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^g=^gTKTHvTjBiti<m. ix \ . t '• I ^M m i -------- AmKTidmpnt G iv in g Solona. ^ .. Rather- Than President 2 ^ T T ow eK to-F ix^S a la i'J tio t r : Board's Chairman Passes m y Thc Awoclulc’cl Press) • - WASHItlOTON. Muy 10 — Prc- narliiK for o final vote rarly next week on the farnj relief bill wUh IW dis- ------ [mton ilcbrnlurcrwclioiir^tie- — senate actc<l,.u|)on th»^ .first of n maw ........ of |)roix>si‘(t unu-ndments loduy. and • which would give, con- , InHlead ofJ,h^e prealdent the farm board’s chairman The remainder of the amendments • are exi>eclcd to be dispo.seit o f.M o n - • dny The senaU'- reces-sed over .the . week«end. The proiWKal lo filve thc chalcman • of thc^farm board a salary of $12,000 ' a year, the same u.s other members of the board, wok adopti-d by o vote of [ •j -lO^to 32. _____ _______________ 1.— 3 Endorsed by McNary.— :----------j-j| Trnr^m endm enl wu.s endorsed by n —™SenaUJniMcNarjTOrcKonrchnlrmBn-of; n the commltlev. who contended tliut- lo rtelegate lo thc president ihM »w er of • flxhiK sulurli's woulil '"be contrary In " ~£^iV’ jiid eniPnt~tn-ThF-funclainpntnl-1n**:^- The amendment was swpiwrled. gen- erally by the same DcmocraU and. Re- publican Independcnt.s who disregard- ' cd Mr. .Hoover's objections to the ex- MS port deben«irc,i> by a - 'inmiber of wnators who upheld the ___ pirsldrnt's oppo.sition »n atbc'ntiires. • - — Amontt—those • vrho^voted-wlth lhe------- --------- Pcmocmtlc-ltennbllcan 1n d.cj) andcn t— --------- KToti]) wnii_^»ntorllPr.<«,_ReaubliCBn^_ ---------'Ohio, whtf yawm compiinnya-iji'- '— - cause'"Senator Dorah and other pwu- S ilo-Repiibllcans" tll.ircKardcd-Prc.sidenl arn Hoover's view on the debenture pro- lod: --------- poMiT----- ESWIor^^ScnnTDr— urookhartr elm Iowa, also mentioned by Fcss, had,an* niai nounecd that he would speak Monday olh '■- “ -■oh--"pscud&-ncpnDHcans.'-T:^-:— Vole GO lo 11 10 - - r^-Anolher-arnendmeiil which had pro- ' t voked considerable debalc w orf'tnnfof- hop Senator Copeland. ; Democrat; Wew spo - • ■— y6fkr~wnicn—sonmii j u . eK laOc-nrtlte. j visi frilU t- ar.fl -------- itici“ io-be ofrectidTjy'ihe^tom rm rzT^it -------- This proposal was voted down CO to 11 a ------ ^find-ttnother-slmlldr-amendmenl-iipon- -g{>H sored by. Senators Jonea-itnd ^111.1 i Waahlnston. lo exclude pears 1113 a p -, j;to, _____ pies, was rejected^ 03 to 19, Ip^r An amendment, by Senator Tltomas j ijq,, -to-permit the iirbiwsed farm board «o sgg ...."appoint Its own'vice ehalrmuh to act ]□„, when the chii.lrmnn Is noi present., was j uni ,, iiccepted; _ | jl-ti , - FoiacsT^Tmtlsi^:Ai)S J ------------NOGALJg3rAtto^May-10a-->—Fan>wl4^^4- by a hltfh wind, a forest flro whlcli - started in thc heavily Umbcn-tJ Pata- (ionla mountain ranKc 10 mlle.s nortlt*** , --------- . a.ii of here wncli d~ nntTPr ^ -------- riroppcd-hU carbide lomb In to- ___ dny had swept over a thou.<iand acres | ---------------f>\VA>ll*EI) W lT»r"IS'QOlhlES — ! t j - BOISE. May 10 (/V>—Many of Idaho's I _____ imorneys..can't,,se«m lo "gel hep" to ___ . . . Idaho'a new inticrtimcc tax law'and.tojL___ ; (lay t:. Li. Liiiiici. stuto ^uUllo^,^^:Ll(l nc WHEAT mo LflOMSy ___• __j _________ ^>01 Gom S late Pi^mtses"Prb” ouS -------------- (luction-of—i-l-;06-9;0-00ti*-f' _ . .>- ___ j»e liushels,' Ifcport S"Ho\vs BOISE. May 10 (A^—Idaho xms the only one of thc ihree Pacific Norlhue.M Ktatrs to promise an Increased yield ot " winter .wheat overcast year, the month- ______ly report of Julius H. Jacobsen, federal Crop siAtisTieiaD. sma iM a j'. " ________Idaho ha‘d a nroml^i»ri vlMrf on Mav i 01 ii.oc9.000 bushels compared wllh 10.488.000 bushels harvested lost >-ear: fJL Oregon had an estimated yield of 1C.C38.-, * 000 bushels Uila year compared w ith CO.- 088.000 last year, while Waahlpglon was ^ promised I24)»,000 bushels compared -------ailli bushBt r lastTraf;-------------- m, Of the 518.000 acres planted to winter b^ir wheat inldaho.-about-l8J»0 acrta will itr not be haneated becaiwe of wtotw kill - and poor stand, the report predicted. ___ --------- I*»t-ye6M*6.000-acre»-wtTfharre9ted..- W i ------------ pcBsiwhtie»-uf B snsrtABi o n a v v g w r — -ven in lhe report O nly 111.000 tons of haj- remained on Idahojarms on May . 1. the loa t ii hoidertr in nine-F*arfc-Tlw — « short crop in 19tt combined with- the - serere winter hare contributed lo the shortage. ^ Moreover. condlUon of ih ii ye*ra crop diet ____ JKU oDl)‘ 87 per ceat eo<om«l.wiUi t f hibl per cent. Die five-year averate. m lli 7 - ----------- - - bc«i . --------- m ' b EAVES 8KIK8 S E lX ^r-rr ________B.QIS&..Mar. lO ^lferThtrty -t** ^ iicia^ hrougnt.taa««uu Kama a Hackacy. CaMwrO- fgr iH ilin fin i^ ^eg lhe«Urel0l. ' lhe The pelU ra&ced in price from AS to at i - -W ft.----------- ---------- -------- - -------- atai :tEABB&-w}nB-MKkn!KB-6p--::::— : ~ i—^ ------ A«tHC>ctAT gP -> -w g «. ■ ----- =Radiq'CbmTSissioifef= ^ WILLIAM a L.. STAfiF ^ ncy .menilicr of the Xod-,_ . ' iir,n 'l ,rnrtln“ coninfI_KHlon;------------'jippoTnlmerit has <"i'ecclvcci'.nppi'ovni. 7 - ■■ M ~~ ''era ' ~v‘ >mci ^^Kj:|r;i?^;rb7riraH - - , be .. A IM B ' ' <' h ^HBB I Wu ' • .— ............. ! liu —Iirv. ------------- r-.] Zcj: liyjaEaEitli jOBJlJfflllSSi , ___ L_- |alr M ajor C arl S))atz Com m a n d s • rru' ---------------------------------------- . --------- --'POS p i S ;m ~ n ip £»;n A ir s h ip .^ O n .er^- —^VaytQ-EastciTi:MmiimHa:?S^ SMi DIEGO. Mny 10 </Ti—Twenty-one prc urniy airplanes left Ilockwcll field hcro woi loday to "bomb" New York and Cin-.jusi c'lnnatlr-<uid-ongayc-iu.ouici:-tiieoreticau.=- manolvers along^wlth more than 150; other plones operutliiK (rom* Wrieht'i and-Norton fields..Ohlo..,froin.%Mft>ra5 . In j The rilEht was'to be m^iiitrln easy' , hops-undcr-comtnu.nd of Major C arl;— Spat2. commanding llio Scvcnih-pro—^ ------1 TOiuuuv nfuup nt-Rockwcu-^ficidiLapatai.,;. rxumtly mmTpnnftW ^ anny airplOOe n Queeilon-Marfc^Koifrofomiresroriril^S criHurance rccord in southern Calirornia., A stoi>forfuel uim"Beht'dnlfd~for_TUC=~^^f . 50HrA>lsoiISrtlic .iropTof'llie Jilglil'was - LO be made al Ef Paso. Texas. Other litopplnjr-plaecfl arc: Midland. Texas,, . Port Sm. Oklah0ma,-Musk0ttpe..Okla-l " homa. and Scott FlelcJ. Illinois, From, Scott.Ficld.llic Planes, fly dirpct to C o -',,^ lumbus. The personnel of the aerial, m, unlta coastsls ot 37 officers and 20 en- j^ t' IL-ted men. y The maneuvers oicr Clnclnnntl ure XI for May IB, A de.scrlpllon of thp Trtn 'aiiuclT^on lhe clty'^ild the uerlul "do- • villi Icnsc" of it Is to be brcndcasl notlonnTTy from one of thc planes. Several of the j ^ Mnn..^. tt.lll pnrtlflpnto In n Innr dlS- I___ tance air rnld on New York city on the (Continued on Page 2. Column l; '— Hailey Youth Back From ____Tour .^broad W ith Scion HAILED', Idaho, May 10 U’.-A happy ; ----- Peter Lorlllard Kent, scion ol tli<* I»orll- _ Inrd fomlly or tobnccu fomr. ihul,-»oiild m'akc th^c youth the envy of cvriy boy ' He spent tha winter. touring Europe nnd traveled deep liUO the Sa- hara de.sert with Kent. rcturnUiK here i A'llh'the _ wealthy mining , man and ' ‘>l>ortsmah who summers'here cach year. —K ent7~whof.e~3rrtY«i-herr-iT-jTnonlm- oas with "summer.‘'‘ha.Vialten'u^ii,i us- ual quarters tn the Hiawatha hotel and he purcha.ied laat year. California Prepares For , invasion of Fruiri'IteJ» BOISE May 10 California has aheady appropriated money lo combat the Mediterranean fm it fly nTrl U nrc-^^^-^ parMi lu (jui up'-TOore, M. L. J3caif. an" rector of plant indtiitrj'.'wirrd Gover- nor H rC rPaidrtdgg toany i rum auu.i»-------- mcnto where hc Is attendhiK the con- ftrence of the Western plant | quarantine board called to ouihnr meas- ures against the pest. Dean said delegules to the cnnference were hopeful of silrring up cnoiiKh na- • TTOUUl m ifiril lil lliL I\i lu -. ------- »eln( confined to the Sou;hra.vt ipt.nies. [t recetiUr appeared in Florida. •• ------------ yVitness Against-Shcriff. ___ V ic tim of Violent Deafli -DEWVER. May 10 oP>-The body of }Qc Clark. Depvtr poUct.ciuracter and ^ :Ulef witness acainst Walter Johnson. lic t i for conspiracy to vJolff«-.the pro- aibiuai -uw. w i lound lB-a*liew-«*w:^.-. Tille* north of Denver today. He had w n shot to death., P iitrici AUomey Joel stone and Denver poUcntftlcent -------- nprcMCd tbe opinion 'Clarl: had becd - _________ _j ------ _Sbexl£LJobaaw «aAip4Uud-» kt6"oa~eedipti5"cHaigti"*aid to baW , jgen the ont*rowtb ot twttmcny Uie le^inU Itaod JUl> If at the tlno of hU death *a» facin* a «a^ eiiA it* ot oPCTatlns a . T " "N ^riy-E veryb a iiiiM iiiw .... ... ...........^ , !*> ■r^VminTCrnTV-Fn’gr t o iiiiiib i'- cial Leviathan oi".A ir^^j- -r -Mayv/Be-Plyiiijr Coast and Hawaii By 100,1 ' .. ______ ' • - LC / Thlt (By The:Ansoclaltd I'rossi Pad . NEW YORK. May 10—Culifornla. lloni 'If phiiui wlilch have olrrady michcd by I ithe jiiuge of prcwntatlon for. cdnsiu-,'lo t ''eratlon to -^’tesldfnt-HoovcnnnliTla^^i’lft Izf. i?i to have ji.Breat uir base from , Itl whtrh m lclitv dlrlclbl? liners will fiv Rrxl to HiiVittll.' the Phlllii[ilm-s nnd. the .'plac •i.Orlenii ........................................................... .... Ccnxtructlon of, the o]i<Tatlnit ■m ay BrSITS u5T L ‘Ul'l>“ 7i!."iii',M M'lllHT. jy n •'und If thL^ occurs'AiniTteh'r> first com- |||J Jmcrclal Leviathan of the uir shoiild ,bc carrying-pasMngerK aiul mall over 11 r the California-IIaJvalJ routr by IM l. I lk a'sio.OOO.OOo' plan for siicli an air-' U l ‘ line wa.s presented, to the tire.Hldcnt at I WushhiRton yesterday by Paul W. iLltchficld. prcsldenl of thc Goodyear p 1 Zepijcllii-compuiiy., Akron. Ohlu. who jaaidriie was ready to |-.o alieud If con- ‘i;ri-!Ui, a l Its next^ Jrt.‘saloti. would uu- i' . thorl;5c_shlpplntr_tlii-_JhLW;ill:>n,_,mnll j by-nlr ------------------------------------ ---T.-— .- -------- “ 'Jj ............ _ Wonl-s ,I,e*KlaUon. . I “ Thc iK).st office dcpurtmeni;. Lllch- ,.flnld-<»x(>lulncd-today-lti-tcvcallng-di;.- —— , I tails of hliTplan. caiPItTcoiurucirToT Jalr mairsuch as is carried by planes, ;. ;but tilts Is not what Is wanted.-The : Irruulnr uir mall is scnl uiiacr si>eclal ,, ' postage and Is optional with the send- , , ers. Wliat Litchfield _waius Ls JeRjs^ __ " "lation-calllni{'ldr .ililpnienl df~all flrsl- _ .'clasa.lIawallan-niaiiZbiLiliijgline._an<l _ Ja8-mtich-imrcei‘ j)t»l-uft-lheie-l»-room ----- r:- president of the company, estimate. 'would- Kuaranlce Bufflclcnt Income to . .justify thc large Inltli'jl omlsy .and •■~(Coniinued-on~Page-2rColumn-l>--------- —' I ------------------------------- ro( iimii ILS^IflllLLnsy[ E 1__ ______^ - ' ----------------- we ;llon*by June 1 to combat the outbrMKK —bll !of-meaingiUa.iiwihat:cift-;.C-K^Mnc*‘i:. _r?J icommlKsiancr of public welfare,.sBld of rtoday. - ; An appropriation for the unlt.waji ap- pei •proved-at the same time ihe Twln Falln- do* 'im it was app'ittved. -Under-the', plnn. aw -lhe United SiaK's-publlc hcolUi scnlce. - cxi ' tlie state, county and Rockefeller foun* t-d datlon pool funds for Its support, Muccy said several new cni^s of men- ly irgltls hod'developed, most of them In • O* Jdaho Jr'alla and,siiV!:raLuiorcJnJ3oiuic?L •ville county. -......................- ----- --------- '\~ ................... Sym pathize/., S l=-i _______ _______ - ------------- ------------: --------- =.1U _ ------- --------------------------------------------- y.bpdy::^^dSiiJLhc!l5en^^ ...r :~j ’ ~ '1 - idatio ^ ores-itv-l^t^hi^^^— —ffj F o r - T a r i f F ^ -P ro tw ! io nr-^Pl - S enator a jnarked victory lii xrrarlnt rrlen* ' -bUga Bf tbC fru it and vnelable »tam»—4 -3 in ihe farm bill, now brfare conjfTcwi. _.Senalar-WiilLini t.'.' ~ ., thfdepartnient.oLagrlruUureJiefe by (elegraph today. ' An effort to -itrite the two Itema ~was made by hetwiur Copeland of Ct New Y otkij,' -------- Idaho-Orator Captures ^Fif^h-PIacc-in-Conte^j LOS ANGELES. Miiy 10 i.V*—Wilbur I'hlbault. Porlluhd. i<mfiihi won th c . Pacific "Coast finals tn the hlxtlf na> , llonal oralorlcal contest. He there-. L jy became the Paclllc cousi entrunl' cttc to the national finals, which,will bedlam ni’lfntrW asblnicton ----------------- . ------- — nu-i Idaho's- entmnt, I jv on Soreason.' Uu l Rrxburi;. -Idaho, wus uwartled fifth!sta: ..................... •' ........ .....................;'"ri Bimck rn iuifiii fiFQfTii n ' llln u H LU lllL II U LUULIIUi k uporfiLEMiiffi ma) , . eoui Pair Enters' Pool H a l! 'In' ^ lid n ig h t H o u r and Takesl^"**^ * ^ $ 2 '0 0 ^ fr 6 n i- D '6 z e n - P e r s o n s -^— ^ a 'jnef --------- ‘ bye rrrcC EXN srrE llliy.-; (S a i.u:r;aai:y—ril*"' .Momlnrl M ayll-^IS^clal to The • , I NrUHl-~Two armed' and makked ‘ng bandIU descended uu the HaUry {or Pool Holl hrrr shortly after mid- hov nlclit this murnliir and after ilnlne -m o rr than a-doM>n-mei)-U)t.ulonr th r ----- wall took approslmately SJOO from A - thr till of-thrcaj.h-ntl«lfntnd-fTOm— -tUli the men'M pocJcels' und then made cum thelr-eoeapc'ln'an automobile in- Vle.i ~lh'e' dlrcctl6n~6r : H6U»faItn T mnc:— inm At-three o’eloek, nearly lliree hour* will after ihc lioldop-thrlr apprehension ' \\ had noi been reported by officer*. ^ ;— Th>-liund»s-^nUwl-0»*-pool -------- « room wcarlnc' their mask*. They quietly oniLmcthodlrally ordered the fn men playlnc 'ut tlie-bllUrd tab1e>" rl] and card tables to throw up their ' ^ tiands and then lined them up ulvnt one side of th« ruotnrWhen ^ Is had . ___ Weiil "‘rPDortcd »^en enlerinr a car In front V lh T iJ io J hulL— IIii-i^?iSJpHre - 'after hurllne a final tlireat at persons In the room dashed for the trail door.aad.wllhJils.companion sped M away In a car so quickly that the by cxact .dlrectlon.ln which they head_-_ Oug ed was at fin l a matter of dispute. »vla The Bailey Pool hall was ^ e n t-.. Ten ly purchased by E. O. Polsen a n rt_ | of t Oscar Tates. Kruneaa.-aiid had been thc under ihelr munbcement for bi/t a W. : shortTime. , '^VT' rSuFeT:W yerBEeirTlrer5-< I//U 1 ______ CopTTlcflt 1S3B, j! 5 ~ ’ iiiW M ■Cuyioill.' Ueleiises A 'll iMa- chinery of Govei*nnient ^For-Holding New N;ition-; ------- . ill _ ' E l o c l o r a r : C < ? n _ iB v The Assocl^itcd> •' | LONDON, May 10—The London Gnz- .1 rtti^ jonlKhi published thu klng'n proc- I laniatlon dls-solvlng the British purlla- I nu-ni uliich rather exceptionally hns I Uuicd withhru few montlu-of |ts (nil I statuto,ri7,^irrni or,.nye;.>:Mnj;,,,,. ~y '" r n ’'cVi'si'om«ry archaic phraseology tho > produmaiion calls on.the nOw Varllii-]. niftit :o awembic at WestmliiWiv Klny' GrorRc's’proclamatlon al.scr ru- ^ leares-all-the-muchlnery-Joi’-hoiaini: ----- k thp new tieneml elcCtlons-on May 30. fl and tqnlKhi morp tiian ;"000 Jurgc-»lzi;d ...I cople.s of It wore issued to jp rd mayors, I mayors and .shcrills throughout tlu* t counlry fnr iniblic exhibition. * , L Tho concluding ccrcmonles in parlia- . jnent wpre"KoiTf inniugn-vcryTnmcklyyz^ ' ......................... - DX (‘he^rfulness Prevails JJ ;nen>ber.s were bidding cach otliercood- f bye and wondering whether they would I me«-t-ii«aln-ln-lhc-nfW-houw», . ' . t . —t 'ilie spt-fch from thc throi'ic prorogu- ing parliuniL-ni wus (ieavercd by a proxy lur Kinx. George, who wa<i well enough, u ^ however.-to »lgn-.lhe-proclumatlon-dl«- - - - tiolvlng parliament ut a niecllng of the' , All cye.s In England nuiqmatlcnlly { tiirn-tonlplH—lo^tli^general-eloctibnsi ----- S cumpalgn ;ind~l&‘Tmiaras, and stnig-1 Tile.1, I'hf'. kmgrt' proclomotlon- toduy{- ..... muunurittc'u :.n,t'ieaorm cattle wnicn i ii/ w ill conclude on May 30. • work ' W ith the .substantial In num-1 mlasi l.(Conlinncd_Oi».Pagc_2.LColiimn_3)__ l.wrec Fill FilMleELS- - iM u y iiy ijbrt-nrrec.S"aunilg' ihe MftticwTrev^ TR Inilon-Jufit-olo^-were free-today-of DjMli chafgM of violating United SJatc.i heu-j-^.i ' trallty iaws. / / ' pgJ dismL-a tlic caacs-»aa made o(<fr by the United S'.aic,<^ Attorney John ^ikn Oug'l In' federal court yesterday. Th)p _ W i uvlato'rs'arc': ii. li. Polk. Nashville, tnnct Tennessee, who wax the nominal-head tutes of thc rebel air lorce.s nnd said he hold 3hak< the rank of general; Pete Stanley nnd W. L. Mitchell. Bi« Sprinw. Texas, nnd!' ^VrLTPfcHsl'tas' AngclS: I— 'Alt ' ' ' ___ i at th ------------------------------------- -- ------ mLssI ^ , Kthcri e^Ourselves------------------ f^Hu ___________ ^ ____' • ----------------------------I one-.* __ ----------------------------------------- ,— -tuur X \ Indus i I A. .Mver: 5-o'k> L V ^ Ifom ^ --------------- nnra ---------------------M- ___ ' .'.rlvei W*^-—T I — —.Icn _______________ _______________ 1 calell. - - 'I __________________________ip rln l ^ high . t-7 . - here \l UP< In thi __ ------------- Am Jap< Oki; !, OK ' aHKM^sS iir / Justic fl\w K C < lts p * /y I eoiin, 1 I — i*t<.-i . \ ' thar* houss ............ Ir rrl prem< »mpe CctB ; I ' one 0 *■ I i.^ 1. I 4 i ■ ______ OOTU mow — I ------------- E ------------------ 1 TtM ,.b7.Tbe New.York Trtbtme. tne. chan ^ ........___________ ---- ------- ;— u>3>tnKi(-AU[>iT-‘nunEAu— —— - --------------------- QI->:<’tHOtH.ATIONK- - ; '' ^W p e Iin 3 ^s o n j:c ^ - = BAHONESS L IL I11ATVA-' = N ^ - i ^ l i i n i:a r i n t f e r n ^ 4-^ "Unitcft^ Stat«5.- tho -B fcond-lranw ttlinitie- ^ p | ^----------------------------- --- ^— — p,.f H -'*.y - - tl,,.. >'• T :ferci . . of Ih -■ j S H ^ ------- intei - fltnc F ' . i i : ciioi , LZ—: -------- •I''''" I "I™ ' I lee .! ! lar I jW M B lF l [ anjLvjn* E.xplosions Res-;c<iil. .Dili r ponsiblo l^or Four Deaths -and:-10l£crsonsl^njuiiy4S _ - ■;a VO ....------ - • , whoi iiA N O V n t;' M3SS,'TMay lO 'M '/^ T O lIl'; Uie' \ irktnen wore fatally Injured, otic wn.i' niem laslng und 10 others hurt hero loday Re u rcsuU.of a series of explosions which the f reoked-flvc-bulldlngs of the Nuilonal - astig reworks company. •. jho ^ Thc-dcad.ncre:-.. ---------------- ^Tt EOGAR K N lG lfr!' FUANK BULOP. . ‘ Johft IIimiItt>gl»~W^ i-l' ^ Tlic‘only cxpmnntion for thc firsl ex-^ ^ oaioii.c^e:frQin:Feryyjust~bcrdrciie~T^flT. Kl.j J. Clark, treaaurw otid i In/lpal owiWt of thc company, said jnj- i rrp lold a nurse lie wos placing a tray: ,„ca, dWed powder on-ft rack-whpn in some; rul'o iknown manner the powder exploded, i four Windows iu buildings coiulderable.dU- j... 7], nee nway were shattered and alnic- ’tije | tes 8 und 10 miles from the plant were botlT akcn. . cente Find ►“raiments , .sugai A1tlio'uitTrnanb~ityra~Brlgatl~nrcn>an~ *^ thc planti and Swcnskd were offlcialy. —. .ssing, fragments of bodies found Ih ;..- ' c ruins of the buildings caused *earch-' I to tiellcvc tne men were dead. rhe plant'-Tm.s-madc'ijp of 250 sm all' , c-story buildings with tin or iron -tCentlnufd'On Pagc‘2rCoitnnirl-»:--------- ____________________ of thi ric£ of Leading Brands - Of Cigurenes-Will R iser^* lit PO'l says loday that, an early ad- T n l uce in prices for leading brands o'- I I arettes will bc made, thus ending the I I urat«-::war—that-l»*«-eKlsl«l-ln-the---------- lustry for more lhan a year. >• a roiiferenc«i_ w ith reprc.scnlaUves of tl eral of the leading producers have [1 ;n held within thc last Iwp wcck.s at, ilch they have discussed, the situation im various angles and are understood ivavryfirenM 'ii' fc6lu li^ o n iiT p r 6b "^ T u d 11—Increased prices. - it Ihrs/. mPftlng. It u-n,. 'J II the "war“ wa.s becoming too costly , J tt'a-v resmimtf in ho bci^efu 16 tivgifi?--------n ves. rrome^oj^Wins-Pirsf ------------- r-^ Place In Music Contcst JOISr."May H) {.?^Menibcrs'Dt Po- the c ^•llo'ft large deleratlon were liberally ^ ,,.5 . rlnkled among tiie_wJnners__ln. the , o—♦v^nts—of—tli# first—annuj* ^"^^^ 'aiiah th .school music contest which opened gui re today. ThCgate city rntrj- »st,Stttir l.<i^ted o f 80 n i u s l c l ^ . Mark Jp»aKU.of 400 students were enlerrd '.QniD th^rontesu^ fr^ ^ ^ w ls represent- Vmortg flrsl place- winners were; inlft, i ite. Jack Dwight. Je.-ome. kiahom a Suprem e C ourt e !* v J u s tice ^ c k On Bench :Zicrij >KLAHOMA CITY. May 10 (-Pi — itice J. W. Clark of the sute supreme I Ait irt. »-as acquitted by the senate court d«y f r't^Jay 'of clevea impeachment! 5ln irgcs prpferred asaiost him »>y ihe.'stitui JSB of reortsentatlTe*. The—tenth i deter erey-y m n im iu e B . ^ --------- - Jiaigt senate csort rerdlct automatical- ! trict rehistalel'7usUu XIark to UielU^SUte me courvbeoth'from which he was' Thi pended about fc month ago when the ;viotat tn iceep^ th»-hoc3e tttafct^. • - -the-oi ;‘of ffoieraS taecap$uoe7 of wblchitlMa* Ttmor Hen^ 8. JphBstoa was coo- |ti>e.p W l r i U li TilT^HJI Mi iH * iH i W m '. !« bM T«1 rromofftee. aidlar TOt« for acquittal of Clark on thU'IcxeiB] in e was » to 13. - - 8 - P A G E S - = r 5 v C E N T S i4 llliilM B E a UEUMhaia ■ llB IM i Protesting Groups W ith in ::-^ ' Party W ill Have Opportu- -1 ir ! ’J*-y“ !:!L^S ytrgest-G li^^ in Various Rate Proposals. J I By Till-. Avochited Pre’ssl . WASIIINQTON, Moi-, lO-Thc flrst Ql J ft ,serle.s of conferences, among house, I Republicans looking lo an .ugrecment • •; upon a nilt* to novem conslderatfon of ! Ihe tariff bill for umondment broke up ' | icday, ufierni two-hour bes.slon. Without^ j reaching HMleeislon; - — ; ................ -| Statements made following thc con- ' ■ rercncc, hcwevcr. Indicated tliat many j Jf lhe protesting groups within the party t i>ould-be given'aTrnppoi'runl l> tu Mimrest ' changes in the rates in which they are Interesledtoncc ihe-blll-ts-iaKtrn up-for^— fimendment. - -- - ---------------^ Rppresentatlve Tllson. Connecticut. :lie RapuWican leader, announctffl-thit '^1 'halrman Snell of the rules commit- I ce .had submitted a tentative rule slml- . ar to that of 1022 for consideration of eavlng out the particular conlrovereial ‘ - trins on which special rates would be »rmUted.___ ___ __________ _________ _____ _CliaiuniuLLHan'ley_oI_Uie_ffnya-antl __ 3 ueans,committee, jutid It'may rcepllrc.. wo or three confefcnce.s to ogrce upon *1 I rule. FIx-Tlme to End Debate Thc'tentallve rule proposed would :all foreclose of generab debate_pn_thB illl next Thursday with n final vote set ’dr-May23.- - - -SUBaPrhldes,-bool»-und-flhoc6f-cttUIe(— I umber, brick and cement*^were antong nc~cpiTiinodltlc.'rmigH«cetf~io'bfTauri(}— . vote. Tll.son said, while one member vhoiiTlie did not name reouested thaf~^ he whole bllltc thrown opra toamend- nenu Representative Dickinson. Iowa, one of he farm group leadcii. indicated he was atlsfled loTOrhu coscimhchanag-of— he ways and means dommittee. ^Th^ tow-member -headed a -io^to;-- novcmwl ih favdr.df e ti^ in ra m e of , he agricultural rates. Thera ia n feMtng among HiUlcaos on the c«)mmltte«-aiwl other . ,ccrian».hUftj>t-o»^e»gd;i;^uii^ i _The_jin!si_dfflni?,«Ube_| pflr^-re n f y " ^ ^ th»i R^ p i i M lfa w ----- iui the adoption of a resolution thank-. , 1 ng the Republicans on the ways and | iicana committee for Ihelr “ardous, care^ ul'ond'faithful labors-dunnjrnhe'Wst" our months/' -H ie larU f^lli wiu attacked again iu --‘ lie,_hoiue today by some memters of otlT parties.-the 'principal'differences rnterlng on the proposed schedules.(or ugar. leather, hides ami boots and liocs____ ' •--------- ------------------------- -----Eaperienees Abothe*^ Flare-Up— ----- 1 The senate also experienced another iarc-up. lhe proposed Increase to 2 .0 — •nu-a-pound-on-Cuban-sugar-4ra*lng— r- be fire_Qt_Scnaiors—Watah. Maasa-___ huietu. and Copeland. New York, both ' )emoctats. -AVhll»-dl8*atUfled-wlil»-ft-few-phrases— ( thc measure, the Republican delega- 1 on from Pcnnsvivanla decided lo sup- ' ort the bill In Its eiitircty. iin o ljL ? Mimm Li-J fudge'C: C."Cavanah GraTtlS— —T em porary- Reetra i n i n g , ^ , Unler Halting-uperation- BOISE, May 10 irPy—fk temporary re- training order to halt enforcement_of___ le ~h^- :ie 1039 legislature, until such time aa- - tie cotuUtutlonaflty of Uie act may ISe ftermlned by a federal statutory court ■ai sranted-today by Judge C. C. Cavr ___ Suit attasklng the act.was filed Ikit latUTday by the l^idependent Meat larket of--Twln Falls. The act would _ ompel all meal daalers to register. puT » n bonrt anrt a r^rA Oi alt.tnl. lals .slaughtered for market. Defetid- nts named In the suit art Oorcmor H. Baldridge, W. Di,Oims, attorney gen- rat: h'TM-E.LoBeas.seerwary dTftsit*?— - :. V, Larson. protectiUng attorney of V lii Falls-county. and-E. F.:-Prat«v-— senff.of TwlaTalls.couaty..., ................. Apsmn For SUt»-, Aittm ey General OUllt appeared to- «y for the stale. Slncr the^question Inrolred is a eon-. Jtuuonal ooe."the court lo aakeitoal"' ' -let Judge, and a Judge of.ibe.Datt*d ttttg ciTcult-coutt ef appeito"— Tne meat ccAipaarccntcnded-thrJftv:~:> lolat«d thfr-foortwpth anatntfawttta g J ii le-eefistiiutien ip tit»t Mae caoOat u a M t'tte » pack^ aqy <Uarte«'<<-5oS553 S S K S n 5 f^ lemp^ftSi^errtala >TeatBm e< Ite Hi olaw.'' — '• ••

