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  • I SIGNIFY my assent to the bill.

    - - . President

    Date of assent:..

  • Act Appropriation Act


    An Act to apply a sum of thirteen trillion, two hundred and seven billion, three hundred twenty million and four hundred ninety three thousand shillings out of the_consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the 30th June 2015 and to appropriate the supplies granted.

    Date of Commencement:

    BE IT ENACTED by Parliament as follows:

    1. Commencement.

    This Act shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of July,


    2. Issue of money out of the Consolidated Fund.

    The Treasury may issue oit of the Consolidated Fund and apply towards

    the supply granted to the Government for the service osthe year ending

    on the 30th June, 2015, the sum of thirteen trillion, two hundred and

    seven billion, three hundred twenty million and four hundred ninety

    three thousand shillings.

  • Act Appropriation Act 2014 3. Appropriation. The sums granted by this Act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes and in the amounts specified in columns 1and 2 of the Schedule to this Act. 4. Extension of duration of appropriation. Any part of the sums granted by section 2 of this Act which has been, or is issued from the Consolidated Fund on or before the 30th day of June, 2015 shall be available until a date determined by the Secretary to the Treasury (not being later than the 31st day of October, 2015) for making payments which become due during the year ending on the 30th day of June, 2015 to an accounting officer or a receiver of revenue or to an offlcer administering a fund,established under section 9 of the Public Finance and Accountability Act, 2003.



    Vote SUPP~Y No.


    001. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and expenses under the Headquarters, Departments of Monitoring and Evaluation, Monitoring and Inspection, Information, Cabinet Secretariat, Internal Security Organisation (ISO) under the Office of the President ... ... . . .

    002. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses on State House

    003. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salartes, expenses under the office of the Prime Minister, Finance and Administration, Coordination and Monitoring, Pacification and Special Progammes, Disaster Management and Refugees, Luwero Triangle and Kararnoja Headquarters under the Office of the Prime Minister ... ...

    004. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for 1

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses in the Office of

    the Minister of Defence Headquarters, UPDF Land Forces and UPDF

    Airforce under the Ministry of Defence.. . . . . ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued

    Vote -








    The amount required in the year-ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, expenses of the Headquarters, Human Resources Development, Personnel Management, Administrative Reform, Management Services, Records and Information Management, Compensation Department and the Directorate of Civil Service Inspectorate under the Ministry of Public Service ... ...' The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and expenses under Finance and Administration, Protocol and Consular, Planning Unit, Resource Centre, EAC and Ring States, Namera, African Union, Europe, Asia and Pacific, Americas and Carribean and Multilateral Organisations under the Office of the ~l 'nis ter of Foreign Affairs ... ... The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2Q15, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Headquaiters, Civil Litigation, First Parliamentary Counsel, Legal Advisory Services, Registrar- General, Law Council and Administrator-Genetal . . . ... The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Ex~enditureon salaries and other exDenses of the Office of the Minister. Puilic Administration, Tax Policy i>epartment, Aid Liaison, ~ i c i a i Management Services, Treasury Services, Uganda Computer Services, Macro-Economic Policy Department, Economic Development Policy and Research Department, Inspectorate and Internal Audit, Budget Policy and Evaluation Department, Infrastructure and Social Services Department, the Technical and Advisory S e ~ c e s , Treasury Advisory Services, Inspection and Internal Audit Department, Investment and Private Sector Development Department under the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development .. . ... ... The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and~ather expenses of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Headquarters, Immigration, Government Chemist and Restructuring Contingen~y falling under the control of the responsible Minister ... ... ... ... The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f a Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses in the Headquarters, Directorate of Crop Resources, Farm Development Department, Crop Protection Department, Crop Production Department, Directorate of Animal Resources, Animal Production Department, Livestock Health and Entomology, Fisheries Resources Departrnent, and Department of Planning falling under the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries.. . ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued

    COLUMN1 Vote

    011. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other Expenses in the Ministry of Local Government, Office of the Minister, Directorate of Local Government Administration and Inspection, Decentralisation Secretariat, Development Analysis Unit, Resource Centre and Policy Analysis Unit falling under the control of the responsible Minister ...

