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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement expert

Jan 15, 2017


Economy & Finance

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 0

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 1

Table of Contents 1. Not all structured settlement experts are the same. ......................................................... 5

2. Ask questions! .............................................................................................................. 6

3. Make sure they are going to reimburse you fairly for your payments. ................................ 7

4. Don’t believe everything they give you to read. ............................................................... 8

5. Contact more than one structured settlement expert. ...................................................... 9

6. Get it in writing. .......................................................................................................... 10

7. Consult with a professional to ensure you are making the best decision for your situation. . 11

8. Create a solid budget that you can work with in the future. ............................................. 12

9. Reduce your spending. ................................................................................................. 13

10. Never rely on the judge to save you. ............................................................................. 14

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 2

In this day and age there are hundreds of structured settlement experts providing

services. The sell tactics and advertising can be overwhelming. You can be dragged

in all directions, unsure of what is true and which option is best suited for your

personal needs. If you are considering selling some of your structured settlement

payments, whether to sell or not sell your settlement is a major decision that

requires a lot of thought and consideration.

First, look at the overall picture, starting by going back in time. When you least

expected it, you were involved in an accident and it was the result of someone

else’s negligence or error. After a lengthy legal battle, you were awarded a

structured settlement for your pain, suffering and injuries. Some time has passed,

and now you are caught in a situation where you need some cash and you need

it fast. The problem is that your structured settlement sends your cash to you in

smaller payments. So now you find yourself strapped for money, you are going to

have to cash in on your settlement early.

After some research, you have found out that if you sell your structured settlement

payments you can get the cash you need fast. You find yourself in a situation

where you don’t know what to do, how many payments to sell or which structured

settlement expert to choose for your individual needs. You have seen the

advertising of various companies or you may have received a solicitation from

them, but they are going to represent themselves in a pleasant way. What do you

do next?

Unfortunately, after you have had initial communication with a company, they will

begin harassing you to sell your settlement to them. They will repeatedly ask you

to sign their agreement, make the recommendation that you sell more payments

than you actually want to sell and that you settle for much less money than you

need or deserve from the agreement. It will get the level that you will not want to

even answer the phone because you know that it is the structured settlement

company wanting you to make an agreement with them.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 3

All of the calls from the structured settlement experts have a way of putting

pressure on you. You will become nervous and edgy, and maybe even dread

answering the phone. You need to make a decision and you want to make the

right one. You also want to get the problem over with and the decision needs to

be one that will handle your predicament. Here is some advice on how to select

the right structured settlement expert so you will not lose in the long run.

Deciding to sell some of your structured settlement payments is a major decision.

A decision that should not be taken lightly and that should involve a lot of in-depth

research and thought. Look at all the options then decide if you are making the

right choice for you and your family in the long run. If selling your structured

settlement payments is only a short-term fix, you need to look at other options.

The only reason you should consider selling payments is if it is going to promptly

and accurately address a financial situation you have found yourself in.

So now you know that selling your structured settlement should be a last resort,

look at your financial situation at hand. Ask yourself several questions.

Ask yourself these questions:

Could your current financial bind have been prevented?

What could you have done to avoid this financial pitfall?

How much money do you need to get you out of this situation?

Can you handle the problem by selling some of your structured settlement

payments and not all of them?

After this problem has been fixed, can you be back on solid financial


What can you do to avoid a similar situation in the future?

Where can you cut spending in your budget?

You don’t want to have to sell all of your payments, or you may find yourself in an

even worse situation than you are in right now. Put a lot of thought into the decision

and take the time to thoroughly assess everything, doing in-depth calculations and

determining the real root of your financial difficulty. It is essential that you work

diligently to prevent this kind of issue from happening again, because you won’t

have a structured settlement to bail you out of the situation again.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 4

Don’t Fall Victim to

Persuasive Marketing

Just by following a few steps, you can make sure you come out of the transaction

with a fair deal. Don’t just sign an agreement with the first structured settlement

expert you encounter. And, don’t fall victim to the power of advertising.

Remember, those advertisements are always going to make the services look

better than what you may actually get. The whole idea of the marketing ploy is to

make their products and services look like the best choice, but in reality, the truth

may be distorted through the presentation. Dig for the facts and always read the

fine print. Also, ask questions. Take the time to ask plenty of questions.

Just remember this is a one-time situation. When it comes to selling payments for

a structured settlement there are no do-overs. With that being said, you need to

study the options and even ask for legal advice when things aren’t clear. Before

signing any agreement and finalizing a deal, you need to consult with a licensed

attorney or an experienced financial expert.

