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A List of Letters, I Remaining in the Post Oflico at Abbeville C. J1., S. <J., October 1st, 1847: Allen, (' !I 2 Martin, Suinuel Ashley, Aaron Morrow, James Armstrong, Hugh Milfortl, Win l)r linker, Alpheus Manldun, Archibald \ Buchanan, .1 \Y Martin, Smilh } lihickwcl!, John II M.irtin, Robert 2 Rlackburn, \V Mann, Robert Uridwcll, Johnson Marian, Jane -Mrs Huth-r. A P Mavt?. Medu i .Brown, I'riscilla Miller, Juno Mrs Beaufort, James McBryde/t'hos A Kov j lilosseni, ( {i.'orgc]) McGowcn, Samuel Buge, \Villiam McCoy. Alexander Brownkv, John Mrlnear,'Alfred Coals, M'iry Ann MeOombs, John Cunningham, John 12 McNeil, Thos Cochran, J S. Noble, Win A Cannon, J ( Norwood, \V l)r Collier, James ( J Oatcs, James iJr.yis. John - Oens, Jolin D xw. on. Join O .vens, Thos 15 lV-ivis, James ! '. L'aslv, Austin Doug!is-, 1' \ Rev l'tirdy, Win J FinianU' l, I):ivid ."> l'.-iul, Andrew J Fulton, Thos llosainon, J Co Gvnar, Jolm Kykard, Bevi II (Jary, T Rogers, James (Rodman, 8 A ~ Roberts, A A Cray Jolm F llobenson, Tlios Gaines Richard Sale, Win 53 Gray, Andrew Stephenson.Jas Gray, Jane Miss ftcoit, Win Ciaines. Win Stetson, Elizabeih Harris, Win S St allies, John Mrs Hill, Thus Sittcn, Jab T Uinton, Hannah 15 Stark, Kisen Mrs llackett, Mn:h:»»*I Spears, Rllick IJaihiway, Mary Trainer, Charles 2 Hudspeth, Win Turner, John Irvin, Thos Weed, Elizabeth Jennings, John T Warner, Win Johnson, Junius 2 Ware, Adaline P Jester, Thus ft Walker, J A Kollar, David Waddell, A 11 K in^tinon', t * 1 { 2 Wright, Win T Ijiicius, Fredrick Wei nis, Caroline I*' Li;slie, David Wcoins, Ajrin-s Mrs r.oyrui, W W Watson, John 1> IVIoses, Mary Ann Win, Daniel Mosi's, J*' 1' i\.l>. If the above h Iters are not taken out1 of III is ofli-e prior to iho 1st day ol'January, ltilS, thry will Ijo icturncd to the Cieneral i Post Oflii.-o rs Dead Letters. Oct o M.-.h' JUIIN McLAREN, P.M. The State of South Carolina, j allhkyillu district in kqi1tv. Francis Withers, v. William C. Smith..- Hill to Foreclose Mortgage. (Postponed until Sale. Day in November.) Iiy ordet ofthe Court of Chancery, I will noil on Sale Day in November Abbeville C. II., for cash, the following tracts of land, viz : FIRST.The Patterson Home Tra<"(, containing three hundred and seventy-,tive > acres and one quarter. ; SECOiy D.T/v Patterson. River Tract, ; containing two hundred and fifty-six acres and three quarters; and j 'P1IIRD.The Covington Tract, con- mining jour nunureu una tniriy-eignt acres find throe quarters. Said tracts situate in Abbeville District, on Little River, adjoining each other, and bounded by lands of Mrs. Mc- Caw, Edward Tilinan, Joseph T. Baker, and others. Purchaser to pay for titles, II. A. JONES, c. t>\ -\. n. Corn'rs Office, Sept 11, 1617 21) 13w The State of South Carolina.: AliUKVILLE DISTRICT, Sinallwood Wills, nppl't., vs. Franklin Witts, and others..Parti/ion i)i Ordin- an/. j Will be sold, on the first Monday in No'.vms her next, at Abbeville C. II., by Order of the Court ol Ordinary, tlie Real Estate of Stephen WlttS. dprV'.IKPfl- rnnlnininir »>nO a «i more or less, adjoining1 lands ot Dr. Samuel Marshall and outers, 011 a credit of one and two years, for Partition. A. C. I1AVVTHORX, s. a. i>. Oct 0, IS 17. 32 3t jVjXpartc.IV. and />. /'. hj, f«UA RD1AXS. Will be bold, on the 1st Monday in November next, the Ileal F.state ol Jiurrel, de- censed, for Partition, containing One Hun- died and Thirty Acres, more or lees, situate eight miles from Due West, on Turkey crock, in Abbeville District, adjoining lands ol Jas Johnson, Robt Woods and others, on a credit, of one and two years. Dy order of the Court of%Ordinary. A. C. HAWTHURN, (Jet 13, 1817 33 3t Sheriff. NOTICE. Will bo sold, on Sale Day in November next at Abbeville Court House, unless previously disposed of, 800 acres of LAN D, more or less, lying on waters of Mulberry creek, in this District, and bounded by lands of John Vance, F. A. Conner and others, and about two and a half miles from Cokesbu'ry, pro- perty of the late Rev. John Porter, dee'd, The Plantation is in a healthy situation, in fine repair, and in good order for farming. A credit of one and two years will be given, with interest from day of sale. The purchaser will alBO be required to give approved securities, together with a mortgage of the premises. Possession will be given at tho close of the year. R. M. DAVIS, Adm'r, sept 29, 1847 31 5w a n 1 » Aituuiiun ivj.^j-/ujnu lviue *jiu<irus: (1 You will appear at Dead Fall g j on Saturday the IJOlh ot' Octo- bcr, armed and equipped for inspection. fiftjr v Each and every member is & earnestly requested to turn'out I u H upon that occasion, as very im' I Y portant business relating to the \A| interest ofthe company will be brought up for its consideration. By order of J. N. ^Cociiraiv, Lieut. Com'dcr Sept 29 31 tf CLINKSCALES, o. s. "notice! All persons shooting within the Incorporation will be flnod aftor this date. By order of the Council. J. A. HUNTER, Intcndant. epl 99, 1847. ' 3J tf Otis uMikai s©l©©L i LOCATED AT DUE WEST, akdi:vim.k district, south cakolixa. 'IMin o.»/»niwl cnoomM ilf lliic Institution 4>lncnrl on the 10th Sept., iust. The next will open on the lirst Alonday of November. 'J lie scholastic year is divided into two sessions of live months each. Terms per Session. Reading, writing, arithmetic ami Klenientary (. eography. ----The above with Knglish grammar, geography and elements of history, ... £.1)0 Tin* ahove w ith mental ami moral philosophy, aueiciil ami modern history, - - 10.0U The ahove wilii logic, rhetoric, natural philoKopliy ami :istruiniiiiy. - lii.00 i All other studies in proportion. Ivxtka.. Music and i'ainting, - - 1«"».(>0 If we can sustain ihe standard of Female education raised lirst in this country by .Mrs. Isabella <»rah:iin. of New York, we chilli be happy indeed. As an instructress, s/ic laboied to communicate, first rudimcntal principles. So do we. Sue thought that the ornamental cost too dearly, when purchased at the expense of (he solid parts ul an education. So do we. And above all, she believed that the cultivation of the M/nd should always lie accompanied by a cultivation of the heart. And so do tcc. in conducting our school then, \vc will endeavor to lay a solid foundation, and build upon it, a substantial structure, embellished with the ornaments of Truth and Lone. JNO. 1. HONNISR, Principal. Aiiss K. MctlL'Kll.NS, Ass't. Sept i2"2 I'.O «w (Jrecnvillo Mountaineer please copy four times, and forw ard acc't. to the Principal. All Est ray, John CSray toils before mo a bn^MK^HyL Mi«re. some white in her lace, r /p low in flesh, about 14 l-'2 hands and supposed to bo between 15 and *.30 years old, has a mule colt about 3 weeks