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presents 6 ęč IēęĊėĉĎĘĈĎĕlĎēĆėy Ćēĉ IēęĊėċĆĎęč aĔēċĊėĊēĈĊ AćĔĚę nĆllĎĆęĎěĊ Ćēĉ cēĉ Ĕċ LĎċĊ aĆėĊ The Art and Science of Palliative Care: Where Medicine, Market and Meaning Meet Friday, April 4, 2014 l 8:00 am – 4:15 pm Westchester County Center – White Plains, New York Thursday, April 3, 2014 l 11:30 am – 6:00 pm Fordham University – West Harrison, New York

The Art and Science of Palliative · PDF fileCollaborative for Palliative Care, The Art and Science of Palliative Care: Where Medicine, ... of the Collaborative and a renowned social

Feb 01, 2018



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Page 1: The Art and Science of Palliative · PDF fileCollaborative for Palliative Care, The Art and Science of Palliative Care: Where Medicine, ... of the Collaborative and a renowned social


6 I l y I a

A n ll c L a

The Art and Science of Palliative Care:

Where Medicine, Market and Meaning Meet

Friday, April 4, 2014 l 8:00 am – 4:15 pm

Westchester County Center – White Plains, New York

Thursday, April 3, 2014 l 11:30 am – 6:00 pm

Fordham University – West Harrison, New York

Page 2: The Art and Science of Palliative · PDF fileCollaborative for Palliative Care, The Art and Science of Palliative Care: Where Medicine, ... of the Collaborative and a renowned social

W elcom e

We welcome you to the Sixth I nterdisciplinary and

I nterfaith Palliat ive Care Conference of the

Collaborat ive for Palliat ive Care, The Art and Science

of Palliat ive Care: Where Medicine, Market and

Meaning Meet . This convening draws scholars and

pract it ioners from both regional and nat ional venues,

and should provide a fruit ful opportunity for

conversat ion and collegiality about important issues in our field.

This year’s conference opens on Thursday, Apr il 3 rd, with a half-day program

and recept ion at the Fordham Westchester campus in West Harr ison, NY, and

will feature a keynote by Cary Reid, MD, Director of the Cornell Weill

Translat ional I nst itute for Pain in Later Life and prom inent researcher in

ger iat r ic palliat ive care.

On Fr iday morning, April 4, 2014, we will open our full-day program at the

Westchester County Center with a keynote by nat ionally recognized palliat ive

care researcher, R. Sean Morr ison, Director of the Nat ional Palliat ive Care

Research Center, and Hertzberg Palliat ive Care I nst itute, Mt . Sinai. Other

highlights of the day include a panel of palliat ive care physicians led by

Christopher Comfort , MD, Medical Director of Calvary Hospital, and a

concluding plenary with Carol Levine, United Hospital Fund, focusing on fam ily


I t is our pr ivilege this year to confer the Collaborat ive for Palliat ive Care Dr.

Mary Ann Quaranta Awards upon two individuals who have been long-standing

members of the Collaborat ive. Dr. Mary Ann Quaranta was one of the founders

of the Collaborat ive and a renowned social work educator and leader. We

honor our award recipients today in conferr ing these awards in her name. The

Dr. Mary Ann Quaranta Dist inguished Scholar Award will be conferred upon

Bruce Jennings, who is widely recognized for his unique work on bioethical

issues. Dr. Barney Newman is the recipient of the Dr. Mary Ann Quaranta

Visionary Leadership Award, for his outstanding leadership in int roducing

palliat ive care into pr imary care in WESTMED, and advancing the goals of

workforce development and bet ter pat ient care as part of health reform .

The Collaborat ive for Palliat ive Care st r ives to build the capacity of our

community through the design and delivery of more humanist ic educat ion and

t raining programs for our health professionals. We thank all of you who have

made this conference possible.

Mary Beth Morr issey, PhD, MPH, JD, President

Page 3: The Art and Science of Palliative · PDF fileCollaborative for Palliative Care, The Art and Science of Palliative Care: Where Medicine, ... of the Collaborative and a renowned social

The 2014 Award Honorees

Dr. Mary Ann Quaranta Distinguished Scholar Award

Bruce Jennings, MA

Bruce Jennings, MA is Director of Bioethics at the Center for

Hum ans and Nature. He teaches ethics at the Yale University School

of Public Health and the New York Medical College. He is Senior

Advisor and Fellow at The Hast ings Center, where he served from

1991 through 1999 as Execut ive Director. Mr. Jennings has been

act ive in the end of life care arena and has published widely on ethical

issues in hospital t reatm ent decision-m aking, palliat ive care, and

hospice. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Nat ional

Hospice and Palliat ive Care Organizat ion, and the Board of Trustees of

the Hospice and Palliat ive Care Associat ion of New York State. He is

also co- founder of the “Decisions Near the End of Life” program , an

educat ional and pract ice change program that was conducted in over 200 hospitals in 20

states from 1990-1996. He is coauthor of The Hast ings Center Guidelines for Decisions on Life-

Sustaining Treatm ent and Care Near the End of Life, Revised and Expanded Second Edit ion.

New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Dr. Mary Ann Quaranta Visionary Leadership Award

Barney D. Newman, MD

Barney D. New m an , MD, Medical Director, WESTMED Medical Group,

P.C. is a board-cert ified internist who has over 25 years of progressive

responsibilit y as a physician leader. He is current ly the Medical Director

for The Westchester Medical Group, P.C. where he is responsible for the

clinical staff and organizat ion and oversight of t he clinical care provided

by the group. He previously held a posit ion as Associate Regional

Medical Director of the Northeast Perm anente Medical Group at Kaiser

Perm anente’s Northeast Region where he had budgetary and operat ional

responsibilit ies for the operat ions and clinical qualit y of Kaiser’s delivery system in

Westchester, New York and Southern Connect icut . I n addit ion, he had responsibilit ies for

clinical inform at ion system s for the ent ire Northeast t err itory. Dr. Newm an has an academ ic

appointm ent as Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Cornell Medical College. He has

served on the Editorial Advisory Board for the Perm anente Journal and as the Managed Care

Editor for Medscape. He has part icipated on num erous com m it tees including Qualit y

Assurance, Ut ilizat ion Managem ent , Peer Review, Credent ials and Pharm acy and Therapeut ics. Dr. Newm an was awarded the Dorland People’s Choice Medical Director award for 2011. I n

addit ional to his professional credits, Dr Newm an now serves on the board for the Westchester

Public/ Private Partnership for Aging Services and the Collaborat ive for Palliat ive Care.

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Keynote Speakers

Christopher P. Com fort , MD

Calvary Hospital

Carol Levine, MA

Families and Health Care Project

United Hospital Fund

R. Sean Morr ison, MD

Nat ional Palliat ive Care Research Center

Hertzberg Palliat ive Care I nst itute

Cary Reid, MD, PhD

Cornell Weill Translat ional I nst itute for Pain in

Later Life

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Conference Program - April 3 , 2 0 1 4

1 1 :3 0 am – 1 2 :0 0 pm REGI STRATI ON

1 2 :0 0 pm – 1 :1 5 pm W ORKSHOPS

A- 1 . You’ve Got to be Heard: Pat ient Voices from Spanish Harlem , NYC

Nathan Boucher, PA-C, MS, MPA, CPHQ, Touro College of Health Sciences

A- 2 . Another Kind of Pain: I nsurance and Resource I ssues

for the Seriously I ll

Lucille, Winton, RN, BSN, Cancer Support Team

Lourdes Parra, BSW, Cancer Support Team

A- 3 . Pediat r ic Palliat ive Care: Ensuring the Best Pract ice Over Tim e and

Through Change

Susan Pinckney, LCSWR, Sunshine Children’s Hom e and Rehabilitat ion Center

Alice Olwell, RN, BSN, HN-BC, Sunshine Children’s Hom e and Rehabilitat ion Center

A- 4 . Developing a Palliat ive Care Toolbox for Pat ients, Fam ily, Caregivers

and Clinicians: From Meaning to Market

( w orkshop repeated at 3 :0 0 pm )

Dena Shulm an-Green, PhD, Yale University School of Nursing

Shelli Feder, RN, MSN, FNP-BC, Yale University School of Nursing

1 :1 5 pm – 1 :3 0 pm BREAK

1 :3 0 pm - 2 :4 5 pm W ORKSHOPS

B- 1 . A Novel Pallia t ive Care Hot line for Mult iple Sclerosis Pat ients:

An I nteragency Project in Germ any

Andrea Knies, MA, Departm ent of Palliat ive Medicine, University Hospital of

Cologne, Germ any

B- 2 . The Evolut ion of a Hospital Palliat ive Care Service: Every Stage Has


Rajasekhar Bhuddavarapu,MD, Director of Geriat r ics and Palliat ive Care, White Plains


Page 6: The Art and Science of Palliative · PDF fileCollaborative for Palliative Care, The Art and Science of Palliative Care: Where Medicine, ... of the Collaborative and a renowned social

B- 3 . I nt roducing Reflect ive Pract ice in Assessm ent of Pain in Older Adults

Moderator : Frederick J. Wertz, PhD, Professor, Psychology, Fordham University

Mary Beth Morrissey, PhD, MPH, JD, Global Healthcare Innovat ion Managem ent Center,

Fordham Schools of Business

Judith Dobrof, DSW, LCSW, Cancer Support Team

Gretchen Flint , JD, Pace Law School, John Jay Legal Services

Bruce Jennings, MA, Center for Hum ans and Nature

B- 4 . Recognizing the Value of MOLST and eMOLST : Part I

Pat r icia A. Bom ba, MD, FACP, Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield & Med Am erica

I nsurance Com pany.

