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THE BOND BILL THI DIKOCRATIO STATORS H0LD CAUCUS. Banaton CnekreU and Hsrris B*I*ct*d ft Conference-Mr. Milla Improving. [From Our l<e«iilar f «.r>ondent.l , V" ¦, D. a, ! rh :ii. xii li.-l.l a carun pen,! in .bc pureba**-, ry of tho ut Wilt* " *** Plumb o: provi ling lot til ii SawTf ¦.kim* 1 the *i)vere lill pend "Ul.l it be tba bill e aln-a.i t m n t\i.a subject, snd sppomte toconft I To-day th Benatoi *. H and Hun is . with th thsideeof thechamb< feel i Bcultie* j Bpringinsj ol lbs ness favoi ..{ ihs origini bul bs tl ». adrnsnl bil] a.-* it rame from t);o Hi Mr. Milla continue* t<> improve, an I tf take Ins sent iu th t ir- Jf. ii Way* an lay .r Wednead Tb* minority bare n t bed lhi r. 1> rt. it ia ii tilat 1 ti from ^taunton, Va., to tb ry near that city wa ' si Coori mei ta D na were ol t J Mau ri¬ ll als i di ('eased s nt tb . ;i stirr:ii| impaign r.i'tilavim -ptain A. J, wa* ulst) a guest \> 'ir. Wi Si !>. mo Iding en ii for tin -sr. lirriltll t OMSsBKBsB. >hach 81, toenafe. 'iucatim Dominion o til'- record* o rni. s, and ft> ni Lied >. r> r "f Ami rica, hut hi va* remii |iet;tli>n, mo morn. - .1 hy citizen ,ii be re bytbi lr--' and rc- By Mx. mak" inattmra iblic built, ii aired why the ar standing .Mr. tandinf coi with busi ncssH- : t tobi abl .' r. .i accepting French republic International Eg ber, 'Hkpn np snd v rt exp. oditnre foi tl- i-l from I t ress* ¦) t< I to the cnn- a of bill* oo tin' ealendi ... An.otu' the Milt .j .ria road National lief ol tbs sBpeay(sp" f ir the as* and tin ty and da brstioa at eapital ia tbs bj ? l/nited State* ; to amend set of tbs ireh, 1877, who, l in tba rt hellion, hi tbs anny sud ba- Cr.n.f f hills pa"- 1 ta .rity o( them r widow* of aaldii ra f th* War of 1812. hills with amt rid (.sache* wait ;..-..rv Com- a bill a,'|iri'i)riating HissVig- a sword ol \Vu»h- ^.ill af ,.. is, to mid th< worn hy v>. « of his resigning j HPoltS and at hil :Jt l.t. AfDr a brief ****don f'»r «-tcnitive | journeiL Hsunr «r H*.0r*>«wnli»tt»«e. ration ol UM morning hom I va* rsananad upon th* ted hy Mr. ol lona, aud advoe Ml J | . "f l'tnusilvauiii, and this* tw<. gentlemen roBBumed tba morning ..irstiou the lull I ir hu unfinished bustneai a!jU {¦¦ ,k uplbi< hiliB r. j.nru ii br tit- Committee on l'rivah B*ver*J private land meaourci gsa d. and tasta the House went into ( f.itiuiitteo of tbe Wlioh on tho bill to esUhlish a Hint** Jaad rourt ami BO provide) f,.r a Judicial svttlrment of privato Isa I claim* in An/."na, Kaw Masieo, snd Colorada, lt propose* to *ctth' the title tea of laud iu the Terri torie* uamtsJ. diacuasion tho committve r H| IJlftDobsnl. from theCommitti ai B I and lisihum, lw|sOrtsd i irbor spprojsnaaioB WU, and it wai referred to tko Committae of tis WM* .Adjourned. Iiu.i-fstir s^»r.ll.ll»»ee,* I uueral. ID) uiegraeh to th* DUpatoh.] Nsw Yobk, M*rob funeral services over tbs remains of William LuraBeiiucr ¦wott held rn tiraca ehtuca to- day. The clergymen who rmtvl the Epis¬ copal rituttl were Rev. Dr. Williiun H. Huntington and Rev. I. V. Chalmers. I ho pall-tiearrrs were S. L M. Eartow. v W. '-"ter, .lames Carter, Charba A. Paint, .'olin Hunter, gt, T. (ipo-lum, N. S. Andrews, snd Nathaniel Nasa, r Freud,-t i ievolantl and Secretary La¬ mont oamo over from Witahingtonto at- I the servicea TUP. <*RKAT WlHIHr. e *... I'or4 W mic Kni|il*)rrs 4|nlt- I Hms; Wara -The l'un Handle BlrlKe. ' (Ry telegraph to th* Dlspatcb.1 Obtsoao '. gfareh Bl. The rumor that ' tba Olthakjo, Mflwaakec aul St. 1 Bal run 1 was determined up.»n . nt n raeetlagoi itriki ra Late li I proves to have bees true. T! r neera, firemen, iwitehmen, brakemen, . ami a number of conductors of tl hs\e tjiut work. The strike fodadei ' the employee! of all divisions aentiing ' ir. i t?i freight aiid [katsangor. I he last puah' D/f«r train, Bunni f Rrt'therhooil on-w left tho Union depot 1 st ll o'clock last night, Tho lenders of r tho *tr,!.mr; freight-men wire baa* ¦ all yesterday no'.ifyinjr, every St" ."sal employee of tho meeting to held, insisting np.>n hil attoml- r anea, Ineoming trainmen were met nt I toe depot Bad hurried over to tho hull. Pally 700 nun wore present. Thia in- .I'll" tl all the, freight and switch ea* ."stu and iirenien living in Chicago - i mirny from points a hundred miles ny, nil of the looa! switchmen and hraki men, rind a large, nntubcr of freight be me, t,!Jb' whs an BX- I and enthusiastic one. No outsiders admitted, and it wa* not posaibll ascertain what lind been dime fur | tiie ;i lj..liniment. From of th-- teen it was then learned thst . when a motion wus Blade to tie up the road it wai carried without a dissenting voice. Aliout seventy-five men, engineers, firemen, and fiwilohmen quit dunne; the 1 afteaaooa and to-night at the Fort Wayne homo, :;t Fii'ty-iifth street. About BKineera are usually kept there. Hat the shops to iiii/ht that during the day four west-bound trains h tt I ort Wayne, Ind., but all had been la tracked en route to Chicago. iricioo. Merck lt..Tb* aarika has spread to the Keri Wayne *mplove»- left their euglo. ii tba yardi at Carroll avenue *nd t'ar- panter street si 'i P. M. It was reiortel ti »t r o-' Wayne M»n at otber point*- I* the '-ity also ault, aid lliis wa> ..enflrniel at 3 o'.-lo"-*. T*a strike ©¦ th* Far: Wa>»» In i'bl'ago lsgee- bs the reenltof tim oom- a oaatlag a trsin of freight this afternoon from the B'ir'.ingtoa road, 'I h* suru* ea tte Pan-Unndle read was sad* 1 .>»' is's «f 'ka ntl showirg tint tb* shif tine of I'll iiag-.en oars, which causal tt, had keen done by pom* of the minor efil'Tais and 'lr- nea* *f fi* acrXra*ii hut been **tc*d to fcao'lie BurllBgtoa rat s. About 10o',Tock a train .f f!f'*en esr* waa mal* up and quietly trans- etbeFert Wayne teal; while at aeeiit the satue time r train *f twenty-five ears w»s ma<la up fer tb* Shore rood and f*ink*rton nen aboard, wbo bad provided themselves *,:h rocks tn rasa of emergency. No strikers .».-. t,. t* -iee, and -'.rs m-re maj* without the alightest a ~. Whee Port Wsyas wss srdered to n ove tha-e cars the men promptly r*fu«*d, an-1 ian tkfir engines in. The newSBpreal I in a fe*- niein*ri!- all ii.a .-1 nail vt. 11; -eiigin'eis, ea, and switchmen. Just at this tim* tho .layiia paseesger, outward bound from n >- al n r ai; ^-...i ped *; surat. Tl.- eiigmeer and fin-ni»ii ( .. * ,t» sud le'! tl -ir on¬ t's for a Um* lt i"v s;u neuki get no fun. the coi I . volunteered to ) sn I a Ci ernau waa fi uni, and tht* trsin led after a slight delay. Elrhteen swll li¬ bed been mad* Idle and th* crew of the '. passenger engine. Tl sayi thal i * ad assurances s*r« thal they would not go o ir. b it mi dependence is pive,i lu them. the Un* of tl," t blcago, Milwaukee and St Paui r,.*.i freight bnstni ipletely paralyzed, sui passenger trafilu almo.-t sua- pendeA it.imi! CABlBTatT. Dissolution anil Net* (hain ber Talked or. f Hy Arigltt-Amerl'-an coble to the Dispatch.] Pabib, March ol..In ibo Chamber of lay in the course of the dis- of.I der of tho day Faucon- lid that the country itti riv disgusted with tia** spectacle (fusion that it wita obliged to \iit- iiesfi. He declared that the dissolution rnperative when the Chamber tho atagl of impotency and dis- S'othing now waa left for it bat ilve. The President hore stopped the rand declared that the question of dissolution could not be decided upon during the orders of tlie day. 'lhe Chamber adjourned until Tues- Preiident Carnot hts summoned Flou- r.i lorin a cabinet, and the latter has promised to undertake the task if he itieetM with tee neoBBsary support. M. Floquet il progressing in the work of forming a Cabinet President Carnot left al. Ploqm t com- i. edon ia regard to tba election of his co,leagues. ! be Bureau of the Chamber of Depu- | at.'te of 22 to 18, decided that of ll Fsoaraai asa ineniln-r of tho Chamber was valid. Frederick'* Amnesty Proclamation. [Ky Atiglo-Ara*: i.-an .'atria te the nispatch.1 BaAieh BL.k b]iccial edition Of the Reichs Ait:ri;fcr will bo issued to-morrow containing tho Emperor! il ,ation of amnesty to various of- enoeato which the Em- peror'l amnesty decree applies are in- sulting the Miverrien. crimes and miade- tercise of civil rights, itiHiiltinx or resisting offiaeri of the law, disturbing public order, infractions ol' thc law of public meeting, tte. King- John Wanta to Treat. [Hy Afle I BBSS hell cable to tba Dispatch,] .Msrr!i BL A dispatch from Bab i*^ King John has sent a i to Mabsowuh to treat with tho na. _ Nerlona Arelrlent on the Annapolis .snort I.lnw. [fly telegraph to th..< Dupatfli.) Rm.timoke, March HF.Ry the break- ' n i-pring a smoking-car on the >n train on the Annapolis Short- ulroad waa thrown down au em¬ bankment to-day and several Maryland lefcirslators were badly injured; none, however, fatally. Tho tram was on its way to Beltimore, and was luring ul a rapid rate. Those hurt uiobt were Sena¬ tor Charles s. Adams, of Baitinvyre; imble, of Baltimore ; Dele- een, of Caroline county ; William racy, an I Captain Fouis < engineer on the Drum Point railroad, and -Mr. l'azil, a merchant of Anuaiioliu. lirfanltlus; Treasurer Tate's aoeees- aor. [P.y telegraph to Ure Dispat h.) Lormvn.LE, March BL a?adga8hArp, of Lexington, elutirmaa <>f the Still rate J X' entity Committee, hus bun ai .]! into I Trea*un r hydovcrnor Rucknertosu -ot ed thc del'aiiltuiR Tressu- mrtr'late. 'lhe nomination was con- ttrmt-d this afternoon by tito Senate. Haae-liall. (!!> t-legraph to th* Dispatch.1 Maatrai*, March BL Memphis again Krowuathis after¬ noon in a cioselv-i'untt-ated K*me, which tneaiid by aboat LMO i>eoplo. Hudson «!.vl I'l-lau were the battery for his, Kirby and McKeigh for Memphis. Hcort* Memphis.0 0 0 10 2 0 0 1.4 SL Eouitt..0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1-3 Will Wlad lp. [Ry telegraph to tb* Dispatch.] New Ounr-ANH, March 81..The Bope InNiiranet- OoBBpaaT* of thia city at a meeting jeetoralay'resolved to go into Inundation. No statement ai to thu condition of the concern ii mada palma CruakaB Hrtwrro ( ur-flusnpor*. iSjieclal lelegiani te th* Dispatch.J NOKM'LB. Va., Batih »L.Jehu Anderson, a white employee of lu* Norfolk south*.-* rail- read. «a* caught between the bumper* while i-ovp l"g atrelgh'. tia,a lu lWrkloy to night and ertmaed tt Aeatti. li* leave* a family, ead was kUled within a lew »wpe et his seaMeuco. SENT ON. THB ALLIOBD PXTBR8BVBG RECEIVERI OF ITOLEB GOODS. The Railroad Company ia Fsmeit-Rival Repnbllean Candidates for the Con¬ gressional Nomination. tCorre«poridene«ot tho Rlrhmond Dispatch.] pBTSitsm-Ro, March 31, 1««H. Williwin EL Scott and John Crocker, thc two colored men arrested on th*. j clmrre of receiving Stolen gooflB, know- bag them to hav* been stolen, wei.- BOB, mi I. r indictment anti trial ut the April term of tho Hustings Court. Tb had in tim ana* of $500 auhfortbaii BtsmaagsBOB Tho Norfolk and Western Kailroad Oompaay, from whom th* goods in question aro alleged to have baan sJobbb. has suffered asrioa hy Hitch lubvswisa of late, and hus de¬ termined to prosecute all offender* to thc utmost. Tax** warrant* aro ont for the arrest of other partieR charged with n feiving property stolen from tho com¬ pany. I.- prfHentative Haines mid Mr. Hooper, of Tarraville, Imtli of whom sr« candidates for the Fcpubliean nomintv tion for Congrcaa in this district, have h. <n in th? city within tli.t lust day ol two. It is believed thut tiir* nomination will rest between thean two geatlcmea Langston is practically out of the con- test ai far aa tho nomination is con¬ cerned, unless tim BSgTOe* thronglioiil ths district chango very muteriHlly from what they were two years Bsro. Lang- Bton'B frionils may draw the color lino a^ strongly ag they please, out there ar* stronger than this argument, and tho Repiihlic'tn leadftb control them. The Faster BU*** at tb* Epi churches in this city to-monowwlllbfl rt an elaborate scale and of aclianieter in uni¬ son with the most joyous Christian festi¬ val of the year. The judges of election for this city, who were appointed BOBDe weeks sko, have not yet been announced to the pub¬ lic, and the Republicans are trying tc make capital out of the fnet Their nntnei will be ana/'.* public nt the proper time. The exports of manufactured tobacoi from this city during the month Ol March exceeded ' inda. Hie Bale* of loose tabacco at thc wnro houses thia week aggregated only about 219.0M penn.(h. iii,, market closet; with a better feeling aud au advance it prices on Bom* of tbe grades. The receipts of cotton during tho week wero small. The Bggregste since Beptember 1st sr.- 16,819bale*, si against 12,752 bales for the Correspond¬ ing perin.1 of Ia«-t year. The temperature to-tlnv has been al¬ most sunimer-hl-.e, RoBLBAoAIB. TUB-. ABCIBMT <. * PITA I.. The? Assistant BtehOBr** Vislt-Otbet ( liurili Notes. [Corn I thal nd Dispatch.] Williams!.ri:.;, Ya., March 31, J1-- \ Assistant-Bishop Randolob visited Burton Pariah Episcopal church Thurs¬ day and* administered tbe rite of con¬ firmation. This wa* the first opportunity many ol mir people hm* bsd ol' hearing this eminent divine, and all were much impressed with lusbeautiful and eloquent discourse. His remarks to the congre¬ gation alter tho serniuu wera particularly appropriate. The Episcopal Sunday-school children will have an baster celebration Monday night in tue body of the church. Ah this parish is still without a minister the Rev. E, Meade, the evangelist, will bc .it and superintend tbe evening's exercise-. Mr. Mt ade wi..'. be the gue^-t of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. T. Joni s. The Kev. L, B. Wharton, the minister-elect, ia expect 1 about the third Sunday in April. In the mean tun* the parsonage will be extensively re¬ paired preparatory to his arrival. Tbs Rev. Jehu M. Dawson's church (colored) is soon to be refitted. liiipiovetaentB will be made both on the interior and exterior, ami when finished the building will present quito a hand¬ some appearance, Tho .-torin at Toa&O station kit week whs the severest ever kiio*n in that sec¬ tion. The Western Union and peake, telsgrspb-wire* centering at that point were fu§e<l, the glass, furniture, and telegraph instrument in the railroad ticket-ofBoe were destroyed, and a large portion of the ellice flooring was torn up. Fortunately the agent was ont of the when tho storm was at its ) Mr. li. (h Vanoasdel, reprei Andrew Brown, kimber exporter, of Buffalo, N. 'i., has been gpi uding seve¬ ral days here looking our the ti land of this section. He was favorably impressed, and it is expected that his timi will make largo purchases iu thia section. Mr. P. Taylor, of Jami-' City county, a member ol tbe Board of Directors for the Eastern Asylum, nml his son *ro dangerously ill with pneumonia. Judge H. L. Henley has recovered from a recent severe attack of sickness. Mr. Lewellen Spencer, ol this town, and Fr. Felix Bennett, of Yorkcotiuty, died daring the past week. The railroad authorities have removed tba depot building at Oriauna station, in Warwick county. Things ure beginning to wai warra over tho proposed removal of the county- sent to Newport News. Tho question will be submitted to the Vote- of thc peo¬ ple of tho comity at the May election. Mr. George Campbell, of Tens is visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Scott. Mr. C. H. Harrison, lato of Philadel¬ phia, is here visiting hi.s parents. Mr. mid Mrs. Wilcox, of Yonkers, X. Y., aro in town. The movement to put a local tax on all branches of business and apply the pro- ei .N to the improvement ol ow is meeting with gent nil approval. The regular quarterly meeting of the Asylum Directors will bs held A]'iii 16th in the Executive building. W. KI.N OTKBt. Aerldent em Hie Norfolk and West¬ ern. (Corr?spoadencs ot the lUcamnud Dispatch.) NoitPoLK, March 81, Last night about 10 o'clock a brake¬ man naniodJohn Brown (colored) was thrown from the incoming mail and ex¬ press train of tho Norfolk uml W railroad and run over and instantly kill¬ ed. Thc accident hapiwned at tho iron bridge crossing the hastern branch, as the train was entering the citv. The man fell from the train and was horribly cut ami crushed. The body was brought to this city and this morning Dr. New¬ ton, the coroner, held au inquest Norfolk is soon to have a ahirt-factory, employing two bundled ami fifty opera- Commodore George Brown, of the yard, returned from Washington this morning, and has succeeded in getting a small amount of work for April. Supervisiug-lusptctor Marahali Parks, who baa been a long time ill, will bo able to bo out in a few days. A maas-meftiiig of BBS Democratic voter* of Braiiihleton Ward last niitht strongly protested against tho action ol th* Executive Committee in fixiug u ont -itays primary sud wardmectm^s for councilmen. The bank* of tho Dismal-Swamp canal liH\e bein wai-lied away in place* twenty and thirty feet wide, and yesterday the turnpike along tho canal wa* four feet under water. DANVlLLK. Cb ar ged with ateallua; . Registered Lester. (Special telegrr.m to the Dispatch.] Pakvillb, Va., March 81..Sky Hodges anti Booker Hairsbm (colored) were unrested at Oak Hill, on tho I'lin¬ ville and New-ltiver railroad, charged with atealing a registered letter In un the Winston (N. C.) post-office last August, Tb*/ were taken to Greensboro', and will ho tried in the United States Court A lad named Jimmie Callahan left hi* homo near Milton, M. C., some weeks ago, anti his parents have not been able to find him. Ho was last seen in this citv. The tobacco market has been very quiet during th* week, but the leaf mar¬ ket showed a Imtter feeling towards the latter part of tbe week. silRIOl H All I DEBT Caused by ai Railroad Washout fSpeclsl telegram In the IlL«psth.) rrrEiHBi-Ro, Va., March 111..