old. Appraised at twenty dollars. \V. 1'. jNOIJLK, Magistrate. August 4 253 3m The Daily National Whig, Is published in the city of Washington, every day at three o'clock, P. JVJ., Sundays excepted, and served to subscribers in the City, at the Navy Yard, in Georgetown, in Aioxan- dria, and in J.hihimorc the same evening, al (»] cents a week, payable to the sole ngent of tliu Whig, G. L. (Jilchrest, Esqr, or his order. It is also mailed to any part of the United States lor §4 per annum, or §2 for G months, puyahle in advance. The National Whig is what its name indicates, It speaks the sentiments of the Whig party of the Union on every question of public poliey. It advocates the election to the Presidency of Znchary Taylor, subject to the decision ol a Whig National Convention. It makes war to the knife upon all the measures and acts of the Administration deemed to be adverse to tiie interests of the country, and exposes without fear or favor the corruptions of the party in power. Its colurns arc open to every man in the country, for the discussion of political or any other questions. In addition to politics, a large space in the National Whig will be devoted 10 publican lions upon Agriculture, Mechanics, and other useful arts, Science in general, Law, Medicine, Statistics, &c. Choice specimens of American and Foreign Literature will also ho given, including Reviews, <fcc. A weekly list of the Patents issued by the Patent Office will likewise be published.the whole forming a complete family newspaper. Tlio Weekly National Whig, one of the largest newspapers in the United States, is made up from the columns of the Daily National Whig, and is published every Saturday for the low price of $2 per annum, payable in advance. A double sheet of eight pages will be given whenever the press of matter shall justify it. The Memoirs of General Taylor, written expressly for the National Whig, are in course of publication. They commenced with the second nuinner, a largo number of copies of which hiive been printed, to supply calls for back numbers. CHS. VV. FENTON, rap rider of the National Whig. Aug. 25, [L'rs. bill $20] 26 Gin ___ __ The subscriber offers for sale his PLANTATION, lying within half a mile of this place, continuing (350 acres. On the premises arc n two story framed Dwelling, framed Negro Houses, a new framed Gin House, and a new and excellent Sorcw attached, with other outj buildings, such ae are common on plantations. Two hundred and fifty acres at least of the land is uncleared and finely timbered ; a quantity of lhat part cleared is verv nrnrlnrtivn land, and niost of the unclcarcd is of a very <rood quality. 'I'hc price will bo moderate. Persons wishing to purchase, will apply to the subscriber on the premises. JAMES S. WILSON. Abbeville C. II., Sept 15 29 3w Notice to Absentees. Exparle..Wm. Barmore, appl't., vs. the Heirs, of Geo. Barmore, dee'd., et »l. It nppcarinsr to my satisfaction that the heirs of George Barmore, deceased, the heirs of Peter Barmore, deceased,and the heirs of Asa Franklin, deceased, Defendants, (names not known) reside without the limits* of the State: It is therefore ordered, that they do appear and object to the division or sale of 1 he Real Estate of James Barmore, deceased, on or before »he first Monday in January, 1848, or their consent to the same will bo entered of record. DAVID LESLY, O. A, D. Sept 20,1847 30 12w CITATION. Whereas, Albert L Graham applies to me to grant him Letters of Administration on the Estate of John Graham, deo'd,: These are, therefore, to cite the kindred and creditors of the deceased to be and appear before mo in the Court of Ordinary, at Abbeville C. H. on Monday the lRt November next, to show cause why said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand Ifith October, 1847. PAVIP LESLY, Oct '40 34-1 Ordinary. Hamburg 3V.bucrtiscmcnts. | PUNUAK & itURNSlDK, Having removed from (he IJrick Store formerly occupied by them, to thestore next to Dr. J. \V. j Stokes, and nearly opposite their old stand, j Hamburg, S. C., j Arc now receiving, and will continue to re- coive, heavy supplies ol the following Goods, which they oiler to their friends and the pub- i ..11.. ... .1. i 1iu ii*:i «iii at tut; luwrni iim*iiv«-*» i Sl'GAUS. New Orleans, Muscovado, Porto liico, Clarified, Double Refined, Loaf, crashed and powdered. COFFEE. Prime dark green Rio, common do., Cuba St. Domingo, Prime old Government Java. LAGGING, A heavy stock of Kentucky, and other kinds of American manufacture, together wit h a fair stot;k of Dundee and Gunny HOPE. Kentucky, Jute, Manilla and Tow, Ironi \ to >j inch. SALT. 'Largo Charleston Sacks and Blown. MOLASSES. Cuba, New Orleans and Sugar IJou.--e ; a superior arlicle of Syrup. TEAS. Hyson, Gunpowder, Imperial and ]'lack. IKON. Of all sizes, also a good assort- tnonl or uoop itihi liUiMi iron, merman anu Cast Steel, Nail Rods, &c.; Nails of all .sizes. CHAIRS. Ma pi-', Windsor, Cane Seat, Children's, Olliee. Rocking and Nurse. POYVDER. FFF Dupont's, Blasting-, liable, Sporting, and Kentucky Rifle Powder. ALSO, A heavy stock of Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Halter Chains, Drawing Chains, Weeding Hons, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, Rice, Soaps, Tobacco of various brands, Mats and Caps of different grades and shapes, Roots and Shoes, Sol«', Upper ami Harness Leather, a superior lot of Kip and Calf skin?, pure White Lead, warranted; Window Glass, 7X9,8X10, 10X12,12X14, best quality Negio Blankets, 9 to 12-4 Bed Blankets, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, all numbers, bleached and brown Domestic Goods, heavy and light Kerseys, Buckets, Tubs, Sugar Cans, Measures, Brose bound Pails, Shot nf nil ki'/ps. l.end. Itlnn Hlnnp. f!nnni>rns.SnlL petre, Ginger, Popper, Spice, Shoe Thread, Cotton and Wool Cards, Cocoa Dippers, Brootns, Wagon Boxes, Grindstones, Castings or llollow-Ware, I\'os. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, Bedsteads, Tliomaston Lime, &c. &c. Sept 15 29 tf REMOVAL. Win. A, ('«. Have rern< ved their stock ol Dry Goods to the store under the American Hotel, (late uuuuaru ts wnere it is mcir purpose 10 Keep a full {issortnuuit of American, Frcneli and lOnjjIisli BltY GOODS. Wc would take this opportunity to return our thanks to our numerous friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed on us for the last six years, and would solicit a continuance of their favors. Wo would also invite all persons buying Dry Goods in Hamburg, who are not already on our list of customers, to give us a trial. Our stock will consist of a much larger and more general assortment than we have herej tofore kept. We will 11U0 continue to keep ..-...