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The Arab Spring - Endtime Magazine - Jul-Aug 2011

May 11, 2015



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FEATURES 10 The Melsage Of The Arab Spring By Irvin Baxter It's called the Arab Spring, but it ap­pears to be leading us straight into the arms of the prophesied one-world government and the Global Winter called the Great Tribulation.

14 Is Sodomy A Civil Right? By Irvin Baxter Many people contend that same-sex marriage is a civil right. Yet, God de­stroyed Sodam and Gomorrah for the sin of sodomy. Which is right?

20 ICC Arrest Warrants Por US Citizens? By Rick Brinegar Is it possible that, in the near fu ture, a sitting US president could be arrested and tried at The Hague?

30 Pastor Jeff Arnold ... Raised From The Dead! By Jeff Arnold Pastor Arnold had no pulse for ap­proximately ten to fifteen minutes before God brought him back to life!

4 Editorial

6 Letters to the Editor

2S Prophecy Conferences

28 World Review

32 Radio Broadcast

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EDITORIAL by Irvin Baxter

When Will Fina.l 7 Years Begin? It's one of the only prophecies with it date

on it. The Bible foretells that the West Bank (Judea) will be placed under Pales­tin ian control and that the Temple Mount

will be shared between Jew and Gentile under international supervision.

On September 23 rd, t he Palestinians

will ask the United Nations to recognize

Palestine as it state within pre-1967

borders and with East Jerusalem as its

capital. If the UN votes for this. which it

is expected to do, this would gran t UN

recognition to Palestine's jurisdiction over

Judea and over the Temple Mount.

The Bible prophesies that when it deal

is struck to place Judea under Palestinian

authori ty and the Temple Mount under

a sharing arrangement, the final seven

years to Armageddon will begin. These a re

the ve ry two issues that will be presented

to the UN on September 23rd.

What Will Happen? The United States has promised that it

will veto the request of the Palestinians if

it comes before the UN Security CounciL

Consequently, the Palestinians are con­

sidering aVoiding this showdown with the

US by taking thei r case directly to the UN

General Assembly where the US has no

veto power. It is almost certain that the

Palestinians would rece ive approval for

the ir request at the General Assembly.

However, only the Security Council

has the power to grant full UN member­

ship and recognition of statehood to the

Palestinians. Any action by the Genera l

Assembly would merely be symbolic and

have only significant PR value. Neverthe­

less, the Palestinians appear dete rmined

to push this course of action, believing it

would create international pressure on

Israel and the United States to eventually

yield to the Palest inians.

What Does the Bible Say Will Happen? The Bible clearly depicts Judea under

Palestinian control (Matthew 24:15-21)

and the Temple Mount under a sharing

arrangement between Jew and Gentile

(Revelation 11:1-2) th ree and one-half

years before t he Battle of Armageddon.

4 JULY/AUG 2011

So, if the UN General Assembly does vote

to grant the Palestinian request, it still

will not be implemented since such imple­

mentat ion would place the Temple Mount

under the sole control of the Palestinians.

This would be contrary to the prophecy.

The likely outcome of the pending

head-on coll ision at the UN will be the


1. The US m ight broker a last-minute

dea l to delay the vote or to convince the

Palestinians to drop their plan for now.

2. The General Assembly could vote in

favor of the Palestinians. This would not

g rant UN membership but could lead to

resolut ions demanding that Israel with­

draw from what the majority of nat ions

have recognized as "occupied te rr itory:

This could lead to charges being filed

before the International Criminal Court

against Israeli leaders, as have been filed

against Libya's Muammar Gaddafi and

Sudan's Omar al-Bashir.

3. Some hope for a last-minute

diplomatic breakthrough at the secret

talks that a re now being conducted by

Israel, the Palest inians, and the US. In

the unlikely event t hat th is occurs, the

final seven yea rs could actually begin as a


Whatever happens on September the

23rd, one thing is certain. Things in the

Middle East will never be the same. We

may not be able to know at th is t ime ex­

actly what course events will take, but we

can know where they will end up. Judea

will end up under Palestinian control and

the Temple Mount will be shared between

Jew and Gentile. e-




This magazine was accomplished by the Endtime Ministries team and dedicated to our Lord and

God, Jesus Christ.

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statement of faith We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are born again (John 3:3- 5) will have eternal life and rule as kings and priests with Christ forever.

what is endtime? In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the United States and other modern nations in the Bible. He also found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be torn down, re-uniting Germany, and that event would be the catalys t to spark an international movement called the "New World Order." These things have now come to pass. Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message For The President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the Bible which he had been teaching since 1968. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was made to launch Endtime magazine. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are now being fulfilled in intricate detail. Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation. Endtime does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be left to other publications.

IOnJljmt' i, publi,hed bi- mon~'ly by Endti"",. "I<" .. 2701 E George Bus" TurnpIke Suite 100. Plano. TX . 75074. Sul>script"''' pnce ;, '29 for 12 is,ues. Cop)'nght () 2011 Endtime. 1'1<". All riglot< rese1"\'ed. Reproduction in "ho~ or in part w;tl>oot wrinen pem,i ... ,"on i, prohibited . POSTMASTER: Send Ilddre .. , change, to Endtin",. PO Box 940729. TX 75094-n729, For ,ub>cnplio", cal l 24 hrslday. 7 <Ly"wee~ 1-800-Endti"",. Other inquine, c.1I 1-972-4 22-U857 9:00 a.m. 10 5:00

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LETTERS to the editor

Q. r recently saw you on television and let me say that I enjoyed the pmgram very much. But, what interested me the most was the comment you made concerning the tribulation. I have always been taught that the tribulation period hegins when the Antichrist negotiates a seven year peace agreement in the Middle East. But, in the middle of the seven years, the Antichrist will break the treaty and that will bring God's wrath on us for the remaining three and one-half years. In my mind, that would give us seven years of tribulation. Can you please explain, using scripture, why you think there is only for ty two months or three and one­half years of tribulation? - Raymond

A. Absolutely. There is a final seven year period, just before the second coming of Jesus, called Daniel's 70th week. This is triggered by a peace agreement that will confirm Israel's right to exist. It's called the Confirmation of the Covenant. This is referring to God's covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15:18) that the land in which Israel dwells today would be his and his descendants' forever.

So, there is a final seven-year period, but the Great Tribulation does not begin with the signing of that covenant, or the confirmation thereof. It begins with the "Abomination of Desolation," which occurs in the middle of the final seven years according to Daniel 9:27.

How do we know? Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 24:15-21, "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place ... Then let them which be in Judaea into the mountains ... For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.~ From this passage alone, it is clear to see that the tribulation only lasts three and one-half years.

However, on that particular program, I gave five specific passages: Daniel 7:25, Daniel 12:7, Revelation 12:6, Revelation 13:5 and of course, Matthew 24:15-21, which prove conclusively that there is only three and one-half years of tribulation.

