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Apr 14, 2018



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    The Atlantean Conspiracy Exposing the Global Conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion

    T U E S D A Y , M A R C H 6 , 2 0 1 2

    The Health Conspiracy

    A bit of research and you will find that cancer,

    now killing 1 in every 3 Americans, is one of the biggest scams in medical history.

    Carcinogens are intentionally being put in your water, sodas, processed foods and

    pesticides to be sprayed on crops. The radiation and chemo therapies being used

    to treat cancer rarely work and always cause a multitude more health problems for

    the victim while financially draining them. The donation money and charitable

    organizations supposedly trying to help the cancer epidemic and find a cure are

    actually fueling the problem and spreading disinformation.

    Rockefeller monies have been used to degrade natural
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    prevention of sickness and disease through vitamins and health foods and promote

    the use of drugs. Drugs are manufactured mainly from coal tar derivatives and,

    besides being in the oil business, the family has for decades been heavily invested

    in the giant drug manufacturing concerns. Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File

    A quick Google search will provide you with the long known, highly suppressed,

    cure for cancer. All cancers thrive in acidic environments and no cancers can

    survive in alkaline environments. So through a healthy, organic, alkaline diet

    (fruits, vegetables, alkalized water, etc.), cutting down on acidic foods (meat,

    eggs, dairy, nuts) and raising the bodys pH over 7, cancers cannot begin and

    existing cancers cannot continue multiplying. Needless to say most of the foods

    lining grocery store shelves contain known carcinogens and a plethora of other

    mind/body altering chemicals and this is by design. Nowadays it is important tocarefully choose what foods, drinks, and drugs you put into your body there is a

    concerted effort to make you sick, sterile, and medicated every minute of every


    Everything is being covered up. The toxicities of the

    pharmaceuticals; youre not learning the truth about vaccinations; youre not

    learning the truth about various medications. The pharmaceutical industrialists,which I prefer to call the military-medical-petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel,

    essentially has control over the mainstream media and so it has control over the

    mass mind and as a result of those powers that they assert, people are not given

    factual information upon which to make informed decisions, theyre given

    propaganda and as a result, the choices that people are making are genocidal.

    And I say genocidal with a strict definition meaning: the mass killing of people for

    economic, political and/or ideological reasons. And those pharmaceutical

    industrialists are intimately connected to those people who wish to control

    populations. Theyve published literature of what their intent is. -Dr. Len

    Horowitz, DNA, Pirates of the Sacred Spiral lecture
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    There is an organized Masonic

    medical/insurance mafia scaring you into submission, dumbing you down, taking

    you for all your money, and killing you slowly. Through control of the media and

    education, westerners have been taught that drugs, surgery, vaccines, chemo, and

    radiation are the only medical options available to them when they fall ill.

    However, pills merely mask symptoms while over-taxing the liver and creating

    more problems (affectionately known as "side effects"); Surgery is dangerous,

    complications are common, and the body's auto-immune system always suffers

    significantly when it's cut open and stitched up; Vaccines are full of mercury,

    formaldehyde and other highly toxic preservatives; Radiation mutates/kills cells

    and often kills the patient; And chemo, otherwise known as "toxic chemicals that

    make your hair fall out," are not the best alternatives. The craziest part is when

    their barbaric methods fail to cure anything allopathic doctors will even come with

    a sad face saying Im sorry, theres just nothing more we can do and give

    patients a death sentence.
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    In medical schools, dental schools and these

    other professional training organizations and institutions it is a hazing process. It

    is trauma-based education at its worst. These interns are kept up for three nights

    in a row. What can you do under that highly stressful situation? What you can do

    is make a lot of mistakes and be susceptible to mind-control virtual hypnosis.