-Infor¬ mation has been received hero of a se¬ rious accident which occurred yesterday on the Surry, Bosses and Southampton railroad, caused by a washout. The en- ginonrul r were wrecked and one or two cars badly broken. Tho engineer had an arm broken and ono of the brakemen was slightly crushed. The heavy rsins had fallen without injury to the track until tho dams of two mills above the scene of tho accident broke anti caused the washout. Noulkwest lt. mi*. [Special telegram te the Dispatch.] Ciiii-'iUNssriKi, Va., Mureil 31.. This has been a very busy session of the court. The judge was compelled to ad¬ journ this afternoon by reason of the fact Shat ] he Court commences next week. A number of hornet cases were continued untilthe next term. Ver¬ dict* were rendered to-day against W. A. S Co. and against, '.. w. Farnett and the fines assessed at £100 ami $20<J Mrs. W. H. Slono, whom I reported fis critically ill. died last night. Dr. W. A. Wade, of the Methodist pal church here, preaches hi* fare¬ well sermon to-morrow. Ina weather ha* he-en superb for the ¦siat few dava The crops of wheat are looking aa tine as 1 ever saw them at this season. bf.klivm ni The Emperor Kentville Ministers. Or. MsrkcsiU- lbs C ron ii Prince. ['.'opyrlgbtod by the NVw York Ac Pis--. Bl*. March BL.Tba l.inpemr slept elfht last Bight, almost wlts.iut kresk. During bis sleep heb watched censtaady by either Ur. Bevel! or Or. Mackenxle, t, bi|wb«s there ls any exct et eoughlBg g.> to tke Enipsrurs lei this j.recsutloB wss tesa at dswn last Thursday, wiie.n BseBsipei r was seised wita a severe *t (f eougklog, during which a place of cartilage wa« detached, which, ¦it tnstaal ssslsiaace of Dr, Backensle, riiitkt hniB ceased au&oswtion. T.i-Sey he lot .rd tiesh, ai.S a.-cordiiig to the Km *m In more buoyant . obviously einr; benefited ty a night ef complete repose, wblcb followed ye-ter*ay's drive. Hi* i.fa.-ui work t.>-jay wss unusually prolonged. In His forenoon Bismarck ss* Ur. Frtsdherg, tad t!i"ir re|*rt I ii tim latsnled (."lill si amBeety, whi'-h, ll Isex- pected, i\iii he li ned u monow. In. also aahmitte* a conpleUd i>n Je-t miler wk! h 'iM Importsal Msts sues- t, .,s wi.i ba determ »s in full ministerial council. Bismarck U underi-tn...! to list., flBB'.ly a ve,,tell ths p i Its tni'fj'tioB be ed as undlng to enfeeble the sutborlty sa e lasted sn hour asl a tislf. The Emperor nf xl re-eli e.I Ti ore lloknlehs InrlnSagea. wfce bas ] tal re¬ turned from bia mission lo alsg Bombell, from wlin.T. hs brought an autograph Utter, wai.uso i\u sarvTMa. After luncheon tke Kruperer wslkel with the Pri;..-e..-cs us'ier Ue el alter ef tBe Krsnd front of lbs orangery. In tse eftemeeii r. report of tits ceramlvdon relating to Us new l.i- SgUlaUoas. During IBs j.auss le¬ the dortora examined the Kmperor's larynx snd 1 lo bis uk mg a drive. The drive lasted an beur. lue crewds lacreneJ in it i.eiuu Baster holidays, an* parer wai received airii enthusiastic jiresiiiiis's sud rinrini; kiirisus aiuiip UM reata, '1 lii> weather was extremely ml1 J. 1 lix earrtsge wu- du md Hie Emperor wa } ii saluted tiy raising als kami u his hst. He looke l thoroughly neil, sat up, tke only mea ol hi.t niue-s being inn waxy complexion. OERJIAN III'tHT oTINION. Iies;i'.e theeemblanceol health snd his ln- power,Germaaexpert opinion that iii*. disease will bave aa early au* fatal teruilsstlen ls slill unaltered. The ead vii come quickly lt dees coma Any night a sudden crisis may declare Maali It will be announced te tiie be fellowed in a tew hours by an Intimation of Ue Emperor's deatb. 'ii Ma kenxle will !*'».' a prolonged 1"»\h Keactlaa axaeag tim Heil .. e/. To¬ day hedrovola I oder Den Linden by blmSelt' aud was gret ted with cheers and salute*. tub oaews rKiNCB. Crown Prtaoa William jess te Ems on tbe 17th of Ap: ii. Ike stele of his health continue* to cause frave disquietude. ba Progressists1 heps-, fer a speedy Introduc¬ tion <f liberal reforms .meer Kn Irk, il.. T the tone et i.i pi the Kei< Sitar, and Landtag, lave been revived by tbe piespects cf ike prolongation of peror'i liie. i.e precleniatiou-- wara sui 'es st tue Inspiration "f Prince Btsmai k, whees counsel there was BH.mestsry necessity fer the Ktaparor ie BOOefBl 1 ke or- gai.sol tie (tetchier n..* lld tbe party to re¬ sume its. otcl attitude of expectancy, i ha pro¬ gramme ef tit" PregresalsU la rrilsri.-e en tba Emperor, knowla* i i reaca for liberal lits-.. Tke psrty mu>t taks his position Into consideration, and refrain from clamering for lisriiS'liais reforms, but to uptnls tbe :ssof psrllsmsiiisry rey fess, Evidently a cordial uniiwr.-esD.ilsc between tbs Emperer and Prince Bismarck ls being ferr.ied, bb.i ti.e or may -li" . Iii n-- rorlBuce witn tie views of the new Chief of SUle. FASCISTIC CIUTICISM. This programmehas JusUy met with BBnBStte ¦. »a papers say lt overlooka the perreaneet pl.vsieal disability *f the Km. peror. s\en il lin nf. it protoafed beynii.1 tba frlendlleit sxpe-tstisa. It overlooks present f«--' thal the Emperor baa shown disposition to Interfere willi BUa&arek. On the ceuirary, st ths last council of mlnlstars and I rs Sheer* of Mete, siter Hinman k had state* feraially and at lengtb bli. h>>me and in situ pallor, tk* Emperor Intimated hi* entire j. piles ¦#!.¦« \ud complete cou- Sdence la t-.i^ ni esl ml TUB laUrSCB l'lil.lTICJH. rARTIR.-:. The sullen eiiaiig" 'u t',e position of the . es hus reawakened appre- . for til* immediate future, iivuiauger l^ now felt ti ba ie. apeetral si,ai]»^ 5iOi-isiit;sl fur.'e thr'-Bieslng U:e pes.-e of ..lay's Parin ndrioss gravely ".lal circles. No ts'.lance is placed upon any possiblo tnisiitry tbnt lau, or any other roan m fur tim malntoaaana of pea.-e. .. Iawba forward to h the t, * ..r tin- ire '. un appeal. If ad Ul . sr prod st a «tr.nic Bouiaugor party,ltwlU ba taken here as e<iuivsieiit lo a popular vote for a war, an* tho convealence of the FrcucU to begin lt viii not be awaited. A KINAMCIAL ADY-i. The Rotinte, wklck cot a sudden stimulus to¬ wards t.uyiup Ku««lau se--uritiesou bearing that Count tl erhart Bismarck has beau decorated try tbsfisr. c*t a quick ililli te-dsy ov.-r tl lu- oreaaad sinsap'luty liepesed by Busslsouns- tlve and fereif :i seem Itlea. Tbs edi 1 ls held to be a further proal Hist Ifu^sls ls oa the brink of a tiusinuil slivss, Jba Incident of the de.-or.-uioii it Uerkert Kistnank ass Ol elfelad. It was doiie simply in return for the cempllment of the Oerman Bmperer in conferring the decora- tiim.if ti" Iiia<k Bsgi* upon Ceunt BehavaloS, the Kuss.^u Ambassador, lt is impossible to .nerrsts er mlstske a Preach ef reith toward la- in Itussian securities t.y the new duty. r.lV.-OA'S M1LITABV rBirAr.ATIOK. Apsrt froBi the financial surprise. k -i sgalu attracted n KussU's military preparation, which ocas>ons renewed disuust. The Kr'': SJWf* ¦» i!l»pairhe» pronoun alan action Imminent, hhe has trie.) and failed io obtain permission from Koumanta to pass pa ti.iuugh ber territory to Bulcsria In.(er sn agreement between the. king of lioumsAila and ths Austrian Qevernan-nt, ila tiles io loree ber way, the united will resist the attempt T!:e< rsr hassf- lerc.l tke Iteumaniau Government a eouii»r ah- ?..; iisla^ lo add rangy IVBnla to tbedo- niinii u.s .,f king ( i.ailrs In ihs sient of ths suc- e«ss f the campaign. Tbe oSer was rejected. Oeaera! AresenlkoS, wits headiiuartsrs at "ff, c.niinantls the advance, and aocerSV lng lo UM l'<-(lier Lkryd, bas slresdy efte.ted lbs orgsalraiiou ot a ccrps to epeu tbe caiu- tiSD^ueted Qoaaral Sat t.<-nlght as envoy of Emperor IYa4- erli k, atxl Will culler s decora! lon upon blxn. Neither honor ls of special slKuitlcancv. Myaterlously Srsnufd. A Parkersburg |W. Vs.) »r|>ecial savs : Th. re was found IB the Ohio river near New CuanheTlauJ, W. Va., last night the liody of an elegantly-dressed woman. It hail evidently been in tke water some time, hs it was partially decomposed. The fa waa almost ceaupletelv oblite¬ rated ami unreeoK'nuable. Tm bOdt was clad in a sealskin sacquo, black silk .Iress, elaliortitely triiamcd, and BBaV r- elotLiug of fiue tinhroidereil nilk and liaen. The dead woman had on a gold watch and wore a valuable diamond and ennrrahl ring. Tba whole Appearance of tho body in¬ dicated a wealthy a oman of jierhai* thirty-flvo years. In her pocket was a purse containing %;A) is Paper and gold, but Bothingby which identification was possible. Thia discovery cause* aauch inquiry. No one ba* been missing up the river lately. It is thought that it is a case of suicide. No warks ef violence were found os the hedy, bat the posi¬ tion of the arma show a desix rate strug¬ gle. The body ia held at ^ellaville for identification. Old newspapers for sale at this o | pries 25 cents per huadrvii. iffice^J PLANETS IN APRIL. A STUDY OF THK BEAUTIES OF THE HEAVENS. The Sun, thi Earth, and Mars-Tha sTove- menta of Other Bodies. Tba Moon. (Providence Journal] Mars is morning star nntil tho 11th .nd then becotnea evening star. Ho cornea to the front on the April as voil as on the March record, for ho is in the full realization of his UM.rt-lived lapre- macy. Mars in opposition issn imposing light aa the planet dons his robes of fiery red, and impresses thc beholder with his aggressive air and warlike bearing. Our celestial neighbor prt mated tho same aspect that we now describe to observers when astronomy w:is in ita infancy, thousands of yean ago*, and for this rea¬ son was honored with the name of Maxs, tho god of war. No other star that gliru- niera in the celestial concave so well do¬ se rn s the title. The opposition of Mars, the great epoch in bia court* the 11th ut 1 o'clock in the morning. Tho aun, the earth, and Mars are then in a straight lin« with toe earth in th* entre, and whoa the mn sets Mars will soon af¬ ter be seen rising ia the southeast. The ©I position, though favorable, does not bring our neighbor within his nearest range, an event IO much desired ia dayi of increasing telescopic facilities. The observer who desires to itndv Mars at bia best muat wait till 1892. when the planet is near perihelion and the earth Bear aphelion. The two plan thou about aa neara* possit'Io, or 9 ooo miles apart. Fveu with the most l>owerful telescope not much eau be Been at such a distance. Tbe division of laad and Mater, the snow-capped poles, the clouds, tba curious ami unaooouutahln " double csnsls," and the two tiny meena nearly exhaust the list of terrestrial ob¬ servations thus far r< corded. Ur. L*tngley, says cn observer on the moon, under tba best telescopic eoadi- tions, might perceive such aa amy as Napoleon led to Rusaia if it moved ia a dark, solid column icroaB the snow ; it is barely * oeaible that ono of the largest ooeaa steamships might be seen under 11 "r..1 .|» circumstances as a moving dot; And it ii prol I such a con- tlagration as tbe great tiro of Chics rn would bo visible in tbe lunar telescope ai a reddish star on tue night side ol our plsnot. mean distance of thc moon is 240,- OOOmileA The lea** distance of Man ii 86,001,000 niilea. Hie possibility of de¬ tecting any proof of the existence of life en our outer planetary neighbor, with our present means of observation, is not encouraging, None the h ;%* do we hope that tba teleeeope of the Fick Observa¬ tory will win it-nown by picking up a couple of moons or solving the mystery of the double casals at tue present Mar¬ tian opposition. Mars wiil be beautiful to behold du¬ ring thc whole month, allowing his raddy face in thc loutheait as loon as it i dari enough for tho stars lo come out, and shining with resplendent bistro during marly tho entire night, He is approach¬ ing bis bright companion, Spica, and on the 18th will meet a;.d pt after that time bring welt of Bl ceding from the slur. The right ascension of Mars on the F-t is i.b. 37m., bis declination ii 7 25' south, hil diameter ia lb", and in constellation Virgo. Mara rises on tbe 1st at Th. 4m. P. M. Il,- h ti on the 80that3h. 48m. A. M. Li ives is morning itar anti! tho Rb, and after that timo ia evening star, ll is ;ion with tho mn occuri on the 4th, abeu he changes his quarters Irum the euu's wost, rn si le to 1 Planets on tho eastern aide i-f the sun aro classed ai evening stars, ami planet! on his western aide are classed as morn, ing stars. An opposition to I :," o >: quins, ii in importance with au opposition of Itara, or Jupiter, or batum, but it iring* kim I aeareat point to the earth and makeiit possible to obtain a glimpse of bim ll I »tsr of tho sixth magnitude. Tho un¬ aided human eve ian actually perceive the of tho four Kimit phi he (-lowly treads bis ippointed j nth, al¬ though when Dearest, ai at ; is 1,7 i away. Clear- sighted observi rs will find uno Bioonlcss nights about (i northwi Spica and 1' southwest of Thc ginis. The right of Uranna on tho 1st is l-'b. 58m., hil declio dion is .". -jl south, his diameter ia 8."8, and he is in tba eoaitellation Virgo. Uranus risea on the 1st at Ch. 17m. P. M. On the 3Uh ho bets at Sh. Fni. A. M. SATuaaii evening stir. His course during the month, as well ss that of Mars and l ranuH, is mari i by an epoch Be is in quadrature with F. be 19th at 1 o'clock ia the morning, At that time ho i - nt ;r the meridian at ¦unset, and after that time ho will be found ia tho weetara sky, setting not far midnight, Ile is DO longer rt :r '-railing or moving "westward, bot hus changed bia path, is moving in a direct course 'ir eastward, and is again approaching ll cluster in Cancer. The right ascension of Saturn on the lat is *->li. Sm., his d> oliiiahou is Jo 4!'' north, his diameter il 1.'. 8, aud ho is in the constellation Cancer. Satan Mm an the 1st at 2h. 2Sm. A. ht On the 80th be vb* \. M. JrptraR is morning star, or rs' cla-^. 11 as morning alar, beeaai on the western ndu of the nun. He is evening star in reality, for he risea be¬ fore ll o'clock ou the 1st of the and before Si o'clock at iii cloie. The April evenings will therefore be honored by the presence of this gem ol ti" as well as with that of tbe leas brilliant Mars and Saturn. J ir, iib r w supt rb m the small boura of starlit mornings in March, aa he slion radiant lull I ll amid the bright stars of Scorpio. He will be brighter in April and will rise at a more convenient hour for observation. He is now retrograding or moving westward, ind is tlc r. ¦' ceding from Antares, being about northwest of tho star at tho close month. The three bright planetl thit play the part of evening itara in April have each a brir/Lt companion. Jupitt r tans, Mars has "-pica, and Saturn has Poliui and Procyaa. Tlie right set'euaiou of .lupit. r on tho 1st is li'h. 18m., hil dedtnation ie 20° .JJ'smith, bia diameter bl 89.' .md he is in the constellatioa C>phincus. Jupiter risea on the 1st at 10b. Bom, P. M. On tho doth ho rises at ch. 81m, P. M. Vests ia morning afar. Thcro is little to be aaiil of her course during the month, for she is so near the sun aa almost to he lotto light. She raes 50m. before tito sun on the 1st and 3dm. before him on the 3tith. Sha is in conjunction with Mercury eu the 18th at midnight, lain^ at that time 1 lo south. The right ascension of Venus on the 1st il 28h. l.'m.; her declination is 8 -F south ; ber diameter ia ll. 'i, and abe is in the constellation Aquarius. Venns rises on the 1st nt 4h. Il'.'m. A. M. Ou the 30th ano rises st 4b. 5m. A. M. Mimer kt ia morning star. Since his western elongation on March lilith he has moved eastward, approach mg i and overtaking ber on the IBbbL The right ascension of Mercury on tho lat is 'Jim. 10m.; his declination is south ; hil diameter is 7. I, and bo is iu the constellation Aquarius. Mercury risei on tbe let at 4h. 87m. A. M. On the 30th he rises at lb. I hu. A. M. Nipttse is evening itar. Bia posi- tioa in the aky variei so little from month to month that it ia scarcely per¬ ceptible in a short time, but it ia well to keep tho track of all the planets. The right aaceBsioB of Neptune on the lit is dh, dim. j hu tecLiaaUoa is la 7' north ; his diameter is 2."."), and he is in tho constellation Taurus. Neptune rises on the 1st st Ph. Bom. P. M. On tho 30th ho rises st 8b. 7m. P. M. Mers, Uranna, Bfttnrn, and Neptune are evening stars at the close of the month. Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are morning stars. THE MOON, Tho April moon fulla on tho 2<lth at lh. Baba. A. M. Tbe moon two days aft.-r tho last quarter is in conjunction with Mercury on the bth at Gb. fhn. P. M., being 1' ld' south. On the same day, the 8tb, at 8h. ltfrn. P. M., she is in conjunction with Venus, beiig 2V Iff south. Southern observers will enjoy the most favorable conditions for a eight of these two planets in close companion¬ ship ami in tho neighborhood of the waning moon. The new moon of the 11th is in oonjiictitn with Neptune on the 1 Uh at 4h. 40m. A. M., being .nth. On tho 19th, the day of tho first quarter, the moon is in close con¬ junction arith Saturn at Th. JHm. A. M., being 1 fr* loath. She jsia conjunction with Uranus on the 'J4tb at Oh. Tm. P. M., being L 17' north. She ia in con¬ junction on the same dav, the 24th, with Mars at lb, 38m, P. sm., hoing If north. She pays her respects loJapiter, last in tho train, on the 27th, the day siter the full, at Mi. lena, P. M., being 2f north. Tho moon, the day after the full, and Jupiter, near his brightest phase, will inako a charming picture in theasteru aky on the evening of thc uTth. TUT* RT'",'. Tho sun's declination on the let ia .I M'north. On tba 30th it fa IB9 8' north. The hub has therefore nmv. d northward IO 9* during the month. Tho hCiiMin rapidly advances in resjionse to the bun's increasiug northern d'vliu.i- tion. 