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Mar 08, 2016



Fidel Tshivhasa

A christian magazine that seeks to promote the love within the christian community.
Welcome message from author
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...A word from the Editorial Team

On behalf of Downtown Pretoria Church of Christ, it is with great pleasure that

the editorial team is presenting you with the first issue of what is going to be our bimonthly e d i t i o n of ‘The Archangel’. Our aim is that through this magazine your life will be spiritu-ally enriched and transformed for the glorify-ing of the Father as well as the edification of the saints. In preparing this first issue the editorial team has been captivated by a great sense of an-ticipation and excitement for its launch. Please be part of this great endeavours in making a mark for the Archangel’s first launch, and a promise of many fruitful ventures to come. With your full support, and faithful assurance, anything is indeed possible. God bless you!

At the outset, we felt a sense of urgency to begin with a brief introduction of this magazine, The Archangel. Archangel is a term meaning an angel of high rank. The Hebrew word for angel is “malach,” which means messenger, for the angels are God’s messengers to perform various missions. Our philosophy of the Archangel is to primarily stay true as an anchor of the Christian tradition of spreading God’s word through various forms of teach-ing, praying, worship, and the encouraging and continuous fellowship of the community of believers. In other words we are God’s special messengers. We are God’s mouthpiece: Mal. 2:7- For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, because he is the messenger of the LORD Almighty and people seek instruction from his mouth. NASV2 Tim. 4: 2- preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. 5- But you, be sober in all things, endure hard-ship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry. NASVCol 4:3 - And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. NIV

By virtue of preaching the word of God, we take on the unique role of appointed messen-gers of God’s celestial message.

1 Pet 2:9: But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the Excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvellous light; - NASV

The magazine functions as a special messenger encompassing the Christian message through the church’s outreach programs (ministries), which cater for both the believers and unbelievers. Therefore the title Archangel is coined on its value.

From Right: Rofhiwa Netshiavha, Fidel Tshivhasa & Fulufhelo Ralioma

an introduction to the Archangel

“the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step“ - confucious01


Table of ContentsFacebook & Interactive corner 2ARTICLES:Creating Better Relationships 3-4 Financial Management 5Maximize You Ministry 6The Advantage of Education 7-8 Archangel Interviews 9-12Events & Picture Page 13Arch-Code Competition 14Sunday School Corner 14Upcoming Events 15Featured Poem/Church Location/contacts 16

/interactive corner FOR MORE on Church information and activities visit:

FOR MORE FB comments check:



partner because of spe-cial qualities or charac-teristics that you admire and appreciate. You need to focus on those qualities--rather than on the things that need “fixing”--in order for the two of you to grow into a strong relationship

2. Never give up your unique character – Maintain your unique characterWhen God created the first human relationship, He made sure that he used two different peo-ple with complete differ-ent characters in order to create “suitability” between them. God has put a different charac-ter in a man in order to match perfectly with a different character in a woman. It is very much sad to realise that there are people who quickly

By Stanley Netshiya

In our quest of becom-ing better in life, we are

also faced with a reality of relationships and its chal-lenges. These relation-ships have an impact in building or stalling our growth rate towards be-coming better. This article is prepared with you in mind, preparing you for a better relationship. Check some of building blocks of a better relationship

1. Your partner’s behaviour in a better rela-tionship is not your part-ner’s true essence.You were born pure and perfect. You then learned behaviours from your parents, teacher, coaches, church etc. (who did their best to teach you about the best kind of relation-ship to have). These be-haviours have become the backbone for your way of living, and inform how you think about your rela-tionship.

To illustrate, consider a common behav-

iour that can irritate the day to day smoothness of a relationship, such as leaving the toilet seat up. This is merely be-haviour; it is not the essence of the person who commits the act. Remember this differ-ence, because focusing on behaviours rather than the core of the per-son can lead to constant worry about your com-patibility. Loving every last thing about your partner is simply unre-alistic. Therefore creat-ing a better relationship is not about pushing a person to change certain behaviours but focus-ing on the core person. These behaviours will change over time with-out you stressing about them. You love your

Creating Better Relationships

“never give up your unique character”



changes their true iden-tity and character in or-der to attract or impress their partners. These are the people who lat-er will “change” their character after the have you as a marriage part-ner. Your partner must learn to appreciate you as you are and he/she should enjoy your spe-cial and unique charac-ter. There is no need to have a clone of your self because better relation-ships require some va-riety in personality and character. A strong rela-tionship is based on the unique qualities of you and your partner. When you give up your unique qualities you rob your-self of the passions that comprise a creative and loving relationship

