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VOLUME 3: ISSUE 4 JUNE AD2021 VOLUME 6: ISSUE 6 The Arising News Worship Times: In-Person Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8:00am & 10:30am Live Streaming via Facebook - Sundays 8:00am All services transmitted in parking lot on FM 98.3 Parking lot communion distributed on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays @ 10:30am Adult Bible Study - Sunday 9:15am

The Arising News

Nov 12, 2021



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: The Arising News

V O L U M E 3 : I S S U E 4

J U N E A D 2 0 2 1 V O L U M E 6 : I S S U E 6

The Arising News

Worship Times: In-Person Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8:00am & 10:30am

Live Streaming via Facebook - Sundays 8:00am All services transmitted in parking lot on FM 98.3

Parking lot communion distributed on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays @ 10:30am

Adult Bible Study - Sunday 9:15am

Page 2: The Arising News

Inside this issue: The Gospel for June A Word from Pastor Licht Bible Studies Financials Biblical Stewardship Little Blessings Kids Connection VBS Registration MS/HS Youth LWML Parking Lot Pews & More Christian Care Upcoming Events Save the Date Flowers/Cookies Worship Servants Celebration Dates Membership Changes Dates To Remember Wall Calendar

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-13 14 15-16 16-17 18 19 20-21 22-24 25 26 Insert

Church Staff

Senior Pastor Rev. Brian Licht

Church Administrator

Stephen Smith

Business Manager Barb Grosskopf

Secretary Children’s Ministry Director

Leslie McCoy

Little Blessings Daycare Director Terrie Burkey

Organist Marilyn Luebbe

Music Director Maria Klein

Custodian Angela Stickel

Office hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-3:00

Church Administrator hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-3:00

Or by appointment

Business Manager Office hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs


Secretary hours: Tues, Thurs, Fri.

9:00-3:00 Wed - 9:00-2:00

Pastor Licht is off on Mondays

Page 3: The Arising News

June 5-6 - Mark 3:20-35 Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit 28 “Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, 29 but whoev-er blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— 30 for they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.” Mark 3:28-30

June 12-13 - Mark 4:26-34 The Parable of the Seed Growing 26 And he said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. 27 He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how. 28 The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. 29 But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.” Mark 4:26-29

June 19-20 - Mark 4:35-41 Jesus Calms a Storm 37 And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were break-ing into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” 39 And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 40 He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” 41 And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” Mark 4:37-41

June 26-27 - Mark 5:21-43 Jesus Heals a Woman And a great crowd followed him and thronged about him. 25 And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, 26 and who had suffered much under many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse. 27 She had heard the reports about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garment. 28 For she said, “If I touch even his gar-ments, I will be made well.” 29 And immediately the flow of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease. 30 And Jesus, perceiving in himself that power had gone out from him, immediately turned about in the crowd and said, “Who touched my garments?” 31 And his disciples said to him, “You see the crowd pressing around you, and yet you say, ‘Who touched me?’” 32 And he looked around to see who had done it. 33 But the woman, knowing what had hap-pened to her, came in fear and trembling and fell down before him and told him the whole truth. 34 And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.” Mark 5:24-34

The Gospel for June

The Parable of the Mustard Seed

30 And he said, “With what can we com-

pare the kingdom of God, or what parable

shall we use for it? 31 It is like a grain

of mustard seed, which, when sown on

the ground, is the smallest of all the

seeds on earth, 32 yet when it is sown it grows up and be-

comes larger than all the garden plants and puts out large

branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its


Mark 4:30-32

33 With many such par ables he spoke the

word to them, as they were able to hear

it. 34 He did not speak to them without a par able, but privately to

his own disciples he explained every-


Page 4: The Arising News

A WORD FROM PASTOR LICHT PAGE 3 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:4-5

Once again the winter months have given way to springtime and soon we’ll be feeling the heat of sum-mer. Plants that have appeared dead all winter have sprung back to life and we busy ourselves with yardwork and gardening. It’s our annual reminder of how we were once dead in our trespasses and sins but have now been made alive in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:5).

