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The Basque people welcomes you You are in Euskal Herria, Vasconia, Navarre, the land of the Basque people or, as Voltaire put it, the people who sing and dance on both sides of the Pyrenees. Shakespeare once said of the king of the Basques that, “Navarre shall be the wonder of the world.” Welcome! While it is common when making reference to our peo- ple’s culture to stress the most ancestral side, we like to say that the most important thing is not our origin but our determination to carry on being a people. Euskal Herria, the Basque Country, has always been a busy crossroads. Our culture has therefore drawn on others for thousands of years. A synthesis we are proud to be able to display. This means that interested visitors in search of a people will find a vibrant community with an ancient culture but also economic, social and cultural dynamics that are fully integrated into the global setting in which we live. Euskal Herria, Vasconia, Navarre: different names for the territory of the Basque people, a land that covers an area of 21,000 square kilometres and is home to three million inhabitants, some of them governed by the king- dom of Spain and others by the French republic. Its ins- titutional structure is divided into three areas with var- ying levels of self-government. Euskal Herria, the Basque Country, is home to a people with plenty of economic and social initiative. Thanks to this our territory runs pioneering projects in social co- hesion, technology, training and so on, on a par with the leading regions and states in Europe. Nevertheless, our economy and our society have suffered acutely the con- sequences of global economic tensions. Several languages are regularly spoken in the Basque Country. Basque, the language of the country, with pre Indo-European origins and a million speakers, has no le- •Bradt Travel Guide: The Basque Country and Navarre •Michelin: Le Guide Vert Pays Basque et Navarre •Lonely Planet: French Basque Country •Lonely Planet: Basque Country Alegría-Dulantzi C3 Abadiño D2 Abáigar / Abaigar F4 Abaltzisketa F3 Abanto y Ciérvana -Abanto Zierbena C2 Abárzuza / Abartzuza F4 Abaurregaina / Abaurrea Alta H3 Abaurrepea / Abaurrea Baja H3 Aberin F4 Ablitas G7 Adiós / Adios G4 Aduna F2 Aguilar de Codés / Aguilar Kodes E4 Agurain / Salvatierra E3 Ahaxe-Alciette-Bascassan / Ahatsa-Altzieta-Bazkazane H2 Ahetze G1 Aia E2 Aibar / Oibar H4 Aïcirits-Camou-Suhast / Aiziritze-Gamue-Zohazti I1 Aincille / Aintzila H2 Aïnharp / Ainharbe I2 Aïnhoa / Ainhoa G2 Ainhice-Mongelos / Ainhize-Monjolose H2 Aizarnazabal E2 Ajangiz D2 Albiztur F2 Alçay-Alçabéhéty-Sunharette /Altzai-Altzabeheti-Zunharreta I2 Alegia F2 Alegría-Dulantzi D3 Alkiza F2 Allín / Allin F4 Allo F4 Alonsotegi C2 Alos-Sibas-Abense / Aloze-Ziboze-Onizegaine I2 Altsasu / Alsasua E3 Altzaga E3 Altzo F2 Amendeuix-Oneix / Amendüze-Unaso H1 Améscoa Baja / Ameskoabarrena F4 Amezketa F3 Amorebieta-Etxano / Zornotza D2 Amoroto D2 Amorots-Succos / Amorotze-Zokotze H1 Amurrio C3 Añana C4 Ancín / Antzin E4 Andoain F2 Andosilla F5 Anglet / Angelu G1 Anhaux / Anhauze H2 Anoeta F2 Añorbe G4 Ansoáin/Antsoain G3 Antzuola E2 Anue G3 Aoiz / Agoitz H4 Araitz F3 Arakaldo C2 Arakil F3 Arama E3 Aramaio D3 Aranarache / Aranaratxe E4 Arancou / Erango H1 Aranguren G4 Arano F2 Arantza G2 Arantzazu D2 Aras E4 Arbérats-Sillègue / Arberatze-Zilhekoa I1 Arbizu F3 Arbonne / Arbona G1 Arbouet-Sussaute / Arboti-Zohota I1 Arcangues / Arrangoitze G1 Arce / Artzi H3 Areatza D2 Arellano F4 Areso F2 Aretxabaleta E3 Arguedas G6 Arhansus / Arhantsusi H2 Aria H3 Aribe H3 Armañanzas / Armañantzas E4 Armendarits / Armendaritze H2 Armiñón D4 Arnéguy / Arnegi H2 Aroue-Ithorots-Olhaïby / Arüe-Ithorrotze-Olhaibi I2 Arraia-Maeztu E4 Arrankudiaga C2 Arrasate / Mondragón E3 Arrast-Larrebieu / Ürrüstoi-Larrabile I2 Arratzu D2 Arratzua-Ubarrundia D3 Arraute-Charritte / Arrueta-Sarrikota H1 Arrieta D2 Arrigorriaga C2 Arróniz / Arroitz F4 Arruazu F3 Artajona / Artaxoa G4 Artazu F4 Artea / Arteaga D2 Artzentales C2 Artziniega C2 Ascain / Azkaine G2 Ascarat / Azkarate H2 Asparrena E3 Asteasu F2 Astigarraga F2 Ataun E3 Atez / Atetz G3 Atxondo D2 Aulesti D2 Auritz / Burguete H3 Aussurucq / Altzürükü I2 Ayala/Aiara C3 Ayegui / Aiegi F4 Ayherre / Aiherra