'Ibo sunrise and ai.usot points move northward, the sun mounts higher in tho heavens ob each succeeding day, anl the great day tdsr appears earlier each morniug anti dclavs his departure ra.'h evening. Tho teaioa ia hopeful in the presage of bleesiagi ia store, moro to;iii in the fruition of present enjoy¬ ment] Al'RIL. Tho April star-lit nights will bo full of ' to those who follow tho courses B mysterious twinklera. The ao- lar brotherhood do honor to the month- rd. Tbs opposition of Mara, the won of Uranus, tbs qusdrature of Suturu, and tilt; conjunction of Venus slid .Mercury give lifo to its annals. Night after night the sky will beam with the light of throe biroo planets as eve¬ ning st n, i tiuMmatning now, for of Into the morning sky has been the scene of action where the largect have ibone resplendent. Jupiter rises ob tho hth about half-past 9 o'clock, and then tho sky will bo boati- tiful to ste. Tho Prince of Planets in tbe southeast surrounded stan of Scorpio, raddj Mars ap- proaching the zenith closely followed by "nted Spica and pale, serene .' west, following in the wake of Pollilia id Procyon. In¬ telligent observers con id these planets witlio-i: I will tiud gr- ,t satisfaction in a of tito stars obtained by personal ell irt ''Consider indroui work* of lod " wasthead- v,oe given I of obi to the in OD tho biblical lady of tbe oldest, the i of all tbe i 11 DBobling ami elevating as it was when astronomy was y< Why tbe Nontli ls Molld. (Henry Watter* n in th* April Forum.] The moment the North cesses to be da] tho Booth will pease to be solid. But ashing as Fiore is a party of tho North winch urges un interference in the local again of tho rfouth which would be tolerate*] by no northern eoni- 1 to itself, tl.ero will be ; .ni.l at the South tho lirst anti highest of nil motives for united resistance.that of an inextinguishable MOeaaod. If the entire white population ol ie miracle transplanted elsewhere, aad its place supplied by sn number of white RepubucAni from the Western Reserve of Ohio, the case would be nowise AtteM«L Within l year the same antagonisms would spring np, md tbe same need of self-protection I compel a union of the white mi¬ nority representing intelligence and ty against tho .ijority uting ignorance aad bru* Government cannot police the :ii"' mirv not moke laws for Accepting Mr. ii.i! rb ad'i and dednctiona ae true, ia hil party not io his electoral abuses he alltT-''"", of iteown mediciae? Thia time, Ling toi hil plaint, it is Mr. Hal- i bioh is gored, Bat during tbe yean when thu machine, which workl io il dow, worked so well for the Fe- pnblicans, Mr. Halstead saw nothing amiss either in ita construction or move¬ ment. Manchester's Little Budget. M^ s'ul Mrs. William Miohaux, of Powhatan, are ben on ¦ brief vi-it. i ommonw'filths-Attorney (",i,irle-i I.. tarni d from Powhatan yesterdiy afternoon. Rev. Mr. Hull will preach at tba Pn a. byterian ohareh to-day and to-night. A line mailes! prognunme has l>e« n arraaged for tho Faster larvieai at the Mende-M'tiiorial church to-day. 'lhere will be au unusually intern-ting I at thc Richmond and Dunville ¦ iii afternoon at 4 o'clock. A onmber of Chesapeake ami < >hio rail¬ road-men, lod by Fngiot-er Goodwin, will conduct tho mctting. Ai -cording to the "tracing" of the wat?r-rnuins to be constructed by Captain White, who is to build the water-tower, the last tiro hydrant on upper Hull street will be located atthe Petersburg railroad- nioaasliB Tba citizens of Swansboro' are anxious for the water-maina to be ex¬ tended at leaat to Clopton street, and aome etlbrts aro to be made with this end in view. Hhakspasrsaii Heading*. Mr. Theodore Hamilton will give a ae¬ riel of Bhakiptastaaa reading at the aasdamy on the Ulfa of April. Theeu- tertainmeiit sill be for the benefit of the Soldiers' Home. Mr. Hamilton's selections will embrace " 'Ostler.Joe," the " potin " with which Mrs. Potter eainod her notoriety. Vt ashlug-ton Votea. (By telegraph to tb* Dispatch.) Washington-, Man-h -11..Order* wer* to-day > -"f ti.*'vorUi Atlantic srttia.l- indeaveasat Pensacola, r'ia.. April ltur for Ute purpose ol a Meei drill an* exercises, both lie followitg-iiaraed vasa*-ls will participate: BtsiAxaoad, Oaleaa, Atlaats, they wlU probably visit .Vans priori* th*'lilli. iiowiugpost-ortitcs will be raised to the provides I ril 1st: High Lolut, N. i.; B*onett*ville aad Yorkrille, 8. C., and Newport News, Ve, _ LATE HEATH CH KU'tl HT. (Dy telvgrspk to th* Dispatch.] f- . .) Washinuton, April 1.1 A. M..Tut I FAIR iVlrs'.ula, North t'aroltua, South Caro- 'lina, Georgia, ami Eastern Florida, light to fresh variable wintle, warmer, fair weather. 1 iib WRATBRn is RirnviONU YbstIBbay waa clear, bright, aud pleasant Bang* ol Thortnometer Teetorday « A. M..;.fri 4 A. M.Ul Nooa.T3 i. M.SI SB. M.-.TD Midnight. .W Moen temperature. ..**¦«. oaouMMom.. >** »+.mmtmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmm levi. BTKAYED, AND Mil <ID. T OST, IN THE CITY OP IUCH- 1 i MOM), a PLAIN IIALD KINO, markes tx D. A. ts N. C. J. Liberal reward if returned to thia office._ aa) 1-lt** I OBT, YF.sTKUI-AY EVENING ON Xi Broad street between Saran! and N talk, a -'AliK-i'lNoot In uiver, la the shape ot a grape-leaf. A llkeral reward will De given it swlursed to ia, east Malu street, ev Irt* FINANCIAL ¦IW TOBI, ULTIMO!*, ABB HOB- HOBO STOCK IXCsLalvIt train, Provident, Cot?**, TeBeeae, Tar- psntine. Beela. Tar. aa* Fesant Market*. fPy tslegraph to the Dispatch. 1 N*w TOM, Barch SI..Tbe stock market to¬ day wa«"very wssk. sn 1 marted declines were wade over tbe entire list on active trading. Tbe aspect of the eHus'.teu wss worse Uan at suv time slue* the beginning of tao preeeat troubles on Us western reads, and the pressure waa spe¬ cially severe upon granger stock*, which Busily carried the entire Tin down with them, In Ute at-.-n-e of any trading for ferelgn ac- tank This wai owinc U dspresflou In the roports from Ch' ag". '1 Le temper sf Hm roon was conserva¬ tively bearlih st us epenlng, snd traders lost no time ia suacktag the ifst, fha f»ature of tbe ira-ling In tho early dealings wss the heavy felling of !««. Psul and Inion Paclfl'. BBB Missouri 1'e.Hc Prose badly, and lt was said tn tbe board thal parties clo-e to Gould gave out rn i-t of tbe selling .Mers. All grsugers were heavy sufferers, but later In the dsy ipeelal attention wai paid to Vanderbilt's as* Lake hhore g ive way. but Michigan Cestisl wss weak, dropping 5 per cent, e* "ales of a few hundred shares only. Ba*va*m«ra*r* were res-be 1 tn different parts el Vis list asl thtlr . xc-ti n decline going ii^i.r.-r than e othssTwIoa »> I have done, bal that* was a dtrpeeiBoa ti ever. Toward the close the market wss stes-lv and la'er .tesdyto *rm ai a shade better insn ins lowes! prices. Ss le- Sftgregsted 18,700 sher.-*. Every- Uiieg ls lower, with declines very marted and KuTUBgton la down SBj Manhattan, if, ; North¬ western, Mi motin Pae-Tfl.-. sn ! K.-a 'lu.:, each I ,; ht. paul, a ,.; Jersey . sntral,8; Lake >hore. 1*,; Norfelk sud Western preferred, iv,: Meelera i'm. n, p.; fei PactSe snd louisville and Nashville, lt{ each ; Kh-hmond and Weet Point preferred, I',: I -¦ut,-tu. Kansas and Tsxss, Port Worth and Denver, sud Manitoba. eec* I per, sud the rt matador fi.iciinal amounts. WIKKLY SA»-'K STATKMKNT. Nsw Yong, Varch ll..Tbe weekly bank state¬ ment shows tho »« mgaai Neserve, JSiiT.oftO; lesa*, decrease, |8I5,M0 : sped", de.-rease. 11,1*3,100; l"gi:'.-t»nder«. in- » lai.SHO; depeeite. dc-rcaae, »1,738JSa/: ctrculatt. a, decrease, 111.900, Hie bsn»sn«w bold l'J,;i,'i,.'..'? In axce***f the 13 per conk rule. ¦ILTIaTOlE STOCK MiBKKT. Bai.twabb. Ba., Man-b ul..Virglale now S's, «V Hld to-day. BICHKOBB STUCK EXCHABO?. satuspat, aar-h Bl, lass, Salbs.FIB3T B«AKD.~l.udO Virginia new it's at sr., fleeing quetatloBi at the B*0*B Board: aeraRsaaxTSaacisirigi. B*i Ai.- United States 4V».l! * CalU* States Vs.ISJkj t-TJlSSBCSXITII.t. Nsrtks'srsltnsVs.SS 9*. Nenh Carolina ss.tal VbglaleB's, consols. I .1 Vii gmt* 8-4-3 l'MU's. Vlrglsla S's, new.MB U\ Virginie consol coupons, fu'i'i. a* Vliglals cen. CO .fund.... SS Cwt ¦ssearnaa Klrh-esd cltvls.US KichstSBd city B's.ll. 117 Bi'bT.c , Kickmon* city S's, (littl sud later)..100)* .1 .. RAtLBeAPBONPs. CaoeKasrA Yad. WW. loliirsblsaid (ireeuville std Hs.. m Petersen rs Class A BB Petersburg e'lase B d's.108*1 Ri.'Dnond snd Met. wt *«.mi BB lu ii. a .. .. ji BAaaeAsSt Petersburg.'.*J BS SO B.,r.4. P.dir.obllg't,. Hi US llAMK STOi'I-i. ITW City. taUeaal .....ion las 181 1- Nstlonsl Bank of V Irglnls. bbb Lmsbavi acorn Virginia Fire sud kim ina.S3 BICHM0BD VO34CC0 MARKET. Bu ns. sd. March .ii, i*^. ii s marka) Pillar. 1 n- iik.- la-t Milurdsy lt »i.i a dull day. 'ihe week, however, by contras! markets, leaven but lillie ti c..turds,ti of. howeve three fourths In market, ai thet bebitc1 lu plsnt- rs' banda moat bs «f lnfe- rlcr grades, judglnc a greater part ef which have be io mart :. l In ea There bas been in i' this week In BAW dark lugs. Bal iigbu «o»d Bark loaf will bring and I - from lg to 140. Iii several \ ir<lnta niBrkei*. Dark gr* ts areu,uiet; sblpping,com « Solas; Warn- kousee have | sal ol old comniu i ita generally doscriot new bright* have I Soe lu nsw btighta bas berni otfere 1 this week, n tnsi-kcts neat - in tone and prices, particularly goes aM loirieys, »i- thsuiri osly two tr three al nteksvt** srs huvinfron ths marketa li in SOW estuneted Ust tks shortage of 1*87 crop ia larger tbeu lt was pla.-ed ty th* LoulsvtU* d'lejtu'iou wb.-n uey InTtttigatH i emmlaslotiar Dodgs/B report; hence th'-ie ls more lils eif. As i no aew Ba md bow of ISC orep.we infer thal toe preapacilve UBI crop wfll '. :- ., t;nr.ce present ..ust last Hil thea. Numerous and handsome luvltst<ont have been ¦ Bke Oxford ToBaeea Trade for the 18lb of April to ii'tend the celebration of tbe opening of BM Oaford sud t'larksviilo railroad, itnpor- tsutsllke Pi (MU market and UioirH. 'lhere ls cu.-il" tilda evidence of aerie, sncrgy, busl- ta U tu ti.') nit.negemriit of UiePx- f.ird 1 rads in Uk* fall of Hie beat if raoul {rearing sud pushing ¦.. I. iL KHunond Exp must he mada this fal! :. e 'i;h.i ,-inythlna of tho km lei > uro in moro than a /.lir way to do it. GBAIB AiTO C0TT0B EXCH1BOI. sOxBraasa, MaroB ai.isii orrssi.soi. nnshola .suels. PLOCB. -189 t*arr>.l5. silsi asroRrgo to iscsBTAtr. vfBSAT..Sbnrtben fe.lrst8«c. I m.v..White, Ho baa*sui ptimo al Aic. nor*. apodjaeaai Plas, aaporSa*, i^tm f.1.2'.; dtu-s.ll.'inr.. . . .iLJJ. paleui tamuy,ooaalry,|4.i m OOTTOB BaWsKt Bsrkst steady. quotation k Miopt.ivi. "'.c. Low MtSDuaa.0'4.-. Oaui.sASY. Skj*. MaBKETS Bf TXLESSiPE KaH roBB. Mw TOtk, Mar.-U 31. -teiU.n-Ilolllsy: net ll rtwo days, 110 balee: Great Untaiu. 7,078 bales,' Uj the c'onttuent, °IU j balee; stock. TDLAsO bales. Wheat.Caati gradna flrm with absence of export liiVu-rst; No. 4 rid, March. 88Ba*<,c; May< aBgaSwkj*. Corn bigh- ar; cash linn and quiet; Bo. i, UaAi »¦; Msv, ei'.Bf.l',.-. Oats.(iptlons a sha.1- bet¬ ter; ca,a h-Hvy: :..i, g, April, 88',a.Vi»;g.j Bay, 37*.-.; N .stfj.-.; mlied went- illc. Hay sten. il ipa stenJ ur. Cof- I fair BIO Quiet and steady at flt. Su<;ar quiet snd unchanged; ruQued In (slr demand. I essy; 50-tsst, «>.. Hie stt.sdy. Col¬ in: .'ISasifl.-. for ra. tls-.l. Hoatn filet at tl.iS'sall.ii.V Turpentine dull a: 40-. Hi irs iu light demaud. Wool un- Qfaaaged. Pork Brm; mees, $i!W*f li for now; $ll.8.")M1s.50forone yssrold. Ijinl lower; west- ar«at*am,af*Sj,SS; May, t7.9Ia| irelgbis aaaaSj CHICAGO. CsifAai>, March li..Cash ejuoutlina were: flour steady; winter 10c-. higher. Bo. I spring wbsat, liisaTSc.; No. x red, 8lc No. Scum, Mc Na x oats, t7sia.l0>'- Mesa-pork, gita* Lard. r.i'H- Short-rib sides, BT.uJ; »l tilers, SiVroaSSi short-clear side*, $7.SSa|7.«a WbisKey, fl.l.V Leadlug futures ranged: Open:*! BiiK*,*. Cl**i%f. Wssar. Cis. eta eta Apiil. Tt'i RB May. 77 fflfl r.»»' COB*. May. 6k", BS* aaaj Oatb. May. UH M's 81V Mbss-Pobk. May.1U5S S13.fbt.Vf- flits Lsaa ApHL. T.571< 7.54 Juue. rdUX 7.88^ 7.5:k( SaokT-KiBA M*y. 7.1S 7.15 T.W Juue. 1M* 1MH 7.17X ns visw op twa caicAoo aabi rr. CaiCAtto, March 31..Tho corn pit waa over¬ flowing with exctienient to-day from start lo flulsii. The small shorts did some terrine scram¬ bling to nuy lu their proporty wbs-n the market was going up and were the beet sellers when¬ ever prices showed aay signs of wee* ne ia Everytnlug seems to hinge on whether or not Ue rsllraads would be able to brina la tba oom to HU ciBt'Bi-te with. If thors was g.dag to bo uo tie-up the vast majority of the crowd would sell cora persistently st anything above 3* cent*, bul ou tbe other hand they ked an uadshaed fear of a corner in the Bay future. 1 bis tatter feeling trapped out In several spots, and several bouses, wue have boen proi.ouaced bears, tseughi Ihe deal was getting a little loo rica for thee* aud began te cover to-day. May st tbe eueulog sold ss low as t>* v., but before naen lt wsa eteSitu. Thea after eaetug baok uiaSV* lt was rashed up to Ml*c. un aa astlmats ot only ?igory-ehy.hi cars o*i Mon Ju j a roi'aipus, olwilua al SB'.c Wheat wai dull amt uninteresting. Bay future was about staBoaary all day between TT and i71io. TraOiag was tory tiueil ta veluaats. l*w- .loton trading wa* *)r*o*t a* salttfar***t*g se meat May i^m want down n*d*f aw)*r*te r»n*actlons io ai T.SS, bul drated later lo EA Wt .ti tl.Ti BOB A BAt-TtBOSA Mo., Bar.-! W.-Cottee steady: n tdd lng. UV. *lo'jr easter ia ton* arv! Howard-sir.-it and we*t/»re *ap<»r, WC****.:*.; da, *xtr*. l*a{S.7*i: do. family, tAtl.tW: etty mill* *up*r, l-".S7»tg.«): da ez¬ ra. flol.T 7*>: I*. Ni,i orarels, l**oa|4.7»i; patae ><i.tiperlatlv* pa:.->t. IA.J0; do. faaslly, $f> IV rV heat.HnatBern -1- *«1 y aad fuiet: red, tWee-V*.; imber. BtatMc; weatern aboet stead r. closing lull; No. i winier red. "wet. K'taSs*: May, ,aBD».,,: Jud., e**',e***\ I era.aoothera .eady aad flrwi; whl'.e. i.-"aw- valla*. AToMe.; restern Llgber aa* dull; mixed, sent, 'Aa"nv.: rtar h. ys: bid; April and May, ."Aa.Vlv*. D*5* t-ai7. aili oe y Bsedaress detnaad. aouthena md Pennsylvania, BBk4le,| westare wklte, 4la Kc.; w*etern tau*,;*-. Ky* *ieady atata Ba, {'revision* Mead/ *i 1 qul»t> Kgg* lower lt lTwBl".-. ' 'irTe- <v, if!. ht'i fargo**, n? Unary ofalr. I?,,*'.¦, ¦. .-.mar.i epp*r-r*««*d Irnt il I..alrte. Whiskey siaaly Otht-r irlleles unetange-l. rYelgnls to Liverpool par it«*n-,er dull; ,-,,i'.eii, 1-1*4,; floor, per lou, te,; (raia, , i. ST. LOtTTA PT. ISBBt. Mar<h .1t.--Pi*ur Arm snd oa- .haeged. Waeel opeaed steady sad ant- gly ad- ran,,*! a trifl ¦., an lt, ros..* ii out BBS «*«aloa (*ln*d«u . ,-. higher tfcaalaura- tay; No. I red. osati. .-.1 May. ->¦.,¦»¦ iunacle«ingats»v. Corn suonge.ii blgher; -ash. Bike,; Var. t*t'-,a*7r., owteiug ai lau bl*!.. s bid; Hay, SI***. . .- ak. PortllM"*. loBBJ iT.rift47.14. CIMCINNATT. t'lsrisvin, Vt>ii.!i .11. ! 'ir r*rm. Wheat >t-ar,-e > .. *.tiw, .troeg, ind higher; ht Oat* Arm: Ss. I mix*d, K *t flt lani quiet it 17:1714. Hulk-mat* lr*, r. n»t,u *t*ovly. IVhtstey steady at V BBSS*, V, ll.Mf*s'S-IO*4. WlLStVOTOv, Bir-1 T.l. - r.|rpanttri* flrTB at tflHc Rosin firm; strsiaed. ti.'«,e.; good strain* Ur Crm a BAS), i rid* lurpeul.ue lim; herd, ll .- y*ll»w-dlti sad virgie, BA NOKKOIK ef;,S!l MA HS. KT. (t>P .r(*J for rb* lUspatch.1 March SI..Bark*4 un. banged. Kerelpt* of lto>-k frem th* asBB4ry larg* all th* woes, and Heady sala* al tka -emmi sion kau***. J l»» lorie* i-oiiilou* r* y 0'i-y, and working dtwint* rang* day aad t ' .-1 ui-d gocsl* fr. ni tb* .Sorta end W. .,._ I' IBB* 4\*.<\ ; *x- IISSle.; Shelled, *fait,c.; Ipaulsb, sn."!,!-.; factory b*n 1 ..-te l, n,,i4o. Many are cuinplainiag of the tea they buy nowaday*. If the l'< a that Julieu Finford uni ty cents per iioiuil is sot equal to any you buy nt seventy :'.vo e. :its. P.Uck or Green, be will rei'uud tho money and you dist ii p what i v Mght, He will Ktiil aamplei oat of town, poat.tgo paid. His Uqaars, tor pries Bnd tpiality, have been ape-rov d by all who have ried ahem Laia street is Ju- lien Hint".rd« WAKB4I tOIN. I.KANT- FBI v* *-i.-l, on the t*t I sfll kl \B lt. U:< \S'l l" M -at'N, . PALM I Married. In this rltr. in Well r li h. Wag*. Mr. I'. W. I'Al s * i»t: . < BOOl' ........ tja frft IKGl.NI \ '.. llSOi\IK. "f Klokiiion.L MooBSBwa* a naBve of Uanover ..ninty. r l:i« lu I she waa lia; ma *h* lived fora nun la r«".np*r*tlve r*- Itk kat si.tst, m -. i-1 \, u> wtiei k kn ad Usa nat'ii al;/ ihrinktnif. Iv- sttendsnr* upon tiif sanctuary, ead. i v. :''i hsr enjei h-ienda, Sh* v, . S whan falllug sod /. ¦ ¦'.' lliea, st,.. I!.-n han ls .i that sere wi . slaCd tn Hie ry tai ." the woi . a-, i thia, in w 'u, >. r - kaw l on give a lill Ula i J. Ii. T. I'unerul *4«flre. Tbefa iLCR will take HO tun in. 'u^l, lr linle af tteaprct. V a ...*,l . ta* ti,- .. lub hs. las viii ise ri Demo i ¦¦tty lia* lost and the connie , ;-,l*, in*m- » fl i j o* sent inly. <mw.jrr*JM jMMMOMMBawvntKaw"ia«HHa, ftf-A Bl COMMEMORA- lTM; Btefll lett snnleerssry of ti.e laying of ! »t *"t. J anwa BB VtosDAT (ll- K I. li ls of ttl* sh BS 11 .il IBs tilJ I lally aioiordially tuvlu-d t .. ; r--, -ni. |a*rPABK-PLACE MFTHODIST .'I i.' Il ... -t l ...miln utreet- Rev. \> ii.i.. M.-.g ey ut* a a; lagBA tors lAPTWTClTiJBCB- i:>^. w. W. . pr,.*.*! at ll \ aud :a; c. at, w thr w m -mm.*,' BTBEET BAP- II RCH (,s,rner of M*ln and BBSBSj at ll o'.-Di A. Vt. by tb* ps fr. [lav. W. J. Slur***, BBtd *t 7:4i o'll.-it '.: M. hy Rev. I . ll. Kvi.asd, D. D. a:i Invited to a" AtCri<»N BAUM *BO*4 DAY. P019DI1TII I '' M f 'ir new t^netn^nt lio,i«... ii N ». :i Thlr- tiaibaudTb rty-flnt. QIOKOI W. MA\o, 10^ A. M.. furniture, car¬ pet*, oli-'io'.L, show cases, miiKsllaueoii* ar¬ ti- les. A'-. BtRise i*4rrri.i.n.r-«i4 r. biniat; RB tl MANACArsii m HieBTiss: S'iu**t*. »' H Morning_,. Moog rut**. .BIA MiMAilUA ai^ \nac. Aran.AiaaA_ lin.a lias. Sun *«t*. AU i Meralag.Ats Evealwg.AU luiU'Df iiltUMOM). MAJU.B*U,lsal taaiTiD. Steamer Ariel, D*y,>, Norfolk. Cnlte-l States mail, merchandise, aud passauawra, t- li. Tetunv, ISBBt Meam«r A«hlaad. I'h'.lad-Iphta, m*r:handkte ami passeugera, J. W. Bet. arrick, ag«ut, rOKT OF NEWPORT NEWS, Mabcb BX I iii j t*i*grapa.J ABB1VBD. Steamships Kanawi.i., Saar*, New Tort: Goa. thi-uburgfity, -, xksMou; Efflcient, Harris, New orleans. Schooner* Twilight, TaucAof, New I^adCdt; Trana Hailing;iu, Weat, Uatou. Bargo Beuofai u,r, Wale, New London. ¦ABBBflk Steamship Kanawii*. Sears, New York. Schooner Tet.ight, Vauchof, New London. \ 1? ULLMAN lie rea COMMON COUMCIl, MONKOB WAfcU*. subject to DemocraUc primary. _ap l-S^WAriw^ VOlt ^\:!. CHKAP, HTOCh OP J? DKfi.-s AM> HXiT'RES. Tko etore sad, dwellluc >*u o* rented reeaoaabl*. Apply at corner of Kosercir aad Cary etr-w-s, or th UKOltOrTS, VASUON ASO!f. Sp lit* .*..*. 1 aerth Tenta street,^ COTTON -SKEI> AND UNSiiKf BnawJ* rYeeb lot jost receiveA Tar tata ky SAVAGE, BEVIMiDtia A 00^ ap leSn,TuATnJlAwU i*ii eaatCary streeA Kl a Ol tt.<». THEODORE HAMILTON, ''''.¦ ""\.i ,.i..ii,,.i Al'KIL tlTB, M02AMT ACAnasfT, BESEEIT StlU>arBa» 10MB, ateiarabiv BICHM05D AMATtraA Sven** from ramArr, 'oatijm joe, sad othar gem* of «»aqueU*d terllliaacy, wakAi susi be sseo W he aBn^r*******. apt-U

