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Page 1: Teachers' Chat Session in April
Page 2: Teachers' Chat Session in April

Kumi Naidoo: Happy birthday Marie-Ange !!! Hope you're having a lovely day !

Carmen Flores: With Gianna I imagine

Carla Pertosa: Yes

Marie-Ange Colin: Hi Ana!

Carla Pertosa: hello Anna

Anna Curto Naffissi: Hello everybody

Barbora Hejnakova: Hi Anna!

Carmen Flores: Hi Anna! It's Marie-Ange's birthday today :o)

Kumi Naidoo: hi Anna !

Carla Pertosa: Anna, when are you coming to Chiety?

Anna Curto Naffissi: Marie ange, happy birthday

Marie-Ange Colin: thanks everybody!

Anna Curto Naffissi: How are you?

Marie-Ange Colin: fine for e! tired!

Anna Curto Naffissi: Hi kumi

Anna Curto Naffissi: hi everybody

* Barbora Hejnakova left the chatroom.

Anna Curto Naffissi: We came back from Prag last night

Marie-Ange Colin: what was it like?

Kumi Naidoo: you were in Prague ! did you have a good time ?

Anna Curto Naffissi: and I am so late because I had to go to the shops

Anna Curto Naffissi: It was wonderful!!

Anna Curto Naffissi: nice weather and we saw a lot of things

Carmen Flores: so you're enjoying the Easter break already... ;o)

Kumi Naidoo: is the weather the same as in Germany ? I suppose so...

Anna Curto Naffissi: yes

Anna Curto Naffissi: we are

Anna Curto Naffissi: What about you?

Page 3: Teachers' Chat Session in April

Carla Pertosa: Here It's cold and rainy again.

Carmen Flores: Same as Italy in Spain

Anna Curto Naffissi: Holger is sorry not to be able to be with us

Marie-Ange Colin: so are we really going to work on theater in Chieti? and if yes, what shall we be doing next year?Nice weather in here!

Carmen Flores: Monday it was sunny and warm...

Anna Curto Naffissi: Ye3s I saw tghe weather forecast of Spain

Carmen Flores: Amparo is tied up too

Carmen Flores: her father's in hospital and she's really tied up

Anna Curto Naffissi: Hoger sends you his greetings

Marie-Ange Colin: poor Amaparo! Give her all my love

Anna Curto Naffissi: He said that your poems are very nice

Carmen Flores: Sure :o)

Anna Curto Naffissi: and he liked the songs too

Kumi Naidoo: you're lucky to be having warmer weather :( it's rainy but I'm not going to complain because we're on holiday and I spent almost the whole day in bed :))

Marie-Ange Colin: happy you!!!!!

Anna Curto Naffissi: today I was so tired and I styed in bed very long too

Marie-Ange Colin: stop!!! I've had a headache all day because I'mso tired!

Anna Curto Naffissi: sorry for all the mistakes in typing

Carmen Flores: It's so lucky to be able to sleep a bit more...

Kumi Naidoo: pls give Amparo our love

Marie-Ange Colin: same for me, mistakes

Anna Curto Naffissi: yes un abrazo a Amparo

Carla Pertosa: Yes, because Max will take drama teachers. We will work on theatre, music, poems but above all I hope youìll relax and enjoy yourselves

Carmen Flores: I have to tell you some things about EVALUATION...

Anna Curto Naffissi: ok

Marie-Ange Colin: I'm coming with drama teacher to

Page 4: Teachers' Chat Session in April

Carmen Flores: There are 15 responses from students

Marie-Ange Colin: Carmen?evaluation?

Carmen Flores: apparently no German students replied to the questionnaire

Anna Curto Naffissi: are any responses missing?

Carmen Flores: unless two of them are the mysterious two who replied to the questionnaire on 13th March

Carmen Flores: and whose nationality I don't know

Anna Curto Naffissi: but Holger told me that They did

Carla Pertosa: We have only put it in the agenda, but we don't know what Max and ypu are going to work about

Anna Curto Naffissi: it might be

Marie-Ange Colin: they've been working very *** short scenes, as we had mentioned in Limasol

Marie-Ange Colin: sorry, very *** scenes

Carmen Flores: I have 1 response from Chieti, 1 from Nettuno, 2 from Greece, 3 from France, 2 from Czech REpublic, 2 from Poland, 2 from Sppain and 2 of unknown nationality

Anna Curto Naffissi: as far as I know a drama teacher of ours is also coming to Chieti

Anna Curto Naffissi: and I think they are going to work at a drama play

Marie-Ange Colin: so good for france! for once!

