 59 Deck (5) 60 Small island (4) 64 Mantle (5) 65 Mindset (8) 67 Mobile home (7) 68 Frog larva (7) 70 On the cards (6) 71 Speaking humorously (6) 72 Gripping tool (6) 75 Spanish friend (5) 77 Reflection (5) 78 Light-headed (5) 79 Responsibility (4) 80 Arm bone (4)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18

19 20 21

22 23

24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31

32 33 34 35

36 37

38 39 40 41

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

55 56 57 58

59 60

61 62 63

64 65

66 67 68 69

70 71 72

73 74 75 76 77 78

79 80

81 82 83 84

85 86 87



How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the six letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. There's at least one six-letter word.

Solution 351: Ado, amp, ape, aped, dam, dame, damp, demo, doe, dome, dope, mad, made, map, mead, moa, mod, mode, mop, mope, moped, ode, pad, pam, pea, pod, poem, pom, POMADE, pome.

WordBuilder352 6

TODAYGood 14 Very Good 20 Excellent 25

Death Notices

ANDRES-WEAVER, Yvonne Sigrid: April 14 2015

BRUCE, Rosemary Evelyn (Mary): April 10 2015

COOPER, Makarena Magdalene (Mac)(nee Davis): April 15, 2015

DIACK, Donald James: April 10, 2015

FARRINGTON, Michael Lindsay Olaus (Mike): April 5, 2015

GATEHOUSE, Snow (Lance): April 12, 2015

KEEHAN, Olive Nancy (nee Macdonald): April 14, 2015

McKENZIE, Scobie Jackson: April 11, 2015

MILLEN, Eva Winifred: March 22 2015

ROACH, Raymond Peter (Ray): April 12, 2015

SEABROOK, June Nora: Reg No. 2824267 Singapore, Corporal W.R.A.F.: April 11 2015

SIMONSEN, Ross Owen: April 8, 2015

SMITH, Edna Margaret: April 10 2015


April 17J J Walker, 25 September 1916, age unknownT N Walker, 23 July 1944, age unknownE W Wanden, 25 September 1918,age unknownH W Wanden, 27 March 1918, age unknownA R Warburton, 1 October 1943, age 24F C Ward, 10 August 1918, age unknownA Warner, 12 October 1917, age unknown

April 18T W J Warner, 3 May 1943, age 25W F Warner, 12 November 1942, age 22E B Warren, 29 March 1944, age 27C J Waters, 31 August 1915, age unkownL J Waters, 19 August 1942, age unknownG Watson, 26 August 1918, age unknownN A Watson, 23 March 1918, age unknown

April 19W Watson, 14 June 1917, age unknownW F Watson, 30 March 1944, age 23L W Weaver, Unknown, age unknownM Weaver, 27 October 1943, age unknownL A Webb, 21 January 1944, age 29R S Webb, 15 September 1916, age 21W K Webb, 18 November 1942, age unknown

April 20A E Wells, 5 August 1917, age unknownF Wells, 8 June 1917, age 27W W Wells, 21 September 1916, age unknownL B West, 30 November 1917, age 36R J Western, 24 December 1917, age 55P Whelan, 15 September 1916, age 27K P H Whiro, 15 September 1916, age unknown

April 21H W White, 7 August 1915, age unknownH Whiteley, 19 September 1916, age 31R F Wildash, 21 May 1941, age 30R F Wilkins, 7 December 1943, age 31W A Wilkins, 6 November 1918, age unknownR I Wilkinson, 13 April 1945, age 30D Williams, 1 October 1915, age unknown

April 22E J Williams, 28 December 1941, age 28H J T Williams, 17 July 1915, age 22L Williams, 17 February 1944, age 21A A Willis, 12 February 1944, age 32F Willis, 27 September 1916, age unknownR J Wills, Unknown, age unknownJ Wilson, 5 April 1918, age unknownP Wilson, 22 September 1915, age unknown

April 23C Wilson MM, 30 March 1918, age 29S Woolley, 31 August 1918, age unknownW.F Woolley, 3 April 1918, age 22P.R Wood, 17 January 1944, age unknownC.E Woodgate, 20 November 1917, age unknownL.J Woodhouse, 30 March 1918, age unknownS Woolley, 31 August 1918, age unknown

April 24A H Wooster, 7 November 1918, age un-knownC O Workman, 13 October 1944, age unknownE J Workman, 9 May 1944, age unknownL E Workman, 13 June 1943, age 29C G Wright, 19 December 1941, age unknownH W Yaxley, 11 March 1919, age 27A E Yealands, 22 February 1943, age un-known