H1 Azagra F5 Azkoitia E2 Azpeitia E2 Azuelo E4 Bakaiku F3 Bakio D1 Baliarrain F3 Balmaseda C2 Banca / Banka H2 Baños de Ebro/Mañueta D5 Barakaldo C2 Barañáin / Barañain G4 Barásoain / Barasoain G4 Barbarin F4 Barcus / Barkoxe I2 Bardos / Bardoze H1 Bargota E4 Barillas G7 Barrika C1 Barrundia E3 Basaburua F3 Basauri C2 Bassussarry / Basusarri G1 Bayonne/Baiona G1 Baztan G2 Beasain E3 Bedia D2 Béguios / Behauze H1 Béhasque-Lapiste / Behaskane-Laphizketa I2 Béhorléguy / Behorlegi H2 Beire G5 Beizama E2 Belascoáin / Beraskoain F4 Belauntza F2 Bera G2 Berango C1 Berantevilla D4 Berastegi F2 Berbinzana / Berbintzana F5 Bergara E2 Bergouey-Viellenave / Burgue-Erreiti H1 Beriáin / Beriain G4 Bermeo D1 Bernedo E4 Berriatua E2 Berrioplano / Berriobeiti G3 Berriozar G3 Berriz D2 Berrobi F2 Berrogain-Laruns / Berrogaine-Larüntze I2 Bertizarana G2 Betelu F3 Beyrie-sur-Joyeuse / Bithiriña H2 Biarritz G1 Bidache / Bidaxune H1 Bidarray / Bidarrai H2 Bidart / Bidarte G1 Bidaurreta F4 Bidegoian E2 Bilbao / Bilbo C2 Biriatou / Biriatu G2 Biurrun-Olcoz / Biurrun-Olkotz G4 Bonloc / Lekuine H1 Boucau / Bokale G1 Briscous / Beskoitze H1 Buñuel G7 Bunus / Bunuze H2 Burgui / Burgi I4 Burlada / Burlata G3 Bussunarits-Sarrasquette / Duzunaritze-Sarasketa H2 Bustince-Iriberry / Buztintze-Hiriberri H2 Busturia D1 Cabanillas G6 Cabredo E4 Cadreita G6 Cambo-les-Bains / Kanbo G1 Came / Akamarre H1 Camou-Cihigue / Gamere-Zihiga I2 Campezo / Kanpezu E4 Caparroso G5 Cárcar F5 Carcastillo / Zarrakaztelu G5 Çaro / Zaro H2 Cascante G6 Cáseda / Kaseda H5 Castejón G6 Castillo-Nuevo / Gazteluberri I4 Cendea de Olza / Oltza zendea G3 Charritte-de-Bas / Sarrikotapea I2 Chéraute / Sohüta I2 Ciboure / Ziburu G1 Cintruénigo F6 Cirauqui / Zirauki F4 Ciriza / Ziritza F4 Cizur / Zizur G4 Condado de Treviño / Trebiñu D4 Corella G6 Cortes H7 Deba E2 Derio C2 Desojo / Desoio E4 Dicastillo / Deikaztelu F4 Dima D2 Domezain-Berraute / Domintxaine-Berroeta I2 Donamaria G2 Doneztebe / Santesteban G2 Donostia / San Sebastián F2 Durango D2 Ea D1 Echarri / Etxarri F4 Egüés / Eguesibar G3 Eibar E2 El Busto E4 Elantxobe D1 Elburgo/Burgelu D3 Elciego / Eltziego D5 Elduain F2 Elgeta E2 Elgoibar E2 Elgorriaga G2 Elorrio D2 Elvillar / Bilar D4 Enériz/Eneritz G4 Erandio C2 Eratsun F2 Ereño D1 Ergoiena F3 Ermua E2 Errenteria F2 Errezil E2 Erriberagoitia / Ribera Alta C4 Errigoiti D2 Erro / Erroibar G3 Eskoriatza D3 Eslava / Eslaba G4 Esparza de Salazar / Espartza Zaraitzu H3 Espelette / Ezpeleta G2 Espès-Undurein / Ezpeize-Ündüreine I2 Espronceda / Esprontzeda E4 Esquiule / Eskiula I2 Estella / Lizarra F4 Estérençuby / Ezterenzubi H2 Esteribar G3 Etayo / Etaiu E4 Etcharry / Etxarri I2 Etchebar / Etxebarre I2 Etxalar G2 Etxarri-Aranatz F3 Etxauri F4 Etxebarri C2 Etxebarria E2 Eulate E4 Ezcabarte / Ezkabarte G3 Ezcároz / Ezkaroze H3 Ezkio E3 Ezkurra F2 Ezprogui / Ezporogi G4 Falces / Faltzes F5 Fitero F6 Fontellas G6 Forua D2 Fruiz D2 Funes F5 Fustiñana G6 Gabat / Gabadi H1 Gabiria E3 Gaintza F3 Galar G4 Galdakao D2 Galdames C2 Gallipienzo / Galipentzu H5 Gallués / Galoze H4 Gamarthe / Gamarte H2 Gamiz-Fika D2 Garai D2 Garaioa H3 Garde I4 Garindein / Garindaine I2 Garínoain / Garinoain G4 Garralda H3 Garris / Garrüze H1 Gatika D1 Gautegiz Arteaga D2 Gaztelu F2 Genevilla E4 Gernika-Lumo D2 Gestas / Jeztaze I1 Getaria E2 Getxo C2 Gizaburuaga D2 Goizueta F2 Goñi / Goñerri F3 Gordexola C2 Gorliz C1 Gotein-Libarrenx / Gotaine-Irabarne I2 Güeñes / Gueñes C2 Güesa / Gorza H3 Guesálaz / Gesalatz F4 Guéthary / Getaria G1 Guiche / Gixune H1 Guirguillano / Girgillao F4 Halsou / Haltsu G1 Harana / Valle de Arana E4 Hasparren / Hazparne H1 Haux / Hauze I2 Hélette / Heleta H2 Hendaye / Hendaia F1 Hernani F2 Hernialde F2 Hiriberri / Villanueva de Aezkoa H3 Hondarribia F1 Hosta / Hozta H2 Huarte / Uharte G3 Ibargoiti G4 Ibarra F2 Ibarrangelu D1 Ibarrolle / Ibarrola H2 Idaux-Mendy / Idauze-Mendi I2 Idiazabal E3 Igantzi G2 Igorre D2 Igúzquiza / Iguzkitza F4 Iholdy / Iholdi H2 Ikaztegieta F2 Ilharre H1 Imotz F3 Irañeta F3 Irissarry / Irisarri H2 Irouléguy / Irulegi H2 Irun F2 Iruña Oka / Iruña de Oca D3 Irura F2 Iruraitz-Gauna E3 Irurtzun F3 Isaba / Izaba I3 Ispaster D1 Ispoure / Izpura H2 Isturits / Izturitze H1 Itsaso E3 Itsasondo E3 Ituren G2 Iturmendi F3 Itxassou / Itsasu G2 Iurreta D2 Iza / Itza G3 