-I P MJDC'PTIVr! will usual uoMJl LII1«^11L Ul V-/ » X. V JL XIi I 1 OIL CLOTH, FLOOR MATTING, BONNETS, and Ladies' and Childrens' SHOES. N. B..Just received a full assortment of all numbers of DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS, which, together with all articles in our line, will be sold as low as they can be procured in Hamburg or Augusta, \VM. KETCH AM & CO. Hamburg, Aug II 24 tf To The Public" The undersigned would respectfully announce to Travellers and persons visiting Hamburg, that he has taken for a term of years, the HO. TEL, long known as HUBBARD'S AME! RICAN HOTEL, which it is his purpose to keep as such a House should be kepi, and wil only promise to all who favor him with a call that lie will do all in his power to please; and where as much Comfort (.nd Quiet may be expected as can be found at any Public House, A. careftd and attentive Hostler will be kept constantly in the Stable, and Horses shall be attended to in a way that nhall give entire satisfaction. A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. YV.M, KETCHAM. Hamburg, Aug II 24tf A CARD. The undersigned returns h^r most grateful acknowledgments for the liberal patronage long bestowed upon her, and takes groat pleaj sure in recommending to iier friends and for*. mer patrons, Mr. WM. KETCHAM, in whose management of the House she has the utmost confidence, and would solicit for him a continuance of their favors. SARAH HUBBARD. Notice to absent Heirs &c. All persons having demands, ur owing, the Rstatn of SnmiH'l T^nstpr. coninr (lr>ni>n«Pfl. will present them by the first Monday in No*, vember next, at which time the estate will be settled and closcd in the Ordinar'y Office, at Abbeville C. H., at which time and place the heirs will apply for their shnrcs of the estate. E. DAVIS, Ex'or. August 4, 1847 23 3m Notice to Absent Heir. It appearing to my satisfaction, that William Wright, one of the heirs and children of John Wright, deceased, is absent from this State. Notice .is hereby given to the said William Wright, that application hos been made to the Ordinary under the act of Assembly of lH4iJ lor a part ofthe proceeds of sale of the real estate to pay the debts, as the assets of personalty are deficient to $97.76, and that you be and appear at Abbeville C, H. on or before the first of January, 1848, to shew cause why bo much of the fund or proceeds of sale of land should not be so applied, or your consent will be entered of record as confes. sed. Given under pny hand this 22d September, 1847 PAVID LESLY, O. A. D 31^_ I2t Job Printing Neatly aud Expeditiously Executed at the office OF THE Abbeville Banner. < i)nmluivg SV&ucrtiscments.! JEl'FERS & COTIIRAN, Factors mid Commission Merchants, Ha mburg, C. The subscribers having formed a copartner^ oiiijj iiiiuui nit: uli 11 vt* m m, lur nit* ii'uiis*ucibuii of" (BDMMI-SS3©W jB . " "IwctluHy olinr their services to their friends and the public generally to Receive, Sell, Store or Ship COTTON, FLOUR, CORN, BACON, or other Produce ; SELL, or PURCHASE GOODS TO ORDER; ltECLIVE AND FORWARD MERCHANDISE, &c., &c. Having engaged largo and convenient stores, both in Hamburg and Augusta, articles consigned to them for sale will have the advantage ot'two markets. Their personal and undivided attention will at all times be given to any business entrusted to them. Their charges will be moderate. Orders strictly obeyed, and every exertion inudc to give satisfaction to their customers. Liberal advances made, when required, on consignment. H. L. JEFFERS. W. S. COTIIRAN. Sept.'22, 1847 130 4w IjC?3* SI i£<» V?J..The subscriber having associated Col. W. S. COT11RAN in busi-. ness with himself, returns his sincere thuiiKs to his feiends and customers for the favor6 they have heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, \»ud respectfully asks for the new firm a continuance of their favors. II. L. JEFFERS. Hamburg, July 1, 1847 ; w jirc-Housc and Commission BUSINESS. HAMBURG, S. C. The subscribers having leased J <§> Mfitlie Ware House in Hamburg, 'atl ^ occupied by Smith & Ben son, under ihe firm ofltAMEY & TAGGART. Tli* y oflfer their services to their friends and the public generally, in the STORAGE and SALE of COTTON, FLOUR, BACON.and Produce of all kinds; RECEIVING and FORWARDING MERCHANDIZE, and Purchasing Goods to Order, &.C. They hope, by strict attention, to merit a share of public patronage. Their House will be open 011 the first September for the transaction of business. miltvwriiv l> AMI?V u i \ n;>i rj £ . JOHN TAGGART. Juno 23, 1817. 17 tf 00°" The Hamburg Journal will copy the above until further «nl«;rs. Warehouse and Factorage. The subscribers have pur/-» .:<$> jsjjehased from Nathoii L. Griffin, Esq., the Cotton Warehouse in Hamburg, recently occupied by Dr. J. i<\ Griffin, and formerly by Messrs. IJ. L. Jeffers &- Co., situated at the foot of tlie Hill, and immediately at the head of the inain business street. I< rom its superior Jocation, and being surrounded by a stn-iim of water, it is comparatively exempt from Lin: casualty of fire and entirely above the reach of high freshets. They propose to carry on exclusively the WAREHOUSE and GENERAL FACTORAGE BUSINESS, under the firm of GEIGF.R & PART LOW. Having engaged an -experienced and competent assistant, in addition to their own personal attention, and possessing means to make libera! advances on produce consigned to their care, they hereby tender their servis ees to Planters, Merchants und others, in thb STORAGE nnd SALE of COTTON, FLOUR. BACON, and othnr PRODUCE in RECEIVING nnd FORWARDING MERCHANDISE, and PURCHASING GOODS to ORDER. W. VV. GEIGER. JAS. Y. L. PARTLOW. June 9 15 Gin WALKER & BRADFORD, Wavoiioiisc and Commission MEIU'IIANTS.Hamburg, S. C. Tlie undersigned respccifully inform their friends and the public, that they still continue the WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS at their old st.'ind, known ns llie vv ater-rroot warehouse; where inoy will devote their personal attention, to all business entrusted to their care. Their rales lor Selling'find Storing of Cotton or other Produce, Receiving und Forwarding Merchandise are the same as heretofore. Orders for Supplies will be promptly executed at the lowest market price. Thankful for past patronage so liberally bestowed on us we respectfully solicit acontinI uance of the bam p. WALKER & BRADFORD. Sept] 27 6t WARE-HOUSE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS.Hamburg, S. i). The subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that ho will continuo the Waiif.