3. In a better re-lationship there are no superior partners, just equal partners.Better relationships are not built through instill-ing fear in your partner or imposing yourself to her/him due to any kind of advantage. In a love relationship, we speak of equality regardless of your financial status. If you find that you are al-ways apologetic in your relationship and your partner seems to be the

driver of this relation-ship, you are heading to a challenging marriage setup. Better relation-ships are built from trust and respecting your partner for whom she/he is and not make them feel like they are plead-ing or begging for your love.

4. Love in a better relationship is active not passive.You will NOT create a loving and better rela-tionship if you decide to seat back and expect your partner to do all the work. Better relation-ships require compro-mise and sacrifice from both partners in order to shape the relationship of your choice. You need to actively take part in shaping your relation-ship. Learn to be proac-tive rather than reacting to what your partner does because this sug-gests that you are not up-front about your re-lationship. Every rela-tionship requires qual-ity time in order for it to grow and such must be created by both partners.5. Lack of com-

munication crushes your chances at achieving a strong partnership.Strong communication in-volves learning to under-stand your partner and also be willing to be under-stood. Your views and feel-ings can only be heard and appreciated if you express them without any fear of loosing your partner.

The dating and courtship days are the perfect

days of truly expressing yourself so that your part-ner can fully understand the person you are and learn to appreciate you as you are. Many people be-lieve in body language as an expression of their ap-proval or disapproval of certain ideas. Though there is nothing wrong with this method of communication, it can be strongly advis-able that you truly express yourself other than just “quietly” leaving the rela-tionship. If this is your pre-ferred method, how many relationships are you going to go through before you get the right one? Learn to communicate and relax be-fore your partner.<

04“An open rebuke is better than hidden love”- PR 27:5


Recently during a discussion in my classroom, I asked my

students to give me their financial goals. I was very interested in the two answers I received from one of them. He called one spiritual and the other general. The spiritu-al one was very vague and gener-al; it had no specifics in it whereas the general and non- spiritual one was very specific with measures as well. He wanted to make at least R2 million within two years from his business initiatives.

This directed me to one of the most misinterpreted scriptures in the Holy Book, 1 Tim (the love of money is the root of all evil). There are so many Christians today- youth in particular- who lack business ambitions and are struggling through life because they are scared that having mon-ey or wealth is very evil and goes against the will of God. They go through life with confusion of not knowing whether it’s good or not to have money. The few that have it are not enjoying their money because they are looked at as the worst sinners with no chance or hope of eternity. Youth need to work to acquire income to sup-port them. Because many of our youth are receiving income each month, it is very important to look at the financial control mech-anisms which can be helpful in their lives.

Budgeting: (Luke 14:25-26 & 16:10)

If you don’t respect the cents then you will struggle to re-spect the Rands. This statement calls us to be accountable for every cent that we have at our disposal. If you cannot account for the income/money at your disposal, then you are destined for financial shortfalls. The only way you can account for every cent you have, is if you keep and fol-low a regular budget. Many youth don’t make a budget; they live from hand to mouth. Budgeting demands that you become disciplined in your spending; it demands that you become aware of your needs and allocate their money’s worth accordingly. Search for a good budget template and familiarize yourself with it, but more im-portantly follow it. You will fall out of your budget every now and then, but don’t be discouraged by that, remain disciplined and consistent and you will reap the rewards of keeping and following your budget. You will learn to know where all your money is going and you will also learn to live within your means.

Investment: (the story about the ants collecting and sav-ing food)It is a tragedy that South Africans are known for not sav-ing/investing. We live each day from hand to mouth. God encourages us to think about tomorrow, today. This is to say we must save something today to use tomorrow when we need finances. You need to familiarize yourself with different investment options out there, get as much advice as you can from the learned brethren and professionals.

God wants us to be rich, He has given us power and au-thority to rule and guide the world and this also includes matters of finances. Unless we keep a regular budget and also discipline ourselves to investing at least 10% of our monthly income, we will never realize the financial free-dom that few disciplined and committed life students are enjoying.