Dear Irvin, I am so happy that your ministry is exploding! I have been listening to you since you were on the radio here in Dallas, years ago. Now I watch your "End of The Age" television program. Please give my love and prayers to you and yours. - Kathleen

Q. Matthew 7:13-14 says, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it ." Have you ever found out where the gate is or what it is? - Darren

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A. This is not a physical gate. Jesus, during His sermon on the mount, used this illustration to explain that the plan of salvation is very specific and that there is only one way into the kingdom of God. For instance, Jesus told Nicodemus, • ... Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.~ As you can see, He was very dear that there is only one way to be saved. So when Jesus said, " ... strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it," He was simply teaching them that there is only one "spiritual gate", or plan of salvation, that enters into the kingdom of God and eternal life.

Q. The Bible says that Jesus is coming as a thief in the night and that no man knows the hour or the day of His return. But, I have also heard that the two witnesses are raised after being dead for three and one-half days and that this event coincides with the second coming of the Lord. If this is true, then we could almost predict when he WaS going to come. Which is right? - Randall

A. The answer is found in I Thessalonians 5:2-5. The apostle Paul wrote to the church and said, "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.. .. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.~ So He's only coming as a thief in the night to those who are not expecting Him, who do not under­stand the prophecies of the Bible and who are not watching for Him. That is why Paul was very specific when he told the Thessalonians in chapter 5, that day will not come upon you as a thief.

Q. Will the Antichrist be an actual man or a system? I have been taught both ways, and it seems very confusing. - Isaiah

A. The Antichrist will be a man. How do we know? Revelation 19:20 says that the beast, which is synonymous with the Antichrist, and the False Prophet will be cast into the lake of fire. How do you cast a system into the lake of fire? Furthermore, we know that the powerbase of the Antichrist will be the re-born Holy Roman Empire. During the first 1,000 years of the Holy Roman Empire, from BOO AD until1B06 AD, there were always two leaders. One was the leading political figure from Europe and the other was a spiritual leader from Italy, every single time. It was always a man as a political leader and a man as a spiritual leader. So why should we expect, in a present day re-born Holy Roman Empire, for it to all of a sudden become a system? Sure, there is a one-world system that will be the power base of the Antichrist, but the Antichrist himself will actually be a man. cont. on pg. 9

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Letfus - (O llt. (rom pg. 6

Q. If I have a social security number, have I taken the mark of the beast? - Mike

A. We know that social security was the fi rst step down a slippery slope. It was around 1935 that people began to get social security numbers. However, there was so much re­sistance to it from religious people, wondering if it was the mark of the beast, that the government actually stamped on the cards: ~Not to be used for identification." After the furor over giving everyone a number died down, "Not to be used for identification" was omitted from the SS cards. But, the numbering system still remains.

Is the current social security numbering system the mark of the beast? No. But it was the first step toward the prophesied numbering system. On May 11, 2005, President George W. Bush signed the Real ID Act into law. This law forces every person to have an identification card in order to By, visit a federal building, open a bank account, and it will soon be required to hold a job. Once it is required to hold a job, then a person would not be able to buy or sell without the card and the number, since you can't buy or sell without a job.

The assignment of ID cards to individuals is not just happening in the United States. It is being implemented all over the world. For instance, Bangladesh is getting ready to issue 90 million national ID cards. India has just ordered enough fo r every person of their 1.2 billion population. China is in the process of issuing ID cards to all of its citi­zens as well. Altogether, about 100 nations already have a compulsory nationallD, and most of the others are moving rapidly to get one.

So, the mark of the beast is not here yet, but the mech­anism for the mark of the beast is being set up very rapidly. That's the reason we need to stop a national ID system here

in the United States of America, because the national ID system simply puts the mechanism in place for the mark of the beast.

There are two things that you should never do to insure that you do not take the mark of the beast. They are: (1) Don't ever take a mark on your body or inject a chip under your skin. (2) Never pledge allegiance to any man outside of Jesus Christ or to a one-world governmental system, the United Nations. Furthermore, I would go so far as to say that if they take "Under God" out of our pledge of allegiance, then you should not do that either. Jesus Christ must be our highest allegiance with no exception what­soever.

Q. Matthew 24:22 says, "And except those days should be shortened, there should no Besh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened: Does this happen be­fore or during the Great Tribulation? - Paul

A. There is another prophecy about the shortening of days in Revelation 8 which says, "And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise: This appears to be the same prophecy as Matthew 24:22. If that is the case, then we know it has already happened, since we know that the Third and Fifth Trumpets have already occurred. And it certainly seems like everything has been speeded up. Matthew 24:22 is included in the prophecy about the Great Tribulation period. However, it does not specifically say when the shortening of days will happen. Since I do believe that Matthew 24:22 is the same as Revelation 8 under the Fourth Trumpet, therefore, I believe this prophecy has already occurred. e

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Franklin D. Roosevelt said, wIn politics, nothing hap­pens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

If what President Roosevelt said is true, then what was the plan behind the revolution called the -Arab Spring", and who planned it?

Four factors have surfaced repeatedly in the news reports about the Arab Spring: 1. Responsibility To Protect 2. The International Criminal Court 3. NATO as the enforcement arm of the UN 4. Oil

It's impossible to understand who planned the Arab

10 JULY/AUG 2011


Spring and why they planned it unless we understand these four fac tors.

Responsibility To PJ"otect In 2005, I attended the UN's World Summit as an aco-edited journalist representing Endtime magazine and Endtime Ministries' radio talk program, ~Politics & Religion".

As I sat in the UN's press room with Reuters, Associ­ated Press, AI Jazeera, and other news representatives from around the world, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan entered for the press conference to report on the Outcome Docu­ment for the 2005 World Summit. (An Outcome Document is the summation of agreements reached at a summit.)

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While acknowledging that some goals anticipated by the press had not been reached, Annan s tated that some­times we should see the glass as half full, not half empty_ He proceeded to disclose that the nations had agreed to an his toric expansion of power for the UN. This new power was called the -Responsibility To Protect.-

As I sat in the press conference lis tening to Annan's explanation, I knew immediately why he was placing so much importance on this new power to be exercised by the International Community.

The constitution of the United Nations specifically limited the world government body to arbitrating between sovereign nations. The UN was specifically fo rbidden to


intervene in the domestic affairs of any nation. With this one simple Outcome Document, the limitations on UN power were swept aside, and the sovereignty of nations ceased to exist.

Responsibili ty To Protect simply states that, if a government commits genocide, ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity, or war crimes against its own people, the World Community has an obligation to protect the people from their government, using whatever means necessary,

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including force, to bring about regime change. And, by the way, the UN is the prosecutor, the jury, and the judge in deciding whether these "crimes against humanity" have been committed.

Few people in 2005 understood the quantum shift that had just taken place in the world's power structure. However, the reality of the power shift to a system of world government is now being felt in earnest with the emergence of the Arab Spring.

The drill goes something like this: 1. Demonstrations against the targeted government

are fomented by social media, inciting people to take to the streets.

2. The demonstrators demand changes that can only be granted by the abdication of the government.

3. The government feels it now has no recourse except to disperse the demonstrators by force.

4. Fatalities occur and are publicized by the world's media, creating the justification for intervention under the Responsibility To Protect clause.

5. The UN passes a resolution approving economic sanctions and, if necessary, mili tary force against the government of the targeted nation.

6. NATO, which has now become the military enforce­ment arm of the UN, moves to assist the demonstrators in the toppling of the government.