Izagaondoa / Itzagaondoa G4 Izalzu / Itzaltzu H3 Izurtza D2 Jatxou / Jatsu G1 Jaurrieta H3 Javier / Xabier H4 Jaxu / Jatsu H2 Juslapeña / Txulapain G3 Juxue / Jutsi H2 Karrantza Harana / Valle de Carranza B2 Kortezubi D2 Kripan D4 Kuartango C3 La Puebla de Arganzón / Argantzun D4 Labaien G2 Labastida / Bastida D4 Labastide-Clairence / Bastida H1 Labets-Biscay / Labetze-Bizkai H1 Lacarre / Lakarra H2 Lacarry-Arhan-Charritte-de-Haut / Lakarri-Arhane -Sarrikotagaine I2 Lagrán / Lagran D4 Laguardia / Guardia D4 Laguinge-Restoue / Liginaga-Astüe I2 Lahonce / Lehuntze H1 Lakuntza F3 Lana E4 Lanciego / Lantziego D4 Lanestosa B2 Lantabat / Landibarre H2 Lantarón C4 Lantz G3 Lapoblación E4 Lapuebla de Labarca D5 Larceveau-Arros-Cibits / Larzabale-Arroze-Zibitze H2 Larrabetzu D2 Larraga F4 Larraona / Larragoa E4 Larrau / Larraine I3 Larraul F2 Larraun F3 Larressore / Larresoro G1 Larribar-Sorhapuru / Larribarre-Sorhapürü I2 Lasarte-Oria F2 Lasse / Lasa H2 Laudio / Llodio C2 Laukiz C2 Lazagurría / Elizagorria E5 Lazkao E3 Leaburu F2 Leache / Leatxe H4 Lecumberry / Lekunberri H2 Legarda G4 Legaria E4 Legazpi E3 Legorreta E2 Legutio D3 Leintz-Gatzaga D3 Leioa C2 Leitza F2 Lekeitio E1 Lekunberri F3 Lemoa D2 Lemoiz C1 Leoz / Leotz G4 Lerga G4 Lerín / Lerin F5 Les Aldudes / Aldude G2 Lesaka G2 Leza D4 Lezama D2 Lezáun / Lezaun F4 Lezo F2 L’Hôpital-Saint-Blaise / Ospitalepea I2 Lichans-Sunhar / Lexantzü-Zunharre I2 Licq-Athérey / Ligi-Atherei I2 Liédena / Ledea H4 Lizartza F2 Lizoain-Arriasgoiti / Lizoainibar-Arriasgoiti G4 Lodosa F5 Lohitzun-Oyhercq / Lohitzüne-Oihergi I2 Loiu C2 Lónguida / Longida H4 Los Arcos E4 Louhossoa / Luhuso H2 Lumbier / Irunberri H4 Luquin / Lukin F4 Luxe-Sumberraute / Lüküze-Altzümarta H1 Luzaide / Valcarlos H2 Macaye / Makea H2 Mallabia D2 Mañaria D2 Mañeru F4 Marañón E4 Marcilla / Martzilla G5 Markina-Xemein E2 Maruri-Jatabe D1 Masparraute / Martxueta H1 Mauléon-Licharre / Maule-Lextarre I2 Méharin / Mehaine H2 Mélida G5 Meñaka D1 Mendaro E2 Mendata D2 Mendavia / Mendabia E5 Mendaza E4 Mendexa E2 Mendigorría / Mendigorria F4 Mendionde / Lekorne H1 Menditte / Mendikota I2 Mendive / Mendibe H2 Metauten F4 Milagro G6 Mirafuentes E4 Miranda de Arga / Miranda Arga F5 Moncayolle-Larrory-Mendibieu / Mitikile-Larrori-Mendibile I2 Monreal / Elo G4 Monteagudo G7 Montory / Montori I2 Moreda de Álava / Moreda Araba E5 Morentin F4 Morga D2 Mouguerre / Mugerre G1 Mués / Mues E4 Mundaka D1 Mungia D1 Munitibar-Arbatzegi Gerrikaitz D2 Murchante G6 Murieta E4 Murillo el Cuende G5 Murillo el Fruto G5 Murueta D1 Muruzábal / Muruzabal G4 Musculdy / Muskildi I2 Muskiz C2 Mutiloa E3 Mutriku E2 Muxika D2 Nabarniz D2 Navaridas D4 Navascués / Nabaskoze H4 Nazar E4 Noáin (Valle de Elorz) / Noain (Elortzibar) G4 Obanos F4 Ochagavía / Otsagabia H3 Oco / Oko E4 Odieta G3 Oiartzun F2 Oitz / Oiz G2 Okondo C2 Olaberria E3 Oláibar / Olaibar G3 Olazti/Olazagutía E3 Olejua / Olexoa F4 Olite / Erriberri G5 Ollo / Ollaran F3 Olóriz / Oloritz G4 Oñati E3 Ondarroa E2 Orbaizeta H3 Orbara H3 Ordiarp / Urdiñarbe I2 Ordizia E3 Orègue / Oragarre H1 Orendain F2 Orexa F2 Orio F2 Orísoain / Orisoain G4 Orkoien G3 Ormaiztegi E3 Oronz / Orontze H3 Oroz-Betelu / Orotz-Betelu H3 Orozko C2 Orreaga / Roncesvalles H3 Orsanco / Ostankoa H2 Ortuella C2 Ossas-Suhare / Ozaze-Zühara I2 Osserain-Rivareyte / Ozaraine-Erribareita I1 Ossès / Ortzaize H2 Ostabat-Asme / Izura-Azme H2 Oteiza / Oteitza F4 Otxandio D3 Oyón / Oion E5 Pagolle / Pagola I2 Pamplona / Iruña G3 Pasaia F2 Peñacerrada-Urizaharra D4 Peralta / Azkoien F5 Petilla de Aragón / Petilla Aragoi H5 Piedramillera E4 Pitillas G5 Plentzia C1 Portugalete C2 Puente la Reina / Gares F4 Pueyo / Puiu G4 Ribaforada G6 Ribera Baja / Erribera Beitia C4 Romanzado / Erromantzatua H4 Roncal / Erronkari I3 Roquiague / Arrokiaga I2 Sada / Zare H4 Sainte-Engrâce / Urdatx I3 Saint-Esteben / Donoztiri H2 Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry / Baigorri H2 Saint-Jean-de-Luz / Donibane Lohizune G1 Saint-Jean-le-Vieux / Donazaharre H2 Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port / Donibane Garazi H2 Saint-Just-Ibarre / Donaixti-Ibarre H2 Saint-Martin-d’Arbéroue / Donamartiri H1 Saint-Martin-d’Arrossa / Arrosa H2 Saint-Michel / Eiheralarre H2 Saint-Palais / Donapaleu H2 Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle / Senpere G1 Saint-Pierre-d’Irube / Hiriburu G1 Saldías / Saldias F2 Salinas de Oro/Jaitz F4 Samaniego D4 Sames / Samatze H1 San Adrián F5 San Martín de Unx / San Martin Unx G5 San Millán / Donemiliaga E3 Sangüesa / Zangoza H4 Sansol / Santsol E4 Santacara / Santakara G5 Santurtzi C2 Sare / Sara G2 Sarriés / Sartze H3 Sartaguda F5 Sauguis-Saint-Étienne / Zalgize-Doneztebe I2 Segura E3 Sesma F5 Sestao C2 Sondika C2 Sopela C1 Sopuerta C2 Soraluze - Placencia de las Armas E2 Sorlada E4 Souraïde / Zuraide G2 Suhescun / Suhuskune H2 Sukarrieta D1 Sunbilla G2 Tafalla G5 Tardets-Sorholus / Atharratze-Sorholüze I2 Tiebas-Muruarte de Reta / Tebas-Muru Artederreta G4 Tirapu G4 Tolosa F2 Torralba del Río E4 Torres del Río E4 Trois-Villes / Iruri I2 Trucios / Turtzioz B2 Tudela / Tutera G6 Tulebras G7 Ubide D3 Úcar / Ukar G4 Ugao-Miraballes C2 Uhart-Cize / Uharte Garazi H2 Uharte-Arakil F3 Uhart-Mixe / Uhartehiri I2 Ujué / Uxue G5 Ultzama G3 Unciti / Untzitibar G4 Unzué / Untzue G4 Urcuit / Urketa H1 Urdazubi / Urdax G2 Urdiain F3 Urduliz C1 Urduña / Orduña C3 Urepel / Urepele G3 Urkabustaiz C3 Urnieta F2 Urraúl Alto / Urraulgoiti H4 Urraúl Bajo / Urraulbeiti H4 Urretxu E2 Urrotz / Urroz G2 Urroz-Villa / Urrotz G4 Urrugne / Urruña G1 Urt / Ahurti H1 Urzainqui / Urzainki I3 Ustaritz / Uztaritze G1 Usurbil F2 Uterga G4 Uztárroz / Uztarroze I3 Valdegovía / Gaubea C3 Valle de Trápaga / Trapagaran C2 Valle de Villaverde / Villaverde Turtzioz B2 Valle de Yerri / Deierri F4 Valtierra G6 Viana E5 Vidángoz / Bidankoze I3 Villabona-Amasa F2 Villabuena de Álava / Eskuernaga D4 Villafranca / Alesbes G5 Villamayor de Monjardín F4 Villatuerta F4 Villava / Atarrabia G3 Villefranque / Milafranga G1 Viodos-Abense-de-Bas / Bildoze-Onizepea I2 Vitoria / Gasteiz D3 Yécora / Iekora E4 Yesa / Esa H4 Zabalza / Zabaltza F4 Zaldibar D2 Zaldibia E3 Zalduondo E3 Zalla C2 Zambrana / Zanbrana D4 Zamudio D2 Zaratamo D2 Zarautz E2 Zeanuri D2 Zeberio D2 Zegama E3 Zerain E3 Zestoa E2 Zierbena C2 Zigoitia D3 Ziordia E3 Ziortza-Bolibar D2 Zizur Mayor / Zizur Nagusia G4 Zizurkil F2 Zubieta G2 Zugarramurdi G2 Zuia D3 Zumaia E2 Zumarraga E2 Zúñiga / Zuñiga E4 · Note: the first term is the official name of the municipality. The se- cond term is the name of the municipality according to the Royal Academy of the Basque Language. gal recognition in some parts of our territory. However, there are other areas where it is used by the majority or has joint official status. Spanish and French have a dominant presence in their respective administrative areas. Occitan is also spoken in the easternmost comar- ca (county), while languages from several continents can be heard in the cities. Our climate is marked by the two sides of the territory, the Atlantic part with a warm, humid oceanic clima- te, and the southern part with a Mediterranean clima- te. However, alongside this distinction mention must be made of the Pyrenean mountain chain, the higher parts of which have a classic continental climate with hot summers and hard winters. This means that tra- velling just a short distance can reveal very different landscapes and settings. This is wonderful for interes- ted visitors. The different manifestations of our culture, from the most classical to the most contemporary, make up an intangible heritage and an instrument of social and community cohesion. We therefore invite visitors to get to know our culture and take part in it if they want to. To do this all you need to do is ask what’s on whe- rever you happen to be at the time. You’re sure to find a community willing to open its arms to visitors who respect it. If you try it you’ll have a great, authentic ex- perience among a people committed to a sustainable future for our planet and its inhabitants. This map and the digital version are designed for visi- tors who want to find their way around our territory. You can find out more from local government tourist information services or the guides produced by lea- ding international publishers. Enjoy your stay! Autonomous Community of the Basque Country Chartered Community of Navarre Basque Municipal Community Official tourist information websites Leading tourist guides Emergency telephone numbers 112 Legal deposit: SS-1206-2017/all rights reserved.