-Hoi'sr and Commission Business, at the Kail Road I>ep«t. The convenience of this establishment is too well known to require much comment. Cotton or other Produno once in store can bo put on the Rail Road without the additional expense of dray ape, &c.; which is certainly an itom worth notice, both to merchants and planters. My charges will be as reasonable as other like concerns in the place, and the usual facilities given to those who may give me their patronage. sept 15 29 3m B. M. ROGERS: NOTICE Is hereby given, that an application will be made to the Legislature of this State, nt its next sitting for a Charter to construct a Ruil Rood, or Turnpike Rood, from Hamburg, up the Valley of the Savnnnah River, or within i wcniy nve Miles of ihe same, to the lines af Georgia and North Carolina ; Also a Charter for building a Toll Bridge over the said River and its tributaries at a suitable place ; Also, for the renewal of th»? Original Charter, with amendments, for a 0ank in the Town of Hamburg, South Carolina, granted 22d day of December, 1822; Also, for amending the Charter of the American and German Trading and Insurance Company, granted the 19th day of December, 1835. HEJNRY SHULTZ, Founder of Hamburg* S C. Hamburg, S. C., Aug* 12,1847. < 28 . w CANDIDATES. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. We are authorized to announce JOHN M. GOLDING as a candidate for Tux Collector at the ensuing election. We are authorized to announce JAMES M. CALVERT, as a candidate lor TAX COLLECTOR, at the ensuing election. a The friends of C**pt. E. C. MARTIN, imiounce him as a candic^itc for TAX COLLECTOR, at the next ensuing clcctio^ The friends of ILL I AM J. HAMMOND, take plea^re in announcing him.a Candidate for TAX COLLECTOR at tlfc ensuing election. % The Friends ofcEOSEPII S. D. WETH- ERALIj. announce him as a Candidate for TAX COLLECT Oft, at the ensuing election. The friends of the Rev. JAS. MOORE respectfully announce him as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector at the ensuing election. The Friends of W S. HARRIS, announce him as a candidate for re-flection to the office of TAX COLLECTOR, at the ensuing election. We arc authorised to announce JOHN CUNNINGHAM, as a candidate for TAX COLLECTOR, at the next election. The friends of EZEKlEfr TRLI3LE announce him as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector at the ensuing flection. Weave authorized to announce T. T. CUNNINGHAM as a candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing election. 0^r- The following, which we extract from the Camden Journal, is from the Rev. E. L. Frazer, of Kershaw District, S. 0. Fo-naington, Kershaw Dis., S. C.. ) May 10, 1816. $ I have used in my family Dr. Hull's Fever and Ague Pills, and also Dr. Spencer's Ve| getuble Pills, for the last two years, and have no hesitation in pronouncing them to be the most excellent lumily medicines.and as an act of justice to the worthy proprietors of I these invaluable P»Us, I will state, lor the inforI mation & satisfaction of all concerned, that my wife, prior to our marriage, had been more or less the subject of chills and fevers for about eighteen months, having tried various reme^ dies without success, and was very much re~ duced in fle«h, A few days after our mar- riage, she commenced with Spencer's Pills, and in a day or two afterwards with Hull's Pills ; she used about half a box of each ; the result was a radical cure. She regained her health and strength very rapidly, and has had no return of Chills and Fever since. I believe these Medicines to be harmless and safe; and when used as specifically directed, are attended with satisfactory results. Sept 15 lm E. I-*. FItAZER. The above Medicines are for sale in this village at the Druy Stare and at the Post office ri ^i t*i, i / .1 1 i ne otate 01 r>outn Carolina, AHDEVILLK DISTRICT, I J/t the Couit of Common Pleas. Benjamin F, Spikes, wlio has heen arrested, and is now confined within the bounds of tho jail of Abbeville District, by virtue of a writ of capias ad satisfaciendum, at the suit of Wade S Cothran and James Sprotil, having filed his petition, with a schedule, on oath, of his whole estate and effects, for the purpose of obtainingthe benefit of the Acts of tiie General Assembly commonly called «'the Insolvent Debtors Act.Public INotice is hereby given that the petition of the suid JSenjamin F. Spikes will be heard and considered in the Court of Common Picas to be holden for Abi beville District, at Abbeville Court House, on the third Monday of October next, or on such other day thereafter as the said Court may order; and all the creditors of the said Benjamin F. Spikes are hereby summoned person^ ally or by uttorney to be and appear then and th^re, in the said Court, to shew cause, if any they can, why the benefit of the Acts afore-* said should not be granted to the said Benjamin F Spikes, upon his taking the onth, and executing th«j assign.nent required by the Acts aforesaid. J F LIVINGSTON, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Dec 2(5, 1846 44 t3mO The State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT, hi the Court of Common Picas. James Cochran v James Fish..Attackmcnt. I1 tin Plo^r,! Ir, »i,.~ I..,..: Cl«.l l.._ k tiu * lUAuwji <11 kano V/Uou »iu yui^ Jiiuu Ilia declaration in the Clerk's office this day: And the defendant having'neither wife or attorney known to be in this State. Ordered that said defendant do plead to the said declaration within a year and a day from this date, otherwise judgment by dcfuult will be awarded against him T P SP1ERIN, C. C, P. Clerk's Office 29ih April 1847 ly 14 MR. AND MRS. HASSELL'S RAARHTJVA CrilAAT AT COLUMBIA, 8. C. This school, for young ladies, will be rc-openod in the large and commodious building opposito tho Episcopal church, on tho sccond Monday in No-. vernber next. Terms.Per Quarter. Boarding, including all items, - - $50.00, Spoiling and Reading, * 8.00 Tho above with writing and arithmetic, - 10.00 With grammar, geography and history, - 12.00 Higher branches, ... - 15.00. Piano and guitar, each, ... 15.00 " " Harp, - 20.00 Uso of piano and guitar, each, - - 2 00 " Harp, 5.00 French, German and Latin, each, - - 15.00 Drawing and Painting, ... 12.00 v. Competent toachers, in each of tho abovo studies ...s are engaged. Madam Feugas, of Charleston, will give a course ftf dancing lessons, at our liouso during November and December. Terms 12.00. . M A. HoDn.ll m'.ll J.» « .< lomnno MMkl aauoocu w ill vycijr uay ^ mi i vuui music, free of charge. 1 t p. jj The youuif ladles rooms will be supplied with T'-' ^ fire. Parlor boarders can be admitted. All payments in advance, from tho time of admission, but none for lets than'one quarter. The Hon. Chaneolior Harper, the Hon. P. J3ut* V ler, Dr. Laborde, (from tho South Caro]ii®?.CW- ' - k§! lege,) and Mrs. M. C. Izard, who daughters to Mrs. Hassell for thq '/y have been kind enough to all<^^656^^BP5Sto-^ *i\, v' ' > Sj)' V * -V

