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Thank you for your purchase. I hope the information you find · Then if you're using FBA, Amazon has an order handling fee, a pick and pack fee and then a weight handling fee. We

Aug 21, 2020



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Thank you for your purchase. I hope the information you find here is way more valuable than its price tag. I want to help you succeed. If there is anything I can do to help you on your journey please contact me. My personal email address is [email protected].

I invite you to join my email list to get my FREE email newsletter with business tips and strategies. To do so please go to my website:

Over time we will update and revise this book in an attempt to keep it current and as accurate as possible. Please note however that you are responsible for any actions you take as a result of reading the ideas in this book.

Any monetary claims or examples in these materials are historical and do not indicate guarantees of future gains. Your level of success is dependent upon your unique situation, your devotion to your business, your skills, and your finances. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, or other damages. As with any business seek the advice of a competent legal, tax, and accounting or other professional. The author and publisher does not warrant the performance, effectiveness, or applicability of any websites in this book. All websites are for informational purposes only; they are not warranted for content, accuracy, or any other implied or explicit purpose.

All rights reserved. Unauthorized distribution, resell, or copying of this material is unlawful. No portion of this book may be copied or resold without written permission.

© Copyright 2015 –


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Forewordby Jim Cockrum

I was honored to be asked to write the opening of this incredibly useful book.

Ryan and Melane Reger have become great friends of mine over the past few years, and I'm very proud of their success building multiple income streamsonline. In this short book, Ryan has taken the bold step of sharing with the reader the exact sources that he's used to build an incredible system the produces a steady stream of profitable products for him to sell online on Amazon and elsewhere.

If you are ready to do the necessary work to grow a real business online, then you will find in these pages the simple steps required to start your journey off with some incredible resources. I wholeheartedly endorse the ideas, the training, and the resources that you will be exposed to in these pages. I count the Regers among my most trusted friends and partners in the industry and I'm sure you will come to appreciate them the way I do as well if you have the chance to get to know this great couple.

Here's to much success for you and yours.


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My Brief StoryI bought this book to get the wholesale sources, but please permit me a few paragraphs to introduce myself.

I was first turned onto internet marketing in about 2005 after reading Jim Cockrum's book Silent Sales Machine. At the time I only dabbled in eBay, but I always knew I wanted to have an online business of my own.

However, in November of 2008 I found myself without a job after managing an unsuccessful congressional campaign and I didn't know what the next step was.

Two things were certain for me at that time: I was going to move to Texas and get engaged.

As far as how I was going to support my soon to be bride Melane I didn't know the answer to that.

Would I get a job with the local congressional office and continue in the political arena or pursue something completely different?

My heart's desire was to not get a “real job” and to start an online business.

Melane and my mother-in-law had started an online furniture business back in 2005, but only worked it very part-time. They both had jobs and didn't have the time to invest to grow it. They posted a few ads here and there on Craigslist and made a few sales, but they didn't have a website and were unsure how to


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take the business to the next level.

So I entered the picture at the end of 2008 and since I didn't have a job I figured this was the time to try to make a go at my dreams of working from home and having an online business.

Well, it's been over 6 years and by God's grace neither Melane or I have had to get a “real job”.

We ended 2009 with sales of $223,000 and it blew up to over $800,000 in 2014.

Our sales platforms were primarily Craigslist, Ebay, and our own website. We didn't jump into Amazon until the 4th quarter of 2012 and that was at the suggestion of my mentor Jim Cockrum. Now Amazon is the majority of our business and we're focusing more and more on FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) because it's just so much easier to send them the items and let them handle the customer service.

Because of that one suggestion from Jim our business is radically different than it was just a few short years ago. The Lord opened the door for us to work more closely with Jim in his brand new Mastermind Group. I know great ideas and partnerships will come from this group so we expect the same kind of growth or even greater over the next few years as well.

Because I'm not one that really enjoys being dependent on finding inventory through retail arbitrage and thrifting, I've focused a lot of energy on finding wholesale sources. In the process of finding these sources, we've found that there are a myriad of companies with online catalogs that will sell to anyone with a tax id number.

Thus this ebook was born.

We can't possibly buy everything these companies have to offer so why not share the wealth?


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How to use this informationThe information below assumes you are already have an online business. If you are just getting started or don't know where to start I highly recommend the following resources:

Proven Amazon Course – Everything you need to know about getting started with Amazon. This is an amazing course and even if you have years of experience selling on Amazon you will benefit.

My Silent Team – This forum has resources and discussion forums for about any online business you can think of. If you purchase the Proven Amazon Course you get lifetime access to the My Silent Team site.

1. Get registered with one of the sites

The large majority of the sources listed here have an online catalog that you can shop from. The only thing required is to register. This is very easy because most of them are part of a larger group of websites called the Cameo EZ Marketplace.

Once you register for one vendor you can use the same login information for the next vendor.

This is version 2 of this book and there are some new sources listed that aren't a part of the Cameo EZ Marketplace, but are still easy to access and navigate.

To register you will need a state sales tax id (if your state has sales tax) and/or a Federal TIN (Tax Identification number), but here is how to get each of those:

I can't say it any better than Skip McGrath so the links below are for articles he has written explaining the State Sales Tax ID and Federal Tax Identification Number.

State Sales Tax ID -

Federal Tax ID Number -


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Once you're registered for a particular site, you'll get an email from each of them welcoming you. You may even get a call from the company asking how they can help you place your first order.

Don't feel any pressure to place an order right away or ever. When we get calls from the vendors we have just signed up with we tell them that we'll look over their products and get back with them if we would like to place an order.

For more detailed instructions on registering see page 11.

2. Find Profitable Inventory

The next step is to search Amazon for the items you find in each of the vendors' catalogs. Here is how we do it:

• Pick a vendor to search

• Find the UPC code of the item(s) listed in their catalog. Some of the vendors do not list the UPC codes so you'll need to use the SKU # or the name of the item.

On the next page is a screenshot of what a typical page from one of these catalogs looks like. This particular vendor has a line of mugs. From the screenshot you can see the name of the mug, the size, the wholesale price, the SKU #, the MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity), and the UPC code.

