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P EOPLE S OFT P ROPRIETARY AND C ONFIDENTIAL T A X 12E900- NOTES . DOC - 1 PEOPLESOFT PAYROLL FOR NORTH AMERICA TAX UPDATE 12-E TAX UPDATE NOTES - RELEASE 9 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America Tax Update 12-E includes updates to U.S. tax and garnishment tables, COBOL program and store statement changes, object changes and re- delivered SQRs for U.S. and Canadian payroll reporting. These tax update notes include: Instructions for updating your system’s tables and a summary of the table changes A list of COBOL program and store statement changes A summary of the SQRs delivered with this tax update An appendix listing the object changes delivered with this tax update For Release 9, the tax update package also includes the following documentation files: UPD872690_INSTALL.htm “PeopleSoft Application Update Installation Instructions” UPD872690_CODECHANGES.rtf PS Print Project Report for Release 9 YE12US9E.doc Year End Processing 2012: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories Follow the instructions in the UPDxxxxxx_INSTALL.htm document to apply this tax update. Before applying Tax Update 12-E, you must apply all previous tax updates. Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to My Oracle Support.

Tax 12E Notes - Long Island University

Oct 16, 2021



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PeopleSoft Payroll for North America Tax Update 12-E includes updates to U.S. tax and garnishment tables, COBOL program and store statement changes, object changes and re-delivered SQRs for U.S. and Canadian payroll reporting. These tax update notes include:

• Instructions for updating your system’s tables and a summary of the table changes

• A list of COBOL program and store statement changes

• A summary of the SQRs delivered with this tax update

• An appendix listing the object changes delivered with this tax update

For Release 9, the tax update package also includes the following documentation files: UPD872690_INSTALL.htm “PeopleSoft Application Update Installation Instructions” UPD872690_CODECHANGES.rtf PS Print Project Report for Release 9 YE12US9E.doc Year End Processing 2012: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories

Follow the instructions in the UPDxxxxxx_INSTALL.htm document to apply this tax update. Before applying Tax Update 12-E, you must apply all previous tax updates. Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to My Oracle Support.

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Updating Your Tables Tax Update 12-E includes the following files for updating the tables in your PeopleSoft system. File Contents upd872690_01.dat upd872690_01.dms

U.S. tax table updates

upd872690_02.dat upd872690_02.dms

Garnishment table updates Note: Tax Update 12-E also adds new translate value “PG” (for Prior Garnishments) to fields GARN_ELEMENT1 and GARN_ELEMENT2, and to modified views PY_GARN_UE1_VW, PY_GARN_UE2_VW, PY_GARN_UE1_LNG and PY_GARN_UE2_LNG. You must alter the tables before running the garnishment script, or the new translate value will not be correctly displayed.

upd872690_03.dat upd872690_03.dms

(U.S.) Tax Form Print Parameters table (Report ID 14368199)


Database stamp (There is no .dat file associated with this .dms file.)

upd872690_05.dms Populate new field GL_FICA_ADDL_MED on COMPANY_TBL_GL to support new Additional Medicare tax class for Non-Commitment GL Interface. (There is no .dat file associated with this .dms file.) (Report ID 14625209)

upd872690_06.dat upd872690_06.dms

(U.S.) 2012 Year End Forms PDF Templates for XMLP

(Report ID 14368241)

upd872690_msg.dat upd872690_msg_i.dms

Message catalog

The DataMover script (.dms) files identify the input data file (.dat) as well as the output log message file. The directory where DataMover looks for the input data file and the log file is specified in your Configuration Manager.

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Special Notes – Canada Amending, Cancelling and Reprinting RL-1 Slips for Tax Reporting Years 2011 and Prior Revenu Quebec (RQ) introduced a redesigned RL-1 form for 2011 tax reporting last year. Significant changes to the 2011 form included the elimination and replacement of footnote codes with “Additional Information” boxes. Due to the late publication of the changes, the Quebec government considered 2011 as a transition year and, employers were not required to report footnotes using the “Additional Information” boxes last year. As the use of the “Additional Information” boxes is mandatory with 2012 year-end filing, the required program modifications were delivered with Tax Update 12-D under Report ID 13898712. Due to the change in the way that footnotes will now be reported, the RL-1 slip information from prior years is available for viewing, but cannot be amended or reprinted. With this tax update, product modifications are being delivered to allow for RL-1 slips to be amended, cancelled and reprinted for tax years 2011 and prior. Amending a RL-1 Slip for 2011 or Prior The RL-1 amendment process has been modified to retrieve the list of box codes defined on the Tax Form Definition table that corresponds to the tax year of the slip that is being amended. If the amended RL-1 slip is for tax year 2011 or prior, the footnote codes will be provided. Otherwise, the “Additional Information” boxes will be used. In the following example, an RL-1 slip will be amended for “Calendar Year” 2011. When the “Box” field is prompted on the Amend/Cancel RL-1 Slip page, the footnote codes applicable to 2011 tax reporting are provided for selection.

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In contrast, following is an example of the “Additional Information” box codes that will be provided for amending the RL-1 slip for tax reporting year 2012.

Creating and Printing an Amended RL-1 Slip for 2011 or Prior The “Processing Type” options provided on the Print RL-1 Slips run control pages will be controlled by the tax year identified in the “Balances for Year” field on the Tax Reporting Parameters table.

If the year specified on the Tax Reporting Parameters table is 2011 or prior, only the amended, cancelled or reprint slip types will be available for selection.

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If the year specified on the Tax Reporting Parameters table is 2012 or later, all of the slip types will be available for selection, including the printing of original slips as illustrated below.

Refer to the section titled “Canadian SQRs delivered with Tax Update 12-E” for a complete list of the SQR programs that have been modified to support these changes.

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Important Notes About Printing Amended slips for 2010 and prior must be printed on the previous 3-part RL-1 slip. Amended slips for 2011 should be printed on the revised 2-part slip, however, note that footnotes will be reported instead of the “Additional Information” boxes. Starting with 2012, amended slips will report “Additional Information” boxes. (Report ID 13846708) Annually Redelivered Year-End SQR Programs In previous years, all year-end SQR programs both modified and non-modified were redelivered with the “F” tax update each December. Starting with Tax Update 12-F, please note that only SQR programs that are modified will be delivered with the tax update.

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Special Notes – U.S. 2012 Year End Reporting

Ordering W-2 Forms for Tax Year 2012

In preparing to order W-2 forms for tax year 2012, employers should consider the following issues: Employers who will be reporting W-2 data to any state where their state Employer Identification Number (EIN) is greater than 12 characters in length should not order Form ID LSR02A (the “four-corner” format which prints four W-2s per page at the four corners of the page). W-2 Form ID LSR02A does not provide sufficient space in box 15 to print State EINs that exceed 12 characters. States that are currently known to issue Employer Identification Numbers that exceed 12 characters include Kansas, Utah, and Wisconsin. Employers who are considering ordering W-2 Form ID LSR02A should first review all of their state EINs to confirm that none of them exceed 12 characters in length.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Employers who report W-2 data for New Jersey should be aware that, because of the unusually large number of data items that New Jersey requires to be individually printed on Form W-2, there is a very high incidence of data overflow that results in the printing of a second New Jersey W-2 form for each employee with New Jersey reportable data. With the requirement imposed beginning in tax year 2009 to print the amount deducted for New Jersey Family Leave Insurance (in addition to the amounts deducted for disability insurance and the various components of the New Jersey unemployment insurance program), the problem of data overflow for New Jersey W-2 reporting affected even more employees. To avoid running short of W-2 forms, in determining the quantity of forms to order, it is suggested that employers anticipate that two forms will be needed for each instance of an employee with W-2 data to be reported to New Jersey. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Employers who report W-2 data for Pennsylvania should be aware that, because of the implementation of Pennsylvania Act 32 in tax year 2012, employees who reside and/or work in multiple Pennsylvania local tax jurisdictions will have a higher number of W-2 forms produced than before Pennsylvania Act 32. A separate employee Tax Balance record is created each time that Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax is withheld from an employee for a different Political Subdivision (PSD) Code, and each tax balance record represents a separate iteration of local wage and tax data which must be reported on Form W-2. Data for two local tax jurisdictions can be printed on each Form W-2 using these Form IDs: LSP03 LSR03P LPS4V Data for only one local tax jurisdiction can be printed on each Form W-2 using these Form IDs: LSR01 LSR02A XMLP 4 vertical XMLP pressure seal To avoid running short of W-2 forms, in determining the quantity of forms to order, employers should consider the mobility of their Pennsylvania employee population.

