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T Y Y L w t i i > co THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS COLUMBIA KY JUNE 14 1905 C I 1 a ICORRESPONDENCE 1 A 0 A BREEDING Mrs J H Morris is on the sick list Joe Smith was here last week looking for mules Our merchants are doing a good- s business at fair prices Mr Bottom of your town secur ed a good lot of cattle here last week The oats and wheat crops of this section are very promising The farmers have been very ac ¬ tive in the cultivation of theirC corn the past week W F Anderson traveling in the interest of the Cincinnati Clothing Company passed this j place enroute to Burkesville Roy Rounds of Columbia passI ed from Cumberland Noah Loy and wife visited Miss Henry Siemens of Cumber r land last Saturday Miss Nina Breeding visited Miss Ida Traylor Saturday night Miss Nora Williams Waterview is visiting friends and relatives in our town Mr Arthur Roop has recently purchased land of George and Rob Breeding and will build a residence in our town in the near future James Garvin of Marrobone passed this place last week for Columbia with the intention of making that his home Mrs Joe Rice of Moody Texc visited her niece Mrs Pearl- Frodge last week John Wisdom has recently mov ed to Needmore Metcalf Co toJ keep a hotel We learn that their is a call for hands at that place and we hope that idlers will seek employment Wisdom agrees t that Needmore is a proper name for a hotel since food materials are always in demand t SPAR < SILILL e Miss Emily Wooten is on the sick list Curt Yarberry and wife visited friends at Glenville Sunday Pete Bardin of Greensburg was here Friday Miss Effie Gaston and Addie Page were in Columbia Saturday GrantCollins and daughter at- tended Childrens day at Glenville Sunday Mrs W S Wheeler is very sick at this writing Mr H F Gaston spent Satur day night in Gradyvilleh Mrs Evan Akin and little daughter Myrtie is spending a few days at Gadberry this week J Mrs Cettie Nell of Gradyville visited her daughter several days of last week Mr J M Rowe and Lapha Akin were in Columbia Wednes day j 4c CL = 4 r I I Childrens day atr this place June the 4 th was a great sue ¬ 1 cess There was large crowd out about six hundred people There was an abundance of din ¬ ner on the ground Every body was well pleased with the exer cises Wheat crops are very good out < here and corn is looking fine + S V Wilkersori sold Boss Grider a younierliorse for 7500 i Eld F J Barger gavea very interesting talk Childrens Day i 4 ih Abject being Missions Bros gavelri Justfiillshr f fr rtof f e3 planting corn and says he is j > > earlier than common i L f 4LtI l f fJ1 ¼ ili < I ifliSl iC i i k T w cANe 3Z75LLY Wheat Harvest is in full blast only a few days and the farmers will have their wheat ricked ready to be thrashed The growing crop is not doing o well in this locality due to dry cool weather Massie and Co sold some fat hogs to J D Tandy one day last week for which they received fair prices Mr C R Dudgeon was in Campbellsville last Thursday on businessMisses Maud and Claud Bum garner two popular young ladies of this place are visiting in Spur lington this week- Subscriptions are out to raise money for an organ at the Meth- odist ¬ church We are glad to write that such steps have been taken as an organ is greatly need- ed ¬ Dr C D Moore was in Greens burg on business last Wednesday W D Hancock made a busi- ness ¬ trip to Greensburg last Mon- day ¬ Mrs Robert Coper sold in the month of May 151 dozen eggs at 12 cents per dozen Mrs Anna Murrell is on the sick list this week Mrs JT Sublett of Gieen county was visiting here one day last week Coy E Dudgeon is visiting his father at St Marys this week Feese and Cundiff our show- men left last week for Hart Green and Metcalfe counties where they will give entertain- ments ¬ evrey night W E Hancock has finished sawing Ed Hopewells timber June Hancock has finished yi ¬ his mill from Carmel to Mt Pleasant and will make meal at the rate of twelve bushels per hour Miss Fannie Cheatham of Milltown a pretty little girl paid us a flying visit last week Boss Watson who has been with Azbills surveying crew for the past two years left last mon- day for Rowen- aS A Murrell