Carmen Flores: he told me too but their responses do not appear...

Carmen Flores: French SS did their homework punctually... ;o)

Anna Curto Naffissi: I'll ask them again about the evaluation

Marie-Ange Colin: ouf!

Carmen Flores: And Carla, perhaps you should remind your students too...

Carla Pertosa: So we are late even if I told our students to do it

Carmen Flores: no, it's not late Carla.

Carmen Flores: Katerina hasn't closed the questionnaires yet

Anna Curto Naffissi: Someone asked Holger who is going to stay with the students at the hotel

Carmen Flores: what do you mean Anna?

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Carmen Flores: stay where, in the room?

Anna Curto Naffissi: the teachers of each delegation are going to be responsible for the students staying at the hotel

Carmen Flores: each delegation should take care of their own students I imagine

Anna Curto Naffissi: Germany will take 10-15 students to Chieti and most of them are going to stay at a hote3l

Anna Curto Naffissi: so some teachers have to stay at the same hotel with the students I mean

Carla Pertosa: students and teacher will be in the same hotel and each delegation will take care of its students

Anna Curto Naffissi: right

Carla Pertosa: Only Germany, Spain and Nettuno have students in the hotel

Anna Curto Naffissi: Holger also told me that his students are going to illustrate some poems, not all of them, because they are too many

Carla Pertosa: because they bring more than 3/4 students

Anna Curto Naffissi: aqnd we just have two weeks time after easter holidays

Marie-Ange Colin: my students are also illustrating and putting some in music

* Barbora Hejnakova joined the chatroom.

Carmen Flores: The two meetings are very close and time goes by very quickly...

Anna Curto Naffissi: fine M.-ange

Anna Curto Naffissi: I know

Marie-Ange Colin: too quickly

Anna Curto Naffissi: but you have been doing great work!!!

Kumi Naidoo: I don't know if we'll be able to illustrate them in time. Barbara and I spoke to our Art teacher and he's got his hands full at the moment organising a Spring festival at our school for the public...

Marie-Ange Colin: holiday tomorrow, then one week left

Carmen Flores: We still have to ask the art teacher and the music teacher about that

Marie-Ange Colin: and with all the coordination to take up it's been terrible

Carla Pertosa: Do you want us to select the best poems for the award ceremony or do you prefer to select the poems together whwn you are in Chieti.

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Carla Pertosa: when

Marie-Ange Colin: that was the question I sent some days ago. together would be nice

Anna Curto Naffissi: I think that it would be better to select the poems before

Kumi Naidoo: I think it would be better when we're there...

Carmen Flores: What do you mean by "select"?

Marie-Ange Colin: we said 5 each and a competition in chieti

Anna Curto Naffissi: But if there are too many .....

Marie-Ange Colin: that's no more than logos

Carmen Flores: yes, they'll be 5 per delegation, won't they?

Anna Curto Naffissi: I do agree M.-Ange

Carla Pertosa: 5 per delegation, yes.

Marie-Ange Colin: I find it better if it's done together

Carmen Flores: Sorry, but I don't understand

Carmen Flores: doing what together?

Marie-Ange Colin: if the competition is in chieti

Carmen Flores: Choosing the best illustrations for the poems?

Marie-Ange Colin: no poems themselves, like logos

Carmen Flores: I don't understand :(

Anna Curto Naffissi: I think that each delegation will take 5 poems to Chieti and then there will be a competittion in Chieti

Carla Pertosa: If we want to do like this, it will take longer and I have to change something in the programme, but no problem

Marie-Ange Colin: yes

Carmen Flores: but what should be done together?