Important Update: It is strongly recommended that you set Locals per Form = 1 if you will be reporting Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax amounts on Form W-2. Some Pennsylvania tax collecting agencies have indicated that employers should not report data for more than one Pennsylvania locality on a single Form W-2. Do not set Locals per Form = 2 unless the Tax Collection District the forms will be submitted to has confirmed that printing two sets of local tax data on a single Form W-2 is acceptable.

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Reporting the Cost of Group Health Insurance Coverage on Form W-2

Beginning with tax year 2012, employers are required to report the cost of group health insurance coverage provided to an employee on Form W-2 in box 12DD. Product modifications to enable employers to comply with this Form W-2 reporting requirement were previously delivered in Tax Update 11-E. Refer to Solution Document 1223448.1 on My Oracle Support for information on various approaches and options that employers may take to integrate the required reportable dollar amounts into the payroll year-end reporting process. Detailed information from the Internal Revenue Service on this Form W-2 reporting requirement may be found at the following locations on the IRS website:

IRS Notice 2012-9 - Interim Guidance on Informational Reporting to Employees of the Cost of Their Group Health Insurance Coverage Form W-2 Informational Reporting of the Cost of Employer-Sponsored Group Health Plan Coverage  

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Special Note – Preparing for U.S. Year End Reporting 2012

After you have followed the instructions in the “PeopleSoft Application Update Installation Instructions” to apply the object changes delivered in this tax update, you are ready to update your year end tables for 2012 U.S. year-end wage and tax reporting. Refer to the separate document Year End Processing 2012: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories delivered with this tax update for detailed instructions on year-end processing with PeopleSoft Payroll for North America. Step 1 is for NEW PeopleSoft Payroll Users only (processing Year End in PeopleSoft Payroll for the first time in 2012) 1. If 2012 will be your first year producing Form W-2 for U.S. employees using PeopleSoft Payroll for

North America, you must contact Oracle Software Support to request the special script described in Solution Document ID 635458.1. You must run this special script to prepare your Tax Form Definition Table for 2012 year-end processing. Running this script will ensure that your Tax Form Definition Table is current up through 2011 year-end changes.

Steps 2 – 10 are for ALL PeopleSoft Payroll Users 2. IMPORTANT: You must complete this manual step before proceeding to use Change Assistant to

apply the DataMover scripts upd872690_03.dms and upd872690_06.dms delivered with Tax Update 12-E. Enter the Tax Form Identification W-2 and the Effective Date of 01/01/2011 on the Tax Form Definition search page and select Search. Add a new row in the table that duplicates all of the 2011 entries by selecting the Add (+) button in the “Effective Date” Group Box. Change the effective-date for this newly inserted row to 01/01/2012. Save this new entry. Then follow this same procedure for Tax Form Identifications W-2c, W-2AS, W-2GU, W-2PR, W-2VI, W-2cAS, W-2cGU, W-2cPR, and W-2cVI. Save these new entries.

3. Update the new 2012 Tax Form Definition Table entries you have created with your specific earnings and deductions information for year-end reporting. Save your changes. To update the Tax Form Definition Table with a new earnings or deduction, the Effective Date of the Earnings Table or Deductions Table entry must match the Effective Date of the Tax Form Definition Table entry you are updating. For example, if you are updating a Tax Form Definition Table entry dated 01/01/2012, then the Effective Date on the Earnings Table or Deduction Table entry of the earnings or deduction being added to the Tax Form Definition Table entry must also be 01/01/2012. If necessary, in Correction mode, temporarily change the Effective Date of the Earnings Table or Deduction Table entry to match the Effective Date of the Tax Form Definition Table entry, update the Tax Form Definition Table entry with the earnings or deduction and save the change, and then, again in Correction mode, return the Effective Date of the Earnings Table or Deduction Table entry to its original date.

4. To update your Tax Form Definition Table for 2012 Form 940 reporting, enter the Tax Form Identification 940 and the Effective Date of 01/01/2011 on the Tax Form Definition search page and select Search. Add a new row in the table by selecting the Add (+) button in the “Effective Date” Group Box and change the Effective Date for this newly inserted row to 01/01/2012. Enter information for any earnings or deductions that should be defined as FUTA-exempt for 2012 FUTA Form 940 reporting. Save this new entry.

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5. Run the DataMover script upd872690_03.dms provided in Tax Update 12-E. This script will add 2012 entries to the Tax Form Print Parameters table for Forms W-2, W-2AS, W-2GU, and W-2VI. (Tax Form Definitions and Tax Form Print Parameters table entries for Puerto Rico Form W-2PR for 2012 will be delivered in Tax Update 12-F.)

6. Run TAX710 to print a listing of 2012 Tax Form Definition table entries and review for accuracy.

7. Update the 2012 Tax Form Print Parameters table entries to print any items of data you have added to the 2012 Tax Form Definitions table entries for any year end forms. (You must always update Tax Form Print Parameters table entries for any non-PeopleSoft delivered items you have added to the Tax Form Definitions table.)

8. Run TAX712 to verify that 2012 entries have been added to the Tax Form Print Parameters table.

9. Update W-2 Company Data by adding entries for calendar year 2012 for each Company. Select the appropriate values for the Kind of Employer and Type of Employment fields.

10. Run the DataMover script upd872690_06.dms to update the Tax Form XMLP Options Table with 2012 U.S. year-end form PDF templates for XMLP processing.

11. Update the Year End Form Options Table for XMLP processing by manually adding a new row for Tax Year 2012 for each W-2 Reporting Company.

12. Review and update data on the Tax Reporting Parameters and Electronic Parameters pages for year-end reporting.

13. Review the Tax Report Type field on the Company Table-Tax Details page and update for 2012 year-end reporting if necessary.

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Special Notes – U.S. Quarterly Wage Reporting – Michigan Tax Update 12-E delivers an updated version of TAX810MI.SQR to comply with the latest Michigan quarterly state wage reporting requirements. A new run control page for Michigan is also delivered as illustrated below. Previously no separate Michigan-specific run control page was provided or required. BEFORE Tax Update 12-E no separate run control page was provided for Michigan:

Tax Update 12-E delivers a new run control page for Michigan:

Each of the following items of data must be entered on the run control for each Company for which data will be reported for the quarterly period being processed: Month 1 Employee Count, Month 2 Employee Count, and Month 3 Employee Count Monthly employee count information can be obtained from the Multiple Worksite Report (TAX004.SQR). (Report ID 14086610; Posted to My Oracle Support as Report ID 14378683 on 26 September 2012)

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Quarterly Wage Reporting - Vermont Tax Update 12-E delivers an updated version of TAX810VT.SQR to comply with the latest Vermont quarterly state wage reporting requirements. The run control page is also modified as illustrated below and on the following page. Because Vermont now accepts only electronic file submissions, the Reporting Medium and Diskette Type fields are removed from the run control page. Because the information will now be obtained from the Electronic Parameters page, the text boxes for entering the Contact Information (Person, Phone/Extension) are also removed. Vermont run control page BEFORE Tax Update 12-E changes:

These fields are no longer required and are removed.