who has been in ur cemetery with a crew of ands for the past month has completed the work and we can say we have one of the cleanest cemeterys in the county Mr E C Page accompanied 3y Miss Mamie Moore Mr F P Rice and wife and Mr Coy E Dudgeon visited sulphur well Taylor county last Sunday Mrs Addie Hendrix and 3- hildren have returned to St Marys after a pleasant visit to friends a1 relatives at this place Ed Eubank purchased one nice milk cow price 25 00 RevJP Scruggs > filled his regular appointment at the Bap- tist ¬ church last Saturday and Sun- day ¬ Mr John A Johnston of near thisplace who has been visiting in Louisville and other points for the pat two weeks has re ¬ turned home Laslf Thursday night as Mr S D Barb 3e was returning from Cyille he discovered fire as he Wai t th saw mill oU T t c Ml i i clone schoplnouse on the pike Upon reaching the BKjtliesiw i that considerable effort were tQ 1 b2 fl > vVi AHi5ii i > 4LIJT h J Stt 5 f J be made or lots would be lost He succeeded in securing help and the flames were extinguish ¬ ed before any serious damage was done Doubtless had notI Mr Barbee been passing the mill and nearly 100000 feet of lum ¬ ber would now be in ashes t GRADYVILLE 4 4 A cold wave struck us Thurs ¬ day Some of our farmers have cut their wheat The oat crop has been damag¬ ed by the long dry spell John D Lowe was here Sat urday Miss May Beauchamp has a case of flux J A Diddle was in Metcalfe TuesdayMrs Wilmore was on the sick list a few days of last week Prof G B Yates of Joppa attendedchurch here Sunday Strong Hill was in Columbia last Saturday on business W W Yates and wife visited relatives at Portland last week We congratulate Mr and Mrs J W Walker of Joppa on the arrival of their son G Yates of Eastfork spent a few days of last week with rel ¬ atives at this place H H Moss of Greenaburg passed through here last Friday enrout for Burkesville Mr Billy Hillis of Marrow ¬ bone has one of the best two year old Peacocks that were ever in this town ET Keltner and H C Walk- er ¬ were transacting business in Columbia a few days last week Dr L C Nell returned from Louisville Wednesday Prof Richard Moss of Colum ¬ bia accompanied Miss Ora Moss home last Saturday George Flowers of Columbia spent a few days of last week here with his mother who is in bad health C Lewis and family of Fair play visited at GT Flowers last week Mrs Jane Turk was by the bed side of her brother Mr Ka Turk at Columbia last Wednesday Capt W W Bradshaw and Prof JWFlowersofColum ¬ bia were here Wednesday looking after the interest of the M F High School at that place Misses Mollie and Rosa Hun ¬ ter and Clara Wilmore accom- panied ¬ by their brothers attend ¬ ed the recital at the L WT S Friday night Mrs Julia Baker with her son Samuel and wife visited the bed- side ¬ of Mr John Penningtonof Bliss Friday Miss Mollie Caldwell of Port- land ¬ visited relatives here last week > v Dlffiusseno the Adair Qil Company was here Saturday and located an oil vein and at an ear ¬ ly date will drill several wells George H Nells children have the whooping cough We think it can be said of a certainty that WL Grady has a string of twelve the finest corn¬ bined show harses that were ever in Adair county owned by one man however Mr Grady will show down with any of them MiSsMl1dredWlkervistedh re several r days of last week j M Howell of Greensburg W3S at th- eiJPstwek Wi1mrat1rO tg J w and informedu- sthathis teinessjinr says has t > eM Ver > for th- ept > i f f several months w > 3 i 33 gW Mt > krV < i t 7 r l i roi I tt1 1 f ff 5 1 Jt n = Jf FAIRf r r 0 The Most Attractive Program Ever Gotten Out and the 5 > Management Promises an Interesting Time to < all Who May Attend- S c j > > < > There will be many outside attractions and a l fifstGlass Band J i V V will discourse delightful music for the benefit of the beaux and telles I 4 4 rw 4 00 < ti Come Everybody v 4 i t4H 4 4and enjoy the greatest Fair ever held in Adair county Remember the date < 4 rrr < AUGUST 22FOTJR DAYS 4 4 V 4 J B COFFEY PresidentI I- C < 4 4 S HARRIS 4 Secretary 4 4 4 1 i Hxi 4 Dr R A Taylor was with his I nephew near Montpelier who has been in a very critical condi ¬ tion a day or so last week Mr Thomas Kemp of