Like a branch separated from its vine, we were dead with no life in us. But then came a miraculous springtime rain that not only soaked us but grafted us into the One who is the True Vine—Jesus. We call that miraculous rain Baptism, and by it we were saved from being cast on to the burn pile of eternal damnation.

Remaining in Christ we continue to grow and sprout like the plants of Spring. In Christ, our Vine, we receive the sap of life—His Word and His Sacraments. His Gospel message of sins forgiven flows through us, producing fruit as we share that forgiveness with others. His own body and blood keep us united with Him and with our fellow branches who have also been grafted into the Vine. And living the baptismal life of daily contrition and repentance, we remain ever mindful of our in-grafting through bap-tism.

There’s a point at which every branch has its attachment to the Vine. Break off that connection and the branch withers and dies. The point of our attachment to the Vine is the place where Christ has promised to be present to nurture and feed the branches. That point is none other than the Church. It’s where His lifeblood flows into us through Word and Sacrament.

It seems particularly easy to think less of this point of attachment during the summer months. Our pres-ence with our fellow branches, soaking up life from the Vine lessens with our summertime activities and travels. And this past year, with our need to keep distanced from one another for health concerns, has led some of us to value our point of attachment to the Vine even less. It’s never a healthy condition for a branch to begin loosening its connection to the Vine.

Thankfully, our resurrected Lord, the Vine, takes no time off from nurturing His branches. During every season of the year, and through every season of life, He continues His life-giving work for us. The Church, the point of attachment to the Vine, remains for us—no matter the weather, no matter the cir-cumstances we face—be that poverty or riches, fear of pandemic or joy of life—through it all He is pre-sent and active to sustain us and keep us, not just alive, but bearing fruit, and not just fruit but much fruit. And so we sing:

Let the Vineyards be fruitful Lord, And fill to the brim our cup of blessing. Gather a harvest from the seeds that were sown, That we may be fed with the bread of life. Gather the hopes and the dreams of all; Unite them with the prayers we offer now. Grace our table with Your presence, And give us a foretaste of the feast to come. (LSB 955)

Pastor Licht

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Bible Studies

Join us for this Sunday morning Bible Study @ 9:15am

Lingering in the Lectionary The study continues...

Join us for a deeper look at each Sunday’s Scripture readings. We will explore how the lessons fit

together in a united theme for that Sunday and how they fit within the liturgy and the Church Year. Bring your questions and expect to

go home with a richer understanding of the lessons, including life applications.


New Member Class

Tuesday nights @ 6pm. If you are interested in joining our church or

know of someone who is, please contact Pastor Licht

or call the church office - 563-386-2342.

Page 6: The Arising News

“Every tithe of

the land,

whether of the

seed of the

land or of the

fruit of the

trees, it is the

Lord’s; it is

holy to the


Leviticus 27:30


Submitted by: Barb Grosskopf


Manage your church contributions right from your home!! Use our ONLINE GIV-ING link on our website.

Page 7: The Arising News

Men’s Ministry

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod LCMS Stewardship Ministry Newsletter Article – June 2021

“There are three conversions necessary to every man: the head, the heart, and the purse.” Attribut-ed to Luther, though yet to be located in his vast writings, this statement echoes what Jesus taught about hearts and treasures. He said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be al-so.” (Matthew 6:21; Luke 12:34) But which conversion comes first? I submit that the order is this: first the head, then the purse, then the heart. Let’s explore this topic. Our Lord Jesus Christ dwelt among us to save us. He took on our flesh, fulfilled the demands of the law in our place, became sin for us, and suffered torture and death on our behalf. He did this in order that we would be free from sin, death, and hell. He gives us what He accomplished through Baptism, Absolution, and the Lord’s Supper. And so, He doesn’t just do it for us but gives it to us. He makes what He did ours by making us His. Thus, we are called by His name: Christians. We have a new life in Him. Through the preaching of Law and Gospel, God grants us repentance, a changing of our minds. It is a conversion of the mind. We are called to turn away from our sins and turn toward Him for for-giveness, life, and salvation. For when God calls us away from something, He is, at the same time, calling us to something. And thus, He calls us to a new life, with new deeds. This is the conversion of the purse. Jesus said that “it is easier for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24) “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” No-tice that our hearts follow our treasures, not the other way around. As Christians, God calls us to invest our treasures in His Kingdom to ensure that the gospel is preached and the sacraments are administered. He calls us to share all good things with the one who teaches us the doctrines of Christ. He calls us to be generous in giving to the church, for it is more blessed to give than to re-ceive. So where is your treasure? If it is not invested in the kingdom of God, then the only response is repentance – a conversion of the heart – and to begin doing just that. And as our Lord promised, where your treasure is there your heart will be also. This is not to say that you earn your way into heaven. It is simply to say that as Christians, those who have been made to be temples of the Holy Spirit, who have been given a new life in Christ, who are dead to sin and now alive in Him, we are actually to live – think (conversion of the mind), do (conversion of the purse), and be (conversion of the heart) – a new life in Him. And when you fail, know that God in Christ loves and forgives you and still calls you away from that and to Him-self.