    You graduate with no education in nutrition, you graduate with no knowledge of

    holistics and natural healing, and you are ultimately a mind-controlled

    manipulated slave of the pharmaceutical industry. And in that position all you

    can do is simply spout out the mainstream concept that healing involves chemical

    manipulation and intoxication. Theres no room whatsoever for the mind-body-

    spirit concept. Theres no room whatsoever for the health-educational, behavior-

    change, lifestyle-modification, risk-reduction concept. You now leave medical

    training, you engage in medical practice, youve got about $250,000-500,000 in

    bills and loans hanging over your head, youve got no time for people. All youve

    got is a prescription pad and an education based on this whole manipulation. -Dr.

    Len Horowitz, Vaccine Fraud on Coast 2 Coast AM
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    The tragic truth is that many of the diseases

    plaguing our world have been intentionally created and spread and their

    "treatments" don't cure them or promote health. They simply hide symptoms,

    further destroy the patients immune system, and turn them into a lifetime

    customer of the pharmaceutical industry. Many diseases like ADD are just

    invented out of thin air by so-called experts to sell more drugs.

    Let me give you another example of an invented disease: hepatitis. That's right.

    In truth, you have people suffering from liver toxicity. That is what hepatitis

    really is. The germs said to cause hepatitis are really only minor adjuncts, at

    best. There are hundreds of reasons a person may have an overburdened and toxic

    liver. Drugs of all kinds, including medical drugs, contaminated water supplies,

    and inhalation of uranium dust, and so on. In fact, we are now hearing about

    uranium-induced hepatitis---a contradiction in terms if there ever was one. If

    uranium is causing the liver to fail, then THAT IS WHAT IS WRONG, and the word

    hepatitis does not apply at all. If someone hits you over the head with a big

    hammer and you become disabled for the rest of your life, is that Alzheimer's?

    -Jon Rappoport, AIDS Inc. Scandal of the Century (1-2)
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    "Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution,

    the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship.

    To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to

    others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-

    American and despotic and have no place in a republic. The Constitution of this

    republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious

    freedom." -Benjamin Rush, George Washington's personal doctor and a signer of

    the Declaration of Independence

    One recommended book is Kevin Trudeaus,

    Natural Cures They Dont Want You to Know About. Trudeau, a journalist,
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    gathers medical reports, facts and figures, and presents the cheap, effective

    natural remedies used by herbalists in the Eastern and ancient worlds. He shows

    how big pharmaceutical companies literally steal secrets from African, Asian,

    South American tribesmen, extract the chemicals from plants, then patent pills

    and raise the price around 4000% while suppressing or buying out alternatives in

    the same area.

    "If people let government decide which foods they eat and medicines they take,

    their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live

    under tyranny." -Thomas Jefferson

    The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established in

    New York in 1902 and by 1928 had received $65 million in endowment funds from

    John D. Rockefeller. This is tens of millions of dollars more than funding

    appropriated by the federal government for medical research. This trend of

    private funding has continued until present day.

    Does the Rockefeller-run American Medical Association

    (AMA) do everything it can to insure that doctors know the truth about health and

    do the most to insure the safety of the patient ? NO ! Let's consider these facts.

    Herbs have been around forever, they grow naturally and they have been used for

    healing for centuries. Drugs are synthetic chemical reproductions sold by the

    large pharmaceutical corporations at highly inflated prices. Doctors receive less

    than 3 hours of instruction on nutrition, eating right and preventative medicine in

    their entire 4-6 years of training. Luis Pasteur, shortly before he died, stated

    that he was possibly mistaken about his germ theory. He said that germs and

    viruses might be the result of the disease instead of the cause. The way this could

    be explained is that the body overloads on toxic build-up and produces symptoms

    of stress, then necessary bacteria or viruses move in to scavenge the toxins,
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    creating an abundance of these in the system, and leaving a super toxic waste by-

    product behind, which the body has a difficult time expelling. Therefore the

    presence of the virus or high bacteria count is a result of the disease and not the

    cause. A couple of very important things to realize when considering this

    possibility are: 1. A person does not need to be exposed to another individual to

