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Tetada Kalimasada - Inner Energy Cultivativation and TherapyTop Articles > Fitness & Sports > Martial Arts & Self-DefenseRELATED ARTICLES How to Defend Yourself Against An Attacker

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TETEDA KALIMASADA Inner Energy Cultivation and Therapy

The mystic of the East never ceases to amaze and awe the minds of inquisitive seekers of reality ever since the time of the European conquistadors. When most of the civilized world firmly believed that the world was flat, these seekers dared to venture in defiance and contention of the norms. The fascination of the exquisite and exotic produce of the East magnetized and lured many to come. Theyve truly beheld the beauty and perhaps, even had a glimpse of the mysteries of the East.

Centuries have pass, still people are enraptured by many ancient mystical practices of the East. But now these well-guarded practices unfold and reveal their high level of gross technological advancement. But the East has an entirely different advancement to contribute to mankind. Its wealth is hidden. It is more subtle. It is for those who would dare to take a journey beyond what their senses could perceive. Mystifying? Yes. Is it esoteric? perhaps. An illusion, it is not, elusive, it may be for those impatient ones, but, nevertheless, real.

In the vast storehouse of knowledge in the East divulges one can take a dive into the depths of the subtle dimension of the energy system, cultivating, refining it and finally, even transcending the gross and subtle material planes and entering into the spiritual. Inherent in the east is the basic awareness of the essence of chi, prana, mana, or the life force. Ancient systems and practices had proliferated in India, China,

Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines and other Asian countries. The names may vary but the unifying principle, practice the Kalimasada.

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Originating from East Java, Indonesia, a country of many esoteric practices, Kalimasada was before exclusively confined within a family circle, quite typical of many Eastern systems. Kalimasada is an ancient Indonesian method of inner energy development and self-induced therapy. Its name was derived from a sacred weapon of Maharaj Yudisthira, a saintly king and the eldest of the famedPandava brothers of the Mahabharata.

With the current wave of sharing the multi-fold benefits of ancient systems, Kalimasada also linked up to this chain and opened its doors for others a little of over five years ago. Eddy Surohadi, a forty year old engineer and his brother Asep Herwadi, an Economics major, became the founders of Tetada Kalimasada, the Institution for Inner energy Cultivation and Therapy. To make this knowledge more comprehensive, a group of research and development team of the medical specialists formed the core to translate its deepness into the lingo of the gross physical sciences. Today, Tetada Kalimasada is an international organization with branches in the United States, Australia, Germany, Finland, Netherlands, Singapore, and the Philippines. Instrumental from this worldwide thrust is Master Dedy Widarso, a Computer Science graduate.

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Kalimasada probes into the study of the Inner energy or the bio-electric energy which is compared to a well that never dries up and gives generally an incessant amount of water. Among kalimasadas primary objectives are to cultivate and develop and apply the strong bio-electric energy, to gain an inner balance through concentration, and to control ones mind and emotions. By harnessing and applying the inner energy through alpha concentration, a person develops a stronger immune system balances the flow of energy between the body and the mind, and retards the aging process.

Kalimasada also expands ones awareness, builds ones character, develop ones patience, humility, discipline and compassion. At the beginning stage, his healing abilities are used. Then as makes more progress, his telepathic and telekinetic abilities, and also the practice of a passive self-defense are all tapped.

Diaphragmatic breathing is at the base and an essential in the practice of Kalimasada. In nature, the bears can hibernate for many months on a minimum amount of oxygen. This practice of diaphragmatic breathing and alpha concentration trains a person to have that said capacity of bears.

The Kalimasada breathing exercises trigger the parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system to generate sparks of bio-electricity. This has a stimulating impact on the major organs like kidneys, pancreas, spleen and lungs. It also increases the detoxification of the liver, and improves the circulatory and respiratory system. In general, this breathing improves the circulatory and respiratory system which in turn leads to an efficient supply and energy to the other organs and to better health. It facilitates the smooth flow of energy in the body and thus creates a balance in the boy and mind.

Jurus or its choreographed movements are anaerobic exercise. Looking through its movements, one can glimpse its martial art origin. But biologically speaking, they stimulate the essential energy, thereby, improving the production and circulation and balance of the bodys vital substances. It also relieves stress syndromes especially pain or tension in the neck, shoulders, arms and hands. It calms the mind and emotions.

A myriad of beneficial effects come as a result of doing the jurus. People with urinary problems like scanty urine, difficulty during urination or blood in urine; cramps, pains and other irregularities due to menstrual disorders, general weakness and debility are alleviated. Since the kidneys and the digestive systems are strengthened, lower back problems, infertility, impotence, abnormal sex drive, loss of memory, vertigo, poor appetite, anemia, atrophy of the muscles, brittle bones are relieved. Respiratory ailments like coughing and shortness of breath, congestion in the chest are dispelled.

At the initial stage known as Perdana, the student is taught how to generate the bio-electrical currents to strengthen the immune system. A more simple way of understanding the Perdana stage is like regularly exercising and flexing the muscles, but, this time, the whole system is internal and subtle. The counterparts of muscles are the internal meridians. Just as with exercising the body becomes more supple, doing the jurus gives the person an internal suppleness, making the energy body more elastic. Then the teacher gives the person additional energy to stabilize the energy a person has generated. This is called Vibrational Synchronization, the running capital which allows the student to store more energy which can be utilized for healing and the bodys restoration.

Unravel the intricacies of the ancient Indonesian practice of Kalimasada and usher in a better and more profound outlook in life. Dare to be magnetized by the exotic practice of the East and become aware of he vast storehouse of knowledge which it offers you. It is a heritage.

Thanks to Marlitz thoughts! She is a Tetada Kalimasada practitioner and Tai Chi teacher.


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About UsTetada Kalimasada started around 500 years ago in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia and was the exclusive practice/exercise of one family. In 1991, the descendants of this family decided that it was time to share some of their knowledge to the world, concentrating on the healing aspect. Tetada is a coined word derived from three Indonesian words: TErapi TenagA DAlam. This literally translates to inner energy healing.

Kalimasada is a term taken from the Javanese version of the Mahabharata. It is said to be the sacred weapon of Yudhistira, the oldest Pendawa brother. This weapon is the virtue of his principles. The interlocked black and white symbols which represents Tetada Kalimasada represent unity and balance ---the balance of the spiritual and physical aspects of life, working together in harmony. Tetada Kalimasada started off as a martial art, and like most martial arts, there is a level wherein the practitioner is taught healing techniques. In Tetada Kalimasada, the emphasis is more towards healing. However, with continued practice, its practitioners also start to learn its martial arts aspects. LPI Tetada (Institute for the Development of Inner Power Science and Therapy) was founded in Indonesia in 1991 for this purpose. Tetada Kalimasada's principles and methods of presentation were scientifically evaluated and enhanced by a multidisciplinary group of scholars and professionals. Afterwhich, these principles and methods were institutionalized under the leadership of the founder and Grandmaster. In all the world there is only one Tetada Kalimasada discipline and only one Grandmaster, and that person is Ir. (Engr.) Eddy Surohadi, a direct descendant of Yudhistira. Dr. Ida Surohadi (Dermatologist) is the International Master and the Chief Instructor of TETADA International. She is in charge of research, curriculum and program development, training, and applications of healing techniques. Part of her responsibilities includes training instructors for the various sites and centers found in several countries in Asia, Australia and Europe. At present there are at least 100,000 Kalimasadans in Indonesia alone, and this number increases everyday globally. TETADA Quezon City Center officially became a center in 02 September 2000. This also marks the first time that Pak Eddy and Ibu Ida visited the Philippines and our first connection as TKQC. The connection was held at the PIA (Philippine Information Agency) in Visayas Avenue.

The picture above is one of those taken during the event. From left to right, they are as follows: Ibu Gigi Angeles-Magdaluyo,Ibu Bing Angeles, Ibu Ida Surohadi (Master, Chief Instructor, and President of Tetada International), Pak Eddy Surohadi (Grandmaster), Pak Leo Villarosa (Founder and President of TETADA Philippines), and Pak Fred Angeles (first Center Head of TKQC).


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The ability to practice TETADA is transferred to students under programmed guidance by trained and authorized instructors only. Applicants are selected after a personal interview. Trainees are required to follow the official curriculum. No self-hypnosis nor psychic ability is required to achieve the main goals.

The strength of TETADA lies in the fact that those who chose to study it do not need to be special or gifted.

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TestimonialsFred Angeles - retired businessman The first time Bapak Eddy Surohadi & Ibu Ida came to the Philippines in Sept. 2-6, 2000, it was a momentous event for Kalimasada, Philippines. For me, personally, it signalled the end of my long love affair with smoking! I had been smoking since my teen years, some 40 odd years ago. Finally, in 1996, I woke up to the reality that not only was I slowly killing myself, I was also indirectly affecting the health of my family, so I decided to quit, cold-turkey! That was easier said then done as I began the painful journey of quitting every month only to find out that the habit just won't go away. It was a yoyo activity: I would stop every 1st week of the month only to go back smoking on the second week. I really wanted to stop but the nicotine habit just won't let go. Then the Indonesian Grandmaster arrived, and on the evening of Sept. 4, 2000, asked for volunteers who wanted to stop smoking. I was hesitant at first but someone raised my hand & I became one of 10 students who experienced a process whereby the habit is removed. Perhaps, my heartfelt desire to really stop smoking helped me in the conversion. Only God knows. I do know that since that fateful evening up to the present, I have never gone back to the habit. What makes it truly wonderful is the absence of withdrawal symptoms, which I was anticipating. Bing Angeles - housewife When I joined Kalimasada, I was experiencing hot flashes which were making my life miserable. Just two months into practice, my hot flashes were gone and I was more energetic. Another condition I was suffering from was insomnia; this was corrected. I have no difficulty sleeping now and my sleep is always deep and restful. During the day, my energy level is always high so I don't get tired easily. After a few more months, I started healing others. My first patients were my apos (grandchildren). Coughs, colds, and fever are easily healed. Letibeth Dy - businesswoman I never understood what CHI meant until I joined KALIMASADA. After practicing for nearly 3 months, I began to feel and experience the sensitivity of its presence. I realized that its power and intensity can be honed by practice and mere intent. Every time I do self healing through this inner CHI, I felt the easing away of the pain and stiffness on my back muscle

caused by my osteoarthritis. Through the flow of this energy, it has served as one way of helping me ease the symptoms without medication. The exercise on breathing and body movements have boosted my immune system, made me more energetic and physically fit. I consider KALIMASADA as one of the best exercise regimens because here I learn to enhance, cultivate, and hone my inner energy to heal, strengthen, cleanse my body, mind and spirit. Rex Iwuanyanwu - NGO Employee Tetada Kalimasada has done many things for me already. First and foremost, it cured me of my insomnia. I have been suffering from insomnia since my college days. In less than a month, it's gone. Also, my energy level has been pushed up. It does not run out --- from AM to PM. There is no need for me to take vitamins anymore. One sign of my vitamin insufficiency is the peeling of the skin around my fingers. It's gone now. One more thing, my mental faculties became sharper. KALIMASADA had helped improve my health and energy storage that it keeps getting better everyday. I have also discovered my potentials in the act of healing.I pray that I keep learning and improving as I go to the higher levels by the help of the ALMIGHTY GOD. I use this opportunity to express my gratitude to our grandmaster Pak Eddy Surohadi, his wife, Ibu Ida, our Chief Instructor, Pak Leo Villarosa, Pak Gil Aganon, our Center Head for Quezon City, all the Pelatihs and Aspels (instructors), especially to Pak Mars Robosa, Pak Shio Mambuay, Pak Rory Fernandez, and Pak Bing Garcia whose constant association with them had helped me to improve. Willy Lopez - retired Before I joined Kalimasada, I had difficulty in sleeping. I slept only around three hours a night, and my sleep was very light. I used to get up four times a night to urinate. Very often I was attacked by cramps on my legs causing severe pain while in bed. It was painful to kneel and squat. Every morning when I woke up, my fingers were also stiff and hard due to arthritis. These, I suffered for a long time. My weight dropped. Thanks to Kalimasada. I regained my health. A lady who was attending one of our orientation seminars at PIA was curious about the healing power of Kalimasada. She asked me if I could remove the stress she was feeling that time. I said, I will try. I told her to close her eyes and relax. After the session, she said she felt high and floating on air while I was doing the healing. The stress was gone.

Those and many more I have experienced in my practice of Tetada Kalimasada over the years. As regards my health condition now, I sleep well in the evening --- up to eight hours in fact. I get up to urinate sometimes only once during the night. My cramps and knee pains never recurred, and I have regained my weight. Conchita Manglicmot - Pranic Healer & Reiki Master TETADA has made me healthier and stronger. It took me two years to finish from Perdana to Lengkap. It's cultivation of energy. Once it's there, you have it already. Bindu Mirpuri - Homemaker Regarding TETADA I came to know from my husband who handed me the star newspaper on that particular page.Till now Im so very thankful to him for handing that article to me. I look forward going for these sessions and it has made me active.Healthwise, I have recovered from severe arthritis.I forget all my problems when Im in this group. My family are very happy with the outcome it has done to me. More power to you all.May God bless you all. Jon Mereria - Programmer I had seen a documentary about Indonesian arts around the mid-1990's. Actually, aside from TETADA there was also another one called merpatih putih ... or something like that. They both showed techniques wherein you scan the surroundings and "see" the environment even with a blindfold. Then I learned, from the papers, I think, about a TETADA group being set up in greenhills. I went to investigate, even participated in one class, but found it too expensive (at the time) for me to join. Early this year I got so sick that I could barely walk. I had barely discovered when I suddenly found myself with a frozen shoulder. I couldn't train and I got to the point where I realized that I wouldn't be able to defend myself should the need arise. Although the real aim of my aikido training is to be able to defend oneself with the minimum of physical strength, I knew I needed to develop my ki more to be able to perform the techniques. When I learned that a friend from aikido had joined TETADA, I asked to be introduced. I've been doing aikido and ki training for several years now. I've come to the realization that the next level of growth for me is to really develop inner energy through medidation. What I like about the TETADA training is that there is a tangible application of ki, something that you can really measure your progress by. Vangee Palileo - Entrepreneur Losing both parents to mental and physical maladies they were afflicted with (mother was only 40 and father was 50 years old), made me a staunch believer that indeed, "Health is Wealth". Fear of dying young

like them prodded me to be a health and fitness buff. I found myself going to the gym, doing an hour of high-impact Aerobic exercises three times a week. Working out regularly made me feel good, fit and healthy, thus energetic and very productive in my day-to-day job. I had seven (7) pregnancies but I was able to maintain my ideal weight because of exercise. Aside from physical activities, I longed for a program that will help me manage my stress, develop mental concentration and control my emotions. Despite regular exercises, I still had pains in my neck, back and shoulders. I attributed these to STRESS and PRESSURE to work --- both in the office and at home --- and I rarely took pills for pain. In May 1999, I was looking around for a Stress Management Seminar. I wanted something more physical and mental. When I read in the newspaper about a Free Orientation that says "Energy Works" and "Bio-Electrical Healing", I found myself eventually listening intently to Tem Rodriguez's lecture on "Diaphragmatic Breathing and Types of Healing", one of which was on Bio-Electricity. I asked Dondon Pabelonio, one of the instructors then, to heal my back pains. After extracting the negative energy, the persistent pains were suddenly gone. PRAISE GOD!!! With doubts gone from my mind, I joined the Perdana class right away, and up to now I am still regularly practicing TETADA at the UP Vanguard bldg. every Tuesdays and Thursdays. Yes, I stayed on practicing because of the tremendous healing benefits I experienced not only physically and mentally, but emotionally as well. My back pains and constipation are long gone. I have developed good mental concentration, and I can now handle stress by balancing and/or controlling my emotions through the practice of TETADA. Glenda Penaranda - Entrepreneur I was introduced to the TETADA practice by a friend. Since I had nothing to lose but "may" have something to gain, I willingly attended the orientation and, this was the start of something great. Where once I was sluggish, now Im up and about and full of life. Where once I had bouts of constipation, now my elimination is regular. Where once I had headaches, now they are all but gone. This general feeling of physical well-being I owe to the TETADA exercise that was taught to us. Besides these physical enhancements, we also get to increase our energy levels. Then, we are taught to use the harnessed energy in many different, interesting and unbelievable ways. So, if it's physical well-being and exciting discoveries you are looking for come and join us.

Tem Rodriguez - deceased I was an aging 69 years old government service retiree in 1996. My health was deteriorating. I weighed 130 lbs. - down from my normal 145 lbs. My blood pressure was in the 150/90 range. I get up 4-5 times at night. I had slight arthritis of the knees and elbows and I could hardly climb to the second floor of my house. It was in September 1996, around the 2nd TETADA anniversary celebration in the Philippines, that I came to know about TETADA from the newspapers and over Jimmy Licaocos famous radio program. Chemical/DMG-based medication had become most unkind to my meager retirement resources. With time on my hands, I thought I had nothing to loose exploring the other component part of wholistic medicine --- bio-energic/bio-electric healing. A few days later, I found myself seated on the front row of a TETADA orientation seminar on the 3rd floor of a building on Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong. Needless to say, I stopped twice to catch my breathe climbing up the iron staircase. While lecturing, the Filipino TETADA Guru, Leo Y. Villarosa, passed the palm of his right hand about a meter away from my chest. I did not know then that he scanned me, and said, You are palpitating. I really was. The rest is now history. I joined the next class and stayed on, off and on, for financial reasons. I finished the first (Gabungan Inti (now called Dasar)) course package (which normally takes 18 months) only in 2002. I have since recovered my health. My weight is back to normal. My blood pressure hovers steadily at 120/80. I get up only once (or not even) at night. My arthritis is gone and I am driving again. My face has become ruddy. My gait has become energetic again. My skin has actually stretched a bit so much so, people who knew me before, cannot help commenting about my demeanour like one who is around 50 years old. All these thanks to the discipline taught by TETADA and the wholistic healing that goes with it. Penny Tan - writer I used to have allergic rhinitis and would sneeze and cough and break out in hives at the slightest thing --- pollution, dust build-up, pollen, certain smells (like perfume), you name it! I was also going through a very tough period in my life and was pretty sunk in depression. The first thing I noticed when I started practicing TETADA was that all those things that used to trigger my allergies did not bother me so much anymore, not the way they

used to. Exercising also gave me a natural high so I was able to overcome my depression gradually. Illuminado "Jun" Varela, Jr. - Government Official I joined TETADA in 1998 through another TETADA practitioner, Col. Artemio S. Rodriguez. A year before, I had a knee injury I got during a running practice at the UP (University of the Philippines) Campus. For almost one year, I could not run; consequently, I was not able to do any exercise or engage in any sports. I lost my fitness, and had since then been looking out of joint. It was then that Col. Rodriguez invited me to join the TETADA practice held at the PIA Media Center in Visayas Avenue, Quezon City, where I also work. Just after a weeks training, I started to look and feel better. Most people I know took note of this change for the better in me, (My instructors at TETADA has been also applying TETADA healing technique on my knee). After completing the first 18 exercise sessions, my injury had improved and I could jog some distances. Aside from physical improvement, I also noticed I could think faster and clearer. My good memory seemed to even improve. Ever since, I have been regularly practicing TETADA, I noticed that if ever I get sick cold, headaches or fever I recover very fast. I think TETADA has made me a healthier person.

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Tetada kalimasadaJust got home from our Monday practice of tetada kalimasada, and thought of writing about it. The 2-hour session usually energizes Girlie and myself, and we stay up a bit before going to deep sleep. Tetada is shorthand for terapi tenaga dalam, Bahasa Indonesian for inner-energy therapy. The precise meaning and origin of the wordkalimasada is disputed. It can be a Balinese word or the name of the princes sword in the Javanese Mahabharata.

Kalimasada started 500 years ago in Surabaya, East Java. It was the exclusive practice of one family, but in 1991 they decided to share it to the wider public. Pak Eddy Surohadi and his wife Ibu Ida made the decision, and currently lead the dissemination of tetada kalimasada, TKfor short. Girlie and I took it up in July 2004, and have experienced its welcome benefits. We have more energy in our daily work-life, and we are less prone to the minor ailments that come with getting older and sedentary. Girlie attributes her relief from hot flushes to TK. Those with more advanced practice can do self-healing and also heal others. Although TK has its roots in one school of Indonesian martial arts orpencat silat, the practice introduced in the Philippines focuses on its healing effects. Like other Oriental practices, TK is a combination of breathing techniques, movements (called jurus), and meditation (calledtafakur). The emphasis is on practice. The breathing technique of TK is called triangular breathing. The first time I heard this, I wondered what complicated technique is involved. It turned out to be simple. The first side of the triangle is the inhalation slow and steady, and diaphragmatic. The second side is the slow, steady exhalation. What completes the triangle comes after the inhalation. We press and hold our breath. We start our regular kalimasada sessions with triangular breathing, while sitting in lotus position. We call this duduk nafas. As beginners we had only 8 counts inhalation and 8 counts exhalation, plus 15 counts of pressing and holding our breath. Later, we did the full 15-count inhalation and exhalation and the 33-count press and hold. The same triangular breathing applies to the movements or jurus. We press and hold our breath while doing the movements that can take as long as 45 to 54 counts. That is why kalimasada exercises are called anaerobic. The breathing technique is easier to

understand than to practice. Even after three years, I still find it hard to hold my breath until the end of each the nine jurus. A fellow practicioner who looked my age, but turned out to be more than a decade older, attributes his appearance to this breathing technique. He says that when we press and hold our breath, the body starves for oxygen and extracts whatever it can from the bloodstream, including the free radicals. Hence the blood gets renewed more vigorously and more frequently. After doing the different jurus, we end with a special kunchi movement that locks in the energy we have generated. We sit again for a closingduduk nafas, followed by a 10 minute meditation, called tafakur, where we direct our energy to different parts of our body. Our Indonesian teachers emphasize that tetada kalimasada is not about harnessing some mysterious or mystical force. It is about tapping the potential of our bodies and minds through breathing, movement, and meditation. The breathing and movements generate energies and we train our minds to concentrate them and direct their flow. When I started to do the tafakur, I found it difficult to follow the instructions just intent my energy to my hands and then empty my mind. Too many ideas and images rushed in and out to distract me. I tried keeping count of my breathing, but that didnt work either. Since I couldnt prevent thoughts from intruding, I tried a transition strategy of organizing my thoughts during the tafakur. I started by thinking of the people who are in my circle of concern my family, friends, communities and comrades, and offered prayers for them. Later, I shifted to prayers of thanksgiving for people who are blessings in my life. Slowly, I managed to still my mind.

I still remember the sense of wonder at feeling the energy welling out of my palms. Later, Girlie and I practiced projecting our energy and sensing energies around us.Share this:

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