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FP 389 2.0908 Testing Machines and Systems for the Automotive Industry Intelligent Testing Testing Sytems

Testing Machines and Systems for the Automotive · Fatigue Strength in Automobile Construction Basic Principles

Jun 22, 2020



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Page 1: Testing Machines and Systems for the Automotive · Fatigue Strength in Automobile Construction Basic Principles

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Testing Machines and Systemsfor the Automotive Industry

Intelligent Testing

Testing Sytems

Page 2: Testing Machines and Systems for the Automotive · Fatigue Strength in Automobile Construction Basic Principles


This brochure provides an overviewof testing machines, instruments andsystems produced by Zwick RoellAG and of their applications fortesting materials and componentsused in the various sectors of theautomotive industry and associatedancillary industries.

As such this represents only a part ofour comprehensive overall program.

Table of Contents

Zwick Roell Group................................................................................................................................................ 3

Conditions in the Automotive Industry Today ......................................................................................................... 4

Testing Situations in Research and Basic Development ......................................................................................... 5Raw and Pre-Fabricated Materials ........................................................................................................................ 5Fatigue Strength in Automobile Construction ......................................................................................................... 7Joining Technology in Automobile Construction ..................................................................................................... 8

Testing Requirements in Series Development and Production ................................................................................ 9Engine and Drive Train .......................................................................................................................................... 9Chassis ...............................................................................................................................................................13Body ..................................................................................................................................................................20Electronics/Mechatronics ....................................................................................................................................22Interior/Safety .....................................................................................................................................................24

Quasi-Static Materials Testing: Products and Services ..........................................................................................26Hardness Testing ................................................................................................................................................26Materials Testing Machines .................................................................................................................................28Drives for Quasi-Static Testing Situations ..............................................................................................................30Measurement and Control Systems .....................................................................................................................33testXpert® II ........................................................................................................................................................34Load Cells,Torque Cells and Load Measurment Platforms .....................................................................................38Specimen Grips ..................................................................................................................................................39Extensometers ....................................................................................................................................................40Temperature Conditioning Devices .......................................................................................................................43Additional Drive Options for Individual Solutions and Machine Expanding ................................................................44

Fatigue Strength and Dynamic Strength Testing: Products and Services ...............................................................45Fatigue Testing Machines ....................................................................................................................................45Components for Servo-Hydraulic Test Bench Solutions .........................................................................................47Measuring and Control Electronics .......................................................................................................................48Impact Strength Testing Machines .......................................................................................................................52

Modernization Packages for all Makes of Materials Testing Machines ....................................................................54

Zwick Services ....................................................................................................................................................55

Page 3: Testing Machines and Systems for the Automotive · Fatigue Strength in Automobile Construction Basic Principles


Fig 1: Zwick Roell AG and Zwick GmbH & Co. KG: Administration Building, Ulm, Germany

These companies have comprisedthe Zwick Roell Group since 1992.July 2001 saw the group become acorporation under the name ofZwick Roell AG, incorporating Zwick,Toni Technik and Indentec Ltd.Between them these companiesprovide a comprehensive materials,construction materials and functiontesting program – from manuallyoperated hardness testinginstruments to complex systems forprocess-parallel applications. AcmelLabo, the French manufacturer oflaboratory instruments for thecement, lime and plaster industry,has been part of the group sinceMay 2002.

Zwick Roell AG’s expertise in sensortechnology for load and extensionmeasurement was enhanced andconsolidated by the acquisition ofGerman company GTM in 2007 andMessphysik of Austria in 2006.

Zwick’s years of accumulatedexperience are reinforced by apolicy of maintaining regular contactwith our many customers. Thisprovides a solid platform from whichthe company supplies a wide rangeof products – from economicalstandard machines to customizedversions for specialized testingsituations. State-of-the-artengineering, powerful electronicsand application-orientated softwareare the keynote of these modern,versatile, highly intelligent testingmachines and systems.

Zwick Roell AG is far more than justa manufacturer, however. As longago as 1994 the company receivedDIN EN ISO 9001 certification - aguarantee of consistently highproduct and service quality. Inaddition, accredited calibrationlaboratories allow companies in theGroup to inspect and calibrate testequipment and provide internationallyrecognized certification.

Zwick Roell AG – Over aCentury of Experience inMaterials Testing

Mechanical testing is one of theoldest forms of materials testing. DaVinci and Galileo were alreadyturning their attention to bendingstrain and the elastic properties ofmaterials in the 15th and 16thcenturies. Time brought newinsights, culminating in theappearance of the first testingmachines in 18th-century France.

Roell & Korthaus have been involvedin materials testing since 1920, whileZwick began building machines andinstruments for mechanical materialstesting in 1937. Many years earlier,in 1876, Professor Seger hadestablished a chemical laboratoryproviding scientific advice on acommercial basis to the stoneindustry. During the 20th century thisevolved into the present-dayconcern Toni Technik, leadingspecialists in the field of constructionmaterials testing systems.

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Conditions in theAutomobile Industry Today

The automotive market is subject tosevere global competition, markedby shifts within the vehicle segmentsand by new markets and suppliers,with resulting over-capacity.

Against this background there iscontinuous growth in the use ofcomputer-based developmenttechniques. These simulation-basedapproaches must be accompaniedby actual testing during the variousdevelopment phases. For one thing,the systems require appropriatematerials data to dimension forstiffness, rigidity and life expectancy.In addition, the calculation modelsmust be calibrated as early aspossible using actual test data.Consequently laboratory testsremain a necessary and importantrequirement within vehicledevelopment.

Stiffness and rigidity characteristicsof materials, components and joiningtechnology, under both standard andcrash conditions, together with theirfatigue characteristics – all rankalongside the simulation of formingprocesses as important results.

A Comprehensive Range ofProducts and Applications

Zwick offers a comprehensive rangeof testing machines and systemsspecifically developed for the auto-motive industry. The program rangesfrom versatile portable hardnesstesters for use on rubber, throughmaterials testing machines, fatiguetesting machines and computer-controlled systems with actuatorsfor multi-axis testing, up to complexsystems capable of simulating actualroad conditions for components – orthe whole vehicle. An appreciation of

the whole breadth of testingapplications allows Zwick to providesoftware, data analysis tools andsolutions for laboratory informationmanagement (LIMS) – the key tomeaningful test results.

Flexible modular programs, a widerange of accessories, digital elec-tronics and intelligent user software– and all subject to continuousdevelopment and updating!

Factors InfluencingVehicle Technology

Typical Areas of Responsibilityin the Automotive Industry

Research and BasicDevelopment

Ongoing Challenges

Ongoing Actions

Series Developmentand Production

Ongoing Challenges

Ongoing Actions

• Styling• Impact• Quality

Visual• Unique selling points• Innovations• Price

Competition• Fuel effiency• Handling dynamics• Acceptable comfort• High safety factor

Customers Priorities

Financial Return• Process efficiency• Short innovation cycles• Cost-effective materials• Production in target area

Legal / Environmental• Emission reduction• Recycling• Safety

• Releasing new materials• Detremining typical materials values

for simulations• Determining characteristics of compo-

nents for verification of simulations

• Identifying new materials for lightweight vehicle constuction and efficient drive systems

• Quality management in production and supply

• Examining goals• Specifying/checking production limits• Safeguarding production process

• Verifying calculation models with actual test data

• Validating design decisions

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Test Requirements inResearch and BasicDevelopment

Raw and Pre-FabricatedMaterials

Zwick testing machines are used todetermine the mechanical propertiesof virtually all materials and compo-nents employed in the manufactureof automobiles.

Tests on metals play a central rolehere. For example, steels and lightmetals are used in lightweightconstruction of certain areas ofbodywork. Their stiffness and rigiditycharacteristics under standardconditions are determined by meansof quasi-static testing machines. Asthese results are highly dependenton loading rate, they must also beobtained under crash conditions, i.e.using impact or high-speed testingmachines. To obtain approval of thematerial, fatigue and ductilitycharacteristics must also bedetermined.

Due to the trend to alternativematerials and/or hybrid materials andtheir use in various areas of thevehicle, similar tests on plastics,elastomeres, foams and compositesare now routine in vehicleconstruction.

As the characteristics of thematerials vary to a greater or lesserextent with temperature, tests atactual working temperatures mustalso be carried out. Tests of this na-ture are equally essential in the fieldof joining technology: Zwick providessolutions for a temperature rangefrom -80 °C to 1,600° C.

Quasi-Static Testing of Metals

Testing Fatigue Strength and Dynamic Strength of Metals

Fig 1: Tensile test on metal specimen Fig 2: Sheet metal testing Fig 3: Tensile test using high-temperaturefurnace

Fig 4: Pendulum impact test Fig 5: Fatigue test on connecting rods Fig 6: Fatigue test using high-temperaturefurnace

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Quasi-Static Testing of Plastics, Rubber and Composites

Testing Fatigue Strength and Dynamic Strenght of Plastics, Rubber and Composites

Fig 1: Tensile test on rubber specimen Fig 2: 3-Point flexure test Fig 3: Compression test on composites

Fig 4: Pendulum impact test Fig 5: Fatigue test on rubber dampers Fig 6: Tear test with temperatureconditioning and videoXtens

Testing of Foams

Fig 7: Indentation hardness test Fig 8: Fatigue test Fig 9: Rebound resilience tester

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Fatigue Strength inAutomobile Construction

Basic Principles

Fatigue strength is an interdisciplinaryscience, involving interaction betweenstress, manufacturing process,material and design.

Automotive engineers must thereforebe aware of the load imposed upona vehicle and/or its components,including any ‘unusual events’, inorder to estimate the fatigue strengthmathematically and by experiment.

The mechanical characteristics ofthe materials and the manufacturingquality of the components representthe input data required to measurethe fatigue strength of the compo-nents. To estimate life expectancymathematically, design details of thecomponent are also required.

Development and ApprovalProcess

The development process of a newcomponent begins with design. Ifinitial stress distribution for the com-ponent is available, life expectancy ofthe components can be estimatedusing the load-time sequence andmaterial characteristics; the lattercan be determined with a servo-hydraulic testing machine or a ZwickVibrophore® (magnetic resonance

pulsator). If the component’s esti-mated life expectancy shows it to besuitable, tests will be carried out onprototypes of the component. Servo-hydraulic testing machines can beused for this; Vibrophores are alsoused to some extent.

The next step in the developmentprocess is the testing of componentassemblies and the vehicle as awhole. If these are successful,development can be approved.

Determining MaterialCharacteristics

S-N tests are generally sufficient tocharacterize the material’s proper-ties. Component testing increasinglycalls for variable amplitudes, which inthe simplest case can be repre-sented via a block program test. Forcomplex components, or compo-nents with complex requirements, astress fatigue test is sometimesadvocated.

Fig 2: Component design process in automobile development (Source: Prof. Dr. Stauber)

Fig 1: Factors of fatigue strength (Source:Prof. Dr. Sonsino)

Fig 3: Fatigue test on connecting rods

Fig 4: S-N-curve


Loads(including environment)




Fatigue life


Virtual Prototypes


Hardware Prototypes

Load distribution

Linkage with characteristic values of materials

Linkage with load data

Components fatigue life till crack

System testing

Subsystem testing

Components testing

Endurance testComponent

Page 8: Testing Machines and Systems for the Automotive · Fatigue Strength in Automobile Construction Basic Principles





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Joining Technology inAutomobile Construction

Various joining methods are used invehicles, and all must be charac-terized mechanically. Chassis con-struction mainly involves linearjoining; here the focus is on the lifeexpectancy of the component and/or the join. For the body shell, linear,spot and laminar joining, or variouscombinations of these, are used.

The emphasis here is on dimen-sioning components to be crash-proof, but life expectancy must notbe neglected.

In addition to life expectancy andcrash safety, stiffness is an importantcriterion when engineering both bodyshell and chassis.

The mechanical characteristics ofjoins must be determined understatic, dynamic and dynamic impactloading.

The following table contains a fewwell-known specimen geometriesused for characterising joins. Thedata obtained from the tests (quasi-static tensile test, fatigue tests,dynamic impact tests) can be used

Fig 1: Various joining technology in automobile construction: 1. Resistance-welding, 2. Laserbeam welding, 3. Bonding, 4. Gas-shielded arc welding, 5. Screws, 6. Rivets, 7. Clinching

for quality assurance, as input for lifeexpectancy estimates or as input forcrash calculations. If specimens re-sembling components are employed,they can be used to validate lifeexpectancy or crash models.

