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This is the opening shot to the film and presents a logo to a group called “Future Shorts”. Future Shorts is a small but established company who helps fund and produce student made short film. The font suggests a contemporary and modern company especially with the contrasts of the white and red fonts on the black background. This establishing shot displays a mainly grey and dull typically office setting creating a muted feels to the scene but allowing the audience to still anticipate the rest of the shot. The font of the title reminds me of a comic book style particularly the bold font with sharp edges as well as the whole title printed in capitals. Despite the all capital title you can still make out slight differences through the height of the first letters in each words suggest a capital letter. The shot pans to the right but still from the distance it’s at until the man comes into frame when it zooms in to him further. As the camera approaches the man, you can see the bored and disheartened expression on his face implying he doesn’t enjoy his job, this is further emphasized through the loud diegetic sigh. The grey colour palette has continue through this whole scene and even the man’s complexion looks a grey tint as well as he white shirt which isn’t very white either. The rolled up sleeves and undone top button suggests he either has a lack of respect for his workplace and authority figures within that establishment or that he is tired and spending more time at work than he hoped for. This sets the film up for a change as if something interesting is bound to come after this mundane start. The close up of the photocopier as the man repeatedly bashes the keys tells the audience he has become impatient and obviously has been waiting here for a while now. The diegetic in-

The Black Hole - Analysis

Feb 15, 2017



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Page 1: The Black Hole - Analysis

This is the opening shot to the film and presents a logo to a group called “Future Shorts”. Future Shorts is a small but established company who helps fund and produce student made short film. The font suggests a contemporary and modern company especially with the contrasts of the white and red fonts on the black background.

This establishing shot displays a mainly grey and dull typically office setting creating a muted feels to the scene but allowing the audience to still anticipate the rest of the shot. The font of the title reminds me of a comic book style particularly the bold font with sharp edges as well as the whole title printed in capitals. Despite the all capital title you can still make out slight differences through the height of the first letters in each words suggest a capital letter. The shot pans to the right but still from the distance it’s at until the man comes into frame when it zooms in to him further. As the camera approaches the man, you can see the bored and disheartened expression on his face implying he doesn’t enjoy his job, this is further emphasized through the loud diegetic sigh. The grey colour palette has continue through this whole scene and even the man’s complexion looks a grey tint as well as he white shirt which isn’t very white either. The rolled up sleeves and undone top button suggests he either has a lack of respect for his workplace and authority figures within that establishment or that he is tired and spending more time at work than he hoped for. This sets the film up for a change as if something interesting is bound to come after this mundane start.

The close up of the photocopier as the man repeatedly bashes the keys tells the audience he has become impatient and obviously has been waiting here for a while now. The diegetic in-synchronous sounds of the keys further emphasizes this annoyance this the photocopier.

The reaction shot of the man’s discontent with the photocopier shows the point of the disruption in the narrative as the film begins to become more interesting. The lighting continues to be dark and still very grey and there has currently been no contrast of any other colours.

This shot of the man’s portfolio creates the illusion of continuity editing as if the whole scene is recording the man’s interactions with the photocopier. I feel that this shot could even be considered a reaction shot after viewing the shots previous as it forms a cohesive look to the film bringing the camera’s eye back around to a mid-shot of the man at the photocopier.

Page 2: The Black Hole - Analysis

After repeatedly beating of the photocopier it finally produces the image of the rather ominous black circle (or black hole as the title implies). This is a striking visual as it’s the first time there has been a mass contrast in colour or shape until this close up. The solidness of the circle makes the frame visual very appealing as it brings the audiences eyes to the centre of the shot subconsciously.

This close up reaction shot of the man to the black hole tells the audience that it wasn’t intentionally for him to print this making it an enigma in the film. The man then places the paper to side of the copier. Continuity editing is used to make the viewing smooth and uninterrupted with the use of more flashy editing techniques such as fades and wipes between shots. The next shots further highlight the enigma (the black hole) as the man checks the photocopier for the original print.

This shot is the first of which were we see from inside the hole out. This shot creates the deception of depth from within the hole by use of the low angle, I feel it also creates the impression that someone is looking out within the hole. During the shot there is a diegetic buzzing tone sound effect played over this shot crafting the idea that this is an object with power and it’s from a strange and unknown place.

After a mid-shot and straight cut to this shot; we see the man place the cup down and ending up putting through the hole. As this happens the synchronous buzzing tone occurs as the cup disappears in front of the camera and man. This throws the man off centre and he quickly realises.

This reaction shot shows the audience the man’s confusion and interest for the black hole. The repeated use of the low angle captures the man’s reaction as if he is directly looking into an actual hole. I think that this shots crafts the idea that the black hole is in fact a being than an object as I get the impression that the black hole is in fact looking back at the man due to the way they have captured this shot.

This mid shot takes a step back from the previous the shot and creates perspective for the audience by reminding them the black hole is on a piece of paper placed on top of a copier making it even more incomprehensible as an item. This is also conveyed through the man’s facial expressions, the look of shock and perplexity confirms the audience that this isn’t a normally occurrence is for the character on screen.

Page 3: The Black Hole - Analysis

This close up shows the man’s growing curiosity with the black hole, especially as he places his hand inside the black hole to retrieve the plastic cup, this has constructed the illusion of depth within the hole. I’m unsure of how they have actually created the visuals of the man’s hand inside the hole but if I’m to take an educated guess and suggest that special effects such as green scenes have been used to fabricate this shot. The buzzing tone is repeated again in this scene and becomes noticeable louder in volume the further inside the man’s hand goes into the hole.

