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The 1960’s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch
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Page 1: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

The 1960’sBy Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch

Page 2: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Domestic and Foreign Challenges

Page 3: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.


• The Compton's Cafeteria Riot. (August 1966) Happened in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. It was one of the first recorded transgender riots in United States history.

• Stonewall Riots (June 1969)Occurred in New York City. Amongst the first times in American history when people in the homosexual community fought back against a government system that persecuted sexual minorities. Sparked the beginning of the Gay Rights Movement in the US and around the world.

• Civil Rights Movement.

Page 4: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Foreign• Vietnam War (1955-1975)

• Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961-failure.)

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Foreign• Cuban Missile Crisis.• Soviets were persuaded, in May 1962, by the idea of countering the

United States' growing lead in developing and deploying missiles by placing intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Cuba.

• Soviets used denial and deception. Transporting and deploying missiles was done in total secrecy.

• After discovering Soviet missile sites in Cuba, JFK blockaded the island of Cuba. He did this to avoid any kind of national event.

• 13 day Cuban missile crisis of 1962 had brought the world’s two super bowers dangerously close to nuclear war.

• Soviets agreed to remove their missiles as long asthe US would remove its missiles from Turkey.

Page 6: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Roots of Civil Rights Movement

• Brown vs. Board of Education (1954)• Declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional • Overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson

• Little Rock Nine (1957)• Nine African American students enrolled at Little Rock Central

High school in 1957 after segregation in public schools was declared unconstitutional

• Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)• 13 month mass protest against racial segregation on public

transit in Montgomery, Alabama

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The Civil Rights Act of 1964• June 19, 1963 – President

Kennedy submitted a civil rights bill to Congress

• July 2nd, 1964 – President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964

• The Act itself:• Forbade discrimination in public

places• Provided integration of public

schools and other previously segregated public facilities

• Outlawed discrimination on the basis of gender or race in hiring, promoting, or firing employees.

Page 8: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)• African American Minister and

Nobel Peace Prize Winner• Initiated the idea of nonviolent

protest within the civil rights movement

• August 27th 1963 - King delivered his famous “Let Freedom Ring” address at mass civil rights rally in D.C.

•Spoke out against the Vietnam War•Was assassinated on an outside balcony at the Lorraine Hotel after speaking at a civil rights rally in Memphis

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Malcolm X

• One of the most influential African American leaders of the 1960’s

• When Malcolm was just 5 years old, his father was found dead after being run over by a street car. Malcolm later suspected racists were responsible for the crime.

• At age 12, his mother was committed to a mental hospital, and he spent the remaining of his childhood in foster homes, where he became involved in crime.

• In 1946 he was arrested for burglary. While in jail he joined the Nation of Islam, also known as the Black Muslims.

• After being released, he became the Nation of Islam’s most effective minister

Page 10: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Malcolm X (Continued)• He encouraged other African Americans to live separately

from whites and to win their freedom by any means• In 1964, due to their lack of political action, Malcolm

separated himself from The Nation of Islam and traveled to Mecca.

• When he returned to the states, he formed the Organization of Afro-American unity

• He cooperated with fellow African American leader, Martin Luther King Jr., even though he rejected King’s idea of non-violent protest.

• February 21st, 1965 – Malcolm X was shot and killed while giving a speech in New York City.

Page 11: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Women’s Liberation Movement• The Women’s Liberation Movement challenged the traditional roles

of American women• Feminism served as a revolutionary device to argue against strict

gender roles in American society• Women were commonly considered to be of a lower class than their

male companions and were stereotyped as helpless and emotional in comparison to men, and were resigned to serve the functioning of the home.

• President Kennedy aided women’s right’s activists by appointing Esther Peterson as the first women head of the Women’s Bureau of Congress Department, which overviewed women’s issues in the workplace.

• The Presidential Commission on the Status of Women was formed in 1961 to study economic and legal rights of women. The commission recommended changes in employment and social services and helped form the direction for the women’s movement. The commission was successful in getting the equal-pay bill of 1963 passed.