Anna Curto Naffissi: the illustrations are just to make an exhibition in Chieti I think

Marie-Ange Colin: that was my question, remember Carla

Marie-Ange Colin: yes for the illustrations

Carla Pertosa: Yes, that's why I'm asking you that

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Marie-Ange Colin: what do you think everybody?

Carla Pertosa: tell me what you want to do

Kumi Naidoo: I believe that we have to choose a winner and a runner-up for each category, the Italian and the English category

Carmen Flores: YOu mean that the illustrations won't enter the competition, don't you?

Marie-Ange Colin: yes carmen

Carla Pertosa: The illustrations are something else

Anna Curto Naffissi: no competittion for the illustrations, right

Marie-Ange Colin: kumi I don't understand!

Carla Pertosa: I think we're making confusion

Kumi Naidoo: We have to choose the two best poems of all (one would be the winner and the other, the runner-up)

Marie-Ange Colin: italian?

Anna Curto Naffissi: % poems for each delegation and then the cojmpetition will decide wg´hich is the best poem

Anna Curto Naffissi: 5 poems* sorry

Marie-Ange Colin: yes

Kumi Naidoo: The Italian category doesn't concern us, it's for the Italians :) The Comenius partners are in the English category

Carla Pertosa: Let me explain: in a few days you'll find on the blog the regulation of the poem contest.

Carmen Flores: But the results of the Comenius contest will be decided by an Italian jury or by a Comenius jury?

Anna Curto Naffissi: there will be another competition for the best Italian poem at the same time I remember

Marie-Ange Colin: ok, I remember

Anna Curto Naffissi: I don't know

Anna Curto Naffissi: I think a Comenius jury shou7ld decide

Carmen Flores: Carla, have you decided about that?

Marie-Ange Colin: I think we said comenius with andrea?

Page 8: Teachers' Chat Session in April

Carmen Flores: I also like the idea of a Comenius jury for the English poems

Marie-Ange Colin: so do I

Anna Curto Naffissi: so do I

Barbora Hejnakova: I agree with Carmen

Marie-Ange Colin: Anna?

Anna Curto Naffissi: I do agree with you

Carmen Flores: If there will be a Comenius jury, then it's not that important that the poems reach you on 15th April I think

Anna Curto Naffissi: Comenius jury

Kumi Naidoo: definitely !

Carla Pertosa: The Italian poems will be corrected by Italian teachers, the Comenius poems can be selected by English teacher in our school before you arrive or by a jury made by us.

Carla Pertosa: I agree with you about a Comenius jury

Marie-Ange Colin: made by us again is nic

Marie-Ange Colin: nice

Carmen Flores: Perhaps you could do a pre-selection of , for example, the best 10 or 15 poems, and then the Comenius jury could decide

Marie-Ange Colin: good

Anna Curto Naffissi: the jury could be made of representatives of our delegations and of some external English teachers of Carla's school what do you think??

Marie-Ange Colin: yes!

Carmen Flores: Taht will be nice Anna

Carmen Flores: That

Carla Pertosa: yes

Kumi Naidoo: that's actually quite a good idea Carmen and it would narrow the list down

Carmen Flores: Yes because 45 poems are too many

Marie-Ange Colin: ok

Marie-Ange Colin: if that's settled can I go and have champagne please?

Carla Pertosa: So are you going to send us the poems or not

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Carmen Flores: Of course :o)

Kumi Naidoo: yes Marie Ange !! a toast to you !

Marie-Ange Colin: for me, yes definitely tomorrow

Carmen Flores: We are going to send you the poems but

Anna Curto Naffissi: you have the right to celebrate your birthday!!

Carmen Flores: in the case of Spain. We have organized a contest to choose the best 5.

Marie-Ange Colin: so did we

Carmen Flores: Children will give them to us on the 11th.

Carla Pertosa: We can do what you want

Marie-Ange Colin: bye bye everybody! big hugs!

Anna Curto Naffissi: hugs m.ange

Carmen Flores: and then, we'll go mad in order to have the 5 ready for the 15th April

Carla Pertosa: Bye bye

Kumi Naidoo: enjoy the rest of your special day !

Carmen Flores: Bye Marie-Ange. Enjoy your day!!!!!

* Marie-Ange Colin left the chatroom.

