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Thanksgiving 2010 Booklet Reading Guide for Scribd

Apr 10, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 Thanksgiving 2010 Booklet Reading Guide for Scribd


    Cover Front Page

    This will be designed by NERO

    Please include the following words:

    A 21 Day

    Quiet Time

    Devotional Guide

    in preparationfor Thanksgiving 2010

    here at His Life

  • 8/8/2019 Thanksgiving 2010 Booklet Reading Guide for Scribd


    A 21 Day

    Quiet Time

    Devotional Guidein preparation

    for Thanksgiving 2010

    here at His Life

  • 8/8/2019 Thanksgiving 2010 Booklet Reading Guide for Scribd


    What is a Quiet Time / Q.T.?A quiet time is a daily time I set aside to be alone with God to

    get to know Him through Bible Reading and Prayer. What could

    be your greatest problem as you commit to do Quiet Times?

    Your greatest problem will be your struggle to stay consistent.

    Satan fights nothing harder than our Time alone with God.

    Here's some Suggestionsfor Constancy:

    1. Make a faith covenant or a godly vow to God to

    listen to Him daily.

    2. Schedule it on your daily calendar this November 2010.

    3. Leave your Bible open at night to the passage for

    the next day!

    4. Dont just read the articles only in this Guide, make

    Gods Word, the Bible number ONE!

    6. Be open to Fresh truths that God will use to speakto you. Dont forget to pray and thank God.

    7. Read Prayerfully and be sensitive to impressions God will

    give you. Write things downjournal it pray it.

  • 8/8/2019 Thanksgiving 2010 Booklet Reading Guide for Scribd


    Hi Everybody!

    We have to LISTEN to what God is doing and saying. We may

    see this through the different personal stories that comes to the

    family of believers.This booklet is a collection of testimonies and stories on how

    God our Father who loves us so much has expressed His love, grace

    and mercies to His people. Here is a guide to help us have a

    consistent Quiet Time using the Word of God as our primary source.

    This last Quarter of 2010 will be a time to celebrate big! It is our

    annual THANKSGIVING! As we behold how God has been so good,

    kind, loving, gracious and generous to us, we will GIVE THANKS!

    Praise the LORD that His Life Ministries is being used by the

    LORD to advance His Kingdom and Purposes here in the

    Philippines together with other Christian groups who honor Jesus.

    In your Quiet Times make sure to listen. Make sure to be ready

    to obey. Make sure to tap on the source of power that is available in

    the Word of God and in the touch of the Holy Spirit. Be excited to

    read the Word of God. Be expectant in your fellowship with the

    Holy Spirit.

    I personally invite you to join THANKSGIVING 2010 by recalling

    all what the LORD has done to you, your family, your business, your

    life, health and well being. He loves you. Thank Him.

    May the highest and best praises be heard and delivered for the

    glory of God caused by His grace upon all of us.

    May this 21 Day Quiet Time Devotional Reading Guide

    help you see the mighty hand of God at work in the lives of others.

    Articles were contributed by our brothers and sisters who made His

    Life their home church. BLESSED THANKSGIVING!

    pastor jr here

    1THANKSGIVING 2010 at His Life 21 Day Reading Guide

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    By challenging everybody to understand

    (through Small Groups and Church Wide Preachings):

    1) Biblical Stewardship

    2) Godly Financial Responsibility

    3) To Dream BIG for Gods Kingdom to Advance


    FREEDOM FACILITY (Phase 2) for Encounter Nights,

    Prayer Meetings and Leadership Trainings.


    SUNDAY, on November 28, 2010, where each

    family / individual can make a CASH GIFT and

    a 12 month giving PLEDGE towards their

    Congregations Treasury (HLM SITE).


    THANK GOD FOR in a BIG UNIFIED Church Celebration.

    VENUE: USLS Coliseum

    WHEN: December 5, 2010

    TIME: 6pm

    EVENT: JUMP 2010

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    What We WONT Do in This Campaign

    1. We will not pressure anyone to give.

    Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give,

    not reluctantly or under pressure, for God loves a cheerful giver.

    2 Corinthians 9:7

    2. We will not mix giving with personal promotions.

    Sell my product to the church & Ill give or I will tithe.

    3. We will not sell junk.

    David I will not sacrifice an offering that costs me nothing."

    1 Chronicles 21:26

    What We WILL DO Without Apology

    1. We will show how everyone can give something. It is a myth that some

    people cant give anything. (Mark 12:43)

    There are many ways to give - if one is willing to give.

    Even those with no cash can make a commitment to give.

    2. We will ask people to sacrifice.

    You cannot become like Christ without learning to sacrifice, and

    certainly the Body of Christ is worth sacrificing for.

    To SACRIFICE means to willingly give the best I have for a greater purpose.

    While we all cannot give the same amount, we all can sacrifice somehow.This way everyone can have a part.

    3. We will be grateful to be a part of what God is doing in our church.

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    READ: The Joy of Bringing Our BEST TogetherGiving back to God is the heart of worship.

    It may surprise you to learn that Jesus taught more about money and possessions

    than he did about heaven or hell. The word give is used over 1,500 times in the

    Bible, more than the words faith, hope, love or pray. Why? Obviously, Goddoesnt need your money. But God does want us to become like Him, and that

    will only happen if we learn to be generous. God is a giver- the most generous

    giver in the universe. Everything you have is a gift from God. (1 Chronicles 29:14)

    In many churches, the giving of offerings is the low point of the service. Its

    ignored, tolerated, or often resented by many. But the Bible teaches that God

    wants our giving to be a deep meaningful expression of worship in three

    dimensions - past, present and future.


    Thanks and giving go together. When we give back to God, we express our

    appreciation to Him for all the ways He has blessed us. Were saying, God, were

    grateful for all youve done in our lives and we love you. Thats why you should

    never give under pressure. God wants your giving to be motivated by gratitude.


    The purpose of tithing is to teach you to put God first in your lives

    (Deuteronomy 14:23B, LB). If you want to know what a person really values, just

    look at his calendar and checkbook. The way people spend their time and money

    reveals what is really important to them. Its one thing to claim we love God, but

    the Bible says our bringing of the tithe and offerings tests the sincerity of our

    obedience and love of Him (2 Corinthians 8:8). When we bring the first part of

    our income to God, on the first day of the week, it is evidence that God holds first

    place in our hearts.


    God sees my giving as a test of my faith. In Malachi 3:10 (NIV) he says, Bring the

    whole tithe into the storehouse (temple) Test me in this and see if I will not

    throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will

    not have room enough for it. God challenges us saying, I dare you to trust my

    promise to take care of you as you put me first in your finances.

    Will you trust me? [borrowed from 40 DOC with minor additions by JR]

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    JESUSAuthor Unknown

    More than 2000 years ago a man was borncontrary to natural law. This man lived in poverty and was

    brought up in obscurity. He did not travel extensively. Onlyone time did he cross the border of the country that helived in, and this he did as an exiled child. He had noinfluence or money. His relatives had no social prominence,formal training or education. During his infancy heterrorized a king; As a child, He puzzled and amazed thereligious teachers of Jerusalem.

    Even though he was a man, he dominated natural law.He walked on water as though it were solid ground, calmedthe waves, healed the multitudes, and did not charge for hisservices. He never wrote a book, but the books that havebeen written about him could fill enormous libraries. Henever wrote a song, but has provided the theme for moresongs than have been produced by all composers,combined. He never went to a university, but has moredisciples than all the universities and other schoolscombined. He never directed an army, or enlisted even one

    soldier, or shot a gun; but no leader has had morevolunteers under his authority who have made therebellious turn in their guns, surrendering without firingone shot.

    Centuries before the sciences of psychiatry and psychology ever existed, He wasthe Great Physician of the Soul, binding up broken hearts and healing fragile minds.And without ever administering a medicine or charging a fee, He was the GreatPhysician of the Human Body, healing the blind and the lame and the paralyzed by thehundreds--and even raising people from the dead.

    We date our calendars from the year of His birth. Once each week, the wheelsof commerce stop turning, and people stream into houses of worship to honor Him.

    The names of the great statesmen, soldiers, scientists, philosophers, and theologi-ans of the past fade into obscurity, but His name increases. And yet, While He wasalive, doing the works and speaking the words that have indelibly etched Him intoour history and our hearts, His own nation sought His death, and His own family didnot understand and believe who He really was.

    The great gladiators of Greece and Rome have lived, died, and been forgotten,

    but even though time has placed more than 2000 years between this man's life andours, He still lives. Herod could not destroy him, and the grave could not hold him.He is now at the pinnacle of heavenly glory, honored by God, recognized by demons,a living and personal Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    If we spent the rest of our lives studying the story of Jesus, we would never beable to fully grasp or encompass the mystery and paradox of this great life!

    November 7

    SundayPhilippians 2:5-11

    Prayer Items:

    PRAISE the

    Lord for who Heis to you today.

    RECEIVE a fresh

    revelation aboutJESUS.

    PRAY thatJESUS would be

    Primary at His LifeChurch.

    Test PageDay 1

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    MY STORY HIS STORYby Ces Musni, HLM Manila

    I have been a Christian for thirteen years and I havemany stories to share about personal encounter with God

    and His marvelous deeds.I came to know Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior

    in April 1997. Since then, my life really changed drastically.I was freed from my hatred towards my father who leftmy mom when he got her pregnant. I started to forgivepeople who abused and hurt me when I was little girl.I began to have a very deep relationship with God. Hebecame more than just my Lord and Savior, He becamemy best friend. I faithfully served Him as one of the youthleaders of Breakthrough (now called Youth Xtreme, YX).Unfortunately, being a Christian did not turn me into aperfect person.

    In October 1999, just like what happened to my mom,I became a single mom myself. I failed to guard my heart,wasted my youth loving the man but after knowing that hegot me pregnant he left me. Abortion was my only option

    just to get away from shame. But one day I felt the gentletouch of my Heavenly Father and I audibly heard Hisfatherly voice assuring me with these exact words, "Mydaughter, don't worry, I will never leave you. I will takecare of you". From that moment on, I firmly decided thatwhatever consequences I must face, even if the whole

    world would be against me and even if my own mother would reject me, I will letmy baby live and will raise him well. Yes, some people really judged me and toldme that I was a curse but the justice of God saw me through His merciful son Jesus Christ who already died for my immorality. And I must say; I AM NOT ACURSE!

    I thank God for giving me a loving mother who despite of the shame andfrustrations I brought her, stood by me. Today that baby I chose to bring forth tothis world is already 10 years old. My Heavenly Father turned my dirty past into abeautiful future by giving me a very loving husband who married me in August2005 and taking full ownership of my eldest son as his own. We are now a bighappy family of 4 children, 3 boys and a girl.

    I am currently one of the staff of His Life Manila, reaching out to the youngpeople of different schools and university. I love sharing my stories especiallywhen I see people are drawn to Jesus and lives are change. Then my storybecomes His story!

    All Glory and Honor belongs to Jesus who was, who is and is to come!

    November 8

    MondayPsalms 34:8-10

    Prayer Items:

    PRAY for ouryouth ministryleaders.

    PRAY for turnaroundtestimonies tobe shared forthe Glory of

    God. THANK God

    for emergingleaders today.

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    Day 2

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    COINCIDENCE?by Herbert Guillem, HLM Iloilo

    I acquired the Rich God, Poor God book lastSeptember 23, Thursday. I finished reading it by

    September 25, Saturday. I shared with my wife, Jem,the principles of the book and invited her to apply iton our financial life. We agreed to raise up the level ofour giving a notch higher and applied it that Sunday.

    Six days later on October 1, Friday, I received avery pleasant surprise as I attended my companysNational Conference. You see, my company conductsdetailing /presenting competitions every year end. Ihave been with them for four years now and havenever won the contest which needed a lot ofcomposure, guts and luck. I had none of thesequalities. But that day, somehow, I was in my bestshape ever. My mind was so clear and my nerves wereso calm. I emerged as the top 5 best nationwide. I won

    a laptop. But more importantly, I won the respect andcaught the attention of reps and the big bosses na-tionwide!

    This changes a lot of things.

    Was this purely coincidence? Or is this the Lord Jesus talking to me andyou? Is He telling us that faith, obedience and giving are keys that open thegates of blessings? The reader will have to decide on his or her own. But it isclear to me that this has been a miracle and a great blessing from the Godof Heaven and Earth.

    The eyes of my faith see more coming. And I cant help but to open mymouth and proclaim the Lords goodness.

    Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!

    Hebrews 11:1, 2What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going

    to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. God gavehis approval to people in days of old because of their faith.

    November 9

    TuesdayHebrews Chap 11

    Prayer Items:

    PRAY that you

    will be rising up inFAITH andOBEDIENCE.

    PRAY that you

    will be excited tohonor God in Bigand ImpossibleThings!


    walk by Faith andnot by sight.

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  • 8/8/2019 Thanksgiving 2010 Booklet Reading Guide for Scribd


    HIS Great Love for YouContributed for Thanks 2010 by Pastor Eric Negado, HLM Araneta

    But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich inmercy, made us alive with Christ

    even when we were dead in transgressionsit is bygrace you have been saved.

    Ephesians 2:-4-5

    Because of His great love, you have been savedthrough trusting Christ, and please, remember thateven the faith that made this possible is a gift fromGod. It come hearing the message through theword of Christ. It is also undeserved, nor as aresult of your own effort or abilities but by thegrace of God.

    Salvation is not a reward for the good we havedone, so none of us can take any credit for it. (Read

    Ephesians 2:8-9), so we should respond withgratitude, praise, and joy.

    Thankfulness can take on a variety of effectiveexpressions. One is remembering this part of thescripture because it will be a lot easier for us tothank God by extending His love to others. Gods intention is that oursalvation will result in acts of service. We are not saved merely for ourown benefit, but to serve Christ and build up the church (Ephesians 4:12).And one way of doing it is to bless the goal and the vision of the churchand be a blessing to others.

    Thankfulness ought is the our main characteristic as a Christian andliving a life our of this gratitude for His free gift, we should seek not onlyto give back to God what is due Him, we should also seek to help and

    serve others with kindness, love, and gentleness.

    "I thank God every time I remember you.In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy."

    Philippians 1:3-4

    November 11

    ThursdayEphesians Chap 2

    Prayer Items:

    MAKE sure you

    have been savedby grace throughfaith NOW.

    RECEIVE Jesus in

    your heart 100%.

    PRAISE God forthis great

    salvation. You areset free; ready toserve and tellwhat He hasdone.

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    Greater Than RICHEScontributed by Don Maravilla, HLM Partner (Saudi Arabia)

    God has promised He will never leave us norforsake us. In Christ God has revealed Hisfaithfulness to us from the beginning of time.

    In the book of Genesis, Jesus is the" Ram atAbraham's alter ".In Exodus He's the" PassoverLamb" .In Leviticus He's the" High Priest". InNumbers He's the" Cloud by day and Pillar of fire"by night. In Deuteronomy He's the" City of ourRefuge".

    In Joshua He's the" Scarlet thread" out of Ra-hab's window. In Judges He's our" Judge". In RuthHe's our "Kinsman-redeemer". In I and II SamuelHe's our "Trusted Prophet", and in Kings andChronicles He's our "Reigning King". In Ezra He's

    our "Faithful Scribe". In Nehemiah He's the"Rebuilder" of everything that is broken. And inEsther He's the "Mordecai" sitting faithful at thegate. In Job He's the Redeemer" that ever living. InPsalm He's my "Shepherd" I shall not want.

    In Proverbs and Ecclesiastes He's our "Wisdom". And in the Songs ofSolomon He's the "Beautiful Bridegroom".

    In Isaiah He's the "Suffering Servant". In Jeremiah and Lamentations itis Jesus that is the Weeping Prophet". In Ezekiel He's the wonderful "FourFaced-man". In Daniel He's the "Fourth-man" in the midst of fiery furnace.In Hosea He is my Lord the "Forever Faithful". In Joel He "Baptizes uswith His Holy Spirit". In Amos He's our "Burden Bearer". In Obadiah our"Savior". In Jonah He's the great "Foreign Missionary" that takes theWord of the Lord into all the world. In Micah He's the "Message" a

    beautiful feet. In Nahum He's the "Avenger". In Habakkuk He's the"Watchmen" that is ever praying for revival. In Zephaniah He's the "LordMighty To Save". In Haggai He's the "Restorer" of our lost heritage. InZachariah He's our "Fountain of Hope". In Malachi He's the "Son ofRighteousness" with healing in His wings.

    November 12

    FridayJohn 8:4859

    Prayer Items:

    PRAY for hunger

    to know more

    and more


    THANK God for

    He has revealed

    His Son to you

    Jesus Christ.

    MAKE it amission to

    share the Lord

    to others.

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    Day 6

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    GREATER & GREATEST!Contributed by Don Maravilla, HLM Partner, (Saudi Arabia)

    In Matthew thou art "The Christ" the Son of theliving God. In Mark He's the "Miracle Worker". In

    Luke He's the "Son of Man". In John He's "TheDoor" by which everyone of us must enter.

    In Acts He's "The Shinning Light" that appearsto Saul on the road lead to Damascus. In RomansHe's our "Justifier". In I Corinthians our"Resurrection". In II Corinthians our "Sin-Bearer. InGalatians He "Redeems us from the Law".In Ephesians He's our "Unsearchable Riches". InPhilippians He "Supplies our every need". InColossians He's "The Fullness of God-HeadFatherhood". In I and II Thessalonians He's our"Soon and Coming King". In I and II Timothy He's"The Mediator" between God and man. In TitusHe's our "Blessed Hope". In Philemon He's a"Friend that sticks closer than a brother".In Hebrews He is "The Blood of the EverlastingCovenant". In James it is "The Lord that Heals theSick". In I and II Peter He is "The Chief Shepherd".In I ,II and III John it is "Jesus". In Jude He's"Coming with Ten thousand Saints. And inRevelation...Lift up your eyes church, co'z He is "The KING of KINGSand the LORD of LORDS"!

    There is no pursuit more valuable, exciting, transforming, andenriching to the human soul than the pursuit of Knowing God. The more we findHim the more we find ourselves and enjoy the experience of living we were meantto know.

    All the books written by men about God with all of their insights still fall farshort of revealing His fullness. As David exclaims in Psalm 145:3 "His Greatness isUnsearchable". The "CREATOR" - ( Genesis 1:1-31) He spoke, and galaxieswhirled into places, stars burned the heavens, and planets began orbiting their suns

    -words of awesome, unlimited, unleashed power. He spoke again and the watersand lands were filled with plants and creatures, running, swimming, growing andmultiplying-words of animating, breathing, pulsing life. Again He spoke, and manand woman were formed, thinking, speaking, and loving-words of personal andcreative glory. Eternal, infinite, unlimited - He was, is, and always will be the"Maker and Lord of all that exists".

    November 13

    SaturdayGenesis Chapter 1

    Prayer Items:

    PRAY to value,

    pursue andexperience JESUSday by day.

    PRAY that we will

    MAKE Disciplesof the LORDJesus Christ inour Small Groups.

    DECLARE the

    glory of God inyour life and ourchurch today.

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    1. Begin by praying every day, Lord, I want to

    give sacrificially. Now please show me how togive a gift that will stretch my faith.

    If youre married, pray together with your


    2. Give yourself time! Dont rush your decision.

    Youll find that the longer you genuinely pray

    Show me how, the more ways God

    will show you, and youll be able to give more

    than the first amount that popped into your


    3. Plan a family conference to discuss ways to give.

    Ask your family members to be thinking of

    ideas in advance. Be sure to involve

    your children, no matter how young they are.

    This is a great opportunity to teach giving and


    4. At your family conference, read the following

    Bible promises and instructions and make a list

    of what you learn:

    Proverbs 3:9-10; Proverbs 11:24-25; Luke 6:38;

    1 Corinthians 16:1-2; 2 Corinthians 8:1-12;

    2 Corinthians 9:6-12; Matthew 6:19-20.

    5. In your family conference, ask yourselves aloud these questions:

    Regarding our CASH gift:>> How much cash could we gather by November 28, 2010?

    >> Is there anything we could sell or convert to cash?

    >> Do we have any assets or tangible items we could give?>> Are there ways we could decrease our expenses in order to

    make a larger gift?

    >> Are there ways we could increase our income in order to

    make a larger gift?

    6. Decide as a family the total amount youll give, hold hands and have

    a prayer of commitment similar to this:

    Father, this is a joyful step for us to participate in GIVING our BEST to You. Were askingyou to strengthen our faith and help us grow spiritually through giving. We thank you for allyou have given us. We know we wouldnt have anything if it werent for you. We want to be

    cheerful givers. Were claiming the promises youve said in your Word that youll take care of

    our needs if we trust you. Thank you for this opportuni ty to grow. Thank you for our church.Help us understand the impact of Evangelism, Missions, Church Planting and D isciple-Making

    in eternity. Praise the LORD that our gifts may advance your Kingdom purposes while we are

    here on earth. In Jesus name, Amen!

    November 14

    Sunday1 Timothy 6:17-19

    Prayer Items:

    PRAISE God for

    your personal


    as committed to


    ASK God to

    move powerfully

    in this THANKS

    2010 Campaign

    DECLARE that

    our faith level

    as a church will


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    Day 8

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    THANK YOU JESUS!by Shine Solis, HLM Manila

    God is faithful, God is just, God is loving. I can still

    clearly recall from my childhood years these three

    words that I commonly hear describing the natureof our Lord Jesus Christ. During those years, I had no

    personal encounter with our Lord. Nevertheless, I

    have believed and instilled these thoughts about

    God in my mind and in my heart, as I mature and

    up until now.

    God is indeed faithful, just and loving. From the

    time I accepted him as my Lord and Saviour in year

    2006, I have personally experienced not just His

    perfect love, faithfulness and just, but also His grace,

    mercy and holiness. I realized that His greatness is

    not limited to these three words. No words can ever

    precisely describe how loving and how great is our

    God is.

    As I write this article, my tears cant help but fall

    as I ponder on Gods love towards me. Even

    though I am not worthy, he made me worthy. Even

    though I am sinful, he cleansed me. Even though Iam just me, he made me his daughter. I am thank-

    ful that even though people may reject me, disap-

    point me or abandon me, I am confident that the

    Lord will remain to love me and accept me for who

    I am. I thank God that he has given me a direct

    access to him. That I can call on him anytime. And that I can call him

    my Father, my best friend, the lover of my soul, my Rich Daddy God, my

    big boss, my healer, my comforter, my refuge and most of all, my Lord

    and Saviour. Thank you Jesus!

    I am honoured to share with you His faithfulness in my life. He has

    exceedingly blessed me with good relationships and to count among

    these are: My personal relationship with our Lord Jesus; A Christ-Centered

    blissful marriage relationship with Roy (my husband who I am happy to say

    is a God-fearing man); and a Happy relationship with my family, my

    daughter Naya, my parents, and in-laws, my siblings, and my spiritual

    family and friends. Not to mention the daily blessings that give us the

    opportunity for us to be a blessing to other people as well.Thank you Father for your faithfulness!

    I am excited to wake-up everyday, for again, I will experience his

    goodness. God is doing His work in me everyday and reveals Himself to

    me. Thank you Lord for your great love. I am excited to live life daily,

    knowing that you are with me. Praise be to you Jesus!

    November 15

    MondayPhilippians 4:4-23

    Prayer Items:

    OPEN in prayer

    today byPRAISING Godfor what He hasdone.

    REMEMBER one

    by one how Godhas blessed youthis YEAR.

    COMMIT to a

    DAILY PrayerQuiet Time withGod. Schedule it.

    Test PageDay 9

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    Adam er Steve? or Eve?by Jason Paris, YX Benigno High School, Makati City

    I am Jayson Paris, 4th year student of Benigno

    High School. Before I met Jesus as my personal Lord

    and saviour, I was a homosexual. And for me justlike many others swearing and speaking foul and

    dirty languages is normal. To a point that every part

    of my sentence; even punctuation marks are full of

    foul words. For me, it is just an expression and there

    is nothing wrong with it. I lived a gay life, making

    people laugh by my making a joke out of my

    sexuality but deep within, I was empty, lost and

    confused. It seems like something is missing, lacking

    and it was like I was living without any sense of


    I also have hatred towards God because we are

    poor. But despite the struggle I have dreams and


    Then one day, everything changed when I was

    invited by Ate Jen (my sister) to a church where I

    met Mommy Ces (our youth pastor). It was the

    moment when I met and accepted Jesus as myLord and Saviour. It was the time when I learned

    that I am not an accident. That God fearfully and

    wonderfully created me to be a real and 100% man.

    I learned that God only created Adam and Eve NOT

    Adam and Steve (a joke of Mommy Ces during her

    preaching). It slowly opened my spiritual eyes to the Truth. I realized what

    a sinner I am but I was bought with a price. My sins were fully paid when

    Jesus was nailed on that cross to save me, you and the entire human

    race. I am now living a renewed life that is acceptable to God. Through

    my daily quiet time with God I was able to read through the story of

    Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible where gays are perished by fire be-

    cause of wickedness (see GENESIS 19). I started to know the things of God

    and this totally changed me. I am not perfect and change takes time

    and I know it is a process. My goal is to run and finish the race by fixing

    my eyes to Jesus and never look back just like what Paul said in Hebrews

    12:1-2. Praise God that I am part of Youth Xtreme Manila and I boldly

    share Gods word in my campus.

    I praise God for Mommy Ces who would always quote to encourage

    me the 1 Timothy 4:12 passage. It is my desire for His Life Manila to grow

    big in the college where I will be studying and to have its own building

    and I believe that this shall come to pass. I know that God holds all of my

    dreams and future. Honour and Glory belongs to Jesus and Him alone!

    November 16

    TuesdayEphesians Chap 3

    Prayer Items:

    PRAISE God for

    your personal


    as committed to


    ASK God to

    move powerfully

    in this THANKS

    2010 Campaign DECLARE that

    our faith level

    as a church will


    14 THANKSGIVING 2010 at His Life 21 Day Reading Guide

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    GOD is MY Providerby Alvin Masiba, HLM Cagayan de Oro

    Philippians 4: 19

    And my God will meet all your needs according to

    his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

    Great verse! My favorite verse! Sounds great.

    Until such time that our family had faced serious

    financial constraints that I have to stop going to

    school to cope up with our financial incapacity.

    Since then Philippians 4:19 became a LIE to me.

    (wala nang dating!)

    Yes, I stopped going to school and started to live

    a sinful life in this dark world. I was hopeless and

    broken. But it was NOT the plan of God for me (see

    Jeremiah29:11). His plan is to prosper me and to

    give me hope and a future. Before, Ive been so

    numb with this fact.

    Upon hearing and hearing the word of the Lord,

    my eyes were opened again, then I realized whats

    wrong with me. I did not ask, seek or knock untothe Lord (see Matthew 7:7).

    After this, I was so blessed knowing the truth

    about Jesus. I started to believe that God is the

    source of everything I needed. He never fails.

    That moment I committed my life to Jesus again and decided to join

    His Life Ministries here in Cagayan, I started to attend meetings (small

    groups, prayer meetings, rehearsals, etc.). For weeks with NO work. NO

    part time job offers and with no single centavo in my pocket, I was able to

    attend meetings (complete attendance po!). Why? God provided my

    fare in amazing ways and with extra for my needs. I really found favor

    with the Lord.

    Now, job opportunities over take me. Part time jobs just kept on

    coming my way. Wow! Amazing God. He is indeed sustaining my needs.

    I dont even worry about my finances anymore. I surrendered everything

    to God (see Job 22:2121) Stop quarreling with God! If you agree

    with him, you will have peace at last, and things will go well foryou. [although this statement was partially true in the context of Job, thisstatement has good common sense].

    I found peace and prosperity. The best is yet to come. Right now Im

    holding on to the promises of God knowing that He is faithful, willing and

    able to provide ALL MY NEEDS!

    November 17

    WednesdayPsalms Chapter 65

    Prayer Items:

    PRAY for Gods

    provisions fro ourFREEDOMFacility, PHASE 2.

    THANK the

    LORD for aFinancialBreakthroughbefore 2010ENDS.

    COMMIT to the

    godly habit ofTITHING.

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    Serving a Faithful God!by Ade Esperancil, HLM Sagay City

    Deuteronomy 7:9

    Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God,

    the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy fora thousand generations with those who love Him

    and keep His commandments.

    What if God is not faithful? Then, we have

    nothing to place our hope in. We cannot trust what

    the Bible says. We cannot trust Jesus. We cannot

    hope for salvation. We cant have peace and we

    cant expect the promises to come true. We would

    have to constantly worry about our future. But the

    God I serve is indeed faithful, not 99.9% but 100%


    It was 2 in the morning of December 2007 when I

    was awakened by a phone call from my father in

    law. He told me that my mother in law was rushed

    to the hospital because she was in coma due to

    cerebellar bleed and she has to undergo surgeryimmediately. The doctor told us to prepare 300-400

    thousand as deposit in order for the surgery to take

    place. I dont know where to get that big amount in

    a span of 5 hours. Then, I remembered the promise

    of God in John 14:14 that says, If you ask anything

    in my name, I will do it. That verse encouraged and

    reminded me that my God can do anything because He is a rich and

    faithful God. I knelt down and prayed and trusted everything to God. At

    around 4am, I called my father in law and he said that my mother-in-law

    was already inside the operating room. The neurosurgeon did the

    procedure to her without any deposited amount.

    Nothing is impossible with my God. I cried and thanked Him for His

    amazing works. My mother-in-law stayed in ICU for 18 days after the major

    operation she recovered fast. God provided everything, from the medi-

    cine to the doctors fee and hospital bills. What an amazing and rich God

    I have.After that incident, He gave my husband a good and well

    compensated job. He even entrusted us a business. He continually blesses

    my husbands job and the business. He is always true to His promises, thats

    why I dont stop thanking Him for everything He has done to me and my

    family. Surely, I am serving a rich and faithful God.

    November 18

    ThursdayEphesians Chap 3

    Prayer Items:

    THANK God for

    His rich

    blessings daily.

    ASK God to give

    you creative

    ideas on how to

    GIVE your BEST

    for THANKS

    2010. DECLARE His


    throughout the


    16 THANKSGIVING 2010 at His Life 21 Day Reading Guide

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    God MAY CHANGE it!by Erika Joanne Gallespen, YX Leader

    On the 3rd week of October, we were scheduled

    to be in Kabankalan for our 4th monthly YX

    HANG-OUT. Four-thousand pesos (P 4,000.00) wasthe amount that we needed to raise to cover the

    expenses for our short term Missions Trip. As we

    randomly sending solicitation letters via FaceBook,

    we received this response from a Vision Partner who

    opted to keep here anonymity. This is what she


    I don't know how to say this but your turning my world

    upside down... last night my sister told me you sent a

    message for me... I replied, sorry don't have time to

    open my yahoo mail... to my surprise ara gle safacebook... [its in FaceBook] to cut the chase, I have

    no choice, its one account i usually open every

    morning... whew! i read it over and over again, trying

    to bargain over the price if i could get the best dealin town but nah! i just can't ... a week ago several

    things happened.. and i bet one them you

    sister lost her phone...mourning over it won't do any

    good..that same week, i was looking for a subwooferspeaker for my ipod, i found one unfortunately i dont

    know what keeps me from buying it thinking i've

    been in and out of that store thrice in a week al-

    ready just waiting for a go sign...i find the price(3999.95) really good for that kind of brand ... there's no way i wouldn't buy

    it...ive waited for this...but again i must also say its just one of my

    wants...again im torn between buying my want or making someone happy

    by buying a new phone...but things get even complicated now it haS GONE

    UP TO 3... buying my want, buying someone a phone or giving this exactamount where hundreds or thousand souls could benefit .. im trying to

    bargain a 50% discount but God is trying to impress in me to give it all...ive

    been bargaining for a much cheaper price i even texted you how much of

    that amount have you already come up thinking i would just add up..butthen no amount was specified for a reply..I want to close my eyes, i want to

    ignore all the data ive read but something inside me just cant contain it...i

    looked at both sides horizontally but it looks like to be a dead end...and theonly way is to look up vertically..for what its worth Lord im giving it ALL.. i wonthold back..God bless you all! Have a plentiful harvest.........

    We at Team Kabankalan were THANKFUL, INSPIRED AND BLESSED by this

    testimony of sacrificial giving out of a heart who knows she has a RICH

    GOD! :) *Note: Kabankalan BIG LAUNCH this November 19.

    November 19

    FridayEcclesiastes Chap 12

    Prayer Items:

    PRAY for

    Missionariestoday and ChurchLaunches tohappen at HLM.

    BE a Vision

    Partner tosomeone.

    SHARE Godslove and powerover your emailstoday? At Face-BOOK too. Enjoy.

    Test PageDay 13

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    God is Over Difficultiesby Charina Mendoza, HLM Main

    On Feb 29 2009, I received a text message from

    my neighbour telling me to come home but she

    never explained why should I go home. I felt thattheres something wrong. I received a text message

    again from my neighbour telling me to go to the

    hospital because my 9 year old daughter had an

    accident. I just cried and stayed calm and I prayed

    trusting HIM that my daughter will be fine.

