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University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Policy Brief, first edition BRIDGING VIETNAM AND THE WORLD Distinguis hed Reade rs, The "Policy Brief" from the University of Social Sciences and H umanities (USSH), Vietnam National Uni ver sit y aim s to provid e national and int ernationalaudien es with up da ted kno wledge and inf ormation on curr ent even ts concern ing Vietn am in the international context. It includes Viet nam 's foreign, secur ity, and integration policy as well as its position and p oint of views on different regional and international p robl em s. In ord er to do so the "Policy Brief" will invite a wide range of contributors including policy makers and experts, research ers and pr actitio ners, pro fessor s and entrepreneurs, both in Vietnam as well as abroad. To reach both Vietna mese and internation al au diences, the "Policy Brief" is a bilingual publicati on wit h Vietnamese and English langu age. It is ou r g rea t h onor to int rodu ce to the distinguish readers the fir t issue of the "Policy Brief" which deal with the decision of Vietnam to participate in UN Peacekeeping Operat ions according to Prime Minister guyen Tan Dung's announcement on the 12'h Shang ri-la Dialogue in Singapore in May 2013. Professo r Dr. Car lyle Thayer from the Australian Academy of Defense analyses the fact r having influenced Vietnam 's decision to commit to UN peacekeeping, incl ud ing Vietnam's recent active military cooperati on, ASEAN involvement in UN peacekeeping and the possibility for Vietnam to play a greater role in international affairs. Major General Ngu yen H ong Qu an , Deputy Director of the Ins titute for Strategic Defen e, Ministry of Defense of Vi etn am confirms in his contributi on that Vietn am 's participation in peacekeeping serves as one measure to strengthen its relations with the intern ational community. This Policy Brief was de veloped in cooperation w ith the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), a German poli tical founda tion that aims to foster int ern al und erstan din g and cooperation. I hope that our up comin g series of "Policy Briefs" will bri dge Vietnam an d the World a nd help und er standing Vietn am 's intern ational integration policies. Thank you, dear read ers, for your attention. We look forward to your cooperation and comment . Sine rely your s, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pharn Qu ang Minh Vice Recto r, University of Social Sciences and Hum anities

Thayer Vietnam Commits to UN Peacekeeping

May 17, 2017



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Page 1: Thayer Vietnam Commits to UN Peacekeeping

University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Policy Brief, first edition


Distinguis hed Readers,

The "Policy Brief" fro m the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH), Vietnam Na tiona l

Uni versity aims to p rovid e national and int erna tion al audien es with upda ted kno wledge and information

on current even ts concern ing Vietnam in the international con text. It includes Vietnam's foreign, security,

and inte gr ation policy as well as its position and point of views on d ifferen t regional and intern at ional

probl em s. In order to d o so the "Policy Brief" will invite a w ide range of contribu tors includ ing po licy

makers and experts, research ers and practitioners, professors and en trepreneurs, both in Vietnam as

well as abroad . To reach both Vietna mese and internation al au d iences, the "Policy Brief" is a bilingual

publication with Vietnamese and English language.

It is our grea t honor to introduce to the distinguish read ers the fir t issue of the "Policy Brief" which deal

with the decision of Vietnam to participate in UN Peacekeeping Operations accord ing to Prime Minister

gu yen Tan Dung's anno uncemen t on the 12'hShangri-la Dialogue in Singapore in May 2013.

Professo r Dr. Carlyle Thayer from the Au stralian Academy of Defense analyses the fact r having

influenced Vietn am 's d ecision to commit to UN peacekeeping, including Vietn am's recen t active mil itary

coop eration, ASEAN involvement in UN peacekee ping and the possib ility for Vietnam to play a greater

role in international affairs .

Major Gene ral Nguyen Hong Qu an, Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic Defen e, Ministry of

Defense of Vietnam confirms in his contribution that Vietn am 's particip at ion in peacekeeping serves as

one measu re to streng then its relations with the international community.

This Policy Brief was de veloped in coop erat ion w ith the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftu ng (FES), a German poli tical

founda tion that aims to foster internal understan ding and cooperation.