The Abbeville banner (Abbeville, S.C.).(Abbeville, S.C.) 1847-10-27 … · 2013-03-09 · old, has a mule colt about3 weeks old. Appraised at twenty dollars. \V. 1'. jNOIJLK, Magistrate.

May 22, 2020



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Page 1: The Abbeville banner (Abbeville, S.C.).(Abbeville, S.C.) 1847-10-27 … · 2013-03-09 · old, has a mule colt about3 weeks old. Appraised at twenty dollars. \V. 1'. jNOIJLK, Magistrate.

A List of Letters, IRemaining in the Post Oflico at Abbeville C.

J1., S. <J., October 1st, 1847:Allen, (' !I 2 Martin, SuinuelAshley, Aaron Morrow, JamesArmstrong, Hugh Milfortl, Win l)rlinker, Alpheus Manldun, Archibald \Buchanan, .1 \Y Martin, Smilh }lihickwcl!, John II M.irtin, Robert 2Rlackburn, \V Mann, RobertUridwcll, Johnson Marian, Jane -MrsHuth-r. A P Mavt?. Medu i.Brown, I'riscilla Miller, Juno MrsBeaufort, James McBryde/t'hos A Kov jlilosseni, ( {i.'orgc]) McGowcn, SamuelBuge, \Villiam McCoy. AlexanderBrownkv, John Mrlnear,'AlfredCoals, M'iry Ann MeOombs, JohnCunningham, John 12 McNeil, ThosCochran, J S. Noble, Win ACannon, J ( Norwood, \V l)rCollier, James ( J Oatcs, JamesiJr.yis. John - Oens, JolinD xw. on. Join O .vens, Thos 15lV-ivis, James ! '. L'aslv, AustinDoug!is-, 1' \ Rev l'tirdy, Win JFinianU' l, I):ivid ."> l'.-iul, Andrew JFulton, Thos llosainon, J CoGvnar, Jolm Kykard, Bevi II(Jary, T l» Rogers, James(Rodman, 8 A ~ Roberts, A ACray Jolm F llobenson, TliosGaines Richard Sale, Win 53Gray, Andrew Stephenson.JasGray, Jane Miss ftcoit, WinCiaines. Win Stetson, ElizabeihHarris, Win S St allies, John MrsHill, Thus Sittcn, Jab TUinton, Hannah 15 Stark, Kisen Mrsllackett, Mn:h:»»*I Spears, RllickIJaihiway, Mary Trainer, Charles 2Hudspeth, Win Turner, JohnIrvin, Thos Weed, ElizabethJennings, John T Warner, WinJohnson, Junius 2 Ware, Adaline PJester, Thus ft Walker, J AKollar, David Waddell, A 11K in^tinon', t * 1 { 2 Wright, Win TIjiicius, Fredrick Wei nis, Caroline I*'Li;slie, David Wcoins, Ajrin-s Mrsr.oyrui, W W Watson, John 1>IVIoses, Mary Ann Win, DanielMosi's, J*' 1'

i\.l>. If the above h Iters are not taken out1of III is ofli-e prior to iho 1st day ol'January,ltilS, thry will Ijo icturncd to the Cieneral iPost Oflii.-o rs Dead Letters.Oct o M.-.h' JUIIN McLAREN, P.M.

The State of South Carolina, jallhkyillu district in kqi1tv.

Francis Withers, v. William C. Smith..-Hill to Foreclose Mortgage.(Postponed until Sale. Day in November.)

Iiy ordet ofthe Court of Chancery, I will noilon Sale Day in November Abbeville C.II., for cash, the following tracts of land, viz :FIRST.The Patterson Home Tra<"(,

containing three hundred and seventy-,tive >

acres and one quarter. ;SECOiyD.T/v Patterson. River Tract, ;containing two hundred and fifty-six acres

and three quarters; and j'P1IIRD.The Covington Tract, con-mining jour nunureu una tniriy-eignt acresfind throe quarters. Said tracts situate inAbbeville District, on Little River, adjoiningeach other, and bounded by lands of Mrs. Mc-Caw, Edward Tilinan, Joseph T. Baker, andothers. Purchaser to pay for titles,

II. A. JONES, c. t>\ -\. n.Corn'rs Office, Sept 11, 1617 21) 13w

The State of South Carolina.:AliUKVILLE DISTRICT,Sinallwood Wills, nppl't., vs. Franklin

Witts, and others..Parti/ion i)i Ordin-an/. jWill be sold, on the first Monday in No'.vms

her next, at Abbeville C. II., by Order of theCourt ol Ordinary, tlie Real Estate of StephenWlttS. dprV'.IKPfl- rnnlnininir »>nO a«i

more or less, adjoining1 lands ot Dr. SamuelMarshall and outers, 011 a credit of one andtwo years, for Partition.

A. C. I1AVVTHORX, s. a. i>.Oct 0, IS 17. 323t

jVjXpartc.IV. and />. /'. Mo.schj,f«UA RD1AXS.Will be bold, on the 1st Monday in Novembernext, the Ileal F.state ol Jiurrel, de-censed, for Partition, containing One Hun-died and Thirty Acres, more or lees, situateeight miles from Due West, on Turkey crock,in Abbeville District, adjoining lands ol JasJohnson, Robt Woods and others, on a credit,of one and two years. Dy order of the Courtof%Ordinary. A. C. HAWTHURN,

(Jet 13, 1817 33 3t Sheriff.

NOTICE.Will bo sold, on Sale Day in November next atAbbeville Court House, unless previously disposedof, 800 acres ofLAN D, more or less, lying on watersof Mulberry creek, in this District, and bounded bylands of John Vance, F. A. Conner and others, andabout two and a half miles from Cokesbu'ry, pro-perty of the late Rev. John Porter, dee'd,The Plantation is in a healthy situation, in fine

repair, and in good order for farming. A credit ofone and two years will be given, with interest fromday of sale. The purchaser will alBO be requiredto give approved securities, together with a mortgageof the premises. Possession will be given attho close of the year. R. M. DAVIS, Adm'r,

sept 29, 1847 31 5w

a n 1 »Aituuiiun ivj.^j-/ujnu lviue *jiu<irus:

(1 You will appear at Dead Fallg j on Saturday the IJOlh ot' Octo-

bcr, armed and equipped forinspection.

fiftjr v Each and every member is& earnestly requested to turn'outI u H upon that occasion, as very im'I Y portant business relating to the\A| interest ofthe company will be

brought up for its consideration.By order of J. N. ^Cociiraiv,

Lieut. Com'dcrSept 29 31 tf CLINKSCALES, o. s.

"notice!All persons shooting within the Incorporation willbe flnod aftor this date. By order of the Council.

J. A. HUNTER, Intcndant.epl 99, 1847. ' 3J tf

Otis uMikai s©l©©L iLOCATED AT DUE WEST,

akdi:vim.k district, south cakolixa.'IMin o.»/»niwl cnoomM ilf lliic Institution 4>lncnrl

on the 10th Sept., iust. The next will openon the lirst Alonday of November. 'J liescholastic year is divided into two sessionsof live months each.

Terms per Session.Reading, writing, arithmetic ami Klenientary

(. eography. ----Theabove with Knglish grammar, geographyand elements of history, ... £.1)0

Tin* ahove w ith mental ami moral philosophy,aueiciil ami modern history, - - 10.0U

The ahove wilii logic, rhetoric, natural philoKopliyami :istruiniiiiy. -lii.00 i

All other studies in proportion.Ivxtka.. Music and i'ainting, - - 1«"».(>0If we can sustain ihe standard of Female

education raised lirst in this country by.Mrs. Isabella <»rah:iin. of New York, wechilli be happy indeed. As an instructress,s/ic laboied to communicate, first rudimcntalprinciples. So do we. Sue thoughtthat the ornamental cost too dearly, whenpurchased at the expense of (he solid partsul an education. So do we. And aboveall, she believed that the cultivation of theM/nd should always lie accompanied by a

cultivation of the heart. And so do tcc. inconducting our school then, \vc will endeavorto lay a solid foundation, and buildupon it, a substantial structure, embellishedwith the ornaments of Truth and Lone.

