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The Bible Versus Bad Churches

Apr 14, 2018



Vincent Beers
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    Beers 1





    Dump the Church That Decided to Ignore Gods Words

    First let me state, this is not a denouement on the core

    concepts of faith. For the sake of this discussion let us assume

    the definition of faith to be: A deep and spiritual belief in

    something that cannot or will not actually be proven in the

    physical world; and having said that, the point here is not to

    bash God or the choice to believe in God through faith.

    Secondly, debating the existence of God is entirely outside

    the scope of this essay. For one to take an interest in this

    topic, at all, I must assume you have some level of faith, and

    that you choose to believe God exists in some form.

    Beyond those basic assumptions; however, lie much room for

    debate and even more room for misguided teaching. In fact, I

    believe many modern churches have taken liberty with their

    founding principles and expanded to the point of corruption.

    Whether intentional or accidental, the result is the same, that
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    regardless of faith and a belief in God, many churches are

    simply not to be trusted.

    Churches may not even be the correct term for some; perhaps

    faith based organizations; or more to the point, organizations

    which claim to be faith based and which state The Bible as an

    origin point for their derivative works. For the sake of this

    essay, the term church will suffice to categorically summarize

    any such religious, faith based or pseudo faith based structure

    which derives a portion of its claims on Biblical sources.

    To begin, most churches have a set of doctrines which can

    be traced back a number of years, sometimes thousands. A very

    large number of churches trace back to The Bible, or at least

    they make this claim.

    While clearly The Bible itself is grounds for debate under

    some circumstances; let us assume here, that any works using The

    Bible as a structural background point are themselves admitting

    some truth to The Bible. As such, one would expect those

    derivative works to adhere to the rules set up, by The Bible


    The most important fact to keep in mind here is that the

    Bible is littered with references stating clearly not to add

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    anything further. Here are just a few examples, of which there

    are many:

    The first is from the book of Proverbs:

    Every word of God is pure: he is a shield

    unto them that put their trust in him. Add

    thou not unto his words, lest he reprove

    thee, and thou be found a liar. Proverbs


    The final book of the Bible was the book of

    Revelation. It is physically the last book in the Bible,

    but it was also the last book written (90 AD). Revelation

    begins with these verses:

    The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God

    gave unto him, to shew unto his servants

    things which must shortly come to pass; and

    he sent and signified it by his angel unto

    his servant John: Who bare record of the

    word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus

    Christ, and of all things that he saw.

    Blessed is he that readeth, and they that

    hear the words of this prophecy, and keep

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    those things which are written therein: for

    the time is at hand. Revelation 1:1-3

    Revelation endswith these verses:

    For I testify unto every man that heareth

    the words of the prophecy of this book, If

    any man shall add unto these things, God

    shall add unto him the plagues that are

    written in this book: And if any man shall

    take away from the words of the book of this

    prophecy, God shall take away his part out

    of the book of life, and out of the holy

    city, and from the things which are written

    in this book. Revelation 22:18-19

    The first thing to note about the book of Revelation is

    that the revelations within came directly from Jesus to John. So

    it is to be considered the highest possible authority.

    So lets pick this apart in comparison to The Urantia

    society. Nearly one quarter of the Urantia book is devoted to

    detailing the life of Jesus Christ, and they teach that the

    Bible was for people who lived during Biblical times, and that

    the Urantia books additional revelations are for today.
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    However, Revelation 1:3 clearly states that the revelations

    in The Bible are for all who will live from that time forward,

    including those who will live in the last days, just prior to

    Jesus second coming and the end of the world as we know it.

    Yet, The Urantia Book was published in 1955 and makes

    claims that aliens have given mankind a new set of revelations

    to replace The Bible. The Urantian narrative goes on to explain

    a mixture of philosophy and religion as handed down by galactic

    visitors who are only now revealing themselves in modern times.

    The Bible is taught (in Urantian Society) as a historical

    reference and yet pieces of it are conveniently ignored if they

    do not agree with the Urantian storyline.