    012. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses under the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Office of the Minister, Finance and Administration, Physical Planning, Land Valuation and Registration: Directorate of Lands and Human Settlement, Planning and Quality Assurance, Lands and Sv-~eys, falling under the control of the responsible Minister ... ...

    013. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Ministry of Education and Sports Headquarters, Preprimary and Primary Education, Secondary Education, Teacher Education, Business, Technical. and Vocational Education, Special Education and Career Guidance, Higher Education, Education Planning, and Education Standards Agency falling under the control of the responsible Minister

    014. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Ministry of Health Headquarters, Planning, Quality Assurance, Community Health, Research Institutions, Joint Clinical Research Centre, Clinical Services and National Disease Control falling under the control of the responsible Minister ... ... ... ... ...

    015. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Headqumers, External Trade, Intemal Trade, Trade and Economic Affairs Department, Industry and Technology Department, Standards and Inspectorate Departments falling under the control of the responsible Minister ... ...

    016. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses in the Ministry of Works and Transport Headquarters, Road Maintenance and Construction, Quality Assurance, Building, Transport Planning and Transport Regulations falling under the control of the responsible Minister... ... ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued COLUMN1

    Vote No.

    017. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses under the Ministry of Energy and Minerals Development Headquarters, the Departments of Planning, Energy, Petroleum exploration, Geology, Survey and M i g falling under the control of the Responsible Minister ... ... ...

    018 The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses under the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development Headquarters, Planning Department, Gender and Community Development, Literacy and Special Programmes, Poverty Eradication and Economic Rights, Civil Rights and Culture, Labour and Industrial Relations and Labour Inspection falling under tbe conbol of the responsible Minister ...

    019. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Ministry of Water and Environment, Urban Water Supply, Rural Water Supply, Environment Affairs and Meteorology, Finance and Administration, Planning and Quality Assurance, Water Resource Management fdling under the control of the Responsible Minister.. . ... ... ...

    020. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Ministry of Information and Comniunication Technology Headquarters, Communication and Information Technology.. . ... ... ...

    021. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Remxnt Expenditure on salaries and expenses under the Ministry of East African Community Affairs Headquarters ... ... ...

    022. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses under the Ministry of Tourism, W~ldlife and Antiquities Headquarters, Tourism, Museums and Monuments, Directorate of Tourism, Wildlife Conservation, Museums, Wildlife and Antiquities Departments falling under the control of the responsible Minister ... ...

    109. The amount required in the y& ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Law Development Centre ... ... ... ...

    110. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Ugandz Industrial Research Institute ... ... ...

    111. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses o: Administration and General expenses, of Busitema University ...

  • Act Appropriation Act


    112. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Directorate of Ethics and Integrity ... ... ...

    113. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Uganda National Roads Authority ... ... ...

    114. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Uganda Cancer Institute ... ... ... ...

    115. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Uganda Heart Institute . . . . ... ... ...

    116. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the NWonal Medical Stores ... ... . . . . ...

    117. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expen& for the Uganda Tourism Board ... ... ... ...

    f18. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fol

    Recurrent Expenditure on road maintenance salaries and other e x p e m

    for the Uganda Road Fund.. . ... ... ...

    119. The amount required in the year endiing on 30th June, 2015, foi

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Ugand;

    Registration Services Bureau ... ... ...

    120. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, ~ Q I Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Nationa Citizenship and Immigration Board ... ... ...

    121. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Daiq Development Authority ... ... ...

    122. The amount required in the year endiing on 30th June, 2015, fo: Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Kampali Capital City Authority.. . ... ... .,.

    123. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fo. Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Rura Electrification Agency (REA) ... ... ...

    124. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fo Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Equa Opportunities Commission ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued COLUMN1


    125. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the National Animal Genetic Res. Centre and Data Bank ... ...

    126. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the National Information Technology Authority ... ... ...

    127. The amount required in the year.ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of Administration and General expenses, of Muni University ...

    132. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Education Service Commission ... ... .., ...

    133. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and o.$er expenses of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP) . . . . ... ...

    134. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Health Service Commission ... ... ...

    136. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the

    Administration and General, of Makerere University ... ...

