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Teaching Notes for Text I of Unit 7 (Book III) The Chaser ( 追追追By John Collier Page 85

Teaching Notes for Text I of Unit 7 (Book III) The Chaser ( 追逐者) By John Collier Page 85

Jan 21, 2016




Teaching Notes for Text I of Unit 7 (Book III) The Chaser ( 追逐者) By John Collier Page 85. love potion 爱情魔液 ( 精油 / 润滑剂). Step One Words and expressions 1. chase : vt. 追逐 ; 追捕 ; 追踪 The cat chased the mouse. 猫追老鼠。 2. creaky: 嘎吱嘎吱作响的 harsh adj. 刺耳的 / 刺目的 / 刺鼻的 / 涩口的 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Teaching Notes for Text I of Unit 7   (Book III)  The Chaser ( 追逐者) By John Collier Page 85

Teaching Notes for Text I of Unit 7

(Book III)

The Chaser ( 追逐者)

By John Collier

Page 85

Page 2: Teaching Notes for Text I of Unit 7   (Book III)  The Chaser ( 追逐者) By John Collier Page 85

love potion 爱情魔液 ( 精油 / 润滑剂)

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• Step One

• Words and expressions

• 1. chase : vt. 追逐 ; 追捕 ; 追踪 • The cat chased the mouse.

• 猫追老鼠。• 2. creaky: 嘎吱嘎吱作响的 • harsh adj. 刺耳的 / 刺目的 / 刺鼻的 / 涩口

的• 3. scrape vt. 刮擦

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4. peer/ glance/gaze/scan/stare • peer 凝视 ( 尤指因为看不太清楚而盯着看 )• glance ( 看一下 / 一瞥 / 扫视 )• gaze ( 凝视 / 注视 )• scan (细看 / 审视)• stare ( 眼睛盯着看 )

Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the

habit of ______ at people (CET-6 1997 年 12 月 )

a. glancing b. peering c. gazing d. scanning• Answer: B

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• 5. pale 苍白的 / yellowish: 淡黄色的 , 带黄色的

• 6. bowel bowl, towel

• 肠 碗 毛巾• 7. perceive: vt. 察觉 ; 感知 • perceptable 可感知的 , 可察觉的 ; 可辨的• perceivable adj. 可感知的 ; 可认识的 • perception 觉察 / 理解• perceptive 敏感的 / 善于觉察的

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• 8. autopsy

• 验尸• 9. to substitute honey for sugar

• 用蜂蜜来代替食粮 • How to say with the word “replace”?

• = to replace sugar with honey

• 他们用面包来代替大米。They substitute bread for rice.

= They replace rice with bread.

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10. draught drought

• 穿堂风 / 通风 干旱• 11. fervent adj. 热烈的 ; 热情的 ; 强烈的• passionate

• enthusiastical

• zealous

• 热情: zeal; enthusiasm

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• Step Two

• About the author and the text

• 1. playwright 剧作家• Shakespeare is a famous playwright.

2. numerous ['nju:mərəs] adj. 许多的 , 很多的3. fantasy 空想的产物 ; 幻想作品【音】幻想曲• 4.“The New Yorker” 《纽约人》

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• Step Three

• Text explanation

• Pre-reading questions

• 1. lure vt. 引诱 , 诱惑 ; 以诱饵吸引• seduce / attract

Para. 1

1. Is Alan the name of a lady or a gentleman?

A gentleman.

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• 2. kitten 小猫• as nervous as a kitten • 心情烦躁 / 心慌意乱• 3.What part of speech is the word “ up?• The word “ up” is a proposition.• 4. certain: some but not a lot 有点• 5. in the neighborhood of • 邻近 / 接近• 6. peer about • 朝周围瞄了…• 8. obscurely : [əb'skjuəli] difficult to understand• vaguely

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• Para. 2.

• 1. He pushed open the door.

• Can we say “ He pushed the door open. ”

• What part of speech is the word “ open”?