    Further exposition goes on to claim that facts presented in

    the book of Urantia were revelations of the future; for example,

    the Urantian book states that carbon plays a catalytic role in

    the suns nuclear reactions. The book further claims this

    prophecy was given in 1935, thus making it a prediction of the

    future. The problem is the book was published in 1955. Human

    science had discovered the link between carbon and the sun

    already, and this fact had been widely published since 1938.

    There is simply no proof that the Urantian manuscript

    existed in 1935 with what would have been an important

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    scientific fact. It could simply have been added at any time

    after 1938 to the manuscript, before being published. Many other

    stated facts have been proven falsei by modern scientific

    discovery and more powerful telescopes, since The Urantia Book

    included claims to the layout and placement of planets and solar

    systems as handed down by celestial prophecy.

    The Urantia Book has sold millions of copies and is still

    in publication today with an ever growing foundation of

    believers including the Urantia Book Fellowship, and the Urantia

    Foundation who believe that all of the science fiction presented

    in the book will one day be proven as truth.

    It all boils down to, give them more money and they will

    explain the universe to you. This makes so much sense because

    aliens are poor and need Earth currency. (Sarcasm)

    Mormons are in the same boat. Mormonism was founded by

    Joseph Smith in the 1830s; he was a known conman and thief. He

    had been run out of town numerous times for scams and bank

    fraud. Heading west, he started writing fictional novels and

    short stories about angelic visits and prophecies happening in

    the United States. When his novels and stories failed to sell,

    he began telling them on the streets as performance pieces. He

    quickly found that he made more money by claiming those stories

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    were true and asking for tithes, rather than as a storyteller

    asking for donations.

    The rest is history. His collected stories have been

    published and revised numerous times as a religious text, and

    the modern book of Mormon is now published as a book of facts to

    essentially replace The Bible, despite numerous parts that can

    easily be proven false. To date there have been more than 3913

    grammatical changes to the book of Mormon in the past 200 years,

    in an attempt to not only remove obvious lies, but to make it

    sound more believable. Other edits have removed segregation and

    hate speeches contained in the original such as this quote:

    "There is a reason why one man is born

    black and with other disadvantages, while

    another is born white with great advantages.

    The reason is that we once had an estate

    before we came here, and were obedient, more

    or less, to the laws that were given us

    there. Those who were faithful in all things

    there received greater blessings here, and

    those who were not faithful received

    less...There were no neutrals in the war in

    heaven. All took sides either with Christ or

    with Satan. Every man had his agency there,

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    and men receive rewards here based upon

    their actions there, just as they will

    receive rewards hereafter for deeds done in

    the body. The Negro, evidently, is receiving

    the reward he merits." Doctrines of

    Salvation, by Joseph Smith

    There have now been several versions of the Book of Mormon,

    all claiming to be the real thing and all containing bits of

    reprint fiction dating from the 1800s and earlier times. Even

    the most well known story about angels and the discovery of gold

    plates, which is used as proof that Joseph Smith is a prophet,

    is known to be an adaptation of an old Masonic legend of the

    Hiram Abiff; the cave, the stone, the box and the treasure,

    etc. Joseph Smith was very familiar with Masonic traditions and

    blatantly plagiarized many of their works, claiming them as his

    own first person account of events witnessed in his lifetime.

    In comparing modern reprints of the book of Mormon you will

    find many word and grammar changes that attempt to disguise his

    plagiarism. Earlier versions contain some passages that were

    lifted word for word from Masonic books and various fictional

    novels of the day.

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    Further proof that the Book of Mormon was nothing more than

    a scam can be seen by the fact that Joseph Smith even set up an

    illegal bank.

    The Kirtland Bank was created in the State of Ohio by

    Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon. Joseph was the Cashier and

    Sidney was the President. Unable to obtain a Banking Charter,

    Joseph and Sidney created an "Anti-Bank" Bank. Depositors were

    lured in because Joseph Smith told his followers that as a

    Prophet of God, the Bank would never fail.

