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Page 1: The Better Life Journal
Page 2: The Better Life Journal
Page 3: The Better Life Journal

Sept. 2012

4 Spiritual Stewardship

5 Women’s Ministry

7 Testimonies Of Faith.

8 A Study Of The TALLIT. By: M. Farley

9 Reflections By: Margarita Simpson

10 COMMUNITY DAY Pictorial

15 Higher Learning

17 Laughter is like a Medicine









Editor & Chief—Bishop Gregory A. Foster Assistant Editor—M. Benning-Farley

Contributing Writers/Submissions

Bishop Gregory A. Foster

William McKinney

M. Farley

Joy Richards

Margarita Simpson

Designed by:

William McKinney C.C.M.M

Page 4: The Better Life Journal

In the gospel of Matthew 25:13-30, the Kingdom of Heaven is likened as unto a man who travels to a far country, and who entrusts his serv-ants with his possessions, each according to his own ability. To one of the servants, the owner gave five talents, to another he gave two tal-ents, and to the third he gave one talent to manage until his return. When the master returned to collect his goods, he found that the first two servants had multiplied their master’s possessions, but the third

servant did nothing with the goods that he had received. The first two servants who wisely invested their master’s goods were commended as faithful, but the third servant was consid-ered unfaithful and unprofitable to the master. This parable of the talents is instructive to us as Christians today because it contains several spiritual truths about the Kingdom of heaven, and how we as God’s servants must use the resources, gifts, money and time that he has given us wisely. This article will focus on spir-itual stewardship as seen through: responsibility, ability, and faithfulness. Responsibility: Matthew 25: 14 states that the Kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. The owner entrusted his servants with his own goods, believing that they would be responsible stewards over his money. What did this responsibility entail? Responsibility is responding to a task according one’s ability, within a certain time frame, and under certain conditions. God en-trusts to us a specific commission to reach souls for the Kingdom of heaven through witness-ing, and in the edification of the body of Christ in giving, word and deed. Ability: Matthew 25:15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability. The important thing to note about stewardship as it relates to the Kingdom of heaven is that God does not give us tasks to accomplish that are above and beyond our ability. In light of this, we should not be envious of other people’s gifts and abilities because they have the greater responsibility and accountability. However, whatever God gives us to do we must be responsible to do what he has entrusted to us. Faithfulness: Matthew 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful serv-ant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Good stewardship requires faithfulness. Faithfulness means that we must use our ability reliably, with devotion and loyalty. God requires us to be faithful in the work of his Kingdom. He despises the slothful servant who takes what is given to him and uses it deceitfully, and He also rejects the one who does not use his gift at all. You may think that if you do nothing with your gift that you have done nothing wrong, but in God’s sight if you do not use your gift for His kingdom, you are considered unprofitable. Spiritual Stewardship demands responsibility to a task, use of ability to accomplish the task, and faithfulness to complete the task, until the return of the Son of Man.

Spiritual Stewardship Taken from the Biblical teaching of Bishop Foster

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Hi ladies, we invite you to our monthly women's meeting with 1st Lady Stephanie T. Foster and Overseer Evangelist Mary McDaniel. Here we discuss various issues that affect us as women and share solutions based upon the word of God. Join us as we discover the PLAN, POSI-TION, and PURPOSE for our lives as we grow in the knowledge of our savior Jesus Christ.

II Peter 3:18.



1st. Lady Stephanie Foster1st. Lady Stephanie Foster1st. Lady Stephanie Foster


In the Midst of Dirty Dishes. Sharon Glasgow

"Show hospitality to one another without grum-bling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: ... whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ ..." 1 Peter 4:9-11b (ESV) I'd heard heroic tales of her. She'd been a mis-sionary for over 60 years and led countless peo-ple to Christ. Now she was in her eighties and continued to pour her life into serving others. I was honored to stay with her for a week to minis-ter alongside her. After traveling 30 hours to her home, my husband and I arrived late in the evening. She welcomed and ushered us into her kitchen for a hearty meal she'd prepared. Then she took time to pray over us before we went to bed. When the sun was barely up the next morning, we feasted on an enormous breakfast in her tiny kitchen.