I hope that our upcoming series of "Policy Briefs" will bridge Vietnam an d the World and help

understanding Vietn am 's international integration policies.

Thank you, dear read ers, for your att ention . We look forward to you r cooperation and comment .

Sine rely your s,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pharn Qu ang Minh

Vice Rector,

Un iversity of Social Sciences and Humanities

Page 2: Thayer Vietnam Commits to UN Peacekeeping

Vietnam Commits to UN Peacekeeping



Vietnam has no historical legacy of working

with the United Nations (UN) prior to

reunification in 1975. Vietnamese leaders

based on their historical experience, have bee~ opposed to foreign intervention in the internal

affairs of another country. Vietnam has also

been wary about UN intervention. Its 2009

Defence White Paper declared:

Vietnam greatly appreciates the role of the UN and regards the peace-keeping

operations (PKO) as an important function

of the UN. To better fulfil this function,

UN PKO must abide by the principle of

respecting independence, sovereignty,

territorial integrity, and non-interference in

the internal affairs of other countries; ensure

impartiality; and only be carried out with the

acceptance of the parties concerned.'

Vietnam's leaders also have other

reservations about UN peacekeeping. In

June 2008, military staff at the Ministry of

National Defence's Institute for Defence and

International Relations told the author that

there were five obstacles to joining a UN

peacekeeping mission: domestic opposition to sending soldiers abroad, the costs of

training, English language competency, the

risk of casualties, and fear that Vietnamese

working abroad could become targets by

armed non-state groups.

Further, Vietnam's leaders were concerned

that the prestige of their armed forces could

suffer if they demonstrated any shortcomings

Socialist R~~ublic of Vietnam, Vietnam National Defence (HanOI:Ministry of National Defence, 2009), 27.

Carlyle A. Thayer*

or deficiencies due to lack of experience

while serving with other armed forces under

UN auspices. Vietnam's leaders also were

concerned that Vietnam did not have the

resources to support a major contribution to

UN peacekeeping operations.

Despite these ingrained attitudes and

reservations Vietnam, after extensive

deliberations over a decade, finally made

the decision to make a contribution to UN

Peacekeeping Operations (UN PKO). In May 2013, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan

Dung, in delivering the keynote address to

the 12th Shangri-La Dialogue, announced

that "at this prestigious forum, I have the honour to announce that Vietnam has decided to participate in UN peacekeeping operations, first in such areas as military engineering, military

medicine and military observation [emphasis in the original]."?


The idea that Vietnam should contribute

to UN peacekeepingwas first raised by UN Secretary General BoutrousBoutrous-Ghali in

1993.During a visit to Hanoi, the UN Secretary

General said, "There is no reason why, in the

next fiveyears, we might not ask Vietnam to

participate in United Nations peacekeeping

efforts in Latin America or Europe.":' Vietnam

reacted to this proposal with studied silence

2 "Building Strategic Trust for Peace, Cooperation and Prosperity in the Asia-Pacific Region," Keynote Addressby H.E. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung at the 12th Shangri-La Dialogue, Singapore, May 31,2013.

3 "UN chief pledges to help Hanoi's development efforts," BusinessTimes, April 13, 1993; and Associated Press/Agence France-Presse. "UN chief offers broad assistance to Vietnam," The Nation, April 13, 1993.

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Vietnam Commits to UN Peacekeeping

and for the next twelve years the ideaof

participating in UN peacekeeping activities

was put in cold storage.

Vietnam seriously began to consider

involvement in UN peacekeeping in late 2003

when Indonesia, as ASEAN Chair, proposed

the creation of a regional peacekeeping

force. Foreign observers reported that the

idea of contributing to UN peacekeeping was increasingly mentioned by Vietnamese

officials in 2004 and 2005 in response to

internal ASEAN deliberations. In October

2004, for example, Ngo DucThang, Vietnam's

permanent representative to the United

Nations, made these guarded remarks to

theGeneral Assembly's 59th session:

We highly appreciate the tirelessefforts of the Secretary-General to strengthen the

organisation's capacity to prevent andresolve

armed conflicts, including peace-keeping

and peace-building activities. In thisregard, Viet Nam has an important role to tackle global challenges and maintaininternational peace and security. We encourage speeding up of

the development of acomprehensive and coherent conflict-prevention strategy to

respond effectively tochallenges posed by

peace-keeping and peace-building processes

[emphasis added].'

