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THE AQUARIAN EMPATH - Amazon Web Services · 2019-06-17 · THE HIGHER PURPOSE OF EMPATHY ... An empath is one who intuitively picks up the feelings, energies, and thoughts of others.

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Greetings, dear readers! My name is Irma Kaye Sawyer.I was born in Orange, California on January 11, 1965, under a birth chart of my own very

interesting mix, from the very “out there” (strong Neptune) to the very grounded and practical (Virgo stellium).

Little did I know the road that day would lead me to be with you here today. I’ve definitely had my own struggles with empathic nature, including health issues,

codependence, and difficult choices in romantic partners. It took me well into my forties to develop a proper level of self-love and practical wisdom.

It is my hope that the younger empaths who identify as the new “Crystal” children, and others, will not have to walk as difficult a road the adult Indigos and Light Workers who have preceded them have had to. I also hope that understanding and acceptance of the global empathic community will continue to grow and flourish.

In this work I quote the “Keepers,” which is short for my Guidance Team, The Akashic Wisdom Keepers, who I have worked closely with since 2007. I also quote Celestina, a healing Angel whose area of expertise is healing current Light Workers in issues pertaining to shame, disempowerment, and guilt. She has been telepathically sharing material with me on these topics since early 2013.

It is my great honor that you hold this work in your hands. I hope you find it healing, enlightening, and beneficial.

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences regarding this material!

Namaste and blessings,Irma Kaye Sawyer [email protected]

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Greetings, dear readers! I know a lot of you reading this today are probably well aware that you are empathic, but for

those who are just discovering this, I have included some helpful information for you as well. So technically, what is an empath? An empath is one who intuitively picks up the feelings, energies, and thoughts of others.

They tend to be connected to the world of the unseen and Spirit from an early age, communicating with their departed loved ones or “imaginary friends,” who are very much real to them. They are very sensitive individuals, and may be prone to more physical and/or emotional challenges than their non-empathic counterparts. They are heart-driven people, and take their relationships seriously. They may also have a tendency toward over-empathy, which can easily lead to codependence. Strong personal boundaries are a must for an empathic person to maintain a healthy and balanced life.

If you are empathic, you know it all too well: you feel as if you’re going to scream if you see one more abandoned animal or impoverished child commercial. You tend to hide at parties and talk to the plants and animals, because they understand you and don't tell you all their problems.

Ah, the life of an empath! So, is it possible to transform from a life of pain and hassle to a life of bliss and blessings?

I'm here to tell you about exactly that, dear ones.

Beloved empath, it is your task to love yourself as Source loves you. You are truly important to this world, and have a divine purpose. Do not let the ugliness and pain of this world dim your light or make you become ill. Honor yourself, take care of yourself, and go shining. —The Keepers, 05.07.2012

First, the down side: those who are empathic tend to have more physical and emotional issues than those who are not as empathic. Some of the most common maladies attributed to the highly sensitive/empathic are: fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), asthma, stomach issues, anxiety, and depression, to name a few. Illness is never fun, and if you're empathic you often have to guard your health the way the security staff guards Fort Knox— a hassle at times, but definitely required maintenance on this precious vehicle called the physical body.

I know from personal experience that if you do not take proper care of your vehicle, just as you would take care of your car, it may break down at the most inconvenient time possible. I highly recommend taking care of yourself both spiritually and energetically before problems even start. Grounding and Centering are vital processes for empaths.

The codependency of others is another difficulty often experienced by empaths. They literally feel the pain and problems of others so deeply, and want to help them in any way possible. Empaths can easily become a drug, crutch, or an on-call spiritual advisor for many, which dis-empowers both the empath and the other person. Becoming lost in the drama and

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issues of another is also a convenient and often overlooked way for the empath to avoid feeling or looking at their own issues.

Many who identify as empaths come from dysfunctional environments, where they learned from a young age to take care of everyone else first, placing the needs of others before their own. Many empaths and highly sensitive people share a "collective karma"— a lesson in what my teacher used to so wisely call "Putting yourself first in your own life."