7. The UN provides assistance to rebuild the nation in the image of the New World Order.

8 . A warrant is issued from the International Criminal Court for the arrest of the head-of-state, thus making him a fugitive while sending a warning to all other national leaders of what could happen to them if they do not bow the knee to the will of the global governance of the Interna­tional Community.

9. The international oil cartel moves in to "help" the newly formed government administer the oil resources. "To the victors go the spoils."

UN Sec .... tary Ge"" ral Kofio Annan in,rodu«d "R •• pon.ibilty To Pro'«'" at the 2005 UN Wo,ld Summit.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) The campaign for a permanent world court that could place individuals, including kings and presidents, on trial was on. The World Federalist Association, whose openly avowed goal is a one-world government, was happily leading the charge.

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THE PRESIDENT OF THE US HAD JUST ENDORSED TAKING GLOBAL GOVERNANCE TO THE NEXT LEVEL. Among the inner circle of those advocating a system of global governance, it was felt that the time was ripe for set­ting up an international court to enforce international law.

On September 22, 1997, President Bill Clinton stepped to the podium of the United Nations to welcome the world's leaders to New York for the 52nd session of the UN General Assembly. His speech contained the usual diplomatic greet­ings and pleasantries.

Toward the end of the speech came the bombshell! "Before the century ends, we should establish a permanent international criminal court."

The heads-of-state present that day fully understood that the President of the most powerful nation on earth had just endorsed taking global governance to the next level.

Immediately, the international advocates swung into high gear. The Preparatory Committee completed its work on the draft of the constitution for the court in April of 199B. Then came the international conference to finalize the charter of the International Criminal Court. The conference ran from June lS- July 17, 1998. On July 17, 199B, the na' tions represented at the conference voted 120-7 to approve the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Another very big shoe had dropped in the march toward one-world government that had begun with the founding of the United Nations in 1945.

Four categories of crimes were placed under the power of the ICC for prosecution: Genocide, Crimes against humanity, War crimes, and Crimes of aggression. Because a defini tion of Crimes of aggression could not be agreed upon by the nations, it was decided that Crimes of aggres­sion would not be prosecuted until the definition could be settled. The intended definition by authors of the ICC consti tution was: Any war begun without previous approval of the United Nations Security Council would be considered a crime of aggression.

If power to prosecute crimes of aggression had been in place in 2003, both George W. Bush and Tony Blair could have been prosecuted by the court for the invasion of Iraq without UN approval. UN Secretary General at the time, Kofi Annan, actually stated that he believed the invasion of Iraq was an illegal war.


The ICC statute was ratified by the required sixty nations by April 11, 2002, and the forma tion of the court's structures began in earnest. On March 11, 2003, the court's first eighteen judges were sworn in. The Court issued its first arrest warrants on July B, 2005.

We have now seen the International Criminal Court in action. Arrest warrants for two heads-of-state have been issued in the last two years.

In 2009, the ICC issued a warrant for the arrest of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for crimes against

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humanity. So far, he has avoided arrest by traveling only in those countries that have not signed the ICC treaty.

In 2011, at the request of the UN Security Council, the ICC issued a warrant for the arrest of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. At the present time he has not yet been arrested.


It has become obvious that the International Criminal Court is casting its long shadow across the globe. World leaders are being forced to consider whether their actions violate international law before they implement them. Resul t? The power of international law is already being im­posed upon the leaders of the world. We are already in world government, and its reach is growing longer and stronger each day.

NATO Becomes Army Of The UN The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed on April 4, 1949. Its purpose was to protect Western Euro­pean nations against the spread of communism. The com­munist bloc responded by forming the Warsaw Pact in 1955. These two mili tary entities then faced each other until the end of the Cold War.

When Mikhail Gorbachev brought his reforms to the world, he dissolved the Warsaw Pact, saying that he was depriving the West of an enemy. Many expected NATO to follow suit and disband. But it didn't.

With the disappearance of the Warsaw Pact, NATO became the world's most lethal military alliance, but it had no mission.

NATO's new purpose began to emerge when a military arm was needed to enforce the will of the World Community on Bosnia.

Then when Yugoslavian President Siobodan Milosevic (be he saint or be he devil) became an obstacle to the inte­gration of Yugoslavia into the European Union, President Bill Clinton, using NATO forces, orchestrated the war that drove Milosevk from power and resulted in the absorption of Yugoslavia into the EU. Milosevic was then kidnapped in

the middle of the night and taken to The Hague where he was placed on trial before the world court. His trial lasted for four years. Milosevic died during the proceedings before a verdkt could be rendered.

The evolving role of NATO in world affairs is clearly demonstrated by its recent actions in Libya.

On February 15, 2011, the government of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi arrested human rights activist Fethi Tarbel. This sparked a riot in the city of Benghazi and marked the beginning of the Arab Spring revolution in Libya.

Protests escalated into an uprising that spread across the country, with the forces opposing Gaddafi establishing a government based in Benghazi named the National Tran­sitional Council whose stated goal was to overthrow the Gaddafi-Ied government and hold democratic elections.

On February 26th, the UN Security Council imposed sanctions on Gaddafi and his family, and referred Libya's crackdown on rebels to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

So within a mere eleven days of the beginning of the demonstrations, UN sanctions were imposed and Gaddafi's crackdown was referred to the ICC for possible prosecu­tion. The entire process certainly smacked of a pre-planned operation!

On March 17th, the UN Security Council voted to authorize a no-fly zone over Libya and the enact ment of "all necessary measures" (code fo r mili tary action) to protect civilians against Gaddafi's army.

On March 19th, the first air strikes were launched by NATO, halting the advance of Gaddafi's forces on Benghazi and targeting Libya's air defenses . The pretense was gone. NATO was now the official military arm of the United Nations.


On June 27th, the ICC issued arrest warrants for Gaddafi, his son Saif ai-Islam and intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi on charges of crimes against humanity.

For the next two months, NATO escalated its involve­ment in the war against Gaddafi. It bombed his compound, supplied millions of dollars in arms to the rebels, and finally supplied advisors on the ground to train and lead the rebels.

By early September, the rebels had taken the Libyan capital of Tripoli and Gaddafi was running for his life. As we go to press, the latest reports are saying that a large convoy of Libyan soldiers has crossed the border into Niger. It is speculated that Gaddafi may be among them, but no one knows for sure at the moment.

One thing is sure. The regime of Gaddafi is toppled, and NATO provided the air power, the military equipment, and the expertise to bring it to pass.

The question that must be asked is why? Why did the World Community act so decisively, and why did the US

(Ont. on pg. 22

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The word sodomy comes directly from the Bible. Sodam and Go­morrah were two cities known

for being so sinful that God decided to destroy them. The prominent sin of Sodam and Gomorrah was the sin of homosexuali ty.

In the Genesis chapter 18-19 account, God sent two angels to lead Abraham's nephew Lot and his family out of Sodam before it was destroyed. The men of the dty, being aware that two male guests were visiting Lot, sur­rounded Lot's home demanding that the men he made available to them for homosexual acts. This is how homosex­uality became referred to as sodomy.