Specimen geometry to determine the mechanical characteristics of joints

Shear-stress KS-II-Specimen H-Specimen T-Impact Peel-stressspecimen

• Connection category• Punctual • • • • •• Lines • o • • •• Laminar • • • • •• Fine sheat metal material • • • • •• Load ratio R=0, R>0 and R<0 R=0, R<0 R=0, R<0 R=-1, R>0, R<0 R=0, R>0• Determination of fatigue

characteristics value - • • - -• Components similar effect - - • • -• Effort • o o - •• Load quasi-static, fatigue, quasi-static, fatigue, fatigue quasi-static, fatigue, quasi-static, fatigue,

dynamic impact dynamic impact dynamic impact dynamic impact


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Testing Requirements inSeries Development andProduction

The aim of series development andproduction departments is to ensurereadiness for series production. Toachieve this, among other things theproperties of materials must be ex-amined as per specifications frombasic development, critical values ofjoins tested and the operation orcharacteristic curves of assembliesdetermined. The following pagescontain typical examples from thevarious vehicle areas.

Engine and Drive Train

The primary development aim ofseries development and production isa consistent and continued increasein the efficiency of drive assemblies,coupled with attractive driving dy-namics and a further reduction inemissions, offering climate-friendlymobility. To achieve this, newsystems are being developed whichare either lighter in weight or havelower energy consumption and/orreduced emissions resulting fromoptimization of operating parameters(e.g. higher pressures and tempera-tures). These systems employ newmaterials or combinations of materials,which must withstand higher stressesunder actual working conditions (e.g.temperature extremes, aggressivelycorrosive environments).

Fatigue Testing of the CylinderBlock

Internal combustion engines consistof three main components: thecylinder block, crankshaft drive andtiming drive. The cylinder block mayconsist of one unit or of individualcylinders and comprises one or morecastings. Cast iron is often used,although light metals, such asaluminum and light metal compo-sites (aluminum/magnesium), areincreasingly employed.

The cylinder block is subjected tomany stresses, including momentsof mass inertia, torsional momentsand loads arising from the trans-mission of gas forces from thecylinder head to the crankshaftbearings.

In the example shown:• Crankshaft forces on bearing shells

at 10x106 cycles• Forces strike inner radius of

bearing shells

Advantages of Solution withVibrophore:• higher specimen throughput• lower energy costs• test at ambient temperature

of 150 °C• compensation for bearing play• equipment tests all bearing points

Fig 1: Zwick applications are divided in the following segments

Engine andDrive Train



Elektronics /Mechatronics

Interior / Safety

Cylinder block

Bearing bridgeinlays


Fig 2: Cylinder block model

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Fatigue Tests on ConnectingRods

The complexity of loads acting onconnecting rods requires a designequal to the demands placed on it.This also applies to the materialsused. The fatigue limit for connectingrods is assumed to be approximatelyN=5 x106 cycles and the connectingrod can be divided into three loadareas. Both eyes must be testedunder actual conditions, i.e. withplay and in a temperature rangefrom 90 – 120°C, surrounded by oil .The Zwick Vibrophore, with specialforked specimen grips, allows a testfrequency of up to 250 Hz. Highspecimen throughput and lowenergy requirements mean reducedoperating costs.

Fatigue Tests on Chains

The Vibrophore is ideal for determin-ing the fatigue characteristics of indi-vidual chain components in seriesproduction. A test frequency of up to50 Hz makes it suitable for determin-ing the fatigue characteristics andlimits of both continuous chains andchain components (e.g. chainbridges).

The control electronics were devel-oped specifically for chain testing andallow even chains with large varia-tions in amplitude to be measured.They can readily be adapted tocompany-specific testing standards.

Fig 2: Gable-grips for testing connectingrods with Vibrophore Amsler HFP 250

Fig 3: Chain testing with Amsler HFP 5100

Small eye

Fig 4: Chain testing with Zwick Vibrolino


Big eye

Fig 1: Load areas of connecting rods

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Testing Catalytic Converter Mats

The aim of this test is to determinethe stiffness and friction coefficient ofcatalytic converter mats undertemperature. A materials testingmachine with compression platenswhich can be heated up to 980 °Cis used. Two layers of the material,separated by a metal sheet, areplaced between the compressionplatens. The compression platensare then heated and the vertical testload applied; the distance betweenthe compression platens is regulatedby means of a laser extensometerwith an accuracy of ± 5 µm. Using asecond test axis, the metal sheet isthen moved horizontally between thetwo layers. The force required forthis can be converted to thetemperature-specific coefficient offriction.

Fatigue Tests on Crankshafts

For fatigue tests on crankshafts theAmsler Vibrophore or a servo-hydraulictesting machine can be used. In thecase shown the S-N curve is deter-mined according to DIN 50100. Inview of the relatively low frequencyof 10…30 Hz, a servo-hydraulictesting machine was employed.

Fig 2: Testing of stiffness and friction on catalytic converter mats

Fig 3: Fatigue testing according to DIN 50100Fig 1: Amsler HB 50 for fatigue testing ofcrankshafts

Fatigue occurs through bendingstrain. The mounting table and toolcan be reconfigured to enable allsegments of the crankshaft to betested.

A fatigue limit of approx. N = 3 x 106

cycles is assumed here. Force-controlled sinusoidal cycles are per-formed as per the staircase method.Fatigue testing via torsional load ispossible using the same machine.

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Fig 4: Clutch disk test specimen (arrow) andload measurement platform (right side)

Fig 3: Horizontal system for testing clutch disks

Clutch Testing – Axial

The following characteristic curvesare of importance in both develop-ment and production control offriction clutches:• contact force and travel• release force and travel• disengagement stroke: clutch

pressure plate• parallelism of pressure plate to

clutch plate

For release testing the compressiondie is pressed against the innerdiameter of the diaphragm springand the force/travel curve recorded.With contact testing a compressiondie is pressed directly against theclutch pressure plate and the springcharacteristic curve of the diaphragmspring between clutch pressure plateand clutch cover is measured.These tests are performed in newand defined use condition. Thecharacteristic curves for disengage-ment force/travel and contact force/travel are important criteria for com-fortable operation and for reliabletorque transfer.

Clutch Testing - Axial/Torsion

Dry friction clutches are among themeans used for application (movingoff from rest without difficulty) andinterruption of torque flow.

In addition to the above-mentionedaxial characteristic curves, torquecharacteristic curves are thereforealso extremely important:• zero crossing (average value of

angle of rotation between loadingand unloading)

• pre-damper and main dampercharacteristic curve (angle ortorque controlled)

• partial curve (similar to pre-damperand main damper curve; here fordetermining friction coefficient)

• drag torque (min. permissibletorque after declutching)

In addition to torque characteristiccurves the following axial curves aredetermined:• characteristic curve of facing/

cushioning springs (force/travelcharacteristic curve of springbetween the clutch plates)

• non-parallelism (measurement ofnon-parallelism at pre-load)

• thickness of clutch plates (measure-ment of plate thickness at pre-load)

The test equipment has the followingfeatures:• horizontal layout (component

mounting alignment)• two-axis system with two indepen-

dently controlled drive shafts

Force/torque measuring platformcapable of measuring very low torques(from 1 Nm, e.g. drag torque, zerocrossing) and very large moments(up to 1,000 Nm, e.g. main dampercharacteristic curve) with simultaneousmeasurement of axial force of up to20 kN.

Fig 1: Zwick Z020

Fig 2: Disengagement test on clutches

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As the link with the road, the chassisdefines significant properties such asvehicle dynamics, safety, ride comfortand fuel consumption.

In view of the safety-critical engineer-ing of components to the IEC 61508Standard SIL, considerations regard-ing lightweight construction potentialare accompanied by those concerningreliability in the development of newmaterials and manufacturing tech-nologies. Important tests in this con-text are static and dynamic multi-axial loadings (vertical, horizontal,torsional) and the measurement ofthe resulting load components todetermine the load/travel curves andfatigue characteristics.

Testing Steering Linkages

This testing system is used to deter-mine the friction forces and moments,including the ‘stick slip effect’, insideand outside the test axis.

The multi-axis solution describedhere consists of:• a horizontal with Fmax 20 kN

testing machine• 3 testControl regulated drive axes

(axial, lateral force and torsion)• 3 manually adjustable axes,

allowing the widest possible range

Fig 1: Multi-axis Zwick Z020 for tensile, pres-sure and torsion testing on steering linkage

Fig 3: Testing system for steering spindles inline production. Machine 1 "torsion angle"

Fig 4: Testing system for steering spindles inline production. Machine 2 "displacement load"

In-Line Production Tests onTelescopic Steering Columnsfor Large Goods Vehicles

To facilitate automated production ofsteering shafts, two Zwick testingmachines have been integrated intoa production line. One testingmachine is used to determine themaximum torsion angle in the middleof the production sequence, allowingprocess-oriented analysis of theprevious assembly steps. A specialangled sensor was developed for thehigh precision requirements in con-nection with relative torsion anglemeasurement. The second testingmachine is located at the end of theproduction line; its function is todetermine the steering shaft displace-ment load.

Fig 2: Drive and manual axes

of steering linkage configurationsto be accommodated

• testXpert® software for control ofthe 3 axes

• complete safety housing to CEstandards

• universal multi-hole plate formounting equipment

Drive axes:1. Tensile/compression axial 20 kN2. Torsion 100 Nm3. Tensile/compression lateral 1 kN

Manual axes:4. Lateral force: axial position5. Passive clamping: vertical position6. Passive clamping: horizontal position

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Testing Device forDisc Brake Pads/Linings

Disc brake pads are one of the mostimportant components of a wheelbrake. One method of assessing thequality of the pads is by determiningthe lining thickness change throughone-dimensional compression load-ing in the direction of the normalfriction-surface forces. Zwick materialstesting machines with a compressiontest kit equipped with an integratedmeasuring system are used for this.Measurement of the deformation isvia 3 measuring transducers, ar-ranged in a part-circle offset by 120°.

Pressure is applied via a pistonplunger mounted securely on a ballhead, resulting in circular force appli-cation. The flexible suspension of theplunger ensures exactly parallelcontact with the brake pad, resultingin absolutely uniform, homogenouspressure application. The testingposition of the compression die runsthrough the middle axis of the centreof area of the brake pad. The testingdevice is suitable for both one-partand divided brake pads.

Multi-Axial Fatigue Testing ofExhaust System Components

This application comprises adynamic bi-axial test (10 kN verticaland 1 kN horizontal) on an exhaustmuffler. The test is performed with aservo-hydraulic table-top testingmachine and testXpert® software.The transverse force is applied via asmall testing actuator integrated inthe lower part of the device, allowingactual loadings of the muffler to besimulated and its fatiguecharacteristics determined.

Shock Absorbers:Multi-Axial Test

This testing system is equipped withthree test axes to measure thedamping characteristics of hydraulicshock absorbers. The vertical force(wheel load) is applied through thetesting machine axis. The horizontalloads and torsion moments generatedby bends, moving off and brakingetc. are produced via horizontallymounted testing actuator and atorsion drive. The testing axes canbe controlled individually and inde-pendently of each other. Throughthis it is possible to determine thecharacteristics (damping, friction,viscosity) at different axial speeds,with and without lateral force and/ortorsion moment.

Fig 1: Disc brake pad test fixture

Fig 2: Bi-axial test on exhaus systemcoupling

Fig 3: Multi-axial test on dampers

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Elastomer Bearings

Elastomere bearings fulfill a range offunctions in the chassis, includingjoints and equalization and vibrationisolation and damping.

Visco-Elastic Characteristicsof Rubber/Metal Dampers inProduction

A testing system based on a standardtesting machine has been developedto determine (among other things)the static and dynamic stiffness plusthe loss angle and loss factor ofrubber-metal bearings. In addition,the system is equipped with a safetylight-curtain and supplementarytwo-handed control. The test resultis displayed via a red/green digitaltolerance indicator, with an acousticprompt via an electronic buzzer,allowing the operator to attend toother tasks during the test. Para-meterization of the test sequenceplus result evaluation and display arevia the proven testXpert® software.