THE BILL SENT ON. PLANETS IN APRIL. FINANCIAL...h tt I ort Wayne, Ind., but all hadbeen la tracked en route to Chicago. iricioo. Mercklt..Tb* aarika has spread to the Keri Wayne*mplove»-

Jan 23, 2020



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Page 1: THE BILL SENT ON. PLANETS IN APRIL. FINANCIAL...h tt I ort Wayne, Ind., but all hadbeen la tracked en route to Chicago. iricioo. Mercklt..Tb* aarika has spread to the Keri Wayne*mplove»-



Banaton CnekreU and Hsrris B*I*ct*d ftConference-Mr. Milla

Improving.[From Our l<e«iilar f «.r>ondent.l

,V" ¦, D. a, ! rh :ii. xii

li.-l.l a carunpen,! in

.bc pureba**-,ry of tho

ut Wilt*" *** Plumb o:

provi ling lot til

ii SawTf¦.kim* 1

the *i)verelill pend"Ul.l it betba bille aln-a.i

t m n t\i.a subject, snd sppomtetoconft

I To-day thBenatoi

*. H and Hun is . with ththsideeof thechamb<

feel i

Bcultie* jBpringinsj ol lbs ness

favoi ..{ ihs originibul bs tl ».


bil] a.-* it rame from t);o HiMr. Milla continue* t<> improve, an

I tf take Ins sent iu tht ir- Jf.

ii Way* an

lay .r WedneadTb* minority bare n t bed lhir. 1> rt. it ia

ii tilat 1

ti from ^taunton, Va., to tbry near that city wa

' si Coori mei taD

na were olt

J Mau ri¬

ll alsi

di ('easeds

nt tb. ;i stirr:ii|impaignr.i'tilavim

-ptain A. J,wa* ulst) a guest \>

'ir. Wi Si

!>. mo

Iding enii for tin


lirriltll t OMSsBKBsB.