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The following new fields are added to the run control page. Each of the following items of data must be entered on the run control for each Company for which data will be reported for the quarterly period being processed.

1. Month 1 Employee Count, Month 2 Employee Count, Month 3 Employee Count, and Month 3 Female Count

2. Unemployment Contribution Amount Due 3. FTE Employee Count 4. Health Care Amount Due

Monthly employee count information can be obtained from the Multiple Worksite Report (TAX004.SQR). Month 3 Female Count can be obtained by running the Employee Count Report (TAX004ST.SQR). Vermont run control page AFTER Tax Update 12-E changes:

For details on the new Vermont quarterly reporting requirements, see the description of modifications made to TAX810VT.SQR in the later section of this document listing the U.S. SQRs Delivered with Tax Update 12-E. (Report ID 11617257)

New fields

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New Report: PA Local EIT W-2 Tax Total Report (TAX916PA.SQR) New program TAX916PA.SQR delivered with Tax Update 12-E provides multiple options for listing and totaling Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax amounts withheld for year-end reporting to Tax Collection District (TCD) tax collectors under Pennsylvania Act 32. The design of the new report mirrors that of the report produced by TAX011PA.SQR (PA Local Earned Income Tax Report), but the new TAX916PA.SQR reports data from year-end records instead of from tax balance records. On the run control page (shown below), the user has the option of choosing whether or not to show employee detail information on the report. When the Show Employee Detail option is selected, the user may also choose whether to include the employee’s Social Security Number and/or address in the report. The user may also select one of three Sort Options for the report: Company within Work PSD Work PSD within Company Work PSD within Tax Collector A sample page of output from the new report is provided on the following page. New run control page for PA Local EIT W-2 Tax Total Report: Payroll for North America > U.S. Annual Processing > W-2 Reporting > PA Local EIT W-2 Tax Total Rpt

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Sample report output for PA Local EIT W-2 Tax Total Report:

Note: With the delivery of new report TAX916PA.SQR, existing report TAX916LC.SQR is modified to exclude the reporting of data for any Pennsylvania local tax jurisdictions (including Philadelphia). (Report ID 13684257)

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New Tax Classes Tax Update 12-E delivers the two new tax classes described below to support functionality to be delivered in future tax updates. Translate Value: 7 Long Name: ADDITIONAL MEDICARE EE Short Name: ADDL MED Report ID 11608528 scheduled for Tax Update 12-F will deliver additional product modifications related to the 0.9% Additional Medicare Tax imposed effective January 1, 2013, on annual wages paid in excess of $200,000. Translate Value: 6 Long Name: Reserved for PSFT Short Name: Reserved (Report ID 14324543)

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New General Ledger Liability Account for Additional Medicare Tax Update 12-E adds a new field to the Employee Liabilities section of the General Ledger Liability Accts page for Additional Medicare, as shown below.

Values associated with this new field will be printed on Company Table - General Ledger Data report (PAY702) as GL_NBR ADDL Med. The Non-Commitment Accounting GL Interface process (PAYGL01.SQR) is modified to use the new offset account when a tax transaction for the new Tax Class 7 is encountered. Note: Report ID 11608528 scheduled for Tax Update 12-F will deliver additional product modifications related to the 0.9% Additional Medicare Tax imposed effective January 1, 2013, on annual wages paid in excess of $200,000. (Report ID 14625209)


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U.S. Changes

Local Tax Table

State Locality Locality Name OLD Rate/Amt NEW Rate/Amt Effective Date

IN 015 Carroll (Report ID 14701308)

0.015039 / Resident 0.004000 / Nonresident

0.017039 / Resident 0.004000 / Nonresident


059 Hancock (Report ID 14701308)

0.016500 / Resident 0.004000 / Nonresident

0.016500 / Resident 0.004500 / Nonresident


123 Perry (Report ID 14701308)

0.010600 / Resident 0.006850 / Nonresident

0.015600 / Resident 0.011850 / Nonresident


149 Starke (Report ID 14701308)

0.010600 / Resident 0.008100 / Nonresident

0.017100 / Resident 0.014600 / Nonresident


OH 29652 Geneva-on-the-Lake (Report ID 14546194)

0.010000 / Resident 0.010000 / Nonresident

0.015000 / Resident 0.015000 / Nonresident


71682 Shaker Heights (Report ID 14546194)

0.017500 / Resident 0.017500 / Nonresident

0.022500 / Resident 0.022500 / Nonresident


85484 Willoughby (Report ID 14546194)

New entry 0.020000 / Resident 0.020000 / Nonresident


The  new  Local  Tax  Table  entry  for  Locality  OH-­‐85484  (Willoughby)  is  delivered  to  replace  the  existing  Local  Tax  Table  entry  for  Locality  OH-­‐85498  (Willoughby),  which  was  originally  delivered  in  error.    85484  (not  85498)  is  the  correct  Federal  Information  Processing  Standard  (FIPS)  code  for  Willoughby  in  Lake  County,  Ohio.    Any  employees  subject  to  taxation  by  Willoughby,  Ohio,  who  are  currently  setup  with  Locality  OH-­‐85498  should  be  re-­‐assigned  to  the  correct  Locality  OH-­‐85484  no  later  than  before  the  first  payment  of  wages  on  or  after  January  1,  2013.    Tax  Update  12-­‐F  will  deactivate  the  erroneous  table  entry  for  Locality  OH-­‐85498  effective  December  31,  2012.    

PA 510101 Philadelphia (Report ID 14740409)

Taxing Entity Code: blank W2 Reporting Agency: blank

Taxing Entity Code: PHILA W2 Reporting Agency: PHILA

Correcting entry

Note: The City of Detroit has advised that the previously scheduled July 1, 2012, tax rate change for the City of Detroit is currently under court challenge. If and when a tax rate change is confirmed by the City of Detroit, details will be made available on My Oracle Support, and the change will be delivered in a future tax update.

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20 – TAX12E900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L

Local Tax Table – Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax Tax Update 12-E includes updates to Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax entries in the Local Tax Table based on data downloaded from the “Real-time Register” on the website maintained by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Table updates are delivered for Local Tax Table entries for Local Earned Income Taxes for which previously existing tax rates do not match the current information downloaded from the “Real-time Register” on the Pennsylvania website. All updates to Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax entries in the Local Tax Table delivered in this tax update are effective-dated 01/01/2012. These Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax rate changes downloaded from the “Real-time Register” on Pennsylvania website are documented separately in these files delivered with this tax update: PA32EIT12E.doc Word document PA32EIT12E.xls Excel spreadsheet (Report ID 14740409)

Local Tax Reciprocity Table

Locality of Residence

Locality of Employment

Effective Date

Credit Reduction Percent

Credit Limit Rate

Reciprocity Rule:

OH 27706 Forest Park


07/01/2017 Action: Add new table entry changing Credit Limit Rate from 0.005000 to BLANK.

100.00 BLANK Withhold 100% of calculated work locality withholding on work locality wages. Then calculate residence locality withholding by the applicable method, depending on whether residence or work locality tax rate is greater. (Report ID 14653956)

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Garnishment Rules Table (U.S.)