JNO. 1. HONNISR, Principal.Aiiss K. MctlL'Kll.NS, Ass't.

Sept i2"2 I'.O «w(Jrecnvillo Mountaineer please copy four

times, and forw ard acc't. to the Principal.

All Est ray,John CSray toils before mo a bn^MK^HyLMi«re. some white in her lace,

r /p low in flesh, about 14 l-'2 handsand supposed to bo between 15 and *.30 yearsold, has a mule colt about 3 weeks old. Appraisedat twenty dollars.

\V. 1'. jNOIJLK, Magistrate.August 4 253 3m

The Daily National Whig,Is published in the city of Washington, everyday at three o'clock, P. JVJ., Sundays excepted,and served to subscribers in the City, atthe Navy Yard, in Georgetown, in Aioxan-dria, and in J.hihimorc the same evening, al(»] cents a week, payable to the sole ngent oftliu Whig, G. L. (Jilchrest, Esqr, or his order.It is also mailed to any part of the UnitedStates lor §4 per annum, or §2 for Gmonths, puyahle in advance.The National Whig is what its name indicates,It speaks the sentiments of the Whig

party of the Union on every question of publicpoliey. It advocates the election to thePresidency of Znchary Taylor, subject to thedecision ol a Whig National Convention. Itmakes war to the knife upon all the measuresand acts of the Administration deemed to beadverse to tiie interests of the country, andexposes without fear or favor the corruptionsof the party in power. Its colurns arc opento every man in the country, for the discussionof political or any other questions.

In addition to politics, a large space in theNational Whig will be devoted 10 publicanlions upon Agriculture, Mechanics, and otheruseful arts, Science in general, Law, Medicine,Statistics, &c. Choice specimens ofAmerican and Foreign Literature will alsoho given, including Reviews, <fcc. A weeklylist of the Patents issued by the Patent Officewill likewise be published.the whole forminga complete family newspaper.

Tlio Weekly National Whig, one of thelargest newspapers in the United States, ismade up from the columns of the Daily NationalWhig, and is published every Saturdayfor the low price of $2 per annum, payable inadvance. A double sheet of eight pages willbe given whenever the press of matter shalljustify it.The Memoirs of General Taylor, written

expressly for the National Whig, are in courseof publication. They commenced with thesecond nuinner, a largo number of copies ofwhich hiive been printed, to supply calls forback numbers.

CHS. VV. FENTON,raprider of the National Whig.Aug. 25, [L'rs. bill $20] 26 Gin


The subscriber offers for sale his PLANTATION,lying within half a mile of this place,continuing (350 acres. On the premises arcn two story framed Dwelling, framed NegroHouses, a new framed Gin House, and a newand excellent Sorcw attached, with other outjbuildings, such ae are common on plantations.Two hundred and fifty acres at least of theland is uncleared and finely timbered ; a quantityof lhat part cleared is verv nrnrlnrtivnland, and niost of the unclcarcd is of a very<rood quality. 'I'hc price will bo moderate.Persons wishing to purchase, will apply to thesubscriber on the premises.

JAMES S. WILSON.Abbeville C. II., Sept 15 29 3w

Notice to Absentees.Exparle..Wm. Barmore, appl't., vs. the

Heirs, of Geo. Barmore, dee'd., et »l.It nppcarinsr to my satisfaction that the heirsof George Barmore, deceased, the heirs ofPeter Barmore, deceased,and the heirs of AsaFranklin, deceased, Defendants, (names notknown) reside without the limits* ofthe State:It is therefore ordered, that they do appearand object to the division or sale of 1 he RealEstate of James Barmore, deceased, on orbefore »he first Monday in January, 1848, ortheir consent to the same will bo entered ofrecord. DAVID LESLY, O. A, D.

Sept 20,1847 30 12w

CITATION.Whereas, Albert L Graham applies to me togrant him Letters of Administration on theEstate of John Graham, deo'd,: These are,therefore, to cite the kindred and creditorsof the deceased to be and appear before moin the Court of Ordinary, at Abbeville C. H.on Monday the lRt November next, to showcause why said administration should not begranted. Given under my hand Ifith October,1847. PAVIP LESLY,Oct '40 34-1 Ordinary.

Hamburg 3V.bucrtiscmcnts. |PUNUAK & itURNSlDK,

Having removed from (he IJrick Store formerlyoccupied by them, to thestore next to Dr. J. \V. jStokes, and nearly opposite their old stand, j

Hamburg, S. C., jArc now receiving, and will continue to re-

coive, heavy supplies ol the following Goods,which they oiler to their friends and the pub-i ..11.. ... .1. i1iu ii*:i «iii at tut; luwrni iim*iiv«-*» i

Sl'GAUS. New Orleans, Muscovado,Porto liico, Clarified, Double Refined, Loaf,crashed and powdered.COFFEE. Prime dark green Rio, commondo., Cuba St. Domingo, Prime old GovernmentJava.LAGGING, A heavy stock of Kentucky,

and other kinds of American manufacture, togetherwit h a fair stot;k of Dundee and GunnyHOPE. Kentucky, Jute, Manilla and

Tow, Ironi \ to >j inch.SALT. 'Largo Charleston Sacks and

Blown.MOLASSES. Cuba, New Orleans and

Sugar IJou.--e ; a superior arlicle of Syrup.TEAS. Hyson, Gunpowder, Imperial and

]'lack.IKON. Of all sizes, also a good assort-

tnonl or uoop itihi liUiMi iron, merman anuCast Steel, Nail Rods, &c.; Nails of all .sizes.CHAIRS. Ma pi-', Windsor, Cane Seat,

Children's, Olliee. Rocking and Nurse.POYVDER. FFF Dupont's, Blasting-,

liable, Sporting, and Kentucky Rifle Powder.ALSO,

A heavy stock of Saddles, Bridles, Martingales,Halter Chains, Drawing Chains, WeedingHons, Sperm, Adamantine and TallowCandles, Rice, Soaps, Tobacco of variousbrands, Mats and Caps of different gradesand shapes, Roots and Shoes, Sol«', Upperami Harness Leather, a superior lot of Kipand Calf skin?, pure White Lead, warranted;Window Glass, 7X9,8X10, 10X12,12X14,best quality Negio Blankets, 9 to 12-4 BedBlankets, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, all numbers,bleached and brown Domestic Goods,heavy and light Kerseys, Buckets, Tubs, SugarCans, Measures, Brose bound Pails, Shotnf nil ki'/ps. l.end. Itlnn Hlnnp. f!nnni>rns.SnlLpetre, Ginger, Popper, Spice, Shoe Thread,Cotton and Wool Cards, Cocoa Dippers,Brootns, Wagon Boxes, Grindstones, Castingsor llollow-Ware, I\'os. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel,Bedsteads, Tliomaston Lime, &c. &c.

Sept 15 29 tf

REMOVAL.Win. A, ('«.