    come down with a cold. People living in small communities with no outside

    exposure can come down with colds and disease. 2. People with no disease can

    sleep with people and exchange bodily fluids with people with HIV and not be

    infected. Considering these facts further weakens the Germ Theory of Disease. If

    this information is true, then the introduction of prescription and pharmaceutical

    drugs would only serve to mask the symptoms of the problem and slowly destroy

    the immune system since these drugs are highly toxic. David Icke, The Secret

    History of America

    Buy The Atlantean Conspiracy Now

    Posted by Eric Dubay at 1:30 AM

    Labels: Health


    Mary said...

    Great post. Here are some links dealing with the cure found and


    Other articles of interest can also be found at:
  • 7/27/2019 The Atlantean Conspiracy.doc


    Keep up the good work.

    MJ :)

    July 10, 2008 at 9:24 AM

    Mind Body Shop said...

    From one Soul of the Universe are all Souls derived. . .Of these Souls

    there are many changes, some into a more fortunate estate, and some

    quite contrary. . .Not all human souls but only the pious ones are divine.

    Once separated from the body, and after the struggle to acquire piety,

    which consists in knowing God and injuring none, such a soul becomes all

    intelligence. The impious soul, however, punishes itself by seeking a

    human body to enter into, for no other body can receive a human soul it

    cannot enter the body of an animal devoid of reason. Divine law

    preserves the human soul from such infamy. . .The soul passeth from

    form to form and the mansions of her pilgrimage are manifold. Thou

    puttest off thy bodies as raiment and as vesture dost thou fold them up.

    Thou art from old, O Soul of Man yea, thou art from everlasting.

    July 10, 2008 at 8:03 PM

    Frog said...

    Great post.

    Sent out a bullitin on youtube. Hopefully this will get your hits up and

    word out.

    Hope you are playing with the video editing program. We need you up and



    July 11, 2008 at 2:11 AM
  • 7/27/2019 The Atlantean Conspiracy.doc


    Eric Dubay said...

    Hey Clearcutting, I just finished downloading PowerDirectorPro today.

    Thanks so much! I'll start fiddling around with it and definitely use it to

    make my next video. Thanks again for sending the bulletin out. Peace


    July 11, 2008 at 7:14 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for this great article, eric.

    Your health is the most valuable thing you own; which the powers-that

    be-trying are using their deceptions to screw your health over, and make

    a fast buck (or $$$billions) while at it.

    the NWO tries to OWN you

    March 6, 2012 at 8:10 AM

    Rebecca in NZ said...

    Hi Eric I just tried to purchase Atlantean Conspiracy from Lulu, but it said

    product not availiable. Are you still selling your book?

    March 6, 2012 at 11:04 AM

    Eric Dubay said...

    Hey Rebecca, thanks for the heads-up. I just went to Lulu and everything

    should be up and running as usual. I ordered a copy myself a couple

    weeks ago and received it no problem. Since I saw your comment I

    double-checked everything and I was able to order another copy, so I'm

    not sure what's wrong. Has anyone else tried to buy a copy but been

    unable? Thanks for all the support Rebecca and everyone else! Peace.

    March 6, 2012 at 4:49 PM

    nvra75 said...
  • 7/27/2019 The Atlantean Conspiracy.doc


    hey eric,

    i understand the concept: dont throw the baby out with the bath water.

    while Kevin Trudeau does give some VERY GOOD information in his

    "natural cure books" please remember he was/is a key figure in GIN

    (global information network).

    GIN is a known pyramid scheme, money making endeavor, that models

    itself after nefarious secret societies and attempts to sucker people into

    thinking that they can buy access into these secret societies through a

    GIN membership.

    shill site VIGIL@NT CITI$EN is also a part of GIN.

