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The Big Weight Loss Magazine

Apr 06, 2016



Helpful Weight-loss tips & advice. Read inspiring success stories which will help you to lose weight fast. Healthy food and recipes ideas. Q&A’s with leading weight loss experts. Motivational articles to help you stay focused on your weight loss journey. Plus much more….
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The BIG Weight LossMagazine








By Wendy Capewell

By Alison Graham


By Toby Trundle





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Welcome To The BIG Weight Loss Magazine!

I’m an body transformation coach and weight loss expert in working with people in the morbidly obese category to get their life back on track, lose an unimaginable amount of weight and completely change their life through healthy eating and exercise.

Unlike other fitness professional’s, I only work with people who are severely overweight and who are trapped in a life they simply cannot escape due to the severity of their condition. This could be the result of a disorder, past experience or simply a reason that is not known to them. The people I work with struggle with simple aspects of their everyday life, weight loss, their clinical obesity and have extremely low self confidence and self esteem.

As a result of this, the clients that join the ‘save my life’ program have trouble maintaining an effective weight loss regime and look for the easy way out through other methods such as surgery. They often struggle forming new and maintaining close relationships, shut themselves away in their own bubble and feel like there is no one out there to help them. Society tells them it is their fault so they simply feel they do not deserve help.

The people I work with typically like to lose up to 10 stone and beyond, they want to increase their self confidence, improve their social bonds and relationships and completely change every aspect of their life. These people are ready to drastically change their life over the next 6-12 months and forever more.


03 AM I A FOOD ADDICT?!By Toby Trundle






17‘I LOST 11 STONE THE HEALTHYWAY AND IT WAS WORTH IT.’Toby interviews Sam about her journey




Q & A WITH TOBYObesity Weight Loss Specialist & Transformation Coach Toby Trundle Answers YOUR QUESTIONS!

Photos by Keren Greenall

Cover Model: Samantha Green


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Food addiction is a complicated and sometimes very miss understood condition. The symptoms of food addiction are very different to those of emo-tional eating or binge eating. Just because you are considerably over weight does not mean you are addicted to food. It also does not mean because you ‘binge’ and emotionally eat that you have an eating addiction or disorder, they are very different things. In this article I am going to give you a little bit of background into food addiction, the symp-toms and possible reasons of why it occurs. In some cases food addiction is the most obvious cause of severe weight gain, but it is extremely uncommon in relation to the amount of people suffering from

hormone and blood sugar imbalances which are linked to emotional and binge eating. If you think that you may have an eating addiction, then you should consult your GP immediately for further ad-vice and support.

Food addiction or compulsive overeating as it can also be known; can occur as a result of a num-ber of different triggers. Before introducing the symptoms of an eating disorder I want to give you a bit of background as to why they occur. In most cases, compulsive eating disorders come about as a result of a psychological block, trau-ma or deeper need to find comfort. Some people

AM I A FOOD ADDICT?! By Toby Trundle December Edition - Page 2 December Edition - Page 3

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turn to alcohol or drugs for a release, but some turn to food as they find a sense of satisfaction in eating. There are a range of different disorders that can commonly be linked to food addiction and compulsive overeating, here are just a few of the most common one’s:

1) A Stress Disorder – People find ‘Happiness’ in us-ing food for comfort in stressful life situations. This often occurs because in times of stress we often are low in energy and fatigued, so our body seeks out a ‘pick me up’ and craves energy and a ‘feel good high.’ – Sugary foods obviously give us this and that’s why people tend to binge in times of stress and anxiety (but this can also be because sugar levels and hor-mone levels are out of control).

2) A Body image disorder – When people feel they are ‘trapped’ in a fat body and are not confi-dent in the way they look. This can cause people to undertake extreme or FAD diets in an attempt to lose weight, which puts the body under stress leading to the weight to go straight back on again, In fact causing more trauma to the persons nega-tive state of mind.

3) A deeper emotional problem or Trauma – Sometimes events that have occurred in the past can be deeply psychologically damaging which are uncomfortable for us to deal with. Sometimes we don’t even realise on a conscious level how we have been affected by this trauma. This can cause us automatically to respond to certain situations or circumstances in a different way to what we would do naturally. In some cases, causing us to binge and compulsively eat when we are in a bad place, upset or mentally challenged by something stressful or related to the original trauma that has occurred in the past.

The above 3 are the most common cause of com-pulsive eating addictions. There are others, but gen-

erally most cases will be linked back somehow to these 3 causes.

There are a range of symptoms that can be associat-ed with an eating addiction, but please DO NOT use this as a means of self diagnosis! If you are worried that you may have an eating disorder please contact you GP for more advice. I am not a doctor nor am I a psychologist, I am simply giving you facts based on the people I work with day in, day out that have eating addictions and my own research from well known websites and reading material. An eating disorder can be diagnosed by observing the way that an individual eats food and by their attitude towards food. Changes in eating habits including; eating faster, eating past the point of fullness, eat-ing when you are not physically hungry, eating in times of stress and anxiety, eating alone or in secret, feeling upset, guilty or bad about eating food, feel-ing ‘absorbed’ or ‘taken’ by food, trying to compen-sate for eating bad by starving yourself or changing your diet frequently are all prime example’s of how a person with an eating disorder may behave. All of these symptoms will create a feeling of being out of control, like food is taking over you. This shows that the person has built up an emotional relationship with food and to an extent it is now controlling their everyday actions.