:tEABB&-w}nB-MKkn!KB-6p--::::—:~ i—^ ^ M m i iiiWM… · ^g=^gTKTHvTjBiti

Feb 16, 2021



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  • ^ g = ^ g T K T H v T jB i t i< m .i x \ . t '• ‘

    I^ M m i

    -------- A m K T id m p n t G i v i n g S o lo n a . ^

    . . R a t h e r - T h a n P r e s i d e n t 2

    ^ — ■ T T o w e K t o - F i x ^ S a l a i ' J t i o t r :

    B o a r d ' s C h a i r m a n P a s s e s

    m y Thc Awoclulc’cl Press) • - W ASH ItlO TO N . Muy 10 — Prc-

    narliiK fo r o fina l vote ra r ly next week on the fa rn j re lief b ill wUh IW dis-

    ------ [m ton i lc b rn lu rc rw c l io iir ^ t ie - —senate actcsi‘(t unu-ndments loduy. and• which would give, con- •

    — , InHlead ofJ,h^e prealdent the

    fa rm board’s cha irm an The remainder o f the amendments

    • are exi>eclcd to be dispo.seit o f .M o n -• dny The senaU'- reces-sed over .the .

    week«end.The proiWKal lo filve thc chalcman

    • of th c^fa rm board a salary o f $12,000 ' a year, the same u.s other members of

    the board, wok adopti-d by o vote o f [•j -lO^to 32. _____ _______________ 1.—3

    Endorsed by McNary.— :----------j-j|T rn r^m e n d m e n l wu.s endorsed by n

    — ™ SenaU Jn iM cN arjTO rcKonrchn lrm Bn-o f; nthe com m ltlev. who contended tliu t- lo rtelegate lo thc president ih M » w e r of

    • flxhiK sulurli's woulil '"be contrary In " ~£^iV’ j i id eniPnt~tn-ThF-fu nclainpntnl-1n**:^-

    The amendment was swpiwrled. genera lly by the same DcmocraU and. Republican Independcnt.s who disregard- ' cd M r. .Hoover's objections to the ex- MS po rt deben«irc,i> lun.-and--o by a

    - 'in m ibe r o f w nators who upheld the ___p irs ld rn t's oppo.sition »n atbc'n tiires. •

    - — Amontt—those • v rh o ^vo te d -w lth lhe ---------------- P cm ocm tlc -ltennbllcan 1 n d .c j) andcn t —--------- KToti]) w nii_^»ntorllP r.—Many of Idaho's I

    _____ imorneys..can't,,se«m lo "gel hep" t o ___. . . Idaho'a new in tic rtim cc ta x law 'a nd .to jL___

    ; (lay t:. Li. L iiiiic i. stuto ^uUllo^,^^:Ll(l nc

    WHEAT mo LflOMSy_ _ _ • _ _ j _________ ^>01

    G o m S l a t e P i ^ m t s e s " P r b ” ouS

    -------------- ( l u c t i o n - o f — i - l - ; 0 6 - 9 ; 0 - 0 0 t i * - f '_ . ■ .>- ___ j»e

    l i u s h e ls , ' I f c p o r t S " H o \ v s

    BOISE. M ay 10 (A^—Idaho xms the only one o f thc ihree Pacific Norlhue.M Ktatrs to promise an Increased yield o t " w in te r .wheat overcast year, the m onth-

    ______ly report o f Julius H. Jacobsen, federalCrop siAtisTieiaD. sma iM a j'. "

    ________Idaho ha‘d a nroml^i»ri vlMrf on Mavi 01 ii.oc9.000 bushels compared w llh10.488.000 bushels harvested lost >-ear: fJL Oregon had an estimated yield o f 1C.C38.-, * 000 bushels Uila year compared w ith CO.-088.000 last year, w hile W aahlpglon was ^ promised I24)»,000 bushels compared

    -------a i l l i bushBt r l a s tT ra f;-------------- m ,O f the 518.000 acres p lanted to w in te r b^ir

    wheat in ld a h o .-a b o u t- l8J» 0 acrta w ill i t r no t be haneated becaiwe o f w to tw k i l l -and poor stand, the rep o rt p re d ic te d .___

