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TEACHER EFFICACY IN SECONDARY MATHEMATICS 1 Teacher Efficacy in Secondary Mathematics: Fostering Confidence and Fluency Kelly Lyn Wilson High Tech High Graduate School of Education Author Note Kelly Lyn Wilson is now the Director of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Programs at Severn High School in Annapolis, Maryland. This research was supported in part by a fellowship from the Walton Foundation. Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Kelly Lyn Wilson, Severn School, 201 Water Street, Severna Park, MD, 21146. Contact: [email protected]

Teacher Efficacy in Secondary Mathematics: Fostering Confidence and Fluency

Sep 17, 2015




This research focused on understanding what factors affected the perception of efficacy in the teaching and learning of mathematics in several progressive secondary schools. Efficacy is the belief in one’s ability to produce the desired or intended results. For teachers, this is the belief the practices and structures they use and work in contribute to student success. For students, this is the belief they can use mathematics and are prepared for college level work. Through surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations and test score analyses, several themes emerged that influenced teachers’ and students’ sense of efficacy including unclear expectations or vision of the mathematics program. For teachers this also included the need for more effective strategies for reaching all learners in a classroom. This research highlights the importance of defining an institution’s goals for secondary mathematics, and aligning teacher preparedness and support around those goals.
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    This research focused on understanding what factors affected the perception of efficacy in the

    teaching and learning of mathematics in several progressive secondary schools. Efficacy is the

    belief in ones ability to produce the desired or intended results. For teachers, this is the belief

    the practices and structures they use and work in contribute to student success. For students, this

    is the belief they can use mathematics and are prepared for college level work. Through surveys,

    interviews, focus groups, observations and test score analyses, several themes emerged that

    influenced teachers and students sense of efficacy including unclear expectations or vision of

    the mathematics program. For teachers this also included the need for more effective strategies

    for reaching all learners in a classroom. This research highlights the importance of defining an

    institutions goals for secondary mathematics, and aligning teacher preparedness and support




    In these days of better, faster, more, it is all about the numbers. Where are we ranked as a

    nation in mathematics prowess in regards to other economically developed countries? How many

    students are preparing to study science and other technical fields? What measures are being taken

    to focus teachers on these goals? The setting of this research was in progressive secondary

    mathematics classrooms focused on projectbased learning with an emphasis on openended

    problems. The hypothesis was there would be higher than average state test scores because the

    methods used in these schools were focused on deeper learning. Deeper learning, as defined by

    the Hewlett Foundation (2013), states student learning should contain the following aspects:

    mastering content, thinking critically, collaborating, communicating effectively, and developing

    a growth mindset. Hence the anticipated results of using deeper learning techniques would

    equate with a deeper grasp of the concepts and procedures, which would translate into higher test

    scores. However, Figure 1 shows the percentage of students and their proficiency in Algebra II

    topics on the 2013 California STAR test (California Department of Education). The comparison

    between the setting school and the state averages was concerning due to the high percentage

    (74%) of students falling into the Below Basic and Far Below Basic categories. Though the

    setting school follows an integrated math approach, students in traditional or integrated series


    Other areas of concern existed

    about mathematics instruction at the

    setting. There were parent meetings with

    the setting school director which focused

    on the mathematics program and its ability

    to prepare students for both college

    entrance exams and college mathematics

    courses. Students wishing to pursue a

    higher level of mathematics were

    supplementing their school learning with


    community college classes. Additionally, initial conversations with several math instructors

    revealed a lack of understanding of the vision of the mathematics program and feeling

    unprepared to provide curriculum to the wide breadth of learners in their classroom. The above

    factors led to an inquiry process surrounding the teaching and learning of mathematics in the


    Many questions surround the challenges and goals of learning mathematics. There are

    pedagogical questions surrounding teacher and classroom practices. Do students need to be

    drilled in the basics before being able to apply them to higher level concepts? How can students

    discover mathematical formulas without knowing the language of mathematics? Mathematical

    fluency, or the state of being able to understand and transfer knowledge, may also be impacted

    by institutional practices or the ways in which schools define structures like student and teacher

    schedules, inclusion decisions, daily schedules and other factors. It is also important to identify

    and understand the goals and design principles of a school in relation to the structures it has


    In an attempt to influence the content of what high school graduates should know, state

    leaders in government and education united to create standards or a listing of academic goals for

    students. However, these standards do not address the institutional structures or pedagogy which

    should be in place to ensure their successful attainment. These new standards are also linked to

    student outcomes (yes, back to numbers) in the form of new standardized tests created by the

    Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness

    for College and Careers (PARCC), along with upcoming changes to the current college entrance

    exams created by the College Board (SAT) and ACT organizations. Whether individual teachers

    or schools view these assessments as a valid predictor of college success or preparedness, they

    both will be judged by student performance on these exams from rating boards,

    colleges/universities and probably their harshest critics, parents. This paper will not discuss the

    merits or inferiority of the standards and related tests, but it does hold the belief learning


    This research reviewed current theories in the pedagogy and the learning of mathematical

    knowledge. From there it examined teacher preparedness and analyzed reasons why teachers


    may have a gap in their sense of efficacy in the classroom. As per long term selfefficacy

    researcher Albert Bandura, Peoples beliefs about their capabilities affect what they choose to

    do, how much effort they mobilize, how long they will persevere in the face of difficulties

    (Bandura, 1994, p.1). The research investigated the practices and data of a progressive,

    constructivist school who incorporate a projectbased learning (PBL) pedagogy. The goal was to

    determine whether the practices being employed contributed to a sense of efficacy in teachers

    based on the current strategies provided by past and present experts. Examples of effective

    practices and recommendations for possible areas of improvement were provided with the intent

    of boosting the numbers: the numbers of students prepared for college and careers, along with


    Research Question: What practices and school structures create a sense of efficacy in secondary