If our cup is empty, we are no good to anyone— even ourselves. Yet to shift from this pattern is not something that can be expected to happen overnight, as it

was not created overnight. Chances are, those who have been emotionally "caretaken" their entire lives will not exactly

jump for joy when things begin to change. It is extremely important to be patient with others as well as our selves while in what I call The Empath Empowerment Learning Curve.

We are moving into the Aquarian Age, which is all about personal boundaries and responsibility. The empaths are the ones here to demonstrate these qualities to this world. It may not make them the most popular or the most liked person, but that's all right— we are learning to no longer base our self-worth on the opinions of other people, aren’t we, my friends?

The Empath Test

1. Are you very sensitive to the thoughts and emotions of others, often confusing them as your own?

2. Are you an “emotional sponge” who absorbs the energy of others and the environment, even from a distance?

3. Do you instinctively know when someone is being dishonest with you, but often keep these thoughts to yourself?

4. Do you find that people often tell you their issues and secrets, including complete strangers, or people you do not know well?

5. Do you have a great need to take “time outs” from life for re-centering and recharging your psychic and physical batteries?

6. Have you known about your empathic abilities since childhood, but did not really understand them?

7. Do you sometimes “check out” with food, sex, alcohol, or drugs, to try to cope with your nature?

8. Do you have a somewhat “put on” or false personality you show to the world, reserving your true face and nature for only those you trust?

9. Do you have the ability to facilitate the process of growth in those around you?

10. Have you battled with depression, anxiety, and perhaps suicidal thoughts, especially in your young adult years?

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On the up side, empaths are among some of the most witty, creative, intelligent, and spiritually aware people on the planet. They often have advanced skills and abilities in clairvoyance, clairsentience, healing, and telepathy. I've met enough empaths over the years to know this for certain.

I loved the character of Deanna Troi on Star Trek: The Next Generation, an empath serving as the ship counselor due to her advanced clairsentient and telepathic abilities. Her character was portrayed as a sensitive, but also a strong, spiritual, and very intelligent being— as multi-faceted as we truly are!

Important Advice for Empaths

1. Find others who respect and understand you. As you learn to love and respect yourself in a greater capacity, healthy and supportive people will be magnetized to you naturally.

2. Don't isolate for non-therapeutic reasons or long periods of time, but do take mini time-outs and vacations as needed, to regroup and recharge.

3. Teach through love, but keep firm boundaries.

4. Learn to walk away from those who are verbally, physically, or emotionally abusive.

5. Try to keep an outlook on the "bright side" of life, and avoid negative or depressing media and people.

6. Notice when and if you are using food, television, shopping, or any other behaviors or substances to "numb out," and adjust your world accordingly. If you have a problem with addictive substances or behaviors, please seek help.

7. Honor your needs— physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Love your beautiful self!

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Q: What is the purpose of my strong empathy? Sometimes it feels as if the world is made of broken glass, and I am barefoot— Ouch!

A: Beloveds, you are here to be yourselves, as you are— nothing more and nothing less. For many who identify as empathic or highly sensitive, those around you have not understood your gifts, especially as children, and perhaps were even fearful of them. It is not a "mistake" that you are the way that you are, and here at this moment in time. Some of the patterns that many empaths are here to heal and balance are those of victimhood, dis-empowerment and unworthiness. Please do understand that this may not always be a pattern that you yourselves carry in your own karmic field (samskara) but something that you have elected to transmute as a part of your own soul mission. It is not entirely relevant to know all these details, though the egoic mind may crave them.

We understand the 3D Earth plane, and know some of its inhabitants (for the moment) can be rather harsh. One of the keys to empath mastery is the ability to let emotion (e-motion) move through you without having a lasting impact. Many of you transmute energies quite naturally as one of your innate gifts, without having specific conscious knowledge or training.

One of the spiritual purposes of empathy is the ability to connect deeply with other sentient beings, including animals, for the purpose of communication, knowledge, and healing. Many in these times who identify as empathic also "came in" with one or more intuitive senses fully developed, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance, as well as other spiritual abilities and skills that align with these abilities, like the ability to perform hands-on healing, and the ability to intuitively diagnose physical and emotional issues.