    --------- I*»t-ye6M *6.000-acre»-wtTfharre9ted..- W i------------ pcBsiwhtie»-uf B snsrtABi o n a v v g w r —

    -ven in lhe re p o rt O n ly 111.000 tons o f haj- remained on Id a h o ja rm s on M ay

    . 1. the loa t i i h o id e rtr in n ine-F*arfc-T lw — « short crop in 19 tt combined w ith - the

    - serere w in te r hare contribu ted lo theshortage. ^

    Moreover. condlUon o f i h i i y e * ra crop diet____ JK U oDl)‘ 87 per ceat e o < o m « l.w iU i t f h ib l

    per cent. Die five-year averate. m lli7 - ----------- - - bc«i

    .--------- m 'b EAVES 8 K IK 8 S E lX ^ r - r r________B .Q IS& ..M ar. lO ^ lf e r T h tr ty - t * * ̂ iic ia^ h ro u g n t.ta a to . th « « u u Kama a

    Hackacy. CaMwrO- fg r i H i l i n f i n i ^ ^ e gl h e « U r e l0l. ' lhe

    Th e pe lU ra&ced in price fro m AS to a t i- -W ft . - ---------- ------------------ - -------- atai

    :tEABB&-w}nB-M Kkn!KB-6p--::::— : ~ i —^ ------ A«tHC>ctATgP->-wg«. ■ -----

    = R a d i q ' C b m T S i s s i o i f e f = ^

    W I L L I A M a L . . S T A f i F ^

    n c y .m e n i l ic r o f t h e X od-,_ .' i i r , n ' l ,rn r tln “ coninfI_KHlon;------------

    w h o .s e 'j ip p o T n lm e r it h a s < "i'e cc lvcc i'.np p i'o vn i. 7

    - ■■

    — M ~~ — ''era

    ' ~v‘ >mci^ ^ K j : | r ; i ? ^ ; r b 7 r i r a H - - , be

    . . A I M B '

    ' fo rfu e l uim"Beht'dnlfd~for_TUC=~̂ ^ f . 50HrA>lsoiISrtlic . irop To f'llie J ilglil'was - LO be made a l E f Paso. Texas. O ther litopplnjr-plaecfl arc: M idland. Texas,, . Port Sm . O klah0m a,-M usk0ttp e ..O k la -l " homa. and Scott FlelcJ. Illino is, F ro m , S co tt.F ic ld .llic Planes, f ly dirpct to C o - ' , , ^ lumbus. The personnel o f the a e r ia l, m, unlta coastsls o t 37 officers and 20 en- j ^ t ' IL-ted men. y

    The maneuvers o ic r C lnclnnntl ure X I fo r May IB, A de.scrlpllo n of t hp Trtn 'a iiuclT^on lhe c lty '^ ild the uerlul "do- • v illi Icnsc" o f it Is to be brcndcasl notlonnTTy from one o f thc planes. Several o f the j ^Mnn..^. tt.lll p n rtlflpn to In n Inn r dlS- I___tance a ir rn ld on New Y ork c ity on the

    (Continued on Page 2. Column l ; '—

    H a i l e y Y o u t h B a c k F r o m

    ____T o u r . ^ b r o a d W i t h S c io n

    HAILED', Idaho, M ay 10 U ’. - A happy ;-----

    Peter Lo rllla rd Kent, scion ol tli-The body of }Qc C lark. D ep vtr poU ct.c iuracter and ^ :U lef w itness acainst W alter Johnson.

    l i c t i fo r conspiracy to vJolff«-.the pro- a ib iu a i -uw . w i lou nd lB -a * lie w -« *w :^ .-. Tille* n o rth o f Denver today. He had w n sho t to de ath ., P i i t r i c i AUomeyJoel s to ne and Denver poU cntftlcen t--------nprcMCd tbe op inion 'C la r l: had becd

    - •_________ _ j------_S b ex l£LJobaaw «aA ip4U ud-» k t6 "o a~ ee d ip ti5 "cH a ig ti"*a id to baW , jgen th e on t*row tb o t tw ttm cny ■Uie le ^ in U I ta o d JUl> I f a t the t ln o o f hU death *a» fa c in * a« a ^ ei iA i t * o t oPCTatlns a .

    T " " N ^ r i y - E v e r y b

    a ii i iM i i iw■.... ... ...........^ , !*>

    ■ r ^ V m in T C rn T V -F n ’gr t o i i i i i i b i '-

    c i a l L e v i a t h a n o i " . A i r ^ ^ j -

    - r - M a y v / B e - P l y i i i j r

    C o a s t a n d H a w a i i B y 100,1 ' . .______ ■ ' • - LC

    / T h l t(By The:Ansocla ltd I'rossi Pad

    . NEW Y O R K . M ay 10—C uliforn la. llon i ' I f ph iiui w lilch have olrrady m ichcd by I i th e jiiuge o f prcw ntatlon fo r . cdn s iu -, 'lo t ''e ra tlo n to -^’ te s ld fn t - H o o v c n n n liT la ^ ^ i ’ lft

    Izf. i?i to have ji.B re a t u ir base from , It l w htrh m lc litv d lrlc lb l? liners w ill fiv Rrxl to H iiV ittll.' the Phlllii[ilm -s n n d . the .'plac

    •i.O rlen ii ........................................................... ....C cnxtructlon of, the o]i firs t com- | | | J Jm crclal Leviathan of the u ir shoiild ,b c carrying-pasMngerK aiul m all over 11 r

    the Californ ia-IIaJvalJ rou tr by IM l . I l k a'sio.OOO.OOo' p lan fo r siicli an a ir - ' U l

    ‘ line wa.s presented, to the tire.Hldcnt at I WushhiRton yesterday by Paul W. iL ltc h fic ld . prcsldenl o f thc Goodyear p • 1 Z ep ijc llii-co m p u iiy ., Akron. Ohlu. who ja a id r iie was ready to |-.o alieud I f con- ‘ i;ri-!Ui, a l Its next^ Jrt.‘saloti. would uu- i' . thorl;5c_shlpplntr_tlii-_JhLW;ill:>n,_,mnllj b y -n lr------------------------------------ ---T.-— .--------- “ 'J j

    ............_ Wonl-s ,I,e*KlaUon. .I “ T h c iK).st o ffice dcpurtmeni;. L llc h - ,.fln ld-lulncd -to da y -lti- tc vca lln g -d i;.- —— , I ta ils o f h liTplan. c a iP ItT co iu ru c irT o T Ja lr m a irs u c h as is carried by planes, ;. ;b u t ti lts Is no t w ha t Is wanted.-The : Ir ru u ln r u ir m all is scnl uiiacr si>eclal ,,' postage and Is op tional w ith the send- ,, ers. W lia t L itc h field _waius Ls Je R js^__ ""la tio n -c a llln i{ 'ld r .ililpn ien l df~all f l r s l- _ .'c la sa .lIaw a llan -n ia iiZb iL iliijg line ._an< l _ Ja8-m tich-im rce i‘ j)t» l-u ft- lhe ie -l» -ro om ----- r:-

    president o f the company, estimate. 'w ould- Kuaranlce Bufflclcnt Income to . . ju s t if y thc large In lt li'jl om lsy .and •■~(C oniinued-on~Page-2rCo lum n-l> --------- —'I ------------------------------- ro(

    iimii ILŜIflllLL nsy[ E1 _ _ ______^ - ' ----------------- we

    ; llo n *b y June 1 to combat the outbrMKK — bll!o f-m e a ing iU a.iiw iha t:c ift-;.C -K ^M nc*‘i:. _ r?JicommlKsiancr of public w elfa re ,.sB ld of rtoday. -; An appropriation fo r the un lt.w aji ap- pei •proved-at th e same tim e ih e T w ln Falln- do*' im it was app'ittved. -U nder-the ', plnn. aw- lh e U nited SiaK's-publlc hco lU i scn lce . - cxi' tlie state, county and Rockefeller foun* t-d da tlon pool funds fo r Its support,

    Muccy said several new cni^s of men- lyirg lt ls hod'developed, most of them In • O*

    J d a h o Jr'alla and,siiV!:raLuiorcJnJ3oiuic?L•v ille county. -......................- ----- ---------

    '\~ ................... S y m p a t h i z e / . , S

    l = - i _______ _______

    - ------------- ------------:--------- = . 1 U _----------------------------------------------------

    y . b p d y : : ^ ^ d S i i J L h c ! l 5 e n ^ ^. . . r :~j ’ ~ '1 -

    i d a t i o ^ o r e s - i t v - l ^ t ^ h i ^ ^ ^ — — f f j

    — F o r - T a r i f F ^ - P r o t w ! i o n r - ^ P l • - S e n a t o r

    a jna rked v ic to ry l i i x r ra rln t r r le n * ' -bUga Bf tbC f r u i t and v n e la ble »tam»—4 - 3

    in ihe fa rm bill, now brfare conjfTcwi. •_.S enalar-W iilL in i t.'.' ~., th fd e p a rtn ie n t.o L a g r lru U u re J ie fe ■ by (elegraph today. '

    An e ffo r t to - it r ite the two Itema ■ ~was made by he tw iur Copeland o f C t

    New Y o tk i j , '--------

    I d a h o - O r a t o r C a p t u r e s

    — ^ F i f ^ h - P I a c c - i n - C o n t e ^ j

    LOS ANGELES. M iiy 10 i.V*—W ilb u r I'h lbau lt. Po rlluhd . in-mei)-U)t.ulonr th r -----w all took approslmately SJOO from A

    - th r t i l l o f - th rc a j.h -n tl«l fn t n d -fTOm— -tU li the men'M pocJcels' und then made cum th e lr -e o e a p c 'ln 'a n automobile in - Vle.i

    ~ lh'e' dlrcctl6n~6r : H6U»f aItn T m nc:— in m At-three o ’eloek, nearly lliree hour* w ill

    a fte r ih c l io ld o p -th rlr apprehension ' \ \ had no i been reported by officer*. ^ ;—

    — T h > - l iu n d » s - ^ n U w l- 0 » * - p o o l--------«room w carlnc ' th e ir mask*. They quietly on iLm cthod lra lly ordered the f n men playlnc 'u t tlie -b llU rd tab1e>" r l ] and card tables to throw up th e ir ' ^ tiands and then lined them up u lv n t one side o f th« ruotnrWhen ^ I s had . ___


    "‘ rPDortcd »^en en le rin r a car In fron t V l h T i J i o J hulL— IIii- i^ ? iS J p H re - 'a fte r hu rlln e a fin a l t lire a t at persons In the room dashed fo r the tra il d o o r.a ad .w llh J ils .com pa n io n sped M away In a car so quickly th a t the by cxact .d lrectlon.ln w hich they head_-_ Oug ed was a t f i n l a m atte r o f dispute. »vla

    The Bailey Pool ha ll was ^ e n t - . . Ten ly purchased by E. O. Polsen a n r t_ | o f t Oscar Tates. Kruneaa.-aiid had been thc under ih e lr munbcement fo r b i/t a W . : shortT im e. , '^VT'

    r S u F e T : W y e r B E e i r T l r e r 5 - <

    I / / U 1

    ______ CopTTlcflt 1S3B,

    j! 5 ~ ’ •

    i i iW M

    ■ C u y io i l l . ' U e le i is e s A ' l l iM a -

    c h i n e r y o f G o v e i * n n ie n t

    — ^ F o r - H o ld in g N e w N ; i t i o n - ; -------

    . i l l _ ' E l o c l o r a r : C < ? n _

    iB v The Assocl^itcd> •' |LONDON, May 10—The London Gnz- .1

    r tt i^ jo n lK h i published thu klng'n proc- Ilan iatlon dls-solvlng the B ritish purlla - Inu-ni u liic h rather exceptionally hns IUuicd w ith h ru few m o n tlu -o f |ts (n il Istatuto,ri7,^irrni or,.nye;.>:Mnj;,,,,. ~y ' " r n ’ 'cVi'si'om«ry archaic phraseology tho • > produm a iion calls on .th e nOw V a rllii-]. n i f t it :o awembic a t W estm liiW iv

    K ln y ' GrorRc's’ proclamatlon al.scr ru- ^lea re s -a ll-th e -m uch ln e ry -Jo i’- h o ia in i : -----kthp new tieneml elcCtlons-on May 30. fland tqnlKhi morp t iia n ;"000 Jurgc-»lzi;d . . . Icople.s o f It wore issued to jp rd mayors, Imayors and .shcrills throughout tlu* tcounlry fn r in ib lic exh ibition. * , L

    Tho concluding ccrcmonles in parlia- . jne n t wpre"KoiTf in n iu g n -v c ry T n m c k ly y z ^

    ' ......................... • - D X( ‘he^rfulness Prevails JJ

    ;nen>ber.s were bidding cach o tlie rcood- f bye and wondering whether they would I me«-t-ii«aln-ln-lhc-nfW -houw», . ' . t . — t

    ' i l ie spt-fch from thc thro i'ic proroguing parliuniL-ni wus (ieavercd by a proxy lu r Kinx. George, who waKLAHOM A C IT Y . M ay 10 (-Pi — itice J . W. C lark o f th e s u te supreme I A it irt. »-as acquitted by the senate cou rt d«y f r ' t ^ J a y 'o f clevea im peachm ent! 5 ln irgcs prpferred asa iost h im »>y ih e .'s t itu i JSB o f reortsentatlTe*. T he—te n th i detere rey-y m n im iu e B . — -̂-------- - Jia igt

    senate c so rt re rd lc t au tom atica l- ! tr ic t re h is ta le l'7 u s U u X Ia r k to U ie lU ^ S U te me c o u rv b e o th 'fro m w hich he w as' T h i pended about fc mo n th ago when the ;viotat tn i c e e p ^ th » -ho c3e t t t a f c t ^ . • - - the-oi

    ;‘ o f ffoieraS taeca p$ uo e7 o f w b lch it lM a * T tm o r H e n ^ 8 . JphB s toa was coo- |ti>e.p W l r i U li TilT^HJI Mi i H * i H i W m '. ! « bM T«1 rro m o ffte e . aidlar

    TOt« fo r acqu itta l o f C lark on thU'IcxeiB] in e was » to 13.

    - - 8 - P A G E S - = r 5 v C E N T S i 4

    l l l i i lM B E aUEUMhaia■ llB IM iP r o t e s t i n g G r o u p s W i t h i n : : - ^

    ' P a r t y W i l l H a v e O p p o r t u - -1

    i r ! ’J*-y“ ! : ! L ^ S y t r g e s t - G l i ^ ^

    i n V a r i o u s R a t e P r o p o s a l s .

    J I By Till-. Avochited Pre’ssl . W ASIIINQTON, Moi-, lO -T h c f lr s t Ql J

    ft ,serle.s o f conferences, among house, I Republicans looking lo an .ugrecment • •; upon a n ilt* to novem conslderatfon o f ! Ihe ta r i f f b il l fo r umondment broke up ' | icday, u fie rn i two-hour bes.slon. Without^ jreaching HMleeislon; - — ; —................ -|

    Statements made following thc con- ' ■ rercncc, hcwevcr. Indicated tl ia t many j Jf lh e protesting groups w ith in the pa rty t i>ould-be g iven'aTrnppoi'runl l> tu Mimres t ' changes in the rates in which they are Interesledtoncc ihe-b lll-ts-iaKtrn up -fo r^—fimendment. - - - - ---------------^

    Rppresentatlve Tllson. Connecticut.:lie RapuWican leader, announctffl-th it '̂ 1 'h a lrm a n Snell o f the rules com m it- I ce .had submitted a tenta tive rule s lm l- . ar to th a t o f 1022 fo r consideration of

    eavlng ou t the pa rticu la r conlrovereial ‘ - tr ins on w hich special rates would be» rm U ted .___ ___ __________ _________ ______Clia iun iuLLH an 'ley_oI_U ie_ffnya-antl__ 3ueans,committee, ju tid It'm a y rcepllrc.. ‘ wo or three confefcnce.s to ogrce upon *1 I rule.

    FIx-Tlm e to End Debate T h c 'te n ta llv e ru le proposed would

    :a ll foreclose of generab debate_pn_thB i l ll next Thursday w ith n fin a l vote set ’dr-M ay23.- - --SUBaPrhldes,-bool»-und-flhoc6f-cttUIe(— I umber, brick and cement*^were antong nc~cpiTiinodltlc.'rmigH«cetf~io'bfT a u ri(}—. vote. Tll.son said, wh ile one member vho iiT lie d id not name reouested th a f~ ^ he whole b l l l t c th row n opra toam end- nenu •

    Representative D ickinson. Iowa, one of he fa rm group leadc ii. ind icated he was atlsfled lo T O r h u cosc im hch an ag -o f— he ways and means dommittee.^ T h ^ to w -m e m b e r -headed a - i o ^ t o ; - - no vcm w l ih favdr.df e t i ^ i n r a m e o f , he ag ricu ltu ra l rates.Thera ia n feMtng among

    HiUlcaos on the c«)mmltte«-aiwl other .

    ,ccrian».hUf t j> t - o » ^ e » g d ; i ; ^ u i i^ i

    _The_jin !s i_dffln i? .takeQ ,«U be_|pflr^-re n f y " ^ ^ th»i R^p i i M l f a w -----iu i the adoption o f a resolution thank-. , 1 ng the Republicans on the ways and | iicana committee fo r Ih e lr “ ardous, care^ u l 'o n d 'fa ith fu l la b o rs -du nn jrnh e 'W st" our m onths/'- H ie la r U f^ l l i w iu attacked again iu - - ‘ lie,_hoiue today by some memters o f otlT parties.-the 'p rinc ipal'd iffe rences rnterlng on the proposed schedules.(or ugar. leather, hides am i boots andliocs____ ' •--------- ------------------------- ’-----Eaperienees Abo the*^ F lare-U p— -----1The senate also experienced another

    iarc-up. lh e proposed Increase to 2 .0 — •nu-a-pound-on-C uban-sugar-4ra*lng— r-be fire_Q t_S cna iors—Watah. Maasa-___hu ie tu . and Copeland. New York, bo th ' )emoctats.-AVhll»-dl8*a tU fled-w lil»-ft-few-phrases— ( th c measure, the Republican delega- 1 on from Pcnnsvivanla decided lo sup- ' o r t the b ill In Its e iitirc ty .

    iin o ljL? Mimm Li-Jf u d g e 'C : C . " C a v a n a h G r a T t lS —

    —T e m p o r a r y - R e e t r a i n i n g , ^ , “ U n l e r H a l t i n g - u p e r a t i o n -

    BOISE, M ay 10 irPy—fk temporary re -train ing order to h a lt enforcement_of___le ~ĥ - :ie 1039 legislature, u n til such tim e aa- - tie cotuU tu tlonaflty of Uie act m ay ISe fterm lned by a federal sta tu tory court ■ai sranted-today by Judge C. C. C avr___

    Su it attasklng the act.w as filed I k i t latUTday by the l^idependent Meat la rke t of--Tw ln Falls. The act would _ ompel all m eal daalers to register. puT » n bonrt anrt a r ^ r A Oi a l t . tn l . lals .slaughtered fo r m arket. Defetid- nts named In the su it a r t O orcm or H .