    Joseph Smith's delusions left them empty-handed and the

    bank declared bankruptcy. Many faithful Mormons lost their life

    savings and investments.

    Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon fled Kirtland with all of

    the banks money under the cover of darkness in January of 1838

    to escape bank depositors who were given worthless bank notes in

    exchange for gold and silver deposits.

    The bank was a complete scam from the beginning. Joseph

    Smith continued to travel and evade the law, eventually

    establishing himself in Utah where he started over again with a

    new scam. Rather than call it a bank, he simply called it a

    church and began training missionaries to go out and solicit

    donations, this time with no promises of getting the money back.

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    wives. He was also known to rape women and children during his

    war campaigns, and brutally torture his enemies during decades

    of warfare and conquest, often against nearby peaceful nations.

    What Muhammad produced in the Quran is nothing more than a

    book of gibberish consisting of later war mongering verses which

    supersede earlier peaceful verses that are quoted or taken

    almost entirely from The Bible. While these verses may come

    across as poetic in their original language, a closer

    examination on a more detailed level reveals not poetry but a

    blending of pagan war rituals with biblical teachings, with no

    greater intention than to justify his war machine.

    Those who claim the Quran is a book of peace and that

    Muslims are peaceful people have only read the beginning.v The

    end goes on at great length about how to destroy ones enemies

    and it states clearly that anyone not of the same church are

    those enemies. It is a march to war and terror, plain and simple.

    For those simple folk who truly believe the peace put forth

    in the opening words of the Quran, I can only urge them to read

    them from the source of those words; they are quotes or

    revisions of biblical teachings, and should be read from The

    Bible, not the Quran.

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    Lets spend some time picking apart Scientology.

    Scientologists hold the Bible as a holy work and claim to have

    no argument with the Christian belief that Jesus Christ was the

    Savior of Mankind and the Son of God. They claim to share

    Christ's goals for man's achievement of wisdom, good health and

    immortality. Christianity is among the faiths studied by

    Scientology ministerial students.

    At least, thats what they say to the public and to new

    recruits. Scientology is another multilevel marketing scheme,

    this one even more insidious than the Mormons.

    To gain a higher rank in the church and to receive the next

    set of doctrinal teachings, you are required to give larger and

    larger donations. You purchase your way to salvation. By the

    time you have reached the highest levels of the church, what you

    have been given, is a science fiction novel. You get to read

    about magical airplanes and aliens that infect our minds,

    because, they died on this planet 75 million years ago after

    being chained to volcanoes and getting blown up with hydrogen


    It gets even more convoluted, with obvious language and

    storylines pulled from some of L. Ron Hubbards earlier novels

    about interstellar travel and war across the stars.
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    Dianetics, the first level of the books available to the

    public, comes across as innocuous and harmless science fiction.

    The later portions that require thousands of dollars in tithes

    are barely legible diatribes against all other religions and

    modern psychology theorem where in you are expected to give over

    everything you own, and everything you believe in, for the sake

    of pleasing your alien overlords, so they dont suck out your


    And it comes with a warning, if you read this story without

    first paying lots of money to understand it, you will die of

    pneumonia. No, seriously, that comes straight from the founder

    of scientology; pay lots of money before reading about Xenu, the

    alien overlord and the magical wall of fire, or you will die of

    Scientology is a junk religion that blatantly lies about

    having anything to do with The Bible and quickly replaces it

    entirely with a science fiction novel written by a famous wait

    for it science fiction author. How people fall for this scam is

    beyond me.vii

    Do I even need to go into detail on Catholicism? Catholic

    doctrine has so many contradictions to The Bible it would take

    many additional pages to even begin recounting them all.

