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The Battle of the Five Armies Game Concept and Design William Feild, Peter Stassun, Sam Roads, Clint Oldridge Game Programming William Feild, Peter Stassun Character Portraits Elizabeth Danforth, Amelia James Rulebook Art Guy Gondron, Amelia James, Mark Pritchard, Stuart Lorimer Rulebook Text William Feild, Lorrie Stassun, Peter Stassun, Sam Roads, John Davis Rulebook Layout and Design William Feild, Lorrie Stassun, Peter Stassun, John Davis Project Contributions Jason Duerstock, Gisela Feild, Ulrico Font, John Williford Special Contributions Coleman Charlton, Peter Fenlon, Kurt Fischer, John Morgan, Bruce Neidlinger, Jessica Ney - Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc. Steve Feibus - Apple Computer, Inc., Edward Lane, Clint Oldridge Copyright © 1992 TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES, a division of ELAN MERCHANDISING INC., Berkely CA. Middle-earth PBM™, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Return of the King, all characters and places therein are trademark properties of TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES. All characters and places derived from the works of J.R.R.Tolkien are common law trademarks used under license from Grafton Books (Harper Collins), publishing successors to Unwin Hyman, Ltd. and George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., London, UK. Middle-earth PBM is brought to you by ME Games Ltd, licensed from GSI.

The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

May 14, 2020



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Page 1: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle

of the Five Armies

Game Concept and Design William Feild, Peter Stassun, Sam Roads, Clint Oldridge Game Programming William Feild, Peter Stassun Character Portraits Elizabeth Danforth, Amelia James Rulebook Art Guy Gondron, Amelia James, Mark Pritchard, Stuart Lorimer Rulebook Text William Feild, Lorrie Stassun, Peter Stassun, Sam Roads, John Davis Rulebook Layout and Design William Feild, Lorrie Stassun, Peter Stassun, John Davis Project Contributions Jason Duerstock, Gisela Feild, Ulrico Font, John Williford Special Contributions Coleman Charlton, Peter Fenlon, Kurt Fischer, John Morgan,

Bruce Neidlinger, Jessica Ney - Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc. Steve Feibus - Apple Computer, Inc., Edward Lane, Clint Oldridge

Copyright © 1992 TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES, a division of ELAN MERCHANDISING INC., Berkely CA. Middle-earth PBM™, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Return of the King, all characters and places therein are trademark properties of TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES. All characters and places derived from the works of J.R.R.Tolkien are common law trademarks used under license from Grafton Books (Harper Collins), publishing successors to Unwin Hyman, Ltd. and George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., London, UK. Middle-earth PBM is brought to you by ME Games Ltd, licensed from GSI.

Page 2: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Contents


CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................................2

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................4 WHAT IS PLAY-BY-MAIL?...............................................................................................................................................................4

THE FIVE ARMIES ........................................................................................................................................................................5 THE FREE PEOPLES..........................................................................................................................................................................5 THE DARK SERVANTS......................................................................................................................................................................7

A FEW OF THE BASICS................................................................................................................................................................7 VICTORY CONDITIONS.....................................................................................................................................................................7 STAYING ALIVE...............................................................................................................................................................................7 GAME TIME .....................................................................................................................................................................................7 MAPS...............................................................................................................................................................................................7

CHARACTERS ................................................................................................................................................................................8 SKILLS .............................................................................................................................................................................................8 ORDERS ...........................................................................................................................................................................................8 SPECIAL ABILITIES ..........................................................................................................................................................................9 HEALTH...........................................................................................................................................................................................9 DEATH...........................................................................................................................................................................................10 CHARACTER MOVEMENT...............................................................................................................................................................10 STEALTH........................................................................................................................................................................................10 HOSTAGE.......................................................................................................................................................................................10

POPULATION CENTRES............................................................................................................................................................11 SIZE AND LOCATION......................................................................................................................................................................11 FORTIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................11 LOYALTY.......................................................................................................................................................................................12 CAPITAL ........................................................................................................................................................................................12 PRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................................12 HIDDEN?........................................................................................................................................................................................12 SIEGED?.........................................................................................................................................................................................13 TRADE CARAVANS ........................................................................................................................................................................13 SIGHTINGS .....................................................................................................................................................................................13

REVENUE, COSTS AND TAXES................................................................................................................................................14 COSTS............................................................................................................................................................................................14 TAXES ...........................................................................................................................................................................................14

ARMIES ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15 TROOP TYPES ................................................................................................................................................................................15 RECRUITMENT ...............................................................................................................................................................................15 MORALE RANK..............................................................................................................................................................................15 TRAINING RANK ............................................................................................................................................................................16 WEAPON RANK..............................................................................................................................................................................16 ARMOUR RANK .............................................................................................................................................................................16 BAGGAGE TRAIN ...........................................................................................................................................................................16 FOOD .............................................................................................................................................................................................16 WAR MACHINES ............................................................................................................................................................................16 ARMY MOVEMENT ........................................................................................................................................................................17

MAGIC AND SPELLS...................................................................................................................................................................18


Page 3: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction

CASTING RANK..............................................................................................................................................................................18 SPELL TYPES .................................................................................................................................................................................18 HEALING SPELLS (ORDER #120) ....................................................................................................................................................18 COMBAT SPELLS (ORDER #225).....................................................................................................................................................19 CONJURING SPELLS (ORDER #330).................................................................................................................................................20 LORE SPELLS (ORDER #940) ..........................................................................................................................................................20

COMBAT ........................................................................................................................................................................................22 PERSONAL CHALLENGES ...............................................................................................................................................................22 COMBAT - ARMY...........................................................................................................................................................................22 POPULATION CENTRE ....................................................................................................................................................................23

MISCELLANEOUS .......................................................................................................................................................................24 ARTIFACTS ....................................................................................................................................................................................24 ENCOUNTERS.................................................................................................................................................................................25 RUMOURS......................................................................................................................................................................................25 COMMUNICATION..........................................................................................................................................................................25 HINTS AND ADVICE .......................................................................................................................................................................25

ORDERS..........................................................................................................................................................................................26 GENERAL SEQUENCE OF EVENTS...................................................................................................................................................26 ORDER DETAILS ............................................................................................................................................................................27

YOUR TURN ..................................................................................................................................................................................37

YOUR TURN ..................................................................................................................................................................................38 FRONT-SHEET................................................................................................................................................................................38 RESULTS SHEET.............................................................................................................................................................................38 MAPS.............................................................................................................................................................................................40 TURN SHEET..................................................................................................................................................................................41 AND FINALLY................................................................................................................................................................................41

NATION STARTING DETAILS ..................................................................................................................................................42 GOBLINS........................................................................................................................................................................................42 WARG RIDERS ...............................................................................................................................................................................42 ELVES............................................................................................................................................................................................43 DWARVES......................................................................................................................................................................................43 NORTHMEN....................................................................................................................................................................................43

QUICK REFERENCE CHARTS - ORDERS..............................................................................................................................44


Page 4: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction

Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game Middle-earth Play-By-Mail (ME Games). Whilst MEPBM concentrates on the events of �The Lord of the Rings�, this game is set in the world of J. R. R. Tolkien�s �The Hobbit�. The game focuses on both the build-up of military forces prior to the Battle of the Five Armies described in �The Hobbit�, and the battle itself. We have created this game in order to help you learn the basic mechanisms of MEPBM in a quick and intense battle, where you will be thrust straight into the action without the need to read a lengthy rulebook. We hope that you enjoy your gaming experience with ME Games.

What is Play-By-Mail? Imagine an internet game where you had hundreds of opponents, where you had time to pause for thought and really plan your next series of moves, and where you didn't have to pay for each minute of phone time. Imagine receiving all the emails you could ever want from your allies and enemies, discussing tactics, suggesting strategies, negotiating deals and threatening retribution. Imagine that this game has a flavour and history equalled only by your favourite role-playing game. That's PBM. It works like this: You buy a 'start-up' in one of our games and we send you the rules, background information, and a list of other people playing in the same game. Every two weeks we send you a turn. This gives you detailed report of what is happening in the game, often with maps and personalised descriptions. These will generally span from 6-30 pages! You read your reports, email, phone and write to your allies and enemies, ponder your choices and eventually write down a list of things that you want to do. Then you email or post this to ME Games. Every fortnight we take all of these orders and instructions and feed them into our computers. With our help they process the game, discovering who has done what, and then we send out a new turn by post or email, starting the process all over again.

Some games have very simple rules - the skill comes in out-thinking your opponents in a limited environment. Other games have more depth than the most detailed computer game, so that many players are simply happy to explore the game world without even trying to interact with or defeat any of the other players. If you have never tried it before, give it a go. We promise that it will be nothing like any other kind of gaming you have tried.


Page 5: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ The Five Armies

The Five Armies As a player, you will control one of the five nations, either on the side of the Dark Servants, or the Free Peoples. You will become the 'power behind the throne', the author of your nation's actions. You will decide what individual actions your characters will take and what course of action your nation will follow. Normally, player positions will be assigned at random when the game is filled. If you do have a preference, however, please let us know when you register and we will do our best to give you the nation of your choice. The following is a brief overview of each nation, giving an idea of their historical background, identity, alignment, and nature.

The Free Peoples The Free Peoples, on hearing that the dragon Smaug is dead and that the treasure of the Lonely mountain now stands unguarded, are intent on claiming that part of the treasure they consider rightfully theirs, and united in their hatred of the Goblins and Warg Riders. The Elves (nation #12) The nation of the Wood-elves, led by their king Thranduil, is scattered in mostly small settlements throughout Mirkwood. The Elven armies are not numerous, but due to constant skirmishing against encroaching enemies, they are well trained and well led. The Elven armies are supported by competent agents and powerful mages, who moreover have a Hidden base from which to operate.

Abilities Armies lose no morale for force march. All new troop recruits start at training 25. Hire new armies at no cost Advice Your economy is fragile. Use agents to steal

to support it, try to damage the Warg Riders in Mirkwood, and block armies attacking your main recruiting spot � your capital.

The Dwarves (nation #13) The Dwarven nation is centred on the Iron Hills, but recently a daring expedition led by Thorin Oakenshield re-occupied their long-abandoned halls under the Lonely Mountain. The Dwarves are blessed with some of the most formidable warriors to be found in all of Middle-earth. Most Dwarves are trained warriors, burning with fierce hatred towards goblins and Wargs, so they are capable of sending a powerful, motivated and well-led force against their foes. In matters other than military the Dwarves are less skilled.

Abilities Scout/recon at minimum 50 (all characters). Armies lose no morale for force march. All new HI recruits start at training 30. Hire new armies at no cost.

Advice Hire as many troops as you can and throw

them against Goblin armies. If your tax rate has to go up, then so be it. Be careful not to let it get too high.

The Northmen (nation #14) The Northmen nation is composed of both Lake-men and Dale-men. Their culture is similar since both are skilled merchants and builders. The Northmen aspire to control all trade within their area and to amass wealth. Their numbers are not great, but they posses adequate and well-provisioned armies led by the formidable warriors Bard I and Beorn. They also possess deft agents with speed and cunning.

Abilities Scout/recon at +20 to normal skill rank. Armies lose no morale for force march. Buy goods at 20% cheaper. Sell goods for 20% more profit. Build fortifications at 1/2 timber cost. Hire new armies at no cost. Advice Fortify your two recruiting centres, leave

other, non essential locations. Buy timber if you have to.


Page 6: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ The Five Armies

The Dark Servants The Dark Servants, well aware of the events that have been unfolding, see no reason that they themselves should not profit from the situation, or at least cause misery amongst the Free peoples. The Goblins (nation #10) Led by the Great Goblin Bolg, the Goblin nation is one of the most hated and feared in Middle-earth. Goblin troops are numerous, and have a fanatical hatred of all other races. This, and the fact that they have skilled leaders backed up by competent agents and mages, makes the Goblins formidable foes.

Abilities Armies lose no morale for force march. All new troop recruits start at training 20. New armies start at morale 40. Hire new armies at no cost. Advice Recruit from as many of your Major Towns

as possible and get the troops straight into combat. Apart from Beorn of the Northmen you should win most challenges.

The Warg Riders (nation #11) Wargs are great wolves ridden by goblins into battle. Warg Rider armies combine speed and shock tactics to great effect. The Warg Riders are led by the Necromancer, one of the most powerful individuals in Middle-earth. Surrounded by competent commanders and agents, the Necromancer can also call upon the services of many lesser mages, and seems never to run short of mounts for his troops no matter how many are lost in battle.

Abilities Armies lose no morale for force march. Armies lose less morale for movement with

out food. Hire new armies at no cost. Advice Reveal the Elven Capital and storm it if you

can. If you can�t, just support the Goblins. Conjure mounts as much as you can - fed cavalry are fast and potent.


Page 7: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ A Few of the Basics

A Few of the Basics

Victory Conditions

The game lasts for ten turns. Minor Victory If your nation survives for the entire game, you earn a minor victory. Major Victory If a nation on the opposing team is destroyed, each nation on your team earns a Major Victory. Total Victory If all nations on the opposing team is destroyed, your team wins a Total Victory. During play you will be given a victory point total each turn, based on the strength of you armies, characters and locations, the amount of gold in your coffers, and the number of your five nation requirements (given to your nation at the start of the game) you have fulfilled. These victory totals give you a way to track how well you are doing compared to the other nations on your side from turn to turn, but are not used in deciding who has achieved a victory.

Staying Alive There are two ways in which your nation can be eliminated from the game, though there are many ways in which these can come about. The first is to lose all of your major towns and cities � your nation must have a capital, and only major towns and cities can be capitals. The second is to have your tax rate forced above 100%. � upon which your subjects, with some justification, rebel. The game mechanics involved will all be described later on, but it is worth bearing these conditions in mind as you read on, so that you might begin to work out how to defeat your enemies.

Game Time Time in the game flows at the same speed as it does in the �real world�. Games beginning during winter, for example, will commence with winter as their initial season, and the seasons then proceed to change even as the seasons we all endure change.

Maps On the last page or pages of your turn-sheet you will see a map of the theatre of war that is the Battle of the Five Armies. This map is divided into hexes, with each hex being of one of the following types of terrain: 'open seas', 'coastal waters', 'shore/plains', 'open plains', 'hills & rough', 'mixed forest', 'desert wastes', 'fens & swamp', and 'mountains'. The map also shows the 'major rivers', 'minor rivers', 'bridges', 'fords', and 'roads' in the area. Rivers, both major and minor, run along the sides of the hexes ('hexside'). Whenever your armies move across a hexside with a river running along it, they will be considered to be trying to cross that river. Armies can cross minor rivers with only a slight penalty in movement, but cannot cross major rivers at places where there is not either a bridge or a ford. Note that bridges and fords cross only one hexside and, therefore, you must travel from the hex on one side of the bridge/ford directly across the hexside to the hex on the other side of the bridge/ford in order to successfully utilise said bridge or ford. Roads work in the same manner, moving through specific hexsides. If an army does not move exactly as the road does, then it will not be able to avail itself of the enhanced movement rate the road provides. All hexside features always affect movement in both directions.


Page 8: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Characters

Characters Richly detailed heroes and personalities are what lend Tolkien's works much of its wonder, and it is through these heroes, or characters, that MEPBM is played. Each player begins with eight characters, nearly all of which are taken from the pages of Middle-earth�s rich history, and were involved in affairs of the land at the time of the Battle of the Five Armies. Each turn, your characters will be pictured on your turn sheet, together with their name, character ID, statistics and the results of any acts they have performed that turn. The character�s ID consists simply of the first 5 characters of their name (ignoring case and accents, but including blank spaces), and is used to refer to that character � and for others to refer to them � in orders (detailed later).

Skills Whether male or female, goblin or elf, all characters share one thing in common. They each have skill ranks which indicate their abilities � or lack thereof - in the three professions of Commander, Agent and Mage. Some characters are only skilled in one profession, others capable in two or even three areas. Skill ranks normally range between 10 and 100, although the possession of magical items (see the section on Artifacts later in the rules) may increase a character�s skill rank beyond the 100 limit. These skills can be improved by successfully performing certain actions throughout the game. Note that in the Battle of the Five Armies there are no characters with the profession of Emissary (which is to say, all characters will have an emissary rank of 0). Command Rank This determines a character's ability to lead armies, to erect fortifications at a population centre, and make overall leadership decisions. Agent Rank This determines a character's ability to perform espionage and counter-espionage covert tasks. Mage Rank This determines the quality of conjuring and reveal spells cast by the character. For many characters in this game, it is not particularly important. Character Titles by Rank Rank Commander Agent Mage 10-19 Veteran Journeyman Apprentice 20-29 Hero Footpad Acolyte 30-39 Commander Agent Mage 40-49 Captain Cutpurse Mystic 50-59 Lord Burglar Enchanter 60-69 Regent Rogue Warlock 70-79 Warlord Spy Conjurer 80-89 General Thief Sorcerer 90-99 Marshal Assassin Wizard 100 Lord Marshal Guild Master Arch Mage

Orders Orders are commands which you issue to your Characters. They are the means by which you accomplish all of your actions in the game. A list of orders you can issue to your characters is to be found later in these rules, and which will give you a description of each order together with the prerequisites needed to successfully issue that order. Each order is of a certain type. Some types of orders can only be done by a character once per turn: Command orders, Agent orders Movement orders, Healing spells Combat spells Conjuring spells Lore spells That is to say that a character may not, for example, issue two command orders in a turn. Neither could they enact two agent orders, nor cast two healing spells or attempt two movement orders. However, it is possible for them to perform, for example, a command order and an agent order, or a movement order and a healing spell. All other orders in the game may be issued twice per turn without restriction, these are: Miscellaneous Orders


Page 9: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Characters Most orders have prerequisites. Prerequisites are those factors needed to successfully issue the order. Prerequisites might include the character being of a certain profession, resource materials, and/or costs, as well as location requirements. For example: 1000 units of timber are needed at the pop centre to build a tower, 1000 gold is also needed in your treasury to pay for the construction. You must be at one of your own population centres to build it. Each order also indicates whether any additional information is required to accomplish the order. Be sure to include all additional information required, and in the correct order, or the order may fail. Note that some miscellaneous orders may require the character to have a certain skill, but they are not classified as �Skill Orders� and therefore may be done twice in the same turn. The success of a Character's actions is primarily determined by the skill rank involved in the execution of the order. In general, the rank is added to a hidden number (between 1 and 100) which represents the difficulty of the task, other relevant modifiers are added or subtracted, and if the resulting sum exceeds 100 then the order is successful. In some cases, the extent to which a Character succeeds or fails is also determined by this sum, in others there is a second roll.

Such orders will have an associated 'difficulty' rating to help you judge whether a character is ready to attempt that order. These orders are rated as �easy�, �average�, and �hard�. Actual difficulties within each of these ratings will vary, but guidelines are given below: Easy Skill ranks between 20 - 40 have a fair/reasonable chance of success. Average Skill ranks between 40 - 60 have a fair/reasonable chance of success. Hard Skill ranks between 60 - 100 have a fair/reasonable chance of success.

Some orders, on the other hand, automatically succeed. This means that if the prerequisites are all fulfilled, then the order will succeed, although that is not to say the order will necessarily achieve the intended result. For example, the instruction to your commander ordering his your army to attack an opponent�s force might succeed, but the battle may nevertheless be lost. Orders have both an 'order number' and an 'order code'. The order number indicates where in the game's 'Sequence of Events' the order is executed. The lower the number, the sooner it is executed. The order code serves as a handy mnemonic (way of remembering) for the order itself. You should use the order number when you are filling out your turn-sheet. You may include the code as well, if you like, though if there is any disparity between code and number and we cannot determine from the context of the order which you intended, we will use the number.