Next, are 10 steps that will help you get on track with your structured

settlement expert.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 5


While they will all lead you to believe they are the most qualified and will offer the

best deal, just realize that isn’t the case. They are fighting for your business and

sometimes, they may be misleading in the attempt to win you over. Do your

homework. Check reviews, look at Better Business Bureau ratings, ask questions,

read the fine print and compare! Don’t rush into this overnight, you want to make

the decision that is best for you and your family. Be wary because there are

companies out there lurking to take advantage of your desperate need so they can

profit more than they would otherwise. Don’t fall victim to a dishonest structured

settlement professional. Submit your information at

and you will be contacted by several companies so that you can compare their


Tip: Run from the company that is too pushy. If they seem to be pushing you too hard, they have a major problem. That should tell you they don’t want you to have time to think about their

offerings, so you will not notice the fine print or the issues that others may uncover with their services.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 6


Yes, take the time to ask questions. There are some structured settlement firms

that are set up so you have to sell them all of your payments. You want to avoid

that if at all possible. You want a company that will help you decide how many

payments you need to sell, not just say you need to sell them all of your payments.

Another important question is if they will assign you a dedicated account

representative so you can talk to the same person every time you call. It is a much

better practice and you will get much better service if you can deal with the same

person on every call. By speaking to the same person, you establish a relationship

and they are aware of the situation. You don’t have to repeat the needs every time

you get on the phone with them.

Tip: If they are hesitant when it comes to answering your questions, or they seem to be beating around the bush, go

elsewhere. Honest companies are eager to provide you with the information that you request.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 7


We know they are in business to make money, so they will pay you less than the

payments are worth. However, if they are going to pay you considerably less or

give you less money than you need, go elsewhere. There are many of structured

settlement companies out there providing the same service. One of them will give

you the deal you are looking for.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 8


Yes, they may have catchy advertising that gets you to come see them, but their

advertising could be an embellishment of the actual facts. Be careful and dig a

little deeper to get the truth.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 9


Getting multiple quotes can be very beneficial for you in the long run. You can use

the quote process to get the best price, the best offer and to find out how easily

you can deal with the company. Again, submitting your information to will allow you to be in contact with several firms so

that you can compare their offers.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 10


They can tell you basically anything you want to hear, but you need to make sure

it is in writing in order for it to stick. You need to have your quote in writing, the

answers to any questions in writing and a statement that indicates you will not

have any out of pocket expenses in regards to the transaction.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 11


When it comes to selecting a structured settlement expert, you should schedule a

consultation with either an attorney or a financial advisor to go over the paperwork

and ensure you are making the best decision for the long haul.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 12


Just because you sell some of your structured payment settlements doesn’t mean

that you have put your responsibilities to rest. Instead, you need to create a

budget that you stick to. Use the money from the transaction to take care of what

you need to, and then do everything you can to keep from ending up in a financial

bind again.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 13


Overspending is the leading way that people encounter financial trouble. If you

work to reduce your spending you can improve your entire financial life.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 14


While requiring judicial approval is designed to make sure you have thought the

sale through clearly, don’t expect the judge to make the decision for you. It is your

decision and a bad decision could still be approved by the judge.

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Ten Steps to Choosing the Right Structured Settlement Expert 15

Just adhering to these 10 steps can make a significant difference in your overall

satisfaction with the structured settlement expert you choose to handle your

situation. Remember, it is a serious decision that requires in-depth thought and

consideration. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. If you have any unanswered

questions, you should continue inquiring until you have received satisfactory

answers that provide the information that you need.

If there is any doubt, ask for help. It is not wise to enter into such a serious

business deal if you are unfamiliar with the approach or inexperienced in dealing

with such matters. While the structured settlement expert should be looking out

for your best interests, it doesn’t mean that they are actually doing that.

Unfortunately, they often focus on their own financial gain and just want to get

the deal rushed through.

You deserved this structured settlement because of an accident, so you want to

make sure you maximize your results and make the most of your settlement.

Remember, the court awarded you a specified amount with a specific number of

payments at a specified amount. If you overspend, you are out of luck. These

funds are supposed to last you for the long haul.

By just taking you time and using caution, you should be able to choose the right

structured settlement expert for your specific needs. While you may think you are

in a hurry, rushing through this kind of situation can cost you for the long run. You

may actually cause your own financial ruin if you don’t ask the right questions and

assess the situation thoroughly.

Using this approach, you can get yourself back on solid financial grounding and

maximize your return. You can take hold of the situation and work with a company

that is straightforward and honest in business dealings.