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The Audit Report -Me

Feb 26, 2018



Enaida Luca
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  • 7/25/2019 The Audit Report -Me



  • 7/25/2019 The Audit Report -Me



    Literature review

    Types of audit reports and respective new

    ISAs Case study

    Key audit matters

    Going concern

    Other changes to the audit report

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    Literature review

    The audit report:

    lengthy history

    su!ect to change over time and acrossnations

    informational value for users and impact on

    users decisionschanges could increase its worth

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    "ar#et research in auditing

    Sample of Spanish listed firms $ %ualified

    opinion and un%ualified opinion &' returns

    did not differ &' %ualified audit report did

    not provide relevant information to


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  • 7/25/2019 The Audit Report -Me


    Types of audit reports

    unmodified report * ISA +,,

    modified report* with emphasis of matter -when the financial statements

    show a true and fair view ut there is something thatneeds to e rought to the atention of the user y an

    additional paragraph. * ISA +,/

    * with modified opinion -when the financial statements do

    not fuly show a true and fair view or the auditor has not

    otained suffient appropriate evidence to ma#e aconclusion. * ISA +,0

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    1oundation of gloal auditor reporting

    Improved auditor $ management

    communication 2ssential to the continued relevance of the

    audit profession gloally3Audit is valued ut could e more informative

    3 4sers want more relevant information aout the

    entity and the financial statement audit

    5hy change the audit report now6

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    2)pected enefits of the new

    auditor7s report 2nhanced communication among auditors8

    investors and those charged with governance


    Increased attention y management todisclosures in the financial statements9

    Increased focus of the auditor on matters that

    need to e disclosed9

    Increased audit %uality or user7s perception of

    audit %uality:

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    "ain changes to the auditor7s

    report Key audit matters

    Going concern

    Other changes

    Effective Date: Audits of financial

    statements for periods ending on;ecemer

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    5hat are the #ey audit matters


    those matters that in the auditor7s

    professional !udgement were of mostsignificance in the audit of the financial

    statements of the current period9

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  • 7/25/2019 The Audit Report -Me


    ;escription of a KA"

    5hy the matter was considered to e one

    of most significance in the audit and

    therefore determined to e a KA"9

    ?ow the matter was addressed in the

    audit9 and

    @eference to the related disclosure-s.:

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    No. Source Stakeholder


    Support the


    of KAM

    Additional comments

    1 PWC Accounting


    Yes - the reporting of key audit matters should achieve:

    insight that is relevant to users understanding of the financial statements

    focuss on the most significant matters!

    2 "P#$ Accounting


    Yes - %We are not supportive of including original information a&out an

    entity in the auditors description of a "A# &ecause it is the role of

    management and those charged 'ith governance to provide information

    a&out the entity to users!(

    - )AA*+ should clarify that an auditor is not re,uired to communicate a"A# 'hen he is precluded from reporting the matter &y la's regulations

    or other professional standards!

    3 .eloitte Accounting


    Yes - it 'ill enhance the usefulness of the auditors report &ecause responds to

    the call from users of the auditors report for more transparency more

    meaningful and useful information!

    4 /Y Accountingfirm Yes %descri&ing "A#s 'ill enhance the usefulness of the auditors reportthrough providing greater transparency into important areas 'here the

    auditor devoted the most time and attention and had su&stantive

    discussions 'ith those charged 'ith governance!(

  • 7/25/2019 The Audit Report -Me


    No. Source Stakeholder


    Support the

    introduction of


    Additional comments

    5 ACCA #em&er +ody Yes %'e support the concept &ecause it is a focused to meet the

    diverse demands of stakeholders particularly institutional

    investors and financial analysts!(

    6 0AP -










    Yes - this ne' section could add value to the audit opinion and

    helps increase the pu&lics trust in the audit

    - users may not &e a&le to find information relevant to their

    economic decisions due to information overload!

    7 /A)$ 3





    4egulator Yes %)t provides a positive incentive for management to enhance

    the ,uality of information disclosed!(

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    Conclusions regarding KA"

    One of the most important changes9

    5ill improve the utility of the auditor7s report y delivering higher clearness into important areas

    where the auditor spent most time and consideration9

    "ay e challenges in revealing the information -misunderstandings with the customers aout

    what #ey audit matters to comprise in the report of audit8 the customers might motivate that

    information is sensitive and conse%uently8 the !eopardy of shading the role of the auditor and the

    role of management is high. investors might fiind out aout the ris#s the company faces if the auditor comments on some #ey

    audit matters8 which could have unforeseen mar#et conse%uences

    communication of original information regarding a company might lead to reaches in


    There are also concerns aout the fact that the auditor will have the tendency of reporting the

    same issues one year after another:

    the e)pected increase in efforts and costs associated with such reporting:

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    Conclusions regarding KA" *

    cont: prolems li#e auditors eing pulicly challenged for their decisions8

    auditors overcomment for fear of not reporting

    there is the view that generally sta#eholders prefer a simple certification that an audit has een

    conducted to estalished standards8 rather than a longer audit report:

    as long as some users support the fact that these KA"s should e presented only for listed

    companies8 others wonder why8 if they are re%uirements appreciated as est pra)is8 are not

    demanded for all companies8 rather than eing limited to listed companies this new part in the report of audit could lead to some difficulties due to information overload: In

    addition8 some sta#eholders may not e ale to find information relevant to their economic


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    Going concern

    5hen it is determined that management7s utilisation of going concern

    asis of accounting is appropriate there are four road conclusions that

    can e reached y the auditor if material uncertainty e)ists>

    =:no uncertainty e)ists9

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    Going concern $ cont

    The first8 the third and the forth scenarios matters should

    e disclosed in the going concern part of the report of

    the auditor or in the asis of opinion8 in particular


    The second scenario may represent a #ey audit matter:

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  • 7/25/2019 The Audit Report -Me


    No. Source Stakeholder


    Support the


    of G

    Additional comments

    4 /Y Accounting


    Yes %We are concerned that the suggested conclusions 9i!e! 5'e have

    concluded that managements use of the going concern &asis ofaccounting in the preparation of the financial statements is

    appropriate( and 5'e also have not identified such a material

    uncertainty( could result in misunderstanding or confusion &y

    users! hey may misinterpret a statement as e6pressing more than

    simply a conclusion on the &asis of accounting used to prepare the

    financial statements!(

    5 ACCA #em&er


    Yes %here is potential for user misunderstanding &ut this is not an

    insurmounta&le pro&lem! )t should &e addressed &y education of

    and communication 'ith users! he )AA*+ should &e prepared to

    take a lead in such matters!(

    6 0AP -

    0ederation of






    Yes %We understand that the users may not &e a'are ho' long of the

    period of assurance is! ;ence 'e suggest that the )AA*+ adds

    some information regarding the period covered &y the goingconcern matters mention in the auditors report for identification of

    material uncertainty 91< months from the financial reporting date!(

    7 /A)$ 3





    4egulator Yes %We agree that the auditor can only report on the facts that have

    &een identified during the audit and cannot provide a guarantee on

    the outcome of future events! A statement on inherent limitations

    regarding future developments and events could &e helpful to users

    in this regard!(

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    Conclusions regarding GC

    Is a etter encountering of the needs of the sta#eholders

    some users do not thin# that the auditors should e the authentic providers of

    information aout going concern matters:

    The statements are open to mis!udgements and also confusing for the sta#eholders

    which are not very informed8 especially regarding material incertitudes: Certainly8 user

    misunderstanding is not an overwhelming prolem: It should e addressed y

    education and communication with users8

    in the present the management is not demanded under I1@S to ma#e a precise

    afirmation that it has prepared the financial statements on the asis of going

    concern: The auditors thin# that this may mislead sta#eholders regarding the roles of

    the auditor and the management regarding going concern:

    "oreover8 certain auditors thin# that the re%uests will increase the cost of the audit

    due to the fact that preapring precise statements in the report of the auditor willre%uire the implication of senior audit staff and %uality control reviewers:

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    Other changes

    the opinion of the auditor re%uested to e presented first

    statement regarding independence and other ethical


    naming the engagement partner -listed entities only. enhanced description of auditor responsiilities and

    asic characteristics of the audit

    re%uired identification section when those charged with

    governance are separate from management

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    1inal conclusions

    the modifications rought to the reporting audit should oost the %uality of audit8 improve the audit worth to

    sta#eholders and enhance the accuracy of disclosures the company supplies in the pulic reports:

    improve the efficiency of the cooperation etween those charged with governance8 auditors and

    management in the reporting of financial statements proceedings

    the supplementary disclosures from the report of audit are going to e efficient if they do not create

    misunderstandings which might discredit the trust in the audit:

    the sta#eholders elieve that the new audit report is oth more understandale and of greater value than

    the old report8 the foreseen results are encouraging: there are oth advantages and disadvantages rgarding the improved audit report8 ut in the end8 the

    advantages prevail

    the communication etween auditors and users of financial statements will e refined:

    Sta#eholders will e etter ale to identify the degree of responsiility that oth management and the

    auditor assume for the financial statements:

    There is still space for suse%uent convergence in the suggestions availale now and all the interested

    parties should e struggling in order to achieve that target 4ltimately8 the victory of the new auditor report will hang on efficient implementation:

    The way into accomplishing a common model worldwide for the report of audit is not uneatale and

    smaller than it was efore:

    All standard setters8 sta#eholders and regulators are encouraged to to their est to touch woldwide


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  • 7/25/2019 The Audit Report -Me


    THA!" YOU#

    2naida Luca