• In 1964, The Civil Rights Act was passed, which prevented discrimination in employment

• The National Organization for Women was formed in 1966 to represent women’s issues

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Positive and Negative Social/Cultural Changes• Positive• Pacifism and peaceful protest became more popular• Rise of civil liberties and equal rights

• Negative:• Large increase in crime• Widespread urban unrest• Rising energy prices and inflation

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Foreign Challenges

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The The Vietnam Vietnam WarWar

••Communist rebels in Vietnam, known as Communist rebels in Vietnam, known as the Viet Cong, defeated the French the Viet Cong, defeated the French control of the nation and earned control of the nation and earned independenceindependence••South Vietnam, however, was still South Vietnam, however, was still mostly under anti-communist influence mostly under anti-communist influence and fought for political power with the and fought for political power with the Viet Cong in the communist NorthViet Cong in the communist North

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••President Kennedy President Kennedy believed in the “domino believed in the “domino theory” and that Vietnam’s theory” and that Vietnam’s fall to communism could fall to communism could case a chain reaction of case a chain reaction of political influencepolitical influence

••Aiding South Vietnam Aiding South Vietnam would improve U.S. image would improve U.S. image and assert the dominance of and assert the dominance of American democracy.American democracy.

••Despite this, Kennedy still felt Despite this, Kennedy still felt wary about more U.S. wary about more U.S. intervention in Asiaintervention in Asia

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••Before Kennedy could Before Kennedy could make any major decisions make any major decisions on this issue, he was on this issue, he was assassinated and Lyndon B. assassinated and Lyndon B. Johnson replaced himJohnson replaced him

••After the Gulf of Tonkin incident, where U.S. military in After the Gulf of Tonkin incident, where U.S. military in Vietnam claimed that the Viet Cong had attacked Vietnam claimed that the Viet Cong had attacked American naval vessels, LBJ encouraged Congress to American naval vessels, LBJ encouraged Congress to declare war on North Vietnamdeclare war on North Vietnam••LBJ was afraid that if America didn’t defeat LBJ was afraid that if America didn’t defeat communism in Vietnam, the public would blame his communism in Vietnam, the public would blame his negligence and other Asian nations would inevitably fall negligence and other Asian nations would inevitably fall to communismto communism••Later it was discovered that the Americans had made Later it was discovered that the Americans had made the first aggressions due to a miscommunicationthe first aggressions due to a miscommunication

Robert McNamara admits Gulf of Tonkin attack did not happen - YouTube

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••1965: First U.S. fighting 1965: First U.S. fighting forces committed to forces committed to VietnamVietnam

••A half a million young American men A half a million young American men were sent, and 15 thousand of them were sent, and 15 thousand of them were killed in the warwere killed in the war••Johnson had sent not enough troops to Johnson had sent not enough troops to defeat the Viet Cong, nor had enough defeat the Viet Cong, nor had enough force to extract Americans from the force to extract Americans from the battlefieldbattlefield••A major problem with Johnson’s A major problem with Johnson’s strategy was his focus on air forces strategy was his focus on air forces rather than ground forces; it turned out rather than ground forces; it turned out that the Viet Cong fought mostly in that the Viet Cong fought mostly in underground bases and trenches which underground bases and trenches which could not easily be seen high abovecould not easily be seen high above

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••Added to the failed Added to the failed strategy was the poor strategy was the poor cooperation between U.S. cooperation between U.S. troops and South troops and South Vietnamese troopsVietnamese troops••At last, a stalemate At last, a stalemate came between the armies came between the armies after the Tet Offensiveafter the Tet Offensive••However, political However, political victory came for the victory came for the North, proving the U.S.’s North, proving the U.S.’s efforts in fighting the efforts in fighting the communism futilecommunism futile

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Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society”Society”

••The “Great Society” was The “Great Society” was LBJ’s series of legislation that LBJ’s series of legislation that addressed discrimination, addressed discrimination, education reform, medical education reform, medical care, and povertycare, and poverty••This course of action sought This course of action sought to improve the quality of life to improve the quality of life for everyone in the United for everyone in the United StatesStates

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••Most of Johnson’s voters grew up in Most of Johnson’s voters grew up in the Great Depression and supported the Great Depression and supported LBJ’s various programs due to their LBJ’s various programs due to their trust in governmenttrust in government

••The Tax Reform Act cut taxes in The Tax Reform Act cut taxes in order to promote economical growth order to promote economical growth and triggered decade-lasting and triggered decade-lasting prosperityprosperity ••The Economic Opportunity Act The Economic Opportunity Act

included various programs that included various programs that started local anti-poverty projects, started local anti-poverty projects, preschool programs for preschool programs for underprivileged children, and youth underprivileged children, and youth education and work experience education and work experience campscamps

••The most important accomplishment by LBJ was the Civil Rights The most important accomplishment by LBJ was the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed racial segregation and Act of 1964, which outlawed racial segregation and discriminatory voting practices against African Americansdiscriminatory voting practices against African Americans••Johnson also enforced the Social Security Act of 1965, which Johnson also enforced the Social Security Act of 1965, which authorized universalMedicare for older Americans and Medicaid authorized universalMedicare for older Americans and Medicaid standards for all Americansstandards for all Americans

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Music of the 1960’s

Page 22: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Music - The British Invasion• A movement during the 1960’s where

many Rock and Roll bands from the United Kingdom were becoming increasingly popular in the United States.