CARTER: Samuel William (5lb 14.5oz) February 20, 2015

HOGEBOOM: Benjamin Paul (9lb 10oz) April 7, 2015

IFOPO: Tavita Ropeti (7lb 12oz) March 24, 2015

KENNAR: Sharleen Roselynne (8lb 7oz) April 2, 2015KING: Kieran Etienne (8lb 11oz) April 4, 2015

Page 15: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

15SunThe Friday April 17, 2015 sport

Rugby league The Wairau Taniwha were beaten

88-8 by the Tahunanui Tigers in last weekend’s Tasman Rugby League match.Tomorrow they play the Richmond

Rabbits in Nelson.

inbriefSport Sport a little different

sports talk

Often people look at sport as a physical concept – for something to be a sport it needs to be a real test of athleticism.

This week’s been a big one for sports with more of a mental aspect.

Chess grandmaster Gaioz Ni-galidze, from Georgia, has poten-tially flushed away his career after being ejected from a tournament for checking his moves on a smartphone he’d hidden behind a toilet.

The complaint arose when his opponent at the Dubai Open, Tigran Petrosian, noticed he was regularly using the toilet, spe-cifically one cubicle, for several minutes at a time.

Rather than the alternative,

authorities located the smartphone wrapped in toilet paper behind the throne, logged into Nigalidze’s page on a social networking site and with a chess computer programme open.

The move has potential to be one of Nigalidze’s worst – if found guilty, the 400th-ranked player could face a ban from chess last-ing several years.

Chess players are not allowed to carry any electronic devices when they play.

Closer to home, ticket demand for the new Auckland Darts Masters event at the Trusts Arena in late August crashed ticketing website Eventfinder.

The event, which will feature darts legend Phil ‘the Power’

Taylor, Dutch world number one Michael van Gerwen and Professional Darts Corporation world champion Gary Anderson among others, will be the first major televised tournament in New Zealand.

The event confirms the rise of a sport which has developed a passionate following in New Zealand. The steely competitive nature of the darts player, excit-able commentary and drunken antics of patrons have made darts broadcasts a ratings winner on Sky in recent years.

It shows players and patrons alike go to great lengths to win or to see a great contest, no matter what the discipline.

With ...Adam Poulopoulos

Rowing Marlborough Boys’ College rowers

Angus McFarlane, Jordan Gasson and Robson Davies have been selected for the South Island under-18 coxed eight rowing crew. They will row against the North Island

crew at Lake Karapiro this weekend.

Sea ConditionsBlenheim Sun




Maori Fishing Guide by Bill HohepaGraphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd


NOTE:Wairau Bar tide times are based on Wellington plus 2hrs 2mins.Wairau Bar tide heights are Wellington heights as no height data is available.Not for navigational purposes.












am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm

am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm am 6 NOON 6 pm

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Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ThursdayApr 17 Apr 18 Apr 19 Apr 20 Apr 21 Apr 22 Apr 23



Wairau Bar

8:03am 8:44pm

12:53am 1:06pm

8:51am 9:28pm

1:48am 1:55pm

9:33am 10:07pm

2:35am 2:39pm

10:12am 10:43pm

3:18am 3:22pm

10:49am 11:17pm

3:58am 4:03pm

11:24am 11:48pm

4:37am 4:44pm


5:16am 5:24pm

8:13am 8:51pm

1:43am 1:50pm

8:59am 9:38pm

2:33am 2:38pm

9:42am 10:20pm

3:16am 3:23pm

10:25am 10:59pm

3:56am 4:07pm

11:07am 11:38pm

4:36am 4:49pm


5:15am 5:30pm

12:16am 12:32pm

5:56am 6:11pm

4:48am 5:17pm

11:01am 11:27pm

5:47am 6:16pm


6:47am 7:15pm

12:29am 1:03pm

7:48am 8:13pm

1:32am 2:04pm

8:47am 9:10pm

2:35am 3:04pm

9:45am 10:06pm

3:36am 4:01pm

10:41am 11:01pm

4:35am 4:55pm

R 6:55amS 5:51pm

R 6:56amS 5:49pm

R 6:57amS 5:48pm

R 6:58amS 5:46pm

R 6:59amS 5:45pm

R 7:00amS 5:43pm

R 7:01amS 5:42pm

B 10:47am11:15pm

Best AtB 11:42am

Best AtB 12:10am


Best AtB 1:06am


Best AtB 2:02am


Best AtB 2:58am


Best AtB 3:53am


Best At

Rise 4:34amSet 4:51pm

Rise 5:47amSet 5:29pm

Rise 6:59amSet 6:09pm

Rise 8:10amSet 6:52pm

Rise 9:18amSet 7:38pm

Rise 10:20amSet 8:29pm

Rise 11:17amSet 9:22pm


Harlequins entertain Moutere at Lansdowne Park tomorrow afternoon in the final round of Tasman Trophy matches before crossover games with Nelson clubs get under way, In the other game, Renwick takes on

Waitohi at the Renwick Domain. Both games begin at 3pm.