2 :4 5 pm – 3 :0 0 pm BREAK

3 :0 0 pm – 4 :1 5 pm W ORKSHOPS

C- 1 . Developing a Palliat ive Care Toolbox for Pat ients, Fam ily, Caregivers

and Clinicians: From Meaning to Market

Dena Shulm an-Green, PhD, Yale University School of Nursing

Shelli Feder, RN, MSN, FNP-BC, Yale University School of Nursing

C- 2 . I m plicat ions of Reflect ive Pract ice for Fam ily Caregiving System s,

Forensic Evaluat ion and Elder Abuse Report ing: Roundtable Discussion

Moderator : Frederick J. Wertz, PhD, Professor, Psychology, Fordham University

Panelists Pat ricia Brownell, PhD, Fordham University

Judith Dobrof, DSW, LCSW, Cancer Support Team

Susan Ferlauto, Esq, Pace Wom en’s Just ice Center

Gretchen Flint JD, Pace Law School, John Jay Legal Services

Roberta Goodm an, Esq, Pace Wom en’s just ice Center

Bruce Jennings, MA, Director of Bioethics, Center for Hum ans and Nature

Mary Beth Morrissey, PhD, MPH, JD, Global Healthcare Innovat ion Managem ent Center

Julie Netherland, PhD, Drug Policy Alliance

Cary Reid, MD, PhD, Cornell Center for Translat ional Research on Aging,

Joy Solom on, Esq, Hebrew Hom e, Riverdale

C- 3 . Preserving Assets for the Long-Term : Financial and Legal

Considerat ions

Fran Pantaleo, Esq, Bleakley, Plat t & Schm idt , LLP

Anthony DeVito, PhD, CFP ®

Sponsored by W estchester County Senior Law Day Program

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C- 4 . I m plem ent ing MOLST : A Com m unity Approach – Part I I

Pat r icia A. Bom ba, MD, FACP, Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield & Med Am erica Ins.

Sara But ter field, RN, BSN, CPHQ, CCM, I PRO, the Medicare Qualit y Im provem ent

Organizat ion.

Christ ine Stegel, RN, MS, CPHQ, IPRO, the Medicare Qualit y Im provem ent Organizat ion.

Fred Rat to, Jr , BA, IPRO, the Medicare Qualit y Im provem ent Organizat ion

Kat ie Orem , MPH, Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield & Med Am erica Insurance Com pany

4 :3 0 pm – 6 :0 0 pm The W illiam F. Daw e I naugural Mem oria l Lecture

Palliat ive Care in the 2 1 st Century: Bringing Palliat ive Care Out of the

Hospital and I nto the Com m unity

Cary Reid, MD, PhD, Cornell Weill Translat ional I nst itute for Pain in Later Life

6 :1 5 pm – 7 :3 0 pm AW ARDS PRESENTATI ON and RECEPTI ON

The Dr. Mary Ann Quaranta Aw ard Recipients:

Bruce Jennings, MA, Center for Hum ans and Nature

Barney D. New m an, MD, W ESTMED Medical Group

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Conference Program - April 4 , 2 0 1 4

8 :0 0 am REGI STRATI ON

8 :3 0 am – 8 :4 5 am W ELCOME and I NTRODUCTI ONS

Mary Beth Morrissey, MPH, PhD, JD, President Mae Carpenter, MA, Com m issioner,

Westchester County Departm ent of Senior Program s and Services

Kevin J. Plunket t , Esq, Deputy County Execut ive, Westchester County

I nvocat ion The Reverend Bruce Page, Hospice & Palliat ive Care of Westchester

8 :4 5 am – 1 0 :1 5 am KEYNOTE PRESENTATI ON

Palliat ive Care and the Future of Medicine

R. Sean Morrison, MD, Nat ional Palliat ive Care Research Center, the Hertzberg

Palliat ive Care Inst itute, and the I cahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Moderator and Discussant : Falguni K. Sen, PhD, Global Healthcare Innovat ion Managem ent Center, Fordham

Schools of Business

1 0 :1 5 am – 1 0 :3 0 am BREAK

1 0 :3 0 am – 1 1 :4 5 am ROUNDTABLE DI SCUSSI ON

Translat ion of Palliat ive Care into the Field of Medicine

Moderator : Christopher P. Com fort , MD

Panel of Palliat ive Medicine Physicians : Rajasekhar Bhuddhavarapu MD, Director of Palliat ive Medicine, White Plains Hospital

Ephraim Casper MD, Mem orial Sloan Ket tering Cancer Center, Basking Ridge

Jam es A. Fausto, MD, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Dana Lustbader, MD, Head of Palliat ive Medicine, North Shore-LIJ Health System R. Sean Morrison, MD, Nat ional Palliat ive Care Research Center,

Barney D. Newm an, MD, Medical Director, WESTMED Medical Group

Cynthia X. Pan, MD, Chief of Palliat ive Medicine, NY Hospital Queens

Cary Reid, MD, PhD, Cornell Weill Translat ional I nst itute for Pain in Later Life

Cardinale B. Sm ith, MD, Assistant Professor, I cahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

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1 1 :4 5 am – 1 2 :3 0 pm LUNCH

1 2 :0 0 pm – 1 2 :3 0 pm LUNCHEON PRESENTATI ON

Fading Mem ories Becom e Eternal Artw orks: The Alzheim er’s Glass and

Metal Project

Rosem arie Oakm an, Alfred University

1 2 :3 0 pm – 1 :4 5 pm W ORKSHOPS

A- 1 . Addressing Palliat ive Care for I ndividuals w ith Alzheim er’s Disease

Mat thew Baum gart , Senior Director of Public Policy, Alzheim er’s Associat ion

R. Sean Morrison, MD, Nat ional Palliat ive Care Research Center,

A- 2 . Social W ork Pract ice w ith LGBT Pat ients Facing End of Life: A Cultural

Perspect ive

Darren Arthur, MSW, LCSW, Beth I srael Com prehensive Cancer Center

A- 3 . Pain and Sym ptom Managem ent

Christopher P. Com fort , MD, Medical Director, Calvary Hospital

A- 4 . Com m unicat ion Approaches: Explaining Palliat ive Care to the Public

Bruce Jennings, MA, Director of Bioethics, Center for Hum ans and Nature

Lisa Morgan, BA, I nterim Chief Com m unicat ions Officer, Center t o Advance Palliat ive


Christ ina Staudt , PhD, Westchester End of Life Coalit ion, Columbia University

A- 5 . The Rising Dove Program : Building a Com prehensive Palliat ive Care

Program in a Skilled Nursing Facility

Geri Brooks, NP, RN, MSN, Vice President of Geriat r ics, United Hebrew

Elaine Healy, MD, Vice President of Medical Affairs, United Hebrew

Maria Hood, LCSW, ACSW, CCM, Director of Adm issions, United Hebrew

A- 6 . Legacy Building – Creat ing Mem ories in Pediat r ic Palliat ive Care

Gabrielle Bellet t ieri, MA, Maria Fareri Childrens Hospital, Westchester Medical Center

Tricia Hiller, MS, CCLS, Maria Fareri Childrens Hospital, Westchester Medical Center

Lauren Nit t loli, MS, CCLS, Maria Fareri Childrens Hospital, Westchester Medical Center

Laurie Park, LCAT, MT-BC, Maria Fareri Childrens Hospital, Westchester Medical Center

Jeannie Sweeney, MA, CCLS, Maria Fareri Childrens Hospital, Westchester Medical


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1 :4 5 pm – 1 :5 5 pm BREAK

1 :5 5 pm – 3 :1 0 pm CONCURRENT W ORKSHOPS

B- 1 . The New Front ier: Outpat ient Medical Group Palliat ive Care

Barney D. Newm an, MD, Medical Director, WESTMED Medical Group

Maura Del Bene, NP, Associate Director of Palliat ive Care, WESTMED Medical Group

B- 2 . Finding Meaning One Pat ient at a Tim e: Mult idisciplinary Palliat ive Care

in Hom e Care

I rene Edelm ann, RN, BSN, Visit ing Nurse Associat ion of Hudson Valley

Linda Fraser, RN, BSN, CHPN Visit ing Nurse Associat ion of Hudson Valley

Tony Susi, ACSW, ACHP-SW Visit ing Nurse Associat ion of Hudson Valley

B- 3 . Oral Health in the Palliat ive Care Pat ient : Throughout the I llness

Cont inuum

Rose Anne Indelicato, MSN,ANP-BC,ACHPN,OCN, Montefiore New Rochelle

Anne Johnston, MSN,ACNS-BC,CIC, Montefiore New Rochelle

B- 4 . A Journey of Grief: Depict ions of Grief and Hum an Connect ion Through

Classic Art

Stephen Krau, RN, PhD, Assoc. Professor, Vanderbilt University

B- 5 . One Hospital’s Approach to Meet ing the Goals of the Palliat ive Care

I nform at ion Act

Wendy S. Edwards, MD, Director, Palliat ive Medicine, Lenox Hill hospital

David C. Leven, JD, Director, Com passion and Choices of NY


Fam ily Caregiving and Palliat ive Care: Aligning Theory, Pract ice and


Carol Levine, MA, Fam ilies and Healthcare Project , United Hospital Fund


Page 11: The Art and Science of Palliative · PDF fileCollaborative for Palliative Care, The Art and Science of Palliative Care: Where Medicine, ... of the Collaborative and a renowned social

Conference Com m it tee Mary Beth Morr issey, PhD, MPH, JD, President and Chair

Collaborat ive for Palliat ive Care, I nc.