She and her husband prayed and read Scripture while we ate. The kitchen was crowded, her appli-ances old and worn, dishes piled high in the sink from her lavish food preparation—yet the atmos-phere was home. As they read and encouraged Dale and me, unexpected tears welled up in my eyes and dripped on my plate! Her kitchen didn't get a rest! Immediately after breakfast she began cooking again, this time for 100 women. She had rented a banquet hall and invited friends, telling them an American would be speaking and food would be served. We cooked, set up the luncheon, and I was ushered to the front to speak. Her intention was to build a bridge to their hearts, in hopes that they would come to church on Sunday. And many did! While driving home in a car packed full of dishes from the luncheon, she told me she'd invited a large group to the house for dinner and wanted me to speak again. I couldn't imagine how we could clean up all the mess we had left behind and prepare another huge meal! How would we get it all done? She

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didn't seem concerned at all. Instead, she was fueled from what the Lord had done at the luncheon. There have been times that I've worried more about my kitchen than how I can serve others. I fret over the size and messiness. But as I watched this woman overlook the piles of pots I was inspired. She didn't let an unswept floor keep her from ministering when she felt the Lord move her. She set the table beautifully and welcomed her guests. Her husband and she joined together to pray and read from the Word. Hearts melted, like mine had earlier that morning. Years have passed and I think of her every time I have company. Over the years she ministered to thousands in her home; many came to know Jesus there. And it was not because of delicacies or fancy dishes; it had nothing to do with a spotless kitchen. In fact, her kitchen was a mess. But when-ever God opened a window of opportunity my friend chose to seize it. I want that kind of desire to serve. I want my strength and passion to be like that described in today's key verse, 1 Peter 4:9-11b. I want to long for people to know Jesus more than I want to have the perfect kitchen. God cares more about what's happening in our kitchen, than the state of it. My friend taught me that God's love can be shared, His character can be shown and hospitality can be offered, even in the midst of dirty dishes. Dear Lord, help me take care of my home, and make it a place where You are glorified. Show me ways to serve You in a greater way through the resources You have given me. And help me always care more about the people in my kitchen than the dirty dishes. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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Just in time!! Toward the end of April I was in dire need of a miracle. I only had few days before the lease to where I was living would expire. That night in church I asked Bishop Foster to pray for my situ-ation and he said that he saw something opening for me soon. With only 2 days before my lease expired (just as Bishop Foster said!!) I was blessed with an affordable place to live and a se-cond job. On top of all that, the place where I’m living allowed me to move my sister in with me (she was also in need of a place to live)!!! I thank God for Bishop and All his Prayers RAQUEL RICHARDSON God Made A Way!! Getting to and from school and church was be-coming more difficult, with preparing myself & my children and dealing with public transportation. I asked Bishop Foster to pray about a car and he said that I would be driving my own car very soon and it would be very affordable. Well, two months later I’m in my own car which I purchased far below its book value! Thank you Bishop for your insight. C.S. Supernatural Miracle! We had fallen behind on our mortgage payments and were close to losing our house. We asked Bishop to pray over some paperwork that we sub-mitted for a loan modification on our home mort-gage. The bank turned us down several times but we kept on believing that God would inter-vene. Bishop prophesied that God was going to give us a miracle concerning our house. Right before our house went into foreclosure, God gave us a supernatural miracle! We were among the first in the country to benefit from the program that lowers your interest rate to 2%. God set us up! Our mortgage payment was reduced $400. Richard & Charlene McMicheal

Who’s Report Do You Believe I asked my bishop to pray for me when I had my pap smear done last month. In May 2012 the doctor saw something in my uterus. My bishop prayed and said not to worry, there will be noth-ing there. I went to see a specialist from Mai-monides Hospital on Monday June 18, 2012. The specialist said that there was nothing there. I thank God for the bishop’s prayer and genuine love for the flock.

