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Technology and the Future of Management What GenX/Y and Millennial’s Expect out of their work experience May 30, 2022 Dan Morrill

Technology And The Future Of Management

May 25, 2015



Dan Morrill

Presentation given about how to manage the expectations and technologies that GenY, GenX and Millennials will bring to a company
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Technology and the Future of Management

What GenX/Y and Millennial’s Expect out of their work experience

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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We are in the beginning of the Information Revolution

Population of the Planet, 6 billion

Number of domains registered on the internet 110 million

Number of Blogs on the internet 120 Million

Number of Facebook Members 60 Million

Number of MySpace Members 120 Million

We haven’t even begun to penetrate this market yet.

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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We don’t even know how this revolution is going to end

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

The green line is not a good business growth line

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Meet your new Competition, they are all under 30 years old

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They get social media

The social media that continues to be the most familiar to the Inc. 500 is social networking with 57% of respondents in 2008 claiming to be “very familiar with it”

(compared to 42% in 2007). Familiarity is related to usage. It is interesting to note, however, that even those forms of social media less familiar to the participants are still used by at least 20% of them. Just over one quarter of the Inc. 500 reported social media was very important to their business

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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And we add to that daily, by adding over 1.4 million social and new media connections annually

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This does not even count what is happening outside of English Language blogs

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

That 665 blogs added was just for last week…

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The management problem continues to compound itself

This amount of information can be a problem to manage for a company

What about meeting laws for privacy, use, fair use, copyright, intellectual property

How are we going to manage all this?

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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Systems everywhere

Systems to Manage systems

Business Intelligence systems and ERP/CRM and other systems that do not connect to each other except through excel pivot tables

People inside your company are already talking about your systems outside your company, your employees already know what is broken, have you read their blogs lately?

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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Do you know your Internet Reputation?

How do you know when they are talking about your company?

How do you know if your employees blogging from work or from home?

How do you know this is not a disgruntled employee or customer?

How do you know how popular they are?

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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Data transfer might even happen and you will not even know it

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Meet Gen Y

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GenY/X and Millennials have different expectations

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GenY/X gets their information differently

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GenY/X could care less about internet advertising

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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They don’t care about your company, they don’t care about your brand

This is what they want

Add more social networking; add more sociability along all lines of the company.

Make it possible to make a difference, and listen to them, they have ideas, and not all of them are bad.

College is a check mark on the way to where they are going, it is not an ambition nor is it an end goal in its own right, it is something to do, and much like high school is now for them.

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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Welcome to your new Technology Management environment

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The good part is that people you want are already at CityU of Seattle

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The people you want are already at CityU

We have a diverse population

With the majority of our students in the GenX, GenY and Millennials that will be entering the work force

These students are already committed, and loyal to themselves, and to issues that they care about

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Where are people engaging?

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People are out shopping – but not how you expect them to

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Who really owns the brand?

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Case example Jet Blue

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Jet Blue monitors their brand and engages the customer every day

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Case example Comcast Cable

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When there is big news, Comcast monitors their brand and how it is used

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What does the future of technology management hold for you?

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

Micro Blogging

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Corporate Blogs

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Follow the threads

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

Follow the Conversations, aggregate them, discuss themInternally, use the internet the same way that others do

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Know the numbers around participation

Web 2.0 is not a democracy

Wikipedia, 95% of all edits in Wikipedia are made by >.03% of all Wikipedia users

Only 5% of all people who visit a blog will comment

Only 2% of all people who visit YouTube will make a video

Only 4% of all people who listen to a podcast will make one of their own

Getting people to participate can be hard

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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Know the rules around the way that employees are going to work

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Know that you can not control your brand, people will talk about your company

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Negative and positive data are everywhere

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Case Study – Bloggers and Cuil Search Engine

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

Bloggers loveCUIL

Bloggers forget about CUIL

The momentum is lost

This is the wrong growth curve for your business too

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Management Challenges

Adopting a new management model for your employees

Expectations of employees have changed, yet management and the technology being used has not changed with them

Employees are increasingly connected outside the corporation, meaning corporate communications channels might not be used, in favor of public systems

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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Management Challenges

Wrong growth curves for a business – because the business forgot to “grow social” and work with non marketing people outside the company

Management did not pay attention to the new models, so vital information walked out the door when people quit or are laid off

Failed to listen to the good ideas coming from GenX/Y, leading them to leave for something else

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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Management Challenges

Not enough technology people to run the new tools, failure to invest in training and education

IT Burn out, pace of change, inability to retool for the new software or business model can also hold the company back

How many people are still running “legacy systems”, then ask yourself why? That is the biggest challenge, asking yourself “why”.

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill

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You can download this presentation from Slide Share.

April 12, 2023 Dan Morrill