Several scriptures describe homo­sexuality as an abomination to God. Leviticus 20:13 in the Old Testament states:

~If a marl also lie with rmmkind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them halle committed arl abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. 8

In the New Testament, Romans 1:26-28 addresses the subject of homo­sexuality:

~For this cause God gave them up Urlto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaVing the rlatural use of the womarl, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men workirlg that which is urlseemly, arid receillirlg irl themselves that rewmpense of their error which was meet. Arid even as they did not like to retairl God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mirld, to do those things which are not wrlvenient."

From these passages, it certainly does not appear that God con siders sodomy a civil right. Conversely, He obviously regards homosexuality as an offense against society and against Himself.

Can homosexuals be saved accord­ing to the Bible? The New Testament scriptures address the subject of homosexuality, along with many other sins common in our day.

1 Corin thians 6:9-11 explains God's view of people who live in a sin­ful lifestyle:

~Do you not know that the unrigh­teous will riot irlherit the kingdom of

God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornica ­tors, rlor idolaters, rlor adulterers, nor homosexuals, rlor sodomites, nor thieves, rlor covetous, nor drunkards, rlor revilers, rlor extortiorlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sarlctifjed, but you were justified irl the name of the Lord Jesus arid by the Spirit of our God. 8

Notice that the Apostle Paul gives quite a list of sins that will result in a person being excluded from the kingdom of God and eternal life. Paul warns us: "Do not be deceived .~

Paul knew 2,000 years ago that a time would come when people would be deceived into believing a person could lead a sinful lifes tyle and still be saved. Paul warned, ~Don't be de­ceived." Adulterers will not be saved. People who worship false gods will not be saved. Homosexuals will not be saved. Don't be deceived by the vain philosophies of men rather than believing the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.

Open sodomite chosen to pray at the inaugural service ! How could it possibly happen in Amer­ica? It was hard to believe, but there it was in front of the entire nation! Homosexual Episcopalian Bishop Gene Robinson was deliberately chosen to pray at one of the inaugural services. It appeared that President-elect Barack Obama was determined to rub the noses of Bible-believing Christians in the dirt! An open sodomite chosen to lead the nation to the throne of God! How twisted! How perverted! Don't be deceived. God's word clearly teaches that those who live such lifestyles have no part in the kingdom of God.

Will America beco me Sodom II? At the 2009 annual conference of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans­gender), cleverly called the Human Rights Campaign, President Obama was the featured speaker. His remarks were absolutely shocking!

"You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recog­nize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as rela­tionships between a man and a woman," he declared_

As I listened to these words, I was appalled beyond description! This twisted statement would be perfectly normal coming from the mayor of Sodom. But from the president of the United States of America? Unbeliev­able!

President Obama continued, "Do not doubt the direction we are headed and the destination we will reach ... For despite the real gains that we've made, there's (sic) still laws to change and there's (sic) still hearts to open .~

It is obvious that President Obama is determined to use the bully pulpit of the presidency to turn America into Sodom II. He has openly opposed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and is advocating its repeal. He sent spe­cial congratulations to the same-sex couples that married when a California court ruled same-sex marriage legal, while hypocritically maintaining that he did not favor same-sex marriage.

Is sodomy a civil right? The argument goes like this. Homosex­uals are a minority that is discriminat­ed against just like African-Americans. This argument hinges on believing that homosexuals are born homosexual, just like African-Americans are born black.

But there's a problem. If homo­sexuals are uborn that way,H then are pedophiles "born that way?" And should pedophilia be a civil right? How about bestiality?

And if they are born that way, why would God say that they must repent or they cannot be a part of the king­dom of God?

What determines civil rights? We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our forefathers did not include sodomy in the list of unalien­able rights . As a matter of fact, sodomy was a crime in every state in the union as late as 1960!

How do we know what our rights should be? How do we know right from wrong? Are rights strictly determined by the government? Should our rights be determined by majority rule? Or is there a higher authority above human opinion that teaches what our rights should be? (O ,lt. on pg.18

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Sodomy - COni. from pg. 15

Our forefathers based our entire nation upon the fact that there is an Almighty Creator who has declared certain unalienable rights. If there is no standard of right and wrong, we are left to the whims of the political administration in power at the time. King David in the Bible said, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." (Psalm 119:11)

The proponents of sodomy and same-sex marriage claim these actions are civil rights. God claims they are perversions against nature, God, and a person's own body.

President Obama had the pride and the audacity to unilaterally declare that the United States is not a Chris­tian nation, as though his saying it made it t rue. I'm sure his purpose is to shake America from its biblical foundation so that he can "change~ us into the secular humanistic nation that he envisions . If we do not return to biblical values in this nation, he will be successful in his purpose.

The United States Constitution was based on Judeo-Christian teach­ings. Our entire system of law has its foundation in the Bible, and this has been the secret of the greatness of this country. As we have forsaken biblical values for the present permissiveness, the United States has moved quickly into decline.

Can Christians embrace homosexuality? We are now seeing entire "Christian ~ denominations endorsing the gay agenda . The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America recently voted to

18 JUlV/AUG 2011

... .-allow homosexuals to be pastors, as well as hold any other office within the denomination. This was all justified in the name of love.

But how does God look at this? His word instructs us to "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. For if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." (1 John 2:15)

How can Christians, in the name of Christianity, adopt anti-Christian beliefs without becoming unchristian?

Do Americans want to become Sodom II? While President Obama pursues his one-man campaign to make sodomy acceptable to the American people, Americans are not buying it. President Obama is totally out of touch with the American people who still have respect for the Bible. Thirty-one s tates have voted on the issue of same-sex marriage. Thirty-one states have voted that it is wrong and unacceptable in the United States of America. The only states that have approved same-sex marriage have done it either through the liberal court system or through their legislatures.

As sure as God sent judgment to Sodom and Gomorrah, God will send judgment against President Obama and all that agree with these actions that are an abomination to Almighty God.

Dear Mr. President, please repent and humbly ask God's fo rgiveness for


these actions that are directly against God's word, both Old and New Testa­ments.

Appeal to Congress: Are there any God-fearing congress­men left in the Untied States govern­ment? Are there any left that have not sold their souls in the name of political expediency? If there are, it is time fo r you to stand up and be counted- now!

President Obama is determined to reverse the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). He is determined that America will become one huge Sodom and Gomorrah. Dear Congressman: Will you let that happen? If you do, you too will reap the judgment of God as sure as the sun rises in the east and goes down in the west. The time for courage and conviction is now. Please do not sell out to political expediency! America needs you now while we can yet return to moral sanity.

Congress, Mr. President: We are praying for you. Please have the cour­age to keep America as one nation, under God. e

Editor-'s PlDte: "This artic/t was originally

published in thl' Mar(h/ApriI2010 I'dition of

Endtime MagaZine . However. due to the criti­

cal nad for this information, thl' decision was

made to republish it :

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What gives the ICC the right to issue arrest warrants for citizens of a sovereign nation and, worse yet, to send NATO troops to enforce such warrants? Has the ICC set a p£ecedent, with actions in Libya, for future enforcement of International Law? Is it possible that, in the near future, a sitting US president could be arrested and tried at The Hague court? Suppose there were violent demonstrations in the United States, and law enforcement was accused of excessive force. Is the ICC capable of issuing an arrest warrant for an American governor or local police chief?

