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A2 MEDIA Textual Analysis: Film Poster Fran Matthews Jordan Cruickshank
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Page 1: Textual analysis film posters


Textual Analysis: Film Poster

Fran Matthews

Jordan Cruickshank

Page 2: Textual analysis film posters

Rock ‘n’ Rolla

This is a little bit of information to entice the audience, relating to a previous popular film by the same producer basically saying that if they liked that film they will like this one.

The main image used on the film poster is a shot taken directly from the film, the attractive male body can appeal to both the male and female audience.

The colour scheme used are quite dark , they generally signify the colours which you would see in an explosion. Which is used to signify that the film itself is explosive.

The main purpose of the film poster is to advertise the film, make it look appealing to the audience and make them want to watch the film and possibly other films which have been directed by the same actor.

The main image used is a realistic image but it has been edited in a cartoon style way. This could be because the image has guns which are seen as an unhealthy image, therefore has to be made cartoon to take the realism out and not give off the wrong impression of guns being ok.

The main text which is used on the film poster has quite a n edgy feel, the letters are on single bits of paper which look slightly burnt which makes it look dangerous and makes it stand quite a lot.

Page 3: Textual analysis film posters

KidulthoodThe poster portrays the film to be quite violent with the baseball bat as a prop, I think that teenagers can relate quite well to them because they are of a similar age and show they go through the same experiences as the average teenager. I think that it appeals to the target audience really well.

The colour scheme is quite dark and dim, which reflects the darkness of the story line.

The text is quite bold and easy to read, the fact that one letter of the main title is lower case gives it a younger feel and generally shows the message of them going through the change of being a kid and turning into an adult.

The main image is all of the different main characters, it shows them all in their groups and the way they are placed portrays them all quite well. The sun in the background is breaking through, I think this reflects them breaking into adulthood. The image is realistic looking.

The tag line kind of gives an idea of where they are in life, it also gives a slight idea of maybe a sequel to the film which could interest the audience.

The main text is bigger because it is the main title and obviously wants to be the main focus so that people will see it and remember it.They have the top line in a colour that stands out from the background because it shows the film is very moving.

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This film is obviously the sequel to Kidulthood, the scene is generally much brighter showing that the ending is brighten this time. The main prop ( the baseball bat) is on the ground meaning that the violence from the previous film is over.

Once again the writing is all in capitals except for one letter being in lower case, which still gives a strong sense of youth even while they are in adulthood.

The tagline for this film poster is “after Kidulthood comes..” which shows a growth in the characters not only in their age but in their morals.

I think that this film poster appeals to more of a later teenage audience, I think that this is because all the characters are a bit older now and have generally grown up.But the audience who would have watched Kidulthood would find the film very appealing if they undid all of the elements and got more of an idea of the storyline.

Page 5: Textual analysis film posters

Green StreetGenerally the colour scheme for this film is quite dark and dingy, which gives off quite a rough impression. Especially seen as the film poster looks like its been beaten around and folded up sort of thing.

All the main characters are on the film poster, but the 2 most important characters who this film is actually about are right at the front, because they are more important within the story line.

The text is written as if it has been spray painted on, shows that the film is quite edgy and that they like to cause trouble.

The tag line for the film is “ stand your ground “This shows that the film is obviously going to contain violence and confrontation.

I personally think that this film poster appeals to people who enjoy films about football violence, it could be appealing to any age or sex because it all really depends of peoples taste, but I think that it has a higher appeal to teenage boys.

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Layer CakeThe text used on the film poster is in the style of a number plate, this gives a masculine appeal and generally shows that it is targeted at a male audience.

The main image which we see on this film poster is a pair of woman’s legs, she is dressed in provocative lingerie which implies scenes of a sexual nature within the film, the fact that the woman’s legs which will also appeal to the male target audience.

There is no tag line on the film poster, I think that this creates quite an image of them not needing a tag line for the audience to want to see the film, I think it shows the makers being quite self assured.

The film poster is laid out quite simply, it doesn’t have too much going on. The main colours which we see n the film poster and black, yellow and white, these all signify the colours of a number plate which proves that it is quite a fast masculine film.

The main image is obviously very realistic, it hasn’t been edited in order to make the characters legs look realistic and attractive.The legs are also what attracts a male audience.

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Mean Machinethe main image which is featured on the film poster is of the main characters who are starring in the film, there is one character who takes up more space on the page, this signifies that he is the main character and that the men who are behind him are featured a lot but that the main story line is about the larger character.

The main title has larger text showing that it is the films name and that it should be remembered. The font looks quite mechanical, giving it quite a literal machine look which is alike the film title.

The tag line is “ not your usual suspects” which gives us an idea that the suspects featured all do something irregular whilst they are inside.The football being used as a prop gives us an idea of what the film is going to be about. I think that it intrigues the audience.

I think that the target audience is quite obviously male, the dark colouring and all mostly male cast show this. The point is proved even more so by the fact that some characters are holding a football which is seen as an appealing sport to men therefore they often enjoy watching films about it.

I think the colouring of the poster is generally quite menacing the use of red creates a sense of danger.

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QuadropheniaThe colouring of the text is all blue, red and black which stand out well against the black and white background.The blue and red writing are significantly British colours. The symbol within the “Q” is a recognised mod sign.

The main image is very realistic, this is because it captures the main characters within the film, the way in which they are dressed can appeal to a certain audience.

The fact that the film is produced by “The Who Films” will make quite a distinct idea of

who is going to be watching the film .

The tag line of the film is “a way of life” which means that the way the different characters distinguish their different ways of life, for example being dressed in trench coats and wearing Fred Perry means that character is a mod and you will frequently see him on his scooter driving around possibly causing mayhem.

As you can see the film has been shot many years ago, this is why the image itself is quite old and fuzzy looking.

Page 9: Textual analysis film posters

This is EnglandThis posters purpose is to inform who are the characters, era and setting. There is a suggestion of gang culture however male and female so maybe just friends. The doc marten boots, chequered shirts and braces along with the shaved head suggests the ‘skinhead’ culture which is based round the narrative.

In the background of this poster are a metal wall and two blocks of flats. This shows that the setting of the film is in a rough urban setting where the working class live as well as the unemployed. There is more of a chance of violence and crime in this area.

The font of ‘This is England’ is in bold capital letters which portrays pride and strength, like a skinhead’s point of view. The font is slighted faded to fit in with the tatty surroundings but also makes it look old and authentic.

The main colours of this poster is red, white and blue which implies the British national flag which may relate to the views and attitudes in this film as ‘skinheads’ were none as a racial group.

The main image in this poster is of the group. Their represented as typical teenagers; leaning back, hands in pocket and arms folded which makes them seem troublesome. However having a afro-Caribbean character in the implies the ‘skinhead’ style is just for fashion as this goes against the ‘skinhead’ methods.

I think this poster is for people who lived in the 80’s and understands the culture. The fashion of braces and doc martens will relate to these people. The title refers to the skinhead’s attitude and the audience will have an insight into the film.

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The FirmThe purpose of this poster is to identify the decade and the culture of the film. First of all the decade is the 80’s due to the tracksuits typical of the ‘80’s casuals’. Also ‘the firm’ is a football institution for violence which gives an insight into the storyline.

The font is in a light blue which suggests a light mood to the film and also blue, sunny sky. Also blue suggests coolness which conveys the impression of the film. Also blue seems laid back and casual, in reference to the ‘80s casuals’.

The colours in this poster are bright and vibrant which maybe reflect the style and fashion around this decade. It makes it seem a stylish film with use of this colour and also quite light-hearted and comedic possibly.

I believe the main image in this poster is the title ‘the firm’. Which means the producer wants the audience to recognise what the film is about. It is an 80’s style of writing due to the unusual style of font which looks a little bit like electro writing.

At the bottom of the poster is dozens of men which represents a gang, hence ‘the firm’. The main character appears to be the closet in the red tracksuit, which is clenching both fists ready for a fight. Also both of the characters are wearing recognised brands from this decade; Fila and Sergio Tacchini.

I think is excellent in its image very attractive and stylish slightly like pop art, the use of colour gives a clear impression of the ‘casuals’. The firm is big and bold which is easy to recognise what I am watching.

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The BusinessI believe the purpose of this poster is to present ‘the Business’ as a stylish, slick film. I believe this because of the pool and also the use of blue which has connotations with being tranquil and cool. The sunglasses, white suit, woman and cocktail make this look like a stylish film.

In the background the pool and sky play an important part in setting the film. This is because the sky is clear blue suggesting sunny weather as well as the pool which together conveys a foreign setting to the film. The cocktail and the woman’s gown implies maybe the era being the 80’s because of bright colours and cocktail umbrellas which are associated with this period.

The title ‘the Business’ is rounded thick writing which is neat and tidy. The colour white is clear and relates to the bright lighting in the poster. ‘The Business’ implies success hence the rich lifestyle but the shotgun suggests maybe enemies that need to be dealt with.

The main image of this poster is the three characters which can presumably be the focus of the movie; he looks in a position of high status because of the pool, sunglasses, tan and the slicked back hair. At the front there is a man in a pool who maybe the focus of the film. The woman is maybe who the protagonist is having a relationship with and the man in the background may be a friend or enemy but he is holding a shotgun which suggests violence.

The tag line ‘this firm will blow you away’ gives an insight that the film is about gang culture in reference to the word ‘firm’. This relates to the shotgun. ‘Blown away’ may be a pun as a gun blows you away so this tagline gives a good idea of the narrative of the movie.

This poster will be for males who are interested in films such as ‘the football factory’, hence it being highlighted at the bottom of the poster. Also the clean stylish look of the poster will attract the audience as they may aspire to this lifestyle.

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SnatchThe purpose of this poster is to introduce the main characters of the film. They suggest a ‘gangster’ culture of the suits and also the Staffordshire dog which seems imposing. Overall this poster aims to show the quality actors in this film, including Brad Pitt.

Brad Pitt’s appears to be the divide between the characters on the left and on the right. I believe this because he is closer to the screen than the others and separating them suggests they may be enemies. The group on the left look like ‘gangsters’ due to their suits and swept back hair. also Vinnie Jones is a character who is recognised for being a ‘hard man’.

The title ‘snatch’ is written in bold lowercase letters which suggests strength; the font is more rounded and friendly which conveys comedy. ‘Snatch’ creates the impression that the film is about a robbery or something being stolen.

In this poster there is no use of background presumably so the characters are highlighted. However some of the colours say a lot about the characters personality. For example Brad Pitt is wearing red and blue together, which conveys he is unorganised however it may suggest an insecure personality because red implies anger and blue creates the impression of being calm.

Overall I think this poster is quite boring and plain because there is not much use of colour to suggest themes of the film. Although, the images of the characters convey their personality through clothing and body language, which is effective in building an opinion of the men before the film has started.

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Lock, Stock and Two Smoking BarrelsPurpose of this poster is to make you identify the key elements in the film, the shotgun and the four characters. Simple but effective makes audience want to find out who characters are shotgun suggests violence/ excitement.

Positions of four characters are on the end of the shotgun, which gives an insight into the possible narrative that may be the four silhouettes are in some type of trouble. This may revolve around the suitcase or bag that one of the characters is holding.

The tag line, ‘a disgrace to criminals everywhere’ gives an impression that whatever crime is committed in this film is amateurish and poor. It seems quite ironic that criminals could look even worse than they are already perceived. This tag line puts a comedic element to the poster.

The colour red highlights the shotgun that conveys the impression of danger, death and violence or that the gun is the centre of attention as it is the largest image. White is used to show the silhouette of the characters, text and finger pulling the trigger on a black background which is bold to the audience.

The title ‘lock, stock and two smoking Barrels’ relates to cockney slang that sets the film. Also the font is quite rounded and cartoon like which suggests comedy. ‘And’ is in the foreground of the British flag which shows the nationality. ‘Two smoking barrels’ is in reference to a shotgun which implies the shotgun may have a main role to play in the film.

Overall I like this film poster as it is simple but striking and clear due to the use of red and black which are bold as well as the title taking up the quarter of the screen so I know what I am going to watch. The use of silhouettes shown unknown characters who I want to know.

This poster is suited to a younger male audience due to bold masculine colours and writing that make it simple to the message. Simple but effective and gets the audience intrigued.

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The Football FactoryThe purpose of this poster is to suggest the themes of the film and also the narrative. The tag line is used to make the audience think ‘what else you gonna do on a Saturday?’ .The narrative of the film is about ‘the football factory’. So overall the purpose is to make sure the audience know football and violence is involved.

The font of the title, ‘the football factory’ is in capitals but with letters that have lines through them. This suggests lines on football pitch as well as fractured bones that might happen from the fighting. The colour white is bold and stands out against the red. Also white might portray the bones that are broken.

The tag line of the film, ‘what else you gonna do on a Saturday?’ is a reference to football as most professional matches are played on a Saturday afternoon. As there is a suggestion of violence in the poster, the tag line is stating fighting is the only exciting thing to do on a Saturday. This gives the audience (which is males mainly who like football) an insight that the characters choose to fight. The use of ‘Gonna’ is slang and represents a regional accent, most probably London where football firms are most prominent.

Obviously the main colour used in this poster is red which refers to blood, violence and anger. This reflects that the film is about the ‘firm’ culture amongst fans on a Saturday. Red sets the mood before the film has started that violence is an integral part of the storyline.

The main image of the poster is dozens of men who are shown in a graffiti style. This image suggests violence as they are posturing with clenched fists. Also there a few spots of black splatters which look like blood splashes. This image shows a ‘firm’ with a group of hooligans ready to fight to maintain their status.

This poster gives a clear message of the films narrative through image and especially colour. The tag line is very effective in summarising the attitude of the characters in the movie. Overall this poster is excellent in selling the film to its intended film because of the mentioned factors.

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Dead Man’s ShoesThe main image is what seems to be the protagonist of the film. He seems intimidating because the image is from a low angle to signal his strength, the axe also suggests he is psychotic and dangerous.

The title ‘Dead man shoes’ is important in suggesting the narrative. The main character may have a vendetta against the four characters in the background. Each word is in a different colour to highlight the individual words such as ‘dead’ which is red conveying blood, anger. The font is bold and slightly unlined suggesting the mental state if the main character.

I like this film poster very much as it is bold and simple. The use of three colours gives a clear connotation to the themes in the film. Also the main image of the black silhouette is intimidating but makes me want to find out who this character is.

The purpose of this film poster is to give a clear message that the film includes violence. This is because of the colour red and the axe in the silhouette hand. The silhouette is an unknown character that the audience will want to see.

In the background of the poster there are trees and a field suggesting a remote rural setting. Also there a four characters who are maybe enemies as they are below his axe, one of them holding a rifle, conveys conflict.

The predominant colour in this poster is red which has connotations with blood and violence, suggesting themes. Black is used to reflect the dark mood. Both these colours are more associated to horrors/ thrillers so genre is suggested.