• 2. find oneself in a place

• 发现自己来到了某地• 3. contain:

• include

• plain:

• 4. simple 朴素的• 5. on the dim landing 在楼梯的平台上

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• Para. 3

• 6. a rocking chair

• 摇椅• 7. buff-colored walls

• 浅黄色的墙上• 8. in all:

• altogether

• 总共• 9. a couple of :

• several

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• 10. a dozen bottles

• 十几个瓶子 数十个瓶子: dozens of bottles

• 11. I am glad to make your acquaintance.

• I am glad to know you.

• 12. extraordinary effects

• 特效

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• Para. 5 -8

• 13. stock in trade

• 可供交易的存量• 14. deal in

• 经营, 买卖• 15. teething mixture

• teethe: vi.

• (常用进行时态)(婴儿)出牙 / 长出乳牙• teething problems

• (复)创业初期(阶段)困难

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• Para. 4

• 16. 漱口 to rinse the mouth; to gargle and rinse (out) one's mouth

• 饭后请漱口。• Please rinse your mouth after meals.

• 漱口杯: glass or mug for mouth-rinsing or teeth-cleaning / tooth glass

• 漱口剂 / 水: gargle

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• 17. such…as it is (they are)

• 尽管价值不大(质量不高,不怎么样)• He won’t refuse you his help, such as it is.

• Such as the food was, there was plenty of it.

• This is my work, such as it is.

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• 18. varied: 各种各样的 / 形形色色的 vary (vt.) / variety / synonym:

• various / all sorts of/ all kinds of

• 19. I think nothing is ……….

= I think everything I sell here is very extraordinary.

• 20. It is also quite imperceptible to any known method of autopsy.

• One can hardly see anything when you dissect (anotomize) the body.

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• Para. 9- 15

• 1. glove-cleaner

• 手套清洁剂• 2. life-cleaner

• 日常清洁剂• 3. Lives need cleaning sometimes.

• = Lives need to be cleaned sometimes.

• 4. It is no good doing sth. …..

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• 5. love potion

• 性爱精油• 6. please vt. to satisfy

7. Use your head and then you will find a way.

• 祈使句 + and sb. will

• = If you ….., you will….

• If you use your head, you will find a way.

• If you please a customer with one article, he will come back when he needs another.

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• 8. costly adj.

• expensive

• 9. save (up) for

• 存钱作…之用• John was saving up for a new car.

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• Para. 16 -20• 1. If I did not sell love potions, I should not h

ave mentioned the other matter to you.• • If you had not bought a map yesterday, we

would know which road to take.

• Since you didn’t take my advice, you’re in a difficult position now.

• If you had taken my advice, you would not be in a difficult position now.

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• 2. it is …that

• 3. be in a position to do sth. ( 由于客观或主观条件 ) 可 ( 能 ) 做某事

• be in no position to do sth. ( 由于客观或主观条件 ) 不可 ( 能 ) 做某事

• in position 在适当的位置• The players are in position. 球员们各就各位 .

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• The telescope is in position for use. 望远镜已架好可以使用了 .

• out of position 在不适当的位置上 .

• One of the chairs is out of position. 有一把椅子放得不是地方 .

• 4. oblige:

• 施恩惠于 /满足…要求• See Note 2: convey (vt.) :

• transmit 传递 • conveyor belt 传送带

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• 6. crave for: • 渴望获得• 7. permanent vt. ['pə:mənənt] • permanent resident (PR)• 永久性居民( green-carder holder 绿卡持有人)• 8. extend far beyond• …远远超过• 9. casual impulse • 一时的冲动• casual wear • 休闲装 • casual clothes • 便服

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• casual remark

• 随意说出的话• a casual worker

• 临时工

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• 10. impulse : ['impʌls]

• 冲动 , 一时的念头• My uncle bought the house on an impulse.

• 我叔叔一时冲动买下了那房子。 • I used to act out of blind impulse when I was


• 我年轻时常凭盲目的冲动行事。

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• 11. attempt a look of scientific detachment

• 试图摆出一副学术的不偏不倚的架子• detachment : [di'tætʃmənt]

• 超脱 ;公平无私 , 不偏不倚 [U]

• He was unable to examine the issue with detachment.