Only one question remains to be asked ... If the United Nations, working together with the ICC to administer

have been arrested there under an International Criminal Court warrant. ~Crimes against humanity and war crimes must not go un­punished,~ said EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, "and their prosecution must be ensured by measures at both domestic and international levels."

international laws and with NATO to enforce

Earlier in June, al·Bashir had been given a red-carpet welcome by Chinese President Hu Jinta. "Mr. Bashir, you are a guest who has traveled fmm afar, and we welcome you,~ Hu said in opening remarks. He added that he hoped the talks would help bolster the "traditionally friendly relations~ between the two countries. Human Rights Watch, based in New York,

its arrest warrants,

If so, only one question remains to be asked ... If the United Nations, working together with the ICC to

is not a world govern­ment, then what is?

administer international laws and with NATO to enforce its arrest warrants, is not a world government, then what is?

Texas Execution Broke International Law, Says UN Official In July, 2011, Texas Governor Rick Perry defied the United Nations. He rejected a request from the United Nations to commute the execution of Mexican citizen Humberto Garcia to life in prison, and authorized the execution to pmceed. A United Nations human rights official, Navi Pillay, accused the United States of breaking international law. Thus, in attempting to capitalize on the situation to boost his conservative law ·and-order credentials, Governor Perry may have opened himself to the scrutiny of international law and ICC proceedings.

Arrest Warrants for Two Sitting Heads of State Muammar Gaddafi was willing to plunge his country into war to preserve power. In a dangerous power grab, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for the Libyan leader, along with his son and his military intelli­gence chief. The warrants are for crimes against humanity, crimes Gaddafi allegedly committed against political op­ponents. This is the second time in the court's nine· year his­tory that it has issued an arrest warrant for a sitting head of state. The other is Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. The ICC indicted al-Bashir in 2009 for orchestrat ing genocide in the Darfur region, where as many as 300,000 people have died since 2003. A1-Bashir is not facing trial for war crimes at The Hague because he has not been apprehended and is still ruling as the President of Sudan.

Other arrest warrants have also been issued by the ICC against current government officials and former heads­of-state for such crimes as murder, forcible transfer, rape, persecution, crimes against humanity and using children to actively participate in hostilities.

Omar al-Bashir's Red-Carpet Welcome On August 8, 2011, the European Union expressed concern about a visit to Chad by Omar al-Bashir, saying he should

viewed Bashir's trip as "an affront to victims of heinous crimes committed in Darfur."

Gaddafi.'s Impunity and the Court's Validity What do these crimes against humanity charges mean for Gaddafi if warrants from the ICC do not result in his appre­hension and trial? Some have claimed that his arrest could actually be a hindrance to peace in Libya, and that if Gaddafi came to the United States, he hypothetically would not be arrested on those charges since the US is not a signatory to the ICC treaty.

Relations started crumbling between the African Union and the International Criminal Court after the indictment of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. The African Union loudly condemned the indictment of al-Bashir and Gad­dafi, and accused the ICC of pandering to the whims of the United Nations Security Council. At an African Union sum­mit in Equatorial Guinea, African leaders resolved not to comply with the arrest warrant against Muammar Gaddafi. Despite their outstanding warrants of arrests, Gaddafi and al-Bashir can travel freely around the African continent and there is nothing the ICC can do about it. Or so we thought until NATO decided to invade Libya.

This is the test of the Court's effectiveness and valid­ity. The ICC reportedly has no police force and is supposed to depend on national authorities and states that have signed up to the court to make arrests. However, with the recent actions taken by NATO on behalf of the ICC, we may be watching a new world army taking shape. It seems as if the ICC must prove itself to the naysayers who continue to question the court's relevance. Is it effectively performing a vital role, or is it merely another extension of the world planners' quest to put the machinery in place for a future one-world government?

An Increasing Compromise of National Sovereignty In 2002, the Bush administration pulled out of the treaty to establish the International Criminal Court. By formally renouncing its obligations as a signatory to the 1998 Rome

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Arab Spring . CO n!. from pg. 13

provide NATO with all necessary means to bring about the regime change in Libya?

Oil US Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., the former chairman of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, told MSNBC that a primary reason for the inter­vention in Libya was oil.

" .. .It all goes back to the 5 million barrel~ of oil that we import from (the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) on a daily basis," he told MSNBC. Libya, before the war, was responsible for slightly more than 4 percent of the OPEC's output, amounting to about 1,600,000 barrels per day.

But the quality of Libya's oil may be more important than the sheer volume of production. Libya's "sweet light crude" oil is extremely low in sulfur content, which makes it highly desirable in global markets. It's cleaner burning and easier to refine into gasoline. Saudi Arabian oil, in contrast,



contains much more sulfur. Swap in Saudi oil for missing Libyan oil and you end up maxing out world refinery capac­ity and hiking downstream prices for gasoline.

Rising oil prices are considered a major threat to the US economic recovery. So if you're looking for an explanation for Western willingness to intervene in Libya, there you have it. Instability in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain or Yemen has little potential for upsetting world energy markets . Libya is a major player. What happens there can and will affect the global economy.

The problems between the US and Libya probably began last year when Obama supported Switzerland after Swiss authorities arrested Gaddafi 's son. At that time Libya claimed it would begin to favor Russia and China in oil and gas deals.

When Western oil companies fled as unrest flared in Libya earlier this year, Gaddafi invited Chinese, Russian, and Indian firms to fill the void. "We are ready to bring Chinese and Indian companies to replace Western ones," he said.

Of the West, Gaddafi said, "We do not trust their firms. They have conspired against us .~ That is, except for Germa­ny. "'The Germans have taken a very good position toward us, very different from many other important countries in the West," he said, asserting that Germany was the only

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Western country with whom he could foresee doing busi­ness in the future.

Is it a strange coincidence that Russia, China, India, and Germany - all countries with the ability to strike oil deals with Gaddafi - were the ones that abstained from the UN Security Council resolution authorizing intervention? Brazil, who has billions of dollars of contracts in Libya, also abstained.

So did the US-Libya Business Association press the US government to intervene in the hopes that US oil and gas companies could strike better deals with a successor regime? And if so, is this a primary though overlooked reason for the US intervention? The question is certainly worth asking!

The information manager a t the rebel-controlled Arabi­an Gulf Oil Company expressed the new regime's intentions going forward : "We don' t have a problem with Western countries like the Italians, French and UK companies. But we may have some political issues with Russia, China and Brazil.~ Those last three countries weren't involved in the NATO mission in Libya.

Where there's smoke, there's fire; and where there 's war, there 's oil.

So what ia the me • • age of the Arab Spring? The Arab Spring is being exploited to showcase the World Community's newly claimed power-The Responsibility To Protect (some see it as the Right To Invade). This new power

obviously means the end of national sovereignty, as we have known it.

The Romans used to crucify enemies of the state along busy roads. They wanted the people to observe the fate of those who resisted the Romans' global rule. Fear was invoked to insure obedience.

The World Community is using prosecution before the International Criminal Court for the exact same purpose. The message to the world's heads-of·s tate is coming through with no room for misunderstanding: "Resist the will of the International Community, and you will end up before The Hague on charges of crimes against humanity."

For many years, the United Nations was regarded as somewhat of a paper tiger. But no more! The whole world now knows that the UN has a powerful army at its disposal that no one is able to resist. The bombs of NATO falling on the armies of Muammar Gaddafi sent that message loud and clear.