    There is a call to arms in this nation surrounding the scores of secondary students in

    mathematics. According to the Programme for International Student Assessments (PISA) latest

    test results in 2012, the United States is 27th among the 34 OECD (Organization for Economic

    Cooperation and Development) countries, and performed below average in mathematics

    (Gurria, 2014, p.1). President Obama stated in his address at the Third Annual White House

    Science Fair he is focused on creating an allhandsondeck approach in areas like math and

    we need to make this a priority to train an army of new teachers in these subject areas (Educate

    to Innovate, 2013). However, before we begin to analyze the statistics and train teachers in the

    latest methods to achieve student and national success, let us first define how and what students

    need to learn in order to know mathematics, or be mathematically fluent. This will then be




    Stanford University professor George Polya defines mathematical knowledge as a

    combination of demonstrative reasoning and plausible reasoning. Demonstrative reasoning

    is safe, beyond controversy, and final or a mastery of skills plausible reasoning is hazardous,

    controversial, and provisional (Polya, 1954, p. vvi). Plausible reasoning is how math connects

    to disciplines like business, science, etc. or making connections to real world experiences. The

    formulas and processes which students use to present their solutions to an algebra problem are

    demonstrative in nature but in order to know what theorems or steps to take was the result of

    plausible reasoning, or guessing. Polya further goes on to reflect, a serious student of

    mathematics...must learn demonstrative reasoning yet for real success, he must also learn

    plausible reasoning this is the kind of reasoning on which his creative work will depend (1954,

    Though Polyas thoughts were written in the 1950s, his research is echoed by leading

    mathematics education researchers today (there is still a course Math 193: Polya Problem

    Solving Seminar at Stanford). Guershon Harel, mathematics professor and researcher from the

    University of California San Diego (UCSD), has respectively, very similar definitions of

    demonstrative and plausible reasoning but uses the terms Ways of Understanding (WoU) and

    Ways of Thinking (WoT) (2008, p.8). He defines knowledge of mathematics as a union of


    Harel has also written many papers regarding the pedagogy of mathematics including his

    theory of DNR or DNRbased instruction for mathematics. The D, N, and R respectively stand

    for duality, necessity, and repeated reasoning (2008, p. 3). Duality posits students only develop

    ways of thinking when constructing ways of understanding, and these ways of understanding are

    determined by the ways of thinking they possess. In other words, students gain insights into the

    purpose of mathematics by investigating the formulas and procedures of mathematics. The

    necessity principle refers to the idea students must have an intellectual need to learn. The last

    principle, repeated reasoning, states students need to have repeated experience or practice to

    gather and retain the ways of understanding and thinking. (Harel, 2008, pp.1921). Again, Harel


    contends providing intellectual need, or utilizing humans remarkable capacity to be puzzled


    These researchers and many others have outlined the components needed for deeper

    learning in mathematics as ways of doing and knowing mathematics, combined with an

    intellectual need or purpose for the math being studied. Again, a deeper learning emphasis is not

    solely on mastering the content, but also on gaining the skills needed to be able to use it, share it

    and extrapolate the learning to new situations. Now we have a basic grasp of how students



    In 2009, state leaders in government and education came together to promote the

    development of standards to ensure all students, regardless of where they live, are graduating

    high school prepared for college, career, and life (Common Core). These standards are

    promoted as providing demonstrative and plausible reasoning, or the combination of acquiring

    skills with realworld connections. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were developed

    by consulting leading experts, teachers and other standard communities, such as the National

    Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). In August of 2010, the state of California


    However, there is swirling controversy surrounding these standards and their potential

    effects on learning mathematics. Opponents of the CCSS object the standards are an imposition

    of federal rights over a states rights and lack of evidence the standards will meet the desired

    goals of improvement (McDonnell & Weatherford, 2013, p.494). Outcomes of the effects of the

    CCSS are currently unknown as inaugural testing is commencing in the 20142015 school year.

    Teacher support for the initiative is also waning due to perceived ties to teacher evaluation

    systems and restriction of their freedom in the classroom. A report from U.S. News & World




    Progressive school educators may translate the idea of following standards as an

    encroachment to their ability to define curriculum. In attending a recent conference with one of

    the authors of the CCSS for Mathematics, Phil Daro stated the standards were written as a guide

    to what mathematical knowledge students should be able to perform, demonstrate an

    understanding of and transform. However, Daro clearly indicated they were not a guide for


    Other areas of concern exist surrounding the CCSS and students with learning

    disabilities, especially those diagnosed with mathematics learning difficulties (MD). Powell et al.

    researched students with MD and cites the research over the last thirty years has indicated that

    students with MD require explicit, systematic instruction (2013, p.41). Explicit instruction

    generally involves teacher demonstration of detailed stepbystep instructions along with

    independent practice. In further addressing the needs of MD students, concern exists surrounding

    the assessment programs which have been developed to coincide with the CCSS, like the SBAC

    and PARCC. Powell et al. concluded, schools may find it necessary to use tracks or for

    students with MD, the supplementary instruction required in RTI (Response to Intervention) to

    prepare students for Common Core assessments (2013, p. 46). The idea of tracking is in

    contradiction to some of the latest theories in the epistemology of learning though this topic is



    Regardless of the controversy surrounding the standards, they are the expected learning

    outcomes for US students in fortyfour states. (Six states have either not adopted or withdrawn

    support of the standards, Academic Benchmarks). The standards represent a shift from a more

    traditional view of education as teachercentered delivery of instruction to a more progressive

    studentcentered approach to education. The SBAC and PARCC have been developed as

    comprehensive, technologybased assessment systems to measure students' attainment of the

    CCSS. Testing will commence in the 20142015 school year. The National Center for Research

    for Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing (CRESST) based at UCLA asserts these

    assessments, are likely to represent goals for deeper learning, particularly those related to


    mastering and being able to apply core academic content and cognitive strategies for complex


    It is the contention of this research the CCSS and its associated testing measures are

    shifting towards a focus in deeper learning. Proceeding from this basic understanding of how

    students should learn and what they will be learning, what are the current theories of how



    Referring back to researcher Harel, he questioned whether guidelines for instructors

    should have been written alongside the standards to assist educators with the transition (MFASD,

    2014). Harel suggested educators are currently more focused on ways of understanding and have

    lacked providing means for obtaining ways of thinking, ... without targeting ways of thinking,

    students are unlikely to become independent thinkers when doing mathematics (2008, p.13).