Global Healthcare I nnovat ion Managem ent Center, Fordham Schools of


Judith Dobrof, DSW, LMSW, Vice Chair ,

Cancer Support Team

Cornelia Schimert , RN, BSN, Vice Chair ,

Visit ing Nurse Associat ion of Hudson Valley/

Hospice Care in Westchester and Putnam

Candy Abdoo, RN, BSN

Calvary Hospital

Curt is Au, LCSW

Alzheim er’s Associat ion, Hudson Valley, Rockland and Westchester Chapter

Debbie Barish, LCSW

Social Work Consultant

Sharon Bronner, MSN, APRN, GNP-BC


Geri Brooks, MSN, RN, CS,GNP-BC, CCM

United Hebrew

Sallie Carlin, MS, CTRS

The Hearthstone

Lorraine Cam panelli, LCSW

Cabrini of Westchester

Bet ty I kwild-Cherico, RN, MSN, CHPN

St . Johns Riverside Hospital

Joanne T. Ciarm ella, Esq

At torney at Law

Mary Delaney, LCSW

Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center

Maura Del Bene, NP

WESTMED Medical Group

Pat ty Donovan-Duff, RN, BSN, CT

The Bereavem ent Center of Westchester

Gretchen Flint , JD

John Jay Legal Services, Pace Law School

Sharon Haskins, RN, MSN, CHPC

Jansen Hospice and Palliat ive Care

Laura Him m elstein, LMSW

Caregiver Support Program , White Plains Hospital

Rabbi Jo Hirschm an

Phelps Hospice

Shoshanna Peyser, ACSW

Jansen Hospice and Palliat ive Care

Colet te Phipps, LMSW

Westchester County Departm ent of Senior Program s and Services

Westchester Public/ Private Partnership for Aging Services

Page 12: The Art and Science of Palliative · PDF fileCollaborative for Palliative Care, The Art and Science of Palliative Care: Where Medicine, ... of the Collaborative and a renowned social

Nathan I onascu, MD

Westchester End of Life Coalit ion

Rose Anne Indelicato, MSN, ANP-BC, ACHPN, OCN

Palliat ive Care Program , Montefiore New Rochelle

Eleanor L’Abbate, RN, MSN

White Plains Hospital

Jean LePere, MS, MPH

Mem orial Sloan Ket tering Cancer Center

Melissa Lang, LMSW

Gilda’s Club Westchester

Suzanne Moses, RN, MPH

VNS Westchester

Barney D. Newm an, MD

WESTMED Medical Group

Wanda Orton

Phelps Hospice

Bruce Curry Page, MAT, MDiv

Hospice & Palliat ive Care of Westchester

Julie K. Thom as

White Plains Hospital

Marjorie Thorpe, LMSW

Sherwood Associates, I nc.

Heidi Weiss, LCSW

Pathways to Care, Westchester Jewish Com m unity Services

A Very Special Thanks To: Tracey Boyd, Nursing Educat ion Departm ent , Northern Westchester Hospital

Joanne Ciaram ella, Esq

Kathleen M. Carlisle, Center for Cont inuing Legal Educat ion, Pace Law School

Ed Fricke, Director of I T, Visit ing Nurse Associat ion of Hudson Valley

Deidre Downs and Jennifer Meade, WESTMED Medical Group

Kathleen Morrissey

Peter Oberc, Photography

Brien O’Reilly, SaBOR Design (Website)

Jam es B. Sayer

Marjorie Thorpe

To the Following Organizations for Their Support: Cancer Support Team Global Healthcare I nnovat ion Managem ent Center , Fordham Schools of Business

Nat ional Associat ion of Social Workers - NYS

Pace University Law School

Westchester County Bar Associat ion

Westchester County Departm ent of Senior Program s and Services

Westchester Wom en’s Bar Associat ion

Westchester Public/ Private Partnership for Aging Services

Visit ing Nurse Associat ion of Hudson Valley

WESTMED Medical Group

To All of Our Speakers and Presenters for Their Generous Participation

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Conference Donors

Lead Donor: Mem orial Sloan Ket tering Cancer Center

Gold Circle: Visit ing Nurse Associat ion of Hudson Valley/

Hospice Care in Westchester & Putnam

Silver Circle: Dom inican Sisters Fam ily Health Service

VNS Westchester

White Plains Hospital


Westchester Medical Center/ Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital

Bronze Circle: Hospice & Palliat ive Care of Westchester

Putnam Hospital Center

CenterLight Healthcare

Edward and Mary Beth Morrissey

Legacy Circle: Alzheim er’s Associat ion – Hudson Valley, Rockland and Westchester Chapter

Cabrini of Westchester

Calvary Hospital

Cancer Support Team

The Gerontological Society of Am erica

Hearthstone Alzheim er Care

Hudson Valley Bank

Jansen Hospice and Palliat ive Care

Keane & Beane, PC

Montefiore Medical Center

Phelps Hospice

United Hebrew

Westchester End of Life Coalit ion

Friends Circle: Azor Hom e Care

Debbie Barish

Cassidy Law Firm

Com passion & Choices of New York

Concept : CARE, I nc.

Fordham University Ravazzin Center on Aging

Gilda’s Club of Westchester

Grassy Sprain Pharm acy

John Jay Legal Services, Pace Law School

Health Care Social Workers Associat ion

Hom e Care Associat ion of NYS

Legal Services of the Hudson Valley

Page 14: The Art and Science of Palliative · PDF fileCollaborative for Palliative Care, The Art and Science of Palliative Care: Where Medicine, ... of the Collaborative and a renowned social

New York State Health Care Providers Associat ion – Hudson Valley Chapter

NYU Silver School of Social Work/ Zelda Foster Studies Program in Palliat ive Care

Nat ional Associat ion of Professional Geriat r ic Care Managers, New York Division

Nicki Weiss

Pace Wom en’s Just ice Center

Pathways to Care WJCS

Scalise & Ham ilton, LLP

Sherwood Associates

There is no financial, professional or personal relat ionship that w ill

bias the content of the act ivity.



Program is sponsored by W ESTMED Medical Group

WESTMED Medical Group P.C. is accredited by the Medical Society of New York to provide cont inuing medical

educat ion for physicians. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their part icipat ion in

the act iv ity.

Disclosure Statem ent : Policies and standards of the Medical Society of the State of New York requires that speakers

and planners for cont inuing medical educat ion act iv it ies disclose any relevant f inancial relat ionships they may

have with commercial interests whose products, devices or services may be discussed in the content of a CME act iv ity.


Program is sponsored by Northern Westchester Hospital

Northern Westchester Hospital is an approved provider of cont inuing nursing educat ion by the Alabama State Nurses

Associat ion, an accredited approver of cont inuing nursing educat ion by the American Nurses Credent ialing Center ’s

Commission on Accreditat ion.

Social W orkers:

This program has been subm it ted to the Nat ional Associat ion

of Social Workers (NASW) New York State Chapter and has been approved for

cont inuing educat ion hours.

Law yers: Program is sponsored by Pace University School of Law. This program is suitable for both

experienced and newly adm it ted at torneys.

Pace Law School Center for Cont inuing Legal Educat ion is an accredited provider in the State of New York.

CLE credit hours for specific Thursday and Fr iday programs have been approved.

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Presenter Biographies - Conference Program

April 3 , 2 0 1 4

You’ve Got to be Heard: Pat ient Voices from Spanish Harlem , NYC

Nathan Boucher, PA- C, MS, MPA, CPHQ, is Director of Graduate

Educat ion and Assistant Professor, Touro College School of Health

Sciences, Physician Assistant Program

. A longt im e advocate for vulnerable populat ions, he recent ly developed

bilingual health choice em powerm ent workshops in East Harlem for New

York City Housing Authority senior residents. This project also

incorporated com m unity-based focus groups that focused on consum er

health care decision-m aking. Previously, he served as a m em ber of the

board of the Public Health Associat ion of New York City. He is current ly in

the dissertat ion phase of the doctor of public health degree at SUNY-

Downstate School of Public Health.

Another Kind of Pain: I nsurance and Resource I ssues

for the Seriously I ll

Lucille W inton, RN, BSN , Colum bia University School of Nursing

has over 45 years of experience as a nurse adm inist rator and senior

execut ive in a variety of health care set t ings including public health,

hom e care, long term hom e health care, hospice and skilled nursing

facilit ies. She was previously Director of Beth Abraham Hospital

Hospice, Hospice of Rockland, United Hospital Hospice and Jansen

Mem orial Hospice. She is responsible for overseeing Nursing, Social

Work and Case Managem ent services provided by Cancer Support

Team .