Volleyball The Marlborough Volleyball Fair-

weathers’ Senior Indoor Summer League reached the halfway point last week.Woodbourne Cannons, Pure Sa-

moa and MBC Seniors all won their presidents’ grade games, while the Avengers, Safe Crackers and Serves you Right won their C grade ties, and Saint Clair Stars and Sets in the City won in the social grade. The junior college grade was taking a

break for school holidays. MBC Seniors also won the team of the

week Fairweathers voucher.The latest round was played last

night at Marlborough Lines Stadium 2000.

By Adam Poulopoulos It was a bit unexpected, but Blenheim’s

Peter Mann says this week’s cold snap has made cycling through the South Island very special.

Mann is the sole Blenheim representative in the 149-strong group, riding for charity as part of the Tour of New Zealand’s South Island leg.

Beginning on Stewart Island last Saturday, the 637-kilometre tour finishes in Wellington tomorrow, where participants will meet with those riding down the North Island.

Mann is raising money for the Heart Foundation.

The tour was the first cycle race on Stewart Island, and Mann says that was a great start to the tour.

“Stewart Island was like a warm-up…there was only six kilometres of tar sealed road.

“It’s the first time I’ve been over, and locals put on a barbecue for us aswell, which was really cool.”

Day two, from Queenstown to Wanaka,

featured inclement weather bought by this week’s cold snap.

“It was just sleet and rain, and it was just below zero when we got to the top of the Crown Ranges,” Mann says.

“It’s the wind chill – once they got wet some people started to get hypothermia. It was the coldest I had been while cycling.”

There was talk the following day’s cycling between Wanaka and Omarama was called off, but the weather cleared enough.

“The front came through in the night and it was clear in the morning with snow everywhere,” Mann says.

“For the overseas riders to see the Alps (Southern Alps) like that was fantastic.”

The last three days have taken the riders through to Kaikoura, and today’s 65km stage begins at 8am at the Allan Scott Family Winery, heading through Havelock and then into Picton.

Competitors then catch the 2pm ferry to Wellington to meet with the North Island tour participants.

Cold snap fails to deter riders

By Adam PoulopoulosThe 51st annual Peter Brown Memorial Motocross

event is coming up, and there are a few changes planned.

The event, on Saturday, May 9 and Sunday, May 10, will be held at the Wadsworth Property on the Northbank, having been based in the Waihopai Valley in previous years.

Racing on the Sunday will conclude with junior and senior feature races.

The meet will also feature three new mini classes, aimed at getting young riders competing.

About 150 riders are expected to attend, mainly from the South Island.

That field will include about 30 locals, like Moston Wadsworth, who has won several New Zealand titles.

Marlborough Motorcycle Club president Mike Hol-land says the track is mostly natural terrain, and he expects a fast-flowing course.

He says the prize for New Zealand’s largest memorial motocross meet remains as hard-fought as ever.

“It’s got some good rich history. Everyone wants to win that trophy.”

Both days’ racing are open to the public, and Holland says the spectacle is worth attending.

“Come and watch some of the top riders, certainly in the South Island, and some from the North Island.

“The minis are only just starting out, and in 10-15 years they could be the top riders.”

Entries are available at the Marlborough Motorcycle Club website.

Change of venue for motocross event

Page 16: The Blenheim Sun 17-04-15

16 SunTheFriday April 17, 2015

If you want to learn administration and computing skills or are self-employed, then this is an excellent programme to help enhance your skills in office administration.

This programme focuses on the daily tasks that occur in an administrative workplace. You can use your skills to gain a career in administration, or you can use them to do administration work within your own business.What you'll study

In this programme, you'll learn about:• computer maintenance• email and digital communication technology• data entry and word processing• spreadsheets• customer service• financial records, calculations and cash

transactionsCareer opportunities

Skills gained in this programme will prepare you for a career as:

• an office administrator• an administrative assistant• a personal or executive assistant

• a receptionist• a secretary• an administrator within your own business

Thinking of study options or upskilling in the New Year?