Food addiction is treatable for most people, but because of the persons emotional attachment with food (consciously or unconsciously) treatment is highly individual. For most people, it involves deal-ing effectively with your feelings towards food, learning how to manage certain situations which cause you to trigger a binge of uncontrollable eat-ing. Keeping a sustainable weight loss plan inclusive of diet and exercise can also help, something which brings about immediate but also prolonged results will build confidence, a feeling of self worth and achievement. Food addiction can also be helped by medication and other alternative therapies.

For free help and advice on food addiction you can contact the National Centre for Eating Disorders on 0845 838 2040. December Edition - Page 4 December Edition - Page 5

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Mindset are beliefs about your level of intelligence, your basic qualities and your talents.

If you have a fixed mindset, you will stay where you are, believ-ing that you cannot develop fur-ther, that the basics were given and that you cannot develop them further. You acknowledge your level of intelligence, basic qualities and talents, but you see

them as a fixed way of being. If you stay with this way of think-ing, you will not develop further. In fact you will stagnate, which is fine if you are happy with the status quo!

If you have a fixed or negative mindset, you will believe that things can’t or won’t change. So when it comes to losing weight, and you tell yourself ‘I have al-

ways been this weight and noth-ing has worked, so what’s the point!’ the chances are that you will have an uphill struggle trying to lose weight. After all you have written the story ending.

As a baby you learnt to walk de-spite all the odds, and you didnt give up, however many times you fell down. You just pulled your-self up and tried again until you December Edition - Page 4 December Edition - Page 5

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succeeded. You didn’t receive any negative messages, only encour-agement. If you were anything like me, it was when you got older that you received negative messag-es, and often believed them, and chances were you adopted a neg-ative mindset around that issue.

I can recall many years ago being told by my husband that I would never cope with navigating a one way system in a certain town, so I didn’t try, and I never did! How crazy is that! Luckily I don’t have that attitude any more.

But if you tell yourself that anything is possible, the chances are that you will succeed. Of course using mindset alone wont work, as you will also need to eat healthily and exercise. But entering into this with a positive outcome in your mind will certainly improve your chances of success.

Its also about believing you are

worth it. If you feel that you are not worth putting the effort into losing weight and maintaining a healthy life style, that will get in your way. Again – mindset. I wonder whether you would treat your car – if you own one – in a neglectful way? Probably not as you rely on it to get you to where you want. It’s the same with your body, if you don’t treat it with respect, and care for it, it will let you down at some point.

So how can you learn to change your mindset? Here are some exercises that will help get you started.

• Make a list of all the things you have achieved, however large or small.

• Write down all the reasons that are stopping you from dealing with your weight or exercise issues. Keep on writing for about 5 minutes. You may well find that your

reasons start to sound quite silly – just keep writing. Then read them back. How does it sound when you read them back? Are they all valid?

• Explore the blocks that you have written above, and challenge them

• Write down all the positive you will get from achieving a healthy weight and lifestyle, including all the things you will be able to do that you are unable to do right now.

• Now write your life story into the future as though continuing in the way you are now. The health risks you may be putting yourself under if you don’t make those changes. How would you prefer your future to look? I know which one I would prefer

• Stop procrastinating, change your mindset and change your life!

Wendy Capewell is an experienced coach working with women, either face to face or via Skype to empower them to turn the page in the next chapter of their lives. Find her at December Edition - Page 6 December Edition - Page 7

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‘ The Save My Life Program is a weight loss programme for people who are over 14 stone and who are ready to make a permanent lifestyle change in order to lose weight fast and effectively. We work with people who have typically tried every weight loss and diet pro-gramme out there, who are stuck in the yoyo diet mentality and simply have had enough of putting the weight back on!’

Toby Trundle is a specialist in working with obese and morbidly obese Individuals and is the UK’s Number 1 Obesity Weight Loss Coach. Toby featured with Jesse Pavelka as a trainer on SKY TV’s FAT: The Fight Of My Life (A Year To Save My Life Series 2) in July 2013 – whereby his participant Darren Mir lost a staggering 10 Stone in 8 Months.

The Save My Life Program is specifically designed for people who:

• Are Over 14 Stone • Have tried every weight loss programme or diet there is• Want to lose up to 10 stone + • Need a structured, long term diet & exercise plan that’s

easy to stick to• Need guidance, encouragement and 24/7 support• Want to be surrounded by people just like them• Who want to change their life – both short term and

long term


WWW.SAVEMYLIFEPROGRAM.COM December Edition - Page 6 December Edition - Page 7

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How fast can I lose weight? This is another question I get asked all the time, so I thought I would talk a little bit about how fast you can in fact lose weight and whether it’s healthy to lose weight fast. And whether ultra fast weight loss is something which is sustainable long term? So let’s start off with; how fast can you in fact lose weight? The answer in fact to this question is how much do you have to lose? From past experience and the hundreds of clients I have worked with there tends to be an ongoing pattern that the more weight somebody has, the faster they will lose that weight. For example a person weighing 20 Stone would find it a lot easier and quicker to lose 2 stone than a person weighing 16 Stone would. The heavier the person is the more able they are to let go of unwanted fat naturally, simply because the body does not need the excess fat there. The body will always try to hold on to fat because it is a vital energy store for the body to use if sugar is not readily available. It is also used for insulation and the protection of vital organs.