State Rule ID Effective Date



01/01/2012 A new table entry is delivered for Missouri state tax levies. COBOL program changes are also delivered in this tax update which are required in conjunction with this new Garnishment Rules Table entry to calculate amounts to be deducted from employees to comply with Missouri state tax levy wage withholding orders. Note: Tax Update 12-E also adds new translate value “PG” (for Prior Garnishments) to fields GARN_ELEMENT1 and GARN_ELEMENT2, and to modified views PY_GARN_UE1_VW, PY_GARN_UE2_VW, PY_GARN_UE1_LNG and PY_GARN_UE2_LNG. You must alter the tables before running the garnishment script, or the new translate value will not be correctly displayed. See the entry for Report ID 13926596 in the following section of this document on COBOL and Store Statement Changes delivered in this tax update for additional information. (Report ID 13926596)

RI LEVY 01/01/1993 The table entry effective-dated 01/01/1993 delivered in Tax Update 12-C is corrected to change the DE Definition ID from “FEDERAL” to “FEDTAXLEVY” per information published in the “ Instruction for Levy on Wages, Salary, and Other Income,” published by the Rhode Island Department of Administration Division of Taxation. (Report ID 14489639)

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22 – TAX12E900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L

Tax Update 12-E - COBOL and Store Statement Changes for Release 9 All payroll users must apply all COBOL and store statement changes included in Tax Update 12-E.

Changed COBOL Modules This tax update includes the modified COBOL programs and copy members listed on the following page. Customers should incorporate the source programs into their source libraries and recompile and relink. For delivered copy members, any modules affected by the changed copy members must also be recompiled. For your installation, if you do not have a tool to determine which COBOL modules are affected by the changed copy member(s), we recommend that you recompile all modules.

Changed Store Statements This tax update includes the modified store statements listed on the following page. They are located in the COBOL directory. Replace your current version and rerun your store statements using DataMover. For Release 9 Changes are made to COBOL programs:

PSPGCALC.CBL PSPPARRY.CBL PSPPYNET.CBL PSPTGCTB.CBL Changes are made to copy member: PSCGRULE.CBL Changes are made to store statements: (none)

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Report IDs COBOL and Store Statement changes for the following Report IDs are included in this tax update. Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to My Oracle Support. E&G = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for Education & Government USF = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for U.S. Federal Government Report ID


13910477 Report ID 13910477 modifies PSPGCALC.CBL to correctly calculate New York writ garnishments if an employee has other higher priority spousal or dependent support garnishments, in compliance with the following provisions of Section 5231 of N.Y. Civil Practice Laws & Rules: (select CVP – Civil Practice Laws and Rules, then select Article 52 – Enforcement of Money Judgments, then select 5231 – Income Execution.)














Prior to the modifications, if the higher priority garnishment(s) were for Spousal or Dependent Support and were less than 25% of Disposable Earnings, the amount to be withheld for the writ garnishment was not correctly calculated up to the allowed 25% of Disposable Earnings. If the higher priority garnishment(s) were for Child Support, the writ garnishment amount was calculated correctly.

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Report ID


13926596 Report ID 13926596 modifies PSPGCALC.CBL and copy member PSCGRULE.CBL to add new functionality to support Missouri state tax levy calculations. Missouri tax levies are based on a percentage of net pay. The percentage is established by the Missouri Department of Revenue on each individual court order and is not limited to a specific maximum. The employee’s assigned Disposable Earnings percent is entered on the Garn Spec Data 6 page. If an employee has another garnishment with a higher priority, the amount of the higher priority garnishment will reduce the Disposable Earnings available to be subject to the state tax levy. Tax Update 12-E delivers the following product modifications to support the Missouri state tax levy calculation:

1. Translate value “PG” is added to fields GARN_ELEMENT1 and GARN_ELEMENT2 and views PY_GARN_UE1_VW, PY_GARN_UE2_VW, PY_GARN_UE1_LNG and PY_GARN_UE2_LNG, to signify “Prior Garnishments”.

2. PSCGRULE.CBL and PSPGCALC.CBL are modified to recognize and incorporate the new translate value of “PG” when calculating a garnishment.

3. A new rule is added to the Garnishment Rules table (as documented in the earlier section of this document Garnishment Rules Table Changes – U.S.). Garnish Law Source=MO Garnish Rule ID=LEVY This new garnishment rule correctly considers prior garnishments when calculating the available Disposable Earnings subject to the state tax levy. “Prior Garnishments” is added as an Element Type on the Garnishment Rules Table-Calculation Formula page (refer to Step 5).

14055274 Report ID 14055274 modifies PSPPYNET.CBL and PSPTGCTB.CBL to exclude Earnings amounts representing the value of benefits provided to same-sex spouses (Taxable Gross Component = DPB) from the definition of taxable wages subject to the employer-paid New York MTA Payroll Tax (Locality NY-P0023). Report ID 13415179, delivered in Tax Update 12-B, similarly modified PSPPYNET.CBL and PSPTCALC.CBL to exclude Deduction amounts representing the value of benefits provided to provided to same-sex spouses (Taxable Gross Component = DPB) from the definition of taxable wages subject to the employer-paid New York MTA Payroll Tax (Locality NY-P0023).

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Report ID


14280484 Report ID 14280484 modifies PSPPARRY.CBL to correctly combine Variable Compensation Additional Pay transactions in one paycheck when separate checks are not specified. Prior to the modifications, separate checks were incorrectly generated in the following scenario for an employee:

1. The Load Paysheets Transaction page specifies the following options for Process Request Parameters: Off-cycle Calculate Options-Paysheet Update Source: Variable Compensation

2. Additional Pay pages with multiple Earnings Codes are set up for the employee, all with Sep Check Number = 1.

Instead of correctly combining the earnings into one paycheck, each Additional Pay earnings transaction was paid on a separate check.

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26 – TAX12E900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L

U.S. SQRs delivered with Tax Update 12-E for Release 9 Descriptions of SQR modifications are followed by the Report ID. Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to My Oracle Support. E&G = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for Education & Government USF = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for U.S. Federal Government

Annual Reporting SQRs SQR Description

TAX900.SQR TAX900.SQR produces the Annual Reporting Error Listing. The program is modified to include two new error messages in the report to assist customers in reporting Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax data in compliance with Pennsylvania Act 32 reporting requirements.

1. “Missing one or both PSD Codes” when State = PA, Locality = 6 digits, and Tax Class = Withholding

2. “Locality code is invalid” when State = PA, Locality = 880000 or 990000, and Tax Class = Withholding

Other programs delivered in Tax Update 12-E as part of Report ID 13684257 include: TAX910AU.SQR, TAX910ER.SQR, TAX916LC.SQR, and new program TAX916PA.SQR. (Report ID 13684257)

TAX910AU.SQR TAX910AU.SQR produces the Year End Data Audit Report. The program is modified to display the Tax Collection District (TCD) code (instead of Locality Name) printed in Form W-2 box 20 when Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax data is reported in boxes 18 and 19, in compliance with Pennsylvania Act 32 reporting requirements. Other programs delivered in Tax Update 12-E as part of Report ID 13684257 include: TAX900.SQR, TAX910ER.SQR, TAX916LC.SQR, and new program TAX916PA.SQR. (Report ID 13684257)

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SQR Description

TAX910ER.SQR TAX910ER.SQR produces the Year End Record Error Report. The program is modified to include two new error messages to assist customers in reporting Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax data in compliance with Pennsylvania Act 32 reporting requirements.