Have rern< ved their stock ol Dry Goods tothe store under the American Hotel, (lateuuuuaru ts wnere it is mcir purpose 10 Keep

a full {issortnuuit ofAmerican, Frcneli and lOnjjIisli

BltY GOODS.Wc would take this opportunity to return ourthanks to our numerous friends for the veryliberal patronage bestowed on us for the lastsix years, and would solicit a continuance oftheir favors.Wo would also invite all persons buying

Dry Goods in Hamburg, who are not alreadyon our list of customers, to give us a trial.Our stock will consist of a much larger and

more general assortment than we have herejtofore kept. We will 11U0 continue to keep..-...-I P MJDC'PTIVr!

will usual uoMJl LII1«^11L Ul V-/ » X. V JL XIi I 1

OIL CLOTH, FLOOR MATTING,BONNETS, and Ladies' and Childrens'SHOES.N. B..Just received a full assortment of

all numbers of DUTCH BOLTINGCLOTHS, which, together with all articlesin our line, will be sold as low as they can beprocured in Hamburg or Augusta,

\VM. KETCHAM & CO.Hamburg, Aug II 24 tf

To The Public"The undersigned would respectfully announceto Travellers and persons visiting Hamburg,that he has taken for a term of years, the HO.TEL, long known as HUBBARD'S AME!RICAN HOTEL, which it is his purpose tokeep as such a House should be kepi, and wilonly promise to all who favor him with a callthat lie will do all in his power to please; andwhere as much Comfort (.nd Quiet may beexpected as can be found at any Public House,

A. careftd and attentive Hostler will bekept constantly in the Stable, and Horsesshall be attended to in a way that nhall giveentire satisfaction.A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited.

YV.M, KETCHAM.Hamburg, Aug II 24tf

A CARD.The undersigned returns h^r most gratefulacknowledgments for the liberal patronagelong bestowed upon her, and takes groat pleajsure in recommending to iier friends and for*.mer patrons, Mr. WM. KETCHAM, inwhose management of the House she has theutmost confidence, and would solicit for him acontinuance of their favors.


Notice to absent Heirs &c.All persons having demands, ur owing, theRstatn of SnmiH'l T^nstpr. coninr (lr>ni>n«Pfl.will present them by the first Monday in No*,vember next, at which time the estate will besettled and closcd in the Ordinar'y Office, atAbbeville C. H., at which time and place theheirs will apply for their shnrcs of the estate.

E. DAVIS, Ex'or.August 4, 1847 23 3m

Notice to Absent Heir.It appearing to my satisfaction, that WilliamWright, one of the heirs and children of JohnWright, deceased, is absent from this State.Notice .is hereby given to the said WilliamWright, that application hos been made tothe Ordinary under the act of Assembly oflH4iJ lor a part ofthe proceeds of sale of thereal estate to pay the debts, as the assets ofpersonalty are deficient to $97.76, and thatyou be and appear at Abbeville C, H. on orbefore the first of January, 1848, to shewcause why bo much ofthe fund or proceeds ofsale of land should not be so applied, or yourconsent will be entered of record as confes.sed. Given under pny hand this 22d September,1847 PAVID LESLY, O. A. D

31^_ I2t

Job PrintingNeatly aud Expeditiously Executed at the office

OF THEAbbeville Banner. <

i)nmluivg SV&ucrtiscments.!JEl'FERS & COTIIRAN,

Factors mid Commission Merchants,Ha mburg, C.

The subscribers having formed a copartner^oiiijj iiiiuui nit: uli 11 vt* m m, lur nit* ii'uiis*ucibuii

of" (BDMMI-SS3©WjB.

" "IwctluHy olinr theirservices to their friends and the public generallyto Receive, Sell, Store or Ship COTTON,FLOUR, CORN, BACON, or otherProduce ; SELL, or PURCHASE GOODSTO ORDER; ltECLIVE AND FORWARDMERCHANDISE, &c., &c.Having engaged largo and convenient

stores, both in Hamburg and Augusta, articlesconsigned to them for sale will have the advantageot'two markets. Their personal andundivided attention will at all times be givento any business entrusted to them. Theircharges will be moderate. Orders strictlyobeyed, and every exertion inudc to give satisfactionto their customers. Liberal advancesmade, when required, on consignment.


Sept.'22, 1847 130 4wIjC?3* SI i£<» V?J..The subscriber having

associated Col. W. S. COT11RAN in busi-.ness with himself, returns his sincere thuiiKsto his feiends and customers for the favor6they have heretofore so liberally bestowedupon him, \»ud respectfully asks for the newfirm a continuance of their favors.

II. L. JEFFERS.Hamburg, July 1, 1847

; w jirc-Housc and CommissionBUSINESS.

HAMBURG, S. C.The subscribers having leased

J <§> Mfitlie Ware House in Hamburg,'atl ^ occupied by Smith & Benson, under ihe firm ofltAMEY

& TAGGART. Tli* y oflfer their servicesto their friends and the public generally, inthe STORAGE and SALE of COTTON,FLOUR, BACON.and Produce of all kinds;RECEIVING and FORWARDING MERCHANDIZE,and Purchasing Goods to Order,&.C.They hope, by strict attention, to merit a

share of public patronage.Their House will be open 011 the first Septemberfor the transaction of business.

miltvwriiv l> AMI?Vu i \ n;>i rj £ .

JOHN TAGGART.Juno 23, 1817. 17 tf00°" The Hamburg Journal will copy the

above until further «nl«;rs.

Warehouse and Factorage.The subscribers have pur/-» .:<$>jsjjehased from Nathoii L. Griffin,

Esq., the Cotton Warehouse inHamburg, recently occupied by

Dr. J. i<\ Griffin, and formerly by Messrs.IJ. L. Jeffers &- Co., situated at the foot oftlie Hill, and immediately at the head of theinain business street. I< rom its superior Jocation,and being surrounded by a stn-iim ofwater, it is comparatively exempt from Lin:casualty of fire and entirely above the reachof high freshets.They propose to carry on exclusively the

WAREHOUSE and GENERAL FACTORAGEBUSINESS, under the firm ofGEIGF.R & PARTLOW.Having engaged an -experienced and competentassistant, in addition to their own personalattention, and possessing means to

make libera! advances on produce consignedto their care, they hereby tender their servisees to Planters, Merchants und others, in thbSTORAGE nnd SALE of COTTON,FLOUR. BACON, and othnr PRODUCEin RECEIVING nnd FORWARDINGMERCHANDISE, and PURCHASINGGOODS to ORDER.


June 9 15 Gin

WALKER & BRADFORD,Wavoiioiisc and Commission

MEIU'IIANTS.Hamburg, S. C.Tlie undersigned respccifully inform theirfriends and the public, that they still continuethe WAREHOUSE and COMMISSIONBUSINESS at their old st.'ind, known ns llievv ater-rroot warehouse; where inoy willdevote their personal attention, to all businessentrusted to their care.

Their rales lor Selling'find Storing of Cottonor other Produce, Receiving und ForwardingMerchandise are the same as heretofore.Orders for Supplies will be promptly executedat the lowest market price.Thankful for past patronage so liberally bestowedon us we respectfully solicit acontinIuance of the bam p.