The Basque people welcomes you - GaindegiaThe Basque people welcomes you You are in Euskal Herria, Vasconia, Navarre, the land of the Basque people or, as Voltaire put it, the people

Jan 03, 2020



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: The Basque people welcomes you - GaindegiaThe Basque people welcomes you You are in Euskal Herria, Vasconia, Navarre, the land of the Basque people or, as Voltaire put it, the people

The Basque people welcomes you

You are in Euskal Herria, Vasconia, Navarre, the land of the Basque people or, as Voltaire put it, the people who sing and dance on both sides of the Pyrenees. Shakespeare once said of the king of the Basques that, “Navarre shall be the wonder of the world.” Welcome!

While it is common when making reference to our peo-ple’s culture to stress the most ancestral side, we like to say that the most important thing is not our origin but our determination to carry on being a people.Euskal Herria, the Basque Country, has always been a busy crossroads. Our culture has therefore drawn on others for thousands of years. A synthesis we are proud to be able to display.

This means that interested visitors in search of a people will find a vibrant community with an ancient culture but also economic, social and cultural dynamics that are fully integrated into the global setting in which we live. Euskal Herria, Vasconia, Navarre: different names for the territory of the Basque people, a land that covers an area of 21,000 square kilometres and is home to three million inhabitants, some of them governed by the king-dom of Spain and others by the French republic. Its ins-titutional structure is divided into three areas with var-ying levels of self-government.

Euskal Herria, the Basque Country, is home to a people with plenty of economic and social initiative. Thanks to this our territory runs pioneering projects in social co-hesion, technology, training and so on, on a par with the leading regions and states in Europe. Nevertheless, our economy and our society have suffered acutely the con-sequences of global economic tensions.

Several languages are regularly spoken in the Basque Country. Basque, the language of the country, with pre Indo-European origins and a million speakers, has no le-

•Bradt Travel Guide:The Basque Country and Navarre

•Michelin:Le Guide Vert Pays Basque et Navarre

•Lonely Planet: French Basque Country

•Lonely Planet: Basque Country

Alegría-Dulantzi C3Abadiño D2Abáigar / Abaigar F4Abaltzisketa F3Abanto y Ciérvana-Abanto Zierbena C2Abárzuza / Abartzuza F4Abaurregaina / Abaurrea Alta H3Abaurrepea / Abaurrea Baja H3Aberin F4Ablitas G7Adiós / Adios G4Aduna F2Aguilar de Codés / Aguilar Kodes E4Agurain / Salvatierra E3Ahaxe-Alciette-Bascassan / Ahatsa-Altzieta-Bazkazane H2Ahetze G1Aia E2Aibar / Oibar H4Aïcirits-Camou-Suhast / Aiziritze-Gamue-Zohazti I1Aincille / Aintzila H2Aïnharp / Ainharbe I2Aïnhoa / Ainhoa G2Ainhice-Mongelos / Ainhize-Monjolose H2Aizarnazabal E2Ajangiz D2Albiztur F2Alçay-Alçabéhéty-Sunharette /Altzai-Altzabeheti-Zunharreta I2Alegia F2Alegría-Dulantzi D3Alkiza F2Allín / Allin F4Allo F4Alonsotegi C2Alos-Sibas-Abense / Aloze-Ziboze-Onizegaine I2Altsasu / Alsasua E3Altzaga E3Altzo F2Amendeuix-Oneix / Amendüze-Unaso H1Améscoa Baja / Ameskoabarrena F4Amezketa F3Amorebieta-Etxano / Zornotza D2Amoroto D2Amorots-Succos / Amorotze-Zokotze H1Amurrio C3Añana C4Ancín / Antzin E4Andoain F2Andosilla F5Anglet / Angelu G1Anhaux / Anhauze H2Anoeta F2Añorbe G4Ansoáin/Antsoain G3Antzuola E2Anue G3Aoiz / Agoitz H4Araitz F3Arakaldo C2Arakil F3Arama E3Aramaio D3Aranarache / Aranaratxe E4Arancou / Erango H1Aranguren G4Arano F2Arantza G2Arantzazu D2Aras E4Arbérats-Sillègue / Arberatze-Zilhekoa I1Arbizu F3Arbonne / Arbona G1Arbouet-Sussaute / Arboti-Zohota I1Arcangues / Arrangoitze G1Arce / Artzi H3Areatza D2Arellano F4Areso F2Aretxabaleta E3Arguedas G6Arhansus / Arhantsusi H2Aria H3Aribe H3Armañanzas / Armañantzas E4Armendarits / Armendaritze H2Armiñón D4Arnéguy / Arnegi H2Aroue-Ithorots-Olhaïby

/ Arüe-Ithorrotze-Olhaibi I2Arraia-Maeztu E4Arrankudiaga C2Arrasate / Mondragón E3Arrast-Larrebieu / Ürrüstoi-Larrabile I2Arratzu D2Arratzua-Ubarrundia D3Arraute-Charritte / Arrueta-Sarrikota H1Arrieta D2Arrigorriaga C2Arróniz / Arroitz F4Arruazu F3Artajona / Artaxoa G4Artazu F4Artea / Arteaga D2Artzentales C2Artziniega C2Ascain / Azkaine G2Ascarat / Azkarate H2Asparrena E3Asteasu F2Astigarraga F2Ataun E3Atez / Atetz G3Atxondo D2Aulesti D2Auritz / Burguete H3Aussurucq / Altzürükü I2Ayala/Aiara C3Ayegui / Aiegi F4Ayherre / Aiherra H1Azagra F5Azkoitia E2Azpeitia E2Azuelo E4Bakaiku F3Bakio D1Baliarrain F3Balmaseda C2Banca / Banka H2Baños de Ebro/Mañueta D5Barakaldo C2Barañáin / Barañain G4Barásoain / Barasoain G4Barbarin F4Barcus / Barkoxe I2Bardos / Bardoze H1Bargota E4Barillas G7Barrika C1Barrundia E3Basaburua F3Basauri C2Bassussarry / Basusarri G1Bayonne/Baiona G1Baztan G2Beasain E3Bedia D2Béguios / Behauze H1Béhasque-Lapiste / Behaskane-Laphizketa I2Béhorléguy / Behorlegi H2Beire G5Beizama E2Belascoáin / Beraskoain F4Belauntza F2Bera G2Berango C1Berantevilla D4Berastegi F2Berbinzana / Berbintzana F5Bergara E2Bergouey-Viellenave / Burgue-Erreiti H1Beriáin / Beriain G4Bermeo D1Bernedo E4Berriatua E2Berrioplano / Berriobeiti G3Berriozar G3Berriz D2Berrobi F2Berrogain-Laruns/ Berrogaine-Larüntze I2Bertizarana G2Betelu F3Beyrie-sur-Joyeuse / Bithiriña H2Biarritz G1Bidache / Bidaxune H1Bidarray / Bidarrai H2Bidart / Bidarte G1Bidaurreta F4Bidegoian E2Bilbao / Bilbo C2Biriatou / Biriatu G2Biurrun-Olcoz / Biurrun-Olkotz G4Bonloc / Lekuine H1Boucau / Bokale G1Briscous / Beskoitze H1Buñuel G7Bunus / Bunuze H2Burgui / Burgi I4Burlada / Burlata G3Bussunarits-Sarrasquette / Duzunaritze-Sarasketa H2Bustince-Iriberry / Buztintze-Hiriberri H 2Busturia D1

Cabanillas G6Cabredo E4Cadreita G6Cambo-les-Bains / Kanbo G1Came / Akamarre H1Camou-Cihigue / Gamere-Zihiga I2Campezo / Kanpezu E4Caparroso G5Cárcar F5Carcastillo / Zarrakaztelu G5Çaro / Zaro H2Cascante G6Cáseda / Kaseda H5Castejón G6Castillo-Nuevo / Gazteluberri I4Cendea de Olza / Oltza zendea G3Charritte-de-Bas / Sarrikotapea I2Chéraute / Sohüta I2Ciboure / Ziburu G1Cintruénigo F6Cirauqui / Zirauki F4Ciriza / Ziritza F4Cizur / Zizur G4Condado de Treviño / Trebiñu D4Corella G6Cortes H7Deba E2Derio C2Desojo / Desoio E4Dicastillo / Deikaztelu F4Dima D2Domezain-Berraute / Domintxaine-Berroeta I2Donamaria G2Doneztebe / Santesteban G2Donostia / San Sebastián F2Durango D2Ea D1Echarri / Etxarri F4Egüés / Eguesibar G3Eibar E2El Busto E4Elantxobe D1Elburgo/Burgelu D3Elciego / Eltziego D5Elduain F2Elgeta E2Elgoibar E2Elgorriaga G2Elorrio D2Elvillar / Bilar D4Enériz/Eneritz G4Erandio C2Eratsun F2Ereño D1Ergoiena F3Ermua E2Errenteria F2Errezil E2Erriberagoitia / Ribera Alta C4Errigoiti D2Erro / Erroibar G3Eskoriatza D3Eslava / Eslaba G4Esparza de Salazar / Espartza Zaraitzu H3Espelette / Ezpeleta G2Espès-Undurein / Ezpeize-Ündüreine I2Espronceda / Esprontzeda E4Esquiule / Eskiula I2Estella / Lizarra F4Estérençuby / Ezterenzubi H2Esteribar G3Etayo / Etaiu E4Etcharry / Etxarri I2Etchebar / Etxebarre I2Etxalar G2Etxarri-Aranatz F3Etxauri F4Etxebarri C2Etxebarria E2Eulate E4Ezcabarte / Ezkabarte G3Ezcároz / Ezkaroze H3Ezkio E3Ezkurra F2Ezprogui / Ezporogi G4Falces / Faltzes F5Fitero F6Fontellas G6Forua D2Fruiz D2Funes F5Fustiñana G6Gabat / Gabadi H1Gabiria E3Gaintza F3Galar G4Galdakao D2Galdames C2Gallipienzo / Galipentzu H5Gallués / Galoze H4Gamarthe / Gamarte H2Gamiz-Fika D2Garai D2Garaioa H3Garde I4Garindein / Garindaine I2Garínoain / Garinoain G4