In terms of weight loss results from starting a healthy eating plan (such as ours)... the initial results we see tend to be similar between people of different sizes. On average my clients tend to lose 9-15lbs over the first 14 days of changing their diet, regardless of whether they are 14 stone or 30 stone. After this 14 day period we

tend to find that our heavier clients continue to lose 4-6 lbs for the next few weeks and our 14-16 stone clients around 2-3lbs per week (this then continues at 2-3 lbs per week for all clients after the 30 day period). In answer to the question; how fast can you lose weight? The answer is highly dependent on the individual. As you start to lose you will notice patterns in your weight loss. Some people may lose consistently; others may not lose for a week and have huge results the next. It all depends ultimately how much weight you have to get rid of and when your body naturally wants to let go of it and how much you are


So ...Is it healthy to lose weight quickly? There are a lot of myths out there saying that fast weight loss is unhealthy and not good for you! To an extent this could be true, but also not for the majority of people. The reason fast weight loss is often considered dangerous is because people who are desperate to lose weight abuse the ‘diet mentality’ and will often go to desperate measures to look for that quick fix or FAD diet! These types of eating plans do more harm than good to your December Edition - Page 8 December Edition - Page 9

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body. Yes you will get results fast, but I guarantee you can get exactly the same results with a well constructed clean eating plan! Shake & bar diets will contain harmful chemicals, additives and refined sugars, ultra low calorie eating plans will put your body into starvation mode and drain your energy and ridiculously strict regimes which are just not sustainable and lack any nutritional benefit to you will just cripple your results in the long term– woo lets all live off cabbage soup for a month ... Yuk – Enjoy real food and the odd treat for goodness sake!

Going back to my original point ... your body will only let go of the amount of fat (weight) it feels comfortable with, if it can afford to drop 11lbs in a week – like some of my clients do, it will! Now ... you can ‘trick’ the body into losing more, and sometimes this has to be done to get past plateaus which everybody inevitably will reach at some point (just accept it!), but all it takes is tweaking one thing at a time, little changes will get the ball rolling again and this is exactly what we do with the people on the Save My Life Program to keep them continuously losing during their time with us. Dropping weight fast does not pose any health risks UNLESS you are following stupid diet protocols, which will cause you to become mal-nourished and put your body under serious stress through the extremes.

I am going to be completely honest with you in this final paragraph and say straight away to you

that big weight loss results will not be consistent every week – but half of you who are realistic and in it for the long haul already know that! Yes, it is possible to lose 2.5 stone in 21 days I have clients who have done it – but ultimately your body will not allow you to do it all of the time! Weight loss is not a natural thing for the body to do. However these big results do give a good guide to how quickly you can in fact lose weight safely IF you get your diet and exercise regime spot on without any silly diets! For the majority of people I would say that losing anywhere between 8-16 lbs in your first 4 weeks is realistic on any good, solid long term healthy eating plan that is realistic. After that then losing anywhere between 1-3lbs per week is ideal and means its working for you. Everybody will reach a plateau eventually, whether it is 1 month into your program or 4 months in, it will happen so expect it. When it does, you need to change one simple thing that you are doing, maybe its cutting out one item of food that you could do without, lowering your carbohydrate intake slightly or alternatively adding in more exercise to knock down the weight loss wall in front of you. Don’t forget whatever plan you choose to follow it has to be sustainable, you want to be able to lose weight, keep it off and know exactly what you need to do to lose more whenever you want to (or just keep losing for that matter) – Looking at a long term lifestyle change is the way to achieve quick weight loss but also prolonged results for the future! NOT MIRACLE RASPBERRY KETONES OR THE MEAL REPLACEMENT SHAKES!!


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Lower back and knee injuries generally occur due to outside forces and by not consciously preparing for a goal.

By outside forces I mean something that you weren’t expecting such as slipping on ice, tackle in football or even a collision with a car. And by not preparing for a move or task goal I mean such as lifting a heavy box then mind needs to be focused and not thinking about anything else.

We are all, both obese and non-obese, at risk from both of these events but fortunately most of us manage to cope or avoid them for most for of our lives. But we can do two things to help ourselves, and this is for everyone.

Firstly we can practice for those goals and secondly it is how we recover from the injury.

I want to be clear here, when I say practice I don’t mean practice getting hit by a car.Practicing for a goal is basically doing the goal, but it’s about

building up to do it longer, more frequently and possibly heavier. A bit like football players when they go to football practice they are practicing playing football. And whether it is practice to reach the goal or recovery it needs to be in incremental stages so training effects and adaptations can occur.

Ideally we need to be able to get around by ourselves and the only way to do it is by practicing and I mean walking. And we all start at our own starting point. So whether you can walk 1 pace or 1000 paces your can always improve, you may not know if you can walk a 1000 paces as you’ll probably be bored of counting by them! And if you can do 1 pace you can probably do 2.

The knee is a hinge joint and works to allow the leg to straighten or bend in the leg, the motions that we need for walking. And the joint is supported by muscles above and below it and ligaments that surround it, which all need to work in conjunction with each

other to support the joint. The point when they are all working together is during walking. And this is for everyone.

And the same for the lower back too. During walking the body creates a twisting motion through the spine to allow us to walk freely. As our right leg moves forward our left arm moves forward and then the left leg and right arm, try the same arm and same leg….it’s really hard and very strange. Anyway this twisting motion at the lower back allows us to move forwards with ease. Walking is excellent for the lower back too.