There has been a certain "lag time" between empaths and the rest of society, but this is rapidly coming to an end. Those who identify as the "Wizards" and "First Wave" Indigo adults, born in the current century from as early as the 1920's to the present day, have had an especially difficult time with this. There were decades in time before the planet was at a place to adapt and accept the presence of such beings. There was also a small minority of empaths born in the late 1800's, such as your seer, Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), and others.

Empaths are here to bring love, open-heartedness, and compassion to a world that can be hard, cold, and very much in need of healing. Many empaths are star-seeded individuals that have had previous experiences on Lyra, Andromeda, the Pleiades, and other celestial homes. —Celestina, 04.25.2013

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Being a “sponge” for stray psychic and physical energy can be a big problem for empaths. When I first began my energy healing career many years ago, I would often come home with horrible headaches, until I finally sought out the counsel of a wise energy healing practitioner who taught me how to get everyone out of my space! I would now like to share some of these golden techniques with you.

First, I highly recommend that you develop a working relationship with your Spiritual Guidance Team. Some good books for more information on this subject are: Ask your Guides by Sonia Choquette and Opening to Channel by Sanaya Roman and Dwayne Packer. Another way to receive clarity, direction, and information from your Guidance Team and your Higher Self is through PRACTICE. Daily meditation is highly recommended for those who identify as empathic.

In this day and age, GROUNDING is helpful for everyone, and even more vitally so for empaths. Eating, walking, dancing, bathing/showering, hugging a tree, and getting your feet on the grass are all excellent and immediate ways to ground your energies. There are many other great spiritual techniques easily available via an internet search.

“Back to Center” Energy Regrouping Technique

The Back to Center Energy Regrouping Technique is helpful when you just can’t seem to get “unhooked” from someone, whether this person is a client, business associate, or someone you just met. In the midst of it, it is best to not spend too much time trying to figure out why you are matching energy so strongly, but to first take the steps needed to return to center.

1. State your full name and five random things about you, such as where you live, what you drive, the name of your pet, etc.

2. State the name of the other person and five random things that you know about them that are different than you. (Note: Do not pick things that could have an emotional charge for you, such as “they are wealthier, more attractive, or thinner,” for example.)

3. State aloud or mentally: ______ and I are different people.

4. I am calling my own energies back to me now. Thank you. All is well.

“Cutting Cords” and Other Psychic Tools

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Empaths are often highly susceptible to Psychic/Energetic Cording by individuals or even groups of people. The reasons for this can be myriad and complex; it can be everything from simply liking your energy and being attracted to your light, to more negative intentions, such as purposes of manipulation and control.

There are several different schools of thought regarding cord cutting between individuals. Based on my work with angelic energies and the Akashic Wisdom Keepers, I have determined that it is often best to do a complete analysis and review of the situation from both a psychological and an energetic level. I have found that in heading straight to cutting the cords, there is a good chance the cords will be recreated again by one or both of the parties involved.

If you have a good working relationship with your Guidance Team, this is definitely an issue to take to them. Archangel Michael is an excellent ally in this type of work. However, it may be essential to seek out the guidance of an energy healing/counseling professional that is detached from the situation to be able to offer clarity. Even professionals can have difficulty “seeing the forest for the trees” in their own issues. It is good to keep this in mind and remember that seeking outside help when needed is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of wisdom and strength.

The “Volume Control Knob” Technique

This is a technique that I was given some years ago by the Keepers. It is good to use on a regular basis, and is particularly important for empaths, especially in times of collective trauma or difficulty where our empathy may feel oppressive or overwhelming.

1. Imagine a radio Volume Control Knob in your mind’s eye. If you are not a visual type of person, just intend that this is there. This knob has a volume control of one through ten.

2. Ask your Higher Self and/or Guidance Team to show you what number your “Empathy Setting” is currently on. If you are a visual person, you may see this number in your mind. If you are more clairaudient, you will hear it in your mind. If you identify as more clairsentient, you will feel it and know. If you don’t get a number right away, that’s okay— the more you work with this exercise, the more accurate it will be for you.

3. If you are comfortable with this number and your current level of empathic resonance, no changes are needed. If you feel this number needs to go down, make the necessary adjustments. (Note: I have found in my experience with this personally, and with students over the years, that it will not often be necessary to turn it up.)