More significantly, Prime Minister Phan Van

Khai revealed the following in thecourse of an interview on the eve of hishistoric visit to the

United States in 2005:

Washington Post: You'll be meeting with Kofi

Annan. Will you be making any gesturestoward

the United Nations, perhaps through UN


Khai: Yes, in the future, we will try to fulfil our


4 Quoted in Carlyle A. Thayer, "Vietnam and UN Peacekeeping," Thayer Consultancy Background Brief, January 12,2006 (updated January 15,2006).

Washington Post: Including UN peacekeeping?

Khai: Depending on our conditions, Vietnam's

still a poor economy. We are now also trying

to train some people, including military

personnel so that we may be able to participate

in peacekeeping. We might have some expertise

in landmine clearing, medical staff. You know

our condition. Vietnam is still a poor country."

On January 6, 2006, Le Dung, a spokesperson for Vietnam's Foreign Ministry, officially

announced that Vietnam had decided to run

for non-permanent membership on the UN

Security Council for the 2008-2009 term. He

added that Vietnam was also "preparing

to join UN peacekeeping activities when possible.:" However, Vietnam would not

send armed soldiers but only medical or mine

clearance personnel."

On October 27, 2006 the Group of Asian

Countries unanimously nominated Vietnam

as its only candidate for non-permanent

membership on the Security Council."

Throughout 2007, in tandem with its bid for a

seat on the Security Council, Vietnam played

up the possibility of making a contribution

to UN peacekeeping. In March, for example, when Ambassador Le Luong Minh, head of

Vietnam's Permanent Mission to the UN, spoke

before the Special Committee on Peacekeeping

Operations he revealed that Vietnam had

5 "Transcript: Interview with Phan Van Khai," The Washington Post, June 17, 2005.

6 Agence France-Presse, "Vietnam mulls contribution to UN peacekeeping," Thanh Nien News, January 6, 2006. See also: "VN may join UN peace-keeping forces: ministry" VietNam News,January 7, 2006 and Vietnam News Agency, "Vietnam to run for UN Security Council membership," Nhan Dan, January 10 2006.

7 Christine Webster interview with Carlyle Thayer, "Vietnam: Interest grow in UN peacekeeping operations," ABC Radio, Asia Pacific, January 11, 2006.

8 Vietnam News Agency, "Nation steps closer to UN Security Council inclusion," VietNamNet Bridge, October 30,2006; Deutsche Presse-Agentur, "Vietnam to be nominated to UN Security Council, state media says," October 30, 2006. Vietnam's' interest in becoming a non-permanent member of the Security Council dates back to 1997.

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Vietnam Commits to UN Peacekeeping

been engaged in discussions with the UN

Department of Peacekeeping Operations to

prepare for Vietnam's participation in UN­

sanctioned peacekeeping operations."

Vietnam's quest for membership on the Security

Council was successful. In October 2007

the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly

elected Vietnam a non-permanent member."

But Vietnam remained equivocal about a

definite commitment to UN peacekeeping. On

November 13, 2007, for example, Ambassador

Minh stated that, "Vietnam is ready to take

part in the UN's peacekeeping activities

when necessary and appropriate."!' During

its two-year tenure on the Security Council,

which commenced January 2008, Vietnam

refrained from making any contribution to UN

peacekeeping operations.

