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Technology By Vanessa Pelaez

Technology By Vanessa Pelaez

Feb 23, 2016




Technology By Vanessa Pelaez. Phones. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Technology By Vanessa  Pelaez

TechnologyBy Vanessa Pelaez

Page 2: Technology By Vanessa  Pelaez

Every one knows that the cell phone is one of technology’s great inventions because the cell phone can be good to have. For example if in an emergency you can call 911 on the phone. Also you can still talk to people who you haven’t seen in a long time. These are some good reasons that technology is good. Sometimes phones aren't used for emergencies. People will text constantly and forget what they were supposed to do. Also kids will be up all night on their phones and fall asleep late. These are some ways technology is changing our world in a bad way. Not all kids stay up late.


Blackberry phone

Page 3: Technology By Vanessa  Pelaez

Technology is everywhere, even on the street. There are traffic lights. This is something safe technology made. Technology made to walk the street easier and for the cars to know when to drive. The bad part about having technology on the street is that people use it when they are walking and driving which can cause an accident. For example, one day when I was walking back from school I saw someone with their phone in their hands and they were not looking at the road. When the person started walking, a car came by and almost ran her over. Technology can be fun but can cost you your life.

Technology on the street

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Cars are part technology and cars are good for people who travel a lot but not far away. Cars are another example of technology but a car is not such a good part of technology because cars pollute the air that we need to survive. Even if there is electric cars they use too much energy. Cars are not always bad because they are very helpful when needed to carry heavy things.

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Technology games are addicting to kids if they could they would play the whole day. Games like the Xbox and Wii, the kinect, play station, Ds and more. Kids just can’t get enough. kids put more effort into their games than their homework. Sometimes they would rush through their homework just so they could play. Kids sometimes just won’t stop playing. It is not just kids it is also adults. Adults play games too and sometimes as much as kids do. Technology games are good and bad because there are educating games out there but kids sometimes don’t get them.

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Technology from Apple

Apple is a technology company that is known all around. Apple created the iPad , iPod and iPhones. Apple helped our world because we are becoming more advanced in technology. Also people I see on the street always have something from Apple. Apple might be bad for kids because the iPod is just like any other electronic game. Then kids will sleep late and be late for school. Even though Apple might be bad in some ways Apple is a very well known technology. Sometimes apple can be changing our world in a good and bad way.

Page 7: Technology By Vanessa  Pelaez

TV & ComputersEveryone knows what a TV is but should you have one? People are watching too much TV and it is the same thing with video games they just keep watching. TV is a good and bad technology because if there is an emergency they say it through the TV but not every one likes watching news so that is the bad thing. Kids watch cartoons all day. This is not healthy for kids. That is why TV is not that good of technology. There is always a computer to help. Computers help kids search information for their homework and can type their homework. Sometimes kids don’t use the computer to help them with their homework. They search things but not for their homework so a computer is changing our world in a good and bad way.

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Flash drives

Technology can come in different shapes and sizes. A flash drive is helping our world because you can save things on your flash drive and you won’t have to carry papers and you wont have to carry any heavy things. So a flash drive makes it easier and lighter to bring with you.

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Technology is everywhere and it is helping but not always. Technology can be used anyway which does not help us. Technology is changing our world and life in a good and bad way but everything turns out well in the end

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The end