    137. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015; foi

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the

    Central Administration, University Teaching Hospital, Science

    Education and Faculty of Medicine and Nursing of Mbarara Universit)

    of Science and Technology ... ... ...

    138. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on sgaries and other expenses of tht Administration and General, of Makerere University Business Schoo (MUBS). .. ... ... ... ...

    139. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fo

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses o

    Kyarnbogo University ... ... ... ...

    140. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fo Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Ugandi Management Institute ... ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued

    COLUMN1 Vote No.

    141. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Uganda Revenue Authority ... ... ... ...

    142. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Renu~ent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the National Agriculture. Research Organisation (NARO) Headquarters, Agriculbal Research Information Centre, Narnulonge Agric. and Animal Production Research Institute, Fisheries Research Institute, Livestock Health Research Institute, Forestry Research Institute, Serere Agricultural and Animal Production Research Institute, FoodScience Research Institute, Agicultural Engineering and Technology Research Institute, Coffee Research Centre, Technology Generation and Technology Transfer ... ...

    143. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics ... ... ... -,., ...

    144. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of Uganda Police Administration Services Department,. Support Services Department, Technical Services Department, Criminal Investigation Services Department, Special Branch Services Department, Mobile Police Patrol Unit (MPPU). Local Defence Units (LDUs) and Anti- stock Theft Unit (ASTU) ... ... ... ...

    145. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Prisons Headquarters, Prisons Industries, Prisons F m s , Prison Medical Services and Prison Regional Services.. . ... ...

    146. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for the Public Service Commission ... ... ... ...

    147. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Local Government Finance dommission ... ...

    148. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of tht Judicial Service Commission.. . ... ... ...

    149. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 20 15,for Recul~en Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Administration an( General expenses of Gulu University ... ... ...

  • - -- -

    Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued COLUMN1




    150. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Administration and General expenses of the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) ... ...

    151. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June. 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Administration and General expenses of the Uganda Blood Transfusion Services ... ... ... ...

    152. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Administration and General expenses of the National Agricultural Advisory Services Secretariat ... ... ...

    153. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Administration and General expenses of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority ... , ; ... ...

    ' 154. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Administiation and General expenses of the Uganda National Bureau of Standards ... ... ... ...

    155. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Administration and General expenses of the Cotton Development Organisation ... ... ... ...

    156. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Administration and General expenses of the Uganda Land Commission ... ... ... ...

    157. The amount required in the year endingon 30th June, 2015, for Recumni Expenditure on salaries and o & ~ e r expenses of the Administration and General expenses of the Natiorial Foreshy Authority ... ...

    159. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for R e c u ~ n l Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Administration anc General expenses of the External Senuity Olganisation ... ...

    160. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses of the Administration and General expenses of the Uganda Coffee Development Authority.. . ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued

    COLUMN1 Vote

    161. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for Management, Medical Services and Common Services of Mulago Hospital Complex ... ... ... ...

    162. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries and other expenses for Management of Butabika Hospital ... ... ... ...

    163. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Arua Referral Hospital ... ... ...

    1'64. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses or'the Fort Portal Referral Hospital ... ... ...

    165. The amount required in the year ending on 30th ;June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the

    . Gulu Referral Hospital.. . ... ... ... 166. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Hoima R e f e d Hospital.. . ... ... ...

    167. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Jinja Referral Hospital ... ... ...

    168. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Kabale Referral Hospital ... ... ...

    169. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fox Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Masaka Referral Hospital ... ... ...

    170. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fol Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Mbale Referral Hospital.. . ... ... ...

    171. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fol Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Soroti Referral Hospital.. . ... ... ...

    172. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Lira Referral Hospital ... ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act 2014 SCHEDULEsontinued COLUMN1 COLUMN2


    173. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Mbarara Referral Hospital ... ... ...

    174. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Mubende Referral Hospital.. . ... ... ...

    175. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Moroto Referral Hospital.. . ... ... ...

    176. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Naguru Referral Hospital.. . ... ... ...

    ,. ,

    201 The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda Mission at the United Nations, New York ... ...

    . 202. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda High Commission in United Kingdom, London.. . ...

    203. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda High Commission in Canada, Ottawa ... ...