And also when recovery from injury, these are the same steps that I would recommend. The same with all goal preparation is to start small and build up. Your shopping routine could be your exercise programme/strength programme/cardio programme. Walk to the shops every day and carry home a little more than you bought yesterday or the last time you December Edition - Page 10 December Edition - Page 11

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shopped. Being consistent at these small tasks and goals will build your strength and fitness enormously, it may be a little slow or hard to begin with but trust me soon the results will begin to show. You can also change it around and just walk a little bit further instead of going to the shops. This is your ‘me time’ when you are doing something solely for you, it’s important to have these for yourself.

So that is my general overview of getting over injuries.Sometimes though it may not be that simple and you may need help with your movement. As a result of an injury the body tends to work to keep you in a safe place and not be hurt again. This may or may not show itself as restriction and or may or may not show itself as pain. Please note that if you have pain you are not necessarily injured and if you are injured you may not have pain, they can exist separately.

So going back the staying safe this may mean that with regard to your knees and your lower back you may not feel as agile or as flexible as before and you may feel this as pain or restriction.

The body is made up of bones that move in a sequence and pattern to enable our bodies to

function to their optimum level and our muscles respond to this movement. Sometimes though the sequences don’t happen in the correct order or way.

The knee joint is made up of two bones and how these bones move and sequence could create a response in the knee which is either pain or restriction. For example you could try this; example 1, walk with your toes pointing inwards. It’s still walking but not as optimally as it could be. Example 2, walk with the toes pointing outwards, again it is walking but not optimally.

These two examples are quite extreme in their response but it does show how a small change in the sequence and movement of the bones affects the ability to walk. Either or both of the examples may have produce either or both resistance and pain.

There are many exercises that are used to strengthen the muscles of the legs and the back and these are all very good and work, remember to use increments to improve strength. The greatest improvements won’t be made whilst pain and/or resistance occur.

My recommendations for recovering from injury and working with pain

and resistance are...1. Get it checked out and

cleared by your doctor/p h y s i o t h e r a p i s t / m e d i c a l professional you are seeing

2. Do something, I always suggest walking because not only is it good for your physical fitness it is good for your mental health too.

3. Seek the advice of a movement coach to help with the movement and sequencing of your body so that you can move out of pain and have a better range of movement.

4. And my final gem and motto ‘It’s only too late if you don’t start now’. The road to your goal may seem long and hard, but tomorrow it will feel even longer and harder.

No. 3 I feel is especially important for people who are losing large amounts of body fat. Your body and movements may have adapted over a period of time to manage your situation. If that is the case then I highly recommend seeking a movement coach to help you with that.

Other people who use movement coaches are athletes to improve their performance. We are all the same, we are all trying to improve our own performance from our own lives.

Alison Graham Weight Loss and Movement Coach

I work with business women and professionals over 40 who would like to feel confident and in control of their health, fitness and well being. December Edition - Page 10 December Edition - Page 11

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‘You will start your new weight loss journey as soon as you walk through the doors of the save my life program retreat and from here there is no going back. You’ll leave with all the knowledge, control and confidence you need to successfully lose and control your weight for the rest of your life. (With a little bit of support from us of course!)

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For more information go to

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What is a healthy BMI? – This is a question I get asked all the time by my clients and people who contact me for help. The BMI (Body Max Index) Scale is a measures your height to weight ratio (BMI = Your weight in kg divided by your height² (cm)) in order to give you a score on the Obesity scale. BMI is not just used to calculate your weight but also to measure your risk of contracting other chronic diseases (e.g. Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cardiovascular disease etc.). The theory is; higher your BMI score the higher your chances of developing one of the chronic disease due to your weight.

The BMI scale is shown here (insert scale). As you can see a normal healthy BMI score is 18-25, anything below is considered underweight; if you have a BMI between 25-30 your are classed as ‘Overweight’ and if you have a BMI of 30+ you will be medically classed as ‘Obese.’ This means you have a higher chance of contracting another chronic disease than a person at ‘healthy weight’.

However I say don’t worry too much about the BMI scale ... BMI does have its methodical flaws! Let’s say you have been diagnosed by your GP as being in the ‘Obese’ category - but you eat a healthy balanced diet and keep yourself active - are you really in a state or at risk of Ill health? The BMI Scale is an affective form of weight measurement for SOME people but also HIGHLY UNRELIABLE for

others, here’s why:

1) The BMI scale was originally produced by insurance companies (not the NHS!) to measure how ‘healthy’ an individual is in accordance to their height and weight, so that a reliable health insurance quote could be given in relation to their chances of developing other chronic and potentially life threatening diseases. It was not developed to tell you if you are overweight or not! – I have worked with plenty of clients who are over a BMI of 30, have run half marathons, don’t have type 2 diabetes and are medically fit and healthy ... just a bit overweight! 2) The BMI scale does not take into consideration Muscle Mass – Muscle weighs more than fat, if you lift weights and have a high muscle mass percentage and low body fat percentage – that makes you ‘Obese’ in the eyes of the GP and BMI scale – are you still at risk of these health threats? – Debatable!3) Its Psychologically wrong – to class a person medically as ‘overweight’ or ‘obese’ is segregating them from the so called ‘normal’ population and this can cause a person’s moral and feeling of self worth to plummet and ultimately cause them to gain more weight.4) BMI is meant to be a measurement of Body ‘Fatness’ – but we know that the body holds fat in different place for example visceral fat. Visceral fat is fat which is found around the organs

and puts a person at higher risk of Heart disease, cardiovascular disease and type 2 Diabetes. BUT BMI DOES NOT MEASURE THIS! Yes – an ‘overweight’ or ‘obese’ person with a BMI of 25+ would theoretically have more visceral fat than somebody with a BMI of 18.5 BUT this is highly dependent on diet ... the ‘normal’ or ‘underweight’ person could live on a diet which contains high volumes of saturated fat – leading them to have more Visceral fat than the ‘fatter’ person increasing their risk of developing chronic disease.