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    Instead I will quote from a magazine published by the

    Vaticanviii itself on a slightly different topic:

    Alexander VI was one of the most notorious Popes in Church

    History. He pursued a libertine lifestyle, fathering children by

    various noblewomen and continuing a long

    relationship with the beautiful Gjulia

    Farnese Orsini. His offspring from a

    union with Vannozza Cattanei(Giovanni,

    Cesare, Lucrezia and Joffre) were given

    some of the most important positions and

    fiefs in all Italy. In fact, many of his

    policies were based on nepotism. Ruthless

    and unscrupulous, he conducted the

    affairs of the Pontifical State as a

    temporal prince.

    That this pope is, one of the most

    notorious is what should stand out;

    meaning, there were many notorious, corrupted popes throughout

    history, and a bit more research will uncover lists of them.ix

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    The Catholic Church has a well documented history of doing

    what it wants for the sake of money and power, and has more than

    once openly contradicted The Bible.

    Whats worse is the history of the Catholic Church to

    openly declare other churches as heretical simply for following

    The Bible more literally. Montanists, Novatians, Donatists,

    Paulicians, Waldenses, Paterine, the list goes on, these are all

    religions openly attacked by armies of the Catholic Church,

    often resulting in thousands, sometimes millions of deaths.

    The Albigenses as an example, in the 12th 14th centuries

    A.D. they opposed the transubstantiation doctrine. Where in, the

    Catholic Church claims that the drinking of wine and eating of

    bread during communion is not just the symbolic eating of the

    body and blood of Christ, but that the wine and bread physically

    morph into real flesh and blood.

    Albigenses believed that it was a purely symbolic eating

    and drinking and that there was no physical transformation

    taking place in the mouth. After holding an open public debate,

    it was the Albingenses who won over the peoples support.

    Rather than concede the debate, the Pope ordered his armies

    to war and killed over one million people. Tens of thousands

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    more died in the rioting afterwards, and the few survivors who

    did not convert to Catholicism were forced to flee in exile.

    All of this, for what, because the Pope and the Catholic

    Church would rather pervert The Bible for their own personal

    gain than admit people have the right to read it for themselves?

    They hold Catholic Doctrine as more sacred than the

    original text it claims to be inspired by, and despite a history

    of war mongering tyrants being made into Popes, they still

    claim the Pope is a divine incarnation of God on the Earth. The

    Catholic Doctrine as written by corrupt Popes is itself one of

    the most dangerous and abused pieces of literature in history.x

    I say, take it back to the original text, or at least as

    far back as you have access to. Do not believe anything without

    researching it, and dont fall for modern scams (Mormons, etc),

    science fiction novels (scientology, etc) or the power trip

    manipulations of despotic dictators masquerading as prophets

    (Muslims, Catholics, etc).

    Read deeper into the prophecies contained in The Bible, use

    them as your guide to evaluating any choice of religion.

    Especially be wary of those which claim to use Rhe Bible as a

    part of their teachings, while simultaneously ignoring the parts

    about not adding more books.

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    Among those prophecies in the bible, is the fact that false

    angels (i.e. demons) would lead many away from the truth about

    the Bibles message of salvation, and they would do so through

    false doctrines.

    In other words, extra-Biblical false revelations would come

    directly from spirits or celestial beings claiming to be from

    Heaven or a higher authority. The Urantia Book, The Book of

    Mormon, The Quran(Muslim), Dianetics (Scientology), Catholic

    Doctrine by order of the Pope, all make claims to such divine

    authorship, and are intended to replace The Bible in whole or in


    That fact alone should immediately set off major red flags

    about their contents. When applying Biblical examination to the

    Urantia book, book of Mormon, the Quran, Catholic Doctrine and

    other alleged holy books, they are quickly exposed for the

    demonic masterpieces they truly are.

    You cant claim these books and writings as divine

    inspirations that add to The Bible, it only proves that you

    either didnt read The Bible in the first place or that you

    assume your followers are too stupid to read it themselves.

    The bottom line is this: If you are Mormon, Urantian,

    Muslim, Catholic, Scientologist or some other cult and you find

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    yourself offended by what I have written here; answer this: Do

    you worship God? Or do you worship the church?