    Baldridge, W. Di,O ims, attorney gen - rat: h'TM-E.LoBeas.seerwary dTftsit*?— - :. V, Larson. protectiUng attorney o f V l i i Falls-county. an d -E . F.:-Prat«v-—se n ff.o f T w la T a lls .c o u a ty ..., .................

    A p s m n F o r S U t» -,A ittm e y General O U llt appeared to -

    «y fo r the stale.Slncr the^question In ro lre d is a eon-.

    Jtuuonal ooe."the cou rt lo a a k e i to a l" ' '

    -let Judge, and a Judge o f.ib e .D a tt*d t t t t g ciTcult-c o u tt ef appe i to "— — Tne meat ccA ipaarccntcnded-thrJftv:~:> lolat«d th fr -fo o r tw p th anatn tfaw ttt a g J i i le-ee fistiiu tien ip t it» t

    Mae caoOat u a M t 't t e » p a c k ^ aqy

    < U a r te « '< < -5 o S 5 5 3 S S K S n 5 f ^le m p ^ ftS i^e rrta la >TeatBm e< I t e H io la w . ' ' — ' • ••

  • i- -J -m ii-E a H a :E a rm g r A rgues

    £ r — A s s is U m c ir to -A ^ ic u ltu r e ^

    ’. sclcricc in lsh t con trlbiite on Im port- an t fncw r for r f l le f o f the fa rm fcl u -

    * : a t lo n 'by tirovldlng npparatus ftdBpiedIn r U'C o t indlvldunU or am all BTOups of

    -------t:YU cn!-in-m anufH C iurc-of.-b«st.suBW .- •'•!:4cW i3 tn jno -n -T w l» -n .lU -fa rm cr.-w ho ,

    ■ has ,y;t fo rth his vlĉ ^• ̂ In tW i rcnard Uvi-,- l l if ! -Xolloulns com m unication to T lie

    K cu s ' ' I • Jn a rcccnt .speech LouLi J, Tnbcr. Na- tlanal OrnnRC master, to ld the A m crlcanI . ^ Chcmlcal r.octety th a l chcm U try elm ; • do more fo r fa rm rchef than IcSt-ib U iat I* true pleiHc le t a fa rm er mnkc j, u eUBCMtJon. fo r chem la lry-to worlc o n « . „ T ill* CO mg need of the fa rm er iodft>- IS an-ind lv id«a l suRar p la n t-« j- tb a t he. .

    - c n n mftke his own bcot< In tosuR nro fi h is, ^ ^o a n fa rm and h 'ttT inhp beet pulp, beeSfps. syrup and a ll by-product* to

    Icm ’’ fo r clicm ls to ’ and not a t nil ,n^!, - - poMlgIe:--~Miu»r in flr.' rtim c u lt t f r tn p r ^ ^ -

    ■ - • hnvc been"and w ill be done. J-cnn hearlh c suRar mun say I t c iin iio : be done

    • and th a t U requires ft m illion -d o lla r. _ p la n t to make su(tar w ith the present prOccas.. W hy not chansc und Im prove,Uic whole procc.vv I f Uncle Sam need-;

    — n' r plnnr __m o fp -d w id ly -ffa sT ie would no t wft« iJ^nlc■ t i l somf* ontrhappcncd to produce ll

    :____w ou lcLpuU li3 .ex i» r“ 4o_Sor‘' j U c sduce I t. He should do J iu t^ i io n io u '^ o r , _

    ------ njc"firrnH -rJin il o r ft r-a bonus ot-)>of*lbly-f^j.$50,000 to 'th e nian. o r firm or;jj^ jj,j

    mJRht not be seriously iiitercsitcd and | . • m uch valuable tim e lost In w altlnc. I c t ! , . ^ ,

    ------U.H call the n llcn tlo n o f U;c whole chem. i ‘ "j 'leal and bw lncM w orld to ou r need.-. In , .

    . th e hope of ge ttlns Im m ediate re.-iults. _------ ■Any'Ornr'tJlflr'COtiW -l?crfect-fh(r-««»l— —

    firm s m onufactunptt Indiv idual c lectrlc ]-------l l ghUnf plan tar-orbW e-ltBhU aB-pl anU -.------

    and IcelcM rc fr lg tra to rs . I t would keep 1 b illio n * of dollars o t home lh a t are now sent to ' foreign countries fo r suftar a n d ;help equalize cr$5P_PfodHctlon. I t would _____,

    ,. do as much fo r beets a« the cotton R i n | ^ .1 ___ did fo r cotton. It_wpuld hMp the fa rrncr- - wHq:does-not-ratse beets breouse tho«*!|,p j,

    - now ralslnc over produced crops cou ld; b c tit iL a lIf lrd _ tQ ;ra lscJ )e tl3 ,_ jriic w r l te r _ _ ^

    knows o f a sugar (autory th a t avemKed >3 88-100 taciM o f i a-Ai

    - n t th a t rate wonlrt m«Kei3H.B .nacKa ix r ip „ , '

    io n crop TJ w c lu per acre. F k u re th a t - ( ^------ou rto ryo u rse lf-a t w ha t you th m k vou ld--'.- »------ B cW av^rage-pncc and »ec Jf >Du-don‘t-^,,^,

    th in k the beet crop could be made p r o f i t - . nble U the fa nn er could make the p ro n i; j f ,g

    i . . , cn-lhe-crop-hc..m l«c»,...M any ou lly ln n ™- __d b lr lc U too fa r from s h lp p ln j po inU ] ~ ___ to_P»t-‘‘e jrra’ln p ro fitab ly could ra is e ; - . .

    beets ^ind 'tH c"w ho le fa rin in K In d iB ir j- : - . - would benefit. I f 800.000 acres of s u g a r,

    . bcVis produce only. 10 per cen t o f OM r.^ri, .iiusar. w hat a help I t would be to Ihe.j^^^,

    • fa rn ^ r I f nome^ clw n ge w ul d ^be^made j

    whole pro fit. • No fear then o t overpro- ductlon. I f chem istry w ill n lm phfy th e -^ , ,

    ___ «.ugar m aking procea.'? m :a »n en ca n (m a E cT R n F o w irs ilca rT e "w lU "rn illyT « « "r^^

    ------less help and leBUlatlon— D o -rc need a :^ ^ ’. commlMlon appointed to Investigate the i

    I auear procew o r Ju^t to call th e attenUon i

    w ha t It would mean to the ones who j j; - „ l l r s l perfected and patented the proccM? i ̂ c j ----- ------------ • • ’ left— B a y ; S t a t e B l d s t s • ------------ ;

    (ConUnued r ro m P tgg One) i

    — jo b r iir~ o r- in t '~ 3 5 0 ^ n ip lo y M 7 - ll3 -T n :r^ P l uomen.

    TJie fJ r jt cxplaiJon occurred .MjCytl^';■ a f te r 2 o'clock. H i e fo re m a n 'o f- th e j —

    , -plant, trained fo r .luch an cnierKcncy.I paUicred the employes and led themi.;____n ff the pf r t

    — F o r i ) i r i g i b l c L i n e e r i• • > lea

    ~ cn.s.s. P ro fit, a ll re tu rn on the money^ fo r

    ; ___to rm lnals and MU:V'. wn iild hnve toja .come from pai.'cnRcr tro it ic . ,

    SlwtJld ih ^ . plan co \ th ro u s h . us* U tc h f lt id and H iin u k r r eMx-ct. a je c .-* ■ ond d lr ie lb lr «-o!ild be layn fhed In

    and eradually the 'scm ce wrtv;ldy — 'i th a w . - i i f» i .la Wll.' rm .n ).u t .i£ m ij

    th en to Yokohama. T h e -• uT--awartl I - - rg u te - ih u s -w o u W rtc f io i-n ^ t t l : iv _ lh cr-»— -helD-.ot-tnide-LWliHl*-»tV-*l>*-tt*V>;-A -a tr

    . n o r t lw l i- rou le from Yokohama t o lu '* - w a ll uuuld be followed oa the rc t\im |U O l

    ' to 'u 'k e advantace o t p rc ra il lrg w in d i T li I In o th tr dUTC U o ^ _ ------------- ' I g ;

    A r m y P la n e s R e a d y •'F o r S h a m B a t t l e s !g _ ,

    ^ O w X t n u e U - T a c c O n e l:.

    t«H n lv< ‘i r t l l be broadcast. .....................

    rU 1 5 C S L A M ). tU C S O S rX r i l l M ay lD 'M 7 = ^T « nJ jrr —

    ^ che. placra o f th e -U h lW f S tates a ir __ fo re * frcm San tJlCfO. landed here * h o r ^ ly before noon toda y^te fu le d « n d le lT ' soon a lte r fo r B P *to . Texma.

    H - A r c k ^ W t T ’ r i i p i i l M i i r f t r T T # * * tc r .*4 « . ____________ ' •

    - — T - - - T # i N : F A n : s i ^B s a s a ^ L '— 1.1 . i i ~ e a g g ^ g a s ^ = ^ ^

    iTO tt Y O D A V ^ IW ^ ~ ia i:.tem p«r*ta rc ._________ _

    An-inerease o f on ly l-d e f lre c .ln ’tham a x im u m -ttm p rm fiiT f »na rccordcd'flURnr du ty 0.1 ••robbery" and m IiI ’ ’■at n e ry hotwewlfe w ou ld-have to rcdiioo itc r'b iidg et cn o the r neceu ltic .i lo buy " :uBar.

    lom m litee. contended th e New Y o rkw

    Vo*i(:Bi:nrodiiot«=w«r«=eone«rttedr-i>n(i’ ^ md4t-wa^-«he--)ntPntio7i=ofrthPJIrDUl>;^ ^ U can -p a rty^ -to -ap p ly -ta rU f-bcn c im -to . a ll sections .of .th e -o ou n lry a like. the■ Bcnatcr W n l-ih .M lfP d-S in oo rlf;hc hnd

    ever »een the tartft'co 'tiVm lsslori report l n . j 02« recommending a rediifctlon In ‘ the jiugar ta r i f f nnd the U ta l/ ncnator replied Jic.-had-nQU-,________ / ____

    Speaking fo r the proposed new ziienr ra tf.,R cpresfn tn eh T TfmbcrJake,. CoJo- dorado. cha irm an o t the Kub*commltlee th a t revised the siiRnr schedule, said the price o f sugar today was the lowejit it had bccn fo r many years and the Am erl- .coi can pcopl6 shduld not, object to poylng' f " ' :tT rtts tttlr-h lg h ci pvlu fo t .lUgHT-when- a i l I t meant placing, a dcpre.ssed Industrj-on .lts fccU------------ '

    I fe said he s t i l l favored Ilm lt ln c free Kugar im portations from the ph lllpplne.i. and th a t he would advocate Ihdcpend- an ence fo r the lslnnd.i whenever th e ir In- d u s tr lfs grew to the p o in t where they , dei would In ju re like domestic comniodliieM.

    Representative Hudspeth. Democrat, ih i Texas, asked TUnberlakc wli>- hides were p h ' le ft the free ILst. Thn Cnlnrhrto m rm - le t ber sgKTIIt'^waa In lh c m ln o rlly on th a l k uItem thT»tlvc and Labor parties and the great In - i

    w ill «~«v• n ^ n i irV - ') 'U_nnmbi‘ r ^ o f three-cernrred conte.e-reurcsenlaUv».«f th e R o- i mm

    T O rv club was abreht Uom tlie cntntlon to the ftchool bonrd. It wa.sI l ntmnnHCftL - « .

    There was,'some d iirlna which Su iKrln tendent W . D. Sm ith s ta l- * j ,

    . t d tJinf con.'lr«e»on o f the g.vmnaMmn - w xu ld -p tT m U ^-a h lfllnB -ttro iind -o f-ro om *-|^ ! and make three m ore available fo r ., school in irpgses. _H e said lh a l the t,iu - j^..: deni bocii-had made a propo.'»ltlon th a t H lf-a i5.000 w pre~ vo le d-fo r-co i» lru c ilo n .

    they would fu m l.ih ti ie gymnasium .In I nhe course of three year.s. The co tnm lU '• tec tu rned down the propc.sltlon on the

    ' am ount and *30.000 was n o t - g rea t;

    ‘ responsibility. . . ! c r t '^ = = = : » « = ^ = = = s ^ ^ = - h o n

    Mrs. R. C. pacley. Cardwell: J. C. A n - „ ,c r ” WFPon. Pocatello; S. T . Jones. 6ap o rn

    FYnneisco: B. J. W yalt.- Craig. C o lo ra -fc r.c d(i; J. L. A tk ins. SeaUle; M r. and M rs. „ , T . E, W liltcom tj. M r.-a n a Mrs. J. F. cluii W ilb rr. Las AnRfles; R. F. lliicsdale. ny.

    : t ^ Pom^g^^^T.-TtrRo^>m3^T>w^a-Fa^fa. ■ - M r y: --------- ‘ L a r

    UOGEnSON — D. F. Hlack. F. L. ro.v

    1 \ t r 'g,,',- Mr-.''J/>)in n r lff ln .-M r . nnd M rs.'I OufI F, aT Collins. Sa lt Lake £;itv; Mrs. w . Mr.s• J tJurJir. B u h l: M rs. W . C. Brown. Ca.i- Mrs u i i c iB r q ; - J ^ I , a i odper^ Ja rb id i:c i_M iM an d ■ Velma Ito ttm a n ; IL L . Austin, l*m:a- 1‘ -■ rriio : J . - \s ^ -c u; rn rftn r~ J~ r..~ d iiT fe i t . bc~l . i io u r : i»aul Arm ol. H o o d 'lt lv rr. OrpRon;

    Joe M Murphec; F . N .4Jraui:cy. Kan- C itv ; .Sam P. Newton. I>en»rr. It . M.

    Malone, H. JI. Nix. nirm Jnsham : D. U .-,Thoui3,i ^ f^t l ^ i iLv lU rT T A. Jniir:. U ..T-----_ il l ir rL s . Colorado Bprinc.i: s . M. H a r r t- i J man. Henry lU l l . P o rtland : Jt. A. H a rtman. M r, and Mrs. Tom Uoylr. City. •

    P tT ItlllN E —A. A . UaSTt'. I'-.jIb; . rL j l . w Haaaan. Sa lt Lake C i:y ; P.. » , . £

    Rector, p. I. M l. an.l U . ' r . n ,------e: Rieard». Pocatello: M r. and M r., c . C.

    raurohv. Jr.. D k o .’H eY adarJ^n : nro»i-n. ^ ■- - D a y I s - P la n tD a y ‘

    We M in h.4>c a f ln e .a k .o ft-• m ent o f Dorm ant Nursery

    S ^ lfL^^S p ^ ia l^ P tte ^ ^ O l^ ^ g . .

    Open F.renln**Kl.MHEKLY '

    .N '‘a r i S E i u E s ' ------------- " -^ ^ T b w - t C ____K im berly. 1 4 *h » _ . _

    A H i i lc - K c lV a n J * S t H i W j I a t L - : ; ’ 1‘ K 'S t n i 'n ^ T id F d t H a U - - - -

    a t i ^ t a m n h m d - a t e c k ^ r - ^ ^ t -

    lo.Shbe Sh ine P a r lo r 't̂ T T O w u u u N E - n a m > - ---------' :

    I n f o f m a l io n P h o n ^

    • ■ ■“ '

    C a f t e ^ i ' ( b a c k t o w , . a t r i g h t ) ^ u jn ia . _ s c h o o I . k i l l i n g 1 5 .__________ i_ t i______

    Bfficisim iso

    ------^ A r i lX ie U ta fa ritr^ A p o llo —Soufek-jj^--

    A pproacFe7I“ S un N e a r e r* ™

    “ T h a n 'A n y Uglier M o rta l7 [J“I. , . ______ ;day.I W ASH IN G TO N . Mny 10 r ,T > -O tflc la l; ,n*^ ;nnnouncement th a t Lieutenant Apollo q ^ ( m ce k -o /- th tr rn n T -h a .T itp p r« lch e d -th c -l^ Aun nearer th an has any olheV“ Jfra tW ’ 'jQg|( vfiis mndft~to ;in iu

  • PdinfsToiecurs r l

    ^ M o i - r - T h ^ i r 3 0 Q < L ^

    . . T r i u m p h ’ O v e r 1 9 T r a c i ;

    ’ . ' A g r ^ ' t i o n s M D E _ v ( U l , ! i V - 1

    % •1 "‘ >

    ■ • by clcarlnB th i; bar n l 12 feet 2 Indies.