• After the rising popularity of The Beatles, an English rock band from Liverpool, other bands from the UK followed the same route to success in the U.S.

• Included bands such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Animals, Gerry and the Pacemakers, The Who, The Bee Gees, The Kinks…etc.

Page 23: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Music• Popular genres of the 1960’s included rock, soul, reggae, pop, blues, and folk music• The increased drug use of the 1960’s effected the types of music which became popular,

including Psychedelic Rock , which was heavily influenced by hallucinogens such as LSD• Grateful Dead formed in 1965, giving birth to the genre known as Acid Rock• Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970) – American rock musician guitarist. Revolutionized the rock

genre by experimenting with different sounds on the electric guitar. There was a great emotional appeal for his music, which was iconic for long and soulful guitar solos.

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Music (Cont.)• The Beach Boys• One of the most popular American rock

bands in history• Celebrated the lifestyle of Southern

California• Known for their vocal harmonies and lyrics

about the teenage lifestyle, surfing, and hot-rod cars

• The Velvet Underground• An American rock band formed in NYC in

1964• Were managed by the famous artist Andy

Warhol• Known as one of the most influential rock

bands of the 1960’s

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Woodstock Music and Arts Festival• August 15th-17th 1969• Attracted a crowd of around 400,000 people• Woodstock served as one of the most important events of the

1960’s counterculture movement by calling attention to youth culture and values such as pacifism, social change, and personal freedom.

• Performing acts included the likes of Janis Joplin, The Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Who, Jimi Hendrix, and more.

• During the infamous festival, there were three deaths, three births, and multiple drug overdoses

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Theatre, Film, Television, & Radio

Page 27: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Marilyn Monroe (June 1, 1926- August 5, 1962)

• Born as Norma Jeane Mortensen (soon after changed to Baker)

• Much of Monroe’s childhood was spent in foster homes. • When she was older, she began working at the Radioplane Munitions

Factoy. (she sprayed airplane parts with fire retardant and inspected parachutes)

• It was here that David Conover (of US Army’s 1st motion picture unit) noticed her and snapped some photographs.

• Monroe soon after became a model. She was one of Blue Book's most successful models; she appeared on dozens of magazine covers. This is what brought on the attention of Ben Lyon, a 20th Century Fox executive.

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• Lyon did not like the name Norma Jeane, and through careful thought, the two agreed on Marilyn Monroe.

• Monroe was a minor character in four films and one musical in 1947.

• Big break was in The Asphalt Jungle (1950).• Was in more motion pictures in the following years.

• Appeared on the first issue of Playboy in 1953.

• One of her most notable films was The Seven Year Itch.• By late 1950’s her health was deteriorating.

• In 1960, Marilyn appeared in her last film, The Misfits.• During shooting, she was frequently ill and unable to perform. While

away from her doctor, Monroe resumed her consumption of alcohol and sleeping pills. Was hospitalized for 10 days.

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Monroe cont…• Alcohol and prescription medication dependence increased over the course of

her career and took a huge toll on her health.• In February 1961, Monroe voluntarily entered the Payne Whitney Psychiatric

Clinic. Later described the experience as a nightmare.

• May 1962, she attended the early birthday celebration for President John F. Kennedy at Madison Square Garden. She preformed Happy Birthday, Mr. President and Thanks For The Memory.

• It was rumored that she had an affair with JFK.

• Tragically, Monroe was found dead on August 5, 1962 at 4:25 AM.• She was 36 years old.• Death was ruled as a “possible suicide”.

• In her career, Marilyn Monroe was in 5 television performances, 33 films, 1 uncompleted film, had preformed 35 songs within her movies, and had attained 13 awards.

• Marilyn Monroe had become one of the biggest sex icons

• She had been married 3 times, all ending in divorce, and suffered from two miscarriages and one ectopic pregnancy.

Page 30: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Star trek• Drafted as a proposal by Gene Roddenberry in 1964.• Publicly marked it as a Western in outer space, privately said it

was modeled after Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.

• Star Trek: The Original Series addressed issues of the 1960’s.• Issues included; war & peace, the value of personal loyalty, economics,

imperialism, racism, religion, human rights, sexism, feminism, and the role of technology.

• Roddenberry stated: “By creating a new world with new rules, I could make statements about sex, religion, Vietnam, politics, and intercontinental missiles. Indeed, we did make them on Star Trek; we were sending messages and fortunately they all got by the network.”