In 2009 Vietnam released its third Defence White

Paper. This document was the first Defence White

Paper to make reference to UN peacekeeping. It

offered these guarded comments:

Vietnam is accomplishing its preparations

for effectively participating in UN PKO,

in conformity with its capability and

conditions. Vietnam's relevant agencies

are actively studying experience of other

countries, and preparing its personnel with

sufficient professional skills, foreign language

proficiency and knowledge of international

laws to participate effectively in UN PKOY

In February 2011, Deputy Minister for National

Defence Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh confirmed

that Vietnam was "actively" preparing to

take part in UN peacekeeping. He expressed

Vietnam's willingness to join UNPKO at the

9 "UN peacekeepers supported by Vietnamese: ambassador," VietNamNet Bridge, March 3, 2007.

10 "Libya and Vietnam elected to UN Security Council," The New York Times, October 16, 2007.

11 "Vietnam to Start UN Security Council Presidency for July Next Yr."Thanh Nien, November 13,2007.

12 Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vietnam National Defence (Hanoi: Ministry of National Defence, 2009), 27.

right time as "this would help the country

improve its position and study various issues

around the world." General Vinh stated that

Vietnam had begun preparing to join UN PKO

four years ago by conducting training, securing

government approval and seeking funding.

Any international participation would be

purely humanitarian. Vinh stated, "Vietnam's

policy is not to send its peacekeepers to places

where there are conflicts."13

In July 2012 a delegation from Vietnam's

State Steering Committee on National Action

Program held working sessions in New York

with UN's Department of Peacekeeping

Operations, UN Mine Action Service and the

United Nations Development Programme."

Seven months later Vietnam signalled privately

that it was now ready to make a contribution

to UN PKO. Deputy Defence Minister Senior

Lt. Gen. General Vinh told visiting UN

Assistant General Secretary Edmond Mulet

that Vietnamese soldiers would be available

to participate in UN peacekeeping operations

in early 2014.15 In May, as noted above, Prime

Minster Dung publicly announced that

Vietnam would commit to UN peacekeeping.

In order to lay the legal basis for participation

in UN PKO by Vietnamese military forces,

in November 2013 Vietnam's National

Assembly amended Chapter IV (Article 44)

of its 1992 State Constitution to include the

clause that the armed forces will "contribute

to the maintenance of peace in the region

and the world."16 Based on this amendment,

13 "Vietnam denies participation in joint military drills," Thanh Nien, February 21, 2011.

14 Vietnam News Agency, "Mine clearance committee delegation visits US," Tuoi Tre News, July 14, 2012.

15 Associated Press, "Vietnam says it will be ready to participate in United Nations peacekeeping operations," Febtruary 27, 2013.

16 "Toan van Du thao Hien Phaplvuoc Cong hoa Xa hoi Chu nghia Viet Nam nam 1992 (sua doi narn 2013)," Nghi quyel so 38/2012/QH13 cua Quoc hoi ve viec to chuc lii'yykien nhan dan ve du thao sua doi Hien phap nam ]992, 14. http://www.tracuuphapluat. info/2013/01/du-thao-hien-phap-nuoc-cong-hoa­xhcn-viet-nam-nam-2013.html.

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Vietnam Commits to UN Peacekeeping

the government will now promulgate by­

laws and official policies to enable Vietnam's

involvement in UN peacekeeping.

Preparing for UN Peacekeeping

Beginning in 2005, and over the course of the

next eight years, Vietnam approached at least

nine countries to learn about their experiences

in UN peacekeeping operations and to solicit

assistance in training Vietnamese military

personnel for UN service.

Vietnam first made contact with Australia and

the United Kingdom. In November 2005, two

Vietnam People's Army officers became the

first in a steady stream to attend the course for

Peace Operations Military Observers hosted by

the Australian Defence Force Peace Operations

Training Centre. In October 2010, Vietnam

and Australia signed a Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU) that included capacity

building for UN peacekeeping missions. In

addition to providing annual stipends for

Vietnamese officers to attend the military

observers course, Australia funded a second

English-language teaching laboratory at the

Military Technical Academy in Hanoi. During

the course of a visit to Vietnam in August 2012,

Defence Minister Stephen Smith announced

that Australia was providing training to eighty

Vietnamese personnel for possible future UN

peacekeeping missions. I?