    -• j in y event. Seventy-five men pa rlic i-

    Scltaols nnd Thcrr no rn ira iine xcd U)' ^ = tt in = p ta > -= B rc rrA b cn le cn —J2 = a t 7T :A o rt,f£ a

    thonv. n : Pocatello. 8; B lnckfoot 0.■ and Tatflher. 7; Am erican fa ll.s. Wes- , V

    lo ii.-M o n tp t’llor—n n d ^ r e o . S ;.S o d a ;® ‘ “ ̂ SprlnK.s. J : Moreland nnd ShelTey, 2: [ ‘ ’“ f

    ____ ' i da lio Fallw. H ' j : Downey: ChallLs nnd. Lcadore O' ^

    yntU'~~ v ~ ' . OlI M i r i o F X e a p u F ' Q l u b s > < ik

    ' ■ ...... -* li'.irSO UTIIEKN ASSOCIATION . Jerr,

    D lrm lnsham 10, A tlan ta Z:----------MobUc-H.-Ll»lerHWE.STEUN ASSOCIATION ■ "

    rn rL S tn lH i K .In ilrn fn d e n c f. l. . ----------

    ̂ “ ^ p r ln iJ lc lc I id f^ lu^kO fce A ̂ ~ « M r

    L . : ------- lN T K U N 'A i'l6 K A L x U ’c iiE .L - .-‘ IIA LT IM O R E 4, n O O ire S T E li a:___• -.Jersey C ity I2..M6ntrea« 2 . . .Toronto 2. R eadin t 0 • 1 ) P

    ,, Ne«vark R, Bu ffa lo 2

    _ — _____ W ESTERN MvAGUE, : , j _T u b a 10, Pueblo 12 . I D l

    ---------- O lherspostponcd—ra in .-----------------7- - New■-------^ . ■ icarr

    AMF.RICAN ASSOCIATION nunl..t »j-3AriiJ_n»nl Tavorlt^,_txartit th n r t Kuwi work o f Ray McConnell. St. LouLi heavy- ball vv lch t. tiprr. loMlght. Dem n inncd_th

    ' M iiso u rlan fo r the f irs t fa ll tn 17 m ln - otfic; . utcs a n d ^ c a m ^ b a ^ ^ to ^ e ^ ^ c m atch In uh lc

    - _ T w o C h a m p i o n s

    t f ? I K Y '

    - S _ B

    1^ B A R R I N d T H E W A Y - tp a s p ira t io n s_______ w h w o m e n 'a f f o l f c h n n p io n s h ip a r

    F r e n c t r - 4 . lu iu t i iu iV L jm ih £ a ............J is h l i t l i s t^ __

    .. — — ___

    ^ T tv S u n r >n r » ^ v < T ^ t ^ n -n * ^ ^ = ^ ^g } l) x £ B fm A £ B m 2 y ^ o n o m c t iv > i l

    - CWNA-T-ANO-^'WS^' ms*! “j-7”; ' T- TH tPA &0® x fc :;L ^e A J t.X .H X U ^ « ' ' i -DlNNeS t U lT ir - T - r r - ^

    Unpopular Decision J G o e s io X a n zo n e rils

    ■ Lhtil_ Ciiyl

    \ m l ^ F R n v i t ^ s ^ C i i a i n p i o n 'o f ^

    1 2 6 - P o u n ( l , C la s s , L o s e s anni

    — B o i r t — 4 i u t — ^ - i t - l e —^ To

    --------- ' NKUy C IIARI.KS W. hU N K LE Y . 'y j;';

    A.ssoclaCwf S(jort» W riter. C llIC A C O . M ay 10-Ue£orc a rcc- o it.

    ird omashfnK crowd of 25,000 Tony ' ' " ‘ J ;a iiaoncrl. —form er— w urld '*—fo n llie r - •pau-.' .’olfftirTTmmpion. was awarded“ an im - o'Fui lOpulur decision - over Andre Rontls. i 12C-p;0u.nd-tjtlch0ldfr.; In tl ie ir 0-rou'nd b o n t 'ln the ClilcaRo'sindlim i' u m r on lg h i^ . ■T h c bn itle wilnf' iho liiT«-

    •sr.llironK tha t ever miw an' Iniltw r. ioi;inK‘T in )W ~ ih~ ;tn ig rir,x‘ " T n e~~Kross t 6; cciJnli-urtrc-Atoiuid-SJiQJlQO—a_ttiib r iL »_ l_ l| nTi' f6r~ChlcnKo ul~5uiMilar~prices; . . . j. The 'de^is lon did noi deprive no u lls Clilce

    if hl;i cijam plonshi]) as the m aich was' Nf';' oUKhl above thc 120-pound weight „j,7, Unli. cuyii-Roinh-^

  • ■>: piwe PQ iif j i . . ' ■.

    . - - « i) 'iS t t i iW iu N R A 'iu a r

    — .y s T— '" ’ -------- .-J:— - ........... .......... .... m i-------w«

    : * « K ‘J 5 ^ S r K S ! : ^ ?■

    *~ - i ' — " - - " - " s s M S s r s ^ u S 'w ^ ju y M

    i»»Jwi.nd »\w UlB-lOCU. H2. — •' S !S ^ u w u a *d ^ r e m - A U - f j ^ c«— ^ SwiwOop-ot-«P«eiia, d> » p » .tj^ _ :^ g m

    • ~ r*P ria '*» n i — ". Tb* New* t l » m nnM r o t the Aud't ■ DmSJu ofClfW ll.tloiu i. trxua whom «4l tn- ffirrnmon *» u> drcuJ^o iv m ar b« o^ U n- ' •d um a •ppiiUUoQ. D tuiiFd iBionrmuoo f f t •u^S ua jo t» }ir M ^n Kqm «t-, _- ,

    ' No r**po®*I>l»tjf U »MUine5^BT tno-cir# [ 7 .......

    , Sg 5 K « « £ ? . 'S S Si Si‘n:i L■cHpU w ill tw. returned unJeu Mcompus' led bjf ncc—t w y posU|«. _

    n a t io n a i. RErnKKEWT^TTvra.TODODEN. KINO AND PllUDDEN. Nr»

    Tori:. C h lw J , S u m ncUoo. U » Ans«ie* 1‘- r 6M IU I art- ' - ' ■■- - - - - bcj

    • •‘ D EllEN TU R K OBSTRUCTION j ‘ “ 7 :, T I»cSnia ic ir^o renoTJBrth t^ebcn ttirP !?m

    J_CCiicmc..).nlo the fn rm aid b il l be 'a b it:c f lillJ. to j i ia v f ivJjo hav^Joo)c one------o f-thc ontanlzatlon-nrc to be allowed to | ° |-■ " 'T ls c In m e e tlij;- to express opinions and y 's

    oiilc questions.. . - ha)^ " i to y delegate w ill h-ivc b d iance tl)

    U lk . i f he ^i-ants It. Rc5ohjtloi\s are to "sp rin g eponlnneiu-ily from among mein* j

    ------- U tisT lnstcaa o fto e ln j- im n K lu ccd from to rth e private i-cMlon' o f some committee. w«'

    — .—at U Iwlioyi;^ tha t a i n ic r c rc g t i^ ^ U an i ^ ” o f burlnSM op inion w ill be o b ta ln e t i' in jh c i

    . th is way than ever before. Ir.hv~ T t iu w l ir a l l be y tr y fin e If tfic“ rtclc- ^Da gates rcatJy ita n d o ffT lie jr tce T a iia^sk" ~ }

    • • Ijite lllge iU j j» r *U o ii8 ,_and_malcc con* a ln i r l lve'Fiiggr.stloii^. T h a t is a d i f f f - fo r 'c u lt 'th ln g to bring otw ut In a la rge w'tt l iU W tlU „.

    NcverUselcss. open forum s nnd in * ih r fo nn a l interchanee o f ideas in croup wh

    ■ — Batherlnffs are t?eeoming m ere comincn .- ^ W H eri'lhere'Uk'een'in feiTsfrfca.lljrv^^ nblc ta lk o flvn results. ’ trtt

    ur<—------' If

    ____ \M O U C A S I tO V A L T V PL'----------- -Tjw>(-thenu«Ivas pa*ll> t»-royeUh«» m^n bjLCt ____ '

    tO N G -R A N C E WE.\T » E I t ^ ........: FORECAS T S ’ -~

    ' ,Td Ui « oTd question r w h a t m aies the xrcath e r? - aelencc an so rrs. “ T he sun."

    - A t^ a n espert a t the m « t ln a c M h e _ A mertam .Q eo tihp ticaf Linton Vxp.TArat

    • I t . to la r energy la “ the fo rce w h l^ keeoa

    ^ ^ M c te o r o to ^ ; ^ U ie i tm w d e u n n ln e jtw h o w iu c h a t :* * 7-,

    p i i ^ « * * i f r r r i k e a d _ la _ w - * r c * U w — Sun. - - — j^ t l- J g - O la e m r U ^ W ^ s m tn te i^ t y th

    Of io U i: te a t « 5 a " ^ 1 . w i ii i M ia jor-- * ^ T = S ^ a ^ & b t r i c r i= i r e t u r b * n » M . ^ 4 m . ~

    '" 'i i ^ Wwny.4nwtt. wmdU>nM:-ct 'heti. .. j

    T W ^ F A I X S B j

    tw r fs tu > e ^ m ( tr< t< } tr ^ ^ ~

    arB 'f ftfUtCTCTi he»e." B m q »Vw - t aoiiirn rm r —

    -T h e B C le n tin cw e a th e re h a ^ th in k i t . inaY-be D w tb le baforc long to-forccAst .wf.athcr changci-tteeka or m onths In a'd-Tancc 'by iliU n icM iod. -Such predlctlona. — i>Qwevcr.'~ would T iKC C Trtty—be-r'aUwr^ f^ ^ H :o ^ e T ln g ia « e n rc n s -n n d -n ie rc ir — liiL lk a ti i ik Jivernfct - oeiM»Uf'.lr i i iw I've hern d r lt l ln g aro iiiul over ttip r .im itry like a lone s lc rr bclor** n- stortn-r-j;vo- m et lots o f nice folks iUKi I'vi* spoken by in in d -to-soma th a t w ercirt so good. I've seen men .■mile i l l th r face o f adverislllcs and I've. hr.nrd them k i*y l like '' whlp|>ed pups IVl

    -nhm-iwmUna.w >i« -»iToin i w ll h _ ihe lr plntis. I've had n iy own ups a iid ,

    a il in nil. I cnn cu t ou l one le-win I've learned and feel th n t I f the rest o f the year dreW b lnok—which I f dfdn t by a lonK -■̂ hoi—tJjls o n e ^ t h Is n r ich ha rvest fo r the tim e I've spent nnd fhe gas I've burned and the f la t tires Tve hnd to chance in the rn lh . - _

    Thin ih lnR I hnvc hnd ha’mmereil in * ^ to m y b riiln u iu l heart nnd soul lr. so ob- t vlous th a l I f 11 hnd been-n coyote l l would- hnve .w iped m y bacon th ir ty yenra_ngo; o r i f I t was-r - derc It could hnve n ip iw l my-lTocT* w 'h c jrT ^ iE r i k ld u lj— w ith stone bruises, und a rue around I mr~to e iw .oT .rM c itW r.~ _ l_ !-_—7:00 p r u t ^ e c T w a r t o w ic . -------------------.. « :P lem of nnvnl rctlVLcUon 10 a new and hoi lo ftie r olBne of conalderaUon. i o f

    SureTJTlf Monday. A p ril Z i. w a i u in i r •"■h Hoover-«uiip Ie^thcrc-wUl b cJ io .lftC k ,o f. im b llc lty under his admlhLMration. • |A g

    F I L t l l M liT IIO D IS T C l lU i lC i l [wciRev. C. E, Helman. pastor flo

    — I0:00”A7M:=5unday-rchDOl.— -----'. JJ:J)0-A. M-—Special MoUier's day Jcr* vlee. for which cho ir has p rcparrdTpec- 'I la l number*, _A n -o pp o ri4 m lly -u lU _b c l riven fo r who de ilrc lo unite w ith Ge n i c duurcii.--------------- -̂------------------------------B r

    ■ ■ ■ d ir

    ■■■■■ w

    M B k S S iM l

    --------— . iJ i i

    _ vi.r

    r r ltv .R e £ iru Id D enn;—I d S la r i 'a r i l h E jg

    ■ - w i i n ^ j w iU u i . i ^ a a i w ? K y

    i i

    —̂ THOR— - . ..mitd


    -— ■ —


    ' tarlc

    ' Cald

    Itcell----------̂----- :------- r " ---------- :— . ' Starlross_aLconyentK )nJn_W ash-_J,”|* ■ sec re ta ry .iJ iU lee J o h n BaK-Hun j is . ' S ta n d in g ; G ust.ivus-D . 4u'guBt?BelnioBt-5=N«w-i^oiJt4-o»ii iw Y o r k ; C o rn e liu s N . B l is S rS 'r n e ra l M e r r i t t W . I re lan d , J . io«

    .. . and. ■ . _ ____ I ■ R-

    ............ ■ ■ ■ I - line? = S = S = S = S ^ = ^ = 9 : = ^ = * grad

    ^ a c t E T Y "^ A N D C L U IK .

    M t9. E ."^ . WUllama ' Hnc'— ^ . - Phone 306- T "

    s = s ^ ! = s s s s s :s ^ < II I ' ( !^dC o ih p irm e n la ry ‘Co Mr.t. C laire DnvLs.

    .who la leaving in the fu tu re to make her home In Botse. M rs. H-.C. Getccrt and M r» ..s iiitK C o n _^ tc ^y e n t c n j ^ l “ ^ -vrfih-«-chftrm lngly-ar;anB '’< l-b riagra iu-_® “ * ner Wednesday evening a l the Dickey

    ■party House- Covers were la id fo r 'th lr ty " fo u r-n l'T m n ll' labTcs-cihlcrcd -w ith - r c d - * ^ and yellow tu lips lu green bud v a -« rs -^ ^

    ■wr1th -h a n n o n l* ln H -p la £ * -c a rd s _ -A .p n ).^ _ - to io n -p f7 ^ fu lt -b to w .mt ^ lw i)i l r qu ils and tu lips in large wicker biiakcts -n*

    , adorned lh c rooms. In the bridge W el -Ranies fo llow ing d inner f irs t prize was.,AfM won by M rs. C. E, Jonc.i. second by .Mr.- FRlls’ good.- C onstructlon-hnc. •r^ttaU Une_lB 'Ja-E flUsjtf.J j;rpm e.sood^s''“ i cw detours fo r bridge conslruetlon. “ liW 50d. ■ Jerome to 9ho.ihone good. Sho- to * i TSlic to ilm le y via R^chfield;~gt>od“ to •Ichfleld. R lch fle ld to Plcabo good w ith h:e iry i>en. Cabarton- tp.M cCaU-gnod. ’

    illes e w t o f New MwUows. b'alaiicO''~“ ood.A Y tfT T E LAKES H IG H W A Y • E M -lE T ^ B R A N C H : - Bol.ic to Em m ett -̂----avcd fo rseventP rn-m llr*.-balnnre fn ir .' — m ih etl lo HorM> shoe Bend fa ir . ' ) , ARROW ROCK H IG H W A Y : Boise <

    1 Arrowrock D;«in. a ll graded "nnd p a r t ly ; ravelled In cond condition. I I-B O iS B -T o m A ito c tT Y T -o p c n -a n c --------l j« tr_ fh ap p . ( ]LO ST R IVE R U IO H W AY: B la ck fo o t, *

    > Chains a ll in good shape, except sec- on near W illow Creek nnd unsurTaeed t orUon between .Moreland and B u tte B

    a U N C E M ETO IN TR O D U C E

    A T U R D A Ya v e s ^ o f

    iK E H f i OP ID E S I IB H li? ]----------------------- a

    — r ^ . — -- ----------------------- •■ -

    iW E io iMfrpH ft:^ i..{p> qad-irt-thn fifthfinrntKll t ^ r .tum-»>eforfi--ft--lftrgc„autJlQW tiJnitatlfti!____ Bvening _b |-t^ g lc ^ c ^ x lu ^ ^ ^ - -

    M r. and M r t^ X r o r m i l , A r . a n d T a i^ Je ^ B e -H a ln lm o ^ -M « 7 ^< ^ T ^ ^ t« ^ 0 ^ = lL m :r Shearer, M r. and Mrs. Charles Reicherta h d -U r.-a n a .Mii>. o ; J .:_ O fflte-were-------B M **t« t-a .iilD och lc p a r tF S r th e ^ o J ji i— r -H o m W ^«^tu m w = nm r--T ym -F ftll* :^es .-------day evenhig. ~wi>. X « m lU -A U tn := fiftn ■ — D le fft> .-n nd -M r»» -E le n jv -C ro w _I/H „A H :^_ tp iM . sisters o f M r. Sommers, w tre hon»- .•

    M r« H llng tm m le f t 'fo r Am erl- :a n P a lis w e d n tiH a y T T S n E lttn n rm s i tr lc t federation o f women a ,du bs .fcca- slona. - * .- T h o rh y th m bRrKK»f-Uie grade schooU. iinder tho dfrectton o f Mts« O cofvla M c- Vfaster. gave several numbers n l lh c ilg h ' school nasembV Wednesday.-Mosdames U A. B«thttl.-P-wA.J2ivlght.:____\ . E. Scholten. T . D. Connor. D. L Beam- rf. -J. H . Shinn, O, J. Childs and the Misses Oeorgto McMaster nnd Orncc. Hicks attended ,a brldge-suppcr a t B u r- _ - ley Wednesday evening.

    :ounty line which J.» fa ir.YELLOWSTONE PA RK H IG H W A Y :

    id a ho *U tin r iln c CoPreston, ppwney and Pocntollo good except Ics tsh ort .‘itrclches _ • which n re -(ipongy-and -rough.- Poca- lelJo to Idaho Falls paved. Idaho Fn ll;' '. ii'orth 'to ReXburg nnd St. Anthony good. -" Rt..-AnttaDnv tf l Ashton t i i l f . Oocn to ' vVann R ive r._ Ba lnnce_cloS6d.:i.w iU -_• probably be cpen to M ontana line nbout M nyJS. ' . ' ^

    BEAR L A K E H IG H W A Y : M o n tp e lie r-to -P a rls . mbsCli'.. fn lr ,^ P a r lf l - to , - r . . . Utah line m ostly fa ir . Some rough spous.

    ROOSEVELT H IG H W A Y : IdahoFalls. Antelope. Irw in . W yoming Hn-J------• ; i2 r ln c c d -!o r-3 l-m ]e .r j: t ilT _ ta j8 '_ m n c s -^ - jn-st of R lrlc. Rem aindei'probably clos- cd,- « —

    TETON in o in V A Y ; W yoming state ifiic rD n c^T -T c t6 iil« 7 T e to n rs tig a rC tty, ' ■■ tiirlnced fo r ihlrly-scvfcn mllea. balnnco Lnilmprovcfl—Oo6d-ttrTe tonlar-Tclonla.— :^r lo Sugar C ity hard going,

    \TAt.ATl V A l.t.F V m n H W A Y : U tah line to Malfld. Downey, all surfuccd u'lid In good condition,-Q N E lD /L m a n W A Y : M a}adto-R oy

    Rood to fa ir. Roy no rth good._G R A C E -E R E S IO N __H .L O H-W -A-V:-------Preston. Trea-sureton. Grace. Alexander, fa ir lo jjood. , “ .-1 D A H 0 -0 R E 9 0 N H IG H W A V :-C a ld rr :- .tvell to Homedule und Oregon State l in e ----- -

    in good condition. • •in » M f)AV H TflH W ATI— Ti'rtni V iH f,

    Ornton. to Brogan. Jchn Day. Dnyvllle. Ccndon.ana A rling ton , a ll In goodshnpe,

    CANYO.V C l l- y T O BOa.VS. O flE - O bN : Poor. Re«iulrr» slow carc lu l ir lv ln g . ^



    ___25 omiKsJhrlScenU

    G u a r a n t e e d P u r e

    a n d H e a l t h f u l . v

    — Mfllions-qf-paunds-uscd----------by ihe Govcrhmeitt

    KNT J

    r | l i

    I R Y - - F5 0 5 -----------' S'—

  • —v - ^ - ^ U i i i y - i j r t u i s b y ^ u r u * =

    g i p l i l i E— —V T ^ ^ F S ta t is t id im — Kegis-- “■ ■■.— tc rg -1 6 -M a les -a iia -l-7 » l''e - ~

    .........,~Peaths_in_S8nie_P eriocl '

    O lrU led bo>-» by one. m o jo rlty In l l ic b lrtha fa r lh c m on th o f April, recorded In the pKlce of . D r H. N.