The subscriber begs leave to inform his friends andthe public generally, that ho will continuo theWaiif.-Hoi'sr and Commission Business, at theKail Road I>ep«t. The convenience ofthis establishment is too well known to requiremuch comment. Cotton or other Produno once instore can bo put on the Rail Road without the additionalexpense of dray ape, &c.; which is certainlyan itom worth notice, both to merchants andplanters.My charges will be as reasonable as other like

concerns in the place, and the usual facilities givento those who may give me their patronage.

sept 15 29 3m B. M. ROGERS:

NOTICEIs hereby given, that an application will bemade to the Legislature of this State, nt itsnext sitting for a Charter to construct a RuilRood, or Turnpike Rood, from Hamburg, upthe Valley of the Savnnnah River, or withini wcniy nve Miles of ihe same, to the lines afGeorgia and North Carolina ; Also a Charterfor building a Toll Bridge over the said Riverand its tributaries at a suitable place ; Also,for the renewal of th»? Original Charter, withamendments, for a 0ank in the Town ofHamburg, South Carolina, granted 22d day ofDecember, 1822; Also, for amending theCharter of the American and German Tradingand Insurance Company, granted the19th day of December, 1835.

HEJNRY SHULTZ, Founderof Hamburg* S C.

Hamburg, S. C., Aug* 12,1847. < 28


FOR TAX COLLECTOR.We are authorized to announce JOHN M.

GOLDING as a candidate for Tux Collectorat the ensuing election.We are authorized to announce JAMES

M. CALVERT, as a candidate lor TAXCOLLECTOR, at the ensuing election. a

The friends of C**pt. E. C. MARTIN,imiounce him as a candic^itc for TAX COLLECTOR,at the next ensuing clcctio^The friends of ILL IAM J. HAMMOND,take plea^re in announcing him.a

Candidate for TAX COLLECTOR at tlfcensuing election. %The Friends ofcEOSEPII S. D. WETH-

ERALIj. announce him as a Candidate forTAX COLLECT Oft, at the ensuing election.The friends of the Rev. JAS. MOORE

respectfully announce him as a candidate forthe office of Tax Collector at the ensuingelection.The Friends ofW S. HARRIS, announce

him as a candidate for re-flection to the officeof TAX COLLECTOR, at the ensuingelection.We arc authorised to announce JOHN

CUNNINGHAM, as a candidate for TAXCOLLECTOR, at the next election.The friends of EZEKlEfr TRLI3LE

announce him as a candidate for the office ofTax Collector at the ensuing flection.Weave authorized to announce T. T.

CUNNINGHAM as a candidate for TaxCollector at the ensuing election.

0^r- The following, which we extract fromthe Camden Journal, is from the Rev. E. L.Frazer, of Kershaw District, S. 0.

Fo-naington, Kershaw Dis., S. C.. )May 10, 1816. $

I have used in my family Dr. Hull's Feverand Ague Pills, and also Dr. Spencer's Ve|getuble Pills, for the last two years, and haveno hesitation in pronouncing them to be themost excellent lumily medicines.and as anact of justice to the worthy proprietors of

I these invaluable P»Us, I will state, lor the inforImation & satisfaction of all concerned, that mywife, prior to our marriage, had been more orless the subject of chills and fevers for abouteighteen months, having tried various reme^dies without success, and was very much re~duced in fle«h, A few days after our mar-

riage, she commenced with Spencer's Pills,and in a day or two afterwards with Hull'sPills ; she used about half a box of each ; theresult was a radical cure. She regained herhealth and strength very rapidly, and has hadno return of Chills and Fever since. I believethese Medicines to be harmless and safe;and when used as specifically directed, areattended with satisfactory results.

Sept 15 lm E. I-*. FItAZER.The above Medicines are for sale in this

village at the Druy Stare and at the Post office

ri ^i t*i, i / .11i ne otate 01 r>outn Carolina,

AHDEVILLK DISTRICT,I J/t the Couit of Common Pleas.Benjamin F, Spikes, wlio has heen arrested,and is now confined within the bounds of thojail of Abbeville District, by virtue of a writof capias ad satisfaciendum, at the suit ofWade S Cothran and James Sprotil, havingfiled his petition, with a schedule, on oath, ofhis whole estate and effects, for the purpose ofobtainingthe benefit of the Acts of tiie GeneralAssembly commonly called «'the InsolventDebtors Act.Public INotice is hereby giventhat the petition of the suid JSenjamin F.Spikes will be heard and considered in theCourt of Common Picas to be holden for Abibeville District, at Abbeville Court House, onthe third Monday of October next, or on suchother day thereafter as the said Court mayorder; and all the creditors of the said BenjaminF. Spikes are hereby summoned person^ally or by uttorney to be and appear then andth^re, in the said Court, to shew cause, if anythey can, why the benefit of the Acts afore-*said should not be granted to the said BenjaminF Spikes, upon his taking the onth, and executingth«j assign.nent required by the Actsaforesaid. J F LIVINGSTON, Clerk.

Clerk's Office, Dec 2(5, 1846 44 t3mO

The State of South Carolina,ABBEVILLE DISTRICT,

hi the Court of Common Picas.James Cochran v James Fish..Attackmcnt.I1 tin Plo^r,! Ir, »i,.~ I..,..: Cl«.l l.._k tiu * lUAuwji <11 kano V/Uou »iu yui^ Jiiuu Ilia

declaration in the Clerk's office this day: Andthe defendant having'neither wife or attorneyknown to be in this State. Ordered that saiddefendant do plead to the said declarationwithin a year and a day from this date, otherwisejudgment by dcfuult will be awardedagainst him T P SP1ERIN, C. C, P.

Clerk's Office 29ih April 1847 ly 14


AT COLUMBIA, 8. C.This school, for young ladies, will be rc-openod inthe large and commodious building opposito thoEpiscopal church, on tho sccond Monday in No-.vernber next.

Terms.Per Quarter.Boarding, including all items, - - $50.00,Spoiling and Reading, * 8.00Tho above with writing and arithmetic, - 10.00With grammar, geography and history, - 12.00Higher branches, ... - 15.00.Piano and guitar, each, ... 15.00" " Harp, - 20.00

Uso of piano and guitar, each, - - 2 00" Harp, 5.00French, German and Latin, each, - - 15.00Drawing and Painting, ... 12.00 v.

Competent toachers, in each of tho abovo studies ...sare engaged.Madam Feugas, of Charleston, will give a course

ftf dancing lessons, at our liouso during Novemberand December. Terms 12.00.


M A. HoDn.ll m'.ll J.» « .< lomnno !» MMklaauoocu w ill vycijr uay ^ mi i vuui

music, free of charge. 1 t p. jjThe youuif ladles rooms will be supplied with T'-' ^

fire.Parlor boarders can be admitted.All payments in advance, from tho time of admission,but none for lets than'one quarter.The Hon. Chaneolior Harper, the Hon. P. J3ut* V

ler, Dr. Laborde, (from tho South Caro]ii®?.CW- '- k§!lege,) and Mrs. M. C. Izard, who

daughters to Mrs. Hassell for thq '/yhave been kind enough to all<^^656^^BP5Sto-^

*i\, v' '

> Sj)'V

* -V