Lourdes Parra, BSW , a graduate of the college of New Rochelle, is a

Case Manager at the Cancer Support Team . She has 11 years

experience in the field of Case Managem ent . Ms Parra, who is bi- lingual,

has developed an expert ise in the field of ent it lem ents and benefit s,

including Social Security, federal benefit s, Departm ent of Social

Services NYS Benefit s, and private foundat ion and other organizat ion

financial assistance benefit s for pat ients and fam ilies. Ms. Parra has

held posit ions at various Social Service Agencies, including Open Door

Health Services, Southern Westchester BOCES Literacy Program and The Even Start Fam ily

Health Literacy Partnership.

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Pediat r ic Palliat ive Care: Ensuring the Best Pract ice Over

Time and Through Change

Susan Pinckney, LCSW - R is Sunshine’s Director of Social Work &

Related Services. I n this capacity, Ms. Pinckney provides leadership and

adm inist rat ive oversight for Social Services, Adm issions, Palliat ive Care

and the Volunteer program . She serves as Chair of the Ethics and

Palliat ive Care com m it tees. Her dedicat ion to serving the needs of

children, adolescents and fam ilies has enabled her to work in a variety of

system s including child welfare, com m unity youth program s, substance

abuse t reatm ent , school-based m ental health and healthcare.

Alice Olw ell, RN, BSN, HN- BC, is Com plem entary Care Manager at

Sunshine Children’s Hom e. She supervises and conducts a program of

healing m odalit ies that includes Reiki, Therapeut ic Touch, arom atherapy,

m assage and m usic therapy. She also oversees pain m anagem ent for t he

children and is an act ive m em ber of the Palliat ive care Team . I t has been

the joy of her life, for the past 25 years, t o bring com fort to children with

special needs and their fam ilies, during the course of their illness and

especially at their j ourney’s end.

A Novel Palliat ive Care Hot line for Mult iple Sclerosis

Pat ients: An I nteragency Project in Germany

Andrea Knies, MA is a doctoral student (Public Health) in the Departm ent of

Palliat ive Medicine at the University Hospital of Cologne, Germ any, where she

had been a Research Fellow from 2010 to 2013. Andrea com pleted her

undergraduate studies in Psychology at the University of Cologne. She is

interested in the needs and concerns of pat ients with chronic and/ or life-

threatening disease and their inform al caregivers. At the University Hospital of

Cologne, Andrea counseled m ult iple sclerosis pat ients and their inform al

caregivers through a palliat ive care counseling hot line she im plem ented in

cooperat ion with the Germ an Mult iple Sclerosis Society. She also init iated a

network of health care professionals and researchers with a background in

neurology and/ or palliat ive care in order t o develop a com prehensive care

concept for m ult iple sclerosis by integrat ing palliat ive care.

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The Evolut ion of a Hospital Palliat ive Care Service: Every

Stage Has Meaning

Rajasekhar Buddhavarapu, MD, bet ter known as “Dr. Buddha” , is

Director of Geriat r ics and Palliat ive Care at White Plains Hospital. Dr.

Buddhavarapu is board certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative

Medicine. Dr. Buddha cam e to White Plains Hospital from NY Downtown

Hospital where he served as Chief of Geriat r ics. He earned his m edical

degree from Osm ania Medical College in I ndia and com pleted his residency

in I nternal Medicine at Brookdale Hospital and New York Downtown

Hospital. Dr. Buddha com pleted his fellowship in Geriat r ics from Flushing

Hospital and Medical Center. Dr. Buddha has a private consultat ive pract ice

and is the prim ary care physician at several assisted livings in Westchester

County. Dr Bhudda has been a m em ber of the Collaborat ive for Palliat ive Care.

I nt roducing Reflect ive Pract ice in Assessm ent of Pain in

Older Adults

Mary Beth Quaranta Morr issey, PhD, MPH, JD , a founder and

president of the Collaborat ive for Palliat ive Care, is a Fellow of the

Global Healthcare Innovat ion Managem ent Center, and direct s the Post -

Masters Health Care Managem ent Cert ificate Program in Public Health,

Palliat ive Care and Long-Term Care, Fordham University Schools of

Business. Dr. Morrissey received her PhD, JD and BA from Fordham

University, and her MPH from the New York Medical College School of

Health Sciences and Pract ice. She is a gerontological social work researcher and a leading New

York health care at torney, concent rat ing her pract ice to pain, palliat ive and end-of- life care,

and health care decision m aking. She serves nat ionally for the Gerontological Society of

Am erica and other nat ional organizat ions as a subject m at ter advisor on issues related to care

for seriously ill persons, pain and drug availabilit y. Her scholarship and pract ice guide her

research program on pain, suffering and t raum at ic illness am ong older adults, and palliat ive

care responses and environm ents. Dr. Morrissey current ly serves as president of the State

Society on Aging of New York; president -elect of the Public Health Associat ion of New York

City; chair of the Subcom m it tee on Palliat ive Care, Bioethical I ssues Com m it tee of the New

York City Bar Associat ion; co-chair of the Elder/ Health Law Com m it tee of the Westchester

Wom en’s Bar Associat ion, and Health Law Com m it tees of the Wom en’s Bar Associat ion of the

State of New York and the Westchester County Bar Associat ion. She is also Vice President of

the Westchester Public/ Private Partnership for Aging Services.

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Judith Dobrof, DSW , LCSW is Execut ive Director of Cancer Support Team ,

the only New York State licensed hom e care program that is solely cancer

focused and that offers free nursing, counseling and other support ive

services at any stage of the disease to those affected by cancer in lower

Westchester County. Dr. Dobrof oversees fundraising, operat ions,

regulatory com pliance, clinical services and program developm ent and has

expanded CST’s services to reach diverse populat ions throughout lower

Westchester. I n addit ion, Dr. Dobrof is Assistant Clinical Professor,

Prevent ive Medicine, I cahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Previously, Dr. Dobrof was in

the Departm ent of Social Work Services, Mount Sinai Medical Center, as a clinical social worker

and subsequent ly as Assistant Director of the Departm ent . I n addit ion, she was founding

director of the Caregivers and Professionals Partnership (CAPP,) a hospital-wide program to

st rengthen Mount Sinai’s responsiveness to the needs of fam ily caregivers. Dr. Dobrof received

a Social Work Leadership Award grant through the Soros Foundat ion’s Open Society I nst itute

Proj ect on Death in Am erica to evaluate CAPP’s effect iveness with fam ily caregivers. Most

recent ly, she received the Dr. Mary Ann Quaranta Dist inguished Leadership Award for her

effort s to increase palliat ive care services in Westchester and beyond.

Bruce Jennings, MA

Gretchen M. ( Gretchen) Flint , JD is Executive Director of John Jay Legal

Services at Pace University School of Law where she directs the Law

School’s client representation clinics and externships. Professor Flint teaches

Elder Law and supervises the Equal Justice America Disability Rights Clinic

in which law students represent elderly and disabled persons and their

families. Previously she was the Director of the Elderly Project at Volunteers

of Legal Service and Managing Attorney of the Legal Department of the New

York City Commission on Human Rights. She is co-chair of Westchester Residential

Opportunities. She is a graduate of Barnard College and Columbia University School of Law.

Recognizing the Value of MOLST and eMOLST

Patr icia A. Bom ba, MD, FACP is a nat ionally- recognized palliat ive care

and end-of- life expert who designs and oversees the im plem entat ion of

com m unity projects. Dr Bom ba is Director of Geriat r ics for Excellus

BlueCross BlueShield and is a m em ber of the Inst itute of Medicine’s

Com m it tee on Transform ing End of Life Care. She chairs the MOLST

Statewide Im plem entat ion Team and the Nat ional Healthcare Decisions Day

New York State Coalit ion,serves as eMOLST Program Director and New York

State’s representat ive on the Nat ional POLST Paradigm Task Force. She is

board cert ified in both I nternal Medicine and Geriat r ics and spent m ost of

her career in private pract ice caring for frail elders and their fam ilies and

caregivers. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Rochester and

the State University of New York Upstate Medical University.

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Developing a Palliat ive Care Toolbox for Pat ients, Fam ily,

Caregivers and Clinicians: From Meaning to Market

Dena Schulm an- Green, PhD is a gerontologist whose program of

research relates to palliat ive care and self-m anagem ent of serious chronic

illness. She earned a B.A. in Psychology from Boston University, an Ed.M

and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Colum bia University, and an

M.S. and a Ph.D. in Gerontology from the University of Massachuset ts

Boston. Dr. Schulm an-Green com pleted post -doctoral t raining in Oncology

and End-of-Life care at Yale School of Nursing, and joined the faculty as a

Research Scient ist in 2003. Her work focuses on elucidat ing the experiences

and self-m anagem ent pract ices of individuals with cancer and their fam ily

m em bers as they cope with cancer, and on developing and test ing

intervent ions to support self-m anagem ent .