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• The show had highly progressive political agenda meant to reflect the time’s current events.

• Depicted an ‘anti-war’ message.• Star Trek’s United Federation of Planets was equivalent to that of

an ideal, optimistic, of efficient version of the United Nations.

• Roddenberry had strongly wanted the crew of the Enterprise to be racially diverse, though the network opposed.

• The first episode aired on Thursday, September 8, 1966.• Received very high ratings.

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James bond movies• In 1959, Albert R. Broccoli expressed interest in adapting the James

Bond novels into films, though his colleague Irving Allen was not interested.

• 1961, Broccoli, along with new partner, Harry Saltzman, purchased film rights.

• Many Hollywood studios did not want to fund the films, stating they were “too British” or “too blatantly sexual”.

• Those that did wanted $1 million to make either Thunderball or Dr. No.

• In July 1961, production started for Dr. No.

• Contest was held to “find James Bond”.• Winner was 28 year old model, Peter Anthony. When he could not

cope with role, they turned to Sean Connery.

Page 33: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

The movies• (1962) Dr. No received bad review from critics.• (1963) From Russia With Love Audiences loved it, as did many critics. The

budget had been double what Dr. No received and they shot scenes in Europe.• (1964) Golderfinger Was the most noted Bond film by popular culture. Film used

the laser, which was still an extremely new invention, and a set-up to perhaps the most memorable line in Bond films:

Bond: Do you expect me to talk?Goldenfinger: No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!

• (1965) Thunderball Most popular Bond novel. Most successful Bond film to date, earning $141.2 million ($1,041 million in 2012 dollars) and inspired many other spy films/novels of the 1960’s.

• (1967) You Only Live Twice Connery’s last film as James Bond, though he does return for ‘Diamonds Are Forever’ and ‘Never Say Never Again’. The film was perceived well, though many stated that the second half becomes too much. Queen Elizabeth II attended the movie’s premier.

• The Bond films have continued to be produced throughout the decades.

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Beverly Hillbillies• Was an American situation comedy that had 9 seasons on

CBS from 1962 to 1971.• Starred Buddy Ebsen, Irene Ryan, Donna Douglas, and Max

Baer Jr.

• The series was about a poor backwoods family that moved to Beverly Hills, CA after striking oil on their land.

• The Jed and his family bring their moral, unsophisticated, and minimalistic lifestyle to the self obsessed and superficial Beverly Hills community.

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• Beverly Hillbillies ranked in the top 20 most watched programs on TV for 8 of its 9 seasons, twice ranking as #1.

• Cancelled when it failed to get into the Top 30, in 1971 after producing 274 episodes.

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FADS and Fashions

Page 37: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Crew cuts

• Haircut in which the hair on top of the head is cut relatively short, graduated in length from the longest hair at the front hairline to the shortest at the back of the crown.

• Hair on sides and back of head are tapered short.• The very short crew cuts are also known as Buzz Cuts..

• Members of the Yale rowing team sported these in the 1890s, giving it the name ‘Crew’ cut.

• Crew cuts were fashion forward for nearly 70 years.

• In World War II, US armed forces began wearing them. Civilian men started sporting them too.

Page 38: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

The Afro• Also known as the ‘Fro’.

• ‘Afro’ derived from the term ‘Afro-American’

• Worn naturally by people with lengthy, kinky hair textures.• Started during African-American Civil Rights Movement. Brought

sense of identity to the African American community and this caused them to change their personal style, which included appreciation of African beauty and aesthetics.

Page 39: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Go-go boots• Low-heeled style of women’s fashion boots worn since

mid 60’s.

• Boots are either calf-, knee-, or above knee-high boots with a low or flat heel.

• Chiseled, rounded, or pointed toe. Boot also usually has zipper.

• Idea of a women’s mainstream fashion boot was revolutionary. Boots were only worn in bad weather, during rugged activities, or horseback riding. But not as street shoes.

• The shoes were designed to compliment shorter hemlines.

• Still worn today. (footwear of: NFL teams’ cheerleaders, exotic dancers, and Go-Go dancers.

Page 40: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Skateboards• First skateboards to reach public notice

came out of the surfing craze in the early 1960’s.

• Originally developed to help surfers practice when waves were unfavorable.

• Popularity of Skateboarding spawned a national magazine, Skateboarder Magazine, and in 1965 international championships were broadcast on national television.

• Despite this, by 1966 sales dropped significantly and the magazine stopped publication.

• Popularity of the sport dropped and remained low until early 1970’s.