This reaction shot, taken from a mid-shot distance, captures the man’s shock to have got the cup out of the hole. The man’s disbelief in the unknown suggests an element of fantasy or more so sci-fi conventions.

After several more attempts of placing his hand inside the hole over a series of mid-shots from different angles the man learns the potentials of the black hole and begins to trail more advanced activities through this process. Over these shots; there is repeated use of the synchronous buzzing tone and more apparent use of special effects.

Now the man has realised the full potential of the black hole, he begins to use it for immoral and selfish purpose. This scene of the man at the vending machine starts a mid-shot following a straight cut it changes shots to a close up of the man placing his hand through the hole into the machine and grabbing a chocolate bar and passing back through.

Once retrieving the Snickers bar and walking away from the vending machine; the camera shows a close up of the man looking pleased with himself as he eats. This is the first time the man actually smiles, this suggest that this character is potentially very selfish and materialistic. This scene also suggests that this man has a lack of morals if his happy after stealing. Still in the same close-up the man turns head and his eye line directs to the right of the frame. The eye line match shot following this one is directed towards a door with a sign stating keep out. This tells the audience that this is the next place the man is going to break into. The camera then goes back to the man’s face at a close-up showing him with a much more angry and determined expression on his face. The last three shots used the editing technique shot/reverse shot technique which is also another feature of continuity editing.

After walking towards the door, the next shot has been filmed from the other side of the door in a darkroom making the man on the other appear as just a silhouette. Although you can only make out the man’s head from the silhouette because this has been filmed from a low angle looking u, I would class this as a mid-shot.

The close up of the opposite side shows the hands hand going through the door via the black hole and opening it as the diegetic in-synchronous of the door handle turning and the door opening can be heard. The use of sound informs the audience that his attempt was successful.

Once inside the room, the light above flickers on and off for a couple seconds quickly giving viewers and glimpse of the man’s facial expressions. The man has a slightly crazed look on his face mainly because the glare he is directly towards the camera which is in the eye line of the rest of the room. This tells the audience that there is something he want’s what is in this room. I feel that the black hole has in some ways possessed this man through the energy and power it gives off, making him perform gluttonous acts which prior to the discover of the black hole he may not of partaking in.

After using the 180 degree rule to switch sides of the man, the audience then see what he was looking at in the previous shot – the safe. Safes have obvious denotations of storing money and as well as being secure and hard to get into therefore you can assume what the man is about to attempt.

The next shot shows the man just about to enter through the safe but before he starts he looks over his shoulder with his body facing the camera. Looking over his shoulder shows the audience he is still trying to be careful to not get caught. Noticeable, the light is shinny on his face as he turns to the side this could represent the good or the law that he’s avoiding by committing this act. However the scene is predominantly dimly lit just as the all the other shots have been.

Once the man grabs inside the safe the camera changes to a close up angle as he pulls more money out of the safe. The camera then begins to do a series of straight cuts which quickly alternate between close ups and mid-shots from different angles. This generates a frantic and manic atmosphere especially which the use of sound, the buzzing tone and non-diegetic office noises increases and decreasing in volume in throughout the scene.

Page 4: The Black Hole - Analysis

Narrative: The Black hole has closed narrative meaning the film has a clear beginning, middle and end. It proposes a constant for the audience from start to finish despite the features of a disruption. It follows a linear narrative following the experience one man has with a printed anomaly, otherwise known as the black hole. I feel it would be inappropriate to apply Vladimir Propp’s character types to this films there is only one person in the film as despite his attentions in the begin I feel his lack of morals take away the title of hero but I feel that he isn’t a villain due to his stupidity and basic and truly petty crimes as I would consider someone more diabolical a villain in comparison to the character presented in this film. The Black Hole complies with the codes of Tzvetan Todrov’s narrative structure theory despite the unclear ending it does resolve the film

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Ideology: When deeper analysing the film I feel there is a lot of links to the ideas of sinning particularly emphasis of the “Seven Deadly Sins” (wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony). For example sloth, his laziness at work in the opening scene, greed, stealing what isn’t his, gluttony, wanting more money after already stealing and pride, being proud of himself for stealing the Snickers bar. Although this is just speculation I feel this is an educated observation which can be applied to this short films.

Representation: Due to the lack of characters I feel that this film doesn’t represent a group pf people as such and has been made purely for artistic purpose. However if to think logically you could suggest that it represents young males not only because the the only character is a male but because that I feel they are the most easy to fall into temptations such as money as the character did. It represents a generation of people looking for an easy option out but informs them that the consequences of that will leave you worst off that before.

Genre: Based on the content of the film, I think the film fits into the sci-fi genre because it has the use of the black hole as it’s a feature seen in other sci-fi films like Interstellar. This is a code of sci-fi films especially to include anomalies 0r enigma’s like this black hole as it ,makes people think beyond daily life and can act as a form of escapism especially sometimes this anomalies could become possibilities one day. I think this is part of the reason why sci-fi films are as popular as it generates a whole “what if” wat of thinking which is really inspiring when you live in today’s society. The sci-fi genre is renounced for its constant and impressive use of special effects especially the ones showcased in the short films (the hand going through the paper into the hole), I did try to get in contact with the makers of this film but was unsuccessful in funding out how they created their social effects but I think that they have used a green screen as week as a visual touch up to produce the realistic scenes involving the black hole.