    Progressive schools are leading the shift in educating students in the ways of thinking about

    mathematics but there may be some confusion or angst in educators about the balance between

    the more traditional methods of tell, show, practice and the deeper learning model of

    discover, explore, use. This unrest may also be heightened due to a lack of professional

    development in shifting to the CCSS. Educators are unclear about where to focus their

    instructional efforts, and many school leaders are overwhelmed by trying to lead multiple, major

    reform efforts and uncertain about where to direct professional development (ASCD, 2012, p.


    During research to create an assessment of mathematics teachers pedagogical content

    knowledge, Hauk et al. (2010) defined the four components of a professional understanding of a

    discipline as having content, discourse, anticipatory and action knowledge. Content knowledge is

    the knowledge of topics, procedures and concepts and substantiates the idea of teachers

    possessing demonstrative reasoning (Hauk et al., 2010 Polya, 1954). Possessing discourse

    knowledge allows one to inquire and communicate in mathematics. The researchers defined

    anticipatory knowledge as an awareness of, and responsiveness to, the diverse ways in which

    learners may engage with content, processes, and concepts (Hauk et al., 2010, p.3). Action


    knowledge is the ability to differentiate instruction based on students needs and the ability to

    enact the previous three components while teaching. It appears whether one is a teacher or a

    student, the possession of plausible reasoning or ways of thinking about mathematics (Polya,

    1954, Harel, 2008) is essential. An interesting result of their research was that professional

    development (their subjects participated in 80100 hours of PD over the course of a year)

    provided a significant improvement in knowledge, particularly discourse knowledge (Hauk et al.,

    2010, p. 14). So given this model for what teachers should know and be able to do, what



    Anita Woolfolk Hoy, a preeminent researcher in teacher efficacy, stated, Teachers who

    set high goals, who persist, who try another strategy when one approach is found wantingin

    other words, teachers who have a high sense of efficacy and act on itare more likely to have

    students who learn (Shaughnessy, 2004). A teachers sense of efficacy, or the perception of

    having an effect on student learning, has been researched for the last forty years. Hoy, and fellow

    researcher Rhonda Spero, also suggests some of the most powerful influences on the

    development of teacher efficacy are mastery experiences during student teaching and the

    induction year (2005, p. 343). Thus, the first years of teaching could be critical to the

    longterm development of teacher efficacy. Not only could they be critical, but it could be their

    last formative experience unless meaningful professional development is provided. Dylan

    William, Emeritus Professor of Educational Assessment at the University of Londons Institute

    of Education, discusses this phenomenon, People make claims about having 20 years


    Teacher and education researcher Doug Lemov wrote a book, Teach Like a Champion,

    about effective teaching techniques. He spent years observing teachers and capturing their best

    moves. Lemovs claim is good teaching doesnt just happen, it needs to be coached and

    practiced. He equates it with witnessing seemingly effortless excellence in a sport, but the made

    free throw or golf shot is in fact the product of countless hours of practice and analysis (Lesle,

    2015). While some teachers may be natural educators, the majority of us need to work at it.


    Figure 7 shows the top experience of novice teachers for developing their effectiveness as a

    teacher was having access to a mentor. This study comes from the National Network of State

    Teachers of the Year (NNSTOY) and the

    Center on Great Teachers and Leaders

    (GTL Center) at American Institutes for

    Research, which conducted surveys on

    exemplary teachers on increasing teacher

    effectiveness across their careers


    The implications of teacher efficacy go

    beyond individual student concerns. Eric Hanushek, a Stanford educator and member of the

    Hoover Institute, along with fellow researcher Steven Riskin, have reviewed and conducted

    studies on the impact of teacher effectiveness on the economy and other policy matters. While

    the statistics and calculations are above the scope of this paper, their findings clearly state

    teacher effectiveness has an impact on individual students future earnings and cumulatively the

    effect of replacing only 5% to 8% of the U.S.s most ineffective teachers could quadruple our

    gross domestic product (Hanushek & Rivkin, 2012). However, they also concluded determining



    Teacher efficacy can also be impacted by the wide range of student learning styles and

    needs, including those of special education needs (SEN) students. Special education needs (SEN)

    students are generally supported jointly by teachers and other SEN or inclusion personnel.

    However, support of SEN students is primarily attributed to the classroom teacher. Research

    conducted on teachers attitudes towards inclusion, perceived adequacy of support, and the

    classroom learning environment found, Teachers attitudes towards inclusion increased with


    Researchers Hobbs & Westling wrote about their experiences in conducting a course

    instructing both general and special educators in best practices in inclusive education. One of the


    main components of their course focused on building an emphasis on cooperative learning and

    team decision making (2002, p. 188). This idea of collaborative effort between general and

    special educators was found to be imperative for successful inclusion to incur as found by

    researchers Broderick and Vakil et al. as reported by Monsen et al. (2013, p. 124). Hobbs &

    Westling also discuss the need for general and special educators to be trained as partners and

    collaborators as a cooperative venture in the education of SEN students (2002, p. 188). One of

    the strategies Hobbs & Westling used to improve collaboration was the use of in vivo or

    reallife cases both types of educators brought to the class to investigate. The participants of the

    class stated the cases were an irreplaceable component to the class (Hobbs & Westling, 2002,

    p. 192). This area of learning for teachers around the needs of SEN students is another



    From early progressive educational theorist John Dewey to current researchers Guershon