Keltner who is in his 78th year was here Thursday looking young and hale Uncle John has made a regular hand in the crop all seas ¬ on appears th same man as ever and is a Democrat of the first type Tom Wilson of Horse Cavey was at W L Gradys Saturday He bought while here a four year old Peacock gelding of Chat mOan Dohoney for 175 C L Keltner has just return ¬ t ed from Foosland Ill where he was called to see his son who was badly mangled by runaway team He left his son improving rapidlySmith Nell bought in Cum¬ berland last 25 head of cattle at 3 to 4 cents two mules for 290 two combined horses at 26750 They shipped to Louis ¬ ville market last week two car- loads of fat cattle and one of hogs 7UtIDDLEBVRG Misses Bessie Fogle Salena Jones Mattie Estes and Messrs > Wm Bryant Sherman Allen and Frank Toues represented theBap tist hurch of this city as dele- gates ¬ atthe Sunday School Con vention at Somerset last week Messrs J C Coulter Charles McWhorter and Miss Jesse Coult ¬ er attended the burial of James H Albright near Broadhead Wednesday last Mr Albright died on Tuesday He had been in badjiealth for some time af- flicted with consumption- C Jones and tefrodbey were Sit Stanford last week A nice day was spent at the noted Olympian Springs Thurs- day last At The proprietor spared neither pains nor money for the guests enjoyMent Some three- hundradw re there todririit1w Ji 1 ne 1C ol uL Nhuff Dd ceive theiiiikatioii of excl1rit- health Y aiT ti > Lj ft q TMJ9tu VJ i ili i I li > t tJf 7f2 il Casey county will be held the conseIquently tfte third Monday Mrs Ettie Coleman of this city mother of Clarence and Miss Ethel Coleman left last week for Kansas and Oklahoma She expects to jbe gone two or three months I Most all our farmers have plowed their corn two or three times and are now waiting and watching for rain which is so much needed Prof JP Lawhorn is having adormitory built in connection with M N C which will be a great auxiliary in the upbuilding of this noted college Mrs John Wesley Danville has been visiting her parents here for the past week A number of our people will attend the Confederate reunion at Louisville Stanley McIntosh advertising agent prepares and places ad ¬ vertising matter of every descrip ¬ tion in newspapers magazines etc Efficient rendered service intelli- gently ¬ JOP A HP Willis had the misfortune to lose a very valuable horse last w 9l Jiygettingsnagged sI6 Cdfe and children Jackman Bottom are visiting Mrs Coes parents Mr and Mrs WW Brbclfman this week- SeveiaIfrom t this place attend ¬ ed Childrens Day exorcises at Glenville last Sunday H P Barger and E R Willis went to Crocus fishing last Thurs ¬ day MriJ6hn Goe and Miss Dona Helm of Jackman Bottom > visit ed Miss Tina i Brockinaif last Sat- urday ¬ t night The Sunday School l at Zion is sqftefiuIeriyof f < v iSiJneoJiIpnellJY anti little daughter = of Columbia visited atT E Waggonerslast Sundar i lf ti F ijf k t 1 ti 4 SS- i l f I j Ic fl Wiseman Son Jewelers and ONGlaos DEALERS IN Diamonds and iloblUuS Stonos 0- I Special attention given to work and all orders of goods in our line No 132 West Market bet 1st and 2nd Oppo- site Music Hal- lLOUISVILLE KENTUCKY Iam prepared to fix Pumps Tinwork Woodwork and all t kinds of repairing a specialty Horseshoeing and Blacksmithing I am prepared to do your buggy repairing on short notice LOCATION WATER STREET WADE H EUBANKS f IA New Machine Shop AT ESTO KY sr Equipped with the best modern Uptodate Macliine Tools 1 1 am prepared to do any kind of work on your V engine that it may require and do it in a first > class workmanlike manner Satisfaction guarari teed and prices will be rightthe lowest consistent with first class work Try me and be convinced I use the very best soft Gray Iron Castings for Cylinder Rings and Valve work and Piston Heads which is the best for the purpose known I carry a line of Shafting and Pipeing and a com¬ plete line of brass trimmings viz Injectors ontYoUrEngine I am located 3 miles west of JamestoWl1 Russell Co on the Columbia road i J CU A tlSh1VI s i S JOHNEUBANK BLACKSMITH AND WQQDWORKMAN p > r 1iil w i t1o rr + eW CANE VALLEY KENTUCKY Hoi Ic a Iggy 1i ri- s1 I Satiita SzS tis S 3l i Mictjft i3 lr 2 k > i S L5