Special Abilities Characters may be lucky enough to possess a special ability. These abilities may affect skill ranks, stealth ranks, health ranks, improve their challenge rank, etc. If a character possesses such a special ability, this will be indicated along with the rest of their information on the turn sheet.

Health Characters also have a rating which indicates their current health. Like the skill ranks, this ranges from 0 (in this case representing death) to 100 (fully healed). A character�s health rank will be increased by 14 points each turn the Character is 'injured' (which is to say their health rank is less than the maximum of 100) until it reaches 100 again, and can also be affected by healing spells.


Page 10: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Characters

Death A Character whose health is reduced to 0 is assumed to have died (or, if immortal, to have left the realm of Middle-earth.) He may no longer be given orders, and will quickly disappear from your turn reports. Any possessions that he had at the time of his death will either become lost where he died, taken by his slayer, or picked up by a nearby character.

Character Movement The order is given by an individual character, and all that is necessary is to select your destination hex. This destination hex must be within 12 hexes of the initial hex location, but movement is regardless of intervening terrain type. Characters will not meet other characters or armies while travelling, but may still meet them at their destination.

Stealth Another rank which characters possess indicates their natural stealth. Like the skill ranks, this ranges from 0 (no stealth � the level of most characters) to 40. The degree of stealth that a character possesses is determined when he is created, and unlike skill ranks, a character�s stealth rating cannot be improved through training (though that said, there are Artifacts which can improve a character�s stealth). A character will automatically get the benefit of the stealth during attempts to fulfil his own orders. He will also be harder to spot by scouting orders, or a population centre�s scouting. Lastly, stealth helps in avoiding capture or death in a variety of dangerous situations in the game.

Hostage If your character is very unfortunate, he may find himself held captive, perhaps following a defeat in battle, for example. Characters which are held captive can not be given orders, and will automatically attempt to escape each turn.


Page 11: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Population Centres

Population Centres Population Centres are the keys to victory. They allow nations to harness natural resources, generate revenue, and to build armies. The bigger the population centre, the more gold it can generate through taxation, but the less products it will accumulate.

Size and Location A hex may have a single population centre present. The size of population centres range from 'ruins' to 'camp' to 'village' to 'town' to 'major town' to 'city' (ruins being unowned and uninhabited population centres). Population centres may degrade in size when captured in an attack, when their loyalty drops below a certain rating, or when the nation controlling them becomes eliminated. Camps that are decreased in size in this manner will have their populace evacuate, and the camp will disappear. The size of a population centre determines a number of other factors. The following chart shows the amount of tax revenue (gold) generated by a population centre a turn, the number of troops available for army recruitment at the population centre per turn, the size of army the population centre can feed each turn, the average force needed to assault (capture or destroy) the population centre, and average size of the force needed to threaten a population centre. (Many of these terms will be explained in detail later on). Please note that the below figures of troops needed to threaten or assault the population centre, together with those given in the Fortification Costs table (right) are very rough estimates, based on heavy infantry troops with little training, poor weapons and armour, and with the population centre possessing an average loyalty. If you wish for more exact figures and combat calculations, please ask for a copy of the full Middle-earth rules, where such equations are to be found.

Fortifications Fortifications can be built to help defend a population centre. These range from the modest 'tower' to 'fort' to 'castle' to 'keep' to the impressive 'citadel'. Each level of fortification increases the population centre�s defences, which must be overcome in the event of being assaulted or threatened by an enemy army, whilst their presence helps restrict an enemy army�s movement through the area. Armies that are defending their own population centres will also receive a bonus to their combat defence based upon the level of fortifications. Only one level of fortifications can be erected per turn. For example, a tower cannot be improved to a keep in one turn even if three characters were available to give the necessary orders. It is possible for an agent to reduce an enemy population centre�s fortifications by more than one level in a single attempt a given turn. To build fortifications requires both gold and timber: Fortification Costs

Type Gold Cost Timber Cost

Troops needed to overcome

Tower 1000 1000 800 Fort 3000 3000 2400 Castle 5000 5000 4000 Keep 8000 8000 6400 Citadel 12000 12000 9600

Population Centre Size Factors

Size revenue at 100% tax rate

recruits available per

turn for armies

number of troops which can be fed*

Average force needed

to assault

Average force needed

to threaten

Camp 0 100 0 100 100 Village 2500 200 200 150 200 Town 5000 300 1000 400 1000

Major Town 7500 400 2500 900 2500 City 10000 500 5000 2100 5000

*Infantry troops – cavalry troops require twice as much food as infantry, and so a population centre can only feed half as many cavalry troops.


Page 12: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Population Centres

Loyalty Population centres each have a loyalty rank. This is a number from 1 (lowest loyalty) to 100 (fanatical loyalty). Loyalty is important when trying to resist a threatening or attacking army, whilst population centres with too low a loyalty risk the population leaving. If a population centre�s loyalty rank drops below 15, then it will begin to deteriorate from one size level down to the next. Camps that are decreased in this manner will have their populace evacuate and the camp will disappear. Having characters, armies, or fortifications at the population centre can stop the deterioration. Loyalty can be affected by adverse military take-overs, as well taxation. Loyalty in population centres increase or decrease up to 3 points each turn depending on the tax rate (increasing if the tax rate is low, decreasing if the tax rate is high). Furthermore, loyalty will decrease in all population centres if the nation�s capital is lost (see below for information on capitals), and might decrease in all population centres at the loss of any of your other population centres. Additionally, the efforts or presence of travelling non-player characters (NPCs) can also affect the loyalty.

Capital Each Nation has one population centre designated as its capital. The capital serves as the 'seat of power' for the nation, and its safety is vital to the nation's survival. Certain orders can only be given by characters that are located at the capital, and all new characters will come into play at the capital. The location of the capital is assigned at game start, and capitals will not deteriorate due to low loyalty. Since the treasury of the Nation is kept at the capital, the gold reserves of a nation are the most vulnerable to agents stealing there. If a capital population centre is captured or destroyed, then the capital (along with its gold reserves) will be relocated to another major town or city, if possible. If this is not possible, then the nation falls and is removed from play. The fall of a nation's capital, whether or not it is then established at a different population centre, will also cause all of that nation's population centres to lose about a fifth of their Loyalty.

Production For each population centre you possess, your turn-sheet will detail both the amount of products that population centre has accumulated, and amount it is due to produce during the coming turn. Leather used in the construction of leather armour, and saddles for cavalry armies Bronze used in the construction of bronze armour and weapons Steel used in the construction of steel armour and weapons Mithril used in the construction of mithril armour and weapons Food consumed by armies in the field Timber used in the construction of fortifications and war machines Mounts used to form cavalry units for the armies Gold used to finance your nation�s activities Products can be used as above or sold for gold. Any food created is considered to be the excess over and above what the population needs to survive.

Hidden? In this game, the Elven capital is hidden. If a population centre is hidden, only the owning nation may enter it, or transfer goods to and from it. These restrictions do not apply to movement through the hex containing the population centre, only to interaction with it. Fortifications associated with the population centre will also be hidden, but bridges, fords, and roads present in hexes with hidden population centres will not be. The Necromancer has a spell that can remove this hiding enchantment.


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Population Centres

Sieged? A population centre is considered to be sieged if it was attacked by an army that turn, whether or not the attack was successful. Which is to say if your settlement successfully withstood an attack it will be considered under siege, whilst if you successfully took an opponent�s settlement, it will be under siege for the rest of that turn. Population centres under siege cannot be used for certain orders (see section on orders), and generate no tax or products.

Trade Caravans Since some areas of the world do not produce enough raw materials to satisfy the needs of a growing nation, trade caravans visit all unsieged population centres each turn. They offer to buy or sell any of the following products: leather, bronze, steel, mithril, food, timber and mounts, and will do so at rates detailed on the turn sheet the market purchase price is the price per unit which the trade caravan charges for those units of raw materials you might wish to purchase, and the market sell price is the price per unit which the trade caravan will give you for surplus units of raw materials you wish to sell. Caravans do not have limitless buying power and may at times be unable to purchase all the goods offered to them. The law of supply and demand regulates both buy and sell prices. Further, there are not unlimited stores available. It is possible to 'corner' the market on a given item or to 'flood' the market so as to lower the market price. Trade caravans can never be attacked, apprehended, or otherwise affected. Only one product may be specified per buy or sell order.

Sightings Any Character entering a non-hidden population centre of another nation runs the risk of being sighted and their presence brought to the attention of local rulers. The chance of a character being sighted is based on the population centre�s loyalty and size, and the total ranks of the character (with the higher the character�s rank, the greater the chance of their being recognised). The names of any characters sighted will appear on your result-sheet beneath the population centre at which they were spotted.


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Revenue, Costs and Taxes

Revenue, Costs and Taxes

Costs It requires gold to maintain your fortifications, characters, and armies. Each turn, the amount of the maintenance needed to keep your nation from going bankrupt will be shown on your result-sheet. Be very careful regarding this maintenance requirement. If your economy cannot support its overheads the extra revenue will be generated by an enforced tax rise, but this will result in a loss of loyalty across the entire nation, which could prove disastrous. And, if the tax rate is forced above 100% as a result, the populace revolts and the nation is eliminated, even if funds would have become available later in the turn.

Gold reserves can be checked using the following formula: Old Reserves

(what you had left at the end of last turn)

+ Expected Revenue (combat may affect this, as it takes place before revenue is calculated, and you do not gain revenue from population centres you no longer own! The change of seasons also affects this.)

- Maintenance

(you must pay/maintain all the troops so they'll Fight this turn, even if they die in combat)

- Expenditures

(gold spent executing orders this turn)

+ Credits (gold received for the sale of goods)

= New Reserve

(gold reserve listed on the result sheet)

Maintenance costs are worked out using the following figures: Maintenance Costs

Item Cost in gold Cost in food Heavy Cavalry troop 6 2 Heavy Infantry troop 4 1 Fortification (per level) 500 0 Character (per skill point) 20 0

Note that troops that are hired/recruited this turn do not add to the maintenance bill for this turn, but troops that die in battle during the turn do not reduce that turn�s maintenance costs. Which is to say that changes in troop numbers this turn will only effect next turn�s maintenance costs, not this one�s.

Taxes This percentage rate will determine how much gold your population centres raise each turn. All taxes are automatically sent to your nation's capital, and all payments of gold are taken from your capital�s coffers � in other words population centres do not have their own gold reserves, rather the nation�s gold is all held at the capital. Even population centres which produce gold as a product as well as through taxes send this money to your capital automatically each turn. As you may well imagine, high tax rates do not make for happy subjects and if the loyalty drops to much, they will leave you and the population centres will degrade.


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Armies


An army must be composed of a minimum of 100 troops and an army commander (a character with the commander skill). If an army ever contains less than 100 troops at any point in a turn, then it will be disbanded. Furthermore, if the army commander is captured or killed and there are no other characters travelling with the army that can assume command (which is to say, have a command skill), then again the army will disband.

Troop Types There are two different troop types available, and an army can consist solely of one type, or of both, and as long as there is at least 100 troops overall, it does not matter how many troops of each type the army contains. Nations may have different races and creatures making up these troop types. The Free People, for example, may have Men riding on war horses for their cavalry troops, whereas a Dark Servant's forces may consist of Orcs on wargs. But in both cases, the troops are considered to be cavalry. The two troop types available are as follows: Heavy Infantry Bulk standard troops, weaker than cavalry, but tough enough for most jobs

Heavy Cavalry Tough shock troops with excellent mobility, around twice as effective as heavy infantry, but expensive to maintain.

Recruitment Armies are created at population centres, and further recruits can be raised there as well. An army that recruits at a population centre will need to decide upon what type of armour and weapons will be given to these new troops. If the population centre present has enough raw materials of the appropriate type (leather, bronze, steel, mithril) in stores, then the armour and/or weapons will be fashioned from the population centre�s stores. If there are not enough stores available to create the armour and/or weapons, then the troops will be recruited without armour and with wooden weapons. The number of recruits available at any given population centre (detailed in the section on population centres) is the total number available from the population centre that turn. In other words, a camp can only provide 100 troops a turn, not 100 troops per character recruiting. More than one army can recruit from a single population centre, but the limit cannot be exceeded. For example, two armies could recruit from the same town on the same turn but could not recruit more than 300 troops between them. If an army attempts to recruit more troops than are available, then the maximum available will be recruited.

Morale Rank Armies have a morale rank. This is a value from 1 (lowest morale) to 100 (maximum morale). The higher the army's morale, the better they will fight. The morale of an army is defined as the collective cohesiveness of the troops constituting that army under its current commander. In other words, the morale reflects the collective pride and courage of the troops, and their faith in its commander in the heat of battle (or lack thereof). Recruiting more troops into an army will not lower its morale, but transferring command of the army to another commander may well do so. A newly hired army (as opposed to an existing one which recruits new troops into its ranks) typically begins with a low morale.


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Armies

Training Rank Each troop type of an army has an individual training rank. This is a value from 10 (the worst training level) to 100 (representing elite troops). The training rank is reflective of the ability of the troops to maintain formations and tactics in the heat of battle. The higher the training rank, the better that troop type will fight in battle. Training ranks can be increased by specific training orders, or as a result of combat experience.

Weapon Rank Each troop type of an army also has an individual weapon rank. This represents the average quality of all the weapons currently in use by that specific troop type (since troops recruited into an existing army may have different weapons to the older troops). Weapon ranks range from a value of 10 (wooden weapons) to 100 (an army equipped entirely with mithril weapons). The higher the weapon rank, the more damage is inflicted upon enemies in combat.

Armour Rank Finally, each troop type of an army has an individual armour rank. This is an average of all the armour currently in use by that specific troop type. Armour ranks range from a value of 0 (no armour) to 100 (an army sheathed entirely in mithril armour). The higher the Armour rank, the less damage is suffered by your troops in combat. The four types of armour, in order of worst to best, are: leather, bronze, steel, mithril.

Baggage Train Armies also have a baggage train which travels with them. This baggage train may include war machines and food supplies needed for any troops and mounts in the army.

Food Food is consumed by an army each turn at the rate of one food unit per troop of Heavy Infantry, and at a rate of two food units per troop of Heavy Cavalry (one for the troop and one for the mount). If the army does not have sufficient food to feed its troops (which is to say the food in the baggage train reaches 0), the troops will begin to forage for food and both movement and morale (up to 10 morale points a turn) may be reduced. If an army is at a friendly population centre (which is to say, belonging to the side) then the population centre will automatically provide as much food as it can spare (the amount each population centre type can provide is detailed in the section on population centres). This food is consumed before food from the baggage train. If an army's size exceeds the limit a population centre can provide, the remainder of the needed food will be taken from the army's baggage train. (For example: an army with 6000 troops is at a city. The city will automatically provide food for 5000 of the army's troops. The remaining 1000 troops will consume 1000 food from the army's baggage train.) If a population centre has more than one army outside it, it will split the food it has available to provide proportionally between the armies present.

War Machines War machines include many different type of devices: catapults, ballistae, movable towers, battering rams, etc. War machines can be useful in normal combat against other armies in the field, but are most useful in assaulting and threatening population centres, where they come into their own. War Machines are the only means with which an army can destroy a population centre�s fortifications, and thus make it much easier to gain control of them. Although an army can take a population centre without war machines, the troop losses will be greater, and the chances of success decreased. However, war machines can also be destroyed during the course of any type of combat. A war machine is very roughly equivalent to 50 Heavy Infantry


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Armies

Army Movement To move an army, the army commander issues an order giving the string of directions through which he wishes the army to travel, with one direction for each hex he wishes to enter. For example, to move three hexes north-west, he would issue �nw, nw, nw�. The directions he can travel in are north-east, east, south-east, south-west, west, and north-west. In addition, it is possible to issue a �home� movement order, which instructs the army to wait where it is. Each hex has a particular terrain and, based on the makeup of the troops in the Army, costs a different amount of movement points to travel through. Each army can have a maximum of 14 movement points, each representing a day spent in travel or � in the case of a �Home� movement, a day of rest. A few things to note with regard to army movement: Armies (in this game) can never move from one mountain hex directly into another mountain hex Armies are also prohibited from crossing major river hexsides unless a bridge is present. If more than one army appears at a population centre, still only one icon will appear on the turn map.

If an army enters a hex where there is an army or fortified population centre belonging to an opposing nation, then it will be forced to stop in that hex. If the army is large enough, they may be able to force their way past armies or non-fortified population centres, but never past a fortified population Centre. Armies travel at the rate of their slowest troop type. The following charts show what each type of troop spends in movement points for each different terrain. Movement cost is computed by determining the appropriate terrain cost (for the hex being moved into), then modifying it by any hexside costs. Fractional costs (for example, if travelling without food) are rounded for each hex travelled, are always rounded up, and are applied to both the hex terrain cost and hexside costs (crossing a river, ford or bridge) separately. Further, the cost of travelling through the hex. Thus it is possible for an army to find itself unable to move in a direction even for one hex, if the movement cost for that hex is higher than 14 movement points. Armies may also choose to 'Stand and Defend'. This means that the army will attempt to prevent the passage of enemy armies from their initial hex location through the defended hexsides, although a large enough army might still push past or over-run the blocking army. The defended hexsides include the hexside in the direction chosen along with the two adjacent hexsides (see order details for clarification on this).

Army Movement Terrain Costs

Terrain Infantry

Cavalry alone

Normal cost Road cost Normal cost Road cost Plains 3 2 2 1 Rough 5 3 3 1 Forest 5 3 5 2

Mountains 12 12 Bridge/ford +1 +1 +1 +1 Minor river +2 +2 +2 +2 Major river Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed

Movement without food costs Movement cost plus one third (4/3), rounding up for each hex. For example: plains without food costs infantry 4 forest and minor river without food costs infantry 10 rough with road without food costs infantry 4 rough and minor river without food costs cavalry 7 mountain without food costs any troops 16 and is therefore impossible


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Magic and Spells

Magic and Spells

Casting Rank Each spell has a casting rank. This is a value from 1 (denoting worst proficiency) to 100 (maximum proficiency). To actually cast a given spell, a random number from 1 - 100 is generated and added to the casting proficiency rank. If the sum of these numbers is greater than 100, then the casting is successful. The proficiency rank in casting a particular spell will be improved by successfully casting that spell by 1-5 points. A character must know a spell to be able to cast it.

Spell Types A detailed list of spells available in Battle of the Five Armies can be found below. These fall into one of several categories, being Healing, Combat, Conjuring and Lore, each of which requires a different order to cast it.

Mages are able to cast 2 spells per turn, as long as the spells are of different categories (which is to say, require different spell orders). However, casting a second spell may damage the casting character by draining points from his health rank. The amount of health lost will depend on the combined difficulties of the spells being cast. To cast a spell, simply issue the appropriate spell order, follow it with the spell number of the desired spell, and include any indicated additional information. Note that the order number for casting a given spell category (not the number of the individual spell) indicates its position in the games sequence of events (explained later).

Healing Spells (order #120) Minor Heal Spell Number 2 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Target character is in the hex Required info. � Target character ID

This allows the caster to restore 20 points of health to any target character (including himself) in the same hex.

Major Heal Spell Number 4 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Target character is in the hex Required info: � Target character ID

This allows the caster to restore 35 points of health to any target character (including himself) in the same hex.

Greater Heal Spell Number 6 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Target character is in the hex Required info. � Target character ID

This allows the caster to restore 50 points of health to any target character (including himself) in the same hex.

Heal True Spell Number 8 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Target character is at same location Required info. � Target character ID

This allows the caster to restore 99 points of health to any target character (including himself) in the same hex.


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Magic and Spells

Combat Spells (order #225) Blessings Spell Number 108 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Character must be with an army Required info. None

In order for the spell to affect combat, the caster must be 'with' an army involved in the combat. The spell affords additional protection for the army the character is with.

Fearful Hearts Spell Number 244 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Character must be with an army Required info. None

In order for the spell to affect combat, the caster must be 'with' an army involved in the combat. The spell temporarily reduces the morale of any enemy armies in that hex during combat. Multiple castings of this spell are not cumulative.

Wild Flames Spell Number 204 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Character must be with an army Required info. None

In order for the spell to affect combat, the caster must be 'with' an army involved in the combat. The spell will cause the army the character is with to inflict extra damage upon opposing forces.

Wall of Wind Spell Number 218 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Character must be with an army Required info. None

In order for the spell to affect combat, the caster must be 'with' an army involved in the combat. The spell will cause the army the character is with to inflict extra damage upon opposing forces.

Frost Balls Spell Number 228 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Character must be with an army Required info. None

In order for the spell to affect combat, the caster must be 'with' an army involved in the combat. The spell will cause the army the character is with to inflict greater damage upon opposing forces.

Summon Wind Spirits Spell Number 238 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Character must be with an army Required info. None

In order for the spell to affect combat, the caster must be 'with' an army involved in the combat. The spell will cause the army the character is with to inflict far greater damage upon opposing forces.


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Magic and Spells

Conjuring spells (order #330) Conjure Mounts Spell Number 508 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Caster is at a pop. centre. � Pop. centre is of same nation Required info. None

This allows the caster to conjure mounts into the stores of a population centre belonging to his nation in the hex. 5 mounts will be conjured per point of the caster�s mage rank.

Conjure Food Spell Number 510 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Caster is at a pop. centre or � Caster is with an army � Pop. centre is of same nation Required info. None

This allows the caster to conjure food into the stores of a population centre or an army. The caster must either be at a population centre belonging to his nation or with an army. 25 food will be conjured per point of the caster�s mage rank.

Lore Spells (order #940) Perceive Mission Spell Number 424 Requirements � Spell is known by caster Required info. � Target Character ID

This allows the caster to perceive the current orders of the specified character.

Divine Characters With Forces Spell Number 417 Requirements � Spell is known by caster � Army commander is located within 12 hexes of caster Required info. � Army commander character ID

This allows the caster to identify the characters travelling with the specified army commander, if the army is located within 12 hexes of the caster. The hex location of the army is not revealed.

Divine Nation Forces Spell Number 419 Requirements � Spell is known by caster Required info. � Target Nation # (11-14)

This allows the caster to locate all forces of the specified nation that are within 6 hexes of the caster. Only the commander's name and the hex location of each army is revealed.

Divine Army True Spell Number 426 Requirements � Spell is known by caster Required info. � Army commander character ID

This allows the caster to determine the specified army's exact location. The target character must command an army or have been in command during the turn.


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Magic and Spells Locate Artifact Spell Number 418 Requirements � Spell is known by caster Required info. � Artifact ID #

This allows the caster to locate the specified Artifact to within 1 hex of the Artifact�s actual location and determine if it is currently held by another character.

Locate Artifact True Spell Number 428 Requirements � Spell is known by caster Required info. � Artifact ID #

This allows the caster to determine the specified Artifact�s exact location and determine if it is currently held by another character.

Scry Character Spell Number 436 Requirements � Spell is known by caster Required info. � Target character ID

This allows the caster to scry the skill rank titles, Artifacts held, and spells known of the specified character. The hex location of the character is not revealed

Reveal Character Spell Number 420 Requirements � Spell is known by caster Required info. � Target character ID

This allows the caster to locate the specified character to within 1 hex of the character 's actual location.

Reveal Character True Spell Number 430 Requirements � Spell is known by caster Required info. � Target character ID

This allows the caster to locate the specified character's exact location.

Reveal Population Centre Spell Number 434 Requirements � Only the Necromancer � At hex 2908 Required info. � None

If the Elven capital is hidden, this will likely, but not certainly, reveal it.


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Combat

Combat Combat in Middle-earth can take three forms � challenges between individual characters, battles between armies, and attacks by armies on population centres.

Personal Challenges Characters may issue a formal challenge to other characters in the same hex, this is called a Personal Challenge. It is not possible to challenge a character who has issued the Refuse Personal Challenge order. Nor is it possible to challenge an army commander unless the challenger is in an army, or the challenger is an army commander himself. Also, a character can only fight one Personal Challenge each turn. If there are multiple challenges in the same hex, the highest ranking character will challenge first. A character cannot issue a challenge and also issue the Refuse Personal Challenge order. If challenge is offered and not refused, then a savage battle to the death will commence between the two characters. This fight will be based on their challenge ranks, with their health representing how many blows they can endure.

Success in the challenge will increase the abilities of the winning character. If the character is an army commander, then success will also increase his army's morale rank, while the morale rank of the loser's army will diminish. If an army loses its commander because of challenge, and there is no other character with command rank in the army, then the army will rout and be disbanded. If challenge is rejected by an army commander, then the morale rank of the challenger�s army will still increase, and the challenged army�s morale decrease.

Combat - Army Army combat results depend on the quality and quantity of troops, the command rank of the army commander, the army morale, the training of the troops, the armour and weapons of the troops, terrain and climate of the hex, number of war machines involved, spells cast by mages, and Artifacts held by characters. If you wish to see the equations governing combat please ask for a copy of the full Middle-earth rules, or go to our website to download programs designed to predict combat results. However, please note that it is not necessary to know the exact mechanics governing combat in order to play, or indeed to win. Combat between armies continues until one army is entirely destroyed. Characters on the losing side of a battle may escape, or be captured, wounded or even killed. Characters with the winning army may be wounded or killed, but the victorious army commander will always survive.


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Combat

Combat – Population Centre Threatening a population centre is a way to gain possession of a population centre without loss of troops. However, the order will fail if there are enemy armies present in the hex. The order to threaten a population centre only needs to be given by any single army commander, and any other armies of the same nation present will also help, increasing the chances of success. Other factors which play a part in the success of threatening a population centre include: the command rank of the threatening army�s commander, the size of that army, the morale of the threatening army and the loyalty of the populace of the population centre, the size of the population centre, and the presence of any fortifications and/or war machines. Assaulting a population centre, on the other hand, is an easier way to take a population centre, but runs the risk of losing troops. An army can assault a population centre with the intent to either destroy or to capture it for his nation. It is easier to assault a population centre with the intent to destroy it than to capture it. A successful destroy order will make the

centre into an unowned ruins, whilst a capture will degrade it in size by one level. If more than one nation is involved in a successful assault on a population centre, then the largest remaining army involved in the fight will take control of the population centre for his nation. As with army versus army combat, the command rank of the army commander, the army morale, the training of the troops, the armour and weapons of the troops, terrain and climate of the hex, number of war machines involved, spells cast by mages, and Artifacts held by characters all play a part in determining the battle�s result. Failure to destroy or capture a population centre does not necessarily result in the loss of the attacking army, though it can do so. And further, characters in the losing army may be injured or killed. Again, if you wish to see the equations governing combat please ask for a copy of the full Middle-earth rules, or go to our website to download programs designed to predict combat results.


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Miscellaneous


Artifacts Artifacts are the magical legacies from an earlier age of Middle-earth. These relics can come in many forms, including rings, wands, weapons, armour, as well as in other more esoteric forms. The acquisition, or loss, of some of the powerful items has changed the course of Middle-earth history. Some Artifacts may be aligned to Good or Evil, whilst others are not aligned at all. If an Artifact is aligned, only characters of nations with allegiances that are the same as the Artifact�s alignment can use the Artifact. Those Artifacts that have no alignment have no such restrictions. Regardless of an Artifact�s alignment, however, any character may possess any Artifact, although they may not be able to gain any benefit from it.

Most Artifacts grant the owner a fixed benefit, such as an increase to a statistic or bonus in combat, whilst the Arkenstone can only be used with the Use Scrying Artifact order. Skill ranks adjusted upward by Artifacts will appear in parentheses next to the base skill rank. For example, a character with a command rank of 50 bearing an Artifact that adds 10 to command rank will be shown as command 50 (60) on the result-sheet. In addition, Artifacts which increase a character�s mage skill also increases their individual spell casting ranks. (In this case, the bonus is not added to the individual spell ranks on the turn sheet, but included in brackets before the spell list.) Skill ranks adjusted by Artifacts can exceed the normal 100 limit. Artifacts are carried by characters, and transferred between Characters. The maximum number of Artifacts any one Character may carry is six, although you can only use one weapon at a time.

Artifact List Artifact Name Artifact # Artifact’s Ability The Arkenstone 8 allows scrying Cubragol 11 combat damage & challenge rank Bracers of Chennacatt 17 command rank Sickle of the Heavens 24 combat damage & challenge rank Staff of Bronze 30 mage rank Ironfoot�s Hammer 43 combat damage & challenge rank The One Ring 45 stealth rank Cloak of the Heavens 54 agent rank Orb of Seeing 73 mage rank Bloodrunner 81 combat damage & challenge rank Belt of Durin 93 command rank Orb of Dark Seeing 94 mage rank Sting 116 combat damage & challenge rank Fire�s Edge 121 combat damage & challenge rank Raukambar 132 combat damage & challenge rank Helm of Shadow 137 stealth rank Herugrim 140 combat damage & challenge rank Headband of Slaeg 147 mage rank Gordur 150 combat damage & challenge rank Elenya 166 stealth rank Gersebroc 169 combat damage & challenge rank Bear Claws 186 combat damage & challenge rank


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Miscellaneous

Encounters Encounters have been (where possible) removed from the Battle of Five armies scenario, occasionally some remnant of an encounter may remain. Should these have an adverse effect upon your nation, please contact ME Games and we will rectify the situation.

Rumours Rumours of secret plans and activities are common trade throughout most civilised regions. Like all such gossip, some are true, some greatly exaggerated, and some simply false. These tales would normally arise from unusual activities such as armed conflicts, challenges or assassinations, but might also tell of a nation�s more closely guarded secrets. Remember, rumours can be dangerous to act upon without careful consideration or confirmation, but just as be dangerous to ignore.

Communication One of the richest aspects of any play-by-mail game is the interaction between players. Your front-sheet will give you contact details for your allies; if you want to talk to the opposition, the easiest method is by visiting our website to join our mailing list at You might also try visiting the Middle Earth message-board at

Hints and Advice This is a list of simple things you can do on your first turns of your first game of Middle Earth. It�s not subtle, but it will work. Then, by the time you have run a few turns, you�ll have your own ideas about how to rule your nation and can discard these suggestions if you choose. Commanders • All army commanders should recruit from cities,

major towns or towns. • Don�t worry about equipping your troops with

weapons, armour or food. • If you meet an enemy army with one of your

armies, your army commander should Attack Enemy (order 230) and Refuse Challenges (order 215).

Economy • Always have a character at your capital who can

Natsell (order 325). Sell whichever product will make you the most money, every turn. Agents and mages are good for this.

• Keep an eye on your revenue. If you have a deficit of, say, 6000 gold, then make sure you leave 6000 gold in your treasury. You will need to think about next turn�s finances this turn.

• Try to look a couple of turns into the future, figure

out whether you will be able to survive should you lose a vital pop. centre.

• Try to sell products when the market sell price is high, and buy when the market purchase price is low. Examples of high market sell prices are food selling for 2, bronze for 4, steel for 5, timber for 4, mounts for 8 and leather for 3.

Strategy • Look after your Major Towns or Cities, if you have

neither, your nation is eliminated. • Attack! Keeping a few armies on your towns to

defend them is fine, but won�t win you the game. • Keep at least one character at the capital to

execute those 'capital only' orders, especially Natsell.

• Whilst many factors affect the outcome of a battle, by far the most important are the number of troops fielded, and type of troop fielded (heavy cavalry being superior to heavy infantry). Compared to these factors the others are of far less import, but of them, armour type is perhaps the next most relevant, and certainly, if you only have enough materials for either weapons or armour, armour is the more cost effective.

Agents • Level rank 10-35 - stay at your capital, Guard

Location (order 605) and Natsell (order 325). • Level rank 45+ - Move Character (order 810) to an

enemy camp and Steal Gold (order 690). • For the purposes of the above advice, add half

stealth to the agent rank to decide what to try. Mages • Cast spells at your capital and Natsell (order 325). General • Contact your allies, and keep in communication

with them througout the game. If possible, find an experienced player who is willing to take you under his or her wing.

• Get your turn in a few days before the deadline. • Contact us if you are unsure about something and

we�ll do what we can to help explain.


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders


General Sequence of Events Listed in order of sequence of events within the turn Orders take place in numerical sequence based on their order numbers, with other events in the order detailed below: 1 Characters heal naturally and healing spells are cast 2 Challenges take place 3 Combat takes place and combat spells are cast 4 Population centre production and tax revenue is received 5 Goods are bought and sold from caravans, maintenance is charged 6 Food is consumed by armies and mages conjure up resources 7 Command orders take place 8 Agent orders take place 9 Characters being held hostage attempt to escape 10 New characters are created 11 Army orders (other than combat) take place 12 Character and army movement takes place 13 Scouting takes place, lore spells are cast 14 Caravans transport goods 15 New caravan prices, maintenance costs and revenues are calculated


Page 27: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders

Order Details

Cast Heal Spell Type Mage Difficulty Varies - spell casting rank Order Number 120 Order Code CstHlSp Prerequisites � Spell is known by caster � Target character is at same location Required info. � Spell ID # � Target character ID

This order allows a character to attempt to cast any heal spell which he knows upon any target character (including himself) in the same hex. Casting proficiency will be improved by 1-5 points upon successful casting of the spell. For example: <120><2><bilbo>

Issue Personal Challenge Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Varies Order Number 210 Order Code IssPers Prerequisites � Target character is of a different nation � If Target character is army commander, then character must be with, or in command of, an army � Target character is at same location Required info. � Target character ID

This order allows a character to offer a personal challenge to another character of a different nation at the same location. If the challenged character is an army commander, then the challenge may only be given by a character with, or in command of, an army. Refusing such a challenge may result in the loss of morale rank in the army of the character who refused the challenge. Only one personal challenge may be fought each turn. Success in the battle will be based on all of the different skill ranks of the characters, but mage rank and command rank are best suited for this type of combat. Some Artifacts are also significant factors in the battle. The highest 'net' skill rank of the victor will improve by 1-15 points. For example: <210><bilbo>

Refuse All Personal Challenges Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Automatic Order Number 215 Order Code RfsPers Prerequisites Any character Required info. None

This order allows a character to refuse all personal challenges offered by other characters at the same location on that turn. If this order is not given, a character will be assumed to accept any such personal challenges. Refusing such a challenge may result in the loss of morale rank (1-15 points) in the army of the character who refused the challenge. This order is ignored if an Issue Personal Challenge (#210) order has also been issued by the character. For example: <215>

Cast Combat Spell Type Mage Difficulty Varies � spell casting rank Order Number 225 Order Code CstCbSp Prerequisites � Spell is known by character Required info. � Spell ID #

This order allows a character to attempt to cast any combat spell which he knows. Proficiency will be improved by 1-5 points upon successful casting of the spell. In order for the spell to affect combat, the spell caster must be with the army involved in the combat. For example: <225><108>


Page 28: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders Attack Enemy Type Command Difficulty Varies Order Number 230 Order Code AttEnmy Prerequisites � Army commander only Required info. None

This order directs an army to attack all enemy armies in the hex. Successful combat will increase the morale rank in the army, the command rank of any commanders with the army, and the training rank of the troops. For example: <230>

Destroy Population Centre Type Command Difficulty Varies Order Number 250 Order Code DstPop Prerequisites � Army commander only � Population centre is in the hex � Population centre is not hidden � Population centre is of enemy nation Required info. None

This order directs the army to attack an enemy population centre which is in the hex and is not hidden. This order, if successful, will reduce the population centre to ruins. Giving this order will also cause you to do battle with any armies of the nation that owns the population centre. This order also causes the population centre to suffer the consequences of siege regardless of the outcome. Assuming successful combat, successful assault will increase the morale rank in the army, the command rank of any commanders with the army, and the training rank of the troops. For example: <250>

Capture Population Centre Type Command Difficulty Varies Order Number 255 Order Code CptrPop Prerequisites � Army commander only � Population centre is in the hex � Population centre is not hidden � Population centre is of enemy nation Required info. None

This order directs the army to attack an enemy population centre which is in the hex and is not hidden. This order, if successful, will reduce the population centre by one size and will gain control of the population centre for the nation whose army is most powerful at the end of the battle. Giving this order will also cause you to do battle with any armies of the nation that owns the population centre. This order also causes the population centre to suffer the consequences of siege regardless of the outcome. Assuming successful combat, successful assault will increase the morale rank in the army, the command rank of any commanders with the army, and the training rank of the troops. For example: <255>

Purchase from Caravans Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Automatic Order Number 315 Order Code PrchCar Prerequisites � Character is in his own nation's population centre � Population centre is not under siege Required info. � Product to be purchased (le,br,st,mi,fo,ti,mo) � # of units to be purchased

This order allows a character to buy a selected amount of one product from the trade caravans at the going market purchase price. As with all purchases from the caravans, all nations are limited by the market availability of items. If the product is food, and the character is with an army (or is an army commander), then the food will reside in the army baggage. If the product is food, and the character is NOT with an army (nor is an army commander), then the food will reside in the population centre stores. For example: <315><le><2000>


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders Sell to Caravans Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Automatic Order Number 320 Order Code SellCar Prerequisites � Character is in his own nation's population centre � Population centre is not under siege � Population centre has sufficient stores Required info. � Product to be sold (le,br,st,mi,fo,ti,mo) � # of units to be sold

This order allows a character to sell one product already in the stores of the population centre to the trade caravans at the going market sell price. The gold is placed in the nation's central vault. The market caravans have their limits, they often cannot pay more that 20-25,000 gold to a nation in each turn. For example: <320><mi><89>

Nation Sell to Caravans Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Automatic Order Number 325 Order Code NatSell Prerequisites � Any character � Character is in his own capital � Individual population centres are not under siege Required info. � Product to be sold (le,br,st,mi,fo,ti,mo) � % of product to be sold (1 - 100)

This order allows the nation to sell off a percentage of all its stores of one product held in all its population centres at the going market sell price. Each of your nation's population centres (that are not sieged) will sell the requested percentage of however much of the selected item it currently has in stores. The market caravans have their limits, they often cannot pay more that 20-25,000 gold to a nation in each turn. For example: <325><fo><100>

Cast Conjuring Spell Type Mage Difficulty Varies (according to spell rank) Order Number 330 Order Code CstCjSp Prerequisites � Spell is known by character � Spell may require specific location (same hex as target, or in population centre, or with an army, etc) Required info. � Spell ID #

This order allows a character to attempt to cast any conjuring spell which he knows. Proficiency will be improved by 1-5 points upon successful casting of the spell For example: <330><508>

Transfer Food from Population Centre to Army Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Automatic Order Number 340 Order Code TrPo2Ar Prerequisites � Army commander or character with command skill with the army � Population centre is not under siege � Population centre is of same nation or belongs to an ally and is not hidden Required info. � # of food units transferred

This order allows population centres to transfer food to armies - even those of an allied nation. If the population centre is hidden, this order will work only if the army is of the same nation. For example: <340><1632>