• I would start with the UPC code and copy and paste it into the search field at the top of Amazon. In this example, you would most likely need to delete the space in between the UPC code.

• View the search results on Amazon and decide whether or not each item is a good buy.

How do you know that?

◦ Does it have a good Sales Rank?

◦ Is the price it's selling for on Amazon enough for you to make a profit?


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Here is a link to a video I created of me going through this process

Here is our particular criteria on whether or not an item is a good buy:

• Does the item rank within the top 5% of it's category?

• Can we get at least a 50% return? (i.e. wholesale price of an item is $10 and we can profit $5.)

And here is how we calculate these figures:

• To determine the sale rank percentage of an item take the item's current rank and divide it by the total number of items in that category.

For example, if an item is ranked # 400,000 in Home and Kitchen this would be in the top 1.12% because there are almost 36,000,000 items in the Home and Kitchen category. (400,000/35,709,206 = .0112) Going back to 6th grade math to get the percentage you move the decimal point to the right two


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So this item meets our rank qualification.

How do you find the number of items in a particular category?

Go to the search field at the top of Amazon and to the left there is a drop down box. Change it from “All” to the category you want and then type brackets without quotes in the search field “[ ]” Amazon will then say something like “Showing 1-24 of 35,709,206 Results” as it does in the Home and Kitchen category.

(There is also a handy cheat sheet available called the “Amazon Categories Decision Helper”. This displays the sales rank for each category for the top 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 50%.)

• To determine profit take the Amazon price and multiply it by .85 because Amazon takes out a 15% commission.

Then if you're using FBA, Amazon has an order handling fee, a pick and pack fee and then a weight handling fee. We use $3 for our items because the order handling fee is $1, the pick and pack fee is about $1, and the weight based fee is usually around $1. This can change obviously depending on the weight of the item, but the $3 figure works well for us. (The pick and pack fee is actually $1.02, but we still use $1 to make quick calculations)

If it's an oversize item then you will need to increase the weight based fee. To see exactly what an item will cost to send into Amazon you can use the FBA Revenue Calculator.

Also, you have to figure in the cost of shipping it to you from the vendor and the cost of shipping it to Amazon. You might not know exactly the cost of getting it to you from the vendor. I have seen shipping charges as little as $0 all the way up to 20% of the total order. Most are around 10% in our experience, but many times vendors will offer free shipping if you order a certain amount. I'll get to that a little later.

So let's use an Amazon price of $25 as an example with a wholesale price of $10.

Here's the formula assuming 10% shipping cost to you from the


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vendor and another $1 to get it to Amazon (shipping to Amazon costs us about $.50 per pound so we'll assume the item weighs 2 lbs.)

$25*.15 (Amazon's Commission) = $3.75 Amazon commission

$25 - $3.75 = $21.25 (Or just take the $25*.85 to save a step)

$21.25-$3 (per unit fee, per order fee, weight handling fee) = $18.25.

$18.25-$1 (shipping to you from vendor) -$1 (shipping to Amazon) = $16.25 (proceeds from Amazon).

$16.25-$10 (wholesale cost of item) = $6.25 profit.

$6.25/$10 = 62.5% return on investment.

For wholesale that is a good return.

I apologize for all the math, but these are the formulas we use to determine whether or not to purchase a product to list on Amazon. You can also just set these formulas up in Excel and enter in the amazon price and wholesale price for the spreadsheet to tell you the profit.

If you primarily use eBay, then you would just search the completed listings to determine what an item sold for and figure out the eBay fees and shipping costs to arrive at an answer.

With buying wholesale there is not usually the same return on investment that you will find with thrifting, but the upside of wholesale is that once you find a good item all you have to do is make sure to keep it in stock.

Also, I must say that these criteria are what we use in our business. You may want to stay within the top 3% of a category or only purchase items that can double your money. Or you may be okay with your inventory sitting longer and want to have a cut-off of 10% in each category. Whatever you feel comfortable with is fine.

It's your business so you make the decision based on what works best for you.


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3. Place your order with the wholesale vendor

For most of the companies listed you can place an order directly on their website. Sometimes after we register with a site, we get a call or an email from one of the sales reps for that vendor. Placing an order through the sales rep can be beneficial because they are aware of special promotions each vendor is offering.

For example, many vendors offer free freight specials or percentage off specials from time to time. You can also call the vendor in advance and ask if they're running any specials.

Working with a rep can be very valuable because many times they work with more than just one company which means more potential inventory sources. Since we don't have a storefront in which to invite reps, we've met them at Starbucks and walked out with a large stack of catalogs from the other companies they represent.

If you prefer not to have the items shipped to you, I would like to recommend the services of MyInventoryTeam. John and his family are close friends of mine. They and their team will receive your inventory at their warehouse and process it and send it to Amazon for you.

You might be saying...”This seems like a lot of work”.

Well, you're right. It is.

This process can be very tedious, but we outsource it. It's not hard to train someone to do the steps I outlined. We've even included two spreadsheet templates you can use for finding inventory that includes the formulas I discussed.

Potential FBA Products Spreadsheet

Quick FBA Profit Calculator

Are you interested in hiring a VA (virtual assistant) to do all this research, but don't know where to start?

I highly recommend the services of my good friend Eric Hardwick. He is a master at training VA's.


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Eric has developed a system that takes care of all the hiring and training of a professionally trained VA. The addition of a VA will literally change the way you run your business. If you would prefer to have this all done for you then he has 2 different options available for you to choose from:

1. VA Train and Transfer Program – Eric and his team will find, hire, and train a VA specifically for you.

2. VA Network – If you prefer not to have the hassle of paying and managing your VA let Eric and his team do it for you.

Detailed Registering Instructions

Some of the sites listed below require approval with a waiting period, but the majority do not. I suggest registering on the site Calypso Studios , Inc . (Only because I know their process is instantaneous).

Once you are on their site you will click on “Retailer Login” at the top. On the following page, click on “First Time? Create Account” Fill out the registration details (Write down the desired username and password you enter) and complete registration. You will get a message saying “Thank you for registering on our site”. On that page click on “Continue to the main site page”. You're in and can now view the wholesale prices.

Now feel free to try another site and enter the username and password you chose. Once you submit your login, you will get a message saying something like - “You are not a member of this web site. However, you do have a valid CAMEO-EZ Login.

Would You like to copy your existing registration information to this site?” Click Yes to gain access to the site using your same login info.

You can use this same log in for most of these sites because they are all connected under the same platform. However, there are a few that are stand-alone sites that you will need to create a separate log in for.

Please remember that some will require approval, but you'll get an email once you are approved.


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And now for the list of sources. We will update this as we get more and you will get the updated versions at no cost.


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The Sources

1. 3 Gentrys - Home, Gift, and Accessories

• Acadian Candles - Handcrafted, dripless candles & unique candle holders

• Banded - no-slip, opti-size fashion headbands. no-slip. no pain. no


• Birchwood Trading Company - Quality, feel-good textiles for home, bath, & more!

• Brownlow Gifts - Gifts for every occasion

• Chala Group, Inc. - Handbags and accessories that are both playful and functional, stylish and individualistic, in an original way

• Christian Brands - Inspirational products

• DECO BREEZE - Decorative fans

• DecoFLAIR - Decorative Accessories

• Extra Point Publishers - Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Fans. True stories for each Collegiate & Nascar theme.

• Gleeful Peacock - One of a kind, handpainted accessories featuring vintage designs in modern colors

• Heart on your Sleeve Design - Fun, Meaningful, and Inspirational Gifts.

• Kids Preferred, LLC - Quality, innovative soft toys and gifts for children


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• Mugzie - Wetsuit covered travel mugs & more

• New View Gifts & Accessories - Frames, wall decor and home accessories

• Pacific Trade International - ALASSIS : An elevated fragrance candle in hand-blown artisanal glass.

• Servants Heart - Gifts for every occasion

• Tripar International - Display accessories for showcasing products or home

• Whimsies - Decorative accents constructed of common metal and beaded wire. Antiqued metal with colorful Patina Flowers. Crosses, flowers, hearts, horseshoes, picture frames, boxes, magnets and wall hangings. Made in the USA.

2. About Face Designs - A leading designer and source for sentiment driven product perfect for special individuals, holidays and gift giving occasions

3. Alexander Terry - Home, Bath, and Kitchen

4. All For Giving - A wide array of accessories including wine stoppers, wine glass charms, wine boxes and faux fur wine bags along with coordinating picture frames, magnetic note pads, votive candles and coasters

5. Alphabet Pix - Brilliantly "see" letters in nature, architecture & the world around us. Choose from over 600+ stunning A-Z photo letters and spell out whatever you want

6. Amia - Blair Cedar - Gifts and novelties from aromatic red cedar.

7. Andrea Menghetti - Fine Venetian glass jewelry


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8. Annalee Dolls – The Magic is in the Smile

9. Applelicious - Ideal gifts for teachers, business offices, medical offices, business clients, and for the holidays, including Christmas, Valentine’s Day,Secretary’s Day, Grandparent Day, and Boss’s Day

10. Aspen - Kate Aspen: Gifts for many of life’s greatest events . Baby Aspen: Memorable baby gifts.

11. Art Studio Company - Socially conscious handcrafted goods using earth friendly materials

12. Artisan Connection, (The Miscun Place)

• Fly By South - Lets Eat Unique - Fly by South Sauces are the unique and healthy way to enjoy your meats and vegetables! Cider vinegar and olive oil based, these sauces are All-Natural, Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, Soy-Free, low in carbohydrates, and contain no mayonnaise.

• Home Appetit - Home Appétit is widely recognized as the purveyor and artisan of the finest, highest-quality food items for the everyday kitchen. The same food products found only at the world’s best dining and eating establishments are available right here.

• Marilyns - American Gra-Frutti is a dedicated gluten free bake house. We create gourmet baked goods and treats that everyone can enjoy. Our foods are healthy, decadent, and made fresh by our skilled bakers. There are NO trans fats and NO preservatives.

13. Ata Boy - Popular culture magnets and accessories.

14. Australian Soap - Natural soaps, shea butter soaps, spa soaps, hand & body cream, gift sets


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15. Baby Laundry – Leading provider of blankets.

16. Backyard Soaps - A line of soap, candle, and body care products that combine the freshest high-quality ingredients with packaging that is sure to capture the attention of buyers everywhere. Made in the USA.

17. Badash Crystal - Large selection of unique designs in mouth blown and handmade glass available for home decor, tabletop, awards & incentives, bridal and gifts

18. Band Angels - New Life International - Bandages with Bible Verses

19. Bard ' s Products - Collector plate frames and stands, doll stands, glass cases and domes for dolls and figurines, display mirrors and ornament stands

20. Bay Pottery - Unique artisitc works in clay

21. Beaucoup Designs - Aimez collection cuff bracelets, Swarovski crystal earrings, flower pendants, and more

22. Beezer Playhouses – Children's playhouses

23. Betsy Drake Interiors - Indoor/outdoor pillows, wall art, kitchen wares, tiles, coasters and more

24. Billy Joe Homewares - Decorative kitchen strainers, cabinet knobs & more, to spice up your kitchen.

25. Blade Buddy - Razor Blade Sharpener

26. Botskis and Company - Table Top, Gifts, & More

27. Boutross Imports – Providing everything in linens since 1894.

28. Bridge Brands Chocolate - Bridge Brands Chocolate was created to


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provide chocolate lovers with gourmet-quality, superbly packaged chocolate at a non-gourmet price

29. Buffalo Jewelry - Trendy novelties and holiday jewelry from themed scarves to holiday hand - painted bracelets to birthstone angel pins and everything in between

30. C4 Belts, LLC - Environmentally friendly plastic belts.

31. Calypso Studios , Inc . - Comforting clay collection featuring hand-crafted cross, heart, ladybug, and butterfly keepsakes

32. Camille Beckman - Body care products

33. Card - It - Specializing in Comfort and Inspirational Gifts

34. Cascini Designs - Neapolitan and Cartapesta art figures, backgrounds and accessories

35. Castle To y - A leading importer/distributor of quality toys.

36. Catherine Lillywhites - Gifts

37. Cathy & Co , Inc . - Rep Agency that features gift and accessory lines

38. Channel Craft - Authentic American Toys, Games and Puzzles that are "Quality Crafted" right here in the U.S.A.

39. Christhomas Corp . - High quality value priced gifts, collectibles and Christmas decorations

40. Christina ' s World - Choose from over 1200 exquisite, mouth blown, hand painted designs and ornaments

41. Clarissa Tumblers - Fun Insulated Tumblers, Cups


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42. Coast Lamp Mfg - Lamps, Lights, Shades

43. Conversation Pieces Inc (Unforgettaballs) - The finest collection of art work printed on baseballs in the world

44. Cookbook Company , The - Offering a complete line of boutique cookbooks that are not only amusing but useful as well

45. CounterArt - Offering Placemats, Coasters, Trivets, Decorative Glass Cutting Boards, Lazy Susan Turntables, Flexible Cutting Mats and More

46. Country Gourmet Home - Direct seller of high quality, easy to make gourmet food mixes including dip mixes, dinner mixes, dessert mixes, seasonings, soup mixes and more

47. Creative Embroidery - Initial and custom monogram bath wraps, appliqued towels, beverage holders, travel mugs, tubs, luggage tags, checkbook covers, cosmetic bags, and more

48. Crosses of Comfort - Inspirational crosses

49. Crown Mulling Spices - Flavorful Ingredients For Cider, Wine, Tea, Juices, Fruits, Meats and Baked Goods

50. Custom Wood Gifts - An assortment of architectural and specialty gift items for the home, office, or your next event. Each replica is made in the USA using a unique process to match the original design and customer specification

51. Czire by Lamar Creations - Turnkey jewelry programs featuring industry leading quality Cubic Zirconia jewelry

52. D & D Distributing - Small toys from A to Z

53. Dang Chicks - Apparel, accessories & more


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54. December Diamonds - A selection of ornaments unlike any you have seen before. Each ornament is a unique design

55. Delton Products - A wholesale distributor of porcelain dolls with a full range of gift and home accessories, including soft sculpture, tea sets, plush, garden tin and seasonal décor

56. Dennis East - Offering strong merchandising themes in the categories of Christmas, pet, garden decor, tropical, outdoor entertaining and home accessories for everyday living

57. Desden - Unique wholesale collegiate licensed gifts

58. Designs By Beverly - Hand painted towels

59. DHR & Company

• A Homestead Shoppe - Lighting and Home Decor collections include Table, Accent and Floor Lamps. The wide variety of styles, materials and fabrics offers something for every decor and budget.

• All for Giving - A unique assortment of gifts & accessories for the home, office and the wine enthusiast.

• AM/PM Kids - Infant and toddler gifts, accessories and apparel

• Art Wear - Fun, funky and contemporary fashion readers and sunglasses

• Byer's Choice - Carolers handcrafted in the USA along with Kindles, Gingerbread Houses, Advent Calendars, Snowmen and Accessories to decorate for all seasons

• Capri Designs - An exceptional line of Bag & Stationery designs featuring a variety of vibrant and beautiful prints!


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• Designs by Beverly, Inc - Beautiful collection of linen and cotton gifts and accessories for babies and children, all with screen print designs. Linen guest towels in everyday and seasonal designs.

• Encore Concepts - It’s not your mother’s china! 8 collections of originally designed durable melamine tableware accessories with the look and feel of high-end china.

• Evelyn Knight Jewelry - Handmade in a San Francisco studio, ancient styles as well as classic simple designs are reinterpreted in timeless styles

• FG Galassi Co - Galassi features an extensive collection of frames, clocks, boxes, magnets and ornaments made from beautiful Italian wood moldings

• Flirty Aprons - With styles for women, men and children of all ages, Flirty Aprons can outfit the whole family.

• Haven - Stylish, innovative and trend setting product focused on themed home decor, unique accessories and gifts for all occasions

• Kiss Me In The Garden - Bath and body products

• Lady Primrose - Signature items include Tryst Dusting Silk, Royal Extract Body Ceme, Tryst Eau de Parfum and Necture Pedestal Candle

• Leslie Hand Painted Glass - Hand Painted Glasses, Trays, Plates, Bowls and Barware

• Lizabeth Jane Designs - Lizabeth Jane Designs is a hand-crafted line of frames, decor, paper products and tshirts all made in the USA.

• Map Pendants - Trendy, wearable accessories created using vintage and upcycled maps. Maps can consist of cities and/or states! Include notes on


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your order including the details for your items.

• Shelley Kyle - A luxurious collection of personal care and home fragrances made to order in the USA.

• Siena - Frames in Sterling, Silver plate, Enamel, Jeweled and Wood. Designs for everyday, wedding, baby and corporate gifts

• Simbi - Modern designs inspired by Haitian culture & art, each Simbi Bracelet, Hair Tie & Headband sold purifies 1 gallon of water a day & provides jobs for the people of Haiti.

• Star Home - Handcrafted Serveware, Table top, Gourmet, Gift & Decorative Accessories

• Susquehanna Glass - Monogrammed glassware and cut glass barware in timeless designs

• Swell Caroline Costume Jewelry - Swell Caroline’s fashion accessories, bracelets, necklaces and more is bold and bright, embracing the sophisticated lady as well as her confidence in every woman.

• TarHong - Entertain with Style! Melamine and plastic tabletop collections that are ideal for both indoor and outdoor use.

• Tizo Design, Inc - Frames richly made of Sterling Silver, Silverplate and lacquered wood some decorated with Swarovski crystals. Beautiful wood jewelry boxes and European Drinkware.

• TSC Giftables - Decoupage wooden trays & waste bins, metal trays with coordinating table linens and pillows.

• Under Stella’s Umbrella - A Beaucoup of Beautiful Things


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• Up Country Inc - Wonderful products and fine designs to delight the discriminating pet lover. Colorful collars and leads, fashionable pet futons, toys and treats.

• Web Pewter and Silver - Fine items in Silver and Pewter to welcome a new baby to the world.

• Whispers - Handmade necklaces and scarves.

60. Dish , The - Featuring signature black illustrations on white china. Select artists and designers create exclusive pieces that celebrate the landmarks and events that make each piece special.

61. DITZ Designs - Large variety of products, from footrest animals to large Father Christmas characters, table top tree bears to six and a half tall standing bears.

62. Divinity Boutique - A gift company that is focused on contemporary and fun gifts that feature inspirational verses and themes.

63. Dog SnorZ - Pillow cases for people who love their pets

64. Dold Marketing• Blossom Bucket – Primitive country figurines, plaques, pins, blocks.

• Crossroads Original Designs - Candles with decorative prints as labels along with matching wall décor.

• EDG - High End paper products with incredible margins. Including extra strong gift bags, boxed cards and holiday treat giving boxes.

• Haven Gifts and Accessories - Trendy Fun home décor. Creator of Country Drinkware.


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• Melrose International - home decor, floral and Christmas for every home decor design

• Park Designs - Great New England looking Textiles, Candle Accessories, lamps, window treatments. Also designers creating home decor looks based on the most fashionable colors of the season.

• Premier Kites - Lawn and Garden spinners, banners, windsock and flags.

• Red Carpet Studio – Women's personal accessories at affordable prices. Also with a full line of garden decor.

• Split - P - Design driven home decor including linens and matching table top. Most fashionable looks. Large home decor pieces including clocks, candle accessories and bar chairs.

• Wholesale Home Decor - Re-Defining Country Style - amazing floral and home décor.

65. Don Mark - Gadgets for the entire family

66. Dr . D ' s for Dogs - Items for pets and pet lovers

67. Dye Ties - Headbands, hair ties

68. Ethel & Myrtle - Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings and more

69. E & R Sales - Offering more than 2000 items in the balloon, pen and novelty trend categories

70. Earth Creations - Combines clay dyeing with organic and sustainable fibers to create eco-friendly, made in the USA clothes for the whole family

71. Elegant Baby - Products ranging from my first rubber ducky to my first baby


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Bible, my first baby blankie, my first baby jeans to the iconic silver spoon

72. Ergo Candles , Inc - Candles

73. Europa Giftware - Wholesale supplier of art glass, decorative glass, feather wreaths, birch bark animals, ornaments, European candles and Scandinavian products

74. Fabricas Selectas USA - Manufacturer of glass marbles and jumping balls; wood marble games, marble runs, and a growing line of retro wood toys and games

75. Faith & Drake - Christian and inspirational products

76. Fiddler ' s Elbow - Your source for kitchen towels, doormats, door stops, mugs, mousepads and canvas totes

77. Flair Hair - Crazy Visors

78. Flora Studios - Petaloo . com - Floral & specialty embellishments

79. For Art Sake Greetings & Gifts USA - Greetings and Gifts

80. FoneFace LLC - The Original “One Size Fits All” Smartphone Case

81. Fortunekeeper LLC - Necklaces, keychains, and bracelets

82. Foxy’s Gourmet - Gourmet mixes, garden kits, and new Tea Eye Masks

83. Fravessi Greetings - Fravessi Greetings is an 85-year old company selling traditional, value-priced and right-priced greeting cards

84. Galt International Company , Inc - Thousands of products from the home décor, floral accessories, tabletop accents, and store display categories


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85. Gently Spoken - Encouraging greeting cards

86. GeoCentral - Product line includes a wide array of educational dig kits, science kits, impulse items

87. Gina B Designs Inc . - Fine stationery and gift products of exceptional art and design, delivered with outstanding service

88. GlitzSee - GlitzSee™ motion activated purse light, a glowing gem that takes away those ’I can’t find it in my purse’ blues

89. Golden Hill Studio - Fine crafted and painted tableware and more

90. Goods 4 U Global - Offering handmade, fair trade, socially responsible goods from around the globe

91. Grandparent Gift Co ., The - Family sentiments through pictures

92. Green Banana Greetings - A fun and unique line of bottle tag cards that are great to hang on bottled gifts for the gourmet – like vinegars, oils, syrups and more...just about any special bottled item!

93. Greenbriar Pottery - Our Ceramic products are made using custom clay and glaze formulas. Each piece is reduction fired to 2380 degrees making them highly functional.

94. Greenhill Music - Featuring a wide variety of musical styles including light Jazz, Piano, Classical, Celtic, Guitar, New Age, and Big Band

95. Grow - A - Head - Miniature veggies, farm animals and more with grass on top. Just add water.

96. Hallmart Collectibles Inc . - Fine bedding collectibles

97. Halmen , LLC ( O 3 USA ) - On-the-go products and bags for your child, travel items, accessories for the family, or that special back to school gift


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98. Head Dress - Decorative hair clips

99. Heart Gifts by Teresa - Lovingly hand painted ornaments

100. Heavenly Wear - Inspirational baby clothes 101. Heeney Company - Manufactures and assembles custom-designed silk and dried florals as well as holiday designs

102. Highland Graphics - From coasters, cuttings boards, clocks, mugs, wood signs and more

103. HomeTrendz - Home decor, giftware items, garden accessories, and an exciting new furniture line

104. Horizons East , LLC - An extensive range of nutcrackers, nautical Christmas, music boxes, nativities, and ornaments of all kinds, from nutcrackers to ballet, traditional and more

105. Hot Girls Pearls - Fashion accessories that provide natural relief for hot flashes

106. Houndstooth Polka Dots - Offers cute, girly t-shirts, hoodies & more

107. Howard ' s Jewelry - Wholesale distributor of fashion jewelry and giftware

108. IKEN - America’s most interchangeable watch! Over 240,000 combinations for school colors, fashions and more.

109. I Love Bracelets - Beautiful and unique wholesale jewelry and fashion accessories at amazingly low prices

110. Imagine Design - A unique variety of home decor and gift items made with the finest quality materials. Items are three-dimensional, embellished and eye-


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111. In Dog We Tru st - Bandanas, Stickers, and T-Shirts for your dog

112. Invenio Enterprises - Easy Light LED Reading Glasses

113. Isa ' s - Restoratives. Handmade herbal products

114. Jacaman Gift Co, Inc - Glassware, tinware, wrought iron, symbol iron

115. Janey Lynn Designs, LLC - All purpose kitchen utility cloths for almost any situation

116. Jaq Jaq Bird - Baby and kids accessories

117. J . B . Sales - Everything you need to set up your own candy store or countertop displays, from bulk candy to lollipops

118. J . Jaysons - An extensive product line ranging from fine oriental art objects to an exquisite line of jeweled boxes and picture frames

119. Jack Rabbit Creations - Heirloom-quality toys and gifts that adults and kids love; made from wood, tin, cotton and other natural materials and favoring a "no batteries required" approach

120. Jeane ' s Things - Personalized ornaments and personalized everyday gifts

121. Jenny Did It ! - A product line of cards, boxed sets, mini-mirrors and magnets

122. Jilzara - A premium jewelry line specializing in handmade polymer clay beads

123. JTP Whoelsale - Monogrammed bathroom tissue, coasters and a line of t-shirts for the young and old. Future Jock t-shirts and onesies and X-Jock adult


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124. Julia Knight - Signature array of bowls and trays, glassware and serving pieces

125. Kameleon Jewelry - Kameleon Jewelry is committed to bringing you the most unique, fun, and flexible interchangeable jewelry system in the world by helping you to create a custom and one of a kind look with your jewelry.

126. Kel - Toy Inc - For all your gift, floral, craft, packaging, and wedding-favor wholesale market needs

127. Kencraft Creations - Handcrafted Confections

128. Kiss Me In The Garden - A wide array of lotions, perfumes, soaps in various scents

129. Kitras Art Glass, Inc - Innovative and decorative glass objects that enhance the home and garden

130. Krafts Factory , The - From wind chimes, fairies, clothing, jewelry, garden yard art, home decor, woodland, Fall, Halloween, Christmas, floral, display racks, and more

131. Kubla Crafts , Inc . - Enamel artwork

132. Lamar Creations - Premier supplier of the highest quality, fastest selling Fashion Jewelry with Cubic Zirconia (CZs) in the market; featuring three categories of jewelry: Brass, Sterling Silver and Stainless Steel

133. Lavande - Wonderfully scented lavender products which includes soaps, bath & body, candles, aromatherapy, culinary and more

134. Leisure Craft Industries ( LCI ) - Apparel, plus gift and souvenir items from around the globe


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135. Leslie Hand Painted Glass - Hand painted glass and ceramic ware

136. Lily For Hangables - Fabulous fun containers, napkins, frames and paper

137. Little Riding Hoods – Ponchos, wolf tales, and spirit tales scarves, hats and mittens

138. Little River Gifts ( Faith Drake ) - Christian and inspirational quality items

139. Luckie Street - Manicure sets, purse pads, trinket/pill boxes, business card cases, key rings and more

140. Lula Designs - Jewelry

141. Luvali Convertibles - Women’s and children’s accessories that are either reversible or convertible

142. Magnolia Lane Collection - A leading distributor of hand painted, college licensed items, picture frames and sentiment plaques

143. Main Street Reps• Abrams - Preeminent publisher of high quality art and illustrated books.

• Boston International - Unique and distinctive paper gifts, decorative accessories and seasonal accents from all over the world.

• California Creations - Wind Up Toys

• Cedar Mountain Studios - Sharing real beauty and keeping it fun. Words and images fly across a textured variety of wooden wall art, reminding us to love life, each other, and have a laugh now and then. because life is "beauty-full"!

• EeBoo - Specializes in useful, beautiful and well-made educational games and gifts.


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• Fashion Angels - Fashion Angels is a leading designer and manufacturer of tween girls’ lifestyle and activity products.

• Fiesta Toy - Fiesta manufactures a wide variety of stuffed animals and plush toys that make great gifts for everyday, holidays and special occasions.

• Geared For Imagination - Geared for Imagination is an Ohio-based creator and distributor of high-quality products for kids and 'kidults'.

• Hachette Book Group - Leading US trade publisher headquartered in New York, and owned by Hachette Livre, the second largest publisher in the world.

• Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publish some of the most beloved children's characters of all time. From Curious George to Stellaluna and Mike Mulligan and the Steam Shovel, if your looking for children's classics, HMH is the place to start.

• International Arrivals - Fun & exciting array of scented & unscented pens, pencils, erasers and more! Bursting with color and yummy scents - their impulse items fly off the shelves!

• Jack Rabbit Creations - Jack Rabbit Creations manufactures heirloom-quality toys and gifts that are updated twists on the classics. With original art, amazing packaging and favoring a "no batteries required" approach, they prefer to use wood, tin, cotton and other natural materials for their designs.

• Lady Jayne - Wide variety of beautiful gifts & stationery for the home and office. They offer an extensive Everyday plus Holiday collections.

• Macmillan - Macmillan is dedicated to publishing today’s best writers and thinkers in all formats via a group of prestigious independent publishers built on centuries of tradition and innovation.

• Maison Chic - Maison Chic is a wonderful line of quality, unique and fun gifts & clothing for babies and children of all ages.

• Northern Lights Candles – Candles


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• Studio Oh! - New company that focuses on art, innovation and unique product designs.

• Paper Housewares - Creative greeting cards, decorative magnets, puzzles and more

• Peacable Kingdom - Cards, games, and stickers that educate, stimulate, and tickle funny bones.

• Petal Lane - Unique pressed flower bookmarks and magnets

• Punch Studio - Exquisitely designed line of stationery & gift items. There is a large offering of seasonal product, as well as greeting cards, journals, decorative boxes, napkins, notepads and many gifts for every day.

• Random House - the world's largest trade-book publisher

• Simon and Schuster - Publishing an extensive cross section of first class information and entertainment to a worldwide audience of readers

• Slant Collections - Wide variety of themed partyware, drinkware, gifts, stationery and more!

• Streamline - Based in New York, Streamline started out as an importer and distributor of better watches. In the early nineties the company took a turn toward the junior markets with the enormously popular Bubble Watch. Since then this talented team has designed and distributed everything fun from Whimsy Money Banks, Stylish Lighting, Animal Sound Alarm Clocks, Rocking Animal Frames, Plip Clips to the fabulous Baffle Ball.

• Sugar Lulu - Everything for Girls

• The Dog Studio - The Dog Studio was born out of a love of dogs, photography and design. Nationally acclaimed dog photographer Amanda Jones shares her 20-year collection of smart, beautiful images of dogs in a new way - through cards, stationery, prints and more!

• Time Concept - Affilated with one of the leading Japanese design companies, Time Concept create and distribute design inspired gift ware,


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stationery, toys and more.

• Time Inc. - Publishing strong brands as Time, Sports Illustrated, Discovery and more. Plus the beautiful cookbooks and home decor life style books from Oxmoor House make Time Inc a well rounded publisher with something for everyone!

• TSC Giftables - TSC creates beautiful home decor and gifts with gorgeous artwork, high quality production and competitive prices.

• Tuttle - Premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and history.

• Up With Paper - UWP Luxe is a division of the successful Up With Paper company who is a leader in the greeting card & stationery. UWP Luxe is introducing fine soaps and gifts with spectacular dimensional packaging.

• Vigo Cards - Vigo is a large, diverse card company - all printed in the USA. They offer cards from over 20 different artists with a variety of designs and styles. Sweet, photographic, high design or edgy - blank & greeted! All printed in the USA! Vigo is here to meet all of your card needs as Vigo Productions has something for everyone.

• Waste Not Paper – The WNP everyday line of notecards, bulk papers, wrap, bags and ribbon are exquisite. Their holiday line -a joy! Never before have such elegant & beautiful papers been created with such care and kindness to the environment.

144. Malden - A leader in tabletop frames, wall frames and photo albums

145. Malden Canada - A leader in tabletop frames, wall frames and photo albums

146. Malibu Creations - Offering a wide variety of sizes and styles of photo frames, wall frames, photo albums, and home decor to meet all of your framing needs

147. Merritt Gade - Artisan jewelry


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148. Michel Design Works - Bath & body, kitchen accessories and décor

149. Minds Eye Design - A collection of greeting cards, buttons, magnets and other stationery products

150. Mountain Mamas - A wholesale gift line of scarves, jewelry, shopping bags, wallets, unique bag tags, a monogram collection and travel accessories

151. Muddy Waters - Custom designed ceramics, earthenware, stoneware and pottery

152. Mug World , Inc - Ceramic mugs and coasters

153. My Town Art – Paintings

154. Mya Grace - Jewelry and Accessories

155. Nao Flatware - Beautifully crafted tableware and/or jewelry made predominately by women crafters from the village of White River, South Africa. The designs are inspired by patterns used by the Ndlebele women in their tribal dress.

156. Nareg International - Importer and distributor of unique and distinguished paper products specializing in scalloped paper plates and serving dishes, toilet paper, guest towels, hankies, and functional rice paper napkins

157. Nature Discovery - Producer of wildlife identification posters, postcards and gift items

158. Next Generation

• 2 Queen B’s - One of a kind vintage headbands & hand stamped jewelry

• AM PM Kids! - Infant and toddler gifts, accessories and apparel


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• Amanda Blu - Fashion accessories featuring high quality manufacturing, value, and exceptional design

• Buyer's Direct, Inc. - Snoozies, footcoverings, neck pillows and nightshirts

• Caren Original - Skin care company

• CA Gift - Sentiment driven gifts to celebrate family, friends and all of life’s special occasions.

• Derose Designs - Designs and floral boutique

• Desden - Licensed and custom bags and accessories

• Habersham - Home decor and gift items with great looks and function

• Harvest House Publishers - Christian book publisher

• JJI International - Silver and gold plated earrings, necklaces and rings

• Little Adventures - Burpie, baby blankets, swaddler & throws of quality minky fabric

• Lizabeth Jane Designs - hand-crafted line of frames, decor, paper products and tshirts all made in the USA.

• Map Pendants - Trendy, wearable accessories created using vintage and upcycled maps. Maps can consist of cities and/or states! Include notes on your order including the details for your items.

• Mary Meyer - Unique, captivating stuffed toys for child and baby

• My Fun Colors - Fun and affordable fashion jewelry


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• P Graham Dunn - Wall decor, home furnishings and gifts

• Pinky Bolle - Trendy hat fashions

• Plushland - Manufacturing high quality, handcrafted plush animals that are cherished by young and old alike

• Stonebriar Collection - Decor & gifts featuring artisan style craftsmanship, rich finishes & bold colors.

• Victoria Leland Designs - Quality fashion accessories

• Virginia Candle - Premium candle and fragrance products

• Wellspring - Gift & Stationery

• Youngs, Inc - Quality giftware, collectibles and more

159. Nicole Brayden Gifts LLC - Christian products

160. NMR Distribution America - Bacon, Marvel, Man Cave, Zombies, Pink Floyd, John Wayne, Elvis, Beatles and more. Purveyors of Pop Culture.

161. Northridge Gardens - Body lotions, creams

162. Oatmeal Studios - Greeting cards and Self-Stick Notepads

163. Oddity - The finest in candles & decorating accessories

164. One Hundred 80 Degrees - Giftware

165. Optari , LLC - Spikeletz Bracelets, Charms, Penz, Mini Journals, Shoe Fobbz, and much more


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166. Orleans Home Fragrances - Fragrant hand poured candles, essential oils, and room sprays

167. Ornament Central - Ornaments with quality and creative designs

168. Oxbay - Christmas ornaments and gifts

169. Paper Street - Unique collection of greeting cards features imaginative images, engaging sentiments, quirky humor, and inspiring quotes

170. Parade Street Products (LTV Imports) - Impulse, novelty and accessory products

171. Park Designs - Home and kitchen textiles, decorative accessories and lighting

172. Pearl Couture - Natural handcrafted accessories

173. Peking Handicraft - A global manufacturer specializing in home textiles, decorative accessories and gift items

174. Phunkee Tree - Gifts and novelties

175. Pictura Inc . - Cards for various themes and occasions

176. Placetile Designs - Ceramic tile that come with a special felt-tip marker. Each tile is easily written on and erased. They are excellent for a hostess, bridal shower, wedding, holiday, and housewarming.

177. Plentiful Pantry -The only place to shop if you're looking to buy pasta, soups or desserts online. Check out great selection of Artisan Pasta and gourmet sauces. 178. Pocket Plus - A portable pocket that was designed to attach over your waistband and stays secure with magnets - no need for a belt or belt loops.


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Attaches around the handlebars of a bicycle, strollers, walkers, wheelchairs and even golf carts.

179. Pray USA – Inspirational jewelry

180. Prissy Plates - Fun, functional & festive tableware and decorative items with changeable ribbon for any season or occasion.

181. Prospect Street Jewelry - Personalized charm jewelry

182. Pumpernickel Press - Gallery quality embossed greeting cards

183. Pure Factory Naturals - Flip flop foot repair

184. Qwertylook - Mobile Readers

185. RazorCare RBS Shaving - Razor Blade Sharpener

186. Red Carpet Studio - Offering original designs in home and garden, gift and women’s fashion accessories

187. Regal Art & Gift - Offering wind chimes, bird houses, bird baths, planter decor, garden stakes, welcome signs, wall decor, and tabletop decor

188. Regalis Import Company LLC - Fine European glass ornaments

189. Richard E . Bishop Ltd . - Library and Desk Accessories, Glassware and China, and Storage Books.

190. Robicheaux Speciality Candy , Inc . - Gourmet chocolates, sugar free candy, pecans, cashews, almonds, peanuts, caramels, pralines, snack mixes, chocolate pretzels, gift items, specialty and seasonal candy

191. S . S . Sarna Inc . - Wide variety of garden accessories, windchimes, collectible figurines, home decor, and votive lamps


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192. Sailor Bags - Bags and more bags

193. Sandicast - Sandicast offers a wonderful selection of dogs, cats, and a variety of wildlife sculptures - especially wolves. All are hand-cast, hand-painted, and are a must for animal lovers.

194. Sanis Enterprises - Large selection of elegant and stylish, quality desk clocks. The latest styles in fashion watches, executive gifts, credit card cases and multi tools.

195. Sassy Stuff / Spring Brook Marketing Inc – Unique girly gifts embellished with rhinestones, embroidery & hand printed “attitude” phrases

196. Sassys - Fun, colorful, cool, hip gifts that are sure to bring a smile to everyones face! From flour sack towels to baby and toddler t-shirts, koozies, wooden memo holders and linens.

197. Scandical - Novelty Gifts

198. Scentennials - Finely scented drawer liners, scented stationery, and linen water

199. Sea Island Imports - Hand-carved architectural accents such as corbels, door and window enhancers, pedestals, stands and finials; Carved animals, doorstops, bookends, stools and other must-have accent pieces; Blue and white porcelain

200. Seeds of Happiness - Sharing Smiles through unigue gifts

201. Servant ' s Heart - Aprons, kitchen towels, tote bags, bibs, framed prints and all sorts of decorative pillows and monogram-able items for every age

202. Shadetree Greetings - Wide variety of greeting cards, gift books, mugs, and gift accessories


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203. Shannon Consultants Inc . - Fine gifts, decorative accessories and plush

204. Shea ' s Wildflowers Co - A leading wholesale distributor of artificial floral and seasonal products

205. Signature USA - Tumblers

206. Simple Gifts Of Hope - Offering three distinct messages of hope, each accompanied by a Hope Stone that can be held in your hand to serve as a comforting reminder

207. Spin Shades - Night lights with revolving shades

208. Spoontiques - Manufacturer & importer of wholesale giftware, drinkware, outdoor garden décor, accessories & novelties as well as having a full line of licensed products

209. Spring Street Design - Assortment of personal, home, and office accessories; Extensive product lines are all theme oriented, from baby to bride and beyond--all hand epoxy enameled and adorned with faux jewel encrusted motifs

210. Stephers Inc . - Spa cards with 100% Dead Sea bath salts

211. Stupell Industries - Wide variety of baby products, kitchen and bathroom plaques, wall hangings, faux windows, picture frames, and other unique decorative objects

212. Sun Day Greetings - Greeting cards, gift enclosure cards, and boxed notecard sets

213. Sunbelt Marketing - Gifts that bring back the 50’s and 60’s

214. Sunset Vista Designs - Offering wind chimes, bird houses, bird feeders, planter decor, garden stakes, and more


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215. Suzy ’ s Zoo - Publishes greeting cards with animal characters

216. The Jewelry Junkie - Handcrafted jewelry from sleek and chic to funky and junky

217. Thermoserv - Highest quality in double-wall foam insulated stainless steel cups tumblers and mugs

218. The Alabama Girl - Women’s accessories

219. The Greeting Place - Greeting cards and gifts

220. The Light Garden Inc . - Large and diverse collection of illuminated floral design products and accessories

221. The Professionals - All types of bags for children

222. Three Kings Gifts - Nativity sets

223. Toland Home Garden – Decorative garden products

224. Trinity Cross Collection - Cross Jewelry

225. Trisha Waldron Designs - Jewelry

226. Under Stella ' s Umbrella - Paper products, linen towels, crosses, bags, totes, glass plates, and more

227. Uniformed - Uniformed themed gifts

228. Vermont Christmas Company - Large selection of Advent Calendars; Manufacturer and importer of over 300 unique designs including both traditional paper and chocolate designs


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229. VivVere – Candles

230. Walton Shop - Novelty and licensed license plates, metal signs, magnets, and bottle openers

231. Wee Believers - A toy company to inspire children in their faith and build character

232. Welforth - Beautiful, embellished pewter accessories for the home - finely crafted with sparkling crystals and colored stoned in beautiful shades to complement any decor.

233. White Mountain Puzzles - Pop culture, nostalgic, famous artists and more puzzles

234. Wickman Products - Offering the broadest range of candle wick trimmers in a variety of designs ergonomically shaped to reach into jars and container candles. Candle Snuffers, a Lighter and Accessory multi-pacs complete the line.

235. Wild Habitat ( Lin Mfg and Design ) - Novelty accessories for women and children

236. Wowindows , LLC - Posters for Halloween and Holidays; Brilliantly colored, backlit plastic window posters that illuminate with your household lamps to delight all

237. Zia Jewelry - Designer sterling silver with gemstones, pearls, shell, and enamel

238. Zingz & Things - A wide selection of affordable and fun garden décor items and a continually expanding lighting collection


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