Page 41: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Sports Sports StarsStars

Jackie Jackie RobinsonRobinson

The first African The first African American to play Major American to play Major League Baseball, and League Baseball, and got into the Baseball got into the Baseball Hall of FameHall of Fame

MuhammaMuhammad Alid Ali

One of the world’s One of the world’s most famous boxers, most famous boxers, and defeated and defeated champions Joe Frazier champions Joe Frazier and George Foremanand George Foreman

The right-fielder for the The right-fielder for the Pittsburgh Pirates who Pittsburgh Pirates who became the National became the National League MVP with 12 League MVP with 12 Gold Glove awardsGold Glove awards

RobertRoberto o ClemeClementente

Wilt Wilt ChamberlainChamberlain

A 7 foot tall basketball A 7 foot tall basketball player for the 76ers and player for the 76ers and the Lakers who set the the Lakers who set the record for scoring 100 record for scoring 100 points in a single gamepoints in a single game

Willy Willy MaysMaysOne of the greatest One of the greatest

centerfielders of all centerfielders of all time, made 350 home time, made 350 home runs and led the runs and led the Giants to the World Giants to the World SeriesSeries

Page 42: The 1960s By Sam Ambrose, Caroline Robinson, and Eric Lynch.

Inventions and TechnologyInventions and Technology

The technology of The technology of space exploration was space exploration was more advanced than more advanced than ever before, and ever before, and marked the U.S. victory marked the U.S. victory in the Space Race with in the Space Race with Apollo 11.Apollo 11.

The development of The development of the heart transplant the heart transplant and the artificial heart and the artificial heart were major advances were major advances in the medical field for in the medical field for dealing with heart dealing with heart failurefailure

A synthetic fiber known A synthetic fiber known as Kevlar was utilized as as Kevlar was utilized as the main component of the main component of body armor, creating body armor, creating light but life-saving light but life-saving vests for policemen to vests for policemen to wear in combat.wear in combat.

The ATM allowed people to make The ATM allowed people to make financial transactions anywhere in the financial transactions anywhere in the computer calculator increased the The computer calculator increased the speed of mathematical calculationsspeed of mathematical calculations

““Spacewar” was the first video game Spacewar” was the first video game ever createdever created

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Works Cited• Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s, 1960." DISCovering World History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering Collection. Gale.

Upper St. Clair High School. 8 May. 2012 <>.

• "CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1960, PUB.L. NO. 86-449, 74 Stat. 86 (1960)." The African American Almanac. Ed. Brigham Narins. 10th ed. Detroit: Gale,2008. Discovering Collection. Gale. Upper St. Clair High School. 8 May. 2012 <>.

• "Black Power Movement." DISCovering U.S. History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering Collection. Gale. Upper St. Clair High School. 8 May. 2012 <>.

• Lincoln, C. Eric. "King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968)." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Ed. Suzanne M. Bourgoin. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale Research,1998. 17 vols.Discovering Collection. Gale. Upper St. Clair High School. 8 May. 2012 <>.

• Carson, Clayborne. "Malcolm X." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2012. Web. 9 May 2012.• "Woodstock Music Festival Epitomizes The 1960's, August 15, 1969-August 17, 1969." DISCovering World History. Online

ed. Detroit: Gale,2003. Discovering Collection. Gale. Upper St. Clair High School. 8 May. 2012 <>.

• "Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962." DISCovering U.S. History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering Collection. Gale. Upper St. Clair High School. 8 May. 2012 <>.

• "Women's Liberation Movement in the 1960s." DISCovering U.S. History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering Collection. Gale. Upper St. Clair High School. 8 May. 2012 <>.

•McLeese, Don. "Beach Boys." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2012. Web. 9 May 2012.

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Works Cited (Continued)




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Works Cited (Continued)• Mucci, Frank. "10 Famous Athletes Of The 1960's." 30 4 2010: n. page. Web. 3 May.

2012.• • "60's SPORT HEROS." ThinkQuest. n.d. n. page. Web. 3 May.

2012.• • Lopez, Antonio. "TECHNOLOGY OF THE 1960'S." n.d. n. page. Web. 3 May.


• • "The Groovy 1960's: The Decade of Peace and Love." n.d. n. page. Web. 3 May.

2012.• • "American Cultural History." Lone Star College-Kingwood Library. 1999: n. page. Web. 3 May.

2012.• • • Bellis, Mary. "20th Century Timeline: The 60s - the technology, science, and inventions." New York

Times Company. 2012: n. page. Web. 3 May. 2012.

• • "56e. Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society"." Independence Hall Association in Philadelphia. 2012: n.

page. Web. 3 May. 2012. <>.