    204. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses bf the Uganda High Commission in India, New Delhi ... ...

    205. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda High Commission in Egypt, Cairo ... ...

    206. The amount required in the ,year ending on 30th June, 2015, fox Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda High Commission in Kenya, Nairobi ... ....

    207. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda High Commission in Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam.. . ...

    208. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fol Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of thr Uganda High Commission in Nigeria, Abuja ... ...

    S ~ P P ~ Y

    Shs. '000













  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued

    COLUMN1 Vote

    209. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda High Commission in South Africa, Pretoria ... ...

    210. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda Embassy in United States of America, Washington ...

    211. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda Embassy in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa ... ...

    212. The amount required in the; year ending on 30th June, 2015, for . Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the

    Uganda Embassy in China, Beijing ... ... ..+, ... 213. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda Embassy in Rwanda, Kigali ... ... ...

    214. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda Embassy in Switzerland, Geneva ... ...

    215. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda Embassy in Japan, Tokyo ... ... ...

    216. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fpr Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda Embassy in Libya, Tripoli ... ... ...

    217. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda Embassy in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh ... ...

    218. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda Embassy in Denmark, Copenhagen ... ...

    219. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda Embassy in Belgium, Brussels.. . ... ...

    220. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Uganda Embassy in Italy, Rome ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE
  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued

    COLUMN1 Vote

    Shs. '000 234. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Mission in Mogadishu.. . ... ... ...

    235. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Mission in Kuala Lumpur ... ... ...

    236. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses of the Mission in Mombasa ... ... ... ...

    501. The amount required in the, year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalis~tion Grants under Adjumani District ... ... ...

    502. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent ~ x ~ e i d i t u r e on s&ies, wages and sther expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Apac District ... ... ...

    503. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses fox Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants, under h a District ... ... ...

    504. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Bugiri District ... ... ...

    505. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisatior Grants under Bundibugyo Distrtct ... ... ...

    506. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses foi

    Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisatior

    Grants under Bushenyi District ... ... ...

    507. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses foi

    Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Grants unde~

    Busia District ... ... ... ...

  • --

    Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued COLUMN1

    Vote No.

    508. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Gulu District ... ... ...

    509. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Hoima District ... ... ...

    5 10. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Grants under Iganga District.. .

    511. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other exp2nses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Jinja District ... ... ...

    5 12. The amount required in the year ending on 30th ~ l i i e , 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Grants under Kabale District

    513. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Kabarole District ... ... ...

    514. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 201!, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Kaberamaido District ... ... ... ...

    515. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Kalangala District ... ... ...

    517. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for

    Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation

    Grants under Kamuli District ... ... ...

    518. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Kamwenge District ... ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act

    COLUMN1 Vote

    519. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Kanungu District ... ... ... ...

    520. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Grants under Kapchorwa District ... ... ... ...

    521. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Grants under

    - Kasese District ... ... ... ...

    522. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 201J,, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional ' and Equalisation Grants under Katakwi District ... .... ...

    523. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Kayunga District ... ... ... ...

    524. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Kibaale District ... ... ...

    525. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisatior Grants under Kiboga District ... ... ...


    526. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Grants unde~ Kisoro District ... ... ... ...

    527. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses foi Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Grants undel Kitgum District ... ... ... ...

  • Act . Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued COLUMN1

    Vote No.

    shs. '000 528. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Kotido District ... ... ...

    529. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Kumi District ... ... ...

    530. The amount required in,the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under

    -\. ,Kyenjojo District ... ... ... ... 531. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Lira District ... ... ...

    532. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional- Grants under Luwero District ... ... ... ...

    533. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Grants under Masaka District ... ... ... ...

    534. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Masindi ~istrict" ... ... ...

    535. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for

    Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under

    Mayuge District ... ... ... ...

    536. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for

    Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation

    Grants under Mbale District ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued

    COLUMN1 Vote No.

    537. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Mbarara District ... ... ...

    538. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Moroto District ... ... ...

    539. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on ~alaries, wages and other expenses for

    - Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Grants unde~ Moyo District ... ... ... -. , ...

    540. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses fol Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditiohal Grants unde~ Mpigi District ... ... ... ...