Garralda H3Garris / Garrüze H1Gatika D1Gautegiz Arteaga D2Gaztelu F2Genevilla E4Gernika-Lumo D2Gestas / Jeztaze I1Getaria E2Getxo C2Gizaburuaga D2Goizueta F2Goñi / Goñerri F3Gordexola C2Gorliz C1Gotein-Libarrenx / Gotaine-Irabarne I2Güeñes / Gueñes C2Güesa / Gorza H3Guesálaz / Gesalatz F4Guéthary / Getaria G1Guiche / Gixune H1Guirguillano / Girgillao F4Halsou / Haltsu G1Harana / Valle de Arana E4Hasparren / Hazparne H1Haux / Hauze I2Hélette / Heleta H2Hendaye / Hendaia F1Hernani F2Hernialde F2Hiriberri / Villanueva de Aezkoa H 3Hondarribia F1Hosta / Hozta H2Huarte / Uharte G3Ibargoiti G4Ibarra F2Ibarrangelu D1Ibarrolle / Ibarrola H2Idaux-Mendy / Idauze-Mendi I2Idiazabal E3Igantzi G2Igorre D2Igúzquiza / Iguzkitza F4Iholdy / Iholdi H2Ikaztegieta F2Ilharre H1Imotz F3Irañeta F3Irissarry / Irisarri H2Irouléguy / Irulegi H2Irun F2Iruña Oka / Iruña de Oca D3Irura F2Iruraitz-Gauna E3Irurtzun F3Isaba / Izaba I3Ispaster D1Ispoure / Izpura H2Isturits / Izturitze H1Itsaso E3Itsasondo E3Ituren G2Iturmendi F3Itxassou / Itsasu G2Iurreta D2Iza / Itza G3Izagaondoa / Itzagaondoa G4Izalzu / Itzaltzu H3Izurtza D2Jatxou / Jatsu G1Jaurrieta H3Javier / Xabier H4Jaxu / Jatsu H2Juslapeña / Txulapain G3Juxue / Jutsi H2Karrantza Harana / Valle de Carranza B2Kortezubi D2Kripan D4Kuartango C3La Puebla de Arganzón / Argantzun D4Labaien G2Labastida / Bastida D4Labastide-Clairence / Bastida H1Labets-Biscay / Labetze-Bizkai H1Lacarre / Lakarra H2Lacarry-Arhan-Charritte-de-Haut / Lakarri-Arhane-Sarrikotagaine I2Lagrán / Lagran D4Laguardia / Guardia D4Laguinge-Restoue / Liginaga-Astüe I2Lahonce / Lehuntze H1Lakuntza F3Lana E4Lanciego / Lantziego D4Lanestosa B2Lantabat / Landibarre H 2Lantarón C4Lantz G3Lapoblación E4Lapuebla de Labarca D5Larceveau-Arros-Cibits / Larzabale-Arroze-Zibitze H2Larrabetzu D2Larraga F4Larraona / Larragoa E4

Larrau / Larraine I3Larraul F2Larraun F3Larressore / Larresoro G1Larribar-Sorhapuru / Larribarre-Sorhapürü I2Lasarte-Oria F2Lasse / Lasa H2Laudio / Llodio C2Laukiz C2Lazagurría / Elizagorria E5Lazkao E3Leaburu F2Leache / Leatxe H4Lecumberry / Lekunberri H2Legarda G4Legaria E4Legazpi E3Legorreta E2Legutio D3Leintz-Gatzaga D3Leioa C2Leitza F2Lekeitio E1Lekunberri F3Lemoa D2Lemoiz C1Leoz / Leotz G4Lerga G4Lerín / Lerin F5Les Aldudes / Aldude G2Lesaka G2Leza D4Lezama D2Lezáun / Lezaun F4Lezo F2L’Hôpital-Saint-Blaise / Ospitalepea I2Lichans-Sunhar / Lexantzü-Zunharre I2Licq-Athérey / Ligi-Atherei I2Liédena / Ledea H4Lizartza F2Lizoain-Arriasgoiti / Lizoainibar-Arriasgoiti G4Lodosa F5Lohitzun-Oyhercq / Lohitzüne-Oihergi I2Loiu C2Lónguida / Longida H4Los Arcos E4Louhossoa / Luhuso H2Lumbier / Irunberri H4Luquin / Lukin F4Luxe-Sumberraute / Lüküze-Altzümarta H1Luzaide / Valcarlos H2Macaye / Makea H2Mallabia D2Mañaria D2Mañeru F4Marañón E4Marcilla / Martzilla G5Markina-Xemein E2Maruri-Jatabe D1Masparraute / Martxueta H1Mauléon-Licharre / Maule-Lextarre I2Méharin / Mehaine H2Mélida G5Meñaka D1Mendaro E2Mendata D2Mendavia / Mendabia E5Mendaza E4Mendexa E2Mendigorría / Mendigorria F4Mendionde / Lekorne H1Menditte / Mendikota I2Mendive / Mendibe H2Metauten F4Milagro G6Mirafuentes E4Miranda de Arga / Miranda Arga F5Moncayolle-Larrory-Mendibieu / Mitikile-Larrori-Mendibile I2Monreal / Elo G4Monteagudo G7Montory / Montori I2Moreda de Álava / Moreda Araba E5Morentin F4Morga D2Mouguerre / Mugerre G1Mués / Mues E4Mundaka D1Mungia D1Munitibar-Arbatzegi Gerrikaitz D2Murchante G6Murieta E4Murillo el Cuende G5Murillo el Fruto G5Murueta D1Muruzábal / Muruzabal G4Musculdy / Muskildi I2Muskiz C2Mutiloa E3Mutriku E2Muxika D2Nabarniz D2