Sharon Moss

Devine Favor in Our Home Last month I was transferred to the service de-partment on my job. The regional managers came to see how the departments were doing and because I was the last to get hired they let me go for lack of space. So I was stuck working one day a week. Well the next day I put out my resume on line. The same day I put out my re-sume out I was called in for an interview. When I got to the interview there were six people in the interview room. The boss told everyone to leave. As everyone was leaving the boss turned to me and said I want you to work for me. So now I begin work on July 2nd. C. Bell The Shift Bishop Foster prayed and said there was going to be a shift in my position at work. Well my job had a new manager and things weren't really working out. The boss put me in the manager’s position the same day. Just as the Bishop said there was a shift in position, true enough it came to pass. Lasha Bell

Testimonies of FAITH

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Last week I set my status as "All that huck-ing, bucking, shaking and shouting but no power". That was a bit cold-drastic and not necessarily overall true, however; I wonder how long it will be before the church has full power and authority; left to us by Jesus Christ. Natural or carnal authority is not the same as spiritual authority. Authority (from the Latin word auctoritas) is a right or a per-missions bestowed by recognized Powers. Authority often refers to power vested in an individual or organization by the state or an even higher level of government. An Au-thority refers to a governing body upon which certain authority (with lower case a; note the difference) is vested. Authority in general refers to ones power, privilege, or influence over another of inferior rank (demons), stature, age, physical prowess, position (kingdoms), experience, mental health (mind battles) , gender, ability, and whatever else that determines how one would naturally succumb. I think that as believers one of the things that confuses us in our walk is exactly what (levels) power God gives to us both in the natural and in the spirit. For example; if you are married your body doesn't belong to you; your mate has POWER or AUTHORI-TY over your body. That is a spiritual law because surely you can determine how and what you will do with your NATURAL body; which you operate. Then there are natural authorities where Christ commands that we pay Caesar what is due Caesar (Mark 12: 17). The same holds true for the church. We don't belong to ourselves but as adult men and women it is difficult to transform that part of our mind. Simply because in the natural we are FREE from parental authority and have earned the privilege of being in

control of our own lives. Consider Paul; Paul writes that he was indentured/bonded to The Lord, The Gospel of Christ. The first Communication in the letter is how he de-scribes himself: ‘A servant of God’. Romans 1:1-4;He was ‘a bondman of God’, God’s slave, for God owned him. Paul’s life was totally committed to the Lord; he was not his own – compare Exodus 21:6 with 1 Co-rinthians 6:19-20. It is this SUBMISSION that allows Paul to further identify himself as ‘An apostle of Jesus Christ’. Here Paul gives us his official authority for the minis-try in which he is engaged. He was ‘a sent one’ – sent by the Lord Himself. Spiritual Authority comes from God, The Eternal, God The Father, as the head of all authority, has delegated His authority to His Son Jesus Christ., who is now "head over all things to the Church." (Ephesians 1:22). When Christ returned to His Father, He sent The Holy Spirit to be His representative in the church. Now Christ’s authority as head of the church is transmitted through The Holy Spirit to the ministerial heads of the church, and so on to the members. Did you know that regardless of what others say and do, you have the spiritual authority to rise above their actions and words! (Job 22:28) Not even the devil himself can resist or thwart the plans of a child of God when he or she uses the authority that God has placed in their hands! (Luke 10:19/Mt:16:19) "YOU shall also decree a thing and it shall be established unto you and so light will shine on your ways. When they cast you down and YOU SAY 'Exaltation shall come!" then He shall save the humble per-son." [Job 22:28-29] "Truthfully I say unto you, Whatsoever YOU shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever

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By: M. Benning Farley

YOU shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." [Mt:18:18] So having said that; what is the delay? Why aren't we parting any red seas anymore? Why is it that we seem to be able to save the world but not our homes? Why is it that the last mira-cle we've seen or heard of were the ones that our grandparents spoke about? Does God NOT want us to PROVE Him? Does He by change of heart not want us to do great works? "For all the promises of God in him are yes, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us." (2Cor:1:20) The supreme Authority of God The Father is up-held when there is obedience through this chain of authority; when God’s will is directed through Christ by The Holy Spirit to church leaders, and then obeyed. Because true practi-cal authority exists only when it is met with obedience. Our direct link with Christ is The Ho-ly Spirit. Jesus said, "when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He…will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.” (John 16:13,14) Spiritual lawlessness occurs when the Holy Spirit is ig-nored, and works are performed in the power of our natural abilities controlled by self rather than the Holy Spirit. Maybe you have grown weary in trusting in the Authority and Power that God has given you. Now is the time to change your position. The devil has worn many of the saints out with the lie that "God doesn't do that anymore" and "maybe God hasn't forgiven you and this is why He does not hear nor answer your prayers". He is a liar! Your faith in God can change your world! God has not only given you dominion over your life (the power and the authority to govern and control your flesh) - but He has also commissioned you to overcome and subdue things that are not in agreement with His will for