    541. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses foi Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers undei Mubende District ... ... ... ...

    542. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses ~ O I Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisatior Grants under Mukono District ... ... ...

    543. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses fo! Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers unde Nakapiripirit District ... .a ... ... ...

    544. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fo Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses fo Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisatioi Grants under Nakasongola District ... ... ...

    545. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fo Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses fo Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisatioi Grants under Nebbi District ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued COLUMN I

    Vote No.

    546. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent ~x~end i tu r e salaries, wages and other expenses for on Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Ntungamo District ... ... ...

    547. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Pader District ... ... ... ...

    548. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Pallisa District ... ... ...


    549. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, .wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Rakai District ... ... ...

    550. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Grants under Rukungiri District ... ... ... ...

    551. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Sembabule District ... ... ...

    552. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Sironko District ... ... ... ...


    553. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fox Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses fox Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants under Soroti District ... ... ...

    554. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fox Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisatior: Grants under Tororo District ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued


    555. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Wakiso District ... ... ... ...

    556. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Yumbe District ... ... ... ...

    557. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under

    . Butaleja District ... ... ... ... 558. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 20i5, for

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional and Condition4 Transfers under Ibanda District ... ... ... ...

    559. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Kaabong District ... ... ... ...

    560. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers undel Isingiro District ... ... ... ...

    561. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses foi Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers unde~ Kaliro District ... ... ... ...


    562. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June. 2015, foi

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses fo:

    Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers unde;

    Kiruhura District ... ... ... ...

    563. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fo

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses fa

    Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers unde

    Koboko District ... ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act

    Vote No.

    564. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Amolatar District ... ... ... ...

    565. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Amuria District ... ... ... ...

    566. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfe~s under Manafwa District ... ... ... ...

    567. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Bukwo District ... ... ... ...

    568. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Mityana District ... ... ... ...

    569. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Nakaseke District ... ... ... ...

    570. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fol

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses fol

    Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers undel

    Amuru District ... ... ... ...

    571. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses fol

    Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers undel

    Budaka District ... ... ... ...

    572. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses foi Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers unde: Oyam District ... ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued

    COLUMN1 Vote

    573. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Abirn District ... ... ... ...

    574. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Namutumba District ... ... ... ...

    575. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Dokolo District ... ... ...

    .." , ...

    576. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Condition* Transfers under Buliisa District ... ... ... ...

    577. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Mm h a District ... ... ... ...

    578. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and^ other expenses f ? ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers undei Bukedea District ... ... ... ...

    579. The amount requued in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers undei Bududa District ... ... ... ...

    580. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, foi Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses foj Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers unde: Lyantonde District ... ... ... ...

    581. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fo Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses fo Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers unde Amudat District ... ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued COLUMN1


    582. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Buikwe District ... ... ... ...

    583. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Buyende District ... ... ... ...

    584. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under

    .~Kyegegwa District ... ... ... ...

    585. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Lamwo District ... ... ... ...

    586. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Otuke District ... ... ... ...

    587. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expensis for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Zombo District ... ... ... ...

    588. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Alebtong District ... ... ... ...

    589. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fm Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers unde~ Bularnbuli District ... ... ... ...

    590. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers unde~ Buvuma District ... ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued

    COLUMN1 Vore No

    591. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Gomba District ... ... ... ...

    592. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Kiryandongo District ... ... ... ...

    593. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfew.under Luuka District ... ... ... ...

    594. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for

    . Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Namayingo District ... ... ... ...

    595. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and. other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Ntoroko District ... ... ... ...

    596. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Serere District ... ... ... ...

    597. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Kyankwanzi District ... ... ... ...

    598. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Kalungu District ... ... ... ...

    599. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses f o ~ Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Lwenno District ... ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-zontinued COLUMN1 COLUMN2

    Vote No.


    Shs. '000 600. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for

    Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Bukomansimbi District ... ... ... ... 9,121,683

    601. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Mitooma District ... ... ... ...

    602. The amount required ip the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Rubirizi District ... ... ... ...

    603. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages mh other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Ngora District ... ... ... ...

    604. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Napak District ... ... ... ...

    605. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Kibuku District ... ... ... ...

