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Test Initial 2013 2014

Jun 03, 2018



Iulia Nanut
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  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014



    DATA :



    Clasa a IX-a

    ~ Pentru re!l"area #!re#ta a tutur!r #er$ntel!r %$n Partea I s$ Partea a II-a se a#!r%a &'%e (un#te)D$n !*$#$u se a#!r%a 1' (un#te)

    ~ T$+(ul e*e#t$" %e lu#ru este %e , %e +$nute)


    1) Rea% t.e te/t 0el!)Are t.e senten#es 1- 22R$3.t22 4A5 !r 226r!n322 4B5 7 I*t.ere $s n!t en!u3. $n*!r+at$!n t! anser 22R$3.t22 4A5 !r 226r!n322 4B5 8#.!!se

    22D!esn9t sa22 4C5)

    4 ;' (!$nts5

    Ice Hotels

    An ice hotel is a temporary hotel made up entirely of snow and sculpted blocks of

    ice and therefore an example of novelty architecture. They are promoted by their

    sponsors and have special features for travelers who are interested in something

    a bit different and unusual. Their lobbies are often filled with ice sculptures, and

    food and beverages are especially chosen for the circumstances.The Ice Hotel

    near the village of Jukkas!rvi, "iruna, #weden is the first and most famous of

    the ice hotels. In $%&%, Japanese ice artists visited the area and created an

    exhibition of ice art. In #pring $%%', (rench artist Jannot )erid held an exhibition

    in a cylinder*shaped igloo in the area. +ne night there were no rooms available in

    the town, so some of the visitors asked for permission to spend the night in theexhibition hall. They slept in sleeping bags on top of reindeer skin * the first

    guests of the hotel.-

    #ince its creation, the hotel has been featured in many television travel programmes,

    magaines, and newspapers. /ith the exception of the beds, the entire hotel is made

    completely out of ice blocks * even the glasses in the bar are made of ice. The ice is made

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    from water taken from the Torne 0iver. The hotel has more than 1' rooms and suites, a bar,

    reception area and chapel. It charges around 2,&'' #wedish "rona 3approx. 455 6# dollars7

    per room per night. The hotel only exists between 8ovember and 9ay.The management

    boasts that each room is uni:ue and that the architecture of the hotel is changed each year,

    as it is rebuilt from scratch.

    $. An ice hotel is a permanent hotel.

    A. 0ight ;. /rong

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    27 @@This room looks very nice.@@

    @@Thank you./e .. last week.@@

    A. have it decorated ;. had it decorated

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    A. since ;. for < before

    %7 @@)id John visit you last nightD@@

    @@ Ces,I .. on the phone when he arrived.@@

    A. talked ;. am talking < was talking

    $'7 The man . near the door is my boss.

    A. standing ;. to stand

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    3 4' points 7

    /rite a letter to your pen friend telling himGher about your first day in high school./rite

    your letter in &'*$'' words.



    L1 -Clasa a IX-a

    BAREM DE EVALUARE SI DE N) 1' senten#es / ; ( = ;' (!$nts

    $7 Cou must brush your teeth twice a day.

    27 #he went to the market to buy apples.

    47 He didn=t say anything to his parents.

    >7 Eearning to drive is difficult.

    ?7 9ost people enoy listening to music.

    17 )idn=t they pay for the damageD

    57 Faul is not as handsome as Faul.

    &7 This is the funniest book I=ve ever read.

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    %7 I ate at that restaurant three times last week.

    $'7 He left the shop without paying for the shirt.