1. “Missing one or both PSD Codes” when State = PA, Locality = 6 digits, and Tax Class = Withholding

2. “Locality code is invalid” when State = PA, Locality = 880000 or 990000, and Tax Class = Withholding

For each of the above error messages, known values for the Locality code and any PSD codes loaded to the year-end record by TAX910LD.SQR are printed, to assist the user in resolving errors and correcting invalid or missing values. Blank or zero-filled values are considered to be missing data. Other programs delivered in Tax Update 12-E as part of Report ID 13684257 include: TAX900.SQR, TAX910AU.SQR, TAX916LC.SQR, and new program TAX916PA.SQR. (Report ID 13684257) The program is also modified to include two new error messages to assist customers in reporting the correct dollar amounts in Form W-2 boxes 16 (State wages) and 18 (Local wages) in compliance with New York reporting requirements.

1. “Box 16 > Box 1 Amount” when State = NY

2. “Box 18 > Box 1 Amount” when State = NY and Locality = P0001 (New York City) or 84000 (Yonkers)

New York State Department of Taxation & Finance Pub. TSB-M-02(3)I requires that the amount of wages reported as New York wages in W-2 box 16 (State wages) or as New York City or Yonkers wages in W-2 box 18 (Local wages) be the same amount of federal wages reported in W-2 box 1 (with an exception for part-year New York City residents). For same-sex married employees, New York State Department of Taxation & Finance Pub. NYS-45-I (10/11) requires employers to reduce the amount of wages that would otherwise be reported in W-2 box 16 (State wages) or W-2 box 18 (Local wages) in compliance with Pub. TSB-M-02(3)I by the amount of any benefits not subject to withholding for New York purposes (e.g., health benefits that are treated as domestic partner health benefits for federal tax purposes), even though they are subject to federal withholding. (In Taxable Gross Definition Table entries delivered by Oracle/PeopleSoft, the Taxable Gross Component ID used to identify such benefits is “DPB”.) (Report ID 14491272)

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SQR Description

TAX910LD.SQR TAX910LD.SQR loads data to the year-end records. The program is modified to report Box 12A (Uncollected Social Security Tax on tips) based on the correct 2012 employee Social Security tax rate of 4.2% (instead of 6.2%) for Forms W-2, W-2AS, W-2GU, and W-2VI. The program is also modified to report Box 22 (Uncollected Social Security Tax on tips) based on the correct 2012 employee Social Security tax rate of 4.2% (instead of 6.2%) for Form W-2PR. (Report ID 14300730) The program is also modified to ensure that the correct amounts are reported in W-2 box 16 (State wages) for New York and in W-2 box 18 (Local wages) for New York City or Yonkers for an employee who is paid in multiple Companies during the year which point to the same W2 Reporting Company, when the employee has New York-reportable wages in at least one or more Companies also has at least one Company in which he does not have NY reportable data. Prior to the modifications, the wages reported in box 16 and 18 when one Form W-2 was issued for the combined wages paid to an employee in multiple Companies pointing to the same W2 Reporting Company reflected only the earnings for those Companies for which the employee had New York-reportable wages, instead of the earnings for all Companies. This error prevented the amounts reported in box 16 and box 18 from being the same amount of federal wages reported in W-2 box 1, as required by New York State Department of Taxation & Finance Pub. TSB-M-02(3)I. (Report ID 14310827)

TAX916LC.SQR TAX916LC.SQR produces the Local W-2 Tax Totals Report. The program is modified to exclude the reporting of data for any Pennsylvania local tax jurisdictions (including Philadelphia). Information for Pennsylvania local tax jurisdictions (including Philadelphia) is now provided in new report TAX916PA.SQR. Other programs delivered in Tax Update 12-E as part of Report ID 13684257 include: TAX900.SQR, TAX910AU.SQR, TAX910ER.SQR, and new program TAX916PA.SQR. (Report ID 13684257)

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SQR Description

TAX916PA.SQR TAX916PA.SQR is a new program delivered in Tax Update 12-E. It produces the new Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax (EIT) W-2 Tax Total Report, which is provided to assist customers in reporting Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax data in compliance with Pennsylvania Act 32 reporting requirements. The design of the new report mirrors that of the report produced by TAX011PA.SQR (PA Local Earned Income Tax Report), but the new TAX916PA.SQR reports data from year-end records instead of from tax balance records. See the entry in the Special Notes – U.S. section earlier in this document for an illustration of the new run control page delivered in Tax Update 12-E for TAX916PA.SQR, as well as a sample report output page. The run control allows the user to indicate whether the report should include employee-level detail. If the employee detail option is selected, the user has the option of including Social Security Number and employee address. The user can also select one of the following sort options:

1. By Company within Work PSD 2. By Work PSD within Company 3. By Work PSD within Tax Collector

Other programs delivered in Tax Update 12-E as part of Report ID 13684257 include: TAX900.SQR, TAX910AU.SQR, TAX910ER.SQR, and TAX916LC.SQR. (Report ID 13684257)

TAX940A.SQR TAX940A.SQR produces the FUTA Taxable Wages by UI State Report. The program is modified to report the following employee detail when the program generates the message “No UI State Found”:

1. Employee ID 2. Employee Name 3. Check/Advice Number 4. Payment Date 5. FUTA Wages

The “No UI State Found” message is generated when an employee paycheck detail record includes FUTA taxable wages (Taxable wages > zero for State = $U, Tax Class = “U”) but no UI Jurisdiction State is specified. Modifying the report to provide the details listed above in this situation will assist customers in researching and correcting instances of missing UI Jurisdiction State data, and allow the FUTA taxable wages to be allocated to the correct UI Jurisdiction State. (Report ID 14153239)

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30 – TAX12E900- N O T E S . D O C P E O P L E S O F T P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D C O N F I D E N T I A L

SQR Description


TAXMMREF.SQC (in conjunction with TAX960FD.SQR, TAX960PD.SQR, TAX960ST.SQR and TAX960LC.SQR) reports W-2 wage and tax data to the Social Security Administration for the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Territories in the EFW2 format for electronic filing. The program is modified to comply with revisions in the 2012 edition of SSA Publication EFW2, Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically, which is available on the Social Security Administration website. Record Changes:

Record Positions 2012 requirements

Prior requirements

RA 446-485 Contact E-Mail is now required.

The field was optional and blanks were acceptable.

499 Blank filled “Notification Method” was reported in this position, with either “1” for E-mail or “2” for Postal.

RW 342-352 Blank filled This field was zero-filled for tax years 2002-2011; prior to tax year 2002, it was used to report Military Employee Basic Quarters, Subsistence and Combat Pay for tax years 1995-2001.

RT 220-234 Blank filled This field was previously used to report the total of RW Record positions 342-352, which are now blank-filled as described above.

Related Object Changes: The Electronic Parameters page (MMREF_PARAMETERS) is modified to default the Notification Method field to “E Mail”. A warning message is displayed if the Email field is left blank. Programs TAX962FD.SQR and PRTMMREF.SQC are also redelivered in Tax Update 12-E as part of Report ID 14186400 as described below. (Report ID 14186400)


TAX962FD.SQR, in conjunction with PRTMMREF.SQC, produces the audit report of the contents of the W-2 file created by TAX960FD.SQR. The program is modified to support and reflect the changes made to TAXMMREF.SQR described above to comply with revisions in the 2012 edition of SSA Publication EFW2, Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically. (Report ID 14186400)

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Quarterly Reporting SQRs SQR Description


TAX810FL.SQR, in conjunction with RPTSMMRY.SQC, reports quarterly wage and tax data to Florida in an XML format. The programs are redelivered with the following modifications: Electronic File: Employees who have negative QTD Taxable Wages but positive QTD No Limit Gross Wages will be included on the file. Since negative amounts cannot be reported on the file, negative QTD Taxable Wages amounts will be reported as zero.