    .L c o te .'T w ln Pa ll* , county v l ta l 'a ta t la - . _ tlc lftn . There were -33 b lr l lu record* cd fo r the m on lh o f A p ril o f which 18 were boys ond 17 Klrls. Four M arch blrihn-^ were recorTica (lurTnK* A n rtl. Of whom U O w r c . tkii'x and tv o Blrls- ■

    Tw ins, one boV' ond one « lr l. werebor n lii'o n c famt)>'.-------- ------------ ’--------- —

    There w c re .U (lca)lir> du rinu th a n io n tli: s ix ndu lt and two In fan t malea

    V un U -Ihrve ‘ a d u ll nnd one In fn n t fe -_ , mnlc. • . ----------The fotlowlnK Is the b ir th Hat' fo r ’

    IK c 'm o n th : ' •A jV ll 1—M r. and M rs .’ Lou is 'La u>

    — • - rcncc-M nKof(in7' ’rw ln Falh . boy.A p rlf 1 -lM r. and M rs. Howord L.

    7 !-------p ufKiiu n ; r a i it m n a ;- tw jn s . ph tH r*—------- -Au5tln-nnd-Phyl)ls A n n . - " - ‘ - _ ■ •

    A p r lL 3 —M r. nnd M rs. John A lbert Phllllixs. T w in Falls. Rlrl.

    A p ril 4—M r ond Mrs. Leonord B lo ii- '-------- ke iu ih lp r T tt’ ln T o I ls . k ITE

    . A p ril &—M r. and Mrs. Evere tt U tl.■■ ■Ecltn._l)oy, Chnrle.'; E (Iw nrd ._------- AprU 6—i f r . and M re-jess.An iJrcw s ==

    W rlR ht. T w in . FalU, g ir l. M y rt le M o- th lld o . l - i

    — AprlJ-0—M r. nnd M ra .'M ilo B ;^ D iv --X -______ Vl3..-T»ln.Fnll.y.R lrl, P h y llis I re ne. _ _ __ ...^ — .A p ril-O —M r_ ttnd _M rs ._J im cs_W cv .

    A|>rll &—M r. nnd Mrs,. Theodore Q.LaniUiolm, F l lr r i;lri-Voud.-uLou____ ^ ^

    A p ril 0—M r. and Mr.s. Clarcncc A l- len. T w in Falls. Ctrl. Dorothy Jean.

    A p ril 0—M r. nnd M rs. Ralph Em er- Th son Smith,-Tt^-in Fnlln. g irl, M nry Lou.

    ^— A prll-iQ —M r_a n d -M rttJ ra n c lt,S h cn - — t. cbcrKCr. Tw in Falls. Rlrl. Lois Joan. nf1 A p ril lO-^-Mr nnd Mrs, Wesley Ja - Tn:

    — -cbb-W ohllH jl>.,Twlii-Fnllf^.n- T u In ^

    ll iu r . - _ ....................... •

    • erlclc Dwayne. ’ ’ I n- M nrch 2 i - M r . and Mrs, Jo h iT E lv ln

    JloBor«,-Twli>-Fftl!».'-boyr-John-Elmln—-------------— March-31—M rrn n d M rsrM arJon O ir.^ '

    cn.'.. Eden. g ir l. D orothy Mac. "'J M arch 3 l - M r . m id Mrs. T r t ie m n n l, , "

    GreenhalRh, T w in Falls, g ir l, H e le n 'H '; Jean. J

    ______________ ______ ,____________ I r r iii . ~ • ------- -----------I'COCk ' ■ " ■— ----------------------------- (-of-

    ■ R a d i o P r o g r a m s p “

    ̂ '̂ 1

    ^Totlay— .— ----------------- ' 'narC:30 to 7 A. M,—Record bro.-tdc.-ul. pvp

    . N ftts broadcast. ear- 7 to .7:30 A . M .—M om in i; cxcrclics’ tick

    -ipca-iored-by Telfo rd company.7 :30 to 8 A,-M.—M orning M lJk. - - = 8 10 J0;3D A. M .—In fc rro a i an;?ouDcc- r =

    nients. •. ; 10:30 to 11:30 A .M .—X J lssT lirifty .

    l l ;3 0 to 12 noon—Fanners Question Box.

    13 to 1 p. M.—M erchant's AVar.------— 3 P. M.—A variety by r tq u c s i.-

    ______neecM u n til 5. .? lo 0 P.

    F iyc , ■ * '» to 10 p.

    ! “ “ m W n U h l-B o b M ilcc r.13 10 I : I5 _ M Ia n l8 h t FToUci,

    _ AU f« . i J h w O r. r o .u r . — ---- • • • ' ■ , • ■ z

    W ant Ads c ttcto Uie people you wish t a A ttract.

    ___ . . K A l I A S U A l t B E g S H O P ^ -

    I t ___ » f t _ iy a k d - tcm p y r> f f ly ,to _ r ta la fc .™ •— - • H c i f e t ' t o S b y * ’ • -- - - - - -

    | : A j S T J C I D S - : : ; 1 t o : ;

    • iVe Love a c n o 'cXi7orisu‘* lo " jJJ’ * mcsTJige telllnR of .the death of M rs. •='85 Coeswcirs sister, Mrs. R. J. Kelly.

    A ttend Gradaallo o -R cv . and

    ih e lr fam ily , .w ill leove here Mny 31. ■" to attend the prnduntlon uf thPlr son,TOiiTTiVaictni. n ‘om~cinviii(rOTiCRe a r M cM innville , early In June

    • Oft Sprnker'* Tropram—M lrs Kd ilh DyRcrt, liS ih ta n t lib rarian . . 'IV in . Foils public lib rary , w ill be one d f t l ic .'p tn i:- n e rs-nt'thr' di.itrlct; of th f- ld a — niR h a 'f j ib ra ry nssoclntlon In BurJry, M ay ti,c 2P. MLvs DyK(?rt w ill sprhk oiiSh:* sui)- seni Ject. "W ork W llh the Public'SeliOoh." r ln t

    ■ - pre!• r in «;mi :itu I " ' ' “

    ........ tob-h l«h—try n>'' CU? TcwerW E .v n - T llO t'.«AN I> •e .ird r: i plan ~ pxp;i»ar ^ rrlrn {(Id ^VCT;

    X H I.V B O X TOM ATVLS a.-c t ld tF T i ■ in bud or blown. i

    - • ^___ T h o -F i

    ' / ^ * J . ■

    'k ;A -t- ’g M M F J H w a - w ^

    5 » ' ?

    5 IT V U H S E L.F S A V - \ \ b u i , D N 'r r - D U f/.a o x . TO s K A T j

    M lD D l.e OP T H E ' ^

    L0U 5 ̂ ■-____.... L S H V i.V lN ' 5»TRW


    UiquKh there may be more Inter CIT m l when llfu~Wgnthcr-Rct.s-wnrmcr,------ i l i n

    _ n c lu n 'ia -£ ro m —Fnnen>I-—Rlilcc_Altn-0. _____‘H,-WcllftM 'elurned-ycstcrday-Jrom.V05t. — I ■ U tn h rw h c rc rt jy 'r tq u c s ro fth rT flm liy . n he went to preach. Uio- funcrnl sermon . H ot M1.W Ed ith Tracy, dauuhter of M r.■Bnil-Mrii'̂ W^ j : , ■3rracy - Q i;dnn—w l ta , --------;dled Sunday Bs a re.^ult ot an 'auto • accident near MurtauRh oti tho prev l- A g l ous F rld .li:. The funeral wns held cn Thursday ond-co nd uc tfd by BIshon 7

    church. Yost. ^ Ir , and Mrs. West, T Tw in Palls, sanR a duet nt the funeral. ^

    Held i ’ lne MeeUng—T h r firs t d ls - ' tr lc t convention o f the Fedcrntlon o f M (

    Thur.‘ ^T i'^rV erm ,kncaTo*’w c a r '‘=fal:'Tlowe rower Orcer.haa\i-.'-.-‘ cur price* are .wholesale p lanta" In o iir famous "Idaho T w in " boxr*. n

    fvcr,lnvcnt«d.-and of J 'h le h Ibe C ity Tow er Or aulput.:^or-Uua. ie f{ lw o '.= -T bcy canV fae.hatk 7n. ZMS~cenU and ~ j; ia im n a

    0- Fanner.- H o f iu -T b e PrWe e f T i r ln Fall*. M a la Avcnne Soath a t ScTtnUl^

    tS im jC G m rn h f ,H m ^ i ; - y * & ; = = = = = =

    T T n to

    I milt---------------------” ■-------------• I parkr B E is F IM E

    s r r T K r ' t P E -g n ^ E T ■R50^ ^ ' . finu t

    TON^S '̂Tr'fy j• . - I - iw hlc

    '■ -

    o iiiiv E iS iiiomimicii

    iShai— — ----------- . — • •-------- :------------- —-AW s

    V g r i c u l t u r a l D i y j s i o n W i l l

    I s s u e 'W e e k l y S u m m a r ie s

    U n d e r f f o p s c i ^ 'S y s t e W 'c h r ^

    ■ "■ - •_ - ' . . ' - T l MOSCOW . M ay 10 iSpuclal to '-T h c .W o t

    n production and market trends w ill u the con tribu tion of the nK ricu lturol .' xtenslon d iv is ion o f ihe UnivtTslly o f , „ „ j dnho to the proposed mnrkei news ser- Ice fo r Idaho, announce.s Dean E. J. ih f^ r ddings of the .of^nR rlcu ltu r^a iid ' -hVr

    Istrlbu tloh o f tne mnrKui ncws'WUI inde by the alate deportment o f o g r l- ' . u ltu rc In coouerotln t rm th tm> U n.ied!

    dl-;int‘ l in e n l o[ u ili'liillllU l'e .--------A tra ined economUt w lli be placed o l 'M r ,

    c r lm c n ls tn llo a to d n bath reseorch and |u-](li xtenaion':acUvmcs.''.:DcaJiaddtQRsisaid..; piuu Je w ill coopcrale with-.statc and federal * a : epartm ent o f Dcricultxire cm plnyws In ,m a r ireparlnR such summaries nnd rep o rt-s i,o ' rends ns seem ndvLsoble In conncctlon ;o I d t h ..the..nm rjcet .iicjwa.scr^’lce,- T hC ibrld xtenslon dIvUtcn also w ill a id In the d ls - ; P lb u tlo n 'o f th e 'm a te r ia l th rough Ita 't.iu ii ^ cn c lu . nccordhiR to Dean IddhiRS. jth re T h r contribuuon ot the bureau o f o r - ̂“ '***’

    Icu ltu ro l economics w ill be a lea-'rd wire ; ervlce. service of n teIe(;raph’yp«‘ra to r '■hn w ill m.iiis t in rieroding mn trr ln r re -

    accordlns to lh c p rc jcn t under- ^ tand lns fro m the bureau. Locallon-of-an-offlc-haJU-«ot..bcctvJn^^j.

    c f in l le lj i dccldcd_upfln___n ic - d c p a r i r .le n t o f ORriciillvre and the extension I | ,q' IvK lon w ill iisrpo upon n .po in t readily | j,,h , ccei3 IbIc^^^boll^dfpftrnH cn^s.“ • ■ ------------ -------- — •—--'V nine--------:—--------------^ ■— -".-.TT-rl>ar<

    -------^ : OeoA ll-M a ’ ons are requested ta n.-isemble ,

    nilJnn ,S/nHh whJeh w ill be held n t the ’ .C-n ’

    usplccs o f the Hollis ter Mnsonlc lodRC. Ic liu i .v«Lsted by Tw in FalU, There w ill b e itc ry . itn lg h ts Tcnip la r escort, F.

    ilc tr-Babcccsrs-t,T itm -lt-c loss-Tnix"r!c.--[^"‘ ' n rifiit^ n v rr MK' to determ ine ' he cham plo iv iu ii o t the school.

    lowersw y M' v .i.r ■------------- ^ - 3̂ ^------------ • •bunch, JK-O i

    such b :i:^ ; ^Mt floa c rs and

    low'crs"—> I'J -'e riortsU ‘- f lewer»------ isale,)* . ready In .1 ' f r y few days. The• O rttD h g ’,Lj:.-..->_:/ cxclustvc o ^ n - ____ , ,

    ■ti- tiT j' at . dM BO ..T;c ------- i ,

    a ll* . _ _

    f o 7 7 ~ ~ -

    — •' -lodsc..... .................................................(unei

    ^ l ^ m d p a i r H c a d ^ ln ^ m l C f i a ■ ^ ^ ^ ^


    ^ ^ r c s c n t p f S ^ d m i n i s t r a t r o i i ^

    - . • • - ■— r - . • . ' ̂ j ’ M r=BUHLrM»y;30;:T;i:^WUh-tha.nog^mav ^ ^

    I ty eovernmcnt. .various appolritmcnts .‘re announced by M ayor L l J . jo h n ^ n .'nmes Wilson. will'Bcrv# a* poUco.chl®ff - i r n rom'DeniUs. n lith t police; J, U. Sherfey, I t H ‘itr tttlrffty r O:*Pr6ttrB«tt«-i»rlM M w>- i l L i L nissiouer: Henry Kram er, street and - p f kOtcr"commiJsluncr':'lra H ydcr, garbaRC ollector; lic-ulth. f ire and police com- U* nllWes. J. J, RURg. O , L . Thompson: larks. auw r nnd H>de: cemetery. RugR JEI ind Thomitoon; streeU. alleys and 60 sit llr^^gr^r H v iir anri .Stnrr: lig h t and w at- day r !r. Hyde and S ta rr; llccnsc, audit or\d exert Inunde, TIinmp.iqn and Bugg; Jlbrar>'. aud it Jtnrr. Mrs. R uth Vpamans, recently by S i iccted city clerk, w ill o ffic ia te as police Ihe 1 uagc:— n iir tn n n a g c m g n t - p f - t h c - c l t r -"erm. )all park, partially.ouTted .by the school be di lu tr lc t , has been taken over by the city Unlvi vhlch w ill pay ihe rcm olning special the 1 i«i(«smcnt fo r street Improvement. T lie exerc •Uy-wt1l ri>nf.f‘f - / r - p ^ UL-ju«pniuu>-outlnv • M nJ-om-Hic-riivcmuc^of.thc-park.___■■MraTUMmTlaiinarDaKn*, Tcxa.«f: na-

    'h rU tln n UAsoclivlion. w ill bo Ruest o l^f^.pp ' tenor-Ht u leu Mm>da»Hitt

  • ...., . " '

    g e j l g i M^ i U r C a l l ; - M . o n c y A v i i i l a l i l ? f =

    - t i n n t V - A i i v a l W - ' t i U i i i ^ , . . .

    “ MARKETS A u L f fN C ^ p =

    ; ..........l ^ iV r r l n f ' r l ' I A h i l l " ' ( ; i i i i * . » l l : i l l ((lolliir lili:!!'-'' ....... ' IC ojio ir Lowrr; rc.wi. un.-,

    _______________rrliiKv ' ■ ■ • 'I

    c n iC A C O : . , ■ jW lirn f Sirnily; W it fr rxpor! tlonmiul. Ii.mtii: s triiny; fiicriaMd i.giiHMia I

    ...Lj— «> „ • l~7t

    r.i.ilKH-uUy r«iuiu 'd oil V,',';-” ‘ ,1)'’ '!

    • n-arlutf. • Tti-.-. Ml Vmoney, w lilcti rrn -̂wPO r.. .-* .|.,1 " m ,-------o r '-rrv .U ^v ..U « ^

    o r''ih ""u iu i''n in fiu * of kovoi'

    ot*y.ic ‘r;.i'!“ r ; 'u •■■-••-■- nc?‘ c n r i‘ cnU rr^nni-Uy- i}!;”

    (Itnw fuiiri-. in ft pnyiprrou. roiiiilry. ^_________ tu n d i Oo '

    ‘ -"rK'-r..ia.;rs,,. ’",-r. Allhouiili l l l f foliicJ.1 mS. l U i i ' " ” " V ......... .. SIJO l« avBlaWc Iindrr 0 l» r >•'»}• unr

    The aoV« bu » llif" •n il*- 13̂1, - - AprH 30 tummsr . . i~ . . , ,„|


    »lri.1 rd liY i> •m »llT iiovrrn iiirnt ii ilm m r ot i j i ' l |

    - L ■ u tnK t iToii lli.Mi li«(l l>* îi ln»rfd. C o iu n l^ jj i• I BKsm VtiidfT‘p '^ ' ' 'r ^ - r - . ^ r r r . cnd-Tr«eH- ’ ■

    r i Kr.vv YOHK t̂V̂ ̂ r o '. '^ - 'K if -lilvT r.c»i. » tom - ..........——— ......—*- ,| « B o rir—W bo ltu ltWR la 19 ■a 1 ^ E r ^ = '. r ^ ‘'^~'~' ■

    Qir»t sanhfrn _____ i T r i t o i . ^

    J W - . *■ w h n it «>a M>» r t t a '

    H r a c S ' B L ' : ■' ■■nrtsH ■ a _ - .---S» » ---------- ----------m ta n T r t t f t

    BI f t t —fc, I —— —• W t t -----S t i i iS t ; 13 peuBtit---------- -- ■ ----------

    __ _'^ S ■ j w a fc te M —• ..' ,-

    '• ■- :?-^^S ^ s q J - p i:c .a s e - ■ — - \ 7 T - r —

    p ; : -A sr-K D ^.'S w r; ------------- : -Vriry^c5aP-6t."(irnmn'j'iiiii»Uy I'li'ltic way of roverlnii on i { ' “ | th r T.ra:e rtou-n There were la i M«y ivo -i" '^ lirn i ivrr l l S7; I>rer I ' IW; .MnKli »l t.;, M.y __ k .