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTBy Tshifhiwa Nematswerani



This year marks 10 years of the es-tablishment of Downtown Church

of Christ. As we celebrate our achieve-ments of the last 10 years we also need to pause and reflect and make this call-maximise! Having adopted a theme for the year “Becoming A Better You” in essence we’re saying, let us raise the bar, let us maximise the ministry.

The Book of Luke 10: 30-37, there was a theological debate between Jesus and an expert in the law; in my view the debate was all about ministry. Let me say that ministry happens when di-vine resources meet human needs, I’m even reminded of a story of an old lady who stayed alone in an apartment in one of the flats. She would telephoni-cally order medicine and get them to deliver it. When asked why waste so much money on telephone and delivery costs while the pharmacy is just at the ground floor? Her response was, I love it because when I use the telephone they send somebody with the medicine. See this old lady who took advantage of the ministry that was there and available.

Let me say that we’re all ministers. That’s what God called us to be the day we made our confessions and got bap-tised. We automatically became minis-ters or servants. There are points I like to share about ministry and especially about “Becoming A Better Ministries” (About maximising our ministries ac-cording to Luke 10:30-37)

RECOGNIZE THE NEED: This is ex-actly what the Samaritan did, he saw someone in need. Ministry is about see-ing the NEED.

REARRANGE YOUR SCHEDULE: See this Samaritan took time out from his schedule/journey to assist and do something. ‘Don’t just sit there and look, do something!’

RUSHED TO THE SITUATION: There has to be a sense of Urgency, hence the Gospel call, is an urgent call.

PERSONALLY INVOLVED: This Samaritan Ministered first.

SENSITIVITY: Verse 34- says he poured oil and wine on the wound. When we minister a certain level of sensitivity is required. We must remember that a church is a hospital not a hotel. We have wounded people and our ap-proach to them must be inspired and joyful (oil speak of the holy spirit, while wine speaks of joy, there must be joy as we preach the Gospel, there must be Joy as we minister)

TAKE TO A PLACE OF SAFETY: The Samari-tan took this wounded man to a place of safety. We need to make sure our church becomes a place of safety.

PARTNERSHIP: The Samaritan partnered with the right people. May I ask: who is part-nering with you? Bear in mind, Jesus sent his ministers two by two.

RELEASED SOME MONEY: The Samaritan paid for the care and promised to pay for more or again. You might not be called to mission work or ministry, but you have a role to play. Ministries need money.

RECOMMEND: Jesus said “Go and do like-wise” In ministering to others, you will always be recommended, so let’s go out this season and maximise our ministry out there!

MAXIMIZE Your MinistryBy Dimpo Motimele

06“Those who criticize our generation forget who raised it”


What you are witness-ing today is not a

victory of a group of few individuals, but a celebra-tion of consecutive victories over many years achieved by a host of young peo-ple. They have at different times sought to question the dogma of the time in or-der to make improvements in the way they worship. These young people have come from far and near to advance their education and careers. The church of Christ at Downtown Pre-toria is a good example of how well education can in-fluence our worship.

Our Technical Ministry has taken advances in world technology and comput-ing to enhance the way we communicate as a church and the way we spread the gospel. These young men and women behind the min-istry understand that such technologies can cater for the church’s needs. We can

say that for these young men and women education has not only made them better, but has also made them better worshippers. It has impacted the way they interact spiritu-ally and in their service to the church. Moreover they have generally made the church better in meeting its responsi-bilities to its members and society.

In the book of Genesis 1:26, God said that men should rule the earth as in taking care of creation. Thus man has been given a responsibility of taking care of every-thing else including proper care of himself. This says that men have the power, the intellect and wisdom to do such things. Therefore should man not take care of such things, then man is at fault, and is neglecting his responsibilities. Man should take care of the river, the mountains, the for-ests, the animals, the atmosphere and mostly himself. This is a huge responsibility that requires you and me to not be lazy.

We should all be at the forefront of Geography, Botany, Medicine, Economics, Accounting and Technology in or-der to take care of these responsibilities. In the same book of Genesis 4:20, we see the mentioning of further division of labour when those who are to deal with steel, those to deal with music and those to deal with agriculture are ex-plicitly mentioned as to be having fathers in this book. This suggests that everyone must use the talent that God has given them to assume their role in these many fields. As such we collectively take care of what God has entrusted in us. Without argument, that is not a choice for Christians, because it is fulfilling the Law of God.