Also in November 2005 the United Kingdom

(UK) organized a strategic-level seminar on

peacekeeping in Hanoi. Vietnam's defence

cooperation with the UK was formalized in

November 2011 with the signing of a MOU

that raised bilateral relations to a strategic

partnership. The MOU included cooperation

in peacekeeping. IS In July 2012, under the

17 "Australia calls for South China Sea resolution," Radio Australia, August 30, 2012.

18 "UK concludes English course for Vietnam peacekeeping personnel," Tuoi TreNews, July 12, 2012.

terms of the MOU, the UK delivered the first

of two five-month English language courses

in Hanoi for twenty-four future Vietnamese

peacekeeping personnel. .

In 2007, Vietnam broadened its outreach by

approaching New Zealand, Singapore and

India. In March 2007,Lt. Gen. Nguyen HuyHieu,

Deputy Minister of National Defence, visited

Wellington where he expressed an interest in


Vietnam's capabilities in peacekeeping. The

Chief of the New Zealand Defence Force

made a return visit to Hanoi in August 2008

and discussed with his counterpart how

"both countries might work together as

Viet Nam considers future involvement in

United Nations peace operations." In February

2009, New Zealand's Defence Secretary offered

to share his country's experiences in UN


In September 2007, Singapore's Defence

Minister, Teo Chee Hean, visited Hanoi for talks

with his counterpart General PhungQuang

Thanh that covered Singapore's experiences

in peacekeeping. In November 2012, at the 5th

Singapore-Vietnam Defence Policy Dialogue

the two sides agreed "to improve effective and

practical cooperation... and sharing experience

in international peacekeeping activities.?"

After Vietnam announced its intention to

commit to UN PKO, Singapore agreed to assist

Vietnam in training military doctors for service

with the UNY

In November 2007, at the third India-Vietnam

security dialogue in New Delhi, India agreed

to share its expertise in training for UN

19 "NZ defence secretary visits Vietnam," Voice of Vietnam News, May 15, 2009.

20 "Defence dialogue boosts Vietnam-Singapore partnership," QuanDoiNhan Dan Online, November 22,2012.

21 "Vietnam and Singapore to boost cooperation in military medicine," QuanDoiNhan Dan Online, July 9,2013.

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Vietnam Corr mits to UN Peacekeeping

peacekeeping operations. The following

year India dispatched a four-member army

team to Vietnam to conduct training on UN

peacekeeping operations. In October 2010, the

defence ministers of India and Vietnam met

in Hanoi. India's A. K. Anthony responded

affirmatively to a request from his counterpart,

General Thanh, for India to send experts to

Vietnam to help train Vietnamese military

personnel for international missions."

In 2008, Vietnam further broadened its

outreach to include Canada, the United

States, Poland and Bulgaria. In May, Canadian

officials travelled to Hanoi to discuss

Vietnam's capacity to contribute forces to

UN PKO. In October, the United States and

Vietnam discussed Vietnamese participation

in UN peacekeeping operations at their

1st Security Dialogue on Political, Security

and Defense Issues." And in November,

in separate visits to Hanoi, both the Polish

Defence Minister and Bulgarian Chief of

General Staff discussed their country's

experiences in international peacekeeping

with their Vietnamese counterparts.

Vietnam's interaction with the United States

led to series of follow on engagements. InApril

2009, the U.S. Asia-Pacific Centre for Security

Studies conducted a five-day workshop

in Hanoi on "Vietnam and United Nations

Peace Operations" for nearly fifty mid-level

and senior policy officials from the Ministry

of National Defence, Ministry of Public

Security and Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

In December 2009, Vietnam's Minister for

22 "India to help Vietnam train peacekeeping forces," The Economic Times, October 14, 2010.

23 Mark E. Manyin, U.S-Vietnam Relations: Background and Issues for Congress, CRS Report for Congress, (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, October 31, 2008), 3.

24 William R. Goodwin, "Workshop focuses on UN Peacekeeping options, challenges," April 10, 2009. http://www. a pcss. org/workshop-focuses-on-un­peaekeeping-optons-challenges/.