Anna Curto Naffissi: enjoy

Carmen Flores: :o)

Carla Pertosa: If you prefer, don't send us anything and we'll do iy together here

Carmen Flores: Then, in our case, it would be releasing to know that we can send them to you on 16 or 17th April

Carla Pertosa: Carmen, fell free

Anna Curto Naffissi: I think we could bring the 5 poems to Chieti and then build a jury together with English teachers of Carla's school

Carmen Flores: If we do that there wouldn't be time left for a preselection I think

Anna Curto Naffissi: so that each delegation has got more time to choose the poems before

Carla Pertosa: Let me know the final decisin

Carla Pertosa: decision.

Page 10: Teachers' Chat Session in April

Carmen Flores: I don't know

Carmen Flores: I'm only saying a few more days would be releasing for us

Anna Curto Naffissi: that's also what I mean

Anna Curto Naffissi: choosing the 5 poems till the end of April and taking them to Chieti

Kumi Naidoo: maybe until the 20th of April and then the pre-selection can take place ?

Carla Pertosa: why don't you bring only 3 poems and we select them here

Carmen Flores: the 20th would be okay :o)

Carla Pertosa: So they will be less

Anna Curto Naffissi: I don't know wht we decided in Cyprus

* Pilar Rodriguez joined the chatroom.

Anna Curto Naffissi: Hola Pilar

Carmen Flores: HI Pilar!

Carla Pertosa: we also are late with poems

Kumi Naidoo: Hey PIlar !

Pilar Rodriguez: Hi to everybody

Barbora Hejnakova: Hi Pilar

Carla Pertosa: hello

Carla Pertosa: I think it would be nicer to do it here with less poems

Anna Curto Naffissi: I think it is possible, Carla

Carmen Flores: Shall each delegation make a preselection of three?

Anna Curto Naffissi: to do it like with the logos

Kumi Naidoo: The original date was 15th April and was then extended to 20th

Pilar Rodriguez: I have to apologise because I have had a 2 years old visit (my nephew Carles) and my sister just at the meeting time

Carmen Flores: 3 are easier to handle

Carla Pertosa: Why not

Carmen Flores: don't worry :o)

Anna Curto Naffissi: I do agree with three

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Carmen Flores: for me it's okay too

Kumi Naidoo: 3 isn't a bad idea but we already sent you our 5 :))

Anna Curto Naffissi: Do we have to send the poems before the meeting??

Pilar Rodriguez: 3 poems for each delegation means 27 poems. I think that's enough!

Carmen Flores: I think it's better we send them before

Pilar Rodriguez: Hello Kumi, maybe you can decide which are the 3 ones to participate.

Anna Curto Naffissi: yes

Carmen Flores: it's a way to avoid forgetfulness when printing the poems before hand at home

Kumi Naidoo: I suppose we could go through them again and choose the 3 best

Anna Curto Naffissi: good idea

Barbora Hejnakova: Ok, so Kumi, we should make new decision and choose only 3

Anna Curto Naffissi: right

Pilar Rodriguez: good!

Carla Pertosa: Ok, send them before but we'll wait for you to make a jury

Anna Curto Naffissi: I'll inform every body and send a copy of this chat session

Kumi Naidoo: yes Barbara, so we can do that when we go back on Tues

Barbora Hejnakova: now it is not so bad, we have only 5 poems now ;-)

Carmen Flores: Good idea :o)

Barbora Hejnakova: OK

Anna Curto Naffissi: does anybody know if the students had theitr chat session on facebook??

Pilar Rodriguez: Has anybody else sent the poems?

Kumi Naidoo: exactly !

Carmen Flores: I don't know about Spanish students

Barbora Hejnakova: Yes they had... some of our students were online

Anna Curto Naffissi: fine

Carla Pertosa: I have only one from Katerina, 5 from Kumi and some from .....I don't remember

Kumi Naidoo: that's good

Page 12: Teachers' Chat Session in April

Barbora Hejnakova: and they spoke about bullying

Anna Curto Naffissi: super fine

Carmen Flores: no socializing this time? LOL

Pilar Rodriguez: Carme, I think we'll have the Spanish poems on Wednes 12th

Carmen Flores: yes, but we still have to hand them to our own jury and choose the best...

Anna Curto Naffissi: Carla, can you please have teachers supervising the students when they work together in Chieti?

Pilar Rodriguez: Sure!

Carla Pertosa: How much time do you think we need to select the poems. It's for the agenda

Anna Curto Naffissi: How long did we need for the logos?

Carmen Flores: do you know Pi?

Kumi Naidoo: I think we judged the logos in less than half an hour

Pilar Rodriguez: With the logos we spent about 30 minutes

Anna Curto Naffissi: I think just one morning for the selection and one hour for the final ceremony!!??

Carmen Flores: I think we'll need at least an hour

Kumi Naidoo: but maybe we need more time for the poems because we'll have to read everything...

Pilar Rodriguez: And then the votes of the jury, verification and revoting the draws.

Anna Curto Naffissi: one morning to read them and to select them would be ok??

Pilar Rodriguez: It finally took about an hour

Barbora Hejnakova: Kumi, you are faster than me... I do agree with you

Kumi Naidoo: one morning sounds fine

Pilar Rodriguez: I suggest to make a preselection

Carla Pertosa: one morning changes everything in the agenda

Pilar Rodriguez: and then vote the most beautiful ones

Carmen Flores: A morning is too long, a preselection should be made to avoid such amount of time, I think

Pilar Rodriguez: Then everybody must read the finalists

Page 13: Teachers' Chat Session in April

Pilar Rodriguez: Everybody of the jury

Anna Curto Naffissi: do you want to do it online??

Pilar Rodriguez: That would be perfect Anna

Carmen Flores: how could be that done?

Pilar Rodriguez: Maybe the jury can read it the evening before

Pilar Rodriguez: Sending the poems by email?

Anna Curto Naffissi: befor what?

Pilar Rodriguez: Before the final decisions

Pilar Rodriguez: Ok, I'll try to explain better...

Anna Curto Naffissi: do you mean during the meeting??

Kumi Naidoo: maybe everyone should get a copy of the best poems from each delegation, read it and vote

Pilar Rodriguez: You send the poems the evening before the jury meeting. When the jury finally meet, they already have made a decision

Pilar Rodriguez: And then it's easier to vote

Anna Curto Naffissi: I suggest that each delegation shouls send its 3 poems to all the others before the meeting

Anna Curto Naffissi: so the jury members can decide without any stress

Pilar Rodriguez: But do you know WHO will be part of the jury?

Carmen Flores: I think that's a good idea Anna, but we have to specify they are the ones for the contest

Anna Curto Naffissi: we can choose them

Anna Curto Naffissi: right

Carmen Flores: No mixing them up with the poems that are to be illustrated (they don't enter the competition, do they?)

Pilar Rodriguez: Last time, in Limassol, there were one teacher and one student from each delegation

Anna Curto Naffissi: I don't think it is difficult to suggest the names of the jury members before

Kumi Naidoo: we could follow the same example

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Anna Curto Naffissi: no illustrations for the competition

Carmen Flores: English teachers I think...

Pilar Rodriguez: I agree

Anna Curto Naffissi: yes

Anna Curto Naffissi: but in Chieti there won't be any German English teachers

Anna Curto Naffissi: I won't be with you

Carmen Flores: But Germans usually have a good level of English (at least HOlger does)

Carmen Flores: :o( What a pity, Anna...

Anna Curto Naffissi: then it won#t be a problem

Kumi Naidoo: what will we do in our case Bara ??

Anna Curto Naffissi: you needn't ask kumi

Anna Curto Naffissi: I guess you are the expert

Barbora Hejnakova: Kumi, I really don't know... :-( We have to say it to our headmistress...

Carla Pertosa: I have a suggestion: bring or send three poems, in Chieti we'll do everything in a couple of hours if we divide into groups and we vote

Pilar Rodriguez: Really, Anna? You'll leave Jens and Holger ALONE? (Sorry, I was kidding...)

Pilar Rodriguez: And what about students taking part of the jury?

Carmen Flores: Bara, don't you know hte teachers coming to Chieti yet?

Kumi Naidoo: thanks Anna, but we have a big problem at our school.we still don't know who's going...