Navaridas D4Navascués / Nabaskoze H4Nazar E4Noáin (Valle de Elorz) / Noain (Elortzibar) G4Obanos F4Ochagavía / Otsagabia H3Oco / Oko E4Odieta G3Oiartzun F2Oitz / Oiz G2Okondo C2Olaberria E3Oláibar / Olaibar G3Olazti/Olazagutía E3Olejua / Olexoa F4Olite / Erriberri G5Ollo / Ollaran F3Olóriz / Oloritz G4Oñati E3Ondarroa E2Orbaizeta H3Orbara H3Ordiarp / Urdiñarbe I2Ordizia E3Orègue / Oragarre H1Orendain F2Orexa F2Orio F2Orísoain / Orisoain G4Orkoien G3Ormaiztegi E3Oronz / Orontze H3Oroz-Betelu / Orotz-Betelu H3Orozko C2Orreaga / Roncesvalles H3Orsanco / Ostankoa H2Ortuella C2Ossas-Suhare / Ozaze-Zühara I2Osserain-Rivareyte / Ozaraine-Erribareita I1Ossès / Ortzaize H2Ostabat-Asme / Izura-Azme H2Oteiza / Oteitza F4Otxandio D3Oyón / Oion E5Pagolle / Pagola I2Pamplona / Iruña G3Pasaia F2Peñacerrada-Urizaharra D4Peralta / Azkoien F5Petilla de Aragón / Petilla Aragoi H5Piedramillera E4Pitillas G5Plentzia C1Portugalete C2Puente la Reina / Gares F4Pueyo / Puiu G4Ribaforada G6Ribera Baja / Erribera Beitia C4Romanzado / Erromantzatua H4Roncal / Erronkari I3Roquiague / Arrokiaga I2Sada / Zare H4Sainte-Engrâce / Urdatx I3Saint-Esteben / Donoztiri H2Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry / Baigorri H2Saint-Jean-de-Luz/ Donibane Lohizune G1Saint-Jean-le-Vieux / Donazaharre H2Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port/ Donibane Garazi H2Saint-Just-Ibarre / Donaixti-Ibarre H2Saint-Martin-d’Arbéroue / Donamartiri H1Saint-Martin-d’Arrossa / Arrosa H2Saint-Michel / Eiheralarre H2Saint-Palais / Donapaleu H2Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle / Senpere G1Saint-Pierre-d’Irube / Hiriburu G1Saldías / Saldias F2Salinas de Oro/Jaitz F4Samaniego D4Sames / Samatze H1San Adrián F5San Martín de Unx / San Martin Unx G5San Millán / Donemiliaga E3Sangüesa / Zangoza H4Sansol / Santsol E4Santacara / Santakara G5Santurtzi C2Sare / Sara G2Sarriés / Sartze H3Sartaguda F5Sauguis-Saint-Étienne / Zalgize-Doneztebe I2Segura E3Sesma F5Sestao C2Sondika C2Sopela C1Sopuerta C2Soraluze- Placencia de las Armas E2Sorlada E4

Souraïde / Zuraide G2Suhescun / Suhuskune H2Sukarrieta D1Sunbilla G2Tafalla G5Tardets-Sorholus / Atharratze-Sorholüze I2Tiebas-Muruarte de Reta / Tebas-Muru Artederreta G4Tirapu G4Tolosa F2Torralba del Río E4Torres del Río E4Trois-Villes / Iruri I2Trucios / Turtzioz B2Tudela / Tutera G6Tulebras G7Ubide D3Úcar / Ukar G4Ugao-Miraballes C2Uhart-Cize / Uharte Garazi H2Uharte-Arakil F3Uhart-Mixe / Uhartehiri I2Ujué / Uxue G5Ultzama G3Unciti / Untzitibar G4Unzué / Untzue G4Urcuit / Urketa H1Urdazubi / Urdax G2Urdiain F3Urduliz C1Urduña / Orduña C3Urepel / Urepele G3Urkabustaiz C3Urnieta F2Urraúl Alto / Urraulgoiti H4Urraúl Bajo / Urraulbeiti H4Urretxu E2Urrotz / Urroz G2Urroz-Villa / Urrotz G4Urrugne / Urruña G1Urt / Ahurti H1Urzainqui / Urzainki I3Ustaritz / Uztaritze G1Usurbil F2Uterga G4Uztárroz / Uztarroze I3Valdegovía / Gaubea C3Valle de Trápaga/ Trapagaran C2Valle de Villaverde/ Villaverde Turtzioz B2Valle de Yerri / Deierri F4Valtierra G6Viana E5Vidángoz / Bidankoze I3Villabona-Amasa F2Villabuena de Álava / Eskuernaga D4Villafranca / Alesbes G5Villamayor de Monjardín F4Villatuerta F4Villava / Atarrabia G3Villefranque / Milafranga G1Viodos-Abense-de-Bas / Bildoze-Onizepea I2Vitoria / Gasteiz D3Yécora / Iekora E4Yesa / Esa H4Zabalza / Zabaltza F4Zaldibar D2Zaldibia E3Zalduondo E3Zalla C2Zambrana / Zanbrana D4Zamudio D2Zaratamo D2Zarautz E2Zeanuri D2Zeberio D2Zegama E3Zerain E3Zestoa E2Zierbena C2Zigoitia D3Ziordia E3Ziortza-Bolibar D2Zizur Mayor / Zizur Nagusia G4Zizurkil F2Zubieta G2Zugarramurdi G2Zuia D3Zumaia E2Zumarraga E2Zúñiga / Zuñiga E4

· Note: the first term is the official name of the municipality. The se-cond term is the name of the municipality according to the Royal Academy of the Basque Language.

gal recognition in some parts of our territory. However, there are other areas where it is used by the majority or has joint official status. Spanish and French have a dominant presence in their respective administrative areas. Occitan is also spoken in the easternmost comar-ca (county), while languages from several continents can be heard in the cities.

Our climate is marked by the two sides of the territory, the Atlantic part with a warm, humid oceanic clima-te, and the southern part with a Mediterranean clima-te. However, alongside this distinction mention must be made of the Pyrenean mountain chain, the higher parts of which have a classic continental climate with hot summers and hard winters. This means that tra-velling just a short distance can reveal very different landscapes and settings. This is wonderful for interes-ted visitors.

The different manifestations of our culture, from the most classical to the most contemporary, make up an intangible heritage and an instrument of social and community cohesion. We therefore invite visitors to get to know our culture and take part in it if they want to. To do this all you need to do is ask what’s on whe-rever you happen to be at the time. You’re sure to find a community willing to open its arms to visitors who respect it. If you try it you’ll have a great, authentic ex-perience among a people committed to a sustainable future for our planet and its inhabitants.

This map and the digital version are designed for visi-tors who want to find their way around our territory. You can find out more from local government tourist information services or the guides produced by lea-ding international publishers.

Enjoy your stay!

Autonomous Community of the Basque Country

Chartered Communityof Navarre

Basque MunicipalCommunity

Official touristinformation


Leadingtourist guides

Emergencytelephone numbers


Legal deposit: SS-1206-2017/all rights reserved.