4. At first you may feel rather odd doing this, especially if you are used to having your empathic resonance at a very high setting. Please remember there are no “right” or “wrong” numbers here, as everyone’s comfort level is different. Work with this to find your own best “comfort zone,” keeping in mind that this may change often, depending on your environment and/or your current physical and emotional levels.

This is also an excellent technique to use to check in with yourself and see where you are in your overall energy level. I have used it many times to show me when I am becoming vibrationally “off,” and running more fear energy than love energy.

We often remind you that you are Creators, and this is a very important piece of the puzzle, so to speak. In this knowledge you become free to create the kind of world or

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frequency channel you wish to live on. Dis-empowerment, fear, hatred, and disease exist on lower channels of the frequency spectrum, while love, compassion, health, peace, and abundance exist on the higher channels of the spectrum. The longer you stay on a frequency, the stronger and more stable it becomes. The choice is yours. What does your radio station sound and feel like today? —The Keepers, 05.10.2011

Grief Clearing Protocol from the Keepers The collective sadness and grief on earth has long been with us, and as we move from one

world to another, it is currently at an all-time high. Those who identify as empaths are highly susceptible to take feelings of grief into themselves, which can create physical issues in the Lung Meridian. In times past, those who died “of a broken heart,” or the disease that was called consumption, were very much affected by a weakened lung meridian. These are some of the energies that are currently “up” for healing and transmutation.

The following Grief Clearing Protocol greatly assists with these energies.

1. Center in your Heart Chakra. Intend to be connected to the Universal Heart of the Divine.

2. Call in your own highest level Guides and Angels to be present and direct the session. You may also call on the Akashic Wisdom Keepers, if that is something you are drawn to do. They have said they will oversee this work in any case, to guide it in the highest loving context.

3. Intend and affirm, “I now release any and all grief that I may carry in my physical and all levels of my mental, emotional, and causal bodies. I release all energies that are no longer in service to me and my soul mission. I give these energies to Kwan Yin and the Violet Flame, to be transmuted in the cleansing fires of compassion. And so it is.”

4. Be with this for a moment, and note how you feel. You may feel a wave of energy wash through you, or you may have a release through tears. This is all positive and beneficial. If you do not feel an immediate improvement, it does not mean the work has not had an impact. You may experience signs of releasing later, whether in your waking life, or in your dreaming states.

5. Dedicate this work to the benefit of all sentient beings everywhere. It is done. Om Shanti.

Empath Centering Prayer

I rest in my own center and radiate out goodness and light to all. This source is where I find the truth of my being, letting all else that does not resonate gently fall away. When I am in alignment, I quietly enable others to do the same. I am well. I am at peace. And so it is. —The Keepers, 05.16.2013

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Clairvoyant “sight” and clairsentience are common gifts for those who identify as empathic. They may not necessarily see people on “the other side,” but they can feel their presence. They may also see or feel stray, negative astral influences that do not belong to them, or pick up the energies of their environment quite strongly.

For example, when I was still learning how to turn the volume down on my empathy, I went through a period where I avoided bars and large concerts, finding them to be far too draining.

Remember friends, you are in control of your experience here on Planet Earth— no one else. Many who identify as empathic are used to “fixing” and “cleaning up” everything, often to a point that can become personally unhealthy. This is not required. It is important to truly understand this as an empath.

Assisting those on “the other side” is a form of spiritual mediumship, and those who have inclinations toward and gifts in this area usually know from early childhood. That work can be very challenging, and is not for everyone. It is vitally important for those working in the healing and spiritual fields to know exactly what will drain them, and what will uplift them.

Joseph Campbell wisely said, “Follow your bliss.” Though this is good advice for everyone, it is an incredibly important tool for empaths. A life of drudgery and unhappiness can create negative effects more quickly for those who are sensitive— clarity of vision and direction are key.