The assessment of weight by using BMI in my opinion is not 100% accurate. Real obesity assessments should incorporate BMI, Key Body Part Measurements, Fat percentage measurements, visceral fat measurement and a fitness tests in order to give a well rounded assessment of an individual’s health and wellbeing. This would give a better conclusion and overall insight into whether the individual is at an increased risk of other chronic diseases and if they need to lose weight to reduce these risks.

What is the HEALTH BMI?BY TOBY TRUNDLE December Edition - Page 14 December Edition - Page 15

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Running is a great exercise that is easy to do and can be done anywhere, any time and by any one. Running burns hundreds of calories (a 70kg person running 5 kilometres in 30-minutes will burn 360 calories – the equivalent of a small jacket potato with butter). You’ll also feel great after a run thanks to the body’s production of ‘happy hormones’ called endorphins, which help alleviate any pain endured whilst running .If you are in good health and ready to give running a go then you can use this guide to help you get started. Please note: if you are new to exercise, have an injury or bone/joint problem or you are pregnant you should consult a personal trainer, physiotherapist

or your GP to get an expert opinion before you start!

You’ve made the decision to give running a go, which is great, but no doubt you’ll have a few questions before you go out for your first jog or walk. Here are the basics to help you get you prepared to get out there!

What you should wear will depend on the weather but generally speaking light materials are more comfortable. You don’t have to wear specific clothing to get started, short or long sleeved cotton t-shirt and shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms will be just fine. In cold weather I would recommend starting off with two

layers on and take one off once you’ve warmed up. Choosing a pair of trainers is essential, a good pair of trainers will offer shock absorption- essential for the potential impact of jogging, so its defiantly worth investing that little bit more for a better fit and comfort. Some independent sports shops will offer a ‘gait analysis’ service which analyses the way your foot impact the ground so you can get a pair of trainers which are specific to your style of movement for increased comfort. No matter what size you are, ladies, a sports bra is also an essential bit of kit. Make sure you get one.

Before your first session I suggest eating at least 2 hours before you


LET’S START GETTING YOU ACTIVE! By Becky White December Edition - Page 14 December Edition - Page 15

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set out so you have some energy inside you that has already been digested. My favorite pre- run meal is porridge made with milk topped with banana and honey. The slow release carbohydrate in the oats provide me with the energy to keep going for longer and the fast-release energy from the honey and banana helps me run quicker! A 50g portion of oats is enough fuel for a 30 minute session and you can make the porridge with water or milk. You won’t need to take food with you this way.

Make sure you have some water before your first session too. You are likely to work up a sweat during your first session so you need to make sure that the fluid loss won’t result in dehydration. Drinking water throughout the day prior to your walk/run is essential and you may even want to take a bottle of water with you depending on how thirsty you get and if it’s hot outside. You’ll also need to drink plenty of water when you get back to replace what you’ve lost through sweating.

You’re all ready – porridge eaten, trainers laced up and you’re raring to go. Step out the door (or

on the treadmill) and start with a light 2-5 minute steady walk then gradually increase your pace to a fast walk or jog if you can!

A realistic goal for your first session is to be able to run for 30 seconds without stopping, then walking for 1-2 minutes and repeat this 5-10 times. 30 seconds is long enough for you to get into a good rhythm but not too long that you’ll give up on the idea before you’ve even stared. If you find 30 seconds to much – try just 15 or 20 seconds. Ideally your session should last between 20-30 minutes but if you need to stop sooner don’t worry, you’ll get there! You should feel out of breath whilst doing the session but not working so hard that you feel like you could collapse at any moment.

When you first start walking/jogging there are a lot of coaching points to take on board and it’s often hard to know what to focus on first. Novice runners often struggling with their breathing so I suggest you forget about speed, distance and everything else until you can comfortably run without getting a ‘stitch’ or

chest pain. Focus on breathing out. Most beginners don’t think about their breathing and end up feeling out of breath and gasping for air. By focusing on breathing out you can get into a good rhythm and remain in control so you’ll never feel like you can’t breathe. Really try to push the air out of your lungs and let your body take care of taking the oxygen in. Your lung will appreciate this in cold weather too. For the first few sessions this is all I want you to think about because once you’ve mastered this, running will become a lot easier and more enjoyable.

Enjoy your session – think about the positives of walking/jogging such as calorie burning, being outdoors in the fresh air and increasing your cardiovascular fitness. It isn’t easy but its worth it once you’ve got passed the initial discomfort. You can expect to feel fitter within 2-4 weeks of regular training, keep pushing yourself and those timings. Remember to stretch after your sessions too – this will help reduce muscle soreness and tightness. Here are a few for you to try!

Becky Bounce is a record breaking, award winning fitness expert who offers fitness programmes for adults & youngsters using mini-trampolines.