• 他不能客观公正地调查这一问题。• attempt an air of assurance

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• Para. 21 –25

• 1. substitute 替代• They substitute devotion for indifference.

• They substitute adoration for scorn.

• adore / adoration 崇拜 ,崇敬• 值得崇拜的 , 可敬重的

• He is adorable for his devotion to science.


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• 2. measure

• 数量 /程度 /比例• 3. gay:

• adj. 放荡的 ;寻欢作乐的• happy and gay

• How to say “同性恋” ?

• hom(e)osexuality; homosex; gayness

• gay 【美】【俚】 ( 一般指男子 )同性恋的• lesbian 女同性恋者

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• 4. giddy

• a. 晕眩的 , 眼花的 (dizzy)

• b. 轻率的 ,轻浮的

• a giddy life of pleasure

• 寻欢作乐的放荡生活 • 5. solitude ['sɔlitju:d]

• 孤独 ;寂寞 ;隐居• 6. be fond of :

• like (love) sth. / like (enjoy) doing sth.

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• Para. 26 -30 • 1. a. be jealous of 妒忌的• He was jealous of his friend's reputation. •

他妒忌朋友的声誉。• b. 吃醋的

• If other men spoke to her intimately he was immediately jealous.

• 一见到别的男人跟她亲热地交谈 , 他便会醋劲大发。

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• 2. rapture• 狂喜 ,欢天喜地 +at / about / over

He fell into raptures over classic music. •


• 3. everything n. 最重要的东西• Her daughter is everything to her. = Her da

ughter is her everything.

• 金钱并非一切。• Money isn’t everything.

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• 4. intensely 强烈地 ;极度 intensive reading

•She disliked sewing intensely.

• 她极不喜欢缝纫。

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• Para. 31-35• 1. sit in a draught • 坐在穿堂风里• Compare: drought ( 干旱 )• draught ( 穿堂风 )• 2. siren: ['saiərin] See Note 3 • 3. mythology [mi'θɔlədʒi]• ( 总称 )神话 [U]

He studies Greek and Roman mythology. 他研究希腊和罗马神话。

• 4. nymph 【希神】【罗神】居于山林水泽的仙女 ,女神

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• 5. lure sb. into destruction

• 诱惑某人并置其死地• 6. overwhelm vt.

• a. 使受不了 ; 使不知所措 +by/with

• I was overwhelmed by his generosity.

• 他的慷慨令我感激难言。• I was overwhelmed with excitement.

• 我极为兴奋。• b. 战胜 ;征服 ;压倒

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• He took 54% of the ballots and overwhelmed the two rivals.

• 他获得了 54% 的选票,战胜了他的两个对手。

• c. 覆盖 ;淹没

• The village was overwhelmed by ash from the volcano.

• 村子被火山灰覆盖。

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• 7. If by any chance you should meet any sirens and later on slip a little, you neee not worry.

• =Should you by any chance you should meet any sirens and later on slip a little, you neee not worry.

• by any chance ( 用于试问与建议 ) 万一;也许

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• If by any chance somebody comes to see me, ask him to leave a message.

• 万一有人找我,就请他留个言。Do you by any chance have a pen with you?

你身边也许带着钢笔吧?• by chance

• 偶然• I met him by chance.

• 我只是偶然遇到他。

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• 8. slip• a. 滑跤 /失足 /犯错误

• She slipped on the ice.

• 她在冰上滑倒了。• b. 溜 ;悄悄走 ;( 时间 ) 不知不觉地过去

• The student slipped out of the classroom.

• 那学生溜出了教室。

• 9. be terribly hurt 感情上受到了极大的伤害

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• Para. 36-40

• 1. least little ( 小 /少 ), less, least

• few, fewer, fewest

• 2. grounds

• 基础 ,(绘画等的 )底子 ,底材 ;底色• 3. dear : expensive

• 4. penny 分 (美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰辅币名 )

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• cent 分(辐币单位,为 dollar, euro 及其它多种货币的 1% )

• cent 百 百分之五• five per cent / five percent 5%

• 5. indulge in

• 沉溺于,纵情与,享受于• Para. 41—45

• 1.. drawer 抽屉