07 “Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude”


We do not need to be forced to take care because we have to eat, but because the ruler ship responsibility preceded the “work” punishment. You would realise that though at a macro level we might be expected to excel in few disciplines yet at micro level we are all expected to practice these disciplines as expected of us. Each of us at a personal level need to do some accounting on our finances, we need to apply medical science on our body, we need to do some economics on our need for prioritization. We need to apply some industrial engineering techniques as in having an integrated approach in meeting our individual needs for our own good. That makes us a better youth and better people.

Economic Science explains itself as a science that seeks to come up with better ways of meeting our unlimited wants with limited resources. This says to us, those resources that we have which need prioritization need attention as to how it is distributed. If we are to analyse life we would realize that our individual time on earth is diminishing as we grow up while our responsibilities increase. There is another proverb that says, “Time lost will never be regained”, though this sounds unreal, yet very true. We have already lost a lot of time and we need to begin to use our time wisely as young people who build themselves a foundation when the sun still shines.

The truth of the matter is that the foundation of life is built when we are young, and we still have an opportunity to influence that foundation, which then dictates how our lives con-tinue onwards. Without proper education we will make our lives, our children’s lives, our families’ lives, the church administration, and the government’s work extremely difficult. Mostly we will have neglected the God’s command.

In The Sunnyside Homecell, we love reading from Luke 9, which brings to light how we need to utilize our talents. The chapter states that God’s love is that we make profit of the talents we have. God’s love is that we become a better youth. Therefore let us make sure that we succeed in that. I love expressing that young people are radical, strong, have time and young people can go far.Let me now say that after ten years of Downtown Pretoria Church of Christ, let’s begin another legacy; the legacy of young people who are strong Christians, young people who are at the forefront of their educational courses and young people who are exemplary in every way. Hence Downtown will be the best place to achieve these goals. God Bless!

08“Education is the most powerful tool which one can

use to change the world” - Nelson Mandela


Chatting UP ... with:Dziphathutshedzo MatamelaThe conversation began on an early Sunday morning. Catching up with this young man’s highly enthusiastic energy is no walk in the park. But it was worthwhile and only reward-ing...just keep reading and you’ll find out why this self-proffessed man of class, with a luminous career ahead of him, is just too classy to ignore. Archangel interviews:

A- Who are you?D- My name is Dziphathutshedzo Matamela. I’m a young Christian born in Venda. I passed my Matric in Mbilwi Secondary school, after which I came to live in PTA for school. I’m a sports fanatic, and I like to keep up to date with world events. (He says while nodding- indicating he takes pride in himself thus far)

A- What is your reason for coming to Pretoria? D- Well... (he ponders with a confident tone)I came to Pretoria to further my studies at TUKS (University of Pretoria), there I’m studying Accounting Science. I wanted to change from normal routines to something completely different- I’m more of a corporate guy, you know!

A- Why Downtown? D- (He takes pleasure in answering this one as someone who takes pride in every strand of himself- his smile widens his cheekbones even more) When I got here, it was the first place I was introduced to by my sisters. I like the Downtown environment; people here are friendly, they’re always smiling and vibrant. It’s very welcoming, I must say.

A- What don’t you like about Downtown? D- The circles! (He delivers a bellyful punch on what seems like an assuring answer not only he can identify with) The thing is I had to break into the social circle. Believe it or not, it took me about 8-9 months to break into that social Downtown scene. It’s not easy I’ll tell that much, because groups are never easy to break into.

A- What would you like to see done different? D- Students come here a lot; we should keep a useful record of this folks. Appoint people who will track record of every movement on people, where they stay, what they do. (He blushes while Rofhiwa interrupts his flow). But anyway ...Yeah, I think that’s what should be done!

09 “When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends”


A- Memorable moments in Downtown? D- I’ve been here for a year and 5 months (17 months), and the Grand opening was the day that stood out for me. It was fantastic! (An assuring answer)

A- What are your current dreams? D - Academically: Get my degree and complete my qualification. After that would be to get a satisfactory job that meets all my needs. - Generally: (he leaves interview to attend church responsibility. It was a Sunday service and it could only be fair that he displays a level of integrity that runs with his well nour-ished and mannered charm. He reserves the interview to continue after church)...Contin-ued- Helping others and getting involved in community projects, it’s kind of like giving back to the community for me.