Page 8: The Arising News

“Every tithe of

the land,

whether of the

seed of the

land or of the

fruit of the

trees, it is the

Lord’s; it is

holy to the


Leviticus 27:30

“Proclaiming the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ

to children and their parents through a high quality child care program.”


The center has made it through the year with no huge issues with covid-19. We have learned a lot through our covid experience, and we will have a new normal from now on at the center. DHS and the health department has dropped the use of masks for the staff and children. We will not make anyone wear masks but will still offer masks if anyone is more comfort-able wearing them. All staff members have been offered the vaccine through the health department. The center continues to do the extra cleaning of the toys and equipment and furniture in the classrooms everyday and will continue until DHS and the health department says we can go back to normal cleaning.. We will continue to do our part of protecting all staff members and children. If anyone would ever like to read the information DHS passes on to us, please stop and we will give out a copy. We are having a summer school age program this year. If anyone needs care, please contact us. We still have a few openings. The center is looking at hiring a few new staff members. If anyone knows of someone in the childcare field, or is willing to learn about the childcare field, please have them con-tact us. The teach program through the state of Iowa is offering free college degrees for daycare staff to continue their education in childcare. If interested, please contact the center for more information. In Christ Terrie

Page 9: The Arising News

Kids Connection submitted by Leslie McCoy PAGE 8

Sunday School

Dates to Remember: *Father’s Day - Pancake Breakfast - June 20th

*Vacation Bible School - July 12-16 *Ministry Fair & Picnic - July 18th

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

What a blessing this year has

been! Even with all the obstacles and hardships of Covid, we have been able to

gather as children of God and learn about the love of Jesus! Thank you for letting us get to

know your child in Sunday school and the nursery. We can’t wait to see you all back

in September! God is Good!


If you have a heart for showing children about the love of Jesus and would like to serve in Children’s Ministry, contact

Leslie McCoy [email protected] or

text/call (309)230-4860.

Jesus Power Pulls Us Through! VBS is scheduled for July 12-16, 9am-noon. Children 3 years (must be potty trained) - 5th grade welcome. Suggested donation of $5/child. Join us for a week of singing, games, crafts, snacks, Bible buddies, friends and fun learn-ing about the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus and all with a fun train theme. Anyone interested in helping with VBS please contact Leslie McCoy. Registration available on the next page to turn into the office, or online at RCLCQC.ORG.

Page 10: The Arising News

July 12-16, 2021

9:00 a.m.-noon Ages: 3 (must be potty trained) through 5th grade

Suggested donation of $5/child

Come join us at 6021 Northwest Blvd. in Davenport as we learn that:

Jesus Power Pulls Us Through

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“HELPFUL SIN?” “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 (NIV) In the devotion for “Mugs & Muffins”, Pastor Licht asked when sin was helpful, something to consider, that it can bring a change of heart and mind, to do God’s will and to his glory. Further passages included II Cor. 5:17-21, that Christ became sin for us, suffered for us and arose for us, his chosen children. We are reconciled to God through Christ, thus we are forgiven by our Lord, we can forgive others, and that sin gets rid of sin when placed on Jesus. (Rev. 7:13-14)