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders Transfer Artifacts to Character Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Automatic Order Number 360 Order Code TrArt Prerequisites � Both characters are at same location � Target character is not a hostage Required info. � Other character ID � Artifact ID #'s to be transferred

This order allows one character to transfer up to six currently held Artifacts to another character at the same location. For example: <360><bilbo><8>

Recruit Heavy Cavalry Type Command Difficulty Automatic Order Number 400 Order Code HvCvlry Prerequisites � Army commander or character with command skill with the army � Population centre is in same hex � Population centre is of same nation � Population centre is not under siege Required info. � # of heavy cavalry to be recruited � Type of weapons to be issued (br,st,mi) � Type of armour to be issued (le,br,st,mi)

This order allows an army commander or a character with command skill with an army to recruit heavy cavalry into the army. The maximum number of troops which can be recruited at any one time depends on the size of the population centre. There is no minimum number. Troops can be recruited without armour or weapons (in which case they are automatically equipped with wooden weapons at no cost). One mount and two leather are required for each troop of this type and must be in the stores of the population centre. If there are not enough mounts or leather then the number of recruits will be reduced accordingly. For example: <400><200><br><st>

Recruit Heavy Infantry Type Command Difficulty Automatic Order Number 408 Order Code HvInfan Prerequisites � Army commander or character with command skill with the army � Population centre is in same hex � Population centre is of same nation � Population centre is not under siege Required info. � # of heavy infantry to be recruited � Type of weapons to be issued (wo,br,st,mi) � Type of armour to be issued (le,br,st,mi)

This order allows an army commander or a character with command skill with an army to recruit heavy infantry into the army. The maximum number of troops which can be recruited at any one time depends on the size of the population centre. There is no minimum number. Troops can be recruited without armour or weapons (in which case they are automatically equipped with wooden weapons at no cost). For example: <408><350><wo><le>

Put Army on Manoeuvres Type Command Difficulty Automatic Order Number 435 Order Code ArmyMan Prerequisites � Army commander only Required info. None

This order allows an army commander to train an army through the use of military exercises. Each training rank will improve by 1-5 points, based on the character's command rank. This will also improve the command rank of all characters with the army who have a command rank, by 1-5 points. For example: <435>


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders Make War Machines Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Automatic Order Number 440 Order Code MakWrMa Prerequisites � Army commander or character with command skill with the army � Population centre is in same hex � Population centre is of same nation or belongs to an ally and is not hidden � Population centre is not under siege � Population centre has sufficient stores Required info. � # of war machines to be built

This order allows an army commander or a character with command skill with an army to build war machines in a population centre of the same nation or at those of friendly nations. There must be enough timber in the population centre stores at this time. The amount of timber needed for each war machine is 500. For example: <440><13>

Fortify Population Centre Type Command Difficulty Average Order Number 494 Order Code : FortPop Prerequisites � Character with command skill � Population centre is in same hex � Population centre is of same nation � Population centre has sufficient timber � Nation has sufficient gold Required info. None

This order allows a character with command skill to build new fortifications for a population centre of the same nation. His success in this attempt is based on his command rank. No population centre can be fortified more than once in any given turn. In order to build the type of fortification chosen, the population centre must already have the proper amount of timber and the character's nation must have the proper amount of gold. A successful order will improve the character's command rank by 1-5 points. For example: <494>

Threaten Population Centre Type Command Difficulty Hard Order Number 498 Order Code Threat Prerequisites � Army commander only � Population centre is in same hex � Population centre is not hidden � Population centre is of enemy nation � No enemy armies are present Required info. None

This order allows an army commander to attempt to gain control of an enemy population centre which is in the hex, but not hidden, merely by threatening it with attack. This order cannot be done if there are any enemy armies present. A successful order will improve the character's command rank by 1-10 points, will gain control of the population centre, and will affect the population centre�s loyalty. For example: <498>

Guard Location Type Agent Difficulty Automatic Order Number 605 Order Code GrdLoc Prerequisites � Character with agent skill � Population centre is at same location � Population centre is of same nation or population centre is not hidden Required info. None

This order allows a character with agent skill to guard a location of a selected population centre for the turn. Agent rank is improved by 1-5 points under this order. If another character attempts theft or sabotage and this character guarding thwarts the theft or sabotage, then the guard's agent rank will be improved 1-5 points more for each thwarted attempt. A successful guard may kill, capture or injure the intended thief/saboteur. An unsuccessful guard may be injured or killed. The success of their attempt is partially based on agent ranks, but the guarding agents rank counts double. For example: <605>


Page 32: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders Guard Character Type Agent Difficulty Automatic Order Number 610 Order Code GrdChar Prerequisites � Character with agent skill � Guarded character is in same hex as guarding character � Guarded character is not the same as guarding character Required info. � Guarded character ID

This order allows a character with agent skill to guard another character at the same location for the turn. Agent rank is improved by 1-5 points under this order. A guard will try to stop assassinations and thefts of Artifacts from the guarded character. If another character makes such an attempt against the guarded character and the guard thwarts the attempt, then the guard's agent rank will be improved 1-5 points more for each thwarted attempt. A successful guard may kill, capture or injure the opposition. An unsuccessful guard may be injured or killed. The success of their attempt is partially based on agent ranks, but the guarding agents rank counts double. For example: <610><bilbo>

Assassinate Character Type Agent Difficulty Hard Order Number 615 Order Code Assass Prerequisites � Character with agent skill �Target character is of different nation � Target character is in same hex Required info. � Target character ID

This order allows a character with agent skill to attempt to assassinate another character of a different nation. If the target character is guarded, then the assassin will have to deal with the guards first. Success is based on the agent rank of the assassin, guard�s agent rank (doubled), the ranks of the target, the fortifications and loyalty of a pop. centre in the hex and the size of army if the target is an army commander. Failure may mean injury or death - even if there are no guards present. Agent rank will be improved by 1-10 points for a successful mission. For example: <615><bilbo>

Sabotage Fortifications Type Agent Difficulty Hard Order Number 670 Order Code SabFort Prerequisites � Character with agent skill � Population centre at same hex � Population centre is not hidden � Population centre is of a different nation Required info. None

This order allows a character with agent skill to attempt to sabotage the fortifications of another nation's population centre. The population centre cannot be hidden and the character must deal with any posted guards. Success is based on the agent rank of the character, guard�s agent rank (doubled) and the fortifications and loyalty of the pop. centre. Failure may result in injury or death. Success will decrease the fortifications by at least one level and will improve the character's agent rank by 1-10 points. For example: <670>

Sabotage Production Stores Type Agent Difficulty Average Order Number 680 Order Code SabStor Prerequisites � Character with agent skill � Population centre at same hex � Population centre is not hidden � Population centre is of a different nation � Population centre has stores of type chosen to sabotage Required info. � Store type (le,br,st,mi,fo,ti,mo)

This order allows a character with agent skill to attempt to sabotage the stores of another nation's population centre. The population centre cannot be hidden and the character must deal with any posted guards. Failure may result in injury or death, whilst success will decrease a percentage of the stores. The chance of success is based primarily on the character's agent rank, guard�s agent rank (doubled) and the fortifications and loyalty of the pop. centre, and success will improve character's agent rank by 1-10 points. For example: <680><ti>


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders Steal Artifact Type Agent Difficulty Average Order Number 685 Order Code StlArt Prerequisites � Character with agent skill � Artifact is in same hex Required info. � Artifact ID #

This order allows a character with agent skill to attempt to steal a particular Artifact which is at that location. The character must deal with any posted guards. If the Artifact is held by another character, then that character must be dealt with. Failure may result in injury or death, even if there are no guards. Success is based on the character's agent rank, guard�s agent rank (doubled) and the fortifications and loyalty of any pop. centre in the hex. Success will gain the character possession of the Artifact and will improve character's agent rank by 1-10 points. For example: <685><12>

Steal Gold Type Agent Difficulty Average Order Number 690 Order Code StlGold Prerequisites � Character with agent skill � Population centre in same hex � Population centre is not hidden � Population centre is of a different nation Required info. None

This order allows a character with agent skill to attempt to steal the gold of another nation's population centre. The population centre cannot be hidden and the character must deal with any posted guards. Failure may result in injury or death, even if there are no guards. Success will gain the character gold based on the net revenues and any gold production the population centre generated that turn. Success is based on the character's Agent rank, guard�s agent rank (doubled) and the fortifications and loyalty of the pop. centre, and will improve character's agent rank by 1-10 points. For example: <690>

Name New Character as Commander Type Command Difficulty Automatic Order Number 728 Order Code NamComm Prerequisites � Character with command skill � Character is in his own capital � Nation has sufficient gold � Nation has less than 8 active characters Required info. � Name (first 5 letters must be unique and no more than 17 letters and spaces) � Gender (male or female)

This order allows a character with command skill to train a new commander. The command rank of the new character will be at 30 or at the command rank of the creating character - whichever is lower. The first five letters of the name given (character ID) must be unique in the game (duplicate names will be automatically altered). 5000 gold is needed to finance the new commander's training. If you ever have more than eight active characters, a random character will be retired on your next turn! For example: <728><Denethor><m>


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders Name New Character as Agent Type Agent Difficulty Automatic Order Number 731 Order Code Namagen Prerequisites � Character with agent skill � Character is in his own capital � Nation has less than 8 active characters � Nation has sufficient gold Required info. � Name (first 5 letters must be unique and no more than 17 letters and spaces). � Gender (male or female)

This order allows a character with agent skill to train a new agent. The agent rank of the new character will be at 30 or at the agent rank of the creating character - whichever is lower. The first five letters of the name given (character ID) must be unique in the game (duplicate names will be automatically altered). 5000 gold is needed to finance the new agent's training. If you ever have more than eight active characters, a random character will be retired on your next turn! For example: <731><Murazor><m>

Hire Army Type Command Difficulty Automatic Order Number 770 Order Code Hrarmy Prerequisites � Character with command skill � Character is not an army commander � Character is at population centre � Population centre is of same nation � Population centre is not under siege Required info. � # of troops � Type of troops (hc,hi) � Type of weapons to be carried (wo,br,st,mi) � Type of armour to be carried (le,br,st,mi) � # of food units

This order allows a character to create a new army by hiring the indicated troop type at a population centre. This is the only order that will 'create' an army where there was not already one. The maximum number of troops will depend on the size of the population centre. The minimum army size is 100 troops. You must also indicate how much food will be transferred to the new army from the population centre stores. All new troops will come with a base training rank of 10 and a base morale rank of 10, and the specified weapons and armour (if there are sufficient stores). Cavalry require 2 leather and 1 mount per troop. The usual gold cost of hiring an army is waived for nations in the Battle of the Five Armies. For example: <770><400><hi><br><st><3000>

Disband Army Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Automatic Order Number 775 Order Code Dsbarmy Prerequisites � Army commander or character with command skill with the army Required info. None

This order allows an army commander or a character with command skill with an army to disband the army and to tell his troops to go home. For example: <775>

Transfer Command Type Command Difficulty Automatic Order Number 780 Order Code TrComm Prerequisites � Army commander � New commander has command skill � New commander is in same hex � New commander is of same nation Required info. � New commander character ID � Join army ('y' or 'n')

This order allows an army commander to give command of their entire army to another character with command skill. Any characters travelling with the former army will also be transferred. The former commander may choose to stay with the army or remain separate by adding a 'yes' or 'no' to the required information. For example: <780><thori><n>


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders Join Army Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Automatic Order Number 785 Order Code Jnarmy Prerequisites � Character joins army commander � Army commander is in same hex � Army commander is of same nation � Character is not an army commander Required info. � Army commander character ID to be joined

This order allows a character to join an existing army and to travel with it. While part of the army, a character does not need to give individual movement orders. If they do give a movement order, they automatically leave the army. For example: <785><thori>

Move Character Type Movement Difficulty Automatic Order Number 810 Order Code MovChar Prerequisites � Character is not an army commander Required info. � Destination hex (within 12 hexes of current hex)

This order allows a character to move to any hex that is 12 or less hexes distant from his present location. If the character had been travelling with an army then he will leave that army. For example: <810><2907>

Stand and Defend Type Movement Difficulty Automatic Order Number 840 Order Code Stand Prerequisites � Army commander only Required info. � Direction (ne, e, se, sw, w, or nw)

This order allows an army commander to station his army to try to prevent enemy troops from crossing certain hexsides. By choosing a direction, the commander orders the army to prevent movement through that hexside and through its adjacent hexsides by enemy armies. This will keep an enemy army situated in that hex even if it was able to move otherwise. If the enemy army is large enough, it can merely destroy your army in its passing without stopping. For example: <840><se>

Force March Army Type Movement Difficulty Automatic Order Number 860 Order Code ForcMar Prerequisites � Army commander only Required info. � Directions (h, ne, e, se, sw, w, or nw for each hex to be moved)

This order allows an army commander to move his army. For example: <860><se><e><ne>


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders Move Character & Join Army Type Movement Difficulty Automatic Order Number 870 Order Code MovJoin Prerequisites � Any character � Army commander is of same nation � Character is not an army commander Required info. � Destination hex (within 12 hexes of original hex) � Army commander character ID of the army to be joined

This order allows a character to move to any hex that is 12 or less hexes distant from his original location and join an existing army at that location. If no army is at the character's destination hex, the character will simply end movement there. If the character had been travelling with an army, this order will cause him to leave that army. This order cannot result in the character moving a distance of more than 12 hexes from their location at turn start. For example: <870><2907><thori>

Scout Population Centre Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Easy Order Number 920 Order Code ScoPop Prerequisites � Character with agent skill � Population centre is at same location Required info. None

This order allows a character to scout the population centre where he is presently located. Suspected hidden population centres are difficult to scout. The character may find out: name, owner, loyalty, size, fortifications, production capability, production stores, siege status, if it's hidden, if it's a capital, and the presence of foreign armies (by nation). The amount and detail of the reported information is based on the agent rank and incorrect reports are possible. For example: <920>

Recon. Area Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Easy Order Number 925 Order Code Recon Prerequisites � Character with command skill Required info. None

This order allows a character to reconnaissance the area around his current location in all directions for a distance of one hex (for a total of 7 hexes). Some of the report is in map form. If any armies are found in land hexes in the area, the scouting character may also be able to determine the individual commander, nationality, and approximate number of troops of any armies present. The amount and detail of the reported information is based on the command rank (although reports about the current location are usually better) and incorrect reports are possible. For example: <925>

Scout for Characters Type Agent Difficulty Average Order Number 930 Order Code ScoChar Prerequisites � Character with agent skill Required info. None

This order allows a character to scout for any other nation's characters at that land location. Success is based on a comparison of the relative agent ranks and is chances are increased by the presence of a population centre (camp the most, city the least). It is possible to gain the following information on each character found: title, name or gender, and nationality or allegiance. The amount and detail of the reported information is based on the agent rank and incorrect reports are likely. For example: <930>


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Orders Use Scrying Artifact Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Automatic Order Number 935 Order Code UsScArt Prerequisites � Any character Required info. � Arkenstone�s # � Chosen hex

This order allows a character to the Arkenstone. The effect lasts for only one turn. The Artifact reveals details about any chosen hex and the six hexes surrounding it. The amount and detail of the reported information is frequently based on the mage rank, and the distance from the caster to the hex, and incorrect reports are possible. For example: <935><8><2907>

Cast Lore Spell Type Mage Difficulty Varies - spell casting rank Order Number 940 Order Code CstLoSp Prerequisites � Spell is known by character Required info. � Spell ID # � Information required by the particular spell

This order allows a character to attempt to cast any lore spell which he has learned. Success is based on the casting proficiency the character has with the spell. Proficiency will be improved by 1-5 points upon successful casting of the spell. The amount and detail of the reported information is frequently based up the mage rank and incorrect reports are possible. For example: <940><428><16>

Nation Transport Type Miscellaneous Difficulty Automatic Order Number 947 Order Code NatTran Prerequisites � Any character � Character is in capital � Capital is not under siege � Origin and destination hexes for transport are not under siege Required info. � Destination hex � Product to be transferred (le,br,st,mi,fo,ti,mo) � % of product to be transferred (1-100)

This order allows a character at his capital to order the transport of a percentage of one product from the stores of all his nation's population centres to the stores of one of his nation's population centres. The receiving population centre cannot be under siege. Any population centre under siege will be unable to contribute any amount of the indicated product. The cost of sending the product is 10% of the number of units transported. This is taken in addition to the amount specified if possible � which is to say it is taken from the nation�s stores in addition to the full amount transported, but if there is not enough of the product in the coffers, then it will be deducted instead from the goods sent. For example: <947><2908><le><100>


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The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Your Turn

Your Turn Every game turn, each active player will receive the following: Front Sheet This is either a paper print out, or text in the email to which your .PDF file is attached (if you are playing by email), with non-game related information such as your name, account number, etc. Results Sheet This is either a paper print out, or an Adobe Acrobat .PDF file (if you are playing by email), containing information on your nation and activities. Turn Sheet This is either a paper print out, or an Adobe Acrobat .PDF file (if you are playing by email), which you fill in and return to us with your orders for the next turn. You may create your own turn sheet. Please read the House Rules for guidance on this.

Front-Sheet This contains your name, address and contact details (your email address is always given out to your allies, if you wish your other contact details to be passed on, please get in touch). • your account number • your account balance (Note that this is correct,

whilst the balance on your results sheet is not) • your allies� contact details • current games you are playing in • GM message for the game • GM message for all games. • Remittance tear off slip to return with payment for

game turns (when necessary)

Results Sheet The game title and edition appears in the middle of the first page. Below the title, on the left, is your name and account number (please include your account number in all communications with us). To the right of this appears, from top to bottom, your game number, player number, turn number, account balance, free turns counter, security code, and special service indicator. These with the exception of the turn number and security code will be the same for length of the game. Turn number indicates the number of turns you have played, not the number of turns the game has run. Thus it is not uncommon for turn numbers to vary slightly from player to player. The account balance is a hang-over from an old accounting system and can safely be ignored. The security code is a four-digit number randomly generated each turn. This code is required to authorise any changes or requests for information directed to MEPBM. See the 'ME House Rules & Procedures' for more details. The special service indicator will be marked yes, meaning that if you do not get a turn in by the next due date a fixed set of orders will be run for each of the characters in your position. The bottom of the title page shows three more pieces of information: your victory point total (calculated each turn), your five individual victory conditions, and, after turn zero, the top three players on your own side. All Free Peoples will get a list of the top three Free Peoples. All Dark Servants will get a list of the top three Dark Servants (although there are only two Dark Servants in the Battle of the Five Armies variant).


Page 39: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Your Turn The rest of the sheet is divided into sections as follows: Season This indicates whether it is spring, summer, fall (autumn) or winter. The season, in conjunction with location, affects the climate around each population centre. Relations In a full game of Middle-earth this section would detail your relations to the other nations. For the purposes of Battle of the Five Armies, however, relations with your allies are set automatically to friendly, and your relations with your enemies to hated. Population Centres This section shows each of the population centres under your control. For each population centre, you're shown its name, location, size, fortification level, loyalty, hidden indicator, siege indicator, production for that hex and current stores. Location tells you the number of the hex the population centre is in, the terrain in that hex and the current climate in that hex. The hidden indicator shows 'TRUE' if the Population Centre is hidden and 'FALSE' if it is not. The siege indicator operates in the same manner, showing 'TRUE' if the population centre was under siege by an enemy army for the turn just passed, and 'FALSE' if it was not under siege. Expected hex production is shown for each of the seven products: leather, bronze, steel, mithril, food, timber and mounts. Expected production is determined by the size of the population centre and the climate, and may be less than the maximum possible hex production. Below the production numbers are shown the amount in stores for each of the seven products. The last item of information for each city is the presence of any foreign characters or armies. Any population centre under your control may report any spotted foreign characters or armies in that hex. Armies In this section each of your armies will be listed under its commander. To the right of each commander's name will be the army's location, terrain, and climate. Following the commander's name will be a complete listing of all the army's attributes: morale, the number of transport ships needed to transport the army across the sea (ignore this!) the army's travel mode (ignore this!), and a listing of all troops, by type, including training, weapon and armour ranks. Also listed will be any items in army's baggage train, including food and war machines. Any other characters with the army will be listed below the baggage train information. Finally, below each army's information will be a report of any population centres and other armies at the same location.

