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The B Method by Péter Györök

The B Method by Péter Györök. Contents Metadata The B language The Prover Demo.

Dec 16, 2015



Erik Cropp
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Page 1: The B Method by Péter Györök. Contents Metadata The B language The Prover Demo.

The B Method

by Péter Györök

Page 2: The B Method by Péter Györök. Contents Metadata The B language The Prover Demo.


• Metadata• The B language• The Prover• Demo

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People behind it

• Developed by Jean-Raymond Abrial– Other people: G. Laffite, F. Mejia, I. McNeal

• Currently big companies and various universities maintain it

• ClearSy, Oxford University (Programming Research Group)• Subsidised projects

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History, origin, versions

• Predecessor: Z-notation (also by Abrial)• Newest incarnation: Event-B

• Tools: Atelier B, B4free, B-toolkit

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Primary application domain

• Software engineering– Specification– Design– Proof– Code generation

• Safety-critical systems• Big companies that use it: Siemens, Alstom,


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Success stories

• METEOR project – Paris Metro Line 14– (Hungarian relevance?)

• Ariane 5 (rocket)

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System overview

• B notation based on group theory and first order logic• The method is heavily focused on system development

– Multiple versions of the system: abstract machine -> refiniements -> implementation

– The proofs are for the consistency between versions• Syntax is expressed using mathematical symbols or

their ASCII equivalents (e.g. ! for )∀• Lots of syntactic sugar for easily writing down


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Language features

• Types: based on set theoryTypes are either basic (integer, bool, string, enum) or built using Cartesian product, power set or record– Types inferred by typing predicates (∈, ⊂, ⊆, =)– The type of something is „the biggest set that contains it”– The type of integer literals and expressions is ℤ– The type of a set literal or expression is p(set), e.g. ℤ ∈ p( )ℤ– The type of a function from X to Y is (X × Y)℘– Distinction of „concrete” types that can be used in implementation– Many advanced types such as array, sequence, relation, tree – each

with their own set of operators

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Language features

• Expressions and predicates– Predicates use the syntax of first order logic– Expressions of various types use the types’ specific operators– Lambda expressions are allowed

• Substitutions– Allow a predicate to be transformed ( [x := E] P )– Resemble features of an imperative language– Also some „alien” features (precondition etc.)– Proof obligations are derived from substitutions– Can be nondeterministic (but the implementation must be

deterministic, cf. concrete types)

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Language features• Some types of substitution

– BEGIN…END– skip– := :() :∈– PRE– ASSERT– IF– CASE– LET– VAR– ;– ||– WHILE

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Language features

• Machine– The „thing” that we are reasoning about– Resembles classes from OOP– Can be abstract, refinement or implementation– Special constraints apply to implementations– Elements of a machine:

• Parameters and their constraints• Imports, sees, includes etc.• Sets (enum or „deferred”)• Abstract and concrete constants, variables

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Language features

– Elements of a machine• Properties, invariants• Values (!)• Initialisation and operations – expressed as a

substitution• Operations can have multiple return values• Assertions – this makes it possible to use B as a

mathematical proof assistant

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Language featuresExample: adding assertions to help with a proof.



INVARIANTvar ∈ INT ⋀var2 = 1

ASSERTIONSvar = 1 ⋁ var = - 1


This must be proven from the invariant.Then it can be used as a lemma in other proofs.

Typing predicate

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Language fetaures

• The B0 language– Restricted version of the B language– Used for implementation only– Substitutions are equivalent to instructions– Translated to C(++), Ada etc.