Blenheim-based Koru Institute of Training and Education Ltd (KITE) is taking enrolments as of January 19 for its February and March intakes.

What makes KITE unique is its ability to offer free tertiary courses to students wanting to upskill or transition to new work, while also using its charitable status to provide funding and support for countless community groups, chief executive Monique Gemmell says.

“The Maori values governing the insti-tute create an effective working dynamic, where students and teachers are treated like family which make continuing education less daunting,” she says.

Last year KITE had over 300 students studying full and part time courses such as computing, business administration, te reo, social services and Treaty of Waitangi training.

KITE also unveiled its newly refur-bished building on Sutherland Terrace last year, showcasing its three new classrooms, two furbished classrooms, a smaller employment room and a classroom and garage space for its new Cable Logging programme.

This was a welcome change for students who attended last year, enjoying all the comforts and amenities at their disposal.

For more information, contact KITE or call in and see one of the friendly team at 5 Sutherland Terrace, Blenheim.

Enrol to upskill

Monique Gemmell is known for her untiring dedication to KITE, pour-ing her heart and soul into what she describes as “a role close to my heart”.

With a busy family, three businesses to run, directorships and a massive extended family, Monique still goes into work with the same passion as she had right from the beginning.

“The people side of the job is very important to me. Everything I do relates to helping people,” she says.

At KITE, the team helps people in various ways from tertiary education, career planning, employment opportu-nities, youth at risk and what ever else is needed to be done.

“At KITE we have a great team who can adapt to the individual needs of all our students.

“It’s about making education work for you,” she says.

KITE was established by Te Atiawa Manawhenua Ki Te Tau Ihu Trust in 1998 to provide educational opportu-nities for Te Atiawa. But in 2003 it was bought out by charitable company Te Rau o Te Aroha Ltd and set up for the community at large.

About the CEOProgramme overview

This foundation programme is designed for both those already working in the tourism industry and those considering a career in this field. It equips students with a wide range of transferable skills and provides a thorough grounding in tourism. The programme uses a combination of delivery modes. This includes one weekly three-hour tutorial, marae-based workshops, online tutorials, site visits by tutors, one-to-one tutorial support, industry-based workshops and self-directed learning. Students also receive a programme pack, which includes workbooks, readings and assessment tasks. The range of delivery modes and the amount of professional tutorial support provided ensures a high achievement rate. Core components are:

• Knowledge of the tourism industry• Manaakitanga and tourism• Kaitiakitanga and tourism• Basic te reo Maori• The legal environment• Communication skills• Maori culture and history

Entry requirementsEntry is open to applicants who meet the following requirements:• Minimum Age: • 16 years • Additional Qualifications:• Participants must:• Be New Zealand citizens or permanent

residents;• Have a desire to learn about tourism

within a Maori context;• Have a desire to work in the tourism

industry.Further Study:• Te Umanga Papatahi: Certificate in Busi-

ness Administration (Level 5).• Tertiary study at Undergraduate level:• Te Tohu Toi Tangata: Bachelor of Hu-

manities.Career Opportunities:• Customer services, Sales, Sales and mar-

keting, Small business tourism operator, Tour Guide, Tourism industry

National Certificate in Tourism MaoriHei ManaakiLevel 3, 4. Duration: 36 Weeks

WELCOME: The entrance to the Koru Institute of Training and Education on Sutherland Tce.

Koru Institute of Training and EducationTaking Enrolments 2015

Foundational Forest HarvestingCertificate in Foundational Forest HarvestingLevel 3

OverviewLearn the skills that will set you up

to work in the forest.This hands-on, 36 week programme

will give you the basic skills to get

you started in a career in cable log-ging or ground-based logging.

You'll get to work in the forest with a forestry crew or a logging contractor throughout the programme so you get the vital experience you need

Your kaiako (tutor) will also teach you all you need to know about chainsaw maintenance, health and safety and more.

This programme may lead to fur-ther qualifications at a number of other New Zealand tertiary providers.What you'll study

You'll learn about:• cable logging/ground-based log-

ging systems, processes and capabili-ties

• applying what you've learned in a practical, real-world forest harvesting or logging operationCareer opportunities

Skills gained in this programme will help prepare you for:

• a job as an entry-level cable log-ging/ground-based crew member in forest harvesting/logging operations

• further study which will provide entry to higher level jobs in the forest harvesting industry

Certificate in Computing and Business AdministrationIncluding the National Certificate in Computing & Business Administration