    Harel and others, the answer to how deeper learning occurs has not changed. Students and

    teachers need to be engaged in lessons and assessments which challenge them to such activities

    as thinking critically, justifying their reasoning, and communicating their findings. Deeper

    learning organizations have shown improvement in students learning of mathematics (at least

    according to standardized tests). One of these organizations is the Silicon Valley Mathematics

    Initiative (SVMI). SVMIs work is in providing professional development, establishing

    contentfocused coaching in schools, and collaboratively examining student work to inform

    teachers of pupils understandings to foster teacher efficacy and students deeper learning of

    mathematics. After their first decade of work with teachers they found, ...when teachers teach to

    the big ideas, participate in ongoing contentbased professional development, receive support in

    the classroom from welltrained coaches, and use specific assessment information to inform

    instruction, their students will learn and achieve more (Foster & Noyce, 2004, p. 11). The

    questions remain as to why there is an ongoing necessity of instructional coaches for

    mathematics teachers? As the literature and my research has uncovered, the following factors



    Degrees earned or the years of teaching experience do not necessarily matter



    Teacher efficacy is best fostered by employing a community approach in both

    defining common mathematical practices, the use of mentors and/or other


    It is also important to consider the impact the school leader has on teacher efficacy. Teachers

    level of confidence about their ability to promote learning can depend on past experiences or on

    the school culture. Principals can help develop a sense of efficacy for individual teachers and for

    the entire school (Protheroe, 2008, p. 42). School leaders can foster efficacy by providing

    professional development, time for preparation, supporting teachers in difficult student/parent


    Based on the review of literature spanning almost a century it is the claim of this paper

    for students to gain mathematical fluency they need to develop both habits of thinking and

    understanding. Students also need to practice those habits immersed in environments which

    provide realworld context and a need to learn. Teachers need a sense of efficacy to be able to

    foster this type of learning and facilitate the desired results of students, parents, universities, and



    The research in this paper was conducted at a group of progressive charter secondary

    schools in southern California utilizing a projectbased learning approach. The schools are

    grounded in the philosophies students learn deeply by being in a fully inclusive environment and

    by participating in authentic realworld experiences. Students are not tracked by perceived ability

    and teachers are respected as the designers of their curriculum. Admission into the school is via a

    lottery system based on zip codes in an attempt to model the surrounding demographics and to


    The research was conducted around mathematics classrooms across four of the five

    secondary schools. There are no honors distinction of classes in the 9th and 10th grade years.


    There are student selfselected honors options in the 11th and 12th grade levels, but the honors

    and nonhonors classes are still contained in one classroom. As the schools are a part of

    Californias public school network, they have adopted the CCSS of Mathematics (CCSSM) as

    the framework for their math content and skills requirements. Teaching practices were observed

    and catalogued along the spectrum from traditionalbased or didactic instruction to openended,


    Teachers are required to be state credentialed or be enrolled in a valid credentialing

    program with credential attainment within two years of employment. Teacher backgrounds range

    from those with degrees in education to experts or doctorates in specific fields of business or

    study. New teachers to the charter, regardless of their previous experience, are required to attend

    a ten day training program prior to the school year. All teachers attend a weeklong preservice at

    their given school campuses. Professional development occurs throughout the year, primarily

    three mornings a week, during the time period from 7:30am to 8:15am (though this and the types


    Specific demographics of the student

    community consist of a student population

    who are 37.6% Caucasian, 34.1% Latino,

    13.7% Asian, 9.5% African American, 3%

    American Indian, and 1.6% Pacific


    Figure 3 presents the percentage of the

    student population who has special educational

    needs (SEN) as 12.8%, free or reduced lunch

    (FRL) as 38.2%, and only 3.8 % are designated as



    MethodsMy original research question was to determine what school structures and teaching

    practices led students to obtain mathematical fluency, or learning the language of math and to

    use it effectively and transformatively. This question was formed through preliminary

    conversations with parents, teachers, students and looking at numerical data, such as SAT and

    state test scores. There seemed to be questions regarding the college preparedness of some

    students, specifically in mathematics. After initial rounds of data gathering, the research question

    evolved to one focused on school practices and structures which promote a sense of teacher

    efficacy in the teaching of secondary mathematics. Efficacy in teaching is the ability of teachers

    to produce the desired results they wish to see in their students. Practices and structures are the

    methods schools use to develop and support their teachers examples include professional


    Data collection tools included: surveys, interviews, focus groups, exit cards, journal

    entries/field notes and math discipline meeting notes. Though some quantitative data was

    extracted from the teacher survey results, the remainder was gathered by analyzing the schools

    student survey data (YouthTruth), and standardized test scores, including both state and college


    In order to provide context and uncover areas of strengths and challenges, I surveyed

    secondary math teachers across the organization. The questions began with information on

    professional background/history and current teaching assignments. There were perception

    questions on various mathematical teaching beliefs and practices via a scaled ranking system.

    Finally, there were openended questions ranging from the definition of math projects to how an


    Next, I interviewed school directors (principals). The interviews gathered background

    and context information as to what roles and how long they had been associated with the

    community. From there, the interview transitioned to how and why they created the structures

    and supports for the mathematics program at their site. I used a semistructured interview process

    with the school directors to understand their vision and allow for unknown developments to

    evolve (Appendix B). The goal was to understand what practices school directors employed with


    the aim of being able to corroborate certain areas where teachers were feeling supported and/or


    Meanwhile, I sent college advisors a short survey (Appendix C) to gain their perceptions

    of college preparedness, successes or challenges in the application process, and the rigor

    regarding course offerings, all in respect to mathematics. As college advisors, they are aware of

    challenges surrounding students in applying to and choosing colleges. The advisors also work

    with students and colleges through the Early Assessment Programs (EAP) which determines

    college placement for many students. My focus was on college mathematics course placement

    and percentages of students requiring remedial courses. As teacher efficacy and student success

    has been found to have a correlation (Hoy & Spero, 2005 Bandura, 1997), this data helps