Company Commanders Companies are not used in the Battle of the Five Armies. Miscellaneous Information under this section includes revenue and maintenance costs, total product stores, the names of any hostages in your possession, a listing of all Artifacts, any general messages about events involving your nation, and any encounter and combat messages. Note that all maintenance costs and revenue for the next turn are expected figures. Changes in season and orders given, among other things, can effect the actual figures. Note also that there are two Artifact listings, one of Artifacts currently held by characters and one of Artifacts known to be secreted in hexes or population centres (not used in the Battle of the Five Armies). Additionally, messages may appear here regarding satisfaction of certain victory conditions and regarding new character availability. It is unwise to name more characters than you are allowed, if you ever have nine or more active characters, the extras will be retired at random. Market Prices Each of the seven available market products has its own column. In each column, the first line shows the name of the product, the second line shows how many units (if any) of that product are available, the third line shows the amount of gold you must pay to purchase one unit, and the fourth line shows the amount of gold you will receive by selling one unit to the market. Orders Given This lists all of your characters and the orders issued by each for the turn. Note that this chart reads across, left to right, rather than top to bottom as it is on your turn sheet. Also note that each character is listed twice, once for each order. Any character given less than two orders will show 'No order given' to the right of the character's name. Characters This section shows each of your characters, and their ranks and possessions, along with a description of each character's activities for that turn. Any characters who possess rank-enhancing Artifacts will have the enhanced rank appear in parenthesis () next to those ranks that are affected. Also, any characters who know spells will have the casting rank appear in parenthesis () next to each spell. Any characters who possess combat Artifacts will have a "√" appear next to any combat Artifact that is currently being used. An '�' or '+' next to a rank indicates a special ability � healing twice as fast, or challenge rank bonus.


Page 40: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Your Turn

Maps This final section includes a graphic representation of your homeland and some scouting / reconnaissance reports. The turn map allows you to take in a great deal of information at once. Represented on the map are terrain (including roads and rivers) population centres (ruins have no icon), fortifications and armies. Note that army icons represent the presence of one or more armies of that allegiance. For example, a Free Peoples� army icon in a hex could signify one army, two armies, even three or more. The scouting / reconnaissance reports will be smaller versions (7 hexes) of the turn map with the same type of information and representations. Map Icons

Camp Tower Free Peoples Armies

Village Fort Dark Servants Armies

Town Castle

Major Town Keep

City Citadel Road Minor River Major River Bridge Ford

Shore Plains Rough Forest Mountains


Page 41: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Your Turn

Turn Sheet The turn sheet is used each turn to submit your orders if you are playing by paper. Email players may prefer to send us an email with the turn orders. Please read the House Rules for guidance on the format of this. Near the top of each turn-sheet, beneath the game title and edition, will be your name, account number, game number, player number, and turn number. The next item on your turn sheet will be the due date. The due date is the date by which the turn-sheet must reach our offices � not the date to post it! Please allow time for the postal service to deliver. Following the due date is a listing of all of your characters. Underneath each character's name are two sets of blank lines to allow each character to issue up to two orders. (Please refer to the 'orders' section for what additional information is required and in what order to place this information on the turn sheet). The most common items of required information for orders have abbreviations which are quicker and easier to use than the entire word. They are as follows: Goods Wood wo Mounts mo Leather le Bronze br Steel st Mithril mi Food fo Timber ti Gold go None no

Troops Heavy Cavalry hc Heavy Infantry hi Army Directions Home h Northwest ne East e Southeast se Southwest sw West w Northwest nw Normal no Evasive ev Miscellaneous Female f Male m No n Yes y

Three points to keep in mind while filling out your turn-sheet: Character IDs are always five letters long. Spaces count as letters for character IDs Hex numbers are always four digits long.

And Finally We hope you enjoy playing The Battle of the Five Armies. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us through any of the methods given below. And when you have finished playing, if you wish to play again, perhaps with a different nation, or indeed, join in one of the full-scale games of Middle-Earth PBM, once again get in touch and we will get you started. Good Gaming ME Games Ltd email: [email protected] website: telephone: 029 2091 3359 (10am � 6.30pm) fax: 029 2062 5532 (24 hours) post: Office A, 340 North Road, Cardiff, CF14 3PB, UK.


Page 42: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Quick Reference Charts

Quick Reference Charts – Nation Starting Details


Armies Regent Duran commands 2000 Heavy Infantry at hex 3002 Commander Gashbuz commands 2000 Heavy Infantry at hex 2904 Captain Ogrod commands 2000 Heavy Infantry at hex 3104

Economy Current Tax Rate 60% Expected Income 30,000 gold Anticipated Expenses 36,000 gold Current Gold Reserve 40,000 gold

Characters Anglach command 40 mage 40 challenge 50 Angulion command 10 agent 50 mage 30 (50) challenge 61 holds artifact #94 Bolg command 70 challenge 105 holds artifact #24 Bulrakur command 60 challenge 60 Duran command 60 mage 20 challenge 80 holds artifact #121 Gashbuz command 30 (55) challenge 55 holds artifact #93 Ogrod command 40 challenge 40 Rogrog command 60 challenge 75 holds artifact #81

Warg Riders Armies

Captain Krusnak commands 900 Heavy Cavalry at hex 2809 Commander Rashkuk commands 900 Heavy Cavalry at hex 3004 Captain The Necromancer commands 800 Heavy Cavalry at hex 2606

Economy Current Tax Rate 60% Expected Income 21,000 gold Anticipated Expenses 28,000 gold Current Gold Reserve 20,000 gold

Characters Ashburgnul agent 30 mage 60 challenge 65 Blogath mage 50 challenge 50 Gaurithoth mage 50 challenge 50 Gollum agent 20 stealth 40 challenge 15 Rashuk command 40 challenge 40 Krusnak command 40 mage 40 (60) challenge 70 holds artifact #30 Rashkuk command 30 challenge 40 holds artifact #11 The Necromancer

command 40 mage 60 stealth 30 challenge 70 holds artifact #54, cast Reveal Population Centre spell


Page 43: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Quick Reference Charts

Elves Armies

Lord Ohtar commands 1200 Heavy Infantry at hex 2908 Regent Thranduil commands 800 Heavy Cavalry at hex 2912

Economy Current Tax Rate 39% Expected Income 13,000 gold Anticipated Expenses 21,000 gold Current Gold Reserve 25,000 gold

Characters Argaldor command 30 stealth 20 challenge 30 Camthalion command 30 stealth 20 challenge 30 Dorlas command 20 mage 30 (65) stealth 20 challenge 70 holds artifact #73 Gwaithir mage 60 stealth 30 challenge 60 Legolas command 50 agent 40 stealth 20 challenge 72 Lindal command 10 agent 40 stealth 20 (30) challenge 32 holds artifact #137 Ohtar command 50 stealth 20 challenge 60 holds artifact #150 Thranduil command 60 stealth 20 challenge 80 holds artifact #140

Dwarves Armies

Regent Dain II commands 3000 Heavy Infantry at hex 3707 Economy

Current Tax Rate 60% Expected Income 24,000 gold Anticipated Expenses 27,000 gold Current Gold Reserve 10,000 gold

Characters Bilbo Baggins agent 20 stealth 40 (80) challenge 25 holds artifacts #45 and #116 Bombur command 30 (40) challenge 40 holds artifact #17 Dain II command 60 challenge 70 holds artifact #43 Fili command 20 agent 30 challenge 27 Gloin command 20 agent 20 challenge 23 Kili command 40 mage 10 challenge 42 Oin command 20 agent 20 challenge 23 Thorin command 60 challenge 75 holds artifact #8

Northmen Armies

Commander Girion II commands 1200 Heavy Infantry at hex 3109 Hero Swithwulf commands 600 Heavy Cavalry at hex 3211

Economy Current Tax Rate 60% Expected Income 18,000 gold Anticipated Expenses 19,000 gold Current Gold Reserve 15,000 gold

Characters Bard I command 60 challenge 75 holds artifacts #132 and #169 Beorn command 40 agent 30 mage 40 stealth 20 challenge 115 holds artifact #186 Girion II command 30 agent 30 challenge 35 Koldana command 20 agent 30 mage 10 stealth 0 (15) challenge 29 holds artifact #166 Kynoden agent 30 challenge 22 Marcatio mage 30 (45) challenge 45 holds artifact #147 Montieff agent 30 stealth 10 challenge 22 Swithwulf command 20 agent 20 challenge 23


Page 44: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

The Battle of the Five Armies ~ Quick Reference Charts

Quick Reference Charts - Orders After Order Number: C indicates an order only for army commanders c indicates an order only for characters with command skill a indicates an order only for characters with agent skill bold indicates an order that can improve skill rank + indicates an order that can improve cast rank * indicates an order only given at the capital

After Order Description: (e) indicates an easy order (a) indicates an average order (h) indicates a hard order (v) indicates an order of varying difficulty (au) indicates an automatic order

w indicates an order only for army commanders or characters with an army

Command Orders Order Number

Order Description Order Code

230C Attack Enemy (v) AttEnmy 250C Destroy Population Centre (v) DstPop 255C Capture Population Centre (v) CptrPop 400cw Recruit Heavy Cavalry (au) HvCvlry 408cw Recruit Heavy Infantry (au) HvInfan 435C Put Army on Manoeuvres (au) ArmyMan 494c Fortify Population Centre (a) FortPop 498C Threaten Population Centre (h) Threat 728c* Name New Commander Character (au) NamComm 770c Hire Army (au) HrArmy 780C Transfer Command (au) TrComm

Agent Orders

Order Number

Order Description Order Code

605a Guard Location (au) GrdLoc 610a Guard Character (au) GrdChar 615a Assassinate Character (h) Assass 670a Sabotage Fortifications (h) SabFort 680a Sabotage Production Stores (a) SabStor 685a Steal Artifact (a) StlArt 690a Steal Gold (a) StlGold 731a* Name New Character as Agent (au) NamAgen 930a Scout Characters (a) ScoChar

Movement Orders

Order Number

Order Description Order Code

810 Move character (au) MovChar 840C Stand and Defend (au) Stand 860C Force March Army (au) ForcMar 870 Move Character and Join Army (au) MovJoin

Healing Spells Order Number

Order Description Order Code

120+ Cast Heal Spell (v) CstHlSp

Combat Spells

Order Number

Order Description Order Code

225+ Cast Combat Spell (v) CstCbSp

Conjuring Spells Order Number

Order Description Order Code

330+ Cast Conjuring Spell (v) CstCjSp

Lore Spells

Order Number

Order Description Order Code

940+ Cast Lore Spell (v) CstLoSp

Miscellaneous Orders Order Number

Order Description Order Code

210 Issue Personal Challenge (v) IssPers 215 Refuse Personal Challenges (au) RfsPers 315 Purchase from Caravans (au) PrchCar 320 Sell to Caravans (au) SellCar 325* Nation Sell to Caravans (au) NatSell 340w Food - Pop. Centre to Army (au) TrPo2Ar 360 Transfer Artifacts - Character (au) TrArt 440cw Make War Machines (au) MakWrMa 775cw Disband Army (au) DsbArmy 785 Join Army (au) JnArmy 920a Scout Population Centre (e) ScoPop 925c Recon. Area (e) Recon 935 Use Scrying Artifact (au) UsScArt 947* Nation Transport (au) NatTran


Page 45: The Battle of the Five Armies - Middle-earth GamesThe Battle of the Five Armies ~ Introduction Introduction Welcome to the Battle of the Five Armies, a simplified version of the game