    I received JESUS in my life last year of 2009 and

    Ive been through a lot of difficulties. But I know

    God is using these circumstances to mould me to

    be strong and to be brave. When I arrived at the

    hospital I saw my daughter conscious but I saw her

    nose and ears were bleeding, she even vomited

    blood. When Dr Pacete arrived he requested the

    staff to have the CT-Scan of my daughters head. I

    kept on praying that she will be okey. When the

    result arrived, Dr Pacete told me that the cause of

    bleeding was, there were veins that snapped andher eardrums were damaged. The amazing thing

    is, her head was not affected. Thank you Lord!

    After 2 days I kept on asking who brought my

    daughter to the hospital, and my neighbour told me

    that a traffic enforcer helped my daughter. On the

    2nd day of admission, this man came and asked regarding the situation of

    my daughter, he thought that my child was already dead. I asked this

    man how it happened and he said he was behind the truck while the

    incident happened and he saw how the truck hit and stepped upon my

    daughter. After a short conversation I asked him to write his name on a

    paper, while he was writing I was amazed when I saw his name "JESUS" D.


    I told myself, LORD YOU ARE AMAZING! After a week in the hospital the

    doctor diagnosed mild fracture in her shoulder and ankle and linear

    fracture of mastoid portion of each temporal bone.

    Praise GOD for within a month my daughter has fully recovered. I will

    serve and worship you LORD FOREVER. AMEN

    Psalm 107:1

    Give thanks to the LORD, for HE is good! HIS faithful love

    endures forever.

    November 20

    SaturdayPsalm 55:22; 107:1

    Prayer Items:

    PRAY for the


    wisdom and

    power of God in



    DECLARE Gods


    protection andfruitfulness

    upon your


    REJOICE today.

    18 THANKSGIVING 2010 at His Life 21 Day Reading Guide

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    BRIM with Thankfulness!by Glenda Omana, YX Our Lady of Mercy College

    Words would never be enough to

    express how thankful I am to have myprecious Jesus in my life.

    Last week, I had a nightmare. In mydream, bits and pieces of my old sinful self

    haunted me as waves after waves of griefand guilt seeped through my blood likeacrid bile. I've never felt so dirty in my life

    until now. I woke up in the morning with thewords "Isaiah 53" ringing loudly in my ears.When I flipped my bible to Isaiah chapter

    53, I found out that the passages werenarrating Isaiah's prophecy regarding the

    horrifying crucifixion of the Messiah.

    Yet it was our weaknesses He carried;

    it was our sorrows that weighed Him down.He was pierced for our rebellion,crushed for our sins. Isaiah 53

    Jesus, thank You for Your unconditional and awesomelove. You swallowed the bitter fruit of my sins--the very fruit

    that sinners like me were destined to eat. You took uponYourself the punishment on my behalf, sparing me frometernal damnation. Jesus, You died that I may live. You gaveup everything so I would not lack anything.

    I have everything now: salvation, inheritance, spiritualfervor, transformed life, renewed mind, cleansed heart, joy,

    love, blessings abundance, and a beautiful relationship withthe Father.

    Just thinking of You, Jesus, is enough to make my heart

    brim with thankfulness!

    November 21

    SundayIsaiah Chapter 53

    Prayer Items:

    PRAY seeing

    Calvary today.

    ASK for arevelation of theCROSS of JESUS.


    BEST GIFT foryou His very

    life, blood, death. ASK God to lead

    you to have theBEST ThanksgivingGIFT this 2010.

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    5 DAY Highby the Prayer Team, Thanksgiving 2010

    PRAY Through the following:

    1) PRAY for JOY in all our Small Groups thatare using the RICH God POORGod Study in all our NETWORKS His

    Life Wide.

    2) PRAY that all our Small Group Leaderswill be careful to share theirTESTIMONIES and CONVICTIONS

    regarding Biblical STEWARDSHIP.

    3) PRAY that we will RAISE the FUNDS toFINISH our FREEDOM Facility(Phase 2) by the year 2011.

    4) PRAY that everyone will have GODLY

    and CREATIVE IDEAS to find waysto GIVE THEIR BEST and HIGHESTCASH GIFT and 1 2 m o n t hCOMMITMENTS this Thanksgiving toGod.

    5) PRAY that JESUS be lifted up this coming JUMP 2010 at theUSLS Coliseum.

    6) PRAY for Gods SUPERNATURAL PROVISION to b eexperienced by every one this last Quarter of 2010.

    7) PRAY for an EXCELLENT spiritual SERVANT-LEADERSHIP that

    will be displayed by our TEAM LEADERS.


    manifested among us (His Life Wide).

    NOTE: DAWN PRAYER Format from November 22 to 26

    Praise Preach Pray PraiseCelebrate, Teach, Stand in the Gap, Declare the Truth of Gods Word

    November 22

    MondayEphesians Chap 3

    Prayer Items:

    PRAY with the

    Prayer TEAM for

    the next 5


    Watch Prayer.

    You may START

    a Prayer Group

    for the next 5

    days at yourSITE.

    PRAY that HLM

    will be a House

    of Prayer.

    20 THANKSGIVING 2010 at His Life 21 Day Reading Guide

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    TAKE Time to SAY ... TYcontributed by Time To Build L essons

    When one of them saw that he was healed,

    he went back to Jesus, praising God in a loud voice.

    Then he bowed down at Jesus feet and thankedhim. (And this man was a Samaritan.) Jesus said,

    Werent ten men healed?

    Where are the other nine?

    Luke 17:15-17 (NCV)

    Only one in ten took time to tell Jesus thank you.

    Jesus asked a striking question, Where are the

    other nine. Indeed, where had they gone. What

    were they doing that was so important that they did

    not have time to thank the one that saved them

    from leprosy? Lets imagine where the other nine

    might have been for a moment. The purpose is not

    to condemn them, but to recognize that we might

    easily have been among them.

    One of the other nine might have been

    hurrying to the temple to complete the legal

    requirements that went along with such a healing.So focused on keeping the rules and getting things

    done in the right order that he did not have time to

    stop and say thank you.

    Another was just following the crowd. If the ma-

    jority had turned back to tell Jesus thank you, he

    would have gladly followed. It would have never occurred to him to do

    something other than what the others were doing. Those who take the

    time to say thank you are those who stand above the crowd not simply

    with the crowd.

    One of the nine might have been afraid to go back. Someone with

    the power to heal his leprosy might also use that power to give him leprosy

    again. He might have felt that he didnt really deserve so great a

    blessing. What if he said or did the wrong thing and Jesus found him out

    for who he really was.

    A few of the nine might have felt embarrassed to go back. As a leper

    hed been used to thinking of himself as a useless outcast. What

    difference would his word of thanks make to a powerful public figure like

    Jesus. Odds are that all of us find ourselves amidst the others at times.

    Today take some time to be the one who tells Jesus and tells others

    thank you for what youve done.Discussion QUESTION for the Family or your Small Group:

    What have you forgotten to thank God for?

    November 23

    TuesdayPhilippians 4:4-23

    Prayer Items:




    RETURN praises

    and thanksgivingto the LORD.

    DECLARE Godsperfect will foryou and yourhome and church.

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    TWO Sincere THANKSby the Pilla Family, HLM Sagay City

    God is good all the time, even though we

    dont have a job but He still provides for all our

    daily needs, abundantly and exceedinglybeyond our imagination and expectation.

    God only proves how rich He is and faithful in

    the life of every child of His. Jesus always keep

    His promises that He will never leave us nor

    forsake us. We really thank God for the whole

    year of good health, everydays strength and a

    peaceful mind condition towards our family

    despite of all trials we have encountered.

    Because God is an awesome God.

    Because when He closed the door, he make

    sure that windows will be opened. Thank you

    Lord Jesus for everything. We give God all the

    Glory as a famly.

    TWO Hundred ???by Suzzet Castillo, HLM East

    If we count the times we thank God each

    day, it would be more than we have ever ex-

    pected. I was asked to write thoughts about

    Thanksgiving 2010, say I put it on a 120 words, got my pen ready and

    listed down all there is to thank God for.

    I came up with a 200!

    God gives and does for me everyday, 72 for me, 74 for my

    daughter and 56 for my husband. If I were to write down all the things

    I thank God for in 24 hours he has given me, 120 words allotted to me

    in this paper would not suffice. Imagine 200 or even more than this

    times to thank God for. Wow! Its not an ordinary day after all. ItsThanksgiving Day everyday.



    November 24

    WednesdayEphesians Chap 3

    Prayer Items:

    START praising

    God for who He

    is. THEN count

    your blessings

    naming them

    one by one.

    PRAY for our

    JUMP event this

    comingDecember. You

    may invite 2 or

    200 people, its

    up to YOU.

    22 THANKSGIVING 2010 at His Life 21 Day Reading Guide

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    GIVING thatCAUSES Me to GROWArticle from Time To Build, Saddleback, USA

    Many have asked How do I decide what Godwants me to give?

    Six Questions To Ask Myself

    1. Will I give based on REASON or by REVELATION?

    Is my gift just what I think I can afford or is

    it what God wants to give through me?

    2. Does this amount really stretch my faith?

    "God is able to make it up to you by

    giving you everything you need and more

    so that there will not only be enough for

    your own needs but plenty left over to

    give joyfully to others." 2 Cor 9:8 (LB)

    3. Does it show I value my hope of eternal reward

    more than material things on earth?

    Use your money to do good... always

    being ready...By doing this you will bestoring up real treasure for yourself in

    heaven--it is the only safe investment for

    eternity! And youll live a fruitful

    Christian life down here as well."

    1 Timothy 6:19 (LB)

    4. Will this amount demonstrate how much I love

    Jesus and His church family?

    " a leader in the spirit of cheerful giving.... This is one way to

    prove that your love is real, that it goes beyond mere words."

    2 Corinthians 8:8 (LB)

    5. Does this amount represent a genuine sacrifice?

    I will not sacrifice to my God an offering that costs me nothing!"

    2 Samuel 24:24

    6. Does this amount express the level of thanksgiving I have for how

    His Life has blessed my life & family?

    "With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to you; I will give thanks toyour name, O Lord. Psalm 54:6 (RSV)

    If youll sincerely ask these questions, YOULL BE ABLE TO ARRIVE at a specific

    amount to give. The amount will almost always be larger than the first numberthat popped into your mind since it will be a step of faith.

    November 25

    ThursdayPhilippians 4:4-23

    Prayer Items:

    PRAISE God for

    His goodness,grace and glory!

    MAKE a godly

    VOW to theLORD regardingspiritual growth.

    GET Ready to

    hear from theLORD as youprepare yourTHANKSGIVINGGIFT.

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    ONLY He CANcontributed by Pastor Eric Negado, HLM Araneta

    20 Now to Him who is able to doEphesians 3:20a

    Now to Him who is able this address isdirecting you to the one and only one who canmake things happen for you, your family and yoursituation as you know and thank Him who is able.If you read the passage carefully you will notice thatverse 20 is an extension of a prayer that started onverse 14 (please read these preceding verses).

    This will help you understand that God wantsyou to be rooted in Him first for you to understandhow wide and long and high and deep is the loveof Christ, for you. This is the first step that willhelp you offer a THANKS GIVING PRAISE to Himwho is able. We should always be expressing

    thankfulness. Praise and thanksgiving should be aregular part of our routine, not reserved only forcelebrations. Praise God continually, and you willfind that you wont take his blessings for granted.

    MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE - God has morethings in stored for you, and He wants you discover it throughHis word.

    to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we askor imagine, Ephesians 3:20

    In this time of thanksgiving, thank God through our Lord Jesus forproviding us ALL our needs, for He is even able to do it measurably

    more than all we ask or imagine.

    It is not uncommon for Apostle Paul to utter an acknowledgment ofpraise in view of the fact that God communicates to his people suchblessings - that they may become filled with all His fullness.

    November 26

    FridayEphesians Chap 3

    Prayer Items:

    PRAISE God for

    the opportunity

    to Worship Him

    today with the


    PRAY for your

    pastor this very


    DECLARE God;sblessings and

    Kingdom upon

    you & family


    24 THANKSGIVING 2010 at His Life 21 Day Reading Guide

    Day 20

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    CELEBRATION Time!Article from our Previous Thanksgivings, borrowed from TTB

    If you havent learned how to celebrate you

    havent truly learned to trust God. Those who truly

    trust in Him take the time to celebrate what He isdoing.

    Believers in Christ should not be unsmiling

    workaholics. They have learned to accomplish

    great tasks while still being able to enjoy life.

    Sometimes we accomplish a task only to find that

    we have become consumed by it and so we

    cannot celebrate it. Nehemiah was a leader who

    not only knew how to work, he knew how to

    celebrate. As he led his people to celebrate after

    they had finished the wall around Jerusalem he

    teaches us some important lessons in celebration.

    Celebration grows out of WORSHIP.

    Worship is one of the vital keys to personal joy. In

    the Old Testament they regularly celebrated in

    festivals and special Sabbath days. Theyintentionally built into their lives opportunities to

    celebrate God.

    Celebration should BE FUN.

    Sacred does not equal sad. Enjoyment, after all, is

    God's idea. And so Nehemiah includes in his

    celebration a great feast. There should be no one in this world who has a

    better time celebrating than those who know Jesus as their Saviour. We

    have something to REALLY celebrate!

    The result of celebration is STRENGTH.The joy of the Lord is our strength. Far from sapping our strength for more

    important things, celebration actually gives us the real strength we need

    to endure. Some people have the attitude, Lets wait until we get to

    heaven to celebrate. Right now we have work to do. The problem with

    that is it doesnt take into account the way God has made us. We need

    to celebrate what He has done in order to receive the strength to do

    what He wants us to do. If you feel like your spiritual gas tank is emptyheres your one word prescription: CELEBRATE!

    Discussion Question: What has God done in your lives this last year that

    you need to celebrate? Write down a Celebration List on the last page

    of this guide. Teach your children to do so. Its Celebration Time!

    November 27

    SaturdayPhilippians 4:4-23

    Prayer Items:

    PRAY one by one

    for your familymembers byName.

    PREPARE your

    BEST CASH GIFTfor tomorrow.Forget NOT toinclude your 12month PLEDGECommitment.

    RELAX Celebrate


    Test PageDay 21

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    Portion for THANKSGIVING 2010

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    HOW to GIVE BIG and the BEST!Article borrowed from Previous Thanksgivings at His L ife

    Here are some CREATIVE WAYS that could help you with your giving

    commitment and be a BIG and BEST giver for 2010 Thanksgiving:

    1. Minimize eating out for the next few weeks. Save that cash to

    be added to your CASH GIFT on November 28

    Thanksgiving Sunday HLM Nationwide.

    2. Hold a garage sale. You probably have a garage or closet full

    of unused items that could be converted into CASH.

    3. If your schedule allows you, take a part-time job.

    4. Have everyone in your family locate the spare change in your

    house and begin collecting it all in one giant piggy bank.

    5. Postpone a major purchase for a few more months in order to

    save for your CASH GIFT.

    6. Make crafts and sell them to raise additional cash for your offering.

    7. Try the buy and sell business. There are many opportunities for

    just a small kind of trade that will not distract you from your

    current job Eloads, cell cards, clothing, food, butingtings,

    pa-kilo junk, and other customer servicing (Car Washing,

    Organizing a Sport for a Cause Activi ty or a Local Concert

    with your talents and a thousand more ideas)

    WISDOM:Basically, there are two basic approaches to finding MORE CASH TO GIVE:

    1) Look for ways to REDUCE your expenses.

    2) Look for ways to INCREASE your income. By using a

    combination of these two during the next

    month, youll be able to give far more cash than

    you thought. Be creative!

    IMAGINE:If 400 families in our church each found an extra

    P 700 cash to give through these ideas - that alone would

    total TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND over and above

    their GOAL!

    REMEMBER:EQUAL SACRIFICE, NOT EQUAL GIFTS. Obviously, God has not given

    everyone the ability to give the same amount. However, God does call us

    to make the same QUALITY of Commitment.THANKSGIVINGS at His Life has a purpose it is to DISCIPLE ourselves

    in Generosity, Sacrifice, Faith, Obedience, Commitment and Investing

    more in the Work of the Kingdom of God and all for the Glory of Jesus,

    who loved us and gave His Life to us!

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    December 5 2010USLS Coliseum



    28 THANKSGIVING 2010 at His Life 21 Day Reading Guide

  • 8/8/2019 Thanksgiving 2010 Booklet Reading Guide for Scribd


    As we approach Thanksgiving 2010, we once again choose to dream

    BIG in the Lord for our Building Plans Phase 2:


    We envision this facility to be a place where Real Freedom happens

    through the Renewal of the Mind (Leadership Training School),Fresh encounters with God (Encounter Weekend Retreat),

    Spirit-filled Freedom Nights (Prayer and Intercession) and;

    One-on-one and Group counselling sessions.

    It would be a three-storey building that would basically

    include the following:

    Leadership Training Room; Encounter Session Hall; Prayer

    and Intercession Center (Activity Center); Dormitories for Men and

    Women attending the Encounter Weekend Retreat.

    With this, we invite you to DREAM BIG again this year!

    To ANOTHER church-wide pursuit of glorifying God

    and making disciples

    in this generation and beyond.


    A 3.5 Million Miracle in the waiting ...

    29THANKSGIVING 2010 at His Life 21 Day Reading Guide

  • 8/8/2019 Thanksgiving 2010 Booklet Reading Guide for Scribd


    30 THANKSGIVING 2010 at His Life 21 Day Reading Guide

    How to Be a Born Again Christian

    1. Recognize Gods Plan

    Peace and Life

    God loves you and wants you to experience Hispeace and life.

    The BIBLE says For God so loved the world

    that he gave his one and only Son, thatwhoever believes in him shall not perish but

    have eternal life. John 3:16

    2. Realize our Problem SeparationPeople choose to disobey God and go their

    own way. This results in separation from God.

    The BIBLE says ... For all have sinned and fall

    short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

    3. Respond to Gods Remedy

    Cross of ChristGod sent His son to bridge the gap. Christ didthis by paying the penalty of our sins when He

    died on the cross and rose from the grave.

    The BIBLE says But God demonstrates hisown love us in this: While we were sinners,

    Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

    4. Receive Gods Son

    Lord and SaviorYou cross the bridged into Gods family when

    you ask Christ to come into your life.

    The BIBLE says Yet to all who received

    him, to those who believed in his name, he

    gave the right to become children of God.

    John 1:12

    The Invitation is to: REPENT (turn from your sins) and by faithRECEIVE Jesus Christ into your heart and life and follow Him in




  • 8/8/2019 Thanksgiving 2010 Booklet Reading Guide for Scribd


    31THANKSGIVING 2010 at His Life 21 Day Reading Guide

    Are You Ready to Receive

    Gods Offer of Eternal Life and Hope?

    If, so please pray the following prayer. Remember, it is not the words

    that you use, but the attitude of your heart. If you pray this prayer

    sincerely, Jesus will come into your life, and in Him, you will haveeternal Life and Hope.

    Dear God, I know that Jesus is Your Son and that He died on thecross and was raised from the dead. Because I have sinned and need

    forgiveness, I ask Jesus to come into my heart. I am willing to change

    the direction of my life by acknowledging Jesus as my Lord and Savior,

    and by turning away from my sins. Thank You for giving meforgiveness, eternal life, and hope. In Jesus name, Amen.

    You are Assured of Eternal Life and Hope Because:

    You can trust Gods promise.Everyone who calls on the name of the

    Lord will be saved Romans 10:13

    Did you sincerely ask Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior?Where is He right now? What does Gods Word promise?

    You are a member of Gods family.The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we

    are Gods children Romans 8:16

    Your Life is eternally secure in God.For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels, nor

    demons, neither the present nor the future, neither height nor depth,

    nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the

    love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord Romans 8:38-39

    You will begin to live for God (Romans 12:1-2,9-18) You will publicly profess your faith by being baptized

    (Matthew 28:19-20; Luke 3:21; Romans 6:4)

    You will share with others what Jesus has done for you

    (Romans 10:14)

    You will get to know God better through prayer, Bible study, and

    fellowship with other Christians as a member of a local church

    (Romans 15:4-6)