General likes: Favourite car: don’t have a specific car in mind, but anything by Mecedez- why because

it’s classy. Class...!! (He sasses the word like a man of class)- Favourite Food: I’m very old school so I prefer pap and chicken...Yes!!! (He does it again, something must have happened during the church service because his level of confidence and self awareness was up another level compared to the morning session)- Favourite Church and general Songs: At church there’s a song called ‘when the trumpet of the Lord’. Generally, I just like deep house...end of story!

A- Favourite bible verse and why? D- Romans Chapter 8: because it’s about spirituality, the distinction between

spirit and physical living.

A- If you lived in Bible times which character do you see yourself as and Why? D- I’d say King Solomon because of his wisdom...only that part! The way he could solve problems with his wisdom was recorded and illustrated to be amazing. Also king David for his bravery, I mean he was a kid and he wanted to fight in the war, plus he faced a giant and never ran. That was just courageous. But that’s all...(I nearly asked him if that was the only reason, knowing David to be a man of many conquests, but Dziphathu covered himself well with the final statement)

A- If you were to be written in the bible, what would they say about you? D- I’d like them to talk about my background, how I came to be a Christian, the pro-cess of how I make a transformation of what, to where, and how I did it. Though the bible is absent about certain details, I believe that’s how we have contradictions. I’d like them to be specific about how I grew, covering every aspect of my Christian life.

A- Favourite bible character? D- Joshua!

That was that. Archangel’s interview ended with the busy young man rushing to yet another station point on another busy Sunday. But we thank him for giving us his time, and when you bump into him along the road, be sure to say ‘hey King David! We hope you achieve all your dreams with the Wisdom of Solomon and a classy Mercedes Benz. Nice!!’



Archangel concur-rently decided that the interview will take place at the spa-cious comfort of Fi-del’s place. So we broke the ice with a little take away snack box of chicken to bite while we mingle to-gether. So she cooked pap to go with the

lunch, and man, can she cook! After our small Sunday after-church fellowship, we began the interview. She sat on the executive chair, poised like a lady; a manner that gave the impression that we ought to be straight to the point on the matter, because she was a bit nervous.

A- Who are you?R - I’m Ronewa Ramaano. (That was it; she is very frank and straight to the point) I’m 25 years old. I come from Vondwe in venda, but I was attending Tshidimbini Church of Christ. I like socialising and I have many friends. (She takes her time to reflect on her answers) I’m very emotional, so I cry easily and I love cooking. I love to play netball as well - I played it since high school.(She says the last blushing. But it isn’t a wonder she’s keenly involved in the success of the Fellowship ministry. It was all but a blissful confirmation of the satisfying lunch we’d just had- so we needed no further convincing of that).

A- What is your reason for coming to Pretoria? R - Because of school.

A- Why Downtown?R - First time I came, I was introduced by Farwi. I found Downtown to be interesting. People were young and dedicated. It’s always good to be around a positive environ-ment.

Chatting UP...with: Ronewa Ramaano

11 “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to


A- What don’t you like about Downtown?R- Gossips, they can cause someone to stop coming to church, especially those who are weak in their faith. Most people, depend-ing on whom, don’t like to be spoken about a lot. It would be better not to gossip about someone, rather just confront the person; that way they won’t hear it from others. If I’m having a problem with the next person, I should learn to just deal with the person myself rather than talking to someone else about it.

A- What would you like to see done differ-ent? R- I would like to see Downtown having its own full-time resident preacher.

A- Memorable moments in Downtown?R- When I went to Warmbaths with the la-dies on a Ladies Fellowship Outing; we en-joyed a lot, we had a braai, and we danced like crazy. Most importantly it was a spir-itual fellowship. Also when we went to Magnolia outing when I ran so much that I tripped and took the last position. It was so embarrassing, but fun!

A- What are your current dreams? R- Academically - I’d like to see myself as an HR manager in one of the top compa-nies in South Africa. I would like to start my own company someday. - Generally: Regularly visiting people in hospitals. Getting involved in charity work...or begin one of my own.

General Likes: - Favourite car: Golf 6 - I love the speed. But I fell in love with the new VW Scirocco design. - Favourite Food: I love Buffalo wings. But not any Buffalo wings though, Spur’s Buf-falo wings. (That alone warmed up the con-versation as she giggled)-Favourite Church and General Songs:

Song number 545, ‘this world is not my home’, out of them all. Music in general I like Afro-pop music, R&B as well.