In just her early 20s, Becky has produced her own DVD, Bounce for Beginners, which is available to purchase on Amazon. She holds the Official Guinness World Record for the most people bouncing on trampolines at one time, and helped over 10,000 people improve their health and wellbeing through exercise and healthy eating before the London 2012 Olympics. December Edition - Page 16 December Edition - Page 17

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‘I lost 11 Stone the healthy way and it was worth it.’TOBY INTERVIEWS SAM ABOUT HER JOURNEY

I interviewed one of my distance clients Sam to talk a little bit about her weight loss journey over the last 5 years. Sam and I have been working together for around 2 to 2½ years now but over the last 5 years Sam has actually managed to drop just over 11 stone from around 20 stone to 8’12 stone last year, a phenomenal achievement! Here’s what Sam had to say on her interview.

Toby: So Sam, why all that time ago did you decide that it was time to lose the weight and do it the healthy way? Sam: It all started when I was diagnosed with diabetes. I started to eat more and more everyday for a couple of years, I really went into denial about it due to the shock and then one day I woke up and I thought sugar is killing me and I need to do something because my insulin wasn’t working or anything like that. So that got me onto a programme of sorts just by cutting out sugar to start with.

Toby: And how did you adapt to that? Did you adapt quite quickly to cutting out sugar, was it a case that you were in the zone and that you were ready to change or did it take you a bit of a while to get into it?Sam: No, I think I was ready by the time I started doing it. I was very, very conscious of whatever was going in my mouth.

Toby: In the terms of the diet you started to follow and the sort of foods that you started to eat, I know they are very similar to the sort of stuff that we have been working on over the last two years, but do you want to tell the guys a little bit about that, for instance what sorts of food were you eating.Sam: I was eating a lot of protein food, chicken, fish, white meats - if I wanted a piece of red meat during the week, I would have it. A lot of vegetables, sweet potato, brown rice, but lots and lots of vegetables to fill myself up during the day if I was hungry.

Toby: And even though you were not getting the sugar highs from the bad foods that you were eating how did you feel in yourself, in your energy levels?Sam: My energy levels went up definitely but I wasn’t exercising as much as I do now. Although I was still losing weight I didn’t looked toned. December Edition - Page 16 December Edition - Page 17

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Toby: And, in terms of the exercise, how did that contribute to your weight loss?Sam: I will say that some days I don’t want to do it, I’ll be honest, but once you have got your training gear on and you know that it is only going to be half an hour, 45 minutes, I think it makes it feel better and also I feel like I have let myself down if I don’t exercise during the day and it also means that I can eat more.

Toby: When you first started exercising, how did you do that? Did you have a trainer or did you attend group classes?Sam: No I started off on my own and its funny because I remember you saying to me I would do the same machine every single day, day in day out, and for the first six

to eight months that was ok, but it got really really boring so I started to do group workouts which were really good actually, because everyone motivated each other and then I decided to get a trainer to help me out because that is the extra motivation I need.

Toby: Obviously back then you were with another trainer and now we are working together. How did you find having that support there from somebody who is telling you what to do, constantly keeping on track with you with food and then obviously the motivational side of it as well?Sam: Well, I tell you something, I find it really hard. it’s something that I need to do and that I want to do but training with you has been very different because usually you go to a trainer and you just do cardiovascular stuff, whereas with you I do cardiovascular but weights with it and I would class it as quite gruelling – on the other

hand it is just something I have to do and I love the motivational side of you being there because I have seen the weight losses that you have had with other people so I know that you can do it.

Toby: Ok, so obviously when you lost your weight was a few years ago now, you lost it and then put a bit back on again, how did you feel about that when it went back on?Sam: I felt really upset actually, I was gutted. I felt that I had really let myself down but I think the one thing, (because I have always struggled with my weight), is that if I would have put on weight before, I wouldn’t have gone back to training so quickly, I would have just put on all of my weight, whereas I just phoned you and I was like, can you please help me now! And while we have been training I know that I have lost weight because my clothes are looser on me than what they are and to be honest with you I think when I lost weight originally I lost too much weight which people can do, and now I just want to peter out at a normal weight.

Toby: Obviously you went up a little bit on the scales but since we have been working together you have lost another couple of stone and almost got back on track to where you were. What, (obviously because you saw the website and heard about me as well), if you don’t mind me asking, drew you into that?Sam: Well I think, I know it sounds silly but Save my Life Program was very similar to a TV Show that I was watching at the time and I liked the input that December Edition - Page 18 December Edition - Page 19

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the coach was giving the clients that they had and because I watched you with other people, it drew me in and I know how dedicated you are to your clients and I know that you care, because there are some trainers out there that don’t care, they are just in it for the money and you are different!

The one thing I will say is having a good coach is paramount Toby if you are going to do this properly, because it is someone to talk to, it’s someone that if I have gone off track, they can say to me, right jump back on. It’s someone that understands how weight loss works. Speaking to someone like that is highly motivational.

I think keeping track on your food is also paramount. I mean you can train 5-6 days a week and be eating McDonalds every day, then you are not going to lose weight. You are actually going to put on weight and I think food and exercise is paramount. The only thing I would say about the food is it is a bit more expensive because you are buying fresh food all the time but you can source it, it doesn’t have to be that expensive.

It’s also about batch cooking and getting organized so getting somebody to help you with stuff like that is key.