you (Genesis 1:26-28). God made you and I in His 'likeness' and 'image' and He gave us the same ability to change things that He has by using the most powerful force in the known universe: FAITH! I agree with you that now is the time for true au-thority. No more "just getting bys" No more "maybe it can happen". My Brethren now is the time for the church to take Authority over all of the authority of the enemy. Subdue and recov-er in The Matchless name of Jesus Christ, for The Kingdom of God is truly at hand.

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MEN’S FELLOWSHIP A few days ago Bishop Foster called a special meeting of the Bible Faith Men’s Department. In this meeting Bishop spoke on what he desires for the ministry and the direction he would like to see the men to move into (spiritually, physically, financially, etc…). We were all inspired and strengthened when Bishop shared his 30 plus years of experience in min-istry. Questions about marriage & relationship were discussed and stra-tegic plans were formulated for the financial success of our men. The meeting was a tremendous success and all of the men would like to thank Evang. Bridget Henry and the Women’s Department for graciously prepar-ing and serving a delicious meal. As the men’s department continues to grow in number and spiritually we ask that everyone keep us in prayer. God Bless.

Page 11: The Better Life Journal

Maybe your daughter says she hates social studies but won’t tell you why. Or your son, when asked what he learned at school, just says “Nothing.” Talking about school with your children shows them that you value education and keeps you aware of what’s going on in their lives, but what should you do when they don’t want to talk?

Getting the Conversation Started

First, think about the time of day and the kind of questions you ask. Whether your child is a chatty 1st grader or a tightlipped teenager, he may not want to talk about a tough math test as soon as he gets home from school. And questions like “How was school?” are bound to elicit uninformative an-swers like “Fine.”

Experts recommend taking a few minutes to recon-nect as a family after the busy day before address-ing school and household issues. Let your kids know you’re glad to see them and wait a while to ask about grades. Keep in mind that kids may be tired or preoccupied when they first come home, or they may want some quiet time before launching into the evening’s activities.

When you start a conversation about school, ask specific questions about parts of your child’s day or the school environment, advises Laurence Stein-berg, author of The 10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting and a psychology professor at Temple University.

“I think the biggest mistake parents make is to ask broad questions like ‘How was your day today?’ and their kids give a one- or two-word answer,” Steinberg says. “The more specific you are in your questions, the more of an answer you’re likely to get.”

At the beginning of the school year, Steinberg sug-gests asking general questions to learn about a child’s classroom, teacher, and classmates, such as:

What does your classroom look like? Where is your desk?

Which of your friends are in your class? Who else is in your class?

What did you like best at school today?

What did you have for lunch? If your child is not talkative, you can still learn a lot about her school experience through other means. Read the school newsletter, email the teacher, and talk to other parents on the phone. As you become more familiar with your child’s daily routine, you can ask more specific questions to get her talking about a project or a class pet.

Talking About Problems

What should you do when your daughter announc-es that she hates school or when your son says he can’t stand the kids in his class? Even for children prone to melodrama, these kinds of statements may signal that a child is having academic or social problems at school. It’s important to get to the root of the problem, Steinberg says, and that will take patience and understanding.

When your daughter says “I hate school,” it could mean she is bored in class, doesn’t understand new material, is being pushed too hard, or doesn’t get along with a teacher. Your son’s declaration that he doesn’t like the other kids may mean that he feels ignored or friendless or that he’s being bullied or victimized.

Parents can help by talking with their kids about steps they can take to make the situation better. Younger children may need their parents’ help to think about how to solve a problem, while older children need a chance to solve problems on their own, Steinberg says.

While most kids will be nervous about new experi-ences, that nervousness should fade over time, Steinberg says. Parents should be cheerful, yet firm, in dealing with their kids. “The most important thing for the child to have is support from you.”