Adanedhel, Adelard Took, Adorn, Adrahil captain to Ondoher, Adrahil father of Imrahil, Aduial, Adûnaic, Adûnakhôr, Adurant, Aeglos, Aeglos, Aegnor, Aelin-uial, Aeluin, Aerandir, Aerin, Afterborn, Aftercomers, Afterlithe, Afteryule, Agarwaen, Aghan, Aglarond, Aglon, Aiglos, Ailinel, Ainulindalë, Ainur, Music of the Ainur, Aiwendil, Akallabêth, Akallabêth, Alatar, Alatáriel, Alcarin, Alcarin, Alcarinquë, Alcarondas, Aldamir, Aldarion, Aldarion, Erendis, Aldaron, Aldburg, Aldëa, Aldor, Alfirin, Algund, Almaida, Almaren, Almarian, Almiel, Alqualondë, Altáriel, Aman, Mountains of Aman, Amandil, Amarië, Amdír, Amlach, Amlaith of Fornost, Amon Amarth, Amon Anwar, Amon Darthir, Amon Dîn, Amon Ereb, Amon Ethir, Amon Gwareth, Amon Hen, Amon Lanc, Amon Lhaw, Amon Obel, Amon Rûdh, Amon Sûl, Tower of Amon Sûl, Amon Uilos, Amras, Amrod, Amroth, Cerin Amroth, Anach, Pass of Anach, Anadûnê, Anar, Anardil of Gondor, Anardil of Númenor, Anárion son of Elendil, Anárion son of Ancalimë, Anborn, Ancalagon, Ancalimë, Andor, Andram, Andrast, Andrath, Andróg, Androth, Anduin, Ethir Anduin, Mouths of Anduin, Vales of Anduin, Andúnië, Bay of Andúnië, Lord of Andúnië, Andúril, Andustar, Andwise Roper, Andy Roper, Anemones, Anfalas, Anfauglir, Anfauglith, Angainor, Angamaitë, Angband, High-captain of Angband, Siege of Angband, Angbor, Angerthas, Anghabar, Anglachel, Angle Eriador, Angle Lórien, Angmar, Angren, Angrenost, Angrist, Angrod, Anguirel, Annael, Annatar, Annon-in-Gelydh, Annúminas, Sceptre of Annúminas, Stone of Annúminas, Anor, Flame of Anor, Minas Anor, Anórien, Anor-stone, Apanónar, Appledore, Ar-Abattârik, Arador, Ar-Adûnakhôr, Araglas, Aragorn Elessar, Aragorn I, Aragost, Arahad I, Arahad II, Arahael, Araman, Aranarth, Arandor, Arandur, Aranel, Aranrúth, Arantar, Aranuir, Aranwë, Aranwion, Araphant, Araphor, Arassuil, Aratan, Aratar, Arathorn I, Arathorn II, Araval, Aravir, Aravorn, Araw, Kine of Araw, Ar-Belzagar, Archet, Arda, High King of Arda, High Ones of Arda, King of Arda, Lord of the Breath of Arda, Powers of Arda, Spring of Arda, Ard-galen, Aredhel Ar-Feiniel, Ar-Feiniel, Argeleb I, Argeleb II, Ar-Gimilzôr, Argonath, Gates of Argonath, Argonui, Arien, Ar-Inziladûn, Arkenstone, Armenelos, Arminas, Arnor, Dúnedain of Arnor, King of Arnor, King of Gondor and Arnor, Arod, Aros, Fords of Aros, Arossiach, Ar-Pharazôn, Ar-Sakalthôr, Artamir, Artanis, Artano, Arthedain, King of Arthedain, Arvedui Last-king, Arvegil, Arveleg I, Arveleg II, Arvernien, Arwen Evenstar, The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen, Ar-Zimraphel, Ar-Zimrathôn, Ascar, Asfaloth, Ash Mountains, Ashen Mountains, Asphodel, Astron, Atalantë, Atanalcar, Atanamir, Atanatar I, Atanatar II Alcarin, Atanatári, Atani, Atarinya, Athelas, Athrad Angren, Aulë, Aulendil, Avallónë, Tower of Avallónë, Avari, Avathar, Awakening of Men, Axantur, Azaghâl, Azanulbizar, Battle of Azanulbizar, Azog, Bag End, Baggins, Balbo Baggins, Belba Baggins, Bilbo Baggins, Bingo Baggins, Bungo Baggins, Dora Baggins, Drogo Baggins, Dudo Baggins, Fosco Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Largo Baggins, Lily Baggins, Linda Baggins, Longo Baggins, Mad Baggins, Mungo Baggins, Pansy Baggins, Peony Baggins, Polo Baggins, Ponto Baggins, Porto Baggins, Posco Baggins, Rosa Baggins, Bagshot Row, Bain, Balan, Balar, Bay of Balar, Balbo Baggins, Balchoth, Bald Hill, Baldor, Balin, Balrogs, Lord of Balrogs, Bamfurlong, Ban of the Valar, Banakil, Bandobras Took, Bane of Glaurung, Banks, Eglantine Banks, Barach, Barad Eithel, Barad Nimras, Barad-dûr, Downfall of Barad-dûr, Fall of Barad-dûr, Lord of Barad-dûr, Siege of Barad-dûr, Baragund, Barahir grandson of Faramir, Barahir son of Bregor, Ring of Barahir, Barahir son of Hador, Baran, Baranduin, Baranor, Baraz, Barazinbar, Bard I, Bard II, Bardings, Bar-en-Danwedh, Bar-en-Nibin-noeg, Barliman Butterbur, Barrel-rider, Barrow-downs, Barrows, Barrow-wights, Bats, Battle of Azanulbizar, Battle of Bywater, Battle of Dagorlad, Battle of Dale, Battle of Five Armies, Battle of Fornost, Battle of Greenfields, Battle of Nanduhirion, Battle of Sudden Flame, Battle of the Camp, Battle of the Field of Celebrant, Battle of the Hornburg, Battle of the Peak, Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Battle of the Plains, Battle of the Powers, Battle of Tumhalad, Battle of Unnumbered Tears, Battle Plain, Battles of the Fords of Isen, First Battle of the Fords of Isen, Second Battle of the Fords of Isen, Bauglir, Bay, Bay of Andúnië, Bay of Balar, Bay of Belfalas, Bay of Eldamar, Bay of Eldanna, Beacons of Gondor, Bears, Beater, Beechbone, Beeches, Bees, Belba Baggins, Belecthor I, Belecthor II, Beleg of Arthedain, Beleg Strongbow, Belegaer, Belegorn, Belegost, Dwarves of Belegost, Belegund, Beleriand, Drúedain of Beleriand, Elves of Beleriand, Ruin of Beleriand, Wars of Beleriand, West Beleriand, Belfalas, Bay of Belfalas, Bell Goodchild, Belladonna Took, Belthil, Belthronding, Béma, Bent World, Bëor, House of Bëor, People of Bëor, Beorn, Beornings, Bereg, Beregar, Beregond Steward of Gondor, Beregond soldier of Gondor, Beren Erchamion, Beren of Gondor, Bergil, Bert, Berúthiel, Cats of Queen Berúthiel, Berylla Boffin, Bifur, Big Folk, Big People, Bilbo Baggins, Bilbo Gardner, Bill, Bill Ferny, Bill Huggins, Bingo Baggins, Birches, Bird-tamer, Birthday Party, Biter, Black, Black Captain, Black Chasm, Black Gate, Black Hand, Black Land, Black Númenóreans, Black Pit, Black Riders, Black Serpent, Black Shadow, Black Speech, Black Sword, Blackroot, Blackroot Vale, Bladorthin, Blanco, Blessed Realm, Bloodstained, Blotmath, Blue Mountains, Blue Ring, Blue Wizards, Boar of Everholt, Boars, Bob, Bodo Proudfoot, Boffin, Berylla Boffin, Folca Boffin, Bofur, Bolg, Bolger, Estella Bolger, Fastolph Bolger, Fatty Bolger, Filibert Bolger, Fredegar Bolger, Odovacar Bolger, Ruby Bolger, Rudigar Bolger, Bombadil, Bombur, Bonfire Glade, Book of Mazarbul, Bór, Borgil, Borin, Borlach, Borlad, Boromir of Ladros, Boromir son of Denethor I, Boromir son of Denethor II, Boron, Borondir, Borthand, Bowman, Bowman Cotton, Bracegirdle, Hugo Bracegirdle, Lobelia Bracegirdle, Bralda-hîm, Brand, Brandagamba, Kalimac Brandagamba, Branda-nîn, Brandir, Brandy Hall, Master of the Hall, Brandybuck, Celandine Brandybuck, Gorbadoc Brandybuck, Gorhendad Brandybuck, Gormadoc Brandybuck, Marmadas Brandybuck, Melilot Brandybuck, Mentha Brandybuck, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Merimas Brandybuck, Merry Brandybuck, Old Rory Brandybuck, Primula Brandybuck, Rorimac Brandybuck, Saradoc Brandybuck, Brandywine, Brandywine Bridge, Bree, Hobbits of Bree, Men of Bree, West-gate of Bree, Bree-folk, Bree-hill, Bree-hobbits, Bree-land, Bree-landers, Bregalad, Brego, Bregolas, Bregor, Brethil, Men of Brethil, Bridge of Khazad-dûm, Bridge of Mitheithel, Bridge of Stonebows, Bridgefields, Brilthor, Brithiach, Ford of Brithiach, Brithombar, Brithon, Brockenbores, Brockenborings, Brockhouse, Brodda, Lily Brown, Brown Lands, Brownlock, Gilly Brownlock, Bruinen, Ford of Bruinen, Brytta Léofa, Bucca of the Marish, Buck Hill, Buckland, Master of Buckland, Buckland Gate, Bucklanders, Bucklebury, Bucklebury Ferry, Budgeford, Bullroarer, Bunce, Mimosa Bunce, Bundushathûr, Bungo Baggins, Burárum, Burrowes, Burrows, Milo Burrows, Minto Burrows, Mosco Burrows, Moto Burrows, Myrtle Burrows, Butterbur, Butterflies, Bywater, Battle of Bywater, Bywater Pool, Bywater Road, Cabed Naeramarth, Cabed-en-Aras, Cair Andros, Calacirian, Calacirya, Calaquendi, Calembel, Calenardhon, Calenhad, Calimehtar King of Gondor, Calimehtar son of Calmacil, Calmacil, Calmindon, Camellia Sackville, Camlost, Cape Balar, Captain of Despair, Captain of the Southern Army, Captains of the West, Captivity of Melkor, Carach Angren, Caradhras, Caragdûr, Caranthir, Dor Caranthir, Caras Galadhon, Carc, Carcharoth, Carchost, Cardolan, Carl Cotton, Carn Dûm, Carnen, Carnil, Carrock, Castamir, Cats, Cats of Queen Berúthiel, Caves of Androth, Caves of the Forgotten, Cave-trolls, Cedars, Celandine Brandybuck, Celduin, Celebdil, Celeborn Lord of Lórien, Celeborn White Tree, Celebrant, Battle of the Field of Celebrant, Field of Celebrant, Celebrían, Celebrimbor, Celebrindal, Celebrindor, Celebros, Celegorm, Celepharn, Celon, Celos, Cemendur, Ceorl, Cerin Amroth, Cermië, Chamber of Mazarbul, Chamber of Records, Chetwood, Chica Chubb, Chief, Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Chieftain of the North, Children of Aulë, Children of Húrin, Tale of the Children of Húrin, Children of Ilúvatar, Children of the Sun, Chubb, Chica Chubb, Chubb-Baggins, Falco Chubb-Baggins, Poppy Chubb-Baggins, Circles of the World, Círdan the Shipwright, Ciril, Cirion, Cirith Dúath, Cirith Gorgor, Cirith Ninniach, Cirith Ungol, Stairs of Cirith Ungol, Tower of Cirith Ungol, Cirth, Ciryaher, Ciryandil, Ciryatur, Ciryon, Citadel of Gondor, Guards of the Citadel, City of Gondor, City of the Kings, Clayhanger, Lalia Clayhanger, Closed Door, Cloudyhead, Cock-robin, Coirë, Cold-drakes, Coldfells, Combe, Common Speech, Company of the Ring, Coranar, Cordial of Imladris, Cormallen, Corn, Corollairë, Corsairs of Umbar, Cotman, Cottar, Bowman Cotton, Carl Cotton, Farmer Cotton, Holman Cotton, Jolly Cotton, Long Horn Cotton, Mrs. Cotton, Nibs Cotton, Nick Cotton, Rose Cotton, Tolman Cotton junior, Tolman Cotton senior, Tom Cotton junior, Tom Cotton senior, Wilcome Cotton, Council of Elrond, Council of Gondor, Council of the Sceptre, Council of the Wise, Cracks of Doom, Cram, Crebain, Crickhollow, Crissaegrim, Crossing of Poros, Crossings of Teiglin, Cross-roads, Crown of Gondor, Cuiviénen, Culumalda, Curufin, Curufinwë, Curumo, Curunír, Nan Curunír, Cúthalion, Daeron, Dagnir Glaurunga, Dagor Aglareb, Dagor Bragollach, Dagor Dagorath, Dagorlad, Battle of Dagorlad, Dagor-nuin-Giliath, Dáin I, Dáin II Ironfoot, Daisy Gamgee, Daisy Gardner, Dale, Battle of Dale, King of Dale, Lord of Dale, Men of Dale, Damrod, Dark Country, Dark Elf, Dark Elves, Dark Land, Dark Lord, Dark Mountains, Dark Plague, Dark Power, Dark Throne, Dark Tower, Dark Years, Darkening of Valinor, Darkness, Great Darkness, Daystar, King of the Dead, Paths of the Dead, Dead Marshes, Dead Men, Déagol, Deathless, Deep Elves, Deepdelver, Deephallow, Deeping, Deeping Wall, Deeping-coomb, Deeping-stream, Deer's Leap, Demons, Denethor I, Denethor II, Denethor of the Nandor, Déor, Déorwine, Derndingle, Dernhelm, Derufin, Dervorin, Desolation of the Dragon, Diamond of Long Cleeve, Dimbar, Dimholt, Dimrill Dale, Dimrill Stair, Dimrost, Dîn, Dior of Doriath, Dior of Gondor, Dírhael, Dírhavel, Dís, Disaster of the Gladden Fields, Dol Amroth, Lord of Dol Amroth, Prince of Dol Amroth, Dol Baran, Dol Guldur, Dolmed, Dome of Stars, Doom of Mandos, Doom of Men, Doomsman of the Valar, Door of Night, Doors of Durin, Doors of Felagund, Dor Caranthir, Dor Daedeloth, Dor Dínen, Dor Firn-i-Guinar, Dora Baggins, Dor-Cúarthol, Dor-en-Ernil, Dori, Doriath, Elves of Doriath, King of Doriath, Queen of Doriath, Ruin of Doriath, Dorlas, Dor-lómin, Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin, Lady of Dor-lómin, Lord of Dor-lómin, Men of Dor-lómin, Dor-nu-Fauglith, Dorthonion, Men of Dorthonion, Dorwinion, Downfall of Barad-dûr, Downfall of Númenor, Downfallen, Dragon of Erebor, Desolation of the Dragon, Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin, Dragons, Father of Dragons, Green Dragon, Dragon-spell, Dramborleg, Draugluin, Dread Helm, Drengist, Drogo Baggins, Drû, Drúadan Forest, Drúath, Drúedain, Drúedain of Beleriand, Drûg-folk, Drughu, Drûgs, Drúin, Drúwaith Iaur, Dry River, Dudo Baggins, Duilin, Duilwen, Duinhir, Dúnadan, Dúnedain, Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Kingdoms of the Dúnedain, Dúnedain of Arnor, Dúnedain of the North, Dúnedain of the South, Dunharrow, Dúnhere, Dunland, Dunlendings, Dunlendish, Durin I the Deathless, House of Durin, Durin III, Doors of Durin, Durin VI, Durin VII, Durin's Bane, Durin's Day, Durin's Folk, King of Durin's Folk, Durin's Tower, Durthang, Dwalin, Dwarf-road of Beleriand, Dwarf-road of Mirkwood, Dwarf-tongue, Dwarrowdelf, Fathers of the Dwarves, Petty-dwarves, War of the Dwarves and Orcs, Dwarves of Belegost, Dwarves of Erebor, Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, Dwarves of Moria, Dwarves of the Iron Hills, Dwimmerlaik, Dwimorberg, Dwimordene, Eä, Éadig, King of Eagles, Lord of Eagles, Eämbar, Eärendil of Gondor, Eärendil the Mariner, Star of Eärendil, Eärendur King of Arnor, Eärendur Lord of Andúnië, Eärendur son of Tar-Amandil, Eärnil I, Eärnil II, Eärnur, Eärrámë, Eärwen, East Beleriand, East Bight, East Road, East Wall of Rohan, Eastemnet, Easterlings, Eastfarthing of the Shire, First Eastfarthing Troop, Eastfold, East-gate of Moria, Eastlands of Middle-earth, Eastlands of Númenor, Eastmarch of the Shire, East-mark, Marshal of the East-mark, East-victor, East-West Road, Echoing Mountains, Echoriath, Echuir, Ecthelion I, Tower of Ecthelion, Ecthelion II, Ecthelion of the Fountain, Edain, First House of the Edain, Third House of the Edain, Three Houses of the Edain, Edhellond, Edhil, Ednew, Edoras, Muster of Edoras, Edrahil, Egalmoth, Egladil, Eglador, Eglantine, Eglantine Banks, Eglarest, Eilenach, Eilenaer, Eithel Ivrin, Eithel Sirion, Ekkaia, Elanor, Elanor Gardner, Elatan, Elbereth, Eldacar of Arnor, Eldacar of Gondor, Eldalië, Eldalondë, Eldamar, Bay of Eldamar, Eldar, Eldarin, Eldarion, Elder Children of Ilúvatar, Elder Days, Elder Kindred, Elder King, Eldest, Eledhwen, Elemmakil, Elemmírë (Elf), Elemmírë (star), Elendë, Elendil, Heir of Elendil, House of Elendil, Mound of Elendil, Star of Elendil, Sword of Elendil, Tomb of Elendil, Elendili, Elendilmir, Elendur King of Arnor, Elendur son of Isildur, Elenna, Elentári, Elentirmo, Elenwë, Elephants, Elessar of Aragorn, Elessar of Eärendil, Elestirnë, Elf-friend, Elf-friends, Three Houses of the Elf-friends, Elfhelm, Elfhild, Elfstan Fairbairn, Elfstone, Elfwine, Elladan, Elmo, Elms, Elostirion, Elrohir, Elrond, House of Elrond, Elros, House of Elros, Line of Elros, Elu Thingol, Eluchíl, Eluréd, Elurín, Elvenesse, Elvenhome, Elvenking, Elven-rings, Elven-smiths, Elven-tongue, Elven-tree, Fair Elves, Green-elves, Grey-elves, High Elves, High King of the Elves, Light-elves, Sea-elves, Silvan Elves, Wood-elves, Elves of Beleriand, Elves of Doriath, Elves of Eregion, Elves of Eressëa, Elves of Lindon, Elves of Lórien, Elves of Middle-earth, Elves of Mirkwood, Elves of Nargothrond, Elves of Ossiriand, Elves of Sirion, Elves of the Falas, Elves of the Havens, Elves of the Light, Elves of the Twilight, Elves of the Wood, Elves of Thranduil, Elves of Valinor, Silvan Elvish, Elwë Singollo, Elwing, Emeldir, Emerië, Emerwen Aranel, Empty Lands, Emyn Arnen, Lord of Emyn Arnen, Emyn Beraid, Emyn Duir, Emyn Muil, Emyn Uial, Emyn-nu-Fuin, Enchanted Isles, Enchanted River, Encircling Mountains, Encircling Sea, Enderi, Endless Stair, Endor, Endóre, Enedwaith, Enemy, Enerdhil, Engwar, Ennor, Ent-draughts, Ent-houses, Entings, Entish, Entmoot, Ents, Entulessë, Entwade, Entwash, Mouths of Entwash, Entwives, Entwood, Envinyatar, Éoherë, Eöl, Éomer Éadig, Éomund of Eastfold, Eönwë, Éoreds, Eorl, House of Eorl, Oath of Eorl, Ride of Eorl, Sons of Eorl, Eorlingas, Eorlings, Éothain, Éothéod, Lord of the Éothéod, Men of the Éothéod, Éowyn, Ephel Brandir, Ephel Dúath, Eradan, Erchamion, Erebor, Dragon of Erebor, Dwarves of Erebor, Gate of Erebor, Quest of Erebor, Ereborian Cirth, Erech, Hill of Erech, Stone of Erech, Ered Engrin, Ered Gorgoroth, Ered Lindon, Ered Lithui, Ered Lómin, Ered Luin, Ered Mithrin, Ered Nimrais, Ered Wethrin, Eregion, Elves of Eregion, Lord of Eregion, Ereinion Gil-galad, Erelas, Erellont, Erendis, White House of Erendis, Eressëa, Elves of Eressëa, Erestor, Eriador, Erkenbrand, Ernil i Pheriannath, Eru, Eruhantalë, Eruhíni, Erui, Erukyermë, Eryn Lasgalen, Eryn Vorn, Esgalduin, Esgaroth, Esmeralda Took, Estë, Estel, Estella Bolger, Estelmo, Estolad, Ethir, Ethir Anduin, Ethraid Engrin, Ethring, Ethuil, Ettenmoors, Evendim, Hills of Evendim, Evendim Lake, Evenstar, Everard Took, Evereven, Everholt, Boar of Everholt, Evermind, Evernight, Ever-young, Exile of the Noldor, Exiles of Gondolin, Exiles of Númenor, Realms in Exile, Eye of Mordor, Eye of Sauron, Ezellohar, Faelivrin, Faerie, Fair Elves, Fairbairn, Elfstan Fairbairn, Falas, Elves of the Falas, Falastur, Falathar, Falathrim, Falco Chubb-Baggins, Fall of Barad-dûr, Fall of Fingolfin, Fall of Gil-galad, Fall of Gondolin, Fall of Nargothrond, Fall of the Noldor, Fallohides, Falls of Rauros, Falls of Sirion, Falmari, Fang, Fangorn, Forest of Fangorn, Fangorn Forest, Fanuidhol, Far Downs, Far Harad, Faramir son of Denethor II, Faramir son of Ondoher, Faramir