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The Prover

• Atelier B uses both an automatic and interactive prover

• The basic concept is the proof obligation (PO):Goal + hypotheses

• The prover doesn’t type check – that’s part of the proof! e.g. b = e1 + e2 where b BOOL and ∈ e1 , ∈ ℤ e2 is a ∈ ℤlegal goal which is unprovable

• Well-definedness must be proved tooe.g. 8/c is well-defined if c ≠ 0

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The Prover

• Proof obligations– The types of things match up– The refinements are consistent– The initialisation sets the invariants and the

operations keep them– The operations meet their pre/postconditions– Assertions are true

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The Prover

• Rules: inductive, deductive and rewriting• Theory: a list of rules (higher index has

priority)• Tactic: a list of theories to search for an

applicable rule– Backward tactic divides the goal into subgoals– Forward tactic generates new hypotheses– A full tactic is the combination of the two

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The Prover

• Procedure of applying the tactic:– Search the backward tactic for an applicable rule– If one is found, apply it and continue with the next

theory– Tilde (~) can be used as the „repeat” operator– The whole tactic is implicitly tilded– For every new hypothesis generated, run the

forward tactic with the same procedure

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The Prover

• The theory is fully customizable, even with inconsistent rules!

• The prover might loop infinitely• Proof obligations are normalized

– Examples: n > m becomes m+1 <= n,a ⇔ b becomes (a ⇒ b) (∧ b ⇒ a),a ⊆ b becomes a ∈ (℘ b)

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The Prover

• Commands can be given to the interactive prover

• The prover will try to prove what is needed to execute the command. If it fails, a new goal is created

• ae : Abstract expression– P[…, expr, …] after ae(expr, y) becomes

well-defined(expr) ∧ expr=y ⇒ P[…, y, …]

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• ah: Add Hypothesis– If the goal was h1, …, hn ⇒ G,

ah(P) replaces it withh1, …, hn ⇒ Ph1, …, hn, P ⇒ G

• ct: proof by contradiction– Replaces a goal h1, …, hn ⇒ G with

h1, …, hn, ¬ G bfalse⇒

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• dc: Do Cases– If the goal is G, use dc(P) to split it into

¬ P ⇒ GP ⇒ G

• se: Suggest for Exist– If the goal is (∃ w1, …, wn).P(w1, …, wn)

se(v1, …, vn) turns it intoP(v1, …, vn)

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Commands• ap: Arithmetic Proof

– An automated mechanism for proving things about systems of linear equations and inequations

• pp: Predicate Prover– Another automated system

• pr: Prover Call– Yet another (these all solve different kinds of goals)

• ar: Apply Rule– Just applies a rule

• dd: Deduction– For a goal P ⇒ Q, raise P in the hypothesis stack then prove Q

• ba: Back• cg: display Current Goal• qu: Quit

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• The task: decide if a given number is prime

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Creating a project

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Adding a component

• Let’s add something to the empty project…

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Adding a component

• Since this is our first component, the only choice is „Machine”.

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• Now that we have a machine, double click it on the „Components” list to edit

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Insert Theorem Here

• What we want to enter there:MACHINE primOPERATIONS p ← is_prim ( n ) = PRE n ∈ [3 .. MAXINT] THEN p := bool (∀ i . ( i ∈ [ 2 .. n-1 ] ⇒ ( n mod i ) ≠ 0 ) ) ENDEND

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Insert Theorem Here

• What it will look like in B:

Atelier B hates single-letter identifiers so we reduplicate everything

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Adding an implementationIMPLEMENTATION





pp <-- is_prim ( nn ) =


VAR ll , kk IN

ll := TRUE ;

kk := nn ;

WHILE ( 2 /= kk & ll = TRUE) DO

IF nn mod (kk-1) = 0 THEN

kk := kk-1;

ll := FALSE


kk := kk-1



ll : BOOL &

nn : NAT &

nn >= 3 &

kk : 2..nn &

(ll=TRUE => (! jj.(jj:kk..nn-1 => nn mod jj /=0))) &

(ll=FALSE=> ( kk: 2..nn-1 & nn mod kk = 0))




pp :=ll




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Generate PO’s

• Click „Po”, then „F0” to try to prove…

Interactive Proof time!

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Interactive Prover

Double-click one

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Interactive Prover

• Now we can enter commands.

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Completing the proof

Here are the commands to complete the proof:dc(jj = kk-1)prah(jj: kk..nn-1)pp(100)pr

dc(ll$7777 = TRUE)ddah(kk$7777 = 2)prppprddah(ll$7777 = FALSE)ppddprse(kk$7777)pr

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Completing the proof

• Green means success!

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