    The remainder of my qualitative data collection was focused on the work done with a

    math discipline (department) group. Data gathering techniques included: meeting notes, journal

    entries, exit cards and individual interviews of team members. The interviews focused on their

    background and preparation for teaching, challenges and rewards surrounding their current work,


    The quantitative data collected included an analysis of YouthTruth (student survey data)

    to analyze student perception of the mathematics instruction and structures, and their feelings of

    college preparedness. Test scores, with a focus on the college entrance exams of SAT and ACT,

    were gathered and compared to state and national averages. The goal of gathering and analyzing

    all of this data is to provide school communities with a picture of what structures and practices




    The surveys provided a means for capturing teacher and college advisor perceptions of

    the work surrounding the instruction and preparedness of students in mathematics. They

    provided both qualitative and quantitative data with the hope of developing key concepts and

    themes around the highlights and areas for improvement. The respective surveys were sent to


    thirty teachers and five college advisors across five campuses. The data for perception questions

    was quantified in tables and graphs to determine trends. The openended questions were coded to


    YouthTruth, a service which collects student perceptions on schools and their learning,

    surveyed the students of the setting schools. The results were analyzed for trends in student



    The interviews provided more in depth reporting and analysis of director, instructional

    coach and teacher thoughts regarding mathematics instruction. Four director interviews were

    focused on the reasoning for certain school structures, like daily schedule, course definition and

    support personnel. Two instructional coach interviews were focused on what practices they felt

    supported teachers and areas for continued teacher/instructional growth. Five individual teacher

    interviews were focused on their preparation for teaching mathematics, perceptions and

    reasoning for issues surrounding mathematics instruction and student learning, and areas for

    support. Partial transcripts of the interviews were coded and triangulated with results from the



    These notes were a compilation of my observations and participation in meetings,

    conversations and teacher and student interactions. They provided insights into the methods

    employed and other perceptions of the work of teaching and learning mathematics. These notes



    These notes were a collection of participant activities and discussions surrounding the

    investigation and defining of mathematical practices at one of the school sites. Teachers worked

    together to brainstorm, rank and further define and reflect on these practices. These notes were

    analyzed for trends and real life examples of teachers creating both individual and collective




    November2014 IRBsubmission

    December2014 IRBapproval Teachersurveysent(withonlineconsentquestion) Ongoingjournal/fieldnotes

    January2015 Mathdisciplinemeetingnotescommence(withparticipantsprovidingconsentviaonlineform)

    Collegeadvisorsurveysent(withonlineconsentquestion) Directorinterviews(withsignedconsentforms) Instructionalcoachinterview(withsignedconsentforms) Ongoingjournal/fieldnotes

    February2015 Ongoingmathdisciplinemeetingnotes Exitcardfollowingmathdisciplinemeeting Ongoingjournal/fieldnotes

    March&April2015 Ongoingmathdisciplinemeetingnotes Ongoingjournal/fieldnotes GatheredtestscoreandYouthTruthdata Individualteacherinterviews


    Over the course of six months, I observed, participated, and recorded events in math

    classrooms and schools across the setting. I began my research by surveying math teachers to

    gauge their background and experiences with progressive math education in an inclusive setting.

    All students in a given grade level are placed into the math course for their grade level with the

    vision the teacher will provide access and challenge to all students in the room. Only secondary

    math instructors were polled with a response rate of 33% of the population across five sites. In

    combination with this activity, results from a student perception survey, YouthTruth, was

    analyzed to help determine students view of the mathematics program. The results used were

    from one of the five secondary schools with 87% of the students responding. These results then

    assisted in the collecting of information from school directors, teachers and instructional coaches




    In trying to understand the mindsets of teachers, questions surrounding the purpose of

    mathematics were posed. As per the indicated research (Harel, 2008 Polya, 1954), teachers

    understood the importance of thinking critically and providing a foundation of math skills.

    However the teacher responses to the purpose of these skills varied with eight of the ten

    responses focused more on college and exam preparation, ...because of the traditional exams

    and courses in their near is to prepare them for those things. However, a few


    I think math education should be allowing students to find their identity, empowering them, allowing them to be autonomous with each other, free from some (mathematical) authority through an inquiry based system where they are collaborating, critically thinking and making sense out of math (reality) with each other. I also feel like they can meet standards and developprocessesthroughthissystem.While teacher passion and commitment to their students was evident in their responses,

    there was confusion, and sometimes disagreement, as to what the purpose of mathematics

    education is across the respondents. This sentiment was echoed in interview responses gathered

    from a teacher support specialist or instructional coach at one of the school sites. When asked

    what the coach interpreted as challenges math teachers faced, one response focused on the lack

    of vision or clarity. Questions such as What are the expectations of us as math educators in a

    PBL school? and How does it look? were two themes which emerged. This was echoed by

    another instructional coachs

    reflection on the question of vision.

    People in math education are having

    trouble progressing as quickly as the

    other disciplines are for some reason,

    because we all learned math this

    way, and we like math this way, and

    math worked for us this waybut

    people arent walking around loving



    In correlation to the vision and purpose of mathematics questions, the idea of efficacy, or

    the belief one is effective, is a factor in the success of teaching and learning in any subject area

    (Hoy & Spero, 2005 Shaughnessy, 2004). One of the survey questions posed to teachers was

    whether they believed the schools structure for math was adequately challenging all math

    students. Figure 4 shows the results 72.7% of the respondents either disagreed or were neutral



    This variety of expectations and dissatisfaction with the mathematics program was also

    evident in the student YouthTruth openended responses. Students were asked to comment on

    areas of strengths and improvements about their schools. Students selected areas where they

    interpreted the school needed improvement from various categories, including the option of

    Nothing. Of the 479 responses, 32% of the responses indicated there were no areas for

    improvement. Of the 68%, or 325 respondents, indicating an area for improvement, 20% of those

    comments included the keyword of math.