>hach 81,toenafe.

'iucatimDominion o

til'- record* orni. s, and ft>

ni Lied>. r> r "f Ami rica, hut hi

va* remii|iet;tli>n, mo

morn. - .1 hy citizen,ii be re

bytbi lr--'

and rc-

By Mx. mak" inattmra

iblic built, ii

aired why thear standing

.Mr. tandinfcoi with busi

ncssH- : t tobi abl.' r.

.i acceptingFrench republic

International Eg

ber, 'Hkpn np sndv rt

exp. oditnre foitl- i-l from I


¦) t<

I to the cnn-

a of bill* oo tin' ealendi... An.otu' the Milt

.j .riaroad

Nationallief ol

tbs sBpeay(sp"f ir the as* and tin

ty and dabrstioa at

eapital ia tbs bj? l/nited State* ; to amend

set of tbs ireh, 1877,who,

l in tba rt hellion,hi tbs anny sud ba-

Cr.n.ff hills pa"- 1 ta

.rity o( them

r widow*of aaldii ra f th* War of 1812.

hills with amt rid(.sache* wait

;..-..rv Com-a bill a,'|iri'i)riating

HissVig-a sword ol \Vu»h-

^.ill af,.. is, tomid th<

worn hy v>.« of his resigning j

HPoltS and at hil:Jt l.t.

AfDr a brief ****don f'»r «-tcnitive| journeiL

Hsunr «r H*.0r*>«wnli»tt»«e.ration ol UM morning homI va* rsananad upon th*

ted hy Mr.ol lona, aud advoe

Ml J | . "f l'tnusilvauiii, and this*tw<. gentlemen roBBumed tba morning

..irstiou the lull Iir hu unfinished bustneai

a!jU {¦¦ ,k uplbi< hiliB r. j.nru ii

br tit- Committee on l'rivahB*ver*J private land meaourci

gsa d. and tasta the House wentinto ( f.itiuiitteo of tbe Wlioh

on tho bill to esUhlish a

Hint** Jaad rourt ami BO provide)f,.r a Judicial svttlrment of privato Isa I

claim* in An/."na, Kaw Masieo, sndColorada, lt propose* to *ctth' the title

tea of laud iu the Territorie* uamtsJ.

diacuasion tho committver H| IJlftDobsnl. from theCommitti ai B

I and lisihum, lw|sOrtsdi irbor spprojsnaaioB WU, and it wai

referred to tko Committae of tis WM*.Adjourned.

Iiu.i-fstir s^»r.ll.ll»»ee,* I uueral.

ID) uiegraeh to th* DUpatoh.]Nsw Yobk, M*rob funeral

services over tbs remains of WilliamLuraBeiiucr ¦wottheld rn tiraca ehtuca to-

day. The clergymen who rmtvl the Epis¬copal rituttl were Rev. Dr. Williiun H.Huntington and Rev. I. V. Chalmers.I ho pall-tiearrrs were S. L M. v W. '-"ter, .lames Carter, CharbaA. Paint, .'olin Hunter, gt, T. (ipo-lum,N. S. Andrews, snd Nathaniel Nasa,

r Freud,-t i ievolantl and Secretary La¬mont oamo over from Witahingtonto at-

I the servicea


e *... I'or4 W mic Kni|il*)rrs 4|nlt-I Hms; Wara -The l'un Handle


(Ry telegraph to th* Dlspatcb.1Obtsoao '. gfareh Bl. The rumor that

' tba Olthakjo, Mflwaakecaul St. 1 Bal run 1 was determined up.»n

. nt n raeetlagoi itriki ra Late li Iproves to have bees true. T!

r neera, firemen, iwitehmen, brakemen,. ami anumber of conductors of tl

hs\e tjiut work. The strike fodadei' the employee! of all divisions aentiing' ir. i t?i freight aiid [katsangor.

I he last puah' D/f«r train, Bunnif Rrt'therhooil on-w left tho Union depot1 st ll o'clock last night, Tho lenders ofr tho *tr,!.mr; freight-men wire baa*¦ all yesterday no'.ifyinjr, every St"

."sal employee of tho meeting toheld, insisting np.>n hil attoml-

r anea, Ineoming trainmen were met ntI toe depot Bad hurried over to tho hull.

Pally 700 nun wore present. Thia in-.I'll" tl all the, freight and switch ea*

."stu and iirenien living in Chicago- i mirny from points a hundred miles

ny, nil of the looa! switchmen andhraki men, rind a large, nntubcr of freight

be me, t,!Jb' whs an BX-I and enthusiastic one. No outsidersadmitted, and it wa* not posaibll

ascertain what lind been dime fur| tiie ;i lj..liniment. From

of th-- teen it was then learned thst.

when a motion wus Blade to tie up theroad it wai carried without a dissentingvoice.

Aliout seventy-five men, engineers,firemen, and fiwilohmen quit dunne; the

1 afteaaooa and to-night at the Fort Waynehomo, :;t Fii'ty-iifth street. AboutBKineera are usually kept there.

Hat the shops to iiii/ht thatduring the day four west-bound trainsh tt I ort Wayne, Ind., but all had been

la tracked en route to Chicago.iricioo. Merck lt..Tb* aarika has spread to

the Keri Wayne *mplove»- left theireuglo. ii tba yardi at Carroll avenue *nd t'ar-panter street si 'i P. M. It was reiortel ti »t.¦ r o-' Wayne M»n at otber point*- I* the '-ityalso ault, aid lliis wa> ..enflrniel at 3 o'.-lo"-*.T*a strike ©¦ th* Far: Wa>»» In i'bl'ago lsgee-

bs the reenltof tim oom-a oaatlag a trsin of freight this afternoon

from the B'ir'.ingtoa road,'I h* suru* ea tte Pan-Unndle read was sad* 1

.>»' is's «f 'ka ntl showirg tint tb*shif tine of I'll iiag-.en oars, which causal tt, hadkeen done by pom* of the minor efil'Tais and'lr- nea* *f fi* acrXra*ii hut been **tc*d tofcao'lie BurllBgtoa rat s. About 10o',Tock a train.f f!f'*en esr* waa mal* up and quietly trans-

etbeFert Wayne teal; while at aeeiitthe satue time r train *f twenty-five earsw»s ma<la up fer tb* Shore rood and

f*ink*rton nen aboard,wbobad provided themselves *,:h rocks tn rasa ofemergency. No strikers .».-. t,. t* -iee, and

-'.rs m-re maj* without the alightesta ~. Whee Port Wsyas wss srdered to

n ove tha-e cars the men promptly r*fu«*d, an-1ian tkfir engines in. The newSBpreal I

in a fe*- niein*ri!- all ii.a.-1 nail vt. 11; -eiigin'eis,

ea, and switchmen. Just at this tim* tho.layiia paseesger, outward bound from

n >- al n r ai; ^-...i ped *;surat. Tl.- eiigmeer and fin-ni»ii( .. * ,t» sud le'! tl -ir on¬

t's for a Um* lt i"vs;u neuki get no fun.

the coi I . volunteered to )sn I a Ci ernau waa fi uni, and tht* trsin

led after a slight delay. Elrhteen swll li¬bed been mad* Idle and th* crew of the

'. passenger engine. Tlsayi thal i * ad assurances

s*r« thal they would notgo o ir. b it mi dependence is pive,i lu them.

the Un* of tl," t blcago, Milwaukee andSt Paui r,.*.i freight bnstni ipletelyparalyzed, sui passenger trafilu almo.-t sua-pendeA

it.imi! CABlBTatT.

Dissolution anil Net* (hain ber Talkedor.

f Hy Arigltt-Amerl'-an coble to the Dispatch.]Pabib, March ol..In ibo Chamber of

lay in the course of the dis-of.I der of tho day Faucon-

lid that the countryitti riv disgusted with tia** spectacle

(fusion that it wita obliged to \iit-iiesfi. He declared that the dissolution

rnperative when the Chambertho atagl of impotency and dis-S'othing now waa left for it bat

ilve.The President hore stopped the

rand declared that the questionof dissolution could not be decided uponduring the orders of tlie day.

'lhe Chamber adjourned until Tues-

Preiident Carnot hts summoned Flou-r.i lorin a cabinet, and the latter

has promised to undertake the task if heitieetM with tee neoBBsary support.M. Floquet il progressing in the work

of forming a CabinetPresident Carnot left al. Ploqm t com-

i. edon ia regard to tba electionof his co,leagues.

! be Bureau of the Chamber of Depu-| at.'te of 22 to 18, decided that

of ll Fsoaraai asa ineniln-rof tho Chamber was valid.

Frederick'* Amnesty Proclamation.[Ky Atiglo-Ara*: i.-an .'atria te the nispatch.1

BaAieh BL.k b]iccial editionOf the Reichs Ait:ri;fcr will bo issuedto-morrow containing tho Emperor!

il ,ation of amnesty to various of-enoeato which the Em-

peror'l amnesty decree applies are in-sulting the Miverrien. crimes and miade-

tercise of civil rights,itiHiiltinx or resisting offiaeri of the law,disturbing public order, infractions ol'thc law of public meeting, tte.

King- John Wanta to Treat.[Hy Afle IBBSShe ll cable to tba Dispatch,]

.Msrr!i BL A dispatch fromBab i*^ King John has sent a

i to Mabsowuh to treat with thona.


Nerlona Arelrlent on the Annapolis.snort I.lnw.

[fly telegraph to th..< Dupatfli.)Rm.timoke, March HF.Ry the break-

' n i-pring a smoking-car on the>n train on the Annapolis Short-

ulroad waa thrown down au em¬bankment to-day and several Marylandlefcirslators were badly injured; none,however, fatally. Tho tram was on itsway to Beltimore, and was luring ul a

rapid rate. Those hurt uiobt were Sena¬tor Charles s. Adams, of Baitinvyre;

imble, of Baltimore ; Dele-een, of Caroline county ; Williamracy, an I Captain Fouis <

engineer on the Drum Point railroad,and -Mr. l'azil, a merchant of Anuaiioliu.

lirfanltlus; Treasurer Tate's aoeees-aor.

[P.y telegraph to Ure Dispat h.)Lormvn.LE, March BL a?adga8hArp,

of Lexington, elutirmaa <>f the Stillrate J X' entity Committee, hus

bun ai .]! into I Trea*un r hydovcrnorRucknertosu -ot ed thc del'aiiltuiR Tressu-mrtr'late. 'lhe nomination was con-

ttrmt-d this afternoon by tito Senate.

Haae-liall.(!!> t-legraph to th* Dispatch.1

Maatrai*, March BL Memphis againKrowuathis after¬

noon in a cioselv-i'untt-ated K*me, whichtneaiid by aboat LMO i>eoplo.

Hudson «!.vl I'l-lau were the battery forhis, Kirby and McKeigh for

Memphis. Hcort*Memphis.0 0 0 10 2 0 0 1.4SL Eouitt..0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1-3

Will Wlad lp.[Ry telegraph to tb* Dispatch.]

New Ounr-ANH, March 81..The BopeInNiiranet- OoBBpaaT* of thia city at a

meeting jeetoralay'resolved to go intoInundation. No statement ai to thucondition of the concern ii mada palma

CruakaB Hrtwrro ( ur-flusnpor*.iSjieclal lelegiani te th* Dispatch.J

NOKM'LB. Va., Batih »L.Jehu Anderson, a

white employee of lu* Norfolk south*.-* rail-read. «a* caught between the bumper* whilei-ovp l"g atrelgh'. tia,a lu lWrkloy to night andertmaed tt Aeatti. li* leave* a family, ead waskUled within a lew »wpe et his seaMeuco.



The Railroad Company ia Fsmeit-RivalRepnbllean Candidates for the Con¬

gressional Nomination.

tCorre«poridene«ot tho Rlrhmond Dispatch.]pBTSitsm-Ro, March 31, 1««H.

Williwin EL Scott and John Crocker,thc two colored men arrested on th*.

j clmrre of receiving Stolen gooflB, know-bag them to hav* been stolen, wei.- BOB,mi I. r indictment anti trial ut the Aprilterm of tho Hustings Court. Tbhad in tim ana* of $500 auhfortbaiiBtsmaagsBOB Tho Norfolk and WesternKailroad Oompaay, from whom th*goods in question aro alleged to havebaan sJobbb. has suffered asrioahy Hitch lubvswisa of late, and hus de¬termined to prosecute all offender* to thcutmost. Tax** warrant* aro ont for thearrest of other partieR charged with n

feiving property stolen from tho com¬

pany.I.- prfHentative Haines mid Mr.

Hooper, of Tarraville, Imtli of whom sr«candidates for the Fcpubliean nomintvtion for Congrcaa in this district, haveh. <n in th? city within tli.t lust day ol

two. It is believed thut tiir* nominationwill rest between thean two geatlcmeaLangston is practically out of the con-

test ai far aa tho nomination is con¬

cerned, unless tim BSgTOe* thronglioiilths district chango very muteriHlly fromwhat they were two years Bsro. Lang-Bton'B frionils may draw the color lino a^

strongly ag they please, out there ar*

stronger than this argument, andtho Repiihlic'tn leadftb control them.The Faster BU*** at tb* Epi

churches in this city to-monowwlllbfl rtan elaborate scale and of aclianieter in uni¬son with the most joyous Christian festi¬val of the year.The judges of election for this city,

who were appointed BOBDe weeks sko,have not yet been announced to the pub¬lic, and the Republicans are trying tcmake capital out of the fnet Their nntneiwill be ana/'.* public nt the proper time.The exports of manufactured tobacoi

from this city during the month OlMarch exceeded ' inda.Hie Bale* of loose tabacco at thc wnro

houses thia week aggregated only about219.0M penn.(h. iii,, market closet;with a better feeling aud au advance itprices on Bom* of tbe grades.The receipts of cotton during tho week

wero small. The Bggregstesince Beptember 1st sr.- 16,819bale*, si

against 12,752 bales for the Correspond¬ing perin.1 of Ia«-t year.The temperature to-tlnv has been al¬

most sunimer-hl-.e, RoBLBAoAIB.TUB-. ABCIBMT <. * PITA I..

The? Assistant BtehOBr** Vislt-Otbet( liurili Notes.