    Im not telling you to denounce your God or stop having

    faith. I am telling you to stop blindly believing in false

    teachings and to explore the roots which your religion claims to

    have originated from. If in those roots you find truth,

    understanding, and clear statements that those words should not

    have been tampered with, then dont dump your faith or your God.

    Dump the church churches that decided to ignore Gods words.

    You dont need false churches and books filled with lies to find

    God, you only need The Bible and any church that tells you

    different is ignoring The Bible itself that they claim to be

    based on.

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    i The described formation of the solar system (In the Urantia book) is consistent with theChamberlin-Moulton planetesimal hypothesis. Though popular in the early part of the 20thcentury, by the early 1940s it was discarded by Henry Russell's argument that it was incompatiblewith the angular momentum of planets such as Jupiter.

    The book repeats the idea prevalent at the time of its origin that one side of the planet Mercuryalways faces the sun due to tidal locking. In 1965, radio astronomers discovered that Mercuryactually rotates fast enough for all sides to see exposure to the sun.

    The book says that a solar eclipse was predicted in 1808 by the Native American prophetTenskwatawa. The eclipse actually was predicted in late April 1806 and occurred on June 16, 1806.

    And most damning comes from Meredith Sprunger, a liberal believer in The Urantia Book andretired minister in the United Church of ChristQuote "research has revealed that virtually all of the scientific material found in TheUrantia Book was the accepted scientific knowledge of the period in which the bookwas written, was held by some scientists of that time, or was about to be discovered orrecognized."

    Matthew Block, published a paper that showed nineteen examples of The Urantia Book utilizing

    material published earlier. All of the source authors identified in Block's paper were published inEnglish between 1905 and 1943 by U.S. publishers and are typically scholarly or academic worksthat contain concepts and wording similar to what is found in The Urantia Book. Block has sinceclaimed to have discovered over 125 source books and articles, written by over 90 authors, whichwere incorporated into the Urantia papers.

    Gardner and Block note that Paper 85 of the Urantia book appears to have been taken from thefirst eight chapters of Origin and Evolution of Religion by E. Washburn Hopkins, published by YaleUniversity Press in 1923. Each section of the paper corresponds to a chapter in the book, withseveral passages possibly used as direct material.

    Additional research information:

    ii The underlining theme of these items is that many of these issues, or the details of these issues,

    are unknown to most Latter-day Saints. Most members only know the sugar-coated, inaccurate,

    incomplete versions told by the Church. Certainly investigators are never told any of these things

    before they join. If all of the history was taught, as the evidence indicated it happened, and the

    members could decide the truthfulness of these issues on their own, then that would be a different

    story, but the secrecy involved adds to the distrust of the Church.

    Also, since modern Mormon apostles have stated that all truth shouldnt be revealed, things that

    are true should not be talked about if it damages member's testimonies, only approved Church

    history books should be read and how church historians have been excommunicated for printing

    truthful information that contradicts the Church's approved historical accounts, then this adds to

    the problems considerably. Further information can be found through historical research and isoften documented online by former Mormons who have become disillusioned by the churchs

    secrecy and refusal to admit the existence of factual historical documents. Example:

    iii Much of the Islam structural mechanics, names and symbolism are derived from the pagan moon

    god. The word Allah has origins older than Islam. Allah the father of al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat is an

    ancient story of the fertility cycle of the moon. The requirement for multiple prayer breaks during

    the day is derived from the pagan ritual where worshipers beg the moon to return and protect

    them from the sun. The modern symbol of Islam is still a crescent moon. Further notes on the
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    subject can be found here:

    iv Information on the history of Muhammad and the history of Islam comes primarily from Muslimhistorians and the Qur'an (Koran) itself... Some of these sources used are:

    The Qur'anAbu Dawud (sunnah)(A.D. 832?)Quote from Imam Muhammad Baqir (676-743 AD)

    about Imam MahdiTirmidhi (A.D. 892)Ibn Ishaq (A.D. 768) Tabari (A.D. 929)Ulmar al-Waqidi of

    Medina (A.D. 822) Zamakhshari (A.D.1144)Abd al-Malik ibn Hisham (A.D. 828) Baidawi (A.D.