Carmen Flores: I see...

Anna Curto Naffissi: Jens is not coming

Carmen Flores: Pilar, I think each team knows the student with a better level of English... I don't think it'll be a problem ;o)

Anna Curto Naffissi: I'll be in Chieti but with another group of students

Anna Curto Naffissi: not within Comenius

Carmen Flores: Anna: Will you be there simultaneoulsly?

Carla Pertosa: In a few minutes I need to go. I hope Massimilano Ciancio hasn't put the regulation of tje poem contest on the blog yet

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Pilar Rodriguez: Yes Carla, there is a regulation of the poem contest on the blog

Anna Curto Naffissi: and a Drama teacher and Veronika, Music and Ethics teacher will be with you

Carmen Flores: Carla, you mean your school's blog, don't you?

Anna Curto Naffissi: yes I will

Carla Pertosa: I mean Comenius blog

Carmen Flores: Anna: we'll meet then, won't we?

Anna Curto Naffissi: I don't know

Carmen Flores: @ Carla, okay

Anna Curto Naffissi: I'll try to be with you one evening

Anna Curto Naffissi: ot two

Carla Pertosa: So please, what's your final decision about the poems

Carmen Flores: Pilar is right

Anna Curto Naffissi: I have to talk with Holger and then I'll let you Know

Carla Pertosa: Don't make complicated decisions

Anna Curto Naffissi: it won#t take too lopng

Anna Curto Naffissi: long*

Anna Curto Naffissi: Shall we stop now??

Carmen Flores: I see the deadline to send the poems have been extended: 25th April

Kumi Naidoo: let us know your final decisions

Anna Curto Naffissi: ok

Carla Pertosa: I haven't understood what you are going to do with poems

Anna Curto Naffissi: till 25th

Anna Curto Naffissi: sending the 3 poems

Anna Curto Naffissi: then you have to decide the members of jury

Carla Pertosa: We can decide the members together

Carmen Flores: Anna, why don't we summarize a bit what we've understood we'll do about the contest?

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Anna Curto Naffissi: It's what I am tryng to do

Anna Curto Naffissi: we have to send to Carla 3 poems till the 25th of April

Anna Curto Naffissi: at the same time each delegation has to choose its jury members

Anna Curto Naffissi: one teacher and one student per delegation, is ok?

Kumi Naidoo: perfect !

Pilar Rodriguez: Yes

Carmen Flores: :o)

Anna Curto Naffissi: Carla has to choose some English teachers for the jury too

Pilar Rodriguez: Maybe each delegation can vote the 3 best poems out of the 27. And then give 3 points to the first, 2 to the second and 1 to the third.

Anna Curto Naffissi: and then the jury members will receave the 3 poems of each delegation

Anna Curto Naffissi: and they have t make a preselection

Anna Curto Naffissi: did I forget anything?

Kumi Naidoo: and the pre selection will be done after the 25th but before Chieti

Anna Curto Naffissi: I think so

Carmen Flores: How many poems whould we preselect?

Carmen Flores: should?

Kumi Naidoo: how many poems will be chosen in the pre election ?

Pilar Rodriguez: That system could preselect the three best poems, and then, in Chieti, you'll only have to choose which is the best.

Kumi Naidoo: 10 ? 15 ?

Anna Curto Naffissi: one or two per delegation?

Carmen Flores: 3 is very difficult Pilar

Pilar Rodriguez: REally?

Kumi Naidoo: so maybe 2 from each delegation

Pilar Rodriguez: Well, then let's take more poems to the final contest

Pilar Rodriguez: But I intended to make a strong preselection

Anna Curto Naffissi: we said that we want to have a preselection

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Anna Curto Naffissi: I suggest one poem per delegation

Carla Pertosa: I'm sorry, I don't agree with you. I think we should do everything together here in Chieti. And I think 2 hours are enough if we divide into groups

Carmen Flores: but then, we should have read all the poems before the meeting in Chieti

Anna Curto Naffissi: ok

Anna Curto Naffissi: then you have to send the poems to each jury member

Anna Curto Naffissi: before the meeting

Anna Curto Naffissi: and then you have to take a vote in Chieti and choose among 3 poems for each delegation

Carmen Flores: I think that makes sense, Anna

Anna Curto Naffissi: ok

Kumi Naidoo: it will take a lot of time...depends if we'll have a lot of time in chieti to spend on this

Carmen Flores: "choose among 3 poems for each delegation" you mean choose 3 poems from all teh delegations?