Note: Florida has indicated that even though QTD Taxable Wages is required to be reported on the file, the QTD Taxable Wages amount reported on the file is not used by Florida, and that instead the QTD Taxable Wages amount is actually derived by Florida based on the No Limit Gross Wage information reported for an employee for all the quarters in the tax reporting year.

Exception Report (Negative Wages section): The new message “Taxable Gross is reported as zero” is generated for employees who have negative QTD Taxable Wages but positive QTD No Limit Gross Wages. Employees for whom this message is generated should be researched to determine the reason for the negative QTD Taxable Wages value and corrective action taken if necessary. Prior to the modifications, employees who had a negative QTD Taxable Wage balance were excluded from the electronic file and not reported to Florida, and were instead reported in the Negative Wages section on the Exception Report. Note: Employees who have negative QTD No Limit Gross Wages will still be excluded from the file and reported on the Exception Report, regardless of whether the value of QTD Taxable Wages is positive or negative. The modification to report on the file employees who have negative QTD Taxable Wages but positive QTD No Limit Gross Wages was necessitated by Florida’s late decision (Florida H.B. 7027 enacted on March 28, 2012) to reduce the 2012 unemployment insurance taxable wage base from $8,500 to $8,000. (The update to the State Tax Table entry for Florida for this change was delivered in Tax Update 12-C.) Because Florida made the late announcement of their last-minute decision to reduce the taxable wage base after some employers had already processed their final payrolls for the quarter ending March 31, 2012, negative QTD Taxable Gross Wage amounts were generated in a subsequent quarter for employees who had already been paid more than the original 2012 taxable wage amount of $8,000 in the quarter ending March 31, 2012. (Report ID 14373443)

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SQR Description


TAX810MI.SQR reports quarterly wage and tax data to Michigan using a new Michigan-specific format. The program is modified to comply with new Michigan reporting specifications which are effective with the report submitted for the quarter ending September 30, 2012.,1607,7-118--77970--,00.html

1. The program is modified to include the following new records on the file: a. “F” Header Record (length = 21) b. “H” Tax Portion Record (length = 86) c. “W” Wage Record (length = 65)

Prior to the modifications, only the “S” record (length = 72) was generated for Michigan.

2. A new run control page is added for TAX810MI.SQR, on which the following information must be entered for each Company for which data will be reported for the quarterly period being processed: Month 1 Employee Count, Month 2 Employee Count, and Month 3 Employee Count Monthly employee count information can be obtained from the Multiple Worksite Report (TAX004.SQR).

See the entry in the Special Notes – U.S. section earlier in this document for an illustration of the new run control page.

(Report ID 14086610; Posted to My Oracle Support as Report ID 14378683 on 26 September 2012) Note: The TAX810MI.SQR program delivered with Tax Update 12-E is updated to resolve a DB2 compile issue that was reported with the program originally posted to My Oracle Support.

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SQR Description

TAX810TN.SQR TAX810TN.SQR reports quarterly wage and tax data to Tennessee using the Tennessee “modified” ICESA format. The program is redelivered with the following modifications:

1. The program will now create a separate file for each employer account (Company). The file names are T81TNxxx, where “xxx” represents the 3-digit company code. For example, if data is processed for Companies ABC and XYZ, the output files will be named T81TNABC and T81TNXYZ. Prior to the modifications, one file was created for all employer accounts (Companies).

2. The program will now remove special characters from the name fields. No spaces, hyphens, numbers, etc., will be reported in the name fields. Only characters A-Z will be reported in the name fields, in compliance with the requirements specified in the Tennessee “modified” ICESA format. Prior to the modifications, special characters were not removed from the name fields.

Note: TAX810TN.SQR does not currently support the Tennessee “full” ICESA format because Tennessee has not yet made the specifications for that format available to all employers. (Report ID 14372577)

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SQR Description


TAX810VT.SQR, in conjunction with RPTSMMRY.SQC, reports quarterly wage and tax data to Vermont using the ICESA format. The program is modified to comply with the latest Vermont specifications for employers filing data for more than 250 employees. Record Changes:

1. The program is modified to report the new “C” record (length = 115) based on data input on the Vermont Run Control Page, and to include this information on the .pdf log file.

2. The program is also modified to report the numerical code for Vermont (“50”) instead of the “VT” on the “E” record (positions 171-172) and the “S” record (positions 44-45).

Run Control Changes: Fields removed

1. Because electronic filing is now mandatory, the Reporting Medium and Diskette Type fields are removed from the run control.

2. Because the information will now be obtained from the Electronic Parameters page, the text boxes for entering the Contact Information (Person, Phone/Extension) are removed from the run control.

Fields added Each of the following items of data must be entered for each Company for which data will be reported for the quarterly period being processed. 1. Month 1 Employee Count, Month 2 Employee Count, Month 3 Employee Count, and

Month 3 Female Count. Monthly employee count information can be obtained from the Multiple Worksite Report (TAX004.SQR). Month 3 Female Count can be obtained by running the Employee Count Report (TAX004ST.SQR).

2. Unemployment Contribution Amount Due. 3. FTE Employee Count. 4. Health Care Amount Due. See the entry in the Special Notes – U.S. section earlier in this document for an illustration of the new run control page.

Vermont suggests that employers submit a “pre-edit” file prior to live-data file submissions and to call (802) 828-4253 with any questions. (Report ID 11617257)

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Other U.S. SQRs

SQR Description


DDP003.SQR is the Deposit Advice program. PAY003.SQR is the Paycheck Print program. Tax Update 12-E adds fields PY_NY_IND and PY_NY_DERIVED_RATE to the PY_EARNS_WRK work record to track the New York derived rates for overtime pay when an employee has prior pay period earnings. The DDP003.SQR and PAY003.SQR programs are correspondingly modified to process this information for prior pay period earnings so that the New York derived overtime rate is displayed on the pay stub for the deposit advice or check when an employee has an FLSA-overtime pay calculation invoked based on a prior pay period. Prior to the modifications, if a New York employee was paid overtime earnings for a prior pay period and the overflow XMLP template was used, the New York derived overtime rates were not displayed on the pay stub for the employee’s pay check or deposit advice. Note: This change will be reflected only on pay stubs for which XMLP (BI Publisher) is used to create the pay check or deposit advice. (Report ID 14300607)

PAY702.SQR PAY702.SQR prints the General Ledger Data from the Company Table. The program is modified to report the new offset account field added to the Employee Liabilities section of the Company Table/General Ledger Liability Accounts page for Additional Medicare tax, which will be reflect on the report as “GL_NBR ADDL Med”. Programs PAYGL01.SQR and GETCODTA.SQC are also redelivered in Tax Update 12-E as part of Report ID 14625209, as described below. (Report ID 14625209)

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SQR Description


PAYGL01.SQR, in conjunction with GETCODTA.SQC, performs the Payroll General Ledger Interface Process. The programs are modified to support the future implementation of a new Tax Class value for Non-Commitment Accounting.

Tax Class


Short Name


7 Additional Medicare EE

Addl Med Additional Medicare Tax imposed on high-wage employees

PAYGL01.SQR is modified to utilize the new offset account specified on Company Table for Tax Class 7 transactions. Report ID 11608528 scheduled for Tax Update 12-F will deliver additional product modifications related to the 0.9% Additional Medicare Tax imposed effective January 1, 2013, on annual wages paid in excess of $200,000. See the entry in the Special Notes – U.S. section earlier in this document for an illustration of the addition of the new Additional Medicare offset account field added to the Employee Liabilities section of the Company Table/General Ledger Liability Accounts page.

Program PAY702.SQR is also redelivered in Tax Update 12-E as part of Report ID 14625209, as described above. (Report ID 14625209)

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Canadian SQRs delivered with Tax Update 12-E for Release 9 Descriptions of SQR modifications are followed by the Report ID. Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to Updates & Fixes on My Oracle Support.

Canadian Year-End Reporting SQRs SQR Description

CTX910QP.SQR CTX910QP.SQR is a new program that produces formatted laser RL-1 slips for tax years 2010 and prior using a variety of sort options. Processing type options provide for amended, cancelled, and the reprinting of selected slips. This program will automatically be executed through the Print RL-1 Slips run control page when printing slips for tax years 2010 or prior, and will report footnotes in the old format. Refer to the section in this document titled “Amending, Cancelling and Reprinting RL-1 Slips for Tax Reporting Years 2011 and Prior” for further information. Note: Amended slips for 2010 and prior must be printed on the previous 3-part RL-1 slip. Amended slips for 2011 should be printed on the revised 2-part slip, however, note that footnotes will be reported instead of “Additional Information” boxes. Starting with 2012, amended slips will report “Additional Information” boxes. (Report ID 13846708)

CTX910RM.SQR CTX910RM.SQR produces a file in XML format for reporting of original, amended and cancelled RL-1 information. The program is modified to provide the following warning message when creating files for prior years: “An invalid file may be produced as it may not match RQ’s current schema for file validation.” Note: A magnetic media file should only be created when producing original slips or amending the original slips that were produced for the last filing year. For all other years, produce the slips in paper format by running the Print RL-1 Slips SQR program. Refer to the section in this document titled “Amending, Cancelling and Reprinting RL-1 Slips for Tax Reporting Years 2011 and Prior” for further information. (Report ID 13846708)

CTX910RP.SQR CTX910RP.SQR produces formatted laser RL-1 slips with a variety of sort options. Processing type options provide for original, amended, and cancelled slips. The program is modified to allow for the printing of amended, cancelled or reprinted slips for tax years 2011 and later. Refer to the section in this document titled “Amending, Cancelling and Reprinting RL-1 Slips for Tax Reporting Years 2011 and Prior” for further information. (Report ID 13846708)

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Previous Updates Tax Update 12-D U.S. – 2012 state withholding tax changes for Maryland and Michigan; State

Tax Reciprocity Table entries for Alabama residents working in states that do not impose income tax withholding; Local Tax Table changes for Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania; Local Tax Reciprocity Table entries for Ohio; W-2 reporting of Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax data under PA Act 32; quarterly wage reporting changes for Arkansas and New Mexico; redelivered SQR programs.

Canada – Provincial tax change for Manitoba. Redelivered year-end SQR programs.

Tax Update 12-C U.S. – 2012 state withholding tax changes for Idaho and Illinois; retroactive

reduction in 2012 Florida state unemployment taxable wage limit; retroactive increase in 2012 Massachusetts Unemployment Health Insurance employer tax rate; reciprocity rule change for Indiana residents working in other states; Local Tax Table changes for Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania; new Local Tax Reciprocity Table entry for residents of Findlay, Ohio; new Garnishment Rules Table entries for Rhode Island state tax levies and Washington general creditor garnishments; redelivered SQR programs.

Canada – Provincial tax changes for Manitoba and Ontario. Redelivered SQR program.

Tax Update 12-B U.S. – 2012 Puerto Rico withholding tax changes; U.S. Virgin Islands 2012

unemployment insurance taxable wage base; Local Tax Table changes for Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania; Taxable Gross Definition Table changes for New York, Washington; Garnishment Rules Table changes for Arizona, Massachusetts, Oregon; redelivered SQR programs.

Canada – Redelivery of year-end SQR programs.

Tax Update 12-A U.S. – 2012 state withholding tax changes for Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho,

Missouri, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Yonkers; 2012 state disability and/or unemployment employee tax rate changes for Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, North Carolina; Local Tax Table changes for Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania; Garnishment Rules Table change for Kentucky; redelivered SQR programs.

Canada – Provincial tax changes for Quebec; redelivery of year-end SQR programs.

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Appendix: Object Changes delivered in Tax Update 12-E


Name Description 881 890 900 910 RUN_CTX910RM Report ID 13846708

Added PostBuild PeopleCode.

RUN_CTX910RP Report ID 13846708 Added PreBuild PeopleCode. Added RowSelect PeopleCode on PRCSRQSTDLGLIST record. Added FieldChange PeopleCode on DERIVED_PAY.RL1_PROCESSING_FLG field.

RUN_TAX810IL-NC Report ID 14086610 Added new page for Michigan State.

RUN_TAX916PA Report ID 13684257 Added new component.

YE_AMEND_SLIPS Report ID 13846708 Added PreBuild PeopleCode.



Report ID 11617257 New fields for VT Quarterly Report Parameters.

GL_FICA_ADDL_MED Report ID 14625171 New field

GL_FICA_ADDL_MED Report ID 14625209 New field.

PY_NY_DERIVED_RATE Report ID 14300607 New field.

PY_NY_IND Report ID 14300607 New field.

TX810_1_BTN1 Report ID 14534487 Modified short and long descriptions.

TX810_2_BTN2 Report ID 14086610 Added 'MI' to label Long and Short names.


Name Description 881 890 900 910 MANAGE_ANNUAL_TAX_RPTG_US Report ID 13684257

Added menu item for PA Local EIT W-2 Tax Totals Report.

MANAGE_ANNUAL_TAX_RPTG_U.S. Report ID 14378569 Added menu item for PA Local EIT W-2 Tax Totals Report.

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Message Catalog:

Message Set Number

Message Number

Description 881 890 900 910

2000 854 Report ID 13846708 Added new message.

2000 855 Report ID 14186400 Added new message.


Name Description 881 890 900 910 CAN_YE_AMEND_SLIP4 Report ID 13846708


COMP_TBL7USA_SEC Report ID 14625171 Added new field GL_FICA_ADDL_MED.

COMP_TBL7USA_SEC Report ID 14625209 Added new field GL_FICA_ADDL_MED.

PY_IC_W4_DATA Report ID 14332536 Modified field label to use long name.

RUNCTL_CTX910RP Report ID 13846708 Modified the prompt on Processing Type. Added Page Activate PeopleCode.

RUNCTL_TAX810IL Report ID 14086610 Modified Page Activate PeopleCode.

RUNCTL_TAX810MI Report ID 14086610 Added page for MI Quarterly Report Parameters,

RUNCTL_TAX810MO Report ID 14086610 Modified Page Activate PeopleCode.

RUNCTL_TAX810VT Report ID 11617257 Modified page for VT Quarterly Report Parameters.

RUNCTL_TAX916PA Report 13684257 Added new page.

Portal Registry Structures:

Name Description 881 890 900 910 HC_RUN_TAX916PA_USA Report ID 13684257

Added new CREF.

Process Definitions:

Name Description 881 890 900 910 CTX910QP Report ID 13846708

Added new SQR.

TAX916PA Report ID 13684257 Added new SQR.

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Name Field Description


881 890 900 910

CAN_AMEND_RL1_S EMPLID Report ID 13846708 Modified SavePostChange PeopleCode.