Pneumatic Springs:Multi-Axial Test

This testing system is designed tosupport quality assurance and de-velopment of pneumatic suspensionsprings to EN 13597. It consists of a250 kN free-standing testing machine,which is additionally equipped with ahorizontal electro-mechanical 50 kNdrive and a load measuring platformwith five load cells (3 vertical, 2 hori-zontal). The axial and horizontalstiffness characteristic curves of thepneumatic springs are determinedunder vertical, horizontal or com-bined load, with individual control ofthe following channels:• load and travel, vertical• load and travel, horizontal• air and/or internal fluid pressure

Fig 1: Fatigue testing of rubber/metaldampers

Fig 3: Air bearing test fixture

Fig 2: Air bearing rig with axial and horizontal loading

Specimen positioning is easy as thesystem is equipped with a loadingtable via which the specimens canbe inserted into the testing machine.

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Tests on Pneumatic Springs atVarious Temperatures

With this testing system the visco-elastic properties of pneumaticsuspension springs and their fatiguecharacteristics are investigated atvarious temperatures. The basicmachine is a servo-hydraulic testingmachine with hydrostatic cylinderbearings. A special compression testkit (mounted on a T-slot-platform)allows various pneumatic springforms and sizes to be accommodated.The unit is also equipped with twomeasuring transducers for measure-ment of the pneumatic spring dia-meter. The whole unit can be usedin a temperature chamber in atemperature range of 80 to +250 °C.A trolley can be used to facilitateconnection and disconnection of thetemperature chamber.

Fig 2: Amsler HB100 servo-hydraulic testing system with temperature chamber

Fig 1: Temperature chamber with trolley

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Precision-Spring CompressionTesting Fixture

The combination of Zwick’s precision-spring compression testing kit withthe zwickiLine single-column testingmachine and testControl electronicsresults in the ideal spring-testingmachine. High transverse stiffness isa feature of the kit, which comeswith overload protection. The ground,demagnetized compression platenshave a parallel alignment accuracyof 1µm/10mm and precision guidespermit only precise vertical move-ment. Measuring errors caused bydeformation or lateral forces in thesprings are reduced to a minimumthanks to the extremely stiff load cell,which is insensitive to transverseforces. The associated testXpert®

test program is specially designed forthe requirements of spring testing,making the precision-spring testingkit a highly capable testing unit.

Multi-Channel Spring-TestingSystem

Multi-channel measuring platformsallow the line of action of force ofcompression coil springs (used asvalve springs or in MacPhersonstruts) to be determined. Standardtesting systems equipped with a sixor nine-component load measuring

Fig 2: testXpert® screenshot indicating the penetration points and the spring characteristiccurve

Fig 4: Spring testing system with multi-channel measurement platform

Fig 1: Testing machine for precision spring Fig 3: Precision spring testing fixture forforces up to 500 N

platform are used, permitting specificdetermination of the spring pene-tration points and the resulting loadfrom the load components which areunder compression when the springis loaded. These characteristicvalues are important in assessing thequality attributes such as friction,wear, and life expectancy.

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Wheels and Tires

The wheel is one of mankind’s mostsignificant inventions, and one forwhich there is no prototype in nature.Wheels in the automobile industryconsist of steel, light-metal or compo-site rims and their associated tires.The tire is a complex compositebody made of materials with widelydiffering physical characteristics. Asthe link between road surface andvehicle it transmits all loads andmoments. Zwick testing systems areused to determine the static anddynamic characteristics of wheelsand tires, ranging from standardtests to those on the whole wheel/tire system.

Axial Deformation of Rims

To determine stiffness characteristics,compression tests are performed onthe rim edge using a special com-pression mandrel. The machineemployed is a free-standing testingmachine with a forward projectingT-slot crosshead, adjustable forheight, allowing rims to be loadedand clamped at a comfortableheight. The load cell ensures precisemeasurement of the axial load, evenwhen lateral forces arise due to thegeometrical form of the rim. Thanksto its special construction and layoutthe load cell can be used for mea-surement in the upper and lowertest areas of the machine.

Fig 1: Wheel indentation test Fig 3: Testing systems for rims with two test areas

Fig 2: Brinell hardness test on rims

Hardness Testing Rims

Hardness tests, principally to BrinellMethod HBW2.5 and/or Rockwelltests (e.g. HRB) are carried out onsteel and aluminum rims for produc-tion control purposes and also toconfirm strength characteristic values.With the Zwick/ZHU250 universalhardness tester, tests with loads upto 250 kg can be performed, usingcontrolled closed loop technology, forall classical hardness testing methods(Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers, Knoopand ball indentation hardness) formetal and plastics applications.Large components are accommo-dated without difficulty in the 250 x300 mm (D x H) test area.

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Test Bench for StiffnessTesting on Automobile Tires

Requirements: determining the stiff-ness of automobile tires; determiningthe force relationship under verticaland horizontal load; adjusting tirepressure via testXpert® software.

Implementation: A horizontal linearunit with Fmax 10 kN and a multi-component load-measuring platformwith Fmax 50 kN are installed in aZwick Z050 materials testing ma-chine. The linear unit is mounted on

the lower fixed crosshead. A multi-component load-measuring platformwith vertical and horizontal load cellsis installed on this linear unit. Therequired tire pressure is delivered viaa pneumatic regulator unit with

pressure sensor, controlled by a pro-gram in the Zwick testXpert® soft-ware. The tests are performed andevaluated using the testXpert® testprogram, under horizontal and verti-cal load and at various tire pressures.

Fig 1: Axial, horizontal load and tire pressureare controlled with testContol

Fig 4: Tensil test on elastomeresFig 3: Tear-off tests of steel cord fromelastomeres

Tests on Tire Components

In this area the following tests werecarried out at room temperature andat typical ambient temperatures of-70 to +250 °C:• tensile and tear growth tests on

elastomeres with various specimenshapes

• hardness, rebound and abrasiontests on elastomers

• tear-off tests of steel and textilecords from elastomers

• tensile tests on steel and textilecords

• automatic specimen feed for highspecimen throughput whendeveloping new compounds

• determining visco-elasticcharacteristics.

Fig 6: Rebound resilience testerFig 5: Tensile test on metal cords

Fig 2: Testing bench to measure tire sidewall deformation

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The self-supporting vehicle bodyrequires highly complex design whichmust meet many demands, fromconsistent lightweight constructionto effective occupant protection andattractive styling. For lightweightconstruction new materials and/ormaterial concepts such as tem-perature-resistant plastics or hybriddesigns are necessary, whilecharacteristics relating to possibleforming processes and surfacetreatments are critical when itcomes to attractive styling. Zwickhas a large range of testing systemsfor use in determining these materialand structural characteristics.

Bumper Stiffness

This testing system is equipped witha large lower and smaller upperT-slot mounting plate. Up to four loadcells can be located flexibly on thelower plate, while the upper plate isattached to three load cells. The fourload cells are used to measure theaxial force components of theattachment points of components.With the three upper load cells thetotal axial load can be measured,

even if the component failsasymmetrically resulting in a loadeccentric to the test axis. The ex-ample (below, left) shows the load/deformation curve of bumpers beingdetermined using this measuringlayout.

Draw Bead Test on Steel Sheet

This test has the aim of determiningthe coefficient of friction betweensteel sheet and a deep drawing toolin order to determine the ideal lubri-

cant for this forming process, there-by enabling cracks and creases tobe avoided and ensuring anoptimum deep drawing process. Thedraw bead kit is easily installed in amaterials testing machine.

For the test a strip of steel sheet(typical dimensions 300 mm x 30 mmx 2 mm) is axially clamped in theupper standard specimen grips andthe draw bead tool closed. Next thestrip is drawn through the draw beadtool. This procedure can be repeat-ed automatically, the number ofrepeats being variable. Reliable andreproducible measured values areguaranteed by the digitally regulatedgripping force of the draw bead tool.The dies of the tool can be ex-changed quickly to cover varioustest specifications.

Fig 1: Bucking strength test system for bumpers

Fig 2: Close-up view of a draw bead test

Fig 3: Draw bead test system for evaluation of deep-drawing dies

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Vehicle Door: Buckling Test

To determine the load-deformationcurve of large bodywork compo-nents (in this case a vehicle door) awidened version of a Zwick materialstesting machine with two load cells(the load components are totaled)and a semi-cylindrical bending tool isused. As the components do not failsymmetrically along the length of thebending tool, a bending momentarises relative to the test axis. Thispresents no difficulty from a measur-ing point of view as the two load cellsemployed are insensitive to moments.The upper test area is equipped withspecimen grips and an extenso-meter for standard tensile tests onmetals.

Window and Door Seal TestingSystem

These testing systems are used fordoor and window seals with inte-grated anti-pinch systems designedto switch window or sunroof motorsoff if a defined load acts on the seal(if a passenger’s head or fingers aretrapped). The testing system deter-mines the load at which the electricalsignal activates the safety system.The electrical signal is measured anddisplayed in real time in the testsequence and the system also incor-porates a barcode reader for speci-men identification and a horizontalpositioning unit for multiple loading.

Fig 1: Three-point buckling test on cardoors

Fig 2: The upper test area is used for tensile testing

Fig 3: Door seal testing system to testembedded sensors

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Electronics and mechatronics arethe principal drivers of innovation inautomobiles and their value-addingeffect is increasing day-by-day.Unfortunately, they also occupy aleading position in failure statistics.The greatest challenge is thereforeto master the ever-rising levels ofcomplexity while achieving zero-errorproduction and operational stabilityover the whole performance rangewith continuing integration of newfeatures. For this reason, the goal ofmechanical testing in this field is toraise production quality and increaseoperational stability.

Testing Electronic Switchesand Buttons

To determine the switching charac-teristics of electronic switches andswitching elements, the electricalsignal of the assembly under test isintegrated into the testControl elec-tronics. The testXpert® softwareassigns the electrical switching con-tacts synchronously to the relevantload and deformation data. In ahysteresis test (switching on and off)the mechanical load and/or thetorque and the electrical switchingpoints are determined and displayed.For torque measurement the testingmachine is additionally equipped witha torsion drive and sensor.

Tests on Wire Insulation

A special compression test is per-formed to determine the indentationresistance of cable insulation ac-cording to automobile specifications.The cable is attached to an anchor-ing point and a load applied via adefined cutting edge. The electricalcontact between cutting edge andcable strand is measured and shownin the load/travel curve.

Tensile Test on WireConnectors

The extraction force of electricalconnectors is tested as part of aroutine quality assurance check oncables and connectors.

Fig 1: Wire insulation penetration test

Fig 3: Torsion test on rotary switches

Fig 2: Tensile test on wire connector

Fig 4: Close-up of a 3-position switch test

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Solder Point Inspection onPrinted Circuit Board

A fully automatic testing system withmotorized compound table is usedto determine the displacementresistance of soldered components.All testing machine sequences andtable positions are controlledautomatically by testControl andtestXpert®. The operator only needsto ‘teach’ the test positions onceand no personal supervision isrequired for the test.

Function-Testing ofElectromagnetic Actuators

Examining the load-travel character-istic curve of solenoids and proporti-onal magnets effectively provides afunction test for electromagneticactuators and is used mainly for finalinspections. This curve allows theprincipal operating characteristics tobe identified, while the load-forcecurve shows whether the actuator isapplying the required force within itsoperating range at a fixed currentlevel. The hysteresis provides infor-mation about friction resulting fromthe quality of the mechanical parts.

The load-current curve is mainlychecked in connection with propor-tional magnets to establish whetherthe actuator applies the necessaryforce within a current range at adefined armature position. The ideal

curve is a linear relationship bet-ween load and current around theoperating point. Both curves can bedetermined using the testing assem-bly illustrated below.

Fig 2: testXpert® software shows "at glance" which pins have tested and if they passed theminimal strength requirements (indicated in green)

Fig 1: Automated test system to test solde-red pins on a printed circuit board

Fig 3: Testing rig for proportional magnets

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Interior and Safety

As vehicles become more personal-ized, interior design has gained evenmore importance and significant furt-her developments in interior ma-terials are to be expected. A widerange of materials is used, includingtextiles, leather, wood, metals and,increasingly, plastics. In addition toappearance and surface ‘feel’,seating design is an increasinglysignificant ‘feel-good factor’. How-ever, the material properties of stiff-ness and strength in safety-relatedmaterials and components also playan important role.

Static Testing on Car Seats

The testing system shown here isdesigned to determine the quality ofcar seats. The loading table is usedfor both loading and horizontalpositioning of the seats in the y-axis.Simultaneous horizontal positioningof the load cell in thex-axis enables the axial stiffness(z-axis) of all areas of the seat sur-face to be determined. The testingsystem is also used to test sensormats incorporated in the seat andused to control the vehicle’s auto-matic settings, e.g. correct airbagdeployment.

Bi-Axial Test on Car Seats

A flexible bi-axial servo-hydraulicsystem is used to determine thefatigue strength of car seats. Itfeatures a height-adjustable loadframe, movable actuator, horizontalsliding table, adjustable seat retain-ers and a T-slot table. The flexiblemounting of the pressure elementand the sliding table allow simulta-neous vertical and horizontal ac-celeration loads to be simulated. Thesystem can easily be reconfigured totest other complex-shaped compo-nents in one or two axes.

Fig 2: Seat testing system for embedded-sensor mats

Fig 1: Bi-axial test rig to determine car seat durability

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Durability of Headrests

An electro-mechanical actuatoroffers a straightforward way to deter-mine the stiffness and fatigue limit ofcar seat headrests. This test is per-formed to compare the comfort andstatic strength of headrests fromvarious suppliers, although the actu-ator can of course also be used forother component testing. Furtherinformation on test actuators can befound on page 44.

Tensile Testing on Seat Belts

Zwick testing systems for deter-mining the strength of manufacturedseat belts (with or without buckle)are popular with seat-belt manufac-turers and OEMs. The test requiresspecial specimen grips and animpact-proof safety housing. A sepa-rate test is used to determine therelease force of the buckle (unloadedand under tensile load).

Tensile Testing on AirbagMaterial

A standardized test is performed todetermine the tensile properties ofairbag material for quality assurancepurposes using testXpert® software.

Fig 4: Tensile test on airbag polymerFig 3: Test system for torque testing seatbelt components

Fig 2: Tensile test of seat belt material

Fig 1: Electro-mechanical actuator to test the strength and durability of headrests

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Quasi-Static Materials Testing: Products and Services

Hardness Testing

Zwick/ZHR Rockwell HardnessTesters

The Zwick/ZHR Rockwell hardnesstesting range caters for the followingmethods:

• classical Rockwell methods:Zwick/ZHR 4150 (pre-load: 10 kg;test load: 60; 100; 150 kg), ScalesA B C D E F G H K L M P R S V;

• super Rockwell method: Zwick/ZHR4045 (pre-load: 3 kg; test load:15, 30, 45 kg), Scales N T W X Y

• combined Rockwell and superRockwell method: Zwick/ZHR 8150( pre-load: 3, 10 kg; test load:15,30, 45, 60, 100, 150 kg),Scales A B C D E F G H K L M PR S V N T W X Y;

• Jominy method for sequencetesting to Rockwell.

The instruments are available withvarious levels of operatingconvenience:• models with one-button operation

for simple testing situations (TypeAK, Type BK)

• models with line-display andintegrated conversion functions forstandard applications (Type LK)

• models with touchscreen,expanded functions and high levelof operating convenience for wide-ranging test situations. Used forbatch-testing (Type SK) andproduction control (Type TK).

Additional features:• pre-setting tolerances• robust construction with play-free,

ball-bearing spindle• test area up to 292 mm in height

for large work pieces• standard RS 232 interface• wide range of standard

accessories (indenter, supporttable, hardness comparisonplatens)

• cost-efficient design with spring-force loading

Zwick/ZHV1 and ZHV2 microVickers Hardness Testers

Zwick's micro Vickers hardnesstesters are available in two versionsto suit different load ranges: ZHV1for weights from 10 g to 1,000 g,and ZHV2 for weights from 25 g to2,000 g. They comply with thefollowing standards:• Vickers (HV) ISO 6507, ASTM E

92, and/or Knoop (HK) ISO 454,ASTM E 384

The micro Vickers hardness testersare available in four different operating/function versions: manual; PC sup-ported with CCD camera andtestXpert® link; semi-automatic withmanual focusing and fully automatic,e.g. for fully automatic profile testing.

Zwick offers a complete productrange of micro (ZHV1, ZHV2) andlow-load hardness testers (ZHV10,ZHV20/zwickiLine, ZHV30) – frommanual to fully automatic operationand with manual or motorizedcompound table with full control viatestXpert®.

Fig 1: Hardness test on a valve Fig 2: Hardness test on a camshaft Fig 3: Hardness test on a spherical joint bearing

Fig 4: Jominy Rockwell test with Zwick/ZHR

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Zwick/ZHU 0.2/Z2.5, ZHU 2.5/Z2.5 Universal HardnessTesting Machines

These machines feature a zwickiLinematerials testing machine fitted witha hardness measuring head suitablefor all hardness tests using indenta-tion depth measurement, including:• Martens hardness HM (macro

range)• Rockwell hardness, scales A to K,

N, T plus HMR5/250• ball indentation hardness H• Vickers depth measurement HVT

and• Brinell depth measurement HBT.

The measuring head contains a digi-tal travel measuring system (resolu-tion down to 0.02 µm), a load cell(ZHU 0.2/Z2.5: 2 ... 200 N; ZHU2.5/Z 2.5: 5 ... 2500 N) and an exchange-able indenter.Special features:• quick, automatic approach, even

with varying specimen heights• high accuracy and reproducibility

of measured values through highmeasured-value resolution (20 nm)and consistent test conditions

• additional materials data can beobtained from force-indentation test

• can be used for production-paralleltesting

An add-on optical unit has beendeveloped for use with the hardnessmeasuring head. It consists of ameasuring microscope with up tofour lenses and a sliding carrier(optionally with motorized control) sothat components to be tested donot need to be moved. In this con-figuration, this fully automatic hard-ness testing machine can performstandardized Vickers, Knoop andBrinell hardness tests – in addition tothe test procedures alreadymentioned.

Zwick/ZHU topLine HardnessTester up to 300kg Test Load

All three Zwick ZHU topLine hardnesstesters – ZHU250top (1 - 250 kgf /9.8 - 2,452.5 N), ZHU750top (3 -750 kgf / 29.4 - 7, 357.5N) and ZHU3000top (20 - 3,000 kgf /196.2 - 29,430 N) – use innovativeoptical zoom technology withintegrated image analysis, thuseliminating the need for frequent lenschanges.

Depending on load application(closed loop principle with load cell),the hardness testers provide testingsolutions for both optical and depthmeasurement testing in accordancewith the following methods:• Vickers (HV) ISO 6507, Brinell (HB)

ISO 6506, Knoop (HK) ISO4545• Rockwell (HR) ISO 6508, Vickers

(HVT), Brinell (HBT), ball indenta-tion hardness (H) ISO 20391 forplastics testing.

Options such as LED ring light illumi-nation (for more precise measure-ment of materials with ring bulging)or the motorized turret for up to 4indenters and 2 lenses provide userswith a versatile machine for a varietyof applications.

Fig 1: Universal hardness tester Zwick/ZHU2.5/Z2.5 with hardness measuringhead

Fig 2: Zwick/ZHU0.2/Z2.5 with HU-measuringhead and measurement microscope

Fig 3: The turret could be loaded with fourindentors and two lenses

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Materials Testing Machines


Materials testing machines are usedto determine the strength and defor-mation behavior of specimens andcomponents, mostly under tensile,compression and flexure loading.Shear and torsion loads are alsoused. These testing machinesfeature long travel, wide test-speedranges and interchangeable sensorsand tools, allowing testing of speci-mens and components with widelydiffering forms and dimensions,made from various materials andmaterials combinations and withcorrespondingly different character-istics.

Basic Concept

Zwick has three series of quasi-staticmaterials testing machines, differingin design, equipment, performancecharacteristics and expandability.This allows us to provide the mostsuitable machine for every budget.

• The zwicki-Line consists of high-quality, compact machines. Theseportable, easy-to-use single-columnload-frames have been speciallydesigned for mechanical testingwith low test loads of 0.5 to 5.0 kN.

• The ProLine was developed tosatisfy the demand for cost-effective testing machines forfunction- testing components andstandard tests on materials. The‘Pure Portfolio’ accessory rangefor the ProLine ensures an attrac-tively priced system and shortdelivery times. Test loads are from5k N to 100 kN.

• The Allround-Line provides thesolution to challenging testingsituations and fulfils the mostexacting requirements. It can beequipped or upgraded via a com-prehensive accessory range andused with special sensors and multi-channel measuring technology.

Load Frames

Our standard production load framesare rated for loads up to 2,000 kN.We design and manufacture specialversions for specific applications, e.g.for higher rated loads or horizontallyaligned load frames for testing in thecomponent installation position.

zwicki-Line Single-ColumnModel

This load frame is based on a highlybend-resistant aluminum extrusion,which was developed especially forthe zwicki-Line. The workspace isfreely accessible from three direc-tions, making the zwicki-Line alsosuitable for small component testingand for use as a hardness tester.This modular system’s low weightand compact base make it easilyportable – and it will fit on anylaboratory table.

Fig 2: ProLine Z050TN with CE conforming protective screen

Fig 1: The zwicki line is available in threedifferent heights

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Fig 2: Allround-Line floor-standing machine Z250

optimum height for the application oroperator. This allows, for example,comfortable seated operation withplenty of leg-room, making the sys-tem well suited to wheelchair usersalso.

Hard-chrome plated guide columnsand a precision ball screw with play-free spindle nuts guarantee a high

ProLine Single and Double-Column Table-Top Machines

ProLine load frames incorporate tworound steel columns, providingprecise crosshead guidance, whilethe integrated spindle and guideprotection guarantee reliableoperation in industrial applications orwhen testing splintering materials.

Allround-Line Table-Top andFloor-Standing TestingMachines

The table-top testing machines areequipped with two columns made ofpatented extruded aluminum. Theyare light and highly bend-resistantand combine the functions of spindleguide and spindle protection. T-slotson the outer sides allow simple mount-ing of accessories such as fixtures orsafety guards, unrestricted by themoving crosshead. All table-toptesting machines can be fitted withstands to bring the workspace to the

level of precision for the floor-standingmachines. Various crosshead config-urations are available, providing eitheran upper or lower test area – orboth. All load frames with electro-mechanical drives can optionally beequipped with a second test area.Benefits include rapid change to adifferent type of test without havingto reconfigure the entire machine.

Fig 1: Allround-Line floor-standing machineZ100

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Drives for Quasi-StaticTest Situations

Electromechanical Drives

All electromechanical drives incorpo-rate play-free, low-wear ball screwsand digitally controlled drives and areused with load frames rated for testloads up to 2, 000 kN. Combinedwith the digital measurement andcontrol system, they offer thefollowing advantages:• extremely wide, infinitely variable

speed-range• very low speed-settings possible

(from about 0.5 µm/min)• highly precise, exactly reproducible

positioning and speeds.

The ProLine and zwickiLine testingmachines are fitted with DC motors.All other testing machines haveespecially low-inertia brushlessthree-phase AC motors.

Hydraulic Drives

This drive is located centrally to thefixed crosshead, making the testarea below easily accessible. A servoor proportional valve regulates the oilflow between the hydraulic unit anddifferential cylinder. The oil pad in theupper pressure chamber eliminatesthe familiar problem of plunger pistons„jumping“ when a specimen breaks.For high test loads in particular, thehydraulic drive is an extremely cost-effective solution.

Hybrid Drives

These patented drives combine theadvantages of the electromechanicaldrive (high precision) with those ofthe hydraulic drive (high forces). As aresult, even long-stroke cylindersdesigned for very high loads can bemoved and positioned very precisely.

This approach allows two parallelmounted trough-rod cylinderscoupled to the moving crosshead tobe traversed with precise synchro-nism and regardless of their respec-tive loadings. They follow, accuratelyand virtually without hesitation, theposition parameters set by anelectromechanical pilot drive. Specialfeatures of this drive:• long travel range (no adjustment of

fixed crosshead necessary• relatively low load-frame height

ProLine Load Frames and Drives

Model Z005 Z010 Z020 Z030 Z0501) Z100• Max. test load [kN] 5 10 20 30 50 100• Test area height [mm] 1070 1050 1050 1370 1370 1360• Test area width [mm] 440 440 440 440 440 640• Test area depth [mm]• Max. crosshead-speed [mm/min] 500 1000 500 300 180/600 300• Crosshead travel resolution [µm] 0.039 0.038 0.018 0.012 0.007/0.016 0.008• Max. power consumption, kVA 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8/2.6 31) This testing machine is available in two electronics variations.

zwicki-Line Load Frames and Drives

Model Z0.5 Z1.0 Z2.5 Z5.0• Max. test load [kN] 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.0• Test area height

* Shortened [mm] 570 570 573 -* Normal [mm] 1070 1070 1073 1030* Raised [mm] 1370 1373 1373 -

• Test area width [mm]• Test area depth [mm] 100 100 100 100• Max. crosshead-

speed [mm/min] 2000/3000 2000 1000 600• Crosshead travel resolution [µm] 0.2453 0.2265 0.0996 0.0399• Max. power consumption, kVA 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44

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Allround-Line Load Frames and Drives

Table-top testing machinesModel Z005 Z010 Z020 Z030 Z050 Z100 Z150• Max. test load [kN] 5 10 20 30 50 100 150• Test area height

* Normal [mm] 1) 1045/1025 1045/1025 1045/1025 - - - -* Raised [mm] 1) 1445/1425 1445/1425 1445/1425 1355/1325 1355/1325 1355 1535* Extra high [mm] 1) 1795/1785 1795/1785 1795/1785 1755/1725 1755/1725 1755 -

• Test area width* Normal [mm] 440 440 440 440 440 - -* Widened [mm] 640 640 640 640 640 640 640

• Test area depth [mm]• Max. crosshead-

speed [mm/min] 3000 2000 1000/20003) 1000 600 750/15003) 900• Crosshead travel resolution [µm] 0.0410 0.0272 0.0136/0.05433) 0.0271 0.0163 0.0207 0.0123• Max. power consumption,

kVA 2 1.9 2.1/2,63) 2.3 2.3 4/63) 5.5

Floor-standing testing machinesModel Z050/Z100 Z150/Z250 Z300E Z400E Z600E Z1200E• Max. test load [kN] 50/100 50/250 300 400 600 1200• Teat area hight [mm] 1825/17601) 1715/16551) 1800 1800 1940 2266


• Test area width* Normal [mm] 630 630 630 630 740 800* Widened [mm] 1030 1030 - - -

• Test area depth [mm]• Max. crosshead-

speed [mm/min] 1000/20003) 900/600 250 250 200 400• Crosshead travel resolution [µm] 0.0270 0.0123/0.0082 0.0035 0.0035 0.002 0.0041• Max. power consumption, kVA 4/53) 5.5/6 7/134) 7/134) 20/264) 20/254)

1) Second dimension applies to version with widened test area 3) Depending on drive selected2) Applies to lower-priced special version with only one test area4) Higher consumption if hydraulic specimen grips used

High Force Load Frames and Drives (Standard range with hydraulic or hybrid drives)

Model Z400H Z600H Z1200H Z1600H Z2000H Z600Y Z1200Y Z2000Y• Max. test load (kN) 400 600 1200 1600 2000 600 1200 2000• Test area

* Width (mm) 670 670 850 800 850 790 860 1200* Heigth (mm) 1578 1578 1876 2076 2236 1895 2330 2495* Heigth (mm) with adjustable crosshead 1878 1878 2184 2834 2829 - - -

• Max. travel (stroke, mm) 500 500 600 600 600 850 1000 1000• Crosshead travel resolution (µm) 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.05• Max. test speed (mm/min) 340 340 200 250 200 250 250 250• No. of support/guide columns 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2• Max. power consumption (kVA) 8.5 8.5 15 20 20 8.5 15 25

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Fig 1: C-shape frame for compression and indentation test on larger foam elements

C Load Frame

Mode Z005 Z010 Z050• Version Stand (C-Form) Stand (C-Form) Stand (C-Form)• Max. test load, kN 5 10 50• Test area width x height, mm 4501) x 680 4501) x 680 400 x 900

Optional 14502) x 680 14502) x 680 -• Depth, mm 10001) 10001) 4501)

• Crosshead speed max., mm/min 600 600 600• Crosshead travel resolution, µm 0.0504 0.0504 0.01627• Max. power consumption, kVA 1.1 1.1 2.31) Table dimensions 2) Table dimensions with extensions

C-Shaped Load Frame

This load frame is ideal for compres-sion and indentation hardnesstesting of larger cellular plastic itemssuch as automobile and aircraftseat-cushions and mattresses.

Fig 2: C-shape frame with Fmax 50 kN fortesting rivet joints and components

Folding table-top extensions can beused to provide a very large surfaceand the test area of the table isprovided with vent holes in accor-dance with ISO and ASTM stan-dards. The test space is accessiblefrom three sides, allowing quick,

convenient operation, while the useof adapter pieces enables this loadframe to be employed for tensile andtear testing.

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Measurement and ControlSystems

The measurement and controlsystem is an essential element ofany testing machine. Its design andscope determine which drive systemit regulates, which measurementsystem it is connected to, and whichfunctions can be controlled with it.

Zwick testing machines usetestControl electronics. Developedby Zwick in-house, testControlfeatures state-of-the-art technologyand the highest possible quality stan-dards, providing maximum perfor-mance and long-term investmentsecurity.

Special features include:

• synchronized test data recordingof all measuring channels with highresolution and measurementfrequency

• 500 Hz real-time processing of testdata for monitoring and event-oriented control of the test sequence(e.g. speed change upon reachingoffset yield or proof stress limit) andsafety limits

• adaptive control for exactly repro-ducible test speeds and positions

• modular design enables testControlto accommodate customers’individual requirements – if thesechange over time, testControl canbe adapted to suit (e.g. additionalload or strain channels or externalinput / output channels)

• direct, synchronous correction intestControl for testing systemelasticity, providing high positioningaccuracy, including under load.

Fig 3: Input/output module box

In the base model, testControl andthe testing machine are operatedvia a PC and testXpert® software,making the system easy to expandand configure to suit the most variedapplications – and at the same timeextremely flexible and convenient inoperation.

As an alternative to PC operation, anoptional stand-alone variation offerssimple, direct operation via a colordisplay, a key pad and a few intuitivefunction keys. A printer can beconnected directly to output testresults.

This system can also be connectedto a PC, thus providing access tothe benefits of testXpert® software.Housed in a compact casingmounted directly on the load frame,the electronics ensure high overallavailability and reliability of the testingsystem.

Fig 1: testControl controller Fig 2: Optional input/output modular kit toaccommodate additional signals

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testXpert® II – Intelligentand Reliable, the NewSoftware Generation forMaterials Testing

With testXpert®, Zwick Roell has setthe standard for intelligent materialstesting software. Unlike othersoftware, Zwick has standardizedtestXpert® for all of its applications,no matter whether static or dynamictests — so you spend less timelearning to handle software andmore time conducting tests. WithtestXpert® II, you benefit from over80 years of testing experience andfrom over 15,000 successfulinstallations worldwide.

Some Significant Benefitsof testXpert® II

Ingeniously simple – testXpert® IIis organized so that you can operateit intuitively. Expressive symbols anda clear menu structure enable usersquickly to become oriented andreduce the familiarization perioddramatically. The menu bar is set upaccording to the needs of the user,making working with testXpert® IIingeniously simple.

Intelligent – wizards help you toset up or change test proceduresand test reports. Should you haveany questions, our extensivecontext-sensitive online help featurewill quickly deliver the answer.

Modular design – testXpert® IIgives you a software system tailoredto your needs. testXpert® II’s modu-lar design makes this possible - youonly buy what you need. Upgradingyour existing system with additionaltest programs or options is – ofcourse – no problem.

Compatible with your hardware –Zwick testXpert® II is compatible withall commercially available PCs andlaptops without the need for an addi-tional interface card! This means it iseasy to switch system computers oreven to develop test methods orperform analyses in the office at yourconvenience. You always haveaccess to your test data.

Online language swapping –needless to say, you can havetestXpert® II in your language ofchoice. testXpert® II speaks morethan one language – all you need todo is click the mouse in order tochange the language online.Regardless of the language used fortesting, a test report can beautomatically printed and e-mailed ina different language. FlexibletestXpert® II language swappingoffers international teams language-neutral operation of their testingmachine and greatly simplifiescommunication.

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Industry-oriented terminologyand data export capability –testXpert® II not only uses your lan-guage but it also adopts your technicalterminology. For example, symbolsor variables that are specific to yourindustry (e.g. metals, plastics, rubber)are implemented throughout thesoftware. This provides more rele-vant, meaningful information for yourtesting application. Today’s qualityassurance standards necessitate thatthe test results may be exported toa company’s central laboratorydatabase. So we have createdtestXpert® II to communicate reliablywith your IT system by providing fle-xible interfaces. All test results candirectly be processed, exported andarchived. MS Office integration isachieved by means of Object LinkingEditing (OLE).

Simple Testing withtestXpert® II

Select Test Standard

testXpert® II already contains thecorrect test program for every stan-dardized test. Simply select the re-quired test program – all parametersare pre-configured in accordancewith standards and can also beadapted as required. For non-standardized tests, testXpert® IIprovides a range of varied, powerfultesting programs, allowing the testsequence to be set up completelyas desired.


The individual data are displayed onthe monitor – online as part of thetest procedure, so you can followthe test procedure live. If desired youcan also incorporate an exactlysynchronized video recording.

The results are calculated during thetest so that the test procedure canbe process-controlled, e.g. by speedchange after determining the E-modulus or the yield point. Only inthis manner can the test beperformed quickly and inaccordance with the standard.

Evaluation of Test Results

In testXpert® II you can create manydifferent screen layouts according toyour needs, for example with additio-nal graphs, various presentations ofthe testing curves, tables and additi-onal statistics. With one click youcan switch between the variouslayouts, thus changing thepresentation of your test results.

Fig 1: Comparison of strain and nominal strain measured with an extensometer in a tensile test

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Synchronized video recording –testXpert® II offers you an image-for-image, exactly synchronized videorecording of your test. You caninterpret the measuring curve of thetest efficiently with the help of therecorded image changes of thespecimen. You can record the testprocedure with a video camera orUSB webcam. And testXpert® IIsaves the recorded video imageswith the measuring data – with 100 %synchronization guaranteed thanksto Zwick’s specially designed mech-anism. The visual recording shows,for example, when, how, and wherethe specimen develops cracks, de-forms or changes color. Changes inspecimen dimensions can be mea-sured exactly from the capturedimages. In addition, before the test,you can determine which eventsshould be recorded, such as thepoint in a cycle when compressionchanges to tensile stress. Afterwardsyou can print out these images orintegrate them into the test report.Thanks to the synchronized videorecording, the test procedure can berecalled or compared at any later time.

testXpert® II LIMS – only testXpert® IIoffers this feature: an integratedLaboratory Information ManagementSystem (LIMS). A powerful databaseis available to administer your testresults in order to create and archivelong-term statistics and reports. Alldata acquired by testXpert® II areavailable on any testing system inyour company.

Fig 2: A presentation of a material's tensile strength over a period of days

Fig 1: The video picture and the data curves are exactly synchronized with each other. Themeasured data points are then easily compared.

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Graphical Sequence Editor –The testXpert® II Graphical SequenceEditor offers all the freedom you couldpossibly wish for. It enables you todesign test programs of any kind, bycombining test events, parametersand results exactly as you require.The intelligent design of the graphicalsequence editor makes your workeasy. You do not require any pro-gramming knowledge as thegraphical interface makes for quickfamiliarization. Process safety isassured thanks to the integratedsimulation mode, which analyzes thetest program you have created.To do this it uses a virtual testingmachine with different specimenbehavior options (e.g. spring, plastic,metal, etc.), thus filtering errors outof the test procedure in the earlystages – all without destroying asingle specimen.

For example: You wish to cyclebetween two steps (such as loadlevels) within a test sequence. Usethe mouse to select the module ofthe first step and drag and drop itinto the sequence. Decide the para-meters for the first step. Proceedaccordingly with the second step.

You can enter the number of loopsin the loop module underneath it,and then reconnect it to the begin-ning. At the same time, a limit canbe monitored during this process,once again, very simply, by selectingthe respective limit module.

Fig 1: An example of of a graphical sequence editor program

Fig 2: The program sequence illustrated. Details for each step may be shown and changed by clicking on respective boxes.

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Fig 1: Load cells with sensor plug, typebending ring-torsion

Load Cells, Torque Cellsand Load MeasurmentPlatforms

Load Cells

Load cells are available for accurateload measurement of forces from0.04 N upwards. Used in conjunctionwith digital measurement electronics,they offer the following advantages:• automatic identification and acqui-

sition of all setting and calibrationparameters via sensor plug – noneed for calibration or setting dataalterations when changing the loadcell

• insensitive to parasitic interference(bending moments, torsionmoments etc.)

• high flexural strength limit andtorque strength limit

• automatic zero-point andsensitivity balancing

• temperature compensation• high measurement frequency• very high test data resolution• accuracy: Class 1 (1 % of reading)

from 0.2 to 120 % of full scale load(1 to 100 % in the case of loadcells smaller than 500 N). Class0.5 (0.5 % of reading) from 1 % to100 % of full scale load.

• over-range protection• manufacturer’s test certificate

certifying factory calibration.

Load cells with one-sided or double-sided mounting studs and self-identifying sensor plugs are availablefor load capacities from 10 N upwards.

Types and Recommendationsfor Use

In some tests other factors, in ad-dition to the accuracy of the loadcells, may be significant. Tempera-ture sensitivity of zero point andmeasured value are of importancewhen temperature conditioningdevices are used. During compres-sion and flexural tests in particular,transverse forces and moments mayoccur and these should not beallowed to produce unacceptabledistortion of the measured value ordamage the load cell. To cater forthese factors, Zwick supplies loadcells in various configurations.

• Type: Bending ring-torsionThe body of this rotatoin-symmetricload cell is a bending ring with ring-shaped strain gauges on the facesurfaces. It is highly insensitive toexcentric load applications andoverloads.

• Type: Multiple beamThe outer and inner rings of this loadcell are linked by spokes on whichthe strain gauges are mounted.This load cell is relatively insensitiveto excentric load applications.

Torque Cells

Key features:• wide torque measuring range• high accuracy and resolution• high axial loads possible• alternative mounting on load cell

(allowing unlimited revolutions) oron torsion drive.

Load MeasurementPlatforms

Key features:• multi-component measurement

platform comprising: 3x load cellsin z-axis 2x load cells in y-axis, 1xload cell in x-axis, torque measur-ing on all axes

• transfer and/or measurement ofhigh lateral forces

• transfer and/or measurement ofhigh torques, e.g. clutch testing

• determination of force vectorsresulting from compression coilsprings

• determination of force penetrationpoints

• determination of transverse forceincluding force vector.

Fig 3: Load measurement platform

Fig 2: Torque cell

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Specimen Grips

Materials and component testing inthe automobile industry produces awide variety of applications. Theseare catered for by Zwick’s compre-hensive range of specimen gripscovering various designs, load rangesand test temperatures. The optimumgripping principle is selected, basedon specimen shape, material, load/temperature range and desired speci-men throughput level, and standardor custom-made grips supplied asappropriate.

Selection criteria for specimen grips


• Size (max. test load)* Smallest version, kN 10 0.02 0.02 2.5 0.02 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.5 25* Largest version, kN 2000 100 0.05 600 50 250 10 400 30 250

• Temperature range* Lower limit, °C -70 -70 -15 -70 -70 -40 -40 -15 +20 -70* Upper limit, °C +250 +250 +80 +250 +250 +250 +250 +80 +1200 +250



lic g





c g



ng g


Wedge g



w g





w g



















edge g


Fig 3: Pneumatic grips Fig 6: Wedge-screw grips

Fig 2: Hydraulic grips Fig 5: Screw grips

Fig 4: High-temperature grips Fig 7: Hydraulic-wedge gripsFig 1: Roller grips

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In most tensile tests the extensionagainst the test load has to be mea-sured; in special cases the changein width must also be measured. Inflexure tests, the measured quantityis the deflection. A variety of ex-tensometer types are required tocope with differing specimen shapesand dimensions, material properties(strength, rigidity, extensibility etc.)material characteristics to be deter-mined, measuring accuracies etc.

Requirements forExtensometers

The requirements for an extenso-meter are determined primarily bythe physical characteristics of thematerial to be tested. Other criticalfactors include the shape anddimensions of the specimen togetherwith the relevant test standards andresults to be obtained. Ambient con-ditions (temperature, light, vibration)and costs must also be taken intoconsideration, as should the operatingcharacteristics of extensometers.Whatever the application, Zwick’swide range of extensometers hasthe right instrument for the job.

The following chart contains anoverview of the criteria affecting thechoice of extensometer.

Crosshead Travel Encoder

A digital crosshead travel encoder isstandard equipment on all ZwickStandard or Allround materials testingmachines. Its measuring signal isprimarily used to provide an actualvalue for the drive system positionand speed control; however, it canalso be used for indirect extensionmeasurement .

Analogue Clip-On Extensometers(clip-on, manual)

The resolution of these extensometers,which can be attached manually orautomatically (option) to the speci-men, is extremely high, but their testtravel is relatively short. They aretherefore predominantly used for highprecision determination of tensilemodulus (ISO 527-1) on rigid andreinforced plastics and to determinePoisson’s Ratio (with simultaneousmeasurement of extension andchange in width).

Fig 1: Selection process of extensometers

Extensometer Portfolio

Measuring Priciple,Properties

Functionality(auto / manual)


Purchase,Running Costs,

Ease of Use

Specific Test Application

Comparsion and selection processcriteria (“must have“ / “should have“)


Test Method,Standard




Specimen, TestSequence, Test Result

Temperature, Light,Noise

Purchasing,Running Costs



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Bild 2: The multiXtens combines high-resolution and long-stroke measurement

Bild 1: Digital clip-on extensometer

Long-Stroke Extensometer

This is designed for measuring higherstrain levels on plastics, rubber andelastomeres, cellular materials, plasticfilm and thin sheet with maximumforces greater than approx. 20 Nand provides a robust and non-sen-sitive system, particularly suitable fortesting rubber and elastomere speci-mens with a tendency to wraparound the sensor arms after speci-men break.

Digital Clip-On Extensometers

These high-resolution extensometersare attached to the specimensmanually and feature relatively longtest travel, making them suitable forprecise determination of the tensilemodulus and yield point in accor-dance with ISO 527-1 and ASTM D638 on rigid and semi-rigid plastics.They can even be used to determinethe elongation at maximum stressand the strain at break for rigidplastics with low extension

Optical Extensometer

Contact-free, digital extensometerfor tensile tests on shouldered testbars made of rubber, elastomeres,flexible cellular materials, thin sheetand plastic film, at room temperatureand in temperature chambers(through a heated window).

Macro Extensometer

This digital extensometer is suitablefor tensile, compression, flexure andcyclic tests on plastics, compositesand rigid cellular plastics showingsmall to medium extensions. It canalso be used for thin sheet, plasticfilms and flexible cellular plasticsprovided optical measuring methodsare not required.


Fully automatic, multifunctional high-resolution digital extension measure-ment system for tensile, compres-sion, flexure and creep tests as wellas for cyclic tests on materials withlow to high extensions

Advantages:• automatic gauge length setting• automatic application and detach-

ment of sensor arms• automatic centering between

specimen grips• very low drag force• deformation measurement until

specimen break without detachingsensor arms

• crosshead contact protection• exchangeable sensor arms for

tensile, compression and flexuretests

• automatic sensor recognition• suitable for measurements in

temperature chambers• upgradable for transverse strain



Fully automatic high-resolution, opti-cal extensometer using the LaserSpeckle method. It is used for tensileand compression tests on materialswith low to high extensions, both atroom temperature and in conjunc-tion with temperature chambers.

Advantages:• optical system not requiring

measurement marks• easy to operate• no drag-force influence• reliable, accurate deformation

measurement until specimenbreak

• particularly suitable for measure-ment in temperature and climaticchambers

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Fig 1: The videoXtens is adapted to the testby selecting field view


A contact-free high-resolution ex-tensometer for tensile and compres-sion tests on all kinds of plastics,rubber, composites, sheets andplastic films. Resolution and measur-ing range can easily be adapted tothe prevailing test conditions byselecting suitable easy-to-changelenses.


• adaptable to various materials andtest conditions

• parallel measurement of transversestrain (optional)

• reliable, accurate strain measure-ment until specimen break

• automatic gauge lengthrecognition

• suitable for measurements intemperature chambers through aheated glass panel.


laserXtens provides contact-freemeasuring of deformations on a widerange of materials, its measuringprinciple rendering gauge marksunnecessary. laserXtens is used fortensile and compression tests onmetals, plastics and components.

Fig 2: laserXtens


• no specimen marking required• high resolution• automatic gauge-length setting• suitable for temperature chamber

testing• parallel bi-axaial deformation

measurement• suitable for testing small

specimens at high resolution

Extensometers: Overview

Long-stroke Optical Makro multiXtens optiXtens videoXtens1) laserXtens

System digital digital digital digital2) laser- image laser-speckle evaluation speckle

Measuring range, mm 1000 – L0 1000 – L0 min. 75 700 – L0 500 – L0 50...200 40max. 160 700 – L0 (viewfield)

Resolution, µm 5 5 0.12...0.6 0.02...0.04 0.1 1 0.15Accuracy cl. 1 >_ 1mm cl. 1 >_ 3 mm class 0.5/14) class 0.5/14) class 0.5 class 1 class 1(ISO 9513) 1% or 1% or

0.01 mm3) 0.03 mm3)

Gauge lengths, mm 10...1000 10...900 10... >_ 5 >_ 10 >_ 5 1.5-220100/205/300

Drag force, N <_ 0.20 none <_ 0.050 <_ 0.015 none none noneAutom. sensor arm yes yes optional yes yes yes -Autom. L0 pre-set yes yes optional yes yes yes yes1) Data for 25 mm lens, 2) Two measuring ranges, 3) Whichever value is greater, 4) Depending on feeler arm length

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TemperatureConditioning Devices


The mechanical properties of manyplastic and rubber materials changesignificantly with temperature. It isknown, for example, that the modulusof elasticity value of some thermo-plastic materials can vary by about

3 - 4 % per 1 °C. Knowledge of thebehavior of materials under differentenvironmental conditions is of con-siderable importance with regard totheir eventual use, particularly in theautomotive and aeronauticalindustries.

Temperature Chambers

Zwick temperature chambers offerthe following features:• aperture for extensometer sensor

arms on the rear left-hand side(except for non-cooling chambers)

• Eurotherm temperature controlunit with digital display of set valueand actual value.

• interior chamber illumination• insulated glass panel in front door• slotted inserts allowing chamber to

slide in and out without removal ofspecimen holders

• insulation and electrical designconform to CE safety regulations.

Options Available

Several options are available de-pending on testing machine specifi-cation and laboratory requirements:• heated optical glass insert pro-

viding homogeneous temperaturedistribution when using opticalextensometers

• guide rails or lift trolley for removingchamber from test area

• temperature measurement andcontrol by testXpert® software viaRS 232 interface

• direct on-specimen temperaturemeasurement and control

• liquid nitrogen tank, 100 litres, withpressure generation, control valve,filling level indicator and safetydevice.

Fig 1: Zwick Z005 with temperaturechamber, optiXtens and pneumatic grips

High Temperature Furnace


High-temperature testing is used todetermine the thermal-elastic behavior,heat resistance and re-crystallizationtemperature of materials. Zwickprovides various options, from aminimum temperature of 200 °C to amaximum temperature of 1,600 °C.

Depending on the materials to betested, 1-zone or 3-zone furnaceswith air or vacuum environment areavailable. Zwick will provide theoptimum combination of furnace(including temperature controller),

suitable grips for tensile and flexuretests, plus the appropriate extenso-meters.

The high-temperature furnaces andextensometers are provided withswivel units, allowing comfortable,convenient operation of the testingmachine, which can then be usedfor room-temperature testing withpractically no re-setting. An optionalspecimen temperature measuringdevice with up to three thermo-elements is available for direct on-specimen temperature measurement,ensuring standard-compliant testing.

Fig 2: Tensile test using high-temperaturefurnace

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Additional Drive Options forIndividual Solutions andMachine Expanding

Use Zwick’s additional drive optionsfor flexible individual solutions or toexpand universal testing machines –several can be used in combination ifrequired.

Electro-Mechanical TestingActuator

Zwick’s full range of electro-mechanicaltesting actuators offers versatility,high displacement resolution andmultiple load and speed combina-tions. The actuators require nospecial hydraulic equipment or unitsand are a cost-effective solution forstatic and cyclic component-testing.They are compatible with testControland testXpert® and cover a widerange of applications, being availablein a load range of 1 - 30 kN andtravel of 200 - 400 mm with a speedrange between 26 and 500 mm/sec.

Pneumatic Testing Actuator

Zwick’s pneumatic testing actuatorsare used in drive systems for fatiguetesting components. Easy to install,they represent a cost-effective alter-native for simple tests.

Torsion Drives

For tests on components or materialswhich require torsion loading in addi-tion to tensile/compression loads,torsion drives from 2 to 2,000 Nmare available for a wide range ofstandard testing machines. Thesedrives have been developed as amodular system and can thereforeeasily be upgraded. A Master TestProgram for multiple test axes plus agraphical sequence editor for 4 testaxes are available in testXpert® II.

Fig 3: Fatigue-testing headrests

Fig 1: Testing actuator for evaluating ‘softbrake’ effect

Fig 4: Torsion drive (1) and electro-mechanicalactuator (2) integrated with Zwick universaltesting machine

Fig 2: Compression testing child’s seat withpneumatic actuator

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Fatigue Strength andDynamic Strength Testing:Products and Services

Fatigue Testing Machines

Servo-Hydraulic TestingMachines

Servo-hydraulic testing machines areuniversally applicable for materialsand component testing underpulsating or alternating load, withperiodic or random signals. Quasi-static and continuous loading arealso easily achieved.

Special features:• precisely aligned load frames

featuring extremely high stiffness• hydrostatic bearings, making the

actuators virtually frictionless - andalso wear-free

• LVDT extensometer with highresolution and linearity integratedcentrally in the actuator rod

• precision strain-gauge load-cell formounting on actuator rod or fixingto crosshead as required

Fig 1: Amsler HC 25 servo-hydraulic testingmachine

Fig 3: Amsler HA 100 servo-hydraulictesting machine

Fig 2: Amsler HB 250 servo-hydraulic testingmachine

• wide range of hydraulic powerpacks

• comprehensive range ofaccessories (specimen grips,extensometers, temperaturechambers etc.).

Servo-Hydraulic Testing Machines (STM)Standard versions1)

Model2) HC HB HA• Type/version table floor floor• Load frame nominal force, kN 5 – 25 50 – 1000 50 - 500• Test stroke, mm 100 100/250/400 100/250• Specimen length, mm 100 – 700 100 – 1100 250 - 1500• Hydraulic power pack

* System pressure, bar 210/280 210/280 210/280* Feed rate, l/min 9 – 30 20 – 270 20 – 270

• Motor nominal power, kW 5 – 20 11 – 160 11 – 160

1) Load frames available with higher rated actuators and different strokes on request2) Testing actuator mounted on upper crosshead of HC and HB frames, base-mounted on

HA frame

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Amsler HC-compact

The Amsler HC-compact servo-hydraulic testing machine consists ofa hydraulic power pack, test frameand test actuator and is suitable formaterials and component testingunder static and oscillating loads.

Advantages• space-saving design with inte-

grated hydraulic power pack• whisper-quiet power pack allowing

installation without additional noiseprotection measures in virtually anylaboratory

• testing actuator mounted in topcrosshead permitting easy set-upfor flexure and component testing.

• T-slot platform hard-chromed fortests with corrosive media, e.g.saline solutions

• seal-free testing actuator with hydro-static bearings, guaranteeing sig-nificantly longer maintenance-freeoperation than with any other design.

Amsler HCT and HBT Tensileand Compression/TorsionTesting Machines

The servo-hydraulic testing machinesin the Amsler HCT and HBT seriesare used to test the behavior ofmaterials and components undercombined tensile and compression/torsion loading. The tests can beperformed with pulsating, cyclingand static loading.


Standard load frame from HC andHB range.

• Tensile and compression/torsiondrive mounted in upper/fixed cross-head and consisting of:- longitudinal actuator with hydro-

static bearings- length compensation- rotary actuator

• The length compensation allows play-free transmission of the torque tothe rod of the longitudinal actuator.The rotary activator remains fixedand is not subject to axial movement.

• Combined load cell/moment sensor• Tests under discrete load can also

be performed, e.g. axial load only.

Fig 1: Servo-hydraulic testing machineAmsler HC-compact

Fig 2: Tensiel, compression, torsion testingmachine Amsler HBT


• Test frame Fmax 25 kN• Testing Fmax 10 or 25 kN

actuator Stroke 100 or 250 mm• Hydraulic 9 l/min, 210 bar

power pack Noise level< 58 db(A)


HCT 25/250 HBT 100/1• Nominal force FN ±25 kN, stroke 100 mm FN ±100 kN, stroke 100 mm• Nominal moment MN ±250Nm, MN ±1 kNm,

angle of rotation 280° angle of rotation 100°Additional figures on request

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Components for Servo-Hydraulic Test Bench Solutions

Zwick supplies a complete range ofcomponents for flexible testing systems.The test bench is configured fromthe individual components to suit thetest situation. Single or multi-axial –it makes no difference; the modularapproach can handle a wide varietyof combinations and applications.

1. Measuring and control electronicsfor set-value input, control andmeasurement data recording, withsingle or multiple-axis testingsystems.

6. Servo-hydraulic testing actuatorsapply precisely the required staticor oscillating force to the specimen.

7. Hydraulic power packs supply thetest rig with the required hydraulicenergy.

8. Hydraulic hoses provide a flexibleconnection between pressuregenerator and consumer. If theseare some distance apart it isadvisable to install fixed pipe work.

9. Hydraulic connector assembliesswitch the hydraulic energy onand off and enable set-up modewith reduced pressure and flowrate.

Measurement and ControlElectronics for ComponentTesting Systems

Control CubeThe successor to the K7500 is fullycompatible with its predecessor,while its even more compact designmakes it especially suitable for usewith flexible single or multi-axis testrigs. When it is used in conjunctionwith QanTim simulation software,operating loads can be reproducedwith great accuracy.

HydroWin 96xx:These electronics are especiallysuitable for tests involving high testand measurement frequencies. TheHydroWin 96xx guarantees highmeasurement accuracy and isdesigned for use with 1 - 9 axis testson a fixed servo-hydraulic test rig.

Fig 1: Test bench for multi-axial test on car seats

2. Testing software for standard-compliant tests, block testing andreconstruction of operating loads.

3. Load and torque sensors forprecise measurement of inducedloads and moments.

4. Flanges and joints for connectingthe specimen to the actuator,even if misalignments occur or thespecimen moves in the test areaduring arrangement.

5. T-slots and platforms plus angleplates for flexible assembly oftesting actuators and load frame.

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Fig 1: HydroWin 96xx Controller

HydroWin 96xx

Outstanding features of theHydroWin 96xx control andmeasurement electronics include:

• 10 kHz closed-loop control anddata acquisition

• 19-bit A/D conversion with real-time linearization

• real-time measurement channelsfor derived measurands also (e.g.totals or differences)

• 32-bit set-value generation for anyrequired functions up to 1kHz

• adaptive control for non-linear testapplications (e.g. testing rubbercomponents or polymers)

• multi-channel control (up to 9control channels)

• control of external units• comprehensive basic and

application software.

Workshop 96 – Test Softwarefor HydroWin 96xx Controller

Workshop 96 is universal testingsoftware for fatigue and durabilitytests on materials and components,with a large number of applicationprograms for standard tests such asfracture toughness determination,low cycle fatigue, damper testingand so on. A valuable additionalfacility is upgrades for modernizingolder load frames from mostmanufacturers.


The HydroWin 96xx digital controland data acquisition system plusWorkshop 96 software represent afully-integrated testing solution in auser-friendly Windows environment,providing test engineers with accessto all test-system control-options.

Fig 3: Workshop 96 screenshot

Fig 2: testXpert® screenshot of fatigue test on elastomer

Toolkit 96

Toolkit 96 supports Workshop 96and with the HydroWin 9600 controllerprovides an integrated testingenvironment with real-time graphs,actual value displays (adjustable forrunning values), upper peak, lowerpeak, peak to peak or mean values.

testXpert® Dynamic

Zwick also provides a range oftestXpert® software for specific test-ing applications, including low cyclefatigue, torsion testing, multi-stagecontinuous testing, and elastomer-metal component testing.

Configuration 96

This software from the Workshop 96Framework enables the HydroWin96xx control and measurementelectronics to be configured to usemeasured-value transducers andchannels as required. Analog, digitaland mathematically-derived trans-ducers can be configured andassigned to channels. Connectionand disconnection of transducers isautomatically detected by theHydroWin 96xx controller and thesoftware.

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Fig 1: Control Cube Fig 2: Two-channel multi-stage continuoustest on an axle rig

Control Cube

In collaboration with CaTs3

(Consultants in Automated Test andStructural-dynamic Simulation Sys-tems), Zwick provides easy-to-usesoftware, measurement and controlelectronics and data acquisition forsingle and multi-axis servo-hydraulictesting (up to 32 channels).

testXpert® QX

testXpert® QX is comprehensive,modular software covering the fullspectrum of fatigue testing andspecifically designed for single andmulti-axis servo-hydraulic test rigs.testXpert® QX integrates configura-tion, control, data acquisition andanalysis into a single state-of-the-artapplication. testXpert® QX is charac-terized by its extreme ease of use andclever integration of hardware andsoftware. It supports the Control Cubemeasurement and control systemvia an ethernet interface to a laptopor PC.

Software and Hardware forSystem and Simulation Testing

• supports Control Cube via ethernetinterface

• optional data acquisition available• compatible with foreign measure-

ment and control electronics via±10V interface

• single & multi-axis test rigs• testing from components to

complete structures.

Integrated Application

• test project management• integrated control & data acquisition• configuration of the measurement

and control electronic• graphical test editor• test execution, trend monitoring• results analysis• report editor• training/demo mode.

Supports Wide Range of Tests

• multi-stage continuous program• reversal point test• simulated service loads• multi-axis static test.

Test Rig/Measurement andControl Electronic Configuration

• allocate hardware to test rig• calibrate transducers• monitor safety limits• PID auto-tune• comprehensive test procedures• project-oriented configuration.


• start/stop acquisition• digital I/O• test & hydraulics control• limit value conditions, if/else etc

Graphical Test Editor

• advanced waveforms• ramp, dwell, cyclic• procedures• nested sequences• data & reversal point acquisition

Test Management

• test progress• trend monitoring• oscilloscope• test speed

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Hydraulic Power Packs

A wide range of hydraulic powerpacks is available to meet the indivi-dual performance requirements ofvarious applications. Attention waspaid at the development stage tothe heavy demands placed byservo-hydraulic units, such asconstant pressure and high oil purity.

Two pressure stages are available:280 bar and 210 bar.

Fig 1: Testing actuator, LH series

Fig 2: Testing actuator installed on upperload-frame crosshead

Rates of delivery are between 10 l/min and 270 l/min. If more hydraulicperformance is required, powerpacks can be interconnected tocomplex hydraulic stations.

Standard versions of the powerpacks are equipped with a heatexchanger providing water cooling,with water supply controlled by athermostatic valve.Oil/air coolers are optionally availableand re-cooling systems with water-glycol mixtures can also be used.

Servo-Hydraulic TestingActuators

Servo-hydraulic actuators allow com-plex load sequences to be repro-duced with a high level of accuracy,even with loads into the MN range.

The standardized series comprisesactuators from 10 kN to 1,000 kN,configured as required for 280 bar or210 bar. The nominal strokes are100 mm, 250 mm and 400 mm.

Depending on requirements, there isa choice between cylinders withhydrostatic bearings or polymer plainbearings. The hydrostatic actuatorsare seal-free and, in normaloperation, frictionless, making themparticularly suitable for very low testspeeds (no slip stick effects) and alsofor high frequencies and test set-upswhere transverse forces can arise.

Fig 3: Large structural actuator

2 m

The power packs are supplied readyfor the fitting of a sound-deadeningenclosure if environmental conditionsrequire it. ‘Whisper-quiet’ powerpacks with submerged motors canbe supplied on request.

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Vibrophore with Electro-Magnetic Resonance Drive

Zwick are suppliers of the world-famous Amsler HFP Vibrophore, thefirst version being introduced byAmsler in 1945. It is valued by testlaboratories in the automotive sectorfor its high-level performance andlow operating costs.

Special Features

• minimal energy consumption dueto resonance principle

• no hydraulic power pack or otherinstallation outlay required

• maintenance-free operation• high testing frequencies, short test



• dynamic tests to define the fatiguestrength of materials, e.g. fatiguetests in accordance with DIN 50100(S/N curve), in tensile, compres-sive, pulsating and alternating loadranges

• fatigue strength and durability testson components such as springs,crankshafts, connecting rods,fasteners, steering knuckles etc.

Fig 2: Amsler HFP 250 VibrophoreFig 1: Testing connecting rod with tempera-ture-conditioned oil-film

• fracture mechanics tests on CTor COD specimens

• testing under various environmentalconditions (temperature, aggres-sive media)

• specimen pre-cracking for torsionand bending tests

• production and quality control ofcomponents exposed to dynamicloading during their service life

Measurement and ControlElectronics

Control and monitoring of thesetesting machines is via VibroWincontrol and measurement elec-tronics, with test definition, displayand result evaluation by Zwick’sproven testXpert® software

Vibrophore: Specifications

Model, Amsler HFP 5,10 20,30 50,100,150,200,250 300,400,500,550• Load frame nominal force, kN 5 – 10 ±20 to ±30 ±50 to ±250 ±300 to ±550• Max. force amplitude, kN ±5 ±10 to ±15 ±25 to ±125 ±150 to ±225• Max. elastic specimen

deformation, mm ±3 ±2 ±2 - ±3 ±2 - ±3• Frequency range, Hz 35 - 300 35 - 300 35 - 300 35 - 300• Working area width, mm 350 530 750 1000• Max. power consumption, kVA 1 1 1 2.5

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Impact Strength TestingMachines

Amsler HTM Servo-Hydraulic High-SpeedTesting Machine


Servo-hydraulic high-speed testingmachines are predominantly used forhigh-speed penetration tests andhigh-speed tensile breaking tests.Speeds are easily selected over awide range from very slow to maxi-mum. Typical applications are aimedat material characteristics at highelongation rates, crash simulationsor better understanding of materialsin rapid forming processes. Theseinclude:• tensile tests on flat and round

specimens• tensile, peel and shear tests on

joining technologies

Control and MeasurementElectronics

testControl electronics plus testXpert®

software provide comprehensivetest-result evaluations, together withreport creation and data manage-ment.

Fig 2: High-speed testing machine Amsler HTM 5020Fig 1: testXpert® screenshot of a high-speedtest

Amsler HTM Servo-Hydraulic High-Speed Testing MachineSpecifications – standard versions*

Model Amsler HTM2512 5020 8020 16020

• Hydraulic test load, kN ± 25 ± 50 ± 80 ± 160• Max. speed, m/s 12 20 20 20• Min. speed, mm/s 1• End damping, mm 50, both ends• Total stroke, mm 350• Working stroke, mm 250• System pressure, bar 280• Actuator type Equal area actuator for tension/compression

with hydrostatic bearing mounting• Principle of load measurement piezo-electric• Principle of travel measurement incremental• Data acquisition 10 MHz, 12 bit,

4 channels (standard), 8 channels (option)

* Additional figures on request

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Pendulum Impact Testers

HIT pendulum impact testers meetthe exact specifications of internatio-nal standards down to the smallestdetail – meaning that users can relyon these instruments at all times.

Massive Base – Robust StandThe base of the tester is a vibration-damping casting and complies fullywith Standards relating to frame topendulum-mass ratio. Three heavyduty locking leveling-feet ensure firm,stable installation.

Pendulum Coding as StandardEach pendulum is automaticallyrecognized by the instrument,ensuring that the correct pendulumis used for each test.

fig 3: The HIT5.5P is universally applicable for Charpy, Izod, tensile impact and Dynstattesting according to ISO, ASTM and DIN standards

Fig 2: HIT50P pendulum impact tester with CE-conforming protective screen and motorizedpendulum lift

Fig 1: HIT5P pendulum impact tester fortests according to ISO standards

Ergonomic DesignAll important operating elements arewithin easy reach of the operator.

Tool-Free Pendulum ChangeEach pendulum is equipped with aquick-change device, allowingpendulums to be changed quicklyand without the use of special tools.

Method Changing the Easy WayThe supports for the various methodsare securely mounted in dovetailguides. To change over, just slackena few screws slightly and push thesupport out. Reliable limit stopsensure exactly reproducible posi-tioning.

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Modernization Packagesfor all Makes of MaterialsTesting Machines

Zwick ZMART.PROModernization and RetrofitTechnology

Modernizing a testing system can bean economical alternative to buyinga new one, especially with testingmachines with high nominal force,special load frames or complex pe-ripherals. Many of the existing com-ponents such as extensometers orspecimen grips can be adapted tothe new technology and continue inuse.

Whoever built it – Zwick has theright solution for every make

Zwick provides modular moderniza-tion kits which can be adaptedindividually to suit a wide range ofrequirements.

Modernization Packages forMaterials Testing Machineswith Electro-Mechanical andHydraulic Drives

Quasi-static materials testing ma-chines (with electro-mechanical orhydraulic drive) can be re-equippedto state-of-the-art level using thetestControl modernization package.

Modernization involves the followingbasic elements:

• testControl digital control andmeasurement technology

• testXpert® testing software• maintenance-free, precision-

controlled AC drive• adaptation of existing sensors.

Additional elements for hydraulicmaterials testing machines:

• proportional or servo valves• new hydraulic power pack or

adaptation of existing hydrauliccomponents.

Modernization Packages forServo-Hydraulic TestingSystems

Zwick’s HydroWin 96 and Control Cubemodernization packages provide awide range of options for moderniz-ing servo-hydraulic testing systemsof many different makes.

The conversion kits comprise thefollowing components:

• HydroWin 96 and Control Cube digital measurement and controlelectronics

• testXpert® / Workshop 96 testingsoftware

• new hydraulic power pack oradaptation of existing components.

Zwick also provides special moderni-zation options for vibrophores, high-speed test rigs, creep test machinesand pendulum impact testers.

New from Old

We only use components from thecurrent production ranges, providingyour newly modernized machinewith the same level of technology asa comparable new machine.

testXpert® is standard software, soboth new and modernized machinesare equipped with the same operat-ing platform.Following modernization, users enjoyrenewed long-term reliability,guaranteed spare-part supply andaccess to the whole Zwick acces-sory program.

Detailed information regarding con-trol and measurement electronicsused can be found on pages 33, 48and 59.

Fig 1: Servo-hydraulic testing machineZwick REL2041 after the modernizationwith HydroWin 96XX

Fig 2: Materials testing machine Zwick 1455after the modernization with testControl

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Zwick Services

Applications Laboratoryand Contract Testing

In the last few years Zwick's appli-cations laboratory has become to acompetence-center of materalstesting with active scientific exchange.

Functions:• demonstrations and pre-testing• performing and evaluating tests on

customers’ behalf

Services:• use of full Zwick portfolio• design and adaptation of specific

testing devices• documentation and interpretation

of component failure• access to expert knowledge of

highly experienced staff• evaluation and documentation of

tests• fast testing service to international

standards, works standards andspecial regulations

• advice on products, testing methodsand test performance

Laboratory for FatigueStrength and DynamicStrength

• determining S-N curves for fatiguestrength measurement of bonds,structures, and weld seams

• fatigue test investigations undermulti-axial load

• fatigue strength investigationsunder in-service loadings- single and multi-stage testing- testing under temperature

(60 °C to +1,200 °C)- connecting rod testing under

simulated engine conditions- corrosive media on request

• determining cyclic materialbehavior (LCF)

• determining fracture mechanicalcharacteristic values

• performing tests under impacttest force

• application of measuring methodsto obtain the relevant mechanicalvalues (crack propagation, crackdetection, local strains, temperaturesequence etc.) for specimens andcomponents

Laboratory for Quasi-StaticApplications

• tensile, compression, flexure andtorsion testing

• testing under temperature (-40 °C to +200 °C)

• testing in high temperature range(+200 °C to +900 °C)

• determining impact strength• hardness testing• melt index testing• component testing• viscosity testing• fracture mechanics testing

Fig 1: Zwick laboratory for quasi-static applications Fig 2: Laboratory for fatigue strength anddynamic strength: Fatigue test on a tie rod

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Further Services

Worldwide Service

Customer satisfaction is our firstpriority at Zwick Roell AG. Localservice organizations in over 50countries work to ensure optimumutilization and maximum availability ofyour testing system.

Engineer Consultation Service

New testing assignments with chan-ging requirements, building orupgrading a testing laboratory - onlywith the aid of specialists can you besure of getting what you want.Experienced Zwick engineers adviseat the planning stage of complexprojects and then help you achievethe reality.


There are many factors to considerbefore deciding to acquire amaterials testing system andaccessories. To make that decisioneasier, the application technologylaboratory at Zwick's headquartersoffers you the opportunity toexperience various solutions to awide range of testing situations.

Test drive

For new, altered or highly complexapplications, Zwick offers you the op-portunity to carry out a practical test.The application technology laboratory'sexperts and comprehensive range ofequipment are at your disposal.

Application Technology Seminars

Active co-operation with associatesin research and technology enablesthe Zwick Academy to organizeseminars on the basic principles ofmaterials testing, its applications andthe current level of knowledge.

Pre-Delivery Inspection

Before final delivery of a machine,customers have the opportunity tocarry out a pre- delivery inspectionat our premises, where they cansatisfy themselves regarding scopeof delivery and try out the functionsstipulated in the order. We alsoprovide an introduction to operatingthe system.


If required, Zwick Service will, aspart of the commissioning process,provide full transport supervision. Wecan also provide business-to-business transport and deliver themachine to the desired location atyour premises.


With several thousand successfulcommissionings under our belt, youcan rely on Zwick Service to providethe best possible installation servicefor machine and/or accessories.Pre-handover function tests in thecustomer's presence help makeinstallation trouble-free.

Hardware Familiarization

Nothing is left to chance at ZwickService when a new system iscommissioned. Professional, system-atically constructed checklists helpyou get the most out of our products.

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Software Familiarization

Specially produced checklists usingconcrete examples from everydaypractice help you become familiarwith our software, with results beingsaved for later use. Alternatively, weoffer a 2-stage induction course,consisting of a basic introduction aspart of the commissioning process,followed by an expanded inductionat a later point in time.

Machine Relocation

Zwick Service will organize the relo-cation of your testing machine fromstart to finish. Our experiencedproject management team will takecare of the detailed planning ofdisassembly, transport and recom-missioning. Zwick will see to it thatyour testing machine is ready andwaiting at your new premises.

Software Adaptation

With our software engineers' depthof expert knowledge and manyyears of experience, you can rely onZwick to deliver programming per-fectly adapted to your individualrequirements. Working closely withour customers, we identify theirtesting requirements and – still inclose collaboration – deliver the rightpackage for the job.

Product Training

Qualified trainers with industry ex-perience provide product training.We also offer individual trainingtailored to customers' requirements.This is available in-house or at ourpremises.


First priority is for your testing ma-chine to be in perfect working order.Should faults develop in your machineor software, in spite of their highquality, our expert staff are ready tohelp you via the Zwick Hotline. Yourcall will be returned in the shortestpossible time.


For further advice or assistance,such as technical or software sup-port, the Zwick SupportDesk is inmany cases a better option than anon-the-spot visit. Our experiencedstaff will use their wide-rangingtechnical knowledge to provide youwith an answer speedily andeffectively.


Whether for short-term testingrequirements or just to try them out,Zwick Service has the specimengrips you need.


Zwick Service can perform thenecessary scheduled maintenanceof machines and accessories asdetailed in the operating manual andwill also ensure that service intervalsare maintained.

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Zwick Service helps you reducedowntime significantly through regu-lar servicing of your testingmachines.

The condition of the machine is re-corded at the service and necessaryrepairs are carried out and wearparts replaced immediately, wherepossible. The service engineer willalso advise on preventive and/or pre-cautionary measures.


If, in spite of careful servicing andmaintenance, a fault develops in amachine, one of our many serviceengineers will be with you in theshortest possible time, while spareparts can be delivered within 24hours.


Zwick's calibration service isaccredited by DKD1), UKAS2),COFRAC3) and A2LA4) to DIN ENISO/IEC 17025 for on-site calibrationof materials testing machines.

The reference measuring equipmentused is regularly recalibrated. De-pending on the customer's require-ments, either a works calibration(Zwick calibration certificate), ISOcalibration (Zwick certificate withdocumentation showing measuringequipment supervision to ISO9001)or DKD calibration (DKD certificate) isperformed.

If necessary, the testing machinesand associated sensors will beadjusted during calibration.

1) DKD: Deutscher Kalibrier-Dienst2) UKAS: United Kingdom Accreditation

Service3) COFRAC: Comité Français d´Accréditation4) A2LA: American Association for

Laboratory Accredition

Software Upgrade/Update

An update gives you access to theongoing development of testXpert®

software and opens the door to anexpanded range of functions.Changes to testing standards arealso incorporated into the latestversions.

Upgrading from an old DOS operat-ing system to the latest Windowsequivalent provides a secure, reliableroute to the new technology. Up-grade from testXpert® to testXpert® IIand enjoy access to all the latesttestXpert® developments, with theirmany benefits for everyday use.

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