NATIONAL LWML CONVENTION: After weeks and months of planning, the National LWML Convention is almost here. Three la-dies from Risen Christ, Michelle Warner, Rachel Luebbe and Tammy McKay, are finalizing plans to head to Lexington, KY, for the 39th Biennial Convention, June 24-27, 2021, for four exciting days and nights of worship, praise, voting, speakers, food, fun, laughter, etc. Highlights of the convention include voting for Mission Grants: they include 34 requests, ranging from “Light of Christ in Eastern Europe”, “Mission & Outreach to the Least of These”, “Bring the Inner City Children to Camp”, “Showing God’s Love in the International District”, to“Enhancing Multi-Ethnic Mission Effectiveness”, etc. In addition, the “Wake Up in the Word”, will also be held. They include, (Friday morning, 6:45-7:45am), “Be Still and Know” by Deb Burma; “The Race of Faith: Who’s Running?”, by Deacon-ess Rachel Jaseph: “Running the Race” by Shari Miller, and “Unshakeable: Standing on the Rock When Life Quakes Hard”, by Donna Snow. Saturday morning, (6:45-7:45am), “Finding Hope”, led by Deaconess Heidi Goehmann;, “Born to Run…Away, Reborn to Run with God”, by the Rev. John Heckmann; “Be Inspired! Four Habits for your Faith”, by Christina Hergenrader, and “Be Thou My Guide”, by Kaye Wolff. As in past Conventions, the four offerings have been designated for the following: Offering 1: 2021-2023 LWML Mission Goal; Offering 2: King’s Community Outreach in Fort Wayne, IN; Offering 3: Gifts for All God’s Children’s Connecting Kids to Christ Center in Detroit, MI; Offer-ing 4:POBLO International Ministries in Clinton Township, MI. Finally, as with prior conventions, there are numerous displays and exhibits to visit, along with free take home goodies, brochures of various Missions sponsored by the LCMS, plus the CPH store, the LWML store, LCMS University and Seminary representatives with which to visit, and many others. JUNE DATES TO REMEMBER: Thursday, June 6 6:30pm Ladies’ Bible Study Fellowship Hall Monday, June 14 3:30pm Quilt Assembly Fellowship Hall Tuesday, June 22 9:30am “Mugs & Muffins” Fellowship Hall Thursday, June 24-Sunday, June 27, 2021 National LWML Convention Lexington, KY “Running the Race…Looking to Jesus”


Submitted by: Paulette Waech

Page 15: The Arising News


Parking Lot Pews & More

Parking Lot Pews: For those who still need to remain extra vigilant during the pan-demic, you will be able to listen to our 10:30 Sunday services from the parking lot. The audio of the service will be transmitted on FM frequency 98.3 for you to tune in on your car radio.

For communion distribution (1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays of the month) we request that those desiring to receive the sacrament move their cars after the sermon to park in a line along the sidewalk, facing toward Northwest Blvd. (see diagram). The ele-

ments of the Lord’s Supper will be distributed in individual, prefilled and sealed containers. A seal is peeled back by the communi-cant to receive Christ’s body and another seal is peeled back to re-ceive His blood. The empty packages will be collected for reverent cleaning and disposal.

BRUCE HARFORD IS TURNING 90! Let’s help him celebrate with a card par-ty! Judy will provide cupcakes on June 13th after the 8am service and you can leave a card for him then, or send to: 26 Northwest Crossing Davenport, IA 52806. Thank you for helping make his day a special one!

Pew Attendant Wanted! As we have returned to normal attendance taking at our worship services, we find ourselves in need of someone to keep us stocked in sharp pencils and attendance cards in the pews. This can be done any time through the week on your own schedule. Any-one interested in serving in this way, please call the church office.

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2209 3rd Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201 (309) 786-5734

Men’s Shelter Meal Service

Where: 2209 3rd Avenue, Rock Island, IL

When: The fourth Thursday night of each month. Drop off at the shelter be-

tween 5:00- 5:30 pm

What: We provide a meal for 60-70 people.

