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The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

Jan 18, 2016



Megan Mosley
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Page 1: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.
Page 2: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.


• The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts:  

• Old Testament consisting of 39 books;

• New Testament consisting of 27 books

Page 3: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• The Old Testament Divisions are: – The Pentateuch– The Historical Books– The Wisdom Literature (Poetical Writings)– The Major Prophets– The Minor Prophets

Page 4: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• The Pentateuch is the term commonly applied to the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

• The writing of these books has been ascribed to Moses.

• The Hebrew-speaking Jewish community referred to these five books as "The Law," "Torah," or "The Law of Moses."

Page 5: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.


Page 6: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Genesis• The Book of Genesis has sometimes been called the

"seed-plot" of the entire Bible. • Most of the major doctrines in the Bible are

introduced in "seed" form in the Book of Genesis. • Along with the fall of man, God's promise of

salvation or redemption is recorded (Genesis 3:15).

Page 7: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Genesis• The doctrines of creation, imputation of sin,

justification, atonement, depravity, wrath, grace, sovereignty, responsibility, and many more are all addressed in this book of origins called Genesis.

Page 8: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Genesis• Many of the great questions of life are

answered in Genesis: • (1) Where did I come from?

• Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Page 9: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Genesis• (2) Why am I here? (we are here to have a

relationship with God)

• Genesis 3:8 (NKJV) And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day…

Page 10: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Genesis• Genesis appeals to the scientist, the historian,

the theologian, the housewife, the farmer, the traveler, and the man or woman of God. It is a fitting beginning for God's story of His plan for mankind, the Bible.

Page 11: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Key Verses in Genesis• Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God created

the heavens and the earth.”

• Genesis 3:15: "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

Page 12: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Key Verses in Genesis• Genesis 12:2-3: "I will make you into a great

nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” 

Page 13: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Key Verses in Genesis

• Genesis 50:20: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

Page 14: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.


Page 15: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Exodus begins where Genesis leaves off as God deals with His chosen people, the Jews.

• It traces the events from the time Israel entered Egypt as guests of Joseph, who was powerful in Egypt, until they were eventually delivered from the cruel bondage of slavery into which they had been brought by "...a new king...which knew not Joseph" (Exodus 1:8).

Page 16: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Exodus• Chapters 1-14 describe the conditions of

oppression of the Jews under Pharaoh, the rise of Moses as their deliverer, the plagues God brought upon Egypt for the refusal of their leader to submit to Him, and the departure from Egypt.

Page 17: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Exodus• God’s sovereign and powerful hand is seen in

the miracles of the plagues—ending with the plague of death of the firstborn and the institution of the first Passover—the deliverance of the Israelites, the parting of the Red Sea, and the destruction of the Egyptian army.

Page 18: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

Exodus• The middle portion of Exodus is dedicated to the wandering in the wilderness and the miraculous provision by God for His people. But even though He gave them bread from heaven, sweet water from bitter, water from a rock, victory over those who would destroy them, His Law written on tablets of stone by His own hand, and His presence in the form of pillars of fire and cloud, the people continually grumbled and rebelled against Him.

Page 19: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

Exodus•The last third of the book describes the construction of the Ark of the Covenant and the plan for the Tabernacle with its various sacrifices, altars, furniture, ceremonies, and forms of worship.

Page 20: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Key Verses in Exodus• Exodus 12:27: "'It is the Passover sacrifice to

the LORD, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when he struck down the Egyptians.' Then the people bowed down and worshiped.” 

Page 21: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Key Verses in Exodus• Exodus 20:2-3: "I am the LORD your

God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me."

Page 22: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• Key Verses in Exodus• Exodus 1:8: "Then a new king, who did not know

about Joseph, came to power in Egypt.”• Exodus 2:24-25: "God heard their groaning and he

remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them."