Finally, the US has demonstrated that access to the world's oil supplies must be protected at any cost. Whoever controls the oil resources of the world, controls the world.

Iraq is about oil. Afghanistan is about oil. Libya is about oil.

It's called the Arab Spring, but it appears to be leading us straight into the arms of the prophesied one­world government and the Global Winter called the Great Tribulation. e.

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Leave a lasting legacy - consider remembering Endtime Ministries in your will.

lee · cont. from pg. 21

Statute that was signed by President Clinton, the administration, in effect, "unsigned~ the treaty. John Bolton, as Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, opposed the Rome Stiltute, arguing that the ICC compromises US constitu­tional guarantees and US sovereignty, and could be used to pursue politically­motivated pm secution of US troops stationed overseas, It should be noted that the ICC and its prosecutors are not under United Nations Security Council control, where Washington has veto power.

Before non-member nations are lulled into a false sense of security, they should be aware that the court is increasingly fi nding pretense to claim jurisdiction even over citizens of coun­tries that are not party to the treaty. Human Rights advocates claimed that the decision to "unsign ~ the treaty was an empty, largely symbolic gesture, since the treaty already gives almost "universal jurisdiction.»

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ICC 's Jurisdiction: "Complementarity" The underlying intent of the draft statute of the Rome Treaty is that the International Criminal Court will extend its jurisdiction over only "the most serious crimes of concern to the In ternational Community as a whole .~

The principle of "complementarity" means that the Court would concern itself only in cases where States do not exercise their national jurisdiction, whether this is because they are unable or unwilling to do so. The ICC extends its jurisdiction to crimes of genocide, aggression, war crimes, crimes against human ity, and terrorism.

The Responsibility To Protect During the 2005 General Assembly World Summit, world leaders decided that the World Community has the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity when perpetrated by their own govern­ments. This new claim of "Responsibil-

ity To Protect " li terally meant the end of national sovereignty, since the UN arbitrarily decides when these crimes have been committed. Once the World Community decides that interven­tion in the internal affairs of a state is cailed for, the subsequent military action almost always results in the change of the regime.

The Crime of Genocide Mr. Bashir is accused of "genocide by killing, genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm and genocide by deliberately inflicting on each target group conditions of life calculated to bring about the group's physical de­struction," said a statement from the ICC. In essence, genocide is interpreted as an act intended to destroy or cause physical or mental harm to "a national, ethnical, racial or religious group."

Christians Guilty of Genocide? Generally, most of us would agree that causing physical harm to a group of people is bad. What about mental

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harm? World planners tend to see conflict between religious or ethnic groups as one of the main causes of war. Speaking against a person's race, sexual orientation or religion is consid­ered to be causing harm to that person and the members of his group.

In his book "Perestroika,~ Mikhail Gorbachev stated that we must extir­pate (kiU off) genocide, apartheid and religious exclusiveness. Genocide laws being enacted around the world in­terpret the belief that your particular religion is the "t rue way~ as "religious exdusiveness.~ The next logical step is to outlaw "religious bigotry.~ The "Anti-Cult Law· passed in France in 2001 makes such "mental manipula­tion" a crime. In Canada, if you speak against homosexuality on the radio, you could be sentenced to five years in prison. The time is fast approaching when, if you speak against homosexu­ality, or try to convert someone to your religion, you have committed genocide.

According to the Bible, salvation cannot be found outside of Jesus Christ. "For there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved~ (Acts

4:12). A Bible-believing Christian is then, by definition, guilty of religious exclusiveness or according to the United Nations, guilty of genocide.

The Crime of Aggre •• ion In 1974, the United Nations General Assembly defined aggression as neces­sarily being the specific actions of one state against another, but also conclud­ed that individuals responsible for the state's policies could be held account­able for acts of aggression. In other words, states commit aggression fo r which individuals can be held account­able, whether that involves an attack by armed forces, military occupation, or armed bands of mercenaries. The ultimate intent is to make it a crime wht;'n any nation takes military action without first obtaining the approval of the United Nations.

According to this globalist view­point, George Bush and Tony Blair's war against terror would have prob­ably put them behind bars, since they took actions without United Nations approval. The United States-led inva­sion and occupation of Iraq has led to the deaths of an estimated 1.2 million

people. An estimated 4.7 million Iraqis have fled their homes. That is a total of about 6 million human beings killed or displaced by the authorization of Presi­dent George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Estimated deaths, on the other hand, from Gaddafi.'s Libyan civil war, range from 2,000 to 13,000, for the period between March 2 and June 28, 2011. The number of people killed in violence so fa r this year in the Su-dan, under al-Bashir's reign, has now exceeded 2,360. In actuality, according to United Nations s tandards, George Bush and Tony Blair, considering their destructive impact on a certain group of people, are the more appropriate candidates for international arrest.

War Crime. Thew are four different categories of war crimes under international law:

• Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions.

• Serious violations- largely de­rived from The Hague law- limiting the methods of waging war.

• Specified acts committed against persons taking no active part in the

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hostilities- such as targeting civilians. • Serious non·international viola­

tions, such as pillaging and rape. It is a crime to t ransfer population

out of a territory that is taken during war, or to transfer your population into territory captured in war. Many understand the applicability of this statute to Israel, because, as of 2009, the total number of Israeli settlers in "occupied territories ' was 516,569.

Crimes Against Humanity Crimes against humanity "do not require a connection to international armed confl.ict: and may include viola­tions such as murder, rape, torture, persecution, inhumane acts, etc.

Terrorism Terrorism involves violence intended to create terror, fear, or insecurity, hijacking, taking hostages, and indis­criminate violence producing serious injury, death or serious property damage.

Origins of the International Criminal Court Statute of Rome The International Criminal Court Stat­ue of Rome was ratified in April, 2002. The Court took permanent jurisdiction worldwide in July of that year. The ICC has begun the enforcement of a complex system of international law that has developed since the birth of the United Nations.

The United Nations was seen as a world government structure from its foundation in 1945. The world planners knew that if they were going to have their world government, they would need a world court. The original United Nations charter included lan-

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guage to establish such a world court, but the global judicial plan had to be postponed until the political climate was more favorable for global govern· ment.

Nuremberg Trials When the r ulers of Nazi Germany were placed on trial in Nuremberg, the precedent was established for the de­velopment of a judicial system dealing with serious crimes of concern to the International Community. Temporary courts were established to handle the situations in Rwanda and Yugoslavia, but the United Nations still envisioned a full -time, permanent, international law court.

Clinton Proposes World Court President Clinton proposed the estab­lishment of a world court in his 1997 address to the General Assembly of the United Nations. The International Criminal Court Conference convened in Rome on June 15, 1998, and the final draft of the International Crimi· nal Court Statute was finished 32 days later.

All Nationals May Be Prosecuted Among the countries which have not signed and ratified the treaty are the United States, India, China, Sudan and Israel. Even if a country is not a state party to the ICC, in most cases its nationals can be prosecuted. Further­more, the Statute provides that when a case is referred to the ICC by the UN Security Council, all UN member states are obliged to cooperate.