Back to School Tips

Page 12: The Better Life Journal

To give a Testimony,



or Email: [email protected]

Patience is the companion of wisdom. Author: Augustine The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it. Author: Arnold Glasow God's delays are not God's denials. Author: Robert H. Schuller

Notable Quotes:

Page 13: The Better Life Journal

For Info: Call


Speak to:



Or Ramonda

Bible Faith Minstries

& Project

NewGround Inc.

Will be conducting

G.E.D tutorial classes.

Adult Education/GED

Page 14: The Better Life Journal
Page 15: The Better Life Journal



CHERYL D. TURNER Th.D. - Theology

MSW - Social Work (LCSW-R)

B.A - Sociology & Psychology

Licensed Psychotherapist , Private practice.

Substance Abuse Counselor * DWI Specialist

Marriage & Family Therapist * EAP Consultant


M.A – Social Work

M.Div. (Master of Divinity)

Union Theological Seminary

JOY RICHARDS B.A – Psychology & Theology

M.A – Cognitive Psychology

M.A – Mental Health Counseling

Certificate – Christian Education


M.S – Education

Advanced Certificate – School Psychology

Advanced Certificate Applied Behavioral Analysis


IASIA TYRE M.A – Social Work

B.A – Psychology

JENNIFER CARRIER A.A - General Management

B.A - Administration

M.A – Public Administration

B.A – Religious Service

CHARLENE MYERS B.A – Business Management




B ishop Foster & The Better Life Journal would like to take a moment to recognize our scholars and aspiring scholars. This year we will be spotlighting those that are striving to attain their college degrees. We realize the struggles that come along with reaching your goals, and we hope that in some small way this encourages you, and inspires other

to keep moving toward the mark and developing your GREAT POTENTIAL!! We introduce to you: BIBLE FAITH MINISTRIES EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT DEPT.

Page 16: The Better Life Journal



B.A. — Political Science

Hampton University,

advanced Certificate

in Public Relations

from NYU.

ANGELICA GODETTE B.S. – Business Administration





B.A– Candidate


RHONDA CAMPBELL B.S –Business Administration

Page 17: The Better Life Journal

*****Faithful With Much***** At a Wednesday evening church meeting a very wealthy man rose to give his testimony.

"I'm a millionaire," he said, "and I at-tribute it all to the rich blessings of God in my life. I can still remember the turning point in my faith, like it was yesterday: I had just earned my first dollar and I went to a church meeting that night. The speaker was a missionary who told about his work. I knew that I only had a dollar bill and had to either give it all to God's work or nothing at all. So at that moment I decided to give my whole dollar to God. I believe that God blessed that decision, and that is why I am a rich man today." As he finished it was clear that everyone had been moved by this man's story. But, as he took his seat, a little old lady sitting in the same pew leaned over and said: "Wonderful story! I dare you to do it again!"

*****Obituary***** Our church was saddened to learn this week of the death of one of our most valued mem-bers, Someone Else. Someone's passing creates a vacancy that will be difficult to fill. Else has been with us for many years and for every one of those years, Someone did far more than a normal person's share of the work. Whenever there was a job to do, a class to teach, or a meet-ing to attend, one name was on everyone's list, "Let Someone Else do it." Whenever leadership was mentioned, this wonderful person was looked to for inspiration as well as results; "Someone Else can work with that group." It was common knowledge that Someone Else was among the most liberal givers in our

church. Whenever there was a financial need, everyone just assumed Someone Else would make up the difference. Someone Else was a wonderful person; sometimes appearing superhuman. Were the truth known, everybody expected too much of Someone Else. Now Someone Else is gone! We wonder what we are going to do. Someone Else left a wonderful example to follow, but who is going to follow it? Who is going to do the things Someone Else did? When you are asked to help this year, re-member -- we can't depend on Someone Else anymore.

*****Money Goes To Church***** A well-worn one dollar bill and a similarly distressed twenty dollar bill arrived at a Fed-eral Reserve Bank to be retired. As they moved along the conveyor belt to be burned, they struck up a conversation. The twenty dollar bill reminisced about its travels all over the county. "I've had a pretty good life," the twenty proclaimed. "Why I've been to Las Vegas and Atlantic City, the fin-est restaurants in New York, performances on Broadway, and even a cruise to the Carib-bean." "Wow!" said the one dollar bill. "You've really had an exciting life!" "So tell me," says the twenty, "where have you been throughout your lifetime?" The one dollar bill replies, "Oh, I've been to the Methodist Church, the Baptist Church, the Lutheran Church ...." The twenty dollar bill interrupts, "What's a church?"