Shelli Feder RN, MSN, FNP- BC is a doctoral student from Yale University

whose program of research focuses on palliat ive care in older adults.. She is

current ly em ployed as a nurse pract it ioner with the palliat ive care m edical team

at Connect icut Hospice I nc. Mrs. Feder was selected as a 2013-2015 Nat ional

Hart ford Centers for Gerontological Nursing Excellence Pat ricia G. Archbold

Scholar. Her research interests center on end-of- life and palliat ive care for older

adults with cardiac disease. Her dissertat ion will focus on the palliat ive care

needs of older adults with decom pensated heart failure. Mrs. Feder is an act ive

m em ber of the Sigm a Theta Tau Internat ional Honor Society of Nursing, and the

Nat ional Hart ford Centers of Gerontological Nursing Excellence.

I mplicat ions of Reflect ive Pract ice for Fam ily Caregiving

System s, Forensic Evaluat ion and Elder Abuse Report ing

Roundtable Moderator:

Frederick J. W ertz, PhD , Professor of Psychology at Fordham University,

received his PhD from Duquesne University in Phenom enological Psychology. His

scholarship focuses on the philosophical foundat ions, research m ethodology,

qualitat ive analyt ic m ethods, theoret ical problem s, cultural context , and

scient ific status of psychology. He has writ ten m eta-scient ifically about

psychoanalysis, cognit ive psychology, psychom et rics, hum anist ic psychology,

and qualitat ive research. With em pirical invest igat ions, he has cont r ibuted to

the developm ent of phenom enological research m ethodology. He co- edited

Advances in Qualitat ive Research in Psychology: Them es and Variat ions (1987,

Swets North Am erica) , edited The Hum anist ic Movem ent : Recovering the Person

in Psychology (1994, Gardner Press) , and coauthored Five Ways of Doing

Qualitat ive Analysis: Phenom enological Psychology, Grounded Theory, Discourse Analysis,

Narrat ive Research, and Intuit ive Inquiry (2011, Guilford Publicat ions) . He received the

Distinguished Teaching Award in the Sciences and the Outstanding Professor Award at Fordham, where he

chaired the Department of Psychology.

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Preserving Assets for the Long-Term : Financial and Legal

Considerat ions Frances Pantaleo, Esq., is a partner at Bleakley Plat t & Schm idt in White

Plains. Ms. Pantaleo handles a broad range of m at ters with a part icular

em phasis on elder law, special needs planning, guardianship proceedings

under Art icle 81 of the Mental Hygiene Law and Art icle 17A of the

Surrogate’s Court Procedure Act , draft ing and adm inist rat ion of special

needs t rusts, estate planning, draft ing of wills and t rusts, and estate

adm inist rat ion. She is a graduate of New York University Law School ( J.D.,

1979) , and City University of New York’s Brooklyn College (B.A., 1977)

(sum m a cum laude) . Ms. Pantaleo is the Chair of the Elder Law and Special

Needs Sect ion of the New York State Bar Associat ion and a m em ber of t he

Trusts and Estates Sect ion. She is a m em ber of the Nat ional Academ y of Elder Law At torneys

and is a m em ber and has served as past -chair of the Elder Law Com m it tees of the Westchester

Wom en’s Bar Associat ion and the Westchester County Bar Associat ion.


who has been a source of sound investm ent m anagem ent and

com prehensive financial planning for over 25 years. Anthony acts as a

fiduciary in all his work with clients, always put t ing his client ’s interests

ahead of his own. He is a fee-only advisor, accept ing no com m issions,

thereby m aintaining object ivit y in any investm ents he recom m ends.

Anthony was an educator and researcher at Fordham University for m any

years. He uses these skills to help his clients plan their financial future as

life offers new challenges and opportunit ies. Throughout his career, Anthony

has been act ive in organizat ions that seek to educate the Westchester

com m unity. He is past -President of the Financial Planning Associat ion (FPA) of the Greater

Hudson Valley and is act ive in the FPA’s pro bono work. He is also a long- t im e m em ber of the

Nat ional Associat ion for Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) , an organizat ion devoted to fee-

only financial planning.

I mplement ing MOLST: A Com munity Approach

Patr icia A. Bom ba, MD, FACP, Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield & Med Am erica

Sara But terf ie ld, RN, BSN, CPHQ, CCM, is I PRO’s Senior Director of Health Care Qualit y

Im provem ent and serves as Project Lead for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’

(CMS) 10th Scope of Work Integrat ing Care for Populat ions and Com m unit ies init iat ive. Ms.

But terfield is responsible for facilitat ing and m anaging qualit y im provem ent init iat ives

addressing the Nat ional Qualit y Im provem ent Pr iorit ies for Medicare beneficiaries, as ident ified

by CMS. Since joining IPRO in July 1998, Ms. But terfield has coordinated collaborat ive

partnerships with acute care hospitals, private physician pract ices and health care providers on

a cross-set t ing, m ult idisciplinary level to facilitate perform ance im provem ent init iat ives in

support of CMS’ project object ives. Ms. But terfield holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in

Nursing from Russell Sage College, Troy, NY. She received the Cert ified Case Manager

credent ial from the Com m ission for Case Manager Cert ificat ion and is a Cert ified Professional in

Healthcare Qualit y, through the nat ional Healthcare Qualit y Cert ificat ion Board.

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Christ ine Stegel, RN, MS, CPHQ, is a Senior Qualit y Im provem ent Specialist for IPRO, the

Medicare Qualit y Im provem ent Organizat ion for New York State, in cont ract with the Centers

for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) . Her m ost recent experience is facilitat ing cross-

set t ing partnerships between com m unity health care providers and service organizat ions in an

effort to im prove com m unicat ion and care coordinat ion as Medicare beneficiaries m ove

between care set t ings during t reatm ent of an acute or chronic illness. Her responsibilit ies at

IPRO also include collaborat ing with health care providers and indust ry stakeholders and

part icipat ing on the Care Transit ions Heath Care Qualit y Im provem ent Team .

She is knowledgeable of evidence based st rategies that can be used in an effort to reduce

“avoidable” 30-day hospital readm issions. Ms. Stegel has over twenty- five years of hom e

health care experience, inclusive of direct care delivery, m ult idisciplinary supervision,

perform ance im provem ent , and operat ions m anagem ent .

Fred Rat to, Jr , BA, Qualit y Im provem ent Specialist at IPRO, the Medicare Qualit y

Im provem ent Organizat ion

Kat ie Orem , MPH, is with the Excellus BlueCross BlueShield where she serves

as the geriat r ics and palliat ive care program m anager and the eMOLST

Adm inist rator for New York. She supports the evaluat ion and expansion of

geriat r ic, palliat ive and end-of- life care init iat ives internally, across New York

State and nat ionally, through collect ion of data and analysis of outcom es. Kat ie

has been working on advance care planning, palliat ive and end-of- life care with

Dr. Bom ba at Excellus BlueCross BlueShield since 2006. Kat ie received a Masters

in Public Health from Yale School of Public Health.

Palliat ive Care in the 21st Century: Br inging Palliat ive Care

Out of the Hospital and I nto the

Com munity

M. Carr ington Reid, MD, PhD , direct s Cornell’s Center of Excellence in

Geriat r ic Medicine and the Office of Geriat r ic Research housed in the

Division of Geriat r ics at Weill Cornell. Dr. Reid’s work over the past

decade has focused on the epidem iology and t reatm ent of persistent

pain disorders in older adults. This work has involved elucidat ing risk

factors for poor outcom es (e.g., declines in physical perform ance) , as

well as the developm ent and test ing of non-pharm acologic intervent ions

to im prove outcom es, with a part icular em phasis on behavioral

t reatm ent approaches for use by older adults with chronic pain. He

current ly serves as the Director of Cornell’s Edward R. Roybal Center for

Translat ional Research on Aging. The goals of t his center include: (1)

t ranslat ing the findings of basic behavioral, m edical, public health, and social science research

into t reatm ents, intervent ion program s, and policies that im prove the health and well-being of

older adults who suffer from or are at increased risk for pain; (2) prom ot ing t ranslat ion of

evidence-based pract ices, t reatm ents, and intervent ions across diverse venues to im prove

m anagem ent of pain; and (3) developing and test ing innovat ive m ethods, tools, and st rategies

that facilitate successful t ranslat ion of evidence into pract ice.

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Presenter Biographies – Conference Program

April 4 , 2 0 1 4

Palliat ive Care and the Future of Medicine

R. Sean Morrison, MD, FAAHPM , is Director of the Nat ional

Palliat ive Care Research Center, a nat ional organizat ion devoted to

increasing the evidence base of palliat ive care in the United States.

He is also the Director of the Hertzberg Palliat ive Care Inst itute;

Professor of Geriat r ics and Medicine; and Herm ann Merkin Professor

of Palliat ive Medicine in the Brookdale Departm ent of Geriat r ics and

Palliat ive Medicine at the I cahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in

New York City. During 2009-2010, he served as President of the

Am erican Academ y of Hospice and Palliat ive Medicine.