    606. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under

    * Nwoya District ... -.. ... ...

    607. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Kole District ... ... ... ...

    608. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Butambala District ... ... ... ... 11,920,065

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued

    COLUMN1 Vote

    609. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Sheema District ... ... ... ...

    610. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Buhweju District ... ... ... ...

    611. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent -

    Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Conditional Transfers under Agago District


    612. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Recurrent Expenditure on salaries, wages and other expenses for Delegated Services, Unconditional and Condition4 Transfers under Kween District ... ... ... ...

    j51. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional and Conditional Grants for Arua Municipal Council

    752. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional and Conditional Grants for Entebbe Municipal Council ... ... ... ... ...

    753. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fdr Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Fort Portal Municipal Council ... ... ... ...

    754. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Gulu Municipal Council ... a ... ... ...

    755. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, f o ~ Unconditional and Conditional Grants for Jinja Municipal Council ...

    757. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fol Unconditional and Conditional Grants for Kabale Municipal Council

    758. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, fol Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Lirz Municipal Council ... ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULE-continued COLUMN1


    759. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional and Conditional Grants for Masaka Municipal Council ...

    760. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional and Conditional Grants for Mbale Municipal Council ...

    761. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional and Conditional Grants for Mbarara Municipal Council

    762. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional and Conditional Grants for Moroto Municipal Council

    . 763. The amount required in' the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Soroti Municipal Council ... ... ... ,. , ...

    764. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional, Conditional and ~~ualisat ion 'Grants for Tororo Municipal Council ... ... . . . ...

    770. The amount required in the year ending on 3Oth June, 2015, for Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Kasese Municipal Council ... ... ... ...

    771. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Hoima Municipal Council ... ... ... ...

    772. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Mukono Municipal Council ... ... ... ...

    773. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional, Conditional '8nd Equalisation Grants for Iganga Municipal Council ... ... ... ...

    774. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Masindi Municipal Council ... ... ... ...

    775. The mount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Ntungamo Municipal Council ... ... ... ...

  • Act Appropriation Act SCHEDULEcontinued

    COLUMN1 Vote No.

    776. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Busia Municipal Council ... ... ... ...

    777. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Bushenyi -Ishaka Municipal Council ... ... ...

    778. The amount required in the year ending on 30th June, 2015, for Unconditional, Conditional and Equalisation Grants for Rukungiri Municipal Council . . . . ... ... ...


    Office of the President

    State House


    Shs. '000




    4,976,137 18,684,030

    Office of the Prime Minister 141,336,736 Ministry of Defence 356,638,708 Ministry.of Public Service 6,879,83 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 89 1,722 Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs 24,426,585 Ministry of Fiance, Planning & Economic Dev. 194,395,814 Ministry of Internal Affairs 1,039,416 Ministry of Agriculture, Animal & Fisheries 53,485,594 Ministry of Local Government 210,161,794 Ministry of Lands, Housing & Urban Development 13,974,864 Ministry of Education and Sports 277,366,139 Ministry of Health 545,209,103 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives 10,312,792 Ministry of Works and Transpdrt 89,422,458 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development ,767,402,963 Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development 41,971,350 Ministry of Water and Environment 33 1,547,280 Ministry of Information & Communications Tech. 3,226,824 Ministry of East African Community Affairs 567,520 Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities 3,127,413 Judiciary 9,138,823 Electoral Commission 113,675

  • Act Appropriation Act

    Inspectorate of Government (IG) Parliamentary Commission Law Reform Commission Uganda Human Rights Comm Uganda AIDS Commission National Planning Authority Law Development Centre Uganda Industrial Research Institute Busitema University Ethics and Integrity Uganda National Roads Authority Uganda Cancer Institute Uganda Heart Institute National Medical Stores Uganda Tourism Board Road Fund .-t

    Uganda Registration Services Bureau National Citizenship and Immigration Board


    Dairy Development Authority Kampala Capital City Authority Rural Electrification Agency (REA) Equal opportunities Commission National Animal Genetic Res. Centre and Data Bank National Information Technology Authority Muni University Auditor General Education Service Commission Directorate of Public Prosecutions Health Service Commission Makerere University Mbarara University Makerere University Business School Kyarnbogo University Uganda Management Institute Uganda Revenue Authority National Agricultural Research Organisation Uganda Bureau of Statistics Uganda Police Force Uganda Prisons Service Public Service Commission

