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FALL 2012 Outreach Magazine Leading the Way to a BeƩer Tomorrow... Technology, Social Media in Ministry NATIONAL BAPTIST LAYMEN Renew “ADOPT-A-SCHOOL” MINISTRY ...ImpacƟng the World Community For the Kingdom of God Ministry Spotlight A GOOD A GOOD and and FAITHFUL FAITHFUL SERVANT SERVANT
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Page 1: Test Magazine

FALL 2012Outreach Magazine

Leading the Way to a Be er Tomorrow...


Social Media in




...Impac ng the World Community For the Kingdom of God

Ministry Spotlight

A GOOD A GOOD and and


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The TRUMPET Ministry Team invites you to share about the great works in evangelism God is accomplishing through you, your church or someone else you know. You may

submit your article to: [email protected] or NED TRUMPET, P.O. Box 270176 Kansas City, MO. 64127 To receive more information about

our ministry, or to volunteer on our team, you may call (816) 921-5095

Rev. William F. Snorgrass, Editor in Chief, New Era District Moderator Vernon Eskridge and Curtis Hammons, Sr. Sales Managers

Ronny Lenzy Photographer Sharon Eskridge Coordinator, Electronic Communications

Patricia A. Jones Proof Editor Brenda Rucker Director of Publications

PASTORAL ADVISORY TEAM Rev. Jesse Frazier, Rev. Samuel Nero, Sr., Rev. Frank Williams

We look forward to hearing from YOU!

What We Believe … In this day and time, it is very important that we understand what we believe about God, The Bible, Salvation, Jesus Christ, Heaven, Hell, Civic Responsibil-ity, etc. There are many important decisions made in life but NONE of them are more important than what we believe concerning the topics mentioned above (and others) . It is for this reason that ‘What We Believe’ will be a structured feature in this magazine . While an article may appear from time to time giving more detailed explanation of the doctrinal position, the general overall doctrinal beliefs of the New Era Missionary Baptist District Association may be viewed at the District website:

...concerning The Scriptures We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired, and is a perfect treasure of heavenly instruction; that it has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture of error for its matter; that it reveals the principles by which God will judge us, and therefore is , and shall remain to the end of the world, the true center of Christian union, and the supreme stand-ard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions shall be tried (1 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:20-21; Acts 1:16; 1 John 4:1; Rom. 2:12).

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HOLIDAY 2012NEW ERA Outreach Magazine


4 POLITICS and the PEW. The Election is Over, Now What? Rev. William F. Snorgrass Observations from the recent election

7 GO, And I Am With You Rev. Frank Williams In His Word, Christ encourages us in the important work of reaching out to the lost

8 What Kind of Cross Does Your Christmas Have? Rev. William F. Snorgrass Reflection on the true meaning of Christmas

11 Vanderberg Youth Center of City Union Mission Rev. James Smith Ministry opportunities available to help families in need

13 Technology as a Tool in Ministry Rev. William F. Snorgrass Discover new methods and tools for ministry in the 21st century

15 The Church Mothers Ministry at Work Mother Marian Yolkum Prayer ministry and mentoring is priority for Church Mothers

17 National Baptist Laymen, Adopt-a-School Ministry Dr. Thad Jones National Laymen seek support of local churches for school mentoring ministry

21 Use What God Gives You Rev. Samuel Nero, Jr. Can we evangelize through Social Media?

22 A Divine Encounter Sis. Brenda Rucker When God says ‘Go’— don’t wait too long

27 Spotlight on Ministry: A Good and Faithful Servant A TRUMPET salute to one of God’s Finest

29 The ROMAN ROAD Rev. Jesse Frazier One of the simplest and most effective tools in evangelism for any willing worker

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As we rest ourselves in this moment, the dust has somewhat settled but a fire still burns in the hearts and minds of many who are beside themselves over the election outcome, more specifically the Presidential election.

What should be the Christian response to what has taken place now? Has our responsibility ended, now that we have fulfilled our civic responsibility in voting? Can we retreat to the sacred covers of the walls of our sanctuaries and give no attention to the processes that now follow? We, as believers, do have Biblical instruction concerning this matter…there is Biblical instruction that answers the question of ‘What Now?’

We must be reminded that God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). Peter had just been challenged by the Lord to slay and eat of animals that were considered to be unclean by Old Testament law. Peter’s refusal identified in him a prejudice that would hinder him from being the vessel the Lord desired of him. When the event was complete, the point of the matter was God showing Peter that his love was intended to be bestowed upon the Gentiles as well as the Jews.

Peter learned this lesson well through the

vision and communication with the Lord, and declares ‘God Is No Respecter of Persons’. What are we to take from this? No matter who would have landed in the White House, the Christian response is a divine command to ‘be no respecter of persons’ and pray for the leadership, of which structure is ordained of God.

The Apostle Paul writes to: 1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV) 1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in

authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

Believers are called to lead a quiet peaceable life in all godliness and honesty and pray for those in authority,

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because it is the Will of God. Failing to do this will lead to God’s name being disrespected and the message of the Gospel hindered. In the letter to the Corinthians (1Cor.9:27), Paul writes of his concern of becoming ineffective in his ministry if his preaching and practice were on different pages. His answer to this problem was to be obedient to the Lord’s will.

Again we see the attitude believers are to have toward those in authority (Romans 13:1-7). Not only are we to pray for our leaders (in government and anywhere else, no matter who they are), we are also instructed to submit ourselves in obedience to the laws and system. This means that as believers, we cannot be bigoted, have rebellious dispositions as we have seen taking place around this nation after this election. We can’t live in unrighteous anger and walk in faith with our Lord.

We must be reminded that God’s Sovereign Will ‘will be done’. We can do nothing to alter it one way or the other. We must remind ourselves that no matter what, or who, or when, or how, our God is an Awesome God and is in total control…no matter what. It is Solomon who declares that ‘the heart of the king is in His hand’ (Prov. 21:1). God can turn that heart wherever He wills.

Therefore, as believers:

Philippians 4:6-7 (KJV) 6 Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 (New American Standard Version)

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


Rev. William F. Snorgrass, Moderator New Era Missionary Baptist District

Rev. and Mrs. William F. Snorgrass

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Second Baptist Supports the New Era Missionary Baptist District Association

· Men Equipped for Ministry

· Women Prepared for Service

· Christian Education Built on

Sound Doctrine

· Youth Fulfilling Their Dreams

Second Baptist Church 116 E. White Oak

Independence, Missouri (Home of Harry Truman)

Organized 1861

Birth Place of Western Baptist Bible College

Deacons Trustees

Lawrence Bivins – Chairman Ronald Boggess, Sr. - Chairman

Thad Jones Lawrence Bivins

Dr. David Thompson Marvin Robinson

Percy Marshall Patricia Thompson

Theron Ragland Marsha Graham

Anthony Johnson, Jr. Norman Robinson

Tyrone Carter Richard Pollard

Warren Buchanan Thad Jones

Ronnie McCoy

Associate Ministers Maizie Campbell – Financial Secretary

Rev. Roger Block Marsha Graham - Treasurer

Rev. Anthony Delce Sandra Jones – Minister of Music

Rev. Samuel J. Nero, Sr.

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GO, And I AM With You! In His Word, Christ encourages us in the important work of reaching out to the lost

M atthew 28:19-20 says, “Go ye there-

fore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatso-ever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the world. Amen.”

The text says, “Go ye therefore”; it is not only a word of command, but a word of encouragement. “Go, and fear not. Have I not sent you?” Not that we must go all together in eve-ry place, but disperse in such a manner as might best diffuse the light of the gospel.

Remember, Jesus said in Matthew 5th chap-ter, verses13-14, and 16, that we are the salt of the earth, the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hid. He also said we are to let our light (life) so shine before men that they may see your

good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Yes, this plainly signifies it to be the will of Christ, that salvation by Christ should be offered to all.

Our duty is to teach the commands of Christ—not our own inventions, but the institutions of Christ. Notice in the text, Jesus said not, “I will be with you”, but “I am with you”, which indicates that we (the believers) will have His Spiritual presence to carry us through difficult times. We’re likely to meet, and to succeed in this great undertaking.

“Lo, I am with you” to make your ministry ef-fectual for the disciplining of nations, for the pulling down of the stronghold of Satan, and the setting up to be stronger for the Lord Jesus.

Since His resurrec-tion, he had appeared to them now and then. But He assures them that they

shall have His spiritual presence without intermis-sion. They shall have his perpetual presence, not only them but all believers. It speaks of Christ’s confir-mation of this promise, “I the Amen, the faithful witness do assure you of it.” It is the evangelist Amen. So be it!

Reverend Frank Williams Pastor, Mt. Carmel MB

Church. Director of Evangelism,

TRUMPET Pastoral Advisor

Reverend Frank Williams

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It may seem a bit strange to speak of the cross at Christmas time. Especially when it is in the Easter season, that the cross comes more to the center of our attention. Yet, if there was no Christmas, there could be no Easter.

Christmas is certainly a joyous time of season. All over the world people celebrate this day, recognized as the day our Lord was born into this dark sinful world. He was the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. Joseph and Mary were instructed to name that child conceived of the Holy Ghost, Jesus, for it is he who would save his people from their sins (Matt.1:21).

Sin—that twisting, deceiving, burden-creating, wall-building, relationship-destroying word. Put plainly, it means ‘to miss the mark’ (Rom.3:23). Miss the mark of God’s high standard of righteousness, holiness, and pureness. Look around and you will see sin’s work everywhere, even in a season such as

this. You see, sin made the Cross necessary, but that necessity could not be accomplished without the Christ of Christmas.

Perhaps it’s due to the fact that the ‘shadow of the Cross’ at Christmas, has been over shadowed by the commercialization of Christmas, resulting in people miss-taking the emblem of suffering and shame, and transforming it to glory for themselves. The Cross, for many, is a ‘Trinket’ rather than a ‘Testimony’. This ‘over shadowing’ has without a doubt led to the eviction of Jesus being the reason for the season.

Instead of a time of reverence and gratitude to our Heavenly Father, for the precious undeserving gift of eternal life through his son Jesus the Christ, we find ourselves inundated with the practice of the season—to renovate what should be a season of Consecration to a season of Commercialism.

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This happens when we get our ‘crosses’ mixed up. The ‘T’ carries the symbol of a cross, but it’s also the first letter in ‘treasures’. As we travel from point A to point B in this activity, we ‘cross’ intersections with people and traffic going in all kinds of directions with few if any moving in a direction toward Christ.

Have we forgotten? It appears so when we can purchase a beautiful card with eloquent words to express our feelings for this season, that is marked not with the bold word of CHRISTMAS, where the first six letters remind us of the one to whom the season is about. Instead we find a ‘cross’ in the form of an ‘X’. Look closely, and X is a cross turned on it’s side. ‘X’ in algebra represents an ‘unknown factor’. It says: We don’t know where this season comes from, therefore we center it on ourselves to gratify ourselves, and not on the Savior.

The Cross of Christmas, shadowed though it is, is clear enough that it should remind us of God’s Love, God’s Grace, God’s Gift. This was the Lord’s provision for a need that we could not provide for ourselves. So he GAVE IT TO US.

We see the swaddling clothes.

We see our Lord laid in a manger. We see the wise men travel from afar. What a Christmas present! Few are prepared for the gift inside the present, for they unwrap it expecting the treasures of the world. They unwrap it looking for what the world calls success. Instead they find that this precious gift is provided in the ‘Shadow of a Cross’.

Is your cross of Christmas an intersection that takes you from one store to another? Is it mingled among the glitter of the silver and gold with the rest of your prized jewelry? Do you wear it proudly for bling—a trinket instead of a testimony—to adorn your apparel as an accessory? Or, does your Cross of Christmas remind you of the Christ of God, who came to bear the Cross with ‘your name on it’?

As you prepare for this Christmas season, plan carefully to celebrate the Cross that reminds us of God’s Love, God’s Grace, God’s Gift of Christ to us—and have a Merry Christmas!

Rev. William F. Snorgrass, Moderator

New Era Missionary Baptist District Association

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Southside First

Missionary Baptist Church

2015 E. 50th Street

(corner of 50th and Garfield) Kansas City, Missouri 64130

Phone: 816-924-2489 Hours of Worship and Praise

Sunday School 9:30 am

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am

Mid-Week Prayer and Bible Study Wed. 6:30 pm

Youth Bible Study and Activities Wed. 6:30 pm.

Our doors are open wide to greet you & Guests are ALWAYS welcomed.

We are ‘Pleasing God’ while blessed & walking in the light of His countenance.

Rev. Dr. Stanley A. Smith – Pastor

Mt. Horeb Baptist


5001 Agnes Street Kansas City, MO


“Mount Horeb, the Mountain of God”

Exodus 3:1

Worship Times

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Bible Study Wed. 6:30 p.m.


Pastor Gregory and First Lady Armenda Nichols

Join us for Sunday School 8:55 A.M.

Sunday Worship 10:15 A.M. Wednesday Bible Study

6:00 P.M.


Kansas City, Missouri 64128 (816) 923-7316

Rev. and Mrs. Nathaniel Nelson

Page 11: Test Magazine


Mission Statement:

The Vanderberg Youth Center, located at 1310 Wa-bash, in Kansas City, Missouri, exists to serve the youth of Kansas City and their families by building nurturing relationships rooted in the love of Jesus Christ in order that the youth may flourish academical-ly, socially, and spiritually.

Getting Involved: We are in need of volunteers at every aspect of our ministries. The more volunteers we have, the more ministry can be done, and the more lives can be touched and transformed. Feel free to con-tact the Volunteer Department.

Highest Priorities: Tutors for Re:Creation, tutors for Shelter tutoring, churches or groups for Saturday Recreation.

Children, ages 7 to 17, participate each week in Bible study, organized play, crafts, and homework tutoring at the Vanderberg Youth Center (VYC).

Opportunities for growth abound as boys and girls learn through Life Skills classes, computer training, cooking and sewing classes, woodworking class, field trips, mission trips, and other activities. The Youth Center staff and volun-teers act as role models to the children who attend, helping them to develop responsible and godly atti-

tudes toward them-selves, their fami-lies, and the com-munity. Children living at the Family Shelter also partici-pate in VYC activi-ties.

Children living at the Family Shelter receive ministry in the form of tutor-ing, chapels, and special recreation times during the school year. During Christmas, Spring break, and Summer break, the VYC opens its doors for ministry

each weekday morning to those children and teens re-siding in the Family Shelter.

We currently offer tutoring Monday-Thursday from 5:30 until 6:30 pm for school-age kids. We offer assistance in homework completion, but also offer additional helps in the areas of math facts, read-ing, and composition.

In addition, we offer Chapels for children and teens on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:45-8:00 pm. The Gospel is shared and relationships are built during the-se times.

We also offer Monday Family Night and Saturday Morning Recreation -- a time where we open our game room and gymnasium for "parent-free" recreation to the children and teens residing in the Mission.

Presently, we are desirous of recruit-ing church groups and individuals to serve as mentors/tutors for the 2012-2013 school year. We tossed around the idea of churches "adopting a night" of program and providing 10 to15 tutors to help the children learn. It would only take 4 churches committing to this idea, and 80% of our volunteer needs would be covered.

Also, we are always looking for churches to sponsor Saturday Recreation sessions on Saturday mornings. We only filled about 33% of the Saturdays with groups and would love to get closer to 100% in the 2012-2013 school year.

Please, prayerfully consider whether God is leading you to partner with us in this very important ministry to the children and youth of Kansas City!

If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please contact James Smith, High Impact Volunteer

Administrator, at (816) 329-1469 or by email at [email protected]


“It would only take 4 churches committing to this idea, and 80% of our volunteer needs would be


Page 12: Test Magazine


WeWelcome You to ComeWorship With Us!!!

Greater Infallible WordGreater Infallible WordPentecostal Church5743 The Paseo Blvd.

Kansas City, Missouri 64110 2959

Bishop C. L. Howard,Pastor & Founder


Sunday Morning Worship11:00 am

Tuesday Bible Enrichment Class6:00 pm

Thursday Midweek Service7:00 pm

Fellowship Baptist Church Rev. Robert E. Watson, Pastor

7106 Prospect Ave. Kansas City, MO 64130 Church: 816-444-6866 Home: 816-246- Cell: 816-718-5682 Email: [email protected]

“A Church For All People”

Focus on Christ Under Submission Touching Souls Through Song

Tracy Reed 816-668-5307 Natalie Copridge 816-786-1019 Business Manager Event Coordinator [email protected]


Hats For All Occasions

Michael Miller 2450 Grand Blvd. Ste. 326 (In Crown Center) (816) 421-1722

Mention this AD, receive 20% off (exclusive of sales)

Mother LucyStrickland lovesGod’s people,and in ministryshe writessongs, visits thesick, loves gardening andcooking.Her debut album was releasedin 2012.

She serves the Lord at ParadiseMissionary Bap st Churchwhere Rev. Michael C. Phillips ispastor.You may contact Mother Lucy at(816) 361 4962.

New EraNew EraNew EraUshers and Nurses MinistryUshers and Nurses MinistryUshers and Nurses Ministry

Invi ng all Church Ushers and Nurses tojoin us, as we reach out to the sick andshut in, and lend a helping hand to

those in need.Sis. Charlene Rimpson, President

Rev. William F. Snorgrass, Moderator

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T he Apostle Paul makes this statement in 1 Corinthians 9:22 “ To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all

things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” The point is, whatever it took to bring people face to face with the Gospel, Paul was willing to do and be—assuming of course, doing so would not place him outside the Will of God.

Today, the Lord has blessed man’s knowledge to explode. But then, the scrip-tures let us know that as time draws to a close, this would be the case. We are simply fascinated by technological advances made over the last several years. New inventions such as the Smart phones, iPods, iPads, tab-lets, smaller laptop computers, Mp3 files, email, internet that can take you around the world in a matter of seconds, and the list goes on.

Banks, Corporations, Hospitals, Schools, and many others have changed the way they do business—primarily due to advancements made in technology. Now you can check your bank account, make transfers between accounts, etc., all from your cell phone.

But what about the church? What changes has the church made to take advantage of this new technology to aid it in the ministry it seeks to present? Has the church forgotten Paul’s statement, “…I have become all things to all men that I might by all means save some”?

Many churches are utilizing the new inventions of to-day’s technologies. Preachers are using iPads and other electronic devices to prepare and proclaim the Lord’s Word, eliminating paper and printing. Some are using PowerPoint to project outlines, images and song lyrics to aid congregation participation in worship. The service is no longer recorded on ‘tapes’ but digital me-dia. These digital files can be instantly sent to radio and television stations to play on the air, expanding the ministry reach of the local congregation. And this is not all.

Pastors and other leaders are using these technolo-gies to meet the needs of others. No longer must one

set an appointment to get counsel and guidance from their pastor, or wrestle with the notion of whether to call him late at night. The system of e-mail, and tex-ting has opened the door wide for people to reach their pastors and other leaders, anytime, anywhere. They don’t have to get dressed to go to the office. The pas-tor can take his time praying and searching, so that he

can respond with the guidance and counsel needed.

But there’s another new development. Re-member those cartoons of Dick Tracy, and how he used his watch as a phone, and could even see the person he was talking to on the face of his watch? Fantasy? NO MORE. It’s here. I haven’t seen it on a watch yet, but its coming. Now we have systems called Skype, and Face Time that allow us to see each oth-er, while talking from miles apart. No matter

where you are in the world, you can link to someone else. You can show them whatever it is you want them to see around you, and vise versa, and they can see it in ‘real time’— instantly.

Just a few short weeks ago, I had the privilege of using Skype to do pre-marital counseling sessions with a couple who lives in Houston, Texas. One session was done from my office at the church; the others were done from my study at home. I was able to take them through the required sessions, even though they were not in Kansas City. I recently heard about a lady who uses Skype to have devotional sessions with a friend in another town, miles away. Pastors, have you ever wondered how the service went when you were gone? Find someone with a Smart phone or iPad prepared for Skype and you can see the service, no matter where you are.

All of these things can be recorded and placed on a system called YouTube on the Internet, and literally thousands of people can view the program or service, enabling the church to minister to countless others who aren’t seated in the congregation.


Many churches are utilizing the new inventions of today’s technologies… PowerPoint, iPads, Skype, YouTube

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“Then saith he unto his disciples. The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.” Matthew 10:37

Martin Clark— 1st Vice President

Ronny Lenzy — 2nd Vice President Glenn Moore — 3rd Vice President

Marvin Sinville — 4th Vice President Gary Finnell — Secretary

Dexter Starr — Assistant Secretary William McBride — Treasurer

Minister Grant Lewis — Junior Laymen Director Jerry Lucas — Worship Leader

Elijah Thomas — Get Well & Bereavement Ministry Timothy Parison — Fellowship Ministry

Rev. David Jones — Evangelism Ministry Luther Lewis — Laymen Education Director

Rev. William F. Snorgrass — Moderator

President and Mrs. Curtis Hammons, Sr.

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I n many churches today, the Mother’s Ministry has become a thing of the past. But we know that any vibrant Body of Christ must have a strong unit of com-

mitted prayer warriors at work on behalf of the whole Body. Praying for the Body is a primary function of the Mother’s ministry in the Church.

From the Mother’s perspective, this is what Mother Marian Yolkum shares about their work:

This ministry receives divine direction and guidelines from the book of 1 Timothy 5: 1-25 and also in Titus 2:1-15. The Mother’s Ministry supports the Pastor as the primary ‘Amen’ corner, using the language of the church to enhance the worship service, and bring glory and honor to God.

It is the Church Mother who is responsible to assist and teach young mothers, and be an example for the younger women in the church. This ministry knows that, it is not enough to know what God wants us to do—we must also do what God wants us to do. Having faith which brings about action, knowing that through your faith God’s will for you will be revealed. ‘I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service’ (Romans 12:1). God should be the first priority as Mothers of the church. To take up the cross and follow Jesus, we must lay down cares and priorities. Only then can we pick up our commitment to Christ.

We should be totally committed to Christ. Titus 2:5 reads, ‘to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.’

Mothers serving on the Mothers Ministry should serve until your journey is done.

By Mother Marian Yolkum Southside First Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. Stanley A. Smith, Pastor

Soon, New Era will be bringing this ministry to our Dis-trict, so that those who are not able to attend the Board meetings or Annual Sessions, can watch and listen to the programs, services and classes from wherever you are as they take place, even in a hospital bed (assuming you are well enough to view it).

The opportunities that technology offers to aid the church in doing ministry for our Lord is much too vast to share in this article. Our intent here is to just touch the surface. To open our eyes. Encourage us, that we don’t have to be afraid of these (as some call them) new toys. In fact, they are also new tools. Again, I point us to Paul’s statement, ”...that I might by ALL

MEANS save some.” Yes, someone can be intro-duced and brought to Jesus through the use of these technological tools. Are you using all the means you can to advance the Kingdom of our Lord?

If you would like more information on how certain things can be setup in your church to do ministry, please let us know. We will arrange for qualified peo-ple to come, explain and answer all your questions.

May the Lord multiply our efforts and the fruit thereof to the glory of His own name.

Moderator Snorgrass

Church Mothers Bradshaw, Rose, Yolkum, Wade and Bonds Not shown in photo: Church Mothers Chase, Vinson, Jackson, Washington, Bolton, and Kuykindol

The Church Mother’s Ministry

at Work

TECHNOLOGY in MINISTRY continues from page 13

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Curtis Hammons, Sr. — President Martin Clark— 1st Vice President

Ronny Lenzy — 2nd Vice President Glenn Moore — 3rd Vice President

Marvin Sinville — 4th Vice President Gary Finnell — Secretary

Dexter Starr — Assistant Secretary William McBride — Treasurer

Minister Grant Lewis — Junior Laymen Director Jerry Lucas — Worship Leader

Elijah Thomas — Get Well & Bereavement Ministry Timothy Parison — Fellowship Ministry

Rev. David Jones — Evangelism Ministry Luther Lewis — Laymen Education Director

Rev. William F. Snorgrass — Moderator Impacting the World Community for Jesus Christ’’

New Era District Laymen As sons of Issachar, who understood the times, and knew what God’s people ought do

1 Chronicles 12:32, 38

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I n 2010 the National Baptist Laymen’s Move-ment, under the leadership of Dr. Julius Scruggs, renewed and reinvigorated its Adopt-a-

School Ministry. Charles Ewing and Robert Pope have set the ministry on a course to be successful and to reach to laymen organizations in the local church and district associations.

The purpose of this Ministry is to provide an ap-proach and methods to assist churches in establish-ing local initiatives within the school system in the community where their church is located.

The vision is to produce a higher percentage of young men who attend elementary, middle and high school that perform and achieve at levels that pro-duce well educated graduates and more productive citizens.

The mission is to reflect our love of Jesus the Christ by partnering with schools to positively impact the lives of youth through character building and aca-demic excellence. The Laymen’s Ministry will help students discover the skills and talents that will im-prove their lives and our community.

The Laymen’s Ministry reported the 2012 accom-plishments and future plans at the National Baptist Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, held September 3 – 7, 2012.

The 2012 accomplishments reported were:

· Finalized the Ministry’s Mission Statement and developed the initial draft of the Strategic Plan.

o The full team had its first in-person meeting during the Mid-Winter Board Meeting.

o Discussed the Strategic Plan, the Infor-mation and Training Handbook, Brochure, Survey Form, Presentation and Video.

o Continued to plan a workshop to be deliv-ered during the September 2012 Annual Session in Atlanta, GA.

· The team met each month via teleconference to discuss the current status of development ef-forts, review materials, plan future activities and events.

· Completed work on the Training and Information Handbook, finalized the Brochure and developed presentations for the work shop at the Annual Session.

· During 2012 presented the Adopt-A-School Ministry at the National Baptist Congress in the Laymen Department and in State, Regional, Dis-trict, and local church meetings.

· Established partnership with Urban Alternative*, the creator of the National Church Adopt-A-School Initiative, to present Adopt-A-School Seminars in two locations. The seminars were hosted by National Baptist Laymen churches in Memphis, TN (New Hope Baptist Church) and Kansas City, KS (Eighth Street Baptist Church).

· The Urban Alternative is committed to conduct-ing the one day seminar at National Baptist Lay-men churches. Contact Brother Robert Pope for details.

· During the September 2011 Annual Session pre-sented the ministry to some National Laymen classes (Men Teaching Boys, Prison Ministry and State Presidents).

· Produced a video featuring Bro. Ewing and President Simmons that introduces and pro-motes the Adopt-A-School Ministry.

The future plans reported were: · Develop a detailed briefing for future offering at

the Congress in June, Mid-winter Board Meeting in January, the Annual Session and Sunday School Conference in December.

Present Adopt-A-School at every opportuni-ty, including local churches, Districts, and State conventions and congresses.

· Develop a support system for local churches, Districts, and State Conventions to use as they implement Adopt-A-School. Also provide meas-uring tools to assist local churches determine guidance for moving to the next level of the min-istry.

· Develop web page on the National Laymen’s website and develop other marketing methods.

Ewing and the National Laymen are praying that each state laymen president and local laymen presi-dent with the endorsement of the pastor and congre-gation will establish an Adopt-A-School Ministry. *The Urban Alternative is the outreach ministry of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX, Dr. Tony Evans is the Senior Pastor. The church has adopted 70 schools in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and conducts Adopt-A-School train-ing to churches and governmental agencies worldwide.

National Baptist Laymen’s Movement Renews Its ‘Adopt-A-School’ Ministry Encourages Men to Make a Difference By Dr. Thad Jones, General Secretary,

National Baptist Laymen, NBCUSA, INC.

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W e know, as Christians, we were given a man-

date over 2000 years ago. It comes from the 28th Chapter of Matthew, verses 19-20. “ Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to ob-serve all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” In 2012, the mandate is still the same; the only thing that has changed is the methods in which to be a witness for Christ—for Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more.

I was introduced to the phenomenon Facebook by my children. They told me there was a new internet site where they could communicate with their friends. They let me know upfront that it was for their generation. Well, I took that as a challenge, and signed up for my own Face-book page. I know what you are saying, “Oh, my! Why get on there with all that worldly mess?” And you are right. There is a lot of worldly mess

out there. But, I believe all that was made can be used for the good of God also. When I started gathering and connecting with old friends, I started to see a pattern. The same people I went to school with, hung out with, and did sin with, were now trying to live for Christ. This one, in particular, really let me know that you may not see it at the time, but God will use your life to help somebody come to Christ.

There was one young man that I grew up with as teenagers. We were always together. If I wasn’t at his house, he was at mine and we always ran the streets togeth-er. When we both graduated, we went our separate ways. I was getting married and try-ing to live for God, and he was still doing the street thing, but I can’t say for sure where his faith walk was. Well, after reconnecting on Facebook, we were wishing each other Merry Christmas one year. And, after he re-ceived my Christmas greet-ings, this is what he sent me back:

“ M E R RY CH R IST M AS ! You probably don't realize the impact you and your fam-ily had on me. It was always there-- it just took some mold-ing. Send my love, many blessings to you and yours… LOVE YOU MAN”!

Don’t tell me what God can’t do! What the devil meant for bad, God meant for good. Use what ever God gives you, to lift HIM up—and Praise the Lord!

Samuel W. Nero, Jr. Pastor, Shiloh M.B. Church

Joplin, Mo.

Rev. Samuel Nero, Jr.

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Page 22: Test Magazine


E arlier this year, while visiting a com-munity I rarely visit, I stopped at a grocery store I had never gone in.

There came a family into the store that captured my attention.

I watched as two teen girls assisted an old-er woman into the store. She was bowed over her walker, that also contained her oxygen bottle. I didn’t want to stare, but I knew there was something familiar about her, and I could not pull my eyes away.

And then it hit me! I tried to turn away be-fore she could see me— because she owed me money from several years back, and I did not want to see her.

But, before I could turn away, she lifted her head, looked straight into my eyes and called my name, lifting her hand to call me closer. When I walked over to her and spoke, she said to me, “I need you to come see me, and bring your bible.” I told her OK, I would come over next week— really not wanting to go at all, because I had tried to talk to her several times years ago about the Lord, and she had not been interested. But, then she reached for my arm and said, “I don’t have much time—don’t wait too late…” I shared my ‘strange encounter’ with my husband that evening and he said, “Oh no, you can’t wait—when God calls you in a way like that, you have to go now.”

Well, I didn’t go that evening, but began fasting and praying about what God had set me up to do.

When I arrived at her house the next morn-ing, from her hospital bed in the living room, she told me her story. She had been diagnosed with lung cancer, although she had never smoked a day in her life, and on-ly had a little time left to live. She had been in the hospital and twice pronounced dead, but God had brought her back.

And now, she had not been able to sleep for over a week because, “Every time I start

to fall asleep, I feel the fire of hell burning the bottom of my feet!” She said she needed me to talk to her about Jesus, so she could find peace with God.

So, I begin to share with her from the first three chapters of John, emphasizing ‘You must be born again’, and we then worked through the passages of the Roman Road. After several hours of sharing with her, she said, “I’m OK now. I’ve got peace.”

During my visit, her two adult children came in, as well as 3 of her adult grand-children—one at a time, they dropped in. And, they all stood around and listened as she told her story, and as we talked about eternal life in Christ.

Only God knows how many lives He claimed for the Kingdom that day…

I called to check on her the following day, and her family said she was sleeping. Two days later, she was resting with the Lord.

The lesson I learned from this experience is simply this: We never know when, where or how God will call us to go for Him. But when He says ‘Go’, we must go—and don’t wait too late.

“We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work.” John 9:4, New Living Translation by Sis. Brenda RuckerDirector of Publica ons, TRUMPET Magazine

A Divine EncounterA Divine Encounter

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St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church 4300 East 31st Street

Kansas City, Mo. 64128 Rev. Stewart Johnson, Pastor

Weekly Services Sunday School — 9:30 A.M.

Morning Worship — 11:00 A.M. Wednesday

Prayer Meeting and Bible Study 7:00 P.M.

1750 Belleview Kansas City, MO 64108

816-471-7358 Greenwood Missionary

Baptist Church

Rev. Mike Carroll, Pastor

Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 A.M.

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm God is a Spirit and they that worship him

must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24

Pastor Eddie Flackes, Jr.

Blue Valley Blue Valley Blue Valley Missionary Baptist Church Missionary Baptist Church

4500 E. 31st Street Kansas City, Missouri 64128

Church Office: (816) 921-6022 Home: (816) 924-7190

Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Worship Service 11:00 A.M. Wednesday Prayer 6:30 P.M.

Bible Study 7:00 P.M.

Mt. Carmel Missionary Bap st Church

2747 ClevelandKansas City, Mo. 64128

Rev. Frank Williams Pastor(816) 923 0100 (church o ce)

“Determined to do the Lord’s Will” Matt. 28:19-20

Seeking to save the Lost

Weekly ServicesSunday School — 9:30 A.M.

Morning Worship — 11:00 A.M.

WednesdayPrayer Mee ng and Bible Study 7:00 P.M.


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Special Thanks toOurSponsorsSponsorsSponsors:

The Evangelism Ministryof New Era District

Reverend Stewart Johnsonand St. Mark Bap st


Mrs. Mary Jones

Mrs. Marian Watkins,Watkins Heritage Chapel

Progressive Bap stChurch Laymen

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F or a believer in the Lord, Jesus Christ, this statement is the Gold Med-al. It’s the Slam Dunk. It’s the last and final step across the goal line of a hard fought game that yields the victory. What a motivation to live

and serve in such a manner that the Creator of Heaven and Earth, looks at one created in His own image and says, “Well Done!”

These words are not randomly assigned. But to the contrary, these words are reserved, precisely prepared for a precious moment, and bestowed only upon valued and beloved servants of our Most High God.

I am sure that one such servant is Deacon Luther Lewis. His undertakings, support, encouragement and service—what he does, identify him as such.

For more than 30 years, Deacon Lewis taught the Men’s Sunday School Class at Morning Star Baptist Church. His teaching had an extreme-ly positive effect on Minister Grant Lewis who is now very active in Progres-sive Baptist Church, New Era District, and is Program Director of TRANS-FORMERS Boys to Men Ministry, as well as Darrick Lewis who is Vice Chairman of Deacons at Concord Fortress of Hope Church. In addition, there are countless others across the nation whose lives have been posi-

tively impacted by Deacon Lewis.

He taught the first Deacon's class (and continued for 20 years), in the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education, an auxiliary to the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., and has since traveled around the country teaching Deacon classes at many churches. Men are always calling for his syllabus or other infor-mation. Even today, he is yet teaching a Deacon's class for the National Convention.

His Pastor, Reverend William F. Snorgrass of Progressive Baptist Church, says, “He loves to see men be what a man should be.” Deacon Lewis serves at home in the Choir, regularly attends and aids in teaching Bible Study. He teaches in Sunday School, and is a vital part of the Men’s Ministry of Progressive Baptist Church. In our District, he has served as President of our Laymen’s Ministry, and currently serves in the Mu-sic Ministry, Chairs the Ways and Means Committee and makes valuable contributions in many other areas.

Current New Era District Laymen President, Deacon Curtis Hammons, Sr., expresses his gratitude to Deacon Lewis in saying, “I thank you, Brother Lewis, for your help in grooming me for the presidency of the District Laymen. I was able to work closely with you, and I learned a great deal about the laymen movement.”

Deacon Lewis is husband of nationally-acclaimed Music Director Sister Hattie Lewis. He is a father, grand father and great-grandfather.

With all we have shared about Deacon Lewis, there is yet something more...for about 15 years, he served the Lord as a SCHOOL BUS DRIVER, sharing the love of Christ, and talking with children and their parents (or guardians) about discipline and proper conduct. Truly, Deacon Lewis has sought out opportunities to show the world what a man of God looks like. And in every assignment he has taken for the Lord, he has proven himself a Good and Faithful Servant! Because of what HE DOES.

The New Era TRUMPET ministry team salutes you, Deacon Luther Lewis! Along with President Hammons, we pray, “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:7). Amen.

Spotlight on MinistrySpotlight on Ministry “A Good and Faithful Servant”

Special contributors to the story: Mrs. Ha e Lewis,Deacon Cur s Hammons, Sr., and Moderator Reverend William F. Snorgrass

Deacon Luther Lewis and Darrick Lewis

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(A PLACE OF LEARNING & TRAINING FOR THE FUTURE) My little children, let us not love in word,

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Page 28: Test Magazine


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Page 29: Test Magazine


T he Roman Road is one of the simplest and most effective tools I’ve ever used in more than thirty years of evange-lism.

It has been an easy to use methodology for systematically leading people to Christ through the years. It is certainly not the only tool, but is one of the easiest to use.

Every evangelist should be equipped with methods that work and the Roman Road is such a tool. Many of you reading this article have memorized at least part of, if not all of, this methodology.

Whenever I have an opportunity to facilitate a workshop on evangelism this tool is always mentioned. The reason for its frequent use

is that the concept is easy to grasp, easy to memorize and it pays great dividends in soul-winning efforts.

The Roman Road is a block of verses all found in the book of Romans. They are Romans 3:10, 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:8-10, 10:13. It is not enough to just memorize the verses— one must learn

to use them skillfully.

This tool by virtue of its nature will not al-low the evangelist to be condescending in his or her attitude toward the lost. As 3:10 states, there’s none righteous no not one. And none means exactly what it says, none.

Romans 3:23 affirms 3:10 by stating that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Those two verses level the playing field.

After the reality of sin is pointed out, the fact that there is pay coming for sin is found in Romans 6:23. That verse helps the candi-date understand their condition and need for a savior.

If the candidate agrees that a savior is need-ed, the evangelist can then take them to Ro-mans 10: 8-10, 13.

If resistance is encountered it is then that the evangelist should use Romans 5:8 to point out God’s deep love for him.

After the resistance is dealt with, the evan-gelist can then move back to the 10:8-10, 13 to the place of commitment and ask for the candidate to make a decision to accept the Lord Jesus as his own personal savior.

This is an effective tool that can be used by every willing worker.

The RomanThe Roman RoadRoad

By Reverend Jesse FrazierPastor, Ebenezer M.B. Church

TRUMPET Pastoral Advisor

Pastor Frazier preparing to baptize Ed Reed at Ebenezer's 24th Church anniversary service,

celebrated outside under a tent

“...certainly not the only tool [for effective evangelism] but is one of the easiest to use.”

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Metropolitan Baptist Church 853 Washington Blvd. Kansas City, KS. 66101

Dr. Robert L. Baynham, Pastor

Mission Statement The MeBaptist Church is a body of baptized believ

Worship God, Teach the Word, and Win the Los

Worship Services: Early Morning Worship — 7:30 A.M.

Sunday School — 8:30 A. M. 10:45 — Morning Worship

Wednesday Night Prayer Service — 7:00 P. MPrayer Line — 913-321-1230

Mission Statement The Metropolitan Baptist Church is

a body of baptized believers who Worship God, Teach the Word, and Win the Lost.

Page 31: Test Magazine


Free TUTORING Services

Fellowship Baptist Church 7106 Prospect Kansas City, Missouri

Where: Willard F. Warren Youth Annex When: Wednesday Nights Time: 6pm to 7pm

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Tutoring available in— READING



Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church

2911 East 37th Street Kansas City, MO 64128 816.921.4969

Rev. Linson Q. Nelson, Sr., Pastor

Sunday School 9:30 am

Sunday Worship 11:00 am

Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm

Church Theme “The stone which the builders rejected is the same become the

head of the corner’’ Luke 20:17b

Rev. and Mrs. Linson Q. Nelson, Sr.

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Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church of Jesus Christ

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