Details: Meal items should be prepared ahead of time. We provide a tasty

nourishing meal (main dish, side dishes, dessert) and drop it off at the shel-

ter. We do not currently serve meals or have a devotional service due to


Thrivent members can apply for Thrivent Action Team dollars for each

date they help in order to defray the costs.

In a nutshell: sign up for a date, plan a meal, prepare it with love and

deliver it.

Contact Bryan Johnson (563)579-3334 or Sandy Sievert (563)349-4288 if

interested in helping prepare a meal or sign up at the kiosk in the fel-

lowship hall.

This is a great family or Small Group activity!

June 24th Scott & Sandy Sievert, Angela Franzenburg

July 22nd OPEN

Aug. 26th Luebbe

Sept. 23rd Warner

Page 17: The Arising News

Christian Care & Upcoming Events

The following summary of Christian Care’s impact on the Quad Cities was included in a thank you letter that we received for our donating of “Bring and Serve” meals (the full letter is posted on the bulletin board.): In a time of caution and quarantine in the fight against COVID-19, thank you for your gifts that help us continue the fight against homelessness and hunger. You are helping provide over 15,000 nights of shelter and almost 40,000 meals to hungry men, women, and children in our com-munity. Your support equips us to care for veterans, people struggling with addictions and mental health issues, and those experiencing pov-erty in the Quad Cities. Thank you for your support to help us care for a vulnerable community in the midst of challenging times.

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Upcoming Events PAGE 17

Our goal is 20 units. If we reach our goal, Little Blessings Day-care will receive $250.00 for supplies and additional funds for every unit over our goal. So many reasons to give! Sign up today to save a life!

Join us on Father’s Day for a pancake breakfast honoring our Dad’s, cooked and served by the women and youth of RCLC. Sign up at the kiosk to donate ingredients, serve and attend.

Fellowship Friday is back! Join in after lunch for dessert and refresh-ments. Bring something to share and spend an afternoon with friends!

Page 19: The Arising News

Save the Date

Mark Your Calendars. Dr. Kevin Anderson is coming July 14.

Kevin is an expert on the soft biological tissue being found in Dinosaur bones. He explains the many types now identified and what it means to our understand-ing of dinosaurs. He has also researched the many explanations that evolution-ists have tried to explain this away - saying that somehow biological tissue could last 65+ million years while buried in dirt. A fascinating topic for all.

Wednesday July 14, 7pm at Bethel Church, Rock Island, IL

for every unit over our goal. So many reasons

Trinity Lutheran Church - Davenport

Saturday, August 28, 2021 8:15am-3:15pm

The new federal administration has reimposed government policies at odds with historic Judeo-Christian positions regarding abortion, marriage, sex, and gender. More pressing than political matters is the wide spread confusion in American culture regarding sex, marriage and gender which greatly complicates Christian life and witness. This Seminar prepares Christians to advo-cate confidently, purposefully and positively for the biblical vision of human sexuality within their families and in the public square not merely on religious freedom grounds, but as a matter of common sense, compassion and human flourishing. See the flier on the kiosk bulletin board for more information.

Sunday, July 18th Look for more information and sign-ups coming soon!

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Beautify our Altar with flowers. Sign up at the kiosk.


Flower Chart for year 2021 is available on the kiosk in the fellowship hall.

When you have signed up to provide flowers for a certain date, please fill out the pink Altar Flower instruction sheet and turn it in to the office by the prior Sunday. The cost for a bouquet is $38 (slightly more if you wish to add special flowers).

Please make checks payable to RCLC Altar Guild.

Altar Flowers P A G E 19

Sunday Cookies

6/06 8:00 Dawn Luedtke 10:30 Jessica Welch

6/13 8:00 Judy Harford & Leslie McCoy 10:30 OPEN

6/20 8:00 Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast 10:30 -------------------

6/27 8:00 Grace & Dick Schrage 10:30 OPEN

Please sign up at the kiosk to provide or serve cookies or both. There’s

opportunity for everyone to serve in some way. Everyone enjoys treats & fellowship after Sunday morning worship

services. Call Leslie in the church office with any questions.