    1292)Ibn Sa'd (A.D. 845) Ibn Kathir (A.D. 1301-1372)Ahmad ibn Hanbal (A.D. 855) Ibn Khaldun

    (A.D. 1332-1406)Amr ibn Sharhabil (Caliph 717-20 AD)Imam al-Mawawyal-Bukhari (A.D. 810-870)

    Sahih al-BukbariIbn Hazam (A.D. 994-1064) Ali Dashti

    Ibn Hajar - "Isabah", or "Dictionary of Persons who knew Muhammad"Muhammad Ibn al-Rawandi,

    in "The Quest for the Historical Muhammad"Also, Alfred Guillaume best known/respected Western

    Scholar on IslamAlso, Shmuel Berkovits' book "How Dreadful Is this Place!"Also, "The Politically

    Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades"Also, Ali Dashti: "Twenty Three Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad"Also, "Islam

    and Terrorism" and "Jesus and Muhammad", by the former professor of Islamic history at Al-Azhar

    University, Cairo, Egypt (Born a Muslim in Egypt/name changed to: Mark A. Gabriel, PHD)"Inside

    Islam, A Guide for Catholics", Pages 61, 62, 69, Co-wrote by David Ali, Islam ApostateQuote from

    Imam Muhammad Baqir (676-743 AD) about Imam MahdiIbn Hisham, The Life of Muhammad, 3rd

    ed., pt. 6, vol. 3 (Beirut, Lebanon: Dar-al-Jil, 1998), p. 8The Truth about Muhammad, Founder of

    the World's Most Intolerant Religion, by Robert SpencerThe Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin

    & Ravi Zacharias, pages 445-447"Islam Reviewed" by M. Ali, 2nd edition 1999The Quran Unveiled,

    by Dave Miller, P.H.D.The Islamic AntiChrist by Joel Richardson

    vThe Qur'an itself calls the Gospel of Jesus "Guidance and Light"

    The fact that Muslims do not traditionally read and study the New Testament / the Gospelof Jesus is yet another contradiction in Islam. First Islam tries to gain acceptance byattesting to the truth and validity of both the Christian and Jewish holy books. But, it thenclearly steps out of sync by contradicting and falsifying the facts and teachings in boththese books.

    Further research:

    vi This can be found in "Technical Notes of Operating Thetans, a scriptural document published by

    the Church of Scientology. It should be noted that all references to aliens, Xenu, walls of fire and

    various other blatant science fiction elements are only found in the deepest levels of spiritual

    documents that must be purchased from the church for thousands of dollars.

    Church officials will not even discuss this information in public until you pay them for this material.

    Example; Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis stormed out of an ABC Nightline interview when

    simply asked to confirm the accuracy of information on Xenu:
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    viiScientology was started in the 1950s by a science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard infulfillment to his publically declared aim to start a religion to make money. It is an offshoot to amethod of psychotherapy he concocted from various sources which he named "Dianetics".Dianetics is a form of regression therapy. It was then further expanded to appear more like areligion in order to enjoy tax benefits. He called it "Scientology".

    Scientology is a confused concoction of crackpot, dangerously applied psychotherapy,oversimplified, idiotic and inapplicable rules, ideas and science-fiction drivel that is presented toits members (at the "advanced" levels) as profound spiritual truth.

    Further research:

    In one lecture L. Ron Hubbard even claimed you could cure blindness by shifting a persons

    attention.The audio recording for this and many other L. Ron Hubbard lectures can befound here:

    viii The article quoted is from May 1996. Inside the Vatican is a monthly catholic news magazine:

    ix Source: Catholic Encyclopaedia; a top 10 list of the most wicked popes can be found here:

    x Catholic doctrines are provided by the Catholic Church and disseminated to followers as truth

    handed down by Papal authority. Much of it is only available in print and shared directly among

    members. Some portions of doctrine can be found online at sites such as: