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\ I TH WHOLE NO. 7005. DOUBLE SHEET. THE HOLIDAYI. NEW YEARBQIETS.-M. COLD BACH EE. OPTICIAN. 71 Bowery, ha» jojt received from Peri* a fine eelootion of a now etyla Opera Olaaac*, PolyoramA*. Alarm Clooka, hour xlaaoei. mioroaeopea, taleacopoa, and many othor lino areolae of now invention!. M. 0. noepe alwtyj on hand tho beat kind of gold, ailvor. and atrol *pootaole> and avo glaaaea, pebble* and peri*o*pie gla*a»a. for which ho haa already acquired a groat nam# in thia olcy an d environ]. Pie too rvmember 71 Bowery. Holiday prbsents.-ball, black, a co. (ouccaaaora to Harquand A Co.), No. 217 Broadway. I aouth corner of Hurray afreet, inform their friend* and the Sublio that thair aaaortment of Diamond and other nab ewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Watahaa, Clooki. Pariao Ware, and fancy Artiole*. wa* novor more oomplete than at the preaant time, and thoae in want of holiday protaui* lieviug that it 1* not surpassed is variety end sty!? by any other la tho United States. By almost *vary stoaaer from Europe thev are ia receipt of new styles of goods made to order, or selected by one of the arm, who u ajcnstcmil to devote two thirds ot easb year in visiting the various uianufactories of Eugland, France. Switzerland, Germany. Italy, Ac .the rcuisiniag brief period of thu year bjiug passed m the stote.enables him, from personal observation, to obtain what knowfodge o( the taste aad wants 01 their customers and the publio which oooM not bs obtained in any othsr way. BUS Co.. ia addition to tho former large at ro have, the past year, added the whole eeooad story as asales room, where, among the many beautiful aid artistic goo ij o'lfirPJ for sale, they will take pleasure in showing ihs nsautiful Golf Tea Servtee made by theta tor E. K. Collins Ss j , nnd which eeoured snoh high commendations at the IForli s Tair, and also tho beaatiful Silver Vsse belonging to Commodoro Stevens. won by the yacht America, in the grtat contest the pest rummer. B 3. & Co. also cailespeaU. attention to tho laot that they have, the past eeafon, mueh enlarged their aiaunfaotofies, wbish wli enable them to manulaetvre, under their own immediate enperrision, any article efbllver Ware or Jewelr*. however elaborate in design or ditheule in oxeontioii, in a manner that'shall he satisfactory in styla and prioe to thoee who favor them with their ordure. Original designs lnrnished any time, without charge, a-d an inspection of their atoclt doeenot incur the east obligation to purchase..BALL. BLACK. A CO., hio. 347 Broadway, sign of tba Gtldsu Eagls. Hs-nry Bai.i, H u.uam Black. Ehimxf.r MovaosHouba* PRRSENTB..q AfME. GUILLEMOT a CO., late Burnt J srry A Uaime, 481 Broadway, have jest re.elvcd a large and entirely new etook of Jewelry, which erabl-sthem to olTc.r to the public a splendid and unrivaliei eolisction of Artistioal Jewelry end eeti, consisting of Diair. nds. Pearls. Rubies, and eiery variety ol prsoioue Stones, if Jf. 0., G- a Co. feel oontident tlial no stock ot goods iu tiis city can oompoio with theirs, as regards taste, finish and 1 ricriwse, all tha articles offered for sals at this establishment bsing made by the first artists in Paris. MB 0.. Q. A Co. have also in their omplny soma of the bess Fisn:fi workmen, a* thatfheyaro enabled to make any article of jewelry, er to set any stone, according »e the tasta cr fancy ef their ratroci. Holiday prevents-tiis subscriber wovtx call attention to hie very large stock, so suitable fat Ilsliday Presents, consisting of Unaio Box-s, in rosewood and pia*n cases, with tambourine, pianoforte, au i symball ritaclimente; Guitars in every style of finish- elegant Aaeordccna and riultuae. Parlor Organ*. Violins, Flutft, Flageolets, Bruins. Ac., fcr EDWARD BLACK .No. S7 Pulton street. UDMUAt IKColNTI . till 3ROAIHYAY, CORNER of Walker street..Ladiej and ner.riciutn are politely rr juested to coll at this eatabli«iiia»ut, vherj thsy will had a moit eatsnsive assortment of l'aaoy Boxes, Baskets, Surprises ted Fancy Mottosn, recently imported from Pari* which, far nevelty, verie-y. and elegance, exceod'anythiaa heretofore offered to the public. A largo stock of the ofioicjal Bonbcxs t It Oe'.ee, Cretin tad Cordial. In eudless v»ri)»jr Cretin Chocolate t It Vtnillt, Otgent tn i Rtipborry Cart ir-el tu Cho eclat s#d tu Ctte, Surer Tovt, Suosriine French Surer. Almonte and Pralines, Urvstalised Preserve*. Fruit. Chocolae.tnd Gum Drops; and .VtJTurrtm Cemiitted Italian Chestnut* t la Vanilla, bare been prepared for the teetsion. New Ye Art' and Fancy Cake*, tnd Ornamental Piooei made to order. BY. MaII.LAKD Sl CO , Confectioners. FPIir. BCl IDA Y8 .175 BROADWAY-THG CDEA FAST 1 store it ths 8teU* fer Fttoy Csods tad Jewelrv, of all desgrfptlons. ie that which has just been opened at No. 1/j Broadway, third door above CorBen It strict, by VICTOK BISHOP, ImpcrUr ofPraoiens Stoaes tnd Frtueh Ooode. (Ml H HTM AS PRESENTS .AT ROC F.R3 J new FANCY Vy etoto, No. 4*9 Broad a ty. will be lontd the greatest variety »( new and baantilul artistes lor holiday presents. The finest atiortmcnt #f oarier ma-he ttblas. work bo tee, oabiueti, tod drenxiox eaeee in the city wilt be found at hie -Arteneiv* btsoar. Also, ports-mennai*., eard cases, and Over one bundled thousand oil.or novelties, toe aumerons te mention, ena bo seen and pure-noted very cheap, of No. Hi flroalwny. ' Rica,and useful gifts..a ooli> pen anb pea oil cote has juot been issued (rem the man-doctor? of ths euhsor .bora. the most compact, complete, tad ooa»imieet paoASt companion ores offered to the pablia. and which tea^*"*mel~is|mitir'illl lllil competition. Sin tiiat, paVited eifWarWlJl. ATSo, alary* and «mM aaoaroaonsto «n fold and tilvtr pencil and pen cases, tocethir with our p saperior (nlApoaa, whleh need no proof of their superiority oxoept tho increased demand tad ths numerous attempts at jBitAtloa. A. G. BAGLBF t co.. Id!) and277 Broadway. VI* TF.AR PRESENTS.-AMATEUR TOOL CHESTS, ll A all asd varies aieortaent,suitable for gentlemen's or boy's ve«. for tola, wholttalo and retail, at JAMBS M. BOYD'S, V6 Maidaa lana. Ivory Enivet and Forks, in sets, Do..Da. N EW YEAE A PRESENTS FOE THE LADIES.-THOSE to want will find on* of the moat .tried and valuable ' collections of Fanoy Basket.*. Most Baskets, Rattie Flswtr Stands. Boudoir Fiasoa, and other fancy articles in th.t line, to ba had in this site, can Is obtained at tho store ot the subscriber; either will be tilled with ehotee exotic nltcts, dthsatc and rare eat flowtrr, ntrsnged ia point of style to pleas* tbt most fastidious. V niTWt.aP ri.riri «V. U.»il»r Toys am) FANCY goods-THE beautiful atorr of Mr. Tuttlr, No 313 Broadarav. aflirla I Aa m il dtliahUul aaaortmtat of r;ch Holiday Uooda, forpraranta. and the moot iitcnalvt »nd uni ma collacti >n of royy torOhi.drca tobafouad fa lb* oitf. Tn# woadtrfd automaton Hawthorn Ttm with ilndax kirda tkippin* troo branuh branch, which otaatcl inch a nittlut at th j ITiira'j fair, iaatlll lak« acta at TUTTLA'S..[ lipraaa. HOMDAT PRESENTS..HOLIDAT MU1NUFiaay Baakaia, Fancy Vaaot, Gold Flah, bad Qlabaa, Cauar) Bard*. and Ca,-e». Boudoir i'ianoa, and Faajf article a. tcgelbar with tha rraataat and moat aclact aollaa tioa otflowcra auitabla for Naw Taar'a prtMala, la ba ab tainad at thr atora of tha aukaorikar. Thoaa in want aill plaaaa laawa Ibait ordtra early, aa that will ha dalivtnd tn rotation aacrdarad. T. DUNI.AP. (VU Br >a Iw ay. fOR TBI HOLIDAY*.TUB LAR'.BST AND MOST attoaaiva aaportmant ofCotlaln Malarlata, Brocatallaa, Satin d* Lane. Laca and Hualin Curtain#, Window Coraia -a. IS1 idea, k«. aalrotad aipraatly by tha auhaortbara. tor tha city null. Can now ba purrhaaad. twanty par cant Icat than any houaa In tha ally, at A. M. A r. DAYIEA, 33» Broadway. Annuals.annuals and otber books for tha Holidara, in tpleadld Bindiiza. Tha aabiarlbar would roapnitfulJy Inrlta bit "Id friend# and euitomar#. alo tha eommumty at Urns. to aall and aa* bia (.aaortm-n t. U< thinks mat tbay Will ba inlly ratiad'd with both mailty an J .pnea. ABRAHAM MASK. No 237 Blaaekar alraat. apposite Laray atrtat. d 1 AKtS AND iiON FICTION ART FOR VBtFTKABAll arhn wiah tn hnra puro and arnuina artielei on tbalr tablea abonld aa to Kklini's. Jt» E >««rr. Thry hava raal'y and tri'.y got tha haadaamrat display of caka aaar maJ« tn thia oily Tkia alaak cnutalan caary known variaty. aa I n laraa aaaortnaat of Ana Canfailionary, Jallira, leaa. Mottoaa. Fiiamlda. (."tat apua and fancy Bnat, all of which wi'lfe told twaaiy-Ara par cant laaa than any aUiat atora in tha city Try hint if yon donbt. PICKLED OYSTERS FOR THE HOLTDAY8-PICKI ET> Oyitaii and Hontd Tuikty* («lli»d an I tutaf.lly * ornammtd), fit New Year Day 'l abia#..7 is iukairiW * odd ba pl*aaod ta farrlak hit cuaioratr# and tha pub!!' wi . i abo?» far thah»l»dai#. a-enrln* th-n th»t t\» 1 racy M Bator. paaaliar in hia plokitd cyatara-tha marksd nnpmority ta <«aaUlv-can ba foanioaly at Na. S Br>a< * a:rr -t. Uaroapaatfoliy aolicita your patronica, an > returns Shanka for tha paak TRoS downing. I Geo. T Downl id will anpply hia New Year cnato nara from il.o an ma y! a. a. C''OR FACTION IKY FOR TH T HOLIDATS.-A R' H J and taual aaoortmcat. it Hit lawaat prion*. will ba found »t rtorOK it v, No. u<i tir hatrt.t. f»ba*rta tha cam* do a'» laialrd, » < aura you'rt rl*>ib.then (9 abaat." 4 R1 .(1.1.3 FUR Hf Tltlt T \»i.I« -ROMD .'a Tvrtt »«. Jalliad T«ri«« t»1 Hm. t'Kblad Orttera. Poind*. Oirairaalad Cakca. Ptraml .a,batekata, ka Mottori of avtr* kind email Panoy Clkta. Piulda of JtUr, laa CrraVtJCtiarWMt Iriw, and Blnno Manra, ky (thoip»om «i BON. slj and .1*11 tttoadvay MEW \ t&R .P.tM'MIS AMD OTHER?. WOO WANT I ' purr binaa ami Uqnora »f yartvna rrad*a and *in'or»t ooonli do mall by catlian and o*a»laln« a aaparlor and nail n- li' .ad at j It. Alio 8i olah Alaa. l oa-ion aad PhiladiloVt J' tt'r* and Ale« in inantltlea tr tail, at J. J. StAI i 5 ly aai II Ana atran. mat to tha Mnaaum. » tv tw i ntn presents -fancy hard* arc, fine a Ciiilaij. Iloya' Tool Ch"*l* Boya' taaev 81*i«Ua. . .S.ktaa. l'i"H I raa, Tan and Ctffaa Ra'a. Traya and Wai**fa, Biatid Par'a. dp ona. J.adlca Cation, aad a rariaiy af othar at i l.'iaviUiiU for holiday illla, f.,r «le at trod*ra»a prioea. /. W.k C.SIM 1,1 VAX. Bltth "T It Hit rlr t a E W t E A R 8-1 ADIR? ARE IN FORM PD TH iT il there it labor eeved by eaMiar at «d| Br ».l»ar, and bayiayJ W REI.l.T 8 Premium Lemon Surer. for tha la tent predu'lion «f Mmenade. A rouni nakea ona gallon of Lemonade Prlca 24 rente Paid alao. by tha principal i- & liberal dimmttnt to the trMMa ________ AIM BAOXirCENT BOOK rOBTnEnOMIiAY8-.f r B KElf Ifo. 1IRPllto« atrnt, haa inat pnbli«had, tin Kaapanka f*r l*>2-a royal oaUrj ralam-. «vl<-n lidly II f luatratad and aaylad. by many of tho rariaarara, tha maal »l*»atit bc»b ef ti e eeaeoa. Alio. Pteriaa and Ptudlaafron ChfOnietaa and Blalnry. Bt Mta. 11*11 aad Bra. roet't. Imw pwBucATiom. or A MONTI7 -Till tCORCniNO REPI.T TOT-ll J A V *r'i«i* of r»r®» ' 'a'"'" aHMb «/> lh« Cava KiM«< Witt W****1'." «r*eta fr. tn l.« hook. 7" "Xu hi 'I 14 V rr- ..1*»«« ««';' Brv".-.v:« E ms ^''''^awWiliiioi ! rOTARTITICRNHlP WOT1CKB. I riMIIC OPARTNBRRHiPOr MVRM kPTIJ 1ST I I 1 Y" Th# kotfB** mH >»" * » « »» » ' I ^jy?»«wrti, Tb. 1881 t:.v rJ.wir.VK'Arffifi.vy 1 ®N#wtort. DM »7 Mil. V.iAKif. 1 E NE DETAILS OF THE FOREIOH|HEW8 BROraKT Br THE STEAMSHIP CANADA. We received, at about S c'oiock yesterday afternoon. the foreign mails from Boston, brought by the steamship Canada, at that port from Liverpool We annex abstracts from our flies. In tbe market for American stock* there ha I been rather more movement, the recurrence of French disturbances having stimulated inquiries in this department. Prices, however, show little change: . Amsiicin ICCRITIFJ. Rrli mahU. Prices. 0. States 5 per Cent Bonds. 1893 93 94 Ditto 6 per Cent Bonds 1833 1(4 lD6)f Ditto 6 per Cent Band*. ., .ISod 1U>« 111^ Ditto 6 per Cent Stock 1887-43 lod 107 Pennsylvania 4 per Cent Stock 81 ^ 82 Massachusetts 9 per Cent Bierl'g Bonds. 1888 105>£ 197 Maryland S per Cent Sterling Bonis 89 89 vj Virginia 4 per Cent Bonds 98 97 Tennessee 6 per Cent State Bonds 1858 99 92 Canada 6 per Cent Bonds 1874 108 109 Boston City 5 per Cent Bonds 1371 92 93 A letter from Perth, of Dee 1st. says:.u Tbe house occupied by the mother and sisters of Kossuth, opposite ihe Karrly pslsce, was eurrouadel in the night, anl per inbltlons were made in their apaitm.-uts. Kossuth's sisters, Mmes. ltutthay and Messeiengi and the tutor of the latter's children, were afterwards removed to another part of the building. The mother of Kossuth obtained permission to remain in h«r apartment, but she was placed under the surveillance of the police. The tutor was subsequently put in iron3." Thk Has. Ms. W.H.KFI* *t MsmckkMr.* .--In complianre with su invitation from th,- merchants of M iache.-ter, the Bight lion K. J. Waiser. late 8-cretary to the Treusury cf the United Btates. dinel with a large dunder of them at the Albion Hotel, PiccaiUly. on Tuesday. December 9 The Chamber of Commerce anl Commercial Association uniitd their forces on tliii oceseicn to do honor to the visiter. Mr. Walker arrived in town on Monday, anl during his brief stay wa3 er,t-itained at Broom House, HaliiweLl iaue.the residence of W. Stell. Esq. T Bazley. E*;., President of the Chamber of Commerce oocupied th? chair After the u.-ual loyai toasts, tbe chairiusn proposed "The President of the United State->.'> to which Mr Stell responded. The ' Health ot Mr. Walker'' was then given, and responded to by ihat gent em en ia a long and eloquent address. Mr. Bright. M ? tire Ilia. X. >1. Gib-cn, and Mr Oobdcii, M i'., aisc adirened the meeting Tho laet toast was the health of the strangers pre-.-nt acknowledged by General Walbrilge and cot. Ooit. Tur Ritt nrTWKtv tmh Fr airkort, America, swo Pios ees --CorMlersble lnters'-t was excited a few weeka ago. owlDgto tbe occurrence ofthe above thr-s steamers (two of Item 'screw.'' and the other a " pa Idle boat) sailing from the Mersey at the same tins-- for different ports, and various contradictory statement aiterwarls appealed regaidiog their progress to Holyheid By letter? received from Captain appears tint tue Fisuki'ort reached Gibraltar after a hue run ox dve and a halt days, notwithstanding she export-need -ome heavy headwinds Captain 0 g.vei the following acrouut of the race between the steamers from the Be.l Buoy to beyrnd Holyhead:--" I had nearly forgotten to mention that the steamship Aa-nca was about two mllss shell when we parsed th* Bell Buoy, and the Pioneer a good five miles. The Pioneer and the Frankfort each made a* much sail at possible, and we bad a fair contest oiT the okrrrieWe rm.'.t-l alongside t he Aiueiica. hailed her, and ran ahead. ana In twenty minutes ware ahead of the 1'ionrrr. having fairly beaten her Are mile* in a run ot ilxty Mile*. Ther'l« no boasting in this but a true statement tffaot*. and I have no daub1: nil their hanle exerted theauelrea to win the me LiverjmM Courier Tur Cssr or Ma. Bsi.omows.Monday Dea 8 was the day appointed by the #ourt of Eseh<"io»r for hearing the pr<>:eedings ia the proseouMno of Mr Aid Salomons. for taking his teat and anting in the House of Commons without Hist taking the oaths ia the usual term. The case, however, was not gone into, counsel baring agreed to s special verdict admitting the faots. and reseiving the points of law fbr future discussion. The argument, it was intimated, would be taken on the Srst sitting day after term Ota* Pails Cor respond r ii re. Paais. December 11, 1851. T>t Frrnik IUvolution--Short Hiitoiy of the C>o;> I'Ktat--Slat* / Frawae. liefi/enfi. Speculation, g-c. The battle is over' The regime Ju raloe is, for the prerent, established over the mighty people of France who have *o often fought to conquer Its liberty; and it has been sufficient to open the entry of the country to a a man who bad twice attempted, like a fool, to oon^uer "the throne of hie uncle".to give him a power which he has so maliciously abused as to crash down, at once, all the liberties of a nation. What will be the issue of euch a eowp <i ctat! Will he quietly enjoy its momentary eticoess' I think.yes But it la certain that within a month, the traitor. Louis Napoleon, will be liar inoi aiuieupsrs, or in me -trw\», 07 " ini" jarmg Ban who will nrnSc* his life npon the altar of his country This Moody deed will cod the difficulty; and it Is now, at this awful epoch. the safest thing to be lone in order to g> t rid < ( sue a an atrocious ambition The last words of py letter of lha 4th instant, ware, that the sound of the cannon had just reached my ear 1 was cloeiot tor letter when the tight begun.and it bad no cause tc begin; for there was no other excitement but that of tha people, and m gun was flrel sgainat the trooys. as has bean falsely reported by the organs ot lha government 1 am going to give the readers of tha HiaeLO the only true account of the stfair. which has been made up from all tbe reports 1 hare had. from eye witnesses, a ad froui people whoee position in the political circles allowed them to get at the true source of Inftmiction. The first shot or discharge made bv the troops against the peopla, took place opposite the tale Tortonl. sod it was directed upon a group of twenty young men who were congregated together, carrying oa their shoulders one of them, who was reeding to the army the pen*unci*. menu of the two hundred representatives who luolared Louis Napoleon an outlaw. At tbe command of an offieer. three platoons of scldlers fired tipen the young on-and tb's was the beginning of tha butchery. fn ths meantime several persons assembled in the hmteaof the Itoulenrd Montaartr* and Bonne N mveUe, seised the wagoni tliey found at band tnd from the windows of the houses, fired upon the soldiers. As julck aa lightning the the massacre began, and. without reading »ny " riot law,'' artillery and mu*k«try were diarbarge'epon the marser. Asa matter of oourge. those who were guilty escaped, whilst the ianooont paid the torfelt This was the signal for barricades, and you wiU see la the French papers, which I mailed to you by this steamer that the prft* I'ermn was gnnernl From this mom-nt the army crettpied th» city of Paris, and Uok despotic command over the cltisens. Vou mnit be aware that the proclamation addressed to th» troops by the President, presided them with a mean- of rsvmje for the aisgracrfnl treatment thoy «sporlen"e4 in lb';o and 1*4S. This was naturally euihc'ent to excite tbe ormv^nd they sll seemed like very dovils. A worJ a motion,Wen was tbo signal cf the death of any indt vidua! and I have, alas the misfortune to nunb-r among the dead two of ny best friends ^ho being the uuleteet ycung men cf I'aria. have undoubtedly not I*- tvid toe hotribis fate wnich they hsve m-t On Thursday evening 1 enteral aa if by instim t, ous of the aintu'aaeee estaulebrd in the atreet faubourg Montmartre CK< Berg re end there, ia a coiner shot through the lutgs, uy one of them, lifrl < and still keeping on bis chaiinii g face the mildness of his sweet temper foe second one was urn n? the bodies carrti J to the cemetery Mf ntmsiire. covered with nmd. his soiled kid gloves ail patent leather boots still on him Who would havo believed that this respectable man had even saldawvrd which deferred death? Nevertheless, be w»s lying a ceruse among a hundred and fifty others, who had no'. ten< hi-'j a rub. and who had beea cool1./ mur 1 re I tea of tta cfowd of .-pocUtor* f naad net rep at that public in llgnat'.on unbound-d. and that the ran of hatrad a«*in<t tha butchar* of the franoh people < now on tb<- highaat jl ch Ttola la an much tba fact that l.oula Napnb on ha« a-area'y fnun I 01 t B r.un.Ur >.! turn ufltrt. nt In a»«l«t hm in hla BIOmeu.ary tnniupti fucb man n M. Jo Moroy. Rouhar, Foul J \c ate io much fr « that tboy cannot ba ac cotnt> J for. RM Tha name* of tba mambara of tha Committee of Con ut'alton wh*ch. according to the Fn'rir, (meffttitie-inW. and fdhar organ* of lb* Klyaean praaa hare b»en aelected among many other* ara. for tha moat part Qrtltiou* t waatoi-i hyena of than that h# h%* »-*n many of hia would-b*' colleague* wh« aeai.-ed him that tbey had never c n*anud to allow tha Pit-aidant to put their nam** on that li«t. Ilaro I* the Duka of Albufer*> lattar to l.oult Napo \ laon on thl* rubjact . i Pta.My lather left a name untUiaad. aad I do aot allow amy oaa to dlehcnorlt _ (higcca) BUCKET, Dakaof Alkafara. Mr l.aon roue bar. who wa* formerly ao much devoted to Lout* Napoleon wr «te hlin tha following lattar of [ which I hare a copy written by the mtnWtnr -ha. Pamom-r.-It la with pa.afal aatoaUhmeat that t a«a my ntme placed amoag flioae of tha m.-mt- n .1 » "CMMlUMm CaiemHtaa, jn»l r.UMI.hM by ran I ' V 1 h,<l "V .T<r1 "h" f,«V" < « la thbt mannar. Xi<t oaralct I raadort to yon, I liioarn i ' "»« « «T eobbtfy. tad thnt 1 araa. rarhaaa. I , tnarirad to atpart rtnia you anothor bled of (r»tlt«4a. In all ttartatamt rhbnetrr deaarvot aiora reapaat. r on know ' wall, that during a rotfcar Ua< rolitt at aaraar, I hara m , more lira I to my rrlaclplot a? libor'j thaa t# my davttix , ttordar. 1 aavar bata. aithtr Indlfrtly ar iKrootlr. doa< anjthia* ta alotata tha lava or to moaaract tha raaa>lata which ya« |iye ma, wlthoat harin« my c naaa I baa* but to rtmambat thaalaatoa whlth I 4U taoaia* from tiaoaorta, andlaa.dlt. <'i«aod> LION FhUCHlK. Dttaabat (tk. I 4L ' Such ta tba at ata of thin*" at th> pr»»at hrtir "TfT ana la allowed to ottar hia opinion. and truth to <af that Wa ara muniad aa »a baaa »«a»T baaa bafora aaar during tba tlma of In fi7V Tha raadara of tho lira u ara no doubt awara that tht onrraaaoitdaaU la Parta of tha Mt»rint C'nn,.;« of l,oo B doii. of tha Indfurlmc B*lt of Bmaaala, Got-Ui of Co » l< fir. ate , baas baan turned cut from th>> country, fo' ' baafiijt wrlttaa artlr'.aa unlbaoraMa to th» goaorninonf fl ata atyaalf rta-iaad a atatt fro® a tr*ntla®aa droMri ' Mbch, by tha Trafaot of Patioa oama to ad W YO [ORNING EDITION---TUES] vise" me to bo u prudent" in my latter*, for I bad key«i" upon me. Aa a matter of couree. I received the *jempt it police with much politeness a la Francaiee; but I told him that I had nothing to do with hit" advice gratia." What do you think of this? Never mind thie. The sword of Damocles will not prevent me from transmitting to the Hesald all tha valuable documents that I may be able to gfcthor. a member of the Legislative Assembly, one of my friends, gave me a full account of the names of those emong bis col'eagues who assembled at the Maine of the Tenth ward, and proclaimed the d< cheance of Louie Napoleon. I send it to the Heeai.d, which will be the only paper In America that will have a correct list of those noble and courageous citizens. There is also the authentic copy "of the setting of the "bright chamber" which protested agaiuet the deoree of Louie Napoleon, by which It was annihilated. None of these documents are to he found in the newspapers, for none of them would dare publish them, under the present opproesive government The press of Paris is reduced to two journals--La Satire and l* ConttUvtiomul.for the others, which are dally published, are but the re-impression of those two sheets. The Journal it* Mats waaon the eve of being suppressed for having published a Utter of M. Mole, which waa a protestation against hi* nomination aa a member of the " Consultative Committee.'' M. Berlin, it* publisher, w»c sent for at the Klys< e, and waa told in eery strong language that he had better remain tiuiet, if be wiehad te be allowed "to lite and from that very moment, he accepted the office of being the only mirror of the government newspaper This I cannot think right, and in my < pinion it would bare been mare honorable for the DcUti to stop its publication. The civil war has decidedly broken out in the departments ; and, though the French newspapers arc daily publishing the most favorable aocount* received from trtry part of the couutrjr, it is a certain fact that a prise d'aim : bas taken place in many places. Of eighty-six departments of which France is composed, we have now about ba'.f in a state of siege and if this continue* the whole country will be undtr this sort of treatment The lateet news received from the eouth is. that in the Vent Alp'.t the socialist* have been victorious, and have I. driven out all the soldieis and public officers. Thru, it may be seen, that the flatterer* of Louis Napoleon, who dare to say that, by his coup d'etat, he has annihilated IMS and the socialists, are ail wrong; for, on the contrary. the President has hastened the time which was .-o much dreaded and has given more courage to those who sre. like the spirit of evil of the gospel, Quosreniyi.rns Artoirt. lie sfTair of the twenty five millions "roughly borrowed' irom the tank by Mr. Oasabianoa. has beensomcwliat explained by the Klyst e; bat. whatever may bs the easier*" of the paity, it is a certain tact that these twenty-five millions have been taken from the collars of the National liank. to pay the expenses of thecoupiclat I can say as a po.iitiTe fact, that, during ail thews d»y* of riot and blrod. the rrgc-'.ar psy of ths army has been as foll'tws:.An officer, fifteen francs; the second officer, At* traros ; and the soldiers, one frano. extra and above thw regular salary. Besides this a regular supply of brandy and tobacco ws.- freely distributed to the army and I can assure your readers, that the defender* of public order who were on duty, were, for the most part, drunk, not knowing what they were about The official report of the government gives ths following table of tbe losses of the army . 26 soldiers killed, among whom 1 officer. 184 >' wounded " " 17 This is all right; but what is the numlwr of tb* unfortunate citizens who bare been coolly murdered, wbi'st they were onlv promenading on tbe boulevards' Tbe Archbishop ot l'aris. according to certain reports, bad la-en arrested and kept prisoner in bU hotel. This rumor was denied, and 1 aiu told that if the fact did not take place, it whs not because it had been proposed, hut u wit aecia»u mat tnis would be too unp-'pul ir But), 01 course would injur* the interests of the party. This noble priest. a* eoon as he ktiew the terrible events which had taken piece on Tbureday evening left hie hotel. ucctinpuun-l by one of tie ricara. and visited every place where the wounded and dead La I been <leI pOMted Since that time the respectable Archbishop is dally visiting the lamilies of those who hare lost either a relation or a fiiend, and giving them help and comfort. A private decree, signed by Louis Napoleon, has been Usurd. whleh reetores the Church of ate. Genevieve. generally known as the I'anlheon. to the Catholic religion Tbia, as a matter of eouiee ie a oonceeeton made to Uk* Catholic clergy to obtain lhair favors and good wisher: bnt I do not think it will amount to much. M. Thiers, who was matured to liberty, was again seiied onl'uvsdsy morning, by four polioamrn, whilst he was leaving his hotel.Place flt make some calls on his friends Without explaining anything to hlin, they threw him into a post-chaise, which drove him to I\thi. vn the froatier of Germany. When he was set down, the hrad man of the police told him to pro wherever he plemmrd. threatening kiss. In ease he reinraed Prance, he would be sentenced to death. There was a rumor that V Louis Blanc had attempted to cuter France, and bad been arrested This is untrue: and 1 was told by an American gentleman who called upon me this morning, that he had seen Louis Blsuc in London. The cities of Halle and Rabat, two possessions of the Bey of TaDgter, in Afriea. were destroyed by our fleet, on the -2d ult It will be remembered that justice was dt tiled to the Consul of Prance, at Taugier. anl that he had threatened that the French fleet would redress his wrongs with csnnoo. Having refused redress as deI manded the Bey of Tangier was treated to bombshells, and when he saw his cities ruined/then bejgranted everything. Too lat*. alas, for the unfortunate cltiisns. who had nothing to do with the matter. I am -orry to announce at the end of my letter, that iiuong the poor individuals who were woundsd during tbe struggle of Thursday lint, wu an Amerioan geitlc man.Mr. .lone*, a relation of Commodore Jonas lle was shot through the leg aid crushed down by tbe i crowd Amputation waa thought neoeaeary. aa<l It or will take place to day. B. 11. K. The Trench Ita volution. Tbe most p»ri t oalm continues to prer>itl. but the greats >t precaution* are (till adopted; for. not with uteoding all the exertion* of tbe police, there are still m me fifty or Mxty number* of tbe Mountain In the exi National Assembly in Parts every night, at one plane or another, to deliberate cn future proceedings. Kvery prroauticn la made by the authorities against any aud| den movement It I* certain that money waa freely dtatrtbuti-d by lha legitimist* to Induce the people to form barricade* Tbere ate sad aeoounta from the depart' mmta. Ciemeov and many other town* hare been InI faded by socialist bands, who hsve murdered reaped* bl* Inhabitant*, violated fern*!**, and committed other horrible excess*# Bom* amsll towns in tbe Vsr are still in tbe band! of tbe socialist*, and bands ef from fifty to two fiundred am rcourtng tbe country districts, robbing asd murdering No alarm 1* felt by the gnrernment as to the result, but It will be a work of time te quell the aero meet. and tbe greatest a lessees are fi-ered It Is .(town that all this outbreak baa been organised, aad tkat arm* chiefs of tbe Mountain direct tbe operations Oid>T* bare been sett by telegraph to tbe authorities to show no mercy to these plunderer* and ***s*aina. and eereral Journalists who bad given tbe flret signal for a rising, bare been arrested. Ureat anxiety la felt for the result of (lie election The conflict is now l»etweea snatchy and order. Colons I Nrlgte, In command of Havre during the state of rirpt. baa Iseo.-l an order of th* day. declaring that tbe (Iranitier of Commerce of that town baa violated tbe mt»r A, itl opinion of tb* eote ol th- ex-eu'iv# power He Intimate* that, for tb* iut*r**t of tbe town, be Joe* not with to act ligorouity towarda it; but ha declare* that 1/ the Chambsrcf Commerce goe* out of it* function* to mil itaelf up with politic*, it rhall be imtui Hately dissolved. The following particular* of the affair at Olameey are from the I'atrit:.- A accUllet lasurrection bro'.e out, Saturday m< ruing, in the town of i'iamecy. Tbe Dramas 14 the National Hoard, with the gendarmerie, attempted to repute the Jitturbano*. 8-veral peteons wart killed, and many other* wounded. The rioter*rounded the tootin. and remain* J maater* cf tbo town which tbe authorities evarnatvd. taking refuge in th* neighboring ham lets Th- mob from th* country, the number of from DfCO todivO. entered the town The rub-prefecture was pillaged and r.xckad Three gendarmaa wara nu< arred and the inmfgent* deliberated amongst thaaselra* whethir they ahnuld not tertnre their eiotlma before they kil th>m. Aa oon »< the prefect was inforiI tlu h' rrents, he left at the bead of a *<|uadron of Cbaa eura On Bund*; evening the advanced guard met, at about a mile and a half frrra Clamecy, a patrol of the In aurgenta. who Bred on the troop* Th* cavalry returned It and live of the rioter* fell Kreah reinforcement* of troop* arrived daring the night. »nd this morning they bivouacked within right of the town, where the toeatn wa* heard constantly rounding A battery of artillery was momentarily expected, and which wou'd be l*ims dlately brought Into play, in order to epare the blood of our brave troop* It probable that, by thi* time, tbe riot baa been put down ' The department of the G*ra, Yar, and Lot-en Oaronne are declared In a atat- of aiege. From Baa*** Alp# ther# ia bad news. Pari* ia tranquil A leare# place* the department* of the Ger*. the Var the Lot and tbe Lot-et-Uaroene in a at at- of -legTbe Mm.itrur announcer tha lor- of th* army In the late event* to bava been one officer and 24 private* killed, and IT officer* and 1ST private- wounded Th* I'ati if publish* the following votes of the army . Number of vote* BB.2A0 * ot*a nr i.oui* rvapoeon < Arainrt a,T4'J Ah tallied M Th* I'riiti- conlialit* th* report clrrulatad A* th* |v. it t latire to.» tuo llfioation in th* sy*tarn nftaratinn M Madi*r Montjau. fnth.r of th* r*pr*« ntatlr* woued»d na th* barricad**. haa h**n «*t *t UWty Th* I'oatmartar Oenrral haa puhii»h*d th* f"II" wing . Tin lit pactnr of th* Var write* from T<>nl"fi th'- ith T>*r*tnbat. that th* do*11 from Pragulgnan bring* n»w« th*t 2COO Inauigent* who wi>r» marching on that town r*i: »at*d In th* direction of llrtgnoll** in Barjot*. m»h :n* *001* ih-.ii 11*d md public funrtionari* march at their h*ad with ahaini round th»ir n*ch*. lh* director of the pout offlc* at Luo. wa* aawngat th* I rironaia. In th* d*«pitch from l,ue of P*e*niW 7. for Parti. I* «ncl"**d a regular chant of adrlr*. aignc by tka prorUioaal director named by th* loraraiga pcopt* Bcuchrr " For .m* day* pa*t. tha -tttlnnr* from Pragutgaaa to lfar**il *a whith rarri*' tha mall, baa brought away Mil cljr*d by the raroluunary direct or* of t idauhaa. Currr, he Oor rnmaat ancouaU from Mnatauhaa datadTth of > Pr *trl-r, 8 o'clock p m atat* All 1* tranquil. Tb* acbaaicna multiply, particularly among th* l*fitlmlata " r A >©, frem Ohatrauron* Pacamber 10 30 P M Th* moat p*rf*ct tranjplility prevail* " 1 T" I" 'mt publi.-h«a a notioa from th* Mialatar af * Pvl"« »or« filrg the a.Ij l att >* of th* coo w*ai»a ZA+mU .* RK I , J. - . # ""T DAY, DECEMBER 30, 18! of the Lyons end Avignon Railway for the 10th instant. Intending competitors most dec lore their intention before the 16th, had it the same time depesit a list of their subscribers. Oeution money, to the amount of three million of ftma«a. must be deposited In the Oaiaee dee beipots et ConsigimUons on the evening betore the adjudication. The Can»Htu(i<nmrl give* the following intelligence from the Beams AJp»:---aAU the deoarunent of the Basest Alps is in the power of the socialists The mails are stepped and the couriers secured. The despatches are opened, and all these addressed to public functionaries confiscated. More than four thousand insurgents bate invested the Chef i«u Digne. About three thousand men from the rural commnnes are at Biserton, endeatoringto take possession of the citadel, which is only guarded bv eighty men. The municlnal authorities bare been compelled to reeign th«tr functions and a socialist commission Is sitting at the Hotel de Vllle The sub-prefect and all the authorities have entered the citadel. The insurgents ate all armed. The town has all the appearance of a place taken by assault The government has received intelligence of what tuts taken place, and is adopting energetic measures for the represelon of the insurrection. The Moniievr publishes the fallowing Proclamation of the President of the KepubHc to the French people " " 1 rencbmen,.The disturbances are appeased What* ever may be the decision of the people, soelety is saved. The first part of my task is accomplished. The appeal to the nation, for the purpose of terminating the struggles of pa: ties. 1 knew would not cause any serious risk to the public tranqu ility. , " Why should the people hire risen against T ' It I do not any longer pw-« jour confidence.if your idess are changed.there Is no occasion to suite precious blood flow, It will be sufficient to place an af verse veto in the urn. I shall always respect the decision of the people. ' Hut as long as the nation shall not bare spoken. I shall not recede before any effort, before any sacriilcs to defeat the attempts of tie factious. That taeki- besides. made »»sv tome. ' On the one hand, it has teen :een how foolish it is to struggle agairst an army united by the bonds of discipline, and animated by the sentiment of military honor and by deTOticn to the mcther country On he i tker hard. the calm sttitu le of the people of Paris, the reprobation with which they condemned the indirection, have t<etifld with sufficient clearue.rfor whom the cnpital pronounced itself. ' In the populous quarters in which insurrection formsrly recruited itself so quickly among icunns, dooue with respect to sUoh matturs. am rchy < t; thik^oooas'.on was able to fed nothing hut repugnscce for thes-* istestable excitations Thanks be rcwprredto the intt i ligent aDd patriotic population of Fart-' Let it per suade Itself more and more that hit only ambition is,to insure Ihe iepr snd prosperity ot Franca " Lot it continue t lend its aid to the authorities and the country Will V>« abb scon to aocmp: iah, in tranquillity. the solemn act which must inaugurates uew era for the republic 'Hone at th? Paisc® rf the Elv'-e the 8ih I>sc 1S51 LOUI3 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE " A decree, published in the institutes a commissirrr. ecu posed cf M. Monerv. President of the Ct"tn ber ct Commerce of the Seine the Mayors ef the lid O'.h, acil "tli am ud'sisxt ut<. M Arnat M D.and M Jsy, architect to Inquire into the damage sustained by lanucent victims in the insurrection of the Cd, 1th. and Oth in.-tant. The Prelect of th<- Seine is President A credit cf SCO GOO francs is placed at the disposal ot the commission for the first expense; It appears to be true that M Thierj has loft Paris. It is said (list he wns obliged to go sooner than he intended, a* he bad been imprudent enough, immediately after bin relents. to declare against the government The Council ot Louis Napoleon bad a sitting to-day but nothing bat transpired respecting the proceedings. The President cl tbe Republic has received several letters warcing to be on bis guard against sfjg-sins, but Le pays little, if any. attention to theui. lie goes (ut it is true, with guards but in an open carriage j and it is the oplrlm (f many of hia frlet-da that be exposes himreif too much at this moment If «ri- tney judge by tbe state of tbe public funds, the accounts from the departments occasion little alarm All tbe private letters, indeed >peak in tbe most confident tetuis of tbe certainty or the speedy subjugation of tbe social!-ts Tteir manifestations bare evtdiu'.ly dote inuch inore to promote than retard tbe causo of Louis Napoleon .Coiro/smi/' me ,if Lunden Gljtt. Xilh. DUCK EE OK LOl 18 NAKOI.K0N Tbe following decree la publish ad in tbe ilf»u/eur Ibe Prtsident of tbe republic on the proposition of the Minieter 11 the Interior, considering that France requires order labor ami security; that for too many years society baa keen profoundly disquieted and troubled by the uuaobinatinne of anarchy. and by the insurrertlonabl<- attempts cf members of the secret societies and liberated one lets, always ready to basunss instruments at dinerdet: considering that, by tbe constant habits of revolt against nil Inws, this class of men not only compromi-c trae<|ti<ll ty, labor and public order, bat authorise nnjmt attacks and dep orable calumnies u tbe sound part ot the wotklrg population of Pari sand Lyons: considering that existing Inws are insufficient and that it is necessary to mebe modifications in them whilst conciliating lbs duties of humanity with tbe interest of general secu rity de. reee . F Art 1. Any in iiyidual placed under tbe swriei.'fenre of be p 'llce wb<> rhtU be proveu guilty ot the offence d A«n may be transported a. a measure ol 'g> neiel rafety. to a penitentiary colny of Cayenne r <ii Algeria Tbe duration of tbe transportation shall bee years at least, and not »xce«d ten. Art. 2 Tbe nka ma«aiira ihtll Kaa annliralild Fa imlivi Inn's proved to bnve formed part of a mrtt society. Art. X The fact Cf bring placed under th» run tll*nce of the pcliee "ball be for tbe future, ta give the government the right of determining tba place in which tha eon'Irrun- null rrsiJe alter undersoilg tbe punishment. The adiuinietrati' n hall determine the formalitlee fit proving the continued presence of tbe condemned in tbe place of bta residence Art 4 Residence at Paris and in its bunlirw is interdicted to all Individuals pltced under the serrei/ieeice ef the police. Art 6. Thelndivi duals designated by the preceding article shall be obliged to ijuH I'arts and its 'Kinbrue within ten days Pent the premol£atiea 0 the present deene..unless they shall have obtained psi * tuition to remain from tlr- administration Tb»rs shall bo dalirered, to those who may demand It, a leuille ,1s route et </. secami, which shall di their ruute to their place of birth, or that which they may bare dea'gnated. Art 0. In case of violation of the mrasurvs prescribed by Articles 4 and 6 of the present decree, offenders insy be transported as a measure of general safety, to a peaetentlary colony at Cayenne or in Algeria Art. 7 Persons transported in virtue of the pr-stnt decree shsll be rubjeated to tabor in the penitent wry establishment; they shall ha deprived of their civil ami political lights; they shall he subjected to military jurisdiction; the military law* shall be applicable to them lice ever Incase of escape from the establishment, the transput ted shell he tondemned to imprisonment. which cannot rioted tha time duritg which theymsy tbeu have to remain In transportation. They shall be subjected to military die Upline end subordination towards their chiefs and 'cepers, whether civil <>r military, during the pviird of impnsoamcut. Art. 8. Regulations of the eiecuMvc governm-nt ihall Settle the urgaiiitali of these penitentiary colonies Dane at I'arte at t he Eiyeee National. th* Couocil of lilnleter* being heard the atti Decentt»»r LOCI* NAPOLRON BORAP tRTK A. m Mo*ay. Miairter of the Intetior Tli«- rooma al the yrmud rerepii.n at tb* K.lyne, arara rrotdfl to exrra« A bora three thoc .and paraowa warpreaeni, inelading oar hiindr <1 generate mJ thr Atubmadar. THr OVEkRVBKT AND TH* RAN* OF FHA*CK The corieapocdent of thr /.anif-n Tim' Writea foiIowa, under data of P*«n De- 1-5 P M It way not be forgotten that anoint thr other minora circulated in Tarla in connection with the lair ivnU. ote aaa to the effect that a .-urn of ».YC00 COOf had br-n UK-n out of tha Bank by thr gotrrnmeu'.. no doubt to tr employed in ymbmf thr trrtleee of the array Thta romor war denied by the CaneW/wNeune/ ami the /'ornr. bnt without mu<heffect innonae nonce. perhep of tbe lupport 1:11ft by thorr j iurnal- to the policy < | the Preaiile'.t of the r< public A cwreapoatirnc hea bowewtr been pvbii-hed which mu«t art the ,ii< Ulou at r<at. The eontrudiction glten to it by Count d'Argovt thr Ocwvrtor ol the Uank. ia. at all ryenta. entitled to frayrrt it ia a< fnllowa:. Mrraleur Ir (iourrrneur.It haa hren rumored that on the ccrarinn of late rrmta. I, aa Mlniatrr of Fhtanee. wilbdii'W from the bank a anm of 36 000 00 /. 1 eu know that thia tumor baa no foundation; that I oonfieed aiy ri If in mydrapatch of tbe 27th Noteuiber to making knowa to yau tbe intention of the government to<iiapo«e of that mm. in virtue of tbe treaty of tbe Wth Juur, 1*41. and that I left tbe mlntatry without hating with drawn the 2.%000 0C0, which I wlxhed to keep in rrrortr ftr tba public ecrtiee Br kind enough, I beg of you to anthori*e me to publish the reply which yon will do rue the honor to addrraa to me. Recetye.Ar, P.aia. «th Decern er X. DK CABAHIANCA The following ia the reply of M d'/rgout;. 1 fart»n to reply to the letter which you hare done mm film hnnnr (n kfldrMi in ma* Voti m**niinti* fllRt* reports vtleh bnve been in clrrulatlnn «n the on hi cot of your rotation* with the honk, In qanltty of Mlal*ter of I lo«no«*» Tbw» calumnious account* hire been alre»dy contradicted in th* IVrfe »n<l in the Cm'lif# tiimti'l. I think there remein no trace* of them Ntvertheltar, in order to eetisly your with. I Jf.lkTH Hint on th» 27th of November yon did mo the bonot to «ddr»«* n dapaUh to int, eaying that you htd tb<- intuition of demanding for tlie Treasurv ' ran of 26 OOOCtO formlr< the < uipletion of a loon rf 1M 000 000 which the bonk bod cngnred to make. In virtue of the treaty of the 30th of Jnnr. IkdH. op proved by I bo decree of the 25th of Jniy fellow in*. and rtdured to 71 Of OOCO In virtue of the lowofthoOth of August 1*10, o sum on which there hod been only ye! paid to tb* Trenoury 06,000,000. The Oouncii-Oenvrni of the bonk, deliberating the come doy nn that demand admitted that it woo In toruia of thol trooty, the loot epochs of tbo payment* of which wrra oneocarrvoty pro mgned lb the fret ploce to the (lot of T)seemlier, flip and afterwards ta the »l*t of I'eeftnbev. 1*61 TheTrra rary up to thio doy (tlth of Deootnbwr) hao notovalte l llooli of ita right to make IMo demand, ond it* e. count ho# not jet been oredltad with any portion whotovoc of th» or 16.IOO.CCO. 1 hove the hoaot to otatr to y»" that, at*hough the moot obenrd report" hove boon otrenUted on thoumnd* of ocoatdon* on tho operation* of thi* e»UhUahmr n». I ohon Id haw had »aeitth to do ta have eon trvcHrted thom all. aid I h»va paid no attention to tbem At thr eipiratien of a nhort Urn* they have fillen lnt< oblivion, Aeoept, kt, P'AROOUT ftin. Dec I. IE R A Ift Fright In Erglar.d. fFrtui the Tim»g of Dec li ] e ***** It can hardly be questioned tbat the recent measures of the Praallvat hare met with entire approval in that powerful combination of absolute governments which now mends from Bt Petersburg to the It hire, the Da- nu be, ani the kingdom of Nap Lee The destruction of cenetit all mil law, the fall to of ropubli-an gor-rnment, and the ascea laney of mllitiry power, are perfectly con- si stent with the doctrine.- which prevail ov-r that large portion of the continent Hitherto Lorl PalMerston has not baen considered an ardent adherent of this gy«. tern, and we have yet to learn whether the raun 1 tat of the 2d Of December has. among other wondera, ejected his conversion But, at any rate, Lord Palmeretoa is too eauacious net to aeroeive that a aoiiticalcombination, on th; principles of common n-pression, between France and all the other military governments of tfce continent from which we are unhappily estranged is an eTent prejnant with evil to the it!!uence and security cf Britain A seOBul WgWtfag, of equal memo at isthxtwh-i Lcuis Napoleon basic complishtd his mis* Ion of tran ulllz'ing France." two necessities sill press upon employ the energy ani reward the devotion of aa enormous army, and to gratify the natural paasicnj of a people whom he has iieprire.1 of Its national rights We abstain at present from enlarging as we might do, on these tcpus, but we recommend them to the most serious censiie:*tlonof the English nation; and, aboee all. we conjure »ur ccuntiyiaen not to allow a fsl«o ccnfldpnc- in a man whose character ought now to be eleariy known by them cither to relax their adherence to principles which can never be violated with impunity, or to la1.! their vigilance tor the protection of England against such contingencies m may bv possibility occur. » * ». * . * * * There are r.o two States'o thj whole world anl never have been, so bound to one aucrter, so mutuall? ben-£- cial, ana so able to work tor'ther as the British empire and the toiled Plates. At present it seems impossible but that the whole continent of Europe, snoatl fall into the hands cf military despots; it seems equally iiup">ss - ble that We, with our Amoricin brethreu. shcu.d lOM n: enthusiasm for liberty. Iiere then, are the two parties in the great cause that threatens to divide and convulse the whole world What will be rciutred cf u»* What attempts will bo made on c' What crusides ought we spcttanscufdy to undertake' What see:-dance in any cas» are we to exnect from Am lev Fcr our islands we hare no fear Derpotitm is great on land, but Impotent and craven o.n the s a Wherever our ships caa go. there we have cf compeer. A-t cn the former occss'on refmei to by >lr. 'Valkyr we can protect the New World froui the t: rannies of the 0.1 What. tneu. ?>tta'as to he d^ue? Are »e expected to land on th; (eminentof Europe,end light- single Landed, with t ur hi ;e military monarchies nu taring two or three millions of armed men ! What degree of assistance ar; w; to expeot fr. m America, in marching lntc the centre of Kwiope None, we thoall thiiL However, there n:.v y things to be cons dered. A hundred years ag;. what was Kuss a A bundled years hence." what v:L be the I'nllt d i'ates An empire with not fir sh irt of twe hundred million soulr Should any thing happen to us. t-Lcwl J wo t-vtr b exposed to unmerited indignity and o; precsicn una cut ^rvcw to nurope 04 rorgouen, we lave only to rr*7 K^in.." c'.i-jui: n.itfr.. t omb-.t tutor, and tlat the prayer will one day br.n? acres.- or. cicasicn, the mi-4»ercers cf a state that can apply tj its iurpcse the resoiirces of a continent and two cctsus i Austria. The HicLeU-rUI AuJtrtaEC,nTt»p.).. lent of the 5th lnit, rtuti s that the Military Qoveraor .f Vienna ha.- adde-<ei a circular to alt the new -paper editors of tip- capita' n forming tnem that, for th future tbey will not lowed to mention any ar*e t which take r'*r* r t publish thenacesof t. -ersme --ted e i: ha.- Nen pioved that > p'.ibi Int.- itb thejuiliciai proceeding'. A -:n ud<Ji»>-ed to ibe provincial news; Prince gchwartzsnbrrg haa had i. rwiew witi he CooLt de Chauhci'l fBeary 5'b). a lie advis»<i .4 Brlnce to procee 1 with the utme-t caution ud foreeijc.t le jointed out that LouU Napoleon IS irte wa entitled to the moral support of the forei.- cabinet, atnce he had the confidence of the a-my. which wa« the acta guaimtee tor the pre ervation cf peace and order Vitswa, Dec 8 --The presentation of the Karl of Weitmorland to Ilia Majeity, wbicb wee to hare taken piaee thli>v*»k has been postponed indefinitely This ia attrilutnl to the reply of Lord l'aluieratou on receiving the Kovtuth address The Lmpercr bee bren slightly in l.epraed for the last t.-w day*, in oonaeijueuce of which all public audiences have been suapvudrd .iha/s >urjjA TiertewAo/fe, TV. 8. M ian Tt aawKv.-*- A ayet»ui cf who.esai" banishment U just now going on In Austria.which it is dithault to re- oounle with any plan of piU-y or prudence, and which Vide <alr to dltve out the rouwtsir all the labor, capital and enterprise that ran g*t leave to depart, or find mi tins to escape. Not only have a great num Oer or Jew* Deen suiiiDari.y sent away aeruseu r>r tampering with the exchanges---though mmj of tbern bare declared that tbry cams from *< to Vienna -imply to make purchases- but u:*nr other per- sous bare born banished, without the least MMM ii-im »*-lgn*d. tbeir pa/sports biiug simply returned to thru with the word* written acres* that they ware to be considered a* expelled under irartlal ':»w Tin worst how- hit remains behind, and show* thst the tyranny exer- d in this reepectlea* yymrtlin as harsh A pnr lel'.ow who (or a long time was established in KugUnl, hasIng married and amaeaed a little property there re- turned to Austria, a short time ago. to see a si ok relative ai d now finds that he will net be able to go b»--k aealn to Knglsnd, baring received a aliict nrj.T from the pc lag to return tothe Tillage in Hungary whsre he v as born, but had long slnee reared to bare either tie or ocoi'.patirn Remonatrance In all aucb rase* U ralo. Wb n the .hrs were -*nt away, the manufacturers and whole- rale horses remoni-traNd that the police were depririag thim of their customers. and that they could not ooctitue to pay their ordinary dues and taxes if this were done, when an armed force wit tent down to the exchange to biiag sit burtrtsa to a stagnation, remonstrance* were again made, but "those who will to Coupar trsirn Coupsr. as the prorerb says. auJ term nrtranc*s n Ight aa well be addreered to a mule as to an Austrian iuuctionaiy .tint *./ TVen. Pruialai Bin is, Lieo 9.. home alarmists baring reported to M.rrn fiianteuffil tliat iu some of toe quarter* of the city, in cDeesuenc- *f the erentaof Pari*. a lively agitation existed, and that the beer houses an 1 low afe* were tie s< enee of daagercj-discussion*, the President it the ministry resolred tot inrince himself of th- (filth of lit reports na Saturday evening theref ir*. accompanied by a Mend, he rtrited *- rerai of the a ioee establishment* in tbe dlatricta Inhabited by the foundry nod tartory workmen, the discussion* going on were the ord'tiery questions that occupy the guests on Saturday nights end not in the least d< grae per.lous t the Blatn. Tbi* is tbe seeond time JI run MauteulTrl has made a tout of this kind; the first was two years age. Hanortr Tb# Chambers, on tlie S4 Instant chose their pre-idents and rice presidents.Count Henslgen and M Kaufman. fill the first ohamlier. and MM Lendeman nd Brj«r tor the Three election* ar» ail on tne liberal aide On the following da; an addreM of condol»nee waa r- I'd. <n whi. h the following inaat aigniftcaut paaaece tttVI'.*Hat tba Chamber# lamented the tirtb cf tea Kin* tha m< re th<reb; ha ha] lo«t th.faliitartmn of < nrrjitu out to tbrlrtdll aoromj)liahtn»u*. the reform* I e had aaactirned: tha deputtea th.'u -> mini tha naw king in a mora ronaratulatnr; atratn. of tba pemiae contained In tba potent to maintain tha rorrtltntl'B; to which tha; aid that hi* majefty will co dtubl j< ait i attard tba iudependenea of tha atate a aar; frirft 1 all mod la of om-rae mala in tha taw iaet mentioned particular*, both to tha i ret»a»t »t« ' tha Ilitteiwet.att and tba istariarrncc of tha lluad la thalr In half. Dan murk. a Tb" K 'i"i y »e tataa from IWrlin that tha trmiI » In Iran'a are already had aoma affac', on tha it tai .,ue«ttoa 1! Rnxd&n' ahinet h*< n «<ta went tntiNlllllNito tha Court of tienaa ad bellin ard tba negotiation* W fl Denma'k wbioh bad ba>n alter r] to re»t hare again barn reeuutei with |t'lt t>al. nrallnia. A< 'line to lettara from Turin of tha 7th theHar '1 hie at ,-irf Ii 'Dal sn mill." meat r ith ite uoiy nee in tne piuroruai win dp atari d, J TV c, inlet r7 I- laid to be determined to carry It n'n ran mlon and to dleaolve the Chamber of Depu lira If it made too rtrong an cppoHtlon The nam* latter Inf'rm* u* that, Id anticipation of dl'turhani leaking nut in hrarcr the Au-fran government had applied to the Sardinian government to ha*- certain firtrn/e* mi am inpt oth 'fa Alraatidrla. delivered op to It whenever a elrll war might break nut amongat ua. i»n motiving the newa 01 the event- In I'arta, the mlnla try nnt for the editora of the dhtrrent journal*.an 1 reprmmentli-d them to be prudent la tVir r-m*rk« about Hie French or other government*, particularly that of An trta If the new* of the concluaton »f the concordat be true and if the Sardinian minlatry ha< really the feeling* which onr correepondent attribute* to it we doubt not that It will taaily overcome any Jeirarog leal Cppoelllon. The cBect of the areata In Pari* will be felt in the Sardinian State*. Inthat throughout all Europe. the revolutionary parly will loae much of It* atrength and audacity'» Spain* Arrounta from MaJrid.of l»rc 6th. atata that on receipt of the telegraphic deapatrh mentioning the occur! reneea in Farle. the government had forward- an rnergetie circular to all the ceptala* general and provincial i govi mora, recommending them to adopt roea»nre* fot the maintenance of public order The motion c< M Mojano for the impeachm-nt of Ihe mialatry. on the neraelon of the Indcmnlllr* granted to the Arm of Rertran de Lt*. we# taken Into cotaideratlon hv the Chamber of Depot!** After an ab> *p#»ch o( tbe Pre-Ident of the Council the motion wan rejected by hi t«. Hair. i A letter from Home of the with Sov-mber *t*|ee that the ecclceiaitlco authorttle* were making a* much money a* pceelh'e I j faming the rnatom houec and the lottery, and by enacting the tai on Induetry Another band of brigand* had been raptured In th<> northern prtrince" Oreat aenaatlon prevailed at Fahriauo on ac, count Of the beheading (ConiOdeteil rnjrAt) of thre* toung men of that city Father Ignattn* Sp*a»er w*« h iding ferth attha rtaam harona 1 ' LD. vv.'- PRICE TWO CENTS, j Market*. Lowdo* M'ltt IfiKiKT, Dec 11.The fluctuation* la the Bnsliah funis this morning were moderate, and map sinner to thoee of yesterday. Consols for money opened at 97v to and declined to 97','. The transection* in connection with the settlement which takes plane tomorrow. teen caused an Improvement, and they ware lucted 07 to 7». At the close of business the prion* wrre 07?« tor money, and87 i to 08 for the January eercurt Home large sales of stock were made daring the day, but they bad no material effect upon the market. Bank Block closed 214', to 216',; Reduced. 07 to ; Three and a-Quarter per Cents. 97?.; Lang Annuities, T; Indift Bonds, £Ti to itfa anil KtrhAiudP.KlLi 1% Lt% 50s premium During the aftat noon, the prlee* received Rt intervals from the Paris Bonne, were 9*>f 30-: and 9tt. 40c. for the Fivs per Cent* The corn market, this mcrning. wan without alteration The tone of the lettern to-Jay frcm the carious Parisian capitalist* contirm* far the moet part, to a very remarkable extent, the anticipation of the eager reliance that would be placed ins thoroughly military government. Without attempt**^; to J1 cure the meaua t>y which the new power has tteea obtained, or to comment upon the example of substituting violence for law, a majority of the writer* express their conviction that only under nucha eyatem can the coir inertia, an 1 financial prosperity of France be r-U*! upon The sole danger, according to their view, U ia not carrying it far enough. This. they aay. was the mivtaae of Louie PhLippe. eu.l accordingly earh freah ordmanao that is now piomihga'.ed. s m.« to receive their approbation ia proportion to it*_s«v«tUy. Dr annus 12.Q:«» e m .It bs* been euppoaed bp f'n-e ptraoce that. a* the premium upon goid at Parte has lafe'v 8 per mble. there wculj be a large export o! the precious metal to France but this U not the car-. The fa-t of the rate rf exchange having a l-naced in proportion to tlie a 'vance on the premium upon gold baa teen omitted in the calculation from which the par l.» al.u J.-d to have drawn their conclusion, that much of the imports of sp-eie to this country reported during the pas" and present week weald And its way to the OontiC'Bt There has been a general improvement In toe Continental Stock Market* rbis week, and at Paris there as teru a considerable r:*e in ail the pubi:c securities of France with an equal improvement in the prices of ihsri* f joint stock companies. The present price of the Fire pit Cents Rente* is fully 4'i p-r cent higher II an thi »»r- qno ed previous to the late political reviluticnary movir.e nU; and. notwithstanding that the a ranee tu brought forward many seller*, the market ia itiil very firm with au upward tone in quote ticts Th» | cg'ish stock market open»d this mrrn Itg at th» ei >!ng quotations of yesterday, and fcta since vlhibited a much better tealucy Tfte rtaracter of the dealings generally it rathe- favorable to a eootiuuanee of firm, if not higher prices particularly as a better impression prevail as to the eotrse <f evicts in Franco, bjcscls were tir»: marked at to for m>a>«7 anj l>. tc &8 U r the opeuing, an t they have since imrftowrd to My, to M for m< n v. and 98 t. Th» fluctuation ia ti e reiuer: the Knglish funded securities sine this day last week baa been fully If, per cent. Consols having been d?uc at from W.J on Friday, aud at yS'i on Kjuday last Ta-o, P U.Consols for money 98>d to 'J for acecunf. The marli-i a-» ill flrnier. T:irrr P. If .Conlrt»*f'.-r mrney 0* for aeciunttHVBh»re« are very first Foreign .^tock-. are *teal7 fim per cent. Preach I'.eate* at 10 minutes p»*' 1 o'o4.*>«r thif day at Ports (by submarine telegraph) 90 8J Wertar.vle Oetitlt. r*aii Xiwt rat: Dec 11 .The market opened rather bw!ow tbo closing quotation* of yeetcrd.y a a >eo a/tar, »tcck becoming in demand, prices er>micu*<l in the as reeding sca> to the dote of the business when thw* cere generally marked L.^her; Threes f»r the aca luoi leaving otl at 58f 80c and Fires at «T. hie. The urai krt dosed as fellows :.Thnee. for c»»h 8*f. 4«o f)C aouiit. £8l i f ; liree. for cash '.«dt 80 for acettart, f Mr.; I sLk r.f France Shares ikdif, b|>*uiah lire.'" 40c Neapolitan not quoted. L. t t'oas Mskkct, Dec 12.We hare a scant* he* of wheat at our market to-day, but millers are eautfd priest unaltered Foreign steady at late rate* Pice f.-ei-h H<ur <|«ite ae dear Barley a etow aale, accept for superior kinds. Dealera purchase.! oats soacic.j!y. anu prices the tnrn lower. Beans. pees, and ssada unaltered. Ai rivals.Kngli-b wheat. 7 340; barley, 4 MB; oata 770, malt 1.240; Hour, '.*0; Irish oate, l.COd; focuagw wheat "CO barley. 2.070 ; oats 8 300 Hour, 1 Odd aacha, and 2 ii'Jt liartela. At the cloae the market was dud, and ro change since morning Lviar uFl n ie;..s Dec 12--Ame-xen.Wh can note no improremeut in tbe demand for beef; the dealt rs buy sparingly. and the stock reduces very slowly. There bss again been an export iu ;uiry for pirk resulting In the sale of atsrut 300 baarela. which lear-i to market v«ry bars af American Borne new French hi" oeeu taken by tbe tilde, at a full pries. The bacon per lUUba has beeu told; the ,uallty wae (hie. In hams end shoulders therw la r»rj Utile doing. Aflet the date of our Inst, istd went down to 41a . at which figure 120 tons cbawigwl hands; sibsequenUy, prices rallied to tit. with mo-lsrat»a teles and holders axe now firm. Cheese has been less inquired for tbi< week, and sales of middling qualities liars been made at a decline or la. to 2s per ewt Butter, owing to '.be mild state of the weather, la a shade easier to buy. Tallow baa ruled very dull. Irish.Therw la *9 change fcr the better to report of the butter market, scaicly an\ fairs have been made this week. Houters are a.-kiox lull prices: but if buvers of , imntit-v w«ra te cimt forward. tbey would met it to da per cwt. under the quotations Belfast. 78a to HQs , Wiurford, 7'to to ^0* Clonm-I. 7-*a to T'*o BaD bridge Mid Colwraioe Too to 7M : Newvyand l'undaik. 7So to Tfla ; 72s to 7Sr Hllgo 72a to 7i1j ; and ntcktnd Ooik co nCo Tlo. percwt. landed I la ported rrom I re.and, fr< in the lot to tho titli luotoat. both inclusive. Id 3<W tirkina. 5f3 krga. 440 rrocko, 441 boies. ."4 barre.i buttor; 178 botes bacon, 4 tierces and 138 kegs lard Ui'sk Cott»> 81«kk>i.Doc 10.Since oar report ot tho 2d initant, announcing the polltlsal event* which bad tak< n place In Paris on the 'Jd our market mousel t>ry dull, particularly during the thres days that 188losod Wi received only on Thursday night >ur adrtcae ftcm tho Unite.i States by the steamer Canada, under dote New York. lnh. and by o telegraphic despatch frcm New Orleans to the 17th ultimo, which la no way altera the opinion aa to the trgnre of the coming crop 2.700.008 belts being fully reckoned on, bowertr. >|uotationa ware rather losver In the former matket. but without any marked change In the UUer, In wb: li the receipt* Were coming forward regularly whilst lu the ' flier porta they continued eery light <) Wednesday, the rales beta were utmost nothing Tburtday. only 4C0 boles found buyers. Friday, after receipt of above advices and those from Liverpool, stating a 'light reaction, eur transactions only reached SCO bale* However, on Hater-lay. the accounts from I'tria and the interior beiiag .ore U.y. the demand revived, ami by Including the sirs made to arrive the two pre. slung days. 1 100 La"-were run off. of which t dOO balsa lw p rt with rather more steadiness In '{notation.*, wfik-h cur ore er naj lowerea irem a I me 'J.17 o«P»rw Pu'vJay we received with our advlcee frcei Liverpool llicw :mn the l cited State*. bp Bilfir, a locliM at bad taken |>l»< e n Liverpc* U with a Very trl'liag d*n>*cd on Satur lay.3 000 hale* only having change I hand* WH.'BHT, QAMOi AND CO.'d CIRCIL.A*. nmt, D- 12 1K1 ter la*t rireularadvlrea were prepared for. ab«1 forward! J by. the Mr «ra on the (Mb ln«t Inii' llately fcflf i bar >ep arturv. tha account* from trance bad a da pre--icg iatturoc* on our cotton market, and forced aalna were ma<ia at Irregular prlcea.middling Orleans h avian chatgrd baada at J ,J Jn-r lb the weep advanced, a steadier feeling prevailed end price* a-'rcj more firm H'r* The d> nen I ha however Wen much more limit* i d. and caution eeente to guide all operation*. The dad? arotuata fr m Pule are coeetdered more aieVttrf, Ineanrcch ae that nay attempt* at rarolt ther- are imnetiafelj rvpfr»r*rd; and with the exception of ootbreaka Ir. a' toe of Die neighboring department*, whtah It le e>peeled canaot ln*t. tranquillity rntaa. Tl.< te alr'tti tare tad the effect of advancing th* fund* and c'het erci'tltiea. ae l lend to <(ui«>t the alarm tety git: rally f. it at the date rf our art but tit*/ do not inaplre that eenl letice In the future which wan be pinning W< tranlh-et Iteelf en e'cngly before late event* oocurrrd ard which le etidaao'd tip th<- manner hotdeee of cotton clfet their ateeka on arrival an 1 the p *nlifn» choice dell? tn the market for aa!< The east' caneee operate againet any Improvement that might t.i*rwW» hare been looked far. arlelag nut ot the Imlte I -toe* now held, and the email ii'pply iniui*Jia'.ely »tr*led. It I* worthy of reinaik that cur Import tble waet ui in erraeed by the urr'ral of a reeer! frout Jfew Orleaaa, la the rhort apace of tr-enly alx day* The ef the week arioont to 31 790 bale* of which. 5 MO are to -peculator and 1 MC to exporter ant emberac. to 530 W!r Amentia of which I SS$ are tt -peealater- aed'.l'OI » p >rt* To day « -elw- atwcntlmadaA at 5 00 beli 1CC0 to rpc( ulatnr and ex potter* Market very uiilet. Import for the wee I-. Ukli bale* of which i .ffS are American Kitimated etack th»« day 310 7*0 bot»«. of which 10? 700 are Americaa . aealr t -ime time 1*M> #73,#70 bale*, of which 2T1790 are American. rare** h'nir. Midflint. f> r<hw«ry New()rl«an«.,,.6 , |-er lb l',al,,crlh fa I', per lb Mobile I', " «V "4 . Atlantic .ft " 411 Ifl " 4 « In th" early part of the week the Munrberter oi»rketa, owing to more pacific new* from the Continent. exh«. bitrd mere frmna'a, an<t foil price* ware daman la I and obtain' 1 for both good* and ytrn.v for early l«ii»»ry ; but rabrequrntly the uncerlatntr for tbe futura baa rteated a ill (Terriit feeling, »bd naw contract" cut! bo anter» d upon with mora advantage to tba buyer or4 tfea buOnrM doing ia clicumrcrlbrd Our grain nnar'teO bara earn relapod into their former dull state but although iha demand for wheat and flour ha* ronrMr*Wy sbatol. trirti texcept In imlatrd eaaaa) hare aot dositard Flour, in Jed. ha* ratliar improved in valoe, an I good parcel* of Ohio command l»« fid a 90* M p-r boctal Indian rem ha* nlao advanced It a li 04 . and may now be quoted a CO* par '|uarw» Tbire baa bean an artfre minify ft>r thla nf(tola although It aartn* let* gen«r.»l to-day wttb emit torn* of a raartlott Aabea baya barn ia rary aaa rnte r»j«e*t and limited aalaa hare ba*a ina-ta at Ida fid for Mttntrnnl pot* and 2S* a Ska fid for peart*. Bar* -1 'tfa dotal 'r thew article, without hang# In rain*. Tal'"W.ho fr'oactian* I ard (*!aa confined to ItO ton# chie'ty at tt par ewf OHe m*vn off In retntl at old rata* Kica- -*M bb> bara changed hand* at ITn, Pd a IP' N P»t tut Tbeaa'.etof tnrpantina. Ur. and roelo bare been <j ite cf a namlnal character To day, 4W b T'fceaJ* an 1 144 bb..< thin oblong American linea< 4 c»ke, w»* put up to auction, tba greater port «f ub b *0(1 at AT 1ft* pai ton, tba riaUty una fbic. * . a

TH E NE W YO RK IIERA LD. - · I Geo. T Downlid will anpply hia New Year cnato nara

Mar 14, 2019



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Page 1: TH E NE W YO RK IIERA LD. - · I Geo. T Downlid will anpply hia New Year cnato nara

\ I



NEW YEARBQIETS.-M. COLDBACH EE. OPTICIAN.71 Bowery, ha» jojt received from Peri* a fine eelootion

of a now etyla Opera Olaaac*, PolyoramA*. Alarm Clooka,hour xlaaoei. mioroaeopea, taleacopoa, and many othor linoareolae of now invention!. M. 0. noepe alwtyj on handtho beat kind of gold, ailvor. and atrol *pootaole> and avoglaaaea, pebble* and peri*o*pie gla*a»a. for which ho haa alreadyacquired a groat nam# in thia olcy an d environ]. Pie toorvmember 71 Bowery.

Holiday prbsents.-ball, black, a co.(ouccaaaora to Harquand A Co.), No. 217 Broadway.

I aouth corner of Hurray afreet, inform their friend* and the

Sublio that thair aaaortment of Diamond and other nabewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Watahaa, Clooki. Pariao

Ware, and fancy Artiole*. wa* novor more oomplete thanat the preaant time, and thoae in want of holiday protaui*

lieviug that it 1* not surpassed is variety end sty!? by anyother la tho United States. By almost *vary stoaaer fromEurope thev are ia receipt of new styles of goods made toorder, or selected by one of the arm, who u ajcnstcmil todevote two thirds ot easb year in visiting the various uianufactoriesof Eugland, France. Switzerland, Germany. Italy,Ac .the rcuisiniag brief period of thu year bjiug passed mthe stote.enables him, from personal observation, to obtainwhat knowfodge o( the taste aad wants 01 their customersand the publio which oooM not bs obtained in any othsrway. BUS Co.. ia addition to tho former large at rohave, the past year, added the whole eeooad story as asalesroom, where, among the many beautiful aid artistic goo ijo'lfirPJ for sale, they will take pleasure in showing ihs nsautifulGolf Tea Servtee made by theta tor E. K. Collins Ss j ,nnd which eeoured snoh high commendations at the IForli sTair, and also tho beaatiful Silver Vsse belonging to CommodoroStevens. won by the yacht America, in the grtatcontest the pest rummer. B 3. & Co. also cailespeaU. attentionto tho laot that they have, the past eeafon, muehenlarged their aiaunfaotofies, wbish wli enable them tomanulaetvre, under their own immediate enperrision, anyarticle efbllver Ware or Jewelr*. however elaborate in designor ditheule in oxeontioii, in a manner that'shall hesatisfactory in styla and prioe to thoee who favor them withtheir ordure. Original designs lnrnished any time, withoutcharge, a-d an inspection of their atoclt doeenot incur theeast obligation to purchase..BALL. BLACK. A CO.,

hio. 347 Broadway, sign of tba Gtldsu Eagls.Hs-nry Bai.i, H u.uam Black. Ehimxf.r MovaosHouba*PRRSENTB..q AfME. GUILLEMOT a CO.,

late Burnt J srry A Uaime, 481 Broadway, have jestre.elvcd a large and entirely new etook of Jewelry, whicherabl-sthem to olTc.r to the public a splendid and unrivalieieolisction of Artistioal Jewelry end eeti, consisting of Diair.nds. Pearls. Rubies, and eiery variety ol prsoioue Stones,if Jf. 0., G- a Co. feel oontident tlial no stock ot goods iu tiiscity can oompoio with theirs, as regards taste, finish and

1 ricriwse, all tha articles offered for sals at this establishmentbsing made by the first artists in Paris. MB 0.. Q.A Co. have also in their omplny soma of the bess Fisn:fiworkmen, a* thatfheyaro enabled to make any article ofjewelry, er to set any stone, according »e the tasta cr fancyef their ratroci.

Holiday prevents-tiis subscriber wovtxcall attention to hie very large stock, so suitable fat

Ilsliday Presents, consisting of Unaio Box-s, in rosewoodand pia*n cases, with tambourine, pianoforte, au i symballritaclimente; Guitars in every style of finish- elegant Aaeordccnaand riultuae. Parlor Organ*. Violins, Flutft, Flageolets,Bruins. Ac., fcr

EDWARD BLACK .No. S7 Pulton street.

UDMUAt IKColNTI. till 3ROAIHYAY, CORNERof Walker street..Ladiej and ner.riciutn are politely

rr juested to coll at this eatabli«iiia»ut, vherj thsy will hada moit eatsnsive assortment of l'aaoy Boxes, Baskets, Surprisested Fancy Mottosn, recently imported from Pari*which, far nevelty, verie-y. and elegance, exceod'anythiaaheretofore offered to the public. A largo stock of the ofioicjalBonbcxs t It Oe'.ee, Cretin tad Cordial. In eudless v»ri)»jrCretin Chocolate t It Vtnillt, Otgent tn i Rtipborry Cartir-el tu Cho eclat s#d tu Ctte, Surer Tovt, Suosriine FrenchSurer. Almonte and Pralines, Urvstalised Preserve*. Fruit.Chocolae.tnd Gum Drops; and .VtJTurrtm Cemiitted ItalianChestnut* t la Vanilla, bare been prepared for the teetsion.New Ye Art' and Fancy Cake*, tnd Ornamental Piooei madeto order. BY. MaII.LAKD Sl CO , Confectioners.

FPIir. BCl IDA Y8 .175 BROADWAY-THG CDEA FAST1 store it ths 8teU* fer Fttoy Csods tad Jewelrv,of all desgrfptlons. ie that which has just been opened atNo. 1/j Broadway, third door above CorBen It strict, by

VICTOK BISHOP,ImpcrUr ofPraoiens Stoaes tnd Frtueh Ooode.

(Ml H HTM AS PRESENTS .AT ROC F.R3 J new FANCYVy etoto, No. 4*9 Broad a ty. will be lontd the greatestvariety »( new and baantilul artistes lor holiday presents.The finest atiortmcnt #f oarier ma-he ttblas. work bo tee,oabiueti, tod drenxiox eaeee in the city wilt be found at hie-Arteneiv* btsoar. Also, ports-mennai*., eard cases, andOver one bundled thousand oil.or novelties, toe aumerons temention, ena bo seen and pure-noted very cheap, of No. Hiflroalwny.


Rica,and useful gifts..a ooli> pen anbpea oil cote has juot been issued (rem the man-doctor?

of ths euhsor .bora. the most compact, complete, tad ooa»imieetpaoASt companion ores offered to the pablia. and whichtea^*"*mel~is|mitir'illl lllil competition. Sin tiiat, paVitedeifWarWlJl. ATSo, alary* and «mM aaoaroaonsto«n fold and tilvtr pencil and pen cases, tocethir with our

p saperior (nlApoaa, whleh need no proof of their superiorityoxoept tho increased demand tad ths numerous attempts atjBitAtloa. A. G. BAGLBF t co.. Id!) and277 Broadway.VI* TF.AR PRESENTS.-AMATEUR TOOL CHESTS,ll A all asd varies aieortaent,suitable for gentlemen'sor boy's ve«. for tola, wholttalo and retail, at JAMBS M.BOYD'S, V6 Maidaa lana. Ivory Enivet and Forks, in sets,Do..Da.

N EW YEAE A PRESENTS FOE THE LADIES.-THOSEto want will find on* of the moat .tried and valuable

' collections of Fanoy Basket.*. Most Baskets, Rattie FlswtrStands. Boudoir Fiasoa, and other fancy articles in th.tline, to ba had in this site, can Is obtained at tho store otthe subscriber; either will be tilled with ehotee exotic nltcts,dthsatc and rare eat flowtrr, ntrsnged ia point of style topleas* tbt most fastidious.

V niTWt.aP ri.riri «V. U.»il»r

Toys am) FANCY goods-THE beautifulatorr of Mr. Tuttlr, No 313 Broadarav. aflirla I Aa

m il dtliahUul aaaortmtat of r;ch Holiday Uooda, forpraranta.and the moot iitcnalvt »nd uni ma collacti >n of royytorOhi.drca tobafouad fa lb* oitf. Tn# woadtrfd automatonHawthorn Ttm with ilndax kirda tkippin* troobranuh t« branch, which otaatcl inch a nittlut at th jITiira'j fair, iaatlll lak« acta at TUTTLA'S..[ lipraaa.

HOMDAT PRESENTS..HOLIDAT MU1NUFiaayBaakaia, Fancy Vaaot, Gold Flah, bad Qlabaa,Cauar) Bard*. and Ca,-e». Boudoir i'ianoa, and Faajfarticle a. tcgelbar with tha rraataat and moat aclact aollaatioa otflowcra auitabla for Naw Taar'a prtMala, la ba abtainad at thr atora of tha aukaorikar. Thoaa in want aillplaaaa laawa Ibait ordtra early, aa that will ha dalivtnd tnrotation aacrdarad. T. DUNI.AP. (VU Br >a Iw ay.

fOR TBI HOLIDAY*.TUB LAR'.BST AND MOSTattoaaiva aaportmant ofCotlaln Malarlata, Brocatallaa,

Satin d* Lane. Laca and Hualin Curtain#, Window Coraia -a.IS1 idea, k«. aalrotad aipraatly by tha auhaortbara. tor thacity null. Can now ba purrhaaad. twanty par cant Icatthan any houaa In tha ally, at A. M. A r. DAYIEA, 33»Broadway.

Annuals.annuals and otber books fortha Holidara, in tpleadld Bindiiza. Tha aabiarlbar

would roapnitfulJy Inrlta bit "Id friend# and euitomar#. alotha eommumty at Urns. to aall and aa* bia (.aaortm-n t. U<thinks mat tbay Will ba inlly ratiad'd with both mailty an J

.pnea. ABRAHAM MASK.No 237 Blaaekar alraat. apposite Laray atrtat.

d 1 AKtS AND iiONFICTION ART FOR VBtFTKABAllarhn wiah tn hnra puro and arnuina artielei on tbalrtablea abonld aa to Kklini's. Jt» E >««rr. Thry hava raal'yand tri'.y got tha haadaamrat display of caka aaar maJ« tnthia oily Tkia alaak cnutalan caary known variaty. aa In laraa aaaortnaat of Ana Canfailionary, Jallira, leaa.Mottoaa. Fiiamlda. (."tat apua and fancy Bnat, all ofwhich wi'lfe told twaaiy-Ara par cant laaa than any aUiatatora in tha city Try hint if yon donbt.

PICKLED OYSTERS FOR THE HOLTDAY8-PICKI ET>Oyitaii and Hontd Tuikty* («lli»d an I tutaf.lly*

ornammtd), fit New Year Day 'l abia#..7 is iukairiW* odd ba pl*aaod ta farrlak hit cuaioratr# and tha pub!!'wi . i abo?» far thah»l»dai#. a-enrln* th-n th»t t\» 1racy M Bator. paaaliar in hia plokitd cyatara-tha marksdnnpmority ta <«aaUlv-can ba foanioaly at Na. S Br>a<

* a:rr -t. Uaroapaatfoliy aolicita your patronica, an > returnsShanka for tha paak TRoS downing.

I Geo. T Downl id will anpply hia New Year cnato narafrom il.o anma y! a. a.

C''OR FACTION IKY FOR TH T HOLIDATS.-A R' HJ and taual aaoortmcat. it Hit lawaat prion*. will ba

found »t rtorOK it v, No. u<i tir i» hatrt.t.f»ba*rta tha cam* do a'» L» laialrd,» < aura you'rt rl*>ib.then (9 abaat."

4 R1 .(1.1.3 FUR Hf Tltlt T \»i.I« -ROMD.'a Tvrtt »«. Jalliad T«ri«« t»1 Hm. t'Kblad Orttera.Poind*. Oirairaalad Cakca. Ptraml .a,batekata, ka Mottoriof avtr* kind email Panoy Clkta. Piulda of JtUr, laaCrraVtJCtiarWMt Iriw, and Blnno Manra, ky(thoip»om «i BON. slj and .1*11 tttoadvayMEW \ t&R .P.tM'MIS AMD OTHER?. WOO WANTI ' purr binaa ami Uqnora »f yartvna rrad*a and *in'or»tooonli do mall by catlian and o*a»laln« a aaparlor and nailn- li' .ad at j It. Alio 8i olah Alaa. l oa-ion aad PhiladiloVtJ' tt'r* and Ale« in inantltlea tr tail, at J. J. StAI i 5ly aai II Ana atran. mat to tha Mnaaum.

» tv tw i ntn presents -fancy hard* arc, finea Ciiilaij. Iloya' Tool Ch"*l* Boya' taaev 81*i«Ua.

. .S.ktaa. l'i"H I raa, Tan and Ctffaa Ra'a. Traya and Wai**fa,Biatid Par'a. dp ona. J.adlca Cation, aad a rariaiy af otharat i l.'iaviUiiU for holiday illla, f.,r «le at trod*ra»a prioea./. W.k C.SIM 1,1 VAX.

Bltth "T It Hit rlr t a

E W t E A R 8-1 ADIR? ARE IN FORM PD TH iTil there it labor eeved by eaMiar at «d| Br ».l»ar, andbayiayJ W REI.l.T 8 Premium Lemon Surer. for tha latent predu'lion «f Mmenade. A rouni nakea ona gallon

of Lemonade Prlca 24 rente Paid alao. by tha principali- & liberal dimmttnt to the trMMa


AIM BAOXirCENT BOOK rOBTnEnOMIiAY8-.f rB KElf Ifo. 1IRPllto« atrnt, haa inat pnbli«had, tin

Kaapanka f*r l*>2-a royal oaUrj ralam-. «vl<-n lidly IIf luatratad and aaylad. by many of tho rariaarara, tha maal

»l*»atit bc»b ef ti e eeaeoa. Alio. Pteriaa and PtudlaafronChfOnietaa and Blalnry. Bt Mta. 11*11 aad Bra. roet't.

Imw pwBucATiom.or A MONTI7 -Till tCORCniNO REPI.T TOT-llJ A V *r'i«i* of r»r®» ' 'a'"'" aHMb «/> lh« Cava

KiM«< Witt W****1'."«r*eta fr. tn l.« hook. 7""Xu hi

'I14 V rr- ..1*»«« ««';' Brv".-.v:«Ems ^''''^awWiliiioi! rOTARTITICRNHlP WOT1CKB.I riMIIC OPARTNBRRHiPOr MVRM kPTIJ 1ST I

I 1Y" Th# kotfB** mH >»" * !» » « »» » '

I ^jy?»«wrti, Tb. 1881

t:.vrJ.wir.VK'Arffifi.vy1 ®N#wtort. DM »7 Mil. V.iAKif.1



THE STEAMSHIP CANADA.We received, at about S c'oiock yesterday afternoon. the

foreign mails from Boston, brought by the steamshipCanada, at that port from Liverpool We annex abstractsfrom our flies.In tbe market for American stock* there ha I been rathermore movement, the recurrence of French disturbanceshaving stimulated inquiries in this department.

Prices, however, show little change:.Amsiicin ICCRITIFJ.

Rrli mahU. Prices.0. States 5 per Cent Bonds. 1893 9394Ditto 6 per Cent Bonds 1833 1(4 lD6)fDitto 6 per Cent Band*. ., .ISod 1U>« 111^Ditto 6 per Cent Stock 1887-43 lod 107Pennsylvania 4 per Cent Stock 81 ^ 82Massachusetts 9 per Cent Bierl'g Bonds. 1888 105>£ 197Maryland S per Cent Sterling Bonis 89 89 vjVirginia 4 per Cent Bonds 98 97Tennessee 6 per Cent State Bonds 1858 99 92Canada 6 per Cent Bonds 1874 108 109Boston City 5 per Cent Bonds 1371 92 93A letter from Perth, of Dee 1st. says:.u Tbe house

occupied by the mother and sisters of Kossuth, oppositeihe Karrly pslsce, was eurrouadel in the night, anlper inbltlons were made in their apaitm.-uts. Kossuth'ssisters, Mmes. ltutthay and Messeiengi and the tutor ofthe latter's children, were afterwards removed to anotherpart of the building. The mother of Kossuth obtainedpermission to remain in h«r apartment, but she was

placed under the surveillance of the police. The tutorwas subsequently put in iron3."Thk Has. Ms. W.H.KFI* *t MsmckkMr.* .--In complianrewith su invitation from th,- merchants of M iache.-ter,the Bight lion K. J. Waiser. late 8-cretary

to the Treusury cf the United Btates. dinel with a largedunder of them at the Albion Hotel, PiccaiUly. onTuesday. December 9 The Chamber of Commerce anlCommercial Association uniitd their forces on tliiioceseicn to do honor to the visiter. Mr. Walker arrivedin town on Monday, anl during his brief stay wa3er,t-itained at Broom House, HaliiweLl iaue.the residenceof W. Stell. Esq. T Bazley. E*;., President ofthe Chamber of Commerce oocupied th? chair Afterthe u.-ual loyai toasts, tbe chairiusn proposed "ThePresident of the United State->.'> to which Mr Stellresponded. The ' Health ot Mr. Walker'' was thengiven, and responded to by ihat gent em en ia a long andeloquent address. Mr. Bright. M ? tire Ilia. X. >1.Gib-cn, and Mr Oobdcii, M i'., aisc adirened themeeting Tho laet toast was the health of the strangerspre-.-nt acknowledged by General Walbrilge and cot.Ooit.Tur Ritt nrTWKtv tmh Fr airkort, America, swo

Pios ees --CorMlersble lnters'-t was excited a few weekaago. owlDgto tbe occurrence ofthe above thr-s steamers(two of Item 'screw.'' and the other a " pa Idle boat)sailing from the Mersey at the same tins-- for differentports, and various contradictory statement aiterwarlsappealed regaidiog their progress to Holyheid By letter?received from Captain appears tint tueFisuki'ort reached Gibraltar after a hue run ox dve and ahalt days, notwithstanding she export-need -ome heavyheadwinds Captain 0 g.vei the following acrouut ofthe race between the steamers from the Be.l Buoy to beyrndHolyhead:--" I had nearly forgotten to mentionthat the steamship Aa-nca was about two mllss shellwhen we parsed th* Bell Buoy, and the Pioneer a goodfive miles. The Pioneer and the Frankfort each made a*much sail at possible, and we bad a fair contest oiT theokrrrieWe rm.'.t-l alongside t he Aiueiica. hailed her,and ran ahead. ana In twenty minutes w» ware ahead ofthe 1'ionrrr. having fairly beaten her Are mile* in a runot ilxty Mile*. Ther'l« no boasting in this but a truestatement tffaot*. and I have no daub1: nil their hanleexerted theauelrea to win the me LiverjmM CourierTur Cssr or Ma. Bsi.omows.Monday Dea 8 was

the day appointed by the #ourt of Eseh<"io»r for hearingthe pr<>:eedings ia the proseouMno of Mr Aid Salomons.for taking his teat and anting in the House ofCommons without Hist taking the oaths ia the usualterm. The case, however, was not gone into, counselbaring agreed to s special verdict admitting the faots.and reseiving the points of law fbr future discussion.The argument, it was intimated, would be taken on theSrst sitting day after term

Ota* Pails Correspond r ii re.

Paais. December 11, 1851.T>t Frrnik IUvolution--Short Hiitoiy of the C>o;> I'Ktat--Slat*/ Frawae. liefi/enfi. Speculation, g-c.The battle is over' The regime Ju raloe is, for the

prerent, established over the mighty people of Francewho have *o often fought to conquer Its liberty; and ithas been sufficient to open the entry of the country to a

a man who bad twice attempted, like a fool, to oon^uer"the throne of hie uncle".to give him a power whichhe has so maliciously abused as to crash down, at once,all the liberties of a nation. What will be the issue ofeuch a eowp <i ctat! Will he quietly enjoy its momentaryeticoess' I think.yes But it la certain thatwithin a month, the traitor. Louis Napoleon, will beliar inoi aiuieupsrs, or in me -trw\», 07 " ini" jarmgBan who will nrnSc* his life npon the altar of hiscountry This Moody deed will cod the difficulty; andit Is now, at this awful epoch. the safest thing to be lonein order to g> t rid < ( suea an atrocious ambitionThe last words of py letter of lha 4th instant, ware,

that the sound of the cannon had just reached my ear1 was cloeiot tor letter when the tight begun.and itbad no cause tc begin; for there was no other excitementbut that of tha people, and m gun was flrelsgainat the trooys. as has bean falsely reported by theorgans ot lha government 1 am going to give thereaders of tha HiaeLO the only true account of thestfair. which has been made up from all tbe reports 1hare had. from eye witnesses, a ad froui people whoeeposition in the political circles allowed them to get atthe true source of Inftmiction.The first shot or discharge made bv the troops against

the peopla, took place opposite the tale Tortonl. sod itwas directed upon a group of twenty young men whowere congregated together, carrying oa their shouldersone of them, who was reeding to the army the pen*unci*.menu of the two hundred representatives who luolaredLouis Napoleon an outlaw. At tbe command of anoffieer. three platoons of scldlers fired tipen the youngon-and tb's was the beginning of tha butchery.

fn ths meantime several persons assembled in thehmteaof the Itoulenrd Montaartr* and Bonne N mveUe,seised the wagoni tliey found at band tnd from thewindows of the houses, fired upon the soldiers. As julckaa lightning the the massacre began, and. without reading»ny " riot law,'' artillery and mu*k«try were diarbarge'eponthe marser. Asa matter of oourge. thosewho were guilty escaped, whilst the ianooont paid thetorfelt This was the signal for barricades, and you wiUsee la the French papers, which I mailed to you by thissteamer that the prft* I'ermn was gnnernlFrom this mom-nt the army crettpied th» city of

Paris, and Uok despotic command over the cltisens. Voumnit be aware that the proclamation addressed to th»troops by the President, presided them with a mean- ofrsvmje for the aisgracrfnl treatment thoy «sporlen"e4in lb';o and 1*4S. This was naturally euihc'ent to excitetbe ormv^nd they sll seemed like very dovils. A worJa motion,Wen was tbo signal cf the death of any indtvidua! and I have, alas the misfortune to nunb-ramong the dead two of ny best friends ^ho being theuuleteet ycung men cf I'aria. have undoubtedly not I*-tvid toe hotribis fate wnich they hsve m-t OnThursday evening 1 enteral aa if by instim t, ous of theaintu'aaeee estaulebrd in the atreet faubourg MontmartreCK< Berg re end there, ia a coiner shot throughthe lutgs, uy one of them, lifrl < and still keeping onbis chaiinii g face the mildness of his sweet temper foesecond one was urn n? the bodies carrti J to the cemeteryMf ntmsiire. covered with nmd. his soiled kid gloves ailpatent leather boots still on him Who would havo believedthat this respectable man had even saldawvrdwhich deferred death? Nevertheless, be w»s lying a

ceruse among a hundred and fifty others, who had no'.

ten< hi-'j a rub. and who had beea cool1./ mur 1 re I tea oftta cfowd of .-pocUtor*

f naad net rep at that public in llgnat'.on i» unbound-d.and that the ran of hatrad a«*in<t tha butchar* of thefranoh people < now on tb<- highaat jl ch Ttola laan much tba fact that l.oula Napnb on ha« a-area'y fnun I01 t B r.un.Ur >.! turn ufltrt. nt In a»«l«t hm in hla BIOmeu.arytnniupti fucb man n M. Jo Moroy. Rouhar,Foul J \c ate io much fr « that tboy cannot ba accotnt> J for. RMTha name* of tba mambara of tha Committee of Con

ut'alton wh*ch. according to the Fn'rir, (meffttitie-inW.and fdhar organ* of lb* Klyaean praaa hare b»en aelectedamong many other* ara. for tha moat part Qrtltiou* twaatoi-i hyena of than that h# h%* »-*n many of hiawould-b*' colleague* wh« aeai.-ed him that tbey had

never c n*anud to allow tha Pit-aidant to put their nam**on that li«t.

Ilaro I* the Duka of Albufer*> lattar to l.oult Napo\ laon on thl* rubjact .i Pta.My lather left a name untUiaad. aad I do aot

allow amy oaa to dlehcnorlt_ (higcca) BUCKET, Dakaof Alkafara.

Mr l.aon roue bar. who wa* formerly ao much devotedto Lout* Napoleon wr «te hlin tha following lattar of

[ which I hare a copy written by the e« mtnWtnr -ha.Pamom-r.-It la with pa.afal aatoaUhmeat thatt a«a my ntme placed amoag flioae of tha m.-mt- n .1 »

"CMMlUMm CaiemHtaa, jn»l r.UMI.hM by ran I' V 1 h,<l "V .T<r1 "h" f,«V" < «

la thbt mannar. Xi<t oaralct I raadort to yon, I liioarni ' "»« « «T eobbtfy. tad thnt 1 araa. rarhaaa. I, tnarirad to atpart rtnia you anothor bled of (r»tlt«4a. In

all ttartatamt rhbnetrr deaarvot aiora reapaat. r on know' wall, that during a rotfcar Ua< rolitt at aaraar, I hara m, more lira I to my rrlaclplot a? libor'j thaa t# my davttix, ttordar. 1 aavar bata. aithtr Indlfrtly ar iKrootlr. doa<

anjthia* ta alotata tha lava or to moaaract tha raaa>latawhich ya« |iye ma, wlthoat harin« my c naaa I baa* butto rtmambat thaalaatoa whlth I 4U taoaia* from tiaoaorta,andlaa.dlt. <'i«aod> LION FhUCHlK.Dttaabat (tk. I 4L

' Such ta tba atata of thin*" at th> pr»»at hrtir "TfTana la allowed to ottar hia opinion. and truth to <afthat Wa ara muniad aa »a baaa »«a»T baaa bafora aaar

during tba tlma of In fi7VTha raadara of tho lira u ara no doubt awara that tht

onrraaaoitdaaU la Parta of tha Mt»rint C'nn,.;« of l,ooB doii. of tha Indfurlmc B*lt of Bmaaala, Got-Ui of Co» l< fir. ate , baas baan turned cut from th>> country, fo'' baafiijt wrlttaa artlr'.aa unlbaoraMa to th» goaorninonf

f l ata atyaalf rta-iaad a atatt fro® a tr*ntla®aa droMri' Mbch, by tha Trafaot of Patioa oama to ad


vise" me to bo u prudent" in my latter*, for I bad key«i"upon me. Aa a matter of couree. I received the *jempt itpolice with much politeness a la Francaiee; but I told himthat I had nothing to do with hit" advice gratia." Whatdo you think of this? Never mind thie. The sword ofDamocles will not prevent me from transmitting to theHesald all tha valuable documents that I may be ableto gfcthor.a member of the Legislative Assembly, one of myfriends, gave me a full account of the names of those

emong bis col'eagues who assembled at the Maine of theTenth ward, and proclaimed the d< cheance of Louie Napoleon.I send it to the Heeai.d, which will be the onlypaper In America that will have a correct list of thosenoble and courageous citizens. There is also the authenticcopy "of the setting of the "bright chamber" whichprotested agaiuet the deoree of Louie Napoleon, by whichIt was annihilated. None of these documents are to hefound in the newspapers, for none of them would darepublish them, under the present opproesive governmentThe press of Paris is reduced to two journals--La Satire

and l* ConttUvtiomul.for the others, which are dallypublished, are but the re-impression of those two sheets.The Journal it* Mats waaon the eve of being suppressedfor having published a Utter of M. Mole, which waa aprotestation against hi* nomination aa a member of the" Consultative Committee.'' M. Berlin, it* publisher,w»c sent for at the Klys< e, and waa told in eery stronglanguage that he had better remain tiuiet, if be wiehad tebe allowed "to lite and from that very moment, heaccepted the office of being the only mirror of the governmentnewspaper This I cannot think right, and in my< pinion it would bare been mare honorable for the DcUtito stop its publication.The civil war has decidedly broken out in the departments; and, though the French newspapers arc daily

publishing the most favorable aocount* received fromtrtry part of the couutrjr, it is a certain fact that a prised'aim : bas taken place in many places. Of eighty-sixdepartments of which France is composed, we have nowabout ba'.f in a state of siege and if this continue*the whole country will be undtr this sort of treatmentThe lateet news received from the eouth is. that in theVent Alp'.t the socialist* have been victorious, and have

I. driven out all the soldieis and public officers. Thru, itmay be seen, that the flatterer* of Louis Napoleon, whodare to say that, by his coup d'etat, he has annihilatedIMS and the socialists, are ail wrong; for, on the contrary.the President has hastened the time which was .-omuch dreaded and has given more courage to those whosre. like the spirit of evil of the gospel, Quosreniyi.rnsArtoirt.lie sfTair of the twenty five millions "roughly borrowed'irom the tank by Mr. Oasabianoa. has beensomcwliatexplained by the Klyst e; bat. whatever may bs the

easier*" of the paity, it is a certain tact that thesetwenty-five millions have been taken from the collars ofthe National liank. to pay the expenses of thecoupiclatI can say as a po.iitiTe fact, that, during ail thews d»y* ofriot and blrod. the rrgc-'.ar psy of ths army has been asfoll'tws:.An officer, fifteen francs; the second officer,At* traros ; and the soldiers, one frano. extra and abovethw regular salary. Besides this a regular supply ofbrandy and tobacco ws.- freely distributed to the armyand I can assure your readers, that the defender* ofpublic order who were on duty, were, for the most part,drunk, not knowing what they were aboutThe official report of the government gives ths followingtable of tbe losses of the army .

26 soldiers killed, among whom 1 officer.184 >' wounded " " 17

This is all right; but what is the numlwr of tb* unfortunatecitizens who bare been coolly murdered, wbi'stthey were onlv promenading on tbe boulevards'Tbe Archbishop ot l'aris. according to certain reports,

bad la-en arrested and kept prisoner in bU hotel. Thisrumor was denied, and 1 aiu told that if the fact did nottake place, it whs not because it had been proposed, hutu wit aecia»u mat tnis would be too unp-'pul ir But), 01course would injur* the interests of the party. Thisnoble priest. a* eoon as he ktiew the terrible eventswhich had taken piece on Tbureday evening left hiehotel. ucctinpuun-l by one of tie ricara. and visitedevery place where the wounded and dead La I been <leIpOMted Since that time the respectable Archbishop isdally visiting the lamilies of those who hare lost either arelation or a fiiend, and giving them help and comfort.A private decree, signed by Louis Napoleon, has been

Usurd. whleh reetores the Church of ate. Genevieve.generally known as the I'anlheon. to the Catholic religionTbia, as a matter of eouiee ie a oonceeeton madeto Uk* Catholic clergy to obtain lhair favors and goodwisher: bnt I do not think it will amount to much.M. Thiers, who was matured to liberty, was again seiied

onl'uvsdsy morning, by four polioamrn, whilst he wasleaving his hotel.Place flt make some callson his friends Without explaining anything to hlin,they threw him into a post-chaise, which drove him toI\thi. vn the froatier of Germany. When he was setdown, the hrad man of the police told him to pro whereverhe plemmrd. threatening kiss. In ease he reinraed t»Prance, he would be sentenced to death.There was a rumor that V Louis Blanc had attempted

to cuter France, and bad been arrested This is untrue:and 1 was told by an American gentleman who calledupon me this morning, that he had seen Louis Blsuc inLondon.The cities of Halle and Rabat, two possessions of the

Bey of TaDgter, in Afriea. were destroyed by our fleet, onthe -2d ult It will be remembered that justice wasdt tiled to the Consul of Prance, at Taugier. anl that hehad threatened that the French fleet would redress hiswrongs with csnnoo. Having refused redress as deImanded the Bey of Tangier was treated to bombshells,and when he saw his cities ruined/then bejgranted everything.Too lat*. alas, for the unfortunate cltiisns. whohad nothing to do with the matter.

I am -orry to announce at the end of my letter, thatiiuong the poor individuals who were woundsd duringtbe struggle of Thursday lint, wu an Amerioan geitlcman.Mr. .lone*, a relation of Commodore Jonas llewas shot through the leg aid crushed down by tbe

i crowd Amputation waa thought neoeaeary. aa<l It orwill take place to day. B. 11. K.

The Trench Ita volution.Tbe most p»ri t oalm continues to prer>itl. but the

greats >t precaution* are (till adopted; for. notwithuteoding all the exertion* of tbe police, there are stillm me fifty or Mxty number* of tbe Mountain In the exiNational Assembly in Parts every night, at one plane oranother, to deliberate cn future proceedings. Kveryprroauticn la made by the authorities against any aud|den movement It I* certain that money waa freely dtatrtbuti-dby lha legitimist* to Induce the people to formbarricade* Tbere ate sad aeoounta from the depart'mmta. Ciemeov and many other town* hare been InIfaded by socialist bands, who hsve murdered reaped*bl* Inhabitant*, violated fern*!**, and committed otherhorrible excess*# Bom* amsll towns in tbe Vsr are stillin tbe band! of tbe socialist*, and bands ef from fifty totwo fiundred am rcourtng tbe country districts, robbingasd murdering No alarm 1* felt by the gnrernment asto the result, but It will be a work of time te quell theaero meet. and tbe greatest a lessees are fi-ered It Is.(town that all this outbreak baa been organised, aadtkat arm* chiefs of tbe Mountain direct tbe operationsOid>T* bare been sett by telegraph to tbe authorities toshow no mercy to these plunderer* and ***s*aina. andeereral Journalists who bad given tbe flret signal for a

rising, bare been arrested. Ureat anxiety la felt for theresult of (lie election The conflict is now l»etweea snatchyand order.

Colons I Nrlgte, In command of Havre during the stateof rirpt. baa Iseo.-l an order of th* day. declaring thattbe (Iranitier of Commerce of that town baa violated tbe

c« mt»r A, itl opinion of tb* eote ol th- ex-eu'iv# powerHe Intimate* that, for tb* iut*r**t of tbe town, be Joe*not with to act ligorouity towarda it; but ha declare*that 1/ the Chambsrcf Commerce goe* out of it* function*to mil itaelf up with politic*, it rhall be imtui Hatelydissolved.The following particular* of the affair at Olameey are

from the I'atrit:.- A accUllet lasurrection bro'.e out, o»Saturday m< ruing, in the town of i'iamecy. Tbe Dramas14 the National Hoard, with the gendarmerie, attemptedto repute the Jitturbano*. 8-veral peteons wart killed,and many other* wounded. The rioter*rounded the tootin.and remain* J maater* cf tbo town which tbe authoritiesevarnatvd. taking refuge in th* neighboring hamlets Th- mob from th* country, t« the number of fromDfCO todivO. entered the town The rub-prefecture was

pillaged and r.xckad Three gendarmaa wara nu< arredand the inmfgent* deliberated amongst thaaselra*whethir they ahnuld not tertnre their eiotlma before theykil th>m. Aa oon »< the prefect was inforiItlu h' rrents, he left at the bead of a *<|uadron of Cbaa

euraOn Bund*; evening the advanced guard met, atabout a mile and a half frrra Clamecy, a patrol of the Inaurgenta. who Bred on the troop* Th* cavalry returnedIt and live of the rioter* fell Kreah reinforcement* oftroop* arrived daring the night. »nd this morning theybivouacked within right of the town, where the toeatnwa* heard constantly rounding A battery of artillerywas momentarily expected, and which wou'd be l*imsdlately brought Into play, in order to epare the blood ofour brave troop* It i« probable that, by thi* time, tberiot baa been put down '

The department of the G*ra, Yar, and Lot-en Oaronneare declared In a atat- of aiege. From Baa*** Alp# ther#ia bad news. Pari* ia tranquilA leare# place* the department* of the Ger*. the Var

the Lot and tbe Lot-et-Uaroene in a at at- of -legTbeMm.itrur announcer tha lor- of th* army In thelate event* to bava been one officer and 24 private* killed,and IT officer* and 1ST private- woundedTh* I'ati if publish* the following votes of the army .

Number of vote* BB.2A0* ot*a nr i.oui* rvapoeon<Arainrt a,T4'JAh tallied MTh* I'riiti- conlialit* th* report clrrulatad A* th*

|v. it t latire to.» tuo llfioation in th* sy*tarn nftaratinnM Madi*r Montjau. fnth.r of th* r*pr*« ntatlr*

woued»d na th* barricad**. haa h**n «*t *t UWtyTh* I'oatmartar Oenrral haa puhii»h*d th* f"II" wing .Tin lit pactnr of th* Var write* from T<>nl"fi th'- ith

T>*r*tnbat. that th* do*11 from Pragulgnan bring* n»w«

th*t 2COO Inauigent* who wi>r» marching on that townr*i: »at*d In th* direction of llrtgnoll** in Barjot*. m»h:n* *001* ih-.ii 11*d md public funrtionari*march at their h*ad with ahaini round th»ir n*ch*.lh* director of the pout offlc* at Luo. wa* aawngat th*I rironaia. In th* d*«pitch from l,ue of P*e*niW 7.for Parti. I* «ncl"**d a regular chant of adrlr*. aignc bytka prorUioaal director named by th* loraraiga pcopt*Bcuchrr "

For .m* day* pa*t. tha -tttlnnr* from Pragutgaaa tolfar**il *a whith rarri*' tha mall, baa brought awayMil cljr*d by the raroluunary director* of t idauhaa.Currr, heOor rnmaat ancouaU from Mnatauhaa datadTth of

> Pr *trl-r, 8 o'clock p m atat* All 1* tranquil.Tb* acbaaicna multiply, particularly among th* l*fitlmlata"

r A >©, frem Ohatrauron* Pacamber 10 30 P MTh* moat p*rf*ct tranjplility prevail* "

1 T" I" 'mt publi.-h«a a notioa from th* Mialatar af* Pvl"« »or« filrg the a.Ij l att >* of th* coo w*ai»a

ZA+mU .*

RK I,J. - . # ""T


of the Lyons end Avignon Railway for the 10th instant.Intending competitors most declore their intention beforethe 16th, had it the same time depesit a list of theirsubscribers. Oeution money, to the amount of threemillion of ftma«a. must be deposited In the Oaiaee dee beipotset ConsigimUons on the evening betore the adjudication.The Can»Htu(i<nmrl give* the following intelligencefrom the Beams AJp»:---aAU the deoarunent of the BasestAlps is in the power of the socialists The mails

are stepped and the couriers secured. The despatchesare opened, and all these addressed to public functionariesconfiscated. More than four thousand insurgentsbate invested the Chef i«u Digne. About three thousandmen from the rural commnnes are at Biserton, endeatoringtotake possession of the citadel, which is onlyguarded bv eighty men. The municlnal authoritiesbare been compelled to reeign th«tr functions and a socialistcommission Is sitting at the Hotel de Vllle Thesub-prefect and all the authorities have entered thecitadel. The insurgents ate all armed. The town hasall the appearance of a place taken by assault Thegovernment has received intelligence of what tuts takenplace, and is adopting energetic measures for the represelonof the insurrection.The Moniievr publishes the fallowing Proclamation

of the President of the KepubHc to the French people "

" 1 rencbmen,.The disturbances are appeased What*ever may be the decision of the people, soelety issaved. The first part of my task is accomplished. Theappeal to the nation, for the purpose of terminating thestruggles of pa: ties. 1 knew would not cause any seriousrisk to the public tranqu ility. ,

" Why should the people hire risen against m» T' It I do not any longer pw-« jour confidence.if

your idess are changed.there Is no occasion to suiteprecious blood flow, It will be sufficient to place an af

verseveto in the urn. I shall always respect the decisionof the people.' Hut as long as the nation shall not bare spoken. I

shall not recede before any effort, before any sacriilcs todefeat the attempts of tie factious. That taeki- besides.made »»sv tome.

' On the one hand, it has teen :een how foolish it is tostruggle agairst an army united by the bonds of discipline,and animated by the sentiment of military honorand by deTOticn to the mcther country

On he i tker hard. the calm sttitu le of the people ofParis, the reprobation with which they condemned theindirection, have t<etifld with sufficient clearue.rforwhom the cnpital pronounced itself.

' In the populous quarters in which insurrection formsrlyrecruited itself so quickly among icunns, doouewith respect to sUoh matturs. am rchy < t; thik^oooas'.onwas able to fed nothing hut repugnscce for thes-* istestableexcitations Thanks be rcwprredto the intt iligent aDd patriotic population of Fart-' Let it persuade Itself more and more that hit only ambition is,toinsure Ihe iepr s« snd prosperity ot Franca" Lot it continue t lend its aid to the authorities and

the country Will V>« abb scon to aocmp: iah, in tranquillity.the solemn act which must inaugurates uew era forthe republic

'Hone at th? Paisc® rf the Elv'-e the 8ih I>sc 1S51LOUI3 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE "

A decree, published in the institutes a commissirrr.ecu posed cf M. Monerv. President of the Ct"tnber ct Commerce of the Seine the Mayors ef the lid O'.h,acil "tli am ud'sisxt ut<. M Arnat M D.and M Jsy,architect to Inquire into the damage sustained by lanucentvictims in the insurrection of the Cd, 1th. andOth in.-tant. The Prelect of th<- Seine is President Acredit cf SCO GOO francs is placed at the disposal ot thecommission for the first expense;

It appears to be true that M Thierj has loft Paris. Itis said (list he wns obliged to go sooner than he intended,a* he bad been imprudent enough, immediately afterbin relents. to declare against the government TheCouncil ot Louis Napoleon bad a sitting to-day butnothing bat transpired respecting the proceedings.The President cl tbe Republic has received several

letters warcing to be on bis guard againstsfjg-sins, but Le pays little, if any. attention to theui.lie goes (ut it is true, with guards but in an open carriagej and it is the oplrlm (f many of hia frlet-da thatbe exposes himreif too much at this moment

If «ri- tney judge by tbe state of tbe public funds, theaccounts from the departments occasion little alarmAll tbe private letters, indeed >peak in tbe most confidenttetuis of tbe certainty or the speedy subjugation oftbe social!-ts Tteir manifestations bare evtdiu'.lydote inuch inore to promote than retard tbe causo ofLouis Napoleon .Coiro/smi/' me ,if Lunden Gljtt. Xilh.

DUCKEE OK LOl 18 NAKOI.K0NTbe following decree la publishad in tbe ilf»u/eurIbe Prtsident of tbe republic on the proposition of the

Minieter 11 the Interior, considering that France requiresorder labor ami security; that for too many years societybaa keen profoundly disquieted and troubled by the uuaobinatinneof anarchy. and by the insurrertlonabl<- attemptscf members of the secret societies and liberatedone lets, always ready to basunss instruments at dinerdet:considering that, by tbe constant habits of revoltagainst nil Inws, this class of men not only compromi-ctrae<|ti<ll ty, labor and public order, bat authorise nnjmtattacks and dep orable calumnies u tbe sound part otthe wotklrg population of Pari sand Lyons: consideringthat existing Inws are insufficient and that it is necessaryto mebe modifications in them whilst conciliatinglbs duties of humanity with tbe interest of general security de. reee .

F Art 1. Any in iiyidual placed under tbe swriei.'fenre ofbe p 'llce wb<> rhtU be proveu guilty ot the offence d

A«n may be transported a. a measure ol'g> neiel rafety. to a penitentiary colny of Cayenne r<ii Algeria Tbe duration of tbe transportation shall o«bee years at least, and not »xce«d ten. Art. 2 Tbenka ma«aiira ihtll Kaa annliralild Fa imlivi Inn's

proved to bnve formed part of a mrtt society. Art. XThe fact Cf bring placed under th» run tll*nce of thepcliee "ball be for tbe future, ta give the governmentthe right of determining tba place in which tha eon'Irrun-null rrsiJe alter undersoilg tbe punishment.The adiuinietrati' n hall determine the formalitlee fitproving the continued presence of tbe condemned intbe place of bta residence Art 4 Residence at Parisand in its bunlirw is interdicted to all Individuals pltcedunder the serrei/ieeice ef the police. Art 6. Thelndividuals designated by the preceding article shall beobliged to ijuH I'arts and its 'Kinbrue within ten daysPent the premol£atiea 0 the present deene..unless theyshall have obtained psi * tuition to remain from tlr- administrationTb»rs shall bo dalirered, to those whomay demand It, a leuille ,1s route et </. secami, whichshall di their ruute to their place of birth, or thatwhich they may bare dea'gnated. Art 0. Incase of violation of the mrasurvs prescribed byArticles 4 and 6 of the present decree, offendersinsy be transported as a measure of general safety,to a peaetentlary colony at Cayenne or in Algeria Art.7 Persons transported in virtue of the pr-stnt decreeshsll be rubjeated to tabor in the penitent wry establishment;they shall ha deprived of their civil ami politicallights; they shall he subjected to military jurisdiction;the military law* shall be applicable to themlice ever Incase of escape from the establishment, thetransput ted shell he tondemned to imprisonment. whichcannot rioted tha time duritg which theymsy tbeuhave to remain In transportation. They shall be subjectedto military die Upline end subordination towardstheir chiefs and 'cepers, whether civil <>r military, duringthe pviird of impnsoamcut. Art. 8. Regulations ofthe eiecuMvc governm-nt ihall Settle the urgaiiitaliof these penitentiary coloniesDane at I'arte at t he Eiyeee National. th* Couocil of

lilnleter* being heard the atti Decentt»»rLOCI* NAPOLRON BORAP tRTKA. m Mo*ay. Miairter of the Intetior

Tli«- rooma al the yrmud rerepii.n at tb* K.lyne, arararrotdfl to exrra« Abora three thoc .and paraowa warpreaeni,inelading oar hiindr <1 generate mJ thr Hrtt.ehAtubmadar.

THr OVEkRVBKT AND TH* RAN* OF FHA*CKThe corieapocdent of thr /.anif-n Tim' Writea a« foiIowa,under data of

P*«n De- 1-5 P MIt way not be forgotten that anoint thr other minora

circulated in Tarla in connection with the lair ivnU.ote aaa to the effect that a .-urn of ».YC00 COOf had br-nUK-n out of tha Bank by thr gotrrnmeu'.. no doubt totr employed in ymbmf thr trrtleee of the arrayThta romor war denied by the CaneW/wNeune/ ami the/'ornr. bnt without mu<heffect innonae nonce. perhepof tbe lupport 1:11ft by thorr j iurnal- to the policy < |the Preaiile'.t of the r< public A cwreapoatirnc heabowewtr been pvbii-hed which mu«t art the ,ii< Ulou atr<at. The eontrudiction glten to it by Count d'Argovtthr Ocwvrtor ol the Uank. ia. at all ryenta. entitled tofrayrrt it ia a< fnllowa:.Mrraleur Ir (iourrrneur.It haa hren rumored that on

the ccrarinn of late rrmta. I, aa Mlniatrr of Fhtanee.wilbdii'W from the bank a anm of 36 000 00 /. 1 eu knowthat thia tumor baa no foundation; that I oonfieed aiyri If in mydrapatch of tbe 27th Noteuiber to makingknowa to yau tbe intention of the government to<iiapo«eof that mm. in virtue of tbe treaty of tbe Wth Juur,1*41. and that I left tbe mlntatry without hating withdrawn the 2.%000 0C0, which I wlxhed to keep in rrrortrftr tba public ecrtiee Br kind enough, I beg of you toanthori*e me to publish the reply which yon will do ruethe honor to addrraa to me. Recetye.Ar,

P.aia. «th Decern er X. DK CABAHIANCAThe following ia the reply of M d'/rgout;.1 fart»n to reply to the letter which you hare done

mm film hnnnr (n kfldrMi in ma* Voti m**niinti* fllRt*reports vtleh bnve been in clrrulatlnn «n the on hicotof your rotation* with the honk, In qanltty of Mlal*terof I lo«no«*» Tbw» calumnious account* hire beenalre»dy contradicted in th* IVrfe »n<l in the Cm'lif#tiimti'l. I think there remein no trace* of themNtvertheltar, in order to eetisly your with. IJf.lkTH Hint on th» 27th of November yon didmo the bonot to «ddr»«* n dapaUh to int, eayingthat you htd tb<- intuition of demanding for tlieTreasurv ' ran of 26 OOOCtO formlr< the < uipletion of aloon rf 1M 000 000 which the bonk bod cngnred to make.In virtue of the treaty of the 30th of Jnnr. IkdH. opproved by Ibo decree of the 25th of Jniy fellow in*. andrtdured to 71 Of OOCO In virtue of the lowofthoOth ofAugust 1*10, o sum on which there hod been only ye!paid to tb* Trenoury 06,000,000. The Oouncii-Oenvrniof the bonk, deliberating the come doy nn that demandadmitted that it woo In toruia of thol trooty, the lootepochs of tbo payment* of which wrra oneocarrvoty promgned lb the fret ploce to the (lot of T)seemlier, flipand afterwards ta the »l*t of I'eeftnbev. 1*61 TheTrrarary up to thio doy (tlth of Deootnbwr) hao notovalte lllooli of ita right to make IMo demand, ond it* e. countho# not jet been oredltad with any portion whotovoc ofth» or 16.IOO.CCO. 1 hove the hoaot to otatr to y»" that,at*hough the moot obenrd report" hove boon otrenUtedon thoumnd* of ocoatdon* on tho operation* of thi* e»UhUahmrn». I ohonId haw had »aeitth to do ta have eontrvcHrted thom all. aid I h»va paid no attention to tbemAt thr eipiratien of a nhort Urn* they have fillen lnt<oblivion, Aeoept, kt, P'AROOUTftin. Dec I.


Fright In Erglar.d.fFrtui the Tim»g of Dec li ]e *****

It can hardly be questioned tbat the recent measuresof the Praallvat hare met with entire approval in thatpowerful combination of absolute governments whichnow mends from Bt Petersburg to the It hire, the Da-nu be, ani the kingdom of Nap Lee The destruction ofcenetit all mil law, the fall to of ropubli-an gor-rnment,and the ascea laney of mllitiry power, are perfectly con-si stent with the doctrine.- which prevail ov-r that largeportion of the continent Hitherto Lorl PalMerstonhas not baen considered an ardent adherent of this gy«.tern, and we have yet to learn whether the raun 1 tat ofthe 2d Of December has. among other wondera, ejectedhis conversion But, at any rate, Lord Palmeretoa is tooeauacious net to aeroeive that a aoiiticalcombination, onth; principles of common n-pression, betweenFrance and all the other military governments oftfce continent from which we are unhappily estrangedis an eTent prejnant with evil to theit!!uence and security cf Britain A seOBul WgWtfag,of equal memo at isthxtwh-i Lcuis Napoleon basiccomplishtd his mis* Ion of tran ulllz'ing France." twonecessities sill press upon employ the energyani reward the devotion of aa enormous army, and togratify the natural paasicnj of a people whom he hasiieprire.1 of Its national rights We abstain at presentfrom enlarging as we might do, on these tcpus,but we recommend them to the most serious censiie:*tlonofthe English nation; and, aboee all. we conjure»ur ccuntiyiaen not to allow a fsl«o ccnfldpnc- in aman whose character ought now to be eleariy knownby them cither to relax their adherence to principleswhich can never be violated with impunity, or to la1.!their vigilance tor the protection of England againstsuch contingencies m may bv possibility occur.» * ». * . * * *

There are r.o two States'o thj whole world anl neverhave been, so bound to one aucrter, so mutuall? ben-£-cial, ana so able to work tor'ther as the British empireand the toiled Plates. At present it seems impossiblebut that the whole continent of Europe, snoatl fall intothe hands cf military despots; it seems equally iiup">ss -

ble that We, with our Amoricin brethreu. shcu.d lOM n:

enthusiasm for liberty. Iiere then, are the two partiesin the great cause that threatens to divide and convulsethe whole world What will be rciutred cf u»* Whatattempts will bo made on c' What crusides ought we

spcttanscufdy to undertake' What see:-dance in anycas» are we to exnect from Am lev Fcr our islands wehare no fear Derpotitm is great on land, but Impotentand craven o.n the s a Wherever our ships caa

go. there we have cf compeer. A-t cn the formeroccss'on refmei to by >lr. 'Valkyr we can protect theNew World froui the t: rannies of the 0.1 What. tneu.?>tta'as to he d^ue? Are »e expected to land on th;(eminentof Europe,end light- single Landed, with t urhi ;e military monarchies nu taring two or three millionsof armed men ! What degree of assistance ar; w;to expeot fr. m America, in marching lntc the centre ofKwiope None, we thoall thiiL However, theren:.v y things to be cons dered. A hundred years ag;.what was Kuss a A bundled years hence." what v:Lbe the I'nllt d i'ates An empire with not fir sh irt oftwe hundred million soulr Should any thing happen tous. t-Lcwl J wo t-vtr b exposed to unmerited indignityand o; precsicn una cut ^rvcw to nurope 04 rorgouen,we lave only to rr*7 K^in.." c'.i-jui: n.itfr.. t omb-.ttutor, and tlat the prayer will one day br.n? acres.- or.cicasicn, the mi-4»ercers cf a state that can applytj its iurpcse the resoiirces of a continent and twocctsus i

Austria.The HicLeU-rUI AuJtrtaEC,nTt»p.).. lent of the 5th lnit,

rtuti s that the Military Qoveraor .f Vienna ha.- adde-<eia circular to alt the new -paper editors of tip- capita' n

forming tnem that, for th future tbey will notlowed to mention any ar*e t which take r'*r* r tpublish thenacesof t. -ersme --ted e i:ha.- Nen pioved that > p'.ibi Int.- itbthejuiliciai proceeding'. A -:nud<Ji»>-ed to ibe provincial news;Prince gchwartzsnbrrg haa had i. rwiew witi he

CooLt de Chauhci'l fBeary 5'b). a lie advis»<i .4

Brlnce to procee 1 with the utme-t caution ud foreeijc.tle jointed out that LouU Napoleon IS irte wa entitledto the moral support of the forei.- cabinet, atnce

he had the confidence of the a-my. which wa« the actaguaimtee tor the pre ervation cf peace and orderVitswa, Dec 8 --The presentation of the Karl of Weitmorlandto Ilia Majeity, wbicb wee to hare taken piaee

thli>v*»k has been postponed indefinitely This ia attrilutnlto the reply of Lord l'aluieratou on receiving theKovtuth address The Lmpercr bee bren slightly in l.epraedfor the last t.-w day*, in oonaeijueuce of which allpublic audiences have been suapvudrd .iha/s >urjjA TiertewAo/fe,TV. 8.M ian Tt aawKv.-*- A ayet»ui cf who.esai" banishment U

just now going on In Austria.which it is dithault to re-oounle with any plan of piU-y or prudence, andwhich Vide <alr to dltve out the rouwtsir all the labor,capital and enterprise that ran g*t leave to depart,or find mi tins to escape. Not only have a great numOer or Jew* Deen suiiiDari.y sent away aeruseu r>r

tampering with the exchanges---though mmj of tbernbare declared that tbry cams from *< toVienna -imply to make purchases- but u:*nr other per-sous bare born banished, without the leastMMM ii-im»*-lgn*d. tbeir pa/sports biiug simply returned to thruwith the word* written acres* that they ware to be considereda* expelled under irartlal ':»w Tin worst how-hit remains behind, and show* thst the tyranny exer-d in this reepectlea* yymrtlin as harsh A pnrlel'.ow who (or a long time was established in KugUnl,hasIng married and amaeaed a little property there re-turned to Austria, a short time ago. to see a siok relativeai d now finds that he will net be able to go b»--k aealnto Knglsnd, baring received a aliict nrj.T from the pc lagto return tothe Tillage in Hungary whsre he v as born,but had long slnee reared to bare either tie or ocoi'.patirnRemonatrance In all aucb rase* U ralo. Wb nthe .hrs were -*nt away, the manufacturers and whole-rale horses remoni-traNd that the police were depririagthim of their customers. and that they could not ooctitueto pay their ordinary dues and taxes if this were

done, when an armed force wit tent down to the exchangeto biiag sit burtrtsa to a stagnation, remonstrance*were again made, but "those who will to Coupartrsirn Coupsr. as the prorerb says. auJ term nrtranc*sn Ight aa well be addreered to a mule as to an Austrianiuuctionaiy .tint *./ TVen.

PruialaiBin is, Lieo 9.. home alarmists baring reported to

M.rrn fiianteuffil tliat iu some of toe quarter* of thecity, in cDeesuenc- *f the erentaof Pari*. a lively agitationexisted, and that the beer houses an 1 low afe*were tie s< enee of daagercj-discussion*, the Presidentit the ministry resolred tot inrince himself of th- (filthof lit reports na Saturday evening theref ir*. accompaniedby a Mend, he rtrited *- rerai of the a ioee establishment*in tbe dlatricta Inhabited by the foundry nodtartory workmen, the discussion* going on were the ord'tieryquestions that occupy the guests on Saturdaynights end not in the least d< grae per.lous t the Blatn.Tbi* is tbe seeond time JI run MauteulTrl has made atout of this kind; the first was two years age.

HanortrTb# Chambers, on tlie S4 Instant chose their pre-identsand rice presidents.Count Henslgen and M

Kaufman. fill the first ohamlier. and MM Lendemannd Brj«r tor the Three election* ar» ail on tne

liberal aide On the following da; an addreM of condol»neewaa r- I'd. <n whi. h the following inaat aigniftcautpaaaece tttVI'.*Hat tba Chamber# lamented thetirtb cf tea Kin* tha m< re a« th<reb; ha ha] lo«t th.faliitartmnof < nrrjitu out to tbrlrtdll aoromj)liahtn»u*.the reform* I e had aaactirned: tha deputtea th.'u ->

mini tha naw king in a mora ronaratulatnr; atratn. oftba pemiae contained In tba potent to maintain tharorrtltntl'B; to which tha; aid that hi* majefty willco dtubl j< ait i attard tba iudependenea of tha atatea aar; frirft 1 all mod la of om-rae mala in tha tawiaet mentioned particular*, both to tha i ret»a»t »t« '

tha Ilitteiwet.att and tba istariarrncc of tha lluad lathalr In half.

Dan murk. a

Tb" K 'i"i y »e tataa from IWrlin that tha trmiI» In Iran'a are already had aoma affac', on thait tai .,ue«ttoa 1! Rnxd&n' ahinet h*<

n «<ta went tntiNlllllNito tha Court of tienaaad bellin ard tba negotiation* W fl Denma'k wbiohbad ba>n alter r] to re»t hare again barn reeuutei with|t'lt t>al.

nrallnia.A< 'line to lettara from Turin of tha 7th theHar

'1 hie at ,-irf Ii 'Dal sn mill."meat r ith ite uoiy nee in tne piuroruai win dp atarid, J TV c, inlet r7 I- laid to be determined to carryIt n'n ran mlon and to dleaolve the Chamber of Depulira If it made too rtrong an cppoHtlon The nam* latterInf'rm* u* that, Id anticipation of dl'turhani e«

leaking nut in hrarcr the Au-fran government hadapplied to the Sardinian government to ha*- certainfirtrn/e* mi am inpt oth 'fa Alraatidrla. delivered opto It whenever a elrll war might break nut amongat ua.i»n motiving the newa 01 the event- In I'arta, the mlnlatry nnt for the editora of the dhtrrent journal*.an 1 reprmmentli-dthem to be prudent la tVir r-m*rk« aboutHie French or other government*, particularly that ofAn trta If the new* of the concluaton »f the concordatbe true and if the Sardinian minlatry ha< really thefeeling* which onr correepondent attribute* to it we

doubt not that It will taaily overcome any Jeirarog lealCppoelllon. The cBect of the areata In Pari* will be feltin the Sardinian State*. Inthat throughoutall Europe. the revolutionary parly will loae much ofIt* atrength and audacity'»

Spain*Arrounta from MaJrid.of l»rc 6th. atata that on receiptof the telegraphic deapatrh mentioning the occur!reneea in Farle. the government had forward- an rnergetiecircular to all the ceptala* general and provincial

i govi mora, recommending them to adopt roea»nre* fotthe maintenance of public orderThe motion c< M Mojano for the impeachm-nt of Ihe

mialatry. on the neraelon of the Indcmnlllr* granted tothe Arm of Rertran de Lt*. we# taken Into cotaideratlonhv the Chamber of Depot!** After an ab> *p#»ch o(tbe Pre-Ident of the Council the motion wan rejected byhi t« t«.

Hair.i A letter from Home of the with Sov-mber *t*|ee that

the ecclceiaitlco authorttle* were making a* muchmoney a* pceelh'e I j faming the rnatom houec and thelottery, and by enacting the tai on Induetry Anotherband of brigand* had been raptured In th<> northernprtrince" Oreat aenaatlon prevailed at Fahriauo on ac,count Of the beheading (ConiOdeteil rnjrAt) of thre*toung men of that city Father Ignattn* Sp*a»er w*«h iding ferth attha rtaam harona 1



Market*.Lowdo* M'ltt IfiKiKT, Dec 11.The fluctuation* la

the Bnsliah funis this morning were moderate, and mapsinner to thoee of yesterday. Consols for money openedat 97v to and declined to 97','. The transection*in connection with the settlement which takes plane tomorrow.teen caused an Improvement, and they warelucted 07 to 7». At the close of business the prion*wrre 07?« tor money, and87 i to 08 for the January eercurtHome large sales of stock were made daring theday, but they bad no material effect upon the market.Bank Block closed 214', to 216',; Reduced. 07 to ;Three and a-Quarter per Cents. 97?.; Lang Annuities, T;Indift Bonds, £Ti to itfa anil KtrhAiudP.KlLi 1% Lt%50s premium During the aftat noon, the prlee* receivedRt intervals from the Paris Bonne, were 9*>f 30-: and 9tt.40c. for the Fivs per Cent* The corn market, thismcrning. wan without alteration The tone of the letternto-Jay frcm the carious Parisian capitalist* contirm* farthe moet part, to a very remarkable extent, the anticipationof the eager reliance that would be placed insthoroughly military government. Without attempt**^;to J1 cure the meaua t>y which the new power has tteeaobtained, or to comment upon the example of substitutingviolence for law, a majority of the writer* expresstheir conviction that only under nucha eyatem can thecoir inertia, an 1 financial prosperity of France be r-U*!upon The sole danger, according to their view, U ia notcarrying it far enough. This. they aay. was the mivtaaeof Louie PhLippe. eu.l accordingly earh freah ordmanaothat is now piomihga'.ed. s m.« to receive their approbationia proportion to it*_s«v«tUy.Dr annus 12.Q:«» e m .It bs* been euppoaed bp

f'n-e ptraoce that. a* the premium upon goid at Partehas lafe'v 8 per mble. there wculj be a largeexport o! the precious metal to France but this U not thecar-. The fa-t of the rate rf exchange having a l-nacedin proportion to tlie a 'vance on the premium upon goldbaa teen omitted in the calculation from which the parl.» al.u J.-d to have drawn their conclusion, that much ofthe imports of sp-eie to this country reported during thepas" and present week weald And its way to the OontiC'BtThere has been a general improvement In toeContinental Stock Market* rbis week, and at Paris thereas teru a considerable r:*e in ail the pubi:c securities

of France with an equal improvement in the prices ofihsri* f joint stock companies. The present price ofthe Fire pit Cents Rente* is fully 4'i p-r cent higherII an thi »»r- qno ed previous to the late political reviluticnarymovir.e nU; and. notwithstanding that thea ranee tu brought forward many seller*, the marketia itiil very firm with au upward tone in quoteticts Th» | cg'ish stock market open»d this mrrnItg at th» ei >!ng quotations of yesterday, andfcta since vlhibited a much better tealucy Tftertaracter of the dealings generally it rathe- favorableto a eootiuuanee of firm, if not higherprices particularly as a better impression prevailas to the eotrse <f evicts in Franco,bjcscls were tir»: marked at to for m>a>«7 anjl>. tc &8 U r the opeuing, an t they have since imrftowrdto My, to M for m< n v. and 98 t. Th» fluctuation iati e reiuer: the Knglish funded securities sine thisday last week baa been fully If, per cent. Consols havingbeen d?uc at from W.J on Friday, aud at yS'i on Kjudaylast

Ta-o, P U.Consols for money 98>d to 'J for acecunf.The marli-i a-» ill flrnier.T:irrr P. If .Conlrt»*f'.-r mrney 0* for aeciunttHVBh»re«are very first Foreign .^tock-. are *teal7 fim

per cent. Preach I'.eate* at 10 minutes p»*' 1 o'o4.*>«rthif day at Ports (by submarine telegraph) 90 8J Wertar.vleOetitlt.r*aii Xiwt rat: Dec 11 .The market opened rather bw!owtbo closing quotation* of yeetcrd.y a a >eo a/tar,

»tcck becoming in demand, prices er>micu*<l in the as

reeding sca> to the dote of the business when thw*cere generally marked L.^her; Threes f»r the aca luoileaving otl at 58f 80c and Fires at «T. hie. The urai krtdosed as fellows :.Thnee. for c»»h 8*f. 4«o f)C aouiit.£8l i f ; liree. for cash '.«dt 80 for acettart,

f Mr.; I sLk r.f France Shares ikdif, b|>*uiahlire.'" 40c Neapolitan not quoted.

L. t t'oas Mskkct, Dec 12.We hare a scant*he* of wheat at our market to-day, but millers are eautfdpriest unaltered Foreign steady at late rate*Pice f.-ei-h H<ur <|«ite ae dear Barley a etow aale, acceptfor superior kinds. Dealera purchase.! oats soacic.j!y.anu prices the tnrn lower. Beans. pees, and ssadaunaltered. Ai rivals.Kngli-b wheat. 7 340; barley, 4 MB;oata 770, malt 1.240; Hour, '.*0; Irish oate, l.COd; focuagwwheat "CO barley. 2.070 ; oats 8 300 Hour, 1 Odd aacha,and 2 ii'Jt liartela. At the cloae the market was dud, andro change since morningLviar uFl n ie;..s Dec 12--Ame-xen.Wh

can note no improremeut in tbe demand for beef; thedealt rs buy sparingly. and the stock reduces very slowly.There bss again been an export iu ;uiry for pirk resultingIn the sale of atsrut 300 baarela. which lear-i to marketv«ry bars af American Borne new French hi" oeeutaken by tbe tilde, at a full pries. The bacon per lUUbahas beeu told; the ,uallty wae (hie. In hams end shoulderstherw la r»rj Utile doing. Aflet the date of our Inst,istd went down to 41a . at which figure 120 tons cbawigwlhands; sibsequenUy, prices rallied to tit. with mo-lsrat»ateles and holders axe now firm. Cheese has been less inquiredfor tbi< week, and sales of middling qualities liarsbeen made at a decline or la. to 2s per ewt Butter, owingto '.be mild state of the weather, la a shade easier tobuy. Tallow baa ruled very dull. Irish.Therw la *9change fcr the better to report of the butter market,scaicly an\ fairs have been made this week. Houtersare a.-kiox lull prices: but if buvers of , imntit-v w«ra tecimt forward. tbey would b« met it 1« to da per cwt.under the quotations Belfast. 78a to HQs , Wiurford,7'to to ^0* Clonm-I. 7-*a to T'*o BaD bridge Mid ColwraioeToo to 7M : Newvyand l'undaik. 7So to Tfla ; to 7Sr Hllgo 72a to 7i1j ; and ntcktnd Ooikco n Co Tlo. percwt. landed I laported rrom I re.and,

fr< in the lot to tho titli luotoat. both inclusive. Id 3<W tirkina.5f3 krga. 440 rrocko, 441 boies. ."4 barre.i buttor;178 botes bacon, 4 tierces and 138 kegs lardUi'sk Cott»> 81«kk>i.Doc 10.Since oar report ot

tho 2d initant, announcing the polltlsal event* whichbad tak< n place In Paris on the 'Jd our market mouselt>ry dull, particularly during the thres days that 188losodWi received only on Thursday night >ur adrtcaeftcm tho Unite.i States by the steamer Canada, underdote New York. lnh. and by o telegraphic despatchfrcm New Orleans to the 17th ultimo, which lano way altera the opinion aa to the trgnre of thecoming crop 2.700.008 belts being fully reckoned on,bowertr. >|uotationa ware rather losver In the formermatket. but without any marked change In the UUer,In wb: li the receipt* Were coming forward regularlywhilst lu the ' flier porta they continued eery light <)Wednesday, the rales beta were utmost nothing 0»Tburtday. only 4C0 boles found buyers. Friday, afterreceipt of above advices and those from Liverpool,stating a 'light reaction, eur transactionsonly reached SCO bale* However, on Hater-lay.the accounts from I'tria and the interior beiiag.ore U.y. the demand revived, ami by

Including the sirs made to arrive the two pre. slungdays. 1 100 La"-were run off. of which t dOO balsa lwp rt with rather more steadiness In '{notation.*, wfik-hcur ore er naj lowerea irem a i« I me 'J.17 o«P»rw

Pu'vJay we received with our advlcee frcei Liverpoolllicw :mn the l cited State*. bp Bilfir, a locliM at

bad taken |>l»< e n Liverpc* U with a Very trl'liag d*n>*cdon Satur lay.3 000 hale* only having change I hand*

WH.'BHT, QAMOi AND CO.'d CIRCIL.A*.U» nmt, D- 12 1K1

ter la*t rireularadvlrea were prepared for. ab«1 forward!J by. the Mr «ra on the (Mb ln«t Inii' llatelyfcflf i bar >ep arturv. tha account* from trance bad a dapre--icg iatturoc* on our cotton market, and forced aalnawere ma<ia at Irregular prlcea.middling Orleans h avianchatgrd baada at J ,J Jn-r lb A» the weep advanced, asteadier feeling prevailed end price* a-'rcj more firmH'r* The d> nen I ha however Wen much more limit*i d. and caution eeente to guide all operation*. The dad?arotuata fr m Pule are coeetdered more aieVttrf, Ineanrcchae that nay attempt* at rarolt ther- are imnetiafeljrvpfr»r*rd; and with the exception of ootbreakaIr. a' toe of Die neighboring department*, whtahIt le e>peeled canaot ln*t. tranquillity rntaa.

Tl.< te alr'tti tare tad the effect of advancing th*fund* and c'het erci'tltiea. ae l lend to <(ui«>t the alarmtety git: rally f. it at the date rf our art but tit*/ donot inaplre that eenl letice In the future which wan bepinning W< tranlh-et Iteelf en e'cngly before late event*oocurrrd ard which le etidaao'd tip th<- manner hotdeeeof cotton clfet their ateeka on arrival an 1 the p *nlifn»choice dell? tn the market for aa!< The east' caneee

operate againet any Improvement that might t.i*rwW»hare been looked far. arlelag nut ot the Imlte I -toe*now held, and the email ii'pply iniui*Jia'.ely »tr*led.It I* worthy of reinaik that cur Import tble waet ui inerraeed by the urr'ral of a reeer! frout Jfew Orleaaa, lathe rhort apace of tr-enly alx day*The ef the week arioont to 31 790 bale* of which.

5 MO are to -peculator and 1 MC to exporter ant 530 W!r Amentia of which I SS$ are tt -peealater-aed'.l'OI » p >rt* To day « -elw- atwcntlmadaAat 5 00 beli 1CC0 to rpc( ulatnr and ex potter* Marketvery uiilet. Import for the wee I-. Ukli bale*of which i .ffS are American Kitimated etack th»«day 310 7*0 bot»«. of which 10? 700 are Americaa .aealr t -ime time 1*M> #73,#70 bale*, of which 2T1790are American.

rare**h'nir. Midflint. f>r<hw«ry

New()rl«an«.,,.6 , |-er lb l',al,,crlh fa I', per lbMobile I', " «V "4 .

Atlantic .ft " 411 Ifl " 4 «

In th" early part of the week the Munrberter oi»rketa,owing to more pacific new* from the Continent. exh«.bitrd mere frmna'a, an<t foil price* ware daman la I andobtain' 1 for both good* and ytrn.v for early l«ii»»ry ;but rabrequrntly the uncerlatntr for tbe futura baarteated a ill (Terriit feeling, »bd naw contract" cut! boanter» d upon with mora advantage to tba buyer or4 tfeabuOnrM doing ia clicumrcrlbrd Our grain nnar'teO baraearn relapod into their former dull state but although

iha demand for wheat and flour ha* ronrMr*Wy sbatol.trirti texcept In imlatrd eaaaa) hare aot dositardFlour, in Jed. ha* ratliar improved in valoe, an I goodparcel* of Ohio command l»« fid a 90* M p-r boctalIndian rem ha* nlao advanced It a li 04 .

and may now be quoted !» a CO* par '|uarw»Tbire baa bean an artfre minify ft>r thla nf(tolaalthough It aartn* let* gen«r.»l to-day wttbemit torn* of a raartlott Aabea baya barn ia rary aaad« rnte r»j«e*t and limited aalaa hare ba*a ina-ta at Idafid for Mttntrnnl pot* and 2S* a Ska fid for peart*. Bar*-1 'tfa dotal 'r thew article, without hang# In rain*.Tal'"W.ho fr'oactian* I ard (*!aa confined to ItOton# chie'ty at tt par ewf OHe m*vn off In retntl atold rata* Kica- -*M bb> bara changed hand* at ITn,Pd a IP' N P»t tut Tbeaa'.etof tnrpantina. Ur. androelo bare been <j ite cf a namlnal character To day,4W b T'fceaJ* an 1 144 bb..< thin oblong American linea<4 c»ke, w»* put up to auction, tba greater port «fub b *0(1 at AT 1ft* pai ton, tba riaUty una fbic.

* . a