Dr. Morrison is the recipient of num erous awards, including a

Am erican Academ y of Hospice and Palliat ive Medicine PDIA Palliat ive

Medicine Nat ional Leadership Award, Excellence in Research Award, President ial Citat ion to the

Nat ional Palliat ive Care Research Center, and Visionary Award; the Am erican Cancer Society’s

Dist inguished Achievem ent in Cancer Award; the Am erican Geriat r ics Society’s Outstanding

Achievem ent for Clinical I nvest igat ion Award; the Open Society I nst itute Faculty Scholar’s

Award of the Project on Death in Am erica; a Paul Beeson Faculty Scholars Award; a Brookdale

Nat ional Fellowship; and a Faculty Council Award from the I cahn School of Medicine at Mount

Sinai. He is current ly Principal I nvest igator of an NIA funded five-year m ult isite study on

im proving the m anagem ent of pain in older adults. R. Sean Morrison received his BA from

Brown University and his MD from the University of Chicago Pritzker School Of Medicine. He

com pleted his residency t raining at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center followed by

fellowship t raining at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. He has been on the

faculty of the Departm ent of Geriat r ics and Palliat ive Medicine and Departm ent of Medicine at

Mount Sinai since 1995.

Moderator and Discussant

Falguni K. Sen , PhD , Director of the Global Healthcare Innovat ion

Managem ent Center at Fordham University’s Schools of Business, focuses

on how innovat ions happening globally can benefit m any count ries in

reducing the cost of healthcare and in increasing access. While his prior

work has been in the area of policy research in the globalizat ion of the drug

discovery process, he is current ly conduct ing research on m easures of

health outcom es that go beyond m easures of healthcare efficiency. Such

m easures m ay be used to study the im pact of innovat ions as well as

organizat ional changes such as consolidat ion of hospitals. Professor Sen is

also Professor of the Managem ent System s area at Fordham ’s Business

Schools and specializes in the st rategic m anagem ent of science, technology

and innovat ions, and has consulted with technology m anagers and R&D m anagers of m any

corporat ions in U.S., China, I ndia, Switzerland and I reland.

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Translat ion of Palliat ive Care into the Field of Medicine


Chr istopher P. Com fort , MD , j oined Calvary Hospital as Medical

Director in 1999. Calvary is the nat ion’s only fully accredited acute

care specialty hospital devoted exclusively to providing palliat ive care

to adult advanced cancer pat ients. Prior to Calvary, Dr. Com fort

pract iced general and geriat r ic m edicine from his pract ice in the Bronx,

NY. He has been an At tending Physician at num erous hospitals in New

York including Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, Morningside Nursing

Facilit y, Montefiore Medical Center Weiler Division, Westchester Square

Hospital Center, and Sound Shore Medical Center. He has been an

Inst ructor in I nternal Medicine and cont inues to serve as an At tending Teaching Physician at

Bronx Municipal Hospital Center. Dr. Com fort was graduated from Loyola Marym ount University

in Los Angeles, California and the St . Louis University School of Medicine. He com pleted an

Internship and Residency at Bronx Municipal Hospital Center and is board cert ified in I nternal

Medicine (1987) and Geriat r ics (1995) .

Fading Memories Become Eternal Artworks: The

Alzheimer’s Glass and Metal Project

Rosem arie Oakm an was born and raised in New York’s Hudson

Valley. Growing up she spent sum m ers and winters in London,

England where she com pleted several short courses at the prest igious

Cent ral Saint Mart in’s College of Art and Design. She is current ly a

senior at Alfred University pursing a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree

(BFA) with a m inor in Gerontology. Rosem arie is concent rat ing in

Metal Cast ing with a focus on cupola cast iron. Her deep love for the

elderly was m erged with her passion for m etal cast ing to form the

genesis of the “Alzheimer’s Glass and I ron Project ” (a ground breaking

cross generat ional com m unity arts project benefit ing the Alzheim er’s Associat ion) . She is

founder and director of this m ult ifaceted, landm ark program for which she was awarded Alfred

University’s 2014 Richard V. Bergren Jr. Student I nnovat ion Award. This Fall, Ms Oakm an will

begin a fellowship at Salem Art Works in Salem , New York where she hopes to establish the

Alzheim er’s Glass and I ron project as a not - for-profit organizat ion.

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Addressing Palliat ive Care for I ndiv iduals with Alzheim er’s


Mat thew Baum gart is the Senior Director of Public Policy for the Alzheim er’s Associat ion. His

port folio includes overseeing state governm ent affairs, the public health project with the

Centers for Disease Cont rol, and the Policy Developm ent Departm ent . Prior t o j oining the

Associat ion, Baum gart worked for nearly 18 years in the United States Senate. Most recent ly,

he was Legislat ive Director for Senator Barbara Boxer of California. Prior t o working for

Senator Boxer, Baum gart worked for over 10 years for then-Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr. of

Delaware, prim arily as Legislat ive Assistant for social policy issues, including health care.

Between his tenure in the Senate and his j oining the Alzheim er’s Associat ion in Septem ber

2009, Baum gart was the Associate Director of the Init iat ive on Financial Security at the Aspen

Inst itute in New York City. Baum gart is a nat ive of Seat t le, and has a degree in

Com m unicat ions, with a second m aj or in Polit ical Science, from Washington State University in

Pullm an, WA.

R. Sean Morrison, MD

Social Work Pract ice with LGBT Pat ients Facing End of Life:

A Cultural Perspect ive

Darren Arthur, MSW , LCSW , OSW - C is a bilingual, English/ Spanish,

pract it ioner with expert ise in oncology, palliat ive and end-of- life care,

m ental health, HIV/ AIDS and LGBT clinical pract ice. Darren current ly

works as an oncology social worker at Beth I srael Com prehensive

Cancer Center and as a group facilitator with Gilda’s Club New York City.

He is on faculty at NYU Silver School of Social Work teaching in the

BSW, MSW and post -graduate program s. Darren presents both locally

and nat ionally, and is a Cert ified Field I nst ructor supervising MSW

students. Darren has a Post -Master’s Cert ificate in Palliat ive and End-of-

Life Care and in 2011 was selected as a Fellow for the NYU Social Work

Leadership Fellowship in Palliat ive and End of Life Care. I n 2013 Darren was awarded the

Em erging Social Work Leader Award from NASW NYC - recognizing exem plary leadership

qualit ies, dedicat ion, and unique com m itm ent to the social work profession and im provem ent

of social and hum an condit ions. Also in 2013, he was awarded an AOSW Regional Conference

Scholarship. Darren sits on the NYU Silver School of Social Work’s Dean’s Advisory Council and

is a m em ber of the NYC “Living with Cancer” Conference Planning Com m it tee.

Pain and Sym ptom Managem ent

Christopher Com fort , MD

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Com municat ion Approaches: Explaining

Palliat ive Care to the Public

Bruce Jennings, MA

Lisa Morgan BA, is current I nterim and Chief Com m unicat ions Officer for

the Center t o Advance Palliat ive Care (CAPC) (2002-2012) . Specializing in

advancing the issues of palliat ive care and other difficult - to-com m unicate

healthcare delivery areas, Lisa Morgan understands the im portance of

developing sm art m essaging, bold posit ioning and cont rolling the larger

m edia debate. Lisa’s unique expert ise com bines deep experience in the

developm ent of palliat ive care and the issues of a healthcare system

facing the challenges of serious chronic illness. Her st rategic

com m unicat ions init iat ives helped drive palliat ive care from an unknown

field to one of today’s m ost im portant healthcare t rends. For t en years, Lisa Morgan developed

the posit ioning, language, m arket ing and com m unicat ions st rategies that helped define

palliat ive care for the U.S. healthcare system and the Am erican public. As Chief

Com m unicat ions Officer Lisa’s r igorous init iat ives targeted front line providers in m ajor

healthcare organizat ions, U.S. hospitals, health system s, the VA and Capitol Hill. Am ong her

accom plishm ents, Lisa Morgan m anaged all m arket ing and m edia relat ions for CAPC; led the

first public opinion research aim ed at defining and docum ent ing at t itudes and percept ions

toward palliat ive care; created the state-by- state report card on access to palliat ive care; and

successfully deflected hot - but ton crises such as the Terry Schiavo case and “death

panel” rhetor ic. She is also editor of The Case for Hospital Palliat ive Care and creator of

the pat ient and fam ily palliat ive care website, getpalliat

Christ ina Staudt , Ph.D. (Colum bia University) is Chair, Colum bia

University Sem inar on Death and co- founder and President , Westchester

End-of-Life Coalit ion. Her Board posit ions include Jansen Hospice &

Palliat ive Care and Cancer Support Team . Am ong her recent academ ic

publicat ions are the co-edited anthologies Our Changing Journey to the End

– Reshaping Death, Dying, and Grief in Am erica (Praeger-ABC/ CLI O 2013) ,

Unequal Before Death (Cam bridge Scholars Publishing 2012) , and The Many

Ways We Talk About Death in Contem porary Society (Mellen 2009) , for all

of which she cont r ibuted individual chapters. She has been a hospice

volunteer for over fifteen years, with a focus on assist ing the act ively dying and their fam ilies.

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The Rising Dove Program : Building a Comprehensive

Palliat ive Care Program in a Skilled Nursing Facility

Ger i Brooks, RN, MSN, GNP- BC, Vice President of Geriat r ics and

Program Developm ent at United Hebrew. Over 25 years of experience

as the Director of an outpat ient Geriat r ic Consultat ion Program which

included hom e visits, assessm ent and caregiver navigat ion. Graduate

from Pace University with Masters in Geriat r ic Nursing, board cert ified

Geriat r ic Nurse Pract it ioner, Cert ified Care Manager

with num erous appointm ents to m any com m it tees in Westchester County

and NY State including President of the Hudson Valley Chapter of NY

State Health Care Providers, Co-Chair of Westchester County Caregiver

Collaborat ive, Palliat ive Care Collaborat ive, Older Drivers, Long Term Care Council, Board

m em ber of Cent ral Westchester Geriat r ic Com m it tee, Westchester Public/ Private Partnership

board and Medicare Rights board to nam e a few.