The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1905-06 … · co THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS COLUMBIA KY JUNE 14 1905 C I 1 a ... The oats and wheat

May 06, 2018



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Page 1: The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1905-06 … · co THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS COLUMBIA KY JUNE 14 1905 C I 1 a ... The oats and wheat


Lw t i

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A 0 A

BREEDINGMrs J H Morris is on the sick

listJoe Smith was here last week

looking for mules

Our merchants are doing a good-

sbusiness at fair prices

Mr Bottom of your town secured a good lot of cattle here lastweek

The oats and wheat crops ofthis section are very promising

The farmers have been very ac¬

tive in the cultivation of theirCcorn the past week

W F Anderson traveling inthe interest of the CincinnatiClothing Company passed this

j place enroute to BurkesvilleRoy Rounds of Columbia passI

ed from CumberlandNoah Loy and wife visited

Miss Henry Siemens of Cumberr land last Saturday

Miss Nina Breeding visitedMiss Ida Traylor Saturday nightMiss Nora Williams Waterviewis visiting friends and relativesin our town

Mr Arthur Roop has recentlypurchased land of George andRob Breeding and will build aresidence in our town in the nearfuture

James Garvin of Marrobonepassed this place last week forColumbia with the intention ofmaking that his home

Mrs Joe Rice of Moody Texcvisited her niece Mrs Pearl-Frodge last week

John Wisdom has recently moved to Needmore Metcalf Co toJkeep a hotel We learn that theiris a call for hands at that placeand we hope that idlers will seekemployment Wisdom agrees

tthat Needmore is a proper namefor a hotel since food materialsare always in demand


SPAR <SILILL eMiss Emily Wooten is on the

sick listCurt Yarberry and wife visited

friends at Glenville SundayPete Bardin of Greensburg

was here FridayMiss Effie Gaston and Addie

Page were in Columbia SaturdayGrantCollins and daughter at-

tended Childrens day at GlenvilleSunday

Mrs W S Wheeler is verysick at this writing

Mr H F Gaston spent Saturday night in Gradyvilleh

Mrs Evan Akin and littledaughter Myrtie is spending afew days at Gadberry this week

J Mrs Cettie Nell of Gradyvillevisited her daughter several daysof last week

Mr J M Rowe and LaphaAkin were in Columbia Wednesday

j 4cCL = 4r

II Childrens day atr this place

June the 4 th was a great sue ¬1

cess There was large crowdout about six hundred peopleThere was an abundance of din ¬

ner on the ground Every bodywas well pleased with the exercises

Wheat crops are very good out< here and corn is looking fine


S V Wilkersori sold BossGrider a younierliorse for 7500

i Eld F J Barger gavea veryinteresting talk Childrens Day

i 4ih Abject being Missions BrosgavelriJustfiillshrf f r rtof f e3 planting corn and says he isj > > earlier than common i


f 4LtI lffJ1 ¼ ili< I

ifliSl iC i ik


wcANe 3Z75LLY

Wheat Harvest is in full blastonly a few days and the farmerswill have their wheat rickedready to be thrashed

The growing crop is not doingo well in this locality due to dry

cool weather

Massie and Co sold some fathogs to J D Tandy one daylast week for which they receivedfair prices

Mr C R Dudgeon was inCampbellsville last Thursday on


Maud and Claud Bumgarner two popular young ladiesof this place are visiting in Spurlington this week-

Subscriptions are out to raisemoney for an organ at the Meth-odist


church We are glad towrite that such steps have beentaken as an organ is greatly need-


Dr C D Moore was in Greensburg on business last Wednesday

W D Hancock made a busi-


trip to Greensburg last Mon-



Mrs Robert Coper sold in themonth of May 151 dozen eggs at12 cents per dozen

Mrs Anna Murrell is on thesick list this week

Mrs JT Sublett of Gieencounty was visiting here oneday last week

Coy E Dudgeon is visiting hisfather at St Marys this week

Feese and Cundiff our show-

men left last week for HartGreen and Metcalfe countieswhere they will give entertain-ments


evrey night

W E Hancock has finishedsawing Ed Hopewells timber

June Hancock has finishedyi¬

his mill from Carmel to MtPleasant and will make meal atthe rate of twelve bushels perhour

Miss Fannie Cheatham ofMilltown a pretty little girl paidus a flying visit last week

Boss Watson who has beenwith Azbills surveying crew forthe past two years left last mon-

day for Rowen-aS A Murrell who has been in

ur cemetery with a crew ofands for the past month has

completed the work and we cansay we have one of the cleanestcemeterys in the county