[Corn I thal nd Dispatch.]Williams!.ri:.;, Ya., March 31, J1-- \

Assistant-Bishop Randolob visitedBurton Pariah Episcopal church Thurs¬day and* administered tbe rite of con¬firmation. This wa* the first opportunitymany ol mir people hm* bsd ol' hearingthis eminent divine, and all were muchimpressed with lusbeautiful and eloquentdiscourse. His remarks to the congre¬gation alter tho serniuu wera particularlyappropriate.The Episcopal Sunday-school children

will have an baster celebration Mondaynight in tue body of the church. Ahthis parish is still without a minister theRev. E, Meade, the evangelist, will bc

.it and superintend tbe evening'sexercise-. Mr. Mt ade wi..'.be the gue^-t of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. T.Joni s. The Kev. L, B. Wharton, theminister-elect, ia expect 1 about thethird Sunday in April. In the mean tun*the parsonage will be extensively re¬

paired preparatory to his arrival.Tbs Rev. Jehu M. Dawson's church

(colored) is soon to be refitted.liiipiovetaentB will be made both on theinterior and exterior, ami when finishedthe building will present quito a hand¬some appearance,Tho .-torin at Toa&O station kit week

whs the severest ever kiio*n in that sec¬

tion. The Western Union andpeake, telsgrspb-wire* centering at thatpoint were fu§e<l, the glass, furniture,and telegraph instrument in the railroadticket-ofBoe were destroyed, and a largeportion of the ellice flooringwas torn up.Fortunately the agent was ont of the

when tho storm was at its )Mr. li. (h Vanoasdel, reprei

Andrew Brown, kimber exporter, ofBuffalo, N. 'i., has been gpi uding seve¬ral days here looking our the tiland of this section. He was favorablyimpressed, and it is expected that histimi will make largo purchases iu thiasection.Mr. P. Taylor, of Jami-' City county,

a member ol tbe Board of Directors forthe Eastern Asylum, nml his son *ro

dangerously ill with pneumonia.Judge H. L. Henley has recovered

from a recent severe attack of sickness.Mr. Lewellen Spencer, ol this town,

and Fr. Felix Bennett, of Yorkcotiuty,died daring the past week.The railroad authorities have removed

tba depot building at Oriauna station, inWarwick county.Things ure beginning to wai warra

over tho proposed removal of thecounty-sent to Newport News. Tho questionwill be submitted to the Vote- of thc peo¬ple of tho comity at the May election.

Mr. George Campbell, of Tensis visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Scott.

Mr. C. H. Harrison, lato of Philadel¬phia, is here visiting hi.s parents.

Mr. mid Mrs. Wilcox, of Yonkers, X.Y., aro in town.The movement to put a local tax on all

branches of business and apply the pro-ei .N to the improvement ol owis meeting with gent nil approval.The regular quarterly meeting of the

Asylum Directors will bs held A]'iii 16thin the Executive building. W.

KI.N OTKBt.Aerldent em Hie Norfolk and West¬


(Corr?spoadencs ot the lUcamnud Dispatch.)NoitPoLK, March 81,

Last night about 10 o'clock a brake¬man naniodJohn Brown (colored) was

thrown from the incoming mail and ex¬

press train of tho Norfolk uml Wrailroad and run over and instantly kill¬ed. Thc accident hapiwned at tho ironbridge crossing the hastern branch, as

the train was entering the citv. Theman fell from the train and was horriblycut ami crushed. The body was broughtto this city and this morning Dr. New¬ton, the coroner, held au inquestNorfolk is soon to have a ahirt-factory,

employing two bundled ami fifty opera-

Commodore George Brown, of theyard, returned from Washington thismorning, and has succeeded in gettinga small amount of work for April.

Supervisiug-lusptctor Marahali Parks,who baa been a long time ill, will boable to bo out in a few days.A maas-meftiiig of BBS Democratic

voter* of Braiiihleton Ward last niithtstrongly protested against tho action olth* Executive Committee in fixiug u

ont -itays primary sud wardmectm^sfor councilmen.The bank* of tho Dismal-Swamp canal

liH\e bein wai-lied away in place* twentyand thirty feet wide, and yesterday theturnpike along tho canal wa* four feetunder water.


Cb arged with ateallua; . RegisteredLester.

(Special telegrr.m to the Dispatch.]Pakvillb, Va., March 81..Sky

Hodges anti Booker Hairsbm (colored)were unrested at Oak Hill, on tho I'lin¬ville and New-ltiver railroad, chargedwith atealing a registered letter In un theWinston (N. C.) post-office last August,Tb*/ were taken to Greensboro', and

will ho tried in the United States CourtA lad named Jimmie Callahan left hi*

homo near Milton, M. C., some weeksago, anti his parents have not been ableto find him. Ho was last seen in thiscitv.The tobacco market has been very

quiet during th* week, but the leaf mar¬ket showed a Imtter feeling towards thelatter part of tbe week.

silRIOl H All I DEBT

Caused by ai Railroad WashoutfSpeclsl telegram In the IlL«psth.)

rrrEiHBi-Ro, Va., March 111..-Infor¬mation has been received hero of a se¬

rious accident which occurred yesterdayon the Surry, Bosses and Southamptonrailroad, caused by a washout. The en-

ginonrul r were wrecked and one

or two cars badly broken. Tho engineerhad an arm broken and ono of thebrakemen was slightly crushed. Theheavy rsins had fallen without injury tothe track until tho dams of two millsabove the scene of tho accident brokeanti caused the washout.

Noulkwest lt. mi*.

[Special telegram te the Dispatch.]Ciiii-'iUNssriKi, Va., Mureil 31..

This has been a very busy session of thecourt. The judge was compelled to ad¬journ this afternoon by reason of thefact Shat ] he Court commencesnext week. A number of hornet caseswere continued untilthenext term. Ver¬dict* were rendered to-day against W. A.

S Co. and against, '.. w. Farnettand the fines assessed at £100 ami $20<J

Mrs. W. H. Slono, whom I reported fiscritically ill. died last night.

Dr. W. A. Wade, of the Methodistpal church here, preaches hi* fare¬

well sermon to-morrow.Ina weather ha* he-en superb for the

¦siat few dava The crops of wheat are

looking aa tine as 1 ever saw them at thisseason.

bf.klivm ni

The Emperor Kentville Ministers.Or. MsrkcsiU- lbs C ron ii Prince.

['.'opyrlgbtod by the NVw York AcPis--.

Bl*. March BL.Tba l.inpemr slept elfhtlast Bight, almost wlts.iut kresk. During

bis sleep heb watched censtaady by either Ur.Bevel! or Or. Mackenxle, t, bi|wb«s there ls anyexct et eoughlBg g.> to tke Enipsrurs

lei this j.recsutloB wsstesa at dswn last Thursday, wiie.n BseBsipei rwas seised wita a severe *t (f eougklog, duringwhich a place of cartilage wa« detached, which,

¦it tnstaal ssslsiaace of Dr, Backensle,riiitkt hniB ceased au&oswtion. T.i-Sey helot .rd tiesh, ai.S a.-cordiiig to the Km

*m In more buoyant .

obviously einr; benefited ty a night ef completerepose, wblcb followed ye-ter*ay's drive. Hi*i.fa.-ui work t.>-jay wss unusually prolonged.In His forenoon Bismarck ss* Ur. Frtsdherg,

tad t!i"ir re|*rt I ii

tim latsnled (."lill si amBeety, whi'-h, ll Isex-

pected, i\iii he li ned u monow. In.also aahmitte* a conpleUd i>n Je-t

miler wk! h 'iM Importsal Msts sues-t, .,s wi.i ba determ »s in full ministerialcouncil. Bismarck U underi-tn...! to list., flBB'.lya ve,,tell ths p i Its tni'fj'tioB be

ed as undlng to enfeeble the sutborltysa e lasted sn

hour asl a tislf. The Emperor nf xl re-eli e.ITi ore lloknlehs InrlnSagea. wfce bas ] tal re¬turned from bia mission lo alsg Bombell, fromwlin.T. hs brought an autograph Utter,

wai.uso i\u sarvTMa.After luncheon tke Kruperer wslkel with the

Pri;..-e..-cs us'ier Ue el alter ef tBe Krsnd frontof lbs orangery. In tse eftemeeii s» r.

report of tits ceramlvdon relating to Us new l.i-SgUlaUoas. During IBs j.auss le¬

the dortora examined the Kmperor's larynx snd1 lo bis uk mg a drive. The drive

lasted an beur. lue crewds lacreneJ init i.eiuu Baster holidays, an*

parer wai received airii enthusiasticjiresiiiiis's sud rinrini; kiirisus aiuiip UM reata,'1 lii> weather was extremely ml1 J. 1 lix earrtsgewu- du md Hie Emperor wa }

ii saluted tiy raising als kami u his hst.He looke l thoroughly neil, sat up, tke onlymea ol hi.t niue-s being inn waxy complexion.


Iies;i'.e theeemblanceol health snd his ln-power,Germaaexpert opinion that iii*.

disease will bave aa early au* fatal teruilsstlenls slill unaltered. Theead vii come lt dees coma Any night a sudden crisismay declare Maali It will be announced te tiie

be fellowed in a tew hours by anIntimation of Ue Emperor's deatb. 'ii

Ma kenxle will !*'».' a prolonged 1"»\hKeactlaa axaeag tim Heil ..

e/. To¬day hedrovola I oder Den Linden by blmSelt'aud was gret ted with cheers and salute*.

tub oaews rKiNCB.

Crown Prtaoa William jess te Ems on tbe 17thof Ap: ii. Ike stele of his health continue* tocause frave disquietude.

ba Progressists1 heps-, fer a speedy Introduc¬tion <f liberal reforms .meer KnIrk, il.. T the tone et i.i pi

the Kei< Sitar, and Landtag, lave beenrevived by tbe piespects cf ike prolongation of

peror'i liie. i.e precleniatiou-- warasui 'es st tue Inspiration "f Prince

Btsmai k, whees counsel there was BH.mestsrynecessity fer the Ktaparor ie BOOefBl 1 ke or-

gai.sol tie (tetchier n..* lld tbe party to re¬sume its. otcl attitude of expectancy, i ha pro¬gramme ef tit" PregresalsU la rrilsri.-e en tbaEmperor, knowla* i i reaca for liberallits-.. Tke psrty mu>t taks his position Intoconsideration, and refrain from clamering forlisriiS'liais reforms, but to uptnls tbe

:ssof psrllsmsiiisry rey fess, Evidentlya cordial uniiwr.-esD.ilsc between tbs Empererand Prince Bismarck ls being ferr.ied, bb.i ti.e

or may -li" .

Iii n--rorlBuce witn tie views of the new Chief ofSUle.


This programmehas JusUy met with BBnBStte¦. »a papers say lt overlooka

the perreaneet pl.vsieal disability *f the Km.peror. s\en il lin nf. it protoafed beynii.1 tbafrlendlleit sxpe-tstisa. It overlookspresent f«--' thal the Emperor baa showndisposition to Interfere willi BUa&arek. On theceuirary, st ths last council of mlnlstars and

I rs Sheer* of Mete, siter Hinman khad state* feraially and at lengtb bli. h>>me andin situ pallor, tk* Emperor Intimated hi* entirej. piles ¦#!.¦« \ud complete cou-Sdence la t-.i^ ni esl ml

TUB laUrSCB l'lil.lTICJH. rARTIR.-:.The sullen eiiaiig" 'u t',e position of the

. es hus reawakened appre-. for til* immediate future, iivuiauger

l^ now felt ti ba ie. apeetral si,ai]»^5iOi-isiit;sl fur.'e thr'-Bieslng U:e pes.-e of

..lay's Parin ndrioss gravely".lal circles. No ts'.lance is

placed upon any possiblo tnisiitry tbntlau, or any other roan

m fur tim malntoaaana of pea.-e... Iawba forward to h the t, * ..r

tin- ire '. un appeal. If adUl. sr prod st a «tr.nic Bouiaugor

party,ltwlU ba taken here as e<iuivsieiit lo a

popular vote for a war, an* tho convealence ofthe FrcucU to begin lt viii not be awaited.

A KINAMCIAL ADY-i.The Rotinte, wklck cot a sudden stimulus to¬

wards t.uyiup Ku««lau se--uritiesou bearing thatCount tlerhart Bismarck has beau decorated trytbsfisr. c*t a quick ililli te-dsy ov.-r tl lu-oreaaad sinsap'luty liepesed by Busslsouns-tlve and fereif :i seem Itlea. Tbs edi 1 ls held tobe a further proal Hist Ifu^sls ls oa the brink ofa tiusinuil slivss, Jba Incident of the de.-or.-uioii

it Uerkert Kistnank ass Olelfelad. Itwas doiie simply in return for the cempllment ofthe Oerman Bmperer in conferring the decora-tiim.if ti" Iiia<k Bsgi* upon Ceunt BehavaloS,the Kuss.^u Ambassador, lt is impossible to.nerrsts er mlstske a Preach ef reith toward la-

in Itussian securities t.y the new duty.r.lV.-OA'S M1LITABV rBirAr.ATIOK.

Apsrt froBi the financial surprise. k

-i sgalu attracted n KussU's militarypreparation, which ocas>ons renewed disuust.The Kr'': SJWf* ¦» i!l»pairhe» pronounalan action Imminent, hhe has trie.) and failedio obtain permission from Koumanta to pass

pa ti.iuugh ber territory to BulcsriaIn.(er sn agreement between the. kingof lioumsAila and ths Austrian Qevernan-nt,

ila tiles io loree ber way, the unitedwill resist the attempt T!:e< rsr hassf-

lerc.l tke Iteumaniau Government a eouii»r ah-?..; iisla^ lo add rangy IVBnla to tbedo-

niinii u.s .,f king ( i.ailrs In ihs sient of ths suc-e«ss f the campaign. Tbe oSer was rejected.Oeaera! AresenlkoS, wits headiiuartsrs at

"ff, c.niinantls the advance, and aocerSVlng lo UM l'<-(lier Lkryd, bas slresdy efte.tedlbs orgsalraiiou ot a ccrps to epeu tbe caiu-

tiSD^ueted QoaaralSat t.<-nlght as envoy of Emperor IYa4-

erli k, atxl Will culler s decora! lon upon blxn.Neither honor ls of special slKuitlcancv.

Myaterlously Srsnufd.A Parkersburg |W. Vs.) »r|>ecial savs :

Th. re was found IB the Ohio river nearNew CuanheTlauJ, W. Va., last night theliody of an elegantly-dressed woman. Ithail evidently been in tke water some

time, hs it was partially decomposed.The fa .« waa almost ceaupletelv oblite¬rated ami unreeoK'nuable. Tm bOdtwas clad in a sealskin sacquo, black silk.Iress, elaliortitely triiamcd, and BBaV r-

elotLiug of fiue tinhroidereil nilk andliaen. The dead woman had on a goldwatch and wore a valuable diamond andennrrahl ring.Tba whole Appearance of tho body in¬

dicated a wealthy aoman of jierhai*thirty-flvo years. In her pocket was a

purse containing %;A) is Paper and gold,but Bothingby which identification was

possible. Thia discovery cause* aauchinquiry. No one ba* been missing upthe river lately. It is thought that it isa case of suicide. No warks ef violencewere found os the hedy, bat the posi¬tion of the arma show a desix rate strug¬gle. The body ia held at ^ellaville foridentification.

Old newspapers for sale at this o| pries 25 cents per huadrvii. iffice^J



The Sun, thi Earth, and Mars-Tha sTove-menta of Other Bodies.

Tba Moon.

(Providence Journal]Mars is morning star nntil tho 11th

.nd then becotnea evening star. Hocornea to the front on the April as voilas on the March record, for ho is in thefull realization of his UM.rt-lived lapre-macy. Mars in opposition issn imposinglight aa the planet dons his robes offiery red, and impresses thc beholder withhis aggressive air and warlike bearing.Our celestial neighbor prt mated tho sameaspect that we now describe to observerswhen astronomy w:is in ita infancy,thousands of yean ago*, and for this rea¬son was honored with the name of Maxs,tho god of war. No other star that gliru-niera in the celestial concave so well do¬se rn s the title. The opposition of Mars,the great epoch in bia court*the 11th ut 1 o'clock in the morning. Thoaun, the earth, and Mars are then in a

straight lin« with toe earth in th* entre,and whoa the mn sets Mars will soon af¬ter be seen rising ia the southeast. The©I position, though favorable, does notbring our neighbor within his nearestrange, an event IOmuch desired iadayi of increasing telescopic facilities.The observer who desires to itndv Marsat bia best muat wait till 1892. when theplanet is near perihelion and the earthBear aphelion. The two planthou about aa neara* possit'Io, or 9ooo miles apart. Fveu with the mostl>owerful telescope not much eau be Been

at such a distance. Tbe division of laadand Mater, the snow-capped poles, theclouds, tba curious ami unaooouutahln" double csnsls," and the two tiny meenanearly exhaust the list of terrestrial ob¬servations thus far r< corded.