Page 21: The Arising News

Current Elder Assignments

Families with last names

starting with:

A-Bo - John Riedel

Br-Di - Stan Stanfield

Do-F - Reynold Waech

G-He - Rich Emory

Hi-La - Mike Botz

Le-Mc - Tim Welch

Me-O - Ron Borcherding

P-R, T - Jim Wegener

S - Dan Kloppenborg

U-Z - Jason Franzenburg


06/05 5:30 John Riedel

06/06 8:00 Jim Wegener

10:30 Tim Welch

06/12 5:30 Stan Stanfield

06/13 8:00 Reynold Waech

10:30 Jason Franzenburg

06/19 5:30 Tim Welch

06/20 8:00 Dan Kloppenborg

10:30 John Riedel

06/26 5:30 Stan Stanfield

06/27 8:00 Tim Welch

10:30 Jim Wegener

June Worship Servants

Sound & Video

06/06 John Riedel

06/13 Dave Luebbe

06/20 Scott Bosco

06/27 John Riedel

Altar Guild

Leslie & Maddie McCoy

Join the Altar Guild! Open

months include July & Novem-ber. Contact Margaret Miller, Dawn Curtiss or Pastor Licht if interested.

Page 22: The Arising News

06/05 5:30 Scott & Sandy Sievert

06/06 8:00 Andrew McDowell

James Luedtke

Scott Sievert

10:30 Jason Lehman

Bryan Johnson

Scott Sievert

06/12 5:30 Scott & Sandy Sievert

06/13 8:00 Dave Luebbe

Steve McCoy

Scott Sievert

10:30 Mark Neubauer

Travis Schwenneker

Scott Sievert

06/19 5:30 Scott & Sandy Sievert

06/20 8:00 Ian McCloud

Terry Warner

Scott Sievert

10:30 Allan Elias

Brad Johnson

Scott Sievert

06/26 5:30 Scott & Sandy Sievert

06/27 8:00 Andrew McDowell

James Luedtke

Scott Sievert

10:30 Jason Lehman

Bryan Johnson

Scott Sievert



Page 23: The Arising News


6/01 Laura Graap

Elsie Lehman

Melissa Meador

Mark Queen

6/03 Julie Morrison

6/04 Phil Cramer

6/06 Garry Gruenhagen

Abby Repp

6/07 Mila Duncan

Scott Miller

Becky Van Nice

6/08 Diane Borcherding

Ron Borcherding

Jordan Franzenburg

Joyce Miller

Kevin Moeller

Jen Morris

6/09 Julie Litke

6/10 Kali Gruenhagen

Gary Hentze

Konrad Mann

6/11 Alaya Zahringer

6/12 Dawn Curtiss

Dawn Emory

Sandy Sievert

6/13 Tyler Bryant

Bruce Harford

Danny LeCount

Keegan Widmeyer

6/14 Luke Sheppard

6/18 Robert Gabrilson

Trudy McLaughlin

6/19 Lori Van Sant

Richard Wassmer

6/20 Maggie Warner

6/21 Grace Schrage

Karen Wassmer

6/23 Hannah Segelhorst

James Queen

6/24 Evelyn Bauer

Gavin Dodd

Syam Mukiri

Jack Sheppard

6/25 Bryan Johnson

6/26 Nolan Bradley

Molli Johnson

6/27 Betty Keppy

Christi Queen

6/28 Teresa Avila

Vern Dirksen

Robert McAnelly

Ron Van Sant

6/29 Kelly Grosskopf

Page 24: The Arising News


6/17 Devon Owens

6/20 Roger Dodd

Tessa Bartell

6/23 Ron Gentz

6/24 Ron Borcherding

Scott Miller

Sandy Sievert

6/25 Shelly Hopp

Abbie Hopp

6/27 Marilyn Luedtke

6/28 Scott Bosco

6/29 Steve McCoy

Grace Schrage

6/01 Lisa Keller

Jack Sheppard

Ron Smith

6/02 Trudy McLaughlin

John Riedel

Alex Williams

6/04 Polly Emmert

6/05 Julia Ehrler

Rich Emory

Dawn Luedtke

Brenda Ross

Nolan Wittnebel

6/06 James Hergert

6/09 Stephen Smith

6/10 Emily Kundel

6/11 Robert Grove

6/12 Alyssa Petersen

Chris Rall

6/14 Beth Riedel

6/15 Laura Graap

Joe Rusch

Stan Stanfield

6/16 Gary Hentze

Page 25: The Arising News


6/01 Dick & Mary Jo Kelly

Robert & Marlene Milota

6/03 Patrick & Valerie Widmeyer