How to “Set” your Energetic Experience to your own Specifications

1. Develop an active, working relationship with your own Guidance Team. I cannot stress this enough. You gain access to them through your own Higher Self/Soul which can be accessed through regular meditation. Be patient and diligent with this— some people need practice over a period of time to gain the best results. Even if you do not hear or see your Guidance Team, they are there. Communicate with them, they will respond— sometimes in very unique and interesting ways, such as through a random song on the radio, the words of a child, or finding money or feathers on the sidewalk. Higher Spiritual Guidance is always helpful, loving, and patient. It has no agenda. Ignore all voices that are blaming, controlling, shaming, or otherwise not based in love. These are aspects of your own egoic mind, and not the spiritual guidance that is best to follow. If you press on and practice, you will be able to discern the difference. Higher Guidance also feels different, and this is another area where your empathic skills can assist you. It tends to have an “Ahh!” kind of feeling, where egoic voicing, in contrast, can feel tight and uncomfortable.

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2. Remember the power of setting your own experience. Use your will and intention to create your world. If helping discarnate entities is not comfortable to you, it doesn’t have to be something you do. Simply tell the Universe you would not like this in your job description, and it will respond in kind. If you are unclear about your soul gifts and/or mission, consider scheduling a “Soul Profile” or “Signature” reading with me. We will access your own Akashic record for this information.

3. Keep your frequencies nice and high. Lower astral energies and thought forms exist primarily on 3D and 4D. Akashic record work engages 5D energies and higher. There are also other practices and teachings that do the same.

4. Use the “Volume Control Knob” technique detailed in Chapter Three.

5. Clean up your own house! We tend to attract what we are, so if something is occurring on a regular basis, it most likely has a message for you. Look deeper into it. Like the great Alan Watts once said, “When you get the message, you can hang up the phone.” Remaining open and teachable is vital for growth and development as an empath.

6. Be reverent and grateful. Whether you like to call it the Universe, Source, God/Goddess, or anything else, a devoted and reverent heart is loved by the Universe. As you dedicate your meditation and spiritual work to Source, you draw Source closer to you. This is another powerful and effective way to grow and develop in your empathic skills and gifts.

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In meeting with others over the years, I have noted a very high incidence of empaths finding themselves born into dysfunctional family environments. This may bring its own set of issues, including health challenges. I, for example, had a variety of psycho-somatic illnesses as a child, including skin problems and asthma. I understand now that it was due to an inability to “filter” a lot of the psychic and emotional material that was coming my way, often at an unrelenting speed.

Based on my research of hypnotherapist and Adult Indigo expert Dolores Cannon’s work, primarily her book, The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, as well as my work with the Akashic Wisdom Keepers beginning in 2007, it is evident to me there are many who identify as Light Workers, Adult Indigos, Star Seeds, and Empaths born into dysfunctional families of lower consciousness, in service to assist transmuting the karma present there.

Though it is not easy, empaths are one of the few strong enough to handle this job. They have tremendous support in this task, both seen and unseen, to assist them in their unique soul journeys. This is very important work, as it has helped to pave the way for the Shift and New Earth energies forming a new paradigm and higher reality at this time— a blessing to all of Humanity.

The Keepers have given many teachings on this subject over the years, and I have included here what I consider to be some of the most clear and helpful information they have shared.

Birth families on this plane are primarily of two types: A vehicle for you to experience your karmic/soul contract, and also a place where you will experience unconditional love. Many, especially those who came in with a soul agreement to transmute ancestral and generational karma, may find they did not necessarily experience a loving or supportive family environment. You are now at a phase in life and growth where you are gathering your soul family groups, and are finally experiencing the love you did not receive as children. You may find that others who are not necessarily in your birth families have replaced the roles of parents, grandparents, or siblings.

Bless these beings for the role they served for you. Because of your birth parents, you have a physical vehicle to experience life, and this is a great blessing. It has been said that sometimes, in the case of siblings, you are “accidental roommates,” though this is not entirely accidental.

There is a tendency of the heart and mind to cling to the family of origin, even if it is not supportive or functional. There is no obligation to keep relationships that are not productive, and show no signs of becoming so, but keep in mind that if you walk away from any relationship in spite or anger, you are not complete with it, and it may emerge in your life in another form.