Took I, Farewell Party, Farin, Farmer Cotton, Farmer Maggot, Farthings, Far-wanderer, Fastolph Bolger, Fastred of Greenholm, Fastred of Rohan, Father of Dragons, Father of the Isle, Fathers of Men, Fathers of the Dwarves, Fatty Bolger, Fatty Lumpkin, Fëanor, House of Fëanor, Oath of Fëanor, Sons of Fëanor, Fëanorian, Fëanorian Lamps, Fëanturi, Felagund, Doors of Felagund, Finrod Felagund, Felaróf, Fell Winter of the Third Age, Fellowship of the Ring, Fen Hollen, Fen of Serech, Fengel, Fenmarch, Fens of Sirion, Ferny, Bill Ferny, Ferumbras Took II, Ferumbras Took III, Field of Celebrant, Battle of the Field of Celebrant, Field of Cormallen, Fiery Mountain, Fíli, Filibert Bolger, Fimbrethil, Finarfin, House of Finarfin, Findegil, Finduilas of Dol Amroth, Finduilas of Nargothrond, Finglas, Fingolfin, Fall of Fingolfin, House of Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Finwë, Fire of Ilúvatar, Fire-drakes, Firefoot, Fire-mountain, Fíriel, Firien Wood, Firienholt, Fírimar, Firith, First Age, First Battle, First Battle of the Fords of Isen, First Eastfarthing Troop, First Homely House, First House of the Edain, First Marshal of the Riddermark, Firstborn, Firth of Drengist, Fladrif, Flambard Took, Flame Imperishable, Flame of Anor, Flame of the West, Flame of Udûn, Flets, Flight of the Noldor, Floating Log, Foam-flower, Foe-hammer, Folca, Folco Boffin, Folcred, Folcwine, Folde, Folk of Haleth, Followers, Ford of Brithiach, Ford of Bruinen, Fords of Aros, Fords of Isen, Battles of the Fords of Isen, First Battle of the Fords of Isen, Second Battle of the Fords of Isen, Fords of Poros, Forelithe, Forest, Forest of Brethil, Forest of Fangorn, Forest of Neldoreth, Forest of Region, Forest River, Forest Road, Foreyule, Forgoil, Forlindon, Forlond, Forlong, Formenos, Forn, Fornost, Amlaith of Fornost, Battle of Fornost, Forochel, Icebay of Forochel, Snowmen of Forochel, Forodwaith lands, Forodwaith people, Forostar, Forsaken Inn, Fortinbras Took I, Fortinbras Took II, Forweg, Fosco Baggins, Fourth Age, Fram, Frár, Fréa, Fréaláf Hildeson, Fréawine, Freca, Fredegar Bolger, Free Peoples, Frerin, Friend-of-Men, Frodo Baggins, Frodo Gardner, Frogmorton, Front Gate, Frór, Frumgar, Fuinur, Fundin, Gabilgathol, Gaffer Gamgee, Galadhon, Galadhriel, Galadhrim, Lady of the Galadhrim, Galador, Galadriel, Mirror of Galadriel, Phial of Galadriel, Galathil, Galathilion, Galdor of Dor-lómin, Galdor of the Havens, Galenas, Galion, Gálmód, Galvorn, Gamgee, Daisy Gamgee, Gaffer Gamgee, Halfast Gamgee, Halfred Gamgee, Hamfast Gamgee, Hamson Gamgee, Marigold Gamgee, May Gamgee, Roper Gamgee, Sam Gamgee, Samwise Gamgee, Gamil Zirak, Gamling, Gammidge, Hob Gammidge, Gammidgy, Gamwich family, Wiseman Gamwich, Gamwich village, Gandalf, Gap of Rohan, Gardner, Bilbo Gardner, Daisy Gardner, Elanor Gardner, Frodo Gardner, Goldilocks Gardner, Hamfast Gardner, Merry Gardner, Pippin Gardner, Primrose Gardner, Robin Gardner, Rose Gardner, Ruby Gardner, Tolman Gardner, Gasping Dust, Gate of Erebor, Gate of Isengard, Gate of Steel, Gate of the Noldor, Gates of Argonath, Gates of Mordor, Gates of Sirion, Gaurwaith, Gelion, Greater Gelion, Gelmir of Angrod's People, Gelmir of Nargothrond, Gerontius Took, Gethron, Ghân, Ghân-buri-Ghân, Giants, Stone-giants, Gift of Men, Gildor Inglorion, Gildor of Dorthonion, Gil-galad, Fall of Gil-galad, Spear of Gil-galad, Gilly Brownlock, Gilraen, Gilrain, Gilthoniel, Gimilkhâd, Gimilzagar, Gimli Elf-friend, Ginglith, Girdle of Melian, Girion, Girithron, Giver of Fruits, Gladden Fields, Gladden River, Glamdring, Glamhoth, Glanduin, Glaurung, Dagnir Glaurunga, Glingal, Glithui, Glittering Caves, Lord of the Glittering Caves, Glóin son of Gróin, Glóin son of Thorin I, Glóredhel, Glorfindel of Gondolin, Glorfindel of Rivendell, Gnats, Goatleaf, Harry Goatleaf, Goblin-cleaver, Goblin-men, Goblins, Goblin-town, Gods, Golasgil, Goldberry, Golden, Golden Hall, Golden Perch, Golden Wood, Lady of the Golden Wood, Goldenbed, Golden-haired, Goldenhead, Goldfather, Goldilocks Gardner, Goldwine, Golfimbul, Gollum, Golodhrim, Golug, Gondolin, Exiles of Gondolin, Fall of Gondolin, Great Gate of Gondolin, King of Gondolin, White Lady of Gondolin, Gondolindrim, Gondor, Beacons of Gondor, Citadel of Gondor, City of Gondor, Council of Gondor, Crown of Gondor, Guard of the Tower of Gondor, King of Gondor, King of Gondor and Arnor, Lord of Gondor, Men of Gondor, Queen of Gondor, Regent of Gondor, Royal House of Gondor, South Gondor, Gondorians, Gonnhirrim, Goodbody, Togo Goodbody, Goodchild, Bell Goodchild, Gorbadoc Brandybuck, Gorbag, Gore, Gorgoroth, Gorgûn, Gorhendad Oldbuck, Gorlim the Unhappy, Gormadoc Brandybuck, Gorthaur, Gorthol, Gothmog Lieutenant of Morgul, Gothmog Lord of Balrogs, Gram King of Rohan, Gram Mount, Great Armament, Great Battle, Great Darkness, Great Gate of Gondolin, Great Gate of Minas Tirith, Great Gates, Great Goblin, Great Gulf, Great Hall of Feasts, Great Hall of Thráin, Great House, Great Jewel, Great Jewels, Great Journey, Great Lake, Great Music, Great Ones, Great Orcs, Great Plague, Great Ring, Great Rings, Great River, Great Sea of the West, Great Siege, Great Smials, Great War of the Ring, Great Worm, Greater Gelion, Green Dragon, Green Hill Country, Green Hills of Gondor, Green Hills of the Shire, Green Mound, Green-elves, Greenhand, Halfred Greenhand, Holman Greenhand, Greenhanded, Greenholm, Fastred of Greenholm, Greenleaf, Greenway, Greenwood the Great, Grey Company, Grey Havens, Grey Mountains, Grey Pilgrim, Grey Wanderer, Greycloak, Grey-elven, Grey-elves, Greyflood, Greyhame, Greylin, Greymantle, Gríma Wormtongue, Grimbeorn the Old, Grimbold of Westfold, Grip, Grishnákh, Grithnir, Gróin, Grond battering-ram, Grond Hammer of the Underworld, Grór, Grubb, Laura Grubb, Guard of the Tower of Gondor, Guarded Plain, Guards of the Citadel, Guild of Venturers, Guild of Weaponsmiths, Guilin, Gulls, Gundabad, Gundor, Gurthang, Guthláf, Gúthwinë, Gwaeron, Gwaihir, Gwaith-i-Mírdain, Gwathir, Gwathló, Gwindor, Hadhodrond, Hador Lórindol, Helm of Hador, House of Hador, People of Hador, Hador of Gondor, Hal Gamgee, Haladin, Halbarad, Haldad, Haldan, Haldar, Haldir of Lórien, Haldir of the Haladin, Haleth daughter of Haldad, Folk of Haleth, House of Haleth, People of Haleth, Haleth son of Helm, Halethrim, Halfast Gamgee, Half-elven, Half-elven Elrond and Elros, Halfling, Halflings, Land of the Halflings, Prince of the Halflings, Halflings' Leaf, Half-orcs, Halfred Gamgee, Halfred Greenhand, Halifirien, Halimath, Hall of Fire, Hallacar, Hallas, Hallatan, Halls of Mandos, Halls of Waiting, Halmir, Háma, Hamfast 'Gaffer' Gamgee, Hamfast Gardner, Hammer of the Underworld, Hammerhand, Hamson Gamgee, Handir, Harad, Far Harad, Men of Harad, Near Harad, Harad Road, Haradrim, Haradwaith, Hardbottle, Hareth, Harfoots, Harlindon, Harlond in Gondor, Harlond in Lindon, Harnen, Harrowdale, Harry Goatleaf, Hasufel, Hathaldir, Hathol, Haudh in Gwanur, Haudh-en-Arwen, Haudh-en-Elleth, Haudh-en-Ndengin, Haudh-en-Nirnaeth, Haven of the Swans, Haven of Umbar, Haven-finder, Havens of Sirion, Havens of the Falas, Elves of the Havens, Hay Gate, Haysend, Hayward, Hob Hayward, Headstrong, Malva Headstrong, Heart of Fire, Heart of the Mountain, Heathertoes, Mat Heathertoes, Heavy-handed, Hedge, Heir of Elendil, Heir of Isildur, Helcar, Helcaraxë, Helevorn, Hells of Iron, Helluin, Helm Hammerhand, Helm of Hador, Land of Bow and Helm, Helm's Deep, Helm's Dike, Helm's Gate, Henderch, Henneth Annûn, Her Ladyship, Herblore of the Shire, Herion, Herucalmo, Herugrim, Herumor, Hewer of Caves, Hidden City, Hidden King, Hidden Kingdom, Hidden Realm, Hidden Rock, High Elves, High Faroth, High Hay, High King, High King of Arda, High King of the Elves, High King of the Noldor, High Ones of Arda, High Pass, High-captain of Angband, Highday, High-elven, Hildeson, Hildifons Took, Hildigrim Took, Hildor, Hildórien, Hill of Erech, Hill of Himring, Hill of Sight, Hill of Spies, Hill of the Eye, Hill-men, Hills of Evendim, Hill-trolls, Himlad, Himling, Himring, Hill of Himring, Hirgon, Hirilondë, Hírilorn, Hirluin, Hísilómë, Hísimë, Hithaeglir, Hither Lands, Hither Shore, Hithlain, Hithlum, Hithui, Hoarwell, Hob Gammidge, Hob Hayward, Hobbit-holes, Hobbiton, Hobbiton Hill, Hobbits, Hobbits of Bree, Hobbits of the Shire, Hobgoblins, Hobson, Holbytlan, Holdwine, Hollin, Holman Cotton, Holman Greenhand, Holman the greenhanded, Holy Mountain: Meneltarma, Holy Mountain: Taniquetil, Holy Ones, Hornblower, Old Toby Hornblower, Tanta Hornblower, Tobold Hornblower, Hornburg, Battle of the Hornburg, Horn-call of Buckland, Hornrock, Horsebreeders, Horse-lords, White Horse, Hound of Valinor, House of Bëor, House of Durin, House of Elendil, House of Elrond, House of Elros, House of Eorl, House of Fëanor, House of Finarfin, House of Fingolfin, House of Hador, House of Haleth, House of Húrin, House of Isildur, House of Ransom, House of the Golden Flower, House of the Mírdain, House of the Stewards, Houses of Healing, Houses of the Dead, Hrívë, Huan, Huggins, William Huggins, Hugo Bracegirdle, Hunter (Creature of Morgoth), Hunter (Title), Hunthor, Hunting of the Wolf, Huntsman of the Valar, Huor, Huorns, Húrin I, Húrin II, Húrin of Emyn Arnen, House of Húrin, Húrin Thalion, Children of Húrin, Narn i Hîn Húrin, Tale of the Children of Húrin, Húrin the Tall, Hyarastorni, Hyarmendacil I, Hyarmendacil II, Hyarmentir, Hyarnustar, Hyarrostar, Iarwain Ben-adar, Iavas, Îbal, Ibun, Icebay of Forochel, Idril Celebrindal, Illuin, Ilmarë, Ilmarin, Ilmen, Ilúvatar, Children of Ilúvatar, Vision of Ilúvatar, Younger Children of Ilúvatar, Imlach, Imlad Morgul, Imladris, Imloth Melui, Imrahil, Imrazôr, Incánus, Indis, Inglorion, Ingold, Ingwë, Inscrutable, Inziladûn, Inzilbêth, Ioreth, Írimon, Iris, Irmo, Iron Crown, Iron Hills, Dwarves of the Iron Hills, Iron Mountains, Iron of Death, Ironfoot, Isen, Battles of the Fords of Isen, First Battle of the Fords of Isen, Fords of Isen, Second Battle of the Fords of Isen, Isengar Took, Isengard, Gate of Isengard, Isengarders, Isengrim Took II, Isengrim Took III, Isenmouthe, Isil, Isildur, Heir of Isildur, House of Isildur, Scroll of Isildur, Isildur's Bane, Isildur's Heir, Isilmë, Isilmo, Island of Númenor, Isle of Almaren, Isle of Balar, Isle of Númenor, Isle of Werewolves, Istar, Istari, Isumbras Took I, Isumbras Took III, Isumbras Took IV, Ithil, Ithildin, Ithilien, Prince of Ithilien, South Ithilien, Ithil-stone, Ithryn, Ithryn Luin, Ivanneth, Ivorwen, Ivrin, Eithel Ivrin, Pools of Ivrin, Jewels of Fëanor, Jolly Cotton, Kalimac Brandagamba, Karningul, Keepers of the Three Rings, Last Riding of the Keepers, Kelos, Kelvar, Kementári, Key of Orthanc, Khamûl, Khand, Khazâd, Khazad-dûm, Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, King of Khazad-dûm, Kheled-zâram, Khîm, Khuzdul, Kibil-nâla, Kíli, Kindler, Kine of Araw, King of Arda, King of Arnor, King of Arthedain, King of Dale, King of Doriath, King of Durin's Folk, King of Eagles, King of Gondolin, Tower of the King, King of Gondor, City of the Kings, King of Gondor and Arnor, King of Khazad-dûm, King of Lórien, King of Nargothrond, King of Númenor, City of the Kings, King of Númenórë, King of Rhovanion, King of Rohan, King of the Dead, King of the Mark, King of the Noldor, King of the Sea, King of the West, King under the Mountain, King's Archers, King's Company, King's Court, King's Heir, King's House, King's Men, King's Reckoning, King's Riders, King's Writer, Kingdom of the South, Kingdom under the Mountain, Kingdoms of the Dúnedain, Kings of Men, Kingsfoil, Kingsland, Kinslaying, Kin-strife, Kiril, Kirinki, Kuduk, Labadal, Ladros, Lady of Dor-lómin, Lady of Lórien, Lady of Rohan, Lady of the Galadhrim, Lady of the Golden Wood, Lady of the Seas, Lady of the Shield-arm, Lady of the Star-brow, Lady of the Stars, Laer, Lagduf, Laiquendi, Lairë, Lake Evendim, Lake Mithrim, Lake-men, Lake-town, Master of Lake-town, Lalaith, Lalia Clayhanger, Lamedon, Lammoth, Lamps of the Valar, Land of Bow and Helm, Land of Gift, Land of Seven Rivers, Land of the Dead that Live, Land of the Halflings, Land of Willows, Landroval, Langflood, Langstrand, Langwell, Lanthir Lamath, Largo Baggins, Larnach, Lasse-lanta, Last Alliance of Elves and Men, War of the Last Alliance, Last Battle, Last Bridge, Last Desert, Last Gate, Last Homely House, Last Riding of the Keepers, Láthspell, Laura Grubb, Laurelin, Laurelindórenan, Lay of Leithian, Leaflock, Lebennin, Lebethron, Lefnui, Legolas Greenleaf, Legolin, Lembas, Lenwë, Léod, Léofa, Lhûn Gulf of, Lhûn River, Lidless Eye, Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dûr, Light-elves, Lilies, Water-lilies, Lily Baggins, Lily Brown, Limlaith, Limlight, Linaewen, Linda Baggins, Lindar, Lindens, Lindir, Lindon, Elves of Lindon, Ered Lindon, Lindórië, Lindórinand, Line of Elros, Linhir, Lithe, Lithlad, Little Delving, Little Folk, Little Gelion, Little People, Loa, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, Lockholes, Loeg Ningloron, Loëndë, Lómion, Lond Daer, Lone-lands, Lonely Isle, Lonely Mountain, Heart of the Mountain, King under the Mountain, Kingdom under the Mountain, Long Cleeve, Diamond of Long Cleeve, Long Horn, Long Horn Cotton, Long Lake, Long Wall, Long Winter, Longbeards, Longbottom, Longbottom Leaf, Longholes, Longo Baggins, Long-worms, Lóni, Lord and Lady, Lord of Andúnië, Lord of Balrogs, Lord of Barad-dûr, Lord of Dale, Lord of Dol Amroth, Lord of Dor-lómin, Lord of Eagles, Lord of Emyn Arnen, Lord of Eregion, Lord of Forests, Lord of Gifts, Lord of Gondor, Lord of Lórien, Lord of Lossarnach, Lord of Minas Tirith, Lord of Mordor, Lord of Morgul, Lord of Moria, Lord of Nargothrond, Lord of Rivendell, Lord of Rohan, Lord of the Breath of Arda, Lord of the Éothéod, Lord of the Glittering Caves, Lord of the Mark, Lord of the Nazgûl, Lord of the Nine Riders, Lord of the Ring, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the West, Lord of Waters, Lords of the Valar, Lords of the West, Lórellin, Lorgan, Lórien in Middle-earth, Elves of Lórien, King of Lórien, Lord of Lórien, Lórien in Valinor, Lórien Vala, Lórinand, Lórindol, Losgar, Lossarnach, Lord of Lossarnach, Morwen of Lossarnach, Lossoth, Lótessë, Lothíriel, Lothlann, Lothlórien, Lotho Sackville-Baggins, Lothron, Loudwater, Luckwearer, Lugbúrz, Lugdush, Luinil, Lumpkin, Lune, Lúthien Tinúviel, Lúva, Mablung of Ithilien, Mablung of the Heavy Hand, Mad Baggins, Maedhros, Union of Maedhros, Maeglin, Maglor, Maglor's Gap, Magnificent, Magor, Mahal, Máhanaxar, Mahtan, Maia, Maiar, Malach Aradan, Malantur, Malbeth the Seer, Malduin, Malgalad, Mallor, Mallorns, Mallos, Malva Headstrong, Malvegil, Mámandil, Man of the West, Mandos, Doom of Mandos, Halls of Mandos, Man-hearted, Mannish, Manwë, Manwendil, Many Colours, Marach, March of Maedhros, Marchbuck, Marcho, Mardil Voronwë, Marhari, Marhwini, Marigold Gamgee, Mariner, Mariner's Wife, Marish, East-mark, King of the Mark, Lord of the Mark, Marshal of the Mark, Men of the Mark, Riders of the Mark, West-mark, Marmadas Brandybuck, Mar-nu-Falmar, Marshal of the East-mark, Marshal of the Mark, First Marshal, Second Marshal, Third Marshal, Master of Buckland, Master of Doom, Master of Lake-town, Master of the Hall, Masters of Spirits, Masters of Stone, Masterstone, Mat Heathertoes, Mathom-house, Mathoms, Mauhúr, May Gamgee, Mayor of Michel Delving, Mayor of the Shire, Mazarbul, Book of Mazarbul, Chamber of Mazarbul, Mearas, Meduseld, Melian, Girdle of Melian, Melilot Brandybuck, Melkor, Mellyrn, Awakening of Men, Dead Men, Doom of Men, Gift of Men, Goblin-men, Westfold-men, Men of Bree, Men of Brethil, Men of Dale, Men of Darkness, Men of Dor-lómin, Men of Dorthonion, Men of Gondor, Men of Harad, Men of Middle-earth, Men of Minas Tirith, Men of Númenor, Men of Old, Men of Rohan, Men of the Éothéod, Men of the Mark, Men of the North (First Age), Men of the North (Third Age), Men of the Vales of Anduin, Men of the West, Men of Westernesse, Menegroth, Menel, Meneldil, Meneldor, Meneldur, Menelmacar, Meneltarma, Menelvagor, Men-i-Naugrim, Mentha Brandybuck, Meres of Twilight, Mereth Aderthad, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Merimas Brandybuck, Mering Stream, Merry Brandybuck, Merry Gardner, Messenger of Mordor, Methedras, Mettarë, Michel Delving, Mayor of Michel Delving, Mickleburg, Middle-earth, Elves of Middle-earth, Midgewater Marshes, Midyear's Day, Mighty of the West, Milo Burrows, Mîm, Mimosa Bunce, Minalcar, Minardil, Minas Anor, Minas Ithil, Minas Morgul, Lord of Morgul, Minas Tirith Beleriand, Minas Tirith Gondor, Great Gate of Minas Tirith, Lord of Minas Tirith, Men of Minas Tirith, White Tree of Minas Tirith, Minastan, Minastir, Mindeb, Mindolluin, Mindon