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Page 1: Tempo 2-Student's Book
Page 2: Tempo 2-Student's Book

You mustn't do that!Page 6

Present simple, revision

must, musfn't for obligalJon andprohibition

like + verb + ing

be like (descriptions)

p .. 5 .... al appearance:

S"e s :all she's got dark brown hairat 0 t ...e eyes.

Pers:--a 1\ adjectives:

c:;: ent. .

Page 18 Let's check

2 Mum doesn't let rre doanything

Page 19

Verb let

Object pronouns, revision

would like + noun

How much is/are ... ?

How much + noun ?

S'"r::/le!"""'--' - b."y"l(sh~p. bakery, ...

How rTlafly + noun ...?

Page 30 Let's check

Page 54 Let's check

, •..................••..•. .... , , -

...... " , ."l!2'r: s ... ,J....... s raining ...

Par.s . -. '8 body:

~c s..- 1er

......IOn .e'"QS·

'JAr- -iK).

Present continuous, revisron

Present cootinuous tor future use

Future with gOing to + vero


Why don't we ...?

Future with will lor offers,predictioos and decisions

Possessive pronouns


VV1lat are we doing at theweekend?

Page 33

I'll carry the picnic basketPage 43

Page 42 Let's check



Page 3: Tempo 2-Student's Book

. Pronunciation

Describing people's appearance and personality

It's time for (bed).

It's not fair.

Stop it!It's only (a toy spider).

An)l1Nay' ."It's fun.

Not for (me).Sorry!


Buying things in a shop

Can 1help you?

How much islare ... ?I'd like ... p/e8se.

That's (£1.99), please.


Here's your Change.

tul Ill:!

(.ulture Spot

Pets' corner

A boy vvith style

Study tips

SB p. 9 __ WB ex. 1-2

SB pp. 1G-11 __ WB ex. 4

SB p. 13 __ WB ex. 5-7SB p. 14 __ WB ex. &-9

SB p. 15 __ WB ex. 3, 10

Writif1g In English WB p. 11

SBp.19 __ WBex.1

SS pp. 20--21 __ WB ex. 3-6SB p. 23 __ WB ex. 7-8

SB pp. 24-25 __ WB ex. 9-13

Making and responding to suggestions

Let's ...

Why don't VIE ... ?

f want to ...


Independence Day : SB p. 33 __: SB pp. 34-35__

.SBp.36 ........: SBp.37 __: SB pp. 38-39__• Classroon~

• phr<3S€S

WBex.1WB ex. 3-7WB ex. 1WB ex. &-10WBex.11WE p. 33

Making offers and predictions

Expressing decisions

Giving advice

(We'll rreet) in the usual place.

It's Iovey!

(I) won't be tong.YOli shouldn't swim straight afler (lunch.)

(1'1lj just (watch).

Final ccnsonants: Ipl III IkI

ECOlogy wook


SB pp. 43 __ VVB ex. 1SB pp. 44-45 __ WB ex. 4. 5.

7-9S8 pp. 4&-47~ WB ex. 10-12SB pp. 4&-49 __ WB ex. 6. 13

Page 4: Tempo 2-Student's Book

5 The highest mountainPage 57

Comparativ€s and superlativesof adjectives

too + adjective

not + adjective + enovgh

Geographical features:

se8. mountain. I'Ofcano, .

Points of the compass:

north, north-east, ...

Page 66 Let's check

6 Where were you last night?

Page 67Pa~1 simple of be

Past simple of regular verbs

Television programmes:the news, a soap opera.

Past time adverbials:

last Saturday. yesterday morning,lunchtime, evening

Page 78 Let's check

Detailed physical description:

She's got medium-length wavy hair.

Prepositions of rrotion:

into, through, ...

Pa-sonal possessions:diary, mob/le phone, .. ,

Food:carrots, fish, grapes, ...


Past sirrple of regular andirregular verbs

Imperatives, revision

could tor requests

Quantifiers:a lot oflfots of,plenty of, many, much,a few, a little

Past simple of irregular verbs

Past continuous

Reflexive pronouns

lNOUld like to + verb

Regular md irregular adva-bs

Present and PreSEfltcontinuous, revision

Past simt=le and Pastcontinuous, revision

We made lots of pancakes!

Page 80

That was 500 years ago!Page 91

Page 90 Let's check

Wa-e you chatting upthe boys?

Page 105

Page 102 Let·s check

Page 114 Let's check

.............................. . .

.,............................ . .

Page 126 Let's check Portfolio pages 128--132 Page 133 Song: Lady

.............................. ........................................................................................

...................... , , , , .




10 Would you like to meetUberty X?

Page 115

Page 5: Tempo 2-Student's Book


rvlaking comparisons

I know.I don't know.I think so too.

Hang on a minute!I don't think so.

Culture spotPortfolio

A Fa-mula One Superstar

Study tips

SB p. 57 WB ex.SB pp. 58-61 WB ex. 2--8SB pp. 62-63 WB ex. 9-11

Recognisir"'gverbs and nouns WB p. 55

Final consonants: 191 and Id!

Talking atout the past"rbu) can come round.i '/hen is (High School from Hell) on?Sounds grootl!'s about (a dog and a wizard).fWiII you be out) for long?

Past simple endings:, dI 'Idl

Talking about past events

r. Vel got into a lot of trouble.,: v.lent all over (the floor).You did that) on purpose!

Just then, (my dad came in).rle) wasn't happy!

~'I ane! le!

Star Wars

Guides and Scouts

V,,'rilp. Cl rl'!ViHW fur ynl,r '::>l.lluulrnagezlne describing cmInteresting fillll or TV rmgrarrlrl1€

Wr Ite about VOl r favoL>1 iteOl.,tdoor oclivltres WB p. 65

; Special days ... in Japan

: ,

SB pp. 67 WB ex. 1SB pp. 68-69 WB ex. 3-7.SB p. 70-71 WB ex. 8. 11SB pp. 72-7'.3 WB ex. 1.


SB p. 81 WB ex 1SB pp. 82-83 WB ex. 3-5SB pp. 84-85 WB ex. 6, 8SB p. 87 WB ex. 7,


.................................................................................................... ......................................

Vakltlg and responding to requests

....sKlng tor and giving directions

Excuse me,Could you tell me the way to ?Is it far?: s qUite a long way: s not iar.

: Was this the Roman Titanic?

: Famous kings and queens: The Tower of London: WBp 86

: WrilR ;=tool! ynll HnrllfOi1r1"lr1{J

; history WB r 87

: S8 pp. 92-93 WB ex. 3-4: SB pp. 94-95 WB ex. 5-9: SB p. 97 WB ex. 1

. . ..._ _ ~ .

'3rratrrg a slory using the Past simple and the~ast continuous

don·t care,'. ',.hv afe yOU) late home?-"'at s l"hy ..

a~d .1:1

Oh, I see.I was only (joking).

: My most embarrassing: moment

SB p. 105 WB ex. 1

SB pp. 1C6-1 07 ...-.... WB ex. 2--6SB pp. 108-109 ......... WB ex. 7-8SBp.111 WBex.9

Wcrking rut the rnearlng 0'unknown words. WE p. ~,

J.__.- - - .-.-.- -. __ .

us-,g tile phone

-eHo. could I speak to ... , please?-es hdd on, I'll get (her) for you."' sorry. (He) isn't here.

Can I rake a message?:::outd }'OU say . phoned?

A rap artist

Britain and A1'1enca

Wr ile ar. e-maildesCllblng you~elf

Write atout placesyou'd like to Visit \AB f

SBp.l1~, __ WBex 1SB pp. 116-117 __ \'I'B ex. 2--4SB pp. 118-119 __ WB ex 5·6SB pp. 120-12' ·...8 ex 7-9

..................................................................................................................................~a-:;e ·3..: Song: Reacll Page 135 Irregular verbs Page· 36 W()(d lisl

Page 6: Tempo 2-Student's Book
Page 7: Tempo 2-Student's Book

listen and complete the chart foreach person.


MU.IJ'I,..l)QQ,. $!$.t.~.r:

A c~:t.. c.9.I.I.~_<;l..Iim!t1

Mum,. Dad ..



?ClP~(!':.M.i!'~r. .12

.Mym,..P.qQ,.:tw.Q..I?r.Q~h!':r.$ .

.f!.999..~q!!~Q ..~.~.mi~

.Kot•. i:.Qmpl,./I .




Famil) :




















Page 8: Tempo 2-Student's Book





Present simple, revISion

must, mustn't for Obligatio1and prohibition

like + verb + ing

be like (descriptions)

Vert> let

Ctlject p-onouns, revision

v.'OUkI .ke + I"lOlI1

How much is/are ". ?How much .,. IlOl.Xl ...?

How many .. noun ..,?


AlyslCBl appearance, revision

Persona~ty adjectives



Descnbmg peope's appeaanceam oe=naIty


uI <rid lu:1

Culture spot

Pocket rTlOf"le'J

Page 9: Tempo 2-Student's Book




B She's sporty,

4 She's patient.

12 He's strict.

She's tEll.

He's got short hair,She's got dark brown hairand blue eyes

He wears glasses,

Shades of colour

11 She's naughty.10 He's annoying,9 She's Shy,

1 She's kind, 2 It's loya. 3 He's clever,

@k ~...

o ©i?~"

f c~.'" - '~

:~"i{. '~~_

11 - ~-

5 He's generous, 6 She's helpful. 1 l-\e's funny,

Height Hair colour Eye colour

:all~ b<own 0 blue

of medium height-.;. short ~ black

~5 bro""


rblonde 0 grey


Hair length ......,.. roodish- """'-5 green

00 long


,,,~ mOOlum length



®;; stlort

listen and read,

• !l -SU II tUty w{i<.:cUt/<.:S~

J Think of a person you know for each description. Write their names next to the pictures.

, How many words can you remember in each group?

Page 10: Tempo 2-Student's Book

listen and read.

..... forget my friend's birthday.

We ... .. .. .. .. .. remember our sports kit.

Jamle .. ...... go to bed nov\'oKale and her friends make loo much noise.

What do you noticeabout must and mustn't?

• must, mustn't for obligationand prohibition

• Present simple. revision

• like + verb + ing

• be like (descriptions)

• Describing people's appearance• • • • • • • and personality".. ' ..'

Complete the :.tmlenc;;es with must or mustn't.

1 I ...must. ..... do my home.'Vork.

2 SI,€ mustr:\f.... slay up lale.

3 You. tidy your room.4 We . eat in class.






.'..' ...

We mustn',

You "

They mustn"

Jamie, you mustn', do that!

It's only water, Mum. Andit's lun.No, it isn't. Not for us!

Jamie. you must come innow. It's 8 o'clock. It's timefor bed.

It's not fair! She alwaysslays up late.

No, I don't. hlyway, you'reonly little! [Jamie squirtsKale with the water pistol.]

Stop it! You're verynaughty!


AJI right, Mum.

And you mustn'! make toomuch noise.

OK, Mrs Campbell. Sorry!

Write the missing words.Look at the dialogue to help you.

We must

You must

They must

must, mustn't for obligation and prohibition

Affinnative NegativeI must (come in). I mustn't

You You mustn'l

HelShellt must He/She/It musln't



1 WhEt'S Jamie's mum called?

.Mr"'.(QIJ)Pl1~!!"."."."." .. "2 Who's in trouble?

3 Whet's tire lime?

4 Is it time for breakfast?

5 Who goes to bed first? Jamie or Kale?

2 Answer the questions.


Page 11: Tempo 2-Student's Book

.. !

. !

..... a balloon.


It s on'~ a toy spiderAr'f"ia~, it"s funNot for fT'e!


. 10 do your home.rvork.

. !

II's time lor bed.

Ifs not fair!


5b Complete the dialogues then act them out.

5a Listen Then act out this scene.

.malle tee ffil:lCR Rs'se

have a shower

3 You naughty dcg! You .

4 y""

eat the birthday cake

go ~o bed

Clean the kitchen

2 Mum. we .

Complete the caption for each picture.What must they do?

Page 12: Tempo 2-Student's Book

6 Read about the children.

...............•.......................· .· .· .· .


.M~ ...~p.)!:; ....i.!;....•AJ~~,

.spor.ts; ..f.ocrlbdlJ.,

.h.v.O:\!: .fOO.~~


..... .·


FavourIte food: .q.~..f~...


Favourite food: .eJ.:".er:y:thil)aL

...~y,niil.~~ ..!~...I>.~~~~ ...

School: .A~f:..~! ..?~t:.9.9.(.

...... . .. .. . ...

.....................................•.....................................................................~y ..~ ..!~..~~.' " .



.......... . J"!f:.!M. ...l~ ....SQpbr:c.,

5<:hool: IjtUnpsfeotJ .$_efQ.~o/y ...~hpol

Sports: ..t.~~(.~(~I ~?/!:.I!y!~g .

Favourite food: f.!l:~~!..J:..~t

-:- "'o.'.'l·~ .!!~~ ..y.~s~~.o1l.I:I~.~ ..~r

~,o,.Ii!';' ... 1",c.,k~..


f.a)(J).l,Il;;.~9. •....

.o:;.f!o::x:.p.ln:t;~,......•.. ................

Page 13: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Complete the questions and answers.

B That's Jomie.

A They play tennis.

A She goes to 0 girls schoo!

B Which school does he go to?

A Does she ploy football?

B Does Jomie like all kinds of food?

A What's her fovourite food?

A Which school does sophie go to?

A What's her favourite food?

A Does she go swimming?

B Which sports does Jamie like?

A Which sports does she like?

B She goes to FinchleyGirls' School.

B Does Ashon go to Jamie's school?

B Does Ashan go swimming?

How much can your partner remember?Give clues like this:

Ask Partner B a question about Alex.Ask Partner A a question about Alex.

A He likes chocolate.

B What's his favourite food?

A Which school does Kate go to?

Partner A: Ask about Kate and Sophie.Partner B: Ask about Ashan and Jamie.


9a Work with a partner.

.. .. vegelables?



5 .


............ everything.

...... her brother ..

...... she play football?

No. he .

Yes she ..

Present simple

AHirmative"w...WefThey like

"le/lt hkes


* __.NlefThey don't like-td'S'1e/1t doesn't like

Questions and short answers

')0 Vyoulwe/they like (chocolate)?

'!?S. Vyoulwe/they do.".. , Vyouiwe/they don't.

:Jves t>elshelil like (chocolate)?

'es '1e1shelit does'00, re/shelit doesn't


3 she play rugby?

4 :,!"'ats her favourite food?


1 ,,"'r.:h school Q.9.~ Kale go la?

$I"e 9.q~ 10 Finchley Girls' School.

,~~,_~ "( Remember! )

-t.' ')ne/lt goes, does, has I

.". is talking? Write the names inorder they speak.




Page 14: Tempo 2-Student's Book

10a Choose a caption for each picture.

1 ..+..I.i.~~.p.l.<;1Y~.1"), .

3 .

going to myfriends' houses.

listening to music.

playing on mycomputer.

watching TV.

rei'ldino in bed_


riding my bike.

playing outsidewith my friends.


Ilikp. _

13 Write four sentences about what yourpartner likes and doesn't like doing.

A Kate Ikes surfing.

Tell your partner what you like doing. Isthere anything you don't like doing?

.M9.rth9 !j~l';~.P.!9.Y.i.r:'I9..Qn.h~r ..l;.Qmp.~t.~ ...$.h~.

.c;I.Q.~.~I'):t ..

12a Work with a partner. Talk about what Kate.Jamie, Sophie and Ashan like doing.

Partner A: Talk about Kate and Jamie.Partner B: Talk about Aiel( and Ashan.


12c Tell your partner what your best friend likesand doesn't like doing.

dance dance+ing dancingride rida.+ing riding

like + verb + ;ng

I like reading in bed.He likes riding his bike.She likes listening to music.


Use the verbs in the brackets to completethe sentences.

1 She likes .$.~.t;I.t!n9, .. (skate)

2 I like stories about animals. (read)

3 I like football. (watch)

4 We like . .. up lale. (stay)

5 We like ..._. to the beach. (go)

6 I don't like (dance)


10b listen and check.

Page 15: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Match the answers to the questions.

16a listen and repeat., shy 4 shower

2 Short 5 patient

3 she 6 nationality

~~~~~rWhat's slle like? She's very nice./She's quite tall.

What does she like? She likes music and sport.

He likes playing on hiscomputer.Hp. likp.~ ChorXl1RIp.

He's clever and he's quite shy.

3 \lVhat's he like?

1 What does he likedOing?

2 What does he like?

4 ..

16b listen again and underline the III sound.

14 Listen and read. 17 Talk about your family and friends using thewords in the box.

Ky fYlWYI is patient aN t>elpful.

Ky &a& ,s Stnct but t>e 's very kiN.

Ky brott">er is often nauSt>ty but t>e's very -f(..(f)f)Y.

::: 'fYl 5I'>}' r'm q,lAite sp~}'.

kind clever shy

annoying helpful strict

funny naughty patient

loyal sporty generous

A What are your grandparents like?

15 Choose two sentences to describe the photo.A What's your best friend like?

B My grandparents are very generous.

B My best friend is loyal andhe is also very funny.

18 Write a paragraph about your familyand friends.

~y'.~~?~.?~:.~~~.~..I.i.~~.~~.~~~.!.L!~~~:.'!':Y..Q~.~.~.?~.~~~~ri~..~~j.!.,,:..~~~:.~,..?~.,,::~.~?! ..~.~.~.i.~.~.~.~:.~~~.,~,~.i:..~md~~~.':'..~Y.~;..~~~.~~:.~ .9.!~.~~~:. ~.~.~.'.~. p.~ !.ie.n.!_on~y.f!-!::I...9.,,:.,:,~~~~:...?~.,:,..I.i.~.~ ..~~~!~.~~d ~he also!!~~ .9.?i.'.1.9..!~ ..f~~!.~?I.I ..~~.!.~~~~: .~y. ...

Unit 1

Page 16: Tempo 2-Student's Book


Pets' eorner1 Read about the pets.

Tell us a"bout. ~roU1' pct" scnd in a photo and win a JlI'b,c!

}lcrsOlllllitv5k).s very clevel'".


JlcrsOlllllityHe·!<. quite &h~.


She's loyal a-u/very paiie""



tie's -r"'ite "o..~hti

o.nd very !""'y

~<·tt· On~ ..' ~ ......,,~ ..

~ 'M ","~<;.h~.

""I .

~ LOUd w..u~iC~ "

Page 17: Tempo 2-Student's Book


1 _Jddtes cuddle (noun)

2 ~rg walks walk (noun)

3 '('\.,d noises noise

• :a-neras camera

5 :.l. r'9 a bath bath (noun)

6 c:a~"lrg bark (Vt:<lv)

1 -""'1g tlirJe (vet'b)

Guess where the words and phrases inExercise 3a fit in the pets' descriptions. Writethem in the gaps.

• lJsten and check your answers to Exercise 3b.

la Find the meaning of these words and phrasesin a dictionary, or ask your teacher.

2 Find a word or phrase in the text for each 5 Work with a partner. ask and answer Questionspicture. about the pets.

1! ..b~d ........ A What's Gemma like?

~ B She'Sclev0, J

A What does she like?

2 L .............. ............." , B She likes playing with her toys and

hiding. She doesn't like cuddles. /


B What's Tess like?


~iii§:B What does she like?

4 .1 ....................

~~ 6 Write a profile of FlopPV the rabbit, using&.1" .r.J the pictures.

@: I~anw5 Cl '. Floppy.~

G:' ..e .?? (ii:>.~ I'ersllllalih'•\ I

c:.l~ver, '\-.... ;+e



.... , ........ ....................

Page 18: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Let's check

Complete each sentence with the correct word.

Don't eat my dinner, you rn:!\.!9I:1t:Y..... cat.

1 I'm quite, " I help my maUler a lot withthe cleaning.

2 He always gels 100% in tvla!tls, He's very

3 She's very. . She's in the tennis,swimming and athletics learns.

4 His aunt is very She always giveshim £100 for her birthday.

S We always laugh when we're with Joey. He's very

3 he like?" "He's really funny."

A What B What's C Is

4 My mother wear glasses.

A doesn't B isn't C don't

5 ....... you live in London?

A Are B Does C Do

6 She always _ to music in bed.

A listens B listening C listen

7 You mustn't ...... your homework:.

A forget B to forget C forgetting

8 What your cat like eating?

Ado Bdoes Cis

9 "Do you like your school?" "Yes, .

A I like Bldo Citis

10 "What is she like?" "

A Funny. B Reading, C Music.

Write your score: ... 110

Make sentences by putting the words inorder. Add capital letters where necessary.

bed I breakfast I haVing IIn I likes I mum I my

M.y.,ml,\m.l.i.~.~..f:'.9-.yi!")9 ..Qr~Qkf.QAi~,!!").!?~!;I .1 the phone I do you I friends I like I on I talking I





... and tle



annoying clever funny

loyal A8L:J€I!'1t) patient shy

6 We can'\ start yet so please be torflnottlsr ten minutes.

7 He's like a mouse. He's verynever comes out of his room.

8 Her parents are very...... ., She can'l go10 parties, she can't watch TV on weekdays and stlecan't stay up late at weekends.

9 He's very He never says bad thingsabout his brother.

10 This computer game is It stopsafter ten minutes.

Write your score: .... 11 02 JOl;l::;rl't I doirlg I her I hOmework I like I MathS I

my I sister

2 Choose the correct form of the verb.

You~mustn't listen to me! This is important.

1 You must / mustn't eal sweets in class.

2 You must / mustn't go to bed now. It's really late.

3 You must / mustn't slay up late. There's a big matchtomorrow moming.

4 You must I mustn't tidy your room. It's a mess.

5 You must / mustn't eat my chocolates, you bad dog!

Write your score: .. 15

3 Choose the correct word for each sentence.

I ... 4.9..... athletics at my school.

A does ~ dO) C doing

........... school does your brother go to?

A Where B When C Which

2 I don't like in cold water.

A swim B swims C swimming

3 are I Canadian I cousins I like / what / your / ?

4 and watChing / biscuits / dog I eating I likeS / my Ivideos.

5 computer I we alii and listening I like I games Ito I music.

Write your score: . 15

Write your total score: ... /30

Page 19: Tempo 2-Student's Book

SIt IllS.-



SPORlSListen and point to the shops.

2a Write the name of each place.

.f~f~ 2 H.................... 3 .

4 . 5 .

6 ~.Q.~~ry .

8 . 9 . 10 . 11 .

Work with a partner. Ask and answer to check. 3 Talk about the shops in your town.



A What's number I?

B It's a cafe. What's number 2?

A There's 0 chemist's in Park Street.It's next to the bank.

B There's 0 newsogent's near myhouse. It's called One Stop.

U,. , 2

Page 20: Tempo 2-Student's Book


Mum doesn't let medo anything

1 Listen and read.

Answer the questions.

1 Who's gal fifteen \Xlunds? ..~9p.h'~,..2 I-las Kate gal any money? ..

3 Where does Kale want to go?

4 Why does Kate want to go shopping? .

5 can Jamie go shopping?

6 Do Ashan and A1ex like shopping?

• Verb fet

• Object pronouns. revision

• would like + noun

• How much is/are ...7 j• How much + noun 7

• How many + noun ?

•How much money have yougot. Kale?

I've got too pounds. Howmucl, 118ve you gal?

I've gal about fifteen.

OK. do you want to goshopping lhls ahernoon?

Great idee!

Mum, can I go Shopping thisafternoon?

On your own?

No, with Sophie. I need someUllngS for schod.

Well. all rigll! then. But youmust be ooek uy 5.30.


That's no! fair. Mum lets yougo shopping. She doesn'lletme do any1.hing.

Never mind, Jamie.Shopping's boring.

Shopping's for girls!

let + object pronoun + verb


Subject Objectpronoun pronoun


you you

he him

she he'

il il

we us

you you

they them

They don't let me goshopping on my Own.

We don 'I le! her goshopping on her own.

She lets me stayup till 8.00.I let him slay up

till 8,00,

Page 21: Tempo 2-Student's Book

.. listen and complete the chart.

stay up late

Unit 2

buy my OYJl1 clothes

go shoppw-.g \':ith Il"'y friends

nde my bike on the road

go 10 SChOOl on rry 0\.."

buy sweets

watCh 1V il the momil1Q

surl the internet

go swimming with my friends

have friends la stay


B Yes, they do. Do Ashan'sparents let hIm stay up lote?

B My parents never/sometImeslet me stay up late

A Do Sophie.'s parents let her stayup late at the weekend?

A My parents let/don't let me stay up lateat the weekend.

5 Work with a partner. Use the chart in Exercise 4.Ask and answer about Sophie and Ashan.

6 Work with a partner. Talk about what yourparents let you do.

1 Mum: I let Kale slay up till 10.30.

Kate: Mum !~t~..IJ:I~ stay up til10.3),

2 Dad: I let Sophie go shClppWlg with herfriends.

Sophie: Dad 90shopping with my friends.

3 Daniel: I don't let my sister come into myroom.

Sister: He go 1110 his




4 Mum and Dad: We don't let Luke ardMaisie go Sl.JJf"9 on their own.

Luke and Maisie: They............................. go Sl.J(fi1g on our Qv/n.

5 Rebecca: My mum lets me use her


Mum: I use ITlYcorrputer.

6 Jenny: I don't lel my mum end dad readmy diary.

Mum and Dad: She .read her diary.

7 Sam: My mum doesn't let me dl00se myclothes.

Mum: I choose hisclothes.

8 lauren and George: Our cousins let ussWIm in tt,eir pool.

Ben and Emma: We ...SWirl! ill our pool.

Complete the sentences with theverb let and an object pronoun.


Page 22: Tempo 2-Student's Book

7 Wri1e the names of the shops.


8 Listen and tick lw'l the shops Kate andSophie visit.

B Where do you buy yourbooks?

A Which music store do you go to?

A What's your favourite clothes shop?

B Where do you buy presents for your friends?

9 Work with a partner. Ask and answer aboutthe shops in Exercise 8.

7 supermarket

8 department store

9 jeweller's

10 sports shop l ..11 cafe

12 bakery

1 chemist's

2 newsagent's

3 COOks/lOP

4 music store

5 clothes shop

6 snoe shop


Page 23: Tempo 2-Student's Book







Unit 2

Wrat are A1ex and Ashan doing?

Th~Y"r.'!?-..$~pp.p.i09, ...2 How r.luch money has Ashan gal?

3 What does he wanl 10 bUY?

4 How many football stickers can he get for twopounds?

5 Who do A1ex and .Astlan meet?

Listen and answer the questions.13

12b Now role-play another dialogue in a cafe.

(I'd like = I would like ft-~

Waiter What ..WQuld you like?

Customer .. like a sandwich, please.

Waiter What .. yOll .in your sandwich?

Customer ..... like ham and cheese.

would like + noun

I'd like one of Ihe animals. please,',"'ch one would you like?I'd like the pink pig.

Complete the dialogue between a waiter anda customer in a cafe.

Can' hBP you?

1 like those little animals. Howmuch are they?

They're fcur pounds each.

Oh. ttlal's good. They're reallysweet.

The pink pig's nice.

How many pigs have you got?VDU don't want another onel

I've only got twelve. Myway. youknow I collect them. Excuse me,I'd hke one of Ihe animals, please.

Whidl one would you like?

I'd like the pink pig, please.

ThaI's four pounds. please.Thanks. Here's your change.



Answer the Questions.

1 .·.·.at does Kate like in tile shop?

Sr,e lik~~.t.h~.!!f.t.l.~..Q!)!m~!$.· ..2 I" 3' does Sophie think of lhem?

3 Sophie think the animals are expensive?

.. ,', ICh one does Kale want to buy?

S ,'.'t1y does Sophie say: 'Vou don't want another one!'?

6 ,'....0 buys the pig?

listen and read.

Page 24: Tempo 2-Student's Book

14 Listen and complete the dialogue. 15 Work with a partner. Role-play similar dialoguesabout these things.

A Can I help you?

B Yes, how much is that T-shirt?

A Ifs £11.99.

\ B And how much ore those sweatshiMs?


900 I help you?


Yes. How much .that pencil case?

Complete the rules.

We use how .~~~~. when we ask about prices ina shop.

We use how. _ with uncountable nouns, likebread. milk and sugar.

We l;se how with countable nouns likebananas, books and pens.




16 Complete the questions with how much orhow many. Then answer them.

1 Hqw r:n,uc;h ...... is an ice cream?

2 brothers and sisters have you got?

3 time do you spend watching TV?

4 .. subjects do you study at school?

5 .. are your favourite sweets?

6 . languages do yOU speak?

...... like two pens, please.A red one and a black we.

And how much those pens?

How much is/are... ?

How much? How many?

How much is that pen?

How much are those sunglasses?

How much money have you got?

How much water do you drink every day?

How many euros have you got?

How many glasses of water do you drink atlunchtime?

It's seven poundsfifty.

They're one ninety-nineeach.


TIlat's three poundsninety-eight, please.Thank you. Here'syour change.

Page 25: Tempo 2-Student's Book

19 Write the questions in this interview withHomer Simpson.

17a Listen and repeat.









I don't play any sports.

2I eat 20 doughnuts every dey.


Your partner

Write a profile of you, yourbest friend and a member ofyour family. Go to page 128

I don't drink water.

5I've got 10 dollars and you can't have it!

I spend 10 hours a day watching lY.


I've got two, a cat and a c1od.6






10 l--JC\', much time do you spend watching TV?

Every week ...

6 How many times do you play or do a sport?

7 How much do you spend on fizzy drinks?

8 HGW many PizzaS do you eat?

9 How much time do you spend outside?

Every day ...

1 HON much water do you drink?

2 How much fruit do you eat?

3 How many sweets do you eat?

4 HClV>J many times do you brush your teeth?

5 How many tlours do you sleep?

18 Answer the questions about yourself.Then ask your partner.

17b Listen and add these words to the correctcolumn.

17c Listen and check.

Page 26: Tempo 2-Student's Book

1'- boy 1IVith style

2 Read about Max and tick Iv') the chart,

Max is a boy with style. He likes clothes and he likes shopping. But his parents don't let

him have a lot of money, so on Saturday afternoons he works in a designer clothes shop

in NOlVv'ich. He gets £10 for 3 hours.

Max doesn't spend a lot of money on clothes but he collects designer bags and adverts from

magazines and he sticks them on the wall in his room. He's got a lot of things in his room but

it's very tidy. He likes showing his room to friends. But he doesn't let his little sisters play in it!

"like being, different.'

.. RoSie (9),



Listen and complete the information.

in NOrNich, England.

Mum, Dad. two ..Uly( )

Pets .Hobbies and collecting things.

Name M.QX Pear!TIain




Page 27: Tempo 2-Student's Book




Do you like your room?

What's it like? What have you got in it?

Is your room tidy?

Do you let other people come into your room?


00 YOll I'lll Flnyltling on your wa'ls?

What kind of things?

Do you do your homework, reac or listen 10 music

in your room?

Do you watch 1V in your room?

Is there something special you want to buy?

VVllat is it? How much does it cost?

Do you collect anyttling? VVllat do you collect?

How many have you got?

r like my room. It's not verybig but there's a bed, acupboard for my clothes ...

Work with a partner. Talk about your room.Use these questions to help you_


6 What ...

All sorts of things.

It's very stylish.

5 How .

A Muji bike.

4 What

Yes, he has. but he doesn't often watch it.

3 What .

Unit 2

2 Has "" ?

1 What Q.Q.~.$<.~..9.9.i.m.i.~.h\s,.r.o.Qm ?

He likes doing his homework, reading and listening

to music.

6 Now write about your rOom.

.My..l:·QQm.!~_smq.J.I.l;l.vt I .I.I~.e it '+·Y~ got.·.·.· .


4 Write questions for these answers.

e.-omp~-ter. a "'television aM a CD player.

listen and read.

-:-';panese and i-t" '5 very sty/iS..... r"t

:- collec.:t all Sorts o.f 1:hinSS as yOIA.

True False Don'tl<I1ow

c-oS-t"S L2DD. Thai: 's -f:wen·ty

,..ere. :: ·ve.. 'jo"t" a bed. a so-fa, a JeSk. a

=really liKe my room. r like Joins my

"'!;S coIleclnJ thirgs.

•oOmework. reaJinS or liSi:enins -to MLtSic.

eo.;; mEnds 'N3tch TV in his room.

...orl<.s In a llllJSiC store.

parents give him a lot of lTOIley.

()J:S plctUrES on his IN8Ils.

and UIy sometimes play in


... s spaty,

Page 28: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Pock t money

1 Listen and read.

How much pocket money do you get?

Whet do you spend it on?

I don't get pocket money, but my mum givesme some money when' tidy my room. cleanthe bathroom, or help in the kitchen. Shedoesn'1 let me spend it all. She says I mustsave some for my holidays.

l Who:

has gal a sister?

..r.9$.h .2 has got a brother?

3 gets £12 a week?

4 sc.....·etlnl€s works in a shop?

I get £3.50 a week. I buy COs withmy pocket money. My sister gets £5.I don't think it's fair. She says she's

14 and I'm only 12, so it is fair!

~ My grandparents give me moneyfor my birthday. They're verygenerous.


5 helps In the house?

7 dcesn"t spend all his/her money?

........... and .

8 likes shopping?

Page 29: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Unit 2

)I'm like Josh because I buy eDswith my pocket money.

Now write about your pocket money_

I'm 13. I gel £4 a week from my parEnls and Ido a paper round. loo. I gel £8 a week for that.I spend some of it on magazines or sweels, bul

I always save [2 a week.

My brother is 8. He gels £2 a week from myparents, but when he's naughty he doesn't get

anything. They're quite strict!


4 Make a list of things you spend your moneyon. Find the words you don't know in it

dictionary.I gel money from

my uncles and aunts.

I like spending money.

I buy my own clothes.

I help in my

parents' shop.

because I buy COs with

my money.

I don't get

pocket money.

my mum gives me


I help in the house.

I always save [2

a week.




...., liKe Josh

oon't get pocket money. My parents

"'ave got a shop. They give me some......oney when I help them. And 1getmoney for my birthday from myncles and aunts. Whp.n I've gotsome money, I go into town to buy

~(hes. I like spending money!

3 Are you like any of the people inthe interviews? Say why.

Page 30: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Let's check3 Choose the correct wOl"ds for each sentence.

You can see a film here. .c.r,,~m~l....

Match the places to the clues.



department store

fruit and vegetableshop


newsagent'srecord shopsports shopsupermarket

I would like to.@sandwich, please.

, How much/many are the apples?

2 Luigi's parents let him ride/to ride his bike to school.

3 How many sticker/stickers can I get for 5 euros?

4 How much/many time do you spend watching TV?

5 My parents never let me staying/stay up till P.!'clock.

Write your score: .... /10


2 Choose the correct words tOI'" each sentence.

Write your score: /5

Write your total score: 135

cousins / got / have I how I many I you I ?!r!Y..~.9.lJ.~i!'J:;:. hqy'~..)':9.l,l..9Q.t? .

at I late Iletl me I My I pcrents I stay I the I up Iweekend.

5 does I father I tlOW I languages I many I speak /your I ?

Write your score: .... /5

2 blue I how I is I much / sV>€atshirt / the I ?

3 choose I clothes I do I let / own / parents I you Iyour I your I ?

Write sentences by putting the words inorder. Add capital letters where necessary.

Write your score: ... /5

Complete the dialogue with would like or'd like.

S Vvhat ..W.Q."".I~... you H!<.~... to drink, Maria?

A 1'(1) . apple juice, please.

B They haven't got apple juice. (2) .

you some orange juice?

A No. Itlanks. Can I have a lemonade?

B OK. And what (3) yOU................. to eat?

A 1'(4) an Ice cream.

S Chocolate, coffee or vanilla?

A I (5) ... a coffee ice cream,please. Dan.

4 does I drink I how I hamster / much / water / yourl ?



in the car?

c us

C it is

... on my bed.

C 10 sleep

Write your scorE: .... /10

1 Vou can buy your new COs here. . .

2 Get 'your apples and bananas here. . .

3 Come to this big shop for clothes, books, shoes, jewelleryand other things. . .

4 You can gel fish. cheese. chocdate, milk and fruit here.

5 Come here for your nevvspapers and magazines.

My brott'€r's 16. My parents let .. him .. stay up late.

A her ~ Cit

1 TIlose are my shoes. You can't wear .

A it B that C them

2 How........ money have you got with you"

A much B many C is

3 We're really late. Can you take

Awe Bour

4 What like?

A you would B would you C you

5 Please let .... go to the party.

Al Byou Cme

6 That's Maria's sister. Do you like. .....?

A him Bher Cit

7 How...... tickets have you got?

A rruch B many Care

8 How............. ..... are the stickers?

A rruch B many

9 'Would yOll like a drink?' 'Yes,

A I like B please

, 0 I alVvays let my cat .

A sleep B sleeping

6 Have coffee, juice or sandwiches here .

7 You can buy a watch or a bracelet here.

8 You can bUy bread and cakes in this shop.

9 They cut and wash hair in this place.

10 You can buy a tennis racket here.

Page 31: Tempo 2-Student's Book

oI'm not very good at this. I'm OK at this. I'm good at this.

Tick (.I) the correct boxes.

rrte three more words in each vocabulary group.

Unit 2

Which school does Kate go to? WhiCh sports doesJamie like? Does Ashan go SWimming?

l!v11et's your best friend like? My best friend is loyaland he's also very funny.

There's a chemist's in the centre.

My parents let me have rn'ends to stay.

Where do you bUy presents for}'OUr friends?

How much alB those sunglasses? I'd like f1NOpens, please.

I like my room. It's not very big.

I get £3.50 a 1.'I€€k.

I'm like Anita because I don'l get any pocketmoney.

We ('Jusfn't forget our sports kit.

lNe Ite going /0 the beach. I don't like dancing.

t dQ(l't let my mum and dad read my diary.

My room is small but I like it.

You must come in now.

What's he like? He's clever.

chemist's, jevveJler's, hairdresser's

How many hours do you sleep?

I go to Mill Road Primary School. I pla.y tennis,

How much are they? They're £1,50 each.

What are your hobbl8s. Max? I like S/lOpping andcollecfing things.

Max doesn 'f spend a lot of money on clothes.

How much pocket money do you get Josh?

blue eyes






tJe my bedroom

i pocket money

ut rules at tlome

answer questions about daily life

1)11 atout someone's lifestyle

and answers aboul pocket money

... ,people musVmustn't do

...nat pecple like/don't like doing

VI :at people leVdon'llel olhers do

"'lO people are like

"d answer questions about someone'sy

":"ierenl kinds of shops

questions about shopping

....:..e and pay for things in shops

_ s:a1ements about daily life

and answers aboul prices

people say,ng what others must/mustn't do

:::..estlons and answers about people's personality

,',8rds on a plan of a shopping centre

a sImple survey

........1 appearance


Page 32: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Why don't we goto the beach?


Present continuous, revision

Present continuous for future use

Future w~h going to + verb

want to + infinitive

Let's .,.

Why don't we ... ?

Future w~l, will for offers,predictions and decisions


Possessi'Je pronouns


I' ,



Parts of the body

Action verbs

Corn munication

Making and responding tosuggestions

Making offers

Giving advice

Expressing decisions



FinaJ consonanls: Ip/llllkl

Culture spot

A trip to Britain

Page 33: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Module 2Unit]

It's foggy. D

It's cloudy. CD

There's going to be a stormUsten to the Ulunder.Look at the lightning

It's INarm.

It's raining. D

It's hot and sunny. D


It's windy. D

It's cold.

II"s snowing. DWhat's the weather like today?

1 Listen and number the pictures.

Page 34: Tempo 2-Student's Book

No, I'm not.No, youaren't.No, he/she/it isn't.No, welyou/they oren't.

NegativeI'm not staying.You aren't staying.He/Shellt isn't staying.


Short answersYes, I am.Yes, you ore.

Yes, he/she/it is.Yes, wefyoulthey are.

• Present continuous for future use

• Present continuous. revision

• Future with going to

• want to + infinitive

• Let's ...

• Why don't we ... ?

I. Making and responding tosuggestions

AffirmativeI'm going.You're goingHe'slShe'sIIt's gOing

We'refYou'refThey're going.

QuestionsAm I going?Are you going?

Is he/she/it going?

Are we/'youlthey gOing!

Present continuous for future use


C\'dt:Ji~ ~

,~Yru can l'S€ they to rrean peq>e gen«ally,

They're having a c8mfolal this€fB'8 a camival this weekend.

You can use the rresent cant nuous to talk aboutfuture plans:

What afe you domg (his weekend?(= What are your plans for the V'Jeekend?)I'm seemg friends.

-0-You (on also use the Present continuous to talkabout what 1$ happening now:

What afe you doing?I'm reading.







listen and read.

What are we doing allhe weekend, Mum?

"'1L'1lI I'm going shopping on Saturday morning, Dadsdoing the garden.

K....~ So you aren't doing anything speCiaL

No, not really.

:e Well, why don'l we go karting at Brands Hatch?

M, m Il's a long way.

3111 Let's go 10 a theme park. What about Legoland?

No, Jamie. It's expensive.

~ ",~ I know! Why don't we go 10 Holkham Beach?They're having a carnival there this weekEnd.

t~ Oh, yes! Mum, can we go?





What are we doingat the weekend?


2 Match the person to the activities.



Page 35: Tempo 2-Student's Book



.9.~..~t.I;l.r:~!-:i..!T!~r.':'.i.~g.f:!T!.g~i.~9 In the

~f~~.':'.'?!?!'!.Im.~.~.~.t!.~g.~y..frjendsin town

Write about your plans for the weekend.

.~.~!~.~!'!~.!!:o~f.~.~r.~.g~.i.f.19..~.~.'?p.p.!r.'9: ...

.~~~~' ..i~.9!?!!19.r.~..r.~~..c;:.i.f.1.~.~: ....


A Are you going shopping ot the weekend?

1 go shopping

2 play football

3 go SWimming

4 go for a bike ride

5 go to the t:each

6 go 10 the cinema

7 stay at home

8 do anything special (What?)

6 Can Alex go to the beach? .

4 What are Ashan's plans for the weekend?

5 What does Ashan decide to do?

Carla is going shopping on SaturdayB afternoon. She's going tc the beach on


3 VV1Ial are Kale and tler family doing at the

weekend? .

Listen and answer the questions.

Who does Kale phone first? ?PP.~.I.~ .

2 Is Sophie bUsy at the wrekend? .



5c Write what the other students are doingat the weekend.

5b Tell another pair of students about yourpartner's plans for the weekend.

Sa Work with a partner. Ask and answer aboutplans for the weekend then tick (.I)

the correct column.



- -,---,---~~,I 111/ cni1d tic\<.e\ "'(b' ::ypssS,, ---, -

~ play tennis 1go out ,/

5o:le "" a: {he tennis courts at 7 this evening!

.. have a party 1go to a theme park .I

~ J <lU gang la Lucy's party nexl Friday?

] make a cake .Imake a big pizza 1

:;¥ hElp you make a cake for Mark's birthday.

Respond using the prompts.

2 go to the beach .Istudy for an exam 1_':" S go 10 Itle beach with them atlhe weekend.

1 go to the cinema 1play football .I

::an I come 10 Ihe cinema Wllh you on Salurday?

m r1Ot.9.Q.if!9..tQ.t.hf.~l! •. J'm.rhrr.!og .foorbQII..... .. ..

Grammar l f'

Page 36: Tempo 2-Student's Book

elt's snowi'lg.f It's warm.9 It's windy.h Il's hot and SLnny.

8 It's cloudy.b 11's cold.c It's foggy.d It's raining.


7a Choose a sentence for each picture.

7b listen and check.

Page 37: Tempo 2-Student's Book


. go on Q school trip to Russia.'

8 listen and read.

Kate and Sophie are talking on the phone,They're packing their bags for the weekend.

KCit I'm going to lake jeans. a jumper. a T-shirt ..

SOl j.1 Ate you going to take a dress?

Kat€ No, I'm not.

Sop hie W1lal are you going la wear for Ihe carnival?

Kat,;; My wetsuit.

Sophir 'Nhal! It isn't going 10 rain all weekend!

Kal No, I know. II's going 10 be hot and sunny.But I'm going to go as a shark.

SofJhi", Well, I'm going to take my S\Nimsuit.

Kate Your swimsuit?

50phie Yes, bull'm not going to go swimming. I'mgoing to go to the carnival as a mermaid.

Kate Well, watch out for the sharks!

10 Complete the sentences.


1 1):l)..9.Q.i.':lg..t~ ..... meet my friends In town this

afternoon. Do you want 10 COrTl€?

2 They have a pizza. Let's go wilh Itlem.

3 ·We .

'That"s fantastic!'

4 Let's go to the beach on Saturday because it

....... be hot and sunny.


5 I'm tired. .. play footballlonighl.

6 We watctl TV because we've got a

lot of homework



........ rain.

............ win.

v'/ork in a zoowear jeansbe cold

...... wear for the ca"--

........ she

year?' 'Yes, she is.

not go sWimming-teiA-a-~

not/walch TV this evening

7 You don': reed an umbrella. It .......

8 They re !os ng 1-3 Trey

2 What you

5 I've got a lot of homework. I ...

3 they see tre .,e:. S·.i~ :.3.~

mm on Saturday?' 'No, they arer'


4 The sea's very cold so they .

3 Don't forget your jumper. It

6 Sophie and Kate aren't going to take dresses.

They .

1 I want to play tennis more often so I :m ,gO.(t\;l..

jp.[n.q.l:.!\.ltl " .

2 He likes animals so he

11 Complete the sentences with going to andthe phrases in the box

12 Complete the questions.

1 .~.r:f;.... you ,9.Qing.tR.. invite him to your par


o d,.es,~"


can also use going to to talk about somethingIS likely to happen:

iJ' '''::>se clouds It's going to rain.

Find a word in the dialogue for each picture.


J-ol1tlIe with going to

'I2IHe's/ going to (take a T-shirt).• s/~Ve'rel.·e) 're

can use going to to talk about intentions:

i gOing to take a dressg:- ~g to take a wetsuil? Yes, she is.lNo, she isn't.


Page 38: Tempo 2-Student's Book

I want to go oul andmake a snowman.

Il's boring.

Do you want to come?

I wanl to go 10 Ihebeach.

e I want 10 have a party.

No, thanks. I'm tired.

NegativeI don't want to go.

nr I,

want to + infinitive

QuestionsDo you want to go-,

AffirmativeI want to go.


1 It'3 hot today. ~.2 Do you \\.'nnt to plOy

tennis? b

3 lI's my blrtrday next cweek. d

4 II's snowing.

5 We're going to go Iceskaling

6 I don', want to watellthat video again.


15 Match the sentences.

Whal are we going 10 do when we gellhere?

Sophie Let's go to Ihe beach!

A1ex Why don't we have the picnic first?

K3tC I want to go surfing.

Ashan I want to go canoeing.

Mum Well, I wanl to put the tenls up. And guesswhal? You're all going to help me!





14 Write the name of a personfor each picture.

13 listen and read.

Page 39: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Il's going to be {windy/sunny/cloudylfoggyj.


TIlere's going to be a storm.

B It's going to snow.

A What's the weather goingto be like in Edinburgh?

"'w HolkhamBeach

let's eat the cake now. I'm hungry.Why don't we watch a video? ThEre's nothinginteresting on TV.

19 Work with a partner. Look at the map.Ask and answer about the weather atthe weekend. Then write about theweather.



• Newcastle

• Manchester


•• Cardiff

• Edinburgh


• Penzance


You can use Let's and Why don't we 10 make

suggestions about whal you'd like 10 do.

<I storm








,. Work in groups of four or more. Use the tableto talk about what you want to do next weekend. 18 listen and repeat.

Lel"s. gJ svvimming. go to tre Cinema1 warm • why

gJ surfing. watch TV.2 windy 7 want

Vv'hy dro'l we __ ? have a pimic_ go shopping_3 weather 8 wea,

gJ for a bike ride. go kartlrg.4 week€1ld 9 where

play foolball.5 what 10 watch

,'Janllo H'

17 Write your group's dialogue. Then act it out.

Page 40: Tempo 2-Student's Book


El Salvador




Date of Independence Day



El Salvador

Tomorrow, WOOncsdoy

September 15th. is

Independence Day. We'regoing to have a big parade in

san SalVador, our capital City. My school is laking part In the parade.

We're going to play musical Instruments and dalce.

After the parade. we're going la drive 10 the beach and have a party.And we aroo'l going 10 go 10 school on Thursday.


Independence Day





barbecue. 'eWQfks

1 Read about Independence Dayin El Salvador and in Ukraine.Complete the chart for Blancaand Vladimir.

=' 'Skills development

Page 41: Tempo 2-Student's Book

I live in Kharkov, in Ukraine. It'sIndependence Day tomorrow, August 23rd

I'm really looking forward to it. We're allgoing la have a day off. First. we"re

the parade and then we're 90''19 ':> ine blg

market in the city. After !1-]81 ...e 'e ao gorng10 the circus. In the €\€r rg :.f;' '': 9'=-W'lQ 10

walch the firewcrh d sr d'.

listen to Scott talking about IndependenceDay in his country and complete the chart.

.'.ork with a partner. Talk about what Blanca,Vladimir and Scatt are going to do onIndependence Day.



lhrite a paragraph about how Scatt is goingto celebrate Independence Day.

Se=·· s gomg t~. 99 t.o..9..P.9!.'!=!~~I.~r.~Jh~r.


Page 42: Tempo 2-Student's Book

'. Let's checl</1 2 What (you/say) to your parents about the computer?

1 Complete the missing letters in the weatherwords.






C Q. Q Icl y

w yf y

s __ w__ 9

1__ h_n __ 9

6 s - - - y7 r - - n - - 9B c d

9 h

10 w m

Write your score: .... /10

3 How long (you and your lamilylbe) in Canada?

4 Go away you silly dog. I (nolfgive) you a sweet.

5 Lucy's brother (study) in Spain next year.

2 Write sentences about the future using thePresent continuous.

(I/play) tennis on Saturday with Julie.

~'~ .p.!~Y!~.9. !.~r!I).i~..'?~ .~':l.~l:'r.~.qy' X-:i.~~..'!.~! !~: .1 (Uly/come) to the party on Friday.

Write your score: ... /5

4 Choose the correct words for each sentence.

Write your score: /10

Write your total score: .... /30


A I'm not

8 What liMe

A she's

9A Let":;


A he

What .. Qf~.YQt,l. .. doing after dinn,<e_r?_.__

A you B you are <f are y"W)

1 Do you want swimming tomorrow?

A going B go C to go

2 We ..... tennis et four o'clock.

A plays B playing C are playing

3 She going on the school skiing trip inDecember.

A isn't B doesn't C don't

4 Vvhy. . we meet at the beach?

A aren-I B don'l Care

5 Let's to the c<lrniv81 this weekend.

A go B going C to go

6 When are yOu gong to Dave?

A wnte B to write C writing

gOIl19 10 do my homework tonight.

B I nol C I don't

gOing shopping?

B does she C is she

we stay at home and watch TV?

B \Nhy an; C WIlY dorl't

.. Joe and Ben coming to your party?

BOo Cls

4 (llVho/make) dinner tonight?

Write your score: .... /5

5 My cousins (not leave) on Tuesday morning.

3 (We/not go) 10 the beach tomorrow.

2 \l\lhat (you/do) this weekend?

3 Write sentences about the future using going to.

(they/camp) in France or (they/stay) in a hotel? .9.011:19. tf:) .~.Q!1IP' .(~. f rnnl;~ .or. .or.~..1h~y. 9Q!ngf.Q. ~.t9Y. i~..q. h9.1~.I? .

1 (you/watch) the match on 1\1?

Page 43: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Module l.

Unit 4

TOLCh )cur headTel.-ch lOur kneesTouel"' ,our toes

lOu::;h your backTou:::h yOur earsToo::h your nose.

Stand up straightFold your armsStamp your feet.

Oap your handsClick your fingersThat's neat!

( 10finge,)

( 11 hand )

( 12 wrist )( 9 ann)

( 17 foot)

~~The plu,aJ 011001 is feel. )

Touch your headTouch your kneesTouch your toes.

Tcucr .our bac~

Touct· ,C'\Jr ea'slouch ,our nose

('Btoe )

Sla.rd Jp stra:g~1

FOid 'lour armsSlamp tour feel

Clap ~our hardsO'ck your "rrgersArd repeal

listen and do the actions.

Now tell your partner to do the actions.Vou can say them in any order.

( 13 back

(14 stomach/tummy)



(a shoulder )

Touch your toes.

7 neck



Click ycur flngers.

( '61e9 )

0....: hands

J~~~Fold your arms.

Action verbs

Parts of the bodylisten and read.

S"a"d up straight. Stamp your feet.

listen and do the actions.

Page 44: Tempo 2-Student's Book

. ~.

1 Listen and read,

Near Ho/kham Beach.

Mum Here we are.

A.lex f'fl carry the pICnIC basket.

Kate I'll take the football and mysurfboard. 11"11 be great for Surfing


• Future with will for offers.predictions and decisions

• should• Possessive pronouns

• Making offers

• Giving advice

• Expressing decisions






Take your neec~ ar Id Jackets, I: '11be cold and windy on the beoch.

No, it won't. II's a lovely sunny day.

I'll go and park the car in the carpark. I won't be long.

OK, Mum, we'll see you on the


Where will you be?

We'll be in the usual place, near

the sand dunes.

2 Answer the questions.

1 \', rere are Kate and her friends?

rrey.'r:'~ ..r:t.~Qr.,H9.U(~w.m ..a:~l;:h ,2 \'Vto wants to go surfing?

3 \tVhat"s the weather like rK)w?

4 Where IS Kate's mum gong?

5 Do they often go 10 this beach? How do you know?

Page 45: Tempo 2-Student's Book

It tor you.







1 fhese su"'boards a:"13 heavy.'

'Ifs OK. I'll .c.arry one ot them.'

2 '1 can't do my SCieP'::e romowork..fOU me?'

'Don't worry, 1"11 ask Dad He

4 'We're late!'

'Right. we a tax.!'

5 'It's cold today.''We ... to the beach:

6 'It's Anna's birthday tomorrow.''I her a cake.'

7 'I want to go to the concert.'

'No chance. You " a ticket.'

S 'We're going to the south of SPain n thP. ~l.mmpr

'Fantastic! YOu a realty good tune.

9 'Look, it's raining. No skiing tomorrc:.

'I'm sure it :Ofl'gl"

·Yes. of course.

3 Tm going out. I'll miss m} favour le programme.'

Complete the dialogues with 'l/or willandthe correct verb from the box.

Complete the questions and short answers withthe correct form of will.

A .wm Brazil win the World Cup?8 Yes, they wiJI... !

2 A you be home late tonight?

BNo, I ..

3 A they see their cousins at the weekend?

B Yes, they .

4 A Anna be at the concert tonight?

B Yes, she ..


5 Work with a partner. Role-play dialoguesusing the prompts.

1 A I'm hungry.

B (Offer to make ~ m re"- a sandWich. \

B I'll make you 0 sandwich.

2 A I can't do Mi" home'Aork.

B (Offer to helD.

3 A I'm UlIrst')'

B (Offer to gel him/her a dnnkj

4 A Emma's arnvlf"lg on Saturday evening.

B (Offer to meet her at the airport.)

5 A We need a goalkeeper for Saturday.

B (Offer to play)Jl If:- l



Short answers

Yes, I/youlhelshelitlwelyou/1hey will.

No, I/you/he/she/

itlwelY0u/lhey won'!.


...... ':-e • t.30

2 I ... answer it.

J '-le's fnendly. He

..... bile.

.. ~. take the

,cttl!la. It

5 •

Complete the sentences with 110r won't

1 You :11. be cold.

Take a Jumper.


I't I ')'ou/he/shefrtlweJyoule (go)?


You/He/She/ltiWefYouIThey won't (gO).


. YOu/HelShelltIWelYoulThey'" (go).

Future with will for offers. predictions anddecisions.

Affirmative '11 go = will goNegative won't go = ¥viII not go

Use the future with will for:

oHers I'll carry the picnic basket.ptedictions It'll be cold and windy on the

beach.6e<isions I'U go and park the car.


Page 46: Tempo 2-Student's Book





~.- ......should (go).

Put the strap round yourwrist. Hold onto the boardwith both hands. Lie with yourstomach flat on the board.

Keep your legs straight. Pointyour toes.

shouldn't (go).

Short answersYes, 1Jy0u/he/shelitwelyou/they

No, I/you/he/shelitwe/youllhey

Ashan Greatl We'll go in againstraight after lunch!

No, you shouldn't swim aftera meGl, Ashan.

Alex I can't feel my fingers. They'rewhite.

Kate Stop moaning, A1ex, and havea sandWich.

lIyou/he/sheliVwe/you/1hey (go)?





You use You should + infinitive to give advice.









Come on, let's go in the sea!

You should put some sunscreen on first, Sophie.

It's cold!

No, it's not. It's lovely!

Are you coming in, Mrs Campbell?

No, thanks. I'll just watch.







Before you read, listen and underline theparts of the body you hear.

Listen and read.


7 Put the pictures in the order ofthe dialogue.



Page 47: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Work with a partner. Respond to what yourpartner says using should/shouldn'!with a verb 3from the box and practise these dialogues.

Modult' 2._---Unit 4



'See you later.'

Come and ~("'''''''''',",,''''

have a fight!





'1a listen and repeat.

1 (We'lI meet) in the usual place.

2 It's lovelyl

3 I won't be long.

4 No, you shouldn't swim straight after a meal.

5 I'll just watch.

11b Work with a partner. Choose a sentence foreach speech balloon. Then practise thedialogues.

tidy stay up ~

............................ with us on a bike ride.

come spendeal


'i You


P I'

... sit in the sun wllen it's Yet)' hot.

.. wear a T-shirt for water sports.

...... drink lots of water on hot days.

9 You letwe vets in the car on hot tfays.

Stay safe in the ~~sea and the sun

6 You

You .!ih9!-l!Qn'.t. swim straight atter lunch,

2 You .. alWays wear a ITat in the sun.

;] You never 1001< at tIle sun.

-l You alWays wear sunglasses toprotect your eyes.

=; You swim alone.

8 You

1 A Ifs hot in here.

S You shQ\J.t~.QR~n the window.

2 B She's always hungry at school in the morning.

A She a good breakfast.

3 A '-leS always tired on Monday mornings.

B '"is. . so late on Sunday night

4 B '.'urn. my room's a mess. I can't find anything.

A You.. .. it.

5 A !hey \8 never got any money.

S T"'€, it all on sweets.

B ..,: '8 not doing anything this weekend.

with a partner. Look at the completed."".. in Exercise 8 for 30 seconds. Close your

s and try to remember the 10 sentences.


I 10 You .. put more sunscreen on atter

I swimming.I


8 Complete the sentences with shouldorshouldn't

Page 48: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Ipl ill /kI1 stamp 5 1001 9 neck2 clap 6 jacket 10 bike

3 stop 7 straight 11 black

4 cup 8 won't 12 stomach

4 'Is this your surfboard?'

'No. it's ber Slirfboard.'

5 'Is this your car?'

'No, it's their car.'

6 'Me your sausages good')'

'No, our sausages are burnt. '

7 'Is this our football?'

'No, it's his fOQtball.'

r .•

1 I've got my swimsuit. Where's yow swimsuit?

Whj;;r.~:.s.¥Q\.Ir.s2.....2 My hands are cold. Are ywr hands cold?

3 Those are your sunglasses.My sunglasses are here.


15 listen and repeat.

14 Rewrite the sentences in italics,replacing the underlined words withpossessive pronouns.

"What are Kaleand her friends


......... .r:ruM..

NO, that's yours.

BUI it's hard.

It'll be ready soon. Stop moaning!

Mmm, my sausage is really good.

Ours are burnt

Yes, they are.

I'll have yours.

No, you woo't. Hands off! Oink,oink!

That's enough.

rry potato ----->

yOur potato ----->

OUr sausages ----->your sausages ----->

Subject Possessive Possessivepronouns adjectives pronounsI my mineyou your yourshe his hisshe hH hers·t its itswe 0"' o"~

you your yoursIf-ey their theirs

Possessive pronouns

Find the possessive pronouns in thedialogue which stand for;









"t, Which 1$ my potato? Is that onemine?


1 Where are they?

2 What are they doing?

3 Is it breakfast time,

ILnchtime or dinnertime?


13 Listen and read.

12 look at the picture andanswer the questions.

Page 49: Tempo 2-Student's Book

It's Alexandro's.

Write an e-mail arranging tomeet a friend next weekend.Go to page 129

Members of other groups try to guess:



My partner

His/Hers isbrown.

Partner B

My things

B Mine's brown. My bike's red.What colour's yours?


Mine's blockand white.



A My dog's black and white.What colour's yours?--

Write about your things and your partner'sthings.

~ 1 ~'~ '.



~3 !iJJ 3

~t~• •


•WhOse trainers are these?

,~ 0'Whose are these trainers?


~5 0 0

18 Work in groups of three or four. One person

~ 0 in each group puts two or three objects into• • a bag. Another member of the group takesan object out of the bag and asks:

Whose (pen) is this?

Partner A

Work with a partner. Ask and answerabout the things in your pictures.

My things

Page 50: Tempo 2-Student's Book

I go to Nortt'gate Hgh SChool.It's EcoIOQ', Week. I'm cycklg to schc:>d

10 save energy and to keepthe air clean.





We will switch off lights When we Ileave the room. L.J

We will turll off tU TV and fM. tomputerswllut we art.n't using tflult.

We will not go by car when we Dcan woIk, cycle or take the bus.

We w1ll close doors and windows re-Jto keep the classrooms warm. ~

We will put on jumpers whentt's cold.

We will not waste water. 0We will not drop litter. 0

... We will recycle paper and cans. 0.f:;:::::::::~r

S ill

1 Read and match the rules to the pictures.

Page 51: Tempo 2-Student's Book



".' I(


.( 1'..1'. p

f l' t, 0<'



We'll recycle paper and we'll .

4 Make a poster to show how you canimprove the environment at your school.

a garden

chewing gum in the bin

lights on


our bikes to get to school

paper and cans

recycled paper

the computers





tum off


A We'll make a garden.

swit"; itoffl

A We won't drop litter,


,'Je won't




Work wi1h a partner, Talk about the thingsyou can do to improve the environmentat your school.

2 listen and tick (.I) the chart.

Page 52: Tempo 2-Student's Book



.. /- ., /''f r.. /



• York

j. London_

NW ",e


I~r l.&bD"trlCl

".. -::-" _.--


Sno.-tdaia l\atiCfi8! Park is in NCI1h wales. You'. see SIQllS 11Welsh and Eng~sh. You can cifTt:) Snowd<:x1. But c:Icrl'tgo if it's foggy. It's 1085 metres twgh.

Cult re spot

You're plamiOJ a trip to Britoo ......rth ywr fanlly 0'" your sc::hol:).

\Nhere \'\111 you go? I/IIhat win you do?

Y()J'W prcbabty arrive in Londo'l. Wrry don't you take a bus trip tosee the sights?

Anip to Britain

, Read about the places in Britain.

Ca'nwall is in the south-west of England. It's usuallywarm and sunny lhere. There's a path along thecoast W'hich is open to everybcx:ly. You can wall< formiles. You can also swim and go surfing.

Page 53: Tempo 2-Student's Book



6 trip7 steam boat

8 ancient

9 cathedral

10 ghosts

1 sights2 path

3 coast4 miles

5 Welsh



, 'I love IT1QU('la r,s. ~..~. hobby is climbing.'


2 I war·:o go src·,..t:card'ng

3 'VVh} dor t go 10 :he beaCl·?·

4 I like hstoocal places.'

5 'I don'l like beach holidays or 'vISIting Cities I prefercamping In the countryside.'

6 'Let's go on an open-top bus and see BuckinghamPalace and Big Ben.'


'!.~~.(I.I..P.f.C?~.9,~,ly. ,9r.f.i,Y,~, .i,';l;.''',''';;:::;,;.y~~..C:~~ ,~~~.i.t .t~~~<;J.t.~,~,<;l,m!:, Th~!1.Y.C?t,I :: .

3 Where can they go?

2 Where is it?

5 Work in groups. Make a guide to your countryfor visitors of your age,

4a Work with a partner. Read the text again andtry to guess the meaning of these words.

4b Check your answers in a dictionary or withyour teacher.



tr.e north ot 8lgland. It's an ancient city with aca;--edral. Yru can still see the Roman walls.

sa r"'ere are ghosts after dark there. You can visitrs and ttlen you can go shopping for presents,.,.

Loch Ness in Scotland. It's a big lake. Perhaps you'll€ Loch Ness Monster! In the winter it's cold and it

Yoo can go skiing or snowboarding in thes

Soend a feN days in the Lake District. It often rains here,so Ifs very green, There are lots of campsites wtlere youcan stay. And you can take a boat trip on Lake ConistonT~e boat is a steam boat but it's called 'The Gondola'!

Page 54: Tempo 2-Student's Book

3 Choose the correct words for each sentence.

'I can't find my bike.' 'You can use ..mi.n~....

A I'm B my et minB)

, What are you doing with that diary? It's not.

A you're B yours C your

Write your score: .... /10

C are you going

C I'm not going

C shouldn't

are / cheese I not I ours I sandwiches / theirs / ThesE-




2 What time ..... be back?

A will you B are you

... carry your bag.

A I'm B I C I'll

'Let's meet at ten.' 'OK. See you at ten................ be late.'

A I don't B I won't C I'll

5 These are our CDs are in the blue box.

A Theirs B They're C There's

'I can't find the letter trem Mark.''You tidy the mess en your desk!'

A will B should C want

'Will Poland win the match?' 'Yes .

A they'll B they will C they're going

. be there at four o'clock.

A We B We'll C We're

I've got a lot at homework. . .'o\'8.tch TV tonight.

A I shouldn·t B J don't

'Let's go for a swim.' 'No, you .swim after a big meal.'

A won't B aren't


write your score: .... 110


Write your score: .

Write your total score: /3





Write sentences by putting the words in order.

at 11001< I shouldn't I sun I the I Yw

y.~y...~.~.~.y'#!):t. ~~m· .1 aren't I green I mine I sunglasses I Those

3 bag I carry I for I I'll / piOlic I the I you

4 back on put, should / some I sunscreen / You /your

5 callI me / morning I in the I time / What I will / you I r







on our

eyes feel





have -ee-

We hear with our ", .



1 Open your VVhat can you see?


3 Have you got chewing gum in your

........................? No, I'm eating a sweet

4 You've got big . What size stloeSdo you wear?

7 We've got ten .

Let's check

Dogs and cats have four legs. They don't

Complete the conversations with wilt 'llorwon't and a verb from the box,

8 Don't have another fizzy drink. It's bad for your

What time wilt. you be, home?

, We're going skiing this winter.'

Lucky things! You a fantastic time.'

2 'Can I give your hamster a crisp?'

'He . . It. He doesn't like crisps.'

3 "'m really tired.'

'Sit down, Mum, and I. . you a cup of tea.

4 'I haven't got any money.'

'Dad . you some.

5 can I use your cemputer? I

any games. I just want to send an e-mail.

Write your score:

5 Lie on your. . Look at the sky.

6 In a passport photo you only see a person'sand .

Complete the sentences with the correct words.1




Page 55: Tempo 2-Student's Book

I'm not very good at this. I'm OK at this. I'm good at this.

TIck (oil the correct boxes.

* "••"•

a simple dialogue about future plans

a simple artide about Independence Daycelebrations

a list of ecdogy rules at a school

a brochure about sightseeing in Britain

I'm going to go to the carnival as a mermaid

VIe're going to have a big parade.

We wll/ rocycle paper end cans,

Visit Loch Ness in Scotlend. It's a big lake.

a phone conversation about weekend plans

people talking about things that are gdng tohapPffl

someone talking about celebrations fcrIndependence Day

a conversation about safeguarding the environment

Hi, Ashan, are you doing anything at the week€fld?

It's raining. There's going to be a storm.

There's going to be a big firework display inCentral Park,

I'll cycle to school. I won't come in the car.

e fIve more words in each vocabulary group.

Nrite simple advice for summer holiday safety

We won't leave lights on.

'rbu'l/ probably am've in .... 'rbu can visit IhecathfX1raJ.

She Isn't having a party. She's going to a themepari<.

\t;u sllouldn't swim alone, ){)u should dn'nk lots ofwater on hot days.

IAine 's red. Hers is blue.

Let's go swimming. Why don't \Ne have a picnic?I want to play football.

ItVhat's the weather going to be like in Edinburgh?Il's going to snow.

I'll make you a sandwich.

She should eat a good breakfast.

Your iacket's red. Mine is blue.

I'll cycle to schooJ next week.

It's cool. It's cloudy. It's raining.

Are you doing anything special at the vteek.end?






of the body

.cse a weather map 10 talk about what the weathergoing to be like

e offers with '11

advice using should/shouldn't

~e objects using possessive pronouns

.e deciSions to improve the environment

complEte a chart about my things compared withmy par:ner's

Nnte sentences for a poster about intentions tofTlprove the environment

,'flIte a brochure about sightseeing in my country


,.escribe the weather

asoo;. and answer questions about definite futureangemenls

-30(8 suggestions for next weekend

write about fixed plans




Page 56: Tempo 2-Student's Book

" -Grammar

Comparalives and superlatives of adjectives

too + adjective

not + adjectIVe + enough

Past si'nple of be

Past srnple of reg.J1ar verbs

Past line advetbials: last day b€Iore yesterday, yestwdayrr~lJnchtim&'evening



Pdnts ollhe compass

TelevisicrI ptOgreMr-es


Making ex>r"'par1SOl1S

Tal<ing about Ire past


Fm COlSCJ"'laflts:Ig/ ard Id!

Past sirr<Jle endngso!I/ Idi lid!

Culture spot

Guides ard Sco..rts

Page 57: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Unit 5

3 wal~

6 track

9 rainforest

12 island

3 listen and read.

nalhr<J<1h-west - nalh-mst

~,.. " '"west east

:1SOJ1h-west SOJ1h-east


4 Name a city in your country at eachpoint of the compass.

IS '" the north.

2 _

5 field

8 mountain range

11 desert

4 lake

7 moontain

1 sea

10 cave

13 volcano

listen and read.

r.o...e I2J the Nile 0E ="'" 0 Ihe&tlara 0

'a s :J QJnstanee !IJ.oS ::J Elna 0~ ....J the Mediterra1ea1 0

Work with a partner. Match thenames below to the geographicalteatures.

Page 58: Tempo 2-Student's Book

• Comparatives and superlativesof adjectives

• too + adjective

• not + adjective + enoughMaking comparisons-


1.27 m


Comparatives and superlatives: short adjective..

Adjective Comparative Superlative

tall taller (than) the tallestshort shorter (than) the shortestbig bigger (than) the biggestsmall smaller (than) the smallestold older (than) the oldestyoung younger (than) the youngestlarge larger (than) the largest

I'm 1 metre 27. How tall are you?

I'm 1 metre 52.

It's easy for you. You're taller thanme.

I know, but I'm older, Jamie. I'm 12.You're only 7.

Kale's 13 and she's taller than you.

I'm1metre 63. I'm the tall~t~'~AA:C_~~--~~~s~~~~~i~~I'm the best playerl

We'll see about that!



1 listen and read.

2 Complete the chart.


3 A1ex is 12. He's (young) than Kate.

4 Alex is 1 metre 52. He's (short) .

than Kate.

5 Kate's 13. She's the (old) .

6 Jamie's 7. He's the (young) ..

Complete the sentences with thecomparative or superlative form.

1 Jamie is 1 metre 27. He's (short) ...~.hQr~~r....

than A1ex.

2 Kate IS 1 metre 63. She's (tall) .

than Jamie.


the biggestthe hottestthe driest

bigger (than)hotter (than)drier (than)

Ta make the comparative of an adjective, add er:You're taller than me.

If the adjective ends in e, you only add r:large _ larger

To make the superlative of an adjective, add esl:

I'm the tallest.If the adjective ends in e, you only add st:large _ the largen



Page 59: Tempo 2-Student's Book


4a Read questions 1-8 in the quiz and choose the answers. Then listen and check

15 Where is the highest activevolcano in the world?a It's in Russia.b It's in Chile.c It's in Japan.

16 Which is the highest waterfall?a Yosemile. in California, USAb Tugela, in South Africac Angel Falls, in Venezuela

17 Which dty has the largestpqJulation?a Los Angelesb Bombayc Mexico City

14 Where is the driest place onearth?

a The Alacama Desert inSouth America

b The Sahara Desert in NorthAfrica

c The Gobi Desert in CentralAsia

9 VVhich is the biggest country inthe world?

a Russiab Chinac India

11 Which is the largest lake?

a The caspian Seab Lnke Michiganc Lake Superior

12 Whk:h is the longest mountainrange?a The Alpsb The Andesc The Rocky Mountains

13 Which is the deepest ocean?

a The Padfic

b The Atlanticc The Arctic

10 Which is the smallest country?

a Luxemburgb Monacoc Vatican City


1 Is the USA bigger than Canada?a Yes, it is.b No. it isn't.c They're the same size.

2 Is EnOIc:lnd smaller than Germany?a Yes, it is.b No, it isn't.c They're the same size.

3 VV'hich is colder, Greenland orRussia?a Greenlandb Russia

4 \!\!hich desert is larger?a The Kalaharib The Sahara

5 Which river is longer?a The Amazonb The Danube

6 Which mountain is higher?a Everestb K2

7 VVhich place is hotter1a Mali. Africa

rer. b Iraq, in the Middle East

a Which city is older?a Zurichb New York

a'1 Kale.

Now answer questions 9-17. Then listen andcheck your answers.

5 Work With a partner. Askquiz r;uestions

Page 60: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Irregular comparatives and superlatives

thE easiest

the best

II'w worst

more popular (than) the most popular

more important (th,m) the most important

better (than)

worse (than)




Many two-syllable adjectives follow the Silme rule:

famous more famous the most famouslalso: bonng, patient, careful)

AdjectiVes ending in y change the y to i and add eror est·

Comparatives and superlatives: longer adjectives

To make Ihe comparative, pul more before the adjective.

To make the superlative, put the most before the adjective:



easy easier (than)(also· happy, funny, lucky)

To t~ atnrt l~ thrgs wtich are tre 52rTle,

p.JI: as befcro Ire adjoctrve crd as befcre tt'eC<JU1'lkrM:::e is as bOaJtifuI as Florence.

lh'llich is U"le mosl pcpLAar spo1in Italy?

Thal's easy! Football!

Vvhich is the most beautiful city?That's venice.

01. I dm'( think so. RcrfflCe ismore beautiful than Venice.

Is Britain as big as Italy?

No. Italy's bigger.

Yes, I think so. loo. Which is themost famous building in Rome?

The Colosseum. Remember thefilm Gladiator?

Where are the best beaches?

Hang on a minute. I'll check. InSardinia. Look. it's an island, offthe west coast.

Oh yes. Is the north of Italy moreindustrial than the south?

Mmm, I don't know.

\fJhich is better, pizza cr pasta?

That's not on the worksheet.

I know. but I'm hungy!

Find the names in the dialogue 10r:

, two countnes ..P.r!tQ.i.FJ... Jt~.Iy....2 'hrre cities

3 a ·...,-.ous building

4 an ,sand

5 three CClf"'lPass points

6 a spon

7 two things la eat

6 listen and read.



Page 61: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Use the prompts to write sentences that are true for you.

...... is the best foolba/lteam in the wald.

............ is the worst singer in tne WOOd.

IS the most popt.Aar band in my class.

.. 1$ the nicesl pe-son in the WOOd.

• The POPUlatIOn of London IS app'"oximatay 7.3 nillion.

• The dly of Syck1ey, Australia, dales from 1788.

• BrasHia. the caplal cl Brazil. date:; from t956------,

Unit 5

the rTlOGl intcrcoting place 10 visit

• the best Pace to epcnd saturday afternoon

places 10 eat - carpare them (better lharVrnoreexpensive than)

the most POPUlcr" shopping street

the most f<:WTlOU5 bt..iIding

MY...t9W!.l. .i,$..I;~Il~!=!.M'.~.mgst pr.Qc~.

tQ..V.i.$j.tjs.J:h~.'hur.t.l:\. ..Jt"s l') the

Itahan fOOdlEngl;sh food/good





" Write a paragraph about your town. Include:

•I'V '11••('0 .11

9 Is the capital of YOU! country as big as Londcn?

ID Is it Sydney?

11 Is it Brasilia?

12 Is it New York?

A Yes. I think so too. / I don't think so.I think basketball is more. popular.

.f sn t Football is more popular.

A :s basketball more popular than football?

plete the questions about the capital ofcountry using as ... as.

Is basketball .J'Mr.~.P.9wJg.r:.H!W.L.. footbal in yoor OOl.l1try?

2: W1ich is t.h~.bes:t. football team?

.3 W10 is spa1sperson?

4 VlJt'llch IS place to visit?

lj VVhich region of your country is , the north a the south?

I> lJVhich are mClU1lains?

1 YVhlch are . dishes in your COUntry?

8 Is your language English?

. .



"loIn'.i' .m'f.O..~i.f.f ;<"11..t.h<!n .Engli.'b, .GoogaphylSdenceleasy





with a partner. Ask and answer the-::::·~ons in Exercise 9. Then write your.. S onSWl!rs.

Complete the questions about your country with thecomparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets .

Page 62: Tempo 2-Student's Book

5 So eats it.

.......f!~hl=!n cooks a pizza for .

5 I'm not good at basketball. (I/tall)

4 I can't wear these traU1€l"S any more. (They/small)

3 You can't all gel into the car. (IVbig)

too .... not ... enough

1 Sorry, you can'l come in. (yOu/late)Y.o.1ir.~. t o.o..lo.t.~............. . .

2 We mustn't swim here. (It/dangerous)

It's too hot.It isn't hot enough.

Notice the order of the words:

too hOt not hot enough


14 Use the prompts to write sentences with tooor not ... enough.

.. doesn't like the pizza.

...... doesn't eal the pizza.

How's the pizza?

It's OK. But it isn't hOt enough.

I'll put it back in the microwave.

Here you are.

Ahh! It's too hot now! I can't eat it.

Oh, you're too fussy. Here, give itto me. I'll eat it.



4 ..

2 ..

3 puts the pizza back in the


13 Writ~ the names.

12 listen and read.

Page 63: Tempo 2-Student's Book

I don't know,

I don't think so.

I know.

Hang on a minute!

I tRipl, S8, tee.

Listen and check.

1 I think Monday'S the INOfSt day of the week..J. t.hi.f\~..$.Q... .t.Q.Q" ..

2 Wllich is tre highest mountain in Europe?

3 Hurry up! We're going now.

4 I think Michael (}..yen is tre best footballer in tt'e ',o,

5 We've got an English lest on Monday.

4 longThey

6 cold11 ........•...•.....•.•..•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.

2 bigIt.

Ha Choose the correct response.






k with a partner. Choose one wordeach pair and say it. Your partner

t point to the word.

oldYou 9.r:.~.':(t..9).9..~!'!9.':J9.h .

Ill!4 old

JOg 5 hard

t9 6 cold

3 expensiven 1oy .

5 hot

Write sentences with too or not enough.

&.rsten and repeat.

Page 64: Tempo 2-Student's Book




1 Read the text and complete the biography on page 65.


A Formula One Superstar

Jenson Button IS themost famous young

British racing dl1ver. Butpeople say that LewisHamilton is going to bethe new British MotorRacing champion.

Lewis is only 15. So he's live yearsyounger than Jenson Button. Lewis is

also 100 young to have a driving

licence. But the Formula 1 learn

t-.kLaren is paying for him to train andrace kaJ1s.

Lewis Hamilton lives inStevenage. a town III

Hertfordshire. just north ofLondon. He competes in kmtingrace~ in Britain and in Europe. Helllso does karate. goes runningand does litncss tmining.

Next month he's competing inthe British Junior Yall1ahachampionship. We wish him thebest of luck!

Page 65: Tempo 2-Student's Book


Lewis Hamilton Official WebsiIe

'.\o>n """", .

01"'" """"so .Next competition: .


•",-ne: J".~.i.-$..I::I9m!!~.9.r:t .

2 listen and complete the rest of the chart..

Ukes and dislikes~- C duns guitar

0 IootbaD 0 -0 listenng to music 0 going to the cOma

0 party;ng 0 readng

I1MHIJi\IIlood c:::: ltalial 0 Englisl1

f3llDldr. lOatball tea 0 Manchester United 0 Arsenal

fllVlllll11. allium 0 2PAC's Greatest Hits 0 The Best 01 Britney

3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Lewis and Jenson.

B: Use the information in the newspaper article in Exercise 1 to answer A's questions.

A: Use the information in the chart in Exercise 2 to answer B's questions

A's questions

1 Is Le\Nis older or younger than Jenson Bunon?

2 Who is more famous at the moment?

3 V\'hy hasn't got a diving licence?

4 Where does he live?

8's questions

What does le'Ms ~ke doing In his free trrne?

2 What does he thiri<. abOut ttcDm fOOd?

3 Has he got a favourite footbal team?

4 \Nhat's his favourite album?

Continue the newspaper article about LewisHamilton. Write about his interests, favouritefood, favourite football team and favouritealbum.

8's answers

Le'oNis is .

At the rnornent .


A's answers

l-'c Kf-S ~ 0. ,J I' g.... '3'

tran .

Yes re"as 1-'. t· ~ ,:..SE.fla


J.r:t..J:m' Jr~e time, Lewls li~.~" .

Unit 5

Page 66: Tempo 2-Student's Book

2 Complete each sentence with the correct 5adjective in the comparative or superlative form.

3 Complete the sentences with too or/1't ... enough and an adjective from the box.

Write your score: .

Write your lotal score: .

f\ = there's a word missing; X = change oneword; c... = change the order of two words;* = you must delete one word.

Correct the mistake in each sentence.

3 The Atacama Desert is not big as the Sahara Deser.


2 I think Enrique Iglesias is most popular than Ricky

Martin. X

Write your score:

Love is the more importcnt than money. *~~Y.~..i.~..~.<?r~. !.rr!P.~~.!~r.t. r.~.4?':l..~.9!:1~y. : .

1 Carnival is most exciting time of the year in Brazil. f\

5 I can't drive a car yet - I'm not enough old. c....

4 You can't go camping on your own - you're too

younger. X

Choose the correct words for each sentence.

Norway is colder than Egypt.

A cold B too cold Cc coldeU

1 These shoes are ..... I'm size 39 and they're size 38

A smallest B too small C small

2 My father is ... singer in my family.

A the worse B bad C the worst

3 Which language is .... French or English?

A easy B easier C easiest

4 Basketball isn't ... as football in Spain.

A as popular 8 more popular C very popular

5 We can't swim in the lake. The water isn't ....

A warmer B too wnrm C wnrm enough

Write your score: ....

4 I can't do the Maths homework. It's .Can yOll help me vvith it?

5 I'm sorry but you can't see that film. You aren'tfifteen, so you are .....







fa :,adS

difficult expensive -het-

-i8laA8s lake mountain range Northsea South volcano waterfall west

Etna IS a .

The Amazon is a .

The Mediterranean is a

The Alps are a .

Niagara Falls is a .

Baykal is a in Russia.

Canada is in 'H" •••••••••••••••• America.

Brazil is in America.

Ireland is off the coast of Brilain.





It's .tQQ.nQL. in here. Can I open the window?

1 We didn't enjoy swimming yesterday. The water was .

2 We can't go to the concert. The tickets are They're[80.

3 These jeans are Can I have a bigger size, please?

Let's check

Britney Spears is the .m9.s.t.f"m9.1,I.$. singer in the world.Evetybody knows her.

1 Amy is girl in the school. Everybcdy likes her.

2 Your trainers were . than mine.

Mine were £30 and yours were 1::40.

3 My brother is .. pErson in my

family. He always wins at cards.

4 I think Ronaldo is .. football player

in the world. He's brilliant.

5 Is the Science homework this

week? Last week it was impossible!

Write your score: .... /5

Write your score: .... /10

CorSica, Sicily, C:ypnJ!'\ Rnn MRlt<=l "re;l.s .

1 The Sahara IS a









Complete each sentence with the correct wordfrom the list.



Page 67: Tempo 2-Student's Book

, Usten and read.




a b c d

the news the weather a comedy programme a cartoon

the adverts

a documentary


a music programme

a soap opera

4 Write about the programmes you like.

.~..I.~~~.~!~.~.~'.".9 ..~'?!?~.::: .


a sports programme

a quiz show

~.'~ ....or


B I like comedy programmes, quiz showsand musk programmes like Top of the Pops

A What kind of programmes do you like?

a nature programme

Now tell your partner about the programmp.syou like and don't like.

listen What kind of programmes do theytalk about?




Page 68: Tempo 2-Student's Book

3a Where were they? Match the namesto the pictures.

3 VVhat's it abOut?

4 Who's going to watchit?

3 Scphie .

4 A16X .

Db • _

• Past simple of be

• Past simple of regular verbs

• Past time adverbials: last saturday,

the day before yesterday, yesterday


• Talk about the past



1 Kate

2 Ashan

Past simple of the verb be

Affirmative Negative

I was (at Guides). I wasn't (at home).You were You weren'tHe/She/It was He/Shellt wasn'tWe were We weren·tYou were You weren'tThey were They weren't

Read the dialogue again. Underline examplesof the Past simple of be in the affirmative andnegative.

Answer the questions.

1 What's the newcomedy on TV called?

2 When is it on?


3bWhere were you last night, Kate?

I was with Megan. We were at Guides.

Where were you, .A.shan? Were you at Sophie'shouse?

No, I wasn't. I was at my piano lesson.

And you weren't at home, Sophie.

I was in all evening ... Oh, 1was out for about tenminutes at the video shop. Were you al home?

Yes, I was. You were all oul and I was in all eveningand th€re was nothing on TV I was really bored!

Ah, never mindl AAyway, High School from Hell ison tonight.

What's that?

It's a new comedy. It's about a school like ours.

You can all come round and watch it.S::Junds great!

Answer the questions.

1 VVho's in the first photo? 3 Who does he call?

2 What's he doing? 4 What's the problem?

Saturday momint!, ...

2 Listen and read.

Page 69: Tempo 2-Student's Book


}esterday lunchtime?')e5laday t:!VE!fling?

Unit 6

the teachrome,owna f!ieod's hOusefriendsthe onema

se"""my mun and dadthe park


I was

A Where was Susie?

B She was at home. Were Chris andMatt at the swimming pool?

SUBle was at home.One person was at the swtrn:ming plX)1.Flans. was at the cinema. with one of the ooys.Chrts and Matt weren't in the same place.Chrts wasn't at the cinema. n

Where was he-I"•

Work with a partner. Ask and answer.Write your partner's answers.

vvtlere wae you ...

• last Friday evening?• the day be(orc ye5lercla1


sus~ .I"...F;O~






6b Work with a partner. Ask and answer aboutSusie. Fiona, Chris and Matt.

6a Solve the puzzle.

. lOv~

"ca 111 Safdinta?' 'Yes, it .

l(ate at GUIdes last night?'

Sophle and Kate at Ashan's house?'

the Jarnes Bond film on TV last night?'

I.~e .. you last night?

••"'ee .... . yOUr brother on saturday?

•'. ..... our Engijsh hOmewOfk? Can you


~ou and Nicola allhe dnerna yesterday?'

NegativeNo. I wasn't.No. you weren't.No. helshefitwasn't.

.'.e ') Yes, we were. No, we weren't.rou .? Yes, yw were. No, you ......eren't'~e'i ') Yes, they were. No. they W€(e!1't.

the dialogue on page 68 again. Underlineles of questions and shon answers in the Pastof be.

Complete the sentences.


•Oll .?re "sbeJit.. ?

6 Ben and Tom .

because they iM.

, There ..... W.Wi .... nothJ1g on TV last night. We

................. ""~borW.

Complete the sentences with was, wasn't,were or weren't.

It . cold at all.

5 You ,_ .. very good in the schOol play.

_I dare!

2 tt's Vlarm today but It cold yesterday.

3 I at Sophie's house because Mum anc

Dad out for the a.oening.

4 We in the sea for~. It

t simple of the verb beShort answersAffirmativeYes.' was.Yes. you were.Yes. heJshelit was.


Page 70: Tempo 2-Student's Book

8 listen and read.

.e:J New .1 S Send Il~ Receive I.5 Forward I~Delete

Hi Amy!

How are you? I'm exhausted! I walked 25 kilometres at theweekend with my friend SophLe. It was a sponsored walk to raisemoney for our local hospital. We started at 7.30 in the morning.Jt w~~ too ~Arly for m~. I wasn't awake. WQ only ctopped forabout ten minutes for lunch. We finished at 4 o'clock.

When we finished, I called Mum to come and pick us up. Shecooked us a huge meal. Then we watched a quiz sh~' on TV. Sophiestayed over. We were in bed by 8 o'clock. The walk was reallyhard but 1 collected [100.

Write to me soon.

Love Kate

PS Here are some photos of the walk. You can see I enjoyed it!


~ 80<""'" s:-.,,,,,,,ac ,

·~~:~~~.-e<l~P""~~!f"~\-\-=~ \!OOOOOJ


9 Find a sentence in the e·mail for each photo.Then put the photos in the correct order.

.p.~w.tR..Q:..w.t:l~T:l..~~.f!!1i.S.h~ •.t,~~lIg9..M!-Im,t.Q,.(:.Qm~ ..

.~':l.9. .p.!!=,~,.':-!~. ,\lP.- ,.,.,.,.,.,.,..........•,.,.".,.,., ,

Page 71: Tempo 2-Student's Book


Past simple of regular verbs


11a Read Kate's account of the walk in Exercise 8and complete the chart for her.

To make the Past simple of regular verbs, add eel:walk walked

start startedIf the verb ends in e, just add:

like liked

dance danced

I walked.

You walked.

He/Shellt walked.

We walked.

You walked.

They walked.

Kale Sophie

1 distance of walk 25 km 20 km

2 start time

3 lunch break

4 finish time

5 evening activity

6 bedtime


DO-..-Hi Emily!

How are you? Guess what? I walked 20kilometres on Saturday. . .

finish time:

start stop for a break

start time:

r started school at 8 0 ::~oc...

aftef" school:(TV/sport)


Complete Sophie's e·mail about the walk.

Work in pairs. Think about yesterday at schooland complete the chart.


11b Now listen to Sophie talking about the walk.There are six differences between her accountand Kate's. Complete the chart for Sophie.


13b Now tell your partner about your day usingthe verbs in the box.

.......... to school this morning.

............. in the house yesterday.

.............. Disney cartoons when you were



4 She ..

5 ::e

2 I Friends last night.

I always Friends on Thursday.

She sometimes in the house when her


rnum's very busy.

3 They usually basketball on Saturday.

They last Saturday afternoon.

:.-:; usually when it isn't raining.


1 He ..W9!.~ to school every day.

He ....W.Q..I.~~9 to school yesterday.


The S,mpsons now.


10 Complete the sentences with the Presentsimple or the Past simple.

Page 72: Tempo 2-Student's Book

14 listen and read.

Use the prompts to write negativesentences in the Past simple.

4 He laughed at the cartoon.

She I )(

5 They wanted 10 go out.

We 1)( , .

~ ~,'-------~

' j)~ember,with did and didn't you, use the infinitive of the verb, not the

Past simple.

1 She finished her homework.

1/1 J.1::H~!1', .2 We stayed up late.

They / /C .

3 I enjoyed the match.

You/)( .

For short answers, use did and didn't:Yes, I did. No, she didn't.

To make negatives in the past tense, put didn't betweenthe subject and the verb'I didn't watch the news.

He didn't enjoy the film.

Short answersAffirmative

Yes, lIyoulhe/she/itllNelyoulthey did.

NegativeNo, VyoulheJsheJitllNe/you/they didn't.

To make questions in the past tense, start with Did:

Did you phone Kate? Did she cycle to school?


Old Vyoulhe/shelitllNe/youlthey watch TV?

Past simple of regular verbs


lIYoulHelShelltIvVefYoulThey didn't watch TV.


'6.Did you watch Mission Impossible on TV?

No, I didn't wotch 1\IIasl night.

What did you do? Did you go out?

No. I didn't. I finished my project on riversfor Geography homework and I practisedIhe piano.

Oh, I jusl relaxed!

Answer the questions,

VVhich film was on 1\1? .Mi.~.~!.qn.Jmp.R~.~.j.!?J.~.· ....2 When was the film on?

3 What was Ashan's homework for Geography?

4 VVhat musical instrument does Ashan play?


Page 73: Tempo 2-Student's Book

16b Use the prompts to write questions and shortanswers in the Past simple.

1 I played football yesterday.

you I? l:>i.~.Y9.V..RI.\lY..f.QQ!RqI!.y.<s.r~00Y? ..I i,/ yes..I .. .

I i J( ~ •. ;I;.~j~.lJ:t. .

19 Write what you and your partnerwatched and didn't watch at the weekend.

I.~t.<;.~.Q..Q..f.i.lm..Q.ry:1.1.~qt.t;h~.Th.~ ..~imM.Q.~, .I.Q.i.9.«~J'I.Q:t~h.",.61~)5.Q.I').Q.~.w.Q.t~h~~."' ..w~.~th .,""1.c.l),,9.._ ...

2 I liked the lam.

they I?

Ire, I ./ .

20a Listen and repeat. Notice the three diHerentsounds at the end of the words.

3 We collected Wood Cup football stickers.

you/? .

we/J( .

4 He played basketball at lhe weekend.

she/? .

shel.!................................. .. .









17 listen and identify the type of programme.

A Did you watch any sports programmesat the weekend?

Ask your partner about other programmes.Y.rite his/her answers.

./ 1

Th~.:?i.rm?~~~ .T.9P..9.f..t~..I?,QP~ ..


B No. We con go out.

A Are you doing anything this weekend?

Unit 6

1 Are you doing anything this 8Vening?

2 When is High SchOOl from Hell on?

3 We'll have a barbecue tonIQ"t.

4 What's the film about?

5 Will you be out lor K:rg~

a Q11y lor aUcu! '( :es

b Ifs aba..t & oog ::l a :o;:wc

c SoLl1CS ed'

d ~'e ._ .. ~-c '.- .......,-~

e lsc-°--To

22 Practise the dialogues with a partner.Change some of the words jf you can.

20b Now listen to these words and write themin the correct column.

21a Choose the correct responses.

21b Now listen and check.

91 a soap opera

hi a documentary

i) a nature prograrrrne

j) a quiz showk) a rrusic prograrrme

I1 the adverts



Now tell your partner what you watched andwhat yOIl didn't watch

A I watched The Simpsons. I didn't watchTop of the Pops or ....

Work with a partner. Write the names of twoprogrammes you watched and twoprogrammes you didn't watch at the weekend.

, ..!2


at the rleVJS

bl the weather

cl a comedy programme

dlaeartoone) a film

f) a sports programme

Page 74: Tempo 2-Student's Book


Read about Natalie Portman. Then findsimilar information about HaydenChristensen.

1 Natalie Portman is 1 Hoyden Cnristensen isfrom the United from Canada.Stales.

2 She's American. 2

3 Ncttalie Portman fll'Sl 3starred in a mm at theage of 12.

4 She was In a pizza 4restaurant in NewYork \'Vhen an agentnoticed her.

5 She was 15 when 5she started work onher first Star Wa-sfilm Episode f: ThePhantom Menace.

6 Natalie played OJeen 6Padme Amidala.

7 Mer High School, 7Natalie was a studentfor 3 years at t-larvardUrliversity in theUnited Stales.

8 In her free time, 8Natalie likes writing,dancing andspending lime withher friends.

Page 75: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Write a review for your schoolmagazine describing aninteresting film or TVprogramme. Go to page 130

Did you like the sf)€Cial effects in the new (StarWars/Spiderman/James Bond) film?

2 What were the actors like?

3 Was the film too long?

4 Was it belter than the last (Star WarslSplderrr'8r

James Bond) film?



3 Work with a partner, Ask and answer thequestions about a film. lick (......1the chart torecord your partner's opinions.

He plays tennis andice hockey and he goesroller-blading.

Star Wars chat l('"t

Anakin Skywalker

EducationHigh School in TorontoThe Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute, New York


Hayden Christensen

An agent noticed him. His older sisterwas at an audition and he was with her,because there was nobody at home tolook after him!

First Star War. film

Episode 11: Atrack a(rhe Clones, aged 19

First film/TV appearance

In an advertisement for crisps whenhe was 10 years old.

How did he start?

':1-e film was too long.

Ijlm wasn't long enough.

-~e aetas weren't very good.

... as better than Episode 11.

... asn I as good as Episooe 11.

Kelly Tara Yourpartner

Date of binh

April 19,1981

Place of birth

Vancouver, Canada



-"e actors vvere excellent.

Listen to the interviews. Did Kelly and Taralike the new Star Wars film? Tick {,/} thechart according lo their opinions.

The special effects vvere brilliant. ./

ThE special effects weren't

very gxxt.

Bio raph


Page 76: Tempo 2-Student's Book

I was in the Cubs wren I was eigIll. Weworked for OUr badges. We cleaned carsand ""peel people. There was Cub Canl>every summer Which was fun. After Cubs Ididn't join the Scouts because t was too

busy with other activities and sports.

Brownies are younger Guides, aged between 7and 10. They meet every week, play games andhave fun. They wear a yellow and brown uniform.More than one In three S.year-okis in the UK is aBrownie.

Cubs are for boys aged 7 10 ro. Wllen they're11. boys can .IOf"l the Scouts. The Boy ScoutAssociation started in 1900.In the summer we're going to the

first ever Gitiguiding Football FestivalWeekend. We'" play matetles against

other Guide learns and \\'e'U havecoaching from professonal players.

On Saturday night there will be akaraoke disco. Thar'U be fUl!

lasl month we camped in tentsnear a river. We learned how to use

a map and a compass and we folowed a treasuretrail. We cod<ed all our own meals. And I;I,e stayed

up at nil;11t and talked. JI was great!

Girlguiding UK is part of an international Q(ganisatioo with10 milion merrbers fi the ......ood. Gits go to Guides tomake friends, to play sports and to learn practical skills.The Girl Guides Association started in 1910.

1 Read about Guides and Scouts.

Page 77: Tempo 2-Student's Book

2 Answer the questions.

~ ~U'NNN.·.·.· ..

7 Was he ., the Scouts?


6 Whal sort 01 jobs cid A1ex do in the CLbs?

5 Vv'hal's she going to do i1 the slJ1TYTl€'f?

4 lJIJhat do Kale do last month with the Guides?

3 I/v'hich clubs are for yOUnger ch~dren?



:cuntr:y. 7- tst~Q~Y.~r.~.QJ~ ..c;:w.l.,....

1;l.i) .


'':;"ear aids?

N '-... under9 : '¥I>n"dge+- .. rtc:.. -..Q\ ,.--:. --, ~... '

, i" I"'-' :I.~

~----' ,4

h clubs or groups are there in yourtry for:

.... ,ear-aids?


2 Whch clubs are 'Of girts and which are for boys?

1 IJIJhICh is older, the Girl GUJ(.Ies Association or the &lyScoul Association?

Th~..~...g9.l,l.t..~;S:~.Q.<;.i9J:!9.!1- ...

3 Find words in the text for these pictures:

Page 78: Tempo 2-Student's Book

2 Complete the dialogue with the Past simple01 the verb in brackets.

A I I;QJI~.d (call) you last night but you(1) (not/answer) the phone.(2) . (you/be) out?

8 No, I (3) (noVbe). There (4) . (be)l:Iurilliant nature plogramme on TV about Africananimals.

Write your score:

Writ2 your total score:

5 Where she was at five o'clock?~

2 Did you enjoyed the pancakes this morning? X

3 We walked 25 kilometres on last weekend.*

4 You all play very well in ttle match yesterday. X

I W.~. late for sch<ixes5day.A am was C were

1 "Did you see Jade last night?" ·Yes, I .......~

A saw 8 see C did

2 "Were Dan and Luke in the park?" -No, they

A wasn't 8 weren't C didn't

3 Emma and AJex ....... Sara's party on Saturday.

A enjoy B like C enjoyed

4 Joey in the match last week.

A didn't play B play C plays

5 .. angry about the mess?

A Did they 8 Were they C Was they

6 ~Did he give you the message?" "No, he ~

A don't B didn't C doesn't

7 What ....... at the cinema?

A did you see 8 you saw C you did see8 ..... any new people at the tennis club?

A Was it B Were they C Were them

9 ....... a good time at the beach?

A Did they 8 Were they C Did they have

10 you at the hospital yesterday?

A Did B Visited C Were

Write your score ... ./1

COrrect the mistake in each sentence.1\ =there's a word missing; X =change oneword; 4 = change the order of two words;* = you must delete one word,

You did watch the match on TV yesterday?~p.(~.Y.~4.w9J~.h.!.h\';.m9.t.c;;l.9Y: .

1 How many people there at Julie's party yesterday?


3 Choose the correct words for each sentence.

newsquiz showsoap operasports programmeweather

9 I really like you, Kylie. I want you to stay with me.

8 You have 20 seconds to answer the next question.

Write your score ... ./10

7 Use BLONDIE. It's the best shampoo for blondes.

4 111ese birds go to Africa in the winter.

3 TIle President is flying to Washington today.

advertdocumentarycartoonBaFflSS, f3rS€lr8ffiFA8music programmenature programme

6 Tomorrow it will be cold and cloudy in New York.

5 This week Britney Spears goes up to number one.

2 Eek! It's that craaaaaaaazy cat again!!!!

The Arnold family and their crazy kids are in trouble

a'Jain. Get ready to laugh!~p.m~.Qy .p'r;'.Qgrqmm~...

1 And it's a goal for Real Madrid!

10 Horses are very important to the people of Mongolia.

Let's check

A I know. I (5) (watch) it, too.

S (6). . (youllike) it?

A Yes. I really (7) (like) the gireffes.They (8) .. .. (be) so beautiful.

B Pnyway, why (9) .. (you/call) me last night?

A To tell you about the TV programme.1110) ... . (want) you to watch it, too!

Write your score .... /10

Read the words heard on TV and write the typeof programme next to them.


Page 79: Tempo 2-Student's Book

news cartoon..................................

ask and answer questions about sports stars


I'm good at this.I'm OK at this.

He likes tistening to music.

Kate's mum picked us up. We were really hLfflgry

... 6 beautiful goal for this talented young stoker

I liked the special effects.

\lVhy hasn't Lewis got a driving licence? Becausehe's too young.

Where were you the day before yesterday? I wasat the beach.

I started school at 8 o'clock.

I watched The Simpsons. I didn't watch the ne.vs.Did you watch the match?

Did }'Ou like the special effects in the new JamesBond film?

Is the USA bigger than Canada?WhICh IS the biggest country in the world?

He's fIVe years younger than Jenson Button.

I walked 25 kilometres at the weekend.

Date of birth: April 19. 1981.

When they're 11. bOys can JOin t!le Scouts.

Geography is easier tron Science.

... is the nicest person in the world! .. is the worstsinger in the world.

The best place to eat is ....

Name: Lewis Hamilton, Age: 15

In his free time, Le.vis likes playing the guitar.

Last Saturday aftemoon I was in town and .

Last week. I saw King AI1hur. It was wonderful.

... mQ.IJnt.Qin.

I'm not very good at this.

.... frY.~.r: ..

talk about yesterday at school.

ask and answer questions about watching lV attre weekend

ask and answer questions about a film

ask and answer questions about where peopletJere

rite five more words in each vocabulary group.

a quiz comparing geographical features

a conversation about a sports star

an e-mail about last weekend's activities

different types of lV prograrnnes

people giving their opinions about a film

sentences comparing two things

abOut my favourite and least favourite peopleand things

about places to visit in my town

nformation to complete a simple form

sentences based on information in an article

3bout past experiences

a film or TV review

a magazine article comparing sports stars

an e-mail ebOut last weekend's activities

biographical data

a text about Guides and Scouts

Geographical features

"elevision programmes

Tick (.11 the correct boxes.

Page 80: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Oh, dear!


CU\'\U1"e ~po't

Famous kings and queens

Talking about past events

Making and responding to requests

Asking for and giving directions



lell and lel



<4() Food, revision

Prepositions of motion

Quantifiers: a lot of/lots of, plenty of,e few, 8 little, many, much

Past simple of irregular verbs

egoPast simple of regular and irregular verbs

could for requests

<4() Imperatives. revision

Page 81: Tempo 2-Student's Book


@o.. .~<>o



5 .


12 .


14 ...

.' ..



5 ..

11 .

8 .




, .

oil salt



13 .


7 , .


1 ,.~r.~p ,

10 ..













apple cheese milk

banana chicken salad

bread coffee tea

butter egg tomato

ceree.l ham




listen and read....

Match the words to the pictures.

Listen and check. n

Page 82: Tempo 2-Student's Book



plent~ of, much

plenty of, many

Have we got many eggs?

Is there much milk left?

Do you rern€f11bef '<'klen to usesome ard any? Write them in thecorrect paces in the chart

• Quantifiers: a lot ofllots of,plenty of, many, much, a few,a lirtle

• Past simple of irregular verbs

• Talking about past events

We haven't got manylemons

There isn't much milk.




Ifs Shrove Tuesday ­Pancake Day

a lot of/lots ofplenty of, a fevv

a lot of/lots ofplenty of, a little


We've got a lot of milk.

We've got plenty of flour.

We've only got a few eggs.

Add a little lemon juice.

Ugh! Vvllat for?

Well, you pullemon juice on thepancakes. And some sugar.

I want lots of sugar and just alittle lemon juice on mine.

\Nha! do we need forthe pancakes?

Eggs, flour and milk.

There aren't many eggs in the


How many are there?


That's plenty. Is there much milk


Yes, there's lots of milk.

And there's plenty of flour ...

Oops! Oh. dear!

There was plenty of flour. Weneed a few lemons.












1 ..... ..f. ...


Quantifiers: a lot oflfots of, plenty of, a few, a little. many. much

2 Put the photos on page 83 in the correct order.

1 listen and read.

Uncountable nounsmilk, sugar, lemon juice

Plural countable nounspancakes, lemons, eggs

\eBlade lot~ of paneakes!(r@ Listen and read


Page 83: Tempo 2-Student's Book

. water durirg

. money.

...... people at

a lot of/lots of

plenty of

a feN




friends J'.Y~. 9Rt !!'}~~good friends .

trOney .


aunts and uncles .......


sports .



milkJwater/fruit Juice

I've goVI haven', got

I play/l don't play

I walchtl don't watch

I eat/I don't eat

I drink/I don't drink

Module 4

Unit 7

Write sentences about vourself using thephrases in the chart.

Tell the class about yourself using thesentences you've wrrtten.












7 There are (a few/a little) apples inthe fridge.

S Can I 1,8ve (a few/a lillle) sugar on my


3 I haven't got (much/many) .....

4 There weren't (much/many)

the party.

5 Do you drink (much/many) .the day?

6 It's OK. Don't hurry. We've got (lots of/much)

....................... lime.

Grammar practice

Complete the sentences with the correctword or words.

1 There isn't (much/many) m.t,J.c;~ milk in the


2 We haven't got (plenty of/many) .sweets left.

Page 84: Tempo 2-Student's Book


Lots of verbs have an irregular past simPle\in English. Just learn a f€IN at a time.

II was "'~ b;rt~ lasl Fr;~. I ~ •br;\I;.nl da~. %J fd,..,ds !l"" me presents

.... c.ards at school. Thm, " lhe e..n;"3,

"'~ "'"'" .... d.>l look us le lhe c;"""'.We ...., • r..lI~ sooJ fa", and aflerwards

we came """" .... Dad ""'" us • r..lI~n;ce meal. Ale~

Past simple of the irregular verb go


VYouIHelShelltMIefYoufThey went to the cinema.


7 Work with a partner. listen and writeAlex's birthday menu.

n Listen and write


b cinema

f people at door

a presents

e chicken dinner

A.,·.~ ~. ~c sugar & lemon d pancakes



en 1'llM1lJ'£ [){I';y w£ """'! !o ."t £wn!\~£ cuvt w£ .1lUl£ lob of pcu\Wl:£s~w£ et!£ !""" wl!h ~r cuvt lemat 0''''U'vk I'lltt et <;)TaL! !IM Sop~ie-


Sophie ....c


5 Listen and read.

6 Match the pictures to the people.

"(I'! 'il) Listen and read




Page 85: Tempo 2-Student's Book

I had a brilliant birthday.


4 head

5 came

6 tren








, fJla\

2 plenty

3 made

I cad <l Cf'1 ~ da-.

My friends ....e": a --".od) cake

My mum/dad/ """" Icts -;' 0"eser''iS

brotherlsister SOl"I"'E cardsWe a DO'

ga.6 'ne C 'lema

r= ~ '0 a ·es~al.Jrant

·00 ~o i~e beach

~o :~e fTlOlInta,ns

la m~ house

Module 4

Unit 7

Write and speak

10a Listen and repeat.

10b Listen and write the words in the correctcolumn

n(€ ~ Pronunciation

!L'll d /1.:/

11a Write about your birthday or anotherspecial day. Use the words from the chartto help you.

11b Tell your partner about your special day.

lYY"9"'I~.. simple

...+.~f!~i.t.i.l(.e ~~t..:~.i.~!~

..$............... . ~V\t

...""""0. . ~•.....

Make a chart like this in your notebook.

Match the infinitive of each verb to the Pastsimple and write them in your chart.


go make

eal have

gve see

come take

Past simple

came made

gave ale

look wenl

had saw

Grammar practice

1 My mum madec me a cake for mybirthday.

2 We swimming yesterday evening.

3 My cousins a barbecue lastSaturday afternoon.

4 I a really good film on lV lastnight.

5 The dog my dinner.

6 She me a CD for my birthday.

7 My Canadian uncle to see us lastweek.

S My grandparents ... ... me to thecinema last Friday.

9 Complete the sentences with the verbs fromExercise Bb in the Past simple.

Page 86: Tempo 2-Student's Book

.... .1.~ .

Ashan And it didn't hitKate.

Kale Just thEJl. my C1adcame into thekitd1en and it hithim on the head.

Ashan ... it faJ on Jamie's head.He wasn't happyl

Sophie INtry?

Kale vvetI, fi'st Janle<>q:>ped the lIou<and it went all overthe floor.

Kale Then I tossed aparcal<e ar<J ...

Kale Did you make pa"lCakes at00me last niglt?

S<Jphie No, we didn't. We went 001:.

Kale 01, we made lots ofpancakeS.

Ashan And we gol Into a lot oftrouble.



o Sophie Oh no, what did he do?

Kale He said, 'You did that onpu']lOOO!' Then he lookthe pancake and t!Yew it


12 Look at the photos and put thedialogue in the correct order.

Page 87: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Listen 14c Now listen and check. n


15 Work with a partner. Ask and answer aboutlast weekend. Use the verbs in the table andany others you can remember.

13 Listen and check.


Past simple of irregular verbs


IfYoulHeI5hellW/elYouIThey didn't (go)

played watched

went did

relaxed worked

had made




Did tlyou/helshelitlwelyuulltley (go)?A Whot did you do last weekend?

Short answers


Yes, I did.NegativeNo, I didn't.

B I went to the cinema on Saturday eveningand my grandparents took me to 0 footballmotch on Sunday afternoon.

Grammar practice

Kate No, it fa/Ion the floor. It....... on Jamie's head.

Module 4

Unit 7

Write an article for yourschool magazine about aspecial day. Go to page 131


A Oops! Sorry!

1 We got into a lot of trouble.

2 It went all over the tloor.

3 vou did that on purpose!4 Just then, my dad came in.

5 He wasn't happy!

A Why did you get into trouble at school today?

B I threw a rubber at Ben and .....£n.the teacher came into the room.

A We were very late for school.

B Yes, we .....

A I dropped a glass of water.

B Don't tell me. It went yoU" homEWOrk

A Did your teacher get angry?

B Well, She .

B You did that


16a Listen and repeat.

"~ ~ Talk lime

16b Find a phrase to complete the dialogues.Then practise them with a partner.throw

... my dad.


_It .....


.. ~i.9 .. you m~~",. pancakes last night?

Yes, we ..<;\.;.<:1.. ...

Were they good?

The first ones weren't very good. And

then we into trouble with

my dad.

Why, what .... you do?

Well, I tossed a pancake..

And it fell on the floor.

Did he g~.t. ..... angry?

ves, he . He said,

'You did that on purpose!' Then he

................. it at me.

....... it hit you?

No, it











Complete the dialogue using the correctform of the verbs in Exercise 14a. Alex istalking to Kate about Pancake Day.

Find the Past simple of these verbs inthe dialogue,



q~~ke negati,es, quest;ons and j'l',~PJ short answers with did and didn't, just~ as you do for regular verbs.

Page 88: Tempo 2-Student's Book


March 3rd is Girls' Day. Girls and

their mothers make a display called a

hina-dan in the best room of the house.

The hina-dan has seven steps and on

each step there are dolls. The two at thetop are the Emperor and his wife.

Yesterday my mumand I made our him-dan.

It looked beautiful!

Last year I sent about a

hundred cards 10 my friends.Just before midnight, we wentto the terrple and when wecame rome we had a mea/.Then in the morning weopened our jubako boxes.Inside there were beans, eggs,fish, meat and vegetables.

Each food has a specialmeaning like 'health', 'money','a long life' and 'r! hi1flpy life'We ate a lot!

~~ .

OlJr tp.8chers dressed up as

devils INith red and blue faces andwe threw beans at them!

............~~.'~"y.~j.;~.:t: {J~~~~~i~~[1•.....•


At the end of December,we send cards 10 each other.

On December 31 st, we go la thetemple. The temple bells ring 101

times to welcome the New Year.When we come home, we have a

big neaJ before we go 10 bed.Then we have another special

meal when we get up!

Skills developmentSpecial days ... in Japa 1

December 31st - January 1st

February 3rd or 4th is Setsubun. It'sthe end of winter and the start ofspring. People dress up as devilsand you throw beans at them tokeep bad things away.


1 Read the text. Meiko tells us about special days in Japan.

Page 89: Tempo 2-Student's Book

3b Now listen and check.

, made a card c;nd

sent it to myboyfrierd.

My mum and dadgave me a bfgchocolate egg.

W•."l• .l"r-"'Y.!JIl~ .ChrW""". p.ud<liog. .


November 5th

October 31st

r ebruary March

Febrt>ary 14,lh



December 25th


Pancake Day

Valentne's Day

Bonn-e Night

Special daysin Britain

Christmas Day


we dressed up as we had fireworks.witches and ghosts.


Module -4

Unit 7

A Where did you go and what did you do'

Choose the activity for each special day and writeit in the chart.


We made pancakes. We ate turkey andChistmas pudding.


5 Write about your special day

~y"~p'~j.~.I..~O;y is May 1st :;e'::Cl.Se er .r..s~ we'.:;,..

4 Work with a partner. Which is your favouritespecial day1 Ask and answer questions about it


['!t Listen

My brcther's p.Jt theW" kites outsidethe house this morning. Toshi's wasthe srreJlest, because he's theyoungest. Takuma's was thebIggesl. because he's the okjest.

May 5th is Boys' Day. We put kites inthe shaPe of fish in parks and outsidethe house. There is one fish for eachboy in the family. VVhen the windblows, the fish seem to swiml


1 Vvhy do the temple bells ring onDecember 31 st?

Th~y. .r:if9 lQ..w~h:;9.~ ..t.t).~..~.w.. Y~r,.. .2 I-icM" many Ne'N Year cards did tv1eikO send

to her friends?

3 Vv'hat was inside the jubako oox?4 \IVt1a1 doeS $etsubt.n celebrate?

5 wry do people throw beanS at the devis?

6 VVhat did the teachers at M81Ko's schOOl doat Setsubun?

7 IJIvtlat do girls and their mothers do in Japer!

on March 3rd?

8 'Mlich dolls go at the top of the hfia-dan?

9 What ~pens on Boys' Day in Japan?

10 'Whose was the biggest kite? Toshi's orTakurna's?


Answer the questions. Be careful!Some questions are in the presenttense and some are in the pasttense.


Page 90: Tempo 2-Student's Book

... (get) twenty.

Write Y0l.,r total score 110

........ (not make) any.A: 1(4)

A: She (10)

Write your score 15

Write your total score .

2 Q: How (5) money (6) .(you / find) on the t100r yesterday?

A: 111 1 • • .. (find) 10.

1 Q: How (2) pancakes (3)(you Imake) this mornirg?

3 Q: How (8) ... ... cards (9) ...(she Igel) for her hirthday?

Complete the Questions with much or many.Put the verbs in the Past simple.

Q: How .. !TI.Q.!1Y.. times ...9l9§t!?:.f.ql.l...(she Ifall) off the horse?

A: She (1) .... (fall} off three limes, poorthing.

4 Can you buy few apples at the market? 1\

Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1\ ;;:there's a word missing; )( = change one word;c... :: change the order of two words; * =youmust delete one word.

We made a lots of sandwiches for the picnic. *We .made.Io.t.s. af. sandl&:i.cl1es .fpr..the. picni.c...

1 There are't much eggs It:fl. )(

3 How many cards you did gel for your birthday?c..

2 There are plenty lemons on the table. 1\

5 Did the teacher got angry With you? )(



2 _

5 _

Write your score: ." ... ./5

4 __


Lefs checl<Vocabulary check

Write the name of the food under each picture.

3 __

Grammar check

Write your score: .... ./10

How ....mqny.. .. COUSins have you gal in Australia?

A much ~ manv C plenty

1 How milk do you want in your coffee?

A much B many C few

2 There weren't people at the party.

A much B many C a lot

3 My cat doesn't drink water.

A much B many C a 101

4 Let's take. .. apples with us.

A a little B a feN C a lot

5 We ate of sweets ye..sterday.

A a little 8 a few C a lot

6 Hurry up. We haven'l got lime.

A much B many C a little

7 Did you play in .. matches last month?

A much B many Clots

8 Let's have a party. We've got good CDs.

A much B few C plenty of

9 She's got friends.

A lots B plenty C a lot cf

10 There's .... lemonade in the bottle.

A Glittle B a few C a 101


2 Choose the correct word for each sentence.

Page 91: Tempo 2-Student's Book

6 across

3 down

10 towards

8 along

go into lhepath

d"~.~up the bridge

~ - - ",- III ID" _runthe housedown

~~~the forestswim over tiJ11p ~ ~~.. ~~~under the river

jumpthe lake ~


~A.through the waterfall

along lhe mountain

the cave «(0); 1fpast

=- ~~towards the desert

1 into

"listen and follow. (6 t)

[!/"£:[Jusii:iullS uf IlWUUll

How many sentences can you make?

;r~.~p'!.~~ .!C?:~~..

Page 92: Tempo 2-Student's Book

3 Match the questions to the answers .

4 Speak

agoThat was five hundred years ago.

I saw him a minute ago.Two years ago, I went to London with my parents.

How do you say these sentences in yourlanguage?



• ago• Past simple of regular and irregular verbs

• could for requests

• Imperatives, revision

• Making and responding to requests

· AsT:::~or and giving directions."';;2~~_

a Henry VIII

b Yes. thE') rOund rim 11" the erd ... In tre cafe!

c The-,. bougrt sOrv'€ postcards af1d things in the shop.

d It took about ar rour ard a half.

E! Trey went by trait" and trer they cycled along the river path

f They went Into tre maze9 They tlmJ a picniC In tne garden.

h Alex got lost In the maze.

i They went Into the palace.

i They went to Hampton Court Palace.

o Kale's dad is laking Kale,Sophie, Ashan End Alex laHampton Court Palace.

1 Where did they go?

2 How did they get there?

3 How long did it lake to travel from Richmondto Hampton Court?

4 What did they do \Nhen they got there?

5 VV'hat did they do after the picnic?

6 VVho lived at Hampton Court Palace?

7 VVhat did they do after th6).' visited the palace?

8 Where did Alex get lost?

9 Did they find him? Where?

10 Did they buy anything?

Partner A: Ask Partner 8 questions 1-5.

Partner B: Ask Partner A questions 6-10.

Work with a partner. Cover the answers inExercise 3.

Listen and read.



That was500 years ago!

We found him in the end ... in the cafe!We bought some postcards and things inthe shop.

The cycle tide to Hampton Coxl took aboutan hour and a half.

We got off at Richmond.

We had a picnic in the garden when we got there.

A1ex got lost In the maze.

..1. We put our bikes on the train at West Hampstead.

We went into the palace.

Put the sentences in the correct orderto tell story of the trip to HamptonCourt.



2 Comprehension

n(~" Listen and read

Page 93: Tempo 2-Student's Book


,'OUf mum?.• m?

\iVhen de .':"~ ~. ra E a oc-_~

2 When did you last eat :hX" E.'E: .ce C'ea1"

3 When did you lasl go a 'latf'f1

4 When did yOu as- 0...., a P'esa"" '

5 When did a~ sce a rea. '6

Module 4

Unit 8

1 When did you last go to a birthda) par:, ")

I went to a birthday party two weeks ago

6 Answer the questions about yourselfusing ago.

I don't knov.. I S8\'. him aIT' nute ago IP Ihe maze

put - putfind - frund

Here are some more irregularverbs to add to your list.

buy- bought

Grammar practice

It takes about an hourand a half to get la

Hamptm Coon.

5 Write how long ago these things were,

1 The Olympic Games were in Barcelona in 1992.

.Try.~~.~~.:::.y.~r.~ ..~9R:,.2 The World Cup was in Italy in 1990.

3 The .Americans landed on the moon in 1969.

4 The first Tour de France cycle race was in 1903.

5 In 1932, Amelia Earhart was the first woman to flyacross the Atlantic.

Page 94: Tempo 2-Student's Book








4 Take the firet turning on the right.

2 Turn left.



Tourist Excuse me, could you tell me theway to Station Road?

Dad Yes, of course. It's not far. Gostraight on along this path. Tumright when you gel to the road.Ti Irn lefl at the roundabout.That's High Street. Take the third

turning on the right. That's

Station Road.

Tourist Thank you.



Go straight efl.

3 Turn right.

8 Match the directions to the pictures.

7 listen and read.

r.le 0 Listen and read

Page 95: Tempo 2-Student's Book

8 Yes, of course. It's not for.Go olong this path. Turn ....

A Excuse me, could you tell me the way to

1 Excuse me.

2 Could you tell me the way to ...?

3 Is it far?

4 It's quite a long way.

5 It's not far.

Work with a partner. Ask for and givedirections to one of the places on themap. starting from the Ice House.


5 you/pass me

6 you/carry


4 l;LJse

3 I/listen to

A Think of a place of interest, a cafe or a shop nearyour school. Imagine you're an English tounst As",Partner B for directions.

B Give Partner A directions.

Write the directions you gave in Exercise l1c

11a listen and repeat.

12 Write

"t, ,) Talk time

11c Work with a partner. Ask for and givedirections.



~R~I.~.r.. !:?9r.r.Q.~. y.~!-!r..~!~t.i.Q.r:tgr.Y.?

~71 Y.~! ..9t.c::~~~~.~: ..


Could for polite requests

Could you lell me the way to the station?Yes, of courselNo, sorry. I'm afraid I can't.

Could you post this letter for me?

Could we have our ball back, please?

Could 1use your phone, please?Yes, of course.lNo, sorry. I'm afraid you can't.

Could I borrow your bike?

Could I leave a message?

It's not far. Go along this path. Turn right when you getto the road. Cross the road and go along Church

Road. Take the first turning on the left. It's a path. Goalong the path. They're on your left.

2 It's not far. Go 81009 this path. Turn right when you gEtto the react At the roundabout turn right but don't goover the bridge to the other side of the river. It's onyour left.

3 It's quite a long way. Go along this path. Turn rightlNtlen you get 10 the road. AI the roundabout turnright. Go over the bridge. Don', go left along HorseFair. Go straight on along Clarence Street. Take thefirst on the right. That's Thames Street. It's on yourleft.


Work with a partner. Make polite requestsusing the prompts.

2 I/borrow

Grammar practice

(";"!~ v In eaell of these sent~ it is IJOS"ble1~ to use can, but could sourds more pclite.

9 Read the directions and look at the map inExercise 8. Start from the Ice House. Work outwhat the destinations are.

Page 96: Tempo 2-Student's Book



I o


l'Stift h

c::,. 0(i'f(i'


Page 97: Tempo 2-Student's Book









B la

A Go towards the cove.

Module 4

Unit 8

A Yes. that!" rIght.


2 .


16 Work with a partner Choose a place to hidethe treasure. Write out the instructions.Then read them to your partner. Yourpartner has to find the treasure.

ri9.P.t;.r.Q$§ .t/:l~..d~~r.t. t.9..t.f).".~tQf. r.t\~ .!$.!Ql.tQ..,....

n Ll -ten and speak.~

'5a Listen and choose the correct drawing.

, a


(~~'Y 'y.;,~IL

2 a b

1.- --;f3 a b

15b Choose a drawing and give yourpartner the instruction

That's en<xJgh horneINoJk. Let's play

Treasure Island on the computer.

Good idea. 'The treasure's in the

north-east of the island.' OK, then.Go along the trad-;:.

No, there are tigers there! I'm going

10 go across the field.

Right. Then go Ihr()JQh the forest

towards the volcano.

Oh, no, there are snakes!

Go up the volcano lhen.

The volcano's erupting ...

Cane down! No, ju'np into the lake,quick!

OK, I'll S\vim across thA lake and

under the water1aJl.

Don't go into tre cave. Go past it.


Because lhere's a dragon in there.

I think the treasures in lhe pyramid.

I thlnk so too. Try it.

, along 6 treasu,e2 about 7 lX1de<

3 'Nor 8 wat",

4 ago 9 len",

5 1ger 10 rourdatx:>ut

Listen and underline the I I sound in eachword.






Listen and repeat.

Both Yes!












1 across2 CV,",

3 tQwards

4 centr..,f

Usten and 11>"'id

listen and read. Look at the picture ofTreasure Island. Write the letters of theplaces in the order they are mentioned

1 J.(t~~..!f.~~~l ..

Page 98: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Was this the Roman Titanic?~ Skills development

Page 99: Tempo 2-Student's Book

What was the shiplike?It was about fifty metres long,one of the largest Roman shipsever. It was like a Roman villa.There were beautiful livingrooms. There were fires andlights. It even had a large bath- with hot water!

Where was it?The ship was very near thebeach. But it was under thesand for 2,000 years, until astann came last year.

What did he find?Giuseppe found jewels andstatues of Roman gods, likeMercUT)'.

Last year, Giuseppe Russowent swimming near Sicily. Suddenly, he saw theface of a black panther underthe water. '1 pulled it out anddiscovered that it was part ofan oil lamp,' he said. Then Ifound more treasure in thesand. It was like magic!'

Who found it?

Two thousandyears ago a largeship was in the

Mediterranean to thesouth of Italy. It was aship for very richRoman faDlilies whosailed along the coast ofItaly from port to port.There was a big stormand the ship sank.

Was this the Roman Titanic?I

~~ Skills development

Page 100: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Where were you?

What did you find?

Where did you find it?

Vv'hat did you do with it?


A Where was the ship?

Imagine you were on holiday last year andyou found something interesting. Write anaccount of what you found.


Where ,vas the shIp?

1 Who sailed on Ire Ship?

2 Why d'd the sh'p sink?

3 Wllen did the ship sink?

4 What was the name of the swirrming teacher?

5 What did he see under the water?

6 VV'hat else did he find in the sand?

~ -----------,B It was in the Mediterranean, to

the south of Itoly. It was nearthe coast of Sicily

Work with a partner. Ask andanswer the questions.

1 What kind of statue did he find?

2 How tall was it?

3 How long was the ship under the sand?

4 Was It a small ship?

5 How far was the ship from the beach?

6 Was there a swimming pool on the ship?



1 VVhere was the ship exactly?.:1:1.~..n~r.. th~. ,c;QQ$l.Q.f. ..~!s;lly....

2 What was Giuseppe Russo's job?

3 How tall was the statue of Mercury?

4 How far was the ship from the b<>...ach?

5 What were there in the ship's living rooms?



2 listen and answer the questions.

"I: § Listen







Read the article and number thepictures in the ol"der of the text.

Page 101: Tempo 2-Student's Book


Britain is still a monarchy. The queen,Elizabeth 11, is head of state. In 2002 shecelebrated her Golden Jubilee, fifty yearsof her reign. lhousands of people went toLondon to see the celebrations. There wasa pop concert in the gardens ofBuckingham Palace and a fantasticfirework display.

Some people think that a monarchy is old­fashioned and that a republic is better. SoWill Elizabeth's grandson, Prince William.ever be king?

" ~ .

Elizabeth I, Henry VIII's daughter, was born atGreenwich Palace in London 00 7th September,1533, nearly 500 years ago. She was twenty-fivewhen she became queen. She was an elegant, slimwoman with red hair and a strcny personality. Shenever married and she had no children.

Elizabeth's reign was a time of great discovery.Sir Waiter Raleigh, Sir Frands Drake and Sir JohnHawkins all sailed across the Atlantic to theI\rnericas. They brought back exotic new plantsand food. like tobacco, coffee, potatoes andchocolate. During Erizabeth's reign the first theatresopened in London and William Shakespeare wroteplay.:; for them.

. .

Read about three historical figures.

'"r'"Culture spotFamous kingsand queensRead

Henry VIII was born on 28th June, 1481. He becameKing of England at the age of 17. He was tall {1.B3metres}, strong and em~rgf;tic_ He liked sports. He wrotepoetry and was a good musician. In addition to English,he spoke Italian. Latin and Spanish.

Henry left the Catholic Church because he wanted 10divorce his first wife, Calherine of Aragon. He madeEngland a Protestant country.



Page 102: Tempo 2-Student's Book

4 Who was his first wife?

14 What kind of celebrations were there?



These English words from the text all comefrom Latin. Can you translate them into yourlanguage?






5 Who built the Russian city of St Petersburg?

a Joseph Stalin.

b Peter The Great.

c Napoleon.

1 When did France become a repuDhc?

a In 1642.

b Just over 200 years ago.

c A hundred years ago.

2 VVhen did the Romans first go to Britain?

a Nearly 2COO years ago.

b Nearly 1000 years ago.

c Nearly 5000 years ago.

3 Who was the first European to sal around theworld?

a The Portuguese explorer, Ferdinand Magellan,in 1519.

b The English explorer, James Cook, in 1772.

c The Italian exporer. Christopher 1492.


4 The eomjXlser, Frederick Chopin, was:

a Polish.

b French.

c Russian.


6 Wrjte a paragraph about your favouritecharacter in history,

:::.~~ ..~.(1!:~. !~. (P.l~~~)..i.I)..(~~!.~) .:;'He / She wanted toHe'j·S·h·e··became..·: .We'rem'ember'h'im'i'he'r'be'~~~se':........................................................

5 Choose the correct answers to thesequestions.

Which famous English witer lived in Elizabeth'stime?

What was special about her reign?

What did Sir Waiter Raleigh do?

15 Do all British people think that a monarchy is agood Idea?

3 What 'Nas he good at?

5 Why did he leave the Catholic Church?

2 What was he like?


Henry VlII

1 How old was Henry VIII when he bocame king?

Read the article and find:

1 four larguages

2 three discoverers

3 two focds

4 one writer

Answer the questions.



13 Where did she celebrate?

12 How many years ago did she celebrate 50 yearsof tier r",iyr I?

11 Who is Britain's head of state?


Elizabeth I1

10 Is Britain a monarchy or a republic?

Elizabeth I

6 In whidl year did Elizabeth I become queen?

Page 103: Tempo 2-Student's Book

2 Match the phrases. Write requests wnh Could.

5 a I cake I did I your family I for Ilasl I make IVVhen I you I?

Write your score:

Write your total score: .

Write your score:

Write sentences by putting the words in ord

. .

get I right I roundabout/the I to I Turn I when I YOl.

..T\.!f.r:l..l:'.igtJ:t. w.h~n .Y.Q.IJ. 9~.t. .tQ. :th~. r.O.I,l.':\.t;l,q.I?Q.t,I.t,., l:xx:>kshop I Could I me I nearest I tell I the! the I


Write your score: .

3 across I and I He I into the I it I jumped I lake Iswam

5 She came here on Monday 1st Marctl. Now it'sSaturday 13th March.

. .

2 ago I book I days II1 readir--g I started I this I three

4 the bus I get I here I hours I on 1111 to I took I Iv::"

Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1\ =theTe's a word missing; X =change oneword; 4 =change the order of two words;* = you must delete one word.

Could pass me the sugar, please? 1\~Q4!~. y''Q!-I.p'~.$. ..$4g~r.. 'p.lg.~~? ....

, I started doing this exercise a minute before. X

2 When did you rood laGt a really funny book? 4

3 r didn't to buy anythrng at the museum shop.*

5 My dog jumped up the gate and ran into the field

4 It was ho\' so INe saf the tree. f\



Let's check

Write your score: .... ./5

Vocabulary check

Grammar checkWrite your score: ..... ./10

Choose the correct word for each sentence.

3 The~ left the house at 9 o'clock. Now it's11 o'clock.

Write sentences with ago like the example.

We saw him at eight o'clock. Now it's ten.\O.l,lr.S..llgO., .

1 We bought it on the 12th. Now it's the 15th.

I'm going to count to three and jump ...i.r:ttQ... thesvvmming pool.

~ B down C across1 How did he gel into the house? He climbed the


A under B past C through

2 Somebody is walking us. Who is it?

A over B across C towards

3 It's a lovely day. Let's walk the path by the river.

A under B through C 810194 Go the bridge and turn right.

A into B through C over

5 We always walk the sweet shop on our way toSChDOI.

A past B along C up

2 I called her at 10.15. Now it's 10.45.

4 I wrcte to her in January. Now it's November.

Ben's in ttl€ bath. [ g., lGo.u.Jj:;I.YQ~.,.oJJ..Q9'li.(\.i,(l,.t!m.mim/t~?.

1 I can't find my dictionary I I .2 It's a lovely day. [ ] .

3 It's cok:l in here. [ I .4 My dcg's thirsty. [ J .

5 MyteaistoohoL/ ]

a you I pass me the milk?b we I go to the beach?c I1 close the window?d I1 give him some water?e you I call again in ten minutes?f you I lend me yours?



Page 104: Tempo 2-Student's Book


***** *

*** I'm {load at this.** I'm OK at this.

I've got bts of COS. I haven't got many cassettes.

I ear plenty of fruit. I don't drink much tea.

I had a brilliant day on my birthday. My friends gaveme lots of presents.

Go along Clarence Street and turn right.

Last yeEr I was on holiday and I found a necklace inthe sea.

We had a great party.

LM1ar did you do last weekend? My grandparentstook me to a football match.

At Hallowe'en we dressed up as witches.

We had a picnic in the forest two weeks ago.

Could I borrow your mobile phone? Yes, of course.

Cou1'j you tell me the way to the station? }-Es, ofcourse. Turn n'ght and go over the bridge.

Why did the ship sink? Because there was a biqstorm.

Last year, Giuseppe Russo went SWimming ..

Henry VIII became king al the age of 17

On Pancake Day we made lots 01 pancakes.

Go along this path. Turn nght when you get to theroad.


* I'm not very good at this.







talk about a special occasion

ask and answer about past experiences

talk about special days

talk about when I last did something

make polite requests and answer them

ask for and give directions

ask and answer questions from a newspaperarticle


a simple newspaper article about a los1 ship

a text about kings and queens of England

WRITING I can write:

LISTENING I can understand: \

about how many things I've got

about how much I eat/drink

about a special occasion

informatiorl about special days

directions and match them to places on a map


about a past event from imagination

ocabulary groups

essential information from a conversation AJex's birthday meal menu: melon with ham;chicken with onioos ...

directions Walk along the path.

an account of a discovery The Ship was very near the beach. It was just threemetres away.

.. • •• • • H ..•.

READING I can understand:

.................._ ......

VegetablesFruitOther food

Write three more words in each vocabulary group.

Tick (.I) the correct boxes.

How guod ate you?

Page 105: Tempo 2-Student's Book

GrammarPast cont.,uous

Reflexive PfClflOlJ"'lS

wOtf/rllikc 10 ... \i€Il'b

Regular and irregula adverbs

<Qo Present simple a1d Presentcontinuous. revision

Past simple and Past continuous.revisiOn

VocabularyDetailed phYSlC81 description

P<rsonaJ possessiors

CommunicationNarratIng a story using the Past simpleand the Past contimnus

llslng the ptxlne


Culture spot&ltaln aOO .Atnerica

Page 106: Tempo 2-Student's Book


Module 5

Unit 9



I've got a scar.

I ve gm lO"g naIls

I'm dark-skinned.



I'm fair-skinned.

I've got a mole.

I've got freckles.

3 Listen and read. Which of thesentences are true for VDU? ...

2 Listen and play 'Simon says'...

I've gal amoustache.



I'vegola fringe.

Julia's got medium-lengthwavy hair. She's got a fringe.



A Alex's got short, spiky hair.

~ilmlll :;:\\~:

IflJ (> hair


long spikynose


'"tooth/teethshon cropped /



I've got abeard.

1 Talk about five people in your class whohave got different hairstyles.

IJ ;;"["1; ~ 1'll",'[""1 .' ;,"[-["1';'; 1"l'::,,--L-l l;L,..1,. ,..., ..,. ..... ~L.l Ld.::: L.. "'" L .. L.. .. L:~_...... .'d__._...._.~ . ._....... __...•.._ " _

Page 107: Tempo 2-Student's Book


I wasn't talking.

You weren't talking.

HE>/Shellt wasn't talking.

WelYou!They weren't talking.


I was talkmg.

You were talking.

HelShe/lt was talking.

WelYoufThey were talking

Pdlol continuous

• Past continuous

• Reflexive pronouns

• Narrating a story

Past continuous =Past simple of be + the ing form ofthe verb.


Grammar practict:

Look at the dialogue and complete thesentences with was, wasn't, were or weren't.

1 Kate ... .wQ$.riL chanlr.g up boys at the bus stop.2 Her father jOkng.

3 Kate said. 'I . . dOing anything wrong.'

4 Kate and her 'nends . doi1g a lesson aboutstory writing.

SKate's mum s8Id. 'You . paying attention.'

6 They talking about the competition at school


..~~ - 1<='~ C'i::!!- l-

Why are you late home. I«:llc? Didyou miss the bus?

No, I didn't.

Were you chatting up the boysagain al the bus stop?

No, I VoJaSll't!

I was orIy joki'q.

I had 10 see my leacher after class,That's why I'm late. I got into troublein the English lesson.

1Nhy? \J\ohal were you doing?

1wasn't doing anything, really. Well.I was readirQ a rnagazi1e t..rICIa" thedesk. There was a COfll)elition 10write a story a'ld we wa-e doing alesson about hOw la write a Slory.

Md you weren't payir.g attention.I/v'hal did the teacher say?

She said. 'YOJ shaJldn't readmagaZJm~; in cIass.'

And she gave you a detentil:Yl.

Yes. for tOlT'lClfTO'N. But I don't caretWe were talking about thecompetition all day a\ sclrool andwe're going to go in lor it. The firstprize is a day out I/oIith uberty X.












l L'':=l-~

'LLZ:. 'C:.1l.-~

1 Did Kate miss the bus?

.NQ.•.$.i:I.~..4!~!J'.t,.2 Why was she late home from schcx:ll?

3 VVha: was the English lesson about?4 Is a detention goOO or bad?

5 \o\tIa1 is Kale's plan?

6 What can you win in the competition?


Answer the questions.

1 Listen and read.


A Listen and read

Page 108: Tempo 2-Student's Book


4 Write two sentences for each pair of pictures. Use the phrases in the box and the Past continuous.

do homewor1<

listen to music

make parcakes

make sandwiches

play the guitar





watch TV

1318, a "'8S8 §laR19

0.8 I: eA tAB 8SA'1f3OJler



Module 5Unit 9

A Nick was playlt'19 0 vIdeo game.

B Usa and Emma were talkingon the telephone




5b Tell the class what people in yourgroup were doing.

~6 ,/

7/ ••.....<>•

"'"' <>'.

~ ~


We .

He w.o.snt.p.lo.y;ng.JL ..'y.i.9.~.Q..sQ.m~, .

I was playing a video game.


We .

He W(\$. .wj:!r.~i.I:\ ...~.9mp~\lf.: .




Sa Work in groups. Talk about what you weredoing at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon,

Page 109: Tempo 2-Student's Book

A Was she chatting up theboys at the bus stop?

Work with a partner. Ask andanswer about Kate's day at schoolyesterday.

B No, she wasn't.

# 1'00.1<1< HI'SJ~ f'lQn~T

• ~I'IC r- t>U.<..s<


1 IM1at 1esson was she doing when shegot rnto trouble?

2 What were the students learning inthe lesson?

3 W'lat was Kate rooding Lnder thedesk?

4 What were she and her friends talkingabout all day at schoOl?

9b Now look at Exercise 1 and checkyour answers.



No. 1wasn't.

No, you weren't.

No. he/she/it wasn't.

No. we weren't.

No. you weren't.

No, they weren't.

Short answers


Yes. I was.

Yes, you were.Yes, helshelit was.

Yes, we were.Yes, you were.

Yes, they were.

.............. they looking for their cat?

................. you having supper when I phOned?

I-;€Io. Kale.

Hello, Mr Evans.

So you've got a 3O·minute detention fromyour English teadler


Were you talking In class?

No. I wa::;rI'L

Wffe you doing YQIX ......00<1

WeJ, yes. I was.Oh. Well, what were you doing wrong?

I was reading a magazine under the desk.

Oh. I see.

............... you Waiting to see Mr Evans after school?

No. \\Ie .

.............. it railing here yesterday?

1 A W~ he pIayng fi a match?

B Yes, he W~, .

2 AB

3 A

B No. it .

4 A

B YeE,l ..

5 A

B Y~ they


Past continuous

Grammar practicp


Was I reading?

Were you reading?

Was helshe/it reading?

Were we reading?Were yOL reading?

Were they reading?


Mr Evans


Mr Evans



Mr Evans


Mr Evans


Mr Evans


Mr Evans

8 Complete the questions and answers.

7 Answer the questions.

1 \r\Ihere;s Kate?

~.~.~:~,.in.!=I~~~~ti'?n. ~t.. ~.S:.hl?.91.-. .2 Hew long must she stay?

3 Who gave her the detEf"ltlQl1?

4 Why?

6 Listen and read.

A isten pj read

Page 110: Tempo 2-Student's Book



'oa"t say CJlYIhi1g to Kirsty. It's a SlIpIise party fO(..... birtl'day:

'Qh.. ;I;.,$u,~ .

2 .. nidright! .

3 I Wfl.<;n'f beino seric:lus _ .

4 I had a detention. . I was late I ome

5 It's very cok::l but .

I'm going snowboarcing CIlyway.

• do you say?

• do your brothers ard Sis:ers ~.-

• do ycur pare"'~s .,,---

I da1', care. OA, I see. Wnyare you late home?

I was only joking. That's \o\'hy

11a Complete the sentences with a phrase fromthe box, Then listen and check.

•') Talk time

l1b look at the sentences in Exercise 11aWhich:

0009""'-"'"playing footbaJVthe guitar

watching TV/a video

t'aving lunch/dione'lan Engish lesson

listening to musiclthe radio

talking on the proneJto my friendsIto my ITUTl

and dad

working on the computer

reading a book!a magazile'a~<XXJIo>lg cime<

chatt01g LP boysIgOls






. .: " :

O 0 "'~ ~1 Work with a partner. Ask and answer about your partner v ~

and his/her family. ~~~~~~~~~~~i7~~=~~~How good is your memory?What W9'e you doi1g at 6 o'ckx:kyesterday evErling?

W"lat were your ITU11 and dad doing?

IJVhat was your trother doing?

What Vias yOIJ sister doing?

Page 111: Tempo 2-Student's Book

A Listell nd read

12 Listen and read the story.

Ccme en, Iet's v.m:e thestay fcr the ccrrpetitiOl.

R tall thin \(omutl lfith tfd~ b14ck hair ll'as

stand ins in the doonfd~. She lidS lftletl'ins pttrpLe

lipitiek nnd h'r .kin ",ns pnt.. Sh, hod nldrs'brolfll mole on her chin. Her ndiu lli1lre lons dnd

pointed. ft,ehind her there \fdS, a. man with d LooS

b..rd nnd n el\rl~ m"lSlneh,. H, hnd thick

,~'br.'" nnd l.n~, "n"ll blnek hnir..Rnd h, hndblnekt'oth.

'e . I' 'dlhorne 10. S<u e \foman in d deep voice.

'Help ~'I\rselft •••m, b"r'-lfins '''\p.l m"d, itmlllitlLF. f],1\t be cdl"efr\l, ifs hot. fe)OTl't p1\l'n


It W!U d coLd. ddl'k.~intel' ni8ht.

Th, !find .... .mj;tlin~thr"'1lh th, !re..

dnd the ouU 'fere hootins..R.nnupd had onc

lust nllh"ipftperto ddivf!rto t.hf! hOI\se pehind

th, tnU tree. nt th, end .f th, r.nd.

.Rs sftr. 'fas tfalkin,q I\P the perth tolt4:rds the

hOllie she hea.rd Some rtrQn~6 noiiei. A do~

lfdi hOKlin.!j ..R c«t ll.'aS screechin!l..R u,itch

KaJi cdcklins! No. she lidS ima.sinin!! thins'!

'I;l.nt b, ,ill~!' .Rnnnbel th"'1lht t. h,rs,lf.

P.>l\t thoro it "n' n~nin! Sh, "nlMd lIP t. th,door.

.Rs she hfdS fllttinS the nett"ipap6Y' throllJJh

the door _. it orened.



13 Put the pictures in the order of the story.

1 .....~....

Page 112: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Grammar practice













16 Work in groups. Tell the story. Listenagain to how Kate and her friends do it.

18 Write a description of a character in a film,

~ogci<!. i•.1.oll. .",,<1 .V.<r.y.";g.. H.:•..go.1. long."look..~9yy..hQ.j.t:'..Q!).~ ..c;l.Q.I:'k.p.t:'9W.I'),


19 Write your own ending for the story.What did Annabel do next? Add yourwork to your Portfolio.

17 Listen and say which ending you like best.Sophie's, Kate's, Ashan's or Alex's.

15a listen and repeat.

['0 Pronunciation

h/ and /u/

"(E 0 Listen

15b Write the words below in the correctcolumn. Then listen and check.

Reflexive pronouns






Reflexive pronouns

Subject pronouns

How many reflexive pronouns you find inthe story?

1 OK, everybody. The sandwiches are in the kitchen,so I want all of you to help .Y9J.!r~.~.l.y~, ..

2 They really enjoyed at theparty.

3 No. I'm nol going to tidy your room for you. 00 it.................. .... !

4 'She fell off he- bike.'

'Did she hurt ?'

5 'Do you need any help with your homework?'

'It's OK, thanks. I can do it .

6 'Did Harry's mother pay for your tickets?'

'No, we paid for them.

7 Does your computer switchoff automatically?


14 Complete the sentences with the correctreflexive pronouns.

Page 113: Tempo 2-Student's Book

1 Read the sentences and put them in the order ofthe pictures to make a story.

~'JfSkills developmentMy rr lost embarrassing r loment

I new through the air and landed on abench where a woman was sittirg.She was eating an ice cream.

I knocked into her.

I dici1't hurt myself tx.rt the ice creanINent all over her nose and chin.

I was wimilg.

On hoK1ay last year, my brother and Iwere havng a race on our bikes.

VVhen I looked t:letW1d me to see mybrother, I crashed 1110 a litter bin.




Page 114: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Suddenly Isow a big dog.I dropped mysandwich.

I was in thepork withmy friends.

We werehaving a picnic.

The dog ate It.The dog ran offwith it.(It went oHover the floor)(It hit ateacher ontile head.)

In the parkat schoolal home

a big dogthe balla spidermy sandwichmy ice creaT1

a picnicfootballlunch1V

say where beyou were.

Say what you havewere doing. watch


Say what seehappened. drop


Say how thestory ended.

Now write your partner's story.




3 Work with a partner. Take turns to tell a funnystory using the words and phrases in the table.

felt a sharp pain in my . . .

............ shot up qUickly and hit the

eentist In the I knocked him nght

off his And he pulled my


My ......

......... out at the same ume!

I haVIng a .... t.9.9.t1:l...... out at the dentist's.

Listen and complete the text with themissing words. They're all parts of the body.


Page 115: Tempo 2-Student's Book

2 Choose the correct word for each sentence.

3 Choose the correct words for each sentence.

W~r.~.~. listening in dass this fTlCm","'.=?__

A Did you B Was you c:[Were Y"OU)At three o'clock yesterday we tennls.

A play B was playing C were pW,ying

My Sister made that soup himself. X

My..$.!$.t!lf..!'004~ .J.Mt. .~!-!p. ~~$.~tf...

1 They didn't eriay themself at the carnival. X

VVnte yOlX score; .•.. J5

Write your total score: .... 13E

Write sentences in the Past continuous.

5 Vv'hat time \'Vef'e yoo doing in to,\'fl yesterday? •

4 They wasn't raining yesterday afternoon. X

3 \JIJhy he was Sitting in that cold, dark room? C.

4 (they I wait) for you outside the cinema?

Write your score: .... 15

5 wtlo (you Iplay) temis \..nth on Saturday?

3 She (not thiri<) Cf1d she told him about the party.

2 She wearing purple lipstICk at tre Hallowe'en party. 1\

2 At five o'clock we (watch) a film called Day of theDcg.

We (sill jn the park.

We: wer~..$it~i'19.!r!.:t:~~.P.9-f.~ .

\'\"at (}OU ard Jre)'/ talk) about ~I rtO\V?

2 VVhat ,_ ".. this morning?

A you are doing B were doirg

3 I................ laughing at you.

A wasn't B weren't C didn't

4 'Nhere waiting for them?

A was she B she was C od she

5 They....... .. .... videos at my house last night.

A watching B were watchW"lg C watch

\lVrite YOUI' score:

Correct the mistake in each sentence. f\ =there's a word missing; X =change one word;C+ =change the order of two words; • =youmust delete one word.







Grammar check

A itself B themselves C yourselves

5 He's very good at music. Ho wrote this song .A himself B hefseIf C itself

Write your score: ..... ./5

Look at that dog in the water. It's really enjoying'lOlf... .A _ 8 themselves Cc 'self"")

1 Help.. .. to a biscuit.A himself B themselves C yourself

2 We didn't enjoy at the party. It was boring.A ycursetl B themsetves C ourselves

3 Don' make me a sa.nd\\liCh. I'll make it .A myself B itself C herself

4 I didn't help them with the dinner. They made it

"Are you eating a sweet?W "No. I've got dlewJrlQ gum inmy mQ.\I1h ..

1 Are you hot? You've got pili< .

2 I can't see the board. I'm not wearing my...................... today.

3 I clean my alter every meal.

4 I fell off my bike two yea-s ago ald I've stil gol a...................... on my hand.

5 Shut your and go 10 sleep.

6 The oppoSite of dark-skinned IS .... -sklnned.

7 The opposite 01 long is .

8 The opposite of straght hair IS .. . haJr.

9 You cal't see her IJeCal <Se she's 901 afn~.

'0 You can't see his because he's got a big


Vocah"l.ry cl eck

Complete each sentence with the correct word.

lNrite yOU" score: ..... ./10

Let's check


1\'I /-I 9t--7l

Page 116: Tempo 2-Student's Book

1 Listen and write the numbers of the things Max and Claire have got Cl!)


4 purse D

8 bracelet D

12 wallet D


~.... .". .. ~

Tve got some sunglasses. rve got ...

Module 5

Unit 10

11 watch D

7 personalCD player

3 diary D

Work WITh a partner. Tell your partnerwhat you've got. Your partner mustwrite the numbers.


2 Tick (.I) the things you've got.

6 comb ~

10 necklace D

14 skateboard D

2 mobile phone D




9 earring D

5 key ring D

13 camera D

1 sunglasses D

Personal possessions



Page 117: Tempo 2-Student's Book

...... you like to do a1 the

• would like to + verb

• Regular and irregular adverbs

• Present simple and Present continuous.revision

• Past simple and Past continuous, revis

• Using the phone

B Yes. I Thanks.

Grammar practice

Complete the dialogues.

1 A Would you like .t.Q play tennis onSaturday?

BYes, love 10.

2 A \l\lhat ..


B " you like to go for a bike ride?

3 A you and Chloe like to come to myhouse after school?

B I'm sorry, I'm afraid we can't.

4 A Would you .. . .. to try a piece of mychocolate cake?


•••• p" ..


HI. could I speak to Kale Campbell, please?

Sorry. she Isn't here. Can I take a messag::? ...Ah. that's her now. Could you hold on? Kate,II'S for you. It's someone with an Americanaccent.Hello.

Hi. Is that Kale?

Yes, it is.

My name's Unda. I'm phoning from TopSounds magazine. I have some great news foryou. You and your friends are the winners ofour competition!


We just loved your story We were looking forsomething really different. And yours was thebest because it was so funny. Congratulations!

Oh, thank you.

We're going to give each of you a personal CDplayer. And Uberty X are making a video inLondon next Saturday. Would you like to meetthem?

Yes, we'd love to. It sounds great!

Would ym

would like to + verb

Would you like to go to the cinema on Saturday?Yes, I would./Yes, I'd love to.I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't.

What would you like to do on your birthday?I'd like to have a party.

Find examples of this stru<;ture in the dialogue.












Listen and read

1 Which magazine does Linda work for?

I~P..$R~~9~.m9:9.l;I.~!.':I~....2 Why is she phoning?

3 Wrry was Bars-Wing Soup the test story?

4 What did Kate and her friends win?

5 \M)at's happening next Saturday?



2 Answer the questions.

1 listen and read.

Page 118: Tempo 2-Student's Book

A Thanks.

3 James Bond calls Special AgEnt 006. Soe::LCiAgent CXJ6 isn't in. He's skiing In the rnOl-"'~ar5.

B Yes, hOlD on, I'll geT her foryou. She's In her room.

Dracula calls Frankenstein. Frankenstein isn't in.He's walking in the forest.

2 The Prince calls Cinderella. O"e of her sistersanswers. Cinderella is in. She's doing thewashing-up in the kitchen.

A Hello, could I speak to GObriella, please?

A Hello, could I speak to Carlo please?

B I'm sorry. He isn't here. He's playingfootball. Can I take 0 message?

A Yes, please. Could you say Luco phoned.And I'll phone him tomorrow.

6a Listen and read.

6b Role-plav the phone dialogues be(ow. UseExercise Ga to help you.

Gc Memorize and act out your phone dia,logo._


have a barbecue

have a party

have some friends round

play (football) in the park

go out for a meal

go 10 the beach

go to the Cinema

go to (.America)

go camping

go to the seaside

A What would you like to do atthe weekend?


Work with a pal"tner. Ask and answerquestions using the phrases in the box.


at the weekend?

<or your nex1 birthday?

In the summer holidays?

l B rd like to go to the cinema.

" Pronunciation(n)

Ixl and 1,1

4a listen and repeat.

1 sue 3 up 5 lunch

2 club 4 funny 6 ,un

4b Now listen to these pairs of words.

Ire! 1,1

1 cap cup

2 bat but

3 cat cut

4 can ,un

5 match much

4c Work with a partner. Say one of thewords in each pair. Your partnerdecides which word you said.

Page 119: Tempo 2-Student's Book

7 Listen and read.

f'. Listen and read

AdverbsRegular adverbs

To make regular adverbs, add Iy to the adjectives:qUICK quickly

If the adjective ends in y. charge the y to i and add fy:easy easily

Irregular adverbs

These adjectives have irregular adverbs:

Adjective Adverb

gcxx:l ...vellhard hardfast fastearly earlylate late

Which of these adverbs are irregular in yourlanguage?

GrammarThis is fantastic. 1can't t:Oeve \\IA're here

1lley learn the dance steps quickly.

I know. And they dance so well. How dothey do it?

They \'-.'Ofk hard.

I could do that easily.

A!ex, you can't sing and you dance like adonkey!

I don't] I'm a good danca. look!










Answer the questions.

1 IJ'Ihat day Is it? ;J;r~..~tJ.!r~m:, .

2 \.\11efe are Kate <YId her friends?

3 \Nho are they watching?

4 \~. 'hat do they thnk of the dancing?

5 Cc.. 1h3y thulk A1ex is a good dancer?

ft's Saturday. Kate and her friends are at thestudios watching Liberty X.


Page 120: Tempo 2-Student's Book


;I'. '.~• •

." i..,..... .i••• .. • •• 4 ••

'.~ ..





B Theyre Alex's.

BIt's .

A Whose is this purse?

A Whose sunglasses ore these?

Remember! To ask wto scmethng beIcogs to. use\'Jhcsc: Whose key ring is this? / lM70se is this key ring?Whose bracelets are these? / VV11cse are thesebracelets?






11 Work with a partner. Ask and answer aboutthese items.


B Thot's not true.

B That's true.

,\I~ p.rhw.rHe/She ...~ dances well.~ sings well.~ learns ciarce

routines quickly.• stays up late at

v.-eekends.~ always gets 4J early.

• does hislher halrcarefully.

~ can run very fast.

• speffis quietly.• \'IOfks hard at school.

• usualy gets to sd100Iearly.

• speaks English \\1811 .

~ all.v3ys listenscarefully.


A I think you learndonee routines quickly.


• dalee well.• sing well.

• learn dance routinesquickly.

• stay up late atweekends.

• always get up early.

~ do my hair carefully.


~ can run very fast.

• SPea< quietly.• wori< had at SChool.• usualy get to SChool


• speak Engish well.

• always listencarefully.

Read out the sentences which you think describeyour partner. Does your partner agree?

4 It was afte'" l'l"lkrIight, so they went into the 00use

How well do you know yourself?

5 We were late for school, so \ve cyded very

Read and speak

6 She left school beCause shehad a doctor's appointment.

Make the adjectives into adverbs and usethem to complete the sentences.

A I think you dance well.

Work with a partner. lick (.11 the sentenceswhich describe you. Then tick 1.11 thesentences which describe your partner.

1 I could underStand Sasha becaJse he spoke.$.I.9.W!y., .

2 You did in your exams.Congratulations!

3 It was a dangerous journey but they arrived

Grammar pmctice


Page 121: Tempo 2-Student's Book

12 Choose a sentence from each column to describe the photos.


They saw A1ex W1d Ashan.

Jamie thfe.,\I one at Kate.

Ashal cooked j:izzas.

They tunt therr.

They had a picnc in the garden.

They rased £100 for the hospltal.

4 .

Kate was rojing a pink pig.

They were cooki'lg sausages.

They were doing a sponsored walk.

They were doing their Geographyhome......ork.

They vvere going to HanptonCourt Palace.

They were making pmcakes.


They were in the kitchen.

They were at Ashan's house.

They were at the railway station.

They were in a field.

They \vere n a department store.

ThE:~ wele near Holldlam Beach.

3 .. __ __ _ .


Page 122: Tempo 2-Student's Book





Write an e-mail to a newpen-friend. Describe yourappearance and characterand tell him/her about yourinterests. Go to page 132

Page 123: Tempo 2-Student's Book

-0 ••• _....................... • ••• 0 ••••••••• °

Bow Wow is from CoIl-moos, Ohio, in theUSA At the age of four. when most of hsfriends were statfig school, Bow Wow

• was rnodeIling, appeari1g in lV advertsand going to tOO"rt shcws. He's now a

i teenager and a rap artist. His first recordwent straight to number one in America.

• So now he's famous a'Id he's got a lot of• fornous friends. like Wil Smith <:rid the gifts

.~ in Destiny's Chld.

He'd like to go la coIege.

.0° -0.o •

o Ambitions •


--•-o .--­..-.. ,: .


••.............................. \..•.••............••••..••.•...

Bow \Now recently bol..ght a hcxJse forhirroelf a1d Ils fanily. "'s;n ono. But hedoesn't spend much time!!"'ere becalsehe's either performing on tour or playingbasketball.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• °0


Rap artist


At home

Bow Wow doesn't go to school, but he'ssaious about edJcation. He uses aCOf"ll'JU1er and e-mals his work to aleacher. He works !"ad a1d learns QUickly.

'I like all my suqects, apart from Maths,'he says. He does well in al tis suQects."My nun dcesn't \et me go kaIfug if Idon't get A grades!'

SChool work


~':PSkills development

Page 124: Tempo 2-Student's Book


.:J;:•.I.i.~~..~.~.r~~ ..t?l:l.t.:J;:..~.~.r)J.E~~..~.i.~~~: .



Are you like Bow Wow7 Read thesentences below and write similar onesabout yourself.

Bow Wow

, I don'llike Maths.

2 r work hard and I learn quickly.

3 r haven't got many friends of my own age.

4 I've gal a lot of famous friends.

5 I don'l watch much TV in my fre€ lime.

6 I play basketball and I go karting.

7 I'd like to go 10 coll€ge in Ihe future.

Work with a partner. Talk about yourself usingthe sentences you wrote in Exercise 4.






A I like Maths but r don't like History .../

B r don't like Maths or History. I I,ke Engl s'"





M '" T H S


5 His first record was ' .. one in the USA.

3 They are his friends.

4 He bought a house in ....

6 Does he go to school? ... , he doesn't.

7 His mum would like him 10 get ,.. grades.

1 It isn't his favourite school subject

2 His nationality.


1 How old are you? I'm 15.

2 When's your birthday?

3 What were you doing when you werefour years old?

4 When did you start rapping?

5 Where do you live?

6 Whidl school subjects do you like?

7 What do you do in your free time?

8 What would you like to do in the future?

Work with a partner. Role-play an interviewwith Bow Wow. Use the information onpage 122 and the notes you made inExercise 2a.




Age: . .

Birthday: .

He started rapping vvhen he was; .

He lives Ir: ,......... . .

His house has gol: .Q.k:~r.tjn9Jr.IK~,...

Free-time activities:

1 Read about Bow Wow. Then write the correct words in the spaces to find out the name of hismost famous fan.

2a listen to Bow Wow's fans talking abouthim and complete the notes.


"lE i) Listen

2b listen again. What's the disadvantage forBow Wow of being famous?

Page 125: Tempo 2-Student's Book

1 Britain or America - which is it and how do you know? Write Britain and America in the correctplaces. Then complete the sentences about your country_

Read and write

This is .

This is .....

Arnerica has a president.

In America you drive on the right.

............. _ is a famous monument in my country. It's in .

The Statue of Liberty is a famous monument in New York. Big Ben Is a famous monument in London.

Britain has a queen.

In my country•........ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _, ', .

My country .

Ths is ......

In Bntajn you drive on the left.

Ttis is .



Britain ®5Q1,c91 America



Culture spot

Page 126: Tempo 2-Student's Book

2 Complete the chart.


My country

Read about the Empire State Building. Findinteresting facts and figures about anotherfamous building. Write a similar profile.

• This is the Empire State Building. It's In Ne>., YC'~

It was built in 1931.

• It's got 102 floors. 01 the 86th floor. trere s ar"outdoor observatory. Boy Scouts and Glr GVKJeScan go to a special camp there, Theres 81SO a'"observatory at the top of the bUilding eT""'e

floor. The view is fantastic.

• Every year there's a race l~ '~e .You start at the bottorr ardIt takes neer1\ ter - r • ,,-'


9.629,091 km

Disney World

The Grand Canyon

The Statue of Liberty

Yellowstone National Park


Washington DC


} .


The Tower of London

Big BenBuckingham Palace

Edinburgh Castle

The Lake District

the pound (sterling)


Queen Elizabeth 11

244,820 km'

The United Kingdom

...b.i.Sl:;l-Jit. .•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.

• shopping centre

• crisps

• Bisettit-• cinema

• trainers

British English

Head of government


British English

• jumper• chemist's• mobi~e phone

• football

• chips

Head of state


Tourist features



American English

1 cookie

2 French fries

3 potato chipS

4 movie theater

5 soccer

6 cell phone

7 mall

8 sweater

9 sneakers

10 pharmacy

Listen to the dialogues. Find a word orphrase in the box for each AmericanEnglish word or phrase.


Page 127: Tempo 2-Student's Book

QUietly -eElfly slowly welllatefast

5 I-Ie always gets up on Smday mornOJ

Vvrite yOur score: .... .15

3 Please speak .M} little brother IS asleep.

4 He's bnlhart at music. He plays the guitar really

We rrust get up ..~ly:..... tomorrow mornng.The bus leaves at Six.

1 }don't knO'.'V ~ /of of EngliSh. Pmse speaJ<

Choose the correct words for each sentence.

Where did you .f.i.M your earing?

A fa<.rd ~ C trong1 Would you IJke my holiday photos?

A to see 8 see C seeing

2 I'h;re llis CD?A were you B you bougt1t e did you buy


3 We a great film on lV last ni"Jht.

A see 8 were seeing C saw

4 ... you need any hAlp with the COClking?

Ahe BOo eWere

5 She didn't ... off the computer last night.

A switch B switched e switchilg

6 ... he weaIirg an earring?

A Did B Was CDoes7 My mother r"le\.Ia' .•. my room for me.

A is tidyi1g B ti<ies C was tidying

8 ... you like to come to our Hallowe'en party?

A Did 8 Are C Wouk::l

9 ... talking on the (Ylone a minute ego?

A Were you B Did you C Are you

10 He ... mISS the bus last night.

A won't B doesn't C didn't

Write your score: .110Write your score: 1':.

3 Choose the correct adverb for each sentence.



4 We (tind I 001 to the shops when we (find I go) 1::10.

Write your score: .... ./10 4

3 I (meet I walk) up the street when I (meet I walk) kny.

Write your score: ..... ./5

5 \Alhefe (you sit I you see) when you (sit I see) the ghost?

Grammar check

2 How fast (he run I he fall) wt1en he (run I falQ?

Let's check

You use it to take pictures .

1 You can use it to call your friends. _ _. . _ .

2 You can out your mJl"YilI< in tNs.. . .3 orinlhis .

4 You shoUd wear them in the SlJ1. . .

5 You write important thngs nit. . _ .6 You use it to tidy your hair. . .

7 You need one to knOYl the lme.

a You IXrt your keys 00 It.

9 You wear il in your ear.

10 You wear .t on j'()U( am

Vocabulary check

2 Put the correct verb in the correct tense: Pastsimple or Past continuous.

They (open I do) their homework when the doorsuddenly (open I do).

:rh~y..~~r.~..~R(OO.!h~.i.':'.hQm~W,9.r:.~ ..~h~!'!.~h~.~RRr .~.':l.9.~':1.I.y..9P!H).~.Q .

1 She (hea I have) a _ when ,.." 11- I have) thete<epI1ore.

1 Match the personal possessions to the clues.

Page 128: Tempo 2-Student's Book

4Wnte your score: ..... ./10

Quefly _ ,'owly welllatefast

5 I-ie a1wa~s gets up _.. 00 &.rlday momi1g.

Write YOlJr score: ..... .If,

3 Please speeJ<. .. . .My 11IIIe brother is asleep.

4 l4e's blIbart at 1Tl\JSIC. He plays the guitar realty

2 I'm not very good at sport ald 1can't run very

We must gel up .... !~ocly...... tomorrow rooming.The bus leaves at SIX.

1 I don't know a lot of English. Please speak

V....hefe did you .......Hnd. yoe.x eaffig?

A found ~ C finding

1 Would you ~'ke my hOliday photos?

A to see B see C seeing

2 Where this CO?

A were you B you b<:>ug1t C did you buybuying

3 We a grACil film on TV last night.

A see B were seeing C saw

Choose the correct words for each sentence.

4 .. you need any help with the cooking?

A Are B Do C Were

5 She didn't ... off the CQl'1l)ute..- last night.

A switch B switched C switching

6 ... he wearing an earing?

A Did B Was C Does

7 My mother never .. my room for me.

A is tidying B tklies C was tidying

8 ... you like to come 10 cu HalbvJE!'en party?

A Did BAre C Would

9 ... talking 00 the phone a mir'lJte ago?

A Were you B Did you C Are you

10 He ... rrVss the bus last night.

A woo't B doesn't C didn't

Write your scae: J1lM"ite you- score; r.

3 Choose the correct adverb for each sentence.

Let's check

- earring sunglassesGafl"=I8 a key ring walletcomb rnobi.. phone watchd;a,y r»se

2 I10w fast (he run I he falQ when he (run I falQ?

3 I (meet I walk) up the street when I (meet I walk) Amy.

4 We (f,nd I go) to the ShOpS when we (find I go) £10.

Write your score: ..... .15

5 VVhere (you sit I you see) when you (sit I see) the gh:lst?

Gr::lmmar check

Vocabul2.ry check

You use il LO lake piCtures. ..'t;lXl\e~ .

1 You can use it to call 'f'C1J friends .

2 You can put your rra'leY in thIs. . .

3 or in this .

4 Vex.. ShOuld wear them in the SLn. . .

5 You write important ttWlgs in it.. _.

6 You use it to tidy your har. . .

1 You need one la knoN the lime.

S You put your keys on It.

9 You \ltear it in your ear.

10 YOUVIP<lritClf"l\ourarm,

2 Put the correct verb in the Cornet tense: Pastsimple or Past continuous.

The'1 (open I do) their homework when the doorsuddet1Iy (open I do).

Th.~..~~r.~..qR\!'9..!.~.~.i.~.hQm~W.9r.~ ..~h~r!.th~.~R~.~1,l.c;lA~nt.Y..9.P!?~.c;I: ..

1 She (I"lera I t'1CM:) ;:I st'1cM1ef when she (hcor I have) the


1 Match the personal possessions to the clues.

Page 129: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Write five more words in each vocabulary group.


ModUles.Unit 10


***I'm good at this.

A dog was howling ... a cat was screeching

We were haVing a race on our bikesI was winning ...

... Ire's famous and he's gol a lot offamovs friends,hke LfI.'i1l Smith...

In Britain you dn've on the left and in America }'QU

drive on the right.

He was working on the computer.

Harry Potter has got daJ1< hair and he wearsQ.lasses.

Mark was walking in the park with his dog.Suddenly the dog ...

I was making pancakes. Alex was talking on thephone.

Some people were having a picnic in the park. Ikicked a ball and it went into their lunch.

lMJat would you like to do at the weekend?I'd like to go camping.

He/1o, could I Spellk to Calla, please?

I dance well. Mafia speaks quietly.

IMiat would you like to do in the future?I'd like to go to college.

A witch was cackling ...

... thete was a fire one Hallowe'en and ...

I was having a tooth avt at the dentist's. SuddenlyI felt a sharp pain ...

lMiat's his house like? It's got a karting track in thegarden and it's got ...Would you like a cookie with your coffee?


** I'm not very good at this. * I'm OK at this.




a short funny story

talk about what I/a friend was doing

WRITING I can write:

........_ _._ _ _ - .......•~.~

from context the meaning of some commonAmerican Erglish vvords

ask and answer about plans for the future

have simple phone conversations

describe ab~ities

role-play an interview with a rap artist

._-._ _- -_._ _--- .LISTENING I can understand: "\

tell a tunny story

about what people were doing

a description of a character in a film


words from context with the help of illustrations

a simple story about an embarrassing moment

an article about a teenage rap artist

words from context with the help of sound effects

a simple horror story

a simple story about an embarrassing moment

a conversation about a famous teenage rap artist

a text about differences between Britain and theUSA



READING I can understand:

Tick (.I) the correct boxes.

How good are you?

Page 130: Tempo 2-Student's Book


My (dad/mum)

.......... . .

My best friend

l..b HUlGt>-nt£. ~:> Ox£' . .

He.\' vt,l.!..lh.... Ix..\. (1/£1'''"1\.1;r)

~:;r I%,t (n£Ht/." n.lU,,, "

/.Je.\ .~ \lL£~ .

1-\<, (O.,,;W',t£ (eed. 's ..


Favourite shOps


Favourite food


Favourite sportsand activities



}.\'\£..IS .

.:cl,,·J,!,··~r£dx".,\,L .

.[ ..~I~:~..~.I.I:-:~.I~~ .. : .


........................................................ . .


Module 1

2 Now write a personal profile aboutthe three people using theinformation in the chart.

A personal profile....................................................................................··········································.. ···1

1 Complete the chart.

Page 131: Tempo 2-Student's Book

I···················································································· .



-. HolkhamBeach


• Newcastle

y• Manchester ....,-,-<,

• Edinburgh

•• Cardiff


Hi •••

What are you doing at the weekend? Mark and

Luke are going to the beach on Saturday. Why

don't we go with them? It's going to be

What do you think?

sunny and warm. It will be great for

sw~ng. We can have a pizza in the evening.

An e-mail about a day out

.,;"", - .



""""" 0

rain ...~.f'@nzance-

Suggest gong out fCl" aday 00 Saturday

Say what the wealher'sgoing to be like

Suggest sane things youcan do

Module 2

, look on the internet and findout what the weather is goingto be like next weekend.

2 Write an e-mail to a friend.


Page 132: Tempo 2-Student's Book

the storygive your opinionof the fim.

• when you saw it

• the main charactefS

a music programme

the adverts .

J.~\:'!..I:..'?.':!!.'!l.!!!~ ..~{~.. .!~.!.~~~~J'!:.~ ...~.9..~!~.f.!m·..Th~.~!~.~~~.t!!;~ ..9f:!!; ..

.{.!.h!=!~~!~.~91.!~~.ff.9.~9..~m~.{.!.!'!.i.~.Qr.q.f9!!~~ ..

.~q~!f;.fr.~!=!.~!-1.9!~~.~~!!?:~.~: ..

.~!f..~~!p.~.f~9..~~.~.~mJh~!r. .

.~~~f."!19,Jr~.q.!~!'!g .

.fi.ttl:\..M;: ..Th~.~t.tJ~ ..$f~~..9.f.".~..

.!~~.i.'?I.~..~.:! ).~.$~.c;!~!.~ff?:!=;t!!i.~?: .

.~~~H?:~L .

a soap opera .

a docurneolay .

a nature pograrnrne ..

a qUIz show ..

4 Write a review for your school magazinedescribing an interesting film or TVprogramme. Include information on:

3 Which is the most popular comedyprogramme, cartoon, etc. in your class?

A review of a film or a TV programme

soap opera? .

advert? .

quiz shOw? .

nature programme? .

cartoon? .

music pff)grGlr'nrne? .

coma:ty programme? .

the rte'.VS ". ..•.•. .••...••••..•••..•...•.•.•.•.•.•••••

the weather .

a ex>rnecty prograrTYne ._, , _ _ " .a earto:>n . .

afilm . .

a SJX)rtS progranrne ,_ ,' .

Module 3

2 Ask and answer:

1 Give an example of each of the following types of programme.


Page 133: Tempo 2-Student's Book

An article about a special dayModule 4

~pf!.f1al day - BOl1fit£ Night

l'hte 5th November

~peci(sl food- baked potatoes. sausages. toffee apples

<pecial ".vents fireworks. a bOl1fire.

What I did 'helped to build the bOl1fit"f.. Iwatt-hed the

fireworks. , ate sausages, potatoes aI1d toffee apples.

Ihad a ,great time.

1 Write similar information about yourspecial day.

2 Now write an article for your schoolmagazine about your special day.

On November 5th I went to my friend's house

and I helped to build a big bClnfire for Bonfire:

Night. In the evening, my parents came onc

brought lots of fireworks. We cooked SCltScges

and potatoes in the fire and we olso ate 'cuu

apples. We hod 0 great time

Page 134: Tempo 2-Student's Book

• your perscnality

• your interests.

An e-mail describing yourself



My name's Iona. I live in Perth, in Scotland.I'm 13 years old and I go to Perth High School.

I'm quite tall. I've got reddish-brown hair and I've got afringe. I've got green eyes. I'm quite sporty and I liketelling jokes, so my friends say I'm funny. But I'msometimes shy.

I like athletics and swimming and I go to dance classes onSaturday mornings. I like music and I'm learning to playthe flute. I love going to the cinema and I love animals.I've got a cat called Cassius. He's quite naughty but he'svery funny.

send me an e-mail and tell me about yourself.

Bye for now,


.B New""I~ Send I~ Receive IS Forward I

• your age, nationality and school

• your appearance

Module 5

2 Now write a reply to Iona's e-mail. Include information about:

1 Read the e-mail from Iona.

. -~

Page 135: Tempo 2-Student's Book

LADYby Modio


1 Work with a partner.

)Try to guess themissing words.

Lady, hear tonight

'Cause my feeling just so right

As dance by the moonlight

Can't you see you're delight

Lady, .................... jusl feel like

............... get you out of my mind

1feel love for the time

And I know that is true

I can tell by the look in eyes


• 'Cause = because

2 Now listen to the song. See if you were correct.

3 Sing the song.

Page 136: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Relerby S Club

1 Read the song. Then listen to jt.

When the world leaves you feellng blueYou can count on me. I will be there for youWhen it seems all your hOpes and dreamsAre a mlllion miles away, I will reassure you

We've got to all stick logettlerGood friends, there for each other

Ne,,€r ever forget thatI've got you and you've got me. so

Reach for the starsClimb every mountain higherReach fOt lhe starsFollow your hearrs desireReach for the s1arsAnd when that rainbow's shining over youThat's when yoor dreams will all come true

There's a place waiting just for youIt's a special place where your dreams all come trueFlyaway. swim tile ocean blueDrIve that open road, leave the past behInd youDon't stop. gotta keep movingYour hopes have gotta keep buildingNever ever forget thatI've got you and you've got me. so

(Rqxal c/'OfvsJ

Don't believe in aU that you've been toldThe sky's the limit. you Gin reach your goalNo-one knO\vs just What the future holasThere ain·t nothing you can't beThere's a Whole world at your feetI saId reach

Climb every mountain (reach)Reach for the moon (witc.h)Folla'V the rainbowAnd your dreams will all come true

(A "'!'It d'( 111.;5 I\-l

gotta = have got toair! 't ~ isn't

2 Match the phrases from the song withtheir meanings.

1 I'm feait-,g lJkJe ld .

2 You can count on me.3 I will reassure you.

4 We've got to all stick toge1t"€r.

5 FOllow y(llI' heart's desi'e.

6 Leave the past betW1d }ow.

7 The sky's the limit.

8 There's a whole \NOrId at your feet.

a 00 what you want 10 do.

b Eve-ytt;eg" possible.c rn be there 10 ten ycu evaytning is OK.

d I'm unhappy.

e There are lots of opportunities for you.

f Think about the present and the future.

9 We must help each other.

h You can depend on me.

3 Learn the chorus and sing along.

Page 137: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Irregular verbs

Infinitive Postsimp6e Infinitive Postsim~

be was/were lel lel

become became lose IosI

begin began make made

bite bit meel mel

break broke pay paid

bring broughl pul pul

build built read Iti:dJ read IredJ

burn burnedlbumt ride rode

buy bought ring rang

catch caught run ran

choose chose say said

oome came see saw

oosl cosl send senl

cut cui shoot shot

do did shut shut

drink drank sing sang

drive drove sink sank

eal ale sit sal

fail fell sleep slept

'00 '''' speak sp:>ke

'nd found sr:end spent

fly flew stand slood

forget forgot swim swam

gel gol sv.;ng swung

give gave take lcok

go went teach taught

have had tell '''dhear heard think thought

hit hit throw threw

hold held understand undersloc<l

keep kepi wake up WOke up

know knew wear wore

learn Iearned/learnt win won

leave left write \'/ro~e

Page 138: Tempo 2-Student's Book

"""""""""'""""_.Jln1l. <!a, .... '00:&'

""""",""'"""...""• .v"",.,-,,,,,'"""'",~"

""", h.olJ"f","h.~'lb(I)r'


!b:l:n. "'"JZ 'b:I:nI

,""""""""""'UIb:>,," haL''look>. 'oo"k,l!fp,k"'k lDks. bu:~kll!

ftx,,, I'b,.•. 'ku:ll




/b'ke'm bt.'tAIll.'/b'l.W/b'k.o.rrV


""U...."Jbe!;( 'frm41


IIr.>.:I 'bzl<. IlrII) 'I:wk!-."A.AJ/ /b.o.1 '.iNtblrdiri/bit! lbW"=>f-, """"".......­,.'",.,.., Iul:>Zf

"""""""'"'baL bm f:aI." "lh:oI


~~ ...-­"""""fbmpo). \P-I'~r~1II'

""'"Jbn ... ben ;'"1

"""""'"."bocwro< """""


"""""'""""""""""'""""""'" """


"'"..,-brrl .. dalo cA t:w!n-"'"...."""'"-"""....""'",~

""'"--""'"""""-.born ... I'as l.:onOO~

"""""'bboul;tI .. buV_..pict11c~t

boy .. ~. school

"""''''''""'"""""'"""""""'."-""""""~brol.g1I b/I:k .. bnng beck

"""""bndl .. brush twin


"'"""'< t>m


""""""""""by. by 5.30

c"""'""'""'"""~< ......",...,.


Can I help vcu?


"''''''''' ""Ill ::.'OOut• .Jr>r.~




1"'d'JnI I", ::I'thln 1:1I

fZil,"'J:l! ':ld""3.u.<m:IIII/1:>'fn:tdI faun ,,'freld/



'<-.Jfeld3W /b(rj 'ad}IzI1::.'g:A1/,-'.",.Jfldb.'mI

'''''I ... "in-c.:d "''''' /b 'f1:l::(rYl:'rl·...~



'~l"",~...~". Iaj"





cnllll'.l 'nro:. '"nrt~1)'

le""""1/!,,'po, ,,"om'

/0:"''''';0(')/lru dJd'lI 51: h3~r) 'cn'''c:>/rl!I:>'r~r)/





tc,,!.!1he~. :Illh',;li:p',"",,V

le-. ~Ia:fl'lelll,.,,/

I"',,,plnl 'pc. "lenjo


b'\t,erl. '


'brlJ /b, '.LIIbd1 nra,. 'bktl.--.......,-I'bo'bn!



......-ages ... la ages


"""".........all 0IIeI" .. 11 went aI over ttw IIoor.............-"'''''"""~--wy,~.


Ill'}-ftory. '!Cl ~ttw'lg

Anyway, .Ar...ar1lrcr\

In M"Ilro .. Id01', soo (hor)~e


""""'abet.( ... What about ...?

""""~ocm.e-",-addllcn .. 111 001lir,n 10


IIlt<icI .. I'm a1rai<l_.


800d< ... be t:a::k

bid; .. h3l.e bad<.




"'"",<IIl oal

",.,""aI1cnticn .. PllY attonlicn.-,



Page 139: Tempo 2-Student's Book

A.....!fJout .. What about ••.?


~'"aexttD1 .. in MdIl;n 10


ai<Iid'" I'm ah1liC!_

""""",,"'"------..-'"VJI5 .. Iu llQllIS

"'"•-.""'"'"all 0YeI"" It~ III QV« !he floor.

"' .........-.....,.""""'"~



1lr\'t-1g rot w»"hogAnywav, .

llpart "O'T8J'; mcro .. IdOll soo (her)~-­"""""'"­appantmCJ1t





""""""'001"""""altenbal .. pay enonbcn




B00ck .. be beckbad< ..~ t:ad<.


I:>'bo..'I,,'bau! I",U/. ,,'bou! J1'111:""""'1/1:>,1.rrAII'rl1l\1


'''''''''t,,'d'lnI lno ,,'<bIn bIfll!d'o-uJ 1:lc!\"UISm'IIV

h'freldf 'arm "'f,,,.v'cfuOl!Ici~'rru:nI

re:. 3dzlla'gt:rlI


feodJu} ",,<q 'eo6}lzl


In "etll.:rl Xl\;> lI> 'fb:!rYl:>:l 'rart!


,":>:I .. .,..





r"".h.y .mt _. ·""'lllI'.I"l'e.......'e'I/

/:)'pc:! r""w!en..,<::'l(rVla! did", ~i: h:'l:(T) 'em"eoo(r}'



fc;.rP:JI10:11\1{"'",,,..I'n,,,sll!lc~. :IV

1:>'>Ii;P'k:,k1len. ,j}

1..1I''''u1:<I1,,'tenInI lpe, ,,'(cnlo1;>;'d"nI




Jha:lJ Ib 'bt!k/

IbtdJ /lla:.. "t.ek/






boc:a'J'(l" bocoo'(j


""""'" """"""""..""",.,-txrl .. 0'I&e 01 bw1h


"""La>,-""'""""""""'"ton .. waslxm


"""""".""'".""'bo~l.--,tx.y ~ lx7t&.~


"""'"'30''',,,l:m\..o;111 back • ~ t:eck

"""'"tnJSh ~ loom~

""" • !>.idbuntun•• tun


0'tI by 5.31

c"""""'".-""""". """"""'"""'"CM"pi"lg. go al'fproll



C¥J I help you?



""'.Ib<.pA>nl ·



"'"'""""_01Ib:dl. dlK '" b:dlI"





"'"-,,-''"'"''IOO~~ ".". 1x>:aI


1OO.t. b'lI:Iboks. 'rn",I;nlfptkmk lDk!.. b=tlll/b:>,/ fb,"z 'k,urlfb:>,r",n<'.!fbrc,,1:>lI




fbllRn/Ibr"" 'brl, bruj 'IWJ

""''''IbrAjl Il:.Aj ',;:(11

"""""!bI1lI /b,1d!

""""'- """""""""" <lOP""',"-,,""'J""......"'""'"'/b;q. ba. b.. 'tb:u/


"","IbdIlkenn. l...,r,V,..",.

"=Vfb.'mpll). :p.> 'kzor.,.,y

"'-"""""Ibn aJ 'hdp jtd

Page 140: Tempo 2-Student's Book

Can I take 81l"lD$$l1gll?




~"'""""ca.ckJ .. Be CMlhAJ...­-~

"""""""'""""'".,..,..,""-"""""~rn_--UUfauo.Cd! (/1Cre~ ErfIir.Jl~

""""'"('Jial pie..sI .....

<:Nln::e .. ro o:.t9'>oo:t-~


-od<---._~,~...-.ggu"l-"""~-,"'"'Ch, the calhaic e::t"udl


••.. It'scokl



IL..... '" ,klk ~ 'me,K!]/



""''''/'1;0: pu:lI

~"'"l\""'uL '" 'ke:>lollf>=fuO.


""""""""-J'..-'k.'I>t: 'd;:~


!'xl f:ullr....,"...".,..,I'1ja.~1IpQIjopt

IIJ.-.I f..".. ,j""""­f"-mu!

A'''' 'Af>'!TJd.,


I'l./i:z I~rkern,""';

flJw'J90 mI



Il/u:z/1t1:J.~rl 100> 'b:Ohk IJ3:IJI








'-"fIrnf'/'bQdI/~ 'buld/tb'kW

'"'"""'"""'""'""'""'"' '''''rm"""" rr."~n..._"'\l~ fOlIC!



"'"'"-fb.d ju: oc, .. , ,b<DlIfkod ju: Id ,n~ /b ,"'" 1:;>.. ./

GO.Jr.lO ... d IX:u'SO~,




"""""""""""'"­.-­"'"""""'""'"o...............-­cBI<.. dart< 00-.11----""'""aa- .. Oh dear!-----=-..-,_...- ..--..-dolcnricn



"""'""" "'""""""""""""""'"dl;no ... Well done!



"""""""""""""""""""" '".-...."'"""""ay...........E--

I\:J.'W I", 'h..,)


n.....I'L.,-w'lr:loJ '''':;01




!L-l. ..l..-.d.

lL~ dcl. 'braur.

&d.. t.J1,> da:L.

11'"","<10.', ",,,-

dI.", "', U<:ol'6 ....1d

0 ..(deh"" ......



/ilI'p;::tImlIl \1;>;11


Id" ......,.y

'''''''I",''''''J''''1",,1/r_.IIIIIJ. tJu:Ifd,froncl






Idu: '",,11Idol;"l(r~'


''''''IdA'" I"cl 'd",1



''"''''r_-.I!dre> 'Ar'





Page 141: Tempo 2-Student's Book

i"",~ fi=>(rY ""'" N~'"

""" J'icnJ - tf3'gWm' r•• """""eT<> t1':>:mp;. 'WAnI

"""'" h'"""", IOII'1ffil .. loOk Iorwan:IIO ff:;:v.7Jd/ fIuk 'r"",'OIII gI- Ic~'Lcll'"' ... I'fuuo.1 raondlwoc:s, special fUcl!.. "P'fl ,'feLU! """" f~til!


lreo Woo If,,", 'ta:mI-••• Cl" r....,*) .•• :>:(rY ffO"dllrio5~~ 1f"""J 'fraW- fclIgMlIl - ""'"dse ? Vvhat else? /eh! 1..-. 'elsI ""'" "....~"'" ...~ """ll

""'" ffrendlJ......... '- ~"'rm~a, ff~d1lfiJlm 'fron:NId "' __end ... ~ hi D"'d lend! Iln <'li: 'cndf - "-"""" le""""" """" "-....- lem'dy::uU "" -....,. '.-1 Itutird~ ltlop /fru;,.:IIl"~ 1"1>"- 1...·<t,.W

'" If..,~'" 1.'rL.f/

"'" NMOItnv;tl ... That's enougtL f' ..... f/ I6o<n '....,11 ..., N.,.,- '-""" "'rAP! G......, Il'•.,mhjl ,...., ""om!~ I'i".,.j ..- ,""'"....... !i"nJIj

""" ",.'"fl\6' ... the lis! C"oU fe'7(,y It» h:w: 'n'*Y .... "'" 1ger.". fJ-"/...., re,"' ......... ,-"""""'" fn-.-.b<xW

"""""" "'-'..",.. "e~nOioy gel ... I'lll oots (10 /gi:tI Ibi: get5 Ien •p;JI.ntd

""'" 'IL ,;od,.d,

"" """'" /gd'",",- .L ",,:m ..." f<,p. 'ofl~ de"'" g(;lq:.

/go '"""""""-, ... \.lJ""' 111I - I...,J""...... ,,, ...,,,,11"'" ... QItS' sd100l ,,,,,, '!P'b </"..If

~ ."- ro,,"- .... tg"./e>.poc .. I dom"' e>tl4K.IIC gllI Apaeo "',!,,=U

""""~ r!ll~e&(lYI .., dJdrJ rL'",,,,,,-. l;I gel ~ ~ - ~"""""'" Idt"""".. , - fglw..,J.,. ,,' go ''''''~ctJrt""'ill fa,l.....w

9O"k;o" 19"" '", f"l:l)'

F - fg:lUILi:ro(,y

"" """,~ IfCIs/ Gd<m.u_ '.!P'JkIl' 't.>u:b1'li;f,~........, IfL"<l(,! >l;",d/

""" I""'" Ibltgood ... be {JlXld III ,,..,, Ib, 'gvd ;xl..,,, {hi 'ofl

""""""'" fg.o. """"<>Illl,.= I'fCUl"<>S/ (/fade .. A gOOo Igre"V fCI greul/fantastic I"",,',lt',uk!~ifi!falhor I'gr~llfotb(rY'M' If=.t.1

-~ f!l'""'IIm""""(r)/1a'.'OU"~O ffc"""..,tI ga1dpa'enls fg~lIpe~lIsl

"" IfiM ....- fg;,,, m,tI

""'" Igre,pIfr.l: .. fal Ifet b:ll

""" ,,,,,,,Iew "F1 ""'" Iyrbl/... m:1dI

"'" IgR,l

"" /fltm! GlMSa what? Igc. 'wa!...,IfM"" """" Ig:,...w'- ff.'IPW .... IgI'tcW....,If""ll

Itish tn'e ff.,'I wml H... ffao>W ""' ..... /h;,rd h1t:ol"',,",,, 1'fdJ........ 'J:b/ ... -y"" If"'" ' ....dlCSSilI's """"'=I.. "'I' _."""'"'""".,alP I'f1J~ .......'M "'"""""'""-5 !raring If"""" '~""l)' "" ,,",m!fizZy .. fizzy <ti'lk Nw Ifm 'dmJl1

""'" """"".. - -"" lhaB1l'dj,~

"'''' Hang 01'1 • rrPJIel I,I:zq 'Q1 a mot!~'." rtr -""" ....... -'"" ,.,."

~ ..... wasn' l'Lappy. rtr.q.I IIi: "0ZlJI '1wpI,I'fIowW .... "'"'"- '" -.n"l~ IfDJA/ In 'fogll

"'" ""'"IfrJ:c1 ,...",- Ihed:>\ '.-eat

""'" ...-""''''IbI ...... "'" -,-N"",,~ ....., ""'.N,,,,,,, .... ""'"

Page 142: Tempo 2-Student's Book


/k'"! /tz 0..", mAlt "cfll

"0/fk""""d,'1h.'tS.. ,I

,"">itVflll,.,.,..I/ 'drall"~ 1",,,,,,,'11,..,Ila,f}

IIJ1'l1 fllf;T(q ~ 'bitt

1I0nlIb"" ~aJl 'br"""tIlallnrG!

/laM/Ia,ld I""cl... 'l,"ld


'"psuIJfhslI ,;J


fIn"" bin'n,vfloll! '" '11lV

fhll) rum!fl;d;lI

d.-.jIIoi Ib '1or)I1b)1 IImu '101)1

IIorY la, ";UI h' '1or:I/kJt 'aW(ry,.... .,f1uI; ''''''''Od.I .... UUJ r:......':>d.,.


-~'"1Ior. " klr ""f ...., '"'


'N:!T.... '


,1u::>aI .. ~" did ju; kNIlo:!.l '!111\.



f\~.,,' '.,-/


"'''''I'l<o:rll). glIII '\:o,,,,y

"""Iki:r ,,',,-el!f!,;i:ruYIbm"",."-"•• "",,::1> UJ/'I;nl",I



...bit .. get Iallloll .. a 101 cl


L­....."'"--l35I .. 'MEr, dd )'lJU lu.sI ••1

"""'"..."'"""'"........ ro..IeIi ... leaVeICit .. Is there n'IJCh left?...""""..Lel's ",

"'"lIccncc .. dri\'i'lg 1lc:(Jlt(l..,r.lilt .. offer a 1nl

"'.ir,tll .. igt" brO\\(1

wg,\J.1QI<cIil<e .. What .. , ~kll?

""..."'""'ro~...ltla til...litI1e"allllB

~W1g rcom

"'".,..blg" bblgmg .. How big ",1

bIG .. I W(ln'l be IlJrl9._..........l(d( t:r'wa'd rm k::cttrG tor..ercIlO..


"'"l<MW\g.goloartlll!l---'"""....,....~, !ip:lt1s l<I:

"""'"...""'".......... ..,knew .. yQIJ knew


la, !bin 'JJ«JII"" Won '90';'~la, 'rPUIla' OJJI.: s:>U 'uu11l.' .. "", &>.. j

ia' 'v.V.,;oJnI1 'd.Pub1Jl'laid Io,k .. .,pli:zl

fa'l dj.\M ''''''Jfla,m fiO)f'1, hi: ,m1 'h,;>(tV

fa.. ~ri:m/

fa,s hDilll

fa,s 'ke'll,yIK,'d,y fy'CIlIl~dl'"




f,lllJ;»U,yInu"""'Jnllf"--.ell II>3:f ('Io; 'Inl""""

,."'"/lIT.'a"i,'/ It ·fa:(.yf"I~-...d!

''', ..... :> dog :>rod:) '''',r..od/In. 'fAnI

1'If~ •...."11I.,. l1(li 'Cc:l(rY

Iw. Ill' 'fo:(lY

"'" .....-.I' " 'l:>r "P"od;>(t)II .... ,);"""1 "I~ ' ..-ellI,,. ,IlUm f'" 'hfdI

1b:'\;Ju hd a, ;.pi;],; Cl , ' pkli

"""<>'!help ,;:,;'""Ifi/'1",1.,1',,11Ihl:lL j:>: 'tJeulllY

'"'''''"'.11"" I'll'

"..'/h;lokl '1lfD'


""'"'""'"""'""""-.."ttw.J I." 'ha!,.,.."....,n..u '''''"'J IL .. II~ I'b 'fit:tPI".,,,""y",,,,,,",,fh."9'" /bo '1uupVn....fIo:t j::l:5C'1U





" ...


-.oul a dOg .-l a wizard....... lcNely,


f'IlllIlar.fII'Iot • loy spider.

q.l<Ie • lOng way...-.e tor bed.

_.­dcnl know,

'don I Ihink $0.

'."....• StJtI t!~ ir'lerncl

,_.'....,.,,50100..~IIO ...

I .as anI)I joking,

rG Iol<e .. please.IUSI walch,

- 5OlTY, he isn't here.



~""• Gre.:!1 i<.\&lll

~1l0, could 1speak 10 ..., please?

Page 143: Tempo 2-Student's Book

M_.­-..""""rrallAmoi:a1 E:rgIShj

""".-......,,.,.,'"ll1d1 .. txllbaI matal-""".,.,...........-.xun ,. d medum l'"oC9'II

""""" ......""'"..-~

""""""~.-...-"""'""*' .. tor mks...."*1d ... Never nWld.-""""me;


..-"""""'".-nurB1t .. at the ITlOITlOlI





""'"fTdOr ,acing"""'~,mo:.urtain range~

""'"ITICMe tIlC3ter (Aml:r:icNI Crglsfll~


m""fTUlICPl09a .. "'~"~

""""'""'"N....nahnl ....O!l,dl , le

""""-.......,fUIt ... That's neat........-.


1~1ll. mell!


f.-dlllJ­,-""""'_001'-'"'_11 ffudn:I "-I,I ..>tu}


I'nUu:!nll I~' 'n,'- .....

rm_ "'"I~



""~ 1;1 'm:.ulzl

'm,L'm:>.oo "11C\;o I!IIlUllllI',....,..."'''"l


'''':0<....''1 'f:u./"moW


m:l<JIll:IrIll0'4 l\;> ·rn:qn....,1I'n,RPI:,f

... lA.."





I'",,,,~., r~"'l)"


",,"<I'1lln ,e,I'<I,,'/""",o:j./mala

fmu:" 1Jo"''''r)



Imjlt?1. f"'lL'9'3-"ftV

'''IIu:z,1. >1;>:('"





"'-""""IpW ItJrom 'naI





'''ju:V /(};o 'njU:l/t"ju:1eId.YnVInjtopcrpaW


Not fOf me.......""'"-o""""""'"~

01. ~lI00vcfl

"'""'"01\01 ... rTIOIe oftOlOh, I see.

'""'--."'"CK<Id-........."" ......on. 000"1


"""".­"""Oll .. be 0lA

"""'"'""""-~,own ... 0" you OWn

ppock on8's tlfl{l!l--,""""'''""'........-p;lP:1' 1" a PllPO" ro..ond....."""oark t110 car

"'"pa1 to- laM! pM ..

"""...,.......--......... ",........~"".-p:qllIIto- ~5lI',

"""'"...-"""'"""""per.n'd CD ~O"



Imf) 'NI1n.:dJ •...nII

""'"Irn f.> 'n,;:I



:':lUln1InfJ JR.. ;> del "11/1'''''*11,.~

,"'dnI !m:>::M 'o:fuf

h> a, 'W:JM,,,,I bomp-­f:!fJ'kJ'>Jrll".old 'f~JndI

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Page 144: Tempo 2-Student's Book






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"a"".."'rras [;ludoi'll)).]1 ~

""JXl:>e .. You did lhal on purpolle.



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I"'k 'Ap!


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fl"',1 ',,<.11 ,,\


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Il"l 'm,k

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I\,:.. i:rl/



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""'"""'"r.c",~ .......~1".""

"""""""flf:Wltrj I ...1'11'.....

hell. 'IIU",I

"""IRd,'f ..,,"

Im,! Ira 'm'"

-"""""""""""",t«:ru M

~""""~--.........-...."""'*'......R:la .. bke tde

ride cro's bike..............."""_.-.."""'"-="I'OlT(l .. oomo rouldrn-ld .. haw lr8"Cs

",,'""""'""'""""""rootne .. dBrl:e tWb"oe

",,-..-,,""......"'"rlI1 oll~

rtlY*l[l. 00 ru'ring

5ro.m""${lid <Ill Mysr.1





srn..- <Ill ~

~"'~---saw <Ill see..,"'""""""""""'"""""...",

"'""""'""'"see .. We'. see about thatl-""'"~."""~

"",.,""'"....•9.""... ""'""'".--.""'""""9K)l \..JI .. my hln:l shcl: l4l




I,,,,,/"",:111 'hmt.,J



"''''InJIInudI ,"""l raid!

'nlld ..""" ".,1IJ

.,...,.ratrnd. l..,m ""'-Ad.

InI<.ncl. h.-r>. fr...v ..on!.

.....1<l>I"".In",..In£'ti;nl I'dtm> ru:..:n:




1mJ"IfAn 'r:tf "rjj/

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"'"f.r..aotJN'1....1 h-H '§i: ......... /rId1,-''''''''1-. .!efld.



Ife.,..:....,"..."'"f'u: ''''''If""'Jl'JlOI\"""" ,I~

'n'r ..... __ op

Word list


Page 145: Tempo 2-Student's Book

...,.., I/(Jdl .. ,.,,11"""" fJ:l<JI<t>(rjl """"'" fSA.,ff'hj)- 11"''' ""p ,--- fl;KJ:;o(r)l so",,_ fsrop .!I

""""'''- 'I........ ',jte>&,' - "''''''''"" flAIl - r";J:;Jo!

""" hall'" Sf<lgll /wc,,;"". """'" Straight after IunctL l...,.e" a:fb 'LuwJ'.., ,,,,,f.tfaiglll7l 1"Ire" 'on!...... /'lotlnll>W ...... "'",-...... r..."yy - "'-"" '~>J ..." h.W

" "'" """ I_W.,. '-l """ """"""'" '.<oN -- flA).rUM

""""""" ,""""'" ..." f~\IJ"...... f~r"'~ ""'.- 1Mi.,W .,.., '''''''''j,"'" "'"n! ....... ,'"""'*"- h1i:p' .-.,

"""""'*" /!;bml .... '1-""" """' ..... f~rJ

"""'" r,."nl..'(r)l..... 1>m:I:J! ~ , ...,,1~ f''''''!l'''l'¥ ..- floAngkIsu/-- f~,l' !UY1y .. It's sunny. IMOI/ 'llS 'Mm'snool<~s lAInlYicM C11PiSh1 f.nd,.,} 9J'OCI'l'Cl'l , >Art-lri:nl"Th' 1..,,,,11 SUlX.'rr"'"'a1<C! >lLl'-"lIllO:~'{ ,_"""'" ,,,;X)I\~d Sur.osla' ~"J:I~l<.l:W~ .. (it's srowlng). "",..., 11.. "''''''I) """'" """~~~ "",'Um.,,,,, ... 'I";>(T)/W ,~ •• '<3,flSO .. I think SO.

~ &1 'f~oj; ~ """"" fu,f1J:W!soap c:pcra "'''Cl 'f"" &l"PlSC fr,:.'f"",U="'"~ u'gl<$ll ,nl."'rII sweok'f (Nnl:n:;en &Jglsfl) r"",to(t)/w" ..-.J""

~- r",....,/:nI~. Mm' ~. f,wi~sI~ fSAm"'An/ s\.wmr,g r.""m~"""~ fS/lmtamw """'" /'.... 'rlIliGI= ,- ~... '."'9"-, ,- .."" .. ...."...,.~5Of't .. aI saIS d hllil6 1f;;J:cJ 1:>:1 '11:):1:0 :n"lloqzl

""""" "",U l.avndl 'grercJ T

"''' - ... IreM""" ""'''' ~ .. It takes an hour. IrcW i. led.... 'au:(Jy""".... /udl'ba/ -- ,'...,j:Q fOOJl-...... ~· ...-.;,w ... .""- tl<f«r'#fl .. "'" '.- hpi:JoJ tal .. How ,..., _ you? h.....,1I ,,-> '<:>.1 ~ j&J

"""" '",n ,~ ",.1

"'"'" """" 'op''''' ........., - hi""

"'"'" "'" hlpcnd 't:ollD! """- --""" ''''.,} """ """.... ''''- - hebo."13N'- ,..."" ......., -_.....1'fO'A-. spi:LJ ...... """»1iiXlil!iUled '-"" "" ,.'"

:;por.s POQi" " .. filJl":I' pr.o.;grzmI "" ""'"""'""'" t~l"'" - '-.""'" t"fD~ll ... Ro»l'Pro ....,.That'$ C1.911 plc_. JO..,.. ... .., md' ,nam p1izl....

''''..'U! Thal.. ...t'ly_ ~ ...., .. J

""" """'" ...... -.."""" '" h.b<nl '"pI

"""'"- 1'f<i~"lnlJ,.. '- ...,-.I

""'- to¥>:' .."3:2/

"" -"'" """' .... ..""'"",""'"

Page 146: Tempo 2-Student's Book


Ile,kf /~ ,elL. :If] 'oo;>(T)If,,,,I,,m f"'".1.."kI,bM

113:11 Illlll 'l:l:1 :l 'J.d1,;:1I,im'



1,sI"''' <dl'! ........(1'.sITen '"",


"'''''r 'hJlr bd:l;bl, .,'J.­r>U3.l;.cY,....",

""~,­f'>Aou/ I".......m/





! ....«.>frYr.wetJ3:I/I.",,;~..t



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""""".",Stop iI!


"'-Straighl aftef lunch.Slr:J91l en,,,,,,,."'O'



"""'""9.JrY')' ... ""$~.


.,,'"..."""""""'"...".,.,sweatCf (Amo".(:M Ulgfsf~



''''''take " IllalIl!lI Wl hour.laJent ShOw

"".,tal ... How tall IlNI you?..,~

""""'"--""'"......"""'"­...ThaI'S £1.99 oleese.Thal'$ why •••.-..."..-...,...,'.........,.,,,,1t*sIy. 00 ttwsty..."""" ...............ttvt!w'" ....ew!tYI:\ql " tIYaql1ho stJCCts



fJ"'>kl:>(rV'f,..1'1:n>(rYIj..-;)IJI. ·IJI1.~~'


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1.....11 I,,~ 's":,, "" fhl)l1,,,,,,ndz '91'<)111


ffllldl 'j:stl

f_.o '",,,.t!


"Ilo::jllI,po:nd "M",I



hp;llJl.. <pi:k/­fllfl:l."!S~r~Jop(,,_"'""/.I;.W3:J/,...,."IRa'nlI ' ..pI'­f'>fu:. ...'3~


I'Rz(Ju:I,.'"/<;{et/ Ihrv 'fn>ndz D y;W

hM:. '-"*Yhi", '..pi

~i:m bout,-/f.n.-pI fdo;no. ",cpJ



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5pa1S PCV.... ,~I19



5IUoIW19 ... lit', 8R)Wing).



SO" IttIi,," 50."",,,;:oo- jAI"'lIflCa'" uv;1tst'




"""""'"S01 ... all SCf1S et hlQS

Soonds 9'"0011



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""' .........,~

"'<!l " t'iA~ Ir01ds 10~.. ~... ~~,. a- tXl8l.

Page 147: Tempo 2-Student's Book

'''''."'":,{1t..-'rIe'" I1lJ\.e a good IiTc





."' ........,3d<

......, .. go Into lo\VI....."id< ... I<8rtIrlllrack•"llIl, tm8S\..n! lrni..~"i'/'6'S



"""<.I" b!1l1la­~'"""""".r~

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f1Q"nrlu",nJ 1IRo:.. " gull 'uurn!ltann";r,,,,gd!,'..II~'~,,.,,"'.-/1::0'llul;,o I f



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""'VtmeV l'\<rIll)l~

"\1\',11 tIff$' ...,,1//O<rnJ1'tn:1f'l1111111<.1/Ilnld

'0'"ftr"hlIlgel lnb "n"bIt

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"lu """,,I'l-..:\L!


rn:n 'of/

II3:lllo/Iti; ',i;!

fAgII!I."IjoJ: 'kc'l




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"''elk '''P' 'I" "e,b "'" '"pi""cllzJ

VfflI;. ~.)

,vel< fv)

""...."--,warm ... It'll warm.wastWIQ'l.4) ,.00 11111 Wll9l1lg-t.Jl

"""'"wateh~.)..."" ""waldl out!-.---..,.,._....""'"v.ay'" a Icng W8J-.........v.wthOr ... the v.eM1er

We'. meet in the usuaII place.----we gol into 8 lot 01 troub6e.

-=e.d....-'go...~,....MnWhen is .•• M?",.".1

"""'".........."."<>,,,''''''Whydol't we ...?

"""wiklWill you be out lor long?

"'"""""""""Y.lody? It's windy....,W;IVllll

"'''''""',"''''"'"~--""""..."""""",0"VOl'y" Da1'1 wooy.WOtAd)'DU Ilke to •••1-,WfCfl\l .. do wmetl1flj Vofo-<lY.fnIe .....110

y.-Yea, tdd on, rl get her lor you.




! ...dlll

/vooyJli......I ...:>m/ lot._ '''?2n/


1"'-011""uJ .w.:tJr...-=-(rjI


"""33:> "fP';I"f"""",,ail

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I"",;Iwalfl,",I jw hi: Bill fa '101)1

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r...UI/ I~ ' ...mI

I"LId J'" but 1:>.. ./

"""In!tt}, Irk MmOnj '~

,= "'""...,{,..... h;Qd m. all get "" r", ju'


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