Anna Curto Naffissi: Carla is it ok for you?

Pilar Rodriguez: I agree with Kumi

Anna Curto Naffissi: We couls also have three finalist like for the logos

Anna Curto Naffissi: these mistakes111

Anna Curto Naffissi: !!!

Anna Curto Naffissi: could* finalists*

Carmen Flores: 3 prizes or finalists is okay I think

Anna Curto Naffissi: ok

Anna Curto Naffissi: Carla ok for you?

Carmen Flores: @Anna, so, you mean in Chieti each delegation chooses 3 poems.

Kumi Naidoo: that's still 24 poems to read...

Carmen Flores: each member of the jury I mean

Pilar Rodriguez: Sorry 8 or 9 delegations?

Anna Curto Naffissi: no

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Anna Curto Naffissi: each delation bring 3 poems to chieti

Carmen Flores: no, because some poems will have more votes, they will be repeated...

Anna Curto Naffissi: I would do the same as in Cyprus

Pilar Rodriguez: I'm still thinking about the scoring system: giving 3 points to the first, 2 to the second and 1 to the third, will lead to 3 finalists, and then things will be easier and quickly to do in Chieti

Pilar Rodriguez: It's a kind of ranking

Carmen Flores: wit the only difference that we willl have read all the participating poems before the meeting

Carmen Flores: winning time then

Anna Curto Naffissi: right

Pilar Rodriguez: Yes Carme!

Pilar Rodriguez: You got me!

Anna Curto Naffissi: i do agree with you

Carla Pertosa: Ok but how can we vote online? There should be a chart

Carmen Flores: nope... the votes would be given in Chieti Pilar :o)

Anna Curto Naffissi: no vote online

Pilar Rodriguez: I think there's no need to vote online, just take the votes to Chieti

Anna Curto Naffissi: right

Carmen Flores: that's right :o)

Carla Pertosa: Ok

Anna Curto Naffissi: your family is waiting carla

Carla Pertosa: Carlotta is hungry

Anna Curto Naffissi: they are surely starving

Carla Pertosa: Yes

Carmen Flores: take care :o)

Pilar Rodriguez: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Pilar Rodriguez: A big hug Carla

Anna Curto Naffissi: take care everybody

Page 19: Teachers' Chat Session in April

Anna Curto Naffissi: bacioni Carla

Carla Pertosa: I haven'y cooked yet.

Anna Curto Naffissi: oh

Anna Curto Naffissi: That will be a long night

Carmen Flores: arrivederci Carla :o)

Carmen Flores: Anna will you send a copy of the chat?

Carla Pertosa: just to make a summary: everybody will have bbeen sent the poems and vote, bringing the votes to Chieti

Anna Curto Naffissi: yes I will

Carmen Flores: with a summary as regards the contest?

Carmen Flores: ;o)

Anna Curto Naffissi: ok

Pilar Rodriguez: Ok for me

Anna Curto Naffissi: dear friends

Anna Curto Naffissi: it has been a pleasure

Kumi Naidoo: ok, bye everyone ! have a lovely evening !

Barbora Hejnakova: Bye, Carla, I send you an email as I know more information about the czech team

Carmen Flores: The same here :o)

Anna Curto Naffissi: the same to you

Carmen Flores: Have a great Easter break xx

Pilar Rodriguez: Happy Easter to everybody!

Carla Pertosa: Bye bye everybody. I wish you a happy Easter

Anna Curto Naffissi: happy easter to everybody

* Kumi Naidoo is away

Carla Pertosa: Rita apologiszses

* Kumi Naidoo left the chatroom.

Pilar Rodriguez: And good night! C U Someday... somewhere!

Page 20: Teachers' Chat Session in April

Anna Curto Naffissi: greetings to her

Barbora Hejnakova: Dear Friends, I would like to ask you one question - about the students accommodated in hotel... How can I organize their freetime? and who is responsible for them after our meetings in Chieti (I mean in the evening)? or are there any differences between our countries?