    Figure 5 displays the comparison to other

    discipline specific comments using the

    keywords humanities and science

    showing of the three disciplines, math


    There were many responses

    regarding the math program not adequately

    preparing students for exams and future math courses, but some students appreciated the

    emphasis on thinking about math. An 11th grade student shared, For example, in math class, I

    learn and practice learning HOW to think like a mathematician and HOW to think out of the box

    to solve problems by myself rather than being told how to solve a problem and memorizing the

    steps. However, the majority of comments focused on a desire for more foundational work

    which is reflected by this 10th grade student response, My school's math curriculum works with

    conceptual math, which is important, but learning can be very confusing when a teacher starts


    with the conceptual math and teaches solely with it. One really needs procedural math as well.

    This comment is corroborated by students who have supplemented their learning through outside

    resources, As a result of our inept math program, I've had to work very hard at Community

    College to make up for lost ground just to be prepared for a four year college. Student


    Though the majority of comments focused on students feeling unprepared or wanting

    additional challenges, it could also be perceived as a misunderstanding regarding what the

    institution values. Students (and parents) may be unclear of the design principles of deeper

    learning and/or projectbased learning, specifically in terms of math as evidenced by the

    following student comment and others like it I want to learn high school math from public

    schools where they give you a lecture on how to do this math and giving examples with the

    class. This shared lack of clarity by teachers and students as to the purpose and methods to



    Another question posed to teachers dealt with the subject of whether an allinclusive

    model affected their teaching, and if so, how. Of the eleven respondents, ten of them, or 91%,

    said the model affected their teaching eight respondents felt it was a difficult challenge while

    three of them were either neutral or felt it challenged them to be better teachers. Figure 6


    Figure 6: Responses from teacher survey question "Does having an allinclusive model affect your teaching, and if so, how?"



    Ifinditincrediblychallengingtoassistallstudentsattheircurrentlevelofmathematics.Yes, I have to make sure to plan both interventions and extensions for my units. It can be verydifficulttobalanceandmakesureallneedsarebeingmetallthetime.Absolutely. Theoretically it is a great idea. In practice, I am not equipped with enough timeormanpowertoserviceallstudentsaswellastheydeserve.I do not feel that I have enough time to modify, scaffold and accommodate all learners in thissetting.



    Yes,youhavetobeanevenbetterteacher.Youhavetofindtherightproblemsandstrategiestoprovidearigorousclassforallconstituents.Yes, it makes the classroom richer and pushes me/us to a more open ended approach and valuesalltypesofthinkingandapproachestoproblems.


    While a few teachers expressed optimism with the current school structures and the

    allinclusive nature of the classrooms, the majority of teachers did not. The teachers comments

    regarding challenges were also substantiated by interview responses from one of the instructional

    coaches. Responses to the question of teacher challenges included having mixed classrooms

    and meeting the needs of all of our learners. If a teacher doesnt feel they are helping all the

    students in their classroom, combined with the student perception of dissatisfaction with the

    math program and individual teacher performance, than their degree of confidence in the ability


    The research conducted found these two main factors, misunderstanding the goals of the

    program and the ability to reach all learners in a classroom, contribute to the perceived and

    documented challenges of teachers and students. These problems, though not officially stated as

    such, are not new to the organization and there have been attempts to lessen the effect on

    teaching and learning by the various school sites. The following section will attempt to provide a



    During the course of my research I also embedded myself within the mathematics

    discipline group at one of the school sites. The group consisted of seven teachers with three of

    them being first year hires. Discipline meetings occurred approximately every other week for

    fortyfive minutes before classes began. Facilitation of the meetings was on a rotational basis to

    follow the design principle of teacherasdesigner without imposed hierarchical structures.

    However, this structure was not initially conducive to teacher learning as there was no defined

    vision or arc to the meetings. It was perceived no one teacher wanted to step forward to define


    After dealing with parent complaints on the effectiveness of teachers and the math

    program, the school director and I brainstormed with the group on what practices they believed

    should be evident in all classrooms (see Appendix D for a listing of those practices). This event

    was followed by several meetings where the group individually defined and defended the

    meanings of these practices to reach a common definition for each of them. This was then


    followed by threemeeting arcs covering the various practices. This processes of collectively

    agreeing on what was important was a unifying factor for the group. In an exit card response

    after one of the meetings to What worked well for you today? the response was I think the


    Other school sites are taking advantage of additional professional development meeting

    times to selfselect into action groups to continue their discussions and support of math learning.

    This creates a weekly checkin with discipline members, as opposed to a two to three week

    cycle, which allows them to gain traction in advancing their vision and improved practices.

    Some practices, including the use of improvement science or rapid cycles of measurable change

    initiatives, have focused on improving lessons and classroom management. I did not directly



    Other school sites are employing the use of the aforementioned teacher support

    specialists or instructional coaches. These positions tend to be temporary from year to year

    depending upon available funding. Of the five secondary sites, two of them have either a full or

    parttime math instructional coaches with another site utilizing a graduate student in the role. As

    per one of the instructional coachs reflection, having a dedicated resource to assist in planning

    has been very helpful to teachers. Staff meetings are more big picture, the coach relationship is

    like having a mentor that is readily available. On a related note, during followup interviews

    with three teachers, all three mentioned mentors during their first year was one of the most