Page 23: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• The Old Testament is founded upon two major promises:

– The Promise of The Messiah

– God's Promise to Abraham

Page 24: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• The initial promise of the Messiah was found in Genesis 3:15:  

• Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”

Page 25: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•The Pentateuch •Genesis 3:15 is A Promise of Redemption. After the fall in the Garden of Eden, man fell from the place that he once was as it relates to fellowship with God. 

•Since the beginning of time, God has desired to have daily fellowship with man.

Page 26: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•The Pentateuch •Genesis 3:8: “And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.”

Page 27: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•The Pentateuch •Adam and Eve's sin, effected their relationships with God.  After man's sin, they got kicked out of the garden.  Sin, particularly sins of commission, separates us from God.  

Page 28: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•The Pentateuch •Two types of sin:

•Sins of Commission-deliberate sins (knowingly)

•Sins of Omission-sins unknowingly or sins done by mistake

Page 29: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•Questions•Which type of sin did Adam & Eve commit?

•What did they do to "cover up" their mess? 

Page 30: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•Answer•Genesis 3:7 (NKJV)Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.

Page 31: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•Questions•What did God do to cover them?

Page 32: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•Answer•Genesis 3:21 (KJV) Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

Page 33: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•Questions•What Biblical principle did this establish?  

Page 34: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.•Hebrews 9:22 “And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.”

Page 35: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•The danger of sin is that sin separates us from God!  

Page 36: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•II Corinthians 5:21 “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”•Matthew 27:46 “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”


Page 37: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•The prophesy of Genesis 3:15 is one of TOTAL REDEMPTION!  Jesus purchased our redemption out on Calvary’s Cross.  •The reason that we praise, worship, and celebrate The Blood of Jesus is because His Blood brought us TOTAL Redemption from out sin!!!  


Page 38: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•Leviticus 16:19 (KJV) And he shall sprinkle of the blood upon it with his finger seven times, and cleanse it, and hallow it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel.


Page 39: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•Jesus shed His blood at seven (7) places, each instance with its own significance.  

•When you understand what the blood of Jesus did for you, you will never again stay in bondage in any area of your life. • 

Page 40: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

• 1. Jesus shed blood at the Garden of Gethsemane.

• Luke 22:44 “And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.”

Page 41: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•What was redeemed there: Victory in Our Willpower.

•It was in the Garden of Eden that Adam lost his willpower i.e. ability to say no to sin and to all that is evil and of the flesh and it is in another Garden (Gethsemane) that Jesus gained this power back for us i.e. when He said no to following His own desires.

Page 42: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•What was redeemed there: Victory in Our Willpower.•When Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane, He knew full well what He was going to redeem for us there: our willpower. So when he was tested, He finally prayed: “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done”.

Page 43: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•What was redeemed there: Victory in Our Willpower.

•Now, through Christ we have power to say no to sin, every kind of bondage and selfish self-seeking that we may get into.

Page 44: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•Victory in Warfare:  •Hematidrosis = medical term – mental stress and emotional trauma. = blood oozes out of capillaries of skin instead of perspiration.•Is 53:4 surely he has borne our grief’s and carried our sorrows.•The Blood of Jesus breaks the power of fear, sorrow, anxiety so we can be at rest.

Page 45: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•2. He shed blood at the whipping post.

•Mat 27:26 “Then he released Barabbas to them. And when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be crucified.”

•What was redeemed there: Our Health.

Page 46: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•Jesus symbolized this breaking of His body in the breaking of the bread at the Last Supper; He was showing how His body would be broken for our healing. Therefore, everyone who receives Him qualifies to receive His healing power. The curse of sickness is broken by His blood!

Page 47: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

•Isaiah 53:5 “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

•Psalms 129:3 “The plowers plowed upon my back…” 

Page 48: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.


•3. He shed blood internally - from the intense beating.

• Mat 27:26 “Then he released Barabbas to them. And when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be crucified.”

Page 49: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.


•What was redeemed: Our forgiveness and liberty from the hold of transgressions and iniquities.

•Isa 53:5 “But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was on Him; and with His stripes we ourselves are healed.”