Mr E C Page accompanied3y Miss Mamie Moore Mr F PRice and wife and Mr Coy EDudgeon visited sulphur wellTaylor county last Sunday

Mrs Addie Hendrix and 3-

hildren have returned to StMarys after a pleasant visit tofriends a1relatives at this place

Ed Eubank purchased onenice milk cow price 25 00

RevJP Scruggs> filled hisregular appointment at the Bap-


church last Saturday and Sun-day


Mr John A Johnston of nearthisplace who has been visitingin Louisville and other pointsfor the pat two weeks has re¬

turned homeLaslf Thursday night as Mr S

D Barb 3e was returning fromCyille he discovered fire as heWai

t th saw mill oUT

t c Mli iclone schoplnouse on the pikeUpon reaching the BKjtliesiwithat considerable effort were tQ


b2fl >vVi AHi5ii

i > 4LIJTh J

Stt 5 f J

be made or lots would be lostHe succeeded in securing helpand the flames were extinguish¬

ed before any serious damagewas done Doubtless had notIMr Barbee been passing the milland nearly 100000 feet of lum ¬

ber would now be in ashes


A cold wave struck us Thurs¬


Some of our farmers have cuttheir wheat

The oat crop has been damag¬

ed by the long dry spellJohn D Lowe was here Sat


Miss May Beauchamp has acase of flux

J A Diddle was in Metcalfe


Wilmore was on thesick list a few days of last week

Prof G B Yates of Joppaattendedchurch here Sunday

Strong Hill was in Columbialast Saturday on business

W W Yates and wife visitedrelatives at Portland last week

We congratulate Mr and MrsJ W Walker of Joppa on thearrival of their son

G Yates of Eastfork spenta few days of last week with rel¬

atives at this place

H H Moss of Greenaburgpassed through here last Fridayenrout for Burkesville

Mr Billy Hillis of Marrow ¬

bone has one of the best twoyear old Peacocks that were everin this town

ET Keltner and H C Walk-er


were transacting business inColumbia a few days last week

Dr L C Nell returned fromLouisville Wednesday

Prof Richard Moss of Colum ¬

bia accompanied Miss Ora Mosshome last Saturday

George Flowers of Columbiaspent a few days of last weekhere with his mother who is inbad health

C Lewis and family of Fairplay visited at GT Flowerslast week

Mrs Jane Turk was by the bedside of her brother Mr Ka Turkat Columbia last Wednesday

Capt W W Bradshaw andProf JWFlowersofColum ¬

bia were here Wednesday lookingafter the interest of the M FHigh School at that place

Misses Mollie and Rosa Hun¬

ter and Clara Wilmore accom-panied


by their brothers attend ¬

ed the recital at the L WT SFriday night

Mrs Julia Baker with her sonSamuel and wife visited the bed-side


of Mr John PenningtonofBliss Friday

Miss Mollie Caldwell of Port-land


visited relatives here lastweek > v

Dlffiusseno the Adair QilCompany was here Saturday andlocated an oil vein and at an ear¬

ly date will drill several wells

George H Nells children havethe whooping cough

We think it can be said of acertainty that WL Grady hasa string of twelve the finest corn¬

bined show harses that wereever in Adair county owned byone man however Mr Gradywill show down with any of them

MiSsMl1dredWlkervistedh reseveral rdays of last week

j M Howell of GreensburgW3S at th-

eiJPstwekWi1mrat1rO tg

J w

and informedu-sthathis teinessjinr says hast>eM Ver > for th-ept

> i f fseveral months w >3 i 33

gW Mt > krV <

it 7 r l i roi

Itt11f ff

51 Jt

n =


FAIRfr r 0

The Most Attractive Program Ever Gotten Out and the5

> Management Promises an Interesting Time to <all Who May Attend-

Sc j> >

< > There will be many outside attractions and a l

fifstGlass BandJ i V

V will discourse delightful music for the benefit of the beaux and tellesI 44 rw 400<

ti Come Everybody v 4 it4H 44and enjoy the greatest Fair ever held in Adair county Remember the date <