    GIN is about making money, nothing else.

    the link above is from the GIN website. if you read between the lines it is

    really easy to decipher what that organization is about.


    the psychopaths have made it virtually impossible for us to breathe

    virtuous air, drink virtuous water, or eat virtuous foods. our health is

    attacked on every level; from micro to macro.

    im sure you are aware of GMO seeds and Codex alemintarius.



  • 7/27/2019 The Atlantean Conspiracy.doc


    hey eric,

    please take a look at this link and let me know your thoughts.

    March 7, 2012 at 5:42 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Great topic, of all the topics in the world, Health is the most important.-


    March 7, 2012 at 3:16 PM

    Eric Dubay said...

    Hey nvra, thanks for the comments. You're right about that stupid

    GINetwork and Kevin Trudeau. His book is great, but the man himself

    seems a bit egotistical and very money-hungry. I heard him bragging

    repeatedly about hanging out with super-rich elites on their yachts etc.

    on the Alex Jones show.

    That site is full of some very interesting and relevant

    info. I hope people check that out and spread the word. They are

    definitely planning something big (Nukes and/or UFOs), question is where

    and when. Every time we get a lock on their predictive programming and

    expose them, they're forced to postpone, change date/location. Their old

    games don't work so well anymore now that we've got the internet and a

    semi-awake populous!

    March 7, 2012 at 7:10 PM

    Illuminati Agenda said...

    Very good article indeed. It's my understanding that most other 'dis-ease'

    also cannot manifest in alkaline conditions.
  • 7/27/2019 The Atlantean Conspiracy.doc


    The 'elite' rarely seem to get cancer do they? Is this because they

    understand that the key to a long healthy and disease free live is a

    chemical free diet and non addiction? - I certainly think so.

    March 9, 2012 at 3:57 AM

    Anonymous said...

    You Say You Wanna Levitation,



    March 11, 2012 at 8:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Ancient Artifact Gives Modern Science the Finger:


    March 13, 2012 at 8:39 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Watch Out for Flying Chopstick


    March 14, 2012 at 11:05 AM

    hello said...

    Are you serious??? Alkeline diet consisting of "fruits"?? Fruits are largely

    acidic (think "CITRIC ACID" from citrus fruits and think back to powering

    light globes using lemons and potatoes in school!!! Additionally, of course

    drugs have coal and tar derivatives, being that coal and tar are

    essentially the same carbon based form (as humans are... also humans
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    are naturally ACIDIC and require amino ACIDS to build proteins and

    CARBOHYDRATES!!!!) guess where coal and tar and oil comes from???

    PLANTS!!!!!! and guess where drugs are actually derived from???

    PLANTS!!! and guess where your recommended fruits and vegetables

    come from??? I'll give you a hint.. P****S!!!!!!!!

    March 18, 2012 at 5:49 PM

    Eric Dubay said...

    Yes, hello, fruits, even citrus fruits, though they are acidic, have an

    alkalizing effect on the body. Cooked grains for instance, on the other

    hand, even though they are alkaline, have an acidifying effect on the


    The healthiest diet for humans is high-carb, low-fat, raw vegan. Over 80%

    carbohydrates, under 10% protein, and under 10% fat. Read the 80/10/10

    book by Dr. Doug Graham.

    As for your "plant rant," go chug a blender full of oil, or a blender full of

    your favorite pills. I'll have a blender full of actual plant food, then

    afterwards we'll engage in any physical activity of your choice and I'll win

    while you're vomiting and ranting to me about plants.

    March 18, 2012 at 8:22 PM

    Anonymous said...

    You can eat animals and eggs and milk. It just has to be from healthy

    animals. Ones without hormones or antibiotics . They need to be fed

    grass only . Nothing containing GMOs. And ypu can eat all the veggies you

    want , if the are not organic you will still get diseases. Its the chemicals

    and preservatives in the food that is the problem.the pesticides and

    theflouride they water the plants with. You dont need to be vegan. You

    just need to ne chemical free. Chemicals are the problem.

    February 24, 2013 at 5:06 PM

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