COMPANY_TBL GL_FICA_ADDL_MED Report ID 14625209 Added new field.


COMPANY_TBL_GL GL_FICA_ADDL_MED Report ID 14625171 Added new field.


COMPANY_TBL_GL GL_FICA_ADDL_MED Report ID 14625209 Added new field.


DERIVED_PAY Report ID 13846708 Added RL1_PROCESSING_FLG field.

DERIVED_PAY TX810_2_BTN2 Report ID 14086610 Modified FieldChange PeopleCode.

PRCSFLG_RL1_LN1 Report ID 13846708 Added new view.


PRCSFLG_RL1_LN2 Report ID 13846708 Added new view.


PRCSFLG_RL1_VW1 Report ID 13846708 Added new view.


PRCSFLG_RL1_VW2 Report ID 13846708 Added new view.


TAX960_PARM NOTIFY_METHOD Report ID 14186400 Modified SaveEdit PeopleCode. Modified default value to '1'.

TAXFORM_ERN Report ID 13512178 Modified RowInit PeopleCode.



Report ID 14300607 Added 2 new fields to the work record


PY_GARN_UE1_VW Report ID 13926596 Modified view SQL to include new translate value of 'PG'.


PY_GARN_UE1_LNG Report ID 13926596 Modified view SQL to include new translate value of 'PG'.


PY_GARN_UE2_VW Report ID 13926596 Modified view SQL to include new translate value of 'PG'.


PY_GARN_UE2_LNG Report ID 13926596 Modified view SQL to include new translate value of 'PG'.


RC_CAN_YE RL1_PROCESSING_FLG Report ID 13846708 Removed FieldChange PeopleCode. Modified RowInit PeopleCode.

RC_QTR_UI REPORTING_MEDIUM Report ID 11617257 Modified SaveEdit PeopleCode.

RC_TAX810MI Report ID 14086610 Added new Record for MI Quarterly Report Parameters. Added RowInit PeopleCode for field OPRID.


RC_TAX810VT_PRM Report ID 11617257 Added new Record for VT Quarterly Report Parameters. Added RowInit PeopleCode for field OPRID.


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Name Field Description


881 890 900 910

RC_TAX916PA Report ID 13684257 Added new record. Added RowInit PeopleCode for field OPRID. Added FieldChange, RowInit and SaveEdit PeopleCode for field EE_DETAIL_FLAG.


R_TAX916PA Report ID 13684257 Added new record.


RL1_TAXFORM_VW Report ID 13846708 Added EFFDT field.


Security (Permission Lists):

Menu Menu Item Description 881 890 900 910 MANAGE_ANNUAL_TAX_RPTG_US RUN_TAX916PA Report ID 13684257

Added new menu item for permission lists HCCPPY1000 and HCCPFGALLP.

MANAGE_ANNUAL_TAX_RPTG_U.S. RUN_TAX916PA Report ID 14378569 Added new page for Permission lists CPPY1000 and CPFGALLP.


Report ID 14086610 Added new page for Permission lists HCCPPY1000 and HCCPFGALLP.

Strings Table:

Program ID String ID Description 881 890 900 910 CTX910AU RV1_OTHER_INFO Report ID 14515804

Added new string.

CTX910AS RV1_OTHER_INFO Report ID 14515804 Added new string.

CTX910AA RV1_OTHER_INFO Report ID 14515804 Added new string.

Translate Values:

Field Description 881 890 900 910 GARN_ELEMENT1 Report ID 13926596

Added new translate value 'PG' for prior garnishments.

GARN_ELEMENT2 Report ID 13926596 Added new translate value 'PG' for prior garnishments.

TAX_CLASS Report ID 14324543 Added new values 6 and 7.

TAX_CLASS Report ID 14367939 Added new values 6 and 7.

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XMLP Data Definitions:

Data Source ID Description 900 910 PYW212 Report ID 13368241

Added new Data Source Definition for 2012.

PYW2AS12 Report ID 13368241 Added new Data Source Definition for 2012.

PYW2C12 Report ID 13368241 Added new Data Source Definition for 2012.

PYW2GU12 Report ID 13368241 Added new Data Source Definition for 2012.

PYW2VI12 Report ID 13368241 Added new Data Source Definition for 2012.

XMLP Report Definitions:

Report Name Description 900 910 PYW212N_CO Report ID 13368241

New W2 Company print template for 2012.

PYW212N_EE Report ID 13368241 New W2 Employee print template for 2012.

PYW212N_GVT Report ID 13368241 New W2 Government print template for 2012.

PYW212N_SM Report ID 13368241 New W2 Self Mailer template for 2012.

PYW212S_EE Report ID 13368241 New W2 Employee self service template for 2012.

PYW2AS12N_CO Report ID 13368241 New W2-AS Company print template for 2012.

PYW2AS12N_EE Report ID 13368241 New W2-AS Employee print template for 2012.

PYW2AS12N_GV Report ID 13368241 New W2-AS Government print template for 2012.

PYW2AS12S_EE Report ID 13368241 New W2-AS Employee self service template for 2012.

PYW2C12N_CO Report ID 13368241 New W2-C Company print template for 2012.

PYW2C12N_EE Report ID 13368241 New W2-C Employee print template for 2012.

PYW2C12N_GVT Report ID 13368241 New W2-C Government print template for 2012.

PYW2C12S_EE Report ID 13368241 New W2-C Employee self service template for 2012.

PYW2GU12N_CO Report ID 13368241 New W2-GU Company print template for 2012.

PYW2GU12N_EE Report ID 13368241 New W2-GU Employee print template for 2012.


Report ID 13368241 New W2-GU Government print template for 2012.

PYW2GU12S_EE Report ID 13368241 New W2-GU Employee self service template for 2012.

PYW2VI12N_CO Report ID 13368241 New W2-VI Company print template for 2012.

PYW2VI12N_EE Report ID 13368241 New W2-VI Employee print template for 2012.

PYW2VI12N_GV Report ID 13368241 New W2-VI Government print template for 2012.

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Report Name Description 900 910 PYW2VI12S_EE Report ID 13368241

New W2-VI Employee self service template for 2012.

XMLP Template Definition:

Template ID Description 900 910 PYW212N_CO_1 Report ID 13368241

New W2 company print template for 2012.

PYW212N_EE_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2 Employee print template for 2012.

PYW212N_GVT_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2 Government print template for 2012.

PYW212N_SM_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2 Self Mailer print template for 2012.

PYW212S_EE_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2 Employee self service print template for 2012.

PYW2AS12N_CO_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-AS company print template for 2012.

PYW2AS12N_EE_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-AS Employee print template for 2012.

PYW2AS12N_GV_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-AS Government print template for 2012.

PYW2AS12S_EE_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-AS Employee self service print template for 2012.

PYW2C12N_CO_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-C company print template for 2012.

PYW2C12N_EE_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-C Employee print template for 2012.

PYW2C12N_GVT_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-C Government print template for 2012.

PYW2C12S_EE_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-C Employee self service print template for 2012.

PYW2GU12N_CO_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-GU company print template for 2012.

PYW2GU12N_EE_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-GU Employee print template for 2012.

PYW2GU12N_GV_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-GU Government print template for 2012.

PYW2GU12S_EE_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-GU Employee self service print template for 2012.

PYW2VI12N_CO_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-VI company print template for 2012.

PYW2VI12N_EE_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-VI Employee print template for 2012.

PYW2VI12N_GV_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-VI Government print template for 2012.

PYW2VI12S_EE_1 Report ID 13368241 New W2-VI Employee self service print template for 2012.