4 rrr < AUGUST 22FOTJR DAYS 44 V 4J B COFFEY PresidentI I-


4 Secretary 444 1 iHxi 4

Dr R A Taylor was with his I

nephew near Montpelier whohas been in a very critical condi¬

tion a day or so last weekMr Thomas Kemp of Keltner

who is in his 78th year was hereThursday looking young andhale Uncle John has made aregular hand in the crop all seas ¬

on appears th same man as everand is a Democrat of the firsttype

Tom Wilson of Horse Caveywas at W L Gradys SaturdayHe bought while here a fouryear old Peacock gelding of ChatmOan Dohoney for 175

C L Keltner has just return¬t

ed from Foosland Ill where hewas called to see his son whowas badly mangled by runawayteam He left his son improving


Nell bought in Cum¬

berland last 25 head ofcattle at 3 to 4 cents two mulesfor 290 two combined horses at26750 They shipped to Louis ¬

ville market last week two car-

loads of fat cattle and one ofhogs

7UtIDDLEBVRGMisses Bessie Fogle Salena

Jones Mattie Estes and Messrs >

Wm Bryant Sherman Allen andFrank Toues represented theBaptist hurch of this city as dele-gates


atthe Sunday School Convention at Somerset last week

Messrs J C Coulter CharlesMcWhorter and Miss Jesse Coult¬

er attended the burial of JamesH Albright near BroadheadWednesday last Mr Albrightdied on Tuesday He had beenin badjiealth for some time af-

flicted with consumption-

C Jones and tefrodbey wereSit Stanford last week

A nice day was spent at thenoted Olympian Springs Thurs-day last

AtThe proprietor spared

neither pains nor money for theguests enjoyMent Some three-hundradw re there todririit1wJi 1ne1C ol uL Nhuff Ddceive theiiiikatioii of excl1rit-health Y

aiT ti > Ljft q TMJ9tu VJ

i ili i Ili

> t

tJf 7f2 il

Casey county will be held the

conseIquentlytfte third Monday

Mrs Ettie Coleman of thiscity mother of Clarence andMiss Ethel Coleman left lastweek for Kansas and OklahomaShe expects to jbe gone two orthree months


Most all our farmers haveplowed their corn two or threetimes and are now waiting andwatching for rain which is somuch needed

Prof JP Lawhorn is havingadormitory built in connectionwith M N C which will be agreat auxiliary in the upbuildingof this noted college

Mrs John Wesley Danvillehas been visiting her parentshere for the past week

A number of our people willattend the Confederate reunionat Louisville

Stanley McIntosh advertisingagent prepares and places ad¬

vertising matter of every descrip ¬

tion in newspapers magazinesetc Efficient

renderedservice intelli-


JOP AHP Willis had the misfortune

to lose a very valuable horse lastw 9l Jiygettingsnagged

sI6 Cdfe and childrenJackman Bottom are visitingMrs Coes parents Mr and MrsW W Brbclfman this week-


this place attend ¬

ed Childrens Day exorcises atGlenville last Sunday

H P Barger and E R Williswent to Crocus fishing last Thurs¬


MriJ6hn Goe and Miss DonaHelm of Jackman Bottom > visited Miss Tina i Brockinaif last Sat-



The Sunday School l at Zion is

sqftefiuIeriyoff< v

iSiJneoJiIpnellJY anti littledaughter = of Columbia visitedatT E Waggonerslast Sundar

ilf ti

F ijfk

t1 ti 4

SS- i l f I j

Ic fl Wiseman Son

Jewelers and ONGlaosDEALERS IN

Diamonds and iloblUuS Stonos0-I Special attention given to work andall orders of goods in our line No 132West Market bet 1st and 2nd Oppo-

site Music Hal-


Iam prepared to fix Pumps

Tinwork Woodwork and all tkinds of repairing a specialty

Horseshoeing and BlacksmithingI am prepared to do your buggyrepairing on short notice



New Machine ShopAT ESTO KY

srEquipped with the best modernUptodate Macliine Tools 1

1 am prepared to do any kind of work on your Vengine that it may require and do it in a first >class workmanlike manner Satisfaction guarariteed and prices will be rightthe lowest consistentwith first class work Try me and be convincedI use the very best soft Gray Iron Castings forCylinder Rings and Valve work and Piston Headswhich is the best for the purpose known Icarry a line of Shafting and Pipeing and a com¬plete line of brass trimmings viz Injectors

ontYoUrEngineI am located 3 miles west of JamestoWl1

Russell Co on the Columbia road i JCU A tlSh1VI si



> r 1iil wi t1o rr +eWCANE VALLEY KENTUCKY

Hoi Ic a Iggy 1i ri-






3l iMictjft i3 lr2

k> iS