Ur. L*tngley, says cn observer on themoon, under tba best telescopic eoadi-tions, might perceive such aa amy as

Napoleon led to Rusaia if it moved ia a

dark, solid column icroaB the snow ; it isbarely * oeaible that ono of the largestooeaa steamships might be seen under

11 "r..1 .|» circumstances as a movingdot; And it ii prol I such a con-tlagration as tbe great tiro of Chics rnwould bo visible in tbe lunar telescope aia reddish star on tue night side ol our

plsnot.mean distance ofthc moon is 240,-

OOOmileA The lea** distance of Man ii86,001,000 niilea. Hie possibility of de¬tecting any proof of the existence of lifeen our outer planetary neighbor, withour present means of observation, is notencouraging, None the h ;%* do we hopethat tba teleeeope of the Fick Observa¬tory will win it-nown by picking up a

couple of moons or solving the mysteryof the double casals at tue present Mar¬tian opposition.Mars wiil be beautiful to behold du¬

ring thc whole month, allowing his raddyface in thc loutheait as loon as it i darienough for tho stars lo come out, andshining with resplendent bistro duringmarly tho entire night, He is approach¬ing bis bright companion, Spica, andon the 18th will meet a;.d ptafter that time bring welt of Blceding from the slur.The right ascension of Mars on the

F-t is i.b. 37m., bis declination ii 725' south, hildiameter ia lb", andin constellation Virgo.

Mara rises on tbe 1st at Th. 4m. P. M.Il,- h ti on the 80that3h. 48m. A. M.

Li ives is morning itar anti! tho Rb,and after that timo ia evening star, ll is

;ion with tho mn occuri on the4th, abeu he changes his quarters Irumthe euu's wost, rn si le to 1Planets on tho eastern aide i-f the sunaro classed ai evening stars, ami planet!on his western aide are classed as morn,ing stars. An opposition to I:," o >: quins, ii in importance with au

opposition of Itara, or Jupiter, orbatum, but it iring* kim Iaeareat point to the earth and makeiitpossible to obtain a glimpse of bim ll I»tsr of tho sixth magnitude. Tho un¬aided human eve ian actually perceivethe of tho four Kimit phihe (-lowly treads bis ippointed j nth, al¬though when Dearest, ai at ;is 1,7 i away. Clear-sighted observi rs will find unoBioonlcss nights about (i northwiSpica and 1' southwest of Thcginis.The right of Uranna on tho

1st is l-'b. 58m., hil declio dion is .". -jlsouth, his diameter ia 8."8, and he is intba eoaitellation Virgo.

Uranus risea on the 1st at Ch. 17m. P.M. On the 3Uh ho bets at Sh. Fni.A. M.SATuaaii evening stir. His course

during the month, as well ss that of Marsand l ranuH, is mari i by anepoch Beis in quadrature with F. be 19that 1 o'clock ia the morning, At thattime ho i - nt ;r the meridian at ¦unset,and after that time ho will be found iatho weetara sky, setting not farmidnight, Ile is DO longer rt :r '-railingor moving "westward, bot hus changedbia path, is moving in a direct course 'ir

eastward, and is again approachingll cluster in Cancer.

The right ascension of Saturn on thelat is *->li. Sm., his d> oliiiahou is Jo 4!''north, his diameter il 1.'. 8, aud ho is inthe constellation Cancer.Satan Mm an the 1st at 2h. 2Sm. A.

ht On the 80th be vb* \. M.JrptraR is morning star, or rs'

cla-^. 11 as morning alar, beeaaion the western ndu of the nun. He isevening star in reality, for he risea be¬fore ll o'clock ou the 1st of theand before Si o'clock at iii cloie. TheApril evenings will therefore be honoredby the presence of this gem ol ti"as well as with that of tbe leas brilliantMars and Saturn. J ir, iib r w

supt rb m the small boura of starlitmornings in March, aa he slionradiant lull I ll amid the bright stars ofScorpio. He will be brighter in Apriland will rise at a more convenient hourfor observation. He is now retrogradingor moving westward, ind is tlc r. ¦'ceding from Antares, being about 8°northwest of tho star at tho closemonth. The three bright planetl thitplay the part of evening itara in Aprilhave each a brir/Lt companion. Jupitt r

tans, Mars has "-pica, and Saturnhas Poliui and Procyaa.

Tlie right set'euaiou of .lupit. r on tho1st is li'h. 18m., hil dedtnation ie 20°.JJ'smith, bia diameter bl 89.' .md heis in the constellatioa C>phincus.Jupiter risea on the 1st at 10b. Bom, P.

M. On tho doth ho rises at ch. 81m, P.M.Vests ia morning afar. Thcro is little

to be aaiil of her course during the month,for she is so near the sun aa almost tohe lotto light. She raes 50m. beforetito sun on the 1st and 3dm. before himon the 3tith. Sha is in conjunction withMercury eu the 18th at midnight, lain^at that time 1 lo south.The right ascension of Venus on the

1st il 28h. l.'m.; her declination is 8 -Fsouth ; ber diameter ia ll. 'i, and abe isin the constellation Aquarius.Venns rises on the 1st nt 4h. Il'.'m. A.

M. Ou the 30th ano rises st 4b. 5m.A. M.Mimerkt ia morning star. Since his

western elongation on March lilith hehas moved eastward, approachmg iand overtaking ber on the IBbbLThe right ascension of Mercury on tho

lat is 'Jim. 10m.; his declination is

south ; hil diameter is 7. I, and bo is iuthe constellation Aquarius.Mercury risei on tbe let at 4h. 87m.

A. M. On the 30th he rises at lb. I hu.A. M.Nipttse is evening itar. Bia posi-

tioa in the aky variei so little frommonth to month that it ia scarcely per¬ceptible in a short time, but it ia well tokeep tho track of all the planets.The right aaceBsioB of Neptune on the

lit is dh, dim. j hu tecLiaaUoa is la 7'

north ; his diameter is 2."."), and he is intho constellation Taurus.Neptune rises on the 1st st Ph. Bom.

P. M. On tho 30th ho rises st 8b. 7m.P. M.

Mers, Uranna, Bfttnrn, and Neptuneare evening stars at the close of themonth. Mercury, Venus, and Jupiterare morning stars.

THE MOON,Tho April moon fulla on tho 2<lth at

lh. Baba. A. M. Tbe moon two daysaft.-r tho last quarter is in conjunctionwith Mercury on the bth at Gb. fhn. P.M., being 1' ld' south. On the same

day, the 8tb, at 8h. ltfrn. P. M., she isin conjunction with Venus, beiig 2V Iffsouth. Southern observers will enjoythe most favorable conditions for a eightof these two planets in close companion¬ship ami in tho neighborhood of thewaning moon. The new moon of the11th is in oonjiictitn with Neptuneon the 1 Uh at 4h. 40m. A. M., being

.nth. On tho 19th, the day of thofirst quarter, the moon is in close con¬

junction arith Saturn at Th. JHm. A. M.,being 1 fr* loath. She jsia conjunctionwith Uranus on the 'J4tb at Oh. Tm. P.M., being L 17' north. She ia in con¬

junction on the same dav, the 24th, withMars at lb, 38m, P. sm., hoing 8° Ifnorth. She pays her respects loJapiter,last in tho train, on the 27th, the daysiter the full, at Mi. lena, P. M., being8° 2f north. Tho moon, the day afterthe full, and Jupiter, near his brightestphase, will inako a charming picture in

theasteru aky on the evening ofthc uTth.

TUT* RT'",'.

Tho sun's declination on the let ia.I M'north. On tba 30th it fa IB9 8'north. The hub has therefore nmv. dnorthward IO 9* during the month. ThohCiiMin rapidly advances in resjionse tothe bun's increasiug northern d'vliu.i-tion. 'Ibo sunrise and ai.usot pointsmove northward, the sun mounts higherin tho heavens ob each succeeding day,anl the great day tdsr appears earliereach morniug anti dclavs his departurera.'h evening. Tho teaioa ia hopeful inthe presage of bleesiagi ia store, moroto;iii in the fruition of present enjoy¬ment]


Tho April star-lit nights will bo full of' to those who follow tho coursesB mysterious twinklera. The ao-

lar brotherhood do honor to the month-rd. Tbs opposition of Mara, thewon of Uranus, tbs qusdrature of

Suturu, and tilt; conjunction of Venusslid .Mercury give lifo to its annals.Night after night the sky will beam withthe light of throe biroo planets as eve¬

ning st n, i tiuMmatning now, forof Into the morning sky has been thescene of action where the largect

have ibone resplendent. Jupiterrises ob tho hth about half-past 9o'clock, and then tho sky will bo boati-tiful to ste. Tho Prince of Planets

in tbe southeast surroundedstan of Scorpio, raddj Mars ap-

proaching the zenith closely followed by"nted Spica and pale, serene

.' west, followingin the wake of Pollilia id Procyon. In¬telligent observers con id these planetswitlio-i: I will tiud gr- ,tsatisfaction in a of tito starsobtained by personal ell irt ''Consider

indroui work* of .¦ lod " wasthead-v,oe given I of obito the in OD tho biblical

lady of tbe oldest, thei of all tbe i 11 DBobling

ami elevating as it was when astronomywas y<

Why tbe Nontli ls Molld.(Henry Watter* n in th* April Forum.]

The moment the North cesses to beda] tho Booth will pease to be solid.

But ashing as Fiore is a party of thoNorth winch urges un interference inthe local again of tho rfouth whichwould be tolerate*] by no northern eoni-

1 to itself, tl.ero will be; .ni.l at the South tho lirst anti highestof nil motives for united resistance.thatof an inextinguishable MOeaaod. If theentire white population ol

ie miracle transplantedelsewhere, aad its place supplied by sn

number of white RepubucAni fromthe Western Reserve of Ohio, the case

would be nowise AtteM«L Within l yearthe same antagonisms would springnp, md tbe same need of self-protection

I compel a union of the white mi¬nority representing intelligence and

ty against tho .ijorityuting ignorance aad bru*

Government cannot police the:ii"' mirv not moke laws for

Accepting Mr. ii.i! rb ad'iand dednctiona ae true, ia hil party not

io his electoral abuses he alltT-''"",of iteown mediciae? Thia time,Ling toi hil plaint, it is Mr. Hal-

i bioh is gored, Bat duringtbe yean when thu machine, which worklio il dow, worked so well for the Fe-pnblicans, Mr. Halstead saw nothingamiss either in ita construction or move¬ment.

Manchester's Little Budget.M^ s'ul Mrs. William Miohaux, of

Powhatan, are ben on ¦ brief vi-it.i ommonw'filths-Attorney (",i,irle-i I..

tarni d from Powhatan yesterdiyafternoon.

Rev. Mr. Hull will preach at tba Pn a.

byterian ohareh to-day and to-night.A line mailes! prognunme has l>e« n

arraaged for tho Faster larvieai at theMende-M'tiiorial church to-day.

'lhere will be au unusually intern-tingI at thc Richmond and Dunville

¦ iii afternoon at 4 o'clock.A onmber of Chesapeake ami < >hio rail¬road-men, lod by Fngiot-er Goodwin,will conduct tho mctting.

Ai -cording to the "tracing" of thewat?r-rnuins to be constructed by CaptainWhite, who is to build the water-tower,the last tiro hydrant on upper Hull streetwill be located atthe Petersburg railroad-nioaasliB Tba citizens of Swansboro'are anxious for the water-maina to be ex¬tended at leaat to Clopton street, andaome etlbrts aro to be made with this endin view.

Hhakspasrsaii Heading*.Mr. Theodore Hamilton will give a ae¬

riel of Bhakiptastaaa reading at theaasdamy on the Ulfa of April. Theeu-tertainmeiit sill be for the benefit of theSoldiers' Home.

Mr. Hamilton's selections will embrace" 'Ostler.Joe," the " potin

" with whichMrs. Potter eainod her notoriety.

Vt ashlug-ton Votea.(By telegraph to tb* Dispatch.)

Washington-, Man-h -11..Order* wer* to-day> -"f ti.*'vorUi Atlantic srttia.l-

indeaveasat Pensacola, r'ia.. April lturfor Ute purpose ol a Meei drill an* exercises, both

lie followitg-iiaraed vasa*-lswill participate: BtsiAxaoad, Oaleaa, Atlaats,

they wlU probably visit.Vans priori* th*'lilli.iiowiugpost-ortitcs will be raised to the

provides I ril 1st: High Lolut, N. i.;B*onett*ville aad Yorkrille, 8. C., and NewportNews, Ve,



(Dy telvgrspk to th* Dispatch.]f-. .) Washinuton, April 1.1 A. M..Tut

I FAIR iVlrs'.ula, North t'aroltua, South Caro-

)¦ 'lina, Georgia, ami Eastern Florida, lightto fresh variable wintle, warmer, fair weather.

1 iib WRATBRn is RirnviONU YbstIBbay waa

clear, bright, aud pleasantBang* ol Thortnometer Teetorday

« A. M..;.fri4 A. M.UlNooa.T3

i. M.SISB. M.-.TDMidnight. .W

Moen temperature. ..**¦«.oaouMMom.. >** »+.mmtmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

levi. BTKAYED, AND Mil <ID.

T OST, IN THE CITY OP IUCH-1 i MOM), a PLAIN IIALD KINO, markes tx D.A. ts N. C. J. Liberal reward if returned to thiaoffice._ aa) 1-lt**

I OBT, YF.sTKUI-AY EVENING ONXi Broad street between Saran! and N talk, a

-'AliK-i'lNoot In uiver, la the shape ota grape-leaf. A llkeral reward will De given itswlursed to ia, east Malu street, ev Irt*



train, Provident, Cot?**, TeBeeae, Tar-psntine. Beela. Tar. aa*

Fesant Market*.

fPy tslegraph to the Dispatch. 1N*w TOM, Barch SI..Tbe stock market to¬

day wa«"very wssk. sn 1 marted declines were

wade over tbe entire list on active trading. Tbeaspect of the eHus'.teu wss worse Uan at suvtime slue* the beginning of tao preeeat troubleson Us western reads, and the pressure waa spe¬cially severe upon granger stock*, which Busilycarried the entire Tin down with them, In Uteat-.-n-e of any trading for ferelgn ac- tankThis wai owincU dspresflou In the roports fromCh' ag". '1 Le temper sf Hm roon was conserva¬tively bearlih st us epenlng, snd traders lostno time ia suacktag the ifst, fha f»ature of tbeira-ling In tho early dealings wss the heavyfelling of !««. Psul and Inion Paclfl'. BBBMissouri 1'e.Hc Prose badly, and lt wassaid tn tbe board thal parties clo-e toGould gave out rn i-t of tbe selling.Mers. All grsugers were heavy sufferers,but later In the dsy ipeelal attention wai paid toVanderbilt's as* Lake hhore g ive way. butMichigan Cestisl wss weak, dropping 5 percent, e* "ales of a few hundred shares only.Ba*va*m«ra*r* were res-be 1 tn different partsel Vis list asl thtlr . xc-ti n decline goingii^i.r.-r than e othssTwIoa »> I have done, balthat* was a dtrpeeiBoa ti ever. Toward theclose the market wss stes-lv and la'er.tesdyto *rm ai a shade better insn ins lowes!prices. Ss le- Sftgregsted 18,700 sher.-*. Every-Uiieg ls lower, with declines very marted andKuTUBgton la down SBj Manhattan, if, ; North¬western, Mi motin Pae-Tfl.-. sn ! K.-a 'lu.:, each I ,;ht. paul, a ,.; Jersey . sntral,8; Lake >hore. 1*,;Norfelk sud Western preferred, iv,: Meelerai'm. n, p.; fei .» PactSe snd louisville andNashville, lt{ each ; Kh-hmond and Weet Pointpreferred, I',: I -¦ut,-tu. Kansas andTsxss, Port Worth and Denver, sud Manitoba.eec* I per, sud the rt matador fi.iciinalamounts.

WIKKLY SA»-'K STATKMKNT.Nsw Yong, Varch ll..Tbe weekly bank state¬

ment shows tho »« mgaai Neserve, JSiiT.oftO; lesa*, decrease, |8I5,M0 :sped", de.-rease. 11,1*3,100; l"gi:'.-t»nder«. in-

» lai.SHO; depeeite. dc-rcaae, »1,738JSa/:ctrculatt. a, decrease, 111.900,Hie bsn»sn«w bold l'J,;i,'i,.'..'? In axce***f the

13 per conk rule.