You will begin to see your feelings about your family, or anyone, is down to you, and always has been. Do not let anyone, including your own ego, convince you that you cannot

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change the imprinting you may have received as a child. You are a being of Light, and as you awaken more fully to this truth, all that has been created in illusion or misapprehension will fall away. Shanti. —The Keepers, 10.13.2011

We understand one of the wounds that may be appearing for some, are for those who have been “disowned” by family members or others. First of all, this is a misnomer of sorts, as no one really owns another. There are times when it is necessary to part ways with other beings for certain reasons, and this is perfectly understandable. This can be done firmly, but also lovingly, if it is required. To be “thrown out” of someone’s life has everything to do with the one throwing out, and usually brings with it a certain amount of emotional violence. This action is often saying, “I cannot deal with your presence in my life and what it is bringing up for me.” This is usually not known in the conscious mind, however. There is only One of you here, Beloveds, and you are never disowned by Source; this is an impossibility.

Emotional pain lives in its own self-justifying Universe. Many conclusions are made about yourselves that are untrue, based on false information. For example, if you were raised in an environment devoid of love, this does not mean you are unlovable, but this is often the message that is translated, especially to the mind of a child. Though the subject of individual karma is deeply complex, we will say this: everyone embodied at this time has agreed to a certain extent to experience and transmute a small part of the three-dimensional illusion. To blame others and outer experiences for emotional pain is part of egoic “hard wiring.” Yes, the actions of others and outer experiences have occurred— this is not to deny this— but to focus only on the pain, and not discover what is behind it, is to dwell in the unreality of the situation. To rise above this tendency is to engage the wisdom of the soul. —The Keepers, 11.04.2011

In the years from 2010-2012 especially, the task for many Light Workers was to identify dysfunctional patterning in their personal relationships, including their families of origin. Now, from 2013 onward, as we move closer into the dynamic Aquarian Age of Awakening, it will continue to be essential to work with the issues of forgiveness of self and others, and the transmutation of lower energies, which will continue to open us to higher states of love, light, and expanded consciousness— our innate birthright as multi-dimensional emanations of the One/Source.

A Message from Keeper Celestina

Bless your Family of Origin for serving as your guru (light-revealer) and greatest teacher, for many of you are now in a rather “dry” place regarding them. You have dropped the anger, which is very positive, but may not exactly be feeling “warm and fuzzy” toward them. This is perfectly okay. Allow yourself to be exactly where you are in the moment, as, soon enough, the moment will change again. You have passed through a long and, in many cases, arduous journey. We see that in your Year of the Snake (2013) you will be consolidating forces, especially of a personal nature, and also assessing how you can be the most effective in the world at the present time.

Regarding members of your Family of Origin, or others that may still be relating to you in a 3D manner, (control dynamics, manipulation, etc.) you are welcome to connect with them on a higher dimensional level. Everyone that you may encounter has a higher-dimensional aspect, even if they are not currently manifesting it. Do not be surprised if you see a change in these beings, and in the “Family Dynamic” itself by holding to your own

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truth and center. If you find yourself in resistance to this exercise, imagine yourself connecting to a high, non-linear soul level, as opposed to a limited personality level. Just as you are ultimately not your own limited personality, gender, and beliefs, neither are they. Again, unhook from the conditioning and beliefs that may have been impacted through your experiences and treatment by them. You are in the now moment, where you are safe, and you are free.

At first, if you are remaining in love and not participating in the old games, you may be perceived as cold or uncaring, but you are well aware that this is not the truth of the matter. One of the most important shifts you are currently experiencing is to drop the comparing of your own value and self-worth to the opinions of others. You now have the growing knowledge that it takes an awakening being to truly see you without the filter of their own value judgments and opinions obstructing their view. Relationships, just like you, are currently undergoing a revolutionary healing process. All is well. —Celestina, 02.06.2013

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The Aquarian Empath is one who has developed their empathic skills to a high level, in service to their own Higher Self and to others. Many empathic beings have been developing their skill set for many years, and have been in growth and development alongside Gaia (Earth) herself. An Aquarian Empath is a server, but not a “Rescuer,” a skilled problem-solver, but not a “Fixer,” a source of wisdom and light, but not a “Savior.” The Aquarian Empath has evolved from the role-playing victimhood of the Piscean Age, to now stand in the light of empowerment and wisdom as a Guide in the continuing evolution of the Planet. —The Keepers, 04.28.2013