Geri is current ly establishing program s across the United Hebrew cam pus to include a secure

dem ent ia unit , palliat ive care, hospice services and care m anagem ent .

Ela ine Healy, M.D . is Vice President of Medical Affairs at United Hebrew.

Dr. Healy supervises the m edical care of residents across a wide spect rum of

services including post hospital and long- term skilled nursing care and

collaborates with United Hebrew’s leadership in furthering it s long range

m ission and goals. Dr. Healy is board cert ified in the specialt ies of I nternal,

Geriat r ic and Hospice and Palliat ive Medicine and has pract iced in

Westchester for over 30 years; in addit ion to her clinical expert ise she has

been act ively involved in m edical educat ion, adm inist rat ion and leadership

throughout her career. Dr. Healy is a current m em ber of the m edical staff of

White Plains Hospital and of the teaching faculty New York Medical College;

she has served in leadership roles in the Westchester County Medical Society

and the form er St . Agnes Hospital. Dr. Healy is act ive in both the state and local chapters of

the Am erican Medical Directors Associat ion and has developed geriat r ic program s in several

local hospitals; she served as the Medical Director of The Sarah Newm an Center in

Mam aroneck since 2000.

Maria Hood, LCSW , ACSW , CCM , is the Director of Adm issions, at

United Hebrew in New Rochelle. I n addit ion to m anaging the adm ission

process, she works with the m ult idisciplinary team and represents the

facilit y in com m unity out reach events and part icipates in st rategic

planning init iat ives. Ms Hood received her MSW from Fordham University

in 1990. She has held the posit ion of Director of Social Work/ Discharge

Planning at White Plains Hospital from 2006-2012. She is fluent in

Spanish, and is a Cert ified Care Manager. She also holds a third degree

black belt in Karate.

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Legacy Building – Creat ing Memories in Pediat r ic Palliat ive


Gabrielle Grim aldi Bellet t ier i, MA, ATR- BC,LCAT,CGP, is a registered

board Cert ified Clinical Art Therapist , Licensed Creat ive Arts Therapist and

Cert ified Group Psychotherapist . Gabrielle current ly serves on the execut ive

Board of the New York Art therapy Associat ion as a Mem bership Chair.

Gabrielle im plem ented the clinically based art t herapy program at Maria Fareri

Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center in 2006. , and cont inues to

develop the hospitals m ult i- faceted art program and m aintain the

Contem porary Art Collect ion housed within the Children’s Hospital. Gabrielle

has studied the techniques of ancient m osaic m aking at the Scuola di Mosaico

in Ravenna, I talia and has im plem ented large scale group m osaic creat ion as a

com m unity building experient ial with the dual diagnosis adolescent populat ion as well as acute

pediat r ic care.

Tr icia H iller , MS, CCLS, is the Director of the Child Life and Creat ive Arts

Therapy Departm ent at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester

Medical Center. She has been a Child Life Specialist for 27 years. Ms. Hiller

holds a Bachelor ’s Degree in Therapeut ic Rehabilitat ion from Springfield

College and a Master ’s Degree in Children in Healthcare from Wheelock

College. I n addit ion Ms. Hiller is an Inst ructor of Pediat r ics, New York

Medical College. She serves as a clinical supervisor for Masters level Child

Life students from Bank St reet College of Educat ion. She serves on the

Bridge of Hope Pediat r ic Palliat ive Care Com m it tee and Team , the Cancer

Com m it tee, Medical Operat ions Com m it tee and she chairs the Pediat r ic Bereavem ent

Com m it tee. Ms. Hiller is on the Board of Directors of the Ronald McDonald House of the

Greater Hudson Valley.

Lauren N it toli, MS, CCLS, is a Cert ified Child Life Specialist at Maria Fareri

Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center and prim arily works with

the hem atology/ oncology populat ion as well as general pediat ric pat ients.

Lauren received her Master ’s in Child Life from Bank St reet College of

Educat ion in 2008. I n addit ion to providing psychosocial support to pediat ric

pat ients and their fam ilies, Lauren co- facilitates different therapeut ic group

act ivit ies including a developm ental play play/ m usic group for infants and

toddlers, and a weekly scrapbooking group for parents of preem ies at the

Regional Neonatal I ntensive Care Unit . Lauren is also an act ive m em ber of

the “Bridges of Hope” Palliat ive Care Team as well as the Pediat r ic

Bereavem ent Com m it tee.

Laurie Park ,LCAT,MT- BC, has been a board cert ified m usic therapist for

twenty- three years and has established m usic therapy program s in a variety

of set t ings. She is the Music Therapy Coordinator at Maria Fareri Children’s

Hospital at the Westchester Medical Center. Ms park is a m em ber of t he

Bridges of Hope Palliat ive Care Team and serves on the Bereavem ent

Com m it tee and the developm ental team for the NICU. She is a m entor and

supervisor for SUNY New Paltz Music Therapy Masters Program . Ms Park

presents regularly at conferences. She has advanced t raining in NICU m usic

therapy and Hospice and Palliat ive Care m usic Therapy.

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Jeannie Sw eeney MA, CCLS has been a Cert ified Child Life Specialist for the

past 26 years working in acute care facilit ies in several Child Life Program s

throughout the m et ropolitan area as both a Child Life Specialist and Child Life

Director. Jeannie has a Master’s Degree in Dram a Therapy from New York

University. Jeannie current ly works at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital with

General Pediat r ics and Hem atology/ Oncology pat ients undergoing stem cell

t ransplants. Jeannie is a m em ber of the Bridges of Hope Palliat ive Care Team

and Co-Chairs the Pediat r ic Mem orial Service Planning Com m it tee. Jeannie

coordinates the Poet ry and Creat ive Writ ing Program and Teen Mentor ing as

part of the Adolescent Program m ing at MFCH. Som e of her m ore successful

events are “Notes From a Hospital Bed” and “Lil’ Cham ps Burn Survivors


The New Front ier: Outpat ient Medical Group

Palliat ive Care

Maura L. Del Bene , APRN, NP- P BC, ANP, ACHPN , is a Nurse Pract it ioner and

the Associate director of Palliat ive Medicine at WESTMED. She is principally

responsible for program developm ent and clinical care of pat ients’ and their fam ilies

referred for palliat ive m edicine consultat ion. Her palliat ive m edicine pract ice

includes advanced pain and sym ptom m anagem ent , long- term planning and

advance decision m aking for pat ients who have been diagnosed with ser ious

illness. Ms. Del Bene was awarded a m aster of science in nursing from Colum bia University

School of Nursing. She is licensed in New York State as a nurse pract it ioner and holds

cert ificat ion with NBCHPN as an Advanced Pract ice Nurse in Hospice and Palliat ive Care and

ANCC cert ificat ion as a Psychiat r ic Mental Health NP. She is a m edical staff m em ber of

Lawrence Hospital Center, and is seeking privileges at Greenwich Hospital and White Plains

Hospital. She has specialized in neurologic illness including ALS, MS and m uscular dyst rophy.

She is a form er director of clinical program m ing at the Mult iple Sclerosis Com prehensive Care

Center at New York University School of Medicine.

Barney New m an, MD

Finding Meaning One Pat ient at a Time:

Mult idisciplinary Palliat ive Care in Home Care

I rene Edelm ann, RN, BSN has been working for the Visit ing Nurse

Associat ion of Hudson Valley since 2010. Since graduat ing from the

College of Nursing at Syracuse University in 1988, I rene has worked in

different areas of nursing including Crit ical Care and Telem et ry, but has

m ainly specialized in Psychiat r ic/ Mental Health Nursing. I rene has always

had a passion for providing nursing care which encom passes the

wholeness of the pat ient and which takes into account the physical,

m ental, psychological and spir itual needs of a person. While working for

the VNA of Hudson Valley in the Mental Health Program , a natural

collaborat ion unfolded with the Palliat ive Care Team . I rene considers it an

honor to work with this dynam ic and caring group of professionals.

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Linda Fraser, RN, BSN, CHPN, t rained as a nurse in England, and has

had broad experience in a variety of set t ings including the hospital

schools, indust ry and com m unity. Her passion is hospice and palliat ive

care where she has had m ore than 18 years experience. She worked at

Hospice Care in Westchester and Putnam for a num ber of years before

taking the challenge of becom ing the first palliat ive care nurse in VNA’s

fledgling Palliat ive Care Program in 2011. Linda has been inst rum ental in

developing the m ult idisciplinary care process in the hom e health care

set t ing, finding the work to be cont inually challenging as each pat ient and

fam ily m ust be m et where they are at , and care and com m unicat ion m ust

be individualized. Linda has presented on her work at nat ional and

statewide conferences. She is known for using hum or and storytelling to

help her pat ients cope with the challenges of an advanced illness.