National Defence General PhungQuang

Thanh visited Washington where he held

discussions on bilateral cooperation with

the United States on peacekeeping activities,

exchange of experiences in bomb and

mine clearance, and military medicine." In

June 2010, at the 3rd U.s.-Vietnam security

dialogue, the participants"conferred about

future Vietnamese participation in United

Nations peacekeeping missions.r "

In September 2011, in a major step forward,

Vietnam and the United States formalized

their defence cooperation in a MOU that

made provision for a senior level dialogue to

discuss five areas of cooperation including

UN PKOY In July the following year, a

delegation from Vietnam's State Steering

Committee on National Action Program

on unexploded ordnance made a ten-day

working visit to the United States. The

delegation was led by Senior Lt. General

Nguyen Chi Vinh, Deputy Minister of

National Defence, and toured a number of

Department of Defense agencies involved in

research on mine clearance technology."

In July 2013, during President Truong

Tan Sang's visit to Washington that led

to the adoption of a joint statement on

comprehensive partnership, President

Barack Obama offered to assist Vietnam

with training and other support for its first

involvement in UN peacekeeping. At the

end of the year Secretary of State John Kerry

25 He also noted that Vietnam had held UN PKO discussions with Malaysia and Cambodia. No details were forthcoming.

26 "Strengthening Ties Between The U.s. And Vietnam," Voice of America News, June 16,2010.

27 Robert Kamiol, "Vietnam's dual-track defence strategy" The Straits Times, September 26, 2011. The other areas of cooperation included maritime security, search and rescue, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

28 Vietnam News Agency, "Mine clearance committee delegation visits US," Tuoi Tre News, July 14,2012.

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Vietnam Commits to UN Peacekeeping

reported at a press conference in Hanoi that

"We're also working more closely than ever

on peacekeeping in the United Nations global

peacekeeping operations.t"

In 2012, Vietnam approached the European

Union. In late February-early March, David

O'Sullivan, Chief Operating Officer of the

European External Action Service, paid

a working visit to Vietnam. At this time

Vietnam formally requested the EU to share

its experiences in UN PKO and support

Vietnam's preparation and participation in

United Nations peacekeeping activities.P


There appear to be at least three factors that

influenced Vietnam's decision to make a

commitment to UN peacekeeping operations.

First, Vietnam's military has become more

internationally active in international defence

cooperation in recent years than in the

past. As a result Vietnam has entered into

dialogues on UN peacekeeping with at least

ten states (including the EU). Vietnamese

military officers who have attended overseas

courses have been exposed to changing

international and regional norms regarding

UN peacekeeping. Vietnamese military

personnel, for example, have interacted with

military officers from Brunei, Cambodia,

Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippine,

Singapore and Thailand - all fellow members

of ASEAN - who have served with the UN.

Second, ever since 1999 when a UN-approved

international force intervened in East Timor

there has been regional consideration for

ASEAN involvement in peacekeeping. In

29 U.s. Department of State, "Joint Press Availability With Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh, Government Guest House, Hanoi, December 16, 2013, 4.

30 "EU boosts cooperation with Vietnam," VietNamNet Bridge, March 2, 2012.

2003, when Indonesia was chairman of the

ASEAN Standing Committee, it mooted the

idea of a regional peacekeeping centre and

regional peacekeeping forces. The idea of

regional peacekeeping also has been discussed

by ASEAN defence officials, including the

chiefs of army. An Expert Working Group

on Peacekeeping is now functioning under

the ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting Plus.

In sum, a normative shift has gradually

taken place for regional involvement in

peacekeeping under the UN Charter.

Third, Vietnam served on the UN Security

Council in 2008-09. Although it did not

contribute to UNPKO at that time it learned

that if Vietnam wanted to playa greater role in

international security making a contribution

to UN peacekeeping operations was one

avenue. Vietnam's then Ambassador to the

UN, Le Luong Minh, stated, for example, "If

Vietnam joins the peacekeeping force, our role

would be larger, enabling us to have more say

in security matters.">'

In sum, all three factors appear to have

contributed to Vietnam's decision to make a

modest contribution to UN PKO in 2014.

31 "Vietnam mulls UN peacekeeping role," Thanh Nien, January 13, 2006.

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About the Authors 31


Major General Nguyen Hong Quan

Major General, Docto r Ngu yen Hong Qu an is Associate Professor and Vice Director Gene ral of Vietnam Institute for Defense Stra tegy (IDS). He is graduate of Vietna m National Defense Academy. He also attende d the

Institute for Higher Studies of National Defen se, France (IHEDN) . In his fourty years in the Army, he has tenanted prestigious command, instruction al

and staff appointments, notably, Vice Director General of the Foreign Relations Department (FRO), Ministry of Nationa l Defense. He was also UN Observer at the Algeri an Legislature in 1997. He obtaine d his Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and d id his Master of Ar ts in Internation al Relations from the Dipl om atic Academ y of Viet Nam, and Post Grad uate Diplom a from the Int ernational Inst itute of Publi c Adminstrat ion, Paris, France. He has a Doctorate in Modern

World History from the Social Sciences and Humanities College, Vietnam National University. He is visitin g Pro f ssor at Vietnam National Defense Academy, regularly pa rticipates in in tern ational

seminars and conferences in Vietn am and ab road, and contributes in academic fields. Over 70 articles and opinions piece. ha e been published in academic and professional journals. He is frequently consu lted by go vern me nt agencies and the medi a on in tern ational affairs.

Carlyle A. Thayer

Carl yle A. Thayer is Emer itu s Professor, The University of Ne w South Wales (UNSW) at the Au stralian Defence Force Acad em y (ADFA). He was educated at

Brown, Yale and The Australian Na tional University (ANU). He joined UNSW in

1979 and tau ght first in its Faculty of Military Stu dies at The Royal Military College­Duntroon until 1985 and then at University College ADFA. In 1993 he was a United Nati ons-accredited obse rver for the elections in Cambodi a. Thayer erved as Head of the School of Politics from 1995-97. In 1999, he was gran ted leave of absence ' in the nat ion al intere st' to take up a th ree-year appointment at the A ia-Pacific entre for Security Studies in Haw aii . He was then seconded to Deakin Univ ersity as their

On Site Academi c Co-ordinator for the senior defence course at the Cen tre for Defenc and Stra tegic Studies, Aus tra lian Defen ce College (2002-04). In 2005, Tha yer was appointed the C. V. Starr Distinguished

Visiting Professor of Southe ast Asian Stu d ies at the School of Advan ced In ternational Studies, Johns Hopkins University in Washington. In 2006-07 and 2010, Professor Thayer co-ordina ted Regiona l Security Stu dies at the Aust ra lian Command and Staff College. In 2008, he was ap poin ted the In augur al Frances M. and Stephen H. Fuller Distingui sh ed Visiting Professor of Southeas t Asia n Studies at hie University. In January 2011, Thayer was con ferr ed the title Emeritus Pro fessor by UNSW. He is curren tly Director of Thayer Consultancy, a small bu siness registered in Au stralia that provides assessme nts of cur rent politi cal, secu rity and foreig n policy developments in Southeast Asia. He also writes a weekly column

on ASEAN defence and security issues for The Dipl om at. Professor Thayer is the author of over 480

publications including Sou theas t Asia: Patterns of Security Cooperat ion (ASPI 2010), Vietnam People's Army : Devel opment and Modernizati on (IDSS 2009), Beyond Ind ochina (IISS Adelphi Pap er 1995), The Vietn am Peopl e's Army Under DoiMoi (ISEAS 1994) and co-editor of Vie tna mese Foreign Policy in Tran sition (ISEAS 1999 with Ram ses Amer), Bringing Dem ocracy to Cambodia: Peacekeeping and Elections (ANU and ADSC 1996 with VerbertoSelochan), and A Crisis of Expectatio ns: UN Peacekeeping in the 1990s (Westview 1995 with Ram esh Thakur).