    In delving deeper to understand how and why the school settings are structured the way

    they are, I interviewed the directors of four out of the five secondary schools. Their leadership

    experiences with the setting schools ranged from first year to eight plus years, and in addition

    they were all experienced educators. All the directors stated mathematics instruction and learning

    was an area for growth. In support of having instructional coaches, one director stated Teachers

    are really excited to have that consistent, ongoing support and it is An amazing luxury

    having a structure for dialogue as to what we want our math to look like. Another director, who


    uses two parttime teacher/coaches as management designees for math does so in response to

    not having a background in math and having a larger staff than other sites. When directors were

    asked whether other discipline groups have had a similar structure of coaches, the answer was

    no. This revelation seems seminal in understanding teacher efficacy and will be discussed further

    in the conclusion. Also, one director tied in the need for students to develop a growth mindset

    and overcome a lack of selfefficacy. Finally, multiple directors spoke about the need to prepare

    teachers for the transition from traditional teaching methods to a more progressive approach and

    the Common Core standards. A major source of funding for the instructional coaches are paid

    from Common Core transition grants. A further area for research may to be to examine the

    perceived effectiveness of the coaching based on their qualifications and/or training in


    There were many practices occurring across the school sites to improve the instruction

    and learning of mathematics. It is an area of ongoing contemplation and research surrounding the

    practices, methods and support structures to increase efficacy. Whether it is student or teachers,

    the idea of efficacy and having a mindset which allows for growth and a positive experience



    This research focused on understanding what factors affected the perception of efficacy

    in the teaching and learning of mathematics in several progressive secondary schools. Efficacy is

    the belief in ones ability to produce the desired or intended results. For teachers, this is the

    belief the practices and structures they use and work in contribute to student success. For

    students, this is the belief they can use mathematics and are prepared for college level work. The

    conclusion of this study to improve perceived efficacy can be specifically attributed to two areas:

    1) Unclear expectations or vision of the mathematics program, and 2) A need for more effective

    strategies for reaching all learners in a classroom. Vision in this context is defined as having a

    plan to define clear goals and the methods to reach those goals. I believe there are two main

    areas which may develop this vision: 1) Defining the institutions goals for secondary




    Literature (Harel, 2008, Hauk et al., 2010, Polya, 1954) stresses in order to learn and use

    mathematics one needs to provide both ways of thinking and applying mathematics along with

    knowing and practicing the procedures and formulas. The majority of current mathematics

    teachers were taught with traditional methods and in transition to teaching in a more progressive

    setting, it may be necessary for teachers and directors to reflect on the questions Dewey (1938)


    The problem for progressive education is: What is the place and meaning of subjectmatter and of organization within experience? How does subjectmatter function? Is there anything inherent in experience, which tends towards progressive organization of its contents? What results follow when the materials of experience are not progressively organized? A philosophy whichproceedsonthebasisofrejection,ofsheeropposition,willneglectthesequestions.

    Dewey was trying to stress the importance of having a plan or vision for student learning. The

    setting schools possess a design principle of the teacher being the primary designer of their

    curriculum and assessments. This design principle allows for teacher passion to infuse the

    learning arena if teachers are excited about their lessons, the students will also be excited. This

    is a valid premise, however it does not preclude the necessary standards or progression of

    learning which needs to take place in order for students to successfully gain mathematical


    In answering Deweys questions regarding subjectmatter functions, organization and

    progression, the CCSSM have been developed to guide educators to what topics and practices a

    student needs to understand and use to meet the goals of secondary mathematics, but not how to

    teach them. The setting schools have adopted the framework of the CCSSM, but there are still

    questions in how to incorporate them with the model of projectbased learning. Teacher efficacy

    is being affected by the pull of the school model, parent and student desire (and their own) to

    have the students perform well on gatekeeping exams, and their own backgrounds in traditional




















    However, the process would have benefited from more frequent meetings and the use of

    an instructional coach or mentor to guide the process (BehrstockSherratt et al. 2014 Lemov,

    2012). Additional areas for research and dialogue would be to extend this conversation and

    process to middle school and elementary teachers to align the vision and practices of the K12



    An additional area affecting teacher efficacy is standardized testing. High school students

    wishing to pursue a college degree are directly affected by the outcomes of college entrance

    exams. The setting schools are performing in line with state averages. However, given the

    advantages of smaller classes and more personalized instruction, shouldnt the results reflect

    those benefits? The CRESST center at UCLA stated the new SBAC and PARCC tests reflect a

    shift towards measuring deeper learning (Hermann & Linn, 2013), with similar revisions to the

    college entrance exams also forthcoming. If these tests are geared towards assessing deeper


    learning and the CCSSM and those are the frameworks for the mathematics program at the

    setting and other progressive schools, will they be deemed as important benchmarks for student

    learning? There are conflicting messages being sent to the educators in this study regarding the


    Progressive school educators and leaders need to decide if the CCSSM and associated

    gatekeeping exams are important to them as an institution. If they value what gets measured,

    then the teaching will follow with whatever modifications this involves. This does not need to

    translate to teaching to the test, however it does mean aligning curriculum to the skills and

    knowledge required to be successful. Teachers can still use their individual passions to help

    students discover the math, but alignment of vision and practices is key across grade levels and

    schools. If school leaders dont value what they measure, then they have to be clear to their

    stakeholders (teachers, students, parents and the community) about that idea, and let the

    stakeholders make an informed judgement regarding their decision to be involved with the

    institution. Having an aligned and public vision will foster efficacy, and it does not have to trump



    New, and some experienced, teachers could benefit from professional development to

    assist them in their transition to the pedagogical aspects of deeper learning and strategies for

    differentiating instruction. Multiple conversations with teachers, even those with masters in

    mathematics, admitted to being unaware of the ways of thinking (Harel, 2008) behind certain

    mathematical knowledge they possess. As stated earlier, being good at math or even using

    math in the workplace is different from understanding what strategies will help student learn. In

    order to further develop a sense of efficacy, additional content, discourse and anticipatory

    knowledge (Hauk et al., 2010) is needed. The use of mentors was deemed the most effective

    method of support for new teachers from this research and others (BehrstockSherratt et al, 2014,

    Lemov, 2012). The use of instructional coaches as a professional development strategy also




    The inclusive environment provides a layer of complexity for educators. The majority of

    educators in this setting expressed concern over reaching all students. Researchers Powell et al.