    I ■■ u».7W.)rr

    I--------- irn T r'.vxn ixT T s-m n iiv t-r—------------ ^—;I LOS ANOEUa. May lit ' .

    w T u iy • i:r i: ! io rn n !n i~ u iid y -r rT ^ 'W fti.:

    1 ’’ '>1 Or A • M U b cold KloraKr'

    • r,.ln!.K-. JoMiin^; M.»-ktoii »I lo « 2 i ; , , . , . iK-i:. I I ’ lU. .-, \V„.shli.i'.i>;i N r'lrd Orm» I I 3 i ■■ 1(1. , n'..Liii-l t ’h-,11. li.' v .i-IJ iJ iill'l: No 2

    [ r.inv v o " .k 'm *\ *;t> I- T>::ra tr im nnn I n

    ; i ' ~ L l V E S T O C K ~ M A H K b l! i ~' — ' ' — ' ■!\( r l lK A l .u l - U t .M ll lK i

    : . m t lp u


    — - -------- ~ ~ I I I ' ~

    p 3 | | 3 i

    li~ -

    l i E S i K E ^

    a i H t i i E -X ’lrig f - -—

    ~ l l n i t e i l K 1 a t e .s G o v e i ' i i - ; > i a

    m o i i l l i l 2 ! l C'roii E s t i m a t e

    1„ .m ils V. I'ouS ll.'S - ; s .7IT— 1‘r.-.-' .MltfKrt Kdlion...... jua_3is s'i i t i iT v'h rut lind loii> lnd-tlcpreclated-UiLuca- -ynrbi i l i t n - j ' l nr\enecl. nnd were clo«i!- , iv u«suth»l hat been thc rule ot Ute. ih.ui•O iw tlir o llirr hand, uffrrliiu..- hicreajied wely

    ■ ^Ml1•ll pilcfa bur,;e«l nnd thc m orkrl at the iioui• i i in l . l i wa* pruclically r fa\-orable crop commrnl*. I* u

    -----iPif ^• • • ' * i .B /’ * ?1',' «o:' • SS.. 5S?: ss ■. ” ‘ ^• **y..v_________ - ~ 1>V' t t ^- l-«Vr._..

    i-llin l.A .S l) LASII ‘ . rr»:•■ rb iir i.A S tj. Mny !o .,11 - w iim i- nBn '■ h..Ki while t l 301 »olt tt-hlle. uc^ im i whit*- on: ■~ t̂ i i ^ r — ip;7TT~wniTTr i iurrncrn iprinr-.-weur- - r^

    """rodavs reerlpt--: Wlieal 1«. flour I I ; ^l i 1 " ” ».«• •’ " 'V * ^

    - OM.tllA CKAIS \ nJ . s i . x■ ri-r iliy "W: No. I dnrx n c it i. 'f i i -prliifc

    ~~i*’ cenrrr: noi cn'iy ut

    PENVElt. May lU ..iv-8heep' Urro'.pU ‘OWO; no early u i l " . i;m rralljr a«I.lHK liu l i - '

  • —j thk—- ^

    5■ ' T u -0 saiUna v c iic lj ' camc by. Wo, ^ -* dccl-ed on-deck a ll n ig h t

    and pooure^ out oil to ^u le t th y w a v e y w ent oi

    O rd in a rily . we-wouW have besn some.— w ha t worrle«i.-bul-thc J to rm wns-taJc- yjcw-co

    ing us along sw iftly—away from p u r- M a lo r ! — m ilcS lirnS IjZE vttlEcR E nlttilbrcak^

    ou r stern, and the Moa bobbed up And down. She hnd a deckload of, lum ber bronchi Overboar w ith It. We started to hoping

    > w ork a n d ' were ably assisted by n form i8hcd ovcr_u»_and_Jn .wW oh-:

    ;u n Jn 'tan t swept most of the lumber In to lh c SCO. We were towing the —

    ’ m oto r boa t-w c-ha d taken— f r o m - th e --------- ‘“ C cw nm ah'dutU ~ill~M ntulh l.— A ~ w n v r |--------- -— T.v,inn |gvt hf r. and ahe tere losa

    W c ^lccrel1 to the Kcrmadec ix- O f * lands, an uninhabited group where lh c New Zealand government keeps a cache o f provisions, for castaway sail- on*. Curtla Island, one o f the group, ^ i n

    -cam p in sight: on December 31. I t ap* The I ;;^ lt-a rM -m 33 lm id -o frK m o k6 .-ju la nd rq £ -pU ^»7 ^* 1 nnff . R r^ynilyT'w iT' '.benersonnl possessions. nEC They were wlldlj^ Jubilant over th e ir ‘ T w in v lctorj'. I cathered from them lh a t The 1 Iho alil|> th a t had Escaped us linvtnK to. a re b m iie til the news ot our c.ipture o f the bers un M m to Auckland. Ihe uuUi6rlUfc. tlim c ~ A lg f had surmised th a l we must be headed the daj

    caelw-ot-suppUcs. at OurUs- o'clock- U land. W hen we arrived a t Auckland, the New Zea landers 'had th e ir ' own .A tlc s l i t t le v ictor}' celebrallon. Sightseers in a ll i« r ts o f iKuiU came out to have i ; kc a 'looc a.1 the IrLs w llh the Mon In low T w in beamed in to Karbdi7^lhe;victon>{ the T h c l H attie o f the KermBdPCi to a rc

    Wc were Jailed a t Mount Eden, the bers ar loca l prison o f Au'ckUnd. os a pun ls li- A lte r m ent fo r our fligh t. For a calabococ. da; K . ^ ^ n o L b a d . ^ U r t * c nt y ^ ^ o 'c lo ^

    ous pnson camps, Klrchelss and I ah'cs w ea l to m vcr IsUndTiear Lytte lton on .th c j^so u ih Island o f ‘ N e w -Z e a 'a ^ BK< :S « n a iw -y a rd .-o f ottr .r» lW Q iln T P « - Tw in Jcrvols was a Terllable cage. I t was . n ,e soTcaed no t only around but- also lo a r t across the top w ith lines o f barbed bers ar wtre. The commander of the camp. After

    •W lJo rW eW lhg o f T s ttia h la . «-S* the da: o t th e I x r t fc llovs I.h a ve c v tr met, o’clock He. too, fe lt hOnself a pclMner here on th U lonely Uland and M on became

    - o u r —th ird —man it-c a r ta . 'w h ic h we • - pU ycd4a .,»Wly,aw a r t tM te am -du tlP g

    ' ‘t i j c t o s jo je r t i i s i . l . . j . V . T w i r — A drarebrlflgt Iftur hiij.baan am aihrrt ,, by a tn irrtcaac /-w a» -b e ln g -rtpa lrtd . to a n and v r-p riso ne rs -ha d -a coe v to 'U tc bers at

    — ■ "H li.— -a loO da ro W O tem ixy -la t-b M Ta U . tt ^ d a

    A t tco fu a lay- a l doclt- l a r U i t f T B w i r w •

    - Ih o e t - I th r»w to another b a rrtL - I t - * » floated: T lM 'b o a l picked i t up. U y T v l r Ptao was made. I eoold arrange one The

    - t f tO -**P

    = ’ s S f j j g

    In It. ^ would p ick the tim e w he n ' l i t t le schooner was n t shore. T lie n m /

    ~ould get In to Ihc bnrrcl nnd ro ll m / 'T h trb P ttt-^ -cu ltl:

    : the barre l up. I t m igh t seem a henvy. b iit they would th in k I t hnri • ■ In It, The barre l onec aboard. It.n ‘w ou ld^pe u .a iid n innu armed w l U i . __li fe would step out, llki y. B u t soon D ftcr MnJor Lccm lng = = s r .^ t on hla fu rlough. KlrchclsB nnd I ' roi'agrca~Pireinc~nrc~))rtr,on~eflm|5^— vlotulhL O f course, there wns a W ANTl

    com m andant''a t M otu lh l "“now pa

    e^eceTv^-u^w U h-tW hU H ln -im r——^'cn the trcnchcrous Polish «l6cto r se'ys.igh i me ft •b o tt le -o f clmmpa.cine. r*YV---------------------------—lAon. w . S. . . . 14.S.CKI; ^ - =ake. P. E. . ... i6.«n F o rnnlng. Brr.Uc .1 3 0 .0 0 , ~h n, ------------------------• >fli gT-' r a n ~ 'R i>pesen;n. c . ' ■ .......... l« .0 3 ,:lw m .-H .O . — ...... ‘ O O -W -tn ^ riu - ’ca» .Tom E . - . . . . 7 6 0 3 . : ^r t ; -V io la .......... 100.00rson', E. V. - .............3M J3 Bagley. A; w u ; n . w ..........•. r 1«,57 ci%>-sop.;IUll, D orolhy ' - • • ...... 13iJM Canon, t» rc T . E. • ... 75.00 Cunnlnglnons, H arry C. . ......... . 1M 67 Duncan,ster, El. P. ...... ..... lW .e7 Eiidlcott.

    rout. O. W. .......... 143.00 O llm er. >Jllh. tY ank J. . ........... - 143.0O OtwdnlslJ ihu t. 8. a » m l 1C1J7 Oreenfle!x llli. Ir ts 1__ 14A.0O .Hamakcr■ T. f t . . . l|4 .IH l_U uddlciii s r trM . C. ■ — -Hl l L- Nan g « T c r.& D . - - lB ighea. l

    lljon . RAseJ. . - - ttt.-IW.OO Jonts, *Mamg,. W. J___________________ ..J43XO.Kelso-Jdr b e -M o in e r» ^ N u u ^ T O

    r fo llow ing ttrricr ana am o ua tt; . M m . Mt ither*.Pension* ~ M eO u ffre *a n d e r.« rv C lu i- O------------- » ^ KacaulejU n .M r* .iJ U lc - r - Kelson.Sidcrson, Mrs. A -L . ------ Pa«-Bon.r&r ^ , U m . E laa R- ----------- - iiO O _____ _—lycr, Mra. Ella N o ra ------ ---------- m O | ___________

    z o o N E ”

    ■- S P A N K i N t J — = = f% ie = S ft» ) lE -T -H IK (5 =I V o u H A M E T I-T ---------- S v — r ~ -

    ds-BargF o F S a l c ^ S e ' c d s ^ - - V S

    ____________ J ______ !__________ W ANTErE D OKM 3iOSD • V O TA IB E S ; Phoner year fro m V ic to r seed. Plione -7:^77771 WOMAN

    - , r i ^ ------------- :--------------- PhoneSALE — E A R LY M A T im iN O --------- - -

    low dent seed com...JMionc 1S03- HUSKY.W, J. Scheel. *“ rm.

    C ER T IF IE D BUSSCT .SEED PO - W IL L D 3cs,dry land grown, on track toda j-;. i4t-lntcrestud; moncy.^_£2g‘® f'- >on_Proa»ec_Co. _ t w 6 ‘mSA LE ^-BLO C KY TVPE.NETTEO ; ' w'crker •n .secd_pd ta toc3 .-lraportcd_ iron ijT® y£ l5D ih~T:oluriibltC~Certlflt.-d~lnBl-~yeftt. . . . n n t t reasonable., L . P, JIaggardt. K lm -

    :------------------— ..........------------------------care o f 1^E D _S E E D .P .O TA T Q E .‘J . _ A g « ^ ^ ; i ^ nnd Teton Basin D ry fn rm grown „

    d Ocms. best grades. C all or tc c wnnrrf *, utforcf, Pcrrlnc;^H o ic l, T w in Palls. T o u ^ t ,

    ^ S N T - ^ P P IC E R oV m S, C A LL ,. or apartm ent 8. .Cuniral Bldg.

    ' I t E N T ^ ^ . ^ O x P M O D T R N ae.. Inqu ire 180 Adams SI. o r phone

    fT M K OT.- l.IV ip T Q rH O O M i-rt'H i— & - b a t l i r i^ i^ a ii^ iW l~ a lo o p ln g . . r T P C n r , i :t r - e l* t r le - ra H g e ^ $ 20.— O a » -a 4 6 -p u | i jj f5

    - ....... . , .. tnnnrg_ . no rth .L o s t ------------

    V v iD ^ ' ' 'o L D ^ 6 R R E L " “ H o £ 5 R " ’ cnts red tnee.-wclght 1300 Ib sT -L ln cotn-r h onc I t ice Company. Phone 005. JO R ^W: —■ D AR K SH ELL - R IM M E D -” ' ses. near K Iriibe rly . P lenw return Phono 1( rs. N orninn Webb, '.j m ile east o f ~c rly : Reward. ^

    N U R S E S 'P IN . H O Ly ' c ROSS tclephon p lt. ll. S n lt L iik f , name, Mabel ey. engraved on back. Reward.

    lY E D — y e a r l i n g H E IF E R — ' im L to m U u m s h J tf iL K m u x . im n - “ ranch on Addl.son, 4 ' j m iles ensl

    l^alU. nnd So»U> P a rk : frc.-'h I. large a oh le ft h ip , and 'quarte r L Ot4Q fi

    on le f t leg. N olU y A. Hanaing. ■ home: 1. K im berly .----------------- •, - . ^.room -

    ' ^ m o d e r nF o r R e n t — F a r m s *; r.

    _____ _____________ _____ lio iw e lK' " r e n t — ALFA LFA OJtOUND. A- N. Lol JOIC lo r M AIl i f ir HAAIU^^. KdU'in M3-

    _____ , ........................ishonc l^aSTh country, good a'atar. tCRES of sheep or ca ttle pasture »1 A m . . . n a i . ......

    •U R A O B -f-p R -L -B A -S B ------ t4 0 - .^ - - g . .» 18 miles .south n f Hailey on S il- reck. n . B. s iskeu illle r. 543 Cedar „Long Bench. C .illt.

    , . . . " . T - I ^ O R SAI— H e l p - W a n t e d -----------------~ i. in g i6 i

    ^ ;-,T 7 rTieasiire r.ult.s nnd Oicrcoats fo r B A B Y C . Made by A. Nash Ta ilo ring Co.. h.-vtchli nnatl. O. iGoldcn Rule Factory!. cert.sQu nl .eonim lv-lon'. Exclusive ' lo r - r ^ n “ «5i . S i^eiidld omiortua ltv. W rlie or TWTRoxcII. .Mur, 3 l i Beasoii Bldg.. p^onefiS

    F o r S a le o r T r a d e ; j r o s i v— -____ _— --------------- ;------------------- eggs. 73E YOUR OIJ5 P H N O FOR A bridge. « d Radio or V icuoU . 8amp;Sau.Mu-.s'..uih. T

    ---------- ---------------------------------------- H AU vZdo r R e n t — A p a r t m e n t s .

    i ^ ^ a p a j t o e p t ^ B t u u ^ -CW ck I t i

    :y. Mrs. R0:.c Kmma . • ........ 23.00' L e g‘O p .M nrj'A - . -30.00.n, Mrs. ItfU a ..• ------------- 10.00 SCIngharq. fHl;.-! M a y -.. .'..... 30.00 The Ulan, Ada M.-»y .................. 25.00 solvM th'•ott. M r.. c;.-n. . . . . 1000 nnm eo f n r-K trT KmiTv J . . — K r w r t 5 S ' ’ slorr. M ubfl ,M:ir> . . 30.00 «:(m Ii OfnlsllVr-Wr:.. K I - . . - ........ .. 35.00 KUl]ifle ld .'M rs. i;^a .T.r-— . l3-00-**id ik c r_ . \c :^ B ._ < > r---------- ------U-to-«Or

    Nan' A . ------- --— 3J.00 . .

    be coD tiaocd i j -

    l > i e R N R f S 7 3 ^ r A T - l X . ' - 1 9 2 9 r

    . A N - l i - P - f . a . y . ]

    :- -- -N Q T H I-N .»ilP t i l I l l l in ‘k ll 1-! 1... r.iJ-l.iL 411J I I I I c a tro m o f the firm ot I A M Oj• fo r-th e patronage w(u».. l i a i t mod V n » cald -firm , and X bespeak fo r M r. the beat t M o lt • eooUnuance of UU* p a lre o* 1ct«1 oa

    p a y jw i 1• D . D . ALVORD. > 0 ^ . C t

    . M N E j ?

    E E S i i i i i i P


    >pportu]r S a le — 5 l i ^ c c l l a n e o u s — - ] * = = ^

    »T!r T ^ f r ~ ^ A r f i c iT F A ^ ^ .

    D E L IV E R GOOD h a y ;' JH O N E ■ f / |

    >OR S A L f i- H . s . BEALS, H A N - •Idaho. .,

    ’ C U TT IN G HAY I-X3R. S A L E . i^ ^ T * '^

    -----------------------------------------— _ f I U N k ' i;ALE—COOD 3-W H E K L -T R A lL t|--X ta nk-« I313-7th-avg:wst7 - : : -^ - ---- — n

    SALE — 4 ^ 0 w " p ~ i " 6 " B E A N | knd 4, vatbr. Oeorge F.-Pctcrson. Phone

    — ’. • . - ^ u ru i 3ALE — T H E BRASS ANGLE y. rod ‘beats them a ll. F anners ; O- C. IM

    Phone JJ85-W. ' ; J O ItN WE i i ^ r a i Z r i ^ ' 'c w T . i " g f is : ' ‘r r u t t - i tp aait, per cwt.. 70c. Klnnej* g ^ vE g 'ix euao..8torc,_Twln Falls, Idaho. . M oorm

    iA L g i^ S T AR- PIAWt ^ l N ^ ^ ^1 Bliapo u t a, BurKuiii pricc^ |

    3 i T O ' FARMERS — I F ~ YOU | --------------t. concrete headgates. w rite AVTJ. r •?. 124 5 t li at., R upert,,Idaho, W ill i n o M E r - . * I New loi

    a A li> f^ = ^ C T tt5 a i^ P -E g A T jT H i5 A L X ^ Wmade-planor-C an-be-had » fo rba l- —

    ! BTown M us icxo in ijuny;---------- -- "

    5 i^ % V T S A h E F O L L Y ^ U I P - a I u t T ’

    ig o f seed gra in and gra is aeeds. ̂= = = V 13rotlicra.Sccd.Compaay. . . . i _ ______ f

    E IS A B IG D iF T T O E N C ^ 'o U R age. cauliflower and tomato- 348-c r -arc from the, very rho lccst jicd L L lw A H H F i iced. Wj: hnve good hnrdy p b n ta .! . q b CV- Bros.- Seed- C o.......................— ------------ -- ------------- -T------ STNICIKKELLOGG. AG EN T FO R L A T I- ; oarbas a D ry 'Arsenato o f Lead, costa - = ^ = . - r u n k o f spray as no com m ercia l; p b a ter required fo r spmy materials. ------------im a caow. P. Q .-Bai734.-304 2n d ; MODTO?