Page 50: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

 •Jesus, out of the severe beatings He underwent also suffered from many internal injuries. This was to liberate us from the power of iniquity and transgressions. He had internal wounds and bruises. The blood-shed within was to liberate us from the power of transgressions and iniquities so we can a life free life of curses. Those generational and ancestral curses must go in Jesus name!

Page 51: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

 • 4. He shed blood when they put the crown of thorns on His head.•In Genesis 3:17-18, God cursed the ground.   As a result, thorns and thistles caused man to produce bread through sweat. •Thorns = frustrations, difficulties, setbacks in life.

Page 52: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

 •In the beginning, Adam was given dominion over the earth.  However, the ground became cursed when he betrayed his loyalty to God as King and lost his dominion.•Placing something before God is idolatry. •Mat 27:29 “And plaiting a crown of thorns, they put it on His head, and a reed in His right hand. And they bowed the knee before Him and mocked Him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!”


Page 53: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.


•Jesus shed His blood to cleanse us from all idolatry so we could be restored to the place of dominion, crowned with glory of God and be free from striving and serving idols.

•What was redeemed: Dominion over our thought lives (choices).

Page 54: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

 • 5. He shed blood when they pierced His hands.•Mat 27:35 “And they crucified Him, dividing His garments, casting a lot; so that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, "They parted My garments among them, and they cast a lot for My clothing.””•What was redeemed: power to succeed, prosper and ability to receive spiritual inheritance.

Page 55: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

 •When the blood oozed from the palms of Jesus, it was to take away the curse on the work of our hands, to take away the sin that was testifying against us, and to free us to lift our hands to God in worship. •The scriptures speak of lifting ‘holy hands’ to God. •Now we can do that because our hands have been purified through the blood of Jesus. 

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•Also the work of our hands can be blessed because the curse that was on the work of our hands was lifted by His wounded hands.

•Now everything we do can prosper!


Page 57: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

 •6. He shed blood when they pierced His feet.•Mat 27:35 “And they crucified Him, dividing His garments, casting a lot; so that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, "They parted My garments among them, and they cast a lot for My clothing.””•What was redeemed: our dominion and authority. 

Page 58: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

 •Disobedience (in Adam) led to our loss of dominion, but the shed but of Jesus bought it back for us. •Dominion is in the place of our feet.  •Anything that is under your feet is under your power. •God says “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you…” (Joshua 1:3). 

Page 59: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

 •Now we can go and take back our cities, towns, families, destinies, because Jesus has restored us to the place of power over the enemy. •Luke 10:19 says “Behold, I give to you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the authority of the enemy. And nothing shall by any means hurt you.” This is dominion. 

Page 60: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

 •7.  Blood came forth when they pierced his side.•John 19:34 “But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a lance, and instantly there came out blood and water.”•What was redeemed: wholeness of heart and fullness of joy.

Page 61: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.

 •Jesus went through great heartbreak right from the moment He entered into Jerusalem. First, He was rejected and betrayed by Judas, then the crowd before Pilate also rejected and refused Him preferring Barnabas to be given to them, then He saw His mother watch Him while naked on the cross, then He felt abandoned by the Father too when He cried, ‘My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?’

Page 62: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.


•Betrayal, grief, abandonment, rejection… these are things which gripped the heart of the Master and caused Him much anguish even as He hung on the cross. It was not easy. It is medically proved that a high level of agony can cause water to collect around the heart.

Page 63: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.


•When Jesus died, the soldiers did not pierce His heart, only His side. But when they did, blood and water came out, showing that he literally died of a broken heart. When Jesus first begun His ministry, He said God has sent Him to ‘heal the broken-hearted’. 

Page 64: The Bible is made up of 66 books and divided into two parts: Old Testament consisting of 39 books; New Testament consisting of 27 books.


•Regardless of what has been done against you by anyone to break your heart, the heart of Jesus was broken so that yours can be made whole again. Broken not by the spear, but by the anguish, and the blood that came from there was to make your heart whole again.