    (2013) found students with mathematics learning disabilities (MD) need explicit instruction

    which involves teacher demonstration of detailed stepbystep instructions along with

    independent practice. The methods needed to help MD students may be in conflict with the

    model of projectbased learning or they may need additional strategies to reach competency. In

    recent interviews with students regarding YouthTruth survey results, those who find mathematics

    easy expressed concerns regarding teachers focusing instruction on the students who need


    A strategy that may increase teacher and student efficacy is increased dialogue and

    cooperation with inclusion specialists or special educators. Hobbs & Westling (2002) and

    Monsen et al. (2014) found teacher efficacy improved when special educators and teachers

    worked together to form a support system for themselves and students. Jointly reviewing case

    studies helped them develop best practices and led to an emphasis on cooperative learning and



    An area for additional research could focus on the complexities of trying to teach

    mathematics through the use of projects. Teachers may benefit from specific teaching strategies

    to improve the balance of instruction between thinking, understanding and practicing

    mathematics when attempting instruction through projects. Questions surrounding time

    allocation and the ability for students to effectively gain the adopted standards through project

    work could be key considerations. Also, research regarding the definition and structure of

    mathematics projects could help educators more effectively plan and coordinate instruction.

    Again, these future research considerations are in line with defining the vision of a mathematics


    I believe the ultimate goal of mathematics education is to create learning environments to

    increase student efficacy. Student efficacy will hopefully result in the successful attainment of


    the language of mathematics and its associated college and career readiness. Efficacy appears to

    be a cyclical event. Student efficacy can facilitate teacher efficacy and vice versa. Teacher and

    student efficacy can be facilitated by defining the goals of a mathematics program and making

    them transparent to stakeholders. Providing educators with continued professional development

    in their own transitions from traditional methodologies to a more progressive or constructivist

    approach to mathematics is key to improving their efficacy. If students and teachers share

    common vision, practices and language of mathematics across the K12 spectrum, who knows
















































    McDonnell,L.&Weatherford,M.S.(2013)Organizedinterestsandthecommoncore. EducationalResearcher.201342:488Web.Nov13,2013

























    1. Whatgradeleveldoyouteach?

    2. Doyouteachacombinedclass(likePhysics/Math1)?

    3. Howlongisatypicalclassperiod(inminutes)?

    4. Isyourclassasemesteroryearlongcourse?

    5. Doyoufeelyouhaveamanageableworkload?

    6. Approximatelyhowmanystudentsdoyouteachinday?

    7. Howwouldyourateyourteachingstyle,frombeinghighlytraditionaltobeinghighly


    8. Doyouuseanyparticulartextbookorprimarysourceinformation?

    9. Howmanyminutesperweekwillbeused/assignedtoreinforcemathematicalconcepts


    10. Whatpercentageofclasstimedoyouuseforopenendedquestions?

    11. TowhatextentdoesyourclassincorporatetheCommonCoreStateStandardsin


    12. Doyoufeel(ScaledquestionsfromDisagreecompletelytoAgreeCompletely)

    a. freetoteachinwhatevermethodsyouchoose?

    b. thattheCCSSMprovideagoodframeworkforstudentstoobtainmathematical


    c. thatitispossibletoobtainadepthofunderstandingofmathematicalconcepts


    d. itisimportanttoprovideclasstimetopracticemathematicalskillsandconcepts?

    e. thatallmathstudentsareadequatelychallengedinthecurrentschoolstructurefor



    f. thatallmathstudentsinyourclass(es)areadequatelychallengedand/or


    g. thatyourstudentswillbepreparedforcollegelevelmathematics?(junior&


    h. thatthemathteamatyourschoolsharesacommonvision/philosophyof


    13. Whatisyourdefinitionofamathproject?

    14. Doeshavinganallinclusivemodelaffectyourteaching,andifso,how?

    15. Doeshavinganallinclusivemodelaffectstudentlearning,andifso,how?

    16. Whatdoyouthinkarethebestmethod(s)(instructionalorinstitutional)forstudentsto


    17. Whatdoyouthinkisthepurposeofsecondarymathematicsprograms?

    18. Arethereanyothercommentsorsuggestionsregardingthecelebrationsand/or



    19. Wouldyouliketoshareyournameforpossiblefocusgroups,interviewsordiscussions?





    1. HowlonghaveyoubeenworkingfortheHTHorganization?

    2. Howlonghasyourcurrentstructureformathematicsbeeninplace?

    3. Ifthestructurehaschangedunderyourtenure,whatwereyourreasonsformakingthe


    4. Areyouplanningtomakeanyfuturechangestomathematicsinstruction?Ifso,whatand


    5. Doyouhavepersonnel(coaches)thatareassignedspecificallytoassisteducatorsinmath


    6. Doyoufeelthat

    i) allmathstudentsareadequatelychallengedwiththecurrentschoolstructurefor


    ii) itisimportanttopreparestudentforstandardizedtests?

    iii) junior/seniorstudentsarepreparedforcollegelevelmathematics?

    iv) mathinstructorsareadequatelytrainedtoteachinaprogressive/constructivist


    v) mathconceptscanbeeffectivelylearnedthroughprojects?

    vi) mathteachersfeelthatmathshouldbetaughtthroughprojects?

    7. Doyouhaveanyconcernsregardingthemathematicsprogramatyourschool?Ifso,whatare


    8. Arethereanyothercommentsorsuggestionsregardingmathematicsinstructionor







    1. HowlonghaveyoubeenworkingfortheHTHorganization?

    2. Doyoufeel(Scaledquestions)

    a. thatallmathstudentsareadequatelychallengedwiththecurrentschoolstructure


    b. thatstudentsarepreparedtoperformwellonstandardizedtest?

    c. thatjunior/seniorstudentsarepreparedforcollegelevelmathematics?

    3. Arethereanyothercommentsorsuggestionsregardingthemathematicsprogramsthat


    4. Wouldyouliketoshareyourcontactinformationforpossiblefocusgroupsortoprovide