    — —' " = ■ .— --------ond and^ o r S a le — L i v e s t o c k --------- ^

    I^ K ^ ^^T im E E ' l l E y T Y ^;s. Piionc"2iJlW . . l ln Ma5 A L & ^ 5 iL V m " iT L A C ^ -iM rtlcu lan>-call—03UI—aZtcc—5;3Q-.!— —

    3 A L E - o n e T p I j r e b r e d j e i u c fT r i ; r = >1111, 7 months o ia .- P hone 1426W.'


    JALE — 20 S P O IT E U POLAND • KALSOM n plgr.. Q weeks old. II. P. Prlbblc. T P " ba ;uuituLE lvcJ?0lnLSl0 lC ,____

    iAL l^-RE G IS 'TER ED ’^ P O T T E b : nd C h in a boars nnd gHt.v U A . :■, F ile r. Id aho. Phone 7J14.____ mg Good

    r S a le — A u t o m o b i l e s

    i“ s i D ^ " s r o CAR M ARKCT.;cfond south. Buy and sell u.^ed LAW N a Rrs. Phone 1495J.______________________ ___________ our rellatr r . R E X ENCLOSURE TO U R - M ain W

    mile:.. >3^.00. Jenkins Auto Co.'

    S S c r o ’ T o u R iN G . ' Y i o h t : -̂----- --run le.s.'j than 15,000 mlle.-i. new DUFFET 1275.00. Jenkins Auto Co. rockirn:

    3LER " c o u p e ” IO ^ -F iT t>s th a n 16.000 m llw . tour new K l.MBKLItca l buy, »47s".6o.'" Jenkins Auto r< n n n

    .............. . MOO dtsc. _______ _____

    -— M iacellaneous----------;-----lO T O R h ^ - A T W A R B E R Q ^. _ _

    jO M IN IN O . P A ir.'T IN O P A - hanging. P. A. RowUn. 333 fltfr-. - .

    ; ^ P h o n e 383-J.____________________

    ^IS R A C Q U E T S .R E S T O U N O J^ up. Prom pt service. Boise B port- . loods Co.. Poise, Id a h o .-fE F rb ^ ^ T S m E B s : iI t concrtle headjalea v r l le w . J . iP r^M -S th -S tg -R u p e rtr^ ld a h O r-r^ T -N M O W iii^ ORODND. ” * ^ V E . ir lawn m ow cr'ground c « y enable grinder. Phone 14fllW. 2 »

    F 6 r,S a lc = E u r iu tu rc —— —- •E T ^7 jirD IN T i« 5 T ALSOItini: cha ir and o il range w ith oven..'.Ini St- ■ •___________ i . ■ .

    chscouni. K l in k Photo nnd Music Burlej-. Id a h a -^ - ■ ‘^ A t . n ' ' " n V r n ^ s m f i m t v e r s1 pcnd pla ijo . Can beee due. w a n in t w c m fine ̂ p oI rea l buy., Samp»on Music C a _ • ^ 7 c o t T 1 > w n o T A B ^ A N D t. - •r,. 5t>tkcr9. Ubtary« w ic h in ff a jid -n » *n y -o ti» e r< m ^ -7 ~ ' es. M oiunbeck «* SuU if»n aale _. Saturday. _ ________

    D l i r " n r n r r f t - '^ ^ i iY . n i y p 8T» -in w rta tle V lc lro la . s tand au ltab ld . * ■le D b o n c o r a ia s a s ln c .» a lt r e » ^ .. •basket. Colonial A p li- -E -3 . a lte r . .OT ca ll ________: -^ a t c - F o a ^ L i & ^ i K A T H g t ^ tp po rt. ty O - d rw r a ,

    BO*, tw o good sewing m a c t t ia » ,.

    B f p0 ti30H t'

  • L U i u i l l W I L l i - J l i l l l I I ■■ I ...... —

    E l H l l l iR p n ^ p n p p s - - iS p ir -C '

    ^ C T f e s s c c i — W q^ t f ) [ _

    ;- '. Pruson ,uiitI^T ln ‘n i;e (luw s ^

    — — ir ^ e n f t l i y j n T j i y ^ * ~

    — o ntrcr l irem s iori:. ■> ucA- f .t ntc ln'n-;'- —___ j(i{jg» -.\V .-A ;u.-ibcoc l;.in t lL lr ic t. cou rt . . . .

    litre Prltlay i.cmi'ncotl H iiv T lb b rls nnd ■•riv-------^lrrl>t^-E_Lar^y to I'CrvL' l" lo 14 i'cura In

    i l ) f sw tcJ jj a d inh ioU ^tlie fi aOC-poiiiid-i o f wool Iro m WnltcTr C dlncr "

    ------- lii.n 'M a T r lir on il thcn-comtnutcci.-acn*- i-®?'lu ico to i l im - inomli.s' iP rin In T w in (li FfllL-i county-Jan. .

    W fn fm l Carrol. 10. and Eurl C n rdn rr.____ ;0. splf..a(lm l»cj nccompTICW"!!' itKT— A'

    woo! l l i i ' l i . aUo wcro M-nirni-ctl to rrrobatl6n offic iT .. ' U nderi

    _ ti'rm s o f n*-w law .jh cy w ill be m iu jr i- t l l ■ ib r.(ibmll n w f i i r r n rcporLVach v rc r to

    -------rh t-dLs irlc l court. -------------• —' ;.pptitfoa'( Jtlened by n n iin jbcr o l. r ts l- i

    ------ {lc iH»-of-Tw li»-PnllM -iiinl-M iir(^u«h-B>—* -•. ;_ 6 tr iin s . C arrol .n nd .OurUncr. liiu l not

    ■ • b c fii In trotib lp previously. w«t i - con- _ .■iliiered by..the court In prim nunclnii

    Jnck W ition pfeacfctfTl^Ilty FrWa.v (o .. n-tc lony chnrKc or forRlnK a *i!0 c lirc lt

    10 (Ictraii'd C. Ai D ixks {■Vbruury 10. Judge, nabcock w ill Impale M 'n ifiic f'’

    ■ at 9:30 A. M . next .Tuesday, , ____


    ' S u it Ins ium cd by Chftrli-s V. Z ln in ic r.___ man _fo_r divorce f r ont E.ttlicr M . Z l i i ^ j

    tlon. WU.1 tnken in id c r ndvlseini-nt b y '___ Judgg W , A. Dttbcpck. ftf ic r n hcarln ir in _ _

    d is tr ic t court h e re '^'^lday. Mt'.i. Z lh i-

    ,.by c o u tw l n l tlte jie n rlns . j

    Crepe paper nowor nnd scnllns w a x '___ nn Instruction w ill be niven free by Mrs.. Koe o r 'iheTJcnnL ion c o :.» a r tn e ” Cio.':“ ■ ~

    Uook s to re du rln i: the wofk o f May 13 ___ tj> IB. adv ~ _______________________• _

    T i n i < w : i l i ? i

    r Grocery Dept. '_ Saves You Most | _

    ■ B R E A D !S P E C I A L !

    - 5 t Q f i ^ • - o r -— - a r t f id . , -

    One Loaf p t l l r r a d n iF .K ~

    ___ . ' i tp l f uonn.l Scltllllngn Tea._____ _— - 2-lb . box Cube C Q / ,

    ...S u tar ..... ......^ p O , K , - - -

    Van CnmiM Baked ■— ■ ---- Uv.ill'., S fi'ilW ---------- t? » 7 C —

    ___; — LlbbyV R w l- S a l^ - O Q . . ... - _m o n . _____~ 0 0 C '

    2 pkR.i. P llkb u ry ) t q----- — OBke-Flour--------— < - i* C --------- ------------

    ^ I . M ix B o n i FUKi:

    Sweet. J u lc > ^ r - Q C «----— O J C --------------------------------- ■“

    den'ft M a lifd MiIU 9 9 c ’ " r t | | f

    N P, 1 D iamond K Q .W Zn u is . 2 lb.v

    - ' - 9 9 r 4 :

    '• 1-lb Calumet D ak- O Q ^Ior Powdfr

    - 8 9 c -

    _ — M e a t _ _ B p e c ia ls

    OJeomanfarlne A O a '— 3 ......—SfQC-

    ...........4 3 c

    . 4 3 c

    - - s ' f = ^ ? ^ 3 5 c

    SMalder ~ 2 7 C —

    = y ̂ 1 6 ^ | i |~ TTH B H m h . ' I J j

    ^ - Ufe

    .. BT BO BER T Q U nX K rt . . I

    •I’ln wfarin'*my Sunday panl> l>ecau*e mean' Puc wauled fU fcW wlilr.h could '?o fs^trrt-.scUlni’ d**"-" an" Just usin' ,;^Hc

    -oui .̂hajidji.,fu.make.aia.ilidt,ill'>nK_ti_rcci' flip «.fUln' doiviT jiarf.’* ...................... ‘

    _ " • • - - c . ?-All foot Ifou'bles. riioiie Dr. Foit^. sj,.,]

    ̂ ; I r r r

    Down-_ ■ T h e r a p id l y i n c r e a i = p le a s e d u s s o -m i i c l u t h a ;

    i n g p r o g r a m th a C a d d s h u n d r e d f e e t o f a d d i t io i

    T i c l e s f d r ^ i i f f a b u n d a n c e

    r ~ r ^ M o r e t h a n e v e r -b e f< : V e n te i ic e s a u d l i> w c r pu>

    Z X o m e d o w n — V i s i t 1

    : ^ B ig g e E i , P iM )

    Z iis d 5 t~ p '~ D a y Dresses,GiTar’aiitcod fa.Ht color :uul non nblo. H rifrlit colored prin ts, I w it li 'matciunn o r conlraslnfS

    llouncca.__ Si;l------- h r r t H x iH i ^ 6 r -------

    Mo,-.t all thi.s lo t ............ O t

    ̂ C a n v a s D a m s—;S|'K’Clnl'tiri)ur-l)o\vn.=?tn!nr-T^tTiri

    'jja in s— rw ily ' fo r • use. in K" Kradt*. Sizi'.- ft. ...

    ' " ' i T t f . b v ---------------6 n . ........

    K ayon P a n e l CurtEKayon (.‘tirtuni, ‘J ' V m

    ----- tw itom —--------- -̂---------------------- rKach . :...................................

    -------7 — R a y o il'B Io o m e fsI Uayon Hloomers. I ’j is ij — -All r^ irr^.-Heptilar^gc-qim Hty.

    yiK-oial- for ................................ - ------ it One P a ir fo (*»stor

    \ V F \ V i? M T A h n 6 u n o e W

    A tw a t(

    ■„ - . ------------ .. • .;n . n j

    : K o v . " t o D u H v o r S t - r - 'm a t

    p - t n n n - a b S e i ^ v J c e 4 u = M e t k i k ! r ^

    5 = 3 i f e f c = K i> k « ^— 1— :-------- -------- -

    = ^ i7 ;r t;v 7r̂ r .u iI'!u i'-ib ^ T ^ i^ ^ ^ ^-H e rv lrt^—

    3icaiedistiHnhiaiM UiO l>llKb-J.OE:Suu^r=^ M ay :’(i. has been completed. U wu;: an* .n r- ,p noilnci'd F riilay ii'n -rnoon by p rinc lim l it r - t - : T i-r r .- -------------------------------- ‘r h r x t

    Tht= prclmlc w ill b r played by Mrs. C. i-'rotii ir,'. '? irn.5oTf.~n 't;a iiirrortne;cnuycnrTaic— ••“ • proco'.sional •M a ich fro tn A t lia lla . " . Mcndi-I.^.^ohn. •.nll'bp-irlvcjT by f l ic h !K j i_ , a ' •!Chool o rcb i. -J. T r pa iub rld u i’. di* 'TCCU/r.___________ :................... ............ ...... :...■ Follow lni: tliP Invocnhon by Rev. C. T li

    C. F lr^ t C lir i^a .ir. J I k -H cJiiirchrTl;'-.-«'- ••'•Iii iJ>' an an tlii-m by tliv I>;' M rthod ls l’ K;i! ‘'“ l>al choir. O rr ln A. F ill* Saim Ir r rd lr r c to r :—'i-hf—.'erl|> liirp-}t“ >f>on-w lll-o l_M

    S s liista irsS Ie a s i n g , b u s i n e s s i n O u r D o w

    l a t - W C - h a v e - i u s C c u i i i p l c t e d l i

    d s m a n y n e w f e a t u r e s . A s

    t i o n a l f l o o r - s p a c e ' , a “ s e r i e s , i c c ' o f T f r e s h a i r a n d a d d i l i o r

    e f o r e y o u w i l l e i y o y - t h e r m a l

    i t U s T O P A V !

    W ash F ro ck iA l» i} r ; i ^nl li t i> < y ,d e n a r t i i^ o u t in t in * 1-

    lu in ( ‘.*5" n n d • 'B e t t y U a x lu y " rn> cks print.-^. A l l c p lo r - fa s t— n i l , .siia-^— r m o d t'is .

    - 1— D o w n N t a i r s - S l o r <

    ' . ■ w c „ S 1 . 9 5

    ivnstairs StoreM M i « L M i» . u - — A t l ~ R e m n a i i t e

    Q o g*^~7Q '~ ■ — I n ‘ h o w n s tn i r s - .S toe s ,n o n - s h rm k - 1Ls, I r in u n c d

    g s g .......... ...... ■ '

    i s -5 tn rc = 6 n n v n :? -------------------------

    K o od })e avy

    --------------9 9 ^ c ~ —

    — “ $ 0 9 ---------L a d i e s ’ PS i ra p a iu l lac i* ] ) a t t I^ laok K id an— panerin — foi-------------—__ ^u iini: 111 i a n a _a i3d _ fa n c y -------

    weave Kmys. A n ouutondlnt; ^ “

    ■' = S25.oo' pun'

    --------------- S u m m e r — ■------------------

    U n d e r w e a r

    S a v i n g s . —Cntioii nbbed Short

    ankle lenRth D I 7 C A t . ___A t.n> num ber • 0 0 ^ . ..Vftlu

    , Mr;;'.^''AthietlC XJndeni'ear. in

    - S - 49c ■ 69c . t J-A iL u -A llU e U c .U nder-—- —

    u f i- -~ 2 .b u tto n o r Q K «k n it ............ i / U C

    A th le tic N aln-

    .'fe n s ’ M e c h a n ic .‘s u its i n ', L". S’.ups o r . • ( 5 1 Q r fine- - k p a i : . - - - --------- - -------sh irt

    M e n ’ s S p o r t M e n ’ i

    O x f o r d ___________O x t

    b l » c k o r tjoar* iU U t td - '« r f i — h a s b lB c fc « in e w W r la a ro i

    - • i> kr.d ctJBipotiiloR A coinblQjiU

    |~ ? -^ 'T " 'l4 i5 . tT T

    M 3 BM n g w a l ^ S t o r e % - lH H » i« v ® n i^ a t f W - h a v ^ o c n ^ p B o i nc n o w w - r A t w a t e r - J C e n f c - R a d i

    ! U = b c - i n t e r e s t S 3 n ^ t h C T n i

    l Dresses

    h7t consist.^ o f Spo'f£“ D rc.ssos,'^T t^ n i)laii» color.s, o f GeorK«^tte. W ash Si ic's a n d '.E n iijm b le s in vurio;iis. co : a re exceptiona l va lu e s '; 'iiirH u rS j)7

    — S p e c i a l l r P r i c e d f o r S a t

    Prom Dny K ve n in tr-F ro cks in pii.stt*l shades ^o.sT'nf-R'eor^'ette and ta f f t i jn . S u it iliip n ie n t— •.Saturday ........................ '•.........................

    EaatffiearO n e - S t ' r a p

    ' J l P u i S p Z I ^ _ ; ^ l Licis Cuban Itcel pat* \ . o ^ - f \ onc-sirn|i cUl pajtern. \ A ' .

    a n d y f l t t i n i ; - < | » ^ - Q ^ - ^ ~ ^ ^ | j ^ j | | y

    . a d ie s ’ B r o w n

    O n e - S t r a p J hL-rcd Cuban hect. tcd'on-mmp.and qtmr-


    i-o c h c ts a n d . _ ■ ' ' i io \y s h ip m e n tiides,~b lack;---------H n ir B i^nidsr"I^lowibbon t r im s ’. bon tr im s . ?12.-7.'3

    $ 5 .9 5D a y G i f t S t i g g e i

    S c a r f s )ifF tiikin}: a i)romintnl'pliiCc in - ^ lic“ iinilherT.--waTdrobe7-toaar.------- 'A'sp

    ,u 5:F a n c y B l o o m e r s

    ‘retty Rayon Blootiiers nre nU,;ay6-aunrcctatcd_iia ft*ctrU-T\va _ _ ^ravaj i^ 'W n f trih\ Hi ll. lT lo l lncl»d>> ■ ' in ta , neat lace and contrastlnB r lu - ihcw

    Wff liave w iiitt she would like Dalnto wear whether n chiffon or .v r- • i,er i

    ■vlca-8. -♦ ♦ F a sh i n n C r f l f t ’.!_______

    H a t s I - VI t2M are nn-W tfD llona: u •■ .ulue. due to oiir volume buy- J ir

    WOBK SHIRTS - - i t(u ll cul chambrAy la blue I f f r

    ..... . . . . , - . 9 8 c : . ' : . - : i |-B IG YANK- WORR ' f W

    .SHIRTS l : l-m

    ... MilTR -D^TS-.OIO- SPECIAL - j y tr blue and cray; a -cood ,

    r “‘^ - ^ 4 9 c ' _ ^ f a i n t e d W i t h O u r S

    I ’ s T a n ------------- M e n ’ s - B l a e k -x f o r d _ G a I f S k i n -

    S t fS S ^ b f tu r ” O x f o r d : . —row heel »**t_ A-waod«fuLIliiln iSh'K aUon last ihoe —fits snus aroond the no f I f