Eldaliéva, Minhiriath, Minohtar, Min-Rimmon, Minto Burrows, Minuial, Mirabella Took, Mírdain, House of the Mírdain, Míriel of Númenor, Míriel Serindë, Mirkwood, Elves of Mirkwood, Mountains of Mirkwood, Mirror of Galadriel, Mirrormere, Miruvor, Misty Mountains, Mitheithel, Bridge of Mitheithel, Mithlond, Mithrandir, Mithrellas, Mithril, Mithrim, Mithrim Lake, Mittalmar, Moon, Tower of the Moon, Tower of the Rising Moon, Moon-letters, Moontower, Morannon, Mordor, Eye of Mordor, Gates of Mordor, Lord of Mordor, Messenger of Mordor, Orcs of Mordor, Morgai, Morgoth, Morgul Vale, Morgulduin, Morgul-wounds, Moria, Dwarves of Moria, East-gate of Moria, Lord of Moria, Mountains of Moria, Walls of Moria, West-gate of Moria, Moria Gate, Moriquendi, Mormegil, Morrowdim, Mortals, Morthond, Morwen, Tol Morwen, Morwen of Lossarnach, Morwen Steelsheen, Mosco Burrows, Moths, Moto Burrows, Mound of Elendil, Mount Dolmed, Mount Doom, Quest of Mount Doom, Mount Fang, Mount Gram, Mount Gundabad, Mount Rerir, Mount Taras, Mountain of Fire, Mountain Wall, Mountains of Aman, Mountains of Defence, Mountains of Mirkwood, Mountains of Mist, Mountains of Moria, Mountains of Shadow, Ephel Dúath, Mountains of Shadow, Ered Wethrin, Mountains of Terror, Mountain-trolls, Mouth of Sauron, Mouths of Anduin, Mouths of Entwash, Mouths of Sirion, Mrs. Cotton, Mugwort, Mûmakil, Mundburg, Mungo Baggins, Mushrooms, Music of the Ainur, Muster of Edoras, Muzgash, Myrtle Burrows, Nahar, Náin I, Náin II, Náin son of Grór, Naith, Náli, Nameless Things, Námo, Nan Curunír, Nan Dungortheb, Nan Elmoth, Nandor, Nandorin, Nanduhirion, Battle of Nanduhirion, Nan-tasarion, Nan-tathren, Nár, Narbeleth, Narchost, Nardol, Nargothrond, Elves of Nargothrond, Fall of Nargothrond, King of Nargothrond, Lord of Nargothrond, Sack of Nargothrond, Nárië, Narmacil I, Narmacil II, Narn i Hîn Húrin, Narog, Vale of Narog, Narquelië, Narrow Ice, Narsil, Narvi, Narvinyë, Narya, Nauglamír, Naugrim, Nazgûl, Lord of the Nazgûl, Near Harad, Necklace of the Dwarves, Neithan, Neldoreth, Nellas, Nen Girith, Nen Hithoel, Nen Lalaith, Nénar, Nénimë, Nenning, Nenuial, Nenya, Nerdanel, Nerwen, Nessa, Nevrast, New Row, Newbury, Nibin-noeg, Bar-en-Nibin-noeg, Nibin-Nogrim, Nibs Cotton, Nick Cotton, Nienna, Nienor Níniel, Night-fearers, Nightingales, Nimbrethil, Nimloth of Doriath, Nimloth of Númenor, Nimphelos, Nimrodel Elf-maid, Nimrodel river, Nindalf, Nindamos, Nine Riders, Lord of the Nine Riders, Nine Rings, Nine Servants, Nine Walkers, Ninglor, Loeg Ningloron, Níniel, Nîn-in-Eilph, Ninquelótë, Nínui, Niphredil, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Nísimaldar, Nísinen, Nivrim, Nob, Noegyth Nibin, Nogrod, Noirinan, Noldolantë, Noldor, Exile of the Noldor, Fall of the Noldor, Flight of the Noldor, Gate of the Noldor, High King of the Noldor, King of the Noldor, Return of the Noldor, Nólimon, Nóm, Nori, North Cape, North Downs, North Gate, North Ithilien, North Undeep, Northern Dúnedain, Northerners, Northfarthing of the Shire, North-kingdom, Northlands of Middle-earth, Northlands of Númenor, Northmen, North-South Road, Nulukkizdîn, Númenor, Downfall of Númenor, Exiles of Núemnor, King of Númenor, Men of Númenor, Queen of Númenor, Ruling Queen of Númenor, Sceptre of Númenor, White Tree of Númenor, Númenórë, King of Númenórë, Númenórean, Númenórean Realms, Númenóreans, Nunduinë, Núneth, Nurn, Núrnen, Sea of Núrnen, Oakenshield, Oath of Eorl, Oath of Fëanor, Oathbreakers, Odo Proudfoot, Odovacar Bolger, Oghor-hai, Ohtar, Óin King of Durin's Folk, Óin son of Gróin, Oiolairë, Oiolossë, Old Ford, Old Forest, Old Forest Road, Old Gammidgy, Old Man Willow, Old Mill, Old Road, Old Rory Brandybuck, Old Toby (Tobold Hornblower), Old Toby (Pipeweed variety), Old Took, Old Winyards, Oldbuck, Gorhendad Oldbuck, Oliphaunts, Olo Proudfoot, Olog-hai, Olórin, Olvar, Olwë, Ondoher, Ondolindë, Ondosto, One Ring, One-hand, Onodló, Onodrim, Onya, Orald, Orchaldor, Orc-holds, Orcrist, Orcs of Mordor, Orcs of the Mountains, Orfalch Echor, Orgaladh, Orgaladhad, Ori, Orkish, Ormal, Ornendil, Orocarni, Orodreth of Gondor, Orodreth of Nargothrond, Orodruin, Oromë, Oromendil, Oropher, Orophin, Orrostar, Orthanc, Key of Orthanc, Stone of Orthanc, Tower of Orthanc, Orthanc-stone, Osgiliath, Stone of Osgiliath, Ossë, Ossiriand, Elves of Ossiriand, Seven Rivers of Ossir, Ost-in-Edhil, Ostoher, Otho Sackville-Baggins, Outer Lands, Outer Sea, Over-heaven, Overhill, Overlithe, Oxen, Paladin Took II, Palantíri, Palarran, Pallando, Pansy Baggins, Parth Galen, Party Field, Pass of Aglon, Pass of Anach, Pass of Light, Pass of Sirion, Paths of the Dead, Pearl Took, Pelargir, Pelendur, Pelennor Fields, Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Pelóri, Peony Baggins, People of Bëor, People of Hador, People of Haleth, People of the Jewel-smiths, People of the Stars, Peredhil, Peregrin Took I, Periannath, Pervinca Took, Petty-dwarves, Pharazôn, Phial of Galadriel, Phurunargian, Pillar of Heaven, Pimpernel Took, Pimple, Pincup, Pines, Pinnath Gelin, Pipe-weed, Pippin Gardner, Pippin Took, Plateau of Gorgoroth, Polo Baggins, Ponies, Ponto Baggins, Pool, Pools of Ivrin, Poppy Chubb-Baggins, Poros, Crossing of Poros, Fords of Poros, Porto Baggins, Posco Baggins, Battle of the Powers, Powers of Arda, Powers of the World, Prancing Pony, Primrose Gardner, Primula Brandybuck, Prince of Dol Amroth, Prince of Ithilien, Prince of the Halflings, Proudfoot, Bodo Proudfoot, Odo Proudfoot, Olo Proudfoot, Sancho Proudfoot, Proudneck, Púkel-men, Queen of Doriath, Queen of Gondor, Queen of Númenor, Ruling Queen of Númenor, Queen of the Earth, Queen of the Stars, Queens of the Valar, Quellë, Quendi, Quenta Silmarillion, Quenya, Quest for the Silmaril, Quest of Erebor, Quest of Mount Doom, Quickbeam, Rabbits, Radagast, Ragnor, Ramdal, Rammas Echor, Rána, Rangers of Ithilien, Rangers of the North, Ranugad, Ras Morthil, Rath Dínen, Rathlóriel, Rauros, Ravenhill, Ravines of Teiglin, Realms in Exile, Reckoning of Rivendell, Red Arrow, Red Book of Westmarch, Red Eye, Red Maw, Red Ring, Redhorn, Redhorn Gate, Redhorn Pass, Redwater, Regent of Gondor, Reginard Took, Region, Remmirath, Renewer, Rerir, Rethe, Return of the Noldor, Reunited Kingdom, Revised Calendar, Rhîw, Rhosgobel, Rhovanion, King of Rhovanion, Rhudaur, Rhûn, Sea of Rhûn, Rían, Riddermark, First Marshal of the Riddermark, Second Marshal of the Riddermark, Third Marshal of Riddermark, Ride of Eorl, Riders of Rohan, Riders of the Mark, Rimmon, Min-Rimmon, Fellowship of the Ring, Great War of the Ring, Lord of the Ring, War of the Ring, Ring of Adamant, Ring of Air, Ring of Barahir, Ring of Doom, Ring of Fire, Ring of Isengard, Ring of Sapphire, Ring of Thrór, Ring of Water, Ringarë, Ring-bearer, Ring-bearers, Ring-finder, Ringil, Ringló, Ring-maker, Rings of Power, Lord of the Rings, Ringwil, Ringwraiths, Rivendell, Lord of Rivendell, Reckoning of Rivendell, River, River-daughter, River-woman, Rivil, Roäc, Robin Gardner, Robin Smallburrow, Rochallor, Rochand, Rock of the Music of Water, Rógin, Rohan, East Wall of Rohan, Gap of Rohan, King of Rohan, Lady of Rohan, Lord of Rohan, Men of Rohan, Riders of Rohan, White Lady of Rohan, Roheryn, Rohirrim, Rómendacil I, Rómendacil II, Rómenna, Roper, Andwise Roper, Andy Roper, Roper Gamgee, Rorimac 'Goldfather' Brandybuck, Rosa Baggins, Rose, Rose Cotton, Rose Gardner, Rothinzil, Rowan, Rowans, Royal House of Gondor, Rúatani, Ruby Bolger, Ruby Gardner, Rudigar Bolger, Ruin of Beleriand, Ruin of Doriath, Ruler, Ruling Queen of Númenor, Ruling Ring, Ruling Steward, Rúmil of Lórien, Rúmil loremaster, Runes, Running, Rushey, Rushlight, Sack of Nargothrond, Sackville, Camellia Sackville, Sackville-Baggins, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, Lotho Sackville-Baggins, Otho Sackville-Baggins, Sador, Saeros, Salmar, Sam Gamgee, Sammath Naur, Samwise Gamgee, Sancho Proudfoot, Sandheaver, Sandyman, Sandyman the miller, Ted Sandyman, Sangahyando, Saradoc Brandybuck, Sarn Athrad, Sarn Ford, Sarn Gebir, Saruman, Sauron, Eye of Sauron, Mouth of Sauron, Wolf-Sauron, Sauron's Isle, Scary, Scatha, Scattergold, Sceptre, Council of the Sceptre, Sceptre of Annúminas, Sceptre of Númenor, Scroll of Isildur, Sea of Núrnen, Sea of Rhûn, Sea-elves, Seal of the Stewards, Second Age, Second Battle of the Fords of Isen, Second Marshal of the Riddermark, Second People, Secret Fire, Seeing-stones, Self-cursed, Serech, Seregon, Serindë, Serni, Serpents, Seven Rings, Seven Rivers of Ossir, Seven Sons of Fëanor, Seven Stars, Seven Stones, Seventh Gate, Shadow, Shadow of the Wood, Shadowfax, Shadowy Mountains, Shadowy Seas, Shagrat, Sharbhund, Shards of Narsil, Sharkey, Sharkey's Men, Sharkû, Shathûr, Sheen, Sheep, Shelob, Shelob's Lair, Shepherds of the Trees, Ship of Long-foam, Ship-king, Shipwright, Shire, Eastfarthing of the Shire, Eastmarch of the Shire, Herblore of the Shire, Hobbits of the Shire, Mayor of the Shire, Northfarthing of the Shire, Southfarthing of the Shire, Thain of the Shire, Westfarthing of the Shire, Westmarch of the Shire, Shire Calendar, Shirebourn, Shire-folk, Shire-hobbits, Shire-reckoning, Shire-thain, Shirriffs, Sickle of the Valar, Siege of Angband, Siege of Barad-dûr, Sigismond Took, Silent Hill, Silent Street, Silmariën, Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Silmarils, Quest for the Silmaril, Silvan Elves, Silvan Elvish, Silverlode, Silvertine, Simbelmynë, Simple, Sindar, Sindarin, Singollo, Sîr Angren, Sîr Ninglor, Loeg Ningloron, Sirannon, Siril, Sirion, Eithel Sirion, Elves of Sirion, Falls of Sirion, Fens of Sirion, Gates of Sirion, Havens of Sirion, Mouths of Sirion, Pass of Sirion, Tol Sirion, Vales of Sirion, Siriondil, Sirith, Skinbark, Skin-changers, Slinker, Smallburrow Robin, Smaug, Sméagol, Smials, Smith, Snaga, Snails, Snakes, Snowbourn River, Snowmane, Snowmen of Forochel, Snowthorn, Snow-trolls, Solmath, Sons of Eorl, Sons of Fëanor, Sorontil, Soronto, Soronúmë, South Downs, South Gondor, South Ithilien, South Lane, South Undeep, Southern Army, Southern Star, Southfarthing of the Shire, South-kingdom, Southrons, South-victor, Spear of Gil-galad, Spiders, Spring of Arda, Springle-ring, Spyhill, Squirrels, Staddle, Stair Falls, Stairs of Cirith Ungol, Standelf, Star of Eärendil, Star of Elendil, Star-glass, Starkhorn, Starmoon, Star-spray, Starwards, Steadfast, Steelsheen, Sterday, Steward of Gondor, House of the Stewards, Ruling Steward, Seal of the Stewards, Stewards' Reckoning, Sting, Stinker, Stock, Stock-brook, Stone of Annúminas, Stone of Erech, Stone of Orthanc, Stone of Osgiliath, Stone of the Hapless, Stone-giants, Stonehelm, Stone-houses, Stones of Seeing, Stone-trolls, Stonewain Valley, Stoors, Stormcrow, Straight Road, Straight Way, Strangers, Strawberries, Strawheads, Strider, Strongbow, Stunted People, Stybba, Súlimë, Súlimo, Summerfilth, Tower of the Setting Sun, Sundering Seas, Súrion, Swanfleet, Swanhaven, Haven of the Swans, Sweet Galenas, Swertings, Sword of Elendil, Swordsman of the Sky, Sword-that-was-Broken, Symbelmynë, Talans, Talath Dirnen, Tale of Aragorn and Arwen, Tale of Grief, Tale of the Children of Húrin, Tale of Years, Taniquetil, Tanta Hornblower, Tar-Alcarin, Tar-Aldarion, Tar-Amandil, Tar-Anárion, Tar-Ancalimë, Tar-Ancalimon, Tar-Anducal, Tarannon Falastur, Tar-Ardamin, Taras, Taras-ness, Tar-Atanamir the Great, Tar-Calion, Tar-Calmacil, Tarcil, Tarciryan, Tar-Ciryatan, Tar-Elendil, Tar-Elestirnë, Tar-Falassion, Tar-Herunúmen, Tar-Hostamir, Tárion, Tarkil, Tarks, Tarlang's Neck, Tarmenel, Tar-Meneldur, Tar-Minastir, Tar-Minyatur, Tar-Míriel, Tarn Aeluin, Tarondor of Arnor, Tarondor of Gondor, Tarostar, Tar-Palantir, Tar-Súrion, Tar-Telemmaitë, Tar-Telperiën, Tar-Vanimeldë, Tasarinan, Taur-e-Ndaedelos, Taur-en-Faroth, Taur-im-Duinath, Taur-nu-Fuin, Taur-nu-Fuin, Tauron, Tawarwaith, Ted Sandyman, Teeth of Mordor, Towers of the Teeth, Tehtar, Teiglin, Crossings of Teiglin, Ravines of Teiglin, Telain, Telchar, Telco, Telcontar, Telemnar, Teleporno, Teleri, Telerin, Telperion, Telumehtar, Telumehtar Umbardacil, Témar, Tengwar, Thain of the Shire, Thain's Book, Thalion, Thalos, Thangail, Thangorodrim, Tharbad, Thargelion, Tharkûn, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King, Thengel, Théoden, Théodred, Théodwyn, Thingol, Thingol's Heir, Third Age, Third Clan, Third House of the Edain, Third Marshal of the Riddermark, Third Ring, Thistle Brook, Thistlewool, Thorin and Company, Thorin I, Thorin II Oakenshield, Thorin III Stonehelm, Thorondir, Thorondor, Thorongil, Thousand Caves, Thráin I, Great Hall of Thráin, Thráin II, Thranduil, Elves of Thranduil, Three Houses of the Edain, First House of the Edain, Third House of the Edain, Three Houses of the Elf-friends, Three Keepers, Three Kindreds, Three Rings, Keepers of the Three Rings, Three-Farthing Stone, Thrihyrne, Thrimidge, Thrór, Ring of Thrór, Thuringwethil, Tighfield, Tilion, Timeless Halls, Tincotéma, Tindómë, Tindómiel, Tindrock, Tintallë, Tinúviel, Tirion, Tobold Hornblower, Togo Goodbody, Tol Brandir, Tol Eressëa, Elves of Eressëa, White Tree of Tol Eressëa, Tol Falas, Tol Fuin, Tol Galen, Tol Morwen, Tol Sirion, Tol Uinen, Tolfalas, Tol-in-Gaurhoth, Tolman Cotton junior, Tolman Cotton senior, Tolman Gardner, Tom Bombadil, Tom Cotton junior, Tom Cotton senior, Tomb of Elendil, Took, Adelard Took, Bandobras Took, Belladonna Took, Esmeralda Took, Everard Took, Faramir Took I, Ferumbras Took II, Ferumbras Took III, Flambard Took, Fortinbras Took I, Fortinbras Took II, Gerontius Took, Hildifons Took, Hildigrim Took, Isengar Took, Isengrim Took II, Isengrim Took III, Isumbras Took I, Isumbras Took III, Isumbras Took IV, Mirabella Took, Old Took, Paladin Took II, Pearl Took, Peregrin Took I, Pervinca Took, Pimpernel Took, Reginard Took, Sigismond Took, Tookbank, Tookland, Torech Ungol, Torog, Tower Hills, Tower of Amon Sûl, Tower of Avallónë, Tower of Cirith Ungol, Tower of Ecthelion, Tower of Guard, Tower of Orthanc, Tower of Sorcery, Tower of the King, Tower of the Moon, Tower of the Rising Moon, Tower of the Setting Sun, Towers of the Teeth, Trahald, Treebeard, Trees of Silver and Gold, Hill-trolls, Mountain-trolls, Snow-trolls, Stone-trolls, Trollshaws, Truesilver, Tuckborough, Tuilë, Tuilérë, Tulkas, Tumhalad, Battle of Tumhalad, Tumladen, Tumunzahar, Túna, Tunnelly, Tuor, Turambar King of Gondor, Turambar surname of Túrin, Turgon King of Gondolin, Turgon Steward of Gondor, Túrin I, Túrin II, Túrin Turambar, Turnips, Turuphanto, Twilight Meres, Twilit Meres, Two Captains, Two Kindreds, Two Kingdoms, Two Trees of the Valar, Two Trees of Valinor, Years of the Trees, Two Watchers, Tyeller, Tyelpétema, Tyrn Gorthad, Udûn stronghold of Melkor, Flame of Udûn, Udûn valley in Mordor, Ufthak, Uglúk, Uilos, Amon Uilos, Uinen, Tol Uinen, Uinendili, Uinéniel, Úlairi, Ulbar, Uldor the Accursed, Ulfang the Black, Ulfast, Ulmo, Ulrad, Ulwarth, Úmanyar, Úmarth, Umbar, Haven of Umbar, Umbardacil, Undeeps, North Undeep, South Undeep, Underhill family, Underhill village, Undertowers, Undómë, Undómiel, Undying Lands, Undying Realm, Ungoliant, Union of Maedhros, Unnumbered Tears, Battle of Unnumbered Tears, Unwilling, Urimë, Uruk-hai, Uruks, Urulóki, Urwen, Usurper, Usurpers, Uttermost West, Utumno, Vairë, Valacar, Valacirca, Valandil of Arnor, Valandil of Númenor, Valandur, Valaquenta, Valar, Doomsman of the Valar, Lamps of the Valar, Lords of the Valar, Sickle of the Valar, Valaraukar, Valaróma, Vale of Narog, Vales of Anduin, Men of the Vales of Anduin, Vales of Sirion, Valiant, Valier, Valimar, Valinor, Darkening of Valinor, Elves of Valinor, Hound of Valinor, Valinorean, Valmar, Vampires, Vána, Vanyar, Varda, Vardamir Nólimon, Variags, Vása, Vëantur, Venturers, Vidugavia, Vidumavi, Vilya, Vingilot, Vinitharya, Vinyalondë, Vinyamar, Vinyarion, Víressë, Vision of Ilúvatar, Voronda, Vorondil, Voronwë Elf of Gondolin, Voronwë surname of Mardil, Wain, Wainriders, Walda, Wall's End, Walls of Moria, Walls of Night, Walls of the World, Wandlimb, War of the Dwarves and Orcs, War of the Last Alliance, War of the Ring, War of Wrath, Warden of the Houses of Healing, Warden of the Keys, Warden of Westmarch, Wargs, Wars of Beleriand, Watcher in the Water, Watchful Peace, Water of Awakening, Waybread, Waymeet, Waymoot, Wayward, Weather Hills, Weathertop, Wedmath, Wellinghall, Werewolves, Were-worms, West Beleriand, West of the World, Lord of the West, Lords of the West, West over Sea, Westemnet, Western Sea, Westernesse, Men of Westernesse, Westfarthing of the Shire, Westfold, Westfold-men, West-gate of Bree, West-gate of Moria, Westlands of Middle-earth, Westlands of Númenor, Westmansweed, Westmarch of the Shire, Warden 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