Toby: The type of food that you are eating Sam, some people will think that they already know what to eat to lose weight and I think the question is here, and I’m sure you will agree, is why are you not eating it and why are

you not losing weight? And obviously we find out little things that tend to sneak in and you don’t notice. But it is about having someone there isn’t it, constantly telling you to eat this, make sure you are doing this, this and this and it is keeping you accountable isn’t it?Sam: Definitely, and you know what, you might know what to eat but the thing is that on the TV, and I really notice this, on the TV, you have got for instance various slimming clubs which don’t really work. I mean it works for one respect but you are still counting calories all the time. There is another one - Diet Chef, which delivers all your food to you and you don’t have to count anything, but the thing is, once you come off of those diets, all your weight goes back on, whereas when you are eating this kind of stuff, you are not counting calories, you are not measuring things - there is no thought that goes into it. The only thought that goes into it is what I am going to eat. Its easy.

And also the foods that these diets are recommending to you, although they are really low in calories, they are really high in sugar and as a diabetic I check all the packaging and when the sugar label is red, it means it is really high and I have even noticed for instance, like Weight Watchers yoghurts, even though they are really low in calories, they are really high in sugar.

And at the end of the day we know sugar is the problem here. Sugar is the thing which is causing you to gain weight

because it causes the insulin and the hormone reactions which cause you to store the sugar as fat and it is not actually fat that is the problem. There are a lot of things in the news now, I’m sure you have all seen, coming out about sugar which we haven’t learnt about before and it is very much changing isn’t it, from the whole low fat mentality that some of these other diets still promote because it is something that has been drilled into us over the last 30 years when in fact it is actually sugar that is the problem.

Sugar is definitely the problem, because I know that if I have a day off and I eat a bar of chocolate, I can’t just eat a bar of chocolate, I need more and that is the sugar and with this diet - and it’s not really a diet, it’s a way of life, you are not putting refined sugar into your mouth. There are the odd things that you allow me to eat that feels like a right treat , like the Naked Bars and things, they are really good for when I get that sugar craving which everybody gets.

Toby: And obviously you give yourself a cheat meal once a week don’t you Sam and do you have whatever you want?Sam: Whatever you want, and the way that I look at the cheat meal is that you know what, if I have the cheat meal on a Saturday or a Sunday and I also have a bad lunch as well, it is not going to be the end of the world. It’s a lifestyle change – stick to a diet like the Save My Life Program 80% of the time and you’ll lose, just keep it clean!

Toby: Thanks Sam December Edition - Page 18 December Edition - Page 19

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As you all know (And keep hearing me go on about!) It is the sugar in our food that causes us to gain weight. That is why today I am going to be giving you some great Low Sugar snack ideas. When our body digests sugar it causes a sugar ‘spike’ in our blood stream – this tells our body to reduce a hormone called insulin. Insulin is the hormone that controls our blood sugar levels so they don’t go too high or too low! However ... Insulin is a fat storage hormone. Sugar cannot be stored as sugar in the body so therefore it has to be converted to something else – and this something else is FAT! The simple fact is the more sugar you eat, the more blood sugar and insulin ‘spikes’ you will get and if you’re not burning it off – you will gain weight!

Sugar is everywhere in the modern day western diet but more often than not it is found in our snack foods (for example; crisps, chocolate, yoghurts, sweets etc.). Now, I know that you need something for your mid-morning, afternoon and even evening snack but please – keep it low sugar and I can promise you it will make all the difference. You won’t get sugar highs throughout the day, which means you won’t gain weight, you won’t have energy lows at work

and you won’t fall asleep in your chair before taking yourself to bed in the evenings! On the plus side you will lose weight, have more energy than ever before and you won’t be craving sweet stuff late at night.

Ok so you have no idea what can you have as an alternative? Well here you go, here are my top 10!1. 9 Bars (Found in all good supermarkets) 2. Peanut Butter 3. Nak’d Bars (Fruit bars, found in all good

supermarkets) 4. Rice Cakes 5. Vegetable sticks + Hummus 6. Oat Cakes 7. Mixed nuts and seeds 8. Add cinnamon (to food as a sweet alternative) 9. Banana Pancakes (1 Whole egg, 2 Egg Whites, 1

Banana – Whisk together and fry in coconut oil just like a normal pancake, delicious!!)

10. Meridian Almond Butter (to die for!)

I hope you find these healthy, low sugar snack ideas useful in curbing your cravings. Remember, when you keep you sugar levels balanced that is when you will get fast but also prolonged weight loss

Low Sugar Snack Idea’sBY TOBY TRUNDLE December Edition - Page 20 December Edition - Page 21

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I started the Save My Life Program just 3 weeks ago and I have already lost 2.5 stone.“

“Mandeep began his journey with the Save My Life Program just 3 week ago. His starting weight – 31.5 Stone and now after just 3 weeks he weighs in at 29 Stone, not bad for just 3 weeks of good food! Mandeep has tried numerous diets before including well known slimming clubs, bar and shake diets all with successful results, only to find when he goes back to normal eating that all the weight goes back on again. December Edition - Page 20 December Edition - Page 21

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Over the last few weeks Mandeep has completely changed his diet, cutting out refined sugars, processed foods, cooking from fresh and eating little and often. “The food is easy once you put your mind to it, you just have to get a little bit more organised. Once you get past the first few days, the sugar cravings will go. I can still enjoy the food I used to eat, it’s just learning how to cook in a healthier way, for example I now make my own sauces rather than using pre prepared rubbish which contains all of the sugars and other toxins.”