Tony Susi ACSW , ACHP- SW , has over 25 years working in End of Life and

Hospice care in a supervisory and m anagerial capacity but also in the

provision of direct care services. He also has 20+ years as a cont ract social

worker for cert ified hom e health agencies such as the VNA of Hudson Valley,

providing short term therapy and long term planning to agency pat ients,

specializing with pat ients with life threatening illnesses. Tony Susi also holds

the posit ion of Director of Support ive Services at Calvary Hospital hospice

Program , where Tony oversees social work, pastoral care and volunteer

services. Tony worked for over ten years in New York City hospitals as a

m edical social worker pr im arily providing services to those with advanced

illness.Tony has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Pennsylvania State University

in Social Welfare and a Masters of Science in Social Work Degree from the

University of Tennessee School of Social Work.


Cornelia Schim ert , RN, BSN, has been involved in hospice and palliat ive

care for over 30 years. She was responsible for start ing two hospice

program s and was Adm inist rator of Hospice Care in Westchester and

Putnam for 14 years. She current ly holds the posit ion of Director of Business

Developm ent and Com m unity Relat ions at VNA of Hudson Valley, where she

was inst rum ental in developing the VNA’s com prehensive palliat ive care

program and the areas only Care Transit ions Program . Cornelia Schim ert

has consulted and lectured widely both internat ionally, nat ionally and locally

on interdisciplinary team s and other facets of palliat ive and end of life care.

Cornelia has consulted on developing palliat ive care program s and

part icipated on palliat ive care com m it tees. She volunteers with the

Alzheim er’s Associat ion, serves as President of t he Northern Westchester Geriat r ic com m it tee,

and is Vice Chair of the Collaborat ive for Palliat ive Care.

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Oral Health in the Palliat ive Care Pat ient :

Throughout the I llness Cont inuum

Rose Anne I ndelicato, MSN, ANP- BC, OCN, is the Nurse Pract it ioner for Palliat ive Care at

Montefiore-New Rochelle Hospital, I nst ructor in Medicine for New York Medical College and

clinical preceptor for the Prim ary Care/ Palliat ive Care Nurse Pract it ioner Program at New York

University’s College of Nursing. A graduate of t he BSN program at the College of New

Rochelle, she received her Master ’s in Nursing at Pace University and a Post Master ’s

Cert ificate as an Adult Nurse Pract it ioner from Adelphi University. Her cert ificat ions include

Oncology Nursing, Adult Nurse Pract it ioner and Advanced Hospice and Palliat ive Care Nursing.

Anne Johnston, MSM, ACNS- BC, CI C, is the Nurse for the Palliat ive Care Service at

Montefiore-New Rochelle Hospital. A graduate of the Bellevue School of Nursing, she received

a BS from the Nursing program at Pace University and her Master of Science (Nursing) at

Hunter College, (CUNY) . Her cert ificat ions include Clinical Nurse Specialist in Adult Health and

Infect ion Cont rol and Prevent ion.

A Journey of Grief: Depict ions of Grief and Human

Connect ion Through Classic Art

Stephen D. Krau, PhD, RN, CNE, received a BSN from Incarnate Word

University in San Antonio, Texas, and a MSN from St . Xavier University in

Chicago, I L. His doctoral preparat ion was com pleted at the University of

Tennessee, Knoxville. His dissertat ion focused on the experience of

pat ients with Im plantable Cardioverter Defibrillators, with an em phasis

on qualitat ive m ethods, part icularly existent ial phenom enology. Dr. Krau

has num erous publicat ions, and teaching awards including the “Circle of

Excellence Award” for Teaching, from the Am erican Associat ion of Crit ical

Care Nurses, and the “ I nnovat ions” award from the Tennessee Board of

Regent ’s. Since joining the faculty at Vanderbilt School of Nursing, Dr.

Krau has served as the coordinator of the Pharm acology and Adult Health content in t he

first year, pre-specialty program . He teaches educat ion courses in the DNP program , and

teaches cultural considerat ions in the Adult Nurse Pract it ioner program .

One Hospital’s Approach to Meet ing the Goals of the

Palliat ive Care I nformat ion Act

David C. Leven, JD , is the Execut ive Director of Com passion & Choices of

New York an organizat ion seeking to im prove care and expand choice at

the end of life. As an advocate for pat ients Mr. Leven has played a

leadership role in having legislat ion int roduced and enacted in New York

to im prove pain m anagem ent and palliat ive care including the Palliat ive

Care Educat ion and Training Act of 2007 and the Palliat ive Care

Inform at ion Act of 2010, which requires that term inally ill pat ients be

offered inform at ion and counseling on their palliat ive care and end-of- life

opt ions. Mr. Leven lectures frequent ly to diverse professional groups and

cit izens on pain m anagem ent , palliat ive care, health care decision m aking

and end-of- life issues.

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W endy S.A. Edw ards, MD, is the Director of t he Susan and Herm an

Merinoff Program in Palliat ive Medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital and is a

Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York Medical College. An early

educator and pract it ioner of Palliat ive Medicine, Dr. Edwards has also

served as the Chief of t he Sect ion of Palliat ive Medicine at St . Vincent ’s

Hospital Manhat tan and at SUNY Upstate Medical University Syracuse. A

graduate of Wellesley College and Medical College of Pennsylvania, she is

board cert ified in I nternal Medicine and Hospice and Palliat ive Medicine. Dr.

Edwards brings m ore than 25 years of prim ary care experience to the

pract ice of Palliat ive Medicine. Her specialt ies include pain and sym ptom

m anagem ent in the context of advanced or serious illness and im provem ent

of com m unicat ion between pat ients and their health care providers.

Fam ily Caregiv ing and Palliat ive Care: Aligning Theory,

Pract ice and Policy

Carol Levine directs the United Hospital Fund’s Fam ilies and Health

Care Project , which focuses on developing partnerships between health

care professionals and fam ily caregivers, especially during t ransit ions in

health care set t ings ( . She was editor of the

Hast ings Center Report and is now a Hast ings Center Fellow. I n 1993

she was awarded a MacArthur Foundat ion Fellowship for her work in

AIDS policy and ethics. She was nam ed a WebMD Health Hero in 2007

and a Civic Ventures Purpose Prize Fellow in 2009. She was co-chair

of the Fund’s Transit ions in Care Qualit y Im provem ent Collaborat ive

(TC-QuIC) . She edited Always On Call: When I llness Turns Fam ilies

into Caregivers (2nd ed., Vanderbilt University Press, 2004) , and with Thom as H. Murray, co-

edited The Cultures of Caregiving: Conflict and Com m on Ground am ong Fam ilies, Health

Professionals and Policy Maker ( Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004) . I n 2014 she published

two books: Living in the Land of Lim bo: Fict ion and Poet ry about Caregiving (Vanderbilt

University Press) and Planning for Long-Term Care for Dum m ies (Wiley) .

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We know that emotional memories are deeply etched and

can still be reached.

Contact Hearthstone



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In Memory


William Dawe

An Inspiration to Us All

Debbie Barish LCSW

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Edu ai g, Cou seli g, a d Ad o ai g to i pro e are a d e pa d hoi e at the e d of life

Fith A e ue

Ne York, NY


. o passio a d hoi esof .org

Co ept: CARE

… ri gi g health are ho e

Salutes the

Colla orai e for Palliai e Care

Co ept: CARE®


. o ept are . o

Hospital Pri ate Dut & Ho e Health Care Ser i es

RN’s, LPN’s, CNA’s, Ho e Health Aides

PRI S ree i g

Mai Street, White Plai s, NY

Li e sed NYS Dept. of Health – JCAHO A redited


The Ravazzin Center on Aging


The Collaborative for Palliative Care

for its leadership and making a

difference in the lives of individuals

and families.



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Maple A e White Plai s, NY

. .

.gildas lu est

Healthcare Social Worker’s Association

A edu aio al foru for so ial orkers i ol ed i geriatri health

are issues is proud to e a spo sor of

th A ual I terdis ipli ar a d

I terfaith Co fere e a out

Palliai e a d E d of Life Care

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The mission of the Zelda Foster Studies Program in Palliative and End of Life Care is to develop and mentor social work students and leaders in the areas of clinical practice, education, research, publication, and administration. The Program includes an MSW student Fellowship, a Post-Masters Certificate Program for early career MSW’s and a Leadership Fellowship for mid-career MSW’s.

For more information, please contact Dr. Susan Gerbino at

[email protected]

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North Broad a

White Plai s, NY


Fa : -

Legal Helpli e: -

.la .pa j

Sherwood Associates, Inc. Salutes the Collaborative as they

advocate for a better understanding of Palliative and End of Life Care

We are skilled and dedicated team of professionals providing Comprehensive care management services for elders and younger

individuals facing challenges. Our mission is to provide independence and enhance quality of

life while supporting the families and guardians assisting them.

West th Street

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I graitude to all our

Me ers a d Volu teers ho ade this

6th Co fere e a true

olla orai e efort

The Colla orai e for

Palliai e Care ould like to tha k Joh Jay Legal Ser i es of Pa e La S hool for their


With appre iaion to all the

Presenters and

Roundta le Dis ussants

for their


ontri uions to this

6th Conferen e

Spe ial thanks to

Ni ki Weiss, LCSW

for her oninued


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In memory of

Honorable Kevin J. Quaranta

The Quaranta Morrissey Family

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