  • Act Appropriation Act 147 Local Government Finance Commission 148 Judicial Service Commission 149 Gulu University 150 National Environment Management Authority 151 Uganda Blood Transfusion Service (UBTS) 152 NAADS Secretariat 153 PPDA 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards 155 Uganda Cotton Development Organisation 156 Uganda Land Commission 157 National Forestry Authority 159 External Security Organisation 160 Uganda Coffee Development Authority 161 Mulago Hospital Complex 162 Butabika Hospital

    Ama Referral Hospital +..!

    Fort Portal Referral Hospital Gulu Referral Hospital Hoima Referral Hospital Jinja Referral Hospital Kabale Referral Hospital Masaka Referral Hospital Mbale Referral Hospital Soroti R e f e d Hospital Lira Referral Hospital Mbarara Referral Hospital Mubende Referral Hospital Moroto Referral Hosptial Naguru Referral Hospital Ugandan Mission at the United Nations, New York Uganda High Commission in United Kingdom, London Uganda High Commission in Canada, Ottawa Uganda High Commission in Iridia, New Delhi Uganda High Commission in Egypt, Cairo Uganda High Commission in Kenya, Nairobi Uganda High Commission in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam Uganda High Commission in Nigeria, Abuja Uganda High Commission in South Africa, Pretoria Uganda Embassy in Washington Uganda Embassy in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Uganda Embassy in China, Beijing

  • Act Appropriation Act

    Uganda Embassy in Rwanda, Kigali

    Uganda Embassy in Switzerland, Geneva

    Uganda Embassy in Japan, Tokyo

    Uganda Embassy in Libya, Tripoli

    Uganda Embassy in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh

    Uganda Embassy in Denmark, Copenhagen

    Uganda Embassy in Belgium, Brussels

    Uganda Embassy in Italy, Rome

    Uganda Embassy in DRC, Kinshasa

    Uganda Embassy in Sudan, Khartoum

    Uganda Embassy in France, Paris

    Uganda Embassy in Germany, Berlin

    Uganda Embassy in Teheran

    Uganda Embassy in Moscow

    Uganda Embassy in Canberra

    * !

    Uganda Embassy in Juba

    Uganda Embassy in Abu Dhabi

    Uganda Embassy in Bujumbura

    Guangzhou Consulate in China

    Mission in Ankara

    Mission in Mogadishu

    Mission in Kuala Lumpur

    Mission in Mombasa

    Adjumani District

    Apac District

    Arua District

    Bugiri District

    Bundibugyo District

    Bushenyi District

    Busia District

    Gulu District

    Hoima District

    Iganga District

    Jinja District

    Kabale District

    Kabarole District

    Kaberamaido District

    Kalangala District

    Kamuli District

    Kamwenge District

  • Act 5 19 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 9 4 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559

    Appropriation Act Kanungu District Kapchorwa District Kasese District Katakwi District Kayunga District Kibale District Kiboga District Kisoro District Kitgum District Kotido District Kumi District Kyenjonjo District Lira District Luwero District Masaka District Masindi District


    Mayuge District Mbale District Mbarara District Moroto District Moyo District Mpigi District Mubende District Mukono District Nakapiripirit District Nakasongola District Nebbi District Ntungarno District Pader District Pallisa District Rakai District Rukungiri District Sembabule District

    Sironko District

    Soroti District

    Tororo District

    Wakiso District

    Yumbe District

    Butaleja District

    lbanda District

    Kaabong District

  • Act 519 520 52 1 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 53 1 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559

    Appropriation Act Kanungu District Kapchorwa District Kasese District Katakwi District Kayunga District Kibale District Kiboga District Kisoro District Kitgum District Kotido District Kumi District Kyenjonjo District Lira District Luwero District Masaka District Masindi District