    >. Fartea a II*a

    > points for appropriately beginning and ending the letter

    * 2 points for the beginning )ear the friend=s name

    * 2 points for the ending ;est wishes GEoveGEots of loveGCours the sender=s name

    1 points for correct grammar structures and connectors

    ? points for the use of appropriate vocabulary

    $' points for covering the aspects demanded by the task

    4 points for a balanced structure 3 greetingGintroduction,content,conclusion7

    2 points for the general impression

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014



    DATA :


    LIMBA ENGLEZA L;Clasa a IX-a

    ~ Pentru re!l"area #!re#ta a tutur!r #er$ntel!r %$n Partea I s$ Partea a II-a se a#!r%a &'

    %e (un#te)D$n !*$#$u se a#!r%a 1' (un#te)~ T$+(ul e*e#t$" %e lu#ru este %e , %e +$nute)

    1. Read the text bellow. Are the sentences 1-5 ``Right`` (A) or ``Wrong`` (B) ? If

    there is not enogh infor!ation to answer ``Right`` (A) or ``Wrong`` (B) "choose``#oesn$t sa%`` (&). ('oints) ! +an (e!(le %! !u #!++un$#ate $t. $n a %a7 Pr!0a0l a l!t +!re !u

    %$% ten ears a3!) 6$t. a *e ($e#es !* eu$(+ent8 e #an tal9 t! (e!(le $n +!re an%+!re as8 n!t Fust *a#e-t!-*a#e an% !n t.e (.!ne8 0ut als! "$a t.e Internet) It $s "er

    $+(!rtant8 t.ere*!re8 *!r e"er!ne t! tr an% $+(r!"e t.e$r #!++un$#at$!n s$lls) Des($te

    all t.e te#.n!l!3$#al a%"an#es !* re#ent ears8 t.e art !* 3!!% #!n"ersat$!n $s st$ll at t.e.eart !* sccessfl #!++un$#at$!n) S! $t9s a 3!!% $%ea t! re!e!ber t.e *!ur 3!l%enrules !* 3!!% #!++un$#at$!n)

    $rstl8 0e as clear as !u #an) M$sun%erstan%$n3s ar$se .en e %!n9t sa e/ e +ean)

    Se#!n%l8 e .a"e t! !r .ar% at l$sten$n3) Pa attent$!n t! .at t.e ! (ers!n $ssa$n3)

    T.$r%l8 as ! (e!(le .at t.e t.$n8 %!n9t !nl tell t.e+ .at !u t.$n) An% *$nall8 s.! res(e#t *!r ! (e!(le8 3$"e t.e+ t$+e t! sa .at t.e ant8 an%

    s.! $nterest $n .at t.e sa) H!u $ll 0e a 3!!% #!++un$#at!r $* !u *!ll! t.ese


    A) N!a%as e %! n!t #!++un$#ate $t. as +an (e!(le as $n t.e (ast) --------

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    B. It $s "er $+(!rtant t! re+e+0er t.e *$"e 3!l%en rules !* 3!!% #!++un$#at$!n) ---------&. M$sun%erstan%$n3s ar$se $* e %!n9t sa e/a#tl .at e +ean) --------#. A##!r%$n3 t! t.e t.$r% rule $t $s "er $+(!rtant t! l$sten t! ! (e!(le)) --------)*.

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    BAREM DE EVALUARE SI DE N) Paul $s as !l% as M$#.ael)

    ,) T.$s .!use $s +!re e/(ens$"e t.e !t.ers)) T.$s *lat $s 0$33er t.e !ne e sa ester%a)

    ?) 6e l!st !ur lu33a3e at t.e a$r(!rt)

    @) T.e +!ne $s !n t.e ta0le)) T.e +an ante% t! n! .ere t.e nearest (!st !**$#e as)

    &) Mel$sa (r!+$se% t! #all us as s!!n as s.e rea#.e% Ma%r$%)

    1') T.$s $s t.e 0!! .$#. I 0!rr!e% *r!+ t.e l$0rar)

    Partea a II-a

    , (!$nts *!r a((r!(r$atel 0e3$nn$n3 an% en%$n3 t.e letter :

    - ; (!$nts *!r t.e 0e3$nn$n3 : Dear K t.e *r$en%9s na+e

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    - ; (!$nts *!r t.e en%$n3 : Best $ L!"eL!ts !* l!"eH!urs K t.e sen%er9s


    ? (!$nts *!r #!rre#t 3ra++ar stru#tures an% #!nne#t!rs (!$nts *!r t.e use !* a((r!(r$ate "!#a0ular

    1' (!$nts *!r #!"er$n3 t.e as(e#ts %e+an%e% 0 t.e tas

    > (!$nts *!r a 0alan#e% stru#ture 43reet$n3$ntr!%u#t$!n 8#!ntent8 #!n#lus$!n5; (!$nts *!r t.e 3eneral $+(ress$!n


    DATA :



    Clasa a X-a

    ~ Pentru re!l"area #!re#ta a tutur!r #er$ntel!r %$n Partea I s$ Partea a II-a se a#!r%a &'%e (un#te)D$n !*$#$u se a#!r%a 1' (un#te)

    ~ T$+(ul e*e#t$" %e lu#ru este %e , %e +$nute)


    1 Rea% t.e te/t 0el!)Are t.e senten#es 1- 22R$3.t22 4A5 !r 226r!n322 4B5 7 I* t.ere

    $s n!t en!u3. $n*!r+at$!n t! anser 22R$3.t22 4A5 !r 226r!n322 4B5 8#.!!se 22D!esn9tsa22 4C5)

    4 ;' (!$nts5 $s a #areer #!a#.7

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    A #areer !r F!0 #!a#. $s s!+e!ne .! s(e#$al$es $n .el($n3 (e!(le t! *$n% an%

    a#.$e"e t.e$r #areer %rea+s) S$n#e +an (e!(le are un.a(( $t. t.e$r F!0s8 t.e *$el% $s

    !ne .$#. $s #!nstantl 3r!$n3) Pe!(le t($#all .$re #areer#!a#.est! .el( t.e+ re-enter t.e !r*!r#e8 su##ee% $n a (!s$t$!n8 !r *$n% a F!0 .$#. *$ts (er*e#tl $t. t.e$r

    (ers!nal$t an% l$*e 3!als) Career #! are tra$ne% 0 !r3an$at$!ns .$#. *!#us !n l$*e

    #!a#.$n3 an% sel* $+(r!"e+ent)

    T($#all8 a #areer #!a#. starts 0 as$n3 a ser$es !* uest$!ns .$#. are %es$3ne%t! a%%ress F!0 e/(er$en#e an% l$*e 3!als) T.ese uest$!ns are als! use% t! %eter+$ne

    ual$*$#at$!ns *!r (!tent$al (!s$t$!ns8 an% t! un%erstan% t.e (ers!nal$t !* t.e #l$ent) A*ter

    re#!r%$n3 t.e ansers an% t.$n$n3 a0!ut t.e+8 t.e #areer #!a#. tals t! t.e #l$ent a0!ut.$s !r .er stren3t.s an% eanesses8 an% t.e t! tal t! a0!ut %es$re% 3!als)

    Ult$+atel8 t.e #l$ent s.!ul% set !ne !r +!re 3!als8 ran3$n3 *r!+ 3!als t! #l$+0

    t.e #!r(!rate la%%er t! a (!s$t$!n !* +!re aut.!r$t t! a 3!al t! (ursue .$ e%u#at$!n)

    T.ese 3!als are $nten%e% t! ult$+atel (la#e t.e #l$ent $n a F!0 .$#. .e !r s.e 3enu$nel

    enF!s8 an% t.e !*ten $n#lu%e as(e#ts !* sel* $+(r!"e+ent an% .!nest sel* assess+ent)

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    A. 0ight ;. /rong

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    A. most ;. more

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    2*32 #* *4A6AR* I7I2IAA

    Anl scolar '11-'1'

    I8BA *79*:A- 1&lasa a ;-a

    BAR*8 #* *4A6AR* 3I #* 7

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    '8ltile choice : 1' senten#es / ; ( = ;' (!$nts

    15 B8 ;5 C8 >5 C8 ,5 C8 5 B8 ?5 A8 @5 B8 5 C8 &5 A8 1'5 C)

    ,*rror correction : 1' senten#es / ; ( = ;' (!$nts

    $7 If the weather I# fine tomorrow we can play tennis.

    27 Theo is so absent*minded he HA# (+0L+TTB8 to put a stamp on the envelope.

    47 He would not accept the doctors advice, /HI7 I borrowed some milk from a neighbour of +60# as we didnt have enough for breakfast.

    ?7 His two sisters became A0

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014



    DATA :

    2*32 #* *4A6AR* I7I2IAA

    I8BA *79*:A > '

    &lasa a ;-a

    ~ Pentru re!l"area #!re#ta a tutur!r #er$ntel!r %$n Partea I s$ Partea a II-a se a#!r%a &'

    %e (un#te)D$n !*$#$u se a#!r%a 1' (un#te)

    ~ T$+(ul e*e#t$" %e lu#ru este %e , %e +$nute)

    =AR2*A I

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    1 Read the text below.Are the sentences 1-5 ``Right`` (A) or ``Wrong`` (B) ? Ifthere is not enogh infor!ation to answer ``Right`` (A) or ``Wrong`` (B) "choose``#oesn$t sa%`` (&).

    ( ' oints)

    $a%& 'aga

    (rom /ikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    #tefani Joanne Angelina Lermanotta 3born 9arch 2&, $%&17, better known by her stagename Eady Laga, is an American pop singer*songwriter. After performing in the rock musicscene of 8ew Cork

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    A.0ight ;. /rong

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    A. * ;. a

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    %7 He plays the piano very well,don=t heD

    $'7 #he got up and run to the door.

    Partea a II-a

    3 4' points 7

    rite a letter to &or pen frien% telling hi*+her what &or i%ea of a fn wee,en%

    is.rite &or letter in 0-#00 wor%s.

    2*32 #* *4A6AR* I7I2IAA

    I8BA *79*:A- '

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    &lasa a ;-a

    BAR*8 #* *4A6AR* 3I #* 75 B8 ,5 C8 5 A8 ?5 C8 @5 C8 5 B8 &5 C8 1'5 A)

    *rror correction : 1' senten#es / ; ( = ;' (!$nts

    $7 I would love to be able to speak (rench.

    27 9ike had to take his car to the garage last week.

    47 #he eats all kinds of foods.

    >7 Anna said that lunch was ready.

    ?7 /e=d better do the washing*up.

    17 I came to school by the bus today.

    57 Today=s test was easier than yesterday=s test.

    &7 9y father works in a bank in ;ucharest.

    %7 He plays the piano very well, doesn=t heD

    $'7 #he got up and ran to the door.

    Partea a II-a : 30 points

    points for appropriately beginning and ending the letter

    * 2 points for the beginning )ear the friend=s name

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    * 2 points for the ending ;est wishes GEoveGEots of loveGCours the sender=s


    !points for correct grammar structures and connectors

    "points for the use of appropriate vocabulary

    #0points for covering the aspects demanded by the task

    3points for a balanced structure 3 greetingGintroduction,content,conclusion7

    2points for the general impression

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    869B #I F0B869B


    E/ E E1$RE I4II$

    $I56 E4'$E7 8 $2

    Clasa a 9I-a

    R Fentru reolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor din Fartea I si Fartea a II*a seacorda %' de puncte.)in oficiu se acorda $' puncte.R Timpul efectiv de lucru este de >? de minute.

    PRE I

    $ Rea% the tet ; the sentences #-"

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    9usic is also used for medical purposes, such as the treatment of diseaseswhich affect memory. The secret lies in the way the brain processes music. +nearea near the forehead, the medial prefrontal cortex, connects music withmemories stored in two other areas the amygdala and hippocampus. That=s whyan old song can remind you of something that happened years ago. (or patients

    suffering from diseases like Alheimer=s, listening to music can help unlockburied memories by strengthening musical pathways to memories. #tudies of the music*brain connection often focus on classical music, sinceit activates both the left and right sides of our brains. +ne study using 90I scansobserved subects= brain activity as they listened to music by composer /illiam;oyce. It found that activity was highest during the short breaks between themovements of a piece. )uring each pause, the person=s brain anticipated whatwould come next, while organiing what he or she had ust heard. This processof sorting beginnings and endings is similar to the way our brain organiesinformation.

    It may explain why classical music can help improve memory.

    1) . Bxperts have discovered that because of the way our brains processmusic,

    learning to play an instrument or ust listening to music can have a wide rangeof benefits.

    A.0ight ;. /rong

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    A. 0ight ;. /rong

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    A. will have ;. had

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    47 That girl wants to marry a cousin of mine but I dont think he even likes her.

    >7 If they agree to pay the price we are asking the house would be sold.

    ?7 He didnt read that book and I didnt read it either.

    17 Alexander, who kicked the ball through the window, had to pay for the repairs.

    57 He said that he had lived in Bngland for several years but his Bnglish was so bad we

    didnt believe it.

    &7 He tried to listen to the Italian lesson but he was unable to concentrate because his

    children were making too much noise.

    %7 Theres no chance at all that there will be many people at the meeting because it

    hasnt been properly advertised.

    $'7 The paper that had the article about #outh Africa was :uickly sold out.

    Partea a II-a : 30 points

    points for appropriately beginning and ending .

    !points for correct grammar structures and connectors

    "points for the use of appropriate vocabulary

    #0points for covering the aspects demanded by the task

    3 points for a balanced structure 3 introduction,content,conclusion7

    2points for the general impression

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    869B #I F0B869B


    E/ E E1$RE I4II$

    $I56 E4'$E7

    Clasa a 9I-a $#> a 9II-a $2

    R Fentru reolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor din Fartea I si Fartea a II*a seacorda %' de puncte.)in oficiu se acorda $' puncte.R Timpul efectiv de lucru este de >? de minute.

    PRE I

    $. Rea% the tet ; the sentences #-"

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    five star hotels, first rate nightclubs, uni:ue shopping experiences, world class gaming, and

    plenty of Eas Megas coupons.

    There is a lot to see and do besides gambling Cou can rent a car and visit the desert

    sights, such as 0ed 0ock

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    >. The Eas Megas #trip is an approximately 1.& km stretch of Eas Megas;oulevardin

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    Partea a II-a ( 30 points )

    Co**ent on the following @Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but justlook at what they can do when they stick together.A .6ring arg*ents to spport &or

    opinion.( 0-#00 wor%s).

    2*32 #* *4A6AR* I7I2IAA

    Anl scolar '11-'1'

    I8BA *79*:A- ' &lasa a ;II-a

    BAR*8 #* *4A6AR* 3I #* 7

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    ;) 8ltile choice : 1' senten#es / ; ( = ;' (!$nts

    15 C8 ;5 A8 >5 B8 ,5 C8 5 B8 ?5 A8 @5 A8 5 B8 &5 C8 1'5 A)

    >) *rror correction : 1' senten#es / ; ( = ;' (!$nts

    $7 The information we were given at the office proved very useful to us.

    27 If you eat your vegetables, you will lead a healthier life.

    47 If I were smart, I would probably write better :ui :uestions.

    >7 If 9ax had done his homework, he probably would have passed the class.

    ?7 If you speak too loudly, you will wake the baby up.

    17 If I were a rich man, I would buy a very large boat.

    57 Flease dont forget to feed the baby. #he needs to eat every two hours.

    &7 /e are going to the movies. /ould you like to oin usD

    %7 +ne of the key factors in improving your tennis game is concentration.

    $'7 9ost contemporary hunters live in small groups called bands.

    Partea a II-a : 30 points

    points for appropriately beginning and ending .

    !points for correct grammar structures and connectors

    "points for the use of appropriate vocabulary

    #0points for covering the aspects demanded by the task

    3 points for a balanced structure 3 introduction,content,conclusion7

    2points for the general impression

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014


    8A2RI&*A #* 3=*&II&A@I*

    &lasa a I; a- a ;II-a

  • 8/12/2019 Test Initial 2013 2014







    %e %etal$$ %$n


    !rale s#r$se



    er!r$l!r %$n




    a un!r








    I%ent$*$#area%etal$$l!r %$n

    +esaFe s#r$se



    un!r (r!(!$t$$





    ;' (


    C!re#tareaer!r$l!r %$n






    une$ s#r$s!r$




    D$n !*$#$u1'

    T!tal 1''