6/06 Ron & Kim Dippel

6/07 Gus & Mary Ruhnke

6/12 Brent & Melissa Zaehringer

6/14 Joe & Teresa Rusch

Joe & Pam Speer

6/16 Jonathan & Sarah Rasler

6/17 Reynold & Paulette Waech

6/20 Scott & Brianna Bosco

Mark & Leslie Drenth

Ben & Kayla Reller

6/24 Kelly & Barb Grosskopf

6/25 Danny & Donice LeCount

6/26 Gene & Mary Reisner

6/27 Jeff & Terrie Burkey

6/30 Tim & Jessica Welch

I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine. Song of Solomon 6:3

Page 26: The Arising News

If you have changed address, or know of another member who did, but may not have informed us, please either remind that person to get us the new information or supply it yourself. Thank you for helping us keep in touch with our treas-ured members.

Membership Changes PAGE 25

Congratulations to Maggie Warner!

Maggie has accepted a call as a DCE,

Director of Children's Ministry at

Immanuel Lutheran Church in St. Charles, MO.

please remember in your prayers:

Will Lauth - Diagnosed with Cancer Todd Hafner (brother of Lynette Licht) - Hospitalized with Covid Duane Amhof (nephew of Roger & Cheri) - Heart Complications Due to Covid Mark Carlson (brother-in-law of Grace Schrage) - Recovering from Cancer Surgery Terrie Burkey - Recovering from Knee Surgery Joe Rusch - Recovering from Surgery Bruce Harford - Recovering from heart procedure David Hentze (brother of Gary Hentze) - Undergoing Cancer Treatment Mary Ellen Hafner (Lynette Licht’s mother) - Awaiting Tests Randy Lineburg - Treatment for Cancer Vernon Vance (Grandfather of Scott Bosco) - Beginning treatment for lung cancer Nancy Bosco (Grandmother of Scott Bosco) - Beginning treatment for lung cancer Tim Curtiss - Awaiting Tests Donna Cook - Recovering from Hospitalization Tiffany Kraklio - Recovering from Spinal Surgery Rhonda Whitney (Leslie McCoy’s sister) - In ICU with Covid Dorothy Bargmann - Hospitalized

Entered the Church Triumphant

May 7 - Shirley Hazen

Page 27: The Arising News

06/01 Tues. 6:00pm New Member Class - Weekly

06/03 Thurs. 6:30pm Elders Mtg

6:30pm LWML Bible Study & Mtg

06/05 Sat. 7:00am Workout—Weekly

7:30am Men’s Bible Breakfast

06/10 Thurs. 6:00pm Church Board Meetings

7:30pm Church Council

06/14 Mon. 3:30pm Quilt Assembly Group

06/20 Sun. 9:15am Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast

06/22 Tues. 9:30am Mugs & Muffins

06/24 Thurs. 5:00pm Christian Care Meal

06/25 Fri. 12:30pm Fellowship Friday

07/01 Thurs. 6:30pm Elders Mtg

6:30pm LWML Bible Study & Mtg

07/03 Sat. 7:00am Workout—Weekly

7:30am Men’s Bible Breakfast

June - Dates to Remember


Page 28: The Arising News


You are the way; through You alone

Can we the Father find;

In You, O Christ, has God revealed

His heart and will and mind.

You are the truth; Your Word alone

True wisdom can impart;

You only can inform the mind

And purify the heart.

You are the life; the empty tomb

Proclaims Your conqu’ring arm,

And those who put their trust in You

Not death nor hell shall harm.

You are the way, the truth, the life;

Grant us that way to know,

That truth to keep, that life to win

Whose joys eternal flow.

LSB 506