Carmen Flores: How many students are you taking Barbora?

Carla Pertosa: They will be with the host families

Anna Curto Naffissi: till 3 students will stay at host families

Barbora Hejnakova: Bye bye, Pilar! hope to see you!

Anna Curto Naffissi: the rest will stay at the hotel

Barbora Hejnakova: I would like to take 3 students, but our headmistress suggested to take 5...

Anna Curto Naffissi: so three will stay at a hostfamily and two at a hotel

Carla Pertosa: right

Anna Curto Naffissi: I think that the students can stay together in the evenings

Barbora Hejnakova: and I am not sure about the programm of these two in the hotel in the evening and night

Barbora Hejnakova: at night

Carla Pertosa: Barbora, I really must go now. Write me if you need. bye

* Carla Pertosa left the chatroom.

Anna Curto Naffissi: you just need a permission from the families that thy can go out in groups

Carmen Flores: I think we are all uncertain about that

Barbora Hejnakova: from their families in the czech republic

Anna Curto Naffissi: yes

Anna Curto Naffissi: just three hostfamilies will be responsible for your students

Carmen Flores: Anna, you've been in chieti before. Is it a very safe town?

Anna Curto Naffissi: I think it is safe enough

Anna Curto Naffissi: anyway my students went out together with their partners and nothing happened

* Pilar Rodriguez left the chatroom.

Page 21: Teachers' Chat Session in April

Anna Curto Naffissi: but htey don't have to stay long out

Barbora Hejnakova: I believe that it should be OK, but still I am worried about it

Carmen Flores: I understand you :o)

Anna Curto Naffissi: if you are worried then you have to take the students with you

Carmen Flores: I think we'll have to combine it.

Carmen Flores: some hours alone some hours with teachers

Barbora Hejnakova: Ok, thank you very much for these information...

Anna Curto Naffissi: you are welco9me

Carmen Flores: :o)

Carmen Flores: ok girls

Anna Curto Naffissi: Now I have to stop otherwise my mistakes will get more and more

Anna Curto Naffissi: Now I have to stop otherwise my mistakes will get more and more

Carmen Flores: We'll go on talking by email or in the next chat session

Carmen Flores: take care!

Anna Curto Naffissi: you too

Carmen Flores: And have a lovely holiday xx

Carmen Flores: Bye

Anna Curto Naffissi: ciao

Anna Curto Naffissi: buona pascua

Barbora Hejnakova: I am going to send an email to our headmistress... So have a nice evening and holiday!

Anna Curto Naffissi: buene*

* Carmen Flores left the chatroom.

Anna Curto Naffissi: frohe ostern!!

Barbora Hejnakova: und gute Nacht!

Anna Curto Naffissi: gute Nacht

Anna Curto Naffissi: Prag war fantastisch

Barbora Hejnakova: das freut mich... :-)

Page 22: Teachers' Chat Session in April

Anna Curto Naffissi: wir haben so viel besichtigt

Anna Curto Naffissi: ciao Barbora

Barbora Hejnakova: ciao Anna, hope to see you in Chieti (at least one evening/night)

* Barbora Hejnakova left the chatroom.


Each delegation chooses one teacher and one student as members of the jury for the poems’ competition.

The illustrations of the poems will be used for an exhibition in Chieti.

The jury will consist of 18 Comenius members (9 schools x 2) + some English external teachers from Carla’s school, I suggest 2.

Total number of jury members: 20 (11 teachers + 9 students)

It was suggested that there should be a preselection before the meeting in Chieti. It is not clear yet how to make this selection.

Pilar suggested following scoring system: giving 3 points to the first, 2 to the second and 1 to the third, will lead to 3 finalists, and then things would be easier and quickly to do in Chieti.

Or should we have 9 finalists, one for each school and a final competition in Chieti to choose the best one or the best three ones??

I this case each school should make an internal preselection, thus choosing the best poem and sending it to Carla before the meeting.

If there are other suggestions about the scoring system to use and the preselection methods, please let us know as soon as possible.