Although empathy is considered to be a desirable spiritual gift, many who identify as empaths at this time have been born into a masochistic and codependent culture where these gifts are often misused by others. It is the responsibility of the contemporary empath to own and respect their own nature, and to create boundaries, so that others may do the same. This is how a new "Empath Culture" will emerge— a culture with respect and understanding for those who have these gifts. —The Keepers, 05.07.2012

Q: It seems the world is an increasingly scarier and harder place to be. I know that this is the feeling the controlling interests intend to foster. How can we work with this, especially those who are empathic and highly sensitive? Lately, it has been more difficult to stay positive and centered. Thank you.

A: Beloveds, thank you for your question. As we have shared with you before, you find yourself in a "darkness before the Dawn," sort of moment. For some, however, the Dawn has already arrived. So what is it that we mean? Remember, in an energetic continuum there are multiple energies and realities available. To choose to not participate in one does not mean that you do not care or do not have compassion for the difficulties of those who do. In these times, an active, empowered empathy is to be of service to your fellow beings. However, to become lost in sorrow, anger, or other illusions of the world is not helpful. This is what it means to "be in the world, but not of it." Spiritually, you are not made from the 3D world, though you have elements of the physical plane comprising your "space suit." For now, however, you are to be lights here, and to be of service.

When the world becomes overwhelming, take a breath, and slow down. Tend to the duties that are immediately before you. For those who are of a mind, include a blessing practice for Gaia and all sentient beings upon her. Send out loving-kindness and peace. The success of the planet in evolutionary terms is assured. This does not mean that the transition will always be easy. Use challenging times to bring yourself back to center, and to the great Love that

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permeates your being. It is ultimately what you are. Despite all outer changes and circumstances, you are that. Your power and sovereignty are only lost when they are given away. An inwardly free and loving being is the most powerful being possible in the known world. You are being called to invoke and embody your soul's true attributes— consciousness, love, wisdom, vision, and other attributes that are yours alone.

Do remember the image of the volume control on your radio. You control what information and vibrations are allowed to enter your domain— physically, as well as mentally and psychically. This is a time to be aware and diligent, dear ones. Shanti. —The Keepers, 04.28.2013

Beloved empath, rest in the heart of the Divine Mother. Though she is loving and deeply compassionate— Kwan Yin— she can also be fierce in her love— Kali Ma. All of these aspects are also within you, in both feminine and masculine forms. It is time to no longer be hurt or victimized by your gifts and sensitivity, but to be blessed and empowered by them. As you do this, you bless and empower your every step, and empower the world with you. This is your time. —Celestina, 04.28.2013

You are in a magical time in your world, where the veil is thinned, and there are powerful cosmic and astrological aspects present. One of the most potent and useful opportunities to work with these energies is in terms of personal power— how and where you have lost it, and how you are now calling it back home. In many cases, it is simply the act of utilizing power in a sovereign and responsible way. This is one of the great illusions and malformations that are being corrected in the outer world. As you call your power home in gratitude and blessing, you invite others to do the same. As in the expression "Espavo," thank you for taking back your power. —The Keepers, 10.26.2011

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It is my intention and hope that this work has been of service and guidance to you, my fellow empath friends. I am available for intuitive counseling, Akashic Record consultation, healing, and coaching services for Empaths and Light Workers of all ages. Sessions are available via email and Skype.

I was given the “Empath Empowerment Activation” in 2012 by the Akashic Wisdom Keepers. This is an energetic activation similar in concept to a Reiki attunement, done at a distance level which serves as a spiritual empowerment— a healing and protective shield of light. It is especially useful for those who identify as highly sensitive and/or empathic. I have been working with it since it was given to me, and I have found it invaluable in both my work and daily life.

Please visit my website: for more information, or to schedule a session or activation with me.

Namaste and blessings,Irma Kaye Sawyer [email protected]

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COSMIC LOVEKeys for the Path of Light

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