¦ILTIaTOlE STOCK MiBKKT.Bai.twabb. Ba., Man-b ul..Virglale now S's,«V Hld to-day.

BICHKOBB STUCK EXCHABO?.satuspat, aar-h Bl, lass,

Salbs.FIB3T B«AKD.~l.udO Virginia new it'sat sr.,fleeing quetatloBi at the B*0*B Board:aeraRsaaxTSaacisirigi. B*i Ai.-

United States 4V».l! *CalU* StatesVs.ISJkjt-TJlSSBCSXITII.t.

Nsrtks'srsltnsVs.SS 9*.Nenh Carolinass.talVbglaleB's, consols. I.1Vii gmt* 8-4-3 l'MU's.Vlrglsla S's, new.MB U\Virginie consol coupons, fu'i'i. a*Vliglals cen. CO .fund.... SSCwt ¦ssearnaa

Klrh-esd cltvls.USKichstSBd city B's.ll.117Bi'bT.c ,

Kickmon* city S's, (littl sud later)..100)* .1 ..

RAtLBeAPBONPs.CaoeKasrA Yad. WW.loliirsblsaid (ireeuville std Hs.. m

Petersen rs Class A BBPetersburg e'lase B d's.108*1Ri.'Dnond snd Met. wt *«.mi BBlu ii. a .. .. ji

BAaaeAsStPetersburg.'.*J BS SOB.,r.4. P.dir.obllg't,. Hi USllAMK STOi'I-i.


taUeaal .....ion las1811-

Nstlonsl Bank of V Irglnls.bbb

Lmsbavi acornVirginia Fire sud kim ina.S3

BICHM0BD VO34CC0 MARKET.Bu ns. sd. March .ii, i*^.

ii s marka) Pillar. 1 n-

iik.- la-t Milurdsy lt »i.i a dull day. 'ihe week,however, by contras!markets, leaven but lillie ti c..turds,ti of.howevethree fourths In market, aithet bebitc1 lu plsnt- rs' banda moat bs «f lnfe-rlcr grades, judglnc a greaterpart ef which have be io mart :. l In eaThere bas been in i' this week InBAW dark lugs. Baliigbu «o»d Bark loaf will bring and I -

from lg to 140. Iii several \ ir<lnta niBrkei*.Dark gr* ts areu,uiet;sblpping,com « Solas; Warn-kousee have .¦ | sal ol oldcomniu i ita generally

doscriot new bright* have ISoe lu nsw btighta bas berni otfere 1 this week,

n tnsi-kcts neat - in toneand prices, particularly goes aM loirieys, »i-thsuiri osly two tr three al nteksvt**srs huvinfron ths marketa li in SOW estunetedUst tks shortage of 1*87 crop ia larger tbeu ltwas pla.-ed ty th* LoulsvtU* d'lejtu'iou wb.-nuey InTtttigatH i emmlaslotiar Dodgs/B report;hence th'-ie ls more lils eif. As

i no aew Ba md bow of ISCorep.we infer thal toe preapacilve UBI crop wfll

'. :- ., t;nr.ce present..ust last Hil thea.

Numerous and handsome luvltst<ont have been¦ Bke Oxford ToBaeea Trade for the 18lb

of April to ii'tend the celebration of tbe openingof BM Oaford sud t'larksviilo railroad, itnpor-tsutsllke Pi (MU market and UioirH. 'lhere lscu.-il" tilda evidence of aerie, sncrgy, busl-

ta U tu ti.') nit.negemriit of UiePx-f.ird 1 rads in Uk* fall of Hiebeat if raoul {rearing sud pushing

¦.. I. iLKHunond Exp

must he mada this fal! :. e 'i;h.i ,-inythlna of thokmlei > uro in moro thana /.lir way to do it.

GBAIB AiTO C0TT0B EXCH1BOI.sOxBraasa, MaroB ai.isii nnshola


PLOCB. -189 t*arr>.l5.silsi asroRrgo to iscsBTAtr.

vfBSAT..Sbnrtben fe.lrst8«c.I m.v..White, Ho baa*sui ptimo al Aic.

nor*.apodjaeaai Plas, aaporSa*, i^tm

f.1.2'.; dtu-s.ll.'inr.. . . .iLJJ. paleuitamuy,ooaalry,|4.i m

OOTTOB BaWsKtBsrkst steady.

quotation kMiopt.ivi. "'.c.Low MtSDuaa.0'4.-.Oaui.sASY. Skj*.


Mw TOtk, Mar.-U 31. -teiU.n-Ilolllsy: netll rtwo days, 110 balee:

Great Untaiu. 7,078 bales,' Uj the c'onttuent, °IU jbalee; stock. TDLAsO bales. Wheat.Caati gradnaflrm with absence of export liiVu-rst; No. 4 rid,March. 88Ba*<,c; May< aBgaSwkj*. Corn bigh-ar; cash linn and quiet; Bo. i, UaAi »¦;Msv, ei'.Bf.l',.-. Oats.(iptlons a sha.1- bet¬ter; ca,a h-Hvy: :..i, g, April, 88',a.Vi»;g.jBay, 37*.-.; N .stfj.-.; mlied went-

illc. Hay sten. il ipa stenJ ur. Cof-I fair BIO Quiet and steady at flt. Su<;ar

quiet snd unchanged; ruQued In (slr demand.I essy; 50-tsst, «>.. Hie stt.sdy. Col¬

in: .'ISasifl.-. for ra.tls-.l. Hoatn filet at tl.iS'sall.ii.V Turpentinedull a: 40-. Hi irs iu light demaud. Wool un-Qfaaaged. Pork Brm; mees, $i!W*fli for now;$ll.8.")M1s.50forone yssrold. Ijinl lower; west-ar«at*am,af*Sj,SS; May, t7.9Ia| irelgbisaaaaSj

CHICAGO.CsifAai>, March li..Cash ejuoutlina were:

flour steady; winter 10c-. higher. Bo. I springwbsat, liisaTSc.; No. x red, 8lc No. Scum,Mc Na x oats, t7sia.l0>'- Mesa-pork, gita*

Lard. r.i'H- Short-rib sides, BT.uJ;»l tilers, SiVroaSSi short-clear side*, $7.SSa|7.«aWbisKey, fl.l.VLeadlug futures ranged:

Open:*! BiiK*,*. Cl**i%f.Wssar. Cis. eta etaApiil. Tt'i RBMay. 77 fflfl r.»»'COB*.May. 6k", BS* aaajOatb.May. UH M's 81VMbss-Pobk.

May.1U5S S13.fbt.Vf- flitsLsaa

ApHL. T.571< 7.54Juue. rdUX 7.88^ 7.5:k(SaokT-KiBAM*y. 7.1S 7.15 T.WJuue. 1M* 1MH 7.17X

nsvisw op twa caicAoo aabirr.CaiCAtto, March 31..Tho corn pit waa over¬

flowing with exctienient to-day from start loflulsii. The small shorts did some terrine scram¬bling to nuy lu their proporty wbs-n the marketwas going up and were the beet sellers when¬ever prices showed aay signs of wee* neiaEverytnlug seems to hinge on whether or not Uersllraads would be able to brina la tba oom toHU ciBt'Bi-te with. If thors was g.dag to bo uo

tie-up the vast majority of the crowd would sellcora persistently st anything above 3* cent*, bulou tbe other hand they ked an uadshaed fear ofa corner in the Bay future. 1 bis tatter feelingtrapped out In several spots, and several bouses,wue have boen proi.ouaced bears, tseughi Ihedeal was getting a little loo rica for thee* audbegan te cover to-day. May st tbe eueulog soldss low as t>* v., but before naen lt wsa eteSitu.Thea after eaetug baok uiaSV* lt was rashedup to Ml*c. un aa astlmats ot only ?igory-ehy.hicars o*i MonJu j a roi'aipus, olwilua al SB'.cWheat wai dull amt uninteresting. Bay futurewas about staBoaary all day between TT andi71io. TraOiag was tory tiueil ta veluaats. l*w-

.loton trading wa* *)r*o*t a* salttfar***t*g semeat May i^m want down n*d*f aw)*r*ter»n*actlons io ai T.SS, bul drated later lo EAWt

.ti tl.Ti BOBABAt-TtBOSA Mo., Bar.-! W.-Cottee steady:n tdd lng. UV. *lo'jr easter ia ton* arv!

Howard-sir.-it and we*t/»re *ap<»r,WC****.:*.; da, *xtr*. l*a{S.7*i: do. family,tAtl.tW: etty mill* *up*r, l-".S7»tg.«): da ez¬

ra. flol.T 7*>: I*. Ni,i orarels, l**oa|4.7»i; patae><i.tiperlatlv* pa:.->t. IA.J0; do. faaslly, $f> IVrV heat.HnatBern -1- *«1 y aad fuiet: red, tWee-V*.;imber. BtatMc; weatern aboet stead r. closinglull; No. i winier red. "wet. K'taSs*: May,'¦ ,aBD».,,: Jud., e**',e***\ I era.aoothera.eady aad flrwi; whl'.e. i.-"aw- valla*. AToMe.;restern Llgber aa* dull; mixed, sent, 'Aa"nv.:rtar h. ys: bid; April and May, ."Aa.Vlv*. D*5*t-ai7. aili oe y Bsedaress detnaad. aouthenamd Pennsylvania, BBk4le,| westare wklte, 4laKc.; w*etern tau*,;*-. Ky* *ieady atataBa, {'revision* Mead/ *i 1 qul»t> Kgg* lowerlt lTwBl".-. ' 'irTe- <v, if!. ht'i fargo**, n? Unaryofalr. I?,,*'.¦, ¦. .-.mar.i epp*r-r*««*d Irntil I..alrte. Whiskey siaaly Otht-rirlleles unetange-l. rYelgnls to Liverpool parit«*n-,er dull; ,-,,i'.eii, 1-1*4,; floor, per lou, te,;(raia, , i.

ST. LOtTTAPT. ISBBt. Mar<h .1t.--Pi*ur Arm snd oa-

.haeged. Waeel opeaed steady sad ant- gly ad-ran,,*! a trifl ¦., an lt, ros..* iiout BBS «*«aloa(*ln*d«u . ,-. higher tfcaalaura-tay; No. I red. osati. .-.1 May. ->¦.,¦»¦iunacle«ingats»v. Corn suonge.ii blgher;-ash. Bike,; Var. t*t'-,a*7r., owteiug ailau bl*!.. s bid; Hay, SI***.

. .- ak. PortllM"*.loBBJ iT.rift47.14.

CIMCINNATT.t'lsrisvin, Vt>ii.!i .11. ! 'ir r*rm. Wheat

>t-ar,-e > .. *.tiw, .troeg,ind higher; ht Oat* Arm:Ss. I mix*d, K *t flt lani quietit 17:1714. Hulk-mat* lr*, r. n»t,u *t*ovly.IVhtstey steady at V BBSS*,

V, ll.Mf*s'S-IO*4.WlLStVOTOv, Bir-1 T.l. - r.|rpanttri* flrTB at

tflHc Rosin firm; strsiaed. ti.'«,e.; good strain*Ur Crm a BAS), i rid* lurpeul.ue

lim; herd, ll .- y*ll»w-dlti sad virgie, BANOKKOIK ef;,S!l MA HS. KT.(t>P .r(*J for rb* lUspatch.1

March SI..Bark*4 un. banged. Kerelpt* oflto>-k frem th* asBB4ry larg* all th* woes, andHeady sala* al tka -emmi sion kau***. J l»» f»lorie* i-oiiilou* r* y 0'i-y, and working dtwint*rang* day aad t ' .-1 ui-d gocsl*fr. ni tb* .Sorta end W. .,._ I' IBB* 4\*.<\ ; *x-

IISSle.; Shelled, *fait,c.;Ipaulsb, sn."!,!-.; factory b*n 1 ..-te l, n,,i4o.

Many are cuinplainiag of the tea theybuy nowaday*. If the l'< a that JulieuFinford uni ty cents periioiuil is sot equal to any you buy nt

seventy :'.vo e. :its. P.Uck or Green, bewill rei'uud tho money and you dist

ii p what i v Mght, He willKtiil aamplei oat of town, poat.tgo paid.His Uqaars, tor pries Bnd tpiality, have

been ape-rov d by all who haveried ahem Laia street is Ju-lien Hint".rd«

WAKB4I tOIN.I.KANT- FBI v* *-i.-l, on the t*t

I sfll kl \Blt. U:< \S'l l" M -at'N,


PALM I Married. In this Well r li h. Wag*.

Mr. I'. W. I'Al s*

i»t: . <

BOOl'........ ,» tja frftIKGl.NI \ '.. llSOi\IK. "f Klokiiion.LMooBSBwa* a naBve of Uanover ..ninty.


l:i« lu I she waa lia;ma *h*

lived fora nun la r«".np*r*tlve r*-

Itk kat si.tst, m -.

i-1 \, u> wtiei k kn adUsa nat'ii al;/

ihrinktnif. Iv-sttendsnr* upon tiif sanctuary, ead. iv. :''i hsr enjeih-ienda, Sh* v,

. Swhan falllug sod /.

¦ ¦'.' lliea, st,..I!.-n han ls

.i thatsere wi

. slaCd tn Hiery tai

." the woi . a-, i thia, inw 'u,

>. r - kaw lon give

a lillUla i J. Ii. T.

I'unerul *4«flre.Tbefa iLCR will take

HO tun in. 'u^l,

lr linle af tteaprct.V a ...*,l .

ta* ti,-


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ftf-A Bl COMMEMORA-lTM; Btefll lett snnleerssry of ti.e laying of

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shBS 11 .il IBs tilJ I lally aioiordially tuvlu-dt .. ; r--, -ni.

|a*rPABK-PLACE MFTHODIST.'I i.' Il ... -t l ...miln utreet-

Rev. \> ii.i.. M.-.g ey ut*a a; lagBA

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thrwm -mm.*,' BTBEET BAP-II RCH (,s,rner of M*ln and BBSBSj

at ll o'.-Di A. Vt.

by tb* ps fr. [lav. W. J. Slur***, BBtd *t 7:4io'll.-it '.: M. hy Rev. I . ll. Kvi.asd, D. D. a:iInvited to a"

AtCri<»N BAUM *BO*4 DAY.

P019DI1TII I '' M f 'ir newt^netn^nt lio,i«... ii N ». :i Thlr-tiaibaudTb rty-flnt.

QIOKOI W. MA\o, 10^ A. M.. furniture, car¬

pet*, oli-'io'.L, show cases, miiKsllaueoii* ar¬ti- les. A'-.

BtRise i*4rrri.i.n.r-«i4 r.

biniat; RB tl MANACArsiim HieBTiss:

S'iu**t*. »' H Morning_,.Moog rut**..BIA

MiMAilUA ai^ \nac. Aran.AiaaA_lin.a lias.

Sun *«t*. AU i Meralag.AtsEvealwg.AU

luiU'Df iiltUMOM). MAJU.B*U,lsaltaaiTiD.

Steamer Ariel, D*y,>, Norfolk. Cnlte-l Statesmail, merchandise, aud passauawra, t- li. Tetunv,ISBBtMeam«r A«hlaad. I'h'.lad-Iphta, m*r:handkte

ami passeugera, J. W. Bet. arrick, ag«ut,


iiij t*i*grapa.JABB1VBD.

Steamships Kanawi.i., Saar*, New Tort: Goa.thi-uburgfity, -, xksMou; Efflcient, Harris,New orleans.Schooner* Twilight, TaucAof, New I^adCdt;

Trana Hailing;iu, Weat, Uatou.Bargo Beuofai u,r, Wale, New London.

¦ABBBflkSteamship Kanawii*. Sears, New York.Schooner Tet.ight, Vauchof, New London.


1? ULLMANlie rea


subject to DemocraUc primary._ap l-S^WAriw^

VOlt ^\:!. CHKAP, HTOCh OPJ? DKfi.-s AM> HXiT'RES. Tko etore sad,dwellluc >*u o* rented reeaoaabl*. Apply atcorner of Kosercir aad Cary etr-w-s, or th

UKOltOrTS, VASUON ASO!f.Sp lit* .*..*. 1 aerth Tenta street,^


rYeeb lot jost receiveA Tar tata kySAVAGE, BEVIMiDtia A 00^

ap leSn,TuATnJlAwU i*ii eaatCary streeA

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