Page 18: The Better Life Journal

Poetry Corner

I did not choose to be conformed Rather the world had her claws in me While there yet lived….. something on the inside Saying that I could be born again……should I choose life Reborn, made over………. transformed Purposed to be . more ….. Than a conqueror Sisera……..Slept while the giant in me confirmed That in either he or she..In union with God; rests victory for sure. Theologians have the audacity to imply That Sisera fell because of a possible fall be-tween my thighs Deborah and I laugh because we believe Judges Chapter 4 Verse Nine When God said that Barak would walk away without the glory For I will sell Sisera into the hands of a woman I did not choose to be conformed Rather Babylon stood before me saying I am the beast that you will ride on Bold and aware that The Spirit of The living God Stood with me…………..side by side……to con-fide Behold I leave you power…. to be transformed And through My glory; from my face you cannot hide Without a mother or a father…..but a loving uncle instead I would indeed be a shooting star, a book for my name sake. And those weapons designed for me and all of the Jews Marked “Return to Haman the Sender”…… Now spread the news That; I …. A woman lifted up in the eyes of God

Transformed from an orphan to a vessel that God could use From being pimped, rented, trashed; *come on now* Some of us were just a hot ghetto mess Birthed as a Judge, Military Leader; The Mouth Piece of God…. a prophetess From being broken to on the mend; from stressed to blessed Traveled to Kedesh just to prove to Barak That He is Jehovah Mekkadesh Transformed when my strength and faith should fail me, I become strong Some walked away, some died away but I am still never alone Transformed from a wife to a widow to the bride of the Most High King on the throne I will never leave this temple, day and night, from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same Some of you worship in the church twice a week and murmur and complain I did not choose to be conformed…or maybe *just a little* I did. But His Will took precedent and The Hand of The Lord was upon me..a light..unhid Now I can teach you how to go from conformed to transformed… From death to life, darkness to light, Transfor-mation is not about us but about Him in us From the earth to the grave; to the Heavenly Throne My power and ability to be TRANSFORMED

I did not choose to be conformed

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Bible Faith Minister’s Directory Elder J. McDaniel Overseer Mary McDaniel Elder Anthony Gilmore

Teacher/Substance Preacher/Teacher Teacher/ Education Dept.

Abuse Counselor Notary Public

Min. Richard McMichael Min. Lashea Bell Min. Charlene McMichael

Teacher/Minister of Music Youth Ministry/Musician MDiv/MSW/Christian Counselor

Min. Patrick Brown Min. Carlton Murray Min. Quason Durant

Teacher/ A/V Tech Youth Ministry Youth Minister

Miss. Joy Richards Min. Jennifer Carrier Evang. Bridget Henry

Teacher/Education Dept. Teacher/Education Dept. Preacher/Teacher

Min. Cynthia Brown Miss. Angela Thigpen Miss. Kathy Morris

Teacher/Hospital Visits Works/Hospital Visits Mission Works/Hospital Visits

Evang. Nadjai McAdams Miss. Frances Nathaniel Miss. Josephine Whitfield

Mission Works/Hospital Visits Mission Works/Hospital Visits Mission Works/Hospital Visits

Miss. Gail Beckles Miss. Sandra Gilmore Minister Moses Pompilus

Mission Works/Hospital Visits Mission Works/Hospital Visits Teaching Ministry

Miss. Sharon Moss Min. Lynnette Terrhopha Deacon Colin Terrhopha

Mission Works/Hospital Visits Teacher/Hospital Visits Ministry Services

Deacon Keith Massiah Min. Richard Henry

Ministry Services Ministry Services

Deacon William McKinney Min. Michael Cowan

Ministry Services Ministry Services

Computer Operations

To reach any of the BFT Ministers for:

Weddings * Funerals

Christenings Baptisms etc….

Call (718) 467-3040

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