Kidnapped by the Court, a Danger­ous Precedent A United Nations proceeding, though not carried out by the International Criminal Court, has set a dangerous precedent. Ex-Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic was kidnapped at night, in June, 2001, and deported to the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal in the Netherlands. Montene­grin officials told the Associated Press that Milosevic's extradition was ~illegal and unconstitutional" and ~jeopardizes the functioning of Yugoslavia and its existence.~ Milosevic was tried at The Hague for crimes against humanity, but died before the trial could reach a conclusion.

The Growing Threat to National Sovereignty David Rifkin and Lee Casey, lawyers and former Reagan Department of Justice officials, argued, in a Wash­ington Post article dated February, 2007, that US jurisdiction over alleged violations of international law and US treaties by US citizens- including our leaders- is exclusive. When they opposed the United States' ratifica­tion of the enabling statute of the International Criminal Court, they proposed that "the question is whether [internationall law can, or should, be enforced outside national legal systems that have generally functioned well .~ They answered, of course, that when it comes to Americans, inter­national law obligations cannot and should not be enforced anywhere but America. The threat to Americans is that, because the prosecution of politi­cal leaders is inherently political, the Rome Treaty will be used as a political weapon against us. American leaders, Rifkin and Casey argued, should not be subjected to prosecution in foreign countries for their crimes- only in America.

ICC Chier I',osec"tor, Louis Morono·O<ampo, in ~ Ruel*," in(eTview in Th. Hague , 2001.

The One-World Court World planners promote interdepen­dence and the elimination of borders for the collective good. We proclaim independence, self-government and national sovereignty. The International Criminal Court has seized jurisdic-tion over virtually every individual on earth, whether or not the ICC treaty is ratified by that person's country. Every act by every head-of-state will become

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subject to its scrutiny. It is a perma· nent world court sys tem. It destroys na tional sovereignty and is one of the largest advances toward a global, anti­christ government tha t the world has ever seen.

The Coming World Dictator According to the Bible, a world govern­ment system will be established and be in operation just before the second coming of Jesus Christ. This same government will be ruled by an evil dictator (the Antichris t). He overcomes nations, des t roying, pillaging and murdering those who refuse to yield to his authority. The International Crimi­nal Court is dearly the enfoTcement mechanism that will cause everyone to bow the knee to this d ictator's system of global governance. e


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IRAQ BOMB BLASTS ACROSS 13 CITIES Synchronized explosions set off aCross Iraq killed at least 74 people and wounded 250 more. The bombs were detonated in largely Shia Muslim areas. Many of the 13 bombs were ap­parendy detonated by suicide bomb­ers. US advisers are wary of the fragile security gains in Iraq unwinding when troops leave. Whether US troops stay or go is unlikely to be decided until at least November.

WAR TO END ALL MIDEAST WARS Columnist David Efune says a full ­scale invasion of Iran is not popular, but there is a burgeoning case for inva­sion and there's never been a more op­portune time. He points out that what finally solved the financial crisis of the Great Depression was WWIl. And, he says, with strong Republican support for challenging Iran's nuclear ambition, President Obama could spend the next year orchestrating a showdown, which would help him politically.

MILITARY STEPS IN SYRIA FOR BEACHHEAD TO ATTACK IRAN Moscow's envoy to NATO Dmitry Rogozin has accused the Western alli­imce of planning a military campaign against Syria to help overthrow the Assad £egime ~with the long-reaching goal of p£eparing a beachhead for an attack on Iran." He said he ag£eed with the opinion that Syria and later Yemen could be NATO's last steps on the way to launching an Iranian attack. the noose around Iran is tightening," he said. ~Military planning against Iran is underway. And we are certainly concerned about an escalation of a large-scale war in this huge region."

TAIWAN BACKERS URGE US TO CLOSE F-16 SALE Some 181 members of the Congres­sional Taiwan Caucus urged President Obama in a lette£ to lift the diplomatic barriers that have been blocking the

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WORLD REVIEW by Ginger Boerkircher

sale of F-16 fighters to Taiwan. Taiwan continues to be threatened by China's military build-up and many US and Taiwanese experts have warned that Taiwan is losing its advantage of qual­ity defensive weapons, as well as its military deterrence capability.


GERMANS DEBATE THE COST OF KEEPING EUROZONE German Chancellor Angela Merkel has fought the new EU tooth and nail because she knows how unpopular it was in Germany. She wanted to defend the euro, but not to pay the price for doing so. But that dream has come to an end thanks to the financial markets, which issued an ultimatum to Europe: embrace more economic and financial integration or face the collapse of the euro and thus the EU. The 17 Euwpean countries that use the euro as their common currency have such widely varying debt burdens that they cannot su£vive as a single "eurozone H un-less the stwngest rescue the weakest. Without Germany's wealth and credit standing, nothing (an happen. But for Germany to give its blessing to a eurozone £es(ue mission, German lead­ers would have to compromise on core principles.

EU TO TIGHTEN SYRIA SANC­TIONS Several Syrian officials are expected to be added to a list of individuals whose assets are frozen and who a£e barred from travelling to the EU. As the Syr­ian regime's brutal security crackdown continues, the EU is also preparing far tougher sanctions than those already in place. As many as 2,000 Syrians are thought to have been killed by security forces since the uprising began.


COMPUTERS UNDER OUR SKIN Before long you may be able to wear your computer. An ultra-thin and flexible electronic circuit can now be

stuck to the skin. The wireless device is almost invisible. but can perform just as well as more conventional electronic machines. The development could mark a new era in consumer electron­ics. The new technology could be used for things such as medical diagnosis or covert military operations. Tests have already shown that such a system can be used to control a voice-activated computer game.

OKLAHOMA WOMAN BATTLES REAL ID Kaye Beach of Oklahoma has sparked a federal controversy after she re­fused to renew her driver's license in protest of new federal ID requirements under the REAL ID Act. Civil liberties groups have become incensed over the requirement that all s tate IDs use high-resolution photos and finger­prints for potential biometric identifi­cation. Beach says it's the "hallmark of a totalitarian society."

THE FACIAL RECOGNITION REVO­LUTION Your face is about to become big busi­ness and that has some people excited and others worried that a person's con­trol over pdvacy will be gravely eroded. Facebook, a company with more than 750 million users, rolled out facial ­recognition technology that is kicking up a cloud of protest. Imagine being able to pull up a resume, Facebook profile, tax records and vi tal statistics just by taking a photograph. Consider how this will change social interaction on the streets, at a conference, or even at an anti-government protest. Police in a number of states plan to s tart using specially equipped iPhones that can scan a face from as much as five feet away. Facial recognition software is very accurate in measuring unchang­ing and unique fadal features even as you age.



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Palestinians will be presenting their bid fo r United Nations membership on September 23. PA President Mahmoud Abbas plans to personally present the request to become a full-fiedged state to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. The move will likely set the stage for a showdown with the US, which is expected to veto the bid.

