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That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

Dec 25, 2015



William Dennis
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Page 1: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.
Page 2: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

That Giant Goliath a.k.a. ProblemsWhat are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath but many of us have not taken the story as a teaching tool to apply in our lives. We take this and many other stories as great children bedtime tales. We even take this tool and consider it in our own bible reading time to be a great historical story but don’t see how this applies to our life today. Okay; so let’s delve into the story of David and Goliath taken from the Holy Scriptures 2 Samuel 17 and see the relation Goliath has to problems.

Page 3: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

Goliath according to the Word of GOD measured in English math that is from 9ft 3in to 11ft 9in. Now let’s take a look at life’s problems which are far too many to name. All problems cause stress and stress is very overwhelming to us all. Problems extend is height and width this is why we find it difficult to get over them or to go around them. Problems are anywhere from 9ft 3in to 11ft 9in. Now Goliath stood on the ground and the problems that we face in life stand in our mind; just image the height of your problems standing in your mind. No wonder we suffer from headaches; migraines; neck, shoulder, back and hip aches. A woman delivers a human that has an average height of 19-21 inches and something that small can sometimes give an expectant mother much grief. The beauty of her grief is that she will be blessed with amnesia immediately after her baby is born. Oh she will remember that she had great pain to deliver but she will never be able to describe that pain. Once that baby has come through all she wants to do is hold her baby; talk to her baby love on her baby. We are not equipped to deal with a 9ft to 11ft problem on our own; we can however handle a problem if it’s 19-21 inches. We call that a small problem; it’s just a little thing; no worries. Giving birth is a natural process of life dealing with problems is not.

Page 4: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

Goliath had a bronze helmet, armored with a coat of mail which means that it was interlinked with metal rings or overlapping metal plates. This entire military dress weighed approximately 300,000 pounds. The problems we try to solve on our own often feel like the weight of Goliaths armor. We are not finished yet with Goliath’s attire; Goliath also wore bronze armor on his legs and had a bronze javelin between his shoulders; in other words between his shoulder blades. If your hips are hurting it stands to reason that your legs will begin to ache. And what about that sharp pain between your shoulder blades; hmm, that’s that javelin of problems that is sitting back there.

Page 5: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

Goliath also had a spear and the staff of that spear was like a weaver’s beam. I'm not altogether sure how this works out; however, to make sure I provided the reader with accurate information according to research; this is what I got. The staff had a thread that loomed around and the preparation of use is as follows. Preparation time: 4-6 rounds total.

Pull spear (already in hand) Wind thread around shaft (secure

in ground or hand to do this) Insert wrist into loop Aim Throw Attack target

Page 6: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

The spearhead of his staff was made of iron and it weighed according to English math approximately 150,000 pounds. Goliath also had a shield bearer that went out ahead of him. He was not as heavily armored as Goliath; however, he carried a shield and was fit to attack if necessary. His job is to protect Goliath from any weapons that may come towards Goliath before Goliath sees the trouble. Just imagine a stress headache or migraine that you have. Understand that the severity of that pain is due to how deep that spearhead penetrated your mind. Like iron problems don’t yield under pressure; it’s known for it’s sever labour; its sternness and affliction. Goliath taunted the scared and weak army of Israel twice daily for forty days. He went so far as to proposition them by saying that he and his army would become their slaves. Problems do the same to us; problems make us anxious; nervous; sick and weak. Problems taunt us daily; we have trouble sleeping; our concentration is askew; we prematurely age and more. We are unknown slaves to our problems. Problems are designed to weaken and kill the one it taunts.

Page 7: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

Now just to side step a wee bit here. I am one who believes that the name of a person has been given; says a lot about who that person should be. I have seen some folk get little definition cards about their names and think nothing of it. I have seen some get little definition cards about their names and decide to be who they are according to their name. Here are a few examples; Abinidab means the FATHER is generous; Eliab means GOD is FATHER and Shammah means GOD has heard. Now with names like these; I would think that each brother of David would place their trust in the LORD GOD after all the FATHER is generous and HE is my FATHER so I am certain HE will hear and listen to me. Just to throw this in my name Shawn means the LORD GOD is gracious and I am a gift from the LORD GOD. Once I found that out it was on and poppin.Okay, back to the cause. Just as Jesse the father of David sent David to the military camp with a bushel of grain, bread and cheeses for them to eat and gain strength. The FATHER of JESUS sent HIM to earth with bread which is HIS flesh the Word of the LORD GOD; for all mankind to eat and gain strength. David was in the right place to hear the problems that the military men were hearing as well as to see what they were facing. He saw for himself their lack of faith and weakness; he saw that they forgot the past triumphs of the LORD GOD that pertained to Israel. David heard the taunts that Goliath brought to the camp of Israel and he had an important question to ask the men of Israel. “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living GOD?” What a great question to ask the men; look carefully at the question. Who is this sinner or what is this curse? Sinners and curses defy the living GOD through the people of the living GOD; it’s expected by non-believers because they do not know any better. Also in the question is a reminder; the LORD GOD is alive not dead. Many of us need to ask ourselves who are the people of my past or my present that I am allowing to cause me great discomfort with fear; shame and stress? Why am I allowing the curse of past pain; addictions; mistakes; sin; put me in the shackles of depression; oppression; anger; rebellion; shame; un-forgiveness; not having the ability to flow freely in love; not able to enjoy that peace that passes human understanding and so much more. Why am I living with Goliath / problems when the LORD JESUS already took my past hurts; shame; addictions; mistakes and so forth on HIMself on the cross. Why am I not enjoying life in CHRIST JESUS as HE meant for me to? Why am I allowing myself to be weighed down by things that are out of my control; I can’t change my past and I can’t know what tomorrow will bring.