A- Favourite bible verse and why?R- Psalm 23: every time I read the chap-ter I feel uplifted.

A- If you lived in Bible times which character do you see yourself as and Why? R- Mary, the mother of Jesus. Who would not love that title.(For some time she struggled to give the right one as she was aware of so many bible characters, she wanted this on to be personal)

A- If you were to be written in the bible, what would they say about you? R- I’d like to be written as someone who is caring, checking on everyone of my friends who I have in my cell phone; a charitable person.

A- Favourite bible character? R- I’d say the woman who suffered from chronic bleeding. She seemed to be a person that suffered a lot and until the day she saw Jesus and said, if only I could touch his Garments, I will be healed. She touched his garment and after everything, Jesus said “your Faith has healed you, suffer no more”(Confident answer!)

And Archangel wraps it up. The inter-view ended with smiles and ponders of what a car named scirroco was? When you see this socially calm lady of stat-ure, be sure to ask her as many ques-tions as possible, you’d be amazed at what’s behind the answers. Better yet, invite her to cook for your house or friends or party, we promise you won’t regret it.

12change things I can, and wisdom to know the difference” ~ Reinhold Niebuhr


Events & Picture Page

We’d love to have shown you many others, however this is but a spoof of Downtown’s past and present in its promising decade. Have a Blessed Day!

What really makes Downtown Truly the BEST place to be At ? It’s where you’ll see JOY as on these faces.



Sunday School Corner

For more information please contact:

078 324 7724- Fidel or email: downtownsunday-

[email protected]

or visit the ministry at:

Breakin The Arch-Code Competition

The Archangel challeges you to break these crossword puzzle codes, if you can. If you manage to perfectly get it right you’ll be entered into a draw to stand a chance of winning a cool cus-

tom Archangel T-Shirt, plus bragging rights of your name and picture publicly announced in the next issue. HOW?Just fill in this easy crossword puzzle, detach it & throw it in the Archangel Box at church building with your Name/Surname, Residence, Cell + email contacts. For mailing queries post to: Arch-Code Competition, Downtown Preto-ria Church of Christ , PO Box 961, 193 Skinner & cnr Paul kruger, Pretoria Central, 0001, GA, South Africa.Competition closes @ midnight on 31 July 2011. Editorial reserves the right NOT to award any prize should entrants not meet the required criteria. Editorial’s decisions will be final, and no further correspondence will be engaged thereafter.



“The elies and

gifies greet you”

It’s where you’ll see JOY as on these faces.

14“The future depends on what we do in the present”- Mahatma Gandhi




February 19March 26April 01May 21June 11 EntertainmentJuly 16August 20September 17 EntertainmentOctober 15November 26 Year end

Table 1: The dates of all ladies activities for the year 2011

Year end function – 26 November 2011Women’s day – 09 August 2011



GCM TRUCK JULY 2011 VendaAUG 2011 Swaziland

GCM 2 TRUCK JULY 2011 MalawiAUG 2011

SEMINARS 15 JULY 2011 Thohoyandou Arts and culture centre

11 SEP 2011 Bloemfontein

Nations University Second Intake

12 JULY 2011



Walkby Fidel Tshivhasa

I am a young man walking...a youthBut walking the talk is not the same as talking the walkI’ve walked through the valley of the shadow of death

And today I breathe the shadows of my past

I am a walking youth walking with many faultsBut I choose my failures not to be my falls

Walking with Intuition is my mission to achieve my visionTo empower my generation with nothing but Imagination

The inclinations of my fears will turn to resolutionsMy freedom to fear is a spear that enlightens revolutions

Being the personification of a young nationMeans I can turn my frustrations into affirmations

Working in this recession feels like walking with depressionBut alienation will only lead me to deterioration

My footprints should give inspiration that needs no explanationThat’s why I won’t look back because the only back I have is broke

And I walk...


Locate us 193 Skinner & Paul Kruger street, Pretoria Central, GA, South Africa


CHURCH CONTACTSchurch tel: 012 324 2278Pastor Motimele: 083 278 0961Pastor Netshiya: 082 328 3849

EDITORIAL CONTACTSemail: [email protected] contacts: 083 521 8131- Fulufhelo 082 755 3635- Rofhiwa 078 324 7724- Fidel