    Mayuge District Mbale District Mbarara District Moroto District Moyo District Mpigi District Mubende District Mukono District Nakapiripirit District Nakasongola District Nebbi District Ntungamo District Pader District Pdlisa District Rakai District Rukungiri District Sembabule District Sironko District Soroti District Tororo District Wakiso District Yumbe District Butaleja District Ibanda District Kaabong District

  • Act Appropriation Act Uganda Embassy in Rwanda, Kigali Uganda Embassy in Switzerland, Geneva Uganda Embassy in Japan, Tokyo Uganda Embassy in Libya, Tripoli Uganda Embassy in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh Uganda Embassy in Denmark, Copenhagen Uganda Embassy in Belgium, Brussels Uganda Embassy in Italy, Rome Uganda Embassy in DRC, Kinshasa Uganda Embassy in Sudan, Khartoum Uganda Embassy in France, Paris Uganda Embassy in Germany, Berlin Uganda Embassy in Teheran Uganda Embassy in Moscow Uganda Embassy in Canberra Uganda Embassy in Juba Uganda Embassy in Abu Dhabi Uganda Embassy in Bujumbura Guangzhou Consulate in China Mission in Ankara Mission in Mogadishu Mission in Kuala Lumpur Mission in Mombasa Adjumani District Apac District h a District Bugiri District Bundibugyo District Bushenyi District Busia District Gulu District Hoima District Iganga District Jinja District Kabde District

    Kabarole District

    Kaberarnaido District

    Kalangala District

    Kamuli District

    Kamwenge District

  • Act Appropriation Act

    Isingiro District

    Kaliro District

    Kiruhura District

    Koboko District

    Amolatar District

    Amuria District

    Manafwa District

    Bukwo District

    Mityana District

    Nakaseke District

    Amum District

    Budaka District

    Oyam District

    Abim District

    Namutumba District


    Dokolo District

    Bullisa District

    Maracha District

    Bukedea Distrct

    Bududa District

    Lyantonde District

    Amudat District

    Buikwe District

    Buyende District

    Kyegegwa District

    Lamwo District

    Otuke District

    Zombo District

    Alebtong District

    Bulambuli District

    Buvuma District

    Gomba District

    Kiryandongo District

    Luuka District

    Namayingo District

    Ntoroko District

    Serere District

    Kyankwanzi District

    Kalungu District

    Lwengo District

  • Act 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611. 612 751 752 75.3 754 755 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 770 77 1 772 773 774 775 776 777 778

    Appropriation Act Bukomansimbi District Mitooma District Rubirizi District Ngora District Napak District Kibuku District Nwoya District Kole District Butarnbala District Sheema District Buhweju District Agago Dishict Kween District Arua Municipal Council Entebbe Municipal Council Fort-Portal Municipal Council Gulu Municipal Council Jinja Municipal Council Kabale Municipal Council Lira Municipal Council Masaka Municipal Council Mbale Municipal Council Mbarara Municipal Council Moroto Municipal Council Soroti Municipal Council Tororo Municipal Council Kasese Municipal Council Hoima Municipal Council Mukono Municipal Council Iganga Municipal Council Masindi Municipal Council Ntungamo Municipal Council Busia Municipal Council Bushenyi - Ishaka Municipal Council Rukungiri Municipal Council


  • Act Appropriation Act Isingiro District

    Kaliro District

    Kiruhura District

    Koboko District

    Amolatar District

    Amuria District

    Manafwa District

    Bukwo District

    Mityana District

    Nakaseke District

    Amuru District

    Budaka District

    Oyam District

    Abim District

    Namutumba District

    *.. ,

    Dokolo District

    Bullisa District

    Maracha District

    Bukedea Distrct

    Bududa District

    Lyantonde District

    Amudat Distrjct

    Buikwe District

    Buyende District

    Kyegegwa District

    Lamwo District

    Otuke District

    Zombo District

    Alebtong District

    Bulambuli District

    Buvuma District

    Gomba District

    Kiryandongo District

    Luuka District

    Namayingo District

    Ntoroko District

    Serere District

    Kyankwanzi District

    Kalungu District

    Lwengo District

  • ,..,

    This printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the'bill which was passed by Parliament and found by me to be a true copy of the bill.

    Clerk to Parliament

    +- zolg0,qDate of authentication: .g8.. . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . ..