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TENSES - Amar Ujala

Jan 11, 2022



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7th JULY 2020 | O8:00 PM – 09:00 PM

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By: Santosh Sir

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.1. The hen lay eggs yesterday.

2. She was always carrying an umbrella when she was in Kolkata.

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.3. She has left school last year.

4. Babar has defeated Rana Sanga at Khanava.

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5. She was coming here daily in her childhood.

6 . I have completed the given task last night.

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7. It is raining then.

8. When I saw her, she ran to catch the bus.

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.9. I already told you about it.


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She said that she saw me in the market yesterday.

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.She has/had been playing for three years.

She has/had been playing for the last three years.

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She has been playing for three years when I met her.

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2. It took a long time for him to realize, what was truth.

a) what is truth

b) what was the truth

c) what the truth was

d) No improvement

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1. She ........... TV when her husband came.

a) watch b) was watching

c) is watching d) watched

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2. On one occasion he persuaded me to accompany him on a shooting expedition he was planning.a) has planned b) had plannedc) planned d) No improvement

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Past Perfect (had+V3)+ BEFORE+ Past Ind.( V2)WHEN

1. 1. She came before I went out.

2. Before I went out, she came.

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3. He left this city before I had arrived here.

3. He had left this city before I arrived here.

4. She took lunch when he reached her.

4. She had taken lunch when he reached her.

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Past Ind.(V2) + AFTER + Past Perfect (Had+ V3)

1. 1.She came after I went out.

1. She came after I had gone out.

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2. He had entered the class after the teacher taught the lesson.

2. He entered the class after the teacher had taught the lesson.

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1. The train ............... before we ..........…….the station. (leave, reach)

2. He ................. for a walk after he .................. His dinner. (go, eat)

3. Seema was alone in the house at that time because her the garage then. (work)

Ans. Had left, reachedWent, had eatenWas working

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● 4. When I went to see my mother, she ....... at that moment. (sleep)

● 5. After the guests.......we did the washing. (leave)

● Ans. Was sleeping ● Had left


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6. We ...... food before we started playing. (have)

7. People did not believe him because he .........credibility. (lost)

Ans. Had had, had lost


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When an action takes place in between another action.

1.When I arrived, Tom talked on the phone.

1.When I arrived, Tom was talking on the phone.

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2. I took bath when the bell rang.

2. I was taking bath when the bell rang.

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Future perfect is used with time expression beginning with by: (by then, by that time etc.)

1.By the end of this month, he will live here for ten years.

1.By the end of this month, he will have lived here for ten years.

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1.You will understand Tenses by the end of this class.

1.You will have understood Tenses by the end of this class.

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It is high time you go home.

It is high time you went home.

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It is time we………with determination.

a. act b. acted c. have acted d. should act

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1.It has been long since we met.

1.It is long since we met.

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1. I asked him a)/ why did he call b)/ me a fool. c)/No error d)

2. I left Bihar a)/ before b)/ the earthquake occurred. c)/ No error d)

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3. When she was at Lucknow a)/she had broken b)/ one plate everyday. c)/ No error d)

4. The servant a)/ has not answered b)/ when I called him. c)/ No error d)

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5. He a)/ lain b)/ the book on the table. c)/No error d)

6. The soldier a)/ laid b)/ dead on the ground. c)/ No error d)

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7. I have a)/ seen her only once b)/ but I am liking her a lot. c)/ No error d)

8. In India a)/ rice has b)/ and still is in great demand. c)/ No error d)

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9. I saw him a)/ a couple of times b)/ since May. c)/ No error d)

10. I remembered a)/ that he has forgotten b)/ his glasses. c)/ No error d)

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11. Ten years have passed a)/ since b)/ I have come here. c)/ No error. d)

12. For how long a)/ have you been b)/ waiting for me? c)/ No error. d)

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13. Before the alarm had stopped a)/ ringing, Mona had telephoned b)/ the police. c)/ No error d)

14. This is a)/ the first time that I see such b)/ an interesting movie. c)/ No error. d)

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15. "It is high time a)/ you are starting this Institute", b)/ said Ram to Sita. c)/ No error. d)

16. The secret of his good health a)/ lies in the fact that he is getting up early b)/ and goes to bed early. c)/ No error. d)

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17. By this time tomorrow a)/ she had reached b)/ there positively. c)/ No error. d)

18. I will inform a)/ you as soon as b)/ I will get any news about his health. c)/ No error. d)

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19. She was walking for hours a)/ when she suddenly noticed b)/ that the sun had risen. c)/ No error d)

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2. He was borne of poor parents, (a)/ but brought up (b)/ in an affluent family.

(c)/ No error(d)

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3. The university was (a)/ found in 1950 (b)/ when India was not self

dependent in many aspects. (c)/ No error(d)

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7. He lied on the grass (a)/ for hours (b)/ enjoying the cool breeze. (c)/ No


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8. During the rainy season (a)/ many rivers overflew their banks (b)/ and

caused great difficulty. (c)/ No error(d)

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CLOZE TEST-3It is summed up in single word- Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove man from the ...(l)... and the root cause of hunger and ...(2).... is abolished forever. Man is the only ..(3).... that consumes without ....(4)..... He does not give milk, he ....(5).... not lay eggs, he is ...(6) pull the plough, he cannot run......(7)....enough to catch rabbits.....(8)....he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare ....(9)....that will prevent them from...(10)....and the rest he keeps for himself.1. (a) area (b) scene (c) place (d) light 2. (a) overwork (b) work (c) while (d) waste 3. (a) thing (b) worm (c) human (d) creature 4. (a) drinking (b)producing (c) eating (d) sleeping5. (a) does (b) do (c) did (d) has done6. (a) too idle (b) too strong (c) too weak (d) too quick 7. (a) slow (b) fast (c) idle (d) dull 8. (a) yet (b) but (c) them (d) thus 9. (a) maximum (b) minimum (c) average (d) capacity 10.(a) producing (b)creating (c) eating (d) starving