As well as changing his diet, Mandeep has also been training for 3 x 45 minute sessions per week. His sessions consist of mainly walking and basic body weight exercises such as squats and wall press ups. “I can’t believe how unfit I am. I used to play football on a regular basis and I can’t believe I have let my fitness slip this much. Obviously the

weight I’m carrying doesn’t help and I find all of the exercises challenging but I am getting through it. My fitness is improving every session and Toby is pushing me to incorporate small periods of jogging into my walking I do most days. It’s hard to get started but once you do, you feel so much better. I am no longer tired during the day, I feel like I have more energy and I am motivated to do my own exercise at home now around my sessions. Strangely I’m enjoying it.”

Over the next few months Mandeep will be documenting the highs and lows of his journey to lose 15 Stone. You can keep up with his progress on the Save My Life Program website via his video blog, here’s the link: . We will keep you updated on Mandeep progress in Next month’s issue of The BIG Weight Loss Magazine December Edition - Page 22 December Edition - Page 23

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Q & A WITH TOBYSend me your questions: [email protected]


Q1. WHAT IS THE ONE ITEM OF FOOD SHOULD I CUT OUT OF MY DIET TO START SEEING RESULTS STRAIGHT AWAY? Sources of white, heavy starchy carbohydrates should be the first type of food to cut out of your diet. They will cause your blood sugar levels to rise sharply increasing your chance of fat storage. The one food item I would suggest getting rid of first is bread. Bread is heavy on the digestive system and is predominantly made from white flour, sugar and other additives and preservatives which will all hinder your weight loss. Most bread also contains gluten which will slow the digestive systems ability to process and breakdown food; therefore slowing down your metabolism and reducing the amount of calories your body burns during the day. Cut out the bread and you will lose weight, feel better and reduce bloating

Q2. I SUFFER FROM PAIN IN MY KNEES, WHAT TYPE OF EXERCISE WOULD BE BEST FOR ME WITHOUT CAUSING PAIN?A low impact activity such as swimming or walking is best if you are feeling pain in your knees. You want to start with an exercise that does not put too much pressure on your joints, but at the same time an exercise which works them! In most cases the more movement you can get through the joint, the more flexible it will become and the easier it will start to become. The muscles around the joint will also start to become stronger and support the joint better, synovial fluid production will also increase, lubricating the joint so it can move more freely and eventually pain free.

Q3. HOW MUCH EXERCISE SHOULD I BE DOING PER WEEK? This is a question I get asked all the time and the answer is whatever is good for you! Everybody leads different lives, some people are more active during the day than others and everybody works different hours. As a general rule you should be doing at least 30 minutes of ‘moderate’ activity a day. When I say moderate I mean a form of activity or exercise which gets your heart pumping and your lungs working harder than they normally would. If you ‘don’t have time’ (which is just an excuse, everybody can make time!) and this is all you can squeeze into your day then try and fit this type of activity in first thing when you wake up. Your sugar levels will be at their lowest and you have a better chance of burning more fat. For those of you who are purposely exercising to aid your weight loss, I December Edition - Page 22 December Edition - Page 23

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would say between 3-5 hours per week of moderate to intense activity or exercise is optimal. If you can do more, great – but don’t burn yourself out. The body needs time to recover. If you are doing too much you will not drop weight, your body will hold on to everything you eat to use as energy. If you ‘do more’ you must ‘eat more’ to avoid putting yourself into a calorie defect which is going to hinder your results.

Q4. IS GRANOLA A HEALTHY CHOICE FOR BREAKFAST? Granola is one of the most popular choices for a ‘healthy breakfast’, its quick, easy and can be brought ready made ... however that’s where the problem arises! Is granola really that healthy? Make sure you are checking your granola packet for hidden sugars or artificial sweeteners – they will be holding you can! First thing in the morning is the worst time for you to be dosing yourself up with sugar. The body is most insulin sensitive in the morning – meaning you have more chance of storing that sugar as fat! Look for anything on the ingredients list ending in ‘ose’ or ‘syrup’ these will be the no go products. I bet you find that the majority of granola brands contain one or the other. Try and look for a cereal which is bound together by natural sweeteners such as honey or stevia, they will give you less of a sugar boost but will still taste great. You will find them if you look hard enough in your local supermarket.

Q5. I STRUGGLE TO DRINK WATER DURING THE DAY, WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP ME DRINK MORE? Drinking water is key to any weight loss and healthy eating program. Water helps to clear the body of toxins and flush out the bad fats. If your weight loss has hindered then increasing your water intake is one of the first things you need to do – but I know some of you struggle to drink your water! So what can you do to increase your fluid intake? It’s ok to add a good quality, sugar free squash to your water but I’m not talking about your commercial or home supermarket brands! You know all of those bottles you see on the top shelf and don’t bother to look at because they are too high up or don’t look as brightly coloured? Well that’s the good stuff! You will find 100% concentrate or natural juices in your local supermarket which have low levels of sugar and taste exactly the same if not better than the commercial sugar filled rubbish (yes they may say no added sugar and 0g in the sugar column but look at the volume of carbohydrate, which is sugar and added artificial sweeteners!). You can always drink sparking water or soda water to if you prefer the taste.

Q & A WITH TOBYSend me your questions: [email protected] December Edition - Page 24 December Edition - Page 25

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Become a contributor to The BIG Weight Loss Magazine!Have an idea for a great article? I am looking for articles that are filled with how-to tips for the wider weight loss population!

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Think you can write fabulous content in any of these topics? Great! Send me an email to [email protected] and I’ll get back to you whether it’s a good fit for my magazine! December Edition - Page 24 December Edition - Page 25