ISRAEL LOOKING INTO REVOK­INGOSLO A team headed by National Security Adviser Ya'akov Amidror is looking into calling off the Oslo Accords in response to the Palestinian Authority's unilateral plan to gain United Nations recognition for an independent state. Israeli officials said it is only one of the options being considered. The Oslo Accords between Israel and the PLO were struck between 1993 and 1995, and are the legal framework for the relationship between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

OTHER ARABS WANT NUCLEAR WEAPONS Iran's race towards a nuclear bomb is causing its Arab adversaries to con­template building their own weapons. A Saudi official said, "We cannot live in a si tuation where Iran has nuclear weapons and we don't." Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal said that the Gulf Co­operation Council must s tart ~acquir­ing the nuclear might to face that of Iran: The GCC includes Sauru Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, of which Jordon and Morocco are soon to become members. In 2008, King Abdullah privately told the US that, if Iran goes nuclear, ~everyone in the region would do the same." The Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates gave a similar warning in 2009 . If the Muslim Brotherhood should come to power, they also may see nuclear weapons as a necessity.



PLANS 'DEEPLY TROUBLING' The United States says it finds reports of fresh plans to expand West Bank cities deeply troubling and counterpro­ductive to reviving peace negotiations. The US reaction came after the Israeli Defense Ministry announced plans to build 277 new homes in the West Bank. A US State Department official says that because Jerusalem is a ~final­

status issue," its rusposition should be decided by the parties in the negotia­tions.

R2P AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Mark Lagon, adjunct senior fellow in human rights at the Council on For­eign Relations, says that the Respon­sibility to Protect (R2P), which is a new international security and human rights norm, is based on the premise that a government 's sovereignty is really a privilege as much a right, and that a government forfeits its sover­eignty if it leaves large numbers of its own people to be slaughtered, violated, or dislocated- or, worse, if it's the active agent of those atrocities. Lagon said Muammar al-Qaddafi's explicit threats against his own people are an archetypical case of "acutely atrocious autocracy thresholdH (an "AAAT," one might say).

NASA DATA BLOWS HOLl! IN GLOBAL WARMING NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the earth's atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarm­ists had predicted. The study inrucates far less future global warming will occur than United Nations computer models have shown, and supports prior studies indicating that increases in atmospheric carbon ruoxide trap far less heat than alarmists have claimed.


RISE IN WORLD RESTRICTIONS ON RELIGION According to a Pew Research Center report, nearly a third of the world's

population lives in countries where it is becoming more difficult to freely practice religion. During the three-year period covered by the study, the extent of violence and abuse related to reli­gion had increased in most areas. Only about one percent of the world lives in countries that saw more religious tolerance.

PRAYER BAN BATTLE The 4th US Circuit of Appeals in Rich­mond, Virginia ruled against a North Carolina county, granting favor to two county residents who claimed they were offended when they heard the words ~in Jesus' name" prayed aloud during a board meeting. The Anti­Defamation League (ADL), Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AUSCS) and the ACiU praised the court's ruling. The Alliance Defense Fund has offered to handle the case, seeking to take the debate all the way to the US Supreme Court.

INTERFAITH ENVIRONMENTAL CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED Christian, Jewish and Muslim lead­ers in the Holy Land joined forces to launch a multi-faith environmental campaign. Among their plans are the convening of an international confer­ence of religious leaders ahead of the 2012 United Nations General Assem­bly, a North America public relations campaign, and training future clerics on the importance of environmental issues. Rabbi Yonatan Nedl says the campaign is not limited to monotheis­tic faiths.

END OF DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL The military's ~Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy~ ends on Sept. 20. On that day, homosexual men and women will be allowed to serve openly in all branches of the US armed forces . Military chaplains fear an unofficial version of the policy will take its place, one that muzzles and marginalizes chaplains who hold s trict biblical beliefs about homosexuali ty. e

JULY/AUG 20 11 29

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While preaching at the Impact Conference in Columbia, Mississippi on July 28, 2011, Pastor Jeff Arnold became ill and died. He was proclaimed dead by a doctor who was attenrung the service. There was no pulse detected for approximately ten to fifteen minutes before God brought him back to life!

Here is Pastor Arnold's story in his own words. I was going to be preaching about miracles and heal­

ing. A pastor, who I had not heard from in thirty-five years, called me before the service and said that the Lord gave him a word for me. He proclaimed that the Lord was going to anoint me greater in this meeting than He ever had, and there were going to be greater resul ts than ever before in my ministry.

At the time I didn't understand what he meant or what everything was about. That night I began to preach and everything was fine, until all of a sudden I got really dizzy. l couldn't focus on the audience anymore. I was clinching the pulpit, and my head began to spin. I called everyone to the altar to pray for the sick. At this point, r became so dizzy and weak that I had to sit down on the platform.

I began to pray for a little boy that was completely deaf in his right ear, and nothing happened. I prayed for him a second time, and the Lord opened his ear. Some people were starting to get healed, but I was losing it. I knew I was about to go out, and I couldn't breathe!

I asked the other minister to give me a cracker because I had been fasting. I was worried that I may have overdone it and may have really messed myself up. When I put the cracker in my mouth, I took two bites, fell backwards and passed out. Someone with some medical experience ran up on the platform and started getting the cracker out of my mouth because I was choking on it. He started pinching my neck trying to find a pulse. He couldn't find a pulse. This man began to scream to Brother David Smith at the pulpit, ~He's not responding, he's not responding. We don' t have a pulse, keep praying, keep praying." Brother Smith told me he just continued to pray.

A nurse from the ER that attends the church ran up on the platform and started pounding my chest, t rying to get a heartbeat. But, my heart wouldn't beat. They kept praying and praying. They took my shoes and socks off and poured water on my feet, trying to get a pulse on the bottom of my feet. But, they could not get a heartbeat. The medical personnel that was there said, ~We have lost him, he's gone, there's nothing happening." They were still shouting, ~Keep praying! Keep praying!M

There was a doctor in the building that told them, ~Call 911 ... He's as white as a ghost; he's dead!M That doctor told me that I was dead for approximately ten to fifteen minutes.

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I was laying on the platform. Suddenly, the Lord just touched me, and I sat up. I was looking around. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. People were screaming and praying around me. 1 looked down and saw my shoes and socks were off. I thought, "Where in the world are my shoes and socks?" 1 asked them to help me up, and I put my fee t in my shoes. I got in the microphone and started yelling, ~I told you Jesus is a healer! I told you He was going to do mirades!"

They escorted me out of the building. Just then, the doctor started yelling, "I just watched a dead man come up from the ground, and 1 heard him preach into a micro­phone.M He said, "That man was dead ten minutes ago ... This is mind boggling!"

Brother Smith told me that, after 1 left the building and the paramedics were there to look at me, the service just went up in smoke. For the next hour, while 1 wasn' t even in the building, miracles just started all over the church.

The deaf started grabbing their ears, as they were pop­ping open one after another. A man came to the front that had cancer growing on his chest to say that it had complete­ly disappeared. That night they had one hundred and nine actual, visible miracles that took place in the building.

The paramedics checked me, and I was totally fine . My blood pressure was 121/81, and my pulse was 77. They told me I was heal thier than ever. There was absolutely nothing wrong with me. I didn't have any pain or anything. It was like it never happened.

I really can't say if 1 was in the body or out of the body. Alii know is something phenomenal happened.

God took that episode and made an example of His healing power, all over the world. Since that night I have received emails and calls . The news of what God did for me is all over Twitter, as well as Facebook. And I have heard reports that people around the globe are receiving more mirades, just from hearing my testimony.

Praise God for His healing power ! e-

hot". Jeff Al-nold

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