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TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ liM B iiPE lEMTDPlECT Machine Quns Mounted as Mllltla and State Police Mobilize lo Aid Ofllcen In Preventing Violence tBy The iU5oel«ted Prewl BEL AIR, Md., Scpt.2I}^ Two machine guna wero sot — up-in-the-armory-hwc-tonight. as milftioracn and stato police _ wero mobilized to aid local of- “ - fleers in prcveijtinR anjuvioj. loncc ugiiinyt Kendall Hill, al* __^^morc taxicab driver. Members-oF^Company D. -.Inlbnlrv, a»cmbl«l, donntd unllormi-and ■slttvnrms and toak down Ihflr rltlci. They ubo v.c:e Provided U'llh tear fits bomb:^. » T am n ilJg-Jin -------- -- - ......Twelve sute • poiIW." antlcB' wlitr pitiols &nd l«&r km bombs were ln> Mdc the wooden, two^jtoo’ counly 'inll houalng UU). tald to hnve con- towm- flmlt.ltifcilie laxUltiXCL and tobblng him of about M. - T«’enty>llve olher tt«te otilcert were stationed at itratesle polntii. To'wrwfolk paid wnnt allenllon to Ihe'mlUtftry safcjuftrdi poi- rjble riol action, solnR unconcerncd- ly about their custoninry ucilvttlcs 03 the mllltla and police.tooic their. po«ts. Jnc;>J Dinc}))ne sun compsny ol the Marj'land nnifonnl juard in Uie’ ftrmory here us a prteaullonnry. ------- meajurt •■wa.i" amhorlstd—by—Cov— emor Nice \ l the request of Ctrculi Jurfpe WaJfer W. Prcjien. Headless Bodies Of -T\vo"MenDiscovered CLEVELAND, Bept. 33 (/r>-Tlic hcttdiess bodif* *>f two unldenUWod men were found in ti ravine on the rail Mde Inte today. __ T>'r> J»y«, wondering throunh ■"'lhe ravincTTAunrt-onp-body-anri called ^ e railroad pollc«. who dtKovered tbe second. PoUc« ibo found » head burled nearby. Attempu to Menufy the twcfTei were made at the city moKue. Ot- 1 IKera oil appnrcnily 'nnd been k pjirtd ct. one 'o?- the bodies nnd ^ that in WUmpi/ h«'d been made to IG -H T S^7«rf- SH A D O W S In Day’F'Evetitr . ■ (By The Asaoclatfrt Prc-w) No Smokers Need Apuly— SALT LAKE CITV-Cupld's jarl- ------- tier. County Clerk Willuin J. Uorili, icculvLcl thv lolioviUm I flc r f r m ____ Cillloruian;____ _ -Dear Sir; ..... _______“1 wbuld.llkc-to corrctiiuiid..ulUi a Rood, true, oliTiaihioiied piniu litrl ' , . will) love J hoiMii and will bo wlllmK 10 live in lhe counlry'or ciiy'ftnci one ttho » foiisciiial .kkJ iloti't -— —eino'*e-ci»iitela:--Kvoryonc—t-n w f. — -»molM*.------- -- _ "I have no' objection to a uiaoM '“ with a'sSnni‘Brrrdr’l:oy;T|>ierer‘onc wllh.a InviiiK natutu and nnt like ti> luH, plnln coolc nnd hou.ii-kci'piT.’ So slrli, just (orwnrtl your kiicru tu Mr. Kuith. More Speed— SAN UlEUO.. Calii;-"Ycs, Your Honor. 1 kucm I'm jircliy liist," 1 ' it- li'y A. Huiklcy. dairy i-nii)loye. iid- niittcd jviieriJay uhfd 2ic iKwd r Judge Cliifcnci; . Terry on siKtdinn (liarges. • rm sure you urc," ihe'cou.t re- plied. "Lot's .^cc liow iii>t you cnn pay the cftrk ii JS tliie." ■^■=^:;=::a-lurni3sn|r'3C0-rmntTfl.—Iltiikli'y ••There's a 'c'fiuiitc U prove your ^pfcd|" the jiiciKc^dccl.ired. "See how ' fs»i you cnn count the prnntfs and l>(iy‘tlicRi to'the clcrk." ' ------- Bovine Spree— • DALHAJIT, 'iMJr* — i'jfD! ft>w» which went on u whtlc o! a tprec had such'-'hanitovers'' vpsterdny lhal • "■(icalmeiil'wu* rcqiilTedr Cajled to utlcntj tho wobbllnn Uo- UnriXDr, Jl, Af. Oibcltr. vc;fr)«- imuii. lound they had f«d in o ------- nuuutl cofn-lleldr-H#-*nid-ihe-iio- Rrowih and wcmher condl- iloni lind.lojidcd_U;c_ enrs wltli xlcoMlc fJfffje/iLi. Smoker's Firo Fatal— TACOMA --Pninle~PollmatJr-12, 3Ied'yejU!rdsy~lrom bums recerved dlicarrifd-thr-TnfitdLlii.iuch a m an' ncr that i: set hU troiwcm nlitc. Vns irlcd. Mveml weeks ago on a charse nl Indecentd anclnc Joyce Dnkcr, uiru‘‘|)c'rfflrmr~wiin~ir-fnn. wm nc» quilted raicnrd on n Almllnr clinrsc she __; aBohi iLskcfl for n lury irl.i1. ' btflccrs who arrcslttl }>• >«ld.iJip illipenwl ttlth one jaf tier two 05lrlch fcnilirr funs dufJns _____l^r dance nl a cife here., ^ Clly. Editloli' mm ---------*Touaa Avmrsvnxxa - - - . OF CmCCTJlTIOHB ^ Miners and 1 lipee on I ill Excep^t Tm Hopeful In Strike j ice, i—. sot E 2 S . iivA D. Ujok __ *"h" in- inly :on- EDWARD f. >fcORAnY, ivpf -tfrirltrT of labor and rretldcnt M, nootenll's reprtKntaiUe in ne- mt fotlattau looklns ta Mitlement of n. the soft eoal *trlke. espeeta an I) to tsrly atrecment.M/r) Photo. POi- _... l e d - ----------------------------------------------- -NflOHSPDi xuil -------- Peace Prevails in N a t i o n ’s Coal Fields as W orkers ■ed --------------Join-Walkoul ___ <By The AMOClAtcd Pressl Hie - Ptiicc prevailojr In Ihc'coal fields of the country Mon. day as United .Mine WorkcrH, „j,o cstim aledlfy muon Dfflclnl.' Ibo to niimbeP 400.000, responded to a general strike order. Only maintenance crows bean "cre sent to the pits cenerallj njid as union representative* nnt: ‘'* ® opnrntorR ir\' Wn;:hmiiCw ^iLx-uiwj* JU '“A-'Cra- *,• ’<•■ ni'tr • n*n> tonniiRV wnci mie thnt blockrd pay nfKotlnilnm /J— — Induiiij'.iii.a-wljolcja’os^ililiifiiC! lo hnve 0 fiiel supply xufflcleiu fo C about 5D days operntlon, The Bituatlon by (itfttcs; West vlrKlnln nnd Pcnnsylvimla-!ninica-icHf ___ I lConi)miCd on Pugn 2, Col. 4) illlllT II -ilSIERiSlli wiUi .- - — ------- iS“ i; Clues Discovered b y Polict . "Siipply Two Lines of ^ invffitigation— —^ .llOM ^ ‘one AI,nANY. N. Y.; “kc Tivo Iialriiln-., ajipslfrk and an HT.’ tmpl> wullrl Kiivf lnvf»tli;alor> ;icra »t Nrw Yo?k »tair-« ".'iculUml Vard'^ two llitm nf iiii'nllrntlun l:nl«lU u they pr(«rd fcir u mo- Kvf fnr the mynCrrfou* »ta}'Jni af 1 A-pccmlnent-yauns..Ulens_i'alb. , rr.lilrnt. The victim wns .M. Earl Duvld- “‘I ' son. 28, rncnibcr ol n promliicni « « 't l CKcil;.. rnJ.'.', uhnnf buUcl- dinn pierced Body wns found ye.Merdnj alone Uie hlRh'vny. re- , Wallet Found In Strrrt cnn I Tlic liitlrpUu and llpMlck wore jMJtcii Inm i)avld»oii'.i r a r l‘5o /cc! kli'y-! lro:».UkupuiuL Where Jili_bo<!y_3nf jflL'irovctri.-111.1 eiiipty wallet was your jplckrd uji Irnm u Oleii' KnIU sired how hour,'. l)i-lore trlcnd> found liln: and /!)/)»« Die rojid,»)df. . Diivitl-itii-wiis-liflicved tt^.|lftv( hlld 120 nr SJ& In lIu' wiillci nt the iliiir he lelt llti home Friday cvc. rtm,, (Conilnued on.Pnge 2,'Col, 4) prce I ___ I ________ I ................. ■ _ lhat I ' " ^ _ ,S;:iB ig L io n in J r B ite s -N o te d wllll . - ------------- »oi.j,ywooD. CviJir., srpt. r vr Bitten III the back ol llu; neck b> a InrRe African lion duricK Hil‘ Him- Ing of a acene of a "Juiiulf moiiot -Pleture, Oharies—Biektnrd,— iioi«s: ° actor ol itdi'cniiire.iofjif rolct. wni In-y^Hollywngd’ltOipltfHflnlelit,— !. AUhoiitthlhe tt'biiiid nnl tl.i | nnd no boiitJ were (rac:un<l by ih' «nsp bflhtonlriars'Juwr. Dlekforc Vna under-Uit care oJ-phyalcluiilc ante a posslble-lnfecnon-, Bevern: ,l(gr f'""' wound.1 were milfred by th< aaorJtom-iheipaaa-oLiUie-bluri: nicd nnims). " -fcr- —Blekforri-TTCcivtrt-twn—pnncnir* alie wound.1 and two luccnitlnn wnimd* each about anMnch dtrp nnd on< Vpry.ciMp lo lhe JURUInr veiir~alir •,.£LMrot!d nrlca:.,!aia,Di..PMil,n. Ma- rin s Kill, uludio phy,'\lciun who .■tccoin- panlcd the aclor tp the ha|piud. W IN d Q p e r ^ r i l N e ^ ^ e a l l s " ) f f n a g r W a g e I President’s Spokes- _l m an T akes O pti- _ mIslicView (By n ie AMOelnted rrfw.i — I WASHINGTON.-&PU Z\- ■- Contmufltifiji of tnt- .sofr'cofll B strike al least (ino nu>ri' day, I came toni^lit when the com- B - jnlttccTQtlATinalachian lu-oduc- B <*rs nnd United Jllne workers B seeking a npw'Tvnge-ttnd hour B agrcemcul reccs»ed until to- B morrow wilhttut.reacliing an B Edward F.McOrady. asaiatantiec- B- President Rooae- n \-eIt'« rcpreyntntlvc in the nrgotla- B tlonA, u ld , however, he Mill waa B hopeM'of iiu r.irly usreMnent. " "In fact.'’ ll? told reporUth Jok- mm- lnfllyr-::»M-Ju)sa-U>.cil-JiJClUc[ncm tim« In Bf. to tha prlae fight Ui II Nea' York toir.orrnw nljbt. •'Al lone nn Ihey ngree to alt down lant ai a Inble rtnd talk to each olher icnt there's hopr ” nlRht tfter the miners and operators ■“ had failed lo affrre on n new con- trncl lo succeed the five Umes- ex- ^ (ended part tlut expired at lhat hour. The miners u k higher pay, -Tonight,•tlK-two-sldes-tad igretd ___ cn nil termi b'jt the new wage foi r*n tonnane men-rnlneii paid for lh< b U coal they dls nnd load. LII Tlirough MrOrndy, the opcratorj ; ----- ha<H>r*Po^t-»" Increaw nf 7'i oc/iU over tht old rate, the labor >n's dfjisrim^nl o.'ficlnl told reporters Tlie union ri'-nandert a nlne-eent In- ; crcft^e, Sovfra! np»tators who are mem* ____ b>r»_ot Ihf negollnilnc eommllle< toJrt Kpnrim 13ml the H4*cen( prnptxial wm McGrady's, and that the opcrainis' acceptance was con- coal riiiioiifd'mion” Uie'hKreemeni of:thi Io n - union, McOriulv InnLilcd. however crH.jtImt this offer orl^lm»^ed amm i Tlw nlmo^phrt^ at today's confer' '“ ®“ ienc<s McOrndy described.aa “ver; 1friendly.’' contrary lo last nlght’i CW8 region when l)IUcr word* were hurt- nllv Ied ncrtvsj lhe conference table. Mcnrsdy earlier had calhd upoi number* of lhe full Appalachlai .w ^iinini m<M cpnf«?re:icr to remain li ‘"..’^l.'pmifRran'^-hlltf thefr-newtUMBi 'f“*'''rnmmltlee of nin* mlnem antl.nlw •Inn*, pfivjutrn conferred. ------------atind-br-aH-day-flnd-all-nlBh inlrd'H .'o thnl Ihl* iinforlnnati rfortuii.iTion can''f>T-cT-eifncif-apr-fii ■',ir:cd, ; PlilUlp Murr.iv, vlee-presldent o njftp Ihr Unlied Mhio_ Worke^ union *' i 'Conilnued on Page 2. Col, 1) I Farm Salt! Rioters I i Free On Probatior |||L 1 sr, .JOSEPH, Mo.. e;pt, 23 iji- t ||r iPifi’i^tinn'; rnderfthe threai of -prl fj;>;i irjri’ JaSfl"7nr)?-fnnrm.-}»em' . lUrr-i Df a mob-’J,hlch violently .itop. 1 farm forrclnsure“ *ftIe a riMtAlii.rff, Mo.. AtisuM 15. I — - • -'I tru?t ynu. will sn hick-lo you; ' 'ic'nir,‘, Iwri est J o n r / r n p ' itiii re i t r ? A-nur 'r o M nmr.-irl-.T," Ml» IVtl^rni .luilfi Altjrrt L. Reeves whi ^siMtday htardrilv-lr Riillty pie* I’,—' ,ind Rcivflhem »'nlencfs ran?lni an !up to lhr,*e years fof ronfempt «nc ;or> ;co:l^;llrncy to Ini-.Tlrro wllh a fed' mil frM oflierr, •Ion ‘ Two of it;e farmer,', one of then lS,im Dli'clbb!„ 10- whwe fnm Iwfti up for sale, wept todav ns lh;j “">-!l-li-llUm»nroo«._______________ U o?d'^orkerK illetl rt.y In ,'luto .4ccideni POUTLAND. Sept. 23 (,P) - Tli' were fe;I:ral bureau of public road.< um leel Ir/l.iy Ji )j(jd becji lulvlseil of th _uns dr.nlh Katurdny iilclit of Pan w'a», arecnv.T)birrond'vniitrrrih-iuran Ireet. inmoblle nrcldenl nrar Salhior lilm ' Tdalio: wai inideriilo!:<! m nnvc beei have , driving'.from the Lcwl' nnd CIntI . th e ' hlchway to Bannock P.r-LS. Tlie bu cvc- reau had no other Inlorniutlon bu ----- :wft»-«wftlilna » roiHiti-from iti eit I) ,|glncEr In lhat.dUtrlct. Jungle Scene jd Actor in Necli ? UJI Dr, MflelU Mjd 11 was reeesssj: Ic by to tfv up the sterno-mnstold muscl liui- in lhe neck. It this had not becj )11DU done, ho snid, Bickford would b ioie<J-Uitit.ble'r5^liftFTlirh«d.” —--- - - var. DlMorii remitlned In lhe ticx III,---- liltAUuiiuocMOMuUiaur_________ The lloii.-om; Cb’fl • Ihr 'only 'Te •‘tta«kcd.by_llQn»..hftd beei - u u g j j i « Jumpjvef B{ck/o«f’i betfi ‘t “,-'Vhlle-lhe actor, aai weparlng fo , Ihe scene In which the nnlmal wn J " P:£[9rm, the lion, without warn ‘“*^—:nr.'-tjoimcrd--iipon- niekfofd—sn • wuir a dfcp roari hniipwd ft h/ md«. nickforri, seeking to deffpd him one Til Irani lhe mftddened'iiTilmBl. fel ■;nir^mntrTnjunrt‘‘beTicatn"the~Vei|[h Mil- ;;l ihp Unn, Trainers-oi) the se •OUI- qiili'kly rfscued the actor. The llO) J, luclKlu 100 pounds. ________________ ACCVRAfi FALI WlN-yAtbS,-lDAHO|-TUE3DA3t e p tw ii ■a- Belgrano Tells St, Louis Convention New.Currency Provisions Defeated Pat- I man Bill Last .Session 'Dy Tlie Assoclnled PreM> ;>«’ i ar. i.ouis, Sept. 2a-/krf '•‘y-pAmfrii'HH-Lcgion progrnm for '"’■i IMB-nn, certain to feature iy^ii(;unh-paymciiLj)£._thaJ)ontis, was fn the making tonight as committees resumed work af- ter today’s colorful formal opening tif theJOaS national Tomorrow, while'commltlce I"* memberrbibor'WUht)tislnea*deUIU. the ovenk'helmlng ninjorlty of al -least 100,000 Leglonnnires will, cclc- bmie wuh the onmnliutlon's color* ok- fui, Runiinl. six Hour long parade^ icnt __Regiilnr convention sessions »Ul LUl be.fcauiiicd^^nf»d«7 ~inDrnlng^ Britrxno BUmet Inllalha Nntlonal Intcm t In Uie conven- Uon cenU'n on the veterans’ acUon on Uie-bonu», and m cm bm of the 1331 lettolattmr=e«?nwnl>l*> l»ft th i rnni tors ventlon hall loday with NaUotuI on- Commander Prank N. Belgrano'! ex- views on the subject rUU ringing In jiat thtlr eiirs, Rending from,Ills annual report tht commander laid defeal of tlw ^ bonus nt the last sesaloa of eon- ^•<1 gress to Inclusion In tha Pitm ar fO'' bill ot nrovlslons for Ita pwaneal TlJ^^rihfough lhe Issuance of HtflTWr rciicy. tor* The bonus, considered on lU own iers '^hh an InflaUon clause, "a iub]ecl In. mere controvenlfti than tha boniu Itself" he said ll vm doomed fron the very beginning. Commander , Belgrano’s slAnd -Which. reprtKnta_thnt of the L«' lhal ’tl®"'* prominent leadership probab- ly means defeat of effort* of ReP' ■-,hl resentnlive_Wrlght Patman ot Te*. ' ail. author of the vetb^ bill, to wir l^«:‘on»“PPort. ________ ^ te ^’or Benni Cer(*Inty ifer- ll was cbhslderfd'slgntneanfnom verj' ot the 4S lubmltUd b«ju» resolu ;ht’s Uons want the. bonus hinged wit) luri- InflAlion w other "un/rlated mat ter," ipon Overwhelming adoption of a bonui Ilian resolution Is a eerlalnty. n In Two guesta captured tht heart itfnff mnt Qlm med the 11,000 a a t arfna-Madami Emesllne' fichumann-Kelnlc ant iiniM. Lieutenant Oeneral Harrv Rene Lef coTJimnnd??:in^fiIef-ofllKC6riftfl. .--^j ______ The ’'grand old Udy of opera,' ^ who sang the -Star Spangled Ban ulon, ner" to open the meeting and "Ther ___ vJre#, gained a lumuJtou* m'aUon. 1 .Hobson Sound* Warning Tlie admiral, whn as nn cnilgi sank n collier at the mouih of Ban tlago harbor In an effort to.boUI ion up ,Uie Spanish fleet, a.urrtcd con atltuilonal Democmey wns belni A'l— thrcnlencd by world evenl* am thntgrd..lhe Xeglon^wllh. the re -SpQiiilhllllv^nd . riutir .nf piiardlni top. Ai^crlean InsUtuUons, " provnl during the IntroducUon o vuur dlsllURuUhed guehUi when Reprr ff, wntnllve John W. TtanHln. of Mis .icontinited o trl^ j? -S r^ lr2)— who leiLtliGSEil” s i i j YHME I California Supremi Cour ju j Commands Prisoner to Give Testimony . Mild ■’*“ the SAN FRAM ISCO, Sept. U Paul '~The state nuiHrne r<iurl lale -J,}.- -4o<Uy,-Uiu)d-.a»-ordec_for—War^ liion den t’eurt Ktnllh of Folum prIa- en lo.lirjnt Warren . nilllng* Ikcu 'fiere tomoi^m foT'lhe Jiab#a» ;intk rnrp.oi bearlni: of Thomaa ,J , l)i|. Itloo'oryi ^canrirled ef Ihc lOi'l , l)ut I’repartdneu day panuJe. tit. -Tiie high cuutk nUo comniai»le< BllliJigt.' convlctcd with Mooney. I S rpetr here mnfr gJro-twClmmtr tJ ooney's efforts to gain hi* free dom on Uie groimd hc was sent P prison'on perjured testimony. - Juitke Cnuiici Beawell signed th (irdcra on pctljlon ol Moonty's coun *iC Warden .Smith was ordered t< __ bring Billings here in time fo openlng-ol. the coijri referee’s ses JMiy J»!on a t JO s. m- t/wrMwrow.-bul.W-bi uscle Is unable lo do w> lo have the prls been oner prrjcnfby 2 p, m, 1 b' Injonctlon Threatened -Billings -had-tnreatrnedW“tlocl ho*, the proceedings ay Injuncllon un lesi ht wns wrn Ittfd tn attend, ■ —The.coun prcuouaiy iiwi refu-ri -TC. lo order Blliuies Ijrought here bu b,,,{JrBver*cd ’lt.i deeWon when Aislvi wtd' "nt -Attoh)ey Oehertl Wllllan , ... Clefiy~roneiirr«!-m a -motion -o Mootleyfcounwr' .............'“ Oeorge T, D»vl,^; Mooney atlomej said-he planned to go to Folw>n «na-bringtmiliIFrT«<VrDnr-7.-ar *''' den Smith hlmulf may escort thi prWnlrijcrf:-------------------------- him- The supreme murt al*o amiouiic . fell ud It-would-rtrnv’ an appllcaUon b; ttghrii^Se]-wiIiibfri;~ftt:quitted-TO=de « l fcndsnl of Mooii’v.iiad Bllllni:*. fo lion 12118 expeniei foY uavcunt here b teslUr. rrg-^~AS3ocrATEP-rt 1 LS D. lYdlQRNING. SEPTEMBER 2-i. iis _ ____________ "" I— . . . . ' ' '""I" for ____ 1 ire , us, - ' as '■ af. ............. ........... iiu. •4Hir tie- V -''-m .- . -f . »i en> ,ie^g»£/jgB|^^*JIBf* lion inaJ~f~^'' • ' ao’i ■. -V vT I rJn - I Jlea- , AN Palace al-Addifl Ababfi nn llnile SolaR.«ile.—(/?) Photo. iiisiraiKEs; ^JMlIOEUEf olu- - Ml- P/Bident Sees ‘BrlBhtei .nut . 'Economic Skies,’ Still Many Needy *n»- ■«' - _____ and •" WASHINGTON. nt^U Xi (-Ti- Lef Fftaldent Reeaerelt opened the fed: “lMi-ntoblllaU«i-of-httm.n nee^ today wllh lhe aaiertJon "In spile •nr it deflallely-bVUtiUr -economic Jan- iklea," the problem of welfare here serrleea. 'demands ‘lhe b;tt" ot «iT. hnlli thf-fnyfrnmenl and private in. ajrnciea. y 8i>eaklnir from the sun-drcnchcf jign .'oulh portico ol ihe While Houjc t< 3an-|rtveral hundred i^slcgBlcs of weltari oUIe Iorganlzallona gathered on ih; greet con- laan below him, the Preslticnl re. eing itemled ’'the sovernuieni Li wlUV anrt 'dnniJng a.i mplfliy ns po.wlble Iron Uie field fil emeri'.'ney homo relief. aluR .U-l»r4ia-aiiirtcd.-maviiig_l’iU ««£ fully toward lhe Mitolltutlon o » of "For the tlilrd Ume «e have thi ni>[)ortunltv. tare lo fnce," hr loli ” •*' CMlrman (Jw rtl Swope anrt tlv ri-Mj-gates, "10 ii!;de«' at onrr thi »ut»tanceina‘smew» of-goveriimen and of private crganlied welfari ~— ateneleJt-ln the MTv|co-of-the-le» fortunate of iJw-laHri.. Praliti Welfare Record lIP •'TliS fuel tin t >ou liavc mnliitiilii ■ n ed your suiipon of ttslfare >.ervlce with a sftrJnkage of onJy 13 i>er cm of the amount nbed since 102S I ...■ir riiuitKaWc.-rnm-Rlart-io-kno*-llin ycu halted lhe r.'treut al that imln a K«r ago nnd now arc hcndsd onr ii;nre toward'the frmit, I/?l ther be a general ndv.-uice from Hia point In the 330 cnmpaJgns tthlcl have been o-Rnnl*v’d for the niiiumi iir, ol 193S." ale 'I he annoiinrcd iiollcy nf Hi- 4t:_ miminLln.wltli'driiwiiiK ircim 'iin r rl.- ------------------——-----------; --------- ^ ng» iCoptlniied on Pi^ge 2, Co! 3i i|F O H «i , “J! W aitkus, in Ireland. Look lo for New Ship lo Com- Ks' plete Journey ijit _____. __________ BA’ixnTnoBE. cr>;iiity Mast IrlJh Free State. Sept. 23 i.r . f> Ux-WalUiis., tha-aiictuwin.alfintti „n . Whr^^ solo traiisilUnllllc'TIIRnt end I •> ed iii a-forced landlnu In nn friii u-rH pa*iur*,--:taid ;t«ilBhi^iit:=l!'.-lit<l-t inii comnletcihls _aenni ]mim>-y- t jl,i. Lithuania in a,new plmiu. llanr —inrowmWlJ-wai-Tl8masnI” be I -ot yond repalfwh^rntrTrashed, nea - Hhis vlUafe-fiund*y_jr.ornln£.<'.'t«' ■ney, spanning Uia ocean m 22 hour: lw>in Tonight he was counting'on Ih '.•ar=- nssuiance-irf-.the-peopir-of-Liiiiu the anln In obtalanlng the new mn ilic- He expecUd to .remain »i th 1 by hom»-of a'Calho)lo-pri«st-here_ua •di?rTtll-t7m(?r rv»w before-Rolny-lo-Duli , for lln, ------ e lo Mr removed Ibe'liulrumcuta froi hU plana. P^93-WEffSPAPlElt-COJ ________ ________________ AILY 24..1'o:iG ~— ; rctaims *Qfl lice of Af Price~#n Off To Front —In Bare I V- :■■■-*■* I fw9~ unshntl almost to n man, is show: m its'way to the fi'onl after recei to. SB ofah Amis [F Insane P. Iter Constitutional Rule Twice Menaccd By Party Attacks , w --------- tByJhe^oclftted Prr«),„:.. the BOISE, Sept. 2.H — From llf'- ire of experience in international ot «inte«manship, United States Hcnntor-Willtitm-I-ir-Bornh of Idaho (oniKlii dciiouncc'd "in- piirti-ianship w’hich (arc [‘(iinetimeH pliiee.s party in- rcen'tt;a*stH above country" as the rc-["RfciiiCii ilnnger” ihiil now bc*et.i llh- con^lltuUonnl Rovtinini'iit. rom I -1 iim siienklm:." hi- decUri-d, ’ of lef,’ ;Uai ivirtlsaiuhlp ,whlch, under ilic :f/K-*hWr~nf parly Intereata nntl Um in- of tailablc np|)ctTle lor' political |»wcr ------ l-dois not-ficiitale tti'naaall-our-moat the'eswnllnl ln»tlluilon.i, nubmrrKes or lold liakf* nuiiy the lib-Tly ot the cltUeii the nntl riiki. rnugh-fhotl ,ovrr the nn- the ilnnal charier ll-ielf.” Spare. No-Creea------------ .i_, _ihe-noied-suteimttn.-mcntlon?<i fretpiently ns n proipecUvc cnndl- dnle for the preislilcncy, hpnrrd nc iwllllcnj creed or faction In Ills 30- „i,;. minuieVnt'""* broadcasi nntioiially Irom the living room o: ' jjthe little apartment he and Mrs I, I Borah occupy in a Boise hotel, 11..! 1 Into hli lirllllnnt plea for prrser' J.'.ivatlljn ol llie coiuillullon of lln ‘‘ 'united stalrv.he wove an iipi>eii j' for adoption of a foreljm Pollc; ;whlch •olfers peace to all natlonr, >polltlenl eommltmenta. express, o. I hnpl'ed, with •none,'' and .deplflrt! lhe prrsent maneuver* of nation •'toward another confllcl.” ‘T ’*!'” ' ‘‘’‘"’‘■y “ ;^i±ipBvii‘wiliic-tJic^ClvU war Un I Irmsi'l.iuilninfiiinl irneli ot jicrr.nna ! liberty were lilveRnrded or per I" 'manmiy linpTlled,. local self«ROv L {rriiuiciit a'Viilleil, and nur free eon? I * liltuUniiiil KDvrrnmeni broitght'ti Ilhe \ery vfise • of dcslructloi (lin'thnsiishjhee’t partisan, bigotry. I lyjj |no( *hrer pariusn xnadnffV he de . na«kofA»aulU ------1 ‘" n ie'm u'.i vi'nhyiiBrBMK-ea-ot-lh' lOkS „„ p„gr 3, CoJ. 8). Visiting Figh M illio ns in I end-1 ---------1 I NKW VORK. Sept. 23 f,TJ-Th !‘-W-.Bevsr>ndrr.rJc3tally-camc;itt»Ttnw _ii:toniiiiLZL_-- .............- ; It may be a million dollar- gat for'iheiireinctmrxhenajuja-Biti light! but to lhe clilzens.and merch ’•''.'-f.i tn u 'of-thB-t«wMi was the_pttfof ‘’“["■'window to hraven, wlUi'tin'estlmat ‘' ’'; e d 112,000,000 due lo be lefl. be ____ Op In Harlem, the Inriffnt denari menl tiore tlld a iVndofflce buslncji nn-ln pjnster east* of'jne Loula. Dui,^i_AlliitOh*iiC6r;>.ccew6rjrji;tori .reported Mles of hlnoculnrs up 30 from ptr'cent. - ' Oa« eolerpculng holel manage OMPLbTS----------- --------------- ^ N E.\ . AaBOCtATTb i n ts il __________ fncS m i e Feet own marchinK oul of the Imperial ?ceivinR lhe blo8.iin>rfl of.Em peror is Shafts At - Partisanship ' vs. Louis ProVldJng a posKfi-e, eJftir »mS .accuraia,.lilDW.'By?blo?i'..teiwrt "t 'om the Max Bner-Joe Louis Ught in nrft ' Yjuikw fiindjum, Tiie Twin Falls 'News' publls address'syalem will" lil’A’.. sa Jnf') _«ciiofi lonJgJit a t ap* ■nai' p r o x lm ite ly 'o ’cldclcr'iocaf ,*n«| time. Tlie report preceding lha ,' big battle will Include la#l-mln. i-Oi- -utT"fttcts-nndHigures.—Tlie-flghfc- ‘jn- Hsclf. nworrilng lo.the promoter, „ h 1* MJicduled U) Ret under way by ? " . 7 o'clock, allhough lhe length of in- preliminary bouta may result In thoi either an earlier or later sUrt- .,eu J«s time- Wlien the two heavy- welKhtA cut looec before a rec- ord crowd In New York, a sUff of IlKht exeru at the-rlngslde- will send complete deaerlptlons JS:.; .6fi;fiB--5truo[lc_ovrr:^Uitmn% wire* to The News where am- -pllhers will carry-tH T rtiarn B - * hundreds ol enKer fntw, lien ________________ s iiiir : i m iPM Mrs. -------- Presidential Approval Giver ;Sj $201,9frExpenditure SS, .. ft Idaho,. I or 1 _____ ^ttli-WABHlNGTON, Sepl, 23 OT. - uons pf,,.„i|,,iii„i npprovnl-of nn allot' menl of letleral finidi-lotnllnKCOt. y — !H'i tor 'prcirkn-prozrnm project* lr -Ml''.,iUalic> ,’ a; i. i nniiiainreil K^dny by ihi .nnal dui'inn ol npjillra'lloih imflinmr pe r- MiniKin, Ta «(II tx- n.'IfM l«.m: "JIJ'.Uli'tliii'il tiy 'iiy>i'.'>i.N t'l. llie ptiij.-cl; Milinillleil liy J. I. H'vod, Mali :tlo ii, fl.nri:, progrrj- atlmlnlMmtor fo t- >', Irin.ho, ' t he pfenldefitlal tUotmcal In 'c.'ii'rie’."ihe follow'lng 'projects; - - Ada eoiintr:......................... [-(lie— ^^iRfjfj—rrnftvnte-K'htwl-build' 5). iCwiUDura on papc 2. Col. 0) :ht Fans Spend New York Cit^j -The tl iiipjiljinK e^rr.v tftml of J^l.« 110.1 tn»‘ir.-.<:>{-Vi^-'a^Blaf^._ ---------- .Hr,m-iv.ny-iiii-l-TluiH*-5xiua;t-Wi:ri 'gaU-jainrnvd tnniKht ni the frenry of i BtTCTT^lit-eraej^metmpolls *hrilled-;io-i irch* !cresceiidt> at'miifnfcljt. m it , lloleU 'Al'rf tutnmK them away, a m a t-' ra'ilrotiiK continued to report recori U. i Uaflic. 'lliicrc were MOO jter*ons oi IncM iwrtuim dll^ll.rlt^We^s drowned ou orchestuil , '".f"' loris"'::Mm’!r--ftnrt-leintimnle-lheAUr j 300'hir«rcxira ii>ln r,%t9 KPep the stand ini! togm tirknholriers ftom getUni iagei-fix3mricd;iii Uie'T®^. 1' -.I ------------- 1 0 - P A G E S -------5 - C E t o a - tnand M tory^ _____ 7 Spokesman For Duce ‘About Faces’ At . Geneva League Hopes Rise- (By Tiie Attoclntcd, Pre»s> LONDON, Sept. 23—Som<};; _ Jiim c te ra J n jluroi><;!s_anxipu8_ diplomatic circlcjfsaw a faint Kloam of ho)« lonit;ht for fur- tlu’r peace negotiations in tho • Italo-Ethiopian war threat. 1_ _ A dramatic-midnight an- JiouHCcmcnt w/i.<‘)7jn()e a t U e~ neva by 11 Huce's spokesman, Jlnrnn Piimixio AIolal._,that A1ol»r* ”obMr>-atlona" rejecting the league’s peace plan, should not ne- cerjuirlly be considered “official.'* ~ ~fi^6^?ati;ly'optimisHii ' tlipWP" " itm^hf.ird'J b, aon>e ^uartera*. tlml MnuollQl. In lhu.i "about-tac- hip" on the official cliaractct, of Alolsl’s. remarks Jo Chairman Ma-, I dnrlaga of the league.commltlee of I. fjvA.^lelMti'Mi.iU) thr pesfi-plan. I wished to keep the dt^r.of eon* I clllnllon open. Other sourer*, however, aald tl Duce's sctloQ indicated that he wished to have no official relations liberty or action." • • Aloisl’* ’obstfn-atlona >reported to be tlemauds for a belt ot Ethiopian I ASkba^and^otineeling the Italian colonies ot Eritrea and Bomaliland. s r lotd] dUAnnament ot Ethiopia and plnelng of that nation'a army under Ilnllan command—Were character* = iHd earlier by the BriUsh as "re* moving all iiope for conciliation." _____ nrlialn-FraDce in Accord' BriUsh apokesmen characlerlKfl- ^ -lhcJinTBlTEden.«>''fef«'«a:**-=*’«n': M sailsfactory.'' and said It "realflrm* I I ed the mutt;a} dMlrc ot France and. r Great BrlUln la work together at -UiU.griUcal moment." Whethey that __ meant poulble naval coUabbniUon' was not divulged. TlJe newa Xrom flomo toM of »- long contereMa between MUaolinI and Sir Erie Dmmmond, the Brlt> 1Uh ambassador, whleh'fiavt rlN to apeculailon'In Wtti' Brltlah an4 « Italian quarter* t i i ^ on Uw^po*'- ’■ albUlly- ol direct .nesotlaUfina.Jbt'r. iween lUly anil'Great Britain to '* -a£Uifi_iiit_cQniroYeny=«i,)e«Uni sofnr a* It rcacU upon Europe. I- -LSlcBrlc fwsented II Duce with a personar messsge fronTBIr'Etm' I” uei Hosre, the BrltUh foreign aecre* !T tary. 'r ~AsiaerrfinrtliU.-theofnclantallair , antetce dl*cJo*ed a new 3H blllJon .f lire appropriation for Ilaly'a coio*' nles and teniaUve preparations were i- I tConUlnued on Page 3, Col. J) I- - IJ8UDIID1I0... f=-^SIWHRi President Adds Huge Sum to — -$900,000,000 Set'Aslde ■■ 7 'InW ork-Relief Acl - |n .WA8HINGTON.-8eDt.,iS (fl>- The Works rrogresa admlnlstra* lion's cash register today rang ap ... an Rddlffonaf ts00,000.000 tttteaiSed io stimulate iU dragging tampalgn --------lb” irtT5irer“ 35CO,CtlO-inaiTianil«- from lhe dole to Joba by Norem* ber 1. One ot'lhe Orst official ncla'of the PrcJitlent, upon returning to tlie Cnpltnl from ilytle Park, N. Y» wns ,to nild tills fum 10 the J«)0,oq0,000 '“ 'fit' work-fdlW act lor \,,'p ! Iran.' or Rrants nn noii-fcdernl work.i n>r-‘ luo.'*^4*— -•----------------------- ------ I WPA'-otflrlsU iold broad cuts In I itintls loAsuch aeilvltlM ns hlRhwav IfonMrueitfiti, amtf.- avsitie cllmUi- ; I ntion. nnd'rural r«<h»btluaUon-anil lrlrlcclrlflfftllt>n would l>e necesrary ' to obtain the 1800,OOO,W, in- So rteikUofa Venlored n il no aulhoyitatlve pretllclfonJ II,1 __s>-'fe ventiirert on )ii-it where the __ eurl-ilhr,‘'ni« Rould fiil!, ) The f>n'slilpnt’5 ex^ullve orilcr booMliig thtt total for WPA loans or ' Krant/ lo ll.ino.OOO.OOO was based on I . A provlilon In toe 14,800.000,000 . wnrki nel nllowlng him to use 20 ^ J>er rrii! of the lotnl to liicn'ase any InthviiUrnl nji[)roiiHfttn'n'"If he finds ‘V II M.-fiinry lo effectuate purposes ^ a L o L Ul ^ J 'C t ^ _________ _____ _ mi- Irnm rriie! roll* to payrolls at the .___of last vi^k. WPA fneed the turc fikAailcja-'.Kj’-Lrr''*'.*'.'* j” .;''!!*;'' )f a of tfflre than .84,09? jobs dally to lo-a ;^a4}tilifiJ{oy«mberi^--—.„ - Sa iiew-iyptwta ot ptogita of tha •. a.1 drive wrre expccted befer«-ThuM. :ord- day:— r ---------------------— — : i on . — ___ ■_ fin- ITAtrAX TnS)Sa~TVREt;jtiU> out ROME. Sc^t. a tflV-ReporU from lhe town of Ternie uld to- Ura nl*ht-l*-pi‘i*ons-had-lieeiLldlltiliOt md* tnjured ln «-wrecic between motor ting and steam pvirnger tralM near tbe Tillage of Ncrw -------- T0DA.Y;Fair
10 · TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ l i M B i i PE lEMTDPlECT M achine Quns M

Mar 23, 2020



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Page 1: · TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ l i M B i i PE lEMTDPlECT M achine Quns M

THVOL. 18, N 0..145, ' ^

l i M B i i PElEMTDPlECT

M a ch in e Q u n s M o u n te d a s

M ll ltla a n d S t a t e P o lice

M o b ilize lo A id O f l lc e n

In P r e v e n tin g V io le n ce

tBy The iU5oel«ted PrewlB E L A IR , Md., S c p t.2 I} ^

Two machine guna wero sot — up-in-the-arm ory-hw c-tonight.

as milftioracn and sta to police _ wero mobilized to a id local of-

“ - fleers in prcveijtinR an juvio j. loncc ugiiinyt Kendall Hill, al*

__^^morc taxicab driver.M em bers-oF^C om pany D. -.Inlbnlrv, a»cmbl«l, donntd un llo rm i-and ■slttvnrms and toak down Ihflr rltlci. They ubo v.c:e Provided U'llh tear fits bomb: .

» T a m n ilJ g -J in -------- --- ......Twelve su te • poiIW." antlcB' wlitr

pitiols &nd l«&r km bombs were ln> Mdc the wooden, two^jtoo’ counly

'in ll houalng UU). tald to hnve con- towm- flmlt.ltifcilie laxUltiXCL

and tobblng him of about M.- T«’enty>llve olher tt«te otilcert

were stationed a t itratesle polntii.To'wrwfolk paid w nnt allenllon to

Ihe'mlUtftry safcjuftrdi poi- rjble riol action, solnR unconcerncd- ly about their custoninry ucilvttlcs 03 the mllltla and police.tooic their. po«ts.

Jnc;>J Dinc}))ne sun compsny ol the Marj'land nnifonnl juard in Uie’ ftrmory here us a prteaullonnry.

-------meajurt •■wa.i" amhorlstd—by—Cov—emor Nice \ l the request of Ctrculi Jurfpe WaJfer W. Prcjien.

Headless Bodies Of -T\vo"MenDiscovered

■ CLEVELAND, Bept. 33 (/r>-Tlic hcttdiess bodif* *>f two unldenUWod men were found in ti ravine on the r a i l Mde Inte today.

__ T>'r> J»y«, wondering throunh■"'lhe ravincTTAunrt-onp-body-anri

called ^ e railroad pollc«. who dtKovered tbe second. PoUc« ib o found » head burled nearby.

Attempu to Menufy the twcfTei were made a t the city moKue. Ot-

1 IKera oil appnrcnily 'nnd been k p j i r td ct. one 'o?- the bodies nnd ^ th a t i n WUmpi/ h«'d been made to

I G - H T S ^ 7 « r f -


In D a y ’F 'E v e t i t r. ■ (By The Asaoclatfrt Prc-w)

No Sm okers Need Apuly—SALT LAKE CITV-Cupld's ja rl-

------- tier. County Clerk Willuin J . Uorili,icculvLcl thv lolioviUm I flc r f rm

____ Cillloruian;____ _-Dear Sir; ” .....

_______“1 wbuld.llkc -to corrctiiuiid..ulUia Rood, true, oliTiaihioiied piniu litrl

' , . will) love J hoiMii and will bo wlllmK 10 live in lhe counlry'or ciiy'ftnci one ttho » foiisciiial .kkJ iloti't

-— —eino'*e-ci»iitela:--Kvoryonc—t- n w f .— -»molM*.------- --_ "I have no' objection to a uiaoM

'“ with a'sSnni‘Brrrdr’l:oy;T|>ierer‘onc w llh .a InviiiK natutu and nnt like ti> luH, plnln coolc nnd hou.ii-kci'piT.’

So slrli, just (orwnrtl your kiicru tu Mr. Kuith.

M ore Speed—SAN UlEUO.. Calii;-"Ycs, Your

Honor. 1 kucm I'm jircliy liist," 1' it - li'y A. Huiklcy. dairy i-nii)loye. iid- niittcd jviieriJay uhfd 2ic iKwd

r Judge Cliifcnci; . Terry on siKtdinn (liarges.

• rm sure you urc," ihe 'cou.t re ­plied. "Lot's . cc liow iii>t you cnn pay the cftrk ii JS tliie."


••There's a 'c'fiuiitc U prove your ^pfcd|" the jiiciKc^dccl.ired. "See how

' fs»i you cnn count the prnntfs and l>(iy‘tlicRi to 'the clcrk." '

------- Bovine Spree— •DALHAJIT, 'iMJr* — i'jfD! ft>w»

which went on u whtlc o! a tprec had such'-'hanitovers'' vpsterdny lh a l

• "■(icalmeiil'wu* rcqiilTedrCajled to utlcntj tho wobbllnn Uo-

UnriXDr, Jl, Af. Oibcltr. vc;fr)«- imuii. lound they had f«d in o

------- n u u u tl cofn-lleldr-H#-* Rrowih and wcmher condl- iloni lind.lojidcd_U;c_ enrs wltli xlcoM lc fJfffje/iLi.

S m oker's F iro F a ta l— TACOMA --Pninle~PollmatJr-12,

3Ied'yejU!rdsy~lrom bums recerved

dlicarrifd-thr-TnfitdL lii.iuch a m a n ' ncr tha t i: set hU troiwcm nlitc.

V nsirlcd. Mveml weeks ago on a charse nl Indecentd anclnc Joyce Dnkcr,uiru‘‘|)c'rfflrmr~wiin~ir-fnn. wm nc»quilted

raicnrd on n Almllnr clinrsc she__; aBohi iLskcfl for n lury irl.i1. '

btflccrs who arrcslttl }>• >«ld.iJip illipenw l ttlth one jaf tier two 05lrlch fcnilirr funs dufJns

_____l^ r dance nl a c ife here ., ^

Clly. E d i t lo l i '

m m---------* T o u a a A v m r s v n x x a - —


M in ers a n d 1 l i p e e on I ill Excep^t Tm

Hopeful In Strike j


i— .sot

E 2 S . i i v A





inly:on- EDWARD f . >fcORAnY,ivpf - t f r i r l t rT of labor and r re tldcntM, nootenll's reprtKntaiUe in ne-

m t fo tla ttau looklns ta Mitlement ofn. the soft eoal *trlke. espeeta anI) to tsrly atrecment.M /r) Photo.POi- ■ ■ _...l e d - -----------------------------------------------

-NflOHSPDixuil --------

P e a c e P re v a ils in N a t io n ’s

C oa l F ie ld s a s W o rk e rs

■ed--------------J o in -W a lk o u l ___

<By The AMOClAtcd Pressl Hie - P t iic c p rev a ilo jr In I h c 'c o a l

f ie ld s o f th e c o u n try Mon. day a s U n ite d .Mine W orkcrH ,

„j,o c s t im a le d l f y m u o n D fflclnl.' Ibo to n iim b eP 400 .000 , resp o n d e d

to a g e n era l s t r ik e o rd e r .O n ly m a in te n a n c e crow s

bean " c r e sen t to th e p i t s c e n e ra l l j njid a s un io n r e p re se n ta tiv e * nnt:

‘'* ® opnrntorR ir \ ' W n;:hm iiCw^iLx-uiwj* JU '“A-'Cra- *,•

’<•■ ni'tr • n*n> tonniiRV wncimie thnt blockrd pay nfKotlnilnm

/J — — Induiiij'.iii.a-wljolcja’os^ililiifiiC!lo hnve 0 fiiel supply xufflcleiu fo

C about 5D days operntlon,The Bituatlon by (itfttcs;West vlrKlnln nnd Pcnnsylvimla-!ninica-icHf

___ I lConi)miCd on Pugn 2, Col. 4)

i l l l l l T II - i lS I E R iS l l iwiUi .- - — -------

iS“i; C lu es D isc o v ered b y P o l ic t

. "S iipp ly T w o L in e s o f ^

in v f f i t ig a t io n — — ^.llOM ^‘o n e AI,nANY. N. Y.;“ kc Tivo Iialriiln-., a jip s lfrk and an HT.’ tmpl> wullrl Kiivf lnvf»tli;alor> ;icra »t Nrw Yo?k »tair-« ".'iculUml

Vard'^ two llitm nf iiii'nllrntlun l:nl«lU u they p r(« rd fcir u mo- Kvf fnr the mynCrrfou* »ta}'Jni af

1 A -pccm lnent-yauns..U lens_i'a lb., rr.lilrnt.

The victim wns .M. Earl Duvld- “‘I ' son. 28, rncnibcr ol n promliicni

««'tl CKcil;.. rnJ.'.', uhnnf buUcl-dinn pierced Body wns found ye.Merdnj

alone Uie hlRh'vny. re - , Wallet Found In S trrrt

cnn I Tlic liitlrpUu and llpMlck wore jMJtcii Inm i)avld»oii'.i ra r l‘5o /cc!

kli'y-! lro:».UkupuiuL Where Jili_bo<!y_3nf jflL'irovctri.-111.1 eiiipty wallet was

your jplckrd uji Irnm u O leii' KnIU sired how hour,'. l)i-lore trlcnd> found liln: and /!)/)»« Die rojid,»)df. .

Diivitl-itii-wiis-liflicved tt^.|lftv( hlld 120 nr SJ& In lIu' wiillci n t the iliiir he lelt llti home Friday cvc.

rtm,, (Conilnued on.Pnge 2,'Col, 4)prce I ___ I ________ I ................. ■ _lh a t I ' " _

, S ; : i B i g L i o n i n J

r B i t e s - N o t e dwllll . - -------------

»o i.j,y w o o D . CviJir., s rp t. r vrBitten III the back ol llu; neck b> a InrRe African lion duricK Hil‘ Him- Ing of a acene of a " Ju iiu lf moiiot -Pleture, Oharies—Biektnrd,— iioi«s:

° actor ol itdi'cniiire.iofjif rolct. wni In-y^Hollywngd’ ltOipltfHflnlelit,—

!. AUhoiitthlhe tt'biiiid nnl tl.i | nnd no boiitJ were (rac:un<l by ih ' «nsp b flh to n lr ia rs 'Ju w r. Dlekforc

V na under-Uit care oJ-phyalcluiilc an te a posslble-lnfecnon-, Bevern:,l(gr f '" " ' wound.1 were m ilfred by th<

aao rJtom -iheipaaa-oL iU ie-b luri: nicd nnims). "

-fc r- —Blekforri-TTCcivtrt-twn—pnncnir* alie wound.1 and two luccnitlnn wnimd*

each about an Mnch d trp nnd on< Vpry.ciMp lo lhe JURUInr veiir~alir

•,.£LM rot!d nrlca:.,!aia,D i..PM il,n. Ma­rin s Kill, uludio phy,'\lciun who .■tccoin-

panlcd the aclor tp the h a |piud.

W INd Q p e r ^ r i l

N e ^ ^ e a l l s "

) f f n a g r W a g e

“ I P r e s i d e n t ’ s S p o k e s -

_ l m a n T a k e s O p t i -

_ m I s l i c V i e w

■ (By n ie AMOelnted rrfw .i —I W A S H IN G T O N .-& P U Z \ - ■ - C ontm ufltifiji o f tn t- .sofr'cofllB s tr ik e a l least (ino nu>ri' day,I c am e to n i^ lit w h e n th e com - B - jnlttccT Q tlA T inalachian lu-oduc- B <*rs nnd U n ited Jlln e w o rk e rs B se ek in g a npw 'T vnge-ttnd h o u r B a g rc em c u l reccs»ed u n ti l to - B m orrow w ilh t tu t .r e a c l i in g an

B Edward F.McOrady. asaiatantiec- B - President Rooae-n \-eIt'« rcpreyntntlvc in the nrgotla- B tlonA, u ld , however, he Mill waa B hopeM 'of iiu r.irly usreMnent." "In fact.'’ ll? told reporUth Jok- mm- lnfllyr-::»M-Ju)sa-U>.cil-JiJClUc[ncm

tim« In Bf. to tha prlae fight UiI I Nea' York toir.orrnw n ljb t.

•'Al lone nn Ihey ngree to alt down lan t a i a Inble rtnd talk to each olher icn t there's hopr ”

nlRht tf te r the miners and operators ■“ had failed lo affrre on n new con-

trncl lo succeed the five Umes- ex- ^ (ended part t lu t expired a t lhat

hour.The miners u k higher pay,

-Tonight,•tlK-two-sldes-tad igretd___ cn nil termi b'jt the new wage foir* n tonnane m en-rnlneii paid for lh< b U coal they dls nnd load.L I I Tlirough MrOrndy, the opcratorj;----- ha<H>r*Po^t-»" Increaw nf 7 'i

oc/iU over tht old rate, the labor > n 's dfjisrim^nl o.'ficlnl told reporters

Tlie union ri'-nandert a nlne-eent In- ; crcft^e,

Sovfra! np»tators who are mem*____ b>r»_ot Ihf negollnilnc eommllle<

toJrt K pnrim 13ml the H4*cen( prnptxial wm McGrady's, and that the opcrainis' acceptance was con-

coal riiiioiifd'mion” Uie'hKreemeni of:thi Ion - union, McOriulv InnLilcd. however crH .jtIm t this offer orl^lm»^ed a m m

i Tlw nlmo^phrt^ a t today's confer' '“ ®“ ienc<s McOrndy described.aa “ver;

1 friendly.’' contrary lo la st nlght’i CW8 region when l)IUcr word* were hurt- n llv I ed ncrtvsj lhe conference table.

Mcnrsdy earlier had calhd upoi number* of lhe full Appalachlai

.w ^ iin in i m<M cpnf«?re:icr to remain li ‘" ..’^l.'pm ifRran'^ -hlltf thefr-newtUMBi 'f“*'''rnmmltlee of nin* mlnem antl.nlw •Inn*, pfivjutrn conferred.------------atind-br-aH -day-flnd-all-nlB hinlrd'H .'o thn l Ihl* iinforlnnatirfortuii.iT ion can''f>T-cT-eifncif-apr-fii

■',ir:cd,; PlilUlp Murr.iv, vlee-presldent o

njftp Ihr Unlied Mhio_ W orke^ union

*' i 'Conilnued on Page 2. Col, 1)

I F a r m S a l t ! R i o t e r s

I i F r e e O n P r o b a t i o r

|||L 1 s r , .JOSEPH, Mo.. e ;p t, 23 i j i -t | | r iPifi’i^tinn'; rnderfthe threai of -prl

f j;>;i irjri’ JaSfl"7nr)?-fnnrm.-}»em' . lUrr-i Df a mob-’J,hlch violently .itop.

1 farm forrclnsure“ *ftIe a riMtAlii.rff, Mo.. AtisuM 15.

I — - • -'I tru?t ynu. will sn h ick-lo you; ' 'ic'nir,‘, Iwri est J o n r /r n p ' itiii re — i t r ? A-nur 'ro M nmr.-irl-.T," Ml»

IVtl^rni .luilfi Altjrrt L. Reeves whi ^siMtday htardrilv-lr Riillty pie*

I’,—' ,ind Rcivflhem »'n lencfs ran?lni an !up to lhr,*e years fof ronfempt «nc

;or> ;co:l^;llrncy to Ini-.Tlrro wllh a fed' mil frM oflierr,•Ion ‘ Two of it;e farmer,', one of then

lS,im Dli'clbb!„ 10- whwe fnm■ Iwfti up for sale, wept todav ns lh;j “"> -!l- li- llU m »nroo« ._______________

U o ? d ' ^ o r k e r K i l l e t l

r t .y I n , ' l u t o . 4 c c i d e n i

POUTLAND. Sept. 23 (,P) - Tli' were fe;I:ral bureau of public road.< um leel Ir/l.iy Ji )j(jd becji lulvlseil of th

_uns dr.nlh Katurdny iilclit of Pan w'a», a recnv.T )birrond 'vniitrrrih-iuran

Iree t. inmoblle nrcldenl n rar Salhior lilm ' Tdalio:

wai inideriilo!:<! m nnvc beei have , driving'.from the Lcwl' nnd CIntI . th e ' hlchway to Bannock P.r-LS. Tlie bu cvc- reau had no other Inlorniutlon bu----- :wft»-«wftlilna » roiHiti-from i t i eitI) ,|glncEr In lhat.dU trlct.

J u n g l e S c e n e

j d A c t o r i n N e c l i? UJI Dr, MflelU Mjd 11 was reeesssj: Ic by to t f v up the sterno-mnstold muscl liui- in lhe neck. I t this had no t becj )11DU done, ho snid, Bickford would b ioie<J-Uitit.ble'r5^liftFTlirh«d.” —- - - - - var. DlMorii remitlned In lhe ticx

III,---- liltAUuiiuocMOMuUiaur_________The lloii.-om; Cb’fl

• Ihr 'only 'Te•‘tta«kcd.by_llQn»..hftd beei

- u u g jji« Jum pjvef B{ck/o«f’i betfi ‘t “ ,-'V hlle-lhe actor, a a i w eparlng fo

, Ihe scene In which the nnlmal wn J " P:£[9rm, the lion, without warn

‘“*^—:nr.'-tjoimcrd--iipon- niekfofd—sn • wuir a dfcp roari hniipwd f t h/

md«. nickforri, seeking to deffpd him one Til Irani lhe mftddened'iiTilmBl. fel

■ ;n ir^ m n trT n jun rt‘‘beTicatn"the~Vei|[h Mil- ;;l ihp Unn, Trainers-oi) the se •OUI- qiili'kly rfscued the actor. The llO) J, luclKlu 100 pounds.

________________ ACCVRAfi

F A L IW lN -y A tb S ,- lD A H O |-T U E 3 D A 3 t

e p t w i i■a- B e lg ran o T e lls S t , L o u is

C o n v e n tio n N e w .C u r r e n c y

P ro v is io n s D e f e a te d P a t -

I m a n B ill L a s t . S e s s io n

'Dy Tlie Assoclnled PreM>;>«’ i a r . i .o u is , Sept. 2 a - /k r f '•‘y-pAmfrii'HH-Lcgion progrnm fo r '" ’■i IMB-nn, certa in to f e a tu r e iy^ii(;unh-paymciiLj)£._thaJ)ontis,

was fn the m aking to n ig h t a s committees resum ed w o rk af- te r today’s colorful formal opening tif th e JO aS national

Tomorrow, w hile'com m ltlceI"* memberrbibor'WUht)tislnea*deUIU.

the ovenk'helmlng ninjorlty of al -least 100,000 Leglonnnires will, cclc- bmie wuh the onmnliutlon's color*

ok- fui, Runiinl. six Hour long parade^icnt __Regiilnr convention sessions »UlL Ul be.fcauiiicd^^nf»d«7 ~inDrnlng^

Britrxno BUmet In lla lha Nntlonal In tcm t In Uie conven-

Uon cenU'n on the veterans’ acUon on Uie-bonu», and m cm bm of the

1331 lettolattmr=e«?nwnl>l*> l»ft th i rnni tors ventlon hall loday with NaUotuI on- Commander Prank N. Belgrano'! ex- views on the subject rUU ringing In j ia t th tlr eiirs,

Rending from,Ills annual report th t commander laid defeal o f tlw

bonus nt the last sesaloa of eon- ^•<1 gress to Inclusion In tha P itm ar

fO'' bill ot nrovlslons for Ita pwaneal TlJ^^rihfough lhe Issuance of HtflTW r

rciicy.tor* The bonus, considered on lU own

iers '^hh an InflaUon clause, "a iub]ecl In. mere controvenlfti than tha boniu

Itself" he said ll v m doomed fron the very beginning.

Commander , Belgrano’s slAnd -Which. reprtK nta_thnt of the L«'

lhal ’tl®"'* prominent leadership probab- ly means defeat of effort* of ReP'

■-,hl resentnlive_Wrlght Patm an o t Te*.' ail. author of the v e tb ^ bill, to wir

l^«:‘on»“PPort.________ ^ t e ’or Benni Cer(*Inty

ifer- l l was cbhslderfd'slgntneanfnom verj' ot the 4S lubmltUd b«ju» resolu ;ht’s Uons want the. bonus hinged wit) luri- InflAlion w other "un/rlated mat

ter,"ipon Overwhelming adoption of a bonui Ilian resolution Is a eerlalnty. n In Two guesta captured th t heart itfnff m n tQlm med the 11,000 a a t a rfna-M adam i

Emesllne' fichumann-Kelnlc ant iiniM. Lieutenant Oeneral Harrv Rene Lef

coTJimnnd??:in^fiIef-ofllKC6riftfl..--^j ______

The ’'grand old Udy of opera,' who sang the -S tar Spangled Ban

ulon, ner" to open the meeting and "Ther

___ vJre#, gained a lumuJtou* m'aUon.1 .Hobson Sound* Warning

Tlie admiral, whn as nn cnilgi sank n collier at the mouih of Ban

• tlago harbor In an effort to.boUI io n up ,Uie Spanish fleet, a.urrtcd con

atltuilonal Democmey wns belni A'l— thrcnlencd by world evenl* am

thntgrd..lhe Xeglon^wllh. the re -SpQiiilhllllv^nd . riutir .n f piiardlni

top. Ai^crlean InsUtuUons,

" provnl during the IntroducUon o vuur dlsllURuUhed guehUi when Reprr

f f , wntnllve John W. TtanHln. of Mis

.icontinited o t r l ^ j ? - S r ^ l r 2)—who

le iL tliG S E il” s i i j YHMEI C a lifo rn ia S u p r e m i C o u r

j u j C o m m an d s P r i s o n e r to

G ive T e s t im o n y .

Mild ■’*“the SAN FRAM ISCO, Sept. U

Paul '~The state nuiHrne r<iurl lale -J,}.- -4o<Uy,-Uiu)d-.a»-ordec_for—War^ liion den t ’eurt Ktnllh of Fo lum prIa-

en lo .li r jn t Warren . nilllng* Ikcu 'fiere tomoi^m fo T 'lh e Jiab#a» ;intk rnrp.oi bearlni: of Thomaa , J ,

l)i|. Itloo'oryi ^canrirled ef Ihc lOi'l , l)ut I’repartdneu day panuJe.

ti t . -Tiie high cuutk nUo comniai»le< BllliJigt.' convlctcd with Mooney. I

Srpetr here mnfr gJro-twClmmtr tJ ooney's efforts to gain hi* free dom on Uie groimd hc was sent P prison'on perjured testimony. - Juitke Cnuiici Beawell signed th

(irdcra on pctljlon ol M oonty's coun

* iC Warden .Sm ith was ordered t<__ bring Billings here in time fo

■ openlng-ol. the coijri referee’s ses JMiy J»!on a t JO s. m- t/wrMwrow.-bul.W-bi uscle Is unable lo do w> lo have the prls been oner p rrjcnfby 2 p, m,1 b ' Injonctlon Threatened

-Billings -had-tn rea trnedW “tlocl ho*, the proceedings ay Injuncllon un

lesi h t wns w rn Ittfd tn attend, ■ —The.coun prcuouaiy iiwi refu-ri

-TC. lo order Blliuies Ijrought here bu b,,,{JrBver*cd ’lt.i deeWon when Aislvi w td ' "n t -Attoh)ey O ehertl Wllllan , . . . Clefiy~roneiirr«!-m a -motion -o

M oo tleyfcounw r' .............—'“ Oeorge T, D»vl, ; Mooney atlomej

sa id-he planned to go to Folw>n «na-bringtmiliIFrT«<VrDnr-7.-ar

■ * ''' den Smith hlmulf may escort thiprWnlrijcrf:--------------------------

him- The supreme m urt al*o amiouiic . fell ud It-would-rtrnv’ an appllcaUon b; ttghrii^Se]-w iIiibfri;~ftt:quitted-TO =de

« l fcndsnl of Mooii’v.iiad Bllllni:*. fo lion 12118 expeniei foY uavcun t here b


r r g - ^ ~ A S 3 o c r A T E P - r t


LS D .lY dlQ R N IN G . SEPTEM BER 2-i.

i i s _ ____________

" " I— . . . .

' ' ' " " I "for ____ 1ire • ’ ,us, - ' as '■ —a f . • • ............. ...........

iiu. • 4 H i r ■ •

tie- V - ' ' - m . - . -f • . » i ■

en> , i e ^ g » £ / j g B | ^ ^ * J I B f *lion

i n a J ~ f ~ ^ ' ' • 'ao’i ■ • . -V vT Ir Jn -

IJ l e a - ,

AN E T H IO P IA N reg lm en Palace al-Addifl Ababfi nn llnile SolaR.«ile.—(/?) Photo.

i i i s i r a iK E s ;^JM lIO E U E folu- -

M l- P / B id e n t S e e s ‘B rlB h te i

.n u t . 'E c o n o m ic S k ie s , ’ S t ill

M any N eed y*n»- ■«' - _____

and •" WASHINGTON. nt^U Xi (-Ti- Lef Fftaldent Reeaerelt opened the fed: “ lM i-ntoblllaU«i-of-httm .n n e e ^

today wllh lhe aaiertJon "In spile • n r i t deflallely-bVUtiUr -economic Jan- iklea," the problem of welfare here serrleea. 'demands ‘lhe b ;tt" ot «iT. hnlli th f - fnyfrnmenl and private in. ajrnciea. y

8i>eaklnir from the sun-drcnchcf jign .'oulh portico ol ihe While Houjc t< 3an-|rtveral hundred i^slcgBlcs of weltari oUIe I organlzallona gathered on ih ; greet con- laan below him, the Preslticnl re. eing itemled ’'the sovernuieni Li wlUV anrt 'dnniJng a.i mplfliy ns po.wlble Iron

Uie field fil emeri'.'ney homo relief.aluR .U-l»r4ia-aiiirtcd.-maviiig_l’iU « « £

fully toward lhe Mitolltutlon o

» of "For the tlilrd Ume «e have thi ni>[)ortunltv. tare lo fnce," hr loli

” •*' CMlrman (Jw rtl Swope anrt tlv ri-Mj-gates, "10 ii!;de«' a t onrr thi »ut»tanceina‘smew» of-goveriimen and of private crganlied welfari

~ — ateneleJt-ln the MTv|co-of-the-le» fortunate of iJw-laHri..

Pra liti Welfare Record l I P •'TliS fuel t in t >ou liavc mnliitiilii ■ n ed your suiipon of ttslfare >.ervlce

with a sftrJnkage of onJy 13 i>er cm of the amount n b e d since 102S I

...■ir riiuitKaWc.-rnm-Rlart-io-kno*-llin ycu halted lhe r.'treut al tha t imln a K«r ago nnd now arc hcndsd onr ii;nre tow ard 'the frmit, I/?l ther be a general ndv.-uice from Hia point In the 330 cnmpaJgns tthlcl have been o-Rnnl*v’d for the niiiumi

iir, ol 193S."ale 'I he annoiinrcd iiollcy nf Hi- 4 t :_ miminLln.wltli'driiwiiiK i rcim 'iin rrl.- ------------------— — -----------;--------- ^ng» iCoptlniied on Pi^ge 2, Co! 3i

i | F O H « i, “ J! W a itk u s , in I re la n d . L ook

lo f o r N ew S h ip lo C om -

K s ' p le te J o u rn e yi j i t _____. __________

BA’ixnTnoBE. cr>;iiity Mast IrlJh Free State. Sept. 23 i.r . f> Ux-WalUiis., tha-aiictuw in.alfintti

„ n . Whr^^ solo traiisilUnllllc'TIIRnt end I •> ed iii a-forced landlnu In nn friii u-rH pa*iur*,--:taid ;t«ilBhi^iit:=l!'.-lit<l-t inii com nletcihls _aenni ]mim>-y- t

j l , i . Lithuania in a,new plmiu.llanr —inrow m W lJ-w a i-T l8m asn I” beI -o t yond repa lfw h^rn trT rashed , nea

- Hhis vlUafe-fiund*y_jr.ornln£.<'.'t«' ■ney, spanning Uia ocean m 22 hour: lw>in Tonight he was counting 'on Ih '.•ar=- nssuiance-irf-.the-peopir-of-Liiiiu the anln In obtalanlng the new mn

ilic- He expecUd to .remain »i th 1 by hom»-of a'Calho)lo-pri«st-here_ua •di?rTtll-t7m(?r rv»w before-Rolny-lo-Duli, for lln, ------e lo Mr removed Ibe'liulrum cuta froi

hU plana.

P ^ 9 3 - W E f f S P A P lE l t - C O J

________ ________________

A IL Y24..1'o:iG ~ — ;

rctaims *Qfl lice of Af Price~#nOff To Front — In Bare I

V- :■■■-*■* I f w 9 ~

unshntl almost to n man, is show: m its 'w ay to the f i 'o n l a f te r recei to.

S B o f a h A m i s

[F I n s a n e P .

I te r Constitutional Rule Twice Menaccd By

Party Attacks ,

w --------- tB y Jh e ^ o c l f tte d P r r « ) ,„ : . .the BOISE, Sept. 2.H — From

llf'-ire o f e x p erien c e in in te r n a t io n a l o t « in te«m ansh ip , U n ite d S ta te s

H cn n to r-W illtitm -I-ir-B o rn h o f Id ah o (on iK lii d c iiouncc 'd " in - p iir ti-ia n sh ip w’ h i c h

(arc [‘(iinetimeH pliiee.s p a r t y in- rcen'tt;a*stH above c o u n try " a s the rc-["RfciiiCii ilnnger” ihiil now bc*et.i

llh - con^lltuUonnl Rovtinini'iit. rom I -1 iim siienklm:." hi- decUri-d, ’ of lef,’ ;U a i ivirtlsaiuhlp ,whlch, under ilic :f/K-*hWr~nf parly Intereata nntl Um in-

of tailablc np|)ctTle lo r' political |»wcr------ l-dois not-ficiitale tti' naaall-our-moatthe 'esw nllnl ln»tlluilon.i, nubmrrKes or lold liakf* nuiiy the lib-Tly ot the cltUeii the nntl riiki. rnugh-fhotl ,ovrr the nn- the ilnnal charier ll-ielf.”

Spare. No-Creea------------. i _ , _ ihe-noied-suteim ttn.-m cntlon?<i

■ fretpiently ns n proipecUvc cnndl- dnle for the preislilcncy, hpnrrd nc iwllllcnj creed or faction In Ills 30-

„ i,;. minuieVnt'""* broadcasi‘ nntioiially Irom the living room o:

' j j th e little apartment he and Mrs I, I Borah occupy in a Boise hotel,

11..! 1 Into hli lirllllnnt plea for prrser' J . '. iv a t l l jn ol llie coiuillullon of lln

‘ ‘ 'un ited s ta lrv .h e wove an iipi>eii j ' for adoption of a foreljm Pollc;

;whlch •olfers peace to all natlonr, > polltlenl eommltmenta. express, o. I hnpl'ed, with •none,'' and .deplflrt! lhe prrsent maneuver* of nation •'toward another confllcl.”

‘T ’*!'” '‘‘’‘"’‘■y “;^i± ipB vii‘w iliic-tJic^C lvU w ar Un I Irmsi'l.iuilninfiiinl irn e li ot jicrr.nna

! liberty were lilveRnrded or per I" 'm a n m iy linpTlled,. local self«ROv L {rriiuiciit a'Viilleil, and nur free eon? I * liltuUniiiil KDvrrnmeni b ro itg h t'ti

Ilhe \ery vfise • of dcslructloi ( lin 'th n s iish jh e e ’t partisan, bigotry. I l y j j |no( *hrer pariusn xnadnffV he de

. na«ko fA »au lU------1 ‘"n ie'm u'.i vi'nhyiiBrBMK-ea-ot-lh'lOkS „„ p„g r 3, CoJ. 8).

V i s i t i n g F i g h

M i l l i o n s i n Iend-1 ■ ---------1

I NKW VORK. Sept. 23 f,TJ-Th !‘-W-.Bevsr>ndrr.rJc3tally-camc;itt»Ttnw_ i i : t o n i i i i L Z L _ - - .............—

- ; I t may be a million dollar- gatfo r'ih e i ire in c tm rx h en a ju ja -B iti light! but to lhe clilzens.and merch

’•''.'-f.i t n u 'of-thB-t«wM i was the_pttfof ‘’“["■'window to hraven, wlUi'tin'estlm at

‘' ’'; e d 112,000,000 due lo be lefl. be

____ ■ Op In Harlem, the Inriffnt denarimenl tiore tlld a iVndofflce buslncji

n n - ln pjnster east* o f 'jn e Loula. D ui,^i_A lliitOh*iiC6r;>.ccew 6rjrji;tori

.reported Mles of hlnoculnrs up 30 from p tr 'cen t. -

' Oa« eolerpculng holel manage

OMPLbTS----------- ---------------

N E .\. AaBOCtATTb in ts il__________

f n c S m i

e Feet

ow n m arch inK o u l o f th e Im peria l ?ceivinR lh e blo8.iin>rfl o f .E m p e ro r

is S h afts A t - P a r tis a n sh ip

' vs.L o u i s

ProVldJng a posKfi-e, eJftir »mS .accuraia,.lilDW.'By?blo?i'..teiwrt "t

'om the Max Bner-Joe Louis Ught in nrft ' Yjuikw fiindjum, Tiie Twin Falls

■ 'News' publls address'syalem will" lil’A’.. s a Jnf') _«ciiofi lonJgJit a t ap* ■nai' p r o x l m i t e l y ' o ’cldclcr'iocaf ,*n«| time. Tlie report preceding lha

, ' big battle will Include la#l-mln. i-O i- -utT"fttcts-nndHigures.—Tlie-flghfc- ‘jn - Hsclf. nworrilng lo .the promoter,„ h 1* MJicduled U) Ret under way by

■ ? " . 7 o'clock, allhough lhe length of in - preliminary bouta may result In th o i either an earlier or later sU rt- .,eu J«s time- Wlien the two heavy-

welKhtA cut looec before a rec- ord crowd In New York, a sUff of IlKht exeru a t the-rlngslde- will send complete deaerlptlons

J S :.; .6fi;fiB--5truo[lc_ovrr:^U itm n% wire* to The News where am-

-pllhers will carry- tH T r t i a r n B - * hundreds ol enKer fntw, lien ________________

s i i i i r :i m i P MMrs. --------

Presidential Approval Giver ;Sj $201,9frExpenditureSS, .. ft Idaho,.I or 1 _____^ttli-W AB H lN GTO N , Sepl, 23 OT. - uons pf,,.„i|,,iii„i npprovnl-of nn allot'

menl of letleral finidi-lotnllnKCOt. y — !H'i tor 'prcirkn-prozrnm project* lr -Ml''.,iUalic> ,’a;i.i nniiiainreil K^dny by ihi .nnal dui'inn ol npjillra'lloih im flinm r per- MiniKin,

Ta «(II tx- n.'IfM l« .m : "JIJ'.Uli'tliii'il tiy 'iiy>i'.'>i.N t'l. llie ptiij.-cl;

Milinillleil liy J. I. H'vod, Mali :tlo ii, fl.nri:, progrrj- atlmlnlMmtor fo t- >', Irin.ho,' • t he pfenldefitlal tUotmcal In

'c.'ii'rie’."ihe follow'lng 'projects;- - Ada eoiintr:.........................

[-(lie— ^^iRfjfj—rrnftvnte-K'htwl-build'

5). iCwiUDura on papc 2. Col. 0)

: h t F a n s S p e n d

N e w Y o r k C it^ j-The tl iiipjiljinK e^rr.v tftml of J l.« 110.1tn»‘ir.-.<:>{-Vi^-'a^Blaf ._ ---------- .Hr,m-iv.ny-iiii-l-TluiH*-5xiua;t-Wi:ri'gaU-jainrnvd tnniKht ni the frenry of i BtTCTT^lit-eraej^metmpolls *hrilled-;io-i irch* !cresceiidt> at'miifnfcljt. m i t , lloleU 'Al'rf tutnmK them away, a m a t- ' ra'ilrotiiK continued to report recori

U . i Uaflic. 'lliicrc were MOO jter*ons oi

IncM iwrtuim dll^ll.rlt^We^s drowned ou ■ orchestuil , '" . f " '

lo ris"'::M m’!r--ftnrt-leintim nle-lheAU rj 300 'hir«rcxira ii>ln r,% t9 KPep the stand

■ ini! togm tirknholriers ftom getUniiagei-fix3mricd;iii Uie'T®^. 1 ' -.I

------------- 10-P A G E S -------5 - C E t o a -

tnandM t o r y ^


7 S p o k e s m a n F o r D u c e

‘A b o u t F a c e s ’ A t

. G e n e v a

League Hopes Rise-(By Tiie Attoclntcd, Pre»s>

L O N D O N , S e p t. 23— Som<};; _ J i i m c t e r a J n jlu ro i> < ;!s_anx ipu8_

d ip lo m atic c ir c lc jf s a w a f a in t Kloam o f h o )« lo n i t ;h t f o r f u r- tlu ’r peace n e g o tia t io n s in th o • I ta lo -E th io p ia n w a r th r e a t .

1_ _ A d r a m a t ic - m id n ig h t a n - JiouH C cm cnt w/i.<‘ )7jn()e a t U e ~ n ev a by 11 H u ce 's sp o k e sm a n , J ln rnn Piim ixio A Io la l._ ,th a t A1ol»r* ”obMr>-atlona" rejecting the league’s peace plan, should not ne- cerjuirlly be considered “official.'*

~ ~ f i^ 6 ^ ? a ti ;ly 'o p tim is H ii ' tlipWP" " itm ^h f.ird 'Jb, aon>e ^uartera*.

tlm l MnuollQl. In lhu.i "about-tac- hip" on the official cliaractct, of Alolsl’s. remarks J o Chairman Ma-,

I dnrlaga of the league.commltlee ofI . fjvA.^lelMti'Mi.iU) th r pesfi-plan.I wished to keep the d t^ r .o f eon*I clllnllon open.

Other sourer*, however, aald tl Duce's sctloQ indicated th a t he wished to have no official relations

liberty or action." •• Aloisl’* ’obstfn-atlona > reported to

be tlemauds for a belt ot Ethiopian

I ASkba^and^otineeling the Italian colonies ot Eritrea and Bomaliland.

s r lotd] dUAnnament o t Ethiopia and plnelng of th a t nation'a army under Ilnllan command—Were character*

= iHd earlier by the BriUsh as "re* moving all iiope for conciliation."

_____ nrlialn-FraDce in Accord'BriUsh apokesmen characlerlKfl-

^ -lhcJinTBlTEden.«>''fef«'«a:**-=*’«n': M sailsfactory.'' and said It "realflrm*I I ed the mutt;a} dMlrc o t France and. r G reat BrlUln l a work together a t

-UiU.griUcal moment." Whethey that__ m eant poulble naval coUabbniUon'

was not divulged.TlJe newa Xrom flomo toM of »-

long contereMa between MUaolinI and Sir Erie Dmmmond, the Brlt>

1 Uh ambassador, whleh'fiavt rlN to apeculailon'In W tti' Brltlah an4

« Italian quarter* t i i ^ on Uw^po*'- ’■ albUlly- o l direct .nesotlaUfina.Jbt'r. ” iween lU ly a n il'G rea t Britain to '* -a£U ifi_iiit_cQniroYeny=«i,)e«Uni “ sofnr a* It rcacU upon Europe.I - -L S lcB rlc fw sented II Duce with

“ a personar messsge fronT B Ir'E tm ' I” uei Hosre, the BrltUh foreign aecre* !T tary.' r ~A siaerrfinrtliU .-theofnclanta lla ir , antetce dl*cJo*ed a new 3H blllJon .f lire appropriation for Ilaly'a coio*' “ nles and teniaUve preparations werei- I tConUlnued on Page 3, Col. J)I- - ■

IJ8UDIID1I0...f= -^S IW H R i” P r e s id e n t A dds H u g e S u m to

— -$900,000,000 S e t 'A s ld e

■■ 7 'I n W o r k - R e l ie f A c l -

| n .WA8HINGTON.-8eDt.,iS (fl>- The Works rrogresa admlnlstra* lion's cash register today rang ap

. . . an Rddlffonaf ts00,000.000 tttteaiSed io stimulate iU dragging tampalgn

--------lb” irtT5irer“ 35CO,CtlO-inaiTianil«-from lhe dole to Joba by Norem* ber 1.One ot'lhe Orst official ncla'of the

PrcJitlent, upon returning to tlie Cnpltnl from ilytle Park, N. Y» wns

,to nild tills fum 10 the J«)0,oq0,000 '“ 'fit' work-fdlW act lor

\,,'p ! Iran.' or Rrants nn noii-fcdernl>r-‘ luo.'*^4*— -•----------------------- ------

I WPA'-otflrlsU iold broad cuts In I itintls loAsuch aeilvltlM ns hlRhwav IfonMrueitfiti, amtf.- a v s i t ie cllmUi-

; I ntion. nnd 'ru ral r«<h»btluaUon-anil lrlrlcclrlflfftllt>n would l>e necesrary

' to obtain the 1800,OOO,W, in- So r te ik U o fa Venlored

n i l no aulhoyitatlve pretllclfonJII,1__s>-'fe ventiirert on )ii-it where the __ eurl-ilhr,‘'ni« Rould fiil!,) The f>n'slilpnt’5 ex^ullve orilcr

booMliig thtt total for WPA loans or ■' Krant/ lo ll.ino.OOO.OOO was based on

I . A provlilon In to e 14,800.000,000 . wnrki nel nllowlng him to use 20

J>er rrii! of the lotnl to liicn'ase any InthviiUrnl nji[)roiiHfttn'n'"If he finds

‘V II M .-fiin ry lo effectuate purposes ^ a L o L Ul^ J 'C t ^ _________ _____ _

m i- Irnm rriie! roll* to payrolls a t the.___of last vi^k. WPA fneed theturc fikAailcja-'.Kj’-Lrr''*'.*'.'* j” .;''!!*;'' )f a of tfflre than .84,09? jobs dally to lo-a ;^ a4 } tili fiJ{ o y « m b e ri^ --— .„

- Sa iiew-iyptwta o t p to g ita of tha •. a.1 drive wrre expccted befer«-ThuM.:ord- day:— r --------------— -------—— :i on . — ■ ___ ■_

fin- ITAtrAX TnS)Sa~TVREt;jtiU> out ROME. Sc^t. a tflV-ReporU

from lhe town of Ternie u ld to- Ura nl*ht-l*-pi‘i*ons-had-lieeiLldlltiliOt md* tnjured ln «-wrecic between motor ting and steam p v irnger tralM near

tbe Tillage of Ncrw --------

T 0 D A . Y ; F a i r

Page 2: · TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ l i M B i i PE lEMTDPlECT M achine Quns M

S H F ’nil irn nv nmni— 0«Wolfe-Hsp|iBroiesrTall<= =

w l h e t n d

- ■ K W B A aC IT Y . 8*pt. 21 (»)-D e*

bawtaU to the e n d .' -— Tljo-bl* TI-y*tr-old cw ned lm ;.

■ v h o u rew n in t voles boonwd more .I tb u i 10.0W Umw tJwt <lnun«Uc line.• 'the mighty Cuejr hsd itruck out," died of-hcart dUe»M a t a hoipllal a lte r dUmlttlng h li doctor th a t ho

. m lth t m d the iport pagti."Run a lon i while 1 *e« « h a t tha .

C ard! did." the lU 't in e i married , ■ndlo and ataga i ta r told a a attend- 1 log physician late laatrn lfh tr 'nK y •

~ "w cT e among J h e last wonU ipoken by the man who made (amouB the : recitation o( "CaKy a t the Bat."

____________ Tprnajo M a jlw ________

'At“0#lclBndrCBllftjrnlB, hls*ihrth wire, SJrt. LlUlan O laier Hopper, a alnger, dlaeloaed tha t the actor’i death had cut ahort plana for a

• motion picture career. She will fly hera and accompany the body to

--------A n-ariation en lhujla*t-h* ollenflew hw »-for-hli-rif11n appearancta

- • - H o p p e F T a a ta lk ed la r t n lg h fb f plant to Tltlt Mrt. Hopper by ptaoa.

True to the tramiloaa of a troup* ~ c r h« appeared'hera yeiterday for ~ I0 5 . w e e U y '& n d » r wlUTUifl'Ran*

— m o icy ■R B n n m - BympHonyzyi- thougb o b v to u ^ In dlitrci*. He had to be penuaded by frleodi to go to » hoapltal afterward. i ,

"Hit heart w u gone." la ld Dr.- H . •P rB ongtn ir------- -------------------

*lUi w u a tick body with a mind and tp lrlt th a t would no t admit It**

Bpum lnf a Uw career planned by hla pareati. DeWolf Hopper atep- ped on the itage and appeared on It

. fo r 57 y ean . ,-j::=r r , - - - •am W TtBlBWT--------T :

• Hla marital renturei Included a marrlace from IBM to IBM wllh Edna Wallace Hopper, "the pcren-

•nl«l flippw ." ni,hla m aniafea. In Interrfe'wa when ; th e tabject aroae ha parried quer* rlai.

Adversity only ipurred Hopper on. The flrat p ro d u ^b n 'ln w ^ ' h e ' appeared a t New Haven. Connec* ticut, October 3. m t , failed. Twelre years la ter he wta recognized u a brilliant a tar of the conic opera ^

H ffbetan-hla-fam out puWlo recl^ t Utlona of "Catey a t the B a r tn i m . i T hereafter he tald It ao mueh th a t h e laughingly remarked he probably would ba repeating the Unea on

— T isasM iis riD ora. -------------- --------' Onea h» aald: ,

“Where or what 1 may be playing. ~ " I -m u i tr 'b e f o r e tha evening It oul, !

come before the curtain and pitch lo , . 1

C a m r 'a H lib U ib U _ j_ For nearly 90 yeara the vehicles In ‘

'whldt* he'w aS 'S tarred 'wera~among *------ tba-m oat-popu!ar-ahow »-of-thelr ;

' t lm a and Included among others ' Do Koven^a ‘lUppyland.’* 'T h e Pled

— SIparA ^ ^U allnea Uol.'-revlval-of " R ' J t B. Pinafore." T h e Plratea of Peacance.” ."Patience ~ ''Tha Ml?

Thumb," "Ths Teomen of the Ouard." T r ia l by Jury," "The Sor- oerar,“ " Ih e Patting Bhow of MW," “Everything." "The Better Ole," and *-£rmlnle." He alao h u 'pUyed Pal- ataff In-T taa Merry Wives of Wind- aoT.’ and David in an aU-atar c u t o f - I h o Rlvala."“ m n e 'h b 'a lw a y s looked back wllh

' much pleasure' to* hla 'aisoelatlon wim W fhtr and F lrifa M r .a g ip tf once said tho t the period e f hU M-

: r te r which he held most dear w u th a t of.the Gilbert and SuUlvnn ro-

-vlvals.“I thtnk they ttand out u the hloh

llghta In my career/ ’ he tald. *'be-


[QbatlimtaTn)aT*w~ofl«~“□Ilnois mirtea emplo)-lng pregrct- alve Mine W orken ot America, and "a few" Kentucky mlnea not under

‘ union contract vere all lliat oper­a ted today.

MIhea In Pennsylvania, West Vlr- Slnla, Ohio, Indiana, T enn tem , Vir­ginia, Alabama and m slem itatea

------ wers 'dofc-n 100 -per-oent,-M urray- - declared.

Ther« was no immediate.prospect o f a coal ahortaie. A government re

. : p o r t . September T Indicated there w u a U -day suppl}'—about 0,000,-

. . 000 tooa-above ground. Although It w u estlmatM (hat tome retail

" . s t o c k s prdmhlyiai'ould bs'exhauited . flulckly, some utilities and olher In-

- . . dustrtal.-.concems.havejlx .monlhs' euppllw.

The sitlke. also did not a t/ect tbe . mining o t antbnclt« . or hard coal.

The wrious effect of a proloaged ahutdown. of aott c<HLinlnea.-how-

- '-e re r.'W M nofm liiim lted In Roi-enS \ ment circles, since tniwportallon

, and ottKr tgenclet dependent upon . - coal production would be vitally

foncenMdi*^McOrady r a s 3 r a nin » ! » K ew

Ihe.altiifttlon to one of Prenldent — Rootevelt't=aecttUulel.:buV:^<S=IHt- ----^ee-lho-Preeldenl personally-or-re- - f - quest hls Jnlenenllon.

T l*~M i!»lanriabor se m ta ry 'lbM' -.TGporters be had se n t.a menwran-

____dum to Harry L. H0Dklnj.,FS3^A dl-__ rec to f. suggesting th i i f i ia t* a i« c^

tors In mining ar«M be advised tb

of the strike.The government h u enimclatcd

a policy in recent strikes, th a t "no L‘ .‘!cni!''ilinll'slar t E.'‘ " — ""^.7^'“

^ ^ h e n negotlatloai, extending over months. «-ero beguo, tlie miners (Se-

— i h‘-' s t n d or tbe present U>hour week bu t la ter agreed to coatlQusnce ol

Comedian Summoned

F ' 'id; . '

he ,DeWOLFE HOPPER, veieran ol the ' American stage, d in of heart a l- -

■' U«k^-(f>_reotfche '

J l I d a h o - M u a i c i a n s ,

: >{ A r t i s t s I ' r o m i s e d

’ ] _ S h a r e _ O f R e l i e f

*to B018E.' fitpt. 33 GT) — R. J. rc-j w oodr-dlrwtor -of pro^ocls fOL. .

en ministration In ldaho , announced xa today that muilclnns and artUU bf In 'the stats' w urrecelve a share ' u . of federal relief money under a ip- plan which he h u tentatively ror la ld 'o u t .’ ’ '

~ThrprtJ«cU ,~lie said,- will-be-rt- ■ w m rm n a ie ic iu n ffT '^ -------------ad Just what part of the M.000,000 to In relief funds available will be . UKd fof tho work w u nol n -

vealed, but Wood said th e 'ln -"^ "a irausi ^ t » m i i u i w m iu tn

a t the rats of 1630 annuaUy.^ T h e n will be opportunities, I

am sure," ha declared, "for deco- rallve projects, murals and sueh

' “ work. In connection with new ■ and other b u M w wW<

|ii| have a chance to Instruct relief clients In the ir apeclaltles."


beH i B M B H M i H H M

Ive "i » MUECA8T FOR TODAV AND '« TOMORROW — Idaho: Generally . (sir- Tanday- and Wednesdey, but ^ wwinHwi TUraaiy IH muuieut"py»* U . tlon; warmer fontheast portion >at Wednesday.5lT _____

High and low temperatures yes” •_ terday u reported by the govem-

??■ menl weather observer wero 77 and Y ' t i degrees: there w u a variable ” wind and the sky .w u cloudy: bar-

omelrtc prcuuro a l 6 p. m, w u M.18 Inchcs and the humidity range. i9 and 58 per ren t ot sniuraUon.

m , ...Weather. a_year ago wm cloudy «lU»-a-Uac«-of-preclpilotIon—and tempeiatuRS of S3 and 43 degrees,

led ' _____- o f -------------------------------------- ----------

J ; T h u n d e r s t o r m s O v e r

“ N o r t h w e s t e r n A r e aor-11," --------If.** Adjacent w arn and cold air *i* masies, developing Into several min- •®T or pressure centen, have caused a

turbulent, atmoephera over , lho northern Rockies and O reat Basin, with resulUng thow en and Uiunder- Storms In many iilBoes In -thesc

c** low Is stUl located over (ho O akotu vas tonight. And another aifiiUl . low « - preuure area Ilea m tr western Won'-

Una, surrounded— colder air iBh maaset. or highs. The Mlsslsilppl be- valley enjoyed souiherly..wlnds and a r- high tem peraturu today, u thei

h lg h .p rw u rs . area of that_rejlon ' moved autw ard. W eather was lair

and cool 00 lho Atlantia c o u t. 'M u. Mtn. R w . Wibr.RS D«b4 n SS T c itir

caireaa* ----- u »• • T - Cl«rE S S ? J B ,SE i 2 " s . s i i ’ . 3 i " « ’• . « - " e , s r

MlnnriHU -.SS H .M CinrODubs ___ st .H Clfir

— PotlttUO____JI JS - lUlB*S- Ponuntf, Ote. ..n i t .» t l« fmd SI. L«uX ____** •* •"> C'**'Soil ljii« City,7S t l .01 luin

Ban IHrio ___ 71 «J .«0 Pt.Cl’y«r- Nin rranclKO ,S4 SI .ou c im

Kcallle ..... ...-M « -M Cloudy,1. Kpolijne ...___7] U ,og cloudy'If* Twin r t l l l ___77 SI 4W ClOUSy'Ir- W»«lilnil«B — 7J SI ,«* lies _________________


LEGION’S PROGRAMI It _____tail:Ud — (Contlnuad-rrom-Pat»One)::~:^'In- — ;------- ^ ------- — :------

sbslppi, clialrman o t- th « - h o u ia World war velcmns' military allalra! commlUee told th# delegates: . j

"People somcilmrs lalk o t taxing the profits of the n « l war. I'm ln-1

^ terested In taxing the proflla of the;iMt uur. Tlicn there won't be any

•'on next^Mir," pona l ly ____ ' ______


Ibia <C*nH i"ied:Prom -Pag«^h*)^^

(11-. relief was 'emphaalaed b 't_M rJtoo- rec^ KTOTTU one ol "ver>‘ special rea- l tb sons why iUl must cooperate to bring uiaa: p titats.w tltorernippo^baok’al-leul-

to the m » le\-el." '>tcd In addition to work provided by "no feder.a funds, Uie P:csMenl-sal4-h*-- r : - m u u p a tE c r i r ^ ^ ^ d e f tn j^ ^over crcu>j’;.ln aorlc provided by private

etBpIwers^ln^ tho Mm|n^^yea^.

eek. ployera reellee loday," lli*-Pr«ldcnl ! of Mid, " lln l ih iy again-mustvireatU'

help tn our economic sItuaiTon by

V w iri f 'A L L S DAILY

i I ta ly D Is o la l ira ‘Q ff io la l’ —

D em an d f a r S l ic e o l A fr ic a

A s P r ic e O t P e a c e

uIHItiiMd .fo r Iho ovaoiuUon-Dt■ port dUw.- ihmilrt-Ui»tJ?«C9a<Jfc


IWUsh Mavei W aichea - •

* ‘ '’O R ti B n iU H 'in rn n re B n n ra ira betwtm cabinet leadei^ defeuM

' mlnlsten and prime m ln lstsn Stan­ley Baldwin prtUmlnary lo toAor-

Inpeitan t-B rltish m lllta ry -tb n iiu were Imminent In the l» w d e r box" bounded on the north by the Ksdl- teiranean sea.

Already O reat Britain h u 'd o t ted that tea w ilh a v u t a rrsy of naval force, and tn authorlUllve <juarUi» no potilblUly w u seen th a l the war-

he shlpi would be withdrawn.- tondo iT S ourcarsa lO lr Eric had been instructed to " u n ^ lln a " what

- ba pm loutly to d lold th l Italian govtm m tnt about the fleet movt-

—1 mint*—th a t they were not aggres­sive but a recull of th e bitter cam- palgn-agalnit-Oreat->Brltaln*oon-

- -ducted-ln-the-lUUan-press-----------

Ethiopian Registers Distent

_ Diplomatic obMrven believed also that tha united Iclngdom worried

L about tha-Zgypllan and BudafljU*.^uiH oiurw lth-Itallaft-ifA ^m assm g

i tn Ubya. which borders on Egypt.I I and hundreds of thousands of othen I e eneastra ted -In E ritrea--w ithin striking distance of the fertile cen- , tral 8u<Un., _

E th t^ " ^ otflclaU In Addis Ataba >• retd-lnd lgnan tlro f-the-iu ilan fob -- ■iirv«wiB’n irO J « v a r* n d -w n B e a ) "cn iy" the Idea of giving Italy a I grant of rich Und to connect her

A Jri»n w lonlts. •

celred a t London reported EthlopUn , aulhorltlea a t Oonbar had arretted ‘ an Italian courier en route to Aduwa ' and tha t the Italian minister w u } protesting.

1 — •;


= T w in -JU li policfl J u t n M t r t : ported th a t nme new automobile

I tires, assertedly stolen from the H any Ssverln service sUllon tome- time Sunday night, have been re­covered.

,D Otflcen report th a t Ihe tires hnd II. been reported sold to a local used 01 cardealtr.

tn .

Posse Bullets Kill - - I f c l e a r j H d Studentnd FORK UNION, Va„ Sept, 23]lo - A n IB-year-bld military academy

studtnl.w u.kllled.accldentally.U to 'M today u he came w ithin the UnaK Ot (ice of a poasee dosing in on a

■ lujpected bank robber and killer, dy The youth, himself carrying a Rd |un-w ttft-thc-posa«— w a » -= m n t s. Wicks; Wellesley HUU, Idasi., a

tlilrd year atudent a t Pork Union Mlllla<7 Academy.

"■ -T h s-b sn d lf iu sp c c fw u upturn*' Identifying hlQuelf u J . H. Dougii-

erly ot ChafTottsjlvllle, Va., ha con- T eaeariU H T i5iicrttiario-ths-km =- Ing ol State Trooper W. R. Thomp­son In a holdup ot the Pork Union bank ihortly a lter noon loday.

sir ________________

te Landis Named Head !“• Of Securities Boar^

ow uew deal's original braln-tn iit, lo­in'- dsy w u eleclcd chidrm an' of ths il r securllles. commission.)pl Through IhU step, the IS-year-old nd former Harvard protestor, becama h e U ia 'f tv e m m in f |-I tm ~ p o U « n ia n on over tecurlly exchanges, financial i l f Istuet'and uU lliyhoIdlng-com pan.

New York fInancUl quar- » tera eame reporU broken had ac- I qulred much respect for the ablUty idy and fairness ot ths new chairman.


{-------RiaA._LalvlB,.S«pt_ J3_W>-’r tnI or twelve persons mlssliig afler ti it motorbost tilled wllh 39 plenlcken

craslied. Into a pillar ot a b^dge, wtre feared drowned today.


If. .OALLUP. N, M.', Sept. 33 WV- Ai’Piirently' entangled In a h e a ^

— volujia.potter Jlae..lKa.lliillaii,&ilA*. ert died todny In' the Mutual)Co.M company's mine here, r — ...

liM employment to the utmostlimit ot llielr ability'.” Ue added: ..

purchasing Power Increased x i . ' - “ChWlybecause-ot theatepeU ken— by the Rorernment Jlaelt during tlie

piiii lax. and a^half y e a n lo wvs hbiiiw"iMid' tarms.“ W 'b ring pricea Into a more tal^ adjustment, to make

Ing lh« r'JTneniAot-debt.easlcr. tomake t„ . loans to llldusln’<ds ftpd to the b»nks,-ihc arliial purchu ln j_pow r any ot itio m.v.^ nt the people h u gm tly

risen Iram the low point of 19U.•ThU meaw, th e re fo rr rt ln tr ttir

nation as a whole is better able to— iionirninn 5 T in v ttK ~ g in r o a T n p i

Ior six }T«*;‘a n iU l j a ^ CC a pretty good x lllng argument'for ^ all.of-jou-lo-c«rrrto-Hie-natlo«i—

■"TKTPresrdFrinpokrof "the groat task’t w unwd-by ih e - commUslon

__ fcr- jo fu rsbeu^ iy . and tald "thework rfore-talls-tlea I n -v e r r closely

100* wlthliie human.necda of every com-'ea- munlly,” ' --------.ring He uld Industrial life '‘creates new

Ihst lupport ot private «'elfar«' by "miLM coRie trom all th'oie whote

rffvetepmenl^h»v«*Hie«ntuated-the- 1*0- M6>4’roiijii'ia:ihe.p'rob'l«in^ of comr ■ ate munity litf.v , ,

In. his .rfPb--M»lil. there r a r TOnifflicat5^nr*m«riy oTlhole w fij lent gave Ken^roiii'ty Insi je a r can-give atU' more eully -fod more generousl>-

•by Ihla.year,**----------- --

t Y - N B W a r T W I N - P A U a r f f i A H

1 {BR€VITI€S]c e . —

PsTtnU e r ‘ Se»-M P. and Mrs. ■V. B. Bharp, H anw n; ara tha par.

— tWH. yitSM Sy f>r t th t Montooth m a tatalty hooe.-

""V iaria-low B isC apttln -p .-W ric-- Roberu. Twin Palls poatffluU r, and

_ Mn.

Grange lo M ee^-Tw ln PallsS ' Onnge will m eet tomorrow eve- X ' n ln ^ l= » ^ l< f e l t= a F - m - h<BMrof P.. D. J. Koenig. 399 PWirth avenue

• .............It-

lloie Stolen — T heft of garden . hose w u reported to police yetler-

« dty by Ben Rcndahl. 1303 Kimberly road, and Sturgeon McOoy, 931 Elm


VlsiU In Colsrade-^M n. O. M, ad Mcg3tvaln U ft Bunday for Rocky lat Pord. Colorado, to vtslt th a rr^ o r an about two weeks wltH-BH T llU f ina 's - two nlects. - ... . \H- ------. . . . ,n* ItulrumenU S to U a -A t i t of tur-i **’ 'g lcsrin itn im en tg .'tak « n -t« police*— -staHcn-atlef be ing^found - o a a n .

u h pile Bunday, Were claimed by Dr.] 0 . D. Weaver yesterday, otflcen re-

Iso port.led ' " •»• -Pledged l l j r r a U r a l l T ~ Walter ng w eIU-nan>een-pled«eiH9-Pbl-Del' pt. u Theia fraternity a t Alleghany >n college. Meidville; Pem uylrtnla. iln to. word received by. hisn- psrents, Mr. and M n . B. T. Wells.

b ( Al License C outer-^M arrlage ll- ^ canscs .w e n js iu e d . a t Twin PalU ed county-reoorder^e-^ofllee-ywlafdsit' a lo Jsm es Baggett a n d Ethel Btlmp-

lOQ. bolh ot Burley, and to Xd- wtrd P. Say ot Pocatello and Wan-

. da Aslelt of Jerom e........................

^ AtUnds' Montana School - Ray- mond Nisbltt h u «one to Bom-

^ mtn, Montana, where h s will at- " Und college. Ke w u accompanied

by M. B. Holmes, resident of Bote- man. who had been vUlUng hU son,

— M .* -H e lm ee r-J r .r> a -T w l^ llt .—

~ “ D ^g n e r ‘V U Ita^M n. Mary J. :S McAvoy. Lot Angeles, en ro u u to

Pullman, .W ashington, w u a gueil— Ust-week^at th e c o m a of,M r.,and :e- M n. O, E. Calvert. Mrs. MoAToy It lie a designer and Instntctor In thi he Loe Angeles school of flower mak- le- Ing for women's appasel.____

Enter H oeplU t-^atlenU most re­nd cently admitted to th e Twin Palli «d county general hospital wire MUi .. . Luellt Relnke and J . L. Morris, bolh . . . of.Buhl; ciyde.,8now ._M urtau ih :— Mn. U6nBt M ttk ty . HfI.- C llffBm

Boyd and MUs M arU n T um ir, ot Twin Falls. All were lurglcal pa-

i f ' " - - . '_________Among Pledgea-Among tbe Twin

m Palls studenta who entered the Un- Q* Iversltj- of Idaho a t Moscoa.- tWs .to fall u fn thm en, who have been ae 'p ledged 'lo -fra iem iaes-are:- Mlks li Sawyer, Delta T au DelU; Jack

Osgood, Lambda Chi Alpha; 6Un- , ley Stafford, Phi D e lU 'T h eu : H -

wlnXlo»-d. 8lgmtuAlpha-g»t>lon.«-

,n PatlenU D U m U sed-M n. W. M. Moore, Kimberly: Mrs, Nancy Me- CsU -ind-M rs.-neta-C )eator,-Buhl;

11- Mn. P. C, ChrUtensen. M n. Velma n- Henderson, William , Oration tnd 11=- EttebSH-BBltlarTwtirTallsrand-Mrs.- P- Clyde Rosa, Eden, aU turglcal pe­on iienls, have been dUmUsed from the

T»-ln Falls counly general hospital.


^ — tConUnued J r o m Page-One)------

^ O peraton made no a ttem pt lo work w, Ihl mines.

Ohio—Coal mining virtually a t a }]d ilandtllll as 30.000 aiwwereti strike HB. ctU. Union otflcUU. planned drlvi an to cloee-number of re ia ll 'p iu - to Ul Coihocton reg ion.-uslnf non-union n- Ubor. • - ----------- ----------------

Indlana-Approxlm ately <i00 Idli. ir- m inoU^Unlon offlciaU claim 39,- ic- 000 men ori ttrike ; rival progressive lly m lnen m America refuse to unite m. with U .M . W. A rm walk out except

in one;case.M Tennessee—Union which clalmi

between 10,000-and 13.000 memben asserted none.wMlwotklng.ln.KUth-

“ easUnl and e u le m Tennessee.\ Kansas—Union headquarters tald 3,000 m lnen affecled hy ttrike order. /W u h ln g lo n --8 U to -n n io n calls

< .000 men from*soft coat fields.,, Montana — Approximately 1,800

)men and 30 mines afteeied. strike leaden aasert.

I? ' Tfot A Wheel Will Tum" —Colorado—Wllh-many-mlnaa-nor- mally closed Mohday. etfect of ilrlke no t readily determined. Presl-

= r dent m n k H etterly of District 15.U.M.Wj ^> decUred "not a whMl

“ I will t u m " 'u long aa strike order Is • In effect.

Nejr M exico-O ne thousand mln- ^ e n a t-R aton and.Dawaon.Tepotted Jie answering call. Mlnea a t Gallup rt: ivs ported working.tta ' Iowa-—Alt 8,000 tinion m m e n .rtr ike p o rU d u responding 10 strike order, ike V irginia-B ettreen 7,000 and 8,000to m lnen tills.-----------------------

« f - K entucky-About half of -the- tly sUte's 39,000 miners reported idle

most Harlan county mines scenes ;ftffirf-pMt-dlsordera. working. • to Oklahoma and Arkansas—Vnlon

^ mining radius fTom Pcrt-Sm llh;

* ^ ^ h * b e k o ta -O ie r a lo r sayrTlg- S iltoT n tnera 'af not included^ In orn»^ » tlo n i itriklny,

— MOTiVE SO U G H T-tN =^^ -Z J I lY S -T E R lp U S fflM (Oontlnuei! Prom Page One) •

— n ln g - to - m a d r ic H tO r ib c -p o it? . o tficerT he-le tter^w u-m allsd .— -

Inveitlgaton announced thev had .,ii«H^wfM.twQ_wQuntl«..on..nw]jl- son^ 'head. IndictrtSrUiB hnd bftn titudnoned.-O ne-ear-w u cut. ThU

ul>- utrenglherted one police theory rob­bery might-hate been the motive.,

\aO rT U S 8 D A .Y. MOB N m Q ^

r A S Q m A IM S S H A F T S A T -


n . (OopUboxI f n n Paf» Cnei

^ IwAt

iMsed aside In tba Interest o l party.- One ean hardly mentioo a prlnotpta

o rT JW n a w n rw n tc B - ltir -B o t-E t^ some U ae la our bUtory luffared by

3h u e rsr beea made u p o tt* tb e* n '

„ p n n s oourt o l th i 'U n itM 'S ta te i 11* h u been made a t the behest, or e ; under. tba-lasplraUoa-oc.<lirecUon. f 'oTum ilO llllearpaH y for what «<a

regard^ u -p a r ty advantact."In the early 1800's, the Dtmo-

c iats -th en passing under the name en RepuUlcans-bsgan. an a s u u lt on ■t’ tbe court which lasted for a decade. ’>1 'I n ths ISM'S and'early 70's, the I'n Republican party began .an a su u lt

upon the court, unfounded and In- difintlble, mallcloui and vindictive,

SI, all In the vain effort to make the ky court a part ot th i political machine ^ iHdTtff-compel it. to sirve party

Party Olclatonblpi‘ "I do not think tt an exaggtra-

„ 1 Uon-to u y . th a t. bad. blind, partisan-. »n-ihlaJ>td_lu way ln .that.perlo<l.our jriw hBii theory o f^ a n tm a B tT w itn t.'! lU checks and baltnoes, would have

been radically and perhaps per­manently changed and the concep- tlon bf personal liberty, aa. knov.-n

,i , anH-fhyrtthiaIV cans, wdiild have been swept aside■i for decades. If not for aU time.------ »111 -W t tslk much In these days u about d lc u io n rh T re a n d ' abroad.

We have had p u ty d lcu io rth lp in II. this country m on than once —' a IU dlcutorshlp which respecta neither X theTlghts n o m r ivtletes-ot-the c ltu 5: Fen n b r t H r f c s t “ p riH «pifi-b r d- consilluUonal law. Every pollllcal n- party In power In this c o u n ty tends

to betome a dUUtorshlp, a ad If ll- lemi lni long w m h .ln.powe t.wlth. y . lU reta lnen and pro-coniuls. and « . political satraps, becomts to In fMt.

Thoti who oppw i Ita measures or ed polleiet or decreet are denounced u e - renegsdes. Insurgents, and ouUawi. in, and are driven, it pottlble. Into po-- llt lea l-nrtle.-8ochthtn |i-eaa-be-tnT

dured and to somi extent, pichaptJ. must be endured.-ainoe pohUcal to psrtles seem to be. a p a rt of the a l system of free government, so long od ac.UMy-relate to ordinary measiirta. il or deal with passing m a tten .

\ \ party Bage le Be Feared " It U nol ths cbanges which come

' u ths r itu li of expi^ence and dls- passionate conslderailon upon the

Ul part of the peopU which w i nied Ul fear. I t U the change* which are ,Uj brought about and put Uirougb or h- detealed in tha midst ot party rags n t ih a F w ^ m a y ^ « M ] P f M i;= = := - ^ o( "Few ot our people, tf any, fall J . to realise ths strain which is now

placed upon our constitutional sys­tem. Few, a any, I venture to be-

.1. Ileve, fall lo tmly a p p e la te what n . lU preservaUon m iao t to the ir cbll- il. d n n and Ihelr chlldren'a children, n And, if in ths consideration of these llo mitler# which will relate lo tbe ck essentUl principles ol constitutional 1- goveinment. we can have the un- i . uammeUed and uncontrplletl Judg-- met of the -A m »T lcaa -p*^e .;jh*

changes -w hlch-m ay -be-m ade. orU, proposed and rejected, we can c . safely u u m s will no t Imperil ourll;. chJldtea'i-heflWgc._______________

"What I have tald will be con- Id sldered no doubt u impolitic. Bul'

t i not be disputed In the light e t eons- 18 tiluUonal hUtory In the Unlled 1), s u i t s . Whether DemocraU or Re­

publicans, when we approach die problems which Involve our system ot government, we are AmerlcansI

Msneoverlng Toward War ,R “I t seems loo probable now that

Europe Is to have another war. _ While Ihe world U tlruw llng to

break the deptetslon brought on in rlt a large m eutire by~Uie~WorTa waiT

nations are maneuvering toward an-1 other conflict. ThU situation also

ke bring! up the question of eonttitu- VI llonti government. I I we permit our- to se ln e - ,tb -b e -d raw n -ln to -an o th ir on tonlgn-w ar or Into a policy which- woutd-ingsge-us from Ume to llm i J l. in the baardous enterprlae of un- S.. covering a g re tso n , or chutU lng ive tupposed national culprlU, we ahall Ite Inevitably experience In time a :pt change In our wtiole structure of

government, mi ,?The framers of our government u s wer* also the authors In the f l n l ' h ; |n.<tanc« ot our foreign policy. They

‘ believed lhen.-u-M ny"j>ebple 'be- ild Ueve now, tha t the foreign policy er. of a popular government ahould be ills u free from foreign enlanglements

u Ihelr domestic policyK-thai the 100 former U as essenlUl to the vital lk« liberty of the people u the lalter.

People ler Peace “The more nearly the power lo

b a v r peace-or'm al«-w ar* ls-under » the control of th t people, the more « • cerUlnly wilt 4here be p eace ._n ie

tatetul situation In Xurope tonight irUes out of the fact tha t thoes who

“ must mtke the tactlflee in ease war In- ry r- r^ * " -* - . ' ' _____ =t r t - J— — ^

E A tte i Potato I

Ion I • ' ■

i l ---------- C A S S l * ^5 _ z i z c o m T S E s

6 11 All ( G r o w ^ i l .C p u r tTHURSDAY, EVENIN

_ - ^ ' ~ A t 8:00

IDAHO VEGETABL >itr. . — B y -E .N .lad -----------A r f d c a

i f e - ------ - - :tr - :U rg e ^ A tt« n d « !«^ ---- ------ --C A 8 S IA -C 0 U H

R B P T g ffB F .R g j .

r . . comat.'!haTe no velea aa te whsthar ’ thtra thaU ba piaee « r war.

IP "Durlnf tha clotlng dayi ef tbe seatlon. oongreta patted a Jolnl ree-

' oltiUon unmistakably ..pointing the ^ ceuns of thU natleo b i th e evtnt h» U U e n i ja m u .x k w an . In taehnl-

^ 'V u t eVin to, lu Import and lu t t p e p w ate-eleai-aBd^immUtakable- by U pUlnly -dlielceia tb a t U ts the in. pouar of u m niUan ta rcmiltt i lw r l i i ro n ia a 'fo r e im -v i rg ^ . tn - p u u iy

marka-a-nUaetoaa-tn-our n lu rn to e i th rlong -o tabU ih id policy o l thU or govammant—‘peace, commerce, and n . h<^M{.frlenjjAlp with all natlot i s -

^ n r m PeUey Heipaus "Notblng contributes to good

undenUndlng b e t w e e n naUons Is. more Than a firm aod wiU-deflned tje tortign policy.a t T h e h opu entertained tha t the Q. p e a t war w u to give u t a new re, world bavi not been realbed. We l,e are compelled to thape our course Q. in d determine our' policy in the

m ld tt.o l a lfa ln but little different . . f to m jr b a u h e z j r n t j r l u a our gov­

ernment w u orgtnlied. The weight of annamenU U heavier now than

a- a t any time In recorded hUtory. a-, except In the midst o f war. Boun- ur dary lines are yet unsatmsctory. tn ■ n ie lu ie 'T ^ llp a tttlW 'k n d 'th e de- va mand for te r r l tw are lllUi dltter- r* enl than 190 y e trt tgo . .We thould P- nol h u te n to abandon old policies

once eccepted as wise until r e are ! : 4 * ^ ' <>j <<ftlonshava.cbanCTg3SSEg le made thoae pdlcies necessary. - ^ - ”^ 1 1 » it« to preserve aa well u r t create.d . ’T he foreign policy which offers' In peace tp all nations, pollUcal com- a mllments, express or Implied, wllh

» none, may nol be perfect. Bul It U

iT ie ir g o fe m ^ ~ p io S e ^ E n ^ lH y « l which h u yet been de^-ls«].'’ ds • __________ ■ •

^ NEW- A lbOTMCNTS :i- FOR PWA PROJECTSor“ (Oontlnued From Page One)

»■ Ing. Federal fundi, 1117: sponsor'sB*- c o n rr tb o t lo n r lJ i i j j j^ ;— -------- rps Bann?«k c o u n ly :M ^ .- jr - «1 Oontiruel 3,39 mllw of Match he creek road. Federal funds, |733l; og sponsor's conirlbulion. 860S3. ta . Downey—Reecnilruct can nn wa.

ler supply spring. Federal lunds, 1440: sponsor's contribution, 1389.

Pocaiello-lmprove one mlla ol ne U rk ln road. Federal fundi. $881; is- sponsor's contribution, 1804. he Bonneville counly: ed ' Idaho Falls — Construct sewer. n Federal funds. I18J41; _}pon$or's or conirlbulion. ll3.tUr- g £ _______ Park for Caldwelt________

Caldwell—Construct recreational ’ p u k . Federal funds. »3094; «pon-.‘ sor's contribution, I3M0; construct 'K. ft/v-lf lr«l1 tpnm nnrUT_l|ff)H^ tr. ,7 union stock yards and processing

plant. Federal tundi, t3D8«; spon- tor's conlributlon, I74M.

Iw iral funds. I i l 82;-tponsor's-eontrt- «1 button, 1330; landscape tchool n - grounds' and construct reulnintf g- walls. Federal funds. (2S7D; •j>OD- n*' lo r's conlrlbuUon, t > ^ . or D m on eotmty: in Glenns Fcrr>'-^onslrUcl ' side- u r wallu. Federal funds. SI020; spon­

sor's contribution, tl39S. ~'Praiik!ln''county. '

Weston—Improve streets und slde- “ walks. Federal funds, M6M; spon-^ w m ?hifibu iio tirW 53:----------- :—^ Jefferson county:” Lewisville—Improve streets and * ' landscape two acres for park. Fed-

eral funds, 11310; sponsor's con- Irlbutlon, »71S.

Roberts—Drain RobcrU slough. Federal lunda, IIOISI sponsor’s con-

.st irlbutlon. 1809. ir . -Owyhee countj-; to indUn Cove-Iraprove IrrlgaUon ■ nr^ai»m erttitchrP«derem undjrlt9S9r iv-*sp5nsot's-eontrlbull<mr-l8lfc.-*-r

I .Marsing-Deepen drainage dltchcs I ..I ln Gem IrrlgaUon dUlrlct. Fedemt y.JIuntls..|lW20; tponsor’s conlrlbuUon.

' i l 'wiison. P. 0.-BUIW flood con- ‘v iro rd llch and# connecting roail to

highway. - Federal - funds,. $1310; sponsor's contribution. MOS;; - - . Twin FalU ProJecU

all "T w in FalU couniy: a Destroy noxious weeds throughout

of county. Federal - funds, $14,149;sponsor's coniribuUan. $2718.

n t Buhl—Replace pipe in city mains, ret Federal funds. $3336: sponsor's con- ,ey tribuUon. $3150.i . —Caallelord— Reeonstruel— grade,- i~ Federal funds. $3U7; sponsor's con- ^ tribuUon; $1121.^ Hansen-Improve streets. Federal P funds, 1143; sponsor's contribution,

m n . - ...........Ing. Federal funds, $874; sponsor's conUlbullon. $407.

1® Twin FalU -Renovale machinery U r ana equlpm entihedjrpcdtral fundi,- VI $sa8; sponsor's contribution. $1291.■ho. Ws4hlngWn counly: _ - --------Iht weU *^-PIlM concrete 'arountl ho IMO feel of pipe. Federal fundi, rar $g)0; sponsor’s conlributlon,.|^ll.


W D - M P r a f l O K A - — -

BSIHEETIWOu rtlH o u * ? , .B « l e y , H a h g . - ;- _ [IN G . S E P T E M B E R 26T H;0&'0*cl<Kk;-~.' ■■ _

B L E G R O W E R ' A S S ’N .

N . P E T T Y G R O V E , P rc«W «n t.„ - . : . t : i ) e L 0 N G r E x e c u l l v 5 : S e ^

n c r « f ‘E v ery < } ro tv * rr-:rrr= :_ :— ^

J N iT Y C O M M r rr E B -------------------

" Kellogg Resigns From 5; International Court“ o tnE V A . a n a t n - K t a t b .

K tllo g l« lA iiio lc« iii« tc« iia> -

II, intomaUonal JusUoi.^ < Although th e letter of rttlgnallonr r j5 n n io fle d 'T O iro sr 'W u flU ii» 5 « r S ^ < 1 I t Impottlbla tfT the

^ cUto to 'attrilil M ffldiu'or th< court. ^ UN League had antlclpaUd Sei- Jd lo g r t r«>l«natloo lo r tome tU a O * ^ _ Ing to Uw. Indifferent iU i« of hU— -------.,r :T v ;— , - .

ja Improvement Slight rt In Lewis’ Condition« MOSCOW. S«pl, 33 OT-PIotI. w cUns allending Senator J. Hamll-

ton LewU of minoU noted a tllght s« improvemint Id hU condition to- « night. ,nt They u ld hU condlllon U tUll ler- V- lous.-howivef. . - bt ’The American statesm in w

stricken, with pneumonia during a y- vUll in MoKow. n- .•y- " ,

Unfversily Appomts IJ New Assistant DeanfS

It —MOeCOWr-IdahorSept. •77 jrT 7n)t'M K j'^r:3aih53< iiS Jn iir tratlon announced loday the ap- pointm^'nl o l Protestor' H.' B.~Lal- tlg .a t aaslilant dean of Uw college

™ ot aifrlcuUure: " '»• , He succeeda Dr. C. W. Hunger- ■h /ord. who will glveJiU full lime u U vice director of the experiment ila - M tlon and-graduale ichool.-'nie new- ly assUtanl dean ts an idano'graduaU

ant^ has been a member ot the fac­ulty since 103S. He U a professor! of agricultural educaUon.

- raH T i^S i^X

at I/ m . ^ v e :

'v m i# / RK

0- ......... .- •

: • ............. ' .......................... ..................-

■ H i


V "dl, < » i \

H i

n N E W H O M E FO R C A F E

• t —. Owners of the City cafe, u i0- Main avenua e u t . a re prepanng to


Ntw Xra~tbo«.$hop whlch.yaat«rday n opened.tor bunoeaa In IU new lo­i r H M ttnrni— IM —«hoabooa— e u e e i- M north. _____________

t. - - '1- ■ _ _^ yrinm m T TiTrrn.iinn in-

' To Classify In .........n iriiM iiniJH iaiim w illliia!.

\ ' EQUITY IN 4-ROOM HOUBE.It chtap, 131 3rd Ave. W ait.>• - -

r- POR SALE^-CONCORD bRAPES,— $ i:b u . bring cbntainen, o n e mile u solVi, 1 west, >i soulh, 4 west of a South Park com ^. O, W. Brewer,

phone 0384-J3.

-------------------- - 1 ------

I. " I l f r i 'u f

> fresh longer, thnnhs iolhetrtaMiTnxtaxin ■..

|- B a l u n ^ P o w d e r

r ' * * ■ ____ _ '

T ^ O i d K h a r t ^ ^

? | - t U B R I C A T I O N ~ «

X c S ; ;^ E L T E X _ a i t < ™ W S s . i T » T IO M S M

i I?:* Ifmi m

E L T E X Strvica Sutiou i T .e .y .o u .C H £ K * C U A R X — _ J>rication, u a u r in g ^ o u th e I t i H T o i l o r g r e a i e a t

V E R Y l u b r i c a t i o n p o i n t

\lhculei^ lA S T -

Union Pi«iflc b u te t UKe you------ sw K tly a n d .itn o o lM y E ii lu — ov if A m erica!! sK oftait i l k ~

te n o n h ighw iy i. Vou follow th e l e e n k m ld -c o n tln e n t ro u le . . .a p e rF « c t( i lg h w « v

I (hal cu lt directly (hrouffh iKi f im o u iR o cl(Ie t...R ca lco m - f o ilii yours, to o , In new , td -

___v ince-type ilr^ m lln e b u ie i,Frflqu th i’H a l l^ e fc id u le i . . . Libeii.l itop ov er end rehim prlvllegei.


Call o r d ro p in a t our con--------- venlent dow ntow n d e p o t for

com plete travel Informstion - Thai* I t / o l courta , n e e b l i - . .

. gallon for this friendly Kelp- l \ w service. .

, ; i •* ............ - ................

L o W J A M r i A I T

S A L T l A K t * *■.*?

L D tXVEIt . . .

' O M A H A , i i

- ^ C H I C A G O - i - . ^ * ^

^ - H I W - Y O U K 1 -

UNION BUS DEPOT---------------

V41,Sho«Iione N o rth

" ■ - ■ p i i i i i i ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ -

Page 3: · TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ l i M B i i PE lEMTDPlECT M achine Quns M

gEBGIWHISK±BI6GBI§111“ T T B a n l z a l l o n — H e a d - P o l n t i

J ~ T u c t i b n

:----r— »T/^«itTMnTnW. B—L O liT>-A^ R lu m e t U ii^ fe t N |i i r Indn^rr

to (U fnonnikl i>Mlli«n In th« in- la r n u r iw t t t Ihe UnlUd 8Ul«^- Jhroujh IncKMtd aerMC* • “«<■ itietiU fer 19M w m reeoom m art

^ t s the t a r a adm lnlstntlon «nc«r tid e y .b r Clietlte M. Ke»t-

ntx, pw eldtnt ef the N tH ow Ik e t G ro n e n aw oclilleti.'

K earney » td Uie r o M r i *re «m------- ctnM4 tha bm e eerene lUot- m entj lor aeart y t u . He e * p lil«

the Co#UBM*Jonei fup ir eonlrx net set * clom«Uo quota o t 1A50,0C ions annuftlly end li i« in 1B3» dt mwUc KTowri produced MM,« tonA end the uU m sre for ttili y tt

-------T n r e o u n ’;3W,ooo-t«iu.-----------: =

••U » lll be K»iU5y Men thm unlcj ncrenge alJolcwnU lo r 1030 nr« m«

-------- (edaltiL )ficrja iK iL l2 ierc ,l!J!D i^--------j r e m tru i a r tn r M u i jusnr

in the UnlKd. flttttfi. during tl Uire«-}'<M' period covered by it: control »c t >111 ftpproaeh Ihe tot: ttmount conte:n?fi»{«J bj' Congrcifsaid KMrhfSV -------

G row m Lc»n Backvud

-------— He-xKtoA-Uiit ni^rarlf<) »£«aim m ort Inatancci Iraa been undci

- planted due to growers kanir Snclos'ttrd • In nitempifl lo conip

^«ith rc g u b tlo n so n n h lc h Ijcncl »re mBQ«.“ ■ _ -

• 'la«n torie» or boei iiig ir are d minutaing to the point thnl tbe ti du»tir no longer occuplc* lu norm pMltlon' In the fiugw murU t of-tl inilted-Statci^Bld-Kotini#)^.-------

• ri?S I33ft«n-vhougli the lull cri. - of 1^W «)0 ton* Is produced ne

yeor "It Is probable tha t tho Indujt will no t be In im ldon. ta tcli i

m aintain Its norinul r t« r \e siockJ

“To m eet thla situation m ur th a t gro%<n be permllMd to pr duce becia cn admHoail aereai iu tllc lcn t to rcAtore tlie industry

. J l» normnl . competitive .poaltloi fttid Kearncj-. "We believe t. JonnS'Cosdgan *c( cont^mpUlcd

______ jumtfttmum^the.matnttnflDCt of_opfi^ucU on^^^ltlon

(lo this would do no violence to t principles ol thfc act."

O rerwaa Qnelk Euflkltnt

The National Beet Oroaer.v lum cUtJon'a rwomBJrtiiJiiDt'ni w bm

•-*- - - Vtd 1)7 Kearney to t!ie AAA al 4 , urRcd "tliere be no Increiiie In W

quot.ia of o'-ersc.-vs_*ugar," rn d jl: »ufflclcni”ti« t augur la available

United su te s lo r the rcai— -------year._____________

Ren-’CMntath'ca of beet lufiar p; - —■—— p tw .s ji:<'t today iplih~AAA-su«i

In dLvii.'j ftcrenne and mti ■ KciiMR-iilloimcht'b\tl there wns

----------- lr^itratlon-of-th«-prORrtf»-of-Uv«lL-cu‘.Mon-v A m w ln c lo inrlu crowers repre.vniatlvf.^ lA pl.mii lor tomorrow.

Tlie Krowr.' rf<‘onim^ndeH at!la: r .i'.;a;rhy the Miwr wctlou o! d:

L-^luccn jrovvcrs and procc ,ior;i over terma oj purchase co tr.irt.'; wJilch occur auminlly.

--------------T he.. .. ,by, thr.c dljputes

uTiil'A' lij :iinces. rcaMkniK-Wlfiia ri.\l lo w s lo the prodUftTS.

“ C o n n n g Et>en5r

Til- M. B. and 8. club v.m m« At the home o l Mrs. A. J. Rcqt Wedncad^y afternoon a t 2:30 o'clo(

• Members arc requested to bri donations of ]cllj-, fruit anrt )a for » 8ho»cr.

~ The~GcI<len”~\Ved(llnK jQtleen tertain a t # poi-IticK dinner Jiwjor of M/. and Mrs. Joe KoeJi: Thursday afternoon at ! o'clock

r the Melhodlsl Episcopal church pa lora. Each, woman Is requested bring .'Uindwlches anrt a coverecl dt

caKe or'pieTThosc from 'out•of>lo^ will be privileged to Invite thi drivers to the dinner.

The Blue Lakes Bouievarrt cl will m eet Wedneadjy aftemoon-ai

---------- o’c lo ck -aU th e -h o w e -o t-iu i-A ,Rutherforil.


MOSCOW. Sepl. M - o f the t S tudenU -tak ing e»amlnollons English, only 30 have qualified fake-the second, or pmflclcncy e

• • MUler. head of th . BnTlisb depaim ent. Thoee paaalnt ilu'pronclcn

--------- Bxsmtnatlon—will- be -ptlflJeiwi-omlt one semester of frtAhmtn m lUh. • ■

T hoie from lotithem Idaho w ----------htH>Tgradf»iireHeleB-Ma

-----------f>ertT—«nd-llarol< t-O uth4av-c<»


^ » o sco w . -.1 - C i tr a :

iiA* iKcn dioj^n a mtmLcr i f tii

III ■■— C a p i t n l i a f a A t t c

H i m) in ts

E s o t i i J k ^ w l R i ' l loiuki i i 5 t f t y y j . f r r ^



Jt'^do^ MAJfT prom ln(nt*-nrnTi were IMOOO ‘ (-'erporallon annonneed p lant fiI w r Gcorje W. U uithl

. , lAojrliUn SIrel Company, and i


g tl.c . . ■ . ~


mocr^ b ., tM O r .‘aninit I . J y ^ O O L -:oniply 4 W . ! v rjcncliL J ■ ■

ired i-be tn - Wlormul Wof'thc R ' _ W - ' M

II crop a k . . , ' ' - f l 1 nexv / I p ■dujtry — K ---------— — --------■cH IM . . H . _ _ / _

i« U ." \ . 7“

e urge

e the | | S E B f l B ^ H 9 | ^ ^ M g i ^ilcd <uor .our . U l U S y B ^ S B B H u f limrkct ace., to — .to th r TIIK.CJUCAOO rmv.*? lucky

any rrat w hrr !il» iM^ur-Irr. I' ~ "■ '" l i lo n 'o n 'lliV iluiuoiiil—lieliail'

in.<<tnictlnni from hl« trachcrIV ajuMj- wandered lo tVrlgley FJeid.—■itbmlt- — ----- ----------------— — — -'A also _________ —

I'iSs . M A k £ - i u i s _ aable ;o

ir pro- . . .

i mar- J , i f ' '

;iv,;—'laniiPd J \

irflyril- '


E i z z t i i i - -' J i f ' 1 1 ■;

1 meet ■ * •» i 'Rcqur, : •, " , {>'clock, : • ' I_i.'

brlnft I ■ ' 1/'• I**"' I \

TT ^ni -•- I , - rner In ■ • •CoeJili-r ; • , •. 'lock Itl I • , ‘ . . - -V .

«r,; I ; 'in'cd dl.ih /' '\.Mlarl, _____. ‘ * ^ - '1f-town — •,•'"/

'f c lr ■ ^ ^ \ -

t . . .rt club ' j I ' ,)n-at-2 / - - - , l ^ | - 2 2 ( 5 l — -

University of Id.tho Pep band, ■: . bind_liBJ.stfl^lcd-rclicar*aU In ii

flpT p m ilo n tor « tentative trip to ; .,'-,-1 httle for the Washin?lon-Wi iL I S n name. September 28,


—a o i6 fc .;y g l- .a_ 'd ! iT jjlepart- renu« 'opVratln? cj)>cn'-ii itKc! Iclcncy the fame lime glw Innd bank li1 ^ —to ----------- - ---------- ;-----J^ - 7-:-

— —

_____ ( O p p o s i te £tliiho _T hca(i

i n r D f tw x ly p a r W d rS h 'o T T lc ii

™ ■ ; _____________II

- ---THE^NEW E(ff ( h 7 — .....I I IM U L IM i— i a

_______n n i m i L l M y

t t e n d S t e e l M e e t i n g :

ire preeent when Ihe Cnilcd.fitalei 8(< u fer 1140,000000 In ImproTemenli. Amoi ukMId lleri), pm ldent ot Ihe Jonet »: nd Andrew W. Mellon, tonn tr leerelary -known-HinlierW ^W bole-------------------

tAe&G N 4>A=-&0PP= —

J ®

f i w a i T ^ 7 ^ t e a i ^ r ' a

y - 'fi'l. IHii'ilirT a p MttHwlnW-Vi-Jliln'l r r ;*•• fr;»i;irM v> h»<l a fwm IJ.lia<M~/<rt'r- ••^n,T,-irr'U'Shnwn'crti!nt« rher. n*rl1i;i Jixubwn. while hli thnur^ ,V : l*hnt.i,

J V 1 0 D £ L _ A T H O ^

s D j i i ) y N e w s P a t t e r n

----------- l-ITTl,E-TIM E,..ri.i:S_SnN IM

!v\i!H A fii;. HIT o k s t i t c h i :

P .M ^ n S 2Ml

C f n t t c C y f J i ^

iiiie I'liiyiiii! a chllrt'.i ga to pul tospther

/ [I "•■’ilv prliitid hoUM frock. And It \ / jl » Ic'*' ynrd« ot braI I rlti'.h or K tcale and half a do

J___5_ ir.i«w n ilv*—buiwna,— Four—mik / P n 'r '/’s are all you need to ft ■>y. U. plu?..Coll:-r,.belt nnd poc

B Ti'.e'yoke m th (u turn-cfotm co I extends obllslnsly to fornt Uny c

ovef-the.8hOUldrra and dipt dow J front In n *cnllop or t io T M

;f;vc;al of the.Ki «o you'll always------ .‘j-rt-cur.-d- of - iiaviiiii-* -crijp, li

- lioiiw: Iroek jo /llp inlo lr\ tlK me

. 9 Pnttem 2201 Is available In sI 8 13. H . Id, IS. 2n. 30. 32. 34. 30,I 9 40 ftTid .42. S ite 16 takM 3S-_yB

M H :s inch fabric. lUiutMted step- J . j | .'!ep .'evrtiij Itvstnictloiu included

J 8»M nrre t-N c t s m (»e) lo e1 ll or I'.ainpi Icolnn prtftrtMl fot , ll Anne Aflnrn* piilirn. Wtin pit

r n>mr xldrrtii md •lyl* numot;.— '- U —siiiK -H i-H tarH -hi/K .--------------

1 a ast> MiW . \NNB An*H« S'— h sin i fA m rn x mioK ts jitaDvt

ruciiiRllna Puhlcin P»cU E«rio__ / >1 pri>lilcm ll lAltnl-Ui* Dild* <TH [ .Ttfltwoctu ItouWM - MlltOB I

, 5 WfUhlT rroottii»-miich "ilttnl- J ' '\ 9 'II IVln-Tlnf Tou «l n t» —anfl f.y— : : s , = s , s ; ? r v ^ . ; s ? - : : : •

TOU'II ItlMl d««lup«J 1 ^in»rt l'nlni-or-Vl<w ili t i alcotini >'>M»i>ln] •ixriii m iute*' HEND I vouii cupv roii.W! pnice o r n<

— . ruTi;t.N cr.NTS. coo» and r T rits T o n m is n . iw tsT V J Ct:NTS, \

Artdrm order ta.Ttil Mtwt. rm ____ _ . .t)fpi.„T»in r»lls...t... , ■ ,

1 Tli; row ra more eWclcnt wrvice, dii In prr- :o:ii nf the "Ada county, Dol.W co to Si - IV, Kuna. and Kmmcu Nalu

1-Walm l-‘arm ,U»n BMoeiatlons haw vi lo caUblUh 0 ccnlral ottlce In Di

.It was announced loday by'Gc* N. Tucker, field reprcaentaUvo.—

TO The a.iJoelRtloM wrve Ada. Bi r r i r c ' ^ ' ' ' " ' *"d Ott7hee « u n

tt.’i- , Under tlie new nrrajiBemenl, t '■* 'fl'ioclnilon will continue aa a t?i

rder lo 'iaie 'o rg in la llpn.. conducllngJta ,

l k b w . 'Ihfough the consolidated office.

L o c a t e d a <

k o s l i e h e - N o r ~

c a l c r j . K q u ip p c d , w H h a flfoderr

R c p a in n c :S w ! lc n in \! c :S o l lc jr ^ o u jH tisincss.

"e r a S H Q E ^ lg O " ]^ ^

[ t v N E W S . T W IN .T A L L S , IP A T

I sociErs■ _ ~ — - p h o n i

B - l —| 4 . U ; i , t h .n r i M . r i l , . n . r n r t l , t W : ^ 1-4 lin n n m d ffUM ta a t n r c cc f l B u n g a lo w , n tte n d e d b y o n e I B a h ic t t is t h o n e u ^ i p t i s t ra ■ - x > la h iL .C h u a lL f iU l l lN M K■ F a l l s M in is te r ia l A iso a a llo i■ t h e o rR a n iM tlo n . R ev . R aym c M l d i s t E p isc o p a l C h u rc h , a ls B l g a v e a b r ie f n d d rc js o f we! m c a m e . G eorftc W orbc iT . «

p e r in t c n d e n t o f th e S u n o a I B achool g tr s 0 » addrfM cf wlcom f l ^ lo which th e membera ol the Bsmei

H m tndueed by Uooel Dean, prc f l L m m chUfTOtn. the loUowtng pn I B - eo u n r u piiaw i&drw JeeuoJJrW

m orM r*.-J»m ei HarveyrMn. t i t Steel Roberia' Mid M l» Edna Oraltar

,monc accompanied by Mrs, Robert MlUeI and plasolegue. U laaD orU U lthtoo,-*try ef companled by Mias M<rT*r«t 7 t\_____ lQ t:_ r t? d ^ , Mr». Ethel Warberg.____ Mrs, Raymond 8, l tw r*nd -M i------- Edgard Olpsoii prtaiQed’ a l the co

fee uma during the ; relreshnw:

a t the' punch bowl. The tefreahmci ^ B | U b lea . were covettd with Clur H cloths. Auluaw floa-era In profusK H B I- rtrconlert the buneiflo*.'M »; H. 1■ Burkhart waa In charse of (he deci n ^.ltloIl^. aMlsted by Mrs. Jack Ca H son, Mcmbcfj of the refreshmei H u committee were Mrs. A. S, Martj

n„fi tr« tygu i._________ 1 _

^ a i n i s ACCEPT- ^ o n o n iT Y nii>F ~

J Mlv. Hi>ili notrtwell, daughter 7 ^ Judsc and Mra. J. 11. BothVi ; freshman a l tho Unlvertltjr a t Id

4 ho, has been pledged to Kappa Ka p a Osmma sorority, according word rccclved here, Mlaj Jes

_____ Rlcki. .daughtcr--Of-M r_jiid_MJ , A- Rlcka, Is ’a pledge of Alpl

-------- Cbl Omega sorority at the unlvt------■‘^RT— ■ ______ •

r.fS'C IIFO ?J SK ItlK H ..-.. _ v t i s c i . u n n n m o s i>a v

n n *T concitiatrnr-a—serjra— ef— brid a t B l luncheoni. Mrs. It. U Picnieiiel n' v n I Mm. E. M. Sweeley were hosta ■ ] t» fn iy-fl«h t guesu yesterday a

. . ■ t ernoon a t-U ie. Plemcliel borne ■ y Ixincolii S treet M : Mr». 0 . B. ile>Tiicr won prize I

■ ■ fflu lilK irK orc and Mr,'. U L. Dree S U 1 t-nrldicc. Ion-. M n, O, A. Noble a M l Mn. S. 11. Proctor. Kimberly, w<

„.i ' Mi.<s i m y A s r < :ivt:s ; > / - .i/.■/;»r t.r :T 7 -ra r tn ‘t^ — t w mr'l— c ira r .tc fD rP . E,~orSl'!tprhc nurht»,cnu'rtuliied Saturday evening

; ilvr home of Mrs, Edward Coo| !in Uonor ol ML« Orflcc Bn'anl w

• ) j i jfflvjHff ioon for ORden to mi

1' j l i rr )iy:nc. Bright bouqucti \ autumn flowen - fonred-the-dK '

• ^ Mrsr'lirySiii n-cclu'd 'a i r a t t r . t i \ t irtft rrom ' the eimpWr, p scni.itlon being made by M

--------- Jessie Fraser. Oul-of-town guttnu i'M were Mr?. Charles DitiRler, Cul .’IlINC, city, Cnlilornin, ftnd Mrs, WlUi

iU .i:u i; is c o c c u i ' iK s----------JJ^lLK X K jIlX S '.C U U i________, n Tlie Red KnlKhbi held .i bu..!;;

mrrtinB a i the home of Ann Aiiilerfon Sunday attenioon. P

gam?. « Ti' l«sued. InltlaUon of [iled e r ihla '>CRln next Monday. Tlic bt d It re- ni'M seiwlon wan presided over brand- Dl'li Heppler. president.'dos*n ’

> £ /M.VCT SAM KIJ^ , L?s Lincoln waa named chalrn

ol-U*e-progTam-fomm)llee-Bnd- ‘ Siiuka and Bob Klrtman tha I

'• } “ and orchestra lor the annual plei [“J P * ! ! d^nce of .aigm a -P e lu P il.-a t

Rlake ijijsincM meeting'o! the £1UD bl i'avs bc, iK il i _r~............................ — ■ -----.m orn;. — ........ ...........

jj attentic• ynrda — —lep-by- 0 .11. Pralt. le*aj«ded. ' here all day Tue«da)

lubrlrallen. and Ihe ;IB eoliu ; Khlch are u e d by tli'ot thi. , 'pltlnlt

O E '

e i i SPECIALr ' S rO .M I'I.E T E I.IJId" Jim* 1, rrrs.<;urc lubricationn r.y«nr- nil movini: purts o|uippe^ou t " «'lth li>brlcatU)9.«>iiiifcHoi1 Dew 3 Pill all cups with pro!“ vs;r noOR 3. U»e of Cliecr-Chactf » . " S , ..

X • 4. Oiling h 0 o 'd lllfru iuro cloniiis and liltiges.,

--------- - - , ■ 5. Oillnglan. genemlon-_____ • trlbutor and starter motor

’ 6. Lubricating door Mlnt c o ^ -liiiional 'I'foll'e <“ 'd »Pe voted adjuMmcnt-lliikaBe, Dolhc,

’aeorgc Ie,-------- --- -------- ' ■ . . .

U .rw :h

_ l*hone 7li ______ _ _

■ j f l H H H I H i S H I

r t==K BiiRI.T ree n ip c J . H . H A Li

e m ________.1.7C < o » . 3 5 a B t

O U C .-~ " .:^ -S P E C lA L -D I8 C 0

—: ~T, Harvej^ --------------O n-l!lihw »r3»—

. / ' ,

AHO. T tm SD A T^M O lO m TO , 81

Y„d CLUBSj n e 3 2 ' ----------------------------

tom gtt And children. P aul. Geor^i :■ fo rw c rlv ~ n ?~ H n a tiiig 9 , TfoTyrMKt ccoptlon Inat cv.cninK a t t h e tfapua ie mint] r e d 'arid fifty gUMta.-Ro\► rainJster. R fitv -L JL S in lth J « » to eptyPCr »nd_ p residen t o t th e w T

m o n d Roc5, p n n to r o f t h e M eth( also* •wel* day allemOon i t the horoe of U

, n . Lincoln.I’ledglng or new mem ben will I

10®y tlm order of the week, bids belr lome. j.„ijeri Sunday, CJarion HcUand pn m elt nt th e buslne u teslon . R<

Iroalimenta w'efe aerved iV tlH etOi pro* of the alternoon. __

- K --------------t i t le M .u n c i- Y P R E S W K S T

Mi,^ Florence Lusk waa elKU ;IU«: pte.ildcni ol the Maglcl-Y Olub la

evening a t the 'hom e of MUa Al»i Tiy* rey Crew. Mlaa Oei* MUkf w :rg. named vice president; M lu Lucll “Mra.. t/,ng MiM ^Au^> cof* Cti'.u, treuu re r.jnen t Bridge w u pla>-ed lollowlng tl

. ^ . I n n .^ n J M iu -Crf imcnt and Mias Merle ^ e n h a m t r , t o ;iu n , aerved jrireahmenU. .

S**? ,l/K.W /?£RSH/r- - IJicS: (Vl.V/’/I/f?,V. JJISCUSSSD Car* Room m olhen of the Bicket Pa

iment ent-Teacher AsaocUtlon, a l i r artyn cent meeting a l the home ol Mi

W, R. Wolter, prealdent, dlacuasi-------rocJB W rsm p-ina-iJther-phaa(»~

th t w o n n o r i h e com lnt year»- . »ioK»n. “From amftll acoma do lan

oak ireea grow.” waa aelecled er ^ iivr lfK•n nnd the oak tree ll

3vwbo) of the goal lo Be itW lir in tlie membcnhU r cim p iB h . -

« \ l c A n n P A R T Y h 'o n > r / i / ; s o c i M . CLU B

?l‘vw“ tMialned by Mrs. K.-W . Cloucbf Mrs. C. K. Tatlock and M n -IL J Ilriinln a t. a card party ytJlerd a ti'm oon a t the ciouchek .hor

— o n -n /th Avrime East.Mrs, J . A. Johnston won hl|

>rldfl<-rTtire-prtte-at-auctloni Mrs f , ll nnd gtiiTwood a l con incl, and Mrs, sta to c. Rhinehart the tmvellng prl, ' Tbe rooms were attractive wl te or\ autumn .bouqueia, Relreihmer

. were served. 'M fot —jreck- j p j . c Try n r :c K tV K '- %“ « n-E-DShJSliAY'_______ Acccplancc-or.bld!i_to .tl(e_Trl

Club, issued Sunday. wUl bo recei cd tomorrow evening i l tlia hoi

_____ nf Miv< Irt.'t Lee l^unb. two hundi

■rhcod {i\ia?‘v c I ^ ^ T m b V ^ - o ^K *l mi't Sunday alternoon at the hoi '031«r c- Mlw Helen Toolson to mo ll who tfntatlvc plans for a pledge pai make ix- « ivpd in the n w r future. M

Pranccs Wll’on presided at I dK « * jncctlnj.......... ‘................

ittrar-- ■ :(iiT ''C L V W tSSV i:s- — ~ :— I P j^ M KM lSHH^HIl' BIDS guesla At the home ol M lu Eleai Culver Holllni'.sworth.'two hundred th lr nuiam five Nuiih.Avenuc North, tomorr

evening at aeven-Uilrty o'cli-------^ 7HclJJK 7J-Bnnc-«C7^‘)al>-w«»-

ctlvo Ihelr pledges. Tlie bids w

p CATCHINGiledse^

:,!“i C O LD ?• Ac (hc HfH w*i

■■'C sneere —qui J — f l - a few d io ^ Urmnn ' V u each noitril- 1

‘p l e S prevent msnyceli

^ , ^ -Vi c k s Va^ r o h o


xaji Cd, Lubricating Knilneer, will br ulay ts polnl out lhe bent tnelhodi nf he auperlerlly of the Texaro produrlt r tlili >lere.

t r T i r f i ^ ^ O i i l y !UniMCATlON INCl.UDINf:,on ,e r 11. oiling Imikr rod'. rl''v. luippcrt \lccs nnd stniter pedal lin i:.ihBlUOIlt--------JJ jijjprcir-r Jjglti,.

iQ. Oiling body boU-i nncl I t l ex- p a ^ i o eliminate ajuiahj.

n ^ u b r lc a t ln g -'4.! e ' 11 n iliicliig, *gciTr.h5U3ln8.

i2^p ru > in g nr pjinllni orrdls*— -apring anarmbllts cotm''ciiotM >tor. * 13. SproylnK or [laintlnt Mlngcs, spring a.ttcmCliM alih pfne' lips. tnvting oil.1 upftfk W. Check'inis'i"!' flm


^ 9 C CO.MPI.KTt:

f k f ^ ^ A u f o ' s u m y a n d J T O K I J

' ‘ .Main A \i^ So.

\L E (nnd E lb e rta ) I’cachcs froni^ . ^ e l ^ D epend ing On i ; r ; i r ic ____


e y Orchards^—>— 0^e-llalI-M lle-eM t-«.r-Balil___^

l ^ P T E ^ r a E R 2 4 . 1985

n l . $170,000 Smile

utraiH J V — M M - -itTsTt j y " V ■ 1 ^ ^ •

s to r iSvTnlIn toth e .

' U t

111 b«Klngj


nrCAVKR u a ehlld the ‘hadKt«d ,weet imlle." Mra. Hannah GrnbiAUd* Medoff of New Yorlf will reeeh

«M n r u l’ en her SUI birttucllle day. December S5. The tnaeyjdrey from the tate Dr. Ilsward I,on]

r the eh llii.-< n .th o lo .C icat .................-■ - • - —e s = a ± s g a i -,— =

k 'ued Sunday, following a buAikei • meeUng a l the home of ML« Ml'

— fired Btoae. PlKTir wiie ■iitwiw for I pled(t« p any lo held eerl

P a r . In October.I re* I ■ ■ - ■Mrs. ■


t a S R IU n le ss , y o u a rc physien

th e nhock o f n siid tlrn nur _»hopplng__nt H aves ' N e \

icbek, lo c a te d In t K n i i i y c s HI tl-M - - t h r p i . h lofkw e n s t o f tHe I. home o f th e H ir e d . liecftHW you

w hcri w e b e c in t|tin lin n yo high cd K u rn i tu r c .

— SevePftl-pe«kp1e-}itfvf-.nei priie. th e y “ co uld h av e w ivcd." wltli m ile s d i s t a n t « ln tc ii Ih n t

p u r c h a s e nntl th n t hc h ndUR. ..............

- . - - T h iii .F u rm lu rc U in in c s o u r H a tc h ln ir .‘Reasons. I f

.Tri-c.' — o u r f>vcrh(>.id re m a in s ' eceiv-1 u s d e c Id c tP n d v n n ln jfe R rl

K v c rv dn lliir lh a t it mnli fn r » . .r (« f f P O - 1

rclub 'i th e s a m e tim e sa v e ymi home you ,

■ U 11 l.« a ‘■Eltllcr nu iil". MLia h a v o i t . U ut don ’l tal<f* r

y o u rs e l f . O pen e v e ry Sal............ o n 'n e n r ly c v c r y e v en in g .

------- -■■160-'\IA 1N -A V K .SO -------

leanerJtlny- ' -------------lorrow ____________n'clock’tlt-re-- — ----------- ------------ —

quickp* <}r

l i t ^

r I * ® N

" ] o t e w a r t - v

I.V I #H ORT AVE-r . \ ^ i u i / u

10 tu. t o / g x t e iting S•ne- B

H A \X to irav«

j L you ..can find ;i f>uy su

) c o u ld n 't ge t m any to ic l l at low p r k O r^ o -U -y o u .d o -n o

J p o in ted , ,iCf quickly? T h in k

; i iup crh c to ro d y n e chassis I I tMul q iatchM l-w afnut-«oi

l ) is ir ii ) ii lf trs ■ Itla lio" r ~ ~ ^

^ 3 = r r = B 0 B: -------- r^o ta ie t

, Ffi«IS PUIW |-M PL E O G K■r - -« a n y -8 oulhem -IdalK >-S lu

d m is Join flrecif Lel-

‘t ~ tc r - G n m p r a t ~ U " -

I . _MOW, .itep_Ulr-BhliyLpl«Jj H "i plna ara glUlenlng on the lapels ( ■ “ 808 iiieil' a lJO haTP' been pletlged-l ■ ' the Greek letter fralemlHea on th■ campus.'Bouihem .Idaho ituden H who accepted bidii folloKine tl n “ruahlng" season, a rc

H Twin Falli; Bob etei<han, Bel W T heu PI; Milo Sawyer. Kflp|i,> Sli 9 ma; Jack Otgood. LamUli c: W . . , Alpha; Stanley.Stafford, Phi Dell■ Theta; lUnlto Ktmei. Phi Qamir■ Delta; Edwin Uoyd, Slgmu Alpl

Epillon. , ___

ad a^ Buhl: Bill WaU,“jlm rence, na: fnlijjl old Adklna, Wayne West. ’Jtntd

, Strltcher, A rt Oimnon, B.ih ste t ^ art. Alpha Tau Omega; BlU Boy •Irth- Lambda Ohl Alpha; Joa Uunyo f 7 •* Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Itelnha ‘■o°'-|Achalffer, Blgma Alplia Ep.iiIon.

PBer: W arren TeRnn, Eugei s — 4Ufon^Don AlWn.-aigmf^-Alpht-Ki------- ■efloOr-ltoward.-Barlali.-Bclonit'fliwaa PL , .MU- -

u w d O lher- to w n i;^ Jack Adamso „ r ly .CarSyZBela.Thelft Pi; BIU Schrur

Olenns Perry, Alph i^ u Omegi

NING!lically and m en ta llr’res is tan t-to surprise, then plense do not come S'rw nnd Used F urn iture Store 'lH ir;rn d 6-^atehcr> -H Id{^r'j^w l-I I . D . Store nnd on the sam e side ou nre Rolnc to get n real surprise you on our New and Recondltion-

•neH«4y-Jftinted-upoft-«#inK-M:hat- 1," O ne'customer from a town 10 m t hc saved 850,00 on a $200.00 lad shopped plenty before findlni;

iicsH is a sideline to fill in het ween If it sells. O.K.Tf if dncsVt. O.K.-

IS the same. Such n net up Rivca «rrit!iire~ thcm ‘ o u t-fo r-y o n fsc lfr iinkcs us is Just tha t much extra . l l i r wc con make a Dollar nnd a t iiTTivi). nc nre hnppy and so arc-

;n r tha t ynu arc InoklnR for—we If our word, comc in nnd see for S:iturd:iy cvcnine find Hnhts nrcI f f . .......-------------------- - ...............- -_____________ _______ IMIONE "a

.N.IT-I£.E-N I

- W A R N E R IE -C O N S O L E : ^ H I

UisdJmi Iil'E U R O P E ! -------

ravc! ,i lonj; wav hcfiirc,. .

sucli th is one, \V e ' J K B l [ at iIiiS s e n sa t fo n a lfy '

• nol-winit Ix-J'c <li^ap.------

ink o f it! A pow erfu l

;Is hou&cd In a b e a u -

< o n to Ic -c a h in i!t b y j __________ __•offered-f»r,-le^^ Il)«n ..................

!ht> WIiuTcsiIl- “ ......

8=MlLNERzSAi~ Twin l ulls R ctairl)calcr

lietl.-in (u;(o ltu»<iing.N,cvt to Orp

— '— ----------- p a 6 b n u B

Georgt U ceoaotlU MyUL" M IA Tau IM lu ; P eny P l« m , f im M y . Kappa Sigma: O en ld B M fm jr,

■ KUnberly. Ph i O u u m XMU;

SStnllb. Ilanaen, U m btU CM Alpha; Bob sm ith. Ooodtnc: s igm t Alpha EpjJlon;' JUlUttl Hleka, a baahnna, Sigma Alpha.EpaIlon.__.,_____ __

- iH JaiiM ElLIs ot --------**thfl ” 'OSCoW ,' 'Sept. aUVnsV Bel? len t.^ i^ '^h * '" ' -T w in-F iau—w u -e lic tu

Ifjg trea.^urcr of the freshman claas la-'i . Ktck a t A mcciinsr nf tna firsl ycai


aiH- election took a humorous tun Ql,l wlirn John Klder. Coeiir (I'Alene

3 ]l, nominulcd hlma^lf for ucretaiy Elder e\iil'»lned th a l for i.omn reaaoi

jplyj Ihe boy who had planned to noml- nala him lor president, did not givi

____ Ilia ei'eech. Loud aPDlnuw and th'na r- w itninc number rt- vote* were ac «61fl' co:\jfl Elder by hLi clauwatea.

-------------------, a n '

igriie ■ • V i VrKPM u u U ^ l f l H I B M


I D E C O R A T IN G E A S y iIJJ ll 'i idf-rcvtllng—tsijr I t spplr

—<|ulck to dry—b*!ng (Itxiblt 3ott not chip er crsck — II

..frieBdly. co ter.-a ik far FREECOLOR c a r d ;

Hm m hi fialladay U anlware-Tw ln Falls, 1 IdahoI Gllle A Peek Ildir.—Buhl, Idaho

or ' RIdireway Ildw. « Fnm.— r c ' , . Kimberly -

F. E. ^wan^ot^-^Borley ~ T.TTerl^Vin'Fum>-Jeromi —

13 Julian Churchill Pain t S lo re - j j p j ■■■ CeoflUur --------------


tLES^CO^ ^ — ^IpY

>rphriJi)LT )l£.J!ier:

Page 4: · TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ l i M B i i PE lEMTDPlECT M achine Quns M

■ ■ •_______________ ____________________> w e A G B F O U K ^

. f l g g g g g = g g = g B = = g = g = ' ; ■ ' - " j -

i " I TT . V M l i l W R ^ \- ^ I

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ - ■i------- pm % -«»t»-IW l»-Oo«nly, H U h n T ~ i:

Eiublbbed leot -

- p > ll j '« m i tw *■ " “ T*** *lr*» •"■" 1

SCBSCBIPnON BATES , .■- r- -ilOe per w «k m « « » month, pv*W * to c irile r „

. ---------------^ - ;• OT a t 0f»M .— — .............. ''

BY H AIL i” "On* Y » r _____ / • - -------------------- ,„M30 -

••« a |z Mor*hf --------------------***° t'. ' TUre* U onlhi — .............. ........- .-ryr:.-,. I J8 .

______ V . . qutalde SUU of Idaho . . - oOne Year — — ■ , i — ^ .1 8 .0 0 p

•— W eM M R Of ASSOCIATED P M 8 9 ' CTha AssocUtcd P rcn U czcluilveljr enUUH to .1

th e UM for pubUeatlon o t >11 o c v i dUpatche*-------- 8H san«n«nco rno ro taC T w itrT te< u trt-tir th i»— ci

paper and lo the loetl newa publUhed hercLi j]....... -AU ri*bu of rtpubllcatlon. of ip tclal dlspalehej

herein *1m r n e n td ._____________________ __ «

-iff) m eins AHoclaled Preu. *

Member Audit Bureau of.Olrculitlons. ' |;

~ ------------ NA TlONAirilPRESSNTATlTES-------------------PRODDEH. lONO AND PRUDDEN. New

York.'CW easo.'Sin P r a o c U e o .^ P

H j# N t n u t t t a e i no iiD tna»i respraeibltlij tor e n o n In adtertUemenU but to ca te t w h w

■;ahft,0*Der U a t-fau lt > CDrreotlon of th a t p l r t - - - • of-the adrerileement In which the error occurs

' ' « m b« published without eharte. -

AU noUee# required by law or by order of 6 _ court of eom peuat lurUdlctlen to be published . ^

weekly, will be published in the Wednesday r _ Issue of thU paper pursuant to BecUon 03-108 1. ,,

T T 3 r A 7 m 'a r « d e d th«K t« -D rcnap tenM ,-:w j-------“Session U w « o t Idaho. - t\ — - ' _________________________ 1 11

- ’ —__________ n■ - ---------------- — ' ‘'S L U W "-------- — . . . - I

T h e la rg o “ S lo w " Blgiw p a in te d on the" «i p a v in g s— in th e H ig h achool b lo c k m a y sa v e

“ 8o m 0" y o u n g " s tu d c n t f ro m d c a th - o r - in j u r y - -j, b e fo r e t h e e n d o f th e s c h o o l Beaflon. T h ro u g h -o u t th e s u m m e r m o to r is t s h a v e f o rm e d th e t

h a b i t o f u s in g th e - tw o b lo A s t r e t c h w ith o u t *. a n in te r s e c t io n f o r s p e e d in g u p a h d 'p a s s - I*

in g s lo w e r c a r s , a n d a c o n sp ic u o u s r c m lh d c r u. t h a t s u c h p r a c t ic e s a r e u n s a fe w h ile schoo l p

i s In s e s s io n is m u c h n e ed e d . oB u t m o to r is t s m u s t ' n o t c o n f in e th c l r "

- c a u t io n to th e Im m e d ia te v ic in i ty o f th o sc h o o lh o u se s . A t n o o n tim e , a n d a t th e be*

~ g l D n l n g " a n d " 'e n d ” o f “ th o " 8 c h o o l ~ d f ly r t h o - " t s t r e e t s f o r b lo c k s a ro u n d th e sc h o o ls a rc fu ll *

■ o f y o u n g s te r s , o f te n c a r c l a s a n d Im p a tie n t o f t r a f f i c . i J

T h e y o u n g o n e s a r e b y n a tu r e qu ic k a n d na le r t , b u t th e y a r e a lso In c lin ed to bo o v e r- v. c o n f id e n t o f th e i r a b i l i t y ' t o k e e p o u t o f

— d w ig e r , a n d - th e y h a v e a l to g e th e r to o m uch l_ to J h in it- a i3 o u tJo _ l(C o p _ th e In _ m In d a _ c n _ tK < L - .

t r ^ f i c . D r iv e r s o f c a r s m u a t v e ry la rg e ly jta k e th e re sp o n s ib i l i ty o f p r e s e rv in g th e <js a f e ty o f th e c o m in g g e n e r a t io n . ' * 1j

--------- -------------- ---------- -------------- r----------^-------------------s'a

F A n a i E R S l N J A IL *■ T h e F a r m c r s ’T ro tcc lIv cT A aa o cm lio n ; t f y T

I n g to p r e v e n t f o r k l o s u r e s in M isso u ri, h a s ^ m a d o som e m is ta k e s . A s a r e « u it , I S m e m b ers e h a v e g o n e to j a i l f o r ‘‘c o n s p ir in g to in tc r -

. f e r e w ith a n o f f ic e r in l ln e - o f d u ty ."T h e ro h a v o b e e n m a n y a s s a u l t s c o m m itted ^

— u p o n - s h e r if f s a n d -o thG r-IocaJ-T cp rcscn ta tivcs . _ o t - t b e : l a w , in - w id o ly - s c a t t« e d . c o in m u n lU c s .. ^ ,A v h e ^ i^ .a f e ^ ? s a e d J w m M a _ b ^ .

to h o ld t h e i r p r o p e r ty In d e f ia n c e o f deb t- c la ltn g . A n d o f te n J h e y . h a v e su cceed ed , a t

— le a s t - te m p o r a r i ly . B u t t h i s t ip i e th e y w ere _ d c a l in g :^ t i th .H J J n U c lS L n tc f l .m a r 6 h d ll . W h e n — th e y -o v e r p o w e re U rb e a t a n d d is a r m e d - h im *

a n d h is a id s . U n c le S a m s te p p e d i n . ............. dT h e r e is n o o th e r c o u rse in a la n d o f la w t

a n d o rd e r . P r o p e r ty o w n e rs th r o u g h o u t the U n ite d S ta te s , in c o u n try n n d .c ity , h a v e h a d . .lom e b i t t e r g r ie v a n c e s d u r in g th e se bad y e a r s . T h e re m e d y is n o t v io le n ce , b u t peocc* f u i m o d e ra tio n o f th e m o r tg a g e la w s w h ere

— th e y T irc 1 o o -sc v c re ,-a n d -re d u c tio n of-in toroR l- - r a te s ’ w h e re th e y a re to o h ig h . T h e s e rcn i- e d le a a r e bc ing -U 9ed .« ffec tive ly n o w in n inny ,

— s t a m — ------------------------------

PO L IC IN G T H E W O K L D 'S i r S a m u e l H o n rc , B r i t i s h fo re ig n m inis* '

r . ' t e r , ' i n ) d s a d d re s to th p L e a g u e o f N aU ona J■ A sse m b ly , s t r u c k a h ig h e r a n d s t r o n g e r no te !■ t h a n th e L e a g u e h n s be en a c c u s to m e d to fo r i 1

so m e t im e . . .N e i th e r th e L e a g u e n o r ’ tlic j ' n a t io n s re p r e s e n te d th e re w ill aoon fd rp e l 1 j t h e w o rd s h e r e p e a te d w ith d ig n ity a n d cm - , p h a . t is : “ B r i ta in s ta n d s f o r s te a d y collcc tive j ,

'T c s is ta n c e . 'ig airist a ll ncL’i o f un p ro v o k ed | 1 ■ a g r e s s i o n . ” ' .

\ I t fo llo w s f ro m th is f o rm u la lh a t B r ita in ' standH jtlB o f o r h o n e s t in q u iry by th e L eague

t o d e te r m in e , in n n y cawe, w h e th e r t l ic rc has b e e n “ u n p ro v o ltc d n g g rc s s io n .” U siinlly , in” p ra c t ic e , B0m6”B tro n g T w ?^ P "V i'itrr^ m te re st» - |- |

~ a t~ f lta k c ra 'n d T B C T iB iti \T ~ c D n sc ic W c ?h W -n rc ~ ‘^ 'c n te d su c h in tiu iry . . . .

“ ~ r ^ I r 'S o m u c r n o a r c al5O~mn0.pi i (;]i.'u r .th n t - r [“ G r c a t i B r i t a l n . h a s ;n o J n t c n t i p n . o f a o tiiitf j ' “-"Tilq iipy i l l t h i s ^ o r l d - p o lice-du lyV -U ,n iy tit b e X___ Tj«ngii«< riq-n-TvhnIp th n t sn ncH n iiR f o re -...

ib ic a c tio n and-'does th e p o lic in g . T h is tiimj)- • — J i f i c s t h e - E Ui iQ pia ii...£ it u a t i<>n fonif:wli(\>i : r z a n i o u n t i n g t o a^d e c la ra tio n t h a t B r i ta in w lH::-

n o t f ig h t f o r A b y ss in ia a lo n e . '

m u s t d e te r m in e I ts f u tu r e c o u rs e . I t m u st I — thooB e w h e t h c r i t -will b e s t r n n g o r w eak , i — n rh B th e n tr~ H T id - th o .-n a tit> n s - iL jLci)re8ent3, \

i'--, ■ I, ~

■ ■ ■ T W IK T A L t S P ATL Y

— wiJJ u p h o ld in te m it lo Q a l J u s t i c e a n d p e ac e ■ b y c o n c e rte d fo rc e , o r j f l l L b e m e re ly a d e -

- b a t in g s o c ie ty a n d p u b lic i ty b u re a u .__________________m m m m m m m m ---------------------

R U N A W A Y M O N E Y M a n y h e a r ta m a y b le ed f o r R ose ttA a n d

_ . y tv t a n n ^^nrnn, thft th e a t r i c a l *‘TPP»y

- • -H o ii r m w 3 ^ r t H o ^ y-d e M a H in io u n tl^ Jf iv e h u n d re d th o u s a n d d o lla r s . T h in k o(^ ,

- - r " > ’ >n T f c j tT r f 5 n c y ! - r M plfl w h a Jo w e so m u c h u su a lly g e t a w a y w ith ' a b a n k j^ j r u p tc y p ic a . t

T h es e Im p cc u n lo u a s i s t e r s , w h o m a k o a ' th o u 8 a n d “ d o lia r8 a w eek , m ig h t h a v e h a d I b e t te r lu c k w i th th e c o u r t i f th e y could havo p ro d u c e d b ooks s w o rn to . b y c e r t i f ie d ac­c o u n ta n ts s u p p o r t in g t h e i r .b a n k ru p tc y | c la im . A s i t h a p p e n e d , th e y h a d no b ooks be - 1

— e a u s e - th e y -k e p t-n o .- f tc c o u n ts . I t “ju s t - B lJ p a - 1 th r o u g h th e i r f in g e r s ." I t d id n 't h e lp a n y , I c i th e r , w h e n th e y m a d o th e i r c o u r t a p p e a r - j a n c e in e rm in e w T aps a n d d ia m o n d s . T h e I ju d g e a».W m cd th e y .m ig h t h a v e h a lf a mil* I lio n d o lla r s t h a t th e y h a d ove rlooked . |

p c r io n s a r o e v e r a b le to r u n u p fiv e h u n d re d_ th n iisn n d d o lln r s w o r th o f d e b t’'.____________ j

........ . ............. ,— 4----------------- VNDEft-GOD— ,------------------- f

_ (DaUuKewB) 1The p a s t ^ letter of Bishop Konrad rn y s ln t, read 0

Bundsy In all of tlie churehes of his Berlin CalhoUo C _ . .dlocase^Js-a-teuperalaJjut-unylekllnB-declaritlon-ot- ~

CathoUc prluclplcs. Almost unbellerable U a condition '____ th i t m ikra It-aeceaarf.tQ .n itita .them In an enHth t- ^

ened age fn a Chrlstlui country. Written ta tw en Its j, _ J lines Is the firm detennUuUon of Oerman calhollclsnu ti

n o t to surrender the church to_Hlll«^ »" attljude t' a k w lji tlXeu Ut tlw .eonferem .tit tfaa.C*thell» Msliopt- S

he~ during last week, wlicn passlre reslsUnce to Intoler* . . . . able niU decrees beama. a m atter ot fact policy. Tliero _ Is Irou In th a t policy now. There msy be blcod in it J,'

later. ---------------- T - : ---------------- --n* . The luue is not ona for tha Oerman Caihollo alone. |, hft. Tlie nazl InslsUnce o d 'th a -Mate beto.-e coiiaeUnc*. h

a trecu the O enna prot«iUnt u wel). if the world t. IS. understands tho Oerman ffplrlt. pastoraUs as «

Hltlcr.made head of th e protestant churches, and ')0l parishes opposed to Uie dispersion ot Cstbollc youUt e

organizations will mske common cause. The fo r tm - 1i|p m ent doea not war en a seel, nor for that m atter'on ' e : Christianity alone; Its policy includes In its tweepinc

’ rcnglous aspect# th e ‘Jew and the Free Mason.No lonier Involved l i t h e old stn iR lsb e tv K n church ^

ho- n i t f d ^ la l« rT T f r- ^ r a t" I s iu e i j^ n ~ a e r a today'? ;" *ill whether liberty or conscience and the rl iht c f U»e *

churches to educate the ir own youth U to be super- j

IndlTldual Idea of hereafter. The pontu t, Plux XT, ta n - a no no t have trted much In statlne the Issue m rellslon " :r- V3. irrelljlon. jP

o f ' tl^1, ■ HE SilOULD KNOW. (Oaldwtll New-Trlbiine)

— air-M aicolm ■O am pbelb'Britlsh-ipeedster-w hcrhu-1; • 'y d r l« n an automobile iu te r than any person has erer i h e d r litn an earth-bound \thlcSe, should know what he *

Is ta lk lnr about when he spealu of speed as related to |------ safety. In a rK M t In le^ew he aald th a t under a m - 1

'a ioT ilihw ay condillcinsTlHlhlhe avera'ge com m erclir t .auUjmoblle, speed above fortr-flve miles may be con- ' .aldertd la f lH n g rn i \u jr iiltJ> K a iix ^ U h o n g » K ctg ^ ^ , ih ln js th a t may hsppen to a car and the unexpected |

'®* obstacles tha l. sooner o r Ister, one must expcct to s !rs encounter. ';r - I t will be recalled lhal when S tr Malcolm desires to

break speed records be goes to a Florida besch or lo a i ; u h sa lt desert where a a^Trre In any direction " neither puU him over a (ride nor endangers otlierj. t

[es saspecrihal'u 'nder no clrcutnstanoes wouidT ie rfo r ' "Instance, "attempt to uae C lenlsnd boulevard as a

- n « c a m r . . I-:bt I

..W OULD YOV.BB A SAr8_PRIYEBT_______ '■jre* <cnariiB6STTs»s”a j i r ^ r l e r ] ----------

MoJl drivers are ssfe drivers, the National Council r - - M y j . - “T he other kind a re -co m m a tlrelr tew, bu t -

w tu t a heap ot^Uoublo UieyeaUMl" Fellow'S u fe 'driver to r 'a mlle or so. ths'cbuncU advises, and vou

tw m u probably obterrt thai-,he He U «lcn.

He U aober.. * He doesn’t speed,

He bbsem s trafllc-slgnsls.CC- He plays fair with ol'htr drlverj, ‘•re He slows down on npproschlng schools, .est____ He Icnowa hla sltpsls and nlaavB m>t ♦ti»m ___

v .lle shows tuU cohilderallon 10 pcdestrlins.' "He knows ilie road nlicad la ssfc before he psssw

^ _ol.hfr_c«r3._________________________ ____________He is, apparenUy. alwiyj prepared for the emer-

grncles of (lie rood.I t you arc (ftliiif llieie things, you are a safe driver,

bu} If yoit are t'^lng chances you nre not Justified In taklnK you arc a rcckic.M drivff nn lhe law of I aversgej, sooner or la trr you see going to g e f l n i r serious trouble'. • !

01® I If you would be a carrlul driver, you should bc ' fo r i mlndful-ol the tundsmcmal nilciTof safety. They nre" the j «««' enough lo msilcr. n i« e u nolhing confujlng pet 1 “bout ihem. i;«e jour commoti Mnn;, be courieous,

i be consldcmle of ilie n slu j of othrrs, and you »iU I ... ; “ Mf® K»erybftty knon.-; tha t much unsafeI'C I driving U bad mamiffs: w it you are polite you »l!l <ca I be cetuUlersle,

nin --------------- — ------------------—

tu' BREAKFAST FOODm s ____ ; ____________

I n Tlit7w ere only mirrlfd’iV june. Th,. vn,m» ivi.w. mh

--yDur : : 'I 'ly m y m o U ic r UMd lo iniikf," he anjyercfl ssdiy.

Ilitf ' •_____________ ■ ..................... ..............................

------ gilH '.-"§g.hs. eiimi.uilv nm a Uaort. lie *te.a.i<n-of.irlliIe-jQluud adjectives o l t ’A circus

int.w odern ^ n n y -" A v . w p v l don t w a iifto -jtu d y '

— nrltlimetle.-It-ata't-no-UH,"-------- :— ------------------ ■. I 'mlne. gTQw.un-.

jjul ^ n a ’lioi M nble to fiRtirr rMlball.Noiwh-biiUIng u s t I odli?"

ak , ; f lrb -" I never-ar?iic *lth-my wife."' "i ts . I l^«>la.-"Bame Iwe. 1 alwiy* ,,icm guilty and la te ;

i a llght-aenience.-

[ a r t i m , - T W m 'P A l L S , - » A H -

- New' y o rk ! --Bay-brBajr-5 B j-0 . 0 . M c I n t y r e

-N B W -V O A K r^pU -B t-lW T «T e j » . ttt-fluLflU nTO cnjW -ireU -Joiow n . In New York as the Texas newspaper

publUjier Amon a . Carter. And In L w n ;* ? yUltor Ji^TO k fqL ln t t r e e-_

slieTting his own town u Carter, In- fttlire momenu he la Uiuly lo tooee

three cheers for west Teaas wtth a *, speclsl yipeo for Pt. Worth.I Whetei-er Car- 1> ter goes he lsu i.-r 3 recom lted .,

Comedians i u n . :' ter with him:' ‘ tagc. t f t X t P u i V masters o r cen -,'

W i t l l i ' i a t r J mony mako him , L ■ . ^ £ ^ f l - a U n d . X M - a . b o « !

a n d l h e r c '» ' scarcely a oop In |

’ midtown (hat I’ ^ salute:!

He Is surtouted 'u p ’to the mlnule, \

- save h is hat, I. . T , w hicrt= i«=parw

a O .M c ln ijre ateU on TWtas,‘ He often te a m ^ up w ith' WIU

Rogen wlien Ihey , h it to w n . to-- trthPrTTm aToTnarirrTTlW 'W gc-

wise when Ihey w re In hame49;b>'- camr-roroethtnrof-an-achlcTTOent, Indeed sn ImpowlbUlty. Among liLi

I oilier cronle. In New York are Lee J Ola'cll and Ovnc Crawley. III— fTsrifr.hrgan his plrlitfcsgua-and-.J , luceeisfu lcareeru a house to house

csnvafscr for Ihose horrendous- eliromoA-onoe <i«coraUng-eo-many • ' front' parlors. To hear him reciteu the high preisiirs chaffcring he used ilc I to Indulge with housewlvea Is as •'’I I much fun as ariyone'could have. di

, ‘ Alinoul every resU um nl and hotel , In ^tanhattan h u bow d to the “ L yove-m ortee my-dog—moUfr-RoteU w

provide luxurious kennels for the “• larger species and pcrailt sm a lle r^ »- enee-ift-fooinsr Just u the RIU wasi first to harbor women smokers. It I w u .ilrs t lo. welcome dOD in apari* "

menu. Sonw cafes allow lap disp '

* calchy sign for their de-lux«“ "dcg» cliecking salon and playgmimd." ti . where pooehca may frolic while own. m i' ers eat, • * Tt --------

A curb pic‘.::e merchant on Hous. J,, I ion street will not be there long. Ai >.

wo-iialUd-near-lit-a-lrafric-aiop lie i,, ' w u carefully sprinkling his wares.L lald-out-in-*-pr<«l*e-geomeiricaI L a m i i - A rifnnnal cleanllnesa-was. ■_> epitomized In a spotless white cost j . . and cotton gloves. A neaUy letlered., modeit sign read: " If you like

pickles, these are tiie bcU I'cculd procure and sell .reasonably.” He told me he came from Russia 9 years ago.

-------- ATop drswer Dotiemlans are foater. a

»- iniTiniew-wccklr-wlnd-uiJ-of-cftpir hir thst will be called Saturd.iy NIghIr- rt, an after midnljiit supper and danrt , I

club whrre lines will be drawn bi’ ehsrply, Moit clubs of this sort open tl- aiuplclenisly wllh a clllter-of-fote- h: 1 m i^celA'rllle's oflliTSfaKe. pcrten; pi . literature and sundry arU but toon u

become fpota where«»y m *- ililiikA-lt-U-fM>tng-rarl(-a.venucjiDd._ 1 t>»rk avenue look.t upon It ss 'a J slumming lark. Booking ajmcy .

touu, sUle ceK'ry blondes, etc. J) , — — . . . a i. One of the few M tors lo pn*i>orc gi

a nel tjelow when he arrived .il lhe|c( ’ top nm c U William Gaxtoii. Kc lias \ L. been almoat conllnuously starring 1

“ j-— • ■■ ~goi

e , --- --------------------------------

J t v t R . V T H R t t crtiLORtM- - e O R « tO ^ A V - T A ttV ® tW H '

. AWtOtAOftlWti SOfAtTlME.l u t u w o n i u r t .

= ! f e -

i S i f


. •


' I David Holt Home

- - .

1 ^ 9

HOSir from lhe hoipllal where he ton | | HoU. fhlld film »Ur. rw flre i the joe . ' ilolipiood, Csllfarnla, city health « , piclrly.—«T) Phelo. f .

i for eight y ta n a t a sahiry n o l m a n y ; " I .liars achieve. But t» known sORie

day Ke will be dealt t he IneviUblo

, fesslon, ao cerrml years ago he!; esUbllshed a perfume buslneM - , dealing especlaUy In scenU to r men.I Every fc W ~ d iia iii* iiin n * c m ir< r^ - ' enccfl and h u acquired a grasp o t ^ , manuhwturlng routine th a t wUl fit I him for an arlh-c pre*lriency when

he facc.t d ial final ttage curlalh.I • ■--------r - ,Aclon , a,lth .Uielr ,siuiYlLr . neraoii- It: [ allty plus-and aplomb, In meeting 01■ tiie public, sliould mokv.* crack sales- tl' . men. But scarcely any have. Julius si

T annra irled ll-wlih fum lliire-and |m gave ll up In a fev montlu. Jack] Norworih took a flyer In m erchan -j»

■ dIsIng biit soon dtopiud Uie iiotlonri,, ‘ Louis Man went commercial' for ti | j , ’ brler'•lntenude.■•'■^Immy~InlMey; Uioiight he could sell real estate bul ' w nfU Sciri6 'th 'e-innt^p‘T»xrS0mff' “

prwiier t)pfnini?-mtAUrAI»j~T5Iif ^ ' failures are greater Umn the sue*; wsses by w large margin. ^I —I n ie n Glasgow h u becom e'the ip

llKrary lady of the hour since her recent success wllh her thoroughly ' American novel. "Vein of Iron."

’ AU tlte Bright Minds are dUcuuIng *'■ her’w awe a t lhe sludio’ round-ups. KUss Glasgow long ngo i'i ! acquired w nsthlng (Senled many f ' I best.sellliir nowlUls-dlsmlty In nu- ”> thorshlp. Sh.' worUs In a garden tnd• has-ep»oml8td•strikingly- ihe-sim - a-• plicIR 'dflH ratrdres's'lo’ which'.'.hejli: I ha.^ sUaatiutly duns; "No. 1 We.iiji:' ^ Main street. Ricliinond. ViV" . j'l

‘ rm'KlKrt I'm near Uie flnWi UnV 1 tl A band lias turned Into our sticoV h from « th . Playing "El Cftplian";b'

- and uoborly's home. I haven’l h,ul a '.il I gw d niar:h around the hour.*, for ft 11« : [coon’s ag?. -t ' b- i( (Copyright,'UM. h [_| MrNauglil Syndicate)_______?;

l o n i e l f i i n g ' r d T H m l T A b d l i i

A /U M & 7 r4

Ik 1'^

Copyright 19___________ . • ____

1BPTBMBER-B4,-1935--------- ^

ne From Hospital f



dt ; CO



~ i r nv

- loi to

V— t l

r r r — Di toBght InfanUle pwalysis, litlle David aeed newi from Dr. OeoTte rarrtsh , h etfleer, lhat be wm r c ^ n r com- ^

- _______________a- ~ ,S g g = B S , , ; «s

I — II _ 1 se;

i Guiding Your S - — 1;

By ' ' th:i m c E c u m a a A ju Q H M O u P - j l

I________________ i___________ L J ptaMNNEBS ARE TOOLS JJ

Manncri a » hab iu one can teach ou children and should. They are like h< the cuiioms-of a cauutry-and R t« a the-YOUim lcrs.lhe.m fsna b t celling j bi on and making their vay. B ut how re

• they shall live, what U>ey shall bc th I snd do, are th tl r own a tta lr and O. I musl be left, to them tasetU e. !

I Many parenU go a t ll the olher Ji»y_*round. c m grow up * ]any way lie likes, with pertecl free- ^ ' dom_to_*xpress himself a t the ex- J i pense ol liiwe about'J>la. H e can- J"

«» nf polUt tw k ty ., ^

' aboul him. To Insist on Jila being H polite and thoughtful lo olhera r would Interfere wUh hts freedom ” of expreulon and perhaps cause

' InlTlbltlorj In later life. ,la• Bul alien It comes to Tom'inj''s; de ' cliocJlng n profcMlon, or deciding v,i . whclir-T lie will, go to college, or su , plcUng.a.wife, or dolju^any ot_th« r I impcrtant ihlnss ot life, hU parenU — , <-nii»itirr It nm onlr rlghl but jc . Ihclr (iutj- lo Interfere. C< ! ••The. * are the big things o n '. viVJch's .coursg a n d /« “jliLi iMl'plnKS'depenrt—I-c i» n n o l-s li.,. : i;v nud « e him w l f his wliol'j f u - ' Miiif.'M'iey reiison. jloI -Tl, ll h o a u c L Jn Jm tJh o f^ .m a jo r '■>*

. 1 iliins-> tlisi the child must be chvn ■ k thij Irredom. ParenU mny advise. ’jb ’j t they cannol forcc. If, how vcr. ” k'|uie nnill le.i.«ms of respect, f o u r - j^I I I'M- and thoiiKlil of olliers h a v e :”

b*rn laiiithi lhe child early; he wlU I ” be ?ar more likely to listen to advice 1 ' Jnd Uke ll than if he has been ai-

)‘u f '

------------------ :---------------------- — I

1- ,

7^ ---------------------- "

S l ^ '/ U X ' .

~ " .....-

i_ ___________

m s , by The Kew York Trlbutte,'lne. >

Z Z Z Z j i ^ H Z I Z Z

N / V T I O N A L ': ......................... (M BW 8JBH I1<P

(OopTTlibt, M ^ o n Itl

WASHINGTON ii[ By Bay Tiefcer . ^

• S ^ T O Y . '- W h l t r H i ^ a ld e r w

nIUon w'hlch-cIreumftiQcea and b li h enjimlea aw tumlshlng li&. Rooee« B

Four of'ti^e President's p e l ldeu*w wei« NRA. AAA. TVA and PWA. NRA WM designed lo aUblUae In- t dualrr just aa AAA was eipected l« « stabilise and benent aiileulture. P TVA’a role waa lo revitlfy th e Ten- t nessee Basin wtUi cheap electricity a which would light homea and a t- tl trac t Industry. PWA w u to provide J' a naserrolr o t puWle project* and ti public spending wlilch would sUm- ^ u iiU heavy industry when ortlnary n

• demands-aJaekened.-It-wwa-to-be- t* come a permane&t tlniinclal atabU- ** to r . ^

W hat h u liappened; The lupreme I court UiwarUd NRA'a benenu. Ifl any.-The drought prcTrnlc<l a tnae a« teet of AAA. The couiU h A « also di lilnriirM tln» fiil\ n[VT«Hf>n of TVA. | ^

^neH heitfoTtUt-preflta.-'U nem ploy-.lI ment needs. In Mr, RooHTclt's opln*

- Ion, made boondoggUng preferable a to PWA's more lubstanllal projects, th u s . In-19M, Mr. Roosevelt may •

- tla lm tha t hla New Deal h a t not had a fair trial. T hat wUt bo major DffflOcnUc strategy befow jotig, - »

ANALTRIS. A aage political ob- «'- «rrer-re<entiy-ietum ed-to-W a*U «. s

Ington afler a political lour of the Ir Olddle and Nortbm<t. H aring no f «xea lo-rInd,. hU -ttporLatt-PoUtlcal “ sentiment appears to be * fairly di accurate analyils of w hat th e people tl In tha t secUonJhlnk about Wasli- pl Ington golngi-oa and I93fl poeslblU- tJea,'H *»ayir— ------------- -r= r -

“Rooserelt la stUI a ironf because tcthe O 0 P Inslda and outside Con- Jgresa ha\'e presented no positive Upro g ra m rm p lro aflh e re -h a T e-n e- *ver heard of Ui'e American Liberty WLeague-they UUnk It'a a baseball T

. outfit. Big business antagonism "I helps the sdmlnUtratlon. They like f*I Dorah best of all Republican potsl- ‘t: hllltles bul •Viy think th a t h« a n o''"render beller l im i* in tfls B enite ■“

than In the While Houk. No oUjer ^l o o p hopeful Interesu them." *•! He noted a -w b al’a.Uie.uae-atU- ,

. lude everywhere he went, to wlf. “, "They don’t like Uwse Immense ex- • ': pendllures for relief bu t th e / aee no “

alurnauve untU business picks up. [: : They are resUess a t Uie-alovness.^

private recovery bu t don 't know ®

’ ar big buriness. Tlwy long for the geod old days—whatever they may "

taSMOKE-OUT. Jim Parley h u j).

laid a tough problem In the Pre.\l- ; dent's Up. t t concerns the alUlufle * whicli lhe Hdmlnlstratlon will 'as- ®

■ Slime louard three Republican Pro-■ grcMlvfli »ho faec reelcctlon In lOSOi -G corg’j'NbrrUof'Nehraskar'Hlram “■ Johnson of California .m d .James *'

Cousens of Mluhljan. -, 1 President RooMVCll may be able '*I to let the problem drift to r some “ • ; - — J— i . J " B'

; loa td lo follow his o m stilish ^ . I bent..[— flelf.ceftlrol-ln oiiward4JunUesla?. ^

lions ef living. In one’s co n u cu " ■Iwith others and iri one's manners :) make.* tor reaJ freedom In life. Just , (0 the foreigner who knows tlic eon- \I I \-enllons of the countn’ l» much bet- “ , ler nble 10 solve the new equation ; , th a n Uie one -wlio Is-lgnerin t of

U l r > » m , ___________


' ' “ “ n e w s EV Efrrs .{

_!_________ ■■ iTuesday) J1 LITTLE REaW KiTlT- B .’-GOLFi TITLE. ClcA-elaiid-Westcm star ‘'j do*n Waller Emery, * and :, In ]I Amateur! He’s Amerlcon and Eng- ,j Jlili cliamp for second y e a r . ------“IT CAN UK DOSE’- P . T). R., UlVc ,

Placid, N. V .-P rcilrtent lounrts ,keynote to r nation as he dedlcalcA j the mlUlon-dolUr Whllefaccmountain highway, •

- nR U M «-R A L L Y -V K T S-O F-'61- JGrand Rftjilds, Mich.—Blue and 1 Gray lo meet Jointly n t Gettys-

----- burjr ln-l9J8l -Ranks-of.-a. A_IUdown lo a o o a l reunion,

HOOVKR KI.INOS CHAI.I.ESGE F d n CO.NSTITlJTION-r*alo Alto. Ciilif.-Paramounl Newa presenl.i fonn 'r Pre.xidenl Herbert Hoover , Iti' an-m liislvc in te r r t^ - o f first • Importance, v . , ,

IVEDDISO BEt.L8-N ew , Y ork - : ' Pred Perrj-. 3ff, wins bride alter

' ‘"ib»irig''U,~fl7lennU'la'urels!-,She's' •“ the former Helen Vinson, 27ij-car- old film slur.Ijindover; M d.-W llllsm 0 . Me- Adoo.^J.I^•ed»-DorL^ C ro « ,_ 2 6 i. New'.fttfv. a nurse. I t third for ; California senator,


___ world - lin e . up wllh England Ins u n d agilnstr-TO t ■ Paramount news photographs crlllcal .League

- aes.tlon.Djibouti. French Bomaliland—

r r^Tu m m r - n w inr r .Ethjept* - arrtg» hawaee u tons o t.w ar tup-

, -vnlles'are-unloadeJoivM cks.-------Artdte A b8ba-Nallv«<-of Elhlo- nlan capital K in i'p lana fo r 's i r :

------ >»f-women-and-ChUdren.lI.llallan' “ boinUiWattacK.-' - ....... -

: r • -T npM*— t niiee. Inflexible In his .demand tor

z h _ J j c e n s e d _a t_b i;r l e i’____

- . •B U fuiw ,-S *pl.-3J-M arrl»ge-ll- _ cense* Issued here recently wero to

Florence Manning. Burley, on fiep- • (ember M; OoJden SeweUHammcr

~ orBrlghtnn- tCtyi'm sB.' aiid ' DonlTa Mao JardUie of Strew li, Idaho, on September I*.

• r i

W H I R L I G I Gj p T O B J t g W S ) - • - - - N m p tp i r nm d lcau )

“ iiie.'~BiiTEe Hay" 6 a r r t o 'h I a r a t ~hU feellnca t o w a n ^ t^ trto tln h U .

when h t Wfi!h«t- M r. JoWBSB'l— | a t o ^ o f % r o n ^ t o a a r . b e : ^

his vkws a b o u n b c M UuurtenU. But the real dUtleulty wUl coma 4 itw tt-P *B eo iau -t6—tb e w n a u te a — want to know how lo behaT*.

lilany.OemocraUo hotablca In the three comoonvealtba have urged esdoraement o t the th ree a e n . Bui party worken would like tfi 9Uce Uxlr oau UckeU in th s tteU. T b t j • a r t bringing tnm endous p m u r c oa the poIiUcal blgwlga a t Waahlngiff). Jim Farley wUl take h i t o rd en trom tiie President. Mr. Roosevelt U known to favor aU three n e n bu t he may no t like to be cmoked out at UiU-Umc.-It-wm-be.ji.developmeni— worm walchln* lor a Upoff on 19J8 alignments.

i NOTES. Seth Thomas,-legal coun- jsel to r AAA. qulU In dlsguit and despiUr. . . . An English Judge re-

1 v o tin g. Waahlngton l« sh o c k e d ^

" ll’s worse than It waa fire years ago." h t says.

■ NKW 'rO^K^ - -1 .' .-B ylam ea MeMBllia ■

SIL>'EB. N ev Yorlc Insiders tm- deratand tha t th t Treasury privately eonaidera the a iire r .p o li^ I t U e u - cuUng fay mandale of congress a

Ing to figure the b e tt nwthod ot dropping It overboard without at- traeUns too much attenUoo. Their discretionsrr”iso»tr»‘'<t4~not'en«nd- - - tha t f a i ^ u t a lot can ' be accom* pllshed by a quiet process o t U ptr- ing o ft purchases:. I t l l Ju rther. |n o r t« < l th a t Frta- Id m i' Roosevelt agreetf w ith " th e ' Treatury and th a t hts m ain coqeera U to handle the .m atter in a way Khleh »u i no t inyurta te_the .allw r _ bloc any more than la neeeasary. - Tba allverltea a te already touehy ' about SecteUry Morgenthaa'a-ealm— refusal to heed their advioe to push the price of the metal to 11.39 a t once. Some sUver m ust be bought In « d « r if tfn m p ly w U h lh filaw -h iltl t wiU probably be Just aa little as the law aUows.

I t would b9 inexpedient to cUbU- Ite Sliver prtces by Iniemallonal agreement a t present—u the Bri­Ush and Chinese wish. B u t some provision for ailrer will undoubtedly

made In. any subUlzaUon agreei__ ment that u reachedL

SALE. The Soviet government h u . reuton to be gratified a t Uie way lU Issue of 7 psr cent bonda has been taken up by American Inveslers. Almost all ot the ten mlUlon ruble offering i i u been lo ld -a n d the word is tiiat no more bonda .wUl bt marketed when the current supply Is exhausted,

a u l ln A: Co, can now a ff« d to be J a-lrUle-iiIgh-hat..ahout_ili4JnOTlfy_J?. they borrow abroacL T setr tinanclsi •otiallon ac nome Uenormouity lm- pro\-ed. Their gold reserve h u risen to a billion and a half dolbrs. They have tnalnUlned ihe lr credit raung Bna'teel Oicre-b-no-longeraay-rc*—^ son to slieU out 7 per ccnt inierest a lih money rales w lu t.llK y art,

IW agcnu in thU coiatr^- have ■ nelped-proraote-the-aale-of-U **— bonds-not always purely on their merits. Oul a surprisingly hrge

' Jiiiipber of Investors (cxccpl fijurc.i are not a •a11able^ have cotloned lo . th* iMue without any such tollciu-

1 lion.

T | [ j ( i l e r ’A 1 i d : P n 5 o n e r “ r

P a r t W i t h R e g r e t s

i~ L O S ANGELES, Scpl. 23 (^^-Just ■ n q u n r ttr 'o ra -c c n tu ry - ngo John ' North; slartlng ht* flrat day on the •I potlee force In .Ctilnnlown. arrested

William ’robin on a charge of hi- toxicallon.

' North-who“ advanced’ to-U u post— r of AUlsiant jailer, retired yesterday., His lasl ofllclal act was to lock up . Tobin, now 60. The charge, u usual,

was IntoxIcaUoii.' " I don t know'wliu U going lo look

• out for Bill now," North u ld . “He’a been a steady customer of mine

since becoming my f ln l arrest."• Tobin, a lUtle gray haired man,

shed a tear as tiie Jailer told him■ U'U-be.the.lasl-Ume he would ever 1 lock him up,

' IJalio F a riie frH a ll ; Ijong As ChampionJ COEWR D’ALENT.. Idaho, &pt-

23 (,Tl - Sentlor Huey t«ng wa» eiiloKir/d aa "a champion of the farmers" Balurday a t a session of

■ the Kootenai' fa rm en union at Athol,___________________ ______ •.

“ The tinlon voted a r«»<.5uUoo de- nloriiig the ns&aMlnatlon of the Lou­isiana pohtlcal ruler.

Charstng tha t commc>d1t);_pric«t |rrs t lir« re below the cost of produc­

tion. the union td t’ocaied U rlff In­creases "In keeping with Uie Amer­ican alantfnrd'of living.'* Copies'« flio rrsrtlutlon wiJI be w n t'fo Presl*

■J fK'nl Rooserelt in d Secretary W'al*

® The group opposed approprla- ' tlonsi for w ar piirpoMt, and urged

“ federal control ot noxious weeds andJB B en n iilirrD m T m ern ir .e Je tT to c :

t n itflv rf.U ndalaa-iu jtU e L a ro ita .—

It — . B E A T E N T O O tA T n -- -------n AtiLENTOWN, Pa.. Sept. 23- -Charles E .-w fT O irxdvent!m rm an- U e g e t^ e f - lh e -u n lte d -o u - lm p ro re - -

Tnent'eouipanyof"PhUadolphla.*wu ,

^ c l p n r - 'l n « C T t r « ! 9 5 ^ ^ ^ H ^ '^ =- •p n igir m ' r s a ia ttm>. i t i s a tuU w » ; ■


:: DEADLOCK E < D B T I t m o r _I . -------M rBDSR-CBAIiaED TOCTR_10 WOODWARD, Okla.. S e ^

>• f S T y o S a*KUsed

^ ■ f i^ id i f V o W d ^ - r w lO - m a n r ^ :^ m reported lu e lt deadlocked' Sattuday

aod w u dismissed,.

—— r~

Page 5: · TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ l i M B i i PE lEMTDPlECT M achine Quns M

u i m i D

F a r m e r s a t 'N a m p a C r i t ic ize

■ ■ V t e F ix e d bn H ay

a f t t r e r a i i i

«klu>t Jti« « -b y Uia-intennedlkU Cr«Jlt b tnk o l Bpokime, W*»hlnj- ton, At 16 n ton Ior lity and t t k hundrtct peundfl (or gr»ln w « crtt- tc l«d heraJi? A BTOun f»nn*r».-

W. W. Deal o f-'N *m rJ. O n n j ! ciM ter, prwWed.

■me f.irmcrs islced Mr. Deal to • contact W. 0 . M j« n or WMtilnfWn,

t^, C.. ch»tnn*n or the lntfnoedl»te Crtrtlt b»nk. u id request ttinl he In- ereasfl the budget to th»t »lo:ka«n

— c i n - i « r v “ft«Mn«bl«-pricc-lor.lhc Jiiy tlM rtrm ers produc*."

The bank U the dlKOunttnj a jen- - e f lo r-the w l o w Fecfcral, Afftlcul-

lUfBl Preductlon Credit cr^anta* Udii>

Th« biintc te l up the totn vuluM___ «t Ih r hmln fnr f»Ublt«hlCg budtttj----- tor Uie-aeeiU.oLilv<iScX jM g

linr th e eemlng. winter, tarmcra ex- platQcd.. — - .

K * TIk budsels aliould be tncreucd, " Ih e y 't tu u t . ao U tte r vnouiit.’:

- or credit can lie obutned.

A * m y o f H u n t e r s - ^

^ p e n d s ^ 2 , 8 7 5 , 0 0 0 -

I n S i e r r a N e v a d a s

BAN FRANCISCO. Bept. 53 WV- niie uverago Beer baftged Ih thc aierr* Nevada mbuiiutna costa hua- i« 8 IISD, the United su te a fortai

-------«rW c« >jrtnn»t«fl-to(Jty;’' ..............'•Her* Ll %-lial the toreit «r\-lc(

. fl|u rea will havo happened to lh<J____army of nimroda by October 18, th(

„ cloaS^nrafSMTT-------------------------— -About-J!«,«Kl hun{«fj »JIJ w «

— apent four to five -dara cach In th« m ountstns..

Each will have a ixnt (2S for !ood lodBlng. tfJ’ilpm nit and ia»Unf>-i

:____ totU or K ,678,000.117~ Jiuni«ra w n rh iw 1 « n 'c a re -

lean wtth flteum a.Soreral wttl get toit. cauitnf an-

»Jety Knouff trienda apd acilvlij among ranRera.

81* ou t of Rven will return with'— o u t* deer.

Each buck slain will represent a! ■■ ?xpendJiu re -o r-|IM .-rtt!cn woa}«

__ _ L lu « J ) a td te r abouU.6QQ.paun[lm ;first class t>c«f on IheTtoof.

W o m a n F l i e r G c t s

- L i c e n s e I n I d a h c

BOISE, Sept. 23 W >-nie fir* aerJaJ Iraatfw rt ll«fwc ever to b

i luued ta a woman by the stale o Ichiho waa on Ita way today by mal

. .. to Mra. Btnmrdlne.Lewis.K.ins 0 Watlrwood. U w .M .. A ffhsarJd'a rw crd tor Btwifjj up.<irfe down nier*.

H er llcens* was the 184lh ef ll kind luued tince the Idaho aerla llcdise-ta«r^>c«inie-operaliV4— u 1032. -me r in t 165 wfnt to m««.

Mr*. King plans to come to Idatii In n few weeka wlUi her husband oi

---------*-fuh(nf-trlp ,-H oldw A llea.-actlnidirector of the division of aeronsU'

- - (lea Sn-Uw-atat£-depArtmcnt.of pub', announceit.



• ifAZELTOH. « p i .. .aer^-ea were entertained a t a lawi

party sponwrcd by ihelr.lcadcr, Mrs --W .- AVr Btokciljerry. antt-Mrsr-Vnr- ,JimCTSon on -the hlsh Khwl Inwn

rrld w -ev e n in g . MLm Mkm A hwt . anrf MJm NaJdfne TueVcr. Ijljr)

»chool teachers, and Mrs. Hyrun Johnson, wera guuta. A prottram o:

— aonM. «am«j. and eont«tu waa «n‘ Joj-ed the early parrefTllie'evrnmi fotfowed by a bonf(« and mughmal' lo v and welner roant.

The regular meeting or the R c bakairiodge was lield TIuir.MlAy evC' n ln s a t the h ^ e or Mrs. A. J. fihit' ter. Mra. W. A. P}Tie waa ciccted a: delegate to attend Orand Lodge ai Bolfe Oclober H-17, After th. business meeting. rcfreshmenLs wen

_____ « n i ‘d bj: the lioste.u. The nexmeelltig will' be"bciober I a U FM m

T^ Jo h n Morehead and Mrs. Trudenci.. Wi-hnfUlrt rnl>fl»ln1n _ ____

T he Oood WIU club met Wednes­day afMniocm a t tlte home o l Jfr.i J . E. Wilson with l l membera li attendance. Tlie bualnw^ coiwlstei o f election f>f o fflcm rs fo lb rs M rs_ J . E._Wll«in, pro»jd«nl; Mn Sidney Clark. vIce-nreMcknt; >It* Viola Hagan, leclurer: Mrs. Oeom

. . Wyllle. secreUry-treiAurer. Tlw clu' . . , n-lll,meet with Mra. Clftude Drooh;

_ October 2........ ...... ’ ..............-- M n . W .-p .'D etw eiler-leftM da: fo r Bt. Louts to attend the natlona convention of the Amerlran Legloi Auxiliary a i at«t< delegate'.' '

• M ri. Clara Dunn apent the nwJ end vlalttnir her daughtor and »n -

. : — ln-t»w.-Mrnand Mre, Elbert Haw>' a t Wendell. '

Real Estate Transfers“ rnmlihed-brtfee-lntCTTOoonta/n■ : : ^ T n ^ i t t r j ( B t y x a j j i f i h f r r r

_________.Satordaj, j{ B lc n i6 e r .:u ~ -i-----------Dwd r- V.-E.-Hen.*on - (» B rB h rr f~ a o n . 110. 8JE8W, » .t0 .l8 .— -------- -------------Deedi-Mr-Jr-DMn*to.U-D«anr»l_____ J5!4I{Wk,N‘i NE, .13-11-17 and lot:


U F p S RELIEF— J l K i S o t e , l r r l l s l « j J . 5 1 ( ! ( L

WharoveHtii'howevirbtokontho w ^ v r t w f r e e t y soply loollilno—


T h n



It k f •. M V !cHt- . . ■ * • .r»- IBr

■ W - - ______1 to ” < - • •■■•■.'/vrton, ' X . ’ • . ' J l lllate N .5 In- < • - - - . 'iiien 1Llhe • -.. * r :

icul- ; ■ „ .......'■ '"t . il l a - ;

Su r r ’ -------T ~ ~ * ~

‘ I V ' •


S T R A N G K p e ls a rc ( ju ilc lU t P e l f r s o n o f C re te , llH nois,

— flkunkfv w h ich com e to h e n i

1 0 -

las M n g n R n H Hthe


r s Claudette Colbert Ir', th e l ^ j p p w w '.-

h ive 1 the

food. : . S j Ma 4 ^ 1 — -

r a r e '

t an- M l j J jllvlly


an I j j B .

d L o t

. ■ . . t j r i i. Metvyn Douglag. MIchafl. Dari

i . 'w l inarrltd Her Do*»." a mirpriK »i U M Jot-K 't Roxy theater.

C o m in g to th o O rpheumfhe ____ ■ ----------- ■••■

)f IU lerlal >— in-

Id on p T ‘ ''•""P f ' I ; • . a im au. r - P tpub*, h

■ ■

lawn ^Mrs. l E ^■ V n n - H b - ':— »■ *-------Inwn, W m ^ r ' - -------Ivnrriijijrl) ■ “ ~~yrum Maureen O’SullWan and Jed Mem of Crea come lo the Orpbenm tbeaKle n * tom om w -in-a-faa t-m ovla tlo■iims drama wtth-nlentrof-myatery mlatimsi- tn. I t U '-tVoman tU nted ." Toda

rer the ta il tlmea Clark Kable. J«kTie- na^ow and Wallace Hctry n it fe*

'eve- (tired Ih "China Se.ia."fihit. , !d asr .1 M AN P L E A D S G UILTY

.S S T O O RU N K EN ORIVINInex_t _____________ — .

len?e BURLEY, 8cpt. 2J—Wllford V Palmer' of Alameda, Idaho, p'.eade

*w5r moniinK to a cliarge of driving, _ truck while under Uie Influence c

Inloxlcalirig liquor.Lnlo fiiiturduy nlghl 1>« had d rl«

Mn' hL '.'ruck into tlir rfar_ of anstli' w , , ’ rtrjvrn hv iVn DurlM*. Hmerniii) ' ' ■ near here on the huhwny nnrt hoi»i

, . ,u ed Durfeo’K truck on l i ' iiwe .•'trMgl -o-w, up In mid air.

—Fortunatel;-. tnilead- e t. turnlr joT v on .ow rltt?m aehtnc,-/eIJ I««k ufK) iR ^’i It-’ wheel#. No Injuries to Mr. Dnrf< S or hl. wife were ju.Mfllned. bu f

roll-of b'drting Wii* thrown ouljui lojt. and tlie bPri of Hi»* truck toi loo*e. palmer wm unhurt.

,.,u ,. -Justlcfl-A. C. Dunn Imposrd a fir ’ nf $ias and up<in P.ilmtr, o r «

/'liem«tt»'e ju l "••nten''e ot ^It' , day-n. His cluuflenr’s llc^we *■

j a lw re>'oked for cne jra r ,S ---------------------------

= L _ NORTHWEST CONyERKNTE t*/n ■ — ilKETH A T L A - O ^ D

" o o R V X ta a p o r e

h r t i r J'~ , -


tho ' 1 | - | ----- ^ '

J P e p p e i -


hree Nice Little K reside

/ '■ ^ v y r l B i i a t ' ■ - j '- : ^^ 3 ' ^

lIpBBZsffig^t h t faHlilon. lu ll i t T ' i r i o f t e n ^ n j

Jig, has tlone. H e re s ' l c is rccdlny • r d o o r e v e ry n ljth l f o r " iH nner.” -

t In Now Film Hit at Roxy


Dartletl nml (iauilflle Cfllbrtl In « kurceucr to " It Happened One Ntch itcf. -

im I Id a h o T o m o r ro w

iralerj Iictlon! I f t i i i ^ f f W T r ^ r l l i l mhfti t—W iwrrTi atrodafi' -------J e a n , Ro»coe Kam a and Cary Ora

i appearinf In ttie 'b lf; return h I "W inn In Ihe Dark." with Myn I f.oy. .Is tlie iwectheart of Uie i I .^^yrna Loy rtaka everything for t

fjfJG ■ n « n »he l« e i . and then In a aoup I foj: her blind lover guides .her

-----~Mil'e(]'-fn-onc~er'(he-moft-<fratiui1 W. tilmaxea ever aeen In tHetnrea. A saded 1 ded fratiirea are a Popeye eartoemdar-muitcnfnntt-stortcKme-new*:------Ing ftcc o f ' Wp know U'« downrfsht unfair

jliloiiilM and hrunellr^ but th rj' lr l« n eomlnj S u r d i t •'Rnlliearin on T ■2tlirr;f-''‘lr ‘' ^ lih .lohn nolr<. Dixie h rniii'ii,‘3sfk lla lty and o th rn .

___________ __________ r_■fttsht I ------------------- ---------- ^

iA iilrom ent of pailorS lo churcl xnlns ;ln. Oregon, _Wii8hliist''n_anrt-,ld*l ufK»i]»na i*^U oa-i> ^.L t^iirim il6 * s .l

inrfec .confercnrv city for 1038. were a t)uf i» noiinced li 're nt l h<r concluding /< l_M)d.J.lon of-Ihc annunl norOiwe.M co ; to m , ferenw of (he Mcthorlwt EplKo)

•clinrch iwiKli. __ _s finfl t —

^ R U P T U R l{ H. I., Hoffmann. Expert, foiit ajuoclale nf C. T. nedlleh. Mlnnei

irwni' :J l j ’i. Unn , .will . dcniQastiimLJU '•^*'*':Qut charge hta ‘-Perfect Jletentf:w v - tra h ie H a - r l iH = ^ - .- ________ 1 TWIN FALLS_______

_ _ ;------rr-M«nrt**i-F?plemher-sn-----— ;.nl llir Perrlne. Hotel Prom '10'AV----------to-<.P M Pleaic coina.caxU'-,»~

EvenlnR* Ijy appointment y ■ ~~Any~ninrBce~iI15Wfa'tO"llTOtrt m........ rtriit^rttai:’ \gfakettteg^th»-^ffl

ru ' iimililc. sfA and ^hsclTpni s,My "Pcrfect nctention .Shlel<

• MU hold rupture under anv con - r -r»ioi> of weFkliud ConliaCl.UlC OIK. , /ft time..— -----------

I .DflJiol^-cir_tnm£#.Uial,wUl.-i " ■ '■ m ^ f u n i i e - “oi*m nir’ M tfny-uU it

ri;rn u tn this community. No m ■>------ order.

' Ho^rK o m c c ;SOS Ltnroln nid ;.. Mlnneapolli

------ I ------------- -M lnn^A *n ------------

LY N E W B . T W I N T A L L S , ID A H

] e P e t a

nnyonc p ic k H .» k u n k s 'tu MIm Kelli n ; th r e e ( if n l i t t e r o r e lg tf t you n

(/p) P h o to .

p l M l l F f|-t!iOMrSCOtlIp M ; S tn r^ ro u t awardi have been a'

- ;|noved by Snake'R iver area heai nuarters to be presented lo R ich i

: Parker and Jim Burke, membera■ ' the Aeequlft troop, a t a leaslon U '*>-'■ v inldokft court of lionor. It w B announecfl fteM »fStTm >l»r-----■ I Olher. .nw arda-appreved. ta 1 W preiented a l this sew IB in tnr-r■ First' class award lo We&le>* Path fc l Ac«}iili«i,ftnd-Ihe following me; M badges: ■ Tmon XI. Runert-W a rd Wot

ford, swimming: K. c . Tolma swimming; Cluff Johnson, flrema

K Khlp. swimm ing;- Im ' Humphrl^■ life savlnir. awlmmlng, public healt■ aid tn animals.R Troon 53. Aoequla — Lauren k | Johansen. life'sAVlng; Wesley Pal

lJ/«-aaiin2r..p})Al^ra2>hyJJumiiicra r " —‘p.iinTinBmgnffT»n ii i‘.n im '.~iii'it

mln8;~7lIc7inrd"Wrkerrllfe”aattn n Jackie McAllister, bird study, pub & hnilth . life MTlng: Ethelbert R S ber(;>. life lutvtng, lilrd study, anini S 3 iiidwtry: Wesley Duller, woodwoi ■•5he 11 0 uv ln g : Elmer Clayton, pub

iljhl,'' health, rndio. pliotography. swli mlng: I ra Kent, life saving; Ol^ Roberts, bird itndy. llfe ^ v tn g ; Jl nutke. life m-lng: D)»'ld Claytc life savlnc. awlmm^ift,. animal 1

--------dualJT—«*fety:_BBBby..-.Wlniijfo'swlmmlji^;. Laurenca joharw

! ■ swimming; Jame.s Roberts, life aa > 3 Ing. enotclng. bird study, handlcra

J . II. W lddMn of Paul U eha:tHf

5 | a or- _________________ -

^ Iddlngs Issues I T WarningAgainjt ^ Spurious Agenta ..BOtSC, ficp.t 23 o n -A wirnl■ *. was liiued here today by Dean E. — r - TflamgKnie»d“W in e 'u n n tn i iy

■jflah»=^ict«tm o^yi5lM i;:iinni] / ) , furm rrs were urged To be on i

a iC j- lookout-for-aganla-of-vatloua-prc uct-' antr <ie\ic«. who mLireprtK

?M Ui'cmsolvc.^ os being associated w - « tt i j 'M 'n-.lon dlvLilon.

V ne:rnil> '.D ea:i IddJnfSMtid sho ' fM !>' ‘ rter h is arrival today Irom M> rijH cow. (armers had been aoUdted . i a K s s lt sm a n .fo r ’a poultry rtmt u B - who reprc»«nt«d hlmMlf-as an tg<

of fhe (tivtslon. rn one InfCaooe. Grant farm er was detrnudcd. tie said, ol I hli: *2 "pay roen f on a conlra<t;U Hyma entered with such

le air - rh e only agents of (he unlwrs w the exUnslon division are the apeclall -u-T- "nd county agents." Dean ld«lh ler ta noted.,m»Uo __AsJie_ad ot the_ dlvlslon.jind a ^ aa deah of tlie unH'enily school

agriculture, he will spend about____ 1 we«lC-tn.BouthrrTi and e m e rn Ida

on oiriclal baMne.\i^''he aiinouiK air (o He w|}j vistt .Aberdeen, Tetor hr>’rf C.ildwell, Idaho F,ills and Pocntel

i U t . . , . . CARIJ o r , H U N K S - - Wo wish to expreM our apptr

aUoii to our frlrnds for chetr kii-------- nr?s during our recent berea-

''"<1 lor the beautiful fio offrrlnm.- .... Homer-Duqueine-and-famllj'

e an- — = s = ^ = s =g re.w

KO (»l — .

i *■'''**!! S O...K. JM j ^ E v e r y -t I . • . » *

I l" f e e d e r C ' a t t l

J W s s lr t r e n n to condu-i week. Plan to at

.................._ S______ ______________ r .. ': . '. I

n j i l ^ 7 “ ^ " ^ - ' ' : d e a n i

A u c t i o n e e i

I H 0 , T U E S D A Y M O R N IN O . SE


RUPERT, Sept. M — Mlnldoki

'■ quarterly eontereiiee la Rupert, Bun i ; . d«r. fourj:e.MonUaklngj.lM*jju,rtm - • UIB-My iin a '« p rn tn iti iw r« ii> «^ * lir» prlfnhwidTnertlng taklBf ptae ..' Saturday night at IR rT tr t t wan

chapel.--------- AM4UeLneed-Bmoot_an<)-.Rurur ~ K r~ »itvay. PuHr re inwentm c ^

g<nen.l chureh aulhorltteB. w m li ttUiidanpe a t Hit conferenee aes aloni aa gitest a p ea k en .u d M rria also in buslnesa proceedlijp of U> sUkr in c*remonle* a ttendant upo A Ir? ihe slake aeerttary. Ui high rniuicll and f e presidency i aiB anti quorum of seventy. - •

.V I Orsii Whitlakvr-was ausUlned t i t succred Alvin II. Jensen, as stak

t»ecrf:nrv. Mrs. Jensen hai'lng m ort - - -U ra ra Minidoka stake. — ..~ — Pmirraffi-feHlures-of-lhe-Cfflfet

enco iitcluded U lki by 'AapoaU 'Smf*)!. Rufus K. Hardy, MeWln R(

r fr-Ti.v relumed missionary . frot C aiiidi. aiid from 'the retiring atak

r fectfi.iry, A. H. Jensen. Special mu ,.', tic was rendered by MUa Llli

^ ' ward choir. 41recl«d by-Blibop Clyc Crandall, In vo:al aeleeUoni.

; T^e cIo.«}nf ri-enl ot U » ‘confei ellti* « n K w as the Sfutual Improv«fflei

aM-iKlKirpriKTaTnih-en-atllupe'second ward chuKh.

= PAUL MASONS GA^ER. n------^omtNNUftt-PtCtltl lT f t nUPEUT, Sept. 23 -P au l lod;

T C ^T ’r T f id 'lT x r . 'H e M -lh e 'a n n u U 10 mld-.vea.'on family picnic In Pa

clly park. Sunday, featurlne a p rI ap- grsm and covered dl»li dlmhi'r. O'’ heud*|(lfiy persons.. Including a c h arrt^ te d gii'sts. wero In altendaiwe.'— ‘n of I Joe H ' DeWllt, secretary of Bupe an of Mn.vtilr lodge, and B«v. George i t was Jtovt^.'rry. pastor of the Method!

IrlnirMir* of Paul and Ruoert. we0 br specUl »neak«s; Mr. D4W lir»t»^ ^ of llic M, llh of soul? order and Rev. Roseber merit ipeaklnc on ‘'Drolhcrhood."

( Ralp?} BonrdJel. past master ypel- the Paul lodge, presided aa mast niii^.‘*BrTer?nignier~p:cTitc'arranttm eii ■man- 1 'ere In clurge of Mr. WUey. M ilirfca BcnrrilPt_and Charlie TranciH eallh.' Wlley'and ^fr^, Benedict a s t i

Ihg.irence ' ---------------------------

S tJoyH Assigned ■■ SE -To-Portland-As

Debt Specialisiworkrl--------- --------public i PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. JS m <wlm-;T. J, Uoyd or Bolac. Idaho. Ma David director .or rurot settlement woi : J im , ^11 be trowferred In October syton. -.ork out of Ihc regional officesII ln - |p o rti,n d as one of Ihe dlstrlc Urort^ihr«_debt_a{Uu»ltnent j p c : ! ^ snsen, Willard, lormer aelJng rilreel ! eay- Q{.tj,e Northwest Resettltmenl woi Icraft. ’ announced today.:halr-1 uoj-d, who Willard said "has do

tw & bndiii^w o A -ln -rttra ljcliahl (lailon and In laying a liasU for i [newer rural reKttlement work ' Idaho " is to be aulgnrd lo Idaho !compl;t« the traiufer of debt a

o f — 'JuslmenrwlIvUlcs-in-tnit-stBte- 31 ' Ithe Resettlemeni admlnl»Uatton a ^ - f o lbe responsible for co-ordlnaing-t U I S |pre«ent work of the slate and cou

lly tolunleer debt adjustment coi i r n t J i f r t h a b l l U a l l1 E. J, program. ..lly 'O fi ' "Promotion lo-the-regional Hi

^ l ^ t F B T w ^ n r t - h l s J l t a m i l r ^ ^

rew nt s lo n .o f lurm ailju.ilroont— a'orl I'-vclUi Wllhud declared;

I No rKCf.':or lo Lloyd as Idu short- state dlrector-lias-been annouiio M os-1 - •

>d b y ' rW A DIRECTOR TRAVELS cmcdyl no^SE. flept. 2J (/P) - J . Vejn u e n t 'O i l e r of -Boise,-acting, dueclor

« ‘•U rr^lIo-w W K nidm m titTattm r I of a ' Idaho, was en routr loday to Was ’•iHlo Ington. D. 0., to attend a meell

c'h an ot ila te PWA directors tliere 11 week.

rerstty -lallAls

, A m ailag Ntw Sulphur T rialm i

Ht E - € 1 ^ E “A /WIdaho tT C H , A T H llT iS FO O T, IT

Q ufcfc/..Suce«ifu/ir..6ujM nf«iImo.



bock Sale- A X —

Sole Yorjy E L L . r o A H O

- T l s u r s c f a y = -Itlffand F atX attle^^t 0 0 ' t o ^ 6 0 0 ^ e a d - e v e i 7 :

attem i our Thursday Sales. . .

«r S t i l . L I V A S ^ ^ ^ ^

er and Manager

SEPTEMBER 14, M S I ')■ '■

N e w M y s t e r y B



ibee -

tn m r '

CRA.1H nf a new enmblnatlnn bon lodge _ of 85« mllPs_ati_hDiir killr jnual niH^, ?0'PlIot. Jn a iM lliJilil ; rau l narmed ap tor Ri laVcoIf. O n l p f" ' llie plane'n de»i|nrr. 0?mH Vnl' O '" ilmtnary hnp 'Jw l prior to

T in - . rtiBtfla,----- - • ..................‘ • — J____

lOdLil I R e c o r d B r e a k e r

'berry |

e r 'o l 'lastcrnenu- -------------------- ---------

work. • ‘er to — ' |D M ^ \

Iricl'* L I .1 \ allsU.FKfor 'C A PT A W G .-r-T . EY’STON-fabm

of England smaiiied a whole I I (tone of antomgbite records during I iabIlL\ r T.m ni i ' i Tir' ll’oni'ifvi'

I 'la h salt be d .,-( ,n Pholo.

lho lo — tv ,_ !.jl ' -------t ad-


H f a a I

*i t

. T O W E S '

• - PR IC E!

l - > . - ^...........-

p T ,.o p e ra; i ' r ; ____ :i.;,'A Y U af!he:Llg:flecc:i

—' -----------* ym irtoo rw »5^S efbe

— — ... - a t . l o y e r cost b y V T n ir lj . because of

1. c liR v rn tfp rfo c S l y low est jirices.

C H E V R Q L E T , -

Bomber Kills Two

. " ^ 1

bomber and pursnil ship capable of a 1( illird Thomai Van Mlnne. pllat. and Dui ; .1 ~ ar iM Atii'eU*. ToiSrtKe Speertr ih •rntrr: Van Slonr (len t tongratulated I VnKee. on eoraplrtlon of a lureeMfal p r t.fa la l trip. Below: w m kar# ot Ihe eral


I t givea you wonderful tervli . m Ai*-i>n> w d T le take r

p laces. . . quickly and comfortab Make auro you keep ll operatlnR wl niaximunV efficiency ihls' winter, pulling Everendy Prestone In t radiator.

:-r=£ f efea<)^Pw t^ i> »^ » l ; n ^ l U I t la approved by ear rfianufacVure

• ftpd -lt- 'ls-p ian 'n teed -by Satloi Carlwn Company. Inc.. to provi

i H i l Btl'<rl»ter p;ot^'clion osalnsl be ^ rust and frtew -up,. Contains no j

coliol nor glycerine, >tfts no odor.

, And Ihis vrnr. tlianka to Ihe bfifiil snJrs In lilsiory, U>o prlee I

k . tM'rn reduced io only.U.70 a galli < k I Your denlor haa a chart showl

cxaet coal o t complsle protecllon sbowl i"Our.cnr, in an y temperatura do

(0 Cl- below « m T P u n n T f iw « ■le lilt Prestone now and get freexe- I f III* J '^'orry off your mind lor lho enl . — -I.a-UIUT. Bawd on the. SO.jcar avICVlllr. tL'i.flll'.,. ]n 'J\

I I'alli about Oclober J,-A dv.

I^ B P

i m a T ^ 'vaive-h - - ^EST.... ] HESoiix - I5ES A ECOHOHY fLy^ 6 T . in^iivi.l.ial J r i i r t hceauie ^ i l o r s ^ r ' ' k a r n i n i ; - - tyUndcr

CCUSrr*'fcn«w— ;----- Chenrol'A VS t<i tin - Chn-n'Iels. i k l>emlt

Imiilo • - rA lni'^JV biiv i n r . f V v r n ln m

if ^liis trl])l'* ^.-ivin;;; ' ' > r t u givi

how to pel

ifli» Hie le v pa* an J u i — i b o-wodd’e

E K = G f - J E !

____ ____________ P A G E F i r a


H Mr. u d M n. J. M. K irkm vi lellI Sunday ior Loa An(elt«. ktter rt*« celvlni word ot tbg deaUi ot thebB older son, John KUkman. who wai

S . (lei. Ita U survlTcd by hU wife,

5F K itto r l in la m ^ ^ c lK O ! m w•- etlJi ja r k m ta . Twla PalU; Mra .1 lUissaU Herron. Twtn PalU, and a

i t brother, David KUkman, Twtn |B ~ -^ lU . , ----------- --- - -7- -------



{^M m erica n«»• 0II.BURN1NG:HEATEP

E WIih lh lt new, uisto -daU keaU ryou haw-no-wowl.o«-co*Uo lug.

7 ouK It o p o r a i a t auiorh'allcally, 9ivlr»a_you full heating eomfort,

............ ovan in tha u id a i t w4aihar.-Th^rvlce,' contfrucWon ti fha effic^•n^

»i«*>e*t|ng sur. lably.l {acii and lonci firo traval axtrael : with! mora haat bafora tho ho t g a ia i :r, by{ f««ch ffi* cWmnqy. — ‘ '

‘ Corn’s In a l your firit opporhinlty

p i l ^ i


COMPANY—, big- I^cn ted in K oto Bidff. N cxl e h iu - to 'O rpheum T hea le r, a ^ n . ----------AUb-Deulcp-In---------°nfw W ILLIAMS - -

5 Oil O Matieenura HEATING^ J g p J ^ a c « . O U - B u r n e r s -

- ^ t l '. f ' y i

b d » 1 1

lie they are poWcred v i tb - e t i— J c r n l r r ^ O ’f 'M J *ogJnet.

roIgt-T rucks-givc-lojiper, mor* idab lo servicc because o f th# •^ g /Z /nnrh icb-C bevro lel-bu iU l---------

j l i a j j g l j i C lirv r o lc r T n id ^for

pet maximum payload bvura at_ IJ’a lo 'Y C stio su l-


Page 6: · TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ l i M B i i PE lEMTDPlECT M achine Quns M

______CnBUnued-*lMi4Ail-iittti!_t=SYNOPSIS: tm O r B u t ih h u ^

^ .teU ^-ta-41rw ««^.B abeA dlW r- |

t r ia U nnpM M Ir, edwln re»fT»e* h li M rilrr w m , Mlralu Cmllj >■ " r llh t to do wbAl th t propM c«,.ud ^ M e n to M p m l«»t h* n a . Ba(

- T T m B r im U »w«r Sb o tM tim and urTBBfn ib i t M* *

- fM lhe h u - r« » a Ih t m tuk - forM w tfk. «h« ihall KO to rlti l s «ol- " Iric friend »( Morten Hall, her pUnUUon rtr lh rr Math tn Ala- | |

**“ “• _____ laCliiWer J« • _

HOME TOWN TAI.K • olEx'cn ElMoii, lU er l«Tiity>(i('e u

j t u i . had lu c jpw U f for »ur- -I — ptbet. D orethr filune rtln^'od'the «

. tha tn rt. _Ino tn h t r 6Jick eyte. . t i■ "Believe It or nol. you've brcbme wia JiVrolne over night.” to

Emily, who w « pnckliif for theYlnt to Judiili, ihook her head m - i(hcrly. "HMTcn forbid," it

"Piit^w^.luiv^^* ^ ^ Uiy Ir.finetfr in

come dean and lell you lha t every- body-ln town • wondered ho*,- you di jtood ltA jIo fliruT ou .d id .'’ so

81)0 (aoed Doroihy almoit detl* tli anllf. " I can't bear fbr .pooplo te br feel th a t « t7 a tuut Mm He's tK«n ts decenter about ll all thnn anybody "i on e*rth could haw been. And he'a

— l ot 'ten Wtaw aa wanft<ood-iT«H*** t j 111 ever hame. I t Uwfa tho « y b« t h t y ^ (tolnr to feel I’ll nevtr je t pt

— over U :- rd 'in u c |^ th e r thay'4 pu t i® the blame wherefS'bclonu* — on m me!’’.D orothy aobered quickly- "I IWnk di th e r ' probaUr understand th a t; th ■mybodr-taoCT that M w lna.char-.

knew, too, tha t h« needi a nice lltUo ^doormat like Lucr Bamea (or h li nwlte." te

"Thaf* perfeeUjr tm e." Emily in-- " if It weren’L M d I did- j,,

n 't know th t t I'd actually M Hurt^ m lo t bim. I'd be tempted to p) backtp Wm.“ ------- — ■ - n

Doroihy-almoat jnorted. "Rot! If or . you dliaolve Into centlmmtallly

e r oome near you a ^ n l Bdwln U <j<| -_rouoh iurer^of comloj ou t unscalh- w,

«d than you: nobody cati pierce tha t ]u armor of eompheewy (or Ions." t,(

T hat waa true. Perhapc Im had al- u ready regretted hU Beneroslty ot_thg «r

- past weei: had alrendy clothed him- — a»K-ln-th«-manllfl o t-anrty rdom . »i

Sho snapped tha lock on her trunk o----tft .

ln« caae. w:"Anyhow. I hope youll let It be

_ kno«;n lh a t I don't apprtclalo bclnj » "iTierblije. My head ts covered with jn

aahca v id I don t car« who knowa It." „ - bl

Dorothy looked koenly a t her. — “Are-you rrfrettln j thla tW n g r ^

Elu Shook h tr head decidedly, b ••Ueavenj. no! I (eel u If I'd Just

. finished a aentence In ]bU...Bul 1 t,l Jfali''buyfBi ■fre*doin‘ " a l “w e h " r priBC.“ U

' Dorothy 111 • e lia n l . rvou bat* — l«'I>ay * 'W p rlc6 ’for anythlflf you — *anUv«T-badly.-Now-UutU>'oiiXu ^

paid tt, for Qod's sake remember (ti " Lot's wife and quit looklnt back.

What'a the little poem: ‘Look up. ^___»nd_not_doim:-.JooiLj«iBtd,._an_d

net back*— She grinned Imptihly. „ Emily threw a cushion n l her.

L__whlch-went.wUd.and knocfcciLfla-» ^ . . limpah&de.

• "D am j-oul* She held up an ew- Bloc d r tu of loe-reen t&ffeta, "1 >,

_ _ w a m t t*klnj.'th li, but"— I don't -—rknow.-What- do-rtm -thlnk?'*------— ^

Tfie grin Pcr?ltt<d. '•Q f-couce-lfl ,i

I f l w»11 tft h« pT ^w /l~ fur . n y — eventuality. 'Look forward and . not*-"

' ' EnQy laufhed helpkoily aad__r«*ched_fo^r another glUow. Dorothy

■ (luiij lip a ahWdlnj arm? ■ ' • [ "I think I 'd better go home,'* [ “Please do n V ahe. b rm d ..'W lU i . .

, : nn rK irJ« ]a a .. lJ o K ^

T h t train conntctlon to Birming­ham * a i v e r y poor. Jstftey - pointed out, and he had planned a builneas trip there In the lmmetlliile q future: there waa no reason why lie f couldn't go Wednesday as well as ,i any other day, and William couldr b drive them both down. Ii

■— Fr»nc«-k>okf(l-bolh-reilgiwl-»iid |i akeptlcal, »nrt rjiilij' b^smed upon him. ■ .

-• "I'd love I t ' - (oryour compaiiy___ m orB jhM i_forthecqnvtnte^,"81u! ?

turned quickly to ‘S'rances, l « t , rrance j f« l AllithKtl. "I«n t thcrr aome ahopplnf you ought to rio. '' MoLher?"

Praneea .ihook Itcr head. The • drive, she fell, waa a little tq rem- J In lx cn to t a funeral iiroccMlon; ahe |

-.preferrtiLnol to wllne'fl (hL»-*ym* ' bollc breaklntt with evcryihlnn she '

- —J!Ktftl»-ayB:h'I(l,snciftf.i^i'-l irri’vofl*able. ■ - ■

r i think not, my d-'nt. l have a ' Board meetlnjr Wednc.itl.iy and HI

------haTe-to bc -he re -fo r-th st,"--------- !And .<0 Emily anrt Jctfr^i' w in i

..alone, anrt dunng ll»* drive trW 1 ^cry Inrd 10 be par .mrt ca*u;il. Hr ; .&CUI lllih. her to ilie train nml al i the Knl' Ii'ev cluni: lo c.irli oilier < fnr a liiiiR time. wonllw.-Oy. Tlirn : h ' .•imlled. I

"ir.-ive u ROft(i Him-. Milk. a i good time, and—ral;^ h e t!" ' (i

She hiushfd unbtcndllv. "If, !f m i .:____coultLonl!—raL' *_!htlr_hcU_yoiir- i;

v lfl"____Me nh'ook~iiU irpTd~7'irfii11;^”rrir ’

loo old fbVii iiow.-‘ ■ " .............

t v i r r i l i s T r tT i i ^........fonT ^il«^w m 'ri»rro ilion ;r-b iit In :------ :t:e"opposltc“dirn:t!on“from 'M on‘.- (... somcCT-Emllj' \u a slad of iliai; the ; ____ :ilthL-aU hc j -ailwav m'.hIpu

lo tlilnic whnt flp 'p prnxlniilv ioj Car.rolltoii ll.'rflf linve donp.'.....Tlieu .v.aa.& cju- .y ro iuua .^ .ilic rt j

- .-had l>f«» w Iona a^o, and »l»n-Biv-v

____ tfm cm krin i_________ ________ !11 was fi'i 'C r-lli'- f,^.'rliu'llrin o:..

tw* B1.'.C: I'.-’t, c;!l>* nnd tov.rv.| ucre more or h'.'u allUK Ur? ;\orlU|

. ovtr. but Wc )n till* ctunlry wiu-|

r i M m s ,

M A J ifA y B xixs —

f It4tle; m h « l « aeDM of U vU nrt«pped back tnto the pai^ j ot his- \•z ............... — ----------------- ■■]

Kegroes crerrrheM -< a e v * n i, nefrrtKS to the white, hadn 't DftTld I , Mid?). SqmUld. mwty IlUlo towns ' . (Davfd had told - lier Innumerable. amusing lnciaenU.^bout thcaeJ»|lB ,|

). .Sandy- by-rosd j,..-a loue_w blch .- shuffling oxen dragired home-made

I carts. Acrts nnd acrea o( cotton fields; o«aalonal enormou.'i planta­tions. tome well kept. othem In the l u t sUges ef decay.

Bhe wondered about tlwt fai^ of . CarroUlon slnee the pn.wing ot the

old regime: some Nonhem capital- . -e ut.'Jurtlth »aid. lu d bouBht It lor a •- "lodffc," Probably his *lfe consid- le ered tt "quaint"—Li _A nd.lheiuJust-»tjun»«t.Jhfl_e_i^ -

turned Inlo a long wtndltig drive* e way, a t the end of whtch f.iood Nfor-

ton Ilall.le JudlUi burst throiiKh the op.-n I- doorway and chanicrt down the

step.1. They clung toitcther (or a 1: mpiiirot ' ^ lthtm r»pg im grm gn-Jr= - -

'- 'T ha t I should life lo .ve Uilau dayt '(Ousrthose bnoa belong tn tlie

« u lh gUMt room.) J couldn’t ge t to -1* tli« Itatlon and Fvo been holding mye breath for half an hour," Bhe heldn Emlljr oO and su rre jrd her criUcaliy.'S "Youltawn’t broken much."■s Emily laughed and wiped her

y beltera you've sol a 'ch lldM thought - 't people always got (at and matronly It !ooklng."-Judlth-»ai»-a3-rtidl«nt-aa - n cr«7 and ns slim u a sword.

“Not always: thank heaven!" Ju- k d llh latrghed -and led the way Into •; the houae.-■-. Morton I l a l l . ^ l y reallaed .'^aa *

« ^ t o n . A wide (talrway, wtth all the • 1* awtep and grac* of a perfect sen­

tence; richly canvd mantels; a dtn- y Ing-room approprlnUly paneled In 1- hunting acenea: tha t much she aaw^ u n r p n t w : — ------rr-r-----------

-TheiT~-ht r eye (ell- upon Davey; gdnnlnir amiably a t her from a eoop '

if on' tha Uvtng-room floor. y _ She went rtralah t to him. hyicli-

^ dcnUy Just dined, bccause hU face '* w u almoA enltrviy covered with a ‘t lurid coating or Jam. In one haiid ht

held t toy dog. and In the olher an ' I’ as yet unopenM package of ctg-

I* “Dont get near him.-" Judith ad- ^ »l*ed,-"untll-bc'j-.beea-fumlgal<d- _* Of coune It'a my cue to run and1: .Wlpa-hU.nose-tghy-do. m o theno l- . ...

ways wipe their children’s noses* when anybody r o lk w them?) and K n y : 'I hate for you to see him look-•> Ing Uke thU r Only I can 't u y ll, .

because he always looks like th is - “ by the ttme you get him dreued." J

>'• Dftvey smiled broadly ond b it off X eomcr of the clgnret • package.

[; Emily aaw with ft tlshlenlng of her « throat that he had the Implah. vivid ‘ hlu«..eii»_gf ,the_other Dnvld.' flhe picked him np eaferJy and

thrilled to the feeling of bU heary." Tlbr*n»Jltt>«,l»dy,__________ _______« - I don't care what he look* like. ■'°"he^'a Umb. Won't th lffdnuvt paper -

disagree wllh him?"*• "Heavens, no; he’s omnlwrous.

He's In lhat charming contraption '9. now-bocausQ.r caught him )iMHcrilay. _ ^ eaUng all the checM off the m t- ■r- trapn and I d ldn t dare leave him on* the-looefr-again. When thing* gK -

dull or his dinner* late he plcka out’* pieces of his rubber pants and eaU

' Da\-ey-«yed-EmUy critically and — .menzotfcreg-taerrtha^-pftekage ot- - ^ c!g»rtl.v8ht-tootitTr»Tcly;-----------ff '{ w p y r u a r i w j r t r M iH ia f m iy - - - )d - -

(Continued la.H ext Xuut) t

J m i S l i s '

py - - --------a HAZELTON, Sept. 2 3 - UaseUou

te aatricn club sponsopcd a (lower i» Mhlhlt which was dUpIayed,Satur- “ (Uy at the Idnho P o w r company I'l' biillrtlnir. Lnst spring needs «-ere dls-

Iribiitcd tn .vliool children with tlie Irtffl nt-promottnirnn lntcrcjt-tn 'the -

®'' raWiw and .rsrelng of Towers.TliCK , nowfrn entered by the

? ' younc lifoVile, lf>ci'tlnT wllh conlrl-biitlmu.-(rom_llio_m£rohers..Qt,.l'« -Oarikn lUili, mn(!<- n plca.iing dLi-

A-J-aril.' »<re ;!•; follriR.i: 1-Yench Marlcolds, Verrtu lleLstnnd, first, anrt Norman,\Vallr.«, w o n d : Sun- n flowp[, Mdrm HoWancl.; Hcab- Inn, Verda H^lUnnd, .lirst; Cnienv

),f duln*. Ponuld Rott. flrit; A.Mors,« . Ruth..Wflrdcl!.41riU-ZimiUiA-Elilt ..

Mae StokeiBrrnv Tlrst;.mrted-;1}0* - J (itn-t, riliiiTlnp coplln. (Ir.'l. ' ' '

n i Pom rom . DshlU.- M n. l-'rnnU I - • HrW .inrtrfir'tT'Mr'.-Ororcf-WyUie, - ■lU J<-rniirt; C.irtii^ D^ lIl- , Mr.i,' FrMik r,-<l li'l'iund, .'lr^l, M r', Cnrrt-r Otyllrrl,Hi- Shnn- Diililla, Mr’. HclsUnd,al (lr,.;. Mr.-.’ C.irric Clooll?rt, .-ccdiuI:

ifr (il.iillolii.v Mr,'. H. TliorMen, llr«i. i irn Mr' CliDrl'i> Hnuli'y, M'ooud: Zlii- <

Mr. C.'t.r:e Wyllie, first; ,■ n ri\y.’, Mr.'. H. -ninrojen, first; •

Mn. Ch.irlc)(-H*n-la. '■ •oii:!;r;l: Co;{inil;iii‘'. Mr,*. II. Tlic>re.«Pii |! .ir- i;:n t: Cojmy.i. Mm. ChftrV-'f-Hnttli'y ;•

I F "rm Ti.i.iV;-:ci-nrM:------------------T■ ■ Tinirhiui"b;Hirc*l*ll(JCd on ihe jj

"m rrm m fan lra— th n r cxhlbl!.’ . An^' in at.»rJ of nTi'-'di^lnp^wm-bo^tforedji

;iic and .'rtim Ihr IiIkU -■'Chool onliwir 11; - liik-iir,il c^ui-of flnwpr.<,. i 'tfrtj ------------------------- -- -To] Ilt^TTS^m-VROSl II0SIMTAI.--1 np ' n i’ltLKY. S^pr. ■.■3-LoU Moo;n.i ert i W t.“ ■-Hsw hiujillnl rtif(;rlns^wllh-fl-bro-H

■ ',li;-cliati:;d^ from llip litwpilal. ■

>rv.; C.lii.,ii-n:;ii i.MlpybiirnTltlr.-..'..! it!'; tv,ir;:r:! (rom the Coll»i|C.


I— :-------- TlTW -TAtW -D AttT-'

■ J U S T K ID S ^

rsU L L Y 'H O eA N \ f L E T s ' KNOCKED MUSH VV 6 0 t

- CW Eft-TH E'= - I ^ I U - P O X D - - / ^ - -------I . \

n \~---------« - W / j j B a S g s c t S

« w * H i im i i I I

i Ie

■ D IX IE D U G A N ■r — ________________________

I J ‘-*-7»^r w VJAVLAFQBNCH W M£f«AM WHO Hfl


S ' y -

’ J i f

; t ^ r c h y > m i t f

I iw w w ep rr woz ^ 1 . YOU, SCORCKY I - U S i -TRYlN'r SKSBR-™' \ BE

---------- 4 — aillA fttH H frJN -O l/— 1-B-i JA tf t/y p .O y d H T E fl J-5>


• . . .

e ......... ll 1

u ____ ; ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f l

j JOE PALOOKAr , r ' SHAM E ON "iO USE 1 1 i R O S I E / i . e r s o o AN' •

i S A ST SQ O iR 6 B 6 R T J I i J o v E S T D o s w ^ '

/ G e e « n ‘W E S T B g E T \ _ (L'WHCC, ik .W H A T -m -

!. H E W IS . p Vr - • WIGHTA.-

SE N Tt MOM C Va •SOME l l 1J. —

. s ____ - -i..L argest No

1 - H S E Eu ... :r I l iC - " " '-


1C_____ !__ ______ .. . ■1- ■ ■ ■

'h;t. i ........... ........------------■J; T H E T (M I. InrK cat non-rit;i<l n l

Sco tt F iclil. IHinoifr, on h e r f •s, th f)ro iiirJ t« '«n iln ftH on? . T h e hi I t .- vnRines nntl (i-speed o f 90 m i®‘ — ................... - - ■ —

HOME CULTURE CLUB- - “ 'k PLANS SALE OF SEALS orl, _____ lld,d: l iu n u Sk'iii. 23-Home Ciilturv *'• ilub ni«l at thf home of Mr.v E, R. c JJ; ain-rman on Fri*iy adernooii'. Mrs. a

NcLi Lnr;ni of Filer wa* awlAtant ” ;j. John A, Noble spoke to J;■II noup on the greiit nrrd of the •, n . ,vUiU-'l'uberiulob work and tin- buy- ]: ir-intr-nf cnnstmns teaU. which-ls-the " — !cn ;j-m cw -o f-secu rln rn lil- to rtn is -- he IpurpiBe. Mrs, Noble and Mra,-Loube * ve.lMcCl:uky.rpc«nil>--al!i?ndc.-t.a.»tftla. J^n^'n '^llng n( the—Anll«Tiibercuios»« ® >d-,u>--.uft»UftA ln-ftntrii-nnH Hy. plri. fnrrt-li-Uxw^le.«(-ClirUU«ft*\.«aU.UiU e nn' is smijir lorth, Tltc t^malndcr r

jn? thf al:'monn_n-ax »|ient socially■ “ ItiTia .' Die lia'i?.-.*es sm-cd refrc.-h* c,_>rci; llie dose_______________ _ ,:n. [ I ’lie Clrdc of Ihe Christian church

M^lliLinS-H'Ctg-maitt- for the unnunl cillckcn dinner on Saturday. Octobcr

rn 5, Mr . J. W. Glwenlj.nner U chall- llic j rnati for the iicneral arranyementi,

I Tlw ho itcua c cm d «frcsfim«tU

,T -N I!W S rT m N T A tW rm A K O

' S ^ ^ l / 'W 'L O - \t b u l l v )


^LA ID A K ~ .F l E h N 5 ^M D fSCAPfOV, ' L £ D IA B L E ^ BA

•RATH OP THC : RIVER N C A d AN F V P TU N E IH J' E D T H £f1 70 « 0 M— - JJ0A0S-^,4Sx-7H£

W g , R A F T S 7H€ tIEN— T O - W W - A - P i o r - ^ r o - P O i


3 lw - WKlf_ _ _ _ _ _ — ^

I H ow oy JAKE, \ | ' OH, I OfTAfiO Y ou OL’ HERMIT/ a U lT t SOME / BET YOO HAVEN'T -RJ SEE A PICT! • BEGH TT? TIjWM ' ftwun c i

I-5WCB B lSCTiO H h T iIGM Acroft» ^______ ^ RioHT oi.rr LOU

■ 'y - ' - j jF T M E y WUZ <


‘^THeYAlf'TThJOUSEl lr ' 1 ‘sP O S E ' iT ffY lN 'T F lO C E R V ^ M T S ME J IT O U T - r r s A L L T 'S C N I T / fr*W H ER «sA S-5*A N ' -seN t> 'lT -f» \ '9 V R T Y OP RU ST S ' BACK.

_ J ^ - P ) V R r - A h l '- - - ^SE C O N ' p -

r x B l E l ----------- ?I 'I “= " = V .

Von-Rigid Airship In Tea

I n lr s h lp . lif lo tl It tir 2.1.'i fpvl n f rub r f i r s l (fs t.fli,i* l» i-n s n c re w -« f -n e hisr Iiaj; K ij!i>m -i?;im iim liinm clcr m ile s an^hou l» -^ :T T “ t ’linl(>.

- a t,th e tlosc'.r ,iflc::uxi:;, __ (I- —Tlie - -TuestJay- brldct.. dal>_liid;.a i Ic

S one o’clocic luncheon ni \Vr:;v’» cnfei.M In Tttin m iU on MoiuI:iy ;i;r:nioon.'Li

Mr.i, J, S. Millcnrv .ir,.rl-tUu'rt; Circle number 2 or it;,' M"thodm ii

I- church a t her horih' on I ;iurJiliiy Jn s, at'cm oou and Mr.: iv r: '.Vomack.'iii it n.islsted by V Ki‘ , nitct,- ir „ mined circle Ihrn- m tin- •.i;ne aft- v; ° rmoon. T h r o IIk t-iuo .irr',-s.(.<v.i-t- ' poncd Iheir mrjtint;.. nnti: a liUvr •; <ia.i'..:.. T . _ _ _______;■„ -M rt-M aybclic a»llL.i;:d-.'i:4^Doa.:« McKlbbon wcnl.tD.Uul^.ou.Sund!U'.;A. tvherc.Mri . Bwtft-wlll takiLUm.iiatc- I, cxammtlon.xcTt«'no!y_c;.'‘:fatoa, .! ir. gd tiiey'of.R»lH'rt:,;:.'iit !lii»-WCTi:-- ui .lln;;:-.ol.Ills'.T parent»'l« DulU.-------------------—......y __oavld_McClu.iky_of_Huiii wijL I* C ra«n Scott of 'tv in [•'aito lelt Sun- •


1 :_ : ; : -_ _ _ ;A P E E E 5 i. ;RED J ONATHANS i

i!lc~HoJtirl •f Bring Contalnem and Tlrk Then ' Cryalal Sprint* Orrhanl. Flier I

H K T n E S ra T H O im iN a ,, SEP


DOWN HiOM CANADA BAND CAME 70 A SW O L L Z N T ' AN OLD M llL WHICH HE ORDER-j :R0SS T V AVOID T H E W/6H*-7 H £ V -W eP B -C 0 N S m K T fM S ----- < 'E N DECIDED TO C A R R V OLH' j ■ poaoH-7ii&/f—L-€ADeff— f - V E t S S r W ‘ W e M S E V E S . Z I

. ✓

iftOONP / HeiNie.THIS IS I ; / IW CKT JA K E -O K E O F M V ICTUR6 OLDEST FftlENOSR .l \6 Q ..M ’ - g O H ^ L F T T H y C -.. » ^ K B D 1- t a l k i e STORy ^ .ouD 'A S r F o o l V o U - h e r


€ H E V \ 0 \ n o . IT 'S A ( M" ME > y > ^ r e s i n t .

’cat Flight ■ C

' " " “ V '■ , ..... “ TJ

•ub licri/c tl fn l i r i j^ in to th e n ir n l j - ' ■ -n in p -A rm y -c x p c tL s_ B av c Jfa i! -= Ic r o r _ o £ /c c t . t h r e e air-coolcij ,

(I.iy (ur*ChicB(:o where Ihey will ni-.;lcnd- iorLliacstcru_un(vtCi!5<:,_r.MrJ . ri.McCluvky U ftuilylng medicine aiul .'Ll in Uli iU lli ye.irJ •1; Mrs. J. C. llnmlUoii enl-.-rtaliird ; llic Cfttliollc Women’.'; leuRue n ; h e r ,' iliome >i Thursday afUTjioon, /Jj . luLilrr--. nifclln? ra .i held nnd re-'■ Irc.'liinenlr. were .-ervrd by lhe hotl-

:p - ' '■ ....... ' J

t -D ouble=Band=Kitfe !.: Z T H m ilc rc ia flcy . A l ld n l i n r ;- ...... GeQtg l i i . .O r r h o s l r n ____ {

V s . .......... .........— jAml>uhs;iilur.s ’

L --------TO N ITE-------- : i

' W cH lern l l n r n D ancc \ ;> ^ .- '.'K eltirft^ n K aK e > u ^L ~ .» » ;i F r iday. S e p t 27th ! j R-A-D-I-O-L-A-N-D ;

1 ' M il l i

e ft e m b c t : w , i w " . ’ _ ]




' -OR T w r r o i s o w U A S-IM P O T E t ■ SUDOENLV.'LE D IA B L Z" APPEA


i My-EeSD_TDO / ' SAME• ~ ^ Y -KOW.-tf.S.

{ PARDON w e , J ^ . ' ^ P E R C ^


" r f WRS. P)M.OOKA,THlS\ f ^ ~ 15 THE DSED TO A 'i V/HA

. VALyASLE PACM. 1 .— .TT-MAKeS'.;rou.___

’ T H E o w ts e f t . r r / s . 1 3 ) - f v THAT OLD COLONIAL. K r


HA2ELT0N. Gcj.i. 23 — Ejection, f.(-eliw»-«Hleero-(«r HR«ilton=Tuial--or high school wn.1 iwld Tiiendav re- Uf .Millin'; n.1 foIlo«r.: I'l

Sfnior«-Prc.'Jtir;i;, a icn O hm ; ‘n'i vlcc-orcsldcnl, il 'T l.'r i Srliolleld; d, .ipcrclno’-ireiuiircr, Kmmett U m - or bi'tii. in

‘’~,Iunlor.i—Pre'lri<‘ii'. noma Kflm; , , vicp-i'rr.i:d:iit. Clwrlr.i U irrnim T . ' sfcn-iiiry-irPiuiircr, iiuth Lambeth,

„,<t);ihnniorp-i— Pr»-.ld<-iit. Murjoric I wmdlr; TlcP-nri'Mc’.'.-iii. niclCTrdl” .VJi;»^*«orcl«y_aijii'.'.A'ork;_trcii-,i ‘L .Mirrr, J.iv Krlni. [‘i

I 'V 'l;;iin ii-P :.'iiin it. Bud iMcl:-cn'oii; viri’-iirftMdciii, Jack Adam.i; J.•iTrclary-trei’/u rcr, I’-niy Uclwcili'r. I

;i _____ ■ 1r— — DNCLB JOE-K'S —~

r ------- I;A!}T TlMUs’TODAYI-r— T

. p “ C LA U D EITE

M B m i


j -.Ncvs.EvcQtx.Aud.CuUMia-—.. ..

I ON OL!lt ST.\Ot:: :------KTm TrN G TTim SD ".n------- “i ^c».gN m cE -------

[ 7;iHIIXBIIXIE&t31\ -NOTKi-U’«-.\«ni,.aiuL-\Vi. ;

.Never Ralw Our Prleea!; , K in n iE s me a d i’l t s ^

• C T I O N S s p e a k L O U D I

h — -------- I [ A -

By J. p. McEVOY and

Z WABLEfe' I Y THEIR FR> ■D CNER THEV \N PAN\C THCIRfE R ........ b u t ROLLED o r r t h eB 3& .£D JH E l± - -BOTTOM-OF-THE- rSNXn^. w "LIES M 6HT ^ F P W J - CHEST WITH SO.C


- ,V ; r : ' \ j y ji/u -i-\e , I CHANGE \ f ^ -THi

— Tl • - - OlCHT OUT& 'H A T ^ l / • > TOW N WITH

E A ai-V A M CRlC./ w o u s e . . . L . _ ,


ISL'IILEIi', 8;iit, 2 'i-W oodrn* Wil- In .-on.-rl&;randdils-iliicr^ nacticl. 17. ,j>i

upon their oau requesu. vivre r c - ,l i ' tiirwd by Sl:-:tlf P. U. to tlii' 1 .'•.me iiidiiitrliil jrliooL', a l SI. Aii-^-.n ihotiy iw t, wi't'k. Uo;h aa p.irolc. i ihiy were commliu-d Io the sclinrl:. Ipi orliiliially on tVlhiiiiiPiicy chi'.rfi'.'.! involvlnK i>etll Inrc-.'iiy oflenien. ! n;

- —A *crath< 'm P rM dr:< rw fl?:"« 'h -1 , . l;n-.:d F*ri(!;iy in probate court Iv rr i • ' lo./oiir moiillii in ili<- coiin;y J ;i in r ■ jiM a /Jfif ol 1100 nnd ca-.I.i o:i i i ' jlictll-lnxccny clinrg,', a li^r b-'ln?1 convicted by n jury. Uc « a (onii'.T ,

.! inmiiic o; till- Itlnlio i\-:ilicntury ni 'I iriin orjrTbruthti-:------------------------

---- j— L.\ST D Al'l - j’;


-MtlMOitlHS ii_______________ MEi.<>nii;.s:i___1

_ . - . . . ‘Btpp'inn Koolf:’* Ij iwcortlrl tor Wlrt» lUM:' ~ ;t ^^^ 2 ..Z S j£ £ ]i2 J2 i^ = = r ‘

Greta Garbo • I 'rede rk March ;

i ~

)ER t h a n : WORDS J

p T L E - T A L K ” ■i-V-WJTW-BUbkV H06AN ^


PRI6HTENED H o u s e s BROkE IR CANNON ANO CARRIAGE I C R A rrS CURVING TO 7H£tE - R m .^ ^ - V iU E H C - T T - ----------------T N O l^ — -THE T R E A m 0.000 GOLD LOUIS O 'O R S ^ .


TOEH r !^ E ^ ? T S ^ S K W ^ C R S 4 ' I CONSIDERED MAYBE-ffl'80VS J I5 T W U L D N 'r EVEN |~~WErfTtori~' ----------

~B y HAM FISH£R'S io e t r r ’f ,S N ip p ;; - . -r H T H E l N -N O SK 5# O f . K ICAN r - 4 m y o t h e r S 1



noi.S r,-S£pi- 23. i/T,-Forty-Kvcn___Vountf wffi.icn and two m?n mvi Here tpoiiy to l»'t>-* ihetr wriUeii cn- ;inilra-onr. for nlnie cosmeilctan.i'

! hn <y<-i1 Thr If '. f'f tb r tti'ek will be *pfnt • ItiU'.iii;; M'i ;;'.l "orl; tcsi.i. i •I’lio cji.;iii!ii:illor. Ixiird Li I'oni* lii(]-cd of Mrr,. VlIIii Smith ot 'IV.n* ] ' • y. :. enrol Murphy ot llol-*! niifl MI.-.1 lli-lcn Mnithews of Nnmrn.

. I _____ i;SI)S TODAY! -------- ^

S , zulf cwrs ESEm ihwiei

- -TOMpRIlOW! ISc stiT n ich B om lnct and


= -

1 '____ . ____

_ _ u'» .»owniUat^Vt^*lr »• _

=i =

— — —Tox-l'Hm Jrese n U ,,_____I

-U e d h e a d M n -E a n id ^ : _JOHN HOLPS - DIXIE LKE 'j

• 1 ■ V

Page 7: · TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ l i M B i i PE lEMTDPlECT M achine Quns M

' Baef-« # •

C a r d i n^ S p M d « \

RingmP i r » t ‘N a t u r a l ' I n

E r a b f B o x i n g

---------- = - T o Y a n k e ^

B>B O \_____________________(AMoelitfJlJ

“ A w m o ra e le s # N cffro^w i r M k l e u W h i te m a n , h a lf 1 v u n o f t h « l i g h t g a m e ton a ttd “& 8 t e r i a

^ J o e L ou IflT lM c h o c o la te «(- iifl c u r i / - h * i r e d C a lifon iin :

' S t a d iu m f o r IB ro u n d s to r s t a r v e d f o r y e a r s f o r a iia tu L in d b e rg h w e r e f ly in g th e i l a s t i e a g a in , .o r t h e b a ttle

-----------H w i f a m e - i t f l e l f - w e r e - b f i i .........p i t t h e d - i n t o - t h e h u g e b

’’^ to 'c r tU w u th« n u h for Ud th a t t h t n w u no quntfon m u celpU would excMd t l .000,000. i In do ln i M~"p«rh»p* brtak box recordi New Vork nerer thou

-----------w w iw ^ ^ hftllengwl ig*li>. —FndleU Sell’ODt

MUu jM oba, down to l»i« bolt e t tbo ticket barrel, predicted ev ono o t tho M,MO puteboirds prl ed for tho duel would be mW b p, m.. »n hour tf te r 2,000 eland


Y tnke* aUdlum wUl repreaenl■ p e t t e i t t>-er to W lher for wi i

. . . UUo c ten t fn New York.'*urpia

doublehetder bclweeu Ihe Ya and Athletic* tn 'lh e sUdlum'g tim b er 0, 1W8; pay toUl rtcc

_____of ai,lM.B30.10. exceedlngjhe traeord of ll.o e j^ jo for a non-l heayywelght malch, th a t of J Dempsey and Jack Sharkey In r e lo srourid* In W2T.

------------------ ------^A*k-»IM-Ui$200-—Ticket »peeulilor», liold!

. . . «heleo rImaWo •eala .-w e tualr aaklof tlSO lo ftOO apiece for th * t <peeU> tra ln i tn m a i far tv

— - »* San-EranciKo>-lram Deln Chlcafo, r itU bnrth . Boffalo, ton. ClBclnnail, *nd one tr Jaekton. !)ll(bi|«n. poored irim

_______ iliABund* lnJo_JJie e»7 lo Ji «Tery hotel.'S om«' o t Ihe lar,

hoa ltlh is planned to bed do many ot the fl<ht fan a tlu In It:

------------d S ' S S ‘ i W J » « “ . '.t u T t t u w*» flowlnf Inlo the c EveiTwfiero roup# wero arsii

u d all me b lf commlulonera as:------------that-mors-sione7.WBS,bdUKa:aci

t)v n on any lliiht alnca Dctni and Tunney fou«lil the necond ( In Chtcaso Jn 102T. Oddi fnvo

' LouU a t 8 ^ 8 ywlerday lengthc fo"6 io ftToday a i {he Baer mo in t b i hand i o t many «'Ue op«n walled for the beat possible p:

......-T h e racfl-traclc-contlnfent.~hMby 'Ilm Mara, one of the m

. bookmakers, held thouunda to_______ gn Lpuifc theU favorite. They

: -(O ontlnutd.y>_Pag».iO )-

^Twijrfail^Odt — -Average 4 to

j o r C o u l ! R u les a s Favoi

In H e a v y B e tt i n g A m or

L o c a l F ig h t F a n s

ly 4 to ) tha t Joo Loula will 1 Max Baer when they meet ton!

’ fcaluro heavy bciUns In Twin I ' 1' o n . th e • • heavy^^-elghl aUrtvc

which holds Ilie-spolllstu In . f l world'! fUtls prosram.

‘ Several thouianda' of dollars — —nported -to haTrbeen wasefed'l

I a n d local bookmakers have nrrii■ 'C d docens of bels tn flridlHon ; prlVBlc agrfem enu.------ •

Almost alt ot Uie big bcu li I however, ask coiuldcrable odd-i ; -IfluU ^O n# wWoh haa net yet I , called . ^ c « a IMo on Bncr lo I I on Louli, while another plncf* i I on Baer to IIW on I/oulv

J T o u r n a m e n t O p e i

J u n i o r - H i f

" Annual Red*WWt« aoc«r> lournam enl In T«-lu FalU Jm■ high school opened yesterday w

the ft«frc8aUon from Roam 3lfi. • featw -io#, 3 to l.-BoHroulfit3 »

from lh<i While dlvUlon,' Todny’a Bi>me » m fialiirc

n<-u division te«ms..313 and.> All Eamea are under tlie dlrecUOi

- - r - -jjnwrtnce Lundln. phyjlcal edu

Tlw mMt~ls pinH~oflmiM ^

,— • — players-win c?>|tit«-lowardvRlh! — -;V -letters. w lnn«f>-ot-tlic two-^ivu '' .1" iH H irw ill pJ.iy ■for ihe-chajDBi

i^ i j l i lp ........... t ' CUaini^Olu will win a poiiii

! ward the all*school contest and

"j ^ r t a n T r o cTrof-Xfi___\ ypoKANE. Wmh.. &l)t. :3

^ 5 ^ m c a rT T O K n l! l? o m 7 - l trm r r- l t« — '2— iie«v>'5?;ifjiVW»frii5ionriiid'’-T; < < f--Jack rox . SDOkanc. »'tis pwipoi

' lonay from Ociober « lo u . r

• Louis« « •

itorsi^S i^ ndUpFbr ide Tickeh

I n Y e a r s R e v i v e s G o I d (

i g A a J T h o u s a n d s T r e l t

^ d i u m , N e w Y o r k — —

EDWARD 3. NEILlfd Jrc» .flD Q daJiyx ll5 il____________I w i th a t r e m e n d o u s p u n c h ; a g ii kU k ille r , h a l f c lo^-n , ro lle d b a c k 'l to n ig h t t o t h e d n y w h e n T e x Rick,

dd J iR sra n d -m o n ey -W ftf t- lik e -aa n d ^ te « o !d ic fT ro m -D o tro it, o n d M axB B ii in n , m e e t in t h c r l n s a t th e Tfan

to n ig i it , a n d f o r l l io -£ ig h t f a f th l iia tu ra l-eueh -fls t h i s . I t w a s a s th o ih e A t-* ---------------------------------------------ttie o f .— -------------------------------------- -

- B r i d e = ! F o - B e = e £ - ^

J o e t o u i s S a y s

S h e ’s P o o r C o otoo. and - --------

boxing NEW YORK. Sepl. 23 (jP)—3 thought Louis. 31, and Marva T ro tlc r ,: — ^ ^ tU c « o ,J £ a ^ :m w l « L . ‘;iOT

(lm# tomorrow erenlnf," t bollom fish te r'i fiancee u ld tonight.-

td every ' Maybe the weddins wUi be t a prlnl* fore, maybe afler. ihtf tl.OOO,< lid by 7 fl«hU T he Chicago stenograph ilandlnt Un't aure. — - - llown. I She says he's a marvtlcn n i i r - n g s i S : -------- — r - —lenl thei She aays sbe'i a poor cook, an aih» | “I guesa I could keep % pen rpasslnit| from starving to death," ihe <

Yonks I rather eat In rejuuranla." im 'Sep-; — They will • w ta~ ln ''i '-K arli rtcclpis; nDarlment, slaylnf there ui

•he p u l ss iu rday . They plan to fly im-Ulle, D ,tj^ it fo r a one-day itop a

then RO on lo ChlcaRO wh I’ m tncj [h ,y wlll_rfmaln Indenwiely.

holdint - '----- :------- ^ --W lm lj.___________ ______ ___

S Home Folks Postlo. Bos*

•rS $12,000onBalaricr

1 down -‘ I’m O u t lo W in a s Quii

l l m ’i L Iv e rm o re a n sAM crcd ________ — ___________Dempsey L1VER.M0RE, Oalit,, Sept.

iRthened U re n n d r t-h M gone hoott, r money. - tn a - iln l te r - ro r ih e -M re u r l /^iperotors ______________________ _le p r lc c .----------------------------------------- ^

O R E G O N T H R ls fo bet 'bty be-

t o ^ B f i i l ^

v'lll beattonlRht. . .. ,

:ln Falls B H i l l l Unictlon



Mon lo 1 ' _ ! Z S 3 9 I B B S S ^here, S ^ D H B B S C ^ ^ D C

odd.1 on V ^ ^ Q K ? * l g | 6ret been10 icoo

CM <100 - • . •

J e n s

ir ImU H1 Jimlor ly wlien I3lfi dc- A ' A

lU were A -fiBk ., i-i L . j*ire two ” d, 017. .'ciioii ot g B

'regular ~~

divwiw . '•»»Won^ - P f .R ^ N K -M IG H £ K -1

iiiii' lo. “ i r xand Mil m m 1 - B 1 —

?3 STAItTINC Ills foutlh year a<

ilponed , " t^ r a n Ilne^imaaiirnt fuiltiac — :----------- w o r i i a i i r w i r u i e l i t n r i a n

■ ■■ . / ■ r a m . r A L L a j A t

Clash• • •

h l a n t ^ H <w h E N ? »

ildenj ^ ! I;


g g ~ ~ 4 ick th e • V v ';lckard • f

I'BaerH , ^ iYankee T t i . . : - - - / H ' Ithfui; Nhough ■

y s

* /



90k.pcrwa he ex-

fly to.’ “ re “m e nEAD”tiu t"w ean t h e i r

w hil Max Baer, then hearyw leia ihao » year ago dorlnf a

. above. Trainlnf for Us "eor — “ SfiaiaSrtonlihtrBMTfitqnr __________ wade ea th e yonai Negro bo>

ISt _ j to bfjU J w Lonli iomomur nl| Eve0 loose dollar here cl

K O 0 r '" f l » e r to *10." Pans of the 1 l l n C I I community have bet a toU l of sc

jthlng like llS.OOO on Ihclr favi I Kho Jlarted hU ring career hen

‘)iiirVlv'> '<"< W li^ncmng a swinging A U m iy . ^ ^[,eat Itt a .•■(t>inna4lum" w jy J a J —.j iM aj'OTodeled chleken*eoop,

toisl betby Uvermoreahs fepres n t l |J !0 for every roan, woman

'child htre. .

to i 21 i uaeniAs KMiri'phecl-Baurani. ■ ililj Irlends here ftifoliows: " It w *™ - 'U st long, rm oul to win as qul

* . line u possible." Aa lor.aa Llvermo: l/^iad^oncsmed-ttTB-TjraclB 'hasnpoki


l ; ^ j & i |S T A N L E Y R IO R O ^

1 ‘


--3E3F.l i s o n F

m i l

• '■ -*W ' y j W y r M ,

f e l S r a p' , \ T ' f

r a< hrad roarli. "Prtnk" Calllsnn of Hie llC^Uk-(>f-beil<iinf-«n«l«Trn-io^-<UluHf,-l ,c^u».-Jie.-feH-i»-MU on arc, n sn h ^ pTT (back uho can also da (he pantiar. and 8(i jtf1 r#BrraMd«i*,-<?*bfofal»r-<^-l'Jieta

i A M t . a e 5 8 j C T T O f A L L S , ID .

Attract« « #

o p e s F a (■ i m ’o r o g p E ^ - ^ -


l i ' '


rm iw Trm M t'itop"ene"6f theie'tlslf.“-T t ryweljElil fhamplon. lold Joe I.ouU In De If a friendly dressing room mretlng. plel -eomfback'' bnnt «{(h r.AuU « r (h « Tci qw illf-T tferted lo Ih^ltnpewilon-h^-aay. boxer t t Ihal time.

^^Jflenzel Defaults B l ToWdBud:ing bsK I • '" w hich; -t t t -

6 0 0 - T e n n is J a j i L L s f l

J " ' S u r p r is e d S i le n c e hv

_____ S iu l i lc n .W llh i lB w a i_I t won't -------- 'quickly LOi: ANCiELb3, Sopl. UTr-

■more is PacUic BouUiweav men's all TOkrn— ciiainptoHsiiiirended-unaalUfaet

• \ hero loduj- wlicii Hodcrlch Me --------- \ the Csecho-Sloviiki,'\ti. defauKe

N Uoiiiild . Uudi;--. Anicrlcn's hrii ..........t jofuiY DavL Ciiirplnycr. afwr

■ I - I ' Oakland youih had taken & d a n to-one lead In lho scheduled'- — L atU natch ,_The s e w s were 1-6.

•------- ;c-3.' • -• - r - ^ - 1— ftie- am i-ellniftx-cam o-.alu- • ',*cr;ii ot uiilowArd inridriiis, in<

&on. iiulloiial ilUchoMer. and ihi ' —“ tcniion ot thc toumameiii two i

• days.k ' , 1500 fana Surprised« -i'n .« -jjnnouncm jc jn ihM ;-M B had dciaultcd left the 1300 i>ci

m kurprlscd alienee. Thc- unipm . Krvlii{L:h>ai<>t«tMm«iit-uiitU Ui«

te su iiu had le fi 'th e cuUil, i | entiy /o r th c lr resl in! th a t M enul hnd "delauUed iii rrencT to 'h l j mixed doubles

V . ner," Curolln U.ibcocl:. ol Ixu■ Rclcs, with wiioiu lie planned a iW---------llnal-mttlcli-lBK'i'in-W ia-day.L , 'riic only redcfuiljig fealure c [ (lay's prvi,-rani whs the woiI' .‘.males final, in which Mrs,

Durkh^rdt Arnold, ol Los An (ielcated itullnTino SUmnif^ KtiBliiid, lor luT ihlrd stralplii here, by Korcs of 6-1. e-4.

t e Oll^Q^yDow P Veterai Wresl

W o rld 's H e a v y w e ig h t

p . C h a m p i o n T riu m i)lit-i

I v i i ' i " N e w Y o r r A r e n a ’_____. ■

e v . . . I Danno O'Mnhoney. recognite I world* hfarrrc(i{hl wre«

champion over moat ot Uia U HUIei, maile ino lhrr suecc ilelen>e of hl« title Iniilihl i

' he detealed Jim Uromilng. ona.. Miaaouil. -Tcltraa. af tec .

I minules e t l,^me grappling.— ^ rtirn l2 ie_n ili6 rd_*-;il'tog_l

landcd 'heavny oil the bick’ c ■heBd'SnaHi^nriinman-pmr.ri

^ - -wiliHwl'-rfiiniUiiy.—' omy^nroOTmc'B strength-, ' M f e h(/n 'froni rfcrr.-!t-f3rii« Ja'ihJ la iM B b cctdliigs.-Afitr hia famous " ’Ml I 6 | | r ' whirl" hadlxK c-ra ilcd lo elleU ^ S S L <tn*t1y»h' .runM ruplfllv Alll I he time nnd again applied— ~ - — th a t woiiiel hare d^ertW Ieiis p Ihe m l- lul opponcnl-v ho did not h.^v

t sc tniry ^eauon and apptoximaleli W

I D A H O , T U E S D A Y i f e B t j f f l Q ,

ts Hordde

B -Teams to Battlt y I OnlSGridiro:H O a id e y H o rn e ts S ohe d u le c

M In v ad e T w in F a l l s

B r u in s ' O p e n e r ; Incli

: ^ - o J _ B u h | P la v a t B ul

- TliiHccn Jtam ea, MvcB »rr-^ wliich are b illed aa confere

ukirmifihcj, ^ r “ fumlflK ;.'J l tr e a t fo r g r id iron Jidvoci rt8 Sou th C entral Id■ : W = ^ (fM > ie l- tlu s -w o o k ^ d .-Z w i : ; B - of^hft-batU on nrn M at/d

F r i i in y afternoon while . th irteen th w ill be h eld the

previous.- Coach Hank -I*oiren‘ Tw la 1

Bruins, several of whom are nui injunea although Ihelr seuon

fajtcH competlUoa-that tb* « will afford a t Z ^coln field here day tflem oon-V th the Invtslo M. c . Cranney's stinging m n Oakley H oneU .. The »om et«. wlUi a s m n and a vet«r*n baeklield. i -Iwltered’T fie 'B U rfijr^aoW JS- sutxnisslon, 18 te 0. tn d ar* « t Ing the chance to lubdue the B r

m Bahl P l a n a l. BUley

Tho only Biff Ten c o n fe n a u g

tend the \tle ra n Indiana of Bul Burlty (or ft crack a l the-Be tribe and in Class A (NDD-Blg ' coapeUlloi^ th e J erome T ^ n , '

twin bill last Saturday n l«ht. In Wendell lo m eel tbe T ro jan t

■ f i l ]«5t Prlday bowed to Buh), 31 t Two of Ihe other Bl« Ten V

-T h a l 'i In this dlitrlct-wlll-««*-s«Uon- Delroll p tn piraUs will Invade the la!

jlelortd the class B Shoshone team li r*flkc* tr»M the s tfn r of «•aysJie (ieietb'«nd-lU*-.untrlod-WUdca1

Filer will make a bid fo r fam • uking-oa-iM .4U o.untiletf_aoa

Senators.One ot the feature lam es of

Q week .tends Oeorge Bilck'a Ca w ford • Wolvei to Kimberly to

Jay "niompson'a Bulldoga. Allhi , J — . »»t* « conference «ame. the n C f A promisea lo draw In the fans i

• ' ‘5 ' ' U the only contest for which dope can be gleaned. Both ti

. have defeated llaielton. eaeh b)K ortLfifJ.le 9 t______ _____

by T h rte aamee

al • Tliree ssmea are on the slat-------- tn i'W onh Side Olasa B dlvl

„ Olenns Kerry team th a t last r /-T lie . trimmed Bellevue. 18 to 0. will

singles gn Hagerman a l Hanerman. I [aetofUr Mcnieli, and Rlchlleld «IU playXat Hi ^<«d to Bruneau will Invade Klnff-Jitll bruiiant non-conierencc game. \ fwr-tho - ft id a y V b U l lirtne-S outh SI * two- dlvUlon sends lUnsen, to Declo

Eden to Albion. Hansen l u t P -6.11-8. lo ll to Kimberly and Declo remi- • ■ Idle. Eden. loaer a t Jerome, ta l u r - a - AW on.-conqwor-of-tlie-Burle' - serves.iPL .dillr. ^ if^}jj^tt!y -T JH lU <U ir~gvo Ihe e*- [UJ coach John riati'a

vo c.'.ua. p t ^ - unuied thla season Journey to Hollister tor a game

' , Coach Homer Hoberta* prolcg ------- ‘

l«r:ons -----------

S a l m o n e i t y - N i n

L o s e s l o Burei port* --------Los An- uuilLEY , Sept. 23-Burley 1 a buul- u near loeing ber scalp In baJay.------- liera fiiai({<rifOon.iljh» 1re of the of the Salmon City team u a womaii'a time durlnu the season. The rs, Elhel won, 8 16 «•Angeles, Burley collectcd len hits off

'o r and salmon seveii off McOui iKlu title waa a rag ttrt game. B lan u am

were In uaiial good hilling — howevir, wllh the former kn(

a home riin and Pale geitln , i i r n ( » and ihteo baggers.'TV l l v Tlie speciacuUr play ol ihe

KU t'lien McDonald, Salmnn , 1 ' " ' slop, a lc h ln g a long ny.ball i

I C n P I * run. Into lefl field.> 0 U v l Score by Innings: R

Salmon City _.100 110 151-JiB u rle y ___ ___ .040 013,lCW-8

it M a t Batierles; Swift. .aiJd Allen Cuire and Pate.

— . O m pltfa :-Jarr and YflHMd

® George Wins M(Z BUFFALO. i T ^ sept. ?S

rrf^lllnt • '1 <>1 North J i 'I r i i tM Y,i throw Karl Pojello of Cle'

u rn 'iS ln u le s^ iu id secoiii cUelr one-falJ *7«Ulnp m«i«

III when weighed 221 an*». *er- jj , |^

'*• • Numa, 31S, finiihed even »l ig_lw.kle,. 30_ialfliil«.Uuiljun<}-Johii. J :k -o fh U J3l,- lhrBw“ 8colly 'McDougall ir.etf-htm- i m f m m aKs'tnd 'iS 'teconda,

-Sheliey- Spude^Vir click, his Over Blackfobt,AlShWgh __ • , -------- _ .ed holds BLAOIWOSt , Sepl, M Wis pnwirri BIwJIey' Spodi -k#pl-«t»»«selih.^ve Ihe the running for the Bnakei<-i man'a Valley ‘U lw e • championship

Q , B g r m r t g R u , i w »

Je Of IP * 9

i r a t e s ^

’O ils ----------NATIOVAL.........

CUeago — -------------- M M

lied to = = : • « ■ i i ;, n tu b o rg h — :--------u as ,5 Clwltinall — ______W l l

ndians ;Buflcy

a b B u c a S ' - w . - t . -

e o D d r e i t ___________ __r . 51e re n c c n *w Y o rk____________ u si

’o c a te s --------------------- « «Id a h o w , 2 £ t ^ " r r Z r l « SI

D w elm SULonla— e'd f o r rh ibdeiphia -------- —

Union M otdnstsa 'f i i u -■'~rrr-.. .

5 ! - Defeat S latldi. « « o n ______

F o rd d u l l l t T a k e s L e a d

” S o f tb a l l M e e t: W iley s

1” . “ E lim in a te C h io ls —

Union Motor softballtra remal *™ ‘" ' undefeated la ,lhe nice for , champlomhlp lourney laurels 6

day by handing iha toui«d &iai u game u m u a ihorQUSh S lo t lacing. iet-wUl. Hi> »^m ,rt-g.m .. Ih l w iifv r Buhl 10 oiiillt eliminated the U lah Oh

I talDPj ' l l ll* Teni Remaining In the race fo r tour r i. win’ laufcU an* Motor. -Slatklji

. invade each suffered one deteal. Macaj ,nt who Of the three oulflu will convioiII to 7. ivwk to delermlne which t«sm | \ teams meet nexl Sunday.on- RU r.___A llew _E_ighl ll i t i

lair ol In the. tl'rsi"s*nie Mike 06101 \ in an ot the Molormcn and Elmore Ha ' « 1?}> of tlistoscrfeaebaJleirrd eight] Icata.oL Uie-wln»£ri.iioKtver. m orded-h' ame by runs olf Use bau of iiuas W aoodlni. Keany_Ol>n?o atid_06ldnun.

In the second g'anje VeyT3Iiin I of {he ttie losen to fite safeties wtiUe CaaUe- wileya nicked Dale Wlldman fot to play AUUon o( the Chiefs a n d Wes Jlhough j r jn ,n d Bonle of the winner# the till homen.M as It Flral lam e: B.1Ith any a a U ln ..... -,._,;,100 000.»-4I teams union Moior,___ 403 OOl x -Si by the iiig icr and DavU: Ooldmsn ______ qarnand._^ _____________ __

Second game: R.1Ih Wiley DruC'-.-...M0 270 0 - lS 1

i S Utah C h ief........ooaooo>o-J' a r a r a K d - s ^ ; - w i i d m t p r '

S i t a ^ pw ’' Baruch.-

H C a r T O f f ^ O

S Rounds o f B o x iemained ■

I ; w ^ “ . H i k t M m t o j a j ^ c h e f c

,______ '_ M e e t .P e te _ B la n c l i a r d

U o ^ I l ■'> M ain B o u time with " ■ilegts of TONIOHTS CARD

&Uke Montoya. 1S3. LaV eu. < ■ rado. VI. Pele BlBnehanl. IM.-:

sas Clly. Ten*round nwln*evet m a — - —Mika Dundee,-123. K ew Jfork U I C . - . . Yt. Ernie U ortan..lM , Denrer, t r l a v aemUflnal. i r i e ^ Sammy Wahl. UO. Tw in F t l

Lee Cailer, 132. Filer. Slx-i ley came ,p«inl,buebnU I'u lty Ford. 133. Tw in Fall

he hand* Rocky Vincent, WS, Marldlan.iT at'i« \y round'prelimtnarr.— ------------he loCaU Aleck Stevens, 137. Tw in Fal

Billy Blrdwtll. 140. Bolte. off Swift round preliminary.

Plghl fans .of aoulhern M atna t2 mknMUM ton's''* f'”' *>'® openlns gong itiM-.tTW 30;round boxing, p ro p u m jil I itlng two „ j,„orinl-|m il an-na. T he firs .. »„»,» llmlnBry Is billed lo begin n

ShSrtIn J Headlining the card U aIII on m e main-evenl between the

^ ed Kausa awelt e m l i h t Ulle

■Zi 10 6 Spaiilard-from-LaVeU

Uen. Me- Moiiioya, who recently kayo< CjiDJitin. Twin FalU and lUc

. OM. an d .ib en lo a t a .c l c M ^- _____ while mutllatlnit Jackie B ui

'O gdeiirv ic toror-m anr-T w ln n a t c n ring balUes. U set to regain ac

}iU Jpst prestige, n U fr- Htrlm of Kno«koBUJiva. N. On the other hand ihe B lat

Cleveland boy hasaslrlng of knockouU • :oiids IQ long" and to him Montoya laieh to- noihlnr but another scalp i

and Po« bfit.Mike Dundee, diminutive

Hid—Leo Yorker who-ho5-be«i»-ln-Twlii , after a for leveral days gelling In Jl Kalan, ,»^ij ent«-..U58../lnr'for_th_e_ gii'.l. 21B; iin i l agalrcit B linehanJ^ -ids.----------matc.-Kmie-Morgan-of-Denvtfr z r : ------ r rA rslX ’roiind - speelal-eveni

------- feature S a m n iy ^ a h l af.Twlnq n r - r a n r r f m B r r - o f - w i t r w w i , 4 'V A .four-round p re llm ln irta wll

grace the card. T h e -n n l w U l: tween Aleck SUvsna of Twin

(jr^TV tt and BlUjTBridwcirof B o u t r j ,«U is - la fratite-dufr^l^BfWwejra-ricinl ,ke River viclor>'. The eccond wUl mate hip pen- c lher-palrcf 9ldriVRla,.Tuffj iilieaash - uf Tt-ln 1*nlli tinf* v<w»- S n 'le T O •M eHdisirT6M *ll'Jnxloui-to- ir* a i r ^ - To^t^IttlTU■w^l'•^=Vtnemt-v•« _______ popped a Close detUlon.

Fight Tc g r e - j g j

^ T a m e s i15 ,fltt _____

K ' i S B u c c a n e e r s S m o t t

“ S t . L o u i s W i t i i

n 3 u D o z e n R u n s

i r r e t . -IfATIOHAL LSAOUK flCORl 51 .SS4 m ubw gis i l . 8 i i «ku e.SI J 9 I BeslMi S-f. New York S-T.

« .n o •>>»*««).. _____

M _ S ! ’ ST . L O U IS . S e p t. 28 (/J T H T P l t t i l n i r g h ^ P lr g tC T r t

---------- •u n e $ n = 5 F m b re " th a irn a in «„ (fay, fo rc e d th^ SU LouU C I d ln a ls to w a lk t h e p la n k to — — - 4,inw f tf n a n d - le f t I 1934 w o rld c h a m p io n s v K i l l S l i t t le m o re t h a n h o p e th e y

p a s s . th f t- le a g u f t* lf l» d in g j c a g o C ubs a n d w in a n o t

Jad inChief Buceaneera w ere'Big

WS W eanr. hurler. who llmlled Cards to four hlU. two of Utes the olDth, Floyd Toutif, m

___ ^ . iw k tr .J !h fl :_ d f^ l- lo .»e»en ,i. andT or« itv#n*en ,-w ho eontio

imalaed tour times, twlee (or exu« baai u ^ n , Tlie defeat alioved the aeo n i . ^ n Pl>c* Cardinals 3 'i . gamea bei

ih* -who ct""* her* Wed day for a S-game M rlu to end jeaaoii. Chlcagu U Idle m l i T

yn ie i. tomorrow. Bt. LouU could loee morrow and take the pennant

tourney iM eplnf the Oub aetjes. .^ n i 8 j K S L l S « £ L _ _ _

u i v i n r rinikariB a« x h acagera Ja iun . i t ______ _j a *

t sim| WUl vauiMa. u * s 3Youai. 3b , , , , S I 1L4T*|<tt°> * t 1Huhr. i» _____________« 0 iI6lttma« n r . r i - . - — ______

! Hagler weartr. p - __________ ♦ o 0

!d“ S .......

a in ie ld nouiroe*. r* " ' ' ‘ ~ »~a-n~ flUe ttie jb ------------------ j o j

Wester- j . coiiiiu. to e oners h ll d«>u, it> ....... ........ ........1 o i

. DeUBctT. a ---------- * 0..0?u"“ " ' - ! L r z z r z : ! S !

-4 a 3 Otietrt. 9b __________3 0 IJ l ■ « H<uM*r. B ------------. . . . a 0 0

^ n U r S S " ; ' . = ! ' ! ?WslHf. D « 0 6

..............■■--------------------------------H H.E. -------------------- 1 0 e18 11 8 o n r r t l l , s u __________ 0 0J 8 .3 J. D f .n « « -----------------1 0 0

~T w i»____________.» '" o ' 4'x~niued (or Xautraanft tn'Jrd. kl—B«ll«4 lor WlatoiA. lA SUi.

lA -------lU a u ^ u X ___w MO «

Oouw» .w»r»;-V*u#Un-w-Tow

X H I g w . r “* r j . % ;o Lotias Pitcii'r: muMtr.

J le d lo ^ G i a j i t s a n d B r a v e s Divla rr i NB'V YORK. 8epU ~ a“ M ^

—>ii-i>Hf.hg<iztb«-ai»nU.ii lo 3 victory over tb e lu t - Bravcs In the llrat g tm e .o f.a bleheader-to earn liU 33rd vl

) of the season and equal hlala, Colo* gesl-prevlous winning record l: M,-~Kah> major ieacuea.-FtulL OabI(r, eveuL los f‘n t m ajor'league ■ork-Clly. coyWnXcOTUnue_.ihe_good_ ver BIX- however, and the Braves wot

second game 9 10T.- - • - FalU. vs. game: Rllx.round B oston ----------000 o il 000-3

' - New Y ork ....... JOO 000 OOx-CFalU, vs. Datterje^s; Brandi and 8p< sn. Four* Hubbell and'Mancuoo. ---------------- BtcpTid game;.■-•'J.". „rs;..«_!. Four* Jsm.n. j e ________•.___ < j :

Tint, u .........— ; ------- 4 I 1BfTftr. ef ________L— ,-S t ;

dah6arci«T>'^>;. -----------------« •« ‘»rtr» ? Ion» ol aiD.ii, e ...................i ------J o ia l ---------------------1 I . ;

f n t ' * ............. - - l S . i

I a leii-l To‘»>* • -• - e tout.

;ll1ehOder.l Ki<r Ye>k AD R'J , ilMW If — ------------ iS P I

feU,-CoUrTrMni|’-M v;'~ /~ r .~ ~ ~ ~ 7 i .-|Wflnir«u#. lb ------------ 5 1

iyoedKld:Oii, « ------------------ s J.■sas^iSvNSi^l IBurke Of!Cucclntllo, i n _______ S l :

a aome ot ,, _ ---------- , o ,

,U ( 'T n u i . .................... - -40 1 1

r& means! Irroti; UrHmlii, Jotdili. RsU. ID In hla “ n- "rji'f. r*o *’**• >i'“ - ^ , | UI1. ’llltte Iim llit: wvtiitmuli,

(Continued on Page'10)

Ir shape,!

<3rSc5I.'3J-. nu Blckeysaid lonight Fi2j:_“tf f ,JF r t« h .w o u ld be retained u n

National lesjue pennant, ufty Ford ' "We have not offered him i >4wwwt.n|jUaf!t.1tlld.Rlc>ie?. general mi ^■ regatn o f-lh e-ljn m il-c h jb r“b t i t ^ prv-werotJ/Jally.-jjiLliiJayrc.M -k“ Al9«-,

------ ifor lh# fuie-iob-he h u done.


Chdmmom CMs Res

Yankees Defeat =^SenatorSi5lo: 1.1 S e n o r t s i t y (S om e! P i tc

( n y . '■ W a s h in g to n _ _

m r t ? : -T-AMIIUCAN-UUGUB-400B] g C a r- r « r i r J ' , - i r « b tu t M L

c a i P u J g i r

w ith W A sraN O ToiTBe'pt. a ' u ^ t v e a n raU / in th e foun)i f »/ n f c l andL*tiyOoraes'sev»n-hlt.Bltel

.gaw-th» VanlMas,a I ta i t in l o tn e r over the S enalon la lhs.«peiu:

their briet serlei today. I t if Jim th r - f l f ih .a tn J ih t fo r- th e .Y i ? ■JS; and Ufty'»_twelfih iriumph-of

McoDd The box score:

Jasea. ohapmui. el - * l i« « n d - "■■■» I 11behind Mklrk. rt ____ t 0 e;e ^e s> O lna, • ------- - « i i» y s . g f f i ! ! . . " . — ....i n t m r omoh, , ____________ t a .oe. 10- ,——■nt br Telot. » «10:

. J i s , ” ? ! * - :________ -■‘/ f ?

0 ? Q Tn.1,. u ------------ « « t1 i ; { s r » ’ i r = = : : i ' r r; i ! S i1 IJ 0 liolbreot B ------------1 0 .

r r s - i K f f i V . : s = = 5 - S 4 :-I.:— uutoo ■ , ............-0^0. 0s ! s . 1 1

- 5 ' ! - i - E 3 f , K J i S , £ . S ' ™ r -J * J tor AcMdl la IUl.J « » Htw Tor*____ - eon 400 e° B WMtuofieo.....................<ot eoo e

! i ! M f f i ' f M r c . i K . i : " . ,0 J « 'plttBSf: W6IMI1U1. • - - - •

i j | | ^^ T I G E I ^>•' . . . . .

00 0 0 -0 got away to a alow sta rt thU se regained ibe ,

,thal_booeled ihe_Tlgera^t9.the. u> Bubr; l u t season. T hs S*fool>4 Aiki

CoiiiM. riglU-hander h u pleniy o f - | and vhen tali control b u be en : he has dellveied lerenU ot

IVide ■>'*' p ilc liln i perfoitua

in m r s r W a c o T T e x u . I n l h . Kison hs makes hU hotni wlU v f t wife, Edna, a t SI Dorado. Ark. 1

his b ? velghs 309 pounds. baU Tl<ht-h d In U)e ed <khd is one of Uie best hi fr, o ak* harkri In the gams). In 199t be I atari, 34 while losing' eight a n d 'h si d_work, earned run average of MS. •toq tbe . -


;^„j~Int0:SenitEiniI J l» 0 —

! J ! ! S h 'o lm a k e r T r im s B ob I

1 i “ ! — to n in T o u rn e y R ace

i J J J M a tc h e s T o d a y

------------Wlnterholer swimg hb» IJ n 11 jticks over Twin Falls Coi

club course-yMlerday allemot R 11 o A advance to the aeml-llnal nu i p 0 2 ' 1 Twin-Ffllla Valley toUrnatnen ? 1! ; ' : ' deW ifii* ' 'HdJrDfntoti' of-Kin l l i l ly. 4 a n d '^ r I t was the InltUl2 1 I 0 ond round m atch ol {he meet. 0 3 I - i -T o d ay F r td -Hulh ts slated 0-4--9-0 m «r 'J lm m 7"S ire ia lr a n d ~ J ' J * ’ Campbell will play Pele Wrs tt 1 0 a second round Uit* nnd the rtti o o o 0 ing d u l l between Fred Stone— ----- -- Hnrry Denloii must be playe7 11 z i 15 Wednesday evening.003 oi:~» P in t round resulia were; i»ll. Jscii- Jimmy W lnterholer beat R' :ucciiinio, w uiun-jon. 3 and 4: Bob Di uo, j_ j,f, wiKace. forfeit; / ,Q, Canipbeil-beat-Frcd Craig. 6

’ 4; l>elr Wray beat Dr. J . O. Tot 4 and 3: Fred Hulh beat S. V. » n . 3 and I : Jimmy SiacUlr

fl-:------- (Jack Mosa. 4 .and,9:-.»afTy. D«

g l j eiiTnrbeai Lloyd'C^ller. 4 anfl

'’i S m , B o w l e r s T o i t p ^ h e O r g a n i z a t i o t ) M

•^Ibie IhT ~ q7 " ;u , t i n ^ ,u Unir‘*'vf ' ralls'sow llng aasocUtlon. alate

n a cou- Tuesday evening, haa been posi manage^ cd until Wednesday lo enable I t.n«riaiu->.»-iAL-«i|,.n.<-1h«-16C al-to tn i « . m n k CTn?,_ae:o«ilng to, annollBte n e , l a i u n l g t i f w ,* « d jB I 0 8 f n i^

Page 8: · TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ l i M B i i PE lEMTDPlECT M achine Quns M

a®i«E-EaeiHH’-Awolated-Prass-AyiragMf S

60 Issues CllmlisFimr-— jg ...............■Tm t t i M t-P n in l------------

■■ — in>imjA B iffitoilaaM E p

, -<ay-Th«-A uosl*Ud-rreiu----- —— NBW-YORK:---------- -------------

mocks (Irm; lli t rtlllM 'guldly.BoncU itradT; s(xondni7 n lH I

Imprort. _ _ ■ Curb hlglwr; ipfcUUIci Sii de-m tnd. (In(.

- Jo re l^u czc h to is mixed; |uU* ^ >der he&T7. tu n

CWloii «e«dy: lilfhrr cahlu; p, .Uade-And (oraisn burlne.

8 n^ t . . h lgUcr; b tu e r , euct —

— Co»t3 ilfid i-; tn d e buying. !».■ CHICAOO: LowATtieai lower: awAlttni,' OenevK

— CC T - n >.» r r~ fn t* t t> -rw ip U - —.here. ■ ------...................... ....... . _ „

C itlie Bc«k loJSc lo»er. "Hog» 10 to 25c lilBlier: top ^

—-1— ^ 4|fTBy lUANK MeMH.LKN

- (Assoeitletl-PreM Fln*nri*l Writer) v u •~N BW Y O RK .''aepC:i i,r ) -8 l« k s 3’i« - aoycd upward over a wide (ronl In <•

quiet trading today. 3 'u- While new (rp m _nbroad utlinim p-J^.*

W ill 'i rfeenadn fim ftm D eT T corn -ijT ? ~prombe mtgbt »ettl« the Italo-Ethl* 3 'is

opltn eottlroTcny. A better per(onn> 3'iii »nca In Mcurllle* market* in Lon- 3'i» <(m MKt tfMer European cent^n j ',,1 tMlped KflUflient here. 3<iA

InduitrU l (pecUlUea. ateeis. (onie 3.1 ^

^ b ^ o f u t m i l M ^ w S ^ t h e vnn of Ull upw vd pTogms. lUtU were ao>U7 a IttUe better th tn ateady. 3>;,

Th« Anociated P re u *Ter«ge of WitoelBTOW .4 e f « point >1,ZDdnstntl tn a udiiiy cliaaliiealiona ■w m :S o f-i-polnt-«*ch higher on tha white rtUa rotft-.l o t t

■ b tm c litngtd h tn d i In the quiet- J i t fun lettion alnce BepUmber 4. ^

S m d i wera no moro than* t nem* t tw Innuene# on J h e market (or

. T b i performance of lha commodl- ■ ^ ■ n tr tr t i . i rM llXtiriwJMLCOlgl; I A ,- le » l o J a T 8-much,lnnuenc« cn len-

— A-fflw-teUva -th tm -B o l-th c a d a to 3 po&iu, n c h aa Amerletn Can g ^ '

'I t f - i r m r A W tr l e a n T e lep h o n r tt 4-4 “ i n M d Montfocneiy Ward t t W.«. 5^ In meat ctaea i t l n t were fnetton tl. « M In Bathlehem. Union PaclUe, buc O tn tr t l Moton. IntamaUonat Har* (q vctter u u l WealtnghouM. • - -

rOBEtON EXCRANOB K 'N B W tO R K .S ep l.JS W H P or«H a ir*d n c h a n i t f im : Trance demand, djvi

- « m 5 - t tb te * r6 M H ! Monlr**Mn eou X ew Tork. 0I.98K; Kew York In quk

" M o n l r t a r m a iu : - ---------------------- ,b»(

— M rar4rORK,-6e;i{.JS.«>J-^.C«a mon>r «t«idy; U per cent tU d ty ; tlma lo u u atetdy. 60-M d ty i J i.o f* gut:

PrlB # eonimwcial {aper V per ueu c e n t . . - l l j i

' ~Btnk6M tceepttncw unchanced: yak ■ l« d ty i sns<H : SO-M'dayi 3/16.H; u ,

4 montha UO/16: s-s months S> (Un. •/!« . Rus

RcdUcount r tU . N. Y. Rcservo q tank , l \ i per cenU ' lowi----- UJI

M ETAtS to Ir rM B te jO M L -J te P t^ L iP ^ C a p p tt e c r««a7r4»C U W J(lJc"fporinT T ulure . p

0.00 :o p o r t 8.S0 ta 8.B5. Tin barely e n ateady; ipot u d ne&rby 4B.7S; hen futura 4IA0. Iro n quiet, N0.-9 fob. har •astern F em uykan lt IBJO: Buffalo to IBJO; Alabamt 14J0. Lead ateady: (dn » p o tN e * T c rk 4 J0 to 4 A S :'E a a l8 t.. B CouU 4.39. Zine quiet: b i t St. louU fiO- apot -aBd- (utur«- 4,7».— Aluminum 34« 19.00 to 23.00. Antimony, ipo t 13.18, die

■"QiilcbtlTCT 8M0. Wo1(r«mUe 1830 itU to 1S.1S.

b a h T h il t e r _____- 0NEW TORK, Sept. JS i n - Bar lire

illre r steady and unchanged a t MH. her ________________________ - up


— I8cn * Twla Pkiu dtitrtn n m r t r«*-

M tonow*! .

/ ■ UtMt»ck **5 u b t l buleliir* ....... ............ - «iBM I

—■•»T7-buWifTi: -HOW ert, f .» w butesw*. sw-joo.ibi------- l»JO

/PaeuBC M*>. n o paundi-------- ITJe ~\ K dnw tlitil bu tebm ^. y j i ’-. * h S

W . t * --------------------- ,

U lh t reloTwl heni te— = • ; 5 ;

tw?i — — 1 c _roiottd f n » f i_______________ '£SJ2lSi ro«.'CTi •. -------------T,,

SutiVffJi!' rPo.''iButl^ft»t. Ko. 2 . . .------------------- |_J|

V. 8. OiMl tjn. l l .... «;•"U. B. Or.«l Warlhtnu. No. H . tJ;" ‘

s Omilt RkS*. No. 1« ? '

' : a S f i tou 11BVvb (eod. MO-pound U U.—

- — --------1 ij'-lutao nif*t „ ""

o r tn m down -------------- .r«bbj»» _______________ _____ tw

muUat n a e h ______________ _

s t o c k M a riM l A v e r a n e i |

(Mpilad by Tbe AMoetaUd Pini> .

JO IJ ' » « Itnd'U luui’iu u u i i^ f l to ^ I

» m . ^ « y " i : MJ Im “uonih aco _ -♦»;<

— g l — i i r — a i t [—

im low 11.1 • WJ • '» •

Staple PricesNEW YORK. Sept. 23-Tlie AilO.

cinled P reu a’holuale prtce index of 30 bulo commodltlu »today ad ­vanced (0 7ft.S«.

r*reTlou» day 7JJJ, week ago 14.50, nJonih-«go-'iaJ4, year »go 6S05. “ TUnge of recent y e m : - - “

1935 I0« -193S —HIgli ...... — W il 12,% -UiM!Low .....................69,14 58.61 38J7

(JM8 average equals 100>',

- NEW YORK, eepU-M -W i-Bond riuoladoiu;

4 lfT 4 ^ n 3 .M Jiinth 4>ia 3J-38 reg.................-:^100,7

Treaiury .V U 47-52'..:.— 11337 Am-3’'.« .4J-45-..-'------------ ---------103J0 Ami i 44-54 .... _____ __________100,18 Ama'.H 46-50t...-:.-..-....___________108; AtHf3^.* 40-43 ■June___ ----------- 106.

- ----- -------- in«ai ^3 'i s / l l ............. - Z Z Z Z I locals nen'3 'i*^4-4B - ...... ...................... 103l<7 ii '“3 'i» <1-46'r e g . .___________ 103,14 C»lll}',H «•«__ ____ j02,'js3’iJl 0 -S3 _____________ — 102,10 clio3.» 48-48 ............................ ......101J Ctrr.■is-M.iv______________::____ m u a hj?a!4s5J-00 ........ ............... . 09.1 ^

Federal Farm Mortfaga Chrj2*;a 42.47 ................ .............. 9854 t» «3» 4 7 ____________ ________ 100,7 g j;;

B 4 "T r“ '‘! Z " :" “I " - 10U4------- Homo Ownera to a n -3»’A 82........ .............................. 9S.IB curl2^8 3M 9 .... ...................... ... 98.11 ^

EVAPORATED FRUITNEW YORK, Bept. 23 ( ^ E v a p . m .

orated apples iteady; standard -10lo lO’ici choice lie : extra choice a ,„ ,l l ' i . to l2 M c , Ufi>.

Prunes ateady: CalKomla S t« oiid' B!;c: Oregon 4',t to 7!ic.- r Api'leata-s teady:—chtfiea— 13«et- nrsiextra choice M%e: (aney ICe. o rn

Peaches steady: sUndard nomU o r«n ilp e H H w V H c :— e ttra — chotce- * “pBSc. jnt_RalJlna stesdy; loose Muscatels m t4H tO'SKe; choica'to fancy s e ^ e d l o f SS to 6 'ic ; leedlesi 4H to 8. .

Figs steady. CalKomla fancy, u s sBlaek MUslon 9 to O'ic; Adriatic 1 u*iito Bijc: Kadota unquoted. {««


traden awalllni further pollUcal ««« devetopmenls abroad, buslneaji tn co tton ~ (u tu rrr w g~com paratltely quiet today. Moderate hedging was n»i absorbed t ^ thc tradB -nnd-priees « * held generally steady.

-« A K -n U K a § C O -F f tO O U n -^ i-AcJ 8AN FRANOIfiCO. Sept, 23 {4>- r»r.

ButUrfat 310. - s-Pol«toe*t-8acked-ewl.-<5ai!fom l^ — DelU dUtrlct, long whiles 11.10 to 26c; 81.30: No. 2s 50 to 8Sc;'Wasliington 01) Yakima district Netted Qems-D. 8. to : Is | I J 5 to tl.4S; Oregon Klam ath slai dUtrlct 81JS to .» lJ5 : 5anU M arta ai?; Russet Burbanks tl,40 lo 11.50. e

Onion*. Slocklon sacked CfjU yel- .jm lows 81,40 to 81J0; tatK« 81.70 to f „ , 11.80; 50 pound bsgs ted iilobe M gni to 95c; whiles 60 to 75c: white boll-mzO-taitau......................• Poultry^-B n>llen-»~to-3Jc}-(ry-......

e n JO to Jic; old rooster* 8 to l i : ; h tna 11‘i lo 34c; ducks 12 to I3c; , harts (live) a to 14c; roasleri 33 ‘ f; to '33c; squab.» 24 lo 35c; turkeys S?'* (dressed) 25 to 26c.. Butler, score :-.02-:8c;.91-21cj ® flO_3BHc;.:.-8B-:8c; -. ej8j.-._lfcrae. ^

cheese, CalKornla (i» t\ 18'ic; 'trl'p- f*"ltlJ ,-lB c .- ' ----------------- w "


..OHTCAaO, Sept. J3 & n-P0U lttj. f lire. 1 car, J l trucks, steady to flrai: bens less ihan 4 ^ lbs. 18c; 4',i lbs. up 33Hc; LcBliorn hens 15c; Rock *prtng» lO'.i 10 20e, colored 16 to 17c Rock broilers 30c; colored'JOc, bare- ^ bscks 13 to 14c; Leghorn chickens Da: Iflc; roosters 14c; lien lurkeyi 18c, yoiiiiR toms I60. old He; No, 3 , 14c; 1 °' While ducks 4 'i Ib. upMOc. small 15c: coloredd ucks 14c; cetM 19c.

Butler receipts 10,764.. easy; ‘O'!ertimerT--jp«tnU-t9rscore) J9H 'tq J”

T i m e . T a b l e s•cbtdaU st ruM fisn Tislai u < t

H»tw Bum PiMlBs Iluiiattt Twla suiOBZQON aUUBt LtMl : ^

casibcua bai. (e tM tlll J40USTT IU lUSI twi

, TtSla SSClUtM.----- ,,„,»«JO>.BIr QU<Trsin 313 iwtM __________ l- i

; wnibouad1 TtsiB S71 l i a m _________I0,00«.m.. TtSlB sn lM>M —triOrLm p|l; iTiLLs nnancn o(

loutbboutid., Tttia «» l« r « --------------

NOtWbSBDd , TrtiB 4M tm tn „ . ..-.a.OOp.m. 1


. ■; : l.fMM ......... ....... ........_ _ a : l J *. m, “P. ArrUM................_ _ _ _ _ l :1 j P m. CCi' „ la sp -B . r<t

fl au ia arrlTlns «» tJ lJ il* .-Jrom i. ‘ n Krnd'll snd Uoodlm: ollitit tls. ButU .In

’ r “"’’"■'Vn.i.... 1''0 s r ttm • I 1S» m. TCLl.f>TM - ...... ......... l.OJk m • I-' 8 u n 'WTIBI i l l-oo p-tn. »tfc. J«* .

inm», Wtn«J«li *n0 ooodini: ctlitis tIi . ; - » Duhl sn a -iu n n n sK ^ —« T*in raiii-iunlj-KiuhBnT« lmtm ____________ u i» a .m .■■ tu iu r ru ______________ - sao V. tae Ktuhunnsunle* j p,

-1____ _ ~ M T i r^ iB i 'r 5 i« . | t r

r W A L T . l - T H I N K ' T N a

--------B 6 T O £ a - l - q R B I T S l - W A_ P H .m N n . . f f l 'p . K — Ir : zc^ a B z w ^ ) —

In I ; W V

gUlDCKMIBr Th* r ru i) P«t

null Lowi Close WfifSAmertcsii Csn.____ H35i 1«’» H1*i njiAm U s /i l M>7____2JU. .;«>« 31 Rr;Am Si rof Po»»r Cli S Bll

« SSAm Bmelt tt Rtf „ i t O 47 UlirAm Ttl * T r l -------IJI'i 137 IJT MrAtnfrlc»n Tnbucco ^ W .JM !> •. P#li Boc Am'W itrr Worlui _., U’l l« . 18 Mii

B«l*lraw»-4»-OIilo-— lJ!._15 !i 1S_ huncndls AtUUoii ___‘31’t 5« ~ 2 « HUllclhlfhrm eu rl - . ,W . 31>i~ 38U auUurr Add Mcti ...... i»’. i«’, l»'.j H>*CsIK rscklns ..T— . 3 |ii 31'« 3IU ai<iCslLunW A) NrcU ■ Vi Slj TeiCaiisdlsn Pseitie — 10'. *:* oj* TinS,-o '“K : H ; I"c .k r oo'ni to ^TOli Unicoca C o la _______235 3J7 U »coiutn B w ... j i j . }i.;i j y

Cowjiid»i»d*'ou''nir'«‘« » ’ W«COBl.On Dfl --------- H 'l 18 1» W"Com ProdueU R 'i St*i #3(i W»CurllM " '“ I*- fl»t ___Dtl Si Hu<l»OD-------37 .JS ', »>»ahS'Mh/‘;*±)SMgHs- -I ;s S T . * . l i i .ll; H s ; s ! 's s g;Oentrsi rood*___ 31 301 30>«Urnersl UoWr* — 4l ' iOilddm Co ---------- U 13% 34«,oold D i u l ______ U »% IS 2 "O oodmr Itutbtr » U S iS 'i SJ: Ti rsnsm— 3 'o rr*i Norlh Hr Pf - 33'* 2i^i StJo tf . i w » t nusir ^ 2» 3»; . j s j .

j n t H S ^ J s i u T m Z j j ' m ’ .m uInt Nlcksl . — 30>« 2*U 311*in tT U a T t i '= = r ! » i— --------JehoM iu a r t i i t ------MKeanoeoit C orar „ 33 34S HelUSB i« Ujter* fon J - IH 'i JM^ IMI, mUsihlraen Alksll — 31'.* 3i 31 ^UcKenpori Tin ----- S't a'.i Oett s M s r - - . ? ' . r ‘ « r .’.I: Ji;SsUoter W hK l_____ u ‘t 12U MuM " A v — lili !!i:

— tn . 'n ' - i ib 'iNat Povtr U Ulht... «% Sl| 9‘.S 'rK 'S m ii- ’?'Koriti Amtr Co ___39 10', IBU Q "Hottliwa »— *|j« Aul^ ra tii^ Dutiur____ i?;?~~iij«

26c: extras (93) 35c; extra (irsls (90- len 01) 24U to 34'ic: l l r tu .<88-89) 3 3 'i 1, i to 34c; Kconds 80-87) 32H to 33c; standards (00 centrstlzcd carlots) 34>ic. 1

Egg rccclpU 5352 co-v:*. steady; « exlra ilrsts cars 20?ic, local 26!ic; fresh graded firsts ears 2fl',i to 30 'ic; local : j \ c ; current receipts tn

* r : . : -LOS ANGELES PRObiiCF ’ ^ ’

. L 0 a j iN 0 E i ia ^ p t ,_ ja j« > - R * * _ celptx: Bulier 187J00 Ibi; cheese 34.000 lbs; egKS 10,800 cases.

Butter: 93 More 29c; 91 score 38c; 90-score 37c; 89 score SfJ'.ic.Z.Esc;:-C andled, c ltsn extras 3Sc: *“ candled clean large standards 31 'jc;candled- cleon- medium «Rras-S3c: —|candled clean medium standards ^ JOe; candled clean smsll e x tru 34c.

PouJw : Jlfns: teghom i, under un 3‘; lbs. Iflc: 3« tb 4 lbs. l7c; over 15 4, 17c. Hens, colored. 3!4 tb 4 lbs, ag, 33c; orer 4. 34e. Broilers, 1 to IH ch Ibl. 30c: ovtr l ‘i to 2 \i lbs. 20c. to Prytrs:-Leghorns,-3ti-to-3-lbaJ9c:. ^ei Barred Rocks, 2‘t to 3 ii lbs. 21c; to other color*d,31c. Roasters: Barred ln( RoolCovef IV Jb i. 31c: olhers 31c. kti Ducks; Youns, Onder 4’4- Itti; 18c: 10, old tie. Geese 18c. Turkeys: Young sh: loms .14 lo 181b,i. 17c: over IB. ISc. < I{e(u...B.lbs.-*nd-up-16c^old~lams .&U I8c, old henj 16c. ' an

-------- Ifb

RUOAR - UtoNEW YORK. Sopt. 33 uP, - Raw. ,C0i

suesr mow ncllve today n tid 'lu i pricu-advanced j^ ^ lu L s Id-'-lIlE I'Uf ba»U c( 355, ttir highest Prtee in Mj two xc»r,v Tlierp was a .good tn- Ibi q u try a t this •Ipvrrw ltll— itotWng Hit ftvnllshir bflow 3.60,' Sale.s during lei the (Iny tnctiidrd 10,000 bags o( mi PlilllPi'iiiM Rl 3J0 and 138,000 bogs yc o( C<ib:i from !<iore snd 18.000 bags 11. of riullcplnrs tor Keplember-Octo- nti ijcr flilpnicnl a t 3JS. . . de

Rell’-ctlng th» upturn In spotA. fjri (iiuire.t »-fre llrm. Tlio spot month tm ndviinced 7 ixilnls due lo evening- m up before irsrtlnii in Uiat-dellvery (p, ccilW . Finiil prlca wero unehang- im r<t tn 1 point iiek higher. Sales 14,-

C itrine;..........— »..... ,.<■ . . .Upptemher : r>, December 2.92 bid,

.Innusr;' 2.13 bid. March 3.1* bid, ^

T nclincrt sussr was unchwiRed at

- p:- ..

' CIIICAO PO TA Tpts CHICAGO, fitpl. 23'*tT)lU8DAl—

. J ! flla la^ R ttip U U S n ,-« a-tm k . -|-»Ql.-leUI-U.B.-«htpmenta-BBtnr«iaT =

ITTTKundsy Ifl; about stead;. Sop- tW -iathss-lt*aT y,-dsnM B d. anfl —

-UQ itlngjlaK Laacked.pu-eirl, Jjlaho ^ iH ju w is V.ff. Sa. I. JJ..U Jo »J.»J tl

a tu w b f 4 * 0 / 11,181 V4* N f, 9i 11

; T W W > A lX B l)A lI .T t

c A sol

^Q N s e M s i . n o b o d ' T t I ^MOULD_gQ' A 6 Q LlT r f i r o rH A T W AV IF - m E V ~ p r O

« A ^ r ^ E 0 J 0 . s e ^ L 0 ) ^ L : M ■ zJ U D V .

V 0 r' k

K?no;di V h B ^ r : Sl^‘ MS s 'l \ J®!!B ilfm r-Jio rrt-.! .--J3 li 41- 31 « « Hair* normira-:.'. . . . S*i« .-U>;.-.SS’i Snill-tJnloli OH _ - * ! « - - 1 1 »‘i ■ -Ul—......a nn 14** 14'* H '.Mrlly -Oil --------10'4 ■ lQ>i “ lirT —

l\ ■ J}!;Boiilhrrn.rarUle is ^ ISt* lt<| hIg

Bulid'ou aaii—Mul-We!tiund oil N J ----- 41>, U 43>i 235Hlen»H Waniff _ «» . I3'.i U>. llclfluiclrbakrr Corp — S*« SU - S>, “Teia. Corp ---------I t ISli J |i , « «Timken n«l D w _ S3<i S3S SJ«, pfglTf)LU Corp ____ — 71, IJ, cUnion ir.rold. ------ M>. M», aj^J

,.in'iM'.fni.r-«i------- - n». n i , '■'O.Uiuon ticiiie r . - ^ 6aty^DB~ “ lOO la j( Unlird Airoafl — Ifl*, , U»4 IS ago

Jii; S!|u B niiBWf-------- 13*4 I3U 3>. «’0lII. H HIM « |k- .i^ _ 4jU XUtW rtU rU nion ''. ... 41',* 4sj,‘ t ' Wn.ilniliou.1. n « _ 1#!» 74i,i 4% “«■Woolwvrth C o ------ »l»a- WU «1 hIg-------- CURB MARKn—N8W-rOBynt«pt„n.<<v.Cjrtt quo. ,]B„. uifon*;Am*tle»B Suprf PoTrr _______Bunker mil and fiullhta ____ 44'i COBJenlrsl Beeula ..— ----- l ‘, 7A0OeeUla Bon'd 'o h a« ~ Z Z !II l l ' i Elwirle Bend u d aban p t 0 (i ■ NaUonal rover tnd U sht d* p( _ io Haw nradlofd ---------------- ----- 2',i

S s C s " " " ”. H'lTnuu U i ---------------Z --------- 31, pacPBUrt~miidH» ------• ' — mr i


r « o CHole. 2«i par etnt dua IMS ___ ««>i pacm i c . 3 prr t«nl dua IS4T lOOU-lOOIt Qm

idiho m atowOct. PoUloe*________ .»l.40 Aikrd

Inrn. Tm iu StefOorp. Trust — ----------------- CJ4 h mJ S f t i n e * 8 h a 7 i r z z z n ! r i : l i : uMirjland r u n d __ — _______itIM sice

BiU Uk* MtBH conMl. Cllf Cflpprr.....................................eooWatkrr liinine —r» i.« j-» *fcW

New y*ik Stocks entAm Po**r snd Ligia ..... .....— S'i roo « o w r* ---------------------3J *>Ul

— — ---------- 1.51:___________ ______________________J o sfew sslta 81.10: Triumphs L',.t. No. eweI, washed 81.15 to 11.40. Inn

--------• ' lb1.03 ANGELES POTATOES. 7,0(

LOS ANGBIBS. Bept.-*3 S O Al-Potatoes: Good Klocklon *!*“ Burbanks ll.IO to 81.15; best 81.25,(sir 90 10'S5c; ordlnair 85 lo 7So cwt, Kem coonly RusseU V. S. No.

l t « e r : 3crfla irta-M aH »-i;,-S .-N or - « i I RttsitU |r3 5 t6'81.4o-ewt.- ........... -

I ' - - ' — — I (imilETS r• - I alnCHlCAWLn-BflTOCK----------**“'

^Cm CA O O , BepL 33'MT(USDA1-^ IdiHogs; Recelpu 9.000; good demand rmIn alt weights: tome order* unfilled: edunercnJy 10 Jo 39 higher: mostJy yci15 lo 35 higher than Fridays a re r- tipage: spota up more: bulk good and 8.5'choice 170 to 350 Ib averages 11.75 meto 13.10; top U.19 paid sparingly; ew-fM r_*m aIU oU JM ,io_359Jb U J9 10. to 13.00; bulk desirable weight pack­ing sowa 10.40 to 10.80; (ew shipping klnda higher, unsorled tots mostly 10.18tOl045rfewplgsl0.00to 11.00;shlppen took IJOO: holdm'er 1.000, - I

Cattle; Recelpu 33.000; pmcitcally doi .&lLclaasea.grain.fedand.grau.fiteerBand ycarilngselojlmras to flg. lower; be: liberal portion of crop unsold; fed slrlHly (Inlslied steers and yearlingsabout steady, early on shipper ac- i

.count but evfr>'lhlng under-pres- a hlurernumeroDs tcsds carefully (in* «i,iu iiw ‘iiiffliuiii m gnr' |tn a~vcipH yMeera 13.40 (o 12,79: ’around 1000 “i?Iba mixed yearllnes 13.00: yenrllns «„«em ■ave^gtng•060^6-n .7S : bek- 30ler grade heifers weskcned lafr but »1,most choice heKcn BlMiiKht weight • yearling steers aelllng a t 1000 toII .00. steady tn Instances; stocker and feeders in rery narrow cniinlry 1 demand 33, to 90 lower along wltii Tn grass killer steem :. »rrlRhly Mon- oiii tana's bid 7J0 to 8.00 by klllern; best tlw range yearling* to country 850; cut- we> tr r s 3,00 lo 3 i5: (at cows bet largely 4.33 lo 900: be«t ssiuiage me biilU early 840; (ew selected vealers (in * iin H r5 d d -w m tC T r— — ---------m

Sheep: Receipt* 15,000; fat lambs (ci une ro i, strong to 35 hluher; bulk wo

jta tim -adrancing .m or& .but_clo ie wc :'d u U = ^-O tlu n := a sn t:^ ee p rflrm : .p r J r fd ln f l>mb»lttadr^q.«rciHL»oQd iffbholc* ntU ta Umbs 9.50 to 0.75; hulk IlghUy sorted a t Innlde. top 0.85 • ,to small killers: westemsft.OO t ^ S T hulk .abo teJW iw rL M 15 tw ^ jm t - and lfsa ; staughter ewes 5,7fl-to-4,oe; -*l slaughter, yearlings 7J0 to 8,00: N< yearling ewes 0,79 to 7^0; bulk feed y( Ing Umba 8,75 lo 9.00: choice Ilghi 36


— SO im LaA ltetBA aClB CO . flept; -'!! MJ.TI m SDA^-llogn; R fc flp ls400, 1 cl

I three loads JW lo3 i3 f^ .iJ}fo rnU »• 1110 top: odd loto l l f b tn

r hEWS, T w w 'rA ix g , mAHO,


CAN-WffTCFr -WATWTOS - O Q R - e V e f t V - - I N - ^ m 6 - N 67 - M 0 W e r - - - ; ( - i S H ^

11.40;'mosl'packin* sowa 0.00. ~ — . CalUe: R « e lp tt 050; load medium ' '

flleers 7J5; around 90 head fleshy freden 6J0; half-ears 825 .lb. O r ^ _|B gon heifers 0.00:-cotcs. four ’ears [ I 5.00: mo*lly‘3.00 to 3.75 ': few 4.00'; H doren bulls 4,50 lo 5J0. Calvcsr Tlc. I celpiA 25: odd~lip»d~vealfts'B.OOr r l few good cnirea fl.oo, I, :8hffp: R_wlpi_a _|,Q5Q:_too decks _ f l good' ■T»^-OfegofriaiTitw--a 5 JT Odd - f l loU medium pelt lambs BJ5 lo 8.50; I few 03 Ib Caliromln ewes 3.00, I

~POIlTLAND tlV B 8T0C K ~~ I PORTLAND, Sept. 33 (4^ (U8DA) I

-H o rs : Receipts liOO; aetlve.' 35 I hlghrr; good lo choice load lota and I dflvrln.i-flv«aclnf n n in 720_ia J l .welitil-i.ll.oo; few loU down to 10.75; l l 335 lo 320 Ib 10, l3-U)” 10.75:-llKlit ~ I llsh u mostly lo a i lo lOiO: packing I aott'i around 8.00: best light feeder • l l p(ga held abov-irll.oo. [I

CatUe: Recelpu .j;400; Calvfj: I 150j_Quallly JlalM, slow, few ^ r lv _ I laJes slronc 10 m iiiRher than week e ago: early bulk srnis steers 5.S0 to I 7,00: early top 7,75: 'Rras.-j heifers I mostly :435 lo C.OO; low c u tter and |

medium graries 3,50 lo 4 J5 : good ; beef covi-s 4J0 to 5.00;' some held ; higher ;bulls mosily 3A0 to 4 i0 ; I good to choice vealera 8,00 lo 0.00. _ |

Sheep: Hecelpls 4,000; actlvc. fa t I

nieady; bulk fa t lambs roO lo 825; i common lo medium gntdes 7,00 to - I 7A0; yearilngs 8.OO to flJ5: fa t ewes I 2.75 to 325. ■ ............................. Q


-0 Q D C N ,-a fp tr^ - t /n -(D 8 0 A 1 = — Hogs: Recelpu 703: Los Angeles packers 125, Loa Angeles m arket 96; rB rlysala-bcst-drtretns-lS -h lghPT — Itian Friday; few lota lU O ; few sows BM. - =- C ttt Ie :R « e lp ts i,OS: tbs'A ngeles “ packet* 807, Denver .m arke t 134. f l Omaha market 213; tlow: early aales h about steady! load good 958 lb Idaho U jteera 7J5: load weighty Idaho helfera 5.40; load good Idaho coa-n 4.85; medium and good drlveln ilcers tn d hclfen 635 to 850; few common 5.00 dou-n: medium and KOodjQcal.cowa.loO lo 4,75:.lower lA/i Kradcs down to 3.10; medium and good vealera 0.00 to 8,00: common kinds around. down; odd low bulls 3.10 to 450,

Shtcp: Receipts 18,724; Los An- Relea packch OOrTDcnvcr marked 1,591. Illinois (eedcra 1,031. 6t, . . jQ S tflh -JM iitiiJ :K lL JQ ad _ 0 je £ a n ‘2 ewes early 3.85: (cw lots tnickedlnl,n.'; lambs 725 to 7,70: Sunday load 84 lb Wyoming lambs 8.75. 25 o u l \a t ' . . , . 7.00: a t lft.1l week's.CIMC lnmV.;i{J, h lB i0 .on..fc'K_cars.ldiiliov r nnd. cwcs higher a t 4.00 on loat!*,.,^, Oregons, ;vt,i

Above quolntloai on rail shlp-,,|,p m enu reflect variable freight bene-;,u i l ia .on catUc-nnd ahccp-boUBht fq r.m ,

----------------- -.OMAUA SHEEP V

OMAHA, Sept. 23 i-Pl (U SD A )- Close; Shepp; Recelpta 12J00: com-|,..^ pared Friday; Ijim bs strong , to ' . . mostly 2. higher, yearlings and a g 'd ' alieep 25 to 50 higher,•feeder# eleady; -bulk rap«e-l«ml»-035-ti» 940;. to p .L , to shippers O.SO: three_cara^lifllce;,„_ Idahos TTIbs 'nvpriig rs;' mcdliim jy , range lambs down to 8,40: bulk sort-, ed choice grade native lambs 025;.,)^ yearUrjR* up ta 9.00: sJauchter cwrs tip to 4,00: bulk rnnge frcdlnR lambs' 8.50 to 8.85, lop 9.00: bulk broken! j mouth ewes 32.^ 10 4J0; yearllnR'ind ewrs 750; (ceding ewes down lo 'o .n 10,75. _______ ru:

ST. JOSEPH SHEEP --ST.-J09KPH, 8ep t.23(fll 1U8DA) “ I —Sheep: Recclpis 4000; nothing un done on nhughler classes. Indlca- ilons stronf on fa t lom lJs.JW ^ng c ocjt offerihKs’ OiS tnd"above. '

ntNVER” SHEEP n«DENV5R. Sept. 33 OPi tU S D A l- “ t

Sheep:. Recelpla 19.000, .6.060 s«(

aheep and yearlings sieady: year- i't lings /UDlio-7JlQ:. (at.ea-cA .238-io;'y ' 3.00: asking mendy to strong feeder Inmlis, h-i

n o o LBOffTON, Sept. 23 («^<U8DA» ~

Trade In ifie Boston wool market 1'■aurUig tlie ?ast (e s days was quieter n iIhsn during the (ir?j hair o( I u l { ;week and Uie early pa rt o( Septem- j „ber. Scattered sale* were moslly of M>moderate volume and comprised the > (Iner grade* of lerrltory wooU ami

Tii?mn»nW(T?s~TirtfaTn - n gre(rTtTiTr -r- lerrlloo’ lines. Prlc«l on a ll goodwools wera firm. Inferior Uiorl tn

wooU.ln-o(ltilnaUba«a-^ers.sold.aL | l -priCM sll|h tly -b« low -ibe-peak_of. •

................ |

_ _ _ C m C A d O x iu U .GRAIN____- cm cA G O . a i p t . -33 t n _ c u l i n

-«.li«at:-N^:<~liartUU&-ioJ.UH cornTl j i No, 3 mUcd B5'i to B.'i’; ; No. llvn yellow 60: No. 3 'n-lilte tnke billing;to 38'.;: oau No. 3 ^vhlio 33’i : choice;

J5 :- ta n ijik _ a m d c -a iL tQ,3a.’.»i=Cttr.- -rB.-tlUSKfflHft^-» o y b e a n ^ b a r t g . i - rtjmlnal (eed 33 lo 45. mailing 50 to,w

-'!5:.timoih!t.*eed-840 lo 3.05.a r t ; n clover reed lU O lo 17,00 cwt.-------- y .

t ^ r d r t n r f a r n e a a r i o o w ' i r a r r .L m u w u m . ' i *


A N YW A Y W H A T dr. T.

\ i s : MVNSW HBOBHQOD. |_ C A l L 'l R E S T S D -N -H IM - | - ^ P C

F a m e d . P r i s o n e r

THOMAS J. MOONEY. Rerrlng ft —Eteparcdncaa-Dm-bpmblng. oui

(imo (0 attend a hearing order; a h iibciw corpus vrit, Thfai ptct fj^HnVarden James Holohan

ilWiT !,I M l R D , " '

War-Talk Loses7Prestlgc-as" - Immediate Influence in ;

Chicago WheatPit-Br JOHN P. BOUOIIAN

(Auoclatcd P rcu -M arket-E d lto r) I -CHiOAOO.— Septr—a3^Ap!MI«nt- . j; likelihood or protractcU diplomacy nl Oeneva, Inslead of awKt m tlliary -i riashci elsewhere, gave t downward 'j trend 4o groin markets loduy. i

B'lwlnlly-dlsconcertlng lo buiiUh jpevulators was 2!i cenU break In v.'Mcat priccs a t Minneapolis. For the lime being, war U lk appeared tu liave 1631 prestige as an im m ^»

duco'susilncd buylog.Wtici In Chlcgo underw ent a -

maximum iclback of l»; cents, tn d clawd unsettled, H -IU under S al- z urdny's fltilsli. December 08H*»i, rom U -’i otf, I>ecember 68H -S , * Dsts unchanged to \ lower, and ' liroviftloiis 7 lo 25 ecnis down, • ‘ —An'-tnerea»-o(-3,477.000-bualMU —ln-tl» -U nited-fila lcs_vliU H »3 'hcst__!supply total was less ttian expect- ^ ed.- Something o( an o((se t was ■sloiniess o( export businesrlirO in* ^ ndtan wheat m e«npared w ith Ust week. . '

Enlarged rceclpts of com gave L _ Independent eulness 10- com and o.-iU a t times. There was & mate- rUl o( arrivals of co m here ver •boUi-**-CQmoarcd_wlth_liut *eek a ^ and a year nco. Excrllrnt conditions D ‘i prevailed for msturine o{ new corn, ion “ ProvWons snggcd'flllh f ra in " '’al- iits. '

CHICAOO.- »*pt. 11---------ow a - n u n '- tB w -neir-n'bral— An

SIU 5‘* s?|i r.r;.nM1» M il.J; P9S petj pen.’.*

to ts— >Ben a iik .n B , aou' iui_^. Me

I uii»— ■ Wly»p •• J8*1 __ 3IU Mik a ' i -Nf'Hf) JSU.jT 3«’* “ sa ' J!*{

Hrp '. . 4S'»Drc 4»i, 49’, 41'. 48»,

’ ='• ‘ M,

s; r. = n S ™U ld -n<T inpi ... i«rs MlOri ino ISTO ISSS U81- N.

w n, nnj^.M iioi, i3 ia— .p.M»>- 13 M iitij i' lilll 'u

llrlll'^— H<Srp . . . ... - ■ 1"« w,-- nxi--- ------ :

DULU'm, flrpl. 23 (fl^-FIax on „ track •l,73‘i-7V.i: &-ptember 11.- " 13H ^-0«ober-*W ?a*TT-^>eeember —liJ iau .----------- ,---------------------------

PORttAKb"UAr-^_ " T O R T ia in rO n > 7 sep t. » OFF- ■ lls r, buTlng p r iw fro m producerc -AiroTT^NorJrtifw-pfrceriir^

4 iiM i_ tta K tn _ Q K g o n timaUur.,!;T (lf; onu $7-to 110 toiu-WUlamctU - Ivnlley'llmolhy 114. tIoVer-»7 to 'IlO - . ion, Portland,

'.|-^VVINNlJEa.-ypt..33.(jP>-^ c ^ -

; 'rc ir?he'm°90Sc')[ Nq™ 3 ^northern

ju m ia ^ X * . ,


could' ^ ^ looki the «M A K t R 0 " " r i 5 p E ^ W f C 1LV _ - - - I f c .g Q U L D H / 30RTS. / ( WSUSE F(iR '1

■ \l J

J .

! r t e a r e s S a n Q u e n t i n 3

g ft life s e n te n c e f o r con v ic tio n a o u trn ge . l e f t S a n Q u en tin p r iso n [ered by" th e tn U f o n iin S u p rc m e 'C l ic tu re , ta lte n a s h e k f l th e p r is ia n ( o F n te n e f tT a n T l w o priwHTgi

N e w T o C o a s t ’ ^(]j

. .

■ • ' ' . " i -_ :___ T .,- ; .. . ..>■— --------- -jUo;

10 I Do

thiDOUGLAS A. raSSENDEN, former Jo* t eoach of a CWeago high ichool. U|U5<

making hU debat In the PaeUle . Coaii Confereaee as new head

. roach of the UnlTmHy of M m - gt: — tant.eleren. He soeeeeda -B Bnny'’

Oalif*.>-<J) Photo. _ __

. r ~ ~ _________________ S


SnakB r i « r storage, flow and d l - version* of Septemoer 31 were ahown ^ a dally report Usued by U n n OrahdAHr'wntFmwsterraA-fol- - lows: pn

nt«r«fe.' Aere F»HWored sn

Jackson-Lake-......-.-,.H9.0W----------- ulAmerican P^U s........43,3W CKLake W alco tt............39.0M

R her Flow, Seeond Fe*» . ^Monin .............. ,. 3,il0 iJ lQ .“H rtse _____________ 8,om : 2v» i *"fciough ......... ....... ' ^ 1N«!ley ...................... • S-’i " *•’ ^HowelL-i.Ffny— - ... .....................- -Milner . . 3’'’ ’ ’■'. :

Dlvertlnn. Second ree l . |Mmldoka. N. S...... - M« •MUildoks. S . 8 ......... "JJ’M;in>r, fl-Milner. Low U f t ...........7" -N. 3 , in Ooc.-linB ,-.. .<l"’ ...........•Pr-ArL^fersl ........- .?«'^■lllner, N, S.' •Heiw to \vw>d»ill*— u y u — 73fi; Woodcllle to BUfk- , i -foot-r.------------- ---------

: : B 7 H 7 S m i t E

— ;-BE*NSn..- ' O p e n ? a * t t l .

w in unload n iR h t ot;, d a y , r - ^ ^ w l l M - j a » t - « r o « - i l i e - B U t - r y . - r ^M -H ii11rhn tV 1n-hnT p«i.-

1 : : - j r — — J g ^ - W A N i .Y o u

HARiXv seei 1 ' s Q t ^ 6~n^ ^ * 3 _

f e m p o r a r l l y ^ T . . ----------


I of the 1 9 !6 Snn Franci.'Jco IOR tCRiporarly. for lhe third -s’ C o u rt^ o n -h lsT ip p lic ft tio n -fo p -------r iso n , fihowB M oonev (center ■guHTds:=CA’)-I*tioto.-----------

Clark Pins Hope for Ross on Big

Leadjor F.D.R...8POKA.S-E. S *p t.-a -With .A ^ an "If," ReprewnintU'* D. Worth u ia rc <u., lu jno i ]nrcn.ira Here todny lh a l Governor c, Ben Rm * would defeat, Senntor yniism B.Borah-ln-Jhfi_]I'J3 iti)aloflii-'ijicf._'_1

' I t Prc-'lricnt Roatcvclt carries l(h1io bv n Siib-^uniui majortty. I believe lliiii Governor C. Deu Rota will defeat William E, Borah In th* feiiatorlftl race next year," was th<i w ny illi '' Idnho rp|lre^pnlatlve nn-nwered tlK" <i'ieMlon "Do yoiM hinlt-----Oovemor Ross can beat Senator Dorah?"

*'Wc mu.'l have a pciccuiPBe In our favor If Rntt U to y ln.:;_CltttlL=— : «deS_^_am ronvjiieed tijat JIocm* . V cluhaa g fou iia in Idahothan in any olher state. Ha h s i ' lost’ Bround, however; tlicrt’s h i U!0 foollng_ourselre,t."

•There Is no doubt but Ih st o o r - ernor Ro«s will run 'for UnlUd States .'‘enaior In I939)" Clark ndd-.?.d._________________________________—Awompanled' by-Mr,'and Mr*,— W. O rr Chapman nf 'twin FsDi, Reprenenifltlvp and Mrs. Clark left

[■here'iodnv m r « u lh Idsho after having vi.*lted fn Cw^ir d'Alene.— -----

-pirew W a y to HoldFalfte T e e th In P ise * _

-- Po fal«o-t«>lh.anaoy-yiw bl_drop7_ _ipmc or ulipplng? Just-i'prinkle a . _■ little F a itr - lh on your plates. This ln»w (ine povriler hclds tceili f lrm 'W !snd comforliible. No gummy, pasty 5;ia-,!e c .'_ lcc liag .-5^c tleaO l-ea tli____level F.-'ilee!l) Irom 'Majfnlic Phar- 'm «fv or ''O’f driJSRi'.i. 'nup f aUm,I-A dv. ■ I

i___J — -------------

L E A R I^O ^W ~Smith l|tiffhcs Tr.iiie Schoolllninr sn'l jl'nmiiirrrUl Sctrlng

• rpro ll riir.Hs>, Srpl'm h-r H

II, 9, II'>ni<‘ rffrton:ie R 'itii al S-.Ifl r . M. ,

Ni>TiilIli>n r i a « t.lmlted In IG

L C o T a p a n y ”[,jaAHOEr:v":; - ,-s h . t o r i i :r . A f te r B p. m . m il F m o li

lU R B U S lN U iffi -

Page 9: · TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ l i M B i i PE lEMTDPlECT M achine Quns M


■ BATW r t k U KE r* B OAT t i l d w i. p « Bfli p e «*7---------'

' — T h m d in rp tf -U M pat 4ar>— i

Discount - F o r Cash

■ svn’ifot in AiJUltfr


jMiuir gfccp* -. . ■■ - —« nIiilnM OotSlunVtUt— — —1

____ H«l|> w tnuo —

— - E b ' - i i s i K K i ^ ^ ;Por etl# »•««« • ,1.. ' " :

^ — — ' f M m liuft Jor a*l».. -f — s s s - ! a : - „ “n S i K = : ^ i

notuM for !Unt_ , ■— »------------- = :

t/Ml ■»<! 1><IUtlll.___ UflBIt tO^Lg^ .

PoullTT »nd 6uppllw, 1" “ K M f , M i E H = 5

lUAi a u u tor •m ai.I --i; RMl » a t« g M tfft—— ■■-;

n n itd u» tunt— — — — Wuitctf Muwiunwm. . ,— »» rer 6»1» or Tn.0*— .... ................

THE NEWS m S H E a rO UAK It e le ii W rewJ«n of th« e lw l

ned p u « tb a t tb tN U ■ (trie - rule w ttla it s ^ n j «ny udauiou

----- -*}-ja;wm»tM®-coii£tmJia_3)l)n»d i,' th i t U. *il?em*emeai ilKDcd «Kh ft ben Dumber to eu ot Itw N«m.

P e r s o n a l s ---------

L A D ij» -A IlE TROUDL-----------wllh—w aslibaard_kaucklM i_J

new Dexter Wnslicr mcihwl_______ treatm eni ts guar.nitccd. Tre

■ m enu iit low a t '15 per moi'Ph. B.____________ ^ _____

rp- UNHAPPY CONSULT MA g irc t A. JctJrlej, Bring me y uoublu . Room £i2,.noscnon Im .________________________

iTEM -H Y -O EN SETS MAO; »! r«m u I2JS ond $3, W nU rn Dl) R.3, D rm M on , WaiJj,

to shara with butlncu won: Write Bot C, eare Newa.

— — MAaNPnO-HBAtINO-AND:AL Uge by appointment. Everttt B cocJu 1000 Main St., Buhl. Ph


L o s t a n d F o u n d

^ L O S T -B w o k ' j o b o t o r a ' a urday. Ph. 03M«R3.


____ 0109-RS. . _____

rOU N D -B A Y MARE AND YOU----- colt, mare about 7 yr*. old. wl. 1

lb*, branded V Bar M on thlRli. L. O. Klrkman. GOI

• West.

LOST .BETWEEN ' BUIIL ’ A _ ... TB'ln_Pa}l#. jmnJJ rofkJrff ch

.... _...NotUy_Biirlchol<Jcr Fum iUr?..B«ward.

f o u n d " -P A IR ~ D A IIK BRO' ihetl rimmed Bla»cf. O w er n have by paylnR adv. a t Newt,

FOUND-LADY'S BLACK 6L per, kIzc 4, new, Owner may h by paying adv. ot News.

~Beauly Shops - T N A T O R A L -tJro it WAVES *r

_______ ^|1.»,_Flve blocks No.. c.istC,' C. Anclmdir.'s. M n. Bear P/1, tSSQ.

OUR AUTUMN SPECIAL IB now. C ltr 249. Tli« Beauty Bo:

^eroBocQt W ivts u L09 i


121 Main E att- ......-..Phona.i:

«niB CAU rOB KE8lXT8~>rUON

1 « E U .B » M ,O U > B C : 'w w ^ r s t h e ' t r o u b u

\ M 0 R N » N 6 ? V 0 U 1 0 0 \

. I fV W H eftE’S TWE UTTU

p ^ . - - ~ “ B e a u ! y ^ l io p s — ~3AT (CoaltBOia »«o RM*dlai CatmM — *® ~

1 rrom I i56“ up“ w m n ) tn 7^ ' tiliticst quality solutloni,. ualni

- tlit'vcry laieil ot modem equip 9M » ^ m«n‘ - Student work a l r«due«i

prlMi. aU work guanuUatd. SPECIALTY BEAUTY 8AL01

-------- i AND SCHOOljD S N eit Door to Idaho Power Ci

Phone m

TllOas-WHO HAVB KWBRrSN ed our work Know th a t our mal odi and the ikill ot our operftt

— M are luptrlor, You may M « tu — " - one of our oil wavei (ot u low

»lJO, Craw/ord't Beautj Balon.___M Main /|ve.^feuth. P h e w i r t t

-gyjgr . __JJ-.'S ' « " ■ “ A n n o l i j a D m e n t P ^^ I =- . - s ? NEW SHOE REPAIR SHOP NC

open (or butineu, Wa kfiffun = « - - tfsdft {rrttn m d -ro ti-w ia b*-s

pleaMd with our work. All «<____ I piaran te td . 0 . U ortenHn.— Mai n Ave. So, (root o t 1

Moore'* tu n and key ehop.

—-5....... -Autos for Sale - ...PABSiERS ATTENTION I “C

— iir T-ciiaa is rur o r 'tnUleTTft: n S tlrei. First »15 takes'It. 713 E

la k » .______________________

lEa_JalEiL.C.Q.&CH._Qfi<^D_^ chanleal condition and tiew pa

— $M. 711 Main Ave. East. tAKE --------------------------------------------:la«l.' ,---------------------------------------------

S . \ _ S T T O S B A i t E - ^ai)nd_ . c trtin ea b f r f c w®«ati OJJ.C. Truck. I ' j to 2 ton -W : 1 eare -31 chev. C. C. Pickup

■2B Stude, Die. Sedan— — --------- 'M Plymoulh Sedan - --------- -- Stude. Die. Sedan

4 ! Sales and Service

n, T h e j ^ ^ —hod o f !Treat- 1— —

-mornnn — T O D A r s - S P E C I A L - ' -29 OAfOAKD SEDAN

— — . Flnlili, Tlrea and Motor Perle.

The AUTO MAR'— - r r : \ Ncxl to Kylo Waltc'a iD U tb ' - WE BUY-SELL-TBADE

ribcN-i- woman. *

* F U L L P R IC E !- . irx g . l * ' —lit Bab* ^. Phone * ’33 Ford cpc. Exgood.— $319

" \ * rto oak, coach good....... 2M’^ “ 'M 'Chrv, ciibr. c p e .....~ . i5I

~ * '28 Chev. caach Exgood™ 182- * -as Chev. cpe. good........ . IM0 » *28 Najh lile 6 coach...... IX

— — ■* '■38 Star 4 Afdan_______ JOE SAT- • J t- ra .fo n l.A p k u p .______ lOC

* "M Chev. ?S T . pkup____ CQ* Several cheaper car*-*Il

ri^ir * ■' *^*"“ '^■>” 1- MK7 imcfc-urc, new.----- * J* 30x5 tnic^tlrea . near new.-^QUNo' ^ t* 3<xl‘j trucinirc.Yiekr lietf wl.1000 ’f'.5:32x4llres._ROod.

______ 318 Slioshone West. Ph. IH5, ■ AND *' T\'c’Buy-Eaultlcj-------f chnlr. *m ~ c a : *_*_* * * » » »

, W H IT E 'S

i2 ! _SLIP* 10J3 Ford Coupe ...............-..»1

ay have lojo chev. Sedan ................ : 11028 Chev. C oach ........... ........1

— 19J9 Deflolo C o u i» ------------1--------- lOM Ford Ccnch .................. 1

R ‘■laarcnevrcoup*.-^ ---------------” 1531 CJiei'. TriJcV ......... - ......i

■ 1320 Dodsc'wrccn, extra ROOd 2 of: ' "Evm ' Car Oimninlerd na

Bcamcr.’j ' “ Rrprrsenled:"JNO. D. WHITE

,0 r tu ‘'T"* Car .Man” y ' ' 144 Second No, Phone 5 I Box.

KV U '.I —____ POR SALE-CHEAP - 1929-PCID- cM ch'orTfnrm -JtrroiTK sm M

--------- .pnlen.vCa»-g6»-ornns;won-Hin a .C L . Clnrence Abbott. — ------

'UONItl 'T U I CIU. fOB RCttJlTS"—noB

u lu E T H IS \ / ^ w S I t C M E

V jn w H iR

-------- t c r R o o " J “ S> '-.V . " — r ^ I J S s .H O U S E -r v

2 S i L WOHAlf TOR HOUSEWORK. S--------family. Call a t ranch, do nol wrl— » -j_ m L JO ...l! i.« » it oM tlm ber - r n r ----------------------

CHRISTMAS CARDS. BIO COI quip* m lulont icUlng peraonal grti luMd inn ,em boueditatlonery iaam p

fiM. 31 (older ouorimenl. Hui iLON croui. Etchlnt. Everyday. Q

W npplns boxea. Bonuwi. Expe r Co, ene« unneciuary. Wallace Broi

4I7T South m il 8t., Lot Ante:

EXPERIENCED OIOL OR W ' man for gea£raUiou«work. Pht

— Help* M ale o P F e m a lelow M ___________

Ion, 112 3 MALE OR FEAULE SALESM r t i that want (0 mnko money. M

' • have Jmall cbpilal'anfl'C ir. C-------- after S p. in.. Cabin ♦; Wcrchi- e ^ A ? T o l5 5 g j? a rk .- . -

S i tu a t io n s W a n te d

5W'our tX 5 Y “'w B r 'T W 0 ~ C m L D R b«-9211 . ffuhei. houuketpiae, Clean t 1 work neat. WriteDox 22 Care Nowa. n. 244 —)t Bin CAPABLE H O USEKEEPl

wanU work In modem hoi Phone 351 or write H I Adat

-------- _Ave;________

- ^ ~ - ^ M o n e y to L o a n

“CAR f AM NOW PR EPA RED ,TftTS jT-joo^r^ loans on Irrigated (arma tor 13 Blue - Union Central Ufo Insurance

U w Interest rates, prompt t t I Ice, (cenerouB prepaymenl prl

caw, JfM 0, Eastman, Buhl. Td r pami. — ■ • ■

--------- Gfc M O N E V T O L O A N_ : Oil better cla&s.tarma and R — . . reildcnccs.

p j l — —I ■ ^ -------

........... IraDERAL ;FARM LOANS 1in i ' duced Co < per cent. See cr i

phona J. W, McDowcll. Twin Fi

■new ~ F o r S a le S e e d s M

---------- D R Y 'f ARM _SEE_P, r y e ^Qrccn. nfc<T«on,

^ F F S a lc fM ls e e lla n e o u s

«(eet, TONs V f^ H A Y ^I lamblni; lOicds. 3 ml. weat o( Ei ' o c ttfrt Real Estate. Ph. 223

,RT Ijw k_____________' •! ALTUM TAYLOR • CLO\

_ _ h « |l" No. 4, newly_rcbullt ani--------- r A-l condition, O uaV aniw dri

• m tllnufr. noK 38i. RuW. Ida.

♦ It iir o w a w a y y o u r w f• brutli. Buy Sc.-ilcx Inlaid Lt

_____1 cum. It's slain proof and eas;:------- C - ci»ir~And<I3<8 V rurnilure, exclusive dealert.

• 3W * UNFINISHED TRAILER HOI nBS-sT- -6 i» 1 2 3 n irB h M h 'o n e -WMir. 185 ¥ --------------------------------------------. 125 ♦ FURNITURE - NEW AND Ui. 120 * (umtiurs o( all kloda, coal ran

SO 4 elcctric rangei. coaJ stoves. o * /4WI and other houjeholdVl. eo * lililnsi. MooQ’a. Ph 8, Slore N(all « Ph. 318. Store N a X

— r f e F S F r o F r a i c Elew .--* • A car load of Muresco in aul M V r * ' Buy what you need.-brtns l>a« , ■ *1 ' wliat you havo lefl We loan yc

■ ' f brush to. put It on with (re .'fcMurtry Ito-ae Paine. ■

* Hour Enamel. Floor and Ui IH9 * oleum VamWi dries in l* ------- ♦ -nO urj-A -largo « o c k -o f-W i

* Paper.

:..,MQON’s:..__:--------- , TWIN FALLS PHONE

F O R S A L E tl8J Oliver, McCormack Deerl

“ • 155 Hoover f i Puah potatoe dlgg IM I chnip.

Z 18S i m t n . s t a t e s i m p . C(.... 125 I= - 6 5 - ----------... i7 i BEAN CLEANING AND STO RilOd 27S Rl ciobo Seed and Feed Co.,

na oi>rn lioa'«.

r libN T ' b u y " Any u e a t>_ • ! SCOVM until you read our slarl

I announcement. Wuicli your pa ne 207 Watch S:\mpson'A More for Ar

I lea'i (lnf.1t heaters. Saves ■■■> ■ mcpey. 6avM.-i'pii furl. M;

-PORD -nio»«-flven heat. W atcli^for.

n-Hotel. - C o . Wiih Idaho Loan-Offlce,---------- -- Bliojhonc North.

PbDM tt ? rn i CALL roR nesiJLTS'-rbanL I , P

T H E G U M i

\ i ^ 6 0 0 0 / LET HER *E A. UFfUE HAP.CSHIP- JT- b e & R E W l**^ HEF gP -- USMEkUSWE'LLBlLW/ir

1 ] 1 1 r i / ! ' ' 7 g u j


R o i = ^ M ^ I f e J > l » c d l i i i i w m s a;-<C«a«BBWI fraw CBlywa

'V i^ 'C O R R U G A TE D ROOTING, Rl inforclng tl**l, ilructunJ In

” -and -p la t« .il« l.-K r«n jel'» -H *r

APPLE AND ONION STORAG Olindoii 8aUt Co. Ph. a m .

L oolc i a o o ^ u s r o 'p i A N o r i - , Terma. 8amp»on Music Co. Tei .xperi- loeatlon a l the Idaho Lo iroTO. Office, 129 Bboahona North. T i


WO- DELTA WOOD WORKINO TOOI Phone o ,;i yoyr « u i o | . Twin P i_ _ _ -Junk-HouM. ________

T ~ r * POTATO PICKIN0 BAO8. OLOl S " seed and_Peid^Co.

SMEN STORB-yOUR BEANS IN FEM ull rrnl Bonded Warchousea. Klnr

r rc a l l - Warehoiias. Ph. 88.!ciier’t « ' ' — - —


Buyi,-flell«, lYade* on P trm DREN ^ Machinery and Horn#tj and * — . r u m i ih ln g i - ---------

* Nov Locatra in-the Maionlo: p e k *

S n '_____ S H E E P MEN— TV RouRh Hr lumber for pantli

I p -SVOODLAWN-tUMBER YARl OppoiH* g ir tf r& Oo. _

or the WHY PAY MORE WHEN Y' ice Co. can s.ivc so mueh by buying y I aerv* musical Instrumenta a t Sampso prlvil- Wo liavc some wonderful vnl

. Idaho _ ln new and used saxophoi

—I and all musical Inslrumenta. 0 IKT a lew Iclt. Sava while you c

Sampion Music Co. Tempor nd loeaiion with Idaho Loan Of(

IS) Shoihone N o, Tw ln-Ealll

the la lftl development in Inl ■ j linoleum, with adhe.ilve on

I RE Ii t leie'-l 5’’®** '« «• Swen Falls 1 l"'i'nilture, exclusive dealers.

LOW PRICES ON FIRST ORA 10 *A pluniljIiiK llxturc.v vnlvps. pipe 1

. iilf>a flttincs^KffHgera Hardwi


A l H i p U S E D ^ M A C H L N E R Y -

“^ X t o U 1. 22-lnch bean huller.( Eden * t- Oreyhound bean huller.213 or * 1' Rumley special clover

¥ hullcr.______ ¥ 1. 35-40 Oil Pult tractor.LOVER * 1.16-30 Olt Pull tractor,ond In * 1. 15-30 McCormack Deerlng

d r E a i l ¥ ~ t .* a r t8r T «eW to -:* rllr— Idaho. *

easy lo >/. ^ t * * ¥ * * * * * * * > 8 w ie « . - . ■_!:_____ W an te d M isc e llan e o u s 17

WANTED-PASTURE, I. O. PRJ ^ ___ cott. Ph. fliai-RU.___________

WANTED - YELLOW PINE T (irewood. Call S7J.

^ 1 “'”, ' CASH PAID FOR "SMOO »No li by . Morrlion'a Vulcanli______ Shop. 3 » Bhoslione West, Ph. 1

: C E S t 0C D -T »R 6E S -A W -C 0W S rT Oulk- farm. » . IIIOW. ijaek— . . . . ,

n you WANTED-BBAN GROWERS (ree. - - -knew—Ktnney W arehomea-

c. 4- ■ bonded undeTJlie U. R W artbt U n- Acl. Ph. 88._________________

-^*J} . TORNIURB-WANTEDj-^WE'B Uted furniture, cotl r tn je t . it/ and f n botet. Wa pay ca<h-

— - 8._Moon't._________________'

* WE WILL CONTRACT A F c trt Russel potatoes-for later livery. Liberal deposit. Also market for Triumph pout

eerlng onions tnd apples. Phone 1 Jigger, 0 , J. JPhnson.

C O . F r u i t s a n d V e g e ta b le s

r r r r . .o r a p e O c THk l j ^ t e v yard. 151 SIrini-y St., Souiii P

Co., an o h a PES, KLEMISH DEAI pears. One inilf north of hft'p:

•ATINO t OMATOeT 1 MILE EAST WA! iartl(n![ gjhool '= Ml. No.•paper! — *________________ ________■ Amer* f o r SALE-ORAPES. II BUSH ea you also peache*, 3 miles soull) of

M akfJ - PW.-O.V. Jenw-fo r-o u t ■ - " ^ ---------------------------M u«l»-^B X at£8- 8LUERTAS.OR.HAl Ice,-I23 now, Y e llo jx n u ^ s soon. Pu

Market. _________

■boM n “TUB caLL ron nK^t;LT<-v-y^

I P S ^ J V S T A P A L

S H E S A Y S S H Ef e y W 'M - - . I jN O N a - .C tU iE ____

/ / B ^ C K T tL L »

-________ \_ T O C A U -

..... '

) A H O . T U E S D A Y MOR W N G ; S

r f 7 - U ^ F r u i t f t :a n d w V ^ 0 f l t a b l ^IM ) . _ffiauau»< ttaa me«dSi~CTiICT

RE* HALE PEACHES AT 300 ADDI6 C lroi> W. Bring o ^ a e n . F . Unden,

FEEM ISrrBEAUTr PEARS. * > , r t r - to S. W .'comrr ot Buhl. Bybu.- AGE. truck load, F. E. B ou lhw U t.I


T tU . MCINTOSH APPLES ARE NO Tem- nady at the E. L. Wonacolt Oro L«an ard. 3 ml. eatt on Klmbtrly RoiTwin ~ft Bo,_______ ..

____ HAY. POTATOES, O ARRCrnj>?)0 L8 . Mie, Phone 01»7-J«.___________

^ CONCORD 3RAPE8 M;t»—S____ Hale peacbei, « a t - r a r t e / iMLOBS pltal. DtllVeriei ' 'm td4~ln ' loi

Ph. 01B2*J2.________ _

r m . GRAPES-ENtMETT AND LOOi :inncy Open ttli fl p, m.. Public Market

_ CUNO PEACHES FOR 8A1 i - * - » Ph- nasj-Ri.________________

r p . j STAflK ORtJfi. IMPROVED. J. ^ ^ - Hale, and -Elberu pcaches. 3 i

_ M So. mirley comcr a l-B uh l. 1 V 53oni. U o Atkinson. Bring ce

• M lalnera. • —

' ‘® PEACHES, BTARK-S IM P ^ W* Elberu. Bring container*. K«dj

, J Oreen. Ph. 0284-J4.__________

^ ^ E t c c t r l c - A p p l i a n c e s —nels. _______________________ —\R D SAVE ON NEW AND USEO-WAE

Ing machines a l Sompaoo Mt- = “ -dT T T w ui Faiis.-r4oiisorsrri&

YOU tlon a tth e Idaho Loan Oftlce. R your Bhoehon* North, Twin Falta. pson'a,value* atlOHTLY USED REPJIIOI ihonea, atcrs. Big discount term t. San

I. Only caud with Idalio Loao 0 ((lee. u can. Sliothone HI. No, porarj — , - ., — — —, .,Ofdce. F o r S a le o r T r a d e


^^nWd 4th avenue south. Twin Falla

:emenl 1134 C H E V .^ U C K , L ^ Swcel’a - vheelluue, duall all oak tlock n

new. Will Itke lu a lol In city — r r part payment or trade It In ■RADE -J c . ‘ Mortcnsen’a- Spc and sho[(. :44 Main Ave. So, dwarf. — ■—«-

' i T i — -Eumiture;lotSalfe=« -------- --------- -------------- --

-------- ------------------------------ -♦ lU V E YAU TRIED2 H A Y -E S’* [ FOR NEW AND USED - I tumlture? Three hlock.i e.ial > M I. D. Store m Haj'CJ’ HaKhci J Bldg. Ph. 73-


♦ dfum c « U Je « to lnaWH.Provl ^ R * a. itrongcr InslallRtlon. Restc

¥ rooms to tervlco morfl quid ¥ causes no muu-~no (usa—U ;

¥ ¥ ¥ enled ind Ruaranteed. Brl= = = f :;at)(!cUtul btauty., a s y i t i J M l1 /- A ture. exclmlve dealers.-

p r 5 : p » * ^ »H o o o & - . c o n ^/or caali. Tanner Apts., W er, ,

--------- dreat Boi 474.: FOR J - -.-1------------- :---------- = - =______ __R ^riios a n d S e rv ic e 23

SPECIAL BARGAIN PlllC ffl* 1 I “Kd Hoon-t ra in t Si Pu "■ n ur* Store._________________

' EXPERT RADIO R E PA IR ^E J _____ Ic# RUaranteed nt CInude Br(

Musrc'corwrwiircAn-for-ArtiT i^- ara , liver. Just call 83jW. TubCA tc •fbOUSB

---------' . W a n te d lo B uyS-BUY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ., *toves TWO U P. OAS ENGINE." W ih-_PJi p»y. cajfi, .\tunC_hrJn /Inst c

-caadltlon,.P!ionej87-M .

FEW FURNITURE WANTED-WE B ler de* u itd tumlture, eoal ranges lU •Iso Id M d lee boxc*. We pay cath (ph ju toe t, 5. Moon't B 1050, - . ■

E x c h a n g e s — ‘S w a p s ’

e s 1 8 a' 22*38 M cCORM ICl^DEEm —----- . tractor lor truck ,-j; H. Oloiu

- r t i - 8ia*J._1 Parle. J___^ -T- ' r - 1— r ■' ■fAUTY H o u se s f o r R e n t

fcRQO.M M n p H r T H ^ E ! “ l' ,VASH- 4th Ave, No.

_____ g o o d "HOME^TACRES, INQUitSHEL, at S, C. Andcrson. Rt. 2, T Of de- Falla.

_____ MODERN RESIDENCE ATIIALE3 8lh Avf.>-orUi,,»35, For liifo;i Public >1'' call a l 319 Sth North'

■ > 11. 11 ____

b « !7 n -THE c a tm m - .M 8in.Ti--rhoai

- ------------

L ________________

I— W H Y ^L / Y O U 'V E C

4 E ' ■ T l \ S T IC K Tl ____ I T K u a &UI


jK k ' ^ / i 1 , 1k m 1 I ■

iS J ^ f o N E 1 t w Q.OR-.THREE..:.ROO 1 ^ ^ ’ --apvun<nu-«qttlpp*d^’U h.«law l«n. range and Frldigalre. Muagrer s _ _ _ —W.-OT f u r n is h e d APT. ADULTB ONL :.-W - 427 4 lhS t, No.

------- UNPURNlfiHED • APARt S iNOW for r«nt. Ph. H59*R. •Oroh*. ,RM d. 4-ROOM FLAT UNFURNlSHE

Dr. T, O. Boyd.

m L Y FURNISHED APTS, i Jusumere Ino and OatU Hon Pit 458 and 971. retpeciUely.

f o r_ R e n t 2lOWD' .U R G E FRONT ROOM. BUT

55331 •We'lor 2. 1S« 8th Ave. No.

NICE BEDROOM FOR REN Furnace heal. Ph, 1526J.

-------- IUCE_r R O N I_R T O M ijU IT A a- ^ " ^ • ^ ( a c i two.- 8saj>ntifl w. — -

3 w i. bEDR(50M p o r RENT, FUR .aL monlli. Ph. 14591

— - - PESIRABI^ -ROOM.'&ALL I 7 ~

OVED p o i r r e n t - f b o n t - b e d ^ o • nyon Prifate entrance. 435 5th aven _____ ^4st. Phont »22J.

n T Q ,flU E P IN O JlO O M a_ a O O D .llE / Ph. I213J, 811 and Ave. W.

r o o m AND-BO A RD .-ni-Tm -h-------- :

W a n te d t a R e n t

(OER. 3 TO S-ROOM HOUSE. PBl Aamn. must b« rlghl. Oath deal. Wri> ifK Box 8i Care New».________ __

” ■ I RELIABLE PARTY WANTS ' „ , re;)t or Inue niodcx» lurnls}

houte. Write P..O . Don 034.

S T t R eY ^M T f o r S a l F :

'l o V A Y V 'R E i a r ^ s T X T f f ^ i ^ gains: 110 acre hlRhly product O N O (v m on highway (or 175 an a k rack ' ’‘1th >800 down. Balance like ccity IS ■ |wyment, atsa 30 acre tarm; 1 In on *rom town (or 81800 wltli »

- Shoe ‘lown..- Why r e n t? . Buy, «elltrade. LUI wltlt lu . Nebon

'— Pierce, llOS Shothone Bt- T_ g 3 rlne Hotel Bldg.___________ _

-------- M ACRES AT MUIlTAUt3H-=- aa ta -U i- lo U -i iu i- iin a lL JC K I

a){iial«/] in a jtiillable plsce I warehouw, fpud cellar, .ipo I menta or much needed «mall r

, , Ucnect for renting. Forty l «cre» In (arm and paslura 1* Mary E. Bcvertln. Nampa. Rout

¥ « ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥)-LIN- ^ ____rovldai i* A R E A L B U Y 'A T B U H Igalores *ulckiy I Acre In Pcck’a Addition4 nal- ¥ with a good 4*room houae, B r ln n * screened (ronl porch, glaaa- Fiiml- * ^ i n . back-porcii.-_J4f««

■»~bam. (ru it-tree* ,-etc.-D eep_____ ¥ well. 11,000. total price.m o N ¥f ^ r s a r - s - j n j l T i l . y i r w R O E K E R r

¥ For Resulia U at Wllh Ua = • ¥ Elka Bldg, Phone 91023-A *- ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ . ¥ : ¥ ¥ » ¥ ¥ i

18 ACRES. EASY TERMS.0288.R2.____________________

A P n g a n E ia i t? h aT-P t: w r „ " o( n ie r hlKli acliool. t ; So. 2 tic

-4 'room houic-and-oUicr-outUa liiFS. city water. eleckrlclly..(ar

. . orctiaid.Jicrrltiu-I’rlce I1400..I Taylor,

2 5 FARMS - FORECLOSED LAr--------- . . for tale a l 150 per Jc re lo 8180W L L "acre.'Tw rnTFalirCfthRrcorw t

£ e l? " Tffliu, P m cy~TtlK r.C o.,.lnc.

--------- 80-AC RES,-4-M I. - FROM-TV! BUY Falls. 12500 c*sh. Bal, terms. W , tloves Box 209, care News.^Phone --------------------------------------- —

V ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ « ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ <¥

•» 2 6 * Attractive 4-roan ho'otc j¥ with sleeping porch, (umace,

hardwood Iloor*, fireplace. r>iiirfmi f ' On hacre tn lc t wllh berrlei,

¥ grapes and garden. Choice lo* — — - ¥ -ca tto ii .-ll ,000-dowiii-b«lane«

n i ¥ JilM ri-nt. « , 00£>.¥ Wi'll equipped aervlce ata*

■“ jTTT * lion, iloint good-bualnt.u .n_ v ii'« iftg»itn» sa.iDo______ _

_____ ¥ SANUER-JONESaUlREi'^ E.itate — Loana

Twin I* 123 Main E. Phone 421

--------- ♦ jH ^ * * jT V ^ V ¥ ¥ ¥ V ¥J })|jforma* 3 BUILDING LOTS, SEWER, B rih""or ‘“ walle.-rtfw-sehool-ftddlllan.-

- — -_1»72J.---------------— ------

hoa* B "TII* CALL ^on > rs ia T » -‘--PbBa

f Y O U 'L L O O O U S T A B ^ : D O N E A U . * > L O N G ~ . i X .T O 'l O U R C i U N S L I K E A ' jU W iP -W E W O N 'T L E T T W E ^

D O Y O UZ v f l i s - r R R A ^ a ^ ^ B E R -



- - Real Eatata for Sale ! » V ¥ ^ V ¥ V ¥ ¥ -» ^ » ~ ¥ ¥ ^

¥ , A well equipped butcl«r thop ¥~ ln -to w a ot IfiOo poputadoo,-

)NLy'.-‘*-<ioli>a-& nln.btulneaa. .PrUa ¥ HMO, haU oaah, baUnc»

------- ¥ terms.klENT * ________ : _____

' ¥ J, E. ROBERTS. Realtor — ¥ Phono 883

_____ ¥ ¥ ¥ * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ • • ¥ •

S IMPROVED 8‘ROOM ROOI , * olher oulbulMlngi; weU; eleeti [ l - « , Ity. Prlee 87000. 11000 down, I

0 0 euy. Areh Y atet, Rt. 2. Buil Idaho. ■____________________

s m rv 8-ROOM M ODERtr HOUSE u t-------W. 0 . Smith, Real EsUU.

^ENT. e.ROOM HOUSE IN BUHL, CA a t Mrs. H. Monroe't.

:AfiLS. tu m iu m i^ O O M -E liA S T E R — :z)i5usa,.nw lrj>»lntedi-b«hcji*’ - ; r : r street, 37'i (t. lot. Pcavey-Ta

S ' ■ • --—;;----- 80 ACRES 180 PER ACRE:

__ ifT fr|9}.90 per acfff, W> acrestooM . - P*’’ IW l e r e i - i u per ic "enue »® « « • »“ «• AU'n

Jerome and on maU and tcii_____ route. Good land, no aand. i11EA3L _elc£tilclty..iiu& .by..auae.oU U

acrou the road. b . J?. &tef( — — Box 123. Jerome, -daho'.H-NO< —___IOACJ^ES AT ARTESIAN OF____ s prlccd. tor quick laie liooo; B'■ '3 1 ler Wegener « Co., Elk# f i _____ Ph. no .PRICE - . . . i ; . —Write

________For Sale Livestocka YOUNO" PUREBRED HAJ

slilre ewes, I ml. No,. 1 e a tt Wa Ingion school. Lloyd M. Davit

B 3 2 H A V ^ W - ^ o . ^ ^ ^~~nfldmg«.-3~to B-yTti. oldrAU ha

BAR. broke! Inquire Cuiter He luctlve Mackay, Idaho.

le crop NUMBER OP E X T R A GO; 1 ml. Hampthlrs ahrep to f lale. Jdll 1300 Karakul Fur Sheep comptKcll or 8mlth*Rloa building. Phoneson A. or 04fl3-R3.- • - ---------.. Per- --------: — -------- =

~ ------------B U S I N E S S —

CK8K..___ DIREGTQRY^'nport^ PEAVEY TABER CO. INO. PHC 11 rea - 201. P lre .tnd auto Insurance.

CHANEY MOTOR CO. Hndsoii“ome 5: •WWW = = = a = =

* ATTEND GATHERINOf H T » '----------------------------- ---------------

¥ BURLEY, Sept. 23 -C . C. Nel :lon ¥ CarlM en.L .W . Neilson, M .V .k uae, ¥ rilftan. dlrrctor». and C. W. n saa- ¥ manager, representing the Bu if««..¥.j}ilant of thc Jerome. Coopera ieep'¥-jpjlrTm etrtra*ii«hlionr«tt*nded

¥jm c«llng of the Idaho tU le d . ¥U ouncll a t Twin Falls on Frl

)R V^eTiernwn and were mso prAJih Ua ¥ 111,e banquel a l the Park hotel In 910 ¥ „ 'fn ln j.„ „ 2 A directors' meeting o t the 1

asMKlatlon will be held IhU.coD 3 PH Friday ewnlng. aui1ne.ui la on

up-grade In all departmenta, ______ Manager Roes.

2 Bcrc!i. I ~ " ' ' itUaUd- -----------

-Daily4]rosiLANDS 11150 per , . •rwftter; A C n o « '------- 8o!im#ti-«lInc., 1. J‘« i .______ ■ 4 .1U 11--------- f^ TO o M ?-TWIN r— ti Kinoll cu .h len t-fe j^ 1' J. Write ' IJ H c iiu rm d p W E M A

j IJ. Unil flthllni [0[EJf-|A[M

, w w w I 14. Ocuc*>ttldln(♦ I u Iiin-cc or Ih* L L b f f

3'0:c ¥ ' cinui Apii lOIVIElNiS ,ace, ¥ ! IT. Ntitnmr oMhi It I i Ie IB A

ata* ¥ " •; ‘^rin ' k b y U ,-

T » , « , «p»tl*r*d¥ . H Omjn nt j :, l'«riivNr> 437 W' li'aMi* <-hl>rij|n

„ '*1''!' H. ai«rln«> ¥ ¥ ¥

t StDE ' tl' •^"****» '

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^ O T H E R SS S • • •

5s WHY NOTS Y OO ?m M3 --------------- - -ic re :,


i u u i u ___ B I I 3 C E R S _ _ ____F O R , . .

^ ----------


CARSOD I . REAL_____ _______


2 ^ ! n u G S “ “ P E A C H E 3__


SPA R E . le 283 ROOMS _= , RADIOS'

~Thla U iRe bSl'W atol^AaTei:-------- 'lon 'lnT 'H T B l'P eop in rfl'g e t:HONK iintf money. They are buylni ce. , HOMES, (arm e<)ulpmcnt

, butlneue*. Ther# li ao aeuV m a n d . rental, thortage. Hcmseholc

. ! good* tr e tn denaad . Vte<-------- car aalea are picking up . .

Phone or mall your ad ti I_____ NOW. (or Big PWl r m iu .

Belton. ------------- NOTE— —^'. M id -1 • •, noM. [ Place your W ant Ad betonB urley ' Saturday Nlghl a n :o O o ’cloeJceratlvf ' advantage o t Ttfe New*led.Uie- extra'B unday clrculallonl ~~


— _ m w s —

CLASSIFIEDS ? . S PHONE.32on the • ____ ,


ssJ^OTdPuzfle1«tY#M«f9»y'*Pt)Ule----- : 7r r ^ f a r S t !

- v r ^ A r -

I*' Ir^^'ilmnr.. anjlBut

» : ? x ; r .II. A.?t!fr*‘'

sffwllonit.h . oxtiWtfl. Un«tnl«e

^ 11. Or* Jr^ThV . C«p» Vl»d

t i Trl»lt" *IT. S»» tor cut'.

I* OOWN .idt. nttiinatii et ’I- »>*JU

■'I" cenibLiition JJ- .l ! j ’- • J' V“^ “ Nnt^5l"'r»nt

• el l . r » lh o t» M. Knillih rivttP"l*» 7 h«v«Bl7 U. C8n-!iBM4

/■ ■J*.''*’*' ■

H V 1— ^

7 ^ — — “ j —

P 27 p 2S

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Page 10: · TH VOL. 18, N0..145, ' ^ l i M B i i PE lEMTDPlECT M achine Quns M

. . . '' • -CITyCiPINS

strlol tnlorcernermror- ~ ^ ^ ^ J i i m i c e i - P l a d a e d - b y - - -

------:—— Cdunoll — ------■ ~A d t r Wldt ctnpAlfQ to ellmlnatB

— iU -U M U ilury-w iuuU ant -Axliilo*. - l-w m Un-th*.cofpor*t4.J>ouHdtrlM .ot _ - ''T w in PalU-WM begun - ♦MWrdiy. _

morolns u id coruldernble progrus w u reported >c Uie regular neetlng

. or Twin F»1U city eouneU in n v r - - '' nJng. • I

H. H. .Presdhelm, plumbing w d ’ ' i tleclrlca] Uupeeior, &nd J. N. Moi;- ; ncux, iiree l and waterworks luptr* inlehdent, headed the altoclc «nil ,

■ reported l l u i 17 cajc* had been in*«U or which httd been ;

warned to either p fo rw e .ad w ate | cnrbige conlalnen, de an up prem*

- IM* or Insinll toilet jBCllltlCA lm- i- .medlalflr.

Ownert Notltled

Special aiteulloa ot the cuy ol- tk la li haa been given several groups rr

-" b r a nm i-w th in -Him t r .'ww eft'.Mg ' P__4M«1l>ed Dj^iho councU.M."hotbfd.<

of lllth and dtsMsc." Owner* oT _)heM cablnt have been notiried t- d -

unleu Immecliaio acdon Is U iuu lo- remedy tho allUiUon.tho matter WlU -

btfnuniNi over-to Dr, P . H. Q rirM . ^ named-yeiwrday .4 * -deputy iU tc V a n lta ry Uupector by Lewis Wll- ■ Uazna. ita te comtntuloner or public. I

_ jre ira rt .----------------------------------------1-|Twelve p e r a o n a and builncM I

houtea laal night petUloned tlie V — eouncll-lo (orc«-»-cliian-up-at-the. —

hide housca and livery barni local-

avenue w ^ t. Tlio council wcnl on j record to glw ownera oC the prop-, erty 3 i hoUrt to remedy the aliu-

'aUon. - •

____________ Bign retHlon

Slg'hrra ot Uie pcUtloa were the Porlc hotel. K. E, Reed. Irving E. Stodan, E .iB . Andrea. John S. Klmei, Reese Woltt. Young'a dairy,

"Rmlph SmlUi. W. H. Halle. P. 0.1 — Hovoflu>f-On >' MoVay-wid-aon-nna-:—

P. B. Johnson. ]The council went on rccord by .

resolution to tavor the ogreemeni drawn u p 'w lth the clly for Mrs.| * O rada Blay Atnip, widow of Elmtr ' J. Atnip. Twin Falla resen-e fireman | ' who w u killed recently In line of ~

. duty, to receive monUily comixpw-_L tloa ot |U per monUi, aubject loi ( approval ot tha atai^ Industrial ac-1

.t a » «« «ppllr». __!1o t lor a Mtntt IJjht n ra r bis home tui a t ISM Elerenth avenue east. Ttl'


$ 1 B 0 AND U P FO R i .

R IN G SID E T IC K E T S SS_______________::— - ____ Uc

(Continued ^ m p ia g e H■------------------ dr

Uer* wben the Baer money la imokMl out Ihe odda will drop to Dr

_ _ 4 to-t-ea-U w -Ncgro-probably-Jutt fl: — b«ro(«-rlnt-(lin(.-approxlm ately^9

p. m. (8. 8. T.) Ml

------ ■'Ahny" PatroIa-gOaiBm--------HTlte ffloaC exUaroganC police ar- ^

nngem enls ever made for a ring £;!• ipecUcle were completed wllh llie u

aaslgnmcnt of 1.03s nalrolmcn and— dclfictlm to.dmjLMoumUaiLwllh-. L

In lha atadium. ut,Dotc9< of police wtre needed

Monday to control Uie lines aurglng — pw t'U ie ticket windows ef ihe 30lh ni— c t m ury.~Bi» m nf 'e iuti oi r ^ r w y ns----way,------------------- -----------------------

"Theyll buy anything wllh a num- . ber printed on it." alghcd Jacoba. Ihc x-

^ P fc m e lc rn rn » 'h * a -4 o a a _ i |. g tja t “ deal ot reahuffUng alnce the tickets , flrat went on aale. The ringaldea are ct, backing up almo*t Into-llie laps ot Wi the bleacher cuitomer*, and »ucl»

. - s tr tn g e aymbola-as-^-row-QX^wrrc “ __,«ppearU ig„on_U ck«tt.nus-la-the «o . ...U n t New York.outdodr fight, how- 'J'l

e%-er, in which the back ringside J,: rows hnve been ralivil. Another in* iii novBllon I* lha t "rlnRaldea" get a J" chair Beat.

Thrre waa no ehanilng Ihn u'l opinions ot (ha faithful who have made op th tlr minds by new and are sticking dofgedly and [,T loadlr io Ihelr choice. The tirw rli I'l favor Louli by a knockool In the „

— mifldie-roim airaitirpii'S 'iin.-biii"'!;;■ the man In lhe itreet. remember* ii,

Ing the emolloQil u id (lihtinc »i heigbU tlw Callfoml*_raUp»wll, ^

" H>»e lo In h ls conqanli e( Max -Schmellng and Prlmo Camera.are

back on hi* tide again, ilnplle K tfie (oM^nc around .tfax cavr (tirm ' when he loil hli lltlc to Jimmy i Braddocck IhU »m m er. i

In general the buuea bolUd down'. , to.Uils. Louis, winner of «»lTnlR hi!,, . prorc.«lonftl IlRhl«.ln lili I. mnnlli i,.

cnreer. 20 by knockouts Inw hld i hs:i„ — had-alU liU -ow n-w ay,.w ill .b« lililr,

■harder than ever betore In his llfe j,' . by this perfectly conditioned Mrlouj u

•but Bllll hlRhlyerratlc Baer. Can he n. - 't a k e n ? i),

On Ihe olher hfind, Da'er, who hss si been h it by expcria. will rcI bIiiskpiII

., . tonlRht os ho loo never haa btenin - BluRRcd betore. Cnn he, frnnkly ad-j , mlttlnR more dLMipntlon and lilsh '*

living over the past two year* than!■ any Mhtel* rnn stand, take It wlih)

the tam e ok! dotrwcJne.vt ?• , 'l e a n nnrt flt^, BnyUilng hul nver-

contldcnt. Dacr abnndoned hLi plnn-

\ lator, New York, where it wns mln* j

JE n o ilE W KL lIECOMKS _____ ED CAlELLO-iUNlS-IUllUE. -

. - Tfio' niarrUge ot Edward P. Say — crf-Pocatello-gnd-\yactt»-Aslctt-Dr - i— Jennne.—took—wee- nere- yeitfrday,

Junice of Uie Pence H. M. Holler

and Mrs. David Asialt.

_ _ DURLEY COIIPLE WKDR ~ ~‘ Tia '^iu-fia86~ar~Jnnic!rT irK 7at' )

and Etliel Bllmpion. boUt of Bur-

— toom-licre-ycstcr<igy.-i»n>ba t r Jqeitg 'Ouy L. Kinney oftlclatlng. Wlt-

— ncj-ws were Pontell«- e u ifctr-tnd - ' Arnold H. Blalker.

M o d e r n - 1

>-- B h ^ H B R n S M M K f S !


^ T H IS ■str lk I n g jL ir n ic tu r e .g i t ( a t , is ta f rn m m id -w e s te rn H tn les ; r K o v cf i1 m e n t'p r(> j« r trT h c hendI -i» h o w n .-7-{/P; Ph()to .

1 -------------------- ........... .......

; | r i O i e W i l B T l ■- I -— ly B O B U T Q U IU O ----- B —

; I - I J l - -

i“l know >ihst vc:ir roniclence Is. «t : ll's Ibe reelin' you hare Uiat .YiII lometMdy la w aichlnV E.

:i>{ G ia n is a n d B r a v e s D iv ide

(Continued Prom Page-7) -;CI

J ruiu: Tfler. n, iSoore. Blolfnb u n : Jictltn, Jacluoii, SaalllCM: Ttiompwn. UrbaiukI, Winning plicncr: do Pnnkliouip, I,oillii{ pltctift: oiUkr. Q|

S p lit D o u b le l ie a d e r ' „PHILAOELPinA, Sept. 33 (ffh - ^

. The Dodgers retained sixth place In i . Ui8 National leasuo today by *plll-;> ting n doublchcader u llli the I’lii l- '

lies. The DodKcra blasted out an 8 “ tOTdcclsion tn thrnftcrplece.-aK er-cl' . dropping Ulf llrs t 4-3. tos First game: R .H .E . hi0 Drooklyn ..........000 030 000-3 0 3 la1 PlilladclDtila......000 OOi o i2 -4 n . o . if9 - Hamrlc«:-Uooard-<wd - oj

.Mulcahy. Prim nnd Todd. oiSecond game: w

- - B fw U fn ------------------an.K-H-O-.V —. Ik>;Jr. t l --------------------- -S 1 3 J 0 oj, yrtf. --------------------------J J 0 I 3J Sff 1 ! 5 ? Sd Wllll- ei -------------------- 4 1 0 > 0 dl

I). T»rlof. If _____ ___ :.J 0 1 4 0■ ^--------—3 -a-

UtKdock. 3t) - ..........— 0 3 7 0 .[1 Ivpn. C -------------- -— 2 0 0 4 1 1™ Munio X -------- ---------- 1 I 1 0 0 st“ S 2 S S i!:T t ^ r/rr ««

I ' ^ToUH.......................... 17 B II Jl 7.

C i-=n»n for III Till. , ^X i i - u iu « t lor llfne^ In Tlh. "f rhiudtiphu An n II 0 Ai( wI'mmm. "ll a ? ?- <• il'

; k ; = y n ] 1 ia Jcriifiu, p _________ —.0 0 0 0 0 I

I'jim. p ......... ................. 0 0 0 0 0 I' M uic»hr'p '~ ir.''‘"r. ]~ 7 o 0 0 0 0- j

I r-X iliN flor JTUn In Slli. ” ” ^I Iltw.klvn ..........................CMJOOOMO-a ,I I’lillailrlpliln ... . 0U3 D» fiOO-4 _ j

.Slirrlock. Mlolni l>»»r; CtUi)/•» .'B«cfl- ! • lur; \V»lkliv. Double Clilori* to [ ^Oomei Io- Caiiillll. Wlnnlnt pitchrr:

I ________________ I

MAN BELIEVED ONCE I I RESjOpi HERE DIES■■'I WI1115 n. Waller.-,. Wiirlil v e l-' I'* enrn who l> bi'llovrti lo h;>\r lived ' I'Mn lllf viciiilly of T nln K.ills.'dircl '’-jlii-l SiiUirHtiy nt SI.'Anthony, ae- . ill;rorrtlnBlo word tliP jlicrKCs ottlrc ' '* |hdre rittivcd ycsicrday from auiAi ii>,Ujorimes a i St. AnUionj-. who re- iic.fl'iesicd locnl otdcers' assistance In

■liicatlng his rrlatlves. .who were il.' ,supposed to live here.Pdl No (Ic'talU were Klvtn a* lo the fn:nmniirr lu which Wiilti-r, inetdeaUi.d-1 _______________________________ :;h ] -------------------------------------------------

» E _ l - l c A w V - .

cr _ P U B ;

•IV V ~

r W I N P A L L S D A IL Y

n-Day Pioneer Colony Fi

dw C g i p —

13 n i L B c d l t p l . l j i a ^ M a l a l m j l a w n r c a l l c i t j p t i n g to r c I a «cw h ic n d ( iu a r tc r s .« im p n t I’n lm ? r -a n

s n f f l i nj-IF -S E IliS -C N flliG K ^~ C iw "Ja r* n a 'aT m a > l su tfle lenfror -

IM<« trlnl In the district cou rt h e r e - yeiierday dl Byron Huichin*. a , , accused In a (clony charge of an P allemptcd assault Involving a 19- ti jrar-old Twin Falls girl. — n • Prosecution anrt - detente both , rested hite In the jifkirnoon. and. It

: n-iuitat(rdrtnrrnso-prntjabJy:?(?IM )r^ Riven to the Jur}' following atto r- 11< neys' arguments and rtollvory of the a court’s InstnicUons this m orning.'., Selection of the ]iir>- was completed , thortly.bc.forf.noon. . . !

eluded.'bi-slrtcfl'(he Rlrl who Hutch- -'I 1ns is aneged to have aiKmptcd an t(

. wtlack and her mother, Charles L, n i Yeamsn. J, C. Doohiile and Jesso si

E. Carllon, Hutchins tr.ulfled In his tl own behalt, and In his behalf two;

' other wltnesMS. Richard Toolhman . and Mnythfl. Lyd?. wcw cnlled u>

testify. h_i_33ifi_Jun-li-C om ix>xd_oL-Ji_JL-.i •■Clyde. ItnroM Nelson, Thomas C a r- ,

—Tolr P re d ^ a n eJrB d -’Btttitcr. ' r . A, ■? Dabbcl. Citfford Thomas, H m er Jor- T : dnn. CurtU Bowvr. E, E. LccliHler, J]

O l'n Arrington. Prank Schemel,

. ' dossett's cartooning ; i awarded first prize

B Carl Dosiclt, sophomore, was pro- c' r-clalmcd wUmcc-of the I'flruln" c a r^ b

loon conte.1t yesterday tn Twin Falls cl ;. high school. A sta(f o( student and br 3 lacully JiidRCS decided DosMll's en- Jl 9 tries sllRhtly superior lo the work S

of .flud-DooUv who-waa-gKcnVtcc^-H ond place. Tlm Prlebe. sophomore, p wns awarded third-honors; ri

V— Tn8~entlraTgroup~pf~entnes' wm,.' ' J o / hlR}i qiwJJiy, acfordJng to the : JudRe.v They named D os.vlfs np- n I parent pracilcal experience ns a n0 deciding factor In his favor. lr » "Two of the winning cartoons ci " win Bpitcar ln the f lrs ris ju ro M h c 'n !1 "Bruin" ftlday. September 37." w0 stated Veronica Thomcy,.,clrcula- ° tlon mannger, “and the work of •“ both“D ovcltnttd“Boolli 9-ln_Iulurc-iiimDii.i. ILjyE^cui - p la n s.'!

................... ........ - i;- ! ,O j i c N i g h t S h o w i n g J

5 S t a g e d B y C c r c u s -

" When a nlRhl-bloonilHR ccr- ' ‘_<,ii»_lwrj.U-rorUi-ln-b«8Uly,- Uie .. fl_aK 2cc_ii4i_w _aorcad_U jfl_ueas-_1 -aulckly. Mrs, C.. W- Parks. 843* Main avenue west, had prom- i UeiJ her. friends th a t "when 0 nnd ll" the p lan t ever0 blrwoniPd, .ihc would let them ® know. I'wi'iiiy-thrcc persnns imd _ the opiMriunity to m:c ihc flower1 belorc midnight Sunday. Tliose

who waited until yesterday mom-* Ing to makc their bow before the J - beamy, were 3u.'>i-loo l^le. nuch,


® Mrs. Parks wns lusllflably ex- \ elKd when the plant produced n

. ! iJiirirtay evcnltiK, She had culil- 1 viiird tlip p lan t'to r miiny'yenrri,■ blit lt.1 WtxiniliiR never got tie- '

S yoiiil llic btul AtaRc.'llK' pl.ini Itwlf Is nulle larKiv

Onr leaf mrasures 33 Inches, nnrt [ .- frflm this Iraf rlcven more arr >(l • Rmffinc. The ■ Ilowcr bud Btfw ■cl (rinii oiii' f>f Ihr ir ln s ot Uie Jr;ii.

^ ..................... r —

: L O O Kh.

- New 1935 Pontiac J fi DeLiixe Coupe

1 - a t •

i ~ ' ~

f '• I"-''*- »c

lo make room for__.. -

B ; ri.iys.

‘ i ' d *

f = ^ u t o ^ o —I j "DICK PQ N I l A a .

■JY N E W S , T W IN F A L L S . ID A H (

From Air |


' to

ska_Vfll|ci!i,AIn_fl1<a,.where colon- _ V H ln ri'in life th ro u R h a fcde iin a n d H u rn tu n d in K -le r ri lo rj- a r t


iK i i iT iu n i ic e i ! ^

^ ~ s m « W.ille~17o'earJ6M 'T *!n

^ potted yesterday to lJf"reMverlng- tollowlng Bnjtsserl?d attack Sunday

nlghl by two hold-up men who JettJ him lying unconscloua on the' road

- tclllnc him with a blow on the head ° and robbing him ot n Imlt-dolUr, oil

' the money hc hBd In his pockets, i Police nfflrers, who w <Trammen-

. ~ ed .b r- -■'trctchfd out on ihs.road. took him I to the lio.'plial shortly betore mid- ,, night. He regained consclousnea ) sliortly after arrlrinc a t the hospltaL % they said.* i He told the ^tliccr.s, Uiey said.' that he was attacked by two men. |* one of whom ran oui in tronl o l ., him while the otticr stnick hlm trom

■ S W S IIC S flC IE lf”

[[ [C IS iN D F F lC l

Tiklniddge Blacker, senior, w ss:. elccted prc«ldcnt ot tho Twin FalU ' ^hl)!h school honorary scholaitld «k i s cleiy. Beta BlgmarUettt-Sigma m ra - 1 ber* trom la,it year meeting tor the- first time th li year also chose Bill t Schirtmnn, Barbara Bluer snd -Hele’ii^SIack rof-ihe-orriefii-ef^vice-

prMldent, secretary ond Iteaiurerre ip c cllv c ly ._________________

9'' Helen Severln was elected to a i ^. range programs for.-the year. The I next meeting on the second Monday

In Oclober will bc devoted ta ac- s cciitliig new members. Any simlenU r u ia k h u n i in io n o r Hfll last wmtstcr ■■ will be taken Inlo membership.

{ ^flss Margaret Owens, m^t with

5 ih rJ lrsM 'm e. Ml«_Owrns_.i;rl»M_ Sll«s Marltia Farrar whose ctWrsfl-lorshlp wlll-be-wllh-thc-Thesplana.-dramatlc club of Uie . school, this

- yrar!

Ypur Koiil Dealers u.',cd car ;values have changed from NO to !YFJ3. Tlicrc 'is 5 dnys free trlnl \arid our Runrnntee li good for imons Uian ju.1t free advice. [

•XI Ford V-n Coupe,' _.tlC’A-moInr_. . . . . 1135

v ll Ford V-H T u tl^ fx lrn■ good for ........ ...... .'ttlB

•34 V^B DfLuxc Fordor ..... SS50 1*34 Ford V-8 P ickup ............W75 I•30 Ford V-8 Pickup ... J37S | ■30 Ford Tudor, nrw finish .. K45 •31 hord Tudor SCdnii, new |

llnlsh ................................ «!'J5•30 Potd Coupe, very Kocd , J250 ■31 Ford Coupe, new finish •.. 5378 ta Pontiac Bednn,-nrw - .

f fn ish ................................. *33510 Essex S e d a n ................S130■29 Ford Tnick, new motor.. SISO

. - ^ .p ,,^..T T U c3cjiciK jnfllar_ll3(l. .

’ topo_ . •» V.B ,Tritck. ------- .

. bodv, ror . .• »«5- ■ -■5a-VM‘^£t«ci;.-tS7.-b:cl — .- T b t^ y -fo i- - ,______________1450.

: ■'VrV '* ’TViieh. good Bi ntw .m o -- - -34-T-8:Plckup..- ::...r .-.: --

-• ----------------Cftsh-or-TermsVou WUl Do Bfllcr A t- •

- - U H I Q W M O T O R

: COMPANY■ " ■ you 7 rOia)'.DeaHrV-------- :

. _______ Twin Falls. Id the

m ■

IPM T SliB 1=- B B S r i T i i- Slandard-Company-Announ-Jji , CCS Plans for $13,000_... S * ^- - ■ ’ . , ----- -- F

Announcement of a new.tervlca- SUUOD. to be.bulU by SUndard SlUt. p

tions.- lac., a t Uw comer of Fourth ‘■ averiu* west .and flhothone stteet weil. wo* made by Twin PalU city t council hut_ night in .g ran tlng a building permit. ' “

AppHcaifon for (he (*crm«-«M oi made In a le tter from 0 . P. Lubeck, j r? Spokane, dlrUlon manager, who K slated th a t cost of the building will 1M Bi.proxlmot* 10000 while another w 17000 vlU be spent In landscaptng, B and equipment, making i^loUil In- . vestment of 113,000. , - - j

The station will bc modcmUtlcJn^ design, built of brick and stucco, ond j theUrounds will be imvcd and lohd- scaped. Flood lights will be erected; to light the grounds.- . t

' t o o l Controctef __ [

LUbeck announced that local coa- trade rs undjumber-w lll be.uM dJiU the work. I

John DelOoU w u g ru ted a per- ( i&tt to move a Rouse oIob( the e ^ o f Twin Falla from Rogeraon to' Kimberly. F. D, Arnold wis granted a permit to erect a >3.800 dwelllngon Buchanan street and H. K ..M ann Q

T ^ ^ I C o

f T

I ' J

i B si. . — -________________________

P 1


' % a rg ir ttrn je fm irto -b tn M -r fi# o o ^home oa w o la u l itrM t. ' .

ou ter perm lu Umed were; To J. 7 ,1A. Crom to remodel % house on n h Jackson street « t eoet o( 179: Pearl e

Nejinan to build « kitchen, and p ' porch on her home on Pine street : b hJim ft w . ueouonanp to remodsl a p house on Ninth avenue east In the i* JoaM -adiliU an-«t %. enMt 1to H. B, Kerns to shingle a hmise a t c

, aio Tlilrd avenue.«» (. a t * cost of c : tT argnancr-Jr:itf.r,D im nnrt-tft-w ~ i>

shingle hU home a t Uw comer of F ou iU ik T cn u em t tn d T hird street < cost a t a cc«t of 1150. ^

I '


4 _E levea women, guardlina and 1< others Interested tn Um extension a

' o f Camp nos a id s* aeUilttes, cn- s],J rolled for the training course yes< 8I lerday momlng a t the home ot Ic . J Mrs. W, A. Van Engelen. and It U•:wfts Indicated Uiat others from si :^BuhI, Castleford and Twin FaUs e


Y ou C a n ’t ^ e t ^ B e f

W e - G i S l S r « F i r U_ ■

OLEN 0 . J

oine To Penr

0 * r»

* s

--------------------- ; - • * • - (


i ju acolo

I F A LH For Wo

I ■ ■ ■


0 w ou ld -b * '^ n ttf il-o U M r-aM (io as.•H U torr U d of Camp

, n ra " was dljcU ss«d^^l«nJ*jr at'■ Uia f irst ot A aeries o( tte je ssons.“ The second of Uts aeries wUl be held2 Scpteajber » <t the home of Mrs.1 R. A. fluCcUff, wben emphasis will

a pracUoa appUcaUon. imder the e lewlershlp ot Mrs. J . D. Slnema.'j. M B _ 5fin -B n*elenJ4_ d tt« $ ln g jh e t course. All women Interested In if Camp Fire work are Invllcd lo .a t-

7 . .

‘ Canip-Pife Girls .Sell Tickets_ For

. — M arionette-ShowWhen Tawosl Camp Plre group

d Uamed -Uiat Ute American Awocl- n aUon of University Women -was- sponsortng performances of C. Bay- Smithes Famous Olvera s tre e t Mar- t lonetles a t the high school audl- t Wrlum, Oclobcr 0. the girls con- it sented to assist In Uto sale of tlck- s eta for • Uie production. -Tawnsl

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T ba anaouocement of Uttlr n u - >d UelpaUon la th e Ucket c a a iM ^ s. WM macta Sunday afternoon a t Uia 11 rirat of a aeries of Buuday •M n ta i-» b?nSial Camp nrOrauW3uld*at'le Ute American liegioo hall, Mrs. V.»• N. Terry led Ute slnglnr and Mrs.'* J m t i . Tayo ^

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