Page 8: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

Eliab, David’s older brother became very angry with him and began to make serious accusations against him. *Caution* the enemy will always make accusations that are worthless; however, we must always be aware of his devices. The enemy will always try old tricks that have not failed him much to take the focus off of the LORD JESUS. Know that our LORD GOD is not mocked and that whatever a man sows he will reap the same. See that question David posed to the army hit home; they were reminded of who they were; yet, they were overtaken by the spirit of fear. Here is a part of David’s life that makes me giggle a wee bit. After Eliab jumps all over David; David replies with “Is there not a cause” I kind of see David as one his family thought to be bothersome. I don’t think they really understood David. They threw him out there with the sheep and it back fired on them. In his solitude he learned to be a shepherd. And what does a shepherd do but tends; guards; protects; guides and watch over the sheep.

Much like a pastor has been given a charge to do. Not only that but David has no others to speak to but to the sheep; so he begins to communicate with the living GOD through conversation and songs. David is building a relationship with the LORD GOD. Now because David spends many days and nights out with the sheep; David has a tendency not to smell so well and he is red and sweaty from the heat and sun. I think that most times Jesse his dad; forgets about him. Remember when Samuel came looking for the next king to anoint. Jesse put up all his sons but David; Samuel being bewildered said do you have another son; you must have another son. Jesse then remembers that David is out there in the fields tending to the sheep; Jesse was in no hurry to send for David but Samuel said that everyone would remain standing until David got there. I love it.

Page 9: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

Imagine; the LORD GOD using the ones that everyone including family said would be nothing and is nothing. Don’t listen to the nay sayers; you place all your trust in the LORD JESUS develop tunnel vision and though you may not have anyone that you can call as friend. Know that the LORD JESUS is a friend that sticks closer than a brother; HE will never abandon; desert; give up; leave or renounce us. You are a champion in the LORD GOD’s eyes; now be a champion in your own eyes. Get this; David then responds to his brother with; “Is there not a cause” in other words David said; what have I done now?

Let me put this next example in everyday terms; David squared up to Saul and said the military troop no longer need to be ascared; I’ll deal with your problem or this situation. Look problems do not deal with the segregation of age; height/weight or the color of the skin. Problems don’t care what you look like; problems are equal opportunist. If you are a child of the Most High GOD then you have seen the hand of the Living GOD move in your life and you should remember the victory or victories you had. If you have never experienced any victories according to your mind (you are saved; that is a victory) then remember what the LORD GOD did according to the scriptures. I'm certain you’ve read something that proclaimed the victory of the LORD JESUS. If all you remember is that you are saved by the blood of the lamb of GOD; then remember that you did not have to go to the gym; you did not have to dress a certain way; you did not have to stop doing certain things. All you had to do was believe.

Page 10: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

And just as David went to face the problems of Israel; we must go and face our problems head on; (no pun intended). Believe that the LORD GOD wants to and will deliver us from the problems that we face. We are not to worry about how HE will do it; just that HE will do it and get it done. I believe that because David is a shepherd and he was protecting the army of Israel this is why he had his staff in his hand. I also believe that the Holy Spirit told David to get five smooth stones.

Why five and why smooth? I know that on the fifth day ELOHIM said let there be light; I wonder if it has anything to do with light? It’s possible; after all Goliath in his height blocked a lot of light and our problems blind us from the light. It’s hard for us to laugh at life when we are bogged down with problems and everything around us seems dark. Maybe David got the smooth stones because they were free from uninterrupted movement and flow? Just something to think about. As I wrote before; we must face our problems head on; get close to the situation and stand strong in the faith of your LORD JESUS.

Page 11: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

Know that this will be the last and final time that these problems will belittle and curse you. Problems will come to the fight with everything it has. We will go to the problem in the name of the LORD of Host the GOD of the redeemed. We will not allow these problems to defy us. Know that on the day that you take your bold stance and deliver fully and completely everything that has caused you much grief and sorrow to the LORD GOD. As you aim and strike true at the head for full decapitation everyone will know that the LORD GOD is your GOD and that HE is a rewarder to those who diligently seek HIM. The battle of our problems belongs to the LORD GOD.

Page 12: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

David ran towards Goliath and aimed his stone within his slingshot at Goliath’s head. The stone hit it’s mark and the giant Goliath fell to the ground. David then went and decapitated him. So run brothers and sisters towards your problems not from your problems; aim the Word of the living GOD at them and hit your mark. Cut of the head; because to destroy anything so that it will not rise again; you must cut off its head.

Page 13: That Giant Goliath a.k.a. Problems What are problems but the Goliath in our life; that giant of old. You remember the bible story of David and Goliath.

I will like to take this opportunity to thank all of the wonderful subscribers of the AMFBeM Magazine. Many of you have shared with the ministry via e-mails; face book or telephone calls how the magazine has been a blessing to you.

To introduce to many further subscribers and to assist the ministry with the high cost of mailing the magazine out. We will begin to make the magazine available on-line.

AMFBeM Magazine will continue to write words of encouragement that will help you and I grow further